Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, June 15, 1917, Page Page 5, Image 5

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    Okl.dON' (MTV KVnvUI'Klhi:. tUIIMY. JUNK IS, 1917.
Mr and Mn. W. I. kin hem ami
ilauflilcr, nf N(an, motored to thli
i II x on Monday, where they tranaii ld
lulpli Madlaon, nf M tilil r it lit hai en
Haled In llm foul artillery, end will
ihiii leave lu take up lili ilotlei. Mr
Mmllni.n U Ilia ion of Mr. and Mn.
r'rwl II MhIImiii, I tin former r I ei
lulu Hun of Dili i lly, whoen home li
kt tl'lilriini.
Mm (Vllk rtpntli, wliii been In
kiri lr In diawlng In tlx nrcKun t'lty
hlfcii ki li'Nit, Iihi gnu lu North Yakl
1114. Wuli, ehcre lm will visit fur a
lirli'f Hum. kiiil from there will go lo
Hi'ulilii, With , her home. Mlu Hpoiti
I in d'sih In Hi'uttln unit year, com-
mem Ing her work In tin fill.
Mri. li. li. ulklna, kiiii fuMci on
llniiln I, (lii rmi ('tlx, while I'liun ;')
In ruiiiilnx pulutu ilaiili'r, liutl the
nilnfiiniiiiii In i rnli lu finder in llml
II ii ni'iimury In uuipiilutn one nl
tin' flngera. i II H uinl liny Mount
nf Ii.Ih rlty uidnilid Dm Injure! wo
nun Tim other flngeri nf Ilia lianil
K lived, u 1 1 Iiimi k ti terribly later
lit. (I
H (, IHIIiuun. Hie real ralale dealer
nf thli city, li urn tin bungulow on
lili farm property kl Mnunl I'li'inttiit,
which when riiinilK' will In nim of
Ihn lllimt attractive Iiiiiiiki kl tint
place. The building li to have all
riNinii, lutli Hid sleeping jMiri li, elec
trt. licliii. Mr IMIImnn haa 174
u ri'i of luml In lili property, moat
nf which li under cultivation.
Mlu Allah Miai left by train on
Palurday evening fur California, where
aim rrinaln until the fall term of
the tirrgou City kchooli niniiiirni r.
Mlai Muaa hating lirrti reelected to
tench here. Mlai Mnna mill fl rail vlalt
lib frlendi ami relutlvea at Snn Kran
i l i). ami friiin there will no to Until
rrfiird. where aim will (lull, kill) lu'if
lo Knoh, In llm Klaklyou niuuiitalni.
where ahe will vlalt her Kralicruntl
innlhrr, Mra. Kindlon.
II. II. Eeclea, of Candy, olio of tin
lri ml in'ii t realdeiiti of that plm x, waa
In Dili city on Monday on Mi way to
Portland. Mr. Koici accompanied
lila wlfn to I'ortlunil, where she will
undergo a auritlral opcrutlon Dili morn
Inn for rhrolitc aii'tnlU'ltli. Mra
t-Vclei la ut thn Ht. Vincents hoapitul
ami the operation la to do pcrformi-u
by lr. K A. Hummer, of Portland. Mr.
Krili-i will ri'inuln In Portland with
lila wlfu for a frw iluyi.
Mr. ami Mn. F. F. Flaher. of Flaher-
ilalo farm, Mr. anil Mn. O. F. Tipton
ami Mr. and Mn. Henry Sallibury
formed a motoring party that went lo
Waiblnicton county on Humlay, and
vlaltml with frlnmli at Bhmli. The
party atatea that loin of the flneat
farmi that they have acn are In that
action ft Waihlnnton county, and
that many of the farraera are now en-
Juan Ulali'y, ini'lulixr of Ilia faiimua
I'lilvi'mlly of 'innuH iliauiplniiahlp
fiHiilnll li'uin, a 4 lioldnr of tli nti
trr plain on Ilia ni)lhlral All north
wrat fiHilhall li'ain fur thrm yi'nra, waa
marrli'il Wi"lni'iduy afternoon at
Hprliixni'lil, ()naun, to Mlai r'ramxi
Minn, of Unit town. Mr. Itlali'y'i
lioma la at Itla'ry atallou lnar Mil
Only a fw frlrmU ami rrlullvn ol
the hridn ami u'in wnr prvariit al
the wi'ddliiK whlih iMk plan at the
home of Mlaa Mann a puri'iita, Mr. and
Mra. It. l. Matin. Mra. i(lal. a rail u
Bl'xl front thn I'nlvrrilty of Omnim
Coiii'ri'Kallonul i huri h of Kuk"Ii, P'r
foriniid Ihn nmrrlian n ri'inony. Tlir
I ride worn a IravnlInK mlt ami I m
ini'il'uli'ly aflrr the cnri'innny llm ion
pin lufl for Ulali'y atallon wlmrn tlixy
v. Ill inukn thrlr fiilur liniii.
