OREGON CITY ENTiftPRlSE, FRIDAY. JULY 27, 1917 LOTTERY AT WASHINGTON WASHINGTON, July SO,- Secretary of War Newton D. llaker drew the first numbtr of the thousands that will enroll America's young manhood In the nw national army, It was 2(1. Tke drawing la being hold In room 226, senate office building, and at tended by a tow officials and newspa pr num. Tho bulk of America'! first draft army had boon choaen by lot at :33 o'clock today, when the an nouncers bad clicked off 8,000 pnllnt numbers. These 8000 numbers ahould Inform practically every man subject to call among the flrat 887,000 men, How ever, from 5000 upward will bi neces aary to oover certain scattered dls trlcta. Numbera ran ao high that of ficials wore not certain that ao few aa 2000 would be enough to cover the flrat call. At the rate the drawing la proceed Ing It will be difficult to complete It before 6 o'clock Bnturday morning. Late thla afternoon General Crow der announced that the draft would continue uutll all numbera have been recorded. The aecond number drawn waa 2522, ihe third 9(13. Chairman Chamber lain of the annate military affalra com mittee drew the aecond. Chairman Dent of the houae committee the third. Senator Warren, ranking Republican member of the aenate military affalra committee picked the fourth; Repre aentatlve Kaon, ranking Republican member of the houa military affalra -committee, the fifth; Acting Chief General miss, the sixth; Provoat Mar anal Crowder, the aevenlh, and Adju tant General McCain, the 'eight. The draft then proceeded formally after the movie macblnea had been removed. It required 1 hour and 45 mlnutea to draw the flrat 1000 numbera. The announrera are elowlng down, getting hoane and changing ah If t a frequently. ltofore drawing the flrat number Secretary Maker madq a brief apeech, In which he explained the purpoae of the drawing, and assuring the nation the draft waa being conducted with all falrneaa. General Crowder, Jude advocate gen eral of the army, alao made a ahort explanation of the mechanical pro ceaaea by which the namea were to be drawn. "Gentlemen, we are met a re to con duct the lot or draft by which the new national army la to be recruited and auc-h increases aa are necessary to bring the regular army to war atrength are to be obtained," aatd Secretary Baker. "Thla la an occaalon of very great dignity and aome aolemnlty. It rep resent a principle which we believe to be democratic and fair In aelectlng eoldlera to uphold the national honor. "The preparation for thla have been conducted not only with the utmoat falrneaa but with every effort to pre aerve all those appearance of fair ness nocessory to reaaaure and satisfy tho country that It la being conducted with justice to all. "It had been hoped to conduct it with greater brevity, but owing to a inlnhap thla would not be possible. "Thla does not mean that there la any change in the system It 1' pure ly a chnngo of mechanics. The aame persona will be drawn who would have ' been drawn had the first plan boen followed." Secretary Baker took occasion to emphaalte the equality of drafted men, aa compared with troops in other olementa of the military organization. 'They are equal In all respects aa to right and privilege," he aaid. "It haa boen suggested In aome sections that waya be found tor paying special hon or to the drafted men. I hope these will be acted on that we may break down prejudice and make It plain that these men are the equal of all other sold lore." Representative Kahn of California drew the highest number among those drawn by the officials. He drew 10, 218. This means he drew only one man, as only one district registered more than 10,000. When Secretary Baker and other prominent officials had done with the honorary drawing of the first eight numbers, the task was turned over to Goneral Crowder'i otatf. The regular staff, handled the task with precision, moving tiro numbers from the capsules to the big black boards with the utmost dtBpatch. TD AMEND FOOD BILL IS PLANNED BY SESSION A WASHINGTON, July 19. The aenate this afternoon, 63 to 10, refused to make Herbert C. Hoover, sola food dic tator. It rejected the Shafroth amend ment for one food administrator. A Reed amendment aimed to elim inate Hoover was defeated previously, A committee amendment l atlll pend ing for a board of three members. WASHINGTON, July 19.