Pa ere 6 OREGON CITY ENTERPRISE. FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 14.1917 THREE GUARDS STABBED 50 PRISONERS IN RIOT JOMKT, HI., Sept 10. In riot of the prisoners In th state prlnon here today one convict was shot and three guards stabbed. The Injflred are: T. Wlemand, convict, shot in lung by T. P. Clarkaon, guard; Michael J. Mark; guard, slabbed in throat; L. It. Phortwell, guard, stabbed In ab domen; Charlee Waltera, guard, also tabbed In abdomen. The rlotera numbered about 50, of whom 15 were ringleaders in the riota of two months ago. The 15. led by Wlemand, had been In olllary con finement up to weeks ago, when War den Murphy restored them to their former status aa convicts. They were still unruly and inclined to growl at the restrictions on priv ileges Instituted by the new warden In an attempt to restore a discipline which had been adly demoralized by too much "honor system." Among the privilege formerly em Joyed by th convicts was an almost unlimited correspondencei with sen timental women, many of whose let ter were made public during an In vestigation last summer. The first trouble occurred jester day. At breakfast call about 20 of the convicts broke from the line and Wicmand, selling a spade. Is said to have threatened Clarkson.The latter after ordering Wiemand to drop the weapon, shot him. Ten convicts were placed in solitary confinement. This morning at the same hour the trouble broke out anew. The emer gency whistle sounded and In the me lee which followed between the guards and about 50 convicts three of the guards were stabbed. The guards clubbed their rifles anj apparently succeeded In restoring order. The County Court EXPENDITURES FOR MONTH OF SEPTEMBER ROAD DISTRICT NO. 1 XL E. Gaffney, $4.05; M. E. Gaffney, $2.75; Dan Gaffney, $5.00; H. A. Battin, $5.00; Joe Malady, $2.50; Henry Tim mer, $2.50; M. E. Gaffney, $6.75. ROAD DISTRICT NO. S Rodlun & Johnson, $12.96; Herman Seibert, $6.87; O. KroUch, $7.00. ROAD DISTRICT NO. 4 J. A. Kitching, $38.00; L C. Coop, $8.00; C. F. Bullard, $7.00; Frank Younker, $8.00; J. C Hitching, $5.00; J. K. Ely, $8.00; L. F. Hale, $3.00; E. E. Saling, $12.00; L. Hale, $16.00; C. H. Sarver, $16.00; IL A. Githens, $4.00; W. T. Looney, $8.00; H. C. He iple, $3.00; C. W. Fuller, $13.00. ROAD DISTRICT NO. 5 A. N. Wills, $21.00; John Meyer, $5.00; O. W. Boring, $7.50; IL Naas, $4.50; J. Meyer, $11.00; Portland Railway, Light & Power Co., $7.00. ROAD DISTRICT NO. 6-Jarl & Eri, $4.90; Cedar Creek Lumber Co., $67.20; Cedar Creek Lumber Co., $52.35; R. E. Jarl, $4.12; Dave JarL $29.50; Walter Dolan, $2.25. ROAD DISTRICT NO. 7 Ferret & Bickford, $16.05; M. Thomas, $25, uu; i. figie, $ju.uu; j. ugaen, szo.- 00; W. Helm, $25.00; E. Martin, $25.. 00; F. Gibbons, $12.50; Win. Odell, $6.25; J. T. Ogden, Jr., $10.00; J. Cockelress, $10.00; T. Hagan, $12.50; F. Crone, $5.00; D. W. Douglas, $26 50; J. J. Eisner, $20.00; D. B. Thom as, $12.50. ROAD DISTRICT NO. 8 Paul R. Meinig, $20.20; James Dixon, $156. bia Digger Co., $270.00; G. H. Gray, $30.27; J. B. Meek, $4.00. ROAD DISTRICT NO. 32 Peters Hardware Co., $3.95; Young & Stan gle, $15.25; Harry Jost, $102.25; El mer Jones, $31.50; A. A. Woods, $8 25; Chas. Meyers, $6.00; Mr. Fork ner, $1.50; Elmer Todd, $37.50; C. G. Robertson, $5.00; J. C Snyder, $42. 50; Lloyd Jones, $12.00; John Her man, $28.50; Geo. Todd, $32.00; Glen Baker, $21.50; Clarence McConnell, $4.00; Austin Young, $15.00; Mat. Ba ker, $16.00; Doris Young, $16.00; Noris Young, $4.00; Bert Tooze, $29. 50. ROAD DISTRICT NO. 33 Hod-son-Feenaughty Co., $5.15; Frank Millard, $25.50; E. Lacey, $1.00; Frank Millard, $28.25; Marion Mil lard, $27.00; S. E. Smith, $29.25; E. Lacey, $29.25; Geo. Keller, $29.25; R. II. Millard, $31.50; Iven Lacey, $31.50; Fred Horner, $31.50; F. Ca- donan, $21.50; W. Hendren, $14.60; O. Hendren, $14.60; W. Fink, $27.00. ROAD DISTRICT NO. 34 H. Fisher, $15.75. ROAD DISTRICT NO. 35 W. F. Haberlach, $108.24; Sandy Black smith & Shoeing Shop, $23.65; Wil liam Newlands, $3.00; Perret & Bickford, $10.55; Hood & Hutchins, $33.05; Hodson-Feenaughty Co., $5- 65; Portland Elevator Co., $55.64; Phoenix Iron Works, $3.00; Howard Cooper Corp., $101.86; C. W. Schuld & Sons, $21.00; George Maroney, $10.00; Clarence Bettis, $5.00; Mar tin Mickelson, $125.00; Anthony Hen- bstler, $123.75; Raymond Griffin, $110.00; Verna Radford, $38.75; Per cy Osborne, $27.50; Noak Bettis, $2.50; Gilbert Gilbertson, $5.61; L. L. Griffin, $68.75; Wm. Holmay, $12. 