Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, September 14, 1917, Page Page 7, Image 7

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lulling the piut few days the potuto
market has dropped sumewhat, which
offers Nome encouragement to the con
silium. Those bringing S3 por suck
are now sailing for 1.75, mid those
mur Ktil lit 13 liiMt week, ere now bring
Ing $2.25.
The wholesale prleo on egg thU
morning In 37 cimti pur dosen, but they
ore illll retulllng at 40 emit,
Cabbage li milling at 3 cents por
Or turn peppers are now In the local
market, and are of excellent quality.
The llrudy Mercantile Company has
fresh pppr each morning and In
tends to arry them during the season.
Fruit In large quantities Is now
ranching the local murkaU. There are
various kind of plume Including the
Damson, that are selling for 8 cent
por pound; the Ilradshaw, 4 cents;
Green Gage, 4 cents.
Peaches are retailing at $1, tboae
being the Crawford and the Klberta.
Although the peach crop In somewhat
abort thin season In Clackamas county,
the quality ie good.
California grapes are arriving dally,
and there l no doubt but that the mar
ket for the local grapea will be more
encouraging than those of the Califor
nia product Never before In the his
tory of Clackamas county have the
grape vlnea been more prolific than
thin year. Vlnei that have not yielded
a crop for yeare are now loaded with
fruit, but the fruit will be late.
Peare are a ahort crop thle year,
and especially the Bartlett. The ber
ry aeaaon la almoit over, there atlll
being a few of the Everlaatlng berrlea
lu the market
The price of augar haa dropped from
19.25 to IS.
This report la furnished by Farr Broth
era and Brady Mercantile company.
Creamery butter 94o
Potatoes fl.75iffJ.25
Onions, per pound lo
New petatoea, per lb So
nutter (country) per roll 75a
Kggi, per doien S7o
New Potatoes, per lOOIbe.. .$2.50(TiS
Cabbage, per head .... . ... , . .too 10c
Cabbage, per pound So
Hutter, per roll (country) ...75c 85
Creamery butter, per roll $1.00
Eggs, per doaen 40o, S doi. for 76o
Egs. per doten 40o
Live hoga 14c16Mi
Dressed boga 20cfl20H
Lamb, yearling, per lb IcQfo
Spring cblckena, per lb 17
Steera 6c 7c
Veal, lb., dreaied 14c15c
Hena 14o 16c
Old roomers, per lb.'. So 10c
Oeta, per 100 lba $2.85
Wheat, per 100 lba $4.00
Cracked wheat $1.
ShorU. 80 lb. eack $1.75
Flour, per eack '. $3.00
Salt. DO lbs. Ngh grade 75c
Hay. por ton $20f $30
Chick food, per 100 lba, $5 00
Scratch food, per 100 lba $4.2
Hone, por 100 lbs $3.5rt
(Iran. B0 lb. eack $1.25
Twin Four Food , $2.2
Perrheron home feed, 100 lba.... $3.00
Berkshire ' ...$3.00
Kackle ttwd, per loo lba $2.
HolBlcIn dairy food, per 100 wt...$1.85
Oil meal $3.25
Blood imml poultry, it, luc
Albers maun food $3.50
Middling, 90 lbi $2.50
Whole corn $4.50
Cracked corn $4.50
Qrouml corn $4.10
IV and O. Middling 81.4
Cocaanut oil meal $2.2
KuRtern oyater shell ....$1.25
Orlt, per 11)0 Ilia !)0c
Ueef scraps. $5.00
Cnlf m.fl. 2f. Itu, $1.25
Sugur. bent. 101) lbs $.4r
Sugur, 100 lbs $9.00
U. 8. Chop $1.40
PHILADELPHIA, Sept. 8. Two 'completed their Inquiry. Careleaaneai
workmen are known to have been
killed and more than a'icore of per
aona Injured In an eiploalon at the
Frankfort ariennl here early today.