-The He was passed In one of the bitterest rows the senate haa seen this session, when Senator Reed of Missouri this afternoon launched a movement hav ing for lt object the ousting of Her bert C. Hoover aa food administrator. He proposed an amendment- to the food control bill which would have put the administration of the act in the hands of a commission of five, all of whom must be bona fide residents and qualified votora of the United States. Senators declared this would shut out Mr. Hoover. "I do not want to put the control of our foods In the hands of a man whose every Interest Is In some country not our own, declared senator iteea, ' I want to put them In control of Ameri can cltlxene, who have no foreign al liances." Senator Hollls of New Hampshire charged that 8onator Reed had cross- examined Mr. Hoover when ho was on the witness stand before the senate agricultural committee "aa mercilessly as It he were a chief thief on trial In a polio court." "That is absolutely and unqualified ly false," abouted Reed, "I rlae . "I refuse to yield," retorted Senator Hollls. After Senator Hollls had completed bis talk Senator Reed demanded and received reuognltlon on a point of order. "The aenator aald I treated Mr. Hoover as a chicken thief," said Sen ator Reed. 'That la a reflection on me. It la absolutely and unqualifiedly false." "It la not a personal privilege In the aenate tor one aenator to stand here and call another a liar," Inter rupted Senator Williams of Missis sippi. Amid much rapping of the gavel for order Senator Reed aald: "I Invite any man who Is fair and decent and honest to read the record of how I treated Mr. Hoover." Senator Williams came to Hoover's defense with an Indorsement stronger than any yet heard on the floor ot the aenate. "If I had my way," the Mlsslsslpplan heatedly declared, "I would have the bill name the man who would be the rood administrator, ana that man would be Hoover. I would name him chiefly because o fthe absolutely un fair, false and unjustified attacks that have been made upon him. "If President Wilson appoints Hoov er, he appoints a great American one of the greatest In the country. He Is our best American of the self made type. He Is a man all over, every Inch of him. Intellectually, physically and morally. He was called upon by the president to do this work, and he has been presecuted, he haa been ar ralgned aa un-American and possibly dishonest. The attacks are unfair, unJUHt and uncalled for in every pos sible way. Hoover is head and shoulders above the average man. His Amer Icanlsm cannot be challenged. He is as loyal as a man can be, and Is hon est as God makes men. thla is a war emergency and big mon are needed, and the man who should be chosen ahould be a man ot Hoover's typo." SALEM, Or,, July 24. Quarreling among themselves over a man who was aiding tbem, two of the glrla who escaped Sunday night from tho Indus trial School for Girls, walked Into Sa lem about midnight last night, and from a downtown garage telephoned to the achool authorities to come after them, and Chief of Police Cooper and Sheriff Needham found the third girl asleep In the dairy barn at tho state school for the deaf. The girls told the officers that two men helped them to escape in an au tomoblle. The girls were brought to Salem and after apendlng aome time In town went out to a dense woods near the achool for the deaf. They spent Sunday night in the woods, they aald. Monday, they said, they were brought meals by a third man, who caused the trouble which prompted two of the girls to give fflemselvea up. One ot tho girls objected to the man's advances, and the other two sided with him and the row began. The girls told tho officers they did not know the names of any of the men but the officers are confident they can put their hands on the men when they are wanted. fiction and profile on file In the County Clerk's office, iiids must be accompanied by a certified check for 6 per cent of the amount named in the bid, and any or all bids may be rejected by the County Court. II. 8. ANDERSON, Judge. A. II. KNIGHT, W, A. PROCTOR, Commissioners, Notice Administratrix tale. Notice la hereby given that the under signed administratrix ot the estate of E, B. Joues, deceased, "as on June 6, 1917, by the County Court of linn County, Oregon, duly licens ed to sell tho following real proper ty, tc-wlt: Beginning at a point In the line between Sees. 15 and 16, Tp. 4, 8, R, 1 K. of the W. M. and B. 1325.61 ft. dlstan from tho corner ot Sees. 9, 10, 15 and 16; thence with the Sec. lino 8. 