50; Lewis Griffin, Jr., $47.50; P. Grey, $57.50; K. McFarland, $59.50; uu; j. it. Maronax, yu.uu; J. iu h. nett. S73.50: Joe Caldo. J01.25: Chas Maby, $36.00; Carl Power, $40.00; H.j Milwaukie Building Material Co., H. Watkins, $82.25; J. Pruka, $24.00; i Wendlin, $58.75. Harry Nichols, $47.00; T. Kubatza.j ROAD DISTRICT NO. 36 Levi $42.00; C. W. Miller, $3.75; Pernell i Erb. $110.60: Cash & Erav. Averil, $3.00. j0hn McKenzie, $50.00; E. L. Fish, ROAD DISTRICT NO. 9-C. C.i?32.00; A. M. Livingston, $34.00; Miller, $8.45; Bert II. Finch, $7.20; J George Long, $36.00; Harry Worm Fred Lins, $16.50; Henry Klinker.i dahl, $28.00; Guy Stricklin, $17.50; jf-u.oo; uus winrnman, $z.uu; tual Ed. Wormdahl. 814.00: II. I Livino-. Grafenhain, $2.00. ROAD DISTRICT NO. 10 Esta cada Garage, $2.25; Bert H. Finch, $2.60; W. M. Wade, $8.75; R. G. Pal mateer, $10.00; Robt Snyder, $2.50; J. A. Inglish, $3.75; A. J. Duncan, $11.25; L. W. Yocum, $39.00; C. H. Duncan, $39.38; W M. Wade, $21.50; R. G. Palmateer, der, $37.50; E. T, ston, $2.00; A. M. Linville, $12.06; W, II. Livingston, $10.00. ROAD . DISTRICT NO. 37 V. C. Evans, $47.50; J. J. Knaus, $10.30; C. W. Kruse, $81.99. ROAD DISTRICT NO. 38 W. H. Counsel, $1802.34. ROAD DISTRICT NO. 39 J. H. on rrt. ri i Davis, JJU.UO, U J. f tr ti.,--l tair. tu T.i... Palmateer, $15.00; H. H. Anders, A o p pa:T" R u- u ir.nn. a t r. ' .,or,r. ' $'. a- C. Bailey, $6.o Walter . ' ' , "IFisher, $9.00; Max Hannant, i.uu, cincr rtimerson, fio.vv: Cloy a.-, rft. tu t,:..v, ,1 rn, T!,.,I -isnn. nv. ' 'I $2-o0. John Irish, $4.50; 1"."' art $3 75- Frirk- Fii Sheilds, $15.00; D. P. Crawford, $5.- 00; Fred Crawford, $2.50; J. A. Ing-j lish, $18.75; Harold Daniel3, $15.00;! Paul Holm, $2.50; Geo. Armstrong,; $10.00; Gilbert Shearer, $3.00. ROAD DISTRICT NO. 11 C. Mo ak, $55.00; J. Murphy, $30.00; J. Moore, $30.00; Mrs. H. T. Sladen, $15.00; C. R. Livesay, $24.75; J. R. Bruck, $3.75; S. O. F. Carbenter. Edgar Stew- her, $6.00; Carl ney Irish, $3.37; eorge Stewart. $3.37; Herman Fisher, $5.50. ROAD DISTRICT NO. 41 Paul R. Meinig, $35.35; II. II. Udell, $1.37; John Affolter, $1.12; Paul R. Meinig, $41.90; H. H. Udell, $56.07; H. N. Sehminky, $15.75; Ralph DeShazer, $5.62; Bruce Sehminky, $1.12; Birch Roberts, $0.81; Web Roberts, $14.31; Livesay, $13.75; George Holchu, $7.-! t, - r' ?a-UU; K DevIin 60; Wm. Holchu, $3.75; H. D. Mar-i13;?0; M- S- Mlller ?13-50: Donaltl ston, $2.50; D. Purcell, $5.00; Chase ! ' 9 0,0; Charley Updegrave, & Linton Gravel Co., $347.70; J. Mur-I :J ? Fred Anderson. 113.50; Jay uuen, ji.. phy, $40.00; J. Moore, $40.00; J. R. "ornson, -.w; Herbert Livesav. $15.00: Mrs. II. T. RldPn. 1Z5 John Kruger, $9.00. $35.00; R. Buschow, $30.00; C. R. RAD DISTRICT NO. 43 Port Livesay, $35.75; H. D. Marston, $27.-1 ,and Railway, Light & Power Co., 50; P. F. Morey, $180.00; C. A. Mann. ' $14.00; Pvidge Lbr. Co., $4.32; W. H. $26.25. I Douglass, $15.75. ROAD DISTRICT NO. 13 Chase ROAD DISTRICT NO. 46 Chase & Linton Gravel Co., $12.60; J. T.j& Linton Gravel Co., $22.50; Edward Fullam, $5.50; Fred P. Morey, $20.00.! Nachand, $16.50; Jerry Hemmingway ROAD DISTRICT NO. 16 H. En-'-25; Bert Marston, $7.50; Jack gel, $10.50. i Rhines, $1.25; P. F. Morey, $G0.00. ROAD DISTRICT NO. 17 WmJ RAD DISTRICT NO. 47 Will Rider, $2.50; D. R. Dimick, $2.50; "- Thompson, $5.30; Portland Rail Geo. Koehler, $5.00; Warren Freece. Martin, $:.5.R4j W. J. Roots, $97.74; Paul Roethe, $133.45; John Lund gren, $29.90; C K. Warner, $19.92; C. J. Sylvester, $32.37; W. N. Sno velle, $47.31; Geo. Buhrer, $4.98; James Kepcha, $25.86; F. W. Wal thers, $23.92; D. J. Abbey, $34.29; C. W. Risley, $39.9; J. Boick, $44.07; C. D. Abchley, $9.98; James Edwards, $9.98; O. T. Skoog, $4.99; E. E. Ro ethe, $22.45; Fred T. Vallet, $9.98; D. J. Basa, $4.98; Alec Gill, $4.98; It, D. Rogers, $4.98; Hugh Roberts, $14.94; G. W. Whiteomb, $20.93; A. Dorn, $47.30; II. Brower, $2.49; C. E. Battin, $59.79; N. F. Andrews, $89.79; B. J. Lawrence, $20.93; E. P. Morey, $357.30; F. P. Morey, $359. 81; Bruno Friedrich, $377.30; E. C Gerber, $359.81; Harry Babler, $357. 