Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, August 24, 1917, Page Page 2, Image 2

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Eagle Creek
MACKSBURG, Aus. 22. 0r entire
community wag shocked and prieved
beyond measure on Thursday by the
. sudden doath of a well known neigh
bor, Mllo tmtz. Mr. Intz, while
unloading hay had failed to fasten the
hay fork securely, with the result that
it fell, striking him in the chest and
penetrating the heart and lung, thus
causing Instant doath.
Milo Lenta was one of a large i ess.
family who came to this region fro ti
the east many years ago and who
have won the esteem of all their as
sociales to a marked desree. . As an
active member of the Smyrna church
and superintendent of this Sunday
school, he will be greatly missed and
will leave a vacancy, by no means,
easy to fill.
We wish to express, through the
Enterprise, our sincere sympathy with
Mrs. Lent and with all of the afflicted
Our crops are still thriving on tin
reserved moisture in the soil though
it is over two months since the last
rainfall. The weather is perfect,
traveling would be ideal, but for the
dust. This shows the pleasure in
store for us, when we shall have had
time to put our roads in the shape
they have attained in older portions
of the country, and when we have
secured Irrigation for one crop.
The Mother's club had a very pleas
ant session on Thursday last t the
home of Mrs. Ben Druir, Mrs. Zweifel,
Mrs. Miller and the Misses Louisa and
Minnie Heinz were present as visit
ors. The president and vice presi
dent being absence on their vacation
Mrs. Dreir took charge. The next
meeting is to be at the home of the
secretary, Mrs. G. M. Baldwin.
The New club is to meet Thursday
at the home of Mrs. Long,
Mr. and Mrs. Zweifel of Portland,
who have been visiting at the home
of Mrs. Zweifel's sister, Mrs. Ben
Dreir, have returned to their home.
Mr. and Mrs. Simon Miller are
spending their vacation on the sea
shore. ,
Ben Dreier, who has been staying
for a few weeks at Newport, has re
turned greatly improved in health.
Miss Maston, of Woodburn. is v?s
itiBg at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Simon Miller.
Miss Rachel Miller is at home for
her vacation.
Threshing is under way and no
poor crops are so far reported.
EAGLE CREEK, Aug. 22. Last
Wednesday Mrs. J. W. Cahill was very
delightfully, surprised when about
thirty of her neighbors gathered at
Jennings Lodge
ESTACADA, Or., Aug. 2S.-Mr.
Walter Cook and two daughters and
four young girls came over from Port
land Friday and went out to the Dun
lop farm lit (tarftald to spend a week
A. O, Ames, government trapper,
and family, left on Friday for the
mountains where they will spend sev
eral days enjoying camp life.
After an illness of several months
with tuberculosis. Waller Woodard
passed away at the home of his par-
JENNINGS LODGE, Or.. Aug. 23.--John
Richards.' former proprietor of
the Jennings Lodge grocery, was btd-jents in Estacada. on last Thursday
ding goodbye today to his numerous j morning. The funeral services were
t.. 1..... ...t.. .. v t .i ... . ... - f ,i v -. ,-,....,. .1.1
her home to spend the day witti ner ihm u uis uvimmuv ur nvm uum on. .ion cnunn ni iinm
in honor of her 4Stli birthday. The Sn Francisco, where he expects to j and the Interment was also npule
day passed away pleasantly for all. outer the navy. j there. Walter was 2SS years old and
was uorn in the Garfield neighborhood,
Those from hero whn loft tir mill.
tary service the past w.ek were Ralph j Joi"' the navy some four years j ub '"w Company
Madison and Clyde Curtln. whose com-a 11,1,1 returned to his parent's i
panics went to Amerlcau Lake, Harold ' nomo at Kstacnda when sickness com- The student and alumni of the Es-
Smith to Palo Alto' Alden Kellv toiix'lled. The Odd Fellows lodge mem- tacada high school held a mid summer
Houston, Texas. Arthur Roberts was j ,ws hna charge of the funeral and "Ionic Saturday evening, August IS.
