Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, July 20, 1917, Page Page 2, Image 2

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Elk Prairie
MULINO, July 19. Mrs. E. J.
Maple and children are camped at
Mr. and Mrs. C. T. Howard and two
grandchildren are camped at Chau
tauqua for the season.
Mrs. Oscar lM and children, are
also camped at Chautauqua.
Mr. and Mrs. Chris Miller returned
home last Thursday.
Mr. Caulson went to Oregon City
Sunday to visit his daughter, Mrs.
Fred Erickson, and family.
Mr. and Mrs. August Erickson were
Chautauqua visitors last Saturday.
Mrs. Kalnes, Mrs. Pasco and Miss
Anna Jepson were callers at the!
8nodgrass home last Wednesday even
ing. Oren Adklns made a business trip
to Oregon City last Wednesday .
J. J. Mallet sold his home to Mr.
Taylor, Sr. The consideration was
$1500. Mr. Mallet contemplates buy
ing a lot on the town site and build
ing him a home there. '
Mrs. Ida Berry and her son, Lloyd,
of Portland, were the guests of Mrs.
Catherine Goucher last week. They
returned to their home in Portland
Mr. and Mrs. L. G. Biggs and son,
Lester, passed through Mulino Thurs
day evening on their way to visit Mrs.
Betsy Adklns. Mr. Riggs Just recent
ly purchased a new Chevrolet car.
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Berdtne went to
Liberal last Wednesday evening,
where they were visitors at the Farr
J. J. Mallet and Mr. and Mrs. Tay
" lor. Sr., made a business trip to Ore
gon City Monday.
Mrs. Churchill, who has been mak
ing an extended visit with relatives at
Albany, returned home last Friday.
George Mallet and family, of East
ern Oregon, are visiting relatives and
friends here in Mulino.
Mrs. Robert Snodgrass, who has
been i!l for several weeks, suffering
from partial paralysis, died at the
Oregon City hospital Wednesday. The
funeral wl'.l be conducted at the fam
ily home Friday at 11 o'clock, with
Rev. Snyder, of Molalla, conducting
the services. Mrs. Snodgrass had a
host of friends In this section and we
all extend our sympathy to the hus
band and family. Mrs. Snodgrass ihad
taken much interest In the local
affairs, and will be greatly missed in
this section.
ELK PRAIRIE, July 19. Willis
Badger enjoyed seeing a bear recent
ly. While one often hears them, or
sees very fresh tracks, one may hike
Into the mountains for years without
seeing any more than one. Mankind
has a very bad reputation in bruin's
circles, and he Is only too glad to give
the right-of-way.
Mr. Tras made a trip to Molalla
The cousin to the raspberry the
salmonberry Is ripe along the creeks,
making a most beautiful sight, as well
as being profitable to the picker.
Glen Gault had the misfortune to
lose two large hogs. It Is supposed
that their deaths were caused by sud
den change from sour to sweet milk.
Messrs Kruger have returned from
a few days' visit at Sllverton.
Basil and Hazel Leitsel went to
Scotts Mill recently.
A number of campers are at the
Fred Davis' place at the foot of the
Mrs. C. K. Leitsel has returned to
her mountain home after a brief visit
in Scotts Mills.
Mrs. Frank Hilton has returned
from a visit in the valley with rela
tives. Mr. Hilton and sons are haying on
the Kirk place.
Mr. Gray took a load of strawber
ries to Scotts Mills recently.
A band of Eastern Oregon sheep are
being pastured above what is known
as the S. G. place, belonging to Fred
Charles Jones is harvesting his hay
James Jones, who was hurt while
working at the Silver Falls Logging
company, recently, has returned to
Mies Ida Zwahten came home last
Sunday from Oswego.
Buol Brothers made hay last week.
Miss ChrlsteniaShyodaI, of Portland,
is visiting her fjiend, Miss Engla
Bergman for a short time.
Alva Gard helped Clyde Rlngo mnfce
hay last week.
Miss Alene Trimm Is visiting her
sister, Mrs. John Marshall for a short
Lawrence Grace, from Portland, Is
visiting his father and brother of this
Miss Teana Graham is visiting her
cousin, Miss Elizabeth Marshall for a
short time.
W. H. Wettlaufer Is hauling planks
for his road.
