Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, August 17, 1917, Page Page 2, Image 2

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Wilsonville Macksburg
WILSONVILLE, Ore, Aug. 16.-J.
W. Thornton has been 111 for a few
days, and Ms many friends hope for
htm a speedy recovery.
Stanley Murray went to Washing
ton on Tuesday, for a short visit, after
which he will undergo another opera
tion In a Portland hospital, as his
limb is not healing as was hoped for.
Mr. and Mrs. Aubrey Wood and
daughter, Audrey, accompanied Mr.
and Mrs. Hartnell and family on a trip
to the coast, on Saturday, to be gone
for a week.
Word has been received from Har
old Say, at Fort Stevens, to the effect
that the boys enjoy letters more than
anything else.
Mrs. Additon, of Portland, address
ed the members of the V. C. T. V. at
Mrs. Raymond Seelys nome, Thurs
day afternoon. Quite a lot of sew
ing was donated to the ladies by
the Corral Creek members of the Red
Cross, and the work will be forward
ed to Portland.
Dr. Butler has gone on a hunting
trip with relatives, and we expect
the doctor to bring back some game.
Jack Angus is putting up a silo on
his farm.
Mrs. Augustus Jaeger is still in the
hospital at Portland.
Margaret and Caryl McTeeters, who
have been visiting the Says families,
returned to Forest Grove, Saturday.
Menga Batalgia entertained the Car
rol Creek young people's club very de
lightfully Thursday evening.
John Butson, who was one of the
best known citizens here, died Thurs
day, and was buried on Friday at the
Pleasant Hill cemetery. Services were
held at the grave yard, and a large
company of friends were present. Rev.
Abott, of the M. E. church conducted
the service, and the local church choir
had charge of the music.
Jesse Lawrence was home on Priday,
to attend the funeral of John Butson,
and visit his mother.
KELSO, Ore., Aug. 16. (Special)
An interesting event was held at the
school house Sunday evening in the
form of a farewell party to Albert
Jonsrud and Lewis Jerger, who have
enlsted in the navy and letf for Cali
fornia Monday. The following youui.
men of the neighborhood, who have
also enlisted, and are waiting to oe
called away were also guests of hon
or at the party: John Milau and Wll
lie Haley, who have inlisted in the
medical corps and Joe Vereti fn the
navy. The young people enjjyei
games until 11 o'clock when refresh
ments were served In a room beauti
fully decorated with flags, bunting
and flowers. Patriotic speeches were
made by J. H. Revenue, F. W. Can
ning and Robert Jonsrud. Vocai solos
were rendered by Misa Hattie Kelby,
of Portland, and beautiful violin selec
Portland, accompanied by Miss Byers,
of Pleasant Home. The evening was
ended by all giving three rousing
cheers for Uncle Sam and the splen
did boys who have enlisted in their
country's service. - Two other boys
of this comunity, who have enlisted
but could not be present are Oliver
Hamblin, in the medical co-ps and
Gustaf Johnson in the aviation corps,
who left for Texas Monday. The com
munity is indeed proud of these young
School will open Monday, Septem
ber 10th. The school board 1m elect
ed Mrs. Louise Nelson principal to
fill the vacancy made by Misu Wil
kinson's resignation. Mrs. Nelson
has an excellent record of fifteen
years' experience as a ifuccessrul
Miss Pearl Miller, of Highland, 'a
former Kelso teacher, was a guest
at the home of Mrs. Nelson, Sr.. Sun
day. She also called at the Robert
Jonsrud home.
R. E. Jarl and Victor Johnson smart
ed Sunday morning by auto oa a hunt
ing trip to Southern Oregon.
Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Eri, of South
ern Oregon, are visiting relatives
LOGAN, Ore., Aug. 13. Wilfred
Hutcbins is recovering from mumps.
The ice cream social at the school
house was a success financially and
socially. A little over $36.00 was real
ized from the sale of fancy work of
the Busy Workers' Club and sale of
ice cream. A short program inter
spersed with vocal and instrumental
music preceded the auction of the ar
ticles by Bert Corliss. The proceeds
are to be applied to the completion of
a playshed or room above.