31; J. Kepcha, $72.88; Herman Tim mer, $66.90; G. W. Iirsiful, $64.11; F. W. Walther, $53.81; W. Remera, $30.14; M. E. Battin, $17.81; H. Hin aon, $16.44; Sam Straalduine, $17. 81; Harry Smart, $6.85; Joo Mlady, $15.07; E. Holding, $16.09; F. Zim merman, $27.39; F. W. Smith, $30. 13; John Berg, $30.13; C. Weaver, $8.22; C. J. Miller, $54.78; H. C. Gilg $5.48; F. R. Boardman, $5.48; Geo. Goeti, $57.27. ROAD DISTRICT NO. 49 Esta- cada Garage, $7.00; Ben Rawlins, $12.50; R. E. Davis, $15.00; T. Eash, $7.50; E. T. Davis, $18.37. ROAD DISTRICT NO. 60 A. W. Whitney, $45.00; A. H. Schmidt, $25.00; Perl Pago, $8.32; F. M. Town- send, $47.25; George Beed, $6.00. ROAD DISTRICT NO. 51 Colum bia Brick Works. $2.08; W. R. Tel ford, $3.20; Portland Railway, Light & Power Co., $42.00. ROAD DISTRICT NO. 53 A. L. Yoder, $3.35; Ernest Conrad, $5.50; Lucht Bros., $2.25. DISTRICT NO. 55 C. Jubb, $7. 50; Ben Tanler, $4.50; John Fkken, $4.50; T. Jubb, $10.00; C. E. Hively, $38.75; F. Gibb, $4.50; Geo. Walter, $5.00; C. L. Brown, $8.75; Geo. M Hivoly, $61.00; Harvey Mattoon, $15.- 75; John Mattoon, $11.25; Wm. Craft, $2.25; David Rutherford, $2.25; Ste ven Fellows, $2.25; H. W. Creason, $22.50; Thos. Eaden, $40.00; Creason Lumber Co., $12.00. ROAD DISTRICT NO. 56 A. J. Cota, $11.00; W. B. Rambo, $12.00? J. G. Moehnke, $21.00; Herbert Vohs, $12.00; Joe Wallace, $26.00; Geo. Clark, $12.00; W. McNaught, $20.00; J. Schmidt, $12.00; Harold Vohs, $10.50; Frank Nicholas, $7.50; Fred Bruner, $6.75; R. M. Mason, $4.50; Wm. Rutherford, $6.75; Wm. Wash burn, $6.00; Wm. Schmidt, $7.00; J. J. Hanhart, $6.00; John Schram, $6.00; C. C. Handle, $4.00; D. Mack entyre, $6.00; Albert Brcner, $6.00; Earl Meeker, $4.50. . ROAD DISTRICT NO. 57 Canby Hardware & Implement Co., $58.50; O. Bergstrom. $33.60; Fred Sailer, $16.60; II. Eliason, $23.50; E. Wid strand, $24.00; J. Sanden. $28.75; O. Kyllo, $15.85; C. Lyle, $15.00; L. H. Cochran, $15.60; F. A. Todd, $13.75; A. F. Eyman, $8.25. GENERAL ROADS Creason Lumber Co., $25.08; W. H. Nelson, $6.40; W. F. Haberlach, $2.55; Mt. Tabor Garage, $47.95; F. B. Need ham, $3.00; Oregon City Foundry, $1. 15; Cliff Farm, $11.20; Alaska Junk Co., $9.00; City of Portland, $2.50; Matt Greenslade, $2.50; Western Supply Co., $50.40; Canby Concrete Works, $8.85; Union Oil Company of California, $242.14; Union Oil Com pany of California, $6082.89; Miller Parker Co., $42.43; II. E. Meads, $76.79; Harmon & Co., $7.85; R. W. Victor Hengstler, $22.50; Jack Bar- Price, $4.00; Harry Scott, $1368.00; $20.70; Concrete Pipe Works, $35.20; II. E. Meads, $89.02; Good Roads Ma chinery, $70.36; J. W. Stone, $81.00; A. Mather, $11.63; II. W. Sharp & Co., $11.31; A. N. Wills, $306.87; Scandinavian Belting Co., $14.28; M. A. Deaton, $05.00; R. Schuebel, $11. 24; E. C. Warren, $108.50; J. Avery, $1.90; A. C. Buchcl, $2.75; Wm. An derson, $1.95; J. W. Hart, $2.35; Day Hardware & Furniture Co., $1.50; Geo. W. Cook, $1.50; Multnomah Co.unty, $30.62; Alec Patch, $7.20; Portland Railway, Light & Power Co. $14.93; Pacific Telephone & Tele graph Co., $185.11; State Indus. Ac cident Com., $91.02; Kilgallon, $31. 00; Woodard, Clarke & Co., $14.95; Killgallon, $31.00; Woodard, Clarke & Co., $14.95; Killgallon, $31.00; Sil ica King Mines Co., $567.00; Honey man Hardware Co., $8.00; Milwaukie Garage, $1.25; Hawthorne Dock Co., $165.96; Crystal Ice & Storage Co., $176.45; Rice Kindler Lumber Co., $40.97; A. Mather, $5.55; M. E. Gaf fney, $7.35; Portland Railway, Light & Power Co., $2.00; Straight & Sal isbury, $3.00; Frank Millard, $4.50; concrete ripe Works, $110.40; W. V. E. Vick, $3.98; Canby Hardware & Implement Co., $4.20; Jennie Dustin, $25.00; David McArthur, $25.00; Ore gon & California Railroad Co., $5.00; Edward Bruns, $25.00; H. F. Gibson, $14.50; Harry Jost, $8.00; J. D. Clos ner Co., $140.25; Frank Thomas, $42.50; Carlton & Rosenkrans Co., $9.85; L. Furgerson, $0.75; W. Dust- $8.4o; C. E. LeMay, $4.00; I. D. Getbrich, $85.00; Erich MerU, $75.- 00; Herman Harms, $72.50; O. 13. Ung, $27.50; Chas. Gelbrieh, $32.50; W. Gabert, $28.00; A. Gribble, $55. 00; Edd. Graves, $50.00; C. Lovent, $25.00; A. PottraU, $37.50; R. Krax berger, $37.60; Hani Zenger, $18.75; Grover Harms, $18.75; John M. Evans, $59.50; M. Krause, $20.00; Carl Kalb, $17.50; Earl Harms, $17. 