Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, June 22, 1917, Page Page 7, Image 7

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    QRrcoN crrV eniprise, Friday, june 22, 1917,
f 0 ,
Honor Roll Is
Some Are To
Arrests May
While whulnaale arreele ml Inveatl
gatlima have bean going on In differ
n( purl of lha country an after
math of (hi) national ragiatratlon day
June 6, Clackamas county officials
have been quietly running scents In
Ilia ground and hsve found una out
standing distinction In all caaaa, nam
ly, that Ihla county aa a body I "
Hherlff Wlleon. Dlelrlct Attorney Oil
hert lledgee and Deputy )l(rl t At
Utrney Thomas llurka ara loud In their
lira Ian of ihn attitude of tha man who
I. litis mora lenience U to ba ahown.
aald liputr Uurka Saturday.
Tha following Hat of liamna la Identl
cal with tha Hat now bold at thn office
of tha war ccnaua board of thla county.
A few recent addltlona ara withheld
from tha Hat.
Brown, Itueeell It.; Honlavn, Kvau
dnr K. M ; llergmun, John; flyH". Os
car K.; iN'iiael, Earnest II; Drown,
(ii'orKo W.; Duggett. William I..; Fcr
miKon, Frank; (iengler, John I'.; Oerk
man, JortieJ; (iiiyntip. Clifford, Hitch
limn, l-lurt U; llltrhman. Arthur; lll
au titi. (leorg A ; llllchliian, Elmer II.;
Jones. Percy K ; Kcaelcr, 4-oiila A ;
Krucger, Auguat W.; Knii'ir, Paul;
Kesaler, Joanna; I.eek, Elmer A.;
Ijirmin. Curl; Udler. fllfllord, l.eik.
Ollvor E.; Mveasy, Jamea H ; Thuro,
Israelii; IjinlKan, Juima V.; laraon,
Oscar; Mattbles, Fred W.; Nnlaon.
William E; Olaon. Edwin A.; Plerco.
John ().; Row lee, Howard, llow.i.
Hoy K.; Hwaneon. Adolf; Hmlth, Ia
tir l; 8livere, Frank U: Henelel,
Uiuls It.; Honetel. Anion; Torjusseo.
Orul M.; White, Jaepcr U; Walker.
Jeaao J ; Wlldeman, ItolxTt K ;
Akin, Walter F; Itolton, Arthur A.:
Ilurtli, Jeae J ; HeeclTer. Karl It.;
Craig. Tbomaa II.; C'rlno, Carmelo;'
Caraotl. Vmberto; Urcen, Donald W.; I
(ialtiah. Nlcholaa M ; (luyllellnno.
Andrra; Hopper, Jiiiiici 8; liar-
greaves, John K.; Junor, Donald,
Junor, Andrew; Luihs. Henry; Mlaum,
Michael; Mlaum, Adam (I ; Mlnalll,
t'mberto; Meckletu. Klth It ; Nel
aim. Wendell U; Polera, Henry;
I'rll.io, Cartolaegna; Pemlergraas,
tieorgo P.; Hchwarti. Joaeph L.;
Hccondo, (iaravelll F.; Whitman, Alun
aon M.; Willi. Erwln T.
Anderson, Jonh T. ; Andonum, Ar
thur F.; Iteatty. Andrew R.; Iter.
Iiernurd J.; Herg, tieorgo 8.; Here. Al
bert K.; Crowley, Norman 0 ; Collin,
Albert (.; Crowley, Wendoll II.;
Erlckson. Iljalmnr J.; tirlndeland, Kdd
A.; (Irlnduland, Fred J.; lirlmps,
Frank A.; Orlndoland, 8am K.; Hepler.
Webster I).; Ilowa, Henry I).; Helm,
Raymond II.; Hayes, Clement A,; Hnr
nock, Arthur" A ; Hnrvey, Jamea D.J
Julaoth, I'r.lmnr; Kropf, John K.; litl
man, Will K; I'eter, Henry W,; Stuwf.
llornmn C; Kklnner, Howard V.;
Ktewart, Clarence t; Vlckvra, Samp
K.; Wlddowa, Martin U.; Walrh, John
C; Yoder, Harvoy M.; Zlmmermnn,
Henry II. r
Ackoraon, Arnold 8.; Arkersnn.
John II ; Anderaon, Onnnar V.; Duck
man, Charley A.; Harlow, Hurry; Cal
dnrwood, lllxley J.; ChrlHtlmiNen.