C. A. Kirchem is baling hay, oper
ating it with a tractor engine, which
requires fewer men to do the work,
which I'leases the cooks.
From now on N. L-. Kirchem will
operate only one truck in makini; but
ter deliveries to the customers. Dry
pasture makes the cream supply run
short and butter also. Mr. Black, the
new butter maker, begins his duties
this week at Clear Creek. Arthur
Smith, the retiring butter maker, has
been da the job fourteen years with
out a vacation.
Arrived at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. John Mostyl, twin sons, August
MACKSBURG, Ore., Aug. 16, The
much-longed-for rain is withheld from
us, but no so the wonderful preserva
tion from damage shown by the ma
turing crops. Winter wheat Is giving
an average yield, while clover is sur
prising the ranchers by its abundance
of seed. One of our farm tenants, who
had thought that his entire ranch
would produce no more than enough
to pay Its rent, found after the clover
huller had finished, that this crop
alone was ample to meet that demand.
Barley and oats bid fair to equal their
crual yield. The corn keeps Its bright
c rd hopeful green, as do the potatoes,
though growing slowly. The pasture,
'hough green only near the river and
its branches, seer.u to afford fclr sus
tenance tor the stock whose appear
ance indicates anything but scanty
feed. Meantime the hope of spetdy
ra n does not forsrke us. We are r
minded that the autumnal equinox Is
but a little over a month in the dis
tance and few indeed have been the
seasons when the culmination of the
day's varying length has panseO nn
attended by copious rains. The lukesu
er will have more than Its usual work
for our ranchmen, Instead of hopeless
ly lamenting the high price o' flour
have taken Into their own hands a
remedy far n.Te effectual than the
finest oratory could be L e. raising
their own wheat then adding to the
value of their farms by increased i
clearing. More than would have been
done without the heightened impulses
resulting from exorbitant prices for
The beauty of our unclouded sky
is to be appreciated in the charming
mornings and evenings vouchsafed t
us at this season, and which, we
know, must, soon give place to ob
scuring clouds. The crimson and
gold of the sunset surpassed ou'.y by
the glad refulgence of the newly-risen
sun, leave a mental picture never to
be effaced by the storm clouds 1 ow- '
ever heavy their shade. j
The Mother s Club is to be busier
than ever throughout the late sum
mer since It is to take up work for
the Red Cross, which is cheerfully
done though never without the
thought that it may never be needed, i
All clinging to the hope that our own
entering into the war may be the sig- j
nal for its close. The president of ;
the club, Mrs. John Hepler, has gone
for an extended visit in the Middle!
West, where her mother and other
close relatives are living. Mrs. Hep- '
ler's place, during her absence, will j
be taken by its vice-president, Mrs. j
Lennon Miller. The club meets this '
week at the home of Mrs. Ben Drein. 1
Mrs. G. M. Baldwin had the pleas-!
ure, Saturday and Sunday, of receiv-i
ing a visit from her nephew H. P. i
Nichols, of Chicago, who is again j
spending some time in the West !
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Schultz had
all their absent children home for
Sunay, but had to part with them
again when Monday morning came.
Miss Edna Hamilton came home to
spend Sunday.
Mrs. Harry Sherwood's Living Class
for the girls of her neighborhood is
to hold its next meeting on Saturday,
August 18 at Mrs. Thompson's home.
The Little Girl's Sewing Circle is
to meet with Mrs. G. M. Baldwin next '
Saturday. I
Eagle Creek j
EAGLE CREEK. Aug. 14. Mrs.
Lewis Rivers very delightfully enter-j
tained the Helping Hand club last!
Wednesday. The afternoon wa s spent
by the ladies in tieing a quilt. After !
the serving of a dainty luncheon all
adjourned. The club will meet with I
Mrs. Will Douglass on August 22. All !
members and friends are invited to I
be present. ""
Mrs. Walter Douglass returned'
home Saturday from Portland, where J
she has been unde r the doctor's care I
for some time; but she is much im-'
proved, and intends remaining at
home for awhile.