50; Claude Baty. $17.50; Rudi Harms, $12.50; E. C Gerber, $99.00; Harry Babler, $99.00; B. I- Fried rich, $93.63; W. S. Maple, $30.35; W. Kaiser, $71.50; C Zimmerman, $42.90; F. Kaiser, $15.00; E. Rupp, $17.60; C. Rupp, $2.60; ' C. Kahler, $5.00; P. Baine, $2.60; W. Tic, $2 60; A. D. Sherman, $7.00; Fay Kim ball, $12.50; W. L. Freeman, $0.25; Zeb Bowman, $10.00; Omer Williams, $3.75; Leslie Shank, $10.00; C. No ewbeur, $3.75; C Slaughter, $2.50; R. R. Switier, $2.50; V. E. Anderaon, $12.60; E. T. Davia, $21.00; II. H. Anders, $12.50; Ben T. Rawlina, $10.. 62; R. E. Davis, $15.00; Ernest Ama cher, $12.50; J. J. Dnvis, $16.00; II. B. Daris, $20.10; J. F. Snyder, $25. 00; Robert Snyder, $10.50; A. Hoa tetler, $14.16; Beck & Son, $19.00; J. Scholl & Son, $3.40; Chauncey Kropf, $1.00; Chauncy Yoder, $4.00; Claud Brown, $9.00; Benj. Stanton, $59.87; Earl Kunie, $14.00; Frank Corbet, $13.00; Geo."Owings, $20.00; Silas Yoder, $1.00; Asa CaUister, $3.00; Wm. Owings, , $15.50; Will YCder, $7.00; A. J. Myer, $6.00; E. Kemp, $6.00; II. Engle, $5.60; A. S. Newton, $16.35; Murry Newton, $6.00; A. Morten, $48.00; J. W. Hart, $3.00; R. Richardson, $11.00; R. A. Hutch ins, $71.50; John Maroney, $7.50; W. White, $120.00; Chas. Wilkina, of Water Com., $21,00; Oregon City Enterprise, $1,36; Sttaight & Salis bury, $9.60; J. W. Jones, $6,00; Ore gon City Foundry, $14.22; FalU Transfer Co., $0.25. CIRCUIT COURT-TV A. Burke, $1.90; Fred Af Miller, $3.60. JUSTICE PEACE D. E. Frost, $40.40; Samuel Riley, $8.15; John N. Siovers, $8.35; W. A. Beck, $2.30; I C. Hubbard, $9.20; J. E. Pomoroy, $3.00; Fred A. Proctor, $2.00; M. A. Deaton, $2.00. CORONER Henry Bock, $1.70; Henry Lundy, $1.70; John D. Juvettll, $1.70; Earle A. Minnich, $1.20; Frank Fournier, $1.20; John Keahran. $1.20: John Meyer, $1.20; J. C. SchulU, $1- 20; W. R. Telford, $1.20; John N. Sievera, $44.70; J. M. Hamilton, $1. 70; W. M. Duston, $2.50; Geo. II. Brown, $2.50; Joseph Reef, $2.50; M. W. Anthony, $2.50; Dr. II. A. Dodman, $10.00; Geo. J. Hall, $1.20; Henry Salisbury, $1.20; Geo. F. Johnson. $1.20; W. l. Howell, $1.20; Geo. W. MoCarver, $1.20; Philip Kohl, $1.20; Dr. B. B. Bachelder, $10.00; Marie Simmons, $1.90; Mil dred Simmons, $1.90; W. H. Boring-, l.7U; Hobart Beera, $1.70; Royco ChiUl, $1.70; Louia Maulding. $1.70; W. J. Maran, $1.70; Dr. W. E. Hemp stead, J58.20; Fred Miller, $7.60. SURVEYOR II. H. Johnson. $66. 45; C. A. Miller, $36.00; Huntley Drujr Co., $0.75; J. C Sullivan. $3.00: Francis Welsh, $5.00; E. W. Jockin- aon, $2.50. INSANE Western Union Tele graph Company, $0.27; J. W. Norris, $5.00; O. A. Welsh, $5.00. SUIT. OF SCHOOLS Falls Transfer Co., $1.74; Brenton Yeddor, $143.35; Huntley Drug Co., $1.20; $63.75; Theo. Lamerau, $53.75; Fred! J. E. .Calavan, $64.42; F. J. Tooae, Wagner. $15.00; Verna Pitts, $47.50; $75.00; Erma Calavan, $25.00; Lilll Eugene Berney, $52.50; J. Hayworth, $36.83; M. M. Morriss, $6.25Clar ervce Browning, $2.50; PhilnJates, $52.50; A. C. Baurnback, $48.75; a Swartx, $18.75; Swart Junior, $20. 00; E. E. Vanfleet, $3.12; Wm. Fisk, $2.50; John Card, $4.50; Alva Gard, $4.50; Fred Lindau, $2.25; W. Lin dau, $4.50; Ben Lindau, $4.50; Wm. Bottemiller, $9.00; Peter Elmer, $9. 00; Albert Gasser, $4.50; Charlea Gasser, $4.50; Wilfred Marshal, 2- 25; Leo Gasser, $2.25; George Gas- Schmidli, $75.00; M. S. Pittman, $4. 00; Iola Mae Smith, $90.00; Fred Erickson, $15.00; Oregon City Ga rage, $6.00. BOARD OF HEALTH Dr. O. A. Welsh, $102.50; Oregon City Enter prise, $4.25. STOCK INSPECTOR-A. A. Al !en, $12.50. INDIGENT SOLDIER-J. C. Saw yer. $30.00. COUNTY POOR-Wm. Danforth, $10.00; Boys' & Girls' Aid Socioty, , n villi li i. in. ' . i i i m ser, fZ.z'oi fc. urace, U.w, uenry . .vj vtvKim wniniission vo. jiom Kleinsmith, $4.50; R. Schuebel, $5.- Jones), $14.00; Mrs. BradU 4. Mr. 50; E. IjuoI, ?5.uo; John uuol, .w, ;, m.uu; j. u. aiiee tw. i, A. E. Oades, $7.25; Henry Baker, $21.88; C. Zimmerman, $12.25; M. Tiedeman, $12.25; F. Zimmerman, $10.50; W. Riser, $12.25; R. W. 01 denstadt, $6.00; F. Oldotistadt, $1.00; E. Rabic, $7.00; W. Oldenstadt, $7.00; F. Baker, $4.00; S. Oldham, $7.00; II. Gebhardt, $14.00; Geo. Oldenstadt. Tinsley), $20.00; Sam Booher, $16. 