Henry J,; Cuhlll, J. Morrla; Coop,
Zolea P.; Ihispotovlxch, Anton; Doug
Inai, I'leaiuint; Krlckaon, William;
KonborR, David K.; Cilbnon, Ilalpp
II.; QltlioiiH, Jtlrhurd U; HnnHon,
Henry J.; Hanaon, Ooorgd O.; Hnll
mann, Glint It.; Judd, ti rover T.; Kur
omun. Mute; McMurry, Klmer J-; Mil
ler, Wultur II.; McMurry, Clydo S.;
O.lell, Earl H.; Odoll. William C;
ItlchnrdH, Horlxirt L.; HI vers, l.outtir;
r.lthoy, Murvln A.; Klchnrds, Kdward
A.; Stono, Jamea S.; Shlmlch, Mck;
Htulko, Otto; HtltiRley, Wllllum K.;
ThompBon, Karl M.; White, Halph W.
Beaver Creek, No. 1
Anderson, Clydo V-; Dodgo, Irving;
Flxhnr, Donjnmln; FlHhor, Krneat
C.; Ilollmunn, Mux A.; llorman, Will
iam J.; Hall, John R.; llolliimiin,
Coorgo II.; MugheH, Kmmett; Hughes,
Klvlon T.; Junor, Jamos V.; Ummors,
Hurry A.; UunmerH, Ktigono J.; Mar
tin William C.; Martin, Danlol H.;
Olltt, Hon; Springer, Kurl U; Schrum,
Moyd C.
Beaver Creek, No. 2,
nohlondnr, Fred; Kdwnrds, Ilolund
K.; Flshor, Kdward 0.; Grofmmlllor,
Honry; Glnthor, Haymond K.; Horn
Bhiih, Alvln E.; Kllngor, Clmrlws; Io
nian, Otto; MAHHlnger, Phillip; Roll
ortB, GrllTlth W.; Station, Arthur M.
Adams, JamoB I,.; Iltirlolgh, William
O.; Illomwlck, Joel C; Ilohren, Christ;
Crass, CInudo F.; EKKonliprgor, Ul
rlch; Frederick, Otto; Funk, Roy;
FryckHtrom, Fred II.; GraHly, Leon
ard; Gregson, Carl U; Hlllyard, Vlv
, Inn H.; Honi, Gustuf P.; Hoover, Hon
jumln I.; Johnston, Albert; .Tonsrud,
Arthur Jl.; Johanson, Carl W.; John
son, GtiHtav; Lnko, Cecil C; Lokhorg,
AugiiBt; Larson, Totor; Lake, Floyd
0.; Munllor, William F.; McClung,
Roy; Modin, Joseph W.; Month, Joo;
Mauldlng, Edwin V.; Orth, Lawrence;
Olson, Herbert 0.; Olson, Knuto;
nich, Otis M.; Rysor, Potor W.; Rich
ey, Raymond E.; Rlchoy, Truhinn J.;
Shultz, John C; Sngor, George M ;
Stone, Paul E.; Sloop, Thomni E.;
Telford, Wallace R.j Wheeler, William
E.; Wolfe, Olen C.
Bull Run
'lm, Donnld F.; Ascholf, Carl;
a Long One
Go Abroad
Follow Soon
liaknr, Thoiuaa K ; Horarth. Clyda it:
Coat a, Ceorxn W.; Caven, Arthur 0;
CiHiper, I; Klaner, Charln W.;
(iriilieiinian. Hob; (llbona, rrd II ;
Helm, Allan K; John. ton, lurt J i
Ijiraon, Cbnrlea K; liwe, l.ody I'.;
Morrill. Charles K ; Martlndalit, Will
lam; N'.lni. Charles 0; Odell, Will
lum, I'alnoe, Charlea II ; I'nineroy,
Olln II.; I'alumo, Antonio; I'lrkena,
(lareth, I'likens, lienjamln; Itamaey,
Onorga W ; Hloan, J a mat II ;
Ten Kyrk, Curtis K ; Ten Kyck.
George A; Townaend, Kntila H;
Tire, Winer I' ; Tliomaa, Henry 0.;
TenKyrk, Henry A ; Vaerettl, Joseph;
Winters. William If .
(Continued on pagq )
Paelflo Coaat League Standings
W. U I'cL
Han Kranc laco it II .i'iO
Halt Uka 40 11 Xtl
Oakland Si 31 .(00
Lua Angels 3 37 AH
Cortland It -461
Vernon 30 4fi .400
Wednesday's Results
At Han rranrlaco-Portland T, Oak
land 3.
At Halt Lake-Half Uke 4. Han Fran-
rhco 3.
At Loa Angeles Vernoo 4. Los An
geles 0.