Joe Williams is helping with the
harvesting on the Beckett farm.
Everett Beckett and his sister, Miss
Veroo, spent their vacation with their
mother , Mrs. A. Beckett.
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Douglass and
Mrs. Viola Douglass motored to the
Wilhoit Springs Sunday.
Some of the members of the W. C.
T. IT. met with Mrs. J. P. Woodie last
Thursday afternoon and made band
ages for the soldiers. Those present
were: Mrs. McWillis, Mrs. Hannah,
Mrs. J. K. Ely and Mrs. Kaake, of
Estacada, and Mrs. J. W. Cahill and
Mrs. R. h. Gibson, of Eagle Creek;
Mrs. H. E. Morgan, of Wasco.
While slashing brush the other day
Ray Woodie had the misfortune to
cut his hand, tl bled quite profusely,
as the cut was rather deep.
Mrs. W. F. Douglass went to Port
land Monday and met her sister, Miss
Delia Sweeney, of Stevenson, Wash.,
who has come to make her a visit.
W. F. Reeder preached to a small
audience at the school house Sun
day. He left an' oppolntment for Sun
day, Sept. 9.
ZURICH, Aug. 13. Premier TIszu
has been appointed colonel and has
left for the front, says a dispatch re
ceived today.
REDLAND, Ore., Aug. 16 Messrs.
Clinger and Adams, of Macksburg, vis
ited Henry Egger last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Ripley, o( Port-
i land, have moved out on the Klplcy
Pete Harth and his friend, Mr. Ktliy
of Vancouver, spent the week-end (rri
Mr. FuUam's.
A most enjoyable evening was sprit
In Arthur Funk's'new barn Saturday
night, when he Invited his neighbors
and friends to come and initiate it.
A good old-fashioned burn dance wns
the biggest attraction, while some ;old
jokes and played cards. Music 'u
furnished by Mr. Whlteman, Mr. Hay,
Mr. Schwartz, Mr. Larsen and Mr.
Barth. Refreshments were served by
host and hostess.
Miss Katherlne Egger has left fur
her home at Astoria.
Mr. and Mrs. Hyde visited friends
at Aurora over the week-end.
Mrs. William Buck, formerly Miss
Minnie Hubert. Is visiting her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. August Hubert, and her
sister, Mrs. Ritenour.
Mr. and -Mrs. Roy Mattoon have
been visiting at her parents at Dallas,
where her father is 111.
M.ss Downing, former teacher at
Flrgrove, spent the week-end with
Mrs. Allen.
Mr. Fullam, daughter Clara, and son
Little Tlhiinigs
jMalke Liifie
We want your business on the little things
for the farm
Bale Ties, Binder Twine, Hay
Tools, Tank Pumps, Cider Mills, Etc.
Our goods are Class A and prices as low as conditions
will allow.
A Few Big Things You Nay Be Needing:
John, motored to Canby Sunday, j
where they visited with uotrocKS.
Miss Ethel Funk accompanied by
several friends motored to Mount
Hood last Sunday.
Mrs. William Hubert spent the
week-end in Oregon City.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Schwartz played
for a social at Logan last Saturday
Mr. Fullam has been ill several
days this week.
Mrs. Officer of Washington, is vis
iting friends and relatives here. She
was formerly Miss Cutting.
Many people are planning to go to
the Guernsey breeders' picnic at
Hughes Saturday. Everybody Is In
vited to come and have a good time.
LONDON, Aug. 13. The Earl of
Derby, secretary of state for war, was
Informed yesterday by the central med
ical war committee that no more med
ical men were available for army com
missions without "seriously endanger
ing the supply of doctors for the civil
Hubbard to hare a new Southern
Pacific station.
ESTACADA. Ore.. Aug. 16,-Mrs.
George Morrow came over from Port
land Friday to visit her uncle, A. E.
Sparks, and brother, C. M. Sparks.