00; Dock Mosier, $10.00; Mary Buol (Robert Trimble), $5.00; Sarah Gib bons, 120.00; Ella Payne, $10.00; Henry Spiess (Chalk), $16.00; Mrs. Galbraith, $15.00; Mrs. G. W. Thomp son, $10.00; A. C. Sleight, $15.00; Ada LeBaw, $8.00; Katie Pluard. $8.00: LOKOMSKY MAKES KLEMBO VSKY NEW HEAD OF ARMY PETROQRAD, SEPT. 10. An official atatemtnt Mya that QenamI Lo komaky "alao proved a traitor, " rtfualng to take command of the Ruaalan armies In auectaalon to Qaneral Kornlloff, Tha aoldlera and workman's body, the statement adda, yhaa ordered II tha army organlzatlona to obey tha provisional government against tfia oonaplraoy, atatlng that General Kornlloff will be punlihad for treachery and that Ganaral Klambovaky will provisionally suocaad to tha oblef command." Mcmlwra of the provisional go emment who refiwed to be quoted by naiun, stated that tht iiiliilntora had reached an agreement rogurdlng the following polnte of view: "The government regards General Kornlloff's pronuncliimeiito as an act of rebellion, an a dangerous adven ture and a threat to the revolution and liberty which, unions the ultima tum Is withdrawn, mut be ruthless ly suppressed. 'The govoniiinMit bus no doubt Unit It has at Us disposal sufficient loyal troops and the overwhelming support of the population to enuble It to exe cute thl program." I'KTKOUUAD, bept. M, Premier KereiiHky ha declared that a stile of war exlata In the town and district of Petrograd. a rremier ivennKy nus ordered Celt- eral Kornlloff. commander of the Ilus slan armteti, to realKti In roiiaeqiiDnee of Oenernl Konilloffa demand for an preme power, Oenernl Klembovsky has been appointed commander In chief. Premier Kerensky has Untied the following proclamation: "On September 8 a member of the duinu. M. l.votf, arrived in Pelrograd and called ukii mo In lh imine of General Kornlloff to bund over ,ali civil and mllitnrypowera to the rcii- $12.00; Otto Oldenstadt, $14.00;'"i racy Eunice Horner), 10.00; Nusbaum, $7.00; W. Sharp. $14)0; en Landes, $12.00; S. E. Card (Mi N. S. Oldham, $14.00; E. Oldenstadt, ! 'he Boyl), $8.00; C. H. Dybdahl, $7.00; R. Schatz, $14.00; W. Schatz, 520.00; Gustav Greble, $10.00; Mrs $7.00; F. Riser, $14.00; J. S. Fisher, $6.56; G. A. Ehlen, $6.00; L. P. Spa gle, $16.18; Will Jackson, $2.00; John Gahler, $2.00; Wm. Kenagy, $2.00; H. E. Meads, $120.60. ROAD IMPROVEMENT FUND Canby Hardware &ilmplement Co., $51.13; N. Schmaltz & Sons, $85.80; J. S. Fisher, $257.61; Chase & Lin ton Gravel Company, $15.00; Fran cis Welsh, $39.00; Gladstone Lumber Co., $0.90; Parkplace Store, $1.00;' Hogg Bros., $6.45; Chase Gravel Co., $23.50; State Highway Commission, $7500.00; Rodlun & N. E. Taylor (Booher), $14.00; Mrs. S. Johnson, $10.00; Wm. Dickelman, $14.00; John & Wm. Beers, $20.00; Mrs. Elizabeth Saunders, $5.00; Geo. Avery, $15.00; Mary Lock, $10.00; Anna Wetterlin. $10.00; Hilja Ylinen, $10.00; Chris Zinsli (Cash McKnrty), $10.00; Mary Becker, $5.00; Flora Balmer, $19.00; Maud Williams, $10. 00; B. B. Bachelder (Ed Miller), $3.. 00; Electric Hotel (Dick Meyers), $20.00; W. S. Moak. $10.00: Mrs. J. 4 Linton iM: Itin (Wake), $24.00; Mrs. Fred iiimier (j. aiatnesonj, jl'u.uuj Mrs. 1). W. Criflin (Tom Garner). 15.. $1.25; E. J. Baker, $1.25; Shaker Miller, $1.25. ROAD DISTRICT NO. 19 W. Waldorf, $11.60. ROAD DISTRICT NO. 21 Aug. Johnson, $4.00; Nels Narquist, $15. 00; T. Fellows, $13.50; Ernest Wal lace, $4.00; P. E. Bonney, $4.00; Wm. Wells, $6.00; John Comer, $15.00; Claud Winslow, $15.00; Edward Lar cen, $13.50; Aug. Almquist, $4.00; W. & Gorbett, $12.50; Julius Hult, $50.- ROAD DISTRICT NO. 22 W. H. Esgie, $"2.50; J. C. Vaughan, $22.50; M. HsBgate, $50.00; S. A. Douglass 115.00; S. A. D. Hongate, $39.75; H. Siirgreen. $15.00; O. Dickinson, $12. way. Light & Power Co., $28.00; O. P. Roethe, $57.75; Hugh Roberts, $55.00; Alix Gill, $48.50; John Bou ick, $15.r0; R, D. Rogers, $20.00; D. J. Bass, $52.50; A. A. Dhorn, $15.00; W. E. Place, $435; R. Tabor, $21.25; E. O. Soley, $5.00; Chas. Moran, $27.50; F. W. Smith, $10.00; N. Piatt $3.75; W. A. Snovelle, $7.50; E. E. Roethe, $87.50; Jim Edwards, $90.00; D. J. bbey, $80.00; F. A. Vallet, $77,50; C. W. Risley, $95.00; O. T Skoog, $55.00; Tom Evans, $42.50; Wm. Cook, $10.00; A. O. Hollings worth, $S4.74; Wm. Anderson, $66. 10; A. C. Buchel, $76.72; C. E. Carr, $71.76; A. L. McDonald, $81.14; J. Avery, ?0l.43; B. F. Cook, $91.77; B. J. Lawrence, $82.89: H. Mullnn ski . 