nviirul dura iko.
Ulali'y lini playi-il taralty hull at tlir
t'iilvirally of Ori'Kon for Ihrrn yi-nra
ml ilurliiK hla pri-i arhool ilua waa
a ini-inlirr or llm Hill Military and
1'iny tuam of I'ortliibd
Tim rrrrnmny waa ki'pt aw-rnt fniin
all of the atuili'iita rvi vpt Mr. Itlilry'i
latter, and IX'WIlt (illlmrt, a fruti-r
nliy liroihi-r of Mr ltl"l v'a Tin-
rriHini la a li ilier of llm I'hl (imniiia
linlta fraternity am) the hrldo li a
iiiemlier of Delta lella Helta anrorlty.
The Hef. HpniiKler, paator of the
Five dlaikllafled partlna to marrlaice
contrarta aouxht frredom Thundiy
In romplalnta filed with County Clerk
Iva M. Ilarrlnicton. Circuit Judgo J
V. Catnphnlt fruited a divorce to Al-
lie Zoe Ilolton from Albert M. Hoi
ton. The wife m alio (Iven the cui
tody of the daunhter.
Joieph Illahell li iuIiik hla wife, Min
nie Iilahull for divorce on the iroundi
of deaertlon. They were married at
Dnrllnxton, S'li. In February, 1900,
and have two children. Several yrari
after the marriage Illahell came to the
Pacific Coaat and aecured employment
with the P. R. L. 4 P. company, and
a year later tried to got hla wife to
come here to live with him. Thla the
rvfuied to Co.
Hollo Wallace charge! her huiband
pm beautiful wadding cirmiony waa
Xt performed la I'urlland on Hunday
evening at I (I'rlofk at the home of
Mr. and Mra. Mai Hollai k, formerly
of Oregon City, when their daughter
Mlaa Alum (Joldlna, beraina the wife
of Mr. Hubert A. Aahnr, of Harrimeiito
Tha Impreaalva ring reremonr waa
performed by ItahM Jonah Wlae, of
Portland, In Ilia preaeiire of aloul to
relative! and few llillinite frlendl
To tha itrilm of lilmiigrln'a wed
ding nianh, rendered by Mlu Cella
(iuldaiiiltb, of thla city, an aunt of tha
brldn, the bridal party entered the liv
ing room, which waa a bower of beau
ty wllh Ha ileioratluiii of awt pea a
and roeei, the color nheme of thla
room being pink and green. Imneith
(anopy of roam and ferni, from which
wai auapended the wedding bell made
nf roae pniala, tha bridegroom and hla
brat nun, Mr. Kdmond llollack, brother
of the bride, walled for tha bridal par
ty. The brldnamaldi, Mlaa Mela Gold
nilth and Mlaa Frieda Uoldamlth, of
Kugeim, preceded toe maid of honor,
Mlai .Ida Uoldamlth, of thla city, aunt
of the bride, followed by tha bride and
her father, Ml llollack.
Ilenealh tha wedding bell the lm
preaalva ceremony wwa performed, kt
the cnnclualon of which Itabbl Wlae,
by meana of a illken cord attached to
the bell, ihowered tha brldegrtiom and
hla bride with pink roae petala.
The marriage ceremony wai fol
lowed by reception which about SO
attended. Itefreihmenta were lerved,
and. In cutting the brlde'a cake, the
ring wai discovered by Mlai Helen
Diulton, while Mlai Dolly Pratt found
the thimble.