BAN FKANCI8CO. June lO.-l'ort-land
won the game today In tha first
Inning when llollorher, Wllle. Williams
Flatter and Plnelll got hits, scoring
four runs. They rested until the fifth,
when llollochnr, Kodgera. Wllle and
Williams bunched hits for two more
It took four blta to score the run
In tba eighth, and In tha ninth they
picked up three more hlta, yet did not
make a run.
Kremer waa hit harder than any
time before thla year. He waa not re
lieved berauae the Oaka could do noth
ing with Ityron Houck until they got
four hlta In the eighth for three runs.
Illll Rodgera booted a ball In this
Inning and when Yeung Hollocher
"kidded" him about It, Illll poked the
boy on the nose and they went hack
to the bench. Illood waa drawn but
no damage waa done.
Walter McCredle got hungry In the
seventh Inning and bought a sandwich,
thereby using up Portlands share of
the gate receipts. The tew cash custo
mers were so widely scattered that
they were not even within hailing dis
tance of each othor.
9fflce Home. A-33 Pacific. 163
Residence 18F11
Physicians and Surgeons
Rooms 117-118 Masonic llu'ldlng
Oregon City Oregen
Money to Loan
' Deutsch-aprechender Advokat
FOR SALE A beautiful nice Jursoy
bull 3 yours old. Good record. Jur
soy Dairy, Oswego. Phono 4G1.
In tho Circuit Court of the Stuto of
Oregon for Clackumns County.
Lydlu II. Gordon, Plulntlff.
Harold L. Gordon, Defendant.
To Harold L. Gordon nliovo nam
ed defendant:
In tho mimo of thu State of Oregon,
you aro hereby roqulred to nppear and
answer tho complaint filed against
you, In tho abovo entitled Btilt, on or
boforo the 3rd day of AugiiBt, 1917,
Bald date being tho expiration of six
woeks from tho first publication of
this summons, and If you fall to
appear or nnBwor said complaint, for
want thereof tho plaintiff will apply
to the Court for tho relief prayed for
In her complaint, to-wlt
For a decroo dissolving tho mar
rlngo contract existing botween plain
tiff and defendant nnd. giving and
granting to plulntlff tho core nnd cus
tody of the minor child, Jonn Luclol
Gordon. This summons Is published
by order of Hon. Robert Tucker,
Judgo of tho Circuit Court, which
order was mndo on the 21st day of
June 1917, nnd tho time prescribed
for publication thereof Is six wcekB,
beginning with tho Isbuo dated Fri
day June 22, 1917 and continuing each
weok thereafter to and Including Fri
day, Aug. 3rd, 1917.
Attornoys for Plaintiff.
In tho Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon for Clackamas County.
Mnrgoret Harris, Flnlntlff,
Hurbort Harris, Dofondant.
To Hurbort Harris, above named de
lu the name of the state of Oregon
yoii are hereby required to appear
and answer lb rotnptalnt filed
aralnel you. In tha above entitled suit,
on ir before the Id day of Auguat, 117
aald dale being the oiplretlon (if all
Mks from tha flrat iulll atlon of
this summons, and If you fill to ap
ar it anaaer aald complaint, for
want thereof lha plaintiff will apply
to the court for the relief prayed for
In her complaint, tow It:
For a decree dlaanlvlng lha mar
rlage contrail now eilallng between
plaintiff and defendant and for tha
rare, melody and control of their
minor children, lirwlt: William II.
Harris and Male M Ifnrrla This
summons Is puhllahed by ordr of
Hon. llolrt Tucker, Judxe of the fir
cult Court, wlili It order waa made
on tha list day of June, 1I7, and th"
time prrst-rthed for publication there
of la sis weeks, beginning with the
laaue dated Friday, June 12nd, 1117.
and continuing eaih week thereafter
In and lm Puling Friday, August 3rd,
Attorneys for Plaintiff
In tha Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon, for the County of Clackamas
The ( nltrd Htatea National Hank
Portland. Oregon, a corpora
tion. Warren K. Thomas. Trust
ee, plalnllffa.
C. V. Flelda and Alice C. Flelda.
buehaud and wife, Ilefnndunls.
Hlate of Oregon, County of Clackama-
mas, aa.
Hy virtue of a Judgment order, de
cree and an execution, duly leaned out
of and under the seal of the above en
titled court. In the above entitled
came, to me duly directed and dated
tha mth day of June. 1917, uix.n a Judg
ment rendered and entered In aald
court on the 12tb day of June, 117, In
favor of Tha I'nlted Htatea National
Hunk of Portlund. Oregon, a corpora
tion. Warren K. Tbomaa. Truatee.