50; a Giasini, $170; Rex Stubbs, i ' u elakney, $18.36; C. W. $15.62; D. MeHenrr, $15.00; Chris ' VVard 1A1i s- B- Cook, $57.27; J, E3Ceier, flo.OO. ROAD DISTRICT NO. 25 W. H. Nc'a, $o33. ROAD 1 1ST. NO. 27 J. Oster, tlW; Geo. BestJey, $100; L D. Lar sirjs. tUJM. r.OAi? r:rrr.:cr no. 23 Coium- H. C. Cook, $42.33; J. W. Green. S!9 29; Cecil McDonald, $45.67; Edward Keeier, ?M.UU; Kome Sarcht't, $13.. 95; L. M. Ha worth, $43.94; Ernest Larkins, J.50; M. Mahlum, $20.00; Huntley Drug Co., $1.85; Huntley Drug Co., $3.85; I. M. Harrington, (W. W. Porter Road), $75.00; John Rineman, $500.00; George Brown, $125.00; Joseph Andre, $470.00; H. Anthony, $250.00; Paul R. Meinig, $0.15; W. Dutcher, $129.15; H. H. Hartley, $81.00; P. E. Jones, $81.00; J. Hosey, $55.50; F. A. Jones, $25. 50; C. J. Sylvester, $21.00; G. W. Pursifull, $21.00; W. Anderson, $12. 00; A. C. Buchel, $20.00; H. Timmer, $12.00; J. A. Imel, $35.00; John Mey er, $17.50; John Meyer, $19.25; H. Naas, $13.50; L. Mellkote, $13.50; L. Sutton, $13.50; Davis, $3.75; T. E. Anderson, $5.00; J. Mustol, $2.50; A. Verding, $2.50; E. Gerber, $10.00; T. Mustol, $1.25; E. Gerber, $5.50; Wm. M. Rainey, $6.00; L. W. Davies, $6. 00; J. L. Jepson, $6.00; L. Mattoon, $5.00; D. H. Thomas, $10.00; D. C. Axford, $5.00; T. C Thomas, $5.50; Han Connenare, $1.35; J. C. Miller, ?b7.35; M. Johnston, $7.30; G. Ma gary, $2.25; H. Bartow, $6.75; S. Mil ler, $50.60; M. A. Johnston, $15.75; J. Smith, $27.00; W. Brown, $85.00; T. E. Brown, $40.50; W. Gabert, $15 00; Abe Hepler, $74.51; Ben Krause, ?50.U0; Henry Herkamp, $2.50; F. nugiu, u.o; t. u. rianery, $40.30; fllenconi, $32.50; R. Klaus, $50.50; H. Wold, 48.47; B. F. Wright, $54-1 John Hepler, $13.50; John Kummer, v; Aruiur wewnore, $is.(j,; A. o0.00; Glen Morris, $12.50; Johnson, $77.46; W. R. Telford, $17 00; Monitor Lumber Co., $16.60; W. II. Bonney, $166.70; John J. Bruck, $100.00; Frank Busch, $7.05; N. E. Cole, $12.00; U. II. Hartley, $15.00; Concrete Pipe Works, $63.60; Per rett & Rk-kford, $2.50; Sandy Lum ber Co., $4.75; nrihtwood Lumber Co., $6.90; E. C. Shull, $2.50; H. E. Gillmore, $2.50; M. E. Gaffney, $33 tin, $20.00; J. A. Davis, $17.50; W. Smart, $20.00; Joe Malady, $1.25; B. 00; Dan Gaffney, $:!0.00; II. A. Bat- E. Moore, $15.00; Geo. Brookman, $3.75; Jesse J. Hawkins, $19.50; I. L. Smith, $15.00; Jerome Avery, $5.00; Earl Schuebel, $2.25; R. Schuebel, $1.35; F. O. Mortenson, $247.64; Sly ter & Eckerson, $11.94; Robbins Bros., $30.90; D. Mcllenry, $11.25; C. A. Browning, $1.25; L, Dickey, $1.25; S. A. D. Hungate, $23.62; G. Hungate, $12.50; Robt. Elkins, $10 00; Wm. Elkins, S8.75; J. L. Ringo, $5.00; Mrs. Ella Skein, $1.00; Frank F. Stefani, $49.80; Ruben Wright, Sr., $11.25; Ruben Wright, Jr., $7.50; Dorsey Fisher, $'i.S5; V. O. Vaughan, $12.35; Geo. Baty, $15.00; E. IL Law less, $2.50; Juhn Burtnik, $40.00; M. E. Swope, $47.75; Leslie Shank, $0.20; Hubert Engle, $10.35; A. D. Sherman, $7.00; Fay Kimball, $20 00; R. R. Welch, $5.00; L. D. Shank, $15.00; I. J. Green, $12.50; W. L. Freeman, $5.00; Jue Belt $2.50; Frank Hilton, $3.00; Glen Hilton, $5.00; J. F. Jones, $2.50; Leslie Shank, $32.50; Homer Millard Lum ber Co., $207.41; Cascade Lumber Co., $144.15; F. Madden & Co., $22.60; J. W. Marrs, $10.33; A. Habelt, $16.25; August Genseroski, $15.00; E. Lacey, $16.25; Frank Smith, $12.50; Jus. Closner, $2.25; Frcj Closner, $2.25; W. Tucker, $U0; Geo. Genseroski, $18.00; Lents Hardware Company, $1.75; Rice-Kinder Lumber Co., $20 24; II. W. Kanne, $13.75; Leon Bisch hoff, $0.25; Ben Becker, $2.50; J. Fet ty, $2.00; J. f Fisher, f.9.20; Sam Lantz, $2.50; Fred Duel, $2.50; O. Bixel, $12.50; W. V'ieeins. $7.50; Lewis Mitts, $8.75 $8.00. BOUNTY -W ! Hoffmeister, $3.00; $2.00. SHERIFF--M. A. Deaton, $10.00; 11. M. Chitwuod, !?;.'); Edwin Bates, $4.00; Wm. J. Wilson, $40.40; A. E. Joyner, $39.25; Mi Her-Parker, Co., $0.40; Oregon City Enterprise, $4.00; American Express Co., $2.20; II. M. Chitwood, $4.20; I). E. Frost, $29.30 CLERK I. M. Harrington, $5.00; Huntley Dn.g Co., $2.25. RECORDER-Fio Hewitt, $57.50; Huntley Dv,:g Co,, $2.25. TREASU::!'iij,)liei, Drug Co., $0.50; Oregon City Enterprise, $23.. ASSESSOR Jones $0.30. COUNTY COURT-IT son, ?4.00; A. H. Knight, $89.90; W. A, Proctor, $51.00. COURT IIOUSK-A. Simmons, $1.75; Jones Drug Co., ,$27.95; Pacific ernllaiilmo, who would form a new Kovernment at hla pleaaure, Thu au thenticity of this summon was after ward confirmed by General Kornlloff himself who