Tha bride waa handdiomely gowned
In white taffeta, and her long tulle
ell waa trimmed wllh lace which her
grandmother, the lata Mra. llollack
wore many yeara ago In Parla, while
the wreath of dainty orange bloiioma.
which held It la place, waa worn by
her mother on her wedding day. She
carried a ihower bouquet of brlde'a
roaei and dainty jaimlne bloiaomi.
The maid of honor. Mini Zlili Cold
imlth, wore a becoming gown of white
net over whit taffeta, and carried pink
Mlu Meta Goldamlth, brldr-imald.
waa attractive In her gown of cloth
of allver, embellished with allvrr lace,
tihe carried a ihower bouquet of pink
Mlu Frieda Goldamlth, brldeimald,
wore a dainty gown of white chiffon
with trimming! of illver lace, and car
ried a ihower bouquet of pink carna
tion!. The pretty gowni and the decora
tlona of the living and dining room,
which were lo green and pink, with
roiei, iweet paa, femi, amllax and
huckleberry foliage uied In profuilon,
ma.lo a moat attractive light
Mr. and Mra. Aaher were presented
with many handsome gifti.
Mr. and Mra. Aiber are to remain
giged In the walnut culture. One of JoPh Wallace with cruelty, In a com-, , portinnd durllIC th9 Row show, and
the largest walnut farms In the state
of Washington li located here
Mr. and Mn. It. L. Uadger, of Heaver
Creek, were In thla city on Saturday,
and wore accompanied here by Mr. and
Mra. Aloe Johnston, of Welser, Idaho,
woo are molr guesta, and who are
on their way to California, where they
are to visit. Mr. and Mra. Johnston
are also frlenda of J. K. Chlnn, of this
city, who Is connected with the Jonos
Drug company. Mr. Johnston Is an
Instructor In the Inter Mountain In
atltute, of Wolsor, bolng the hoad of
the commercial department. This In
atllutlun la the meana of many young
men securing an education, aa terms
are offered them In
work out a portion of thnlr tuition.
There are 150 acres of land surround
Ing the Institution, and much of thla Is
devoted to plnntlng of various crops,
thus giving tho students an opportun
ity to engage In farming If they so do-
alre. Mr. and Mra, Johnston have via
itod In Clackamas county bofore, and
are mnch impressed with the climate.
plaint asking for a divorce. Thoy were
married here In 1911.
Ileulah C. Ocklng also alleges abuse
In ber complaint agnlnst her husband,
J. A. Ocklng.
Fannie Lawles charges abuse of her
self and ber throe children, In a com
plaint for a divorce from her husband
C. II. Lawles. The children are the
atcp-chlldren of Mr. Lawles and one of
them, a girl 15 yonra old, la a cripple.
The Lawles were married at Harlow
January, 1913. Mra. Lawles aska for
divorce, custody of the children, $50
a month alimony and $100 attorney'a
Ilossle C. Tompkins asks that she.
he divorced from IJnvrf P Tnmnktna
which they may bectUM ih( olR,m thut he ibuM hw.
She aski a divorce, the custody of the
throe children and $20 a month,
A seoond, amondnd complaint, has
been fllod In the cnao of W. It. Kldd
vormia Clncknmas county for $870.36
which the plaintiff alleges Is due him B B. Coventon. They were married
for work on the construction of the Uocemher 21, 1801, at The Dalles
Charging that bis wife abuaod him,
threatened hia life with a gun, made
life mlsorable for him and loft him a
nervous wreck, J. A. Coventon Monday
fllod suit for divorce from hla wife,
Fly Crook cutoff on tho Pacific hlt?h-
way near Now Era. The suit Is to
collect for work which wus found nec-
ciHwiry by tho contractors, over and
nliove the original spoclflod amount ot
tho contract.
The original case waa thrown out of
court and this second attompt to col
lect Is the subject of considerable In
terest because of that fact. -
C. D. StrlnKer is suing Potor Hefty
for $150 due him, he claims, on a prom
issory note asalgnea to him by Frlta
Doysen, one-time proprietor ot the Ho
tel Delle at Milwaukle.
Arthur Schroeder was appointed ad
ministrator ot the estate ot his wife,
Marguerite Schroodor, who died at the
state hospital Wednesday, by Judge
J. U. Campbell Mondny. The estate
is made up ot personal proporty val
ued at $1500 and real property valued
at $2000.
The will ot Synneva Hauglum, who
died at Dorlng, April 25, was admitted
to probate Monday morning.
