'thai OREGON CITY ENTERPRISE, FRIDAY, AUGUST 10, 1917. 1 -A 4 t J 4 Elk Prairie ELK PRAIRIE, Ore., Aug. 9. Mr. Kruger and Will Have been packing their caacara bark out to the road ready to send to market. Both men expect to go to the harvest fields east of the mountains soon. Mrs. Leitsel made a trip to Scotts Mills recently. Jay Jones has been appointed for est ranger for this district His work takes him in both Clackamas and Marion counties. . , Mr. Geer accompanied Mr. Jones on one of his recent trips. Lial Boj lan. of Scotts Mills, is herd ing sheep for Mr. Geer, below the Klrd place, t By the load of fnrit upon a tree at the Leitsel place, one would judge that the trouble which had caused prunes and plums to fall so badly in so many places, had not reached this section. The strawberry crop in the moun tains is lust over and. the wild black berries are just beginning to ripen. A horse with saddle and bridle hang ing on it, got away from the owner end was running upon the range for a few days. Mr. Collins came very near losing a fine calf that fed, upon a tansy bed. . Glen Gault lost another large bog. It is now thought that they must have found poisonous roots. Walter LeRoy was on his homestead recently for a day. A party of people from Portland, viewed the LeJtoy property recently, with the intention of locating in the neighborhood. Mr. Thomas and son, of Scotts Mills, were fishing on Butte creek recently. A local rain benefited the feed very much, the past few days. A party of four fishermen from Port land were buying provisions in the neighborhood to continue their trip. C. K. Thomas, who went to the Silver Falls logging camp, has written that he may have to return home soon and go to the Bagby Hot Springs to cure rheumatism. Mr. Thomas and family, of Aurora, .came up in their auto to spend a day with the former's brother, D. B. Gray. Mr. Gray went into Portland recent ly to prove up on his homestead. Glen Gault accompanied him as one of the witnesses. Mrs. E. Leitsel, who was in the neighborhood recently, has returned to Scotts Mills. She was accompanied by her daughter, Miss Hazel. Messrs. Gault and Gray are haying on the prairie. - Messrs. Collins and Shaw went up to Mr. Shaw's ranch recently to see about making a road. Mrs. Swope has found her cow. The animal has been missing for nearly a wek. When one nears Molalla, he finds the county road, which was under con struction barred by plank which should be enough to warn the public, but many of the planks have as many as four large nails, pointing upward. Every horse owner knows that it would be almost the ruination of an animal to step on these. Mulino MULINO, Ore., Aug. 9. The Hult Lumber company's saw mill is kept busy sawing and filling its contracts for lumber, timbers and ties. A number of men are kept busy with teamsand wagons hauling the hun dreds of cords of wood from the woods and loading it onto cars to be shipped to distant points. And if cars are not available they haul it and yard it out near the car line. Mrs. Pete Berdine and granddaugh ter, and !.!-? Nora Miller and her son William, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Berdine, were callers at the August Erlckson home last Wednesday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Eph Dodge and daugh ter. Miss Althea MacDonald, of Molal la, were the guests of Mrs. Dodre's mother, Mrs. Mary Daniels, last Sun day. Mrs. Nora Miller and her son. WHp Ham, were the guests of Mrs. Miller's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Pete Berdine, last week. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Fish and a party of relatives and friends, motored on the Columbia highway last Sunday. Oscar L. Daniels made a business trip to Oregon City last Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Fisher and baby, of Liberal, called on Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Erickson last Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Waldorf, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wallace and Lewis Chuchill, motored to the Columbia highway. The trip was made in the Waldorf's Ford automobile. Mrs. Dlmick, of Woodburn, was the guest of her daughter, Mrs. Schenk, last week. N. H. Darnell gave a dinner last Wednesday in honor