According to workers the explosion
was accidental, there being nothing to
Indicate that it was caused by an out
side agency. Two ot the IS Injured
are young women,
Major Montgomery, commandant of
the arsenal, and bis aides are Investi
gating the explosion and decline to
make any statement, until they have
Elected to Head Veterans
of American Foreign Wart
of a workman, It was believed, was the
The explosion occurred In one of
three small buildings Known m de
tonating dry rfbms, where the primer
caps for three end six-Inch shells and
small arms cartridges are dried. The
building in question bas Its walls pack
ed with cinders and every precaution
was taken to prevent accidents.
Fire followed the explosion and
spread to several other small build
logs known a stbe artillery assembly
six-Inch shells, but prompt work of
arsenal employes and city firemen
saved the buildings and their contents
from destruction.
Today's explosion was the second
fatal one to occur within the past five
months. Two men were killed by the
bursting of a shrapnel fuse in the high
explosives building last April.
The monetary loss is estimated at
about $30,000. Three small buildings
were destroyed together with about
80,000 detonators.
$2300.00, with Interest thereon from
the 2th day of July, 1915, at 6 per
cent per annum, and the further sum
of $100.00, as attorney's fees, and the
further sum of $18.00 costs and dls
bur&ements, and to have the premises
therein described sold to satisfy her
said Hen, end that O. M. Worrell was
decreed to hold the third Hen by rea
son of a judgment lien on and against
In theae there were three and a,d VTmnite9 toT tn ,um ot 5850(
ana interest from November 18, 1916,
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Albert J. Itablng bas been re-elect
ed as commander In-chief of the Vet
erans ot Foreign Ware ot the United
States, Captain Walter I. Joyce has
been chosen adjutant general. The an
nual meeting ot the organization was
held at the McAlpIn Hotel In New York
City, where there was a large attend
ance. Roth men served with the Unit
ed States army in Cuba.
SALEM, Or., Sept. 12. In an opln
' ion to Labor Commissioner Hoff, At
I torney Ceneral Brown today held that
1 the highway commission Is empowered
WASHINGTON, Bpt 10-The lot' t declare highway work aa emergency
matlon of a second forestry regiment n(ler lh8 eight hour law, and work
of 10 battalions ot lumbermen and men on road work over eight hours a
woods workers, who will go to France i day, provided they are paid for the
and get out timbers for the use of the overtime. The highway commission re-
' . , ... . . ; cently passed resolutions, declaring the
American, French and British armies, ; , ., . . . . r .
I construction of certain highways to be
bas been authorised by the war depart- j eraergencies.
Two battalions are to be raised at
once with the active aid of the forest
service and the remaining eight bat
talions will be organised In the near
future. Nine service battallona made
up of laborers, white and negro, to
assist the forestry regiment, also have
been authorized.
The department haa decided to Im
mediately commission enough officers
for all battalions authorised. Fifty
per cent of the officers will be sawmill
and logging operators, 25 per cent will
be technical foresters, and 25 per cent
will be men with military training.
Many graduates of the engineer camps
have been selected for the new units.
The minimum age limit for commis
sioned officers has been set at 21.