441.83 ft; thence N. 89 degrees, 20 minutes W. 985.87 ft.; thence W. 441.83 ft.; thence S. 89 degrees 20 mlnutea E. 985.89 ft. to the place of beginning containing 10 acres except a strip 10 ft. wide off the ,W. end thereof for road purpos es, all In Clackamas county, Oregon. On and after Monday, August 27, 1917, the undersigned will proceed to sell at private sale for caith to the highest bidder all or the Interest of said deceased In aald real property, and bids for said property may be presented to C. C. Bryant, Attorney Albany, Ore. MARY W. JONES, Administratrix. City, in eald County and State, sell at public auction, subject to redemp tion, to the highest bidder for TJ. 8. gold coin cash In hand, all the right, title and interest which the within named defendants or either of them, had on the date of the mortgage herein or since had In or to the above described real property or any part thereof, to satisfy said ex ecution, judgment order, decree, costs and all accruing costs. W. J. WILSON, Sheriff of Clackamas County, Oregon. By K. C. Hackett, Deputy. Dated, Oregon City, Ore., July 6th, 1917, LUTHER BURBANK IS DANGEROUSLY ILL AT HIS HOME CAVES ARE NEW CLASSROOMS IN FRANCE TODAY NEW YORK, July 19. Schools In caves, with pupils and teachers wear ing gas masks,- are extremes to which war-ridden France has gone to insure for every child "that heritage In which alone is the property ot an enduring nation," says an official report to the regents of the university of the Btate ot New York, by John L. Finley, pres Ident ot the university and state com missioner of education. Mr. Finley re cently returned from France, where he studied the effect ot the war on the Frenoh school system. Franco has not for one moment for gotten her culture defense, said Pres ldent Finley. Women by thousands have taken the places of men teachers called to the fron, many ot them, In capacitated from battle, hare returned to teach. SANTA ROSA, Cal July 24J Fear that a fever may set In with serious results la the chief cause ot anxiety today over the condition of Luther Burbank, the plant wizard, who is suf fering from heat prostration and other complications a thla home here. The last reports were that Burbank's con dition waa unchanged. North Bend box factory will amall sawmill to Increase output add Notice Notice la hereby given that the Public Service Commission of the State of Oregon ha set the application of the Clackamas County Driving and Rafting company for a franchise to drive lo, lumber and timber pro ducts on Butte and Coal creeka In Clackamas County, Oregon, for hear ing on tho twenty ninth (29th) day of August at 11 o'clock a. m., in the court houae In Oregon City, Oregon, All persons Interested In said mat ter may be heard In person or by attorney. CLACKAMAS COUNTY DRIV- ING AND RAFTING COM PANY, By WM. M. STONE, Secretary, deceased; Walter Given and Oracle H. Glvens, his wife, defendants, for the sum of 12000, with Interest there on at the rate of six per cent per an num from tho 17th day of February, 1914, and the further sum of 1150.00 as attorney's fee, and the further sum of $.13.65 costs and disbursements, and the coats of and upon this writ, com manding ma to make sale of tho fol lowing described real property, situ ate In the county of Clackamas, state of Oregon, to-wit: The north half (Ntf) of Section Six (6) in Township Four (4) South Range Five (5) East of the Willam ette meridian, except tho east 220 rods thereof. Now, Therefore, by virtue of said execution, Judgment order and decree, Summons and In compliance with the commands In the Circuit Court of the State of of said writ, I will, on Saturday, the Oregon, for Clackamas County, 25th day ot August, 1917; at the hour William Asplnwall, Plaintiff, of 10 o'clock a. m at the front door vs. of tho County Court House In the Elsie Asplnwall, Defendant City of Oregon City, In said County To Elsie Asplnwall, defendant above and State, sell at public auction, sub- named: Ject to redemption, to the highest bid- In the name of the State of Oregon dei" for V. S. gold coin cash in hand, you are hereby required to appear all the right, title and interest which and answer the complaint ot the plain- the within named defendants or either tiff, filed against you In the above of them, had on the date of the mort- entitled suit, on or before six weeks