Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, June 22, 1917, Page Page 3, Image 3

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    IV 3
. OMWKOO, Junt JITIi kv
of I'im-iIioiiU ImilmM June
14 In Otrnxgo br Hn hoin T. ('.
KslillU, SSlstd KlWIIld Count II No
II Ih'itf ut I'urihoiiK of rurtlaiul,
ir Visitor from I'ortlsnd and Or
it Cli jf wra rvMnt. A'ler lodg
lustsllnl, rifri'liiii"iil were
surfed, llm same being eiijuyiid hx all
Mr. (ir Jones ml mall con, of
liulUa, sr tUMIng Mr. JmnV Iniilli'f.
Mr. Jon, tills i'.
Mr. Going, from llniiiiiiolid. visited
lirniiiliii ivl (lila .
Ml lrnna Hulava mil her liiul ImT.
of I'oMUnd, were gueal ( llm 'I mid
home Halunlay eycnli .
Mr. Mrrtla HVCall and son, Kugnnr.
of (ioahi'ii, Or , who have bn t tiU
Ink Hi Pl l' M' will) Hi"
former' musln, Mr. Ilufua '.'ii'fi
lit t-r, of tlil pl', relumed tiiuii"
I'Ki-aiUy afternoon. Mr Cuwiiliiivir
ml dauxhtnr, Audrey, a coiuiia'iii d
then, to Ooshin.
Mr. J. U 'onliir I visiting
her grandmother at NeburK. Mr
Coiinhavr I working; al tliat ilarv
at praarnt
Tha W-s r.thel ami Klaln Wllaoii.
of Cortland, wer Oswego vlallur on
Mia drain L'lston, of Anillr, l
visiting her sister. Mis Kiln K la tun
Mr. K. Neal and Mr I) Cllllr. an
alao Iiit fat Iiit. II. Klatoii of tlila
Mr. I -on Waldorf I vlaltlnit her
aoti, Walter anil family, of Mul'im,
I .III In Mlai I -a Verne Kenton, of
Cortland. I visiting her aunt, Mra.
diaries ohnson.
Mia Dorothy Howell, of Cortland.
I vlalt Inat her g raudiarnta, Mr. and
Mr. Thoina Koi.
Mr and Mr. Thorn Km and
granddaughter, Marmirl llnlm-a, visit
ed Mr. and Mr, hu'i ami, rat, at
flat kaina molilllratloii ramp, Htinduy
Mia iKirla Nlibuh and Mlaa Alt
Wirt raffled off a pillow top till week
and ri'ullti'd 15, the prurwds going to
thn Hi d Croa fund.
A minstrel allow will be given by
thn ConKrKtlnul cliuivh Thursday,
Junn 2H. Adiiilailon 10 retita. Cake
and lr rn-ttiii will be aerved during
thn evening, for whlrti ten cent will
bo rhargrd. The profiled w ill bo da
nated lo the I!" d Cross funds.
Mr. and Mr. Austin I'lmrls, of Mo
Mliinvllle. and Mr. Churls' sister. Mra.
A Hcott and itaiiKliter, Miirguret June,
of iM nvrr. spent last week III OawcK'i.
Mr. and Mr. J. ( lluln-s. Kr.. Mr.
and Mr. ('. A. Hetliko and ami. Curl.
Mr. and Mr. Gilbert lliilm l. and ihll
dren, Cruiirl and Gilbert Thomas, Jr,
Mr. and Mr. J. Wesley Haines and
children, Juanltii, EM tier and Dorothy,
of thl iluo, motored to Cnnliy Htm
day. They visited Mr. and Mr. Grunt
Mr. and Mr. Joseph Ulrkner left
Monday morning for their mine In
Southern Oregon,
The Kpworth U'ftguo of the M. K.
church will give a banket aortal In
llorstmua'i lots across from the
school house Tho proceeds will bo
uaad to sblngi the church, fcivryoso
la linllad.
Mr C. A. Iinilika and sob, Carl,
Mr. V. Htefflni, and Mr. II. Ilorg
bora I innrd lo Oregon Cltjr Tm
Mr Mary Hmllli left for Kunk.
Calif,, Munduy Hint lis loin vl.lt
Ing Imr dsukliier, Mr. I. II. r'oi.
Mr. Mary J, Will, of Newport.
Orvgun, and dUKlilr, Mr. Urm n Y.um
wall, of I'owoll lllver, II. C, woru O
wegu visitor Tueaduy.