of Mrs. Mary Rohl, who is the house guest of Mrs Catherine Goucher. Those present were Mrs. Mary Rohl, Mrs. Catherine Goucher, Mrs. Mary Daniels, Miss Kate Daniels and A. L. Jones. Mrs. Rose Dozier left last Sunday to ioint her husband. She will not re turn to Mulino until her crops are har vested. Then she will dispose of them, and perhaps make her home here In Mulino again. Mm. Marr Rohl. Mrs. Catherine Goucher and Mrs. Mary Daniels were the guests of Mrs. Joe Daniels last Thursday. Damascus DAMASCUS, Or Aug. 9. Da mascus Grange No. 260, held a picnic on the banks of the Clackamas Sat urday, which was a very delightful occasion. The weather was warm elsewhere, but it was cool and com fortable beside the water and in it, so they said, and most of them were in it a good part of the afternoon. W. H. H. Dufur, master of Woodlawn Grant gave a fine talk. Our Pomo na lecturer also had some, good things to say to us. There was plenty of ice cream and lemonade for everybody. Elmer Mickey, a resident of Bor ing, was found dead, beside the Bor ing school house Sunday noon, by some boys, who were passing. He had been painting the school house and had fvidentfy fallen from the scaffold, a distance of probably twen ty feet. A broom was on the roof near where he had been working, and a wasp's nest had been torn down from the eves close by. He was a man about twenty-five years of age, and left a wife, who was away from home at the time, so no one had missed him when he failed to return from work. He was last seen alive about 5 o'clock Saturday evening, when a neighbor passed where he was working. W. W. Cooke is here visiting rela tives and transacting business. He's now living In Polk County, having traded his home here for roperty in that place. George C. House, of Meadow Grove. Nebraska, and Fred O. Rouse, of Elco, Nevada, were visiting their niece, Mrs. G. C. Dallas, a few days last week. Miss Annie Rlnearson, of Gladstone, has been visiting friends In this vicin ity. Damascus Grange No. 260 held its rnnual picnic on the banks of the Clackamas river the first Saturday in August Mr. and Mrs. Morgan, of Portland, visited J. R. Dallas and wife recently. Mrs. Lee Shaw, of Tekoa, ts visit ing her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Cooke. Hal Roach and Harold Norton left last week for Ft tSevens, training camp. Mrs. George Dallas visited friends ! at Newberg one day last week. Eagle Creek EAGLE CREEK, Ore., Aug. 6. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Douglass, accompan ied by H. H. L'dell and wife, motored to Oregon City and Portland last Wed nesday. Miss Mable Beckett left for Port land last Friday, and is spending a few days in the Rose City. Mrs. Roy Meyers was an Oregon City visitor one day last week. , Mr. and Mrs. Roy Douglass and Mrs. R. B. Gibson were Portland visitors last Wednesday. H. H. Hoffmelster and son, Dave, have recently purchased a Ford car. Mr. Miner, of Sandy, held services at the Douglas school house Sunday evening. Miss Naomi , Paddison was the re cipient of a pleasant call from the Misses Mildred and Florice Douglass one day last week. Mrs. Annie Beckett was a Portland visitor Sunday. Mr. and Mrs." Roy Douglass, accom panied by Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Gibson, motored to Shuebel Sunday and en joyed a visit with Mr. and Mrs. G. Moehnke, the parents of Mrs. Doug lass. Ernest Hoffmelster and Virgil Douglass left on Sunday for Eastern Oregon, where they will work through harvest Miss Mary Woodle is spending a few days with some of her friends at Viola. The picnic given by the Spring- water, George and Eagle Creek Sun day schools at Fern camp Saturday, was well attended. The day was spent in partaking of the fine picnic dinner prepared by the ladies, also en joying ice cream, and after dinner some went In swimming and wading. All seemed to have an enjoyable time. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Douglass called on the fonrer's mother, Mrs. Viola Doug lass, on Monday. Smith and Northup, merchants of Eagle Creek, are building an addition to their store. Damascus DAMASCUS, Or., Aug. 3. A number of Damascus people attended the Grange Field Day exercises at Gresh am last Saturday. Miss Anna Rinearson, who has been visiting friends near Damascus the past week, has returned to her home at Gladstone. A party was held at the home of Mrs. Fredolph the other day, when the ladies present completed a friendship quilt to be given as a birthday sur prise to Mrs. Myrtle Bowerman, for nlerly of this place, but mow living in Polk County. Mr. S. C. Young and some other members of the Grange are preparing the grounds for the annual Grange plo nic next Sunday. Deaverton: Pacific Potato Starch company to erect 160,000 plant here. 81W Wilsonville WILSONVILLE, Ore., Aug. 9. Mr. and Mrs. IT. D. Aden, Misses Fern and Marvel Bliss, and Dwlght Seely re turned on Thursday from the coast. Misses Margaret and Caryl Mao- Teeters, of Forest Grove, have been! visiting relatives here, for two weeks. Mrs. Howard, of Portland, spent last week ttt the home of her son, R. W. Graham. Dr. Jobse is enjoying a visit from his sister, Mrs. Post, of Wisconsin. Ed Baker has started out with his threshing machine. Mr. and Mrs. Reed Graham went to Wilhoit Springs, Sunday. Christina Batalgia is visiting her parents near Wilsonville. Peters and Aden have been baling in the Corral Creek district this week. Mrs. Jackson and her daughters, Marguerite and Lucile, have been vis iting Mr .and Mrs. Aubrey Wood for a week. Claire Say entertained the Corral Creek Young Peoples' club on last Thursday evening. Mrs. HarUell and children and other relatives from Portland, are camping at the Wood's farm. Mrs. Aubrey Wood entertained the members of the Red Cross, of Corral Creek district, on Thursday afternoon, and the ladies accomplished a good Little Tlhiimgs JMtalke LAS e We want your business on the little things for the farm Bale Ties, Binder Twine, Hay Tools, Tank Pumps, Cider Mills, Etc. Our goods are Class A and prices as low as conditions will allow. A Few Big Things You May Be Needing: DOWDEN POTATO DIGGERS, r SANDWICH HAY PRESSES, BLIZZARD SILO FILLERS, STOVER ENGINES. BEST FARM MACHINERY ye deal of hewing, under the direction of Miss Nellie Angus. A delightful party was given at the Butler home on Thursday evening, by the members of the Wilsoville club, in honor of Dr. Butler, who will soon leave for the call to the colors. The W. C. T. U, members met at the home of Mrs. Raymond Seely, on Thursday afternoon, and sewing for the Red Cross was continued under the direction of Mrs. Andrews, of Ore gon City, who has been assisting the women of our village in the work. Condon: Contract let for several fine ranch homes. Catarrh Cannot Be Cured with LOCAL, APPLICATIONS, as they cannot reach the seat ot the disease. Catarrh is a local disease, greatly in fluenced by constitutional conditions, and In order to cur it you must take an Internal remedy. Hall's Catarrh Medi cine is taken Internally and acts thru the blood on the mucous surfaces of the system. Hall's Catarrh Medicine was prescribed by one of the best physicians In this country for years. It is com posed of some of the best tonics known, combined with some ot the best blood fiuriflers. The perfect combination of he Ingredients In Hall's Catarrh Medi cine is what produces such wonderful results In catarrhal conditions. Send for testimonials, free. F, J. CHENEY & CO., Props., Toledo, n All DruKKlsts, 7fic. Hall's Kmily Pills fur constipation. Macksburg MACKSBURG. Ore., Aug. I.-Agntu the busy hum of the grain thresher and of the eloverhuller are heard, and at intervals the whistle announcing the welcome meal-time to be enjoyed with a sest that only strenuous out-of door toll can give. The weather la, of course. Ideal for harvesting and the yield Is by no means, as small as hits been feared. It is as if Mother Nature was In sym pathy with our ambition to stand welj with the army of world-feeders and had brought toroward the crops to a degree almosot unprecedented in a drouth of like duration. The pasture is for the first time showing the ab sence of moisture. Fruit is ripening and very abund ant The wild blackberries are on the wane after filling many a storeroom with jars of Jelly and Jam, besides bringing a tidy sum ot money to those who picked for the market. Their suc cessor, the evergreen blackberry, will soon be ripe. Already the mussy viues, la many places covering the entire side of a building, are loaded with dark