gage herein or since had in or to tho "om tho 13th day of July, 1917; that above described real property or any being the date of the first publication part thereof, to satisfy said execution, of the summons herein, and tf you so Judgment order, decree, Interest, costs toU to PPear and answer for want and accruing costs. tnereor, tne piamtiir win apply to tie w i wnj?nv I court tor tne reuer demanded in the Sheriff of Clackamas County, Oregon, complaint to-wlt: Br E. C. Hackett Deputy. For decree dissolving the bonds Dated, Oregon City. Ore., July 27th, f matrimony and the marriage con- 1917. PHONES Office Homo, A 23 Pacific, 153 Residence 36F11 DR. WM. C. 8CHULT2E DR. F. P. 8CHULT2E Physicians and Surgeons Rooms 217-218 Masonic Bu'ldlng Oregon City Oregon Money to Loan PAUL C. FISCHER Lawyor Deutsch-sprechender Advokat OREGON CITY OREGON WANTED To hear from owner of good ranch for aale. State cash price full particulars. D. F. Bush, Minne apolis, Minn. WANTED A good binder, must be cheap tor cash. C. B. EISELE, R, No. 3, Aurora, Ore. FOR SALE Brush runabout. Express bed, In running order. Sixty dol lars. A. G. Stevens, Gladstone, Or. Pacific 6F11, L OF UN LEADS 10 DEAD HORSES TAKEN Cash paid for dcud cows and down and out horses. Will call anywhere. Phone Mllwaukle 6 9-J. WOOD Sealed bids will be received at the County Clerk's office until Friday, August 10, at 10 o'clock a. m., for 50 cords ot four-foot cordwood, to be de livered at the court house In Oregon City. Oregon, by October 10, 1917. ThU wood must be sound, first growth fir, cut from green timber, and seasoned. Payment will be made by county warrant'lssued at the term ot county court following the delivery ot the wood. H. S. ANDERSON, County Judge, KLAMATH FALLS, Or., July 21. Joe Josephs, a Klamath Falls jitney man, is being sought by officers on a charge of having brought liquor across the line into dry territory. He made a trip to Dorrls, Cal,( late Wednesday night and returned early in the morn ing with two kegs in his car. He drove to within a mile of Klamath Falls and cached the liquor on the river. The following day he procured a launch and went down the lake to an isolated farm house near where he had made the cache. A housewife had been tak ing particular notice of every passing boat. Josephs landed and started to put the kegs into his boat when the woman rushed up with a gun and com manded him to stop. Josephs rolled one keg into the river and Jumping into his boat, rushed away. Upon the arrival of the officers tho woman was Informed that the kegs did not contain dynamite," as she had supposed. WIL80N TO BE RECTOR WASHINGTON, July 24. "It is al together probable President Wilson will be chosen lord rector of Glasgow university to succeed President Poln care of France," remarked Gordon Gordon-Smith, formerly a student of the Scottish seat ot learning, Monday. "I believe the students ot the univer slty will elect him unanimously." - 8ummons. In the Justice Court ot the State ot Oregon for Clackamas County, Dis trict No.-4r -1 E. M. Kellogg, Plaintiff, , ' vs. William Hesseldin, Defendant. To William Hesseldin, the above tamed defendant: In the name of the State of Oregon you are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint filed against you in the above entitled, cause and court on or before the 8th day of September, 1917, and It you fall to appear and an swer the said complaint, plaintiff will take judgment against you for $28.75 and for the costs and disbursements of the above and entitled action. This summons Is served upon you by publication, pursuant to aa order made by John N. Slevers, Justice of the Peace, of the above entitled court, dated the 24th day ot July, 1917. The date ot first publication is July 27 1917, and date of last publication is September 7, 1917. O. W. EASTHAM, Attorney for Plaintiff. Salem: PUns drawn tor large state tuberculosis hospital. Notice to Contractors. healed proposals will be received at the office of the County Clerk at Oregon City, Ore., for grading the road between Rock Creek bridge, four miles East of Clackamas Sta tion, and Baker's bridge on Clacka mas river, until two o'clock p. m., on Friday, August 3rd. Said grad- State of Oregon, to-wit: Beginning at a point In tho north line of Section one (1) 20.63 chains west from tho northeast corner ot sec tion one (1), Towsship 2 south, rang Z oast ot tho Willamette meridian la Clackamas