Tho Wntertown. Now York, piipera
apeak highly of Mra. Viola M. Qoclfroy,
who for ton years was tcachor in Ore
gon City. Lost year Mrs. Godfrey Mrs. Ernest E. and Mrs. Clifford D,
graduated from the Homo Economics Smith, formorly the Mlssos Mary and
depnrtmont of Columbia university, Uura Convcrs, of thla city, are now
Now York City, and Is now monnger In Kansas City whore they are active
of a home economics publicity bureau
of Now York state. She alBO took pout
graduate, work at Cornell university
and Is considered one of the loading
women In ber line In the United
She Is in demand for lectures on
In women's club work, through the
Athenaeum club.
Mrs. Mary Smith Is at the head of
the dopurtmont of music, and Laura Is
editor of tho Mentor, a club magazine.
Tho club has recently built a magnifi
cent dub house, "The Athenaeum" on
food conservation, home nursing, first the gonorul plan of the Oregon City
old, and similar auhjocts now absorb- public library but with the basement
Ing Interest to the country. Sho will above y round- The building waa 0-
Kftbly vlalt Oregon City this aum- nanced by sales of shares ot stock, rop-
mar. resontlng an Investment ot $50,000.
next week will leave for their future
home at Sacramento.
The bride moved to Portland from
this city about 11 yeara ago with ber
parents, and ilnce taking up her real
donee In that city baa been employed
aa bookkeeper for the Neustadter fac
tory. She Is well and favorably known
In this city, where she has many
friends, and many aoclal eventa were
given In her honor In thla city, as well
as In Portland before her marriage.
The bridegroom la the aon ot J. Ash'
er, of Sacramento, who was In this city
to attend the wedding. Mr. Aaher Is
employed as buyer and sales manager
of the toggery department ot Nathan
& Company, of Sacramento.
Engagement of
Mlu Howell Announced.
Mrs. David Catto, of Gladstone, an
nounced tho engagement of her niece
Miss Vera Howell, of this city, and Mr,
I.eltoy Eaton, also ot thla city, In
very pretty manner at hor home o
Tuesday afternoon. The young ladles
were bidden by unique Invitations, and
upon their arrival at the Catto home
the rooms were found to be most ap
propriately decoratod. Ilod and green
wore used as the color Bchcmb. Fes
toons of hearts wore used most artis
tically, while huge bunchos of bright
colored peonies were arranged in
large bowls and baskets. (
Mrs. Catto served a dollcloua lunch
eon during the afternoon, and was as
sisted in serving by Miss Naldeen
iilnnchnrd, of Gladstone.
The guests were Miss Elolse AH-
drodge, Miss Ethel Alldrcdge, Miss
Helen Howoll, Miss Ethel Youngor,
Miss Nldecn BDlanchard.
The marriage ot the young people
who are well known in this city, will
tako place on Sunday, June 24th.
Tho bride-elect is tho only daughter
of Mr. and G. J. Howell, of Fourteenth
and Jackson Btrcets. She Is a most
attractive and accomplished young
woman, and has many frlonds In this
city, whore sho has resided all of hor
Mr- Eaton was for some time con
nected with the Enterprise, and later
was employed by the Portland Rail
way, Light & Power company In this
city until a few months ago when he
acceptod a position with the North
westorn Steel eompnny in Portland.
Ho makes his, home In thlj city. He
Is a brother of Attorney Clarence
Eaton, and son of Mr. and Mrs. Eaton,
of Cancmah.
Red Cross to
Benefit From Fete .
Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Warner are to
entertain at theor protty home at
Mount Pleasant on Wedncnday even
ing. May 27th, with a strawberry fete,
he proceeds to be given toward the
lied Cross fund. Members of the Rett
Cross society ot this city and of the
National Honor guards,' aa well aa
'tine of lb wiiiua of rfoihl 'lr4iit
i.re to aialit. A uniil ml lltnrtry
ir'igriM li to !' Nl""!! during the
veiling, and tliure ire other iurprie
ihkt are Id ilore for thoie who attend
There will be alfewtierrlei served
with i renin, fill and . (inn of
Hie V. tnrci of Ihn aflalr will l. a
dellcteaaen lal'ln, when eatul.lea
from oiiie of the beat cooki In the
county will be on il
The liiK.pllfcble hoini of ll.e Wur
neri at Mount I'leaemt la a illkhle
plain for an affair of this kind, and
muny are planning to utt. ri I the Me
from fill city.