Plaintiff., and agalnat C K. Fields and
Alice C. Fields, husband and wife. De
fendants, for the sum of 110000 00.
with Interval thereon at the rate of 7
per cent per annum from the 19th day
of October, 19C and the further sum
of ll.'iOOO, aa attorney's fee, and the
further sum of I2.2Z coats and dis
bursements, and the coats of and upon
this writ, commanding me to make
sale of thn following deacrlbe) real
property, situate In the county of
Clackamas, state of Oregon, to wit:
All or Section Sixteen (1C), Township
Three (3). Houlh Range Seven (7)
Kaat of the IWIIamette Meridian.
NOW. THEREFORE, by virtue of
said execution, Judgment order and de
cree, and In compliance with the com
mands of said writ. I will, on Satur
day, the 21st day of July. 1917; at the
hour of 10 o'clock a. m., at the front
door of the County Court House In the
City of Oregon City. In said County
and State, aell at public auction, sub
ject to redemption, to the highest bid
der for V. 8. gold coin caah In hand, all
the right, title and Interest which the
within named defendnnts or either of
them, had on the date of the mortgage
herein or since had In or to the above
described real property or any part
thereof, to satisfy said execution, judg
ment order, decree. Interest, costs and
all accruing costs.
Sheriff of Clacksmas County, Oregon.
Hy E. C. Hackett, Deputy.
Dated, Oregon City, Ore., June
22nd. 1917.
Notice of Appointment of Adminis
trator. Notice Is hereby given that the
undersigned has been appointed by
the County Court of Clackamas
County. Oregon, administrator of
the estate of Francis Marlon Stone,
All persons having claims against
said estate are hereby notified to
present the same with proper vouch
ers attached within six months from'
the date of the first publication of
this notice, namely Juno 15th, 1917,
to tho administrator at the office of
Stone Moulton, In the Stevens
Dulldlng, Orogon City, Oregon.
First publication, June 15. 1917;
last publication, July 13, 1917. '
Attorneys for administrator.
Sheriff's Sale on Execution
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon, for tho County of Marlon.
Annetto I. Miller as Guardian of the
person and estate of Henry J. Miller,
an insnno perstiu, plaintiff,
L. L. Grlbble, Albortlnn Grlbble and
W. H. Grlbble, Defendnnts.
Stato of Oregon, County of Clackamas,
By virtue of a Judgment order, de
croo and an attachment execution, duly
Issued out of nnd under tho Bcal of
the above entitled court. In the above
entitled cause, to me duty directed
and dated tho 29th day of Muy, 1917,
upon a judgment rendered and entered
In said court on the 24th dny of April,
1917, In favor of Annetto I. Miller, as
gunrdlan of the person and estate of
Henry J. Miller, an insane person,
plaintiff and against L. L. Grlbbla, Al-
bertlna Grlbble and W. H. Grlbble, de
fendants tor the sum of $6353 98, with
Intoreflt thereon at the rate of six per
cent, per annum from the 24th dny of
April, 1917, and the further sum of
1400.00 attorney's feos with interest
thereon at the rate of six per cent, per
annum from the 24th day of April,
1917, and the further sum of 1105.00
costs and disbursements, and the costs
of and upon this writ, commanding me
out of the personal property of said
defendants, and If sufficient could not
be found, then out of the real property
lir)rnTl"g to snld iWmd.-ints on and
aftr Ilia data of aald Judgment to
sallafy aald agin of ICiVt M, InU-reat.
and a I o Ilia coals upon this said writ
Now, therefore, by tlrtue of aald
ei utlon, Judgment order and dwree,
and In i-oinpHania with the i Minuends
of acid writ, being uiieM to find any
perwmal property of aald defendant's,
I did on lha Ith day of April, 1 91 S. uu
der s!tehnient In this suit duly levy
upon lha following oVe'rlt.ed real
property (if aald defendant's, situate
and being In lha County of ('U kaiuas.