short weight six pounds and' so could ! Rov- Sptess of this place preached the, tor the purpose of Inspecting the new
high school building and getting the
young folks together. After viewing
here, also went to American j land to visit her nephew who recently' tht "Utlillmr, they assembled at the
Ray Martin and Lorraine Os- Joined the nary.
tram are still at Clackamas. j Robert Morton, of Portland, visited
fc. Wendall Smith has gone to Llv-jhls mother, Mrs. A. K. Morton, Satur
ingston, Montana for the summer. day night and Sunday.
Langden Spooner leaves Thursday
evening for the Fresldio to enter the
officers' training school. His twin
brother, Lloyd Spooner .has been ap
pointed to a lieutenantshlp and Is sta
tioned in Colorado.
Dr. Will Krohn, author or Krohns"
Hygiene, has arrived from Chicago, for
a short visit with his sister, Mrs.
Frank Tucker.
Mrs. Turner, of Tacoma. and Oscar
Erickson, of Rosalia, Wash., are visit
ing their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Vlc-
Dr. and Mrs. Harry Morgan, of Was
co, Oregon, left for their home Friday,
after a months visit with the doctor's
parents, Mr. and Mrs. U. S. Morgan, of
this place and with Mrs. Morgan's
parents at Eagle Creek.
The Civic Improvement club will
give a dance la the Estacada pavilion
Saturday evening, September 1st. for
the benefit of the public library.
Fred Bartholomew will soon com
mence the erection of a modern house
on his lots at the top of the Second
It was also the birthday of Mrs. Fred
Hoffmeisler, who was present, and
enioyed the good time with her host-
George Sawtell lost one of his
horses last week. It took the colic
one day and died during the night.
Mrs. Thomas. Mrs. Rose Sutter. Mrs. not pa83 the federal examination, funeral sermon
Menane. and Mrs. Brown spent last fom Clohessy who formerly made his Miss Maude Sturgeon went to Port-
Wednesday with Grandma Judd. : home
Mrs, H. S. Jones was the Sunday t.ake;
guest of her mother. Mrs. v tola
Douglass. j
Eagle Creek grange held its regit-'
lar session last Saturday, but, owing
to the busy times only 20 patrons
were present A short, but interest
ing meeting was held atfer dinner. C. '
L. Chambers was reinstated. j
Mrs. Freda Kirchem, of 1-ogan, was
a grange visitor Saturday. j
Mr. and Mrs. Virgil May, of Oregon '
City, and Mr. and Mrs. Albort
Mochnke, of Shuebel. were recently
guests of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Douslass,. .
H. S. and Dick Gibson attended the
sale at Viola Saturday. H. S. Gibson'
purchased a horse.
The Misses Myrtle and Ruby Hoff-1
meister, Mildred and Florice Douglass
spent Sunday afternoon with Miss
Delia Sweeney.
Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Woodle are at
tending camp-meeting at Troutdale.
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Douglass spent
Sunday at the home of Oscar Benson
at Logan.
Mrs. E. Hollander was the guest
of Mrs. A. N. Orke for a few days
Will and Walter Douglas and Ralph
Gibson went hunting Saturday, re
turning home Monday evening with
one deer in their possession, Ralph
Gibson having shot it
Mrs. T. C. McKay and son. Tommy,
were Portland visitors last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Alex Baker visited
with the latter's brother Ward Doug
lass, and family, of Molalla, Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Otho Richey motored
over this way Sunday afternoon call
ing at the Fred Hoffmeister home and
also called on Mr. ana Mrs. Ernest 1
Mrs. John Douglass is on the sick
Mrs. M. 11, Evans and sou, Mllloii,
left on Monday tor Seaside to spend a
week enjoying the sea breenes.