Edward Grace purchased an Over
land car last week.
Miss Edwin Bottemiller went to
Kansas City, Mo., tor a visit
0. Marquardt made some hay last
Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Ringo and John
Gard and daughter, Bernice, attended
Chautauqua last Sunday evening.
Emil Bottemiller, from Portland,
visited his brother, W. II. Bottemiller
and family.
Fred Lindau and family attended
Chautauqua last Sanday.
Eagle Creek i
EAGLE CREEK, July 19. The
Helplnt Hand club met with Grandma
Judd last Wednesdny afternoon and
spent a very pleasant afternoon with
her. There were about i:l Indies pres
ent Miss Nettie Woo'dle Is attending
Chautauqua this week.
Mr. and Mr. Roll lXmlas and son
left on Saturday for tlu-lr home in The
Dalles, after spending amost two
weeks with the former's mother, Mrs.
Viola Douglass.
Mr. and Mr. G. Moehnke are the
guests of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Douglass.
It S. Gibson was a Harton visitor
i Sunday.
Mrs. Walter Douglas, who has been
In Portland for several weeks, came
home Saturday, spending Sunday with
the home folks, returning to Portland
on Monday.
Mrs. Nora Reld and daughter, Mrs.
Guy AVllcox, and sons, Theodore and
Chester, were over to It. S. Gibson's
on Sunday."
Mr. and Mrs. Ray Woodle and Miss
Nettle Woodle were Estueada visitors
last Thursday.
Mr. and Mrs. Claude Woodle and
Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm Woodle spent
Sunday with their ranmts, Mr. and
Mrs. J. P. Woodle.
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Douglass, occom"
panted by Mr. and Mrs. G. Moehnke
and Mrs. Vtola Douglass motored to
Oregon City and Cluiutauqua on Tues
Henry Udell bought some hay tof
A. N. Orke and H. S. Gibson recently,
Hurst and
July 19. Mrs. Bertha
Mrs. D. W. McFarland
L. 8. N. G.; Isabel Bates. R. 8. V. G.;
Blanch Keclos, I S. V. O.j Ibtsol
Ytnytrd, Inside guardian; Elroy Bates
outBlde guardian.
Mr. and Mrs. Ora Sly'tor were guests
of relatives In Portland Sunday.
William iMinb was a business visit
or In Oregon City Monday,
Misses Eunice Dodge and 'Miss
lloln were Chautauqua visitors Mon
Mr. Nokaua was a Portland visitor
Mayor Hair was an Oregon ll'ty
business visitor Monday.
George Meeks and Carrol Clausen
were Oregon City visitors Monday.
Miss Vloletto Evans entertained a
number of her friends at Trout Creek
Villa this week. Fishing, bathing, and
a good time generally were enjoyed
by all. ( Those present were: Misses
Ijor'ralne I.ee, Francis ; Robinson,
Helen Bltner, Francis Fisher. Messrs.
Claire Haines, George Walt, Ilsnry
Zimmerman, Wayne Hampton and
jonn HKirvingion. ine party was
chaperoned by Mr. and Mrs. W. H,
Mr. and Mrs. J. Lee Kckerson visit
ed Mr. and Mrs. Avon Jesse of Gob
ble Prairie Monday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. S. J. Vaughan and
son. Buckley, were Oregon City visit
ors Monday. '
Mr. and Mrs. Adam 1L Knight and
soil, Iluford, wore guests of Mr. and
Mrs. John Fuller, of JJefferaon, Sun
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Beatty, Misses
Maude and Eva Beatty and Oscar
Beatty were Chautauqua visitors Sat
Messrs Clarence Eeld and Joseph
Sohaubcr, U. S. A., who are stationed
near Camas, Wash., were home Sun
Misses Vlolette Evans and Francis
MEADOWBROOK, July 18. Born,
to the wife of John Bopto, July 12, a
baby boy.
Those that attended Chautauqua
Sunday from Meadowbrook were: Mr.
and Mrs. P. O. Chindgren, Mrs. M. D.
Chindgren, Mr. Chas. Holman, Her
man Chindgren and Julius Schiewe.
Nettie and Glenn Larkins visited at
the Baker home at Liberal Sunday,
also attended Chautauqua in the after
noon and evening.
Ella Schiewe is visiting a few days
in Portland.
Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Larkins, daugh
ters Ruth and Alma, visited at I. O.
Orem's Sunday.
Senia and Sadie Hellbacka, Alfred
and Ernest Hill visited with Hazel
Larkins Sunday afternoon.
GEORGE, July 19. Miss Emma
and Irene Paulsen of Portland, attend
ed church at George Sunday,
i Mr. and Mrs. Ross and children, of
Portland, visited Henry Johnson last
Mrs. B. McClintock and son, Albert,
of Portland, is visiting her mother,
Mrs. Edd. Harders.
Mr. L,obey, of Bathney, preached at
the Presbyterian church last Sunday,
his sermon being enjoyed by all those
A dance was given at the George
club house last Saturday evening,
which was a complete success.
Mrs. Pauline Wormes and children
visited Mrs. A. Weiderhold last Sun
day. Mrs. A. Croner and children visited
Mrs. Theodore Harders last Wednes
day. Leo Rath was an Estacada visitor
last Monday.
Mrs. Croner and children and Flora
LIns visited Mrs. Leo Roth last Tues
Beaver Creek
RRAVRR CREEK. July 19. Mr.
and Mrs. R. T. Crawford, of Vancouv
er, Wash., arrived here last week to
visit their daughter, Mrs. J. R. Hall.
, Harry Lammers returned last night
after several days' absenoe.
F. W. Wagenblast made a trip to
Oregon City on Monday.
Roy Jones, head sawyer at the
Hall's sawmill, spent Sunday In Ore
gon City. ,
Mrs. Ralph Clapp and daughter,
Eva, spent Sunday In Oregon City.
Mr. and Mrs. Beu Olett, of Beaver
Creek, returned yesterday from Port
nd. where they.jspent a few days'
MACKSBURG, July 19. The crops
are standing the heat and the scant
moisture to a wonderful degree and
bid fair to yield the expected fine
harvest Haying is the chief work at
present, the weather being especially
favorable, and the crop In fine con
dition for cutting. The grain Is ripen
ing so fast threshing is no many days
distant. All the fruit seems In the
most promising condition. Cherries
are exceptionally abundant and fine.
Berries are In the greatest profusion.
The Loganberry which, for the de
licious beverage it furnishes Js In for
greater demand than ever before is
unprecedentedly abundant and has be
come a valuable asset to the farmer.
Requiring but little care and propa
gating itself indefinitely, this hitherto
slighted product has come Into the
front ranks as a revenue-raiser on ,the
farm. Potatoes, though growing at a
oace. are retarded by the drouth, are
progressing steadily and seem entire-J
ly free from the pests, which so often
attack them in frequent rains. A far
larger area than hitherto, has been
devoted to this crop as well as to the
army and naey bean which are thriv
ing In a way that promises sustenance
to an army, whether at peace or at
war. The winter vegetables were so
well started before the cessation of
the rains that they seem invulnerable
to the heat and likely to reach their
fullest maturity before the Autumn
frost, even should it pay us an early
Intense as has been the heat for the
past few days, it has found the ranch
workers well fortified by the breezy
evenings and by the cool and restful
nights. The early mornings, too, have
been so cool that brisk movement has
been necessary to comfortable warmth
until the sun has sped over many de
grees of his zenith-ward course. In
deed, the heat could not, in any of
these days, have been called intense
till near the hour of 'noon. The brev
ity of the heated time may not be
appreciated by the native of Western
Oregon, having always been accustom
ed to its beningnant sway. It is sure
ly charming to those used to the sul
try evenings and sleepless nights of
the Middle West, where the dog
star is in his fullest rage, and when
one rises in the morning weary and
unrefreshed to begin another torrid
Mrs. Therese Kler, the aged mother
of J. Gibson, whose Illness lately has
been the source of grave apprehension
to her friends, is in comfortable health .
once more.
Mrs. Nettie Vogel, of Portland, with
her two small children, are visiting
her mother, Mrs. J. Gibson.
Leonard Nebo, who is in a hospital
at Salem, is improving so much that
he Is soon expected home.
Notwithstanding the great heat of
Sunday, large and appreciative con
gregations filled both the Lutheran
church and the Bethel chapel of the
Mennonites. A delegation of the lat
ter went to the Zion tabernacle for a
special service in the morning, re
turning In time for the afternoon ser
vice at Bethel.
