OREGON CITY ENIVrtPRiSE, FRIDAY, MAY 25. 1917 7 V - VVWVV'VV'V'VV'V FARM and COOP THI MOTHCN HIN Lett of Chick by fapour Li'O' Prvtntd by Confining Ih Htn. It li hot ""d Hiiillry luaii.Kament lit klltlW III mother hen I't fii UN roKlrli led llti h r i lib a. Willi i h (f.,lniii I Iik licit frniui'iitljr lakee her lirixiil HiriMiKli wnt Kiii. and a. a r il't Willie Bf l hilled Mini die, lapei'UI ly lliii r.ikiT ouea, lil h are likely lo lin lift behind 'Mm h'.a of "' ihlrk Willi ll tolhiaa suill prmtlr I InfK" and mainly preventable, apwo Iiillat. III lli lulled Mltth a ii 'rt riKMil of nKrli'ulHiri) y. Kurtherinmr. Ihn f.nil alili Ii it brood alliiwnl In r.ma, wllli l hi. hmi obl.ilna I"' prr ln't ly In keep iii Hi" heal of lli body i ihI rlili ka iln nut inakn aa (immI rrowtli aa I hey ntherli would Chirk hw.ea nf llila iiatur an be I. irt'nlx prevented I'V .hutting III" Inn In u coop. Any tyl of loop M li,l ilrr. :lal.'d, ami ran lia Hoard at night In irolirl Ihn brood agulnat cut, tala. uml other anlimiln, Mini alilrli, ahlln routining th hen. will allow lh' rhh ka In aaa In ami 'il Irecly afir II. i'X i rn a few itioa olil. will ha aalla l.ii turjr. The hen alumlil ! confined until tlii ihlika nr wr.imd. Ilmui li n mull )ur'l may ! Mltiuln'l l Hi" rniii. If ilmlri-.l, In nlluw I In' lu ll In n iti ln. 'I liu Irlii n iuii Iki rulai'il Irnni tin Klniltnl fur I'liiiur'i I" allu Dm hu ka In Kn In nr out. hut tint hl':li nuiigll fur tlio Iikii Id ril'r Hy lui; n i ix'l' tin1 h Ii k n run Dlnl aln lliT uml warmth iiinlrr tlir Iii-ii ut ati Hmi', uml Dm arakllnra wfli'r a il.ua may tl ')) Inln Irmix. IhuIHiv thlrkii. U InTii i hli ka uri' r.ili.nl llli hi na. lln') urn llki'ly In Ii.iiiiiiii Infi'ali'O Willi III!' If III!' 111!' I'.i't IT) IIUIIIIT him, Hiry rtiitly niiinl till' rlilrka. :rnv. (Ii uml niii) in n i nnan lln'lr ilMtli. Tli" li''0 thinilil ho hiwiiTm HmrtiiiiMily villi runup ihh lna"'t IMiwIi-r lii'fnrn aim la iut In lln iimii with tho rhh ka mi l at lnliTnla nf auv.r.il iluya or a wrrk IhiTfaflnr Tin. I.nl.y rhlrka ali.nilil ( ctaliilni'.l fur lite, imrtlrulnrly nn thn Inail. uti ilrr Ihn wlngi, ami uhmtt tho ' nl. If rny iir fnuiul, llltlv itroaM. au. h aa! Iliril. i.hiiiilil h r.ihl'iil nil In Ihnai' I'lui . Apply Kn-aai' iiiuilnruli'ly, na Iimi tuurli will llijuro thn rlilrka The t'hlcka alumlil hu i-iiiiiIiii.i fri.iHi'iitly anil lint tri'utturiit ri'prnlii If Hie iiri finiiitl on iIikiii LATE CROPS FOR STOCK FEED Them nre aexernl imp. which may he planted vi-y lain which will afford n tt of alork f.'.d. In many part or Ore'on corn muy Im i:r.iwi fur the. allu mid ll nfTurdti a Inrne )leld of vufu ill. In feed fur cattle and aheep. Nearl) nil piirtn nf Wcalrrn Oregnn will (jruv. Kiiud nlliiKii corn and Hie ..line muy he aald of alt hut thn hlKheet nil ll. idea i of Karitern Orvr.nn. KuukIuiki' In Kait .rn OrcKun lia. been i-Bpeclnlly iicarcu the pant winter and thn Indication, urn Ihi'.t II will he Hcnrcn niinlti next winter. A alio full of corn In conncc- linn with hay Ih a wntiderfiil lielp In wintering catlln or aheep. The Ka itern ' iirnKon Etperltuent iilnllnii at I'nlnn hna liiH'ti getting exlrnordlnurlly kooiI renulta with allnge. t-iirthermnre, .11 ai:e will keep Indellnltely mid If not itHi'd thl. comlni; winter may be kept until needed. Cercala may nlao be sown for hay when It la too lute to r.et ft crop of p.ruln. Uald bnrley ninkes very lino liny mid pats and common hurley urn nlao Rood. In thn drier, frontier illHtrlrtn ryo la gond. Thorn In a greut deal of talk nowii .lay. nlMiut tho nnceanl y of raising more, live atock hut livo atock can not be grown without feed iind there I no uho In tnlkliiK nbout morn livo ntork until nioro food I. pro.lnced at price, chenp onnui;h to Justify Its usu for fetidlnir pitrpimea. The inun who no