Mra. Hoy f Mualker am) inn, of
Hood lllvrr, wer thn K'lests of Mr
C. I. HIiMd Hmiitux.
Waller Clunk and Mr. Noslnr, of
Ilia Third Oregon hand, Wei Oswego
visitor Humlay.
Mr. arid Mra, Albert Itoi. nlreler
will inova Into the Iioiim Vaeuled by
I'rofesaor It. A. Voae.
Mr and Mr. Klibard llllner, of
Oregon City, am visiting the John
Klaer boiiin.
Mra. John Graham, of Canhy, Ore,
vlalled her nephew, Tlioinaa Martin
lual Tlmraduy.
up Ilia 'iiiiinnr atk'Mil work la I'ort
land, waa weekrnd visitor with b"r
fooaln, Mary Hruwhert.
Mr. and Mr. Cha, Itedmond and
Mr. and Mr A, Mrrll, of I'orlland.
pb lilli ed on (Vilar Island on Honday,
On Tueoday Ilia aH"'ll eoiiimltlee
of the federated Coum l of Corigrrg
llolial rlmri li, met at the Oatruin home
I'lana wrm tmd for the federated
pli iile
Spring Fever ?
Tlil I ll Urn rf )ar l kw.k nnl
lor Irmililei leH wrak-our l,li4
mm l,ot no aijliUi. ,fia
elaari Immim I 7lia Is when ll, Lbiod
a cloggml ari'l w of!,f l,, M
(inmoiily caile'l tHI,
n lr 1'ieree't OoMen Mnln l i-
roverr (In liiol'I or ti.1,1, 1.) pur.,, a l,
LImk) and entirely i raliratea ll.a
At the annual meeting of a liol ( '" Uiat brtJ ami le ,i,m-m. )
dl.lrlrt No. III. Hhelton lie. 1,1.1 waa' M -'' f '". lb
. , . ,, . . , weak, run down, il. lohiai.,1 c.iid,t,oii
elete( a dlreelor to iireeed Mr. Alet t-1.,. , ..,, , lM
eoiniooiiiy llie i-iimi i.( linpiir blwl,
lr, j ieri' a iioiurn nwui ai Discovery
lint only leane ll,e t,nxl ol lini.ur
Ultra, lint It Inrreaws ll.e (entity of tb
MoiHi-iiiaaiiig gieiKis, ami il ennrbe
Id tMxIy Willi an aburularit supply i,l
J'urr. ru il iiio"i. ror aaie l y UruggiaU.
Tail II a direeM and it will ararrh
out Impure ami ionoo malu-r In
tlx ttimacli, liver, Uiwel and kid
ney ami drive il liom U syslrin
uirougn ma uaiuiu iijauniis.
Pojmlar Osuco
Girl Wtili
Portland Man.
Miss Ana Todd, of thl pi are, Waa
ijnletly married to Hulpli Cuderwood.
Tlmraduy, June H, In Vancouver,
Mra. t'liderwiMid Is the eldest daugh
ter of Mr. and Mrs W. W. Todd, of
thl pi sr, and wns born and raised
here. Hlie la employed by the I'ai Ifle
Htalea' Telehona company,
Mr I'nderwiHid I a Cortland man
and I also employed by the I'arlfli
States Teledioiie company. They are
residing at Mrs. I'nderwood'a psrent'
home t present, where they are at
home to their many friend.
Jennings Lodge
JKNM.N'GH. LOIXiK. Or., "June 20
Willi Kessl raptured the selioolsrshlp
ut Lincoln IiIkIi thl year. Mr. Kessl
I at present with bis father on their
rain h at llarlun, Oregon
('apt. Kiln Know has been on the ! k
Carl IVteraotl. of Heat tie. was the
gueal of (ho Jensen family ut Koethe
alatlou the past week.
Mrs. IMillg and children, of Kenttle.
huvo returned to their homo, after a
two Weeka' visit with her purunls, .Mr.
and Mrs. Iiurtlcit.
Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Tucker enter
(ulneil the lloy Hcuiils on Monday eve
ning In honor of lion MucKvrlane. The
bo) a were royully fed ou such good
thing as Ice creuiu and cuke and all
hud a fine tlmo
Miss Mury Tierce la recovering from
her recent Illness
Mra. A. ('. MacKarluno and aon,
I Kin, and Alico Kva, have been visiting
their friend for tho past few days, on
their way to lirnuts I'ass, where they
etpect to remain.
Mr. Will Jacolis and Mr. Shaver
entertained for Mrt. Mac triune Tuea
duy afternoon.