crimson fruit, giving the eye a pleas ure that is exquisite by their contrast with the luxuriant foliage of richest green. Busy as the housewives are, preserving fruit and catering to the appetites of hungry harvesters, they manage to give some play to the social side ot their nature. The new Woman's Club met July 36, at the home of Mrs. Adams. A very pleasant and busy session was held. Red Cross work was the chief occupa tion for this meeting. Mrs. Simon Miller, vice-president of the Mothers' Club, with her daughter. Miss Pearl Miller, were visitors. The Mothers' Club met on the after- W. j: Wilson & Co. OREGON CITY Geo. Blatchford Portland, Oregon noon of Thursday, August 2, at the home of Mrs. Simon Miller. Mrs. Al bert Moshberger, with her children, was present as a guest. It was decid ed to lay aside the regular work of the club for a while and do something for the Red Cross. The next meeting is to be at the home of Mrs. Ben Dreier. The Woman's Club of the Lutheran church is still holding its regular ses sions. They are working for their an nual bazaar to be held the coming win ter. Mrs. Harry Sherwood has organized a sewing class for the girls of her neighborhood to meet on Saturdays at her home. Mrs. Nettle Vogel, of Portland, with her two children, are visUIng her mother, Mrs. J. Gibson. Patrick Gibson has returned from California, and is working near Auro ra. Miss Howe, of Estacada, Is to teach the Bear Creek school for the ensuing school year. Miss Howe is to make her home with Mr, and Mrs. Mtlo Lentz. Miss Rachel Miller has been attend ing a church camp meeting In Grants Pass for the last week. Mrs. Simon Miller has been sent as a delegate by the Liberal Sunday school to the State Sunday School Con vention, now in session at Jennings Lodge. The welcome sound of the Lutheran church bell came to us on Saturday evening to announce the coming morn ing service, and agalu on Sunday morn ing at church time. The remoteness of ranch life makes It easy to under .stand the sorrow of Alexander Selkirk in his exile, at the thought of never again hearing "the sound of the church going bell." , Hoff HOFF, Ore., Aug. It has been very smoky and disagreeable In this vicinity for the past woek, owing to so many forest fires, Mrs. J. R. Hull, who, for the past mouth hue been on the sick list, Is much Improved In health. Mr. Uioney, of Glen Station, was a caller at the mill this morning, A. R. Williams, of Oregon City made brief call at the mill one day lust week. Eugene Iiummers, of Cottage Grove, formerly of this place, arrived here Friday. He has accepted the position as head sawyer at the mill, The mill started up this morning, after several days' lay off. Mr, umi Mrs. U'oaard Ruock left this week for Portland, where he has accepted a position with Northwestern Steel company. He has for the past month been employed at the J lull's saw mill. Mrs. Kuark Is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Fomal, of this place. Meadowbrook MKADOWBROOK. Ore., Aug. 9.- iiWiftfiTiTrfif MOLALLA Mr. and Mrs. Schlewe and son, Paul, spent Sunday at Stafford. Maurice and Dede Fisher, of Port land, are visiting Allen and Ruth Lar king, for a few days. Chimlgren young folks spent Sunday on the Columbia highway. Mrs. Minerva Larklns returned to her home at Clarkes Monday, after spending several days visiting at A, L. Larklns. . Mrs. Cora Thorbrue, ot Bentl, Ore gon, and Georgia Huff, of Portland, are visiting friends and relatives at this place. , Llllle Schlewe, Clara and Beulah Hofstetter, Eva and Letha Sullivan visited Ruth and Alma Larklns Sun day.' POLK'S GAZETTEER A Business Directory f eacfi CHr, Town and Villain fas Oregon and Washtngtoa, giving1 ft leirlptlve Hkatch of each place. Location, WiiDDln SacUllles ana CIiuhiU jtled Directory el Cscb Business ad PiofeMlon. B. I I'OT.K CO. Ine, Barlow BARLOW, Ore,, Aug, 7.