Wink Hall Marriage
olamnlnd tundi
The marriage of Mn. Lillian Wink
of New Kra, and Mr. W, O. Hall, of
Oregon City, was aoleninlied at the
llaptlat church, on Hunday morning at
t: 30 o'clock, wllh llev. W. T. Mllllkin.
paator, officiating. Thoa wltneaalng
(he ceremony were Mr. and Mn. Con
Hnyder, of Portland; Mr. aid Mn. Ev-
erntle Downey, of Willamette; Mr. and
Mn. Norman Mack, of Portland, and
Arthur Wink, of New Kra, ion of the
following the marriage ceremony
a motoring trip waa nude on the Co
lumbia Hirer highway, by the bridal
party and a dellcloui dinner wai en
joyed at the Chanticleer inn. t'pon
the return to thli city, the bridal par
ty left for the home of the bride at
New Kra, where about 70 friends bad
congregated to Klve the newlywedi a
urprlie. Glftl were preaentnd to Mr.
and Mra. Hall, and refreahtnenti were
Mn. Hall la one of the prominent
realilenti of New Kra, where ihe bis
readied for some lime, and li an active,
worker in the Warner Grange. She
hai a large circle of frlendi In thli
city, where ihe bai vlalted on many
Mr. Hall has been In builneis for
many years In Oregon City, and lerved
ai councilman for aeveral yean.
Mlis Myrtle Buchanan
Married at Waller, Idaho
The marriage of Mlu Myrtle Ilu
chanan, formerly of Oregon City, and
Mr. Oicar Kberauld. of Columbui.
Ohio, wai loleinnlied at Welaer, Idaho,
Thunday, May 31. Mlai Buchanan hai
made ber borne at Lebanon with her
parents, Mr. and Mn. Charlea J. Bu
chanan, for the pait two yeara.
The bride la well known In Oregon
City, where ahe bai a host ot frlendi.
While a reildent of Oregon City, ihe
lerved aa librarian of the city library
for aome time. For the pait six
months ihe baa been attending a bull
nen college In Portland, and from
there went to Welier, where her mar
rlage to Mr. Eberaold took place.
Mr. and Mra. Ebenold are to make
their future home at Huntington. Or
egon, where the former la In business.
Marriage Solemnlxed
The marriage of Mra. Moody and
Mr. George Hall, both of Clackamas
county, waa solemnlxed at Vancouver,
Wash., on Tuesday. The witnesses of
the ceremony were L. A. Bullard and
Lee Moody, the lutter the son of the
brldo. They are to make their future
home at Oak Grove.
A lied Cross society waa organlied
al Mullno by Dr. If. H. Mount and T
W. Hulllvin, of this city on Wednesday
evening There was much enlhuilaim
iiikiilfnated by the reildenta of thit
place. L. T. Hollldiy waa applonted
captain, and be will appoint hla com
inltteea to aaitit In carrying on Ihe
campaign work lo rilae money to be
applied to Clackami! county's fund.
There were 25 members taken In on
Ihe evening the society was organlied
and other contemplate becoming mem
ben at a later date.
On Thunday evening Mr. Sullivan
went to Clackamas, where be organlied
an auilllary to the Portland orgaiali
tlon. There were about 30 realdnnta
of Cla' kamaa who became member!
and who rave ii:ifled their Intention
of aaalatlng In tha good cauae and pro-J
(noting the organltatloo. They are to
cure other membera alio. The meet
Ing followed a banquet that waa ten
dered the Third Oregon regiment band
that li encamped at Clackamas. The
banquet and meeting were held In
the I. O. O. Y. building at Clackamaa.
Mn. OUi Welsh Is captain, and Mr.
Miller, vice-captain.
T. W. Sullivan, of thla city, baa been
appointed manager ot tha campaign
to be carried on In Clackamai county
by the Ited Cross aiioclatlon. Mr. Bui-
llvan bis divided hla territory Into
138 districts.
The local lodge No. 76, Knlgnts of
Pythias, elected the following officers
at tholr regular meeting Wednesday
night In Woodmen of the World hull:
H. Shandy, C. C; John Kent, V. C-: A.
M. White, prolate O. Erickson, M. W.;
W. H. Smith, K. R. and S-; H. Trem
bath, M. F.; C. Simmons, M. A.; P.