Mis Helen I'ulnton, who la taking
GUI. Iir. Ilsyne waa reelei ted ( U-rk
A levy wa mad mi a In pay off the
Indebtedness lii III". Iteports fur the
past year wer given by tha clerk and
also by Mr. Minnie l. Altman, the
principal. Ilemoilellng of the a hool
wa dlsrusaed and same wa referred
to the board and probably a apwUI
meeting will held later lo hear re.
porta, a to plan and cost of new ad
' dltlon-
Mr. Kugan llusch and daughter,
Virginia, ara visiting rslatlvss In I'ort
Mr. and Mr. Martin received new
of their aon' Illness In Heattl ho
pltal but b I Improving now.
Mr. A. II. Hmlth and children hav
returnel from The Dalles, wher (he
had gone lo attend tb graduation of
Mr. Hmlth' sister.
Td Young baa Joined bla folka at
Ilalph Madison has enlisted and i
pert to go to American Lake neit
month. Clyde Curtln will go lo the
same place.
Air. and Mr. J. Iloblnson, of eastern
Oregon, atopped off here at th A. T.
Itussell bom on tbelr way from Ku-
gene, where their aon, Ilneeher, waj
graduated from tha University of Or
egon. Mr. and Mr. Doecber ttobimon
were also In the party. Tbey spent
the winter at Balem, where tbelr chil
dren hav been In achool. The party
made the trip by auto.
The Kinney family la moving to
Hellwood and will be greatly missed.
Mr. Kinney bad charge of th vested
Mr. Ileckner baa returned from Cal
llyron 1-olt haa gone to Hood Klver
for a couple of month.
Mr. Olive Kessl will spend her va
ration at Hood Klver.
TortlaJiJ, Orrgon. -"Itr. I'ieme'g
remedie hav
been Use in mjr
fariiily lor year,
and w ltd good
results. 1 alway
gave rny ciuKlren
tlie ' (iolden Med
lal lliscoverv'
a a tome in the
spring. My bus
band it lor
xir Llofxl, Uif
, piu liver and In-
digestion. Mr
daufhter fonnd it
especially good for bloating caused
from imjiveeiion, I am ylJ ui rec
ommend ir. 1'ierce's Golden .Medical
Maeover." Mm, M t'uunliighum,
tiUU itoee Htrt-ei.
IIAHIXIW. June 21. The young
people held a plcnlo Sunday on the
Molulla. An enjoyable tlmo wa aH-nt
by tho party.
Mr. Ilcrtlcscn wua married Juno 12
and hi many friend are conKratulut-
Ing him now, and wish for hi future
Miss Irene Wurfel U In Torllund
as com pan Ion to her friend, Ml I-o-rcttu
llruen, who ha had a itroke of
paralysis. We hope for Ixircttu's
M-edy recovery.
Mr. Jesse 'Is Improving and I aeon
up town each day.
Mr. and Mra. Hurgoyne, of New
Era, Mr. and Mr. Frank Pusch and
aon, of Oregon City, called on Mr. and
Mrs. Josso recently.
Tho sad newi was received Monday
of the death of le Harding In Mon
tana. He joined the army last full.
Mlas I'eurl Hayes attended the rose
rarnlval lust week and her cousin.
Miss Mabelle Young, came home with
ber to spend the vacation.
Mr. and Mr. ON y lierg "took In" the
rose ahow lust wees.
Mr. and Mr. Frank Jesse, of Port
land, visited the old folks Sunday.
Mrs. Lunduhl. of Monitor, visited
Mrs. Irwin Monday.
At the school meeting held Monday
night, a three-mill, tax wua levied. II.
F. Ziegler was re-elected to serve
three years a director and O. Mc
Ansva waa elected to serve one yeur
upon the resignation of It T. Huh In.
I I,. Irwin waa fleeted clerk.
Mr. Iindsreck was called to Port
land uKn th death of his niece.
THE DALLE8, Or., June 15. Na
than Wboaldon. one of the best known
men In eastern Oregon, died at bis
home here this morning; after an Ill
ness of several months.'
He was a former member of the
Oregon state senate, and a pioneer
realty, dealer of this city. He Vas
born of a pioneer family in Linn coun
ty and early in life went to eastern
Oregon, where be became active In
public life. The funeral arrangements
have not yet been completed.
I.OH ANGkXF.H, Cal., June 8.-Two
towns are In ruin today, with losses
of hundred of thousand ofc dol
lars lo home and other property.
arid three women are dead of slim g and
prostration as the toll of forest fires In
three widely separated arena of Hiutli
rn California. Hunta ISurhura and
Cr.rpenterla were nieiiaed. Ventura
Is In the path of another .re.