had s con versa) Imi with me over the direct telephone wire be tween Putrogrsd and main headquar ter. "(Vnnldertnf this summon, ad dressed through me to the provision al government as an by cer tain quarters to profit by the difficult Kltuatloit of the country and eaUblUh a state of thltiKa contrary to the con quesla of the revolution, the prorl sloiial government has recnKuUod the necessity of charging me, for thtt safe ty of the republican regime, tn take the urgent. Indispensable and nnrvs sary meaaures to rut at the root all attempts sKalnat the supreme power and rlKhls of the cltUens won by Die revolution. "I therehtr for the maintenance In the country of liberty and public or der am taking all measures which i shall nnnounce ut thu proper time to the Mople. At the some limn I order General Kornlloff to hand over his function to General Kletnbavnky, commander In c'mef of the armies on th northern front, wbkh lar the way to Potrngrad, and I order Goiters! Klembovsky to aHHiime provisionally the functions of generalissimo, while remaining at Pskov. "Secondly, I declare a ntntu of wnr In the town and district of I'cirogiud." POLAND AGAIN PLAYS ROLE OF A STRICKEN j WAR CREDITS BILL OF OVER 11 BILLIONS PASSED BY HOUSE A. F. Eyman, . H.-u-ris, $3.00; D Lottie L. Young, ; 00; Mrs. Lillie Armstrong (Ben Lnn 'dies), $15.00; George H. Newsome, I $10.00; J. W. Norris (Granduuist). $0.80; J. W. Norris ("Ben"), $1.00; Jones Drug Co., $6.38; George A. Harding, J1.M); Huntley Drug Co., I 5O.0U; (,eo. A. Harding, $5.28; Hunt ley Drug Co., $5.35; Dunmire's Gro cery (Annie Ijingsford), $7.10; Ore gon City Hospital Co. (Adolph Stu der), $25.15; Oregon City Hospital Co. (August Johnson), $16.00; Mrs. Boerner (E. H. Desbrow), $20.00; Farr Bros. (J'iezn), $14.00; Jones Drug Co., $3.00; Mrs. Henry Ulrirh (Mrs. Piezo), $7.50; Mrs. E. Jack son, $17.50; Larsen & Co. "(Eva Mar co), $15.00; John Patre (Flora Bal mer), $6.00; J. B. Sallee (I). R. Da vies & Wm. Kuku), $40,00; Board of Water Commissioners (A. Peri.i) $1.40; W. W. Pollock (Chas. McKin nis), $24.00; Francis Welsh, $10.00; D. C. Latourctto (Mrs. Marco), $7- 00; Dean Butler (Valentine), $3.00; I .aionid uony youdiska), $10.00; St. Martin Springs (Mrs. Murphy), $30 00; Mrs. M. J. Troll iriffpr Iron a son), $20.00; Fred Schwartz (Mrs.! Trullinger), $20.00; L. Adams (Des brow), $10.00; Derris Donovan (Je rome Hamilton), $14.00; F. T. Bar low (Beers), $20.20; F. II. Crosn (Mrs. Sarah Gibbons), $5.00; Mary I. Wilson (Ed. Miller), $00.00; Brady Mercantile Co. ,(Mrs. White), $39 85; H. W. Miller (Mrs, Piezo), $3.00; Hoff Bros. (Thomas Jones), $14.00; W. E. Harris (Anna Wetterlin), $6 00, JAIL W. J. Wilson, $27.85. JUVENILE COURT-D. E. Frost, $30.00; A. E. Joyner, $19.00; Minda E. Church, $15.61. TAX REBATE A, J. Rometsch, $5.79; A. C. Fcrrin, $10.39; Joseph Schechla, $6.94. PRINTING & ADVERTISING Oregon City Enterprise, $47.92; Courier Press, $44.28. SEALER J. F. Jones, $39.64. TAX DEPARTMENT Jessla Pad. dock, $10.00; Burroughs Adding Ma- cnine uo., 10.75. PROHIBITION A. E. Joyner, $10.50. FOREST FIRES G. W. Derry, ?.3i; John Falino, $3.12; Elmer Worthington, $1.66; P. A. Baltimore, $7.50; Clyde Scoffln, $3.12; W. L. Starkweather, $7.50; R. Richardson, $u. oo; J), C. Bates, $7.C0; C. Wes tervelt, $7.50; W. Briedmer, $7.50; w. Killgren, $2.50, .i ii, M'pi. iu According to in- wasiijmitux, tiept, in war formation received from Vienna, the credits bill authorising $11.5JS.9I5.40 central powers have decided to carry In bonds and certificates passed the out the partition of Foland. houBO tonight unanimously. Action by Gormany will annex such parts of I the senate, as soon as the pending war Itusslun Poland as ahe needs "to recti-! tax bill la disposed of, Is planned by fy her strategic frontier," amounting ! administration leaders, to one tenth of the territory. Austria .ot material amendment was odd will onnex tha remaining nine-tenths I ,i to the bill by the house, llepre. and Emperor Charles will promulgate aentntlvo Moore, of Pennsylvania, led a decree uniting Russian Poland with ! group of Republicans In a futile fight Gnllela and proclaiming the whole tor-1 for consideration of his proposal for a rltory to bo the united kingdom of Po-j war expenditures committee, which land, with himself as king. j WBS thrown out on a point