A first regiment ot woodsmen num
bering about 1200 men and designated
aa the 10th engineers (forest) is train
ing now at American university, Wash
ington, D. C. This regiment was rained
at the request of the British govern
ment to undertake the production In
France of cross ties, bridge, trench and
construction timbers, mine props, lum
ber and other forms of wood required
In connection with Its military opera
The landing ot the American expe
ditionary forces has been made neces
sary similar provisions for their needs,
while the French military authorities
have Indicated that some of the work
Incidental to their operation might be
taken over by woodamen from Amer
The Oregon
Agricultural College
Whr tria4 t"' itl"M "Ilk modrrn Ub
ottorln tut SquM' iiltnt i
iruetlon t eilliiw i-tnn la U
(olli.wlni uh. oli:
AGRICULTURE, Uh IS 4,ptrtmnu;
COMMERCE. wIlS 4 d'parturnu;
ENOINEERIHO, -with 4.p.rtmtiU. la
liidlnf Civil. Klerlrlol. Hifhwtjr. Industrial
ArU. Irrtoltoa. and Mrchaiilul Ktifinaniaf :
FORESTBY, Inrlodihl U(tni EngiaMr
las: HOME ECONOMICS, with 4 mijur depart
B'tili, including Irtining i Ihi Practia
Hutu :
KIITINO, with V drpirtmeat. laalsd-
lag Cbrmiral KiiglBWiicg;
THE SCHOOL OP MU'HO, otfrr initm-
tion ia tat principal d-prlaiuu at voral
and Inttmmental aautie.
JOS ndrtt in 191 17. and rK rarr-mmcn-
datiia for O. A. ('. fxia tSr W-iicrn brpait-
'lit uf tha V. H. War !-pirta. nt aa cna af
tbf fillMB "dialinruith-d In.ciuti. ai ' o(
hi(kpr Irarnlng. All ra.lrla will b furaiakrd
ccinplrt uniform b tk U. 8. OovurnmiiOt
and tha jflnior and armor radrta. anrrllrd ia
tbt li. O. T. C. will b (ica cammutatii a for
lubih.trnrt. aa well all tranaportatina and
uhniatenra at the all weeka' Pnnnir eamp.
!'.7. Infomatloa aa reijoail. Addraaa,
KFiatr, Oragoa Aftlculvoral CoUaga,
CoiTalllt. Oragoa. v
TACOMA, WuHh, Sopt 10 Ono inil
hiindrud mombors of tho national ar
my who will report at Camp Lewis will
be trained at coast artillery forts on
Fuget Sound to take the place ot an
equal number ot regulars and Wash
ington national guardsmen who will
be converted Into artillery.
This change became known when It
was announced that 46 former non
commissioned officers In the rogulnr
coast urtlllory forces have been pro
moted to cominiaslons In tho officers'
reserve corps and they are now Haiti
to be on waiting orders at Fort Wor
don. The scarcity of both light and hea
vy urtlllory is responsible.
SAI.1CM, Or., Sopt. 10. The lmmtn
slty of the children's exhibits contem
plated for the coming state fair Is
Indicated In a statement made by As-
HlHtant State Superintendent Carleton
today when ho declared that difficulty
was being encounterod In finding room
and entitled to have said premises sold
to satisfy her said lien, and command
ing me under the authority of said
court to make sale of the said premises
to satisfy said Hens, which premises
are described as follows, to-wit:
Beginning at the southeast corner of
northeast quarter ot section five (5)
In township tour (4) south ot range
three (3) east of the Willamette Mer-
rldlan; thence running north one
hundred (100) rods; thence west one
hundred and sixty (160) rods; thence
south one hundred (100) rods; thence
east one hundred sixty (160) rods to
the place of beginning, containing one
hundred acres more or less; save and
except one and one-half acres deeded
to School District, one hundred twen
ty-one (121) of Clackamas County, Ore
gon, on June 10th, 1911, as per deed
recorded in Book one hundred twenty-
one (121) at page three hundred and
nine (303).
Now, Therefore, by virtue of said
execution, judgment order and decree,
and In compliance with the commands
of said writ, I will, on Saturday, the
6th day of October, 1917, at the
hour of 10 o'clock, a. m.( at the front
door of the County Court House in the
City of Oregon City, In said County
and State, sell' at public auction, sub
ject to redemption, to the highest bid
der, tor U. S. gold coin cash In hand,
all the right, title and Interest which
the within plaintiff or defendants, or
either of them, had on the date of said
mortgages and judgment lien, or since
had In or to the above described real
property, or any part thereof, adverse
to the rights of said lien holders, to
satisfy said execution, judgment or
der, decree, interest, costs and all ac
cruing costs.