Norman, I. G.; George Hoeye, O- G.
This Is the regular semi-annual election.
Divorces were granted by Judge J.
V. Campbell here Wednesday to Ra
chel Singer, from Oscar Singer, with
abaolute title to lot 1, block 107, Ore
gon City; Luther V. from Emella R.
Wllcoi and Maude Banka from Ralph
E. Banki.
The U. S. National Bank ot Portland
waa allowed $10,000 from C. E. and
Alice Fields, and the right to fore
close a trust deed on section 16, town
ship 3 aouth, range 7 east of Willam
ette Meridian, Clackamaa county.
The Copeland Lumber company tiled
suit Wednesday to collect $88.25 with
Interest alleged to be due from Eber
and Alice M. Simmons and Anna Krae
nlck. E. A. McCornack and W, II. Byrd
applied tor Initial registration title to
about to lots In Mlnthorn addition to
Suit waa began today by Louis 01-
cese to collect on a promissory no"
ot $1000 for two years, dated Septem
ber 18, 1913. The note waa signed by
Joseph Castagnetto, O. H. Mangtve
and W. A. Garner.
When deputy inarahals J. Y. Illd a
and Henry I'hllllpa of Milwaukle law
a motor car Handing pear tha eial
Milwaukle station late 1'rlday nigh'
and then law a paiaengar allKht from
the norihlxiimd Callunite train with
two aultcaaei, they mapected boot
legging, and were i orrm l. The driver
of the auto, fttnve Oahoroe, ami ('
fierce, Ihe owner of both Ihe luitcasei
(id Ji quarts of whlakey, were taken
In ruatody, Oaborne gave ball but
Pierce spent the nl lit In Jill hre.
When searched at the city Jail here
Pierce waa found to have about $1200
In certified drafts In till poiaeaalon. I
Kulurday morning be wn taken to Mil
waukle by Deputy Marahal Itlgdon and
after giving $0O0 caah bull wai r
Inaaed to appear Tueadiy morning be
fore City Recorder Matthew
Henry Oliver Schock, of Eitacada, a
farmer of that place, aged 70 yeara,
committed suicide at hli borne on Bun
day morning about o'clock, killing
blmielf with a double-barrel shotgun.
Mr. Bcbock had been 111 tor some
time, suffering Intestinal trouble, and
during the put month haa been mel
ancholy. On 8 end a morning at I o'
clock be arose fron hli bed and tak
ing hla fun with bl.n, went Into the
yard and killed hlmiel! by holding the
gun to hla head. A portion of bla bead
waa ahot away. His wife, bearing the
hot, feared that ber huiband bad com
mitted suicide and rushed to bis aide,
where she found him. Death was Instantaneous.
Dr. Hempstead, of this city, coroner,
was notified and left tor the acene of
the tragedy about 10 o'clock, and an
Inqueit waa held, which brought In
verdict of aulclde from gunihot
Mr. Schock was held in the highest
esteem by all, and since moving to
Eatacada from Iowa about 13 yeara
ago, bad engaged In farming. He waa
a member of the Phil Carney Post, O.
A. R., of Oskaloosa, Iowa, being a Civil
war veteran.
Mr. Schock la survived by bla wife,
Margaret, ot Eatacada; a aon, Clyde,
of El Paso, Texas; a daughter, Mlaa
Elta Schock, ot Eatacada, and a son,
Cecil, of Eatacada. Funeral arrange
ments are being made.
Among the latest to take up motor
Ing In Clackamas county la E. F. Whtt-
ten, who haa purchased a five-passenger
Chevrolet from the Independent
garage. Mr. Whltten resides on route
5, and Bays that he Intends seeing some
of the country besides that on route
5 during the season. '
From' the Pacific Highway garage
August Frank, one of the farmers of
Clackamaa county, purchased a five-
passenger touring car.
Samuel E. Lowe, ot Gladstone, has
purchased a five-passenger Ford from
the Pacific Highway garage.
The Independent garage Bold a five-
passenger Chevrolet to Arthur Funk
of Red land, Saturday.