of order. The now HapsBurg Poland will huvaj Every effort of Republicans to limit Its own parliament, but Its foreign pol-Jtbe control of the bill would glvo Sec ley. army and finances will be con- j retnry McAdoo over the bonds and ccr rolled by Au-trla. The Immediate of- j tificates resulted In failure. The lust feet will be to make the Polos lloble f fij-ht, made- by Representatlre John to military service In the Austrian or-jnon of Washington, to direct the sec my. It will also involve removal from J rotary to spend st leant $2,500,000 for the AiiBtrlan parliament of deputies j newspaper advertising In disponing of representing Gullcla, giving the Ger-tho bonds win defeated overwhelming man parties In the relchrat numerical j y. if the secretary desires, under the preponderance. Drug Co, S. Ander leiepnone & Te bernr.b r t'lBnr.. John Home Tclephono Co., ,15.45; Board PACIFI8T TURNED DOWN WASHINGTON, Hopu lO.I'rofes nor II. W. Dana, representing the Peo ple's Council of America for Democra cy and Terms of Peace, which was not allowed to hold meetings In several western cities last week, was refused an Interview with President Wilson today by Secretary Tumulty. Mr. Tumulty said the president was too busy' to see anyone from that organization. A TOTAL OF NEARLY $100,000 IN STATE HAI.KM, Or., Hept, 10. In announc ing today that the forest fire hazard In Northwestern Oregon was over, and that It was also practically eliminated In the entire state, Deputy Forester Betcke said the damages caused by the fires this season would probably be between $75,000 and $100,000. Rain that has fallen throughout Oregon has eliminated further hazard In this sec tion, he said, and he believed the same would be true as to the rest of the state, although he had not received complote reports from other sections. While he declared that damages oould be estimated only roughly, he thouicbt the damage to timber would probably be around $50,000 and dam age to logging equipment and mills $30,000 to $40,000. E measure, he may use some of the $17. 000,000 appropriated for disposing of all the bonds and certificates In news paper publicity. Representative Cannon, of Illinois, managed to obtain the adoption of a compromise amendment to exempt from tAxatlon forever Interest on bonds not In excess of $5000. He wanted to niako It $10,000, but Democratic, Lend er Kltchla would not agree to that. Tho bill authorizes the Issuance of $7,538,!M5,410 worth of convertible 4 per cent bonds, subject to super taxes and war profit taxes, and to terminate at the discretion of the secretary of the treasury. Of this total $4,000,000,000 worth is for a new allied loan; $3,000, 000,000 worth to take over a 3', per cent Issue already authorized and the remaining $538,945,460 to be used In converting certain outstanding bonds. Including the Danish West Indies, Al askan railway, Panama canal and nn val construction Issues. Issuance Is also authorized of not more than $2,000,000,000 worth each of certificates of Indebtedness and wnr savings certificates to run not more than one year and five years, respect ively, at rates of Interest tc? be fixed by the secretary of the treasury. These Issues are to be subject to the same taxes as the bonds. The bill provides that foreign bonds, taken in exchange for loans, shall not be sold at loss than the purchase price. WASHINGTON, Sopt. 10,Rapldly rising costs of labor and materials have faced the government with a pos sible curtailment of the work on the Alaskan railroad or an ultimate In crease In the cost of the road, first es timated at $35,000,000. Secretary Lane has informed the house appropriations committee that a special commission Is now Investi gating and will prepare a report for congress. ' The work now Is costing 22 per cent over the estimate. Portland: Columbia river highway will be completed June 1, 1918. 75 BUSHEL8 TO ACRE HOOD RIVER, Or., flept. 12. With plenty of water available, J. P. Thom as, an East side orchadlst,' has just threshed from a 20-acre tract 1500 bushels of oats. St. Helens: New Rutherford build ing to open soon. POLK'S GAZETTEER A iraainess mroctonr or each Clty J'nwa and Villi, im On-non and Huhlugtoa, giving A Uwrlptl (4ktt-li of earh plann, Locution, Hlilimlnr FaelUtlna and ijlnmil. ' nirectnrf ot Club SunUMHMI n. Xk VOMC TO las,