and Huts of Oregon, tow It;
Tba following desrltd real eatatr
situate In Clackamas County, Hlate of
Oregon, tn-wilt: Helng a part or the
I). 1, C. of John (irll.ble No J, notifi
cation No. iZ. In Hwtlona I', , 21,
and , Townahlp 4 H, R K. Wlllam
etta Meridian, Ori-yon. and bounded
and deecrllied aa follows: Commenc
ing at the southwest corner of said I)
U C. No. 11, and running thence with
the south Una of said claim N. K0 de
grees 30 in In ill ea K 4C0 rhalna;
thence north t CI chalna; thence aouth
h degreea 30 inloutea w. 44 Co rhalne
to tha West line of said claim No. 2t,
thence with eald West line or claim S O
degrees 30 minutes K 1 44 chains to
the place or beginning, containing
44 13 acree more or lets, end I wilt, on
Halurday, th I4tb day of July, 1917, at
the hour of 10 o'clock a in., at the
front dor of the County Court House
In the City ot Oregon City, In said
County and Htate, aell at public auc
tion, subject to redemption, to the
nlgheat bidder, for I'. H. gold coin,
caah In band, all the rlxht. title, and In-ti-reat
whlrh tba within named defend
ante, or either of them, had on the
dale of said attachment or since had
In or to the above described real
I roperty or any part thereof, to satis
fy said judgment order, decree. Inter
est, coats and all accruing costs.
Hberlff of Clackamas County, Oregon.
Hy E. C. HACKETT, Deputy.
Dated. Oregon City. Oregon, June
I5th. 1917.
In the Circuit Court of tha State of
Oregon, for the County of Clackamas.
J. R. Smith, an Individual doing bual
ness aa J. R. 8mlth Co, plaintiff,
John 0. Perkel, Alice Perkel and C. M.
Hult. Defendants.
State ot Oregon, County of Clackamas
By virtue of a Judgment order, de
cree and an execution, duly Issued out
ot and under the seal ot the above en
titled court In the above entitled cause,
to me duly directed and dated the 11th
day of June, 1117, upon a Judgment
rendered and entered In aald court on
the Sth day of May, 1917, In favor of
J. R. Smith an individual doing busi
ness aa J. R. Smith Co., plaintiff, and
against John B. Perkel, Alice Perkel
and C. M. Hult, defendants, for the
sum of $1500, with Interest thereon at
the rate of ( per cent per annum from
the 10th day ot February, 1915, and
the further aum of f 100.00 as attorney's
fee. and costs of and upon this writ,
commanding me to make sale of the
following described real property, situ
ate In the Coounty ot Clackamas, State
of Oregon, to-wlt:
All ot the Southwest quarter (Vi) of
the Northeast quarter (14) of Section
Twenty-four (24) situate in Township
Four South ot Range Two (1) East of
the Willamette Meridian, 4n said Coun
ty ot Clackamas and State of Oregon,
excepting such portion of the said
Southwest quarter (M) ot the North
east quarter of said section as la
situated on the Southeast aide of Bald
Hill County Road, and a strip sixty
(60) feet wide running along the East
side ot said southwest quarter (14) of
the Northeast quarter (14) ot aald
section twenty-four (24), said strip ex
tending from Bald Hill County Road
to the North line ot aald Southwest
quarter ot the Northeast quarter (14)
of said section twenty-tour.
And all ot a certain tract of land
particularly described aa: Beginning at
a point sixty feet west ot the center
of tho Northeast quarter (14) of sec
tion twenty-four, situated in Township
Four (4) South, Range Two (2) East
of the Willamette Meridian; running
thence West to the West line of the
Northeast quarter (14) of said seclton
twenty-four (24); running thence north
fourteen (14) rods; thence East to a
point sixty feet west of East line ot
the northeast quarter (14) of tho north
east quarter (U) of said sectloon twen
ty-four (24); thence south fourteen
(14) rods to tho place of beginning;
containing In all forty-five (45) acres
ot land more or less.
Now. Therefore, by virtue of said
execution, judgment order and decree
and in compliance with the commands
of said writ, I will, on Saturday, tho
14th day ot July, 1917, at the hour of
10 o'clock; a. m., at the front door of
tho County Coart House In the City of
Oregon City, In said County and State,
sell at public auction, subject to re
demption, to the highest bidder, for
U. S. gold coin cash in hand, all the
right, title and Interest which the with
in named defendants or either ot them,
oad on the date of the mortgage here
in or since had in or to the abovo
described real property or any part
thereof, to satisfy said execution, judg
ment order, decree, interest, costs and
all accruing costs.
Sheriff ot Clackamas County, Oregon.
By E. C. HACKETT, Deputy.
Dated, Oregon City, Ore., June 15,
Notice is hereby given that the un
dersigned, Edwin Clyde Apperaon and
Roswell L. Conner, aa Joint Executors
ot the Last Will and Testament ot
John T. Apperson, deceased, pursuant
to terms and conditions of the Last
Will and Testament of said John T.