-Mrs, Lena Bond and Mr. Wood Young were mar ried In Idaho, July 24. Their friends wish them happiness.. Mr. and Mrs, Young will reside in Barlow in the old Pusey home recently occupied by Mr. and Mrs. C. Q, Tull. Mr. and Mrs. Oley Berg have gone on another touring trip in Oregon. Elmer Irwin 'won, to Portland Sat urday evening on his motorcycle, lie went up the Columbia highway Sunday accompanied by Harold Bage, K. E, trwln took a trip to Coos Bay Saturday, returning Sunday. Mrs. C. N. Grading has gone east to visit her parents. Mrs. Chris Zleglor entertained the Ladles' Aid Wednesday. Norman Crowty and one of the Grlb ble boys were among the ffrst to ar rive on the scene of the terrible acci dent on the New Era hill Sunday even ing, as tbey were returning home from Portland. The boys ssy it Is a scene they will never forget. Mrs. Scoggln Is visiting her son ltae, at Mnrcola. , Mr, Mix has gone to Independence to harvest. The directors are hsvlng a new woodshed built on the school grounds. The school house will have a new roor and a fresh coat of paint. Mr. Karr, of Oanby, being the lowest bid der, received the job and is doing the work. " 1 Elk Prairie ELK PRAIKIK, Ore., Aug. 8.-Mr. Stone and Mr. MeUger were in the neighborhood fishing and looking after property Interests. Mr. Stone says that If they receive the permit to float logs down Butte Creek two logging camps will be Installed. I C. K. Thomas has returned from Sil ver Falls logging camp, where he has been working for some time. D. B. Gray Is hauling bis winter's supply of groceries. Frank Hilton's little girl, who broke her arm when playing recently, has recovered. Mrs. Hilton's sister and her husband are visiting with them. Mr. Collins made a trip to Molalla, recently. Jennings Lodge JENNINGS LODGE. Ore.. Aug. 8 Mrs. Maud Spooner, of San Francisco, Is visiting her daughter, Vivien. Homer Williams has returned from Astoria, where he had been engaged in fishing for salmon. Mr. and Mrs. II. J. Robinson and son are In Portland, visiting Mrs. Robin son's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Laing. J. Hamilton Lalrig, the popular con tributor to the Sunset Magazine, ac companied Mrs. Robinson to the Lodge on Friday lust. Mrs. A. J. Williams leaves soon for a visit with relatives at Merrilan, Wis. Mrs. Frank Fisher and son, Robert, ot Mllwaukle, were gueHts of Mrs. K, A. Sanders on Saturday. Francis Le Cure is very ill at his home on Hull avenue. ' Miss Alice Waldron and Mrs: G. Stevens are among a party of six, who are enjoying the camp life near Wil hoit. Jack Hampton, Jr., Is at the Boy Scout camp at Long Beach, WaHh., enjoying his vacutlon. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Ulabrand and son motored to McMlnnvllle on, Sun day to spend the day with Lester Ula brand. Clay Johnston Is visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Mead Kennedy. Camp meeting ot the Evangelical Association ot Oregon and Washing ton, has been very largely attended this year. The Puget Sound cities joined in this year making the attend ance very large. The Y, P. A. and S. S. conventions were held this week. Among the visiting clergymen were: Rev. Thuskneckt Plummer, Rev. E. D. Hornshuh, Rev. E. G. Hornshuh, Rev. T. R. Hornshuh, Rev. Plummer, Rev. Glel, Rev. Lelnlng, lis v. Lauber, Rev, Doesher, Rev. Stoeker, Rev. Matake, Rev, WlevesJek, Rev. Fisher, Rev. Abel Rev, Culver. , Lentz' orchestra fur nished several musical programs, the Liberal choir singing at the Sunday afternoon service. Some yellow cherries have been ex hibited at the Jennings Lodge store, which have baffled most people as to their name. They were grown at the Brltton place at Meldrum, and have at tracted considerable attention. E. S. Larsen, of Oregon City, was a business caller On Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Milton Potter and Bon, Donald, motored to Seaside to spend a week, MIssMary Pierce joined a touring party to southern California. She ex pects to visit her grandmother, Mrs, Pierce, at Long Beach. Miss Georgia Kessl has returned from a month's visit with her father at Harlan, Ore. Vv George Martin has returned to Wal la Walla, Wash., much Improved in health. .BE E CUSTODY OF CHILD A divorce was granted last Monday to Mrs. Bertha Prain from Jack Praln. Shs whs also given the custody of s child, Nellie, and $16 a month alimony, Canby CANBY, Ore., Aug 9 .Mr. and Mrs. Herbert A. Berkmsn ami daughter, Barbara, were Portland visitors Wed nesday, Mrs. Klmor Bowles, of Oregon City, was a guest of her sister, Mrs, 'J, Iee Kckerson, Wednesday. Ora Blyter made a business trip to Portlaud Wednesday, Mr. and Mrs. M. J. L and" Miss Lorraine Lee