Mrs. M. H. Evans visited Portland
Saturday In the interests of lied
Cross work ,
R. M. Standlsh and brother, Slow
art were Portland visitors Friday nnd
Saturday. '
There wfil be an all day service at
the M. E.. church In Estacada next
Sunday, Currlnsvlllo, Mt. Zlon. Gar
field and Estacada participating,
Everybody Is invited to come nud
bring baskets well filled as dinner nud
supper will be served in the dining
parlors of the church. Such speakers
as Dr. Ford, Dr. Gilbert and Gordon
J. Taylor will be present. The mem
orlul of the Lord's supper will be ob
served In the afternoon.
Mrs. C. W, DeVore entertained her
Sunday school class Friday afternoon,
complimentary to Miss Elvtt Adumn,
a bride to be In a few weeks. The
young Indies amused themselves by
making dish towels for the brldeelc rt
A splendid lunch was served, mid In
strumental music was a pleasant fea
ture. The Cascade garage will be finished
and ready for occupancy this week.
It Is a handsome building, modern In
every way and will add much to the
appearance of Main street
J. W. Reed has commenced the erec
tion of an addition to his garage which
will be fire-proof and used to storo
cars, etc. The large Increasing busi
ness of the Estacada Garage made it
necessary to enlarge the building.
Mrs. R. Morse visited Portland
Friends Saturday.
Mrs. Ctemle Richards, of Echo, Ore.,
Is In Estacada, visiting at the home
W. J. Wilson & Co.
Geo. Blatchford
of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harken
rlder. Chester Womor came from La
Grande Saturday evening to visit
home folks until the next day.
Government Trapper Ames arrived
home Monday from another trip up
In the mountains. Mr. Ames did not
call this trip very fruitful because he
did not get a cougar or two. He had
to content himself with a big bear and
two bob cats. '
Miss Anna Anderson, of Portland,
was here Tuesday looking after , the
renting a house. MisB Anderson
will teach In the Estacada school the
coming year.
The Estacada Auxiliary of the Red
Cross Society held a meeting Tuesday
afternoon to make arrangements for
active work in making articles for
the soldier boys.
The annual country club picnic was
held at Garfield last Saturday. There
was a good attendance and a general
good time was had, The day a festiv
ities closed with a big dance in thw
Mr. and Mrs. Ray Escholman and
children, Mrs. Anna K. Morton and
sister1, Mlas Florence Kendall, re
turned Saturday morning from a trip
up into the mountains to Roaring
River. They were gone about a week
and report a most enjoyable time.
Walter Glvens and family returned
Saturday from a ten days' outing on
the Oregon const
Bob Smith arrived from California
Saturday to visit at the K. V. Bnrllett
Mr. and Mrs. O. C. Gerbor, Mr. ami
Mrs. Noel Sttrver, Mr. and Mrs. Char
lie Sparks ud Mr. and Mrs. Harold
Wooster returned Saturday from. a
week's outing at the bench.
MCLINO, Ore., Aug. 16. A special
school meeting was ruled at the Mu
lino school house August 11th, to elect
one director to serve out the unex
pired term caused by tho death or
Mrs. R. II. Snodgrass, Osrnr llult was
elected. A special tax of Hi mills
wits defeated.
Mr, and Mrs. Charles Porter end
Mrs. Jim Dnvls returned from, the
const, .where tfiey hud been for an
Tbe Red Cross Society met Friday
and did some sewing. The society
has purchased yarn and Is going to
begin knitting for the soldiers. '
Miss Anise Farr, or Liberal, was
the guest of Mrs. Ed Itordlne last
Mrs. Kph Dodge and her daughter,
Miss Althea Macdonald. left last Fi'
dny for Dallas, to visit Mr. and Mrs.
C..M. Daniels.
Mr. and Mrs. Ilulnes have gone to
tho mountains for nn outing.
Mrs. Harvey, of Kansas City, -i)g
the guest of Mr. mid Mrs. George V,
Smith, lust week.
Miss Clark, of Portland, wa;. a
week-end guest of Mrs. Ed Benllne
last wek.
A Willamette Valley Southern train
struck Mr, Holsteln's cow last. Mon
day, killing her almost Instantly.