Apperaon, deeeaeed, and by authority
thereby veatad la us as suck) Kieca
Vtt, authorUIng aa go to do, wa will
on and after lha 2nh day of July, 1117,
at tha Dank of Oregon City, In Oregon
City, Clackamas County, Oregon, pro
ceed to aell at V' '"f MaB
In Aand, tha following deacrlbed tracts
parcels, lota and places of land be
longing to lha aetata of aald John T
Apporeon, deeeaeed, to-wlt;
All of lllock "U" of Park place, In
Clackamaa County, Oregon, and con
taining 11.71 acres.
All of lllock "A" of Park place, In
Clackamas County, Oregon, nd con
taining about on acre.
Tha Houth Twenty. (20) feet of Lot
eleven (11) of block three (1) In Park
place, Clackamaa County, Oregon.
Tba west thirty feat of lots twelve
(12), thlrteeu (11) and fourteen (14).
of block three (1) of Parkplace, In
Clackamas County, Oregon. Also
atrip of land oft of tba west end of lot
fifteen (11) In aald block three (1) of
Parkplace, In Clackamaa County, Ore
gon, described aa beginning at the
north weet corner of said lot, and run
ning thence eaat thirty (30) feet;
thence southerly to the southwest cor
ner of said lot fifteen ill) and thence
north along :he west line ot said lot
to tha place of beginning.
Block No. eleven (11) of Apperson's
8ub-dlvlalon of blocks five (&). six ()
and aeven (7) of Parkplace, In Clack
amaa County, Oregon.
Lot No. one (1) of block "D" In
Jamea A. Chase's aub-dlvlalon ot block
"D" of Parkplace In Clackamaa Coun
ty, Oregon, and containing about alx
(() acrea.
The eoulberly one bait of block
sixty-nine (19) In Clackamaa Heigh ta,
being an addition to Parkplace, In
Clackamaa Countr. Oregon.
Lota numbered (2) and three (1) ofl
block sixty-seven ((7) In Oregon City,
Clackamas County, Oregon
Lot No, one (1) and the north half
of lot No. two (2) ot block No.-fifty
(50) In Oregon City, Clackamaa Coun
ty, Oregon.
Lot No. twenty (20) of block No.
two (2) In Edge wood, being an addi
tion to Parkplace, In Clackamaa Coun
ty, Oregon. J
Being a part of the D. L. C. of Hi
ram Straight and wife. In Clackamaa
County, Oregon, and described aa com
mencing at a point sixteen and 1(5-1000
(K.SS Vb ) cbalna east and six and 20100
(6.20) chains south of the 14 section
corner between aectlons twenty (20)
and twenty-nine (29) In townahlp two
(2) south of range two (2) east ot the
Willamette Meridian, said beginning
point being fixed by a atone marked
(S), from which an oak formerly
twelve Inches in dimeter bears S.
64 degrees E. 89 links distant, also an
oak formerly twelve inches In diame
ter bears S. 46 degrees W. 47 links
distant; and running thence S. 85 de
grees E. five and 80100 (5.80) chains;
thence S. 5 degrees W. seven and
24-100 (7.24) chains; thence S. 35 de
grees E. alx and 82-100 (6.82) chains;
thence S. 10 degrees 30 minutes E.
seven and 66 100 (7.56) chains; thence
S. 26 degrees W. five pi 60100 (5.50)
chains; thence S. 62 degrees W. five
and 60-100 (5.50) chains to the Green
Point line; thence with said line N.
85 degrees 30 minutes W. eleven and
28-100 (11.28) chains, and continuing
along said line S. 86 degrees E. eigh
teen and 68-100 (18.68) chains to a
point in the center of the County Road;
thence along the center ot said County
Road N. 24 degrees E. sixteen and
25-100 (16.25) chains to southerly line
ot the Oregon & California Railroad
Right ot Way; thence In a northeaster
ly direction along said right of way
nineteen and 75-100 (19.75) chains to
the northwest corner ot a tract of land
conveyed to J. T. Apperson by deed
recorded at page 460 ot Book "51" Rec
ords of Deeds for Clackamaa County,
Oregon; thence S. 61 degrees E six
and 68-100 (6.6S) chains; thence N. 17
degrees E. one and 20-100 (1.20) chains
to the place ot beginning and contain
ing 74.3S acres, more or less, and be
ing the lands conveyed to J. T. Apper
son by deeds recorded at page 316 ot
Book "36" and at page 460 of book "51"
and at page 377 of book "57" ot the
Records of Deeds for Clackamas Coun
ty, Oregon.