Sheriff ot Clackamas County, Oregon.
By E. C. Hackett, Deputy.
Dated, Oregon City, Oregon, Sep
tember 7th, 1917.
First publication, September 7, 1917.
Last publication, October 5, 1917.
Headquarters for First-Class Repair
ing on Watches, Clocks, Jewelry,
All Jobs Warranted.
220 7th St. Near Oregon City Elevator
I Toy Postage on Jobs Sent in by Mail,
Watchmaker and Jeweler.
30, 31, and 32 In Block 6; also all ot
Lots 22, 23 and 24 In Block 2; all In
Pleasant Little Homes. No, 3, accord
ing to the duly recorded maps and plat
thereof, in the County of Clackamas,
and State of Oregon.
And that the adverse claims of the
defendants, or any thereof, be deter
mined by decree of the Court. That
by said decree It be declared and ad-
Judged that the title of the plaintiff
In and to all of said real property is a
good and valid title In fee simple, and
that none of the defendants have any
estate or Interest whatever In or to any
part of said real property. That the
defendants and each thereof be forever
enjoined and restrained from claiming
or asserting any claim whatever in or
to said real property, or any part there
of, adverse to the plaintiff. That plain
tiff have such other and further relief
as to the Court may seem meet and
This summons is served upon you
by publication thereof once a week tor
six weeks in the Oregon City Enter
prise, a newspaper of general circula
tion, publkhed in Clackamas County,
Oregon, as being the newspaper most
likely to notify you of the pendency
of this suit, by order of the Hon. J.
U. Campbell, Judge of the above en
titled Court, which order was duly
given, made and entered on the 27th
day of August, 1917. The date of the
first publication of this summons as
filxed by said order ia the 31st day of
August, 1917, and the date of the last
publication la the 12th day of October,
1917. J. N. HART,
Attorney for Plaintiff.
Gerllnger Bldg Portland, Oregon.
complaint, to-wit;
For a decree dissolving the marriage
contract now existing between plain
tiff and defendant and for the cats,
custody and control of the minor child,
Vesta F. Massey. This summons Is
published by order of Hon. J. U. Camp
bell, Judge of the Circuit Court, which
order was made on the 3d day of Aug
ust, 1917, and the time prescribed tor
publication thereof is six weeks, be
ginning with the Issue datod, Friday,
August 24, 1917, and continuing each
week thereafter to and Including Fri
day, October 5, 1917.
Attorneys for Plaintiff.
SEATTLE. Wash., Sopt. 10 For the
first time in the northwest, so far as
is known, since war was declared, gov
ernmental justice is profoundly pon
dorlng whether Its ends or the nation's
needs comes first; whether & soldier
convicted ot burglary of a postoftice
Is to receive the customary heavy sen-;
Office Home. A 23 Pacific. 253
Residence 36F11
Physicians and Surgeons
Rooms 217-213 Masonic Bu'ldlng
Oregon City Oregon
Money to Loan
Deutsch-sprechender Advokat
In the County Court of the State of
Orecon for the County of Clack
In the Matter of the Estate of William
C. Bullitt, deceased .
Notice Is hereby given that the
Title and Trust Company, Adminis
trator, with the Will Annexed of the
Estate of William C. Bullitt, deceas
ed, has filed Us final account In said
Estate and that the above entitled
Court has set Friday, the 2Sth day of
September, 1917, at the hour of 10:00
o'clock a, m. at the Court House at
Oregon City, County of Clackamas,
State of Oregon, as the time end
place for hearing any objections to
the final account before settlement
Dated this 30th day of August. 1917.
W. O. MCCARTHY. Attorney for
First publication August 31, 1917.
Last publication September 28, 1917.
In the Circuit Court ot the State of
Oregon, for Clackamaa County.