Rev. Snyder, of Molalla, preached
In the church here Sunday. Sunday
school and preaching were postponed
until cooler weather, when they will
resume will be announced at a later
date. x
HOFF, Ore., Aug. 16. Mr. and Mrs.
Frank Wagenblast spent Sunday af
ternoon with their son, Elmer Hughes,
and family, at Glen Station.
Ed Brundrldge made a trip to
Salem Sunday, also calling on his
brothers at Independence; returning
Monday. He also reported a large
fire at Falls City and Mack Rock,
rendering people homoleSs. They had
to move peopTb out by way of trucks
and carB to save their lives. Hfc also
reports the house whore he had some
household goods stored was also
burned and nothing saved.
North Plains: Logging on Califor
nia Barrel company's tract In Klats
kanio river district commence.
CANUY. Ore., Aug. 15. 1'. O. Stacy
and daughter, llortense, of Portland,
were Canby visitors Thursday.
Mrs.'Goorge HoudNhadlvr mid Miss
Amy Whipple were Port hind visitors
Charles Hulras, Jr., and wile, of
Molalla, visited Mr. nud Mrs. Charles
Hul ins Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. llul
ras, Jr. was Injured at Molalla by .u
pile of railroad ties fnllliiK on lilui
Mr. and Mm. 8. It Reece returned
Wednesday from an extended visit
In South Dakota. Mr. Hooch says tho
crops are extremely short In the com
munities ho has visited.
Mrs, M. D. MoFarland returned on
Wednesday from a visit with friends
In Pint la ad.
Mr. and Mrs. ft I. Garrett and Mr.
and Mrs. Kile Garrett left Thursday
for a vacation ut Rockaway lieurh.
Mr. and Mrs. Solon Klner, if Needy
were guests of Mr, and Mrs., Dr. Gar
rett Wednesday.
Mrs. D. R. Dliulok l-ft Wednesday
for the Oregon City hospital, whore
she will undergo a surgical operation
Grant White made h business (ri
to Salem Wednesday.
Mrs. C, A, Bradford returned Wed
nesday from a weekend visit with
hor brother at Jefferson, Oregon.
Mr, and Mrs. lionry Hewett, of Hub
bard, were Canby ' visitors Wednes
day. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Ktiiiffmnn, of
Hubbard, were vIhUIiir friends In Can
by Wednesduy.
Joseph K. Sutherland made a busi
ness trip to Portland Monday.
Miss Uirritliio ,ee returned Mon
day evening from a week's outing l
'Day Ocean. While there she was a
guest of Miss lllen Winer.
Mr. and Mrs. V. V. Morgan and fain
tly, of Angeles, ar guests of Mr.
and Mrs. W, M. Hair this week. Mr.
Morgan U a commission merchant of
I.ob Angeles.
Ralph Mandevlllo wa an Oregon
City visitor Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles N. Walt sre
spending ther vnentlon at Newport,
wher they own a summer home.
Mrs. H. 11. Kccles was a guest of
Mrs. Ivan Dlmlck, of Aurora. Tues
day. Miss May Sennits spent Sunday
with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Schultx
of Molalla.
Mrs. Sarah D. Prouty and son. Al
len, Mrs. John Graham and Mis Mlna
Graham, left Monday for California,
where Mrs. Prouty will visit friends
for the remainder of tho suinmei',
while Mrs. Graham Will mnke her fu
ture home In that state.
Miss Hlnnche Do Iory. of Portland,
Is a guest of Mr. and Mrs. M. P.
Sailor this week.
Mrs. Grant White, accompanied by
Mrs. Henry J. Hewett of Hubbard,
is spending her vacation at Rockaway
and Mar View.
Willie Hulras. of Oregon City, spent
Tuesday evening with his parents In
Mr. and Mrs. Ed llowman und Mr.
and Mrs. Charlr Thomas are Hpendink
a few weeks at Rockaway.
Arthur Seaten came up from Clack
amas to spend Sunday with his moth
er, Mrs. Carrie Beaton.