An amended decree filed Tuesday In
the case ot Fred P. Jacobsen versus
Ada M. Jacobsen dlsolves the marrl
ape contract existing between the two
and gives to the plaintiff the custody
of the minor child. Fred P. Jacobsen.
The arrangements that have been
agreed upon for the custody ot the
child stipulate that the plaintiff shall
have tho custody ot the child at first
then the defendant and then the plain
tiff, alternating In the care of the
child ddpendlng upon whether he la in
school or out
S. M. Brown Is suing E. M. Bergen
to collect for merchandise alleged to
be due to Linnet and Emmons, former
ly grocers of Oak Grove, to the
amount of $280.24-
Fannle Lawles is petitioning to be
appointed guardian of Mary, Willie
and Edward Mulloy.
The Pacific Highway garage last
week delivered a five-passenger Ford
to Ed Traylor. Mr. Traylor resides at
Hoff, route 1.
A five-passenger Ford was delivered
by the Pacific Highway garage during
the past week to L H. Malllcoat, ot
Miss Lillian Anderson, ot Logan,
motored to this city in company with
her father, Judge H. 8. Anderson, on
Friday. Miss Anderson has become
an expert driver.
R. L. English, prominent farmer of
Clackamas county, whose farm la lo
cated near Canby, was In this city dur
ing the past week, and purchased an
Overland, Model 90, Country Club, automobile.
Ivan Mattoon of this city Is today
regretting the fact that he played the
role ot Good Samaritan Friday, tor It
cost him $10 and a jail sentence ot 30
A party o' motorists, en route to
California, stopped here Friday to" re
pair their automobile. . Mattoon hap
pened along and for his assistance was
given Beveral drinks with disastrous
results. Police Magistrate John W.
Loder Imposed the sentence Saturday
Joe Zodlcker, agM 15, whose home
la at West Linn, was sent to the state
reform school Saturday by Judge H.
S. Anderson. Young Zodlcker was ar
rested Wednesday morning for taking
part In th burglary of the Morgan
grocery here. His brother Michael, and
Joe Melvln and Robert Pickle, ar
rested for the same crime, were re
leased by Judge Anderson.
August Erickson, one time proprie
tor of Erickson's Tavern and formerly
owner of the Erickson Cafe in Port
land, was sentenced to six months Im
prisonment and fined $150 and costs
by Circuit Judge J. U- Campbell Mon
day morning, for conducting a nuis
ance near Baker'a Bridge. Erickson
was arrested May 11 and has been in
the county Jail here since that time.
Last week Justice of the Peace John
N. Slevera sentenced Erickson to sev
en months In jail on four charges pre
ferred May 11. Mrs. Maria Erickson
his wife, filed suit for dlcorce last
It cost Charley Chew, a Chinese
farmer of Clackamas county, $10 to
take an auto load of children for a joy
ride Wednesday on the Eighty-second
street road.
When arrested by county motor
cycle officer H- E. Meads, Chew was
going 35 miles an hour while 12 Chin
ese children and one American youngs
ter clung to the cushions, tops and
sides of the car and shrieked their
delight at the speed. The fine was
Imposed by Justice of the Peace Kelso
at Milwaukle Wednesday afternoon.
The United States Civil Service
commission has announced an exam
ination for the county of Clackamas,
Oregon, to be held at Portland on July
14, 1917, to fill the position of rural
carrier at Eagle Creek, and vacancies
that may later occur on rural routes
from other post offices In the above
mentioned counties.
The examination will be open only
to male citizens who are actually
domiciled in the territory of a post
office In the county and who meet the
other requirements set forth In Form
No. 1977. This form and application
blanks may be obtained from tho of
fices mentioned above or from the
United States Civil Service commis
sion at Washington, D. C. Applica
tions should be forwarded to the com
mission at wasmngton at the earliest
practicable date.
Russia might make Its ex-cxar a pro-
fesor of law or a great fauna! natural
ist or something. ,
T, W, Bulllvin, county campaign
manner, and the thirty caplalus, who
are to conduct the campaign for the
Btate Red Croal la Oragoa City, met
In, the Commercial club parlors Tues
day evening, and divided the city Into
ten dlatrh ti and placed each dlatrlcl
under the following named captalm:
Diatrlct No. 1-Kinbraeei all of tha
city lying north of the center line ot
Thirteenth afreet. Captains la charge
are Hon. Q. D. Dlinlck. Dr. Clyde
Mount and Y. C. Ilurk.