The Old Time FAVORITE THE CHOICE of the Modern Farm
Champion Mowers have features which
you as a buyer cannot afford to over
look. They mean increased length' of
service and greater satisfaction to you.
Wide Substantial.Yoke.
Extra large case hardened yoke pins.
Extra long case hardened wearing
Extra wide and strong wrought knife
Extra light draft and easy of operation.
These are but a few of the reasons why
a Champion is an extra good mower
to buy.
4 fc-vSfc
No change has been necessary in the Champion Rake
for several years, which is proof that it has reached as
near perfection as it is possible ever to obtain in ma
chinery. Reversing axle stubs, when reversed is like new.
Reversing wheel ratchets.
Removable and renewable wheel boxes.
Best quality spring steel teeth.
Sure self-working dump.
Come and study the sturdy construction of the
Champion Rake.
The Champion Tedder has often saved its cost in a
single season. One has but to see the Champion work
to learn of its excellent service. It is light draft and
smooth operating.
No matter what you need in cutting machinery, come
in and look over what we offer in the Champion. You
will find no better on the market, and we can make
you right prices.
W. J. Wilson & Co.
Geo. Blatchford
Prof. Roue, nf Molnl a. was In Caubv
Sunday morning on route to Eugene,
whort he Is attending the U. of 0,
summer school,
Mr, and Mrs. Roy Fish wew busl-
n oh a vlattors In Canby Tuesday.
Mrs. Minnie Bradford is (pending
the week at Chautauqua.
Rev. W. Uoyd Moore was In Oregon
City Tuesday.
Mr. ud Mrs, W. 11. Lueko loft on
Thursday for un extended trip to Cal
ifornia, Mr. Lucku driving
"Cadillac Eight."
V, E. Maple made a business trip
to Portlnnd Monday,
Mrs, Grant White came limo from
t'hautatuiua Tuesday eventui:, return
ing Wednesday,
Roy Yodor, of Molalla, was a Canby
shopper Tuesday.
his new
Jennings Lodge
and Mrs. Walter Heck nor have goue to
Newborn on their ranch, where Mr.
lUickiier has recently finished,, a cosy
bungalow. While building Mr. lleek
nur met with the loss, by flra, of his
clothing and personu efforts, which
were in a temporary building.
Eugene Hush Is ill In a hospital In
Calnpico, Calif.
A. Slovens Is visiting his parents in
Mr. and Mrs. A. VV. Runsler are
buck again after a business trip to
Kansas City. They are visiting with
Mrs. Ituiuler's parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Jack Zimmerman.
T. J. Singleton, who has been very
111 at the homo of his daiiKhters, Mrs.
David Clements, is reported to be Im
proving. Mrs. Minnie Dllg wus the guest of
Mm, LUIq Moore Wodtiosduy.
Mrs. R. P. Deter, and daughter.
Merle, have returned from Ashland,
where they visited with Mrs. Dctcr's
mother. . They made the trip to Ash
land by uutotuoblle, returning by
J. Zlmmermun has received news of
the death of his slitter, Mrs. Stoccke!,
of Akron, Ohio.
Mrs. Delbert Norton, who has bin-n
111. for about a week, bus gone to a
Portland hospital for an operutlon.
Miss Lena Herger, of Portland, has
been visiting her aunt, Mrs. J. , A.
Mr. and Mrs. Shepherd and family
have been visiting Mr. Shepherd's
mother. Mrs. J. Ilrownlg. Mr Shep
herd and children left Sunday evening
for a visit In Bonx City, Iowa.
Mrs. Kllu Kuds has returned from
Central Point, accompanied by her
father, Capt Kuwlings. who has been
very ill the pant few duys.
During the summer months the Sun
duy School will be held lu the camp
ground. The music will le led by
Mlm Margaret Tucker, on the cornet.
For the convenience of the boys
who registered, a list of their number
is posted In the post office.
Mrs. A. I Into, of California, Is visit
ing her sister, Mrs. George Card.
George Card, Jr., and brother, Clay
ton, are visiting their grandparents at
Slfton, WsHh.
Miss Muble lioppe is visiting with
friends at Yamhill, -Ore.