Mr. and Mrs, Leu Bronson, Mr. and
Mrs. Nonl DrouHon and Ed Honor mot
ored to Portland last Sunday and
spent th day at Columbia beach.
Mr. and Mrs, Theodore Ahlhorg re
turned Friday evening from their wed
ding tour and were greeted with a
big charivari by the small boys. Mr.
and Mrs. Ahlberg were married In
Portland last Wednesday, The groom
Is agent for the P. It, L. & P, Co,, at
this plnco and the bride was chief,!
telephone operator at the Estacada
office for four years, both very popular
young poople of the community.
Miss Ma Wagoner went to Vancou
ver Friday to see her brother Oils,
who is confined In the post hospital
home of Principal and Mrs, T. K. Wil
son where refreshments were served
and a general good time was had.
Ellwyn Rutherford, a graduate of
the University of Oregon, has been
elected to a position In the high school
faculty. He will loach science and
have charge of athletics, Mr. Ruther
ford was a teacher In the Eugene high
The Misses Rosa, Edith and Matle
Train, of Portland, were guests at the
A. B. Sparks home Sunday, coming on
the noou car. Mr. and Mrs. Sparks
took them home In the automobile.
here visiting his father. J. W. Reed.
CANBY, Aug. 23. Mrs. Carl Smith
was a Portland visitor Saturday.
P. H. Tucker, of Wolfer Prairie, was
a Canby visitor Monday.
Mrs. James is enjoying a visit from
her two sons from Nebraska, Mr. and
Mrs. Roy James and daughter, and Mr.
and Mrs. Kejly James. They expect to
be in Canby a couple of weeks.
Miss Whipple is spending this week
with relatives at Oak Grove and Sher
wood. Mr. and Mrs. James Renoud, Mrs.
Bradshaw and Miss Edna Renoud, of
Hillsboro, is visiting In Canby this
'Norton Bradford and John Gastrock
are spending their vacation at Astoria.
Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Haines and fam
ily are spending a few days at Pacific
Mrs. Frances Green left Thursday
for her ranch in San Jose, California.
Mrs. Green expects to be gone some
Mrs. William Porter and Mrs. Ro
land Porter are visiting Mrs. Porter's
daughter, Mrs. Jesse Martin, of Yamhill.
Mr. and Mrs. P. I. Stacy and family,
of Portland, spent a few days visiting
friends in Canby this week.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Beck, of Aurora,
were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs.
J. Lee Eckerson. I
Mr. and Mrs. Howard H. Eccles
spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs.
George Bullock, of Oswego.
Mrs. Ivan Dimick, of Aurora, was a
Canby visitor Friday.
Mrs. M. P. Sailor spent Sunday in
Misses Ella and Mae Schultz spent
Sunday with their parents, Mr. and
Mrs. F. H. Schultz, of Molalla.
Mr. and Mrs. Ora Slyter were Port
land shoppers Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Bair were Port
land visitors Monday.
Raymond Reif, whj has been work
ing at Rockaway for several months,
is visiting relatives in Canby this
Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Eccles were
guestts of Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Dlmlck
Oak Grove
Wlt.SONVlLLlfl, Or., Aug, ill.-Frit
Wagner has been quite 111 for some
Mrs. ('has, Epler ha been visiting
her parents, Mr. and Mrs, Wilder for
two weeks.
The W. 0. T, U. held a mooting at
the homo of Mrs. 0. Homing, on Thurs
day, Mrs, Cora lluHselbrlnk has accepted
a position in one of t law eastern Ore
gon schools, and will leave soon for
that place,
Mr, and Mrs, ("has. Kidder are enjoy
ing a camping trip at Tillamook.
Mr, and Mrs, liothcuhurg, former
residents here, visited Mr. and .Mrs,
Kidder, Sr., on Sunday.
Mrs. Butler's slater Is slaying with
her during Dr. Uutler's absence.