Diatrlct No. J-Center line of Thir
teenth itreet to Ihe center line of
Tenth atreet to bluff and Eleventh
atreet to the river and from Harrlaoa
itreet to the river. CipUlni In charge
are R. D. Cox, Dr. C. H. MeUiner and
r. C. Gadke.
Dlatricl No. 1 Center line of Tenth
treet to the center line of Seventh
itreet and from Marrlaon atreet to the
edge of the bluff. Captains In charge
are C. W. Robey, John R. Humphry!
and M. D. Phillip!.
Diatrlct No. 4 Center line of Harrl
on sireet and the eaiterly boundary
line and from Thirteenth atreet to the
northerly boundary line ot Holme's
addition. Captains In charge are Dr.
L. A. Monii, Chai. Ilolllnger and 8.
Diatrlct No. 5 Center line of Coun
ty atreet to east line of city and from
northerly boundary of Holmei' addi
tion to 8L Helena avenue produced
weiterly to County itreet. Captains
In charge are W. A. Huntley, Frank
Duich and Geo. Hawkins.
Diatrlct No. (All loutb of St, Hel
ena avenue and eait of County atreet.
Captalna In charge are E. T. Beverlln,
E. O. Caufleld and A. A. Price.
Diatrlct No. 7 Center line of Coun
ty atreet to the bluff southeast of
Spring atreet and from center ot Pros
pect atreet on the north to the aouth
boundary line ot Oregon City Includ
ing South Oregon City addition. Cap
Ulna In charge are E. C. Hackett, E.
E. Brodle and L. E. Jones.
District No. 8 Center line ot Fourth
atreet and South Fourth atreet and
from the base of bluff southeast ot
Spring street and the edge of bluff
over the Southern Pacific tracks. Cap
tains in charge are W. L. Mnlvey, O. D.
Eby and M. D. Latourette.
District No. 9 Center line of Fourth
atreet to center line ot Seventh atreet,
and from Taylor atreet to the top edge
ot bluff over the Southern Pacific
company's tracks. Captains In charge
are Theo. Osmund, Joe. E. Hedges and
Percy Caufleld.
District No. 10 Center line ot Elev
enth atreet to the basin and from the
top of the bluff Just east of the South
ern Pacific company 'a tracks to the
river. Captains in charge are Adolph
Jacobs, WUIlard P. Hawley Jr., and
L. Adams.
These captains will at once organ
ize their companies and on Monday,
June 18, these organlzatlona will call
upon all the people In their several
districts for their portion of the fund
to be provided for the emergency fund
necessary now to get hospitals and sup
plies sorely needed before our boys
are lent to the front
Mrs. Margaret Schroeder, wife of
Arthur Schroeder, ot this city, who
was committed to the state asylum at
Salem May 22, died at that Institution
Thursday morning, and the remains
were brought to this city tor interment.
They are at the Holman undertaking
parlors at Seventh and Water street,
where they will be kept until the fu
neral services are arranged tor.
Mrs, Schroeder was a native of West
Prussia, Germany, and waa 47 years
of age. She came to America 25 years
ago, residing in Oregon for the past
IS years. Mrs. Schroeder had been ill
but a few days when she was commit
ted to the state hospital.
Mrs. Schroeder Is survived by her
husband, Arthur Schroeder, of this
city, and three children, Henry, Wil
liam and Elma Schroeder, also ot this
city, residing on Fifteenth and Wash
ington streets.
The deceased was a member of the
German Lutheran church, and was an
active worker ot that church since
taking up her residence here.
Word has been received in this city
by County Clerk Iva M. Harrington
that Mrs. Lettle Schermerhorn, who
was committed to the state hospital
at Salem, from this city, died at the
institution. She was 44 years of age,
and was the wife of George Schermer
horn, of Lents. Mrs. Schermerhorn
was committed to the insane asylum
In February. She is survived by her
husband and two clil!0.ca by a former
The remains of Mrs. Schermerhorn
were shipped to her late home at
Big Increase In production of grain
crops. Lobs reported In acroage In
winter planting more than made up in
spring wheat sowing. Liberal in
crease In planting of sugar beets In
Washington, Idaho and Oregon dur
ing last year.