OJal, where CO homes were burned.
snd NordhotT, where only tha bank
and poitofTIco are left at;ndlng, were
Uia two towns destroyed
The dead are: Mr. John Warner
Mra. Franc I Marroquln and Miss
Hawy.ir, a ours.
Hhepard's Inn and Stanley park, fa
mous mountuhi re-sort near Curpen
terla, are In ruin. The Gate school
for boys waa In the path of the Are
early tojay.
In the Castluc Newbsll district, S2
miles from l.o Angeles, the Are
which went through the village of
llco end burned oil wells valued at
hundreds of thousands. Is renewing
headway and threatens greater damage.
Kvery available man and automobile
In Hanle. Ilnrbura has been comman
deered Into service to buttle the fires.
Important Notice!
Something Free
I will clean and repair your Columbia Grnfonolaa also
your "Victor" machines
With Out Charge
where light repair ii all that is needed. Where new
parts parts must he put in, the work will be done as
cheap as possible. .
All I ask in return is your RECORD BUSINESS
when buying records get them of me, and when
buying a Grafonola remember I will take your old
machines as part payment.
If your spring is- broke it don't necessarily mean a
new spring. For a square deal, with value received,
come to
Dlr In Columbia Grafonola and BorJs
MILYVAUKIB, Oregon. June 20.
0. C. Harris and M. King, two speed
ers, who were arrested by Officer
Meads, fulled to appear In Judge Kel
so's court yesterday and bench war-
runts were Issued to compell their ap
pearance In court at a later date.
Penland and Ford, arrested last week
for speeding and fined 20.00, sent a
check for the amount that was refused
payment on at the bank when present
ed by Judge Kelso, so a later one for
110 was sent that the Judge refused as
It was only half the fine and as the
rest was not sent a bench warrant
was Issued for them yesterday, and an
officer will go after thera today.
All speeders were going from 35 to
45 miles an hour when caught by Mr.
Wyroof lEconoraical
( ccalorashesl V
M BAY y Ir.u
fy a:smbfilMll;GASlW
"IL :::::::::::::
j WL vL.J.w 1 fifllifilllll
" cc
a- SpFi
The orange discs which you will see displayed
next week in the windows of the dealers listed
below bring a welcome message a message
telling of relief from the drudgery and discom
fort of summer cooking.
For the New Perfection cooks better than any
wood or coal range, and it does not heat up
the kitchen. Cooler cooking in summer
more economical cooking all the year 'round.
Watch for the orange discs next week. Ask
any of these dealers to tell you about the New
Perfection Oil Cook-Stove and how the long
blue chimneys prevent all smoke and smelL
j :::::::::::::
lift. . Fors""by - ' M
il. Vw Hogg Bros. Oregon City, Ore
ACOOK Frank Busch " '
I C W. Friedrich "
I PEARL Wilson & Cooke "
V HIT. S L. Adams Denartment Store " ' " '"" " Tf"
Rid yourself of constipation and be a
new man or woman. Take Dr. King's
New Life rills and expel the poisons
that weaken your system, foul your
blood and make you old before your
time. One or two at night will clear
your complexion, brighten your eyes
and give back the springy step of
youth. For health and happiness. let
Dr. King's New Life Pills do for you
what they bare done for thousands. 25c
LOS ANGELES. June 14. Judge
Charles J. Bell, Justice of the peace at
Owefumouth, Is dead today, having
committed aulclde rather than face
disgrace. The aged man was arrested
on a chaige of contributing to the de
linquency of a ward of the court.
Cut This Out It Is Worth Money.
DO NT MISS THIS. Cut out this
slip, enclose with Ec and mail it to
Foley & Co., 2SS5 Sheffield Avenue,
Chicago, 111., writing your name and
address clearly. You will receive In
return a trial package containing
Foley's Honey and Tar Compound for
bronchial and la grippe coughs; Foley
Kidney Pills, for lame back, weak kid
neys, rheumatism, bladder troubles,
and Foley Cathartic Tablets, a whole
some and thoroughly ctanelng cathar
tic, for constipation, biliousness, head'
ache and sluggish bowels.
SHERWOOD, Or, June 15. Evan
Owens, aged If, son of a rural route
mall carrier, John Owens, working out
of this postofflce, and Will Cbrtaten-
sen, aged 20, son of Louis Christensen,
a farmer living near Clpole, a few
miles from here, were drowned while
taking a swim In the Tualatin river
which passe through the Christensen
place, this afternoon.