Jonas DeeU, James Kauplsch, and
Melvin Kid were home from Clacka
mas Sunday.
Mrs. Carl Smith returned Tuesday
from a visit with relatives In Port
land. Mrs. Orva Fish, of 8ollwood, Is the
guest of her mother, Mrs. Carrie 8oa
ton, this week.
Mr. and Mrs. S. J. Vaughan were
Oregon City visitors this week,
Mabel Hair and son, Gerald, are
visiting relatives In Cottage Gro
this week.
James White has sold his farm near
the Riverside school and has moved
Into Cnnby. where ho will reside this
" Mrs. R. R.ost, of Unity, Ore., Is
spending the summer with her par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Perry Meoks.
Mrs. Meta Gale, of Portland, was
a guest of Mrs. Alice Roth, Monday.
Mrs. C. A. Will returned Saturday
from Pasco, Wash., where Hhc has
been visiting relatives.
John Eckerson spent Sunday with
Mr. and Mrs. J. Le Eckerson.
Chester Douglas left Thursday for
Murshflold, where he has accepted a
position as film operator in the Marsh
field theatre.
Mrs. Jennie Yoder, of Yodnrvllle.
was a gueHt at tho Holn homo Mon
day. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Krueger and
son, Eddie, left Tuesday morning for a
two week's vacation at Wllholt.
Mr. Mace, of Portland, spent a few
days at the Mace farm east of Canby.
Mrs. Chetwood, of Portlund, was
a guest of Mr. and Mrs. Adam Knight.
Miss Rota Fletcher, of Salem, Is a
week-end guest of Prof, and Mrs.
Harvey E. Toblo,
Warren Lee und Mrs. Harry C. Gil
more motored to Lylo, Washington,
to visit their sister, Mrs. D. Ewlng.
Mrs. Ed Shull visited friends In Port
land this week.
Odell : FruU packing house going up
here, 60x100 feet.
Catarrh Cannot De Cured
cannot reach tho seat of the disease.
Catarrh Is a local disease, greatly in
fluenced by constitutional conditions, and
in order to cure It you must take an
internal remedy. Hall's Catarrh Medi
cine Is taken Internully and acts thru
the blood on ths mucous surfacei of the
syetem. Hall's Catarrh Medicine wus
prescribed by one of the beat physicians
In this country for years. It Is com
posed of some of the bout tonics known,
combined with some of the beat blood
purifiers. The perfect combination of
the Ingredients In Hall's Cntarrh Medi
cine it what produces such wonderful
results In catarrhal conditions. Send for
testimonials, free.
P. J. CHENEY ft CO., Props,, Toledo, O.
All Druggists, 76o,
Hall's Family Puis tor constipation.
Jennings Lodge
Th death of Chas, UlMUy has cast a
gloom over this entire community,
whom ho was well known as a kind
friend mid nelKhbor, ns woll as In
his public lire,
The Red Cross society Is doing
most excellent work and is accom
plishing even inor than was at first
anticipated. t
OeorgoV Robertson, of Addy street,
has gone to St. Vincent's hospital to
receive medical attention.
Ernest Knot ha Is recovering from
an operation for thn removal of ade
noids and tonsils.
Mrs, Minnie II. Alttmut was a busi
ness caller on Tuesday,
T. J, Hlngli'ton Is very low at the
homi of his duugbler, Mrs, Duvld
('laments. Ills children have been
summoned to his bedside.
Mrs. (lixirije Hurtle, of Maker City,
Is vtiiltltig her mother, Mrs. Allen,
Mr. and Mrs. W. I. Illlnstoiia ara en
Joying camp Ufa at Trout Lake, Wash,
Mr. ami Mrs, P. I). Nowall sra at
No'iUlem Peach.
The Hoy Scouts camped on Cedar
Inlnnd Saturday tilulit.
I ho rtvor was very popular on Sun
day, svsry one looking for a cool re
treat Cedar Island was thronged
with bathers and picnickers.
Miss Kate Oltken, of Clackamas,
visited Miss Anna Kuhhi'II this eek.