Also the following described tract of
land: Beginning at the northeast cor
ner ot the S. E. quarter ot the S. E.
quarter of section 16 in township two
(2), south of range two (2) east of the
Willamette Meridian in Clackamas
County, Oregon, and running thence
north twelve (12.00) chains; thence
east twenty-five (25.00) chains; thence
south twelve (12.00) chains; thence
west fifteen (15.00) chains; thence
south fifteen and 41.100 (15.41) chains;
thence west fifteen and 25-100 (15.25)
chains; thence north fifteen and
41-100 (15.41) chains; and thence east
five and 25-100 (5.25) chains to the
place ot beginning containing 53 H
acres, more or less.
Also a roadway thirty feet in width
leading from said premises above des
cribed to the public highway known as
the Forsythe Road conveyed to John
T. Apperson by deed recorded at page
326 ot book "109" Records of Deeds for
Clackamaa County, Oregon, which said
roadway is more particularly described
as beginning at the northeast corner
of a tract of land conveyed by Charles
Welgand to Henry Lubblng by deed
recorded in Book "96" page 372 Rec
ords of Deeds for Clackamas County,
Oregon, and running thence west fif
teen (15) feet; thence south forty-four
and 29-100 (44.29) chains to the For
sythe Road; thence east thirty (30)
feet; thence north forty-four and 29-100
(44.29) chilns to the north line of Bar
ney Short's land; thence west fifteen
(15) feet to the place of beginning and
containing 2.00 acres, more or less, in
Sections II and 21, T. 1, S. R. I E. of
the Willamette Meridian.
Beginning at the N. E. comer of the
Eire Flaber D. U C, Claim No. 44 la
Townahlp two (2) aouth of Itanga two
(2) Kaat of lha Willamette Meridian
In Clackamaa County, Oregon, and ran
nlng thence N. (0 degrsea K. Blue and
11100 (111) chains; thencai north
2(2 14) feet; thence In northeasterly
direction 110 feet, more or lae, to a
point 750 feet 8. 10 degrees E. from
a point 12)5 feet Eaat of the Aber
nethy Claim Land on tha aaat aid
thereof whlrh la 140 feet south of lha
center Una running aaat and west
through the center of Bectloo 21 In
aald Townahlp and Range, and running
thence from said point north I de
grees weet 750 feet to point 10 00
cbalna aouth of tha center line of
section 27; thence east 751 feet, mora
or lees, to point tea (10 00) cbalna
south of the north eaat corner of tha
weet half of the aouth weet quarter of
section twenty-eeven (27); thenca
south thirty (10 00) cbalna to the 8. Z
corner of the west half of the south
east quarter of sect Pin 27; thenca
south (1 degreea 12 minute west
thirty-four (14.00) cbalna to tba eaat
line of the said Flaber D. L. C; thenca
north aeventeen and tl-100 (17.11)
chains to the place of beginning and
containing 12.00 acres, more or less.
Also a strip of land thirty feet In
width, being a right of way for a road
from said premises to the Abernethy
Road and crossing certain premlaea
conveyed by Mary Mader to Arabella
Imel, and running to the weeterly end
ot aald Imel tract where aald road Is
now located.
Save and excepting from aald 12.00
acre tract a atrip ot land twenty feet
In width on the north side of same
to be forever kept open and used aa
a public road.
The aald tracts of land will be sold
separately or together aa In the Judg
ment of the Executors may be moat
advisable, and the aales thereof will
be made subject to confirmation by
the County Court of Gackamaa County,
Dated thla 12th day ot June. 1917.
Joint Executors of the Last Will and
Teatament of John T. Apperson, de
ceased. Summons.
In the Circuit Court of the Bute of
Oregon, for Clackamas County.
Ida Wood, Plaintiff,
Colha Wood, Defendant.
To Collis Wood, above named defend
In the name of the State of Oregon,
you are hereby required to appear and
answer the complaint filed against
you in the above entitled suit, on or
before the 20th day ot July, 1917. said
date being the expiration ot six weeks
from the first publication of this sum
mons, and If you fall to appear and
answer said complaint, for want there
of the plaintiff will apply to the court
for the relief prayed for in her com
plaint, to-wlt:
For a decree dissolving the marrlege
contract now existing between plain
tiff and defendant This summons Is
published bv order ot Hon. J. U. Camp
bell, Judge of the Circuit Court, which
order vns made on the 7th day of
June, 1917, and the time prescribed
for publication thereof is six weeks,
beginning with the issue dated Friday,
June 8, 1917, and continuing each week
thereafter to and including Friday,
July 20, 1917.
Attorneys for Plaintiff.
In the Circuit Court of the State ot
Oregon, for Clackamas County.