On Thursday the Parent-Teacher
association went to Chuutauqua in a
Rupert Hutchinson, of Spokane,
Wash., came down Sunday to bid
nooilbye to his parents, who ure visit
ing relatives in Portland. He tins
been called to service in the quarter
muster department, and will report
Wednesday, July 18th at American
Luke. He is a nephew of George K.
Mor.so. .
Mrs. Jeff Johnson visited Mr. and
Mrs. I High Roberts on Tuesday.
Mr. nnd Mrs. II. Merrlt, former res
idents of the "Lodge," are enjoying
camp-llfo on Cedar island.
MIhb Delia Rush left Wednesday for
Pendleton to spend her vacation at
the summer home of Mr. and Mrs.
Mann, near Mencham.
Walter Fell, of .Bock Island, 111.,
who has been with M'. Ilanshel for
the past year, has cnl!stod In the nav
al militia and leaves Sunday for
WASHINGTON, July 16,-The rela
tion of business men to the government
was described today by Franklin Lane,
secretary of the interior, and one of
the six cabinet members who compose
the council of national defense. '
Answering talk in congress and else
"hers suggesting that members ot the
council are In a position to make con
tracts with themselves and thus de
rive personal benefits from the war,
Mr. Lane said the business men com
posing the advisory commission have
no control over contracts and In tact
give to the government Infinitely more
than they receive.
Analysing the organisation further,
Mr. Lane ave high praise to the bus
iness men, experts In their several
fields of Industry, who comprise the
many committees on supplies, includ
ing raw materials ot all kinds and
manufactures. ,
The statement was given as the re
sult of Inquiries concerning crltftlsm ot
the commission and a persistent report
that reorganisation of the council is
Imminent. The response was charac
teristically frank from the opening
question, which bore on the possibility
ot cabinet members constituting the
council making any personal profit out
ot the contracts.
"We have nothing to sell?" he sld
"When it Is considered that the council
ot national defense consists of Secre
tary Maker, a lawyer; Secretary Dan
iels, an editor; Secretary l4ine, a law
yer; Secretary Houston, college pres
ident; Secretary Redfleld, retired
business man; Secretary Wilson, a la
bor union official, you will realise that
there Is not much chance tor that
charge being true. ,
"No, nobody thinks that we are deal
ing with ourselves. The confusion has
come about because ot the peculiar
organisation of the council. Get Into
,your head one or two facts and you
will see bow this confusion has arisen."
Is he puny, weak, with troubled sleep
or stomach palnsT lie sure he's not th9
victim ot worms which are far more
prevalent than you suppose. Try Kick
a poo Worm Killer. It not only kills
the wonns snd makes them let go their
hold, but is a gentle laxative that ex
pels them through the bowels. Give a
round candy loxenge tonight, children
like the flavor. At your druggist, 25c.
A irasineM Directory ei Men nty,
Tom mid YUlaxe la Oregon and
Waahtnftoa, giving Ieseriptle
Sketch ot each pUrs, Location.
rJ hipping- FfceUitlr ud CImoW
tied .Directory c eactt Buifessa
aad FtofMston
B. jj. Tone co.
. Ine,
B. Sullivan was in Portland last
Elmer Kleinsmith and Julius
Schiewe attended Chautauqua last
Mrs. Lena Keller and daughters,
Mary and Florence, and Grandma Bot
temiller and Leatha Stuckey, from
Milwaukle, visited Mrs. Kellar's bro
ther, W. H. Bottemiller and family
last Sunday.
Walter Lee was in Oregon City on
Sunday, where he visited his mother
Mrs. Mary Lee, and family.
Sam Elmer is hauling his hay.
"Mr. Graham from Portland preached
In the English M. E. church last Sun
day morning.
Robert Schubel, our road supervisor,
moved the rock crusher on the Mar
shall farm, where he Is going to crush
rocks for the road.
Mrs. Lizzie Rlngo and daughter Ha
zel, attended Chautauqua last Wednes
day. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Brookhardt
were in Clarkes the other Sunday.
Claudus Bottemiller and Walter Lee
were in Portland this week.
Rufert Marquardt attended Chau
tauqua last Sunday.
spent Sunday at Chautauqua.
Lester Iiurkholder, of Molalla, was
a Canby visitor Sunday.