county, Oregon; running thence west f.87 chains; thence south 14.64 chains; thence oast 6.87 chains; thence north 14.54 chains to tho place of beginning, containing ten acreo more or less. Now, Therefore, by Tirtuo of said ox- ecution, judgment order and decree. and In compliance with tho commands of said writ I will, on Saturday, tho 4th day of August, 1917; at tho hour of 10 o'clock a. m., at tho front door of tho County Court House in tho City ot Oregon City In said County and 8tate, sell at public auction, subject to re demption, to the highest bidder for U, 8. gold coin cash in hand, all tho right, title and interest which tho with in named defendants or either of them, had on tho date of tho mortgage herein or since had In or to tho above des cribed real property or any part there of, to satisfy said execution, judgment order, decree, interest, costs and all accruing costs. W. J. WILSON, Sheriff ot Clackamas County Oregon. By E. C. HACKETT, Deputy. Dated, Oregon City, Ore., July 1 1917. tract heretofore and now existing be tween plaintiff and defendant in this cause, and for such other and further relief as the plaintiff may be entitled to In the premises. This summons is served upon you Notice of Final Settlement In the master of the estate ot H. F. W. Gortler, deceased. Notice is hereby given that the under-1 by publication, pursuant to the order signed, as administrator of the es- of the Hon. J. U. Campbell, judge of tate of H. F. W. Gortle., deceased, the above entitled court, which order has filed his Final Account in the was made and entered on the 12th County Court of the State ot Ore- day of July, 1917, and which order gon for Clackamas County, and that directed that service of summons in Monday, the 20th day of August this cause be made upon you by pub- 1917, at the hour of ten o'clock, In licatlon thereof once a week for six the forenoon ot said day at the consecutive weeks in the Oregon City court room of said Court has been Enterprise, a newspaper printed and appointed by said Court as the time published and of general circulation and place tor the hearing of ob- in Oregon City, Clackamas County, jections thereto and the settlement Oregon. Sheriffs Sale on Execution. " In the Circuit Court ot the State of Oregon, for the County of Clacka mas. Jessie E. Crim, Plaintiff, vs. John L. Crim, Defendant State of Oregon, County of Clacka mas, ss: By virtue of a'judgment order, de cree and an execution, duly issued out of and under the seal of the above entitled court, In the above entitled cause, to me duly dfrected and dated the 18th day of July, 1917, upon a Judg ment rendered and entered in the supreme court of the state of Oregon on the 15th day of June, 1914, in tavor of John L. Crira, defendant, and against Jessie E. Crim, plaintiff, for the sura of $70.50, with Interest there on at the rate of six per cent per an num from the 15th day of June, 1914, $16.50 costs and the costs of and upon this writ, commanding me out ot the personal property of said plaintiff, and if sufficient could not be found, then out of the real property belonging to aald plaintiff on and after the date of said 15th day of June, 1914, to satisfy said sum ot $70.50 and interest and also $16.50 and the costs upon this said writ Now, Therefore, by virtue of said ex ecution, judgment order and decree. and in compliance with the commands of said writ being unable to find any personal property of said plaintiff, I did on the 20th day ot July, 1917, duly levy upon the following described real property of said plaintiff, situate and being in the county ot Clackamas, and state ot Oregon, to-wit: All ot lots numbered 24, 26 and 27, Oregon Homes, Clackamas .County, Oregon, according to the duly record ed plat thereof, and I will, on Satur day, the 25th day of August, 1917, at the hour of 11 o'clock a. m. at the front door ot the county court house in the city ot Oregon City, in said county and state, sell at public auc tion, subject to redemption, to the highest bidder, for U. S. gold coin, cash in hand, all the right title and Interest which the within named plain tiff, or either of them, had on the date of said 15th dny ot June, 1914, or since had In or to the above described real property or any part thereof, to satisfy said Judgment order, decree interest, costs and all accruing costs, W. J. WILSON. Sheriff of Clackamas County, Ore By E. C. HACKETT, Deputy Dated, Oregon City, Oregon, July 27th 1917. thereof. Dated, July 16th, 1917. F. C. GORTLER, Administrator. DIMICK A DIMICK, Attorneys for administrator, S. H. HAINES, Attorney for Plaintiff. Date of first publication, July 13, 1917 Date of last publication, Aug. 24, 1917 Summons. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for Clackamas County. Olein M. Ulshoeffer, PlainUff, vs. Claire Ulshoeffer, Defendant To Claire Ulshoeffer, above named defendant: In the name of the State of Ore gon, you are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint filed against you. In the above en- Sheriffs Sale. In the Circuit Court of the State ot Oregon, for the County of Clackamas. A. R. Johnson and T. E. Dodson, plain tiff, vs. E. R. Langley, Hazel Langley, Ruth Langley, Homer Langley and Minnie Langley, his wife; Roy Langley and Josie Langley, his wife; Ida Good win and Otis Goodwin, her husband; Edna Johnson and Fred Johnson, her husband, and Mayme Langley, Defendants. Summons la the Circuit Court of the State ot Oregon for Clackamas County. Gelle Wallace, Plaintiff, vs. John Wallace, Defendant' To John Wallace, above named de fendant: In tho name of the State of Oregon, you are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint filed against yon In the above entitled suit on or be fore the 10th day ot August 1917, said date being the expiration of six weeks from the first publication ot this sum mons, and If you fall to appear or ans wer said complaint for want thereof, the plaintiff will apply to the court for the relict prayed for in her com plaint, to-wit: For a decree dissolving the mar riage contract now existing between plaintiff and defendant This sum mons is published "by, ordei ot Hon. Robert. Tucker, Judge of the circuit court, which order was made on tho 21st day of June, 1917, and the time prescribed for publishing thereof, is six weeks beginning with the Issue dated Friday, June 29, 1917, and con tinuing each week thereafter to and including Friday, August 10, 1917. BROWNELL i 8IEVERS, Attorneys for plaintiff. the expiration of six weeks from the first publication of this summons and If you tall to answer said com plaint for want thereof the plain tnA aiilf nn nr Kofnrfl tha 31 t day of August. 1917. said date being State of 0regm- Co of Clacka- Allow DO . By virtue of a judgment order, decree and an execution, duly issued out of nd tffider the seal of the above entitled tiff will apply to the court for the w"" " relief prayed for In her complaint, me du dlrected and dated the 30th t0.wlt. day ot June, 1917, upon a Judgment For a decree dissolving the mar- rendered and entered In said court on riage contract now existing between the 24th day of May. 1917, in favor of Dlalntlff and defendant and for the Janson ana T. JS. Dodson, plain- care, custody and control of the tol- tiffs, and against E. R. Langley, Haxel lowing minor children, Claire Em- Langley, Ruth Langley, Homer Langley ery Ulshoeffer, Franklin Ellsworth tn1 Minnie Langley his wife; Roy Ulshoeffer and Marshall Edgar Ul- Langley and Josie Langley his wife.Ida shoeffer. This summons is publish- Goodwin nl Otis Goodwin her hus- ed by order of Hon. J. U. Campbell, band; Edna Johnson and Fred John Judge of the Circuit Court, which son her husband and Mayme Langley, order was made on the 18th day of defendants, for the sum of $1061.00, July, 1917, and the time prescribed with interest thereon at the rate ot six for publication thereof is six weeks, per cent per annum from the 25th day beginning with the issue dated, Fri- of April, 1915, and the further sum ot day, July 20, 1917, and continuing $100.00 as attorney's feo, and the fur each week thereafter to and includ- ther sum of $45.00 costs and disburse ments, and the costs of and upon this writ, commanding me to make sale of the following described real property, situate In the county ot Clackamas, ing Friday, August 31, 1917. BROWNELL & SIEVERS, Attorneys for plaintiff. Sheriffs Sale In the Circuit Court of the State ot Oregon, for the County of Clacka mas. Llllle C. Schroeder, formerly Llllle C, Schlickelser and Minnie C. Schllck elser, Plaintiffs, vs. M. T. Duffy, Defendant. State of Oregon, County of Clacka mas, ss. By virtue of a judgtaent order, de- SUMMONS In the Circuit Court of the State ot Oregon for Clackamas County. Lydia H. Gordon, Plaintiff, vs. Harold I Gordon, Defendant To Harold L. Gordon above nam ed defendant: In the name of the