A company of friends gave George
Stnngel, a surprise party on Thurs
day evening.
Mrs, Post, of Wisconsin, who has
ben visiting her brother, Dr. Jobso,
has returned to her home.
Christina and Mougu (talalgia went
to Portland on Saturday,
A delightful lawn party was held at
tho home of Ira Seely, on Friday even
lug. Jack Angus holds the tianiier for
wheat In this section, as his wheat
went fifty bushels to I ho acre,
Mr. and Mrs, Aubrey Wood and
daughter Audrey have returned from
the coast.
Mrs. Short, of Portland has been vis
iting at the home of her niece. Mrs.
M. C. Young.
The Odd Fellows and Kobckah
lodges gave a farewell party to Clifford
Murray, before he left for Bremerton.
Clarence Heed, of La Crosse, Wis,, M to work III tho painting department of
Freewater: 30 to 50-ton fruit drier
to be erected here.
OAK GROVE, Aug. 22. Mrs. L. E. I
Armstrong spent Sunday at Monta
villa with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Koenig.
Mrs. Koenig was a visitor at the Arm-1
strong home Monday.
T. R. Worthington, Sr., and son. El-,
mer, went to the mountains Friday ,
returning home Sunday.
Will Starkweather spent Sunday j
with hla sister, Mrs. George Whipple, 1
of Canby. j
Mildred Derry spent Sunday with (
her aunt, Mrs. A. E. Derry, of Errol
station on the Estacada line. j
The Concord school will open Sep-'
tember 19th. The Misses Baily will j
teach again this year. I
The Concord Juvenile Red Cross ,
society met Monday afternoon at the
home of Mrs. George C. Brownell. '
Ten members were present. j
Miss Mary Starkweather left Satur- j
day morning for Berkley, Cal., to at- i
tend college, after spending her vaca- j
Hon at home with her parents. j
Mr. and Mrs. Little, merchants at j
the beach, have rented a cottage and !
will remain here this winter. i
Mr. and Mrs. Stowell Barnard and !
daughter, Loraine, of Spokane, Wash.,
and Mr. and Mrs. B. S. Barnard of
Portland motored out Sunday and
spent the day with the Misses Will
Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Cooper, of Mil
waukie, are being felicitated on the
birth of a 11-pound son, born August
15th. Mrs. Cooper was formerly Miss
Georgia Lewis, daughter of Rev. and
Mrs. C. A. Lewis. Mr. Cooper is a
well known motorman on the Oregon
City car.
A. D. Wheeler and family, of Mon
tana, have purchased the Arthur
Kuehl property and remodeled the
house. Mr. Wheeler is a brother-in-
law of Mr. Ritter of Risley's station
Mrs. Neal, sister of Mrs. J. Mc Far
land,, left for her home, in New York
Wednesday morning by way of San
Francisco, Cal.
Paul Sletton, of Hood River, left
for his home Tuenday after spending
two weeks with his grandmother, Mrs.
Jessie Gleasson.
J. A. Shupe returned from Wheeler
Saturday, after spending three days
with friends there.
Catarrh Cannot Be Cured
cannot reach tho seat of the disease.
Catarrh is a local disease, greatly In
fluenced by constitutional conditions, and
in order to cure It you must take an
Internal remedy. Hall's Catarrh Medi
cine Is taken internally and acts thru
the blood on the mucous surfaces of the
system. Hall's Catarrh Medicine was
prescribed by one of the best physicians
in this country for years. It is com
posed of some of the best tonics known,
combined with some of the best blood
purifiers. The perfect combination of
the Ingredients in Hall's Catarrh Medi
cine is what produces such wonderful
results in catarrhal conditions. Bend for
testimonials, free.
F. J. CHENEY & CO.. Vrnps-. Toledo, 0
All DrUKKifis, 76i:..
Hull's Kmiiy fills tor constipation.