Mrs. Arthur Graham was a Port
land shopper this week.
Roy Knight, of Portland, was a
Sunday gueot of Mr. and Mrs. S. T.
Glenn Brooking'' and Mr. Norton
Bradford spent Sunday at Chautau
qua. Mrs. C. V. Prouty and Mrs. Helen
Smith took in Chautauqua Saturday.'
Miss Inga Moe, the milliner at
Carlton and Rosenkrans store, Is
spending her vacation with her par
ents in Silverton.
Mrs. L. H. Harvey and daughters,
of Sllverton, were guests of Mrs. C.
V. Prouty this week.
Mrs. Clyde Evans, of Portland, is
a guest of her sister, Mrs. W. H. Balr,
this week.
Kirk Rebekah Lodge No. 124 I. 0.
O. F., held its semi-annual installa
tion of officers Tuesday evening. The
following officers were Installed:
Ruby Bates, N. G.; Tillie Slyter, V. 0.;
Alice Bendshadler, Secretary; Laura
Balr, Treasurer; Ella Koeher, War
den; Minnie Bisdorf, Conductor; Har
riet Bowesby, Chaplain; Elizabeth
White, R. S. N, G.; Mary Hamilton,
Robinson were Oregon City visitors
Prof. Harry Sherwood, of Macks
burc, was a Canby visitor Tuesday.
Mr. and Mrs. F. II. Schultz and Mas
ter Julius Schultz, of Molalla, were
Canby shoppers Tuesday evening.
Mrs. Ivan Dlmmlck, of Aurora, was
a guest of Mrs. H. II. Ecdes, Tues
Old Folks Saved
From Suffering
Mr. Mary A. Dean, Taunton, Mass.,
in her 87th year, lays: "I thought I
was boyond the reach of medicine, but
Foley Kidney Pills have proven most
beneficial in my cae."
Mr, Ham A. Hoover, High Pplnt,
N. C, writes: "My kidney trouble was
worse at night and I bad to get up
from five to seven times. Not I do
not have to got up at night, and con
aider myself In a truly normal con
dition, which I attribute to Foley Kid
ney Pills, as I have taken nothing
Mrs. M. A. Bridges, Boblmon, Mass.,
says: "I Buffered from kidney ail
ments for two years. I commenoed
taking Foley Kidney Pills ten months
ago, and though I am 1 years of age,
I feel like a 18-year-old girl."
Foley Kidney Pllla are tonle,
strengthening and up-bulldlng, and
renters normal action to the kidneys
'in1 i a dlnorrtered and painful bind
if f Tllcy not. oulckly anl coiitaili
im tiiKi'dus ir 1. armful ch'iigs,
How Bad Backs Have Been Mads
Strong Kidney Ills Corrected.
All over Oregon City you hear It.
Doan's Kidney Pills are keeping up
the good work. Oregon City icopl
are telling about it telling ot bad
hacks made sound again. You ran
believe the tentlmony of your own
townspeople. They toll it for the ben
efit of you who are suffering. If your
back aches, if you feel lame, sore and
miserable, If the kidneys act too fre
quently, use Doan's Kidney Pills, the
remedy that has helped so many of
your friends nnd neighbors. Follow
this Oregon City woman's advice and
give Doun's a chance to do the same
for you.
Mrs. J. B. Schatz, 213 Seventeenth
sticftt, says: "I know from personal
experience that Doan's Kidney Pills
are a medicine of morlt and when
ever I can recommend them to others
I don't hesitate to do so. I have taken
Doan's Kidney Pills the same that
slons for kidney trouble and backache
and they have always done me a lot
of good."
Price COc nt all dealer's. Don't
simply ask for a kidney remedy get
Doan's Kidney Pills t the sume that
Mrs. Schatz uses. Fostet'-Mllhurn Co.,
Mfgrs., Buffalo, N. Y.
All the World of Music produces is at your command, through
the medium of the
"Columbia Grafonola"
Your Old Machise Taken si Part Payment
All the eloquence
and all the heart
appeal of the songs
of long ago as well
as the latest popular
music are best inter
preted by the "Col-,
umbia Grafonola."
The Very Soul of Music
is in the Columbia Grafonola
Call and hear the Columbia
Grafonola. You incurr
no obligation, of course.
Display tt P ten Hardware Store