Young Owens, Christensen and three
other boys, among whom were James
Fitch, son of Postmaster Fitch, of this
place, and Chlstensen's younger broth
er, had been working on the Christen
sen farm, and late In the afternoon the
proposal was made that all cool off
by taking a swim. The Tualatin at this
A Baslaea TMmriorr of Mrs Cltr,
Towa h YWx la Ornroa aa4
Wasblasbaa, (lilsr ItaacrlpUt
Pketrai OX earh pUML lcmtkta.
llrA Dlrertarr ai mmM Tlmlaiu
a4 tni esalea.
B. I. POT S; CO, Is.
miua, SIM,
point Is deep and Just now there la a
swift current.
According to the storlea from the
survivors of the swimming party, tha
two victims were selxed with cramp.
Young Fitch, aged 15, who Is a good
swimmer, attempted to save the Owen
boy, and once bad him near abore as
he came np th second time, but some
member of th party kicked Fitch la
the stomach accidentally, making him
lose his grip on Owens, who then sank.
He was saved by an overhanging limb.
Hugh Brady, municipal grappler of
Portland, found the bodies at S o'clock
tonight, and an effort wa made to
resusclate the boys with a pulmotor.
The boys were found within ten feet
of the place where they were lost seen.
NEW YORK. June 18. Five men
were shot here Sunday night in a gang
flKht in front of the Central opera
house, Sixty-seventh street east of
Third avenue. One of the men Is dy
ing In Flower hospital Four arrests
wer made. . .
Many persons complain about feel
ing old before they should. Like a
weak link In a chain, a weak organ
enfeebles the whole body. Over
worked, weak or disordered kidney
lower vitality. A. W. Morgan, Angola,
Lol, writes: "I suffered with palna In
the back. I am 43 years old, but I
felt like a man of 90 years .old. Sine
I took Foley Kidney Pills I feel Ilk
I did when I was 21." In EOo and L08
sizes. Jones Drug Co.
Moritx Meyer, a native of Switzer
land, made application Sautrday for
his final citizenship papers. He will
be examined August 6. Meyer made
his original declaration" in 1SS3, eight
years after coming to this country. He
came to Oregon in 1S7S.
You can almost feel Sloan's Liniment
penetrate the sore spots, draw inflate
mation from that wrenched knee or
ankle, and soothe your bruised aching
muscles. Sloan's Liniment is more
quickly effective, cleaner and easier to
apply than plasters or ointments. It
neither clogs the pores nor stains the
skin, and needs no rubbing. Get a
bottle now for aches of rheumatism,
neuralgia, lumbago as well as all ex
ternal pains. At your druggist, 25c
50c, and 51.00.
Becnuso his wife has refused to
ive with him since one year after their
mnrrlnge, Samuel R. McFarland asks
tho court to grant him a divorce from
lara Martha McFarland. They were
married In 1910.
Deafness Cannot Be Cured
kr looal applications, as thfjr cannot reach
the diseased portion or th rar. Them Is
piily one way to cure deafness, and that is
by constitutional remedlea. Deafness is
caused bv an Intlamed condition of the mu
cous llnlnr of the (eustachian Tube. When
this tube Is Innamed you have a rumbling
sound or Imperfect hearing, and when It Is
entirely closed. Desfness Is the reault. and
nleas the innimmauun can w
nd this tube reatored to Ita normal condi
tion, hearing will be deatroyed foreyer: nine
cases oat of ten are caused by Catarrh,
which la nothing but an Inflamed condition
of the mucoua aurfacea.
We will gl One Hundred Dollars for any
ease ef Deafness (csused by catarrh I that
unnil be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure
Bend for elrculara. free.
Bol by Drufglsta. 11c.
Tak Hall's Family Pill (or constipation.
at Jennings Lodge
(Under New Management)
- - ' w'V-v ' '"'
An attractive place to spend your evenings and 8undays. Dancing
and bathing. The finest bathing beach on the Willamette River.
Rubber Stamps
Our Rubber Stamp Department is prepared to turn out your or
ders for special stamps on short notice.
Orders received by 5 P. M. delivered the following morning.
Butter Wrapper Stamps
16 oz.
Rubber Stamp like above, Stamp
Pad and Bottle Ink, $1.25.
Oregon City Enterprise
: ...... Office Outfitters
Phone Pacific 2 - Home B-10