We want your business on the little things
for the farm
Bale Ties, Binder Twine, Hay
Tools, Tank Pumps, Cider Mills, Etc.
Our goods are Class A and prices as low as conditions
will allow.
A Few Big Things You May Be Needing:
W. J. Wilson & Co.
Geo. Blatchford
Portland, MOLALL
the navy,
Ixirettn I.amb, and hor grandmother,
Mrs. Wood, are visiting Mr. and Mm.
Aubrey Wood.
Mr. ami Mr. Holit. Graham and fnm
lly. Mrs. Howard and Mm. M. C.
Young, left on Wednesday for a
camping trip to the count.
Mm. Heed Graham entertained tho
members of tho Hod CroxH of C'orrad
Crock dlHlrlft. on Tuesday afternoon,
vry pleasantly and arnuiKoientH for
organization word umdo.
MKAHOW'HKOOK. (Auk. 2:l.-ller.
Jnmln Noyer and Fanny Kredrlekaon
were married In Oregon City, Augunt
15th. They expect to live on the
groom's farm at Mcadowbrook.
Myrtle, Hazel and Aldon Lankiua
and Harold Johnaon went to Wllholt
Sunday and attended church In the
evening at Marquam.
Mrs. Davidson has a crew picking
Maurice and Desclo Fisher returned
to Portland Friday after spending a
week at A. L. Ijtrklna. t
Mr. and Mrs. M. I). Chlndgren en
tortalned a number of their friends
from Culton Sunday.
Nettle Larklns spent Sunday with
her friend, Uuth Wooster of Olad Tidings.
Selnla and Sadie Hellhocku. Krnest
and Alfred Hill wont to Wllholt Sun
day. Arthur Johnson returned from Will
amina Sunday and expects to go to
eastern Oregon In a few days to work
In hte harvest fields.
general good time. Watermelons and
cake was served, Those who enjoyed
the happy time were Misses Alice
Zellar, Uol Todd. NIJa Merrick, Ora
Ora I'rlmom, Dorlhy ItrumtmUKh, lone
King, Mary Wilson and the hostesses.
Miss lltiby Itoss, of Willamette, Is
visiting lift' grandmother, Mrs, J. K.
Tho Congregational llorecas society
held an Interesting meeting at Mrs,
I'ld Clay's residence last Friday,, A
large crowd attended and all had a
tlellKlilful time,
Mrs. (leorge IViimc and amult sou
Mil gar, of Stockton, Sallfnrnln, are vis
iting Mrs, Veils' alitor. Mrs, 0, 11,
Fox .
Mrs. Hose Uenrdrlek and Margaret
Haines nuidn a business trip to Ore
gon City Tuesday.
W'ASHINC.TON. Aug. 20.--War vol
unteers for the regular army have
reached a total of 190,347 men, bring
ing the roll to 7000 In excess of tho au
thorised strength.
Since the total quota for the ex
panded army was filled, several days
ago, recruits have continued to enlist
at an average of more than 1000 men
a day. They will ho needed, and the
recruiting service will not relax Its
There still are 2S states that have
not supplied their quota, hut some of
the other state have furnished their
quota several times over.
WASHINGTON. Aug. 20.Th larg
est potato crop ever produced In this
country Is the promise of tho monthly
crop report Just Issued. Ieon M. Esta
lr chief of the bureau of crop estl
ma.: ie United States department
of u m culture, stated this morning
that the average production for the
previous five yean (19111315) was.
3C3.OO0.000 bushels, which represents
a fair crop. This year the Indications
are that there will be a crop of 4G7,
000.000 bushels, which Is 100,000,000
above the average.
This Is equal to one bushel extra
for every man. woman and child In
the country.
CAMBRIDGE, Mass., Aug. 11. The
Harvard Athletic association has de
cided not to eliminate cross-country
running and soccer football from the
list of fall sports this year.