Burnle Looney, Plaintiff,
Joale Looney, Defendant
To Josie Looney, above named de
In the name of the state ot Oregon,
you are hereby required to appear and
answer the complaint filed against you
In the above entitled suit, on or before
the 5th day of October, 1917, said date
being the expiration of six weeks from
the first publication ot this summons
and If you fall to appear or answer
said complaint, for want thereof the
plaintiff will apply to the court for the
relief prayed for In her complaint, to-
For a decree dissolving the marriage
contract now existing between plaintiff
and defendant This summons Is pub
lished by order ot Hon. J. U. Campbell,
Judge of the Circuit Court, which or
der was made on the 3rd day ot Aug
ust 1917, and the time prescribed for
publication thereof ia six weeks, be
ginning with the issue dated, Friday,
August 24, 1917, and continuing each
week thereafter to and Including Fri
day, October 5, 1917.
Attorneys for Plaintiff.
In the Circuit Court of the State ot
Oregon for the County of Clacka
mas. Laverna Petterson, plaintiff,
Peder Petterson, defendant
To Peder Petterson, the above named
In the name of the State of Oregon,
you are hereby required to appear and
answer the complaint of the plaintiff
filed against you In the above entitled
suit on or before six weeks from the
date of the first publication of this
summons, to-wit: on or before the 28th
day ot September, A. D. 1917; and if
you fail to answer, tor want thereof,
the plaintiff will apply to the court
for the relief demanded in said com
plaint namely, for a decree of divorce
from you terminating and dissolving
the marriage relationship heretofore
existing between the plaintiff and the
defendant, and permitting the plaintiff
to resume her maiden name of Laver
na Parks; and for such other and fur
ther relief as may to the court seem
just and reasonable In the premises.
This summons I served upon yon
by publication by order of Hon. J. TJ.
Campbell, Judge of the above entitled
Court, which order Is dated the 6th
day of August A. D. 1917, and requires
you to appear and answer the com
plaint herein on or before tlx weeks
from the date ot the first publication
of this summons. And the date of tha
first publication of this summons la
the 17th day ot August, A. D. 1917.
Attorney for the plaintiff.
First publication, Aug. 17, A. D. 1917.
Last publication Sept 28, A. D. 1917.
for (load cows and down and out
horses. Will call anywhere. Phone
yihvaukie 09-J.
trade for wood, spuds, or rockers.
tence or whether he is to get a light B. E. B Jennings Lodge, Ore.
sentence and be returned to his regl-
for the proposed exhibits and that they I ment.
will far surpass those ot last year when
21 of the counties were represented, j
Mr. Carleton Is superintendent of the
oilucatlonal pavilion and also has al
ways evlncod an active interest lu the
children's work, which has been do
voloplng annually on a greater and
greater scale In Oregon,
"Several now counties have asked
for space In the Educational building,
and It is difficult to find room tor all
exhibits. The entire south end ot the
building will be given up to the ex
hibits of the children," said Mr. Carleton.
'One important foature ot the de
partment will be the exhibits ot pigs
raised by school children. This par
ticular project has been under the di
rection of 'L. J. Allen, ot the Oregon
Agricultural college, and it is estimat
ed that there will be not less than 150
pigs exhibited this year in this de
KLAMATH FALLS, Or., Sept, 10
The body of Horace Marshall, civil
engineer at the Klamath Indian agen
cy, who was lout while hunting in
tho Rod Blanket country three weeks
uko, has boen found about five miles
from Fort Klamath which he was
approaching when shot, elthor by his
own hand or that of another person.
Reports declare that the shot en-
ternd his mouth. Coroner A. A, Soule
loft .immortlntely on receipt of the
news and expects to roturn with the
body today.