State of Oregon, you are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint filed against you, in the above entitled suit on or before the 3rd day of August, 1917, said date being the expiration of six weeks from the first publication of this summons, and if you fail to appear or answer said complaint for want thereof the plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief prayed for In her complaint to-wit For a decree dissolving the mar riage contract existing between plain tiff and xdefendant and giving and granting to plaintiff the care and cus tody of the minor child, Jean Luciel Gordon. This summons is published by order of Hon. Robert Tucker. Judge of the Circuit Court, which order was made on the 21st day of June 1917, and the Uae prescribed for publication thovof is six weeks, beginning with the Issue dated Fri day June 22, 1917 and continuing each week thereafter to and Including' Fri day, Aug. 3rd. 1917. BROWNELL & SIEVERS, Attorneys for Plaintiff. PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY JOSEPH E. HEDGES Lawyer MONEY TO LOAN WCINHARD BUILDINO, , ... d n n i cre and an execution, duly issued - - atourette. rresident F. J. Mbybh, Cashier :L1 rl:;t:r,nBel LZ t National Bank entitled cause, to me duly directed of OrCgOal City, OtTCgOtl ttiiu uaieu iub zmu uay ui juue, UAJr I1AL, S50,l)0U.QO upon a judgment rendered and Transacts a General Banking Business Open from 9 A. M. to 3 P. U. entered in sum court on tne tow day of June, 1917, in favor of LUlie C. Schroeder formerly LUlie C. Schlickelser, and Minnie C. Schlick elser, Plaintiffs, and against M. T.I Duffy, Defendant, for the sum of Sheriff's Sale, In the Circuit Court of the State ot Oregon, tor the County ot Clackamas John Honebon, plaintiff, vs. Charles R. Spackraan, unmarried, Em ma Spackman and Helen Spackman, heirs at law ot Sarah A. Spackman, deceased, Walter Glvens and Grade H. Glvens, his wife, defendants. State of Oregon, County ot Clacka mas, ss. By virtue ot a judgment order, de cree and an execution, duly Issued out ot and under the Beal of the above en titled court, in the above entitled cause, to me duly directed and Mated the 18th day of July, upon a judgment rendered and entered in said court on the 14th day of July, 1917, in favor ot John Honebon, plaintiff, and against Charles R. Spackman, unmarried, Em ma Spackman and Helen Spttckman, Ing i to be done according to sped- heirs at law of Sarah A. Spackman,! rate of 8 per cent per annum from the 25th day of November, 1915, less $67.00 paid at different times, and the further sum of $100.00, as attorney's fee, and the further sum of $16.00 costs and disbursements, and the costs ot and upon this writ, commanding me to make sale ot the following described real property, situate in the county of Clackamas, state of Oregon, to-wit: Lot numbered Six (6) in Block numbered Two (2) of May wood as per duly recorded map and plat thereof now on tile in the Record er's office ot said County and State. Now, Therefore, by virtue of said execution, judgment order and de cree, and in compliance with the commands of said writ, I will, on Saturday, the 4th day of August 1917. at the hour ot 10 o'clock A. M at tht front door of the Count Court House in the City ot Oregon Phones Pacific 52 Homo A-M William Hammond Philip L. Hammond GEORGE C. BROWNELL Attornoy-at-Law HAMMOND A HAMMOND Attorneyo-at-Law All legal business promptly attend to AbitnicU Rea, Kut uur. ance. C. D. A D. C. LATOURETTE OREGON CITY, OREGON Att.rneyMt-Uw . Pacific Phono 61, Homo Phono A-271 Commercial, Real Estate and C. SCHUEBEL Probate our Specialties. Of- ... .. flee in First National Bank Attorney-at-Law BIdg., Oregon City, Oregon. Doutschor Advokat Will practice in all courts, make col " """""""""""""""""""""" " lections and settlements. Omeo Phoneo-Paetno Malm 461; 0fflc to Building, Homo A-I7. Oregon City. Oregon. TONE A MOULTON , 1 AttorneytLaw t" J " ''-- Beaver Bid., Room W 5. EDDY V S If D V GABOON CITY . . ... OREGON IV? ? , U ,V' Graduate of the Ontario Vetert- i narjr College at Toronto, Canada, and the HeXUllp School of Sur- O. D. EBY gory of CMeago, la established Atterney-aLaw "' "t Foahion 8 table, between Money loaned, abstracts furnish- Ptmrth n Main Street, ed, land titles exaiutu.J. utua nml Bfth TelePhones settled, general law bUHiuesa. Officii Pacific 65, Horn A-tf Res. Pacific 184; Home l-o Ovr Bank oi Oregon City. j - . , . , .