Margaret Harris, Plaintiff,
Hurbert Harris, Defendant
To Hurbert Harris above named de
fendant: In the name of the State of Oregon,
you are hereby required to appear and
answer the complaint filed against you.
in the above entitled suit, on or before
D. C Latourfttk. President F. J. Mayer, Cashier
The First National Bank
of Oregon City, Oregon
CAPITAL, $50,000.00
Transacts a General Banking Business
Phones Pacific 52
Home A-llJ
All legal business promptly attended U
Commercial, Real Estate and
Probate our Specialties. Of
fice in First National Bank
Bldg., Oregon City, Oregon.
Office Phone
-Pacific Main 405;
Home A-270.
Beaver Bldg., Room 8
Money loaned, abstracts furnish
ed, land titles examined, estates
settled, renerel tsw hr,nii
Over Bank of Oregon City.
the Ilia day of July, 1117, aald data aa.
lag tha aiplratloB of a' I weeks trues
tha 0rst publlratlua of this auiammu,
aad If yew fall U Baa oar aald ema
plaint, for want thereof the pUlutll
III apply to lha court for the relief
prayed for la her complaint, to wit:
For a decree dlseolvlng lha vri
age contract now existing between
plaintiff and defendant aad for tha
care, caatody and control of their mla
or children, to-wlt: William If. Harris
and Elale af. Harris. This summons la
publlahed by order of Hon. J. D. Camp
bell, Judge of the Circuit Court, which
May, 1117, and the time prescribed for
order was made on the llrd day of
publication thereof la alx weeks, be
ginning with tha Issue dated, Friday,
June 1st, 1117, and continuing each
weak thereafter to and Including Fri
day, July 11, 1117.
Attorneys for Plaintiff.
In the Circuit Court of the Htate of
Oregon, for Clackamaa County.
Klbel Dalley, plaintiff.
VB. , .
Roy Dalley, defendant
To Roy Iielley, tha Bbove named de
fendant: In the name of the Stat of Oregon,
you are hereby required to appear
and answer 'he complaint filed against
you In the above named suit on or
before the 22nd day of June, HIT,
said date being the expiration of six
weeks from the first publication of
this summons, and if you fall to ap
pear or answer said complaint, for
want thereof the plaintiff will apply to
the court for the relief prayed for la
ber complaint to-wlt:
For a decree) dissolving the marriage
contract now existing between plain
tiff and defendant; for the care, cus
tody and control of the minor child
ren, Marcus Dalley, Florence Dalley
and Gertrude Dalley. This summon
Is published by order of J. U. Camp
bell. Judge of the Circuit Court which
order was made and entered on the
10th day of May. 1917. and the time
prescribed for publication thereof Is
six weeks, beginning with the Issue
dated. Friday, May 11. 1117. and con
tinuing each week thereafter to and
including the Issue of Friday, June
22nd, 1917.
Attorneys for Plaintiff.
In the Circuit Court of the State ol
Oregon, for Clackamas County.
M. U Morris .plaintiff
Ella P. Morris, defendant
To Ella P. Morris, the above named
In the name ot the State ot Ore
gon you are hereby required to appear
and answer the complaint of the plain
tiff, filed against you in the above en
titled suit on or before six weeks
from the 11th day of May, 1917; that
being the date ot the rat publication
of the summons herein, and If yon so
foil to appear and answer for want
thereof, the plaintiff will apply to the
court for the relief demanded in the
complaint to-wlt: For a decree dis
solving the bonds of matrimony and
the marriage contract heretofore and
now existing between plaintiff and de
fondant In thla aause, and for such
other and further relief as the plain
tiff may be entitled to In the premises.
The summons Is served upon you
by publication, pursuant to the order
of the Hon. J. U. Campbell, judge of
the above entitled court which order
waa made and entered on the 7th day
of May, 1917, and which order directed
that service of summons in this cause
be made upon you by publication
thereof, once a week for alx consecu
tive weeks in the Oregon City Enter
prise, a newspaper printed and pub
lished and of general circulation In
Oregon City, Clackamas County, Ore
gon. DIMICK t DIMICK and
Attorneys for Plaintiff.
Date of first publication May 11, 1917.
Open from 9 A. M. to 3 P. M.
William. Hammond
Philip L. Hammond
Abstracts, Real Estate, Loans. Insur
Paelflo Phone 81, Home Phone A-273
Deutscher Advokat
Will practice in all courts, make col
lections and settlements.
Office In Enterprise Building,
Oregon City. Oregon.
Graduate of the Ontario Veteri
nary College at Toronto, Canada,
and the McttiUip Bctooi af Sur
gery ot Chicago, U established
at Fashion SuMe, between
Fourth and Fifth oa Main Street.
Both Telephones
Office Faetfle M: Home A as
Res. Pacific 184': Home l-0