And so Cecil Sloan, said to be a mem
ber of the Third Oregon infantry, is
in Jail while Federal Judge Neterer
wrestles with the problora. Sloan will
know Monday whether he Is soon to
i ;oln his regiment or whether he must
languish in jail until the offense tor
which he stands convicted Is fully at
oned. A Jury In Judge Neterer's court to
day found Sloan guilty ot breaking Into
the postoftice at Redmond on April
18. He was captured nearly shortly
after the burglary. No lott was ob
tained, as the postoftice safe was emp
ty. How Sloan happened to be In Red
mond Instead of with his regiment was
not explained at the trial. No evidence
prove thrft ha la ft deserter was In
SALT LAKE CITY. Sept. 10 Of the
5000 colonists of the Mormon church
who have located In Mexico, only to
be forced by revolutionary troubles
back across the border, not more than
500 will return to Mexico, according to
Joseph C. Bentley, who has charge of
the colony and who has just arrived
EL DORADO, Ark., Sept. 8. A lone
robber, masked, robbed the bunk of
day, ot $(1000.
WASHINGTON, Sept. 10. Closing
the malls to disloyal citizens is under
consideration by the postoftice depart
ment and the department of Justice as'
another step In the government's cam
paign to wipe out disloyalty and sedi
NEW YORK, Sopt. 10 Thirty days
in the workhouse was the sentence Im
posed here today by a police magis
trate on two Irishmen, who tore down
a British recruiting poster Bhowing the
Union Jack and the words: "British
ers, enlist today!" 1
Sheriff's sale.
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon, for the County of Clackamas
John Carlson and Ella Carlson, his
wife, riaintiffs,
T. A. Snook and Hattie U. Snook, his
wife; Ida Zanders, J. A. Austin and
Jane Doe Austin, his wife; Harris
Morehouse; Amanda Johnson; Kate
De Lacey, G. M. Worrell, Henry
Bell, C. W. Hoff and J. R. Hoff. part
ners doing business under the firm
name ot Hoff Brothers, and August
Martin, Sam Martin, and Albert Mar
tin, partners doing business under
the firm name of Martin Brothers
State of Oregon,
County of Clackamas,
By virtue of a Judgment order, de
cree and execution, duly issued out of
and under the seal ot the above en
titled court, in the above entitled
cause, to me duly directed and dated
the 9th day of August, 1917, upon a
default Judgment and decree, rendered
and entered In said court on 'the 4th
day of August, 1917, In which Ida Zan
ders, Defendant, was decreed to hold
the first mortgage Hen on and against
the premises therein described, end
that she was entitled to recover the
sum of $700.00 with Interest thereon
at the rate ot 8 per cent per annum
from the 27th day of April, 1915, and
the further sum of $75.00 attorney'
fees and $11.50 costs and disburse
ments, and to have said premises sold
to satisfy her said lien, and that John
Carlson, and Ella. Carlson, his wife,
were decreed to hold the second mort
gage Hen on and against said premises
and entitled to recover the sum ot
In the Circuit Court of the State ot
Oregon, for the County ot Clacka
Andrea Olsen, Plaintiff,
Anna Chrlstianson and John Doe
Chrlstianson (whose true Christian
name is unknown to plaintiff) her
husband; O. B. Estea and Jane Doe
Estes (whose true Christian name
is unknown to plaintiff) his wife;
T. E. Lister and Mary Roe Lister
(whose true Christian name is un
known to plaintiff) his wife; Mrs
E. A. Hunt and E. A. Hunt, her hus
band; E. P. McCloskey and' Jane Doe
McCloskey (whose true Christian
name is unknown to piamuii) nis
wife; W. T. Beveridge and Mary
Roe Beveridge (whose true Chris
tian name is unknown to plaintiff)
his wife; J. W. Bevefldge and Fan
nie A. Beveridge, his wife; Eastern
Investment Company, Limited, a
corporation, Defendants. .
To Anna Chrlstianson and John Do
Christianson (whose true Christian
name is unknown to plaintiff) her
husband; O. B. Estes and Jane Doo
Estes (whose true Christian name is
unknown to plaintiff) his wife; T. E.