NEW YORK, Aug. 17. More than
100 citizens of New York, It was an
nounced today, had Joined the newly
formed vigilance committee for the
campaign against soap-box orators
whose utterances are Improper.
tor Erickson.
Mrs. H. Lindley and son, of Belling
ham, Wash., are guests of Mrs. Eades
and Capt. Rawlings.
Mrs. Newton De Forest left Tuesday
for Little Rock, Oregon, to spend the
fall with her daughter, Mrs. Gussie
Mr. Jensen has returned to llennner
family at Roethe station.
On Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Frank
Tucker had as their guests Mr. and
Mrs. Ben Glover and two daughters,
Mr. and Mrs. F. Kelly, of Portland, and
Mrs. Harry Grey and two children of
Vale, Oregon.
Robert Tynan, of Portland, is spend
ing his vacation with Miss Elizabeth
Mrs. Mary Baker, of Sherwood, is
visiting her grandson, Russell Butler.
The Red Cross society met at the
home of Mrs. Ostrom and was very
well attended. The ladies urge all
who possibly can to be present each
Mr. and Mrs. Milton Potter have dis
posed of their property on Addy street
and will move to Portland soon.
Miss Elizabeth won one of the
schoolarshlps offered by the Gold
street hill.
Mrs. Heylman returned this week
from a trip to Seattle and Spokane,
where she visited her son, W. H. Heyl
man at the latter place.
Miss Eunice Richards, of Portland,
was a week-end guest at the J. W.
Reed home.
Lumber Is being hauled for a house
I id ue erKcinu on me liingeioocn. i)iii;B,
Ken Bartlett, son of E. W, Bartlett,
of Estacada, has been called to report
at American Lake, September 1st. Ken
belongs to the 14th Red Cross Ambu
lance corps, a University of Oregon
The all day services at the Metho
dist Episcopal church here last Sun
day, was a great success. There was
la large crowd at the morning and
Af,Ht nf VmSva-a in u0 thn nlac.n nf!B,B'""8 services, kov. jrora, uismci
one burned a few months ago.
Miss Louise Quilllam, of Portland,
who has been employed to teach Eng
lish and girls' athletics in the Esta
cada high school, was a guest of Miss !
Rachel Reed, Monday.
Dr. Gardner, of the office of the
state veterinarian, spent Monday and
Tuesday in this section vaccinating
several hundred head of cattle to pre
vent the spread of hemorrmagic sep
tisemia, a disease which has been pre
vailing In this community, due to a
scarcity of vaccine not as many cattle
wore treated as was expected.
Mrs. Mary Bartholomew, of Ilepner,
Oregon, Is visiting her son Fred Bar
tholomew this week.
Mrs. Henry Spless has returned to
Estacada, after an absence of several
superintendent, preached in tho morn
ing and Gordon J. Taylor of Molalla,
occupied the pulpit In the evening. A
sumptuous dinner was served at noon
in the' basement of the church, after
which quarterly conference was held,
OSWEGO, Or., Aug. 23. Mrs. Frank
McNett, of La Crosse. Washington, is
spending a few days with her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Atwater. Mrs.
McNett was formerly Marlon Atwater.
Mr. Carl Williams and Douglas
Gillies left Monday evening for Ills-
bee. Arizona, where the former is em
"Duko" Williams, of Portland, and
Private Victor Williams, of American
Lake, were visitors of their brother,
Carl Williams, Saturday and Sunday
Private Thomas Ward, of Battery A
Field Artillery, visited friends in Os
wego Saturday evening.
Second Lieutenant Walter Phillips,
of the Presidio at San Francisco, wasj
a guest of Miss Edna Elston Saturday.
Privates Lloyd Todd and Letcher
Nelson of Fort Canby, Washington,
were Oswego visitors Saturday even
ing. Private Thomas Qulgley, of Co. K.,
visited his mother Saturday and Sun
day. Private Thomas Martin, of Troop A,
cavalry, visited friends and relatives
Saturday and Sunday.