spent Wednesday In Portland. Pr, and Mrs. John Fuller, of Jeffer son, were' week-end guests of Mr, and Mrs. Adnm II. Knight, ' Alvln Hamilton, ot Mncksburg, was a Canby shopper Thursday. Mrs, S, M. Strubhsr and daughter, of Woodburn. were Ciiby visitors Wednesday, Mrs. E. E, Nelson, ot Portland, was a guest of 'her sister, Mrs. J. Lee Eok- on. Thursday, Mr, ami Mrs. James Smith, of Macks burg, were Canby shoppers Friday. Mr. and Mrs, Eugene Mitts, of Needy, were Canby visitors Friday. Jake Mitts, who Is an employe ot the Sllverton Lumber company, spent sev eral days this week with his parents, Mr. and Mrs, James Mitts. Mr, and Mrs. Edgar Smith left Mon day morning via auto for an extended visit to San Francisco. Mr. and Mrs. D. 11. Dlmick were Oregon City visitors Monday, W, U Kinney mads a business trip to Portland Saturday. Mrs. Herbert Berkman and daugh ter left Monday for a vacation at the coast. Eddie Huiras left Tuesday for Fres no, Calif. . Mr, and Mrs. W. II. Balr returned Sunday from a week's vacation at Sea side and other coast resorts. Mr .and Mrs. Clifford Burgess .who have beet visiting with the latter's mother, Mrs. Minnie Brandford, re turned Monday to their home in Asto- M, J, Lte was a Portland visitor Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Grant White and Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Graham motored to Mt Hood Sunday. Mrs. C, Bowlsby was a Portland, Oregon City shopper Saturday. Mrs. W, D. McParland visited with friends in Oregon City Saturday. Myrtle Burgess, Gwendolyn Evans, and Mr. Launer are attending the Clackamas County Teachers' Institute at Oregon City. Ralph Swauby Is spending the week visiting relatives In Portland. i AI Lorcnx, ot Lone Elder, was a bus iness visitor In Canby. Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. H. H.Eerles spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Dlm ick of Aurora. Canby's famous sweet corn is at tracting much attention in the Port land markets. Mr. Cummlngs produc es soma ot the best corn In Oregon on his farm north of Canby. He markets his produce both In Portland and San Francisco. Mr. and Mrs. George Bendshadler were Portland visitors Tuesday. James Kauplsch, Joseph Schaubet, J Clarence Eld, Molvin Kid. Arthur Sea- ton, Jonas Doeta, Delbcrt Hutchinson and Donald Zee came up from the en campment at Clackamas to spend Sun day with relatives In Canby. They all were in the best ot health and alt are looking forward eagerly to go to California. - Mrs. Carrie Seaton was the guest ot her daughter, Mrs. Orvll Fish. In Portland, Sunday. Mrs, Ivan Dlmick, of Aurora, spent Wednesday with Mr. and Mrs. D. R. Dlmick. Lester Burkholder, of Molalla, was a Canby visitor Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. A. O. Spauldlng, of Portland, were week-end guests ot Mrs. Minnie Bradford. Mrs. J. E. Sutherland and children, who spent two weeks visiting rela tives at Hlllsboro .have returned home. MARTIAL LAW IN CLAY LEXINGTON, Ky Aug. 8. Martial luw was In force today in Clay, Whore DO men were killed In a coal mine ex plosion last week, All but 10 bodies have been recovered. ONE WEAK 8POT Many Ore&on City People Have Weak Part and Too Often It's the Back Many people have a weak spot. Too often it's a bad back. Twinges follow every sudden twist. Dull aching keeps up, day and night. Backache is often -from weak kid neys. In such a case a kidney medicine is needed. Doan's Kidney Pills are for weak kidneys. ' For backache and urinary ills. , Oregon City people recommend the remedy. J. F. Montgomery, W. Oregon City, says: "I had been troubled tor Borne time and my kidney and bladder an noyances and had dull ache in my back across my kidneys. I used one box ot Doan's Kidney Pills, which I bought at Huntley Bros. Co.'s Drug Stose, and the pains soon left me. The kidney and bladder troubles were relieved, too. (Statement given April 4, 1913.) On April 17, 1918, Mr. Montgomery said: "I am still strong for Doan's Kid ney Pills and whenever I can I recom mend them to my friends. They never fall to do me good when I have occa sion to take a kidney medicine." ' Price 60c, at all dealers. Don't sim ply ask for a kidney remedy-get Doan's Kidney Pills the same that Mr. Montgomery has twice publicly recommended,