Lister and Mary Roe Lister (whose
true Christian name is unknown to
plaintiff) his wife; Mrs. E. A. Hunt,
and E. A. Hunt, her husband; E. P.
McCloskey and Jane Doe McCloskey
(whose true Chrlsttan name is un
known to plaintiff) his wife; W. T.
Beveridge and Mary Roe Beveridge
(whose true Christian name is un
known to plaintiff) his wife, above
named defendants:
In the name of the State of Oregon,
you and each of you are hereby re
quired to appear and answer the com
plaint filed against you in the above
entitled court and cause on or before
the 12th day of October, 1917, and
it you tall bo to appear and answer
the complaint, the plaintiff will apply
to the Court for the relief prayed for
in her complaint which Is as follows:
That the Bald defendants and each
thereof be required to Bet forth the
nature ot his or her claim in and to
the following described real property,
All of Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10,
11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29,
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon, for Clackamas County.
Grade E. Massey, Plaintiff,
Elbert Massey, Defendant
To Elbert Massey, above named de
In the name of the State of Oregon,
you are hereby required to appear and
answer the complaint filed against
you in the above entitled suit on or
before the fifth day of October, 1917,
said date being the expiration of six
weeks from the first publication of
this summons and if you tail to appear
or answer said complaint for want
thereof the plaintiff will apply to the
court for the relief prayed for In her
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon for the County of Clackamas.
William C. Schramm, Plaintiff
Zophia Castel Schramm, Defendant
To Zophia Castel Schramm, defendant:
In the name of the State of Oregon,
yon are hereby required to appear and
answer the complaint filed against yon
in the above entitled suit in said court,
on or before.. the 17th day of Septem
ber, 1917. If yon fall to so appear and
answer herein, plaintiff will apply to
the court tor a decree against you as
prayed for in the complaint dissolv
ing the marriage contract now exist
ing between plaintiff and defendant
on account of defendant's desertion,
and also such other relief said court
deems proper.
This summons is served upon you by
publication thereof once a week for
six successive weeks in the Oregon
City Enterprise, a newspaper publish
ed at Oregon City, Oregon, pursuant
to an order duly made and entered ot
record therein by Hon. J. U. Camp
bell, judge of the above court ou the
2nd day of August, 1917.
The date ot the first publication
hereof is August 3rd, 1917, and the
date of the last publication is Septem
ber 14th, 1917.
Attorney for Plaintiff.
Portland, Oregon.
Lawyer .
D. C. Latourette, President F. J. Meyer. Cashier
The First National Bank
of Oregon City, Oregon
CAPITAL, $50,000.00
Transacts a General Banking Business Open from 9 A. M. to 3 P. M.
Phones Pacific 52
Home A-16j
All legal business promptly attended U
Commercial, Real Estate and
Probate our Specialties. Of
fice in First National Bank
Bldg., Oregon City, Oregon.
Office Phone Pacific Main 405;
Home A-270.
Beaver Bldg., Room 6
Money loaued, ahstracts furnish
ed, land titles examined, estates
settled, general law business.
Over Bank of Oregon City.
William Hammond
L. Hammond
' Attorneys-at-Law
Abstracts, Real Estate, Loans, Insur
Pacific Phone 81, Home Phone A-273
Attorn ey-at-Law
Deutacher Advekat
Will practice in all courts, make col
lections and settlements.
Office In Enterprise Building,
Oregon Cltr. Oregon.
Graduate of the Ontario Veteri
nary College at Toronto, Canada,
and the McKillip Sebool of Sur
gery of Chicago, is established
at Fashion Stable, between
Fourth and Fifth on Main Street.
Both Telephones
Office Pacific 65; Home A-95
Res. Pacific 184; Home B-80
6 and 15 Beaver Bldg. Oregon City, Oregon.
Turn your old accounts aud notes into cash.
Special correspondents and attorneys in all cities and towns in the United
States ind Canada.