The Red Cross Society has on dis
play at Illckner's Btoro, eighteen night
shirts that are for the American Red
Cross hospitals.
The Congregatlnal Sunday School
gave a 'Minstrel Show" a few weeks
ago,'" and donated the money to tho
Red Cross. With this money the so
ciety purchased the material for mak
ing the shirts. Don't fall to see them.
Miss Lois Iieadrlck and Master Wil
lis Headrlck, accompanied Miss Amy
Coon to her home In Portland. Tuesday.
Miss Alta Ilornacela, nurse at the
Good Samaritan Hospital, of Portland,
spent Tuesday with Miss Bornlce Sin
clair. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Haines, Jr., and
LEWISTON, Iduho, Aug. 20. The
stockmon of the Camas rrnlrle and
river soctlons are telling their live
stock as soon as It is hi condition for
the markets and some shipments have
been made to outsldo points In order
that the local feed may be savod for
the cows and young stock. A train
load of 23 car was sent from here
a few days ago, the shipment being
made up of 17 car of cattle and six
cars of hogs. This shipment was di
vided betweon Spokane and Puget
Last weok cattle were shipped Into
the Yakima valley to bo finished for
the market and It Is stated a number
of stockmen will ship outside to fin
ish as soon a the cattle are brought
from tha mountain ranges.
The feed situation Is tho most ser
ious ever known to tho upper country,
and the stockmen' only hope of sav
ing their cow and young stock through
the winter 1b to sell tho marketable
animals and conserve the foed for win
ter use.
KLAMATH FALLS, Or., Aug. 20.
A change in the personnel of the
Klamath Record force or this city be
came effective this week, when a half
Interest In the newspaper was taken
over by Glenn S. Callon, formerly of
Sacramento, but who has been em
ployed on the Evening Herald of this
city for some time. Mr. Callon be
comes an active partner.
Cret Butter company, nd wH enter weeks on their farm' In the western
the University of Oregon thi fall, part of the state. j
Fort Stevens to have $3000 Y. M. C
Oregon City Women Are Finding Re
lief at Last.
It doos seem that women have more
than a fair share of the aches and
pains that afflict humanity; they must
"keep up," must attend to duties in
spite of constantly nchlng back:i, or
headaches, dizzy spells, hearing-do vn
pains; they niunt stoop over, when to
Btoon means torture. They must walk
and bend and work with racking pains
and many aches from kidney Ills.
Keeping the kldneyB well has spnrod
thousands of women much misery.
Read of a remedy for kldnoys only
that Is endorsed by people you know.
Mrs. A. Roddaway, 11(5 S, Center
St., Orogon City, says: "My back ach
ed most all the time. It was so weak
and sore that whon I got down to do
anything It was all I could do to
straighten up. Sharp catchos Bhot
through my kidneys and for a minute
I could hardly move they wore so
children, Ivan, Lloyd, Ralph and John, BeVero. My1 kidneys also acted too
motored to Fern Camp last Sunday for
a week's stay. Ivan returned Monday
owing to have to work.
Mrs. Pearl Coon and children, Amy,
James, Asa and Pearl, and Mrs. Mack
of Portland, were OBwego visitors Sat
urday and Sunday.
Miss Edith Blckner and Miss Wil
son, gave a Joint birthday party Sat
urday afternoon at the home of A.
King Wilson. The afternoon was
freely. I felt tired all the time and
could hardly drag myself around. Af
ter I had been taking Doun's Kidney
Pills awhile my hack felt stronger
and my kldnoys acted more regularly."
I have taken Doan's off and on Blnce
and they have done fine work."
Price 60c, at all dealers. Don't
simply ask for a kldnoy remedy got
Doan's Kidney Pills tho same that
Mrs. Rcdduwny b:d. Fester -M Hl'iirn
spent In playing games, and having Co., Muffs,, Hufulo, N. V.