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Wollor and
children, of Portland, visited with the
A. V. RuhhcII family on Sunday, Mrs.
Wolfer was formerly Miss Maud Mor
ris, o fthe Uxlge,
Mrs. Waldron has returned from a
two w-ek' trip to the Tillamook
Mrs. Hooth and children have re
turned from a trip to Nehrusku and
Imanuel Is thn name given to tho
new son of Mr. and Mrs. Hlndton llech
tel. A picnic dinner on the ramp-ground
on Wednesday availing In honor or
Mr. and Mrs. II. M. lluyles. was en
Joyed by ths following fumllles Mr.
and Mrs. Harry lluyles, Mr. and Mrs.
Hugh Roberts, und family. Mr and
Mrs. C. P. Morse and family, Georgs
Mors,, and Mrs. II. K. Hruerhert and
ramlly. Mr. and Mrs. lluyles depart
soon for thelh new home In Southern
Mrs. A. C. MacFartsnn and daugh
ter. Alice, who recently moved to
Grunts Pass, fro visiting with rela
tives In Oaklaud, Culir.
School opens on September loth.
Through the generoHlty of Mr. and
Mrs. 11. II. KmmniiH, whose home Is at
Jennings Lodge, 40 children of the
Hoys' and Girls' Aid Society enjoyed a
glorious outing this week. Nothing
was left midline to make the day one
never to bo forgotten. Free cur tick
ets and free transportation on the
Kitty Moran were given by gnnerons
friends of the Aid Society. launch
rides and bathing at Cedar Island,
where the bathing suits were donated
by tho management, were features of
the day. A lunch with plenty of good
things to eat for t very youngster wan
served by" Mrs. Kmmons. The child
ren roturnod to Portland at 6 o'clock
on the Kitty Moran, after a day full
of events dear to every child's heart
The chaperones for tho day were Miss
L. Station, Miss Lillian Carse, Miss
Helen Hughes and J. (!. Lllpack.
CLARK ES, Ore., Aug. 16. Misses
Minnie and Gladys Grace, from Port
land, are visiting their brother, Edd
Grace, for a short time.
MIbs Florence Stromgreen, of Col
ton, Is attending summer school In
Oregon City.
Miss Klsle Elmer, of Portland, visit
ed her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Sam
Elmer, and family over Sunday.
Ilonjaniln Stoats, from Oregon City,
was out In Clarkes on a visit with his
Walter Lee Is assisting Mr. llotttv
mlllor during harvest,
L, Stout nnd ramlly are Intending to
move to Nowberg soon.
Miss Lillian Yager visited her aunt
In Portland for a week.
William Kloinsmlth returned to
Eastorn Oregon last week.
Oregon City Women Are Finding Re
lief at Last.
It does seem that women have'moro
than a fair Bharo of tho aches and
pains that nflHot humanity; they must
"keep up," must attend to duties In
splto of constantly aching backs, or
headaches, dl,7,y spells, bearing-down
paiiiB; they must stoop over, when to
stoop means torture. They must walk
and bond and work with racking pains
and many aches from kidney Ills.
Keeping the kidneys well has nparod
thousands of women much misery.
Read of a remedy for kldnoys only
that Is endorsed by people you know.
Mrs. A. Reddawuy, 116 S. Center
St., Oregon City, says: "My back ach
ed most all tho time, It was so wonk
nnd sore that when I got down to do
anything it was nil I could do to
straighten up, Sharp catchoB shot
through my kidneys and for a minute
I could hardly move thoy wore bo
severe. My kidneys also acted too
freely. I folt tlrod all the time nnd
could hardly drag myBolf around. At
ter I had boon taking Donn's Kidney
Fills awhile my back folt stronger
and my kidneys actod more regularly.
I have taken Donn's off and on since
and thoy havo done fine work."-
Price 60c, at all dealorB. Don't
simply ask for a kidney remedy get
Doan's Kidney Pills the same that
Mrs. Reddawuy had. Foster-MUburn
Co., Mnfrs., Dufalo, N. Y.