cumulates a lot of Block without know ing whom ho Ih to get feud for them la only courting dlnuHler mid, while hln effortH mli'.ht be Umpired by the purertt mntlvmi of patrlutlHin, tho re null would ho n detriment Instead or n benefit to li Ih country. IN THE USE OF FATS I tute for buttor. The plocos of fat High Prloe Neceaaltat Subttltutlon should be put Into a double bollor nnd and Economy In All Posalble Way trlod out ovor hot water. This pre 1 - vonta the fat from bocomlng too hot Food fnts for the dnlly dlot have In- and developing a strong flavor. creaHed In price until tho housnwlfo! The following table will asslBt the Is forcod not only to conomlzo but to ' housokoopor who wishes to substitute study the quostlon of substitution In ! 'nt thnt is choapor than buttor for tho ubo of fats for frying and cook ing. All drippings from roasting, fry ing of boiling meats, nnd evory parti cle of fata trimmed from moat, togeth er with all other forms of grease should be carofully snvod and vsod. Laura J. Cheney, Instructor in do mestic science at 0. A. C, suggests that "a very economical way to got the fat noodod in cooking Is to buy the soft fat flank of boot and pork, which soils for about 12 to 15 conts por pound, and after removing any skin or bits of meat, cut It Into small ploces and cover with cold water and lot it stand ovor night. Thla improves the keeping qualities and flavor. Now melt the fat slowly in tbe oven or over boiling water and cook until the Bcrnps nro crlBp but not brown. Strnln Into clean palls, cans, or Jnrs which can be covered. Keep In a cool plnce and use like lard or Crlsco, which In recipes catling for butter, add a little more salt and use loss fat because - V - VV - V - VV - VVV - V - V'V GARDEN fOOO IMOHTAGI ACUTf Oregon, illi her .norm. ma aurpliie i-riipa nf wheat, iH4l, lwrlf end poU im' III II1. la lint III po.lllun In r lln Hi H a.rli,uin-a of tlttt fixd .hurl age dill iieeflhela Him .hort.r of IimhI fur human being, and fur ll I aliM k la anila and r' '" n Ih lu i r wheal rup of lli' I'lilii-il Hiate. fur IVI7 only airte lo iur lia mi lo Kie.ler irinlui Hull 1 he tllliD fur .enllng arlli heat, fni'lil lii I li lilulii'r altlludea la ra'. Hi ally iaal. V allll lia ii'Hirliiii II f fur pulling In a largn iiuinl.rr nl u ri'i of barley In ix llnna li'Tf the , u ,,U,, Ktrry ,r,.,lnn nf Dm aliili. rapalil nf punl'ii Ilia iutl i urn alu nil.! (ruw that rrup Alai, thiiiiaiimla uf ai ri.a nf hiimiiiit fallow liuul In . ..lint and finw.ii I .an will h rlairotrrl to th- rullurr . -orii whl.h lll r. ll..r th al.k fiid .lliialluti ...,nr..i. y ami win, I, wlllj In.'li m iii rliil' In other mire, llirn an' allll two In thni. wii ka In will, h .,,, ,.f am h . ...I, tariftka u. Milium aula Nn !1. nr.-ruu 1 i.-ti t . ' "K' Ki l. lUrtin.iii Yi'lluw 1 1. ut. WiiIIii allii li. nl and Mlniu ut;i N i I I lll tt.aturr ai.IKf.it lorlly. Ilumlifila nf a.rra nf urat-rn On gun li.ml r now di vnlrd In . t n n m I ' i the pua .uri. ii.ikui wi n (hi. ...in ...in.. mi ll a. turn Alao. ri'Kurill.'ia uf ) l.'lil nr pKi e. there la ctery linlli-.itli.il that we ahull tlei'd. fur fund pi.rp.mea, .'Very heiin Hint lr r"li ran prndui e and Unit Iherv will be prullt In their pr.iilnr I tint. If )uu ciuiinil a. i urn I July Waaln lnirlutia, nr Meilcoii tree lieana or Itrd ; ,,CBi,m two or three tlmt a day un- ,lrf' f"'M' n(',ln"1 J""' 1,1 tbe nliove . n M.'l.i.n.. grow any nlher kind ' .11 Ui BDOt faclfai or eomai out. Salt " or '"r"re rAx bean that I. known to inal.irn aucr. fully In your l.wallly. Th Agrl.ul turi.l roll.'ire haa a new bean bulletin vlilili will give dlri"'lli.n I'uiilid fur l uiind. Inn fur tun. B' re f..r ai re, them 1. pru. tl. alty iu. cmp that will n mler mure aaaiK.aiire in winning inn war til. i II henna. textile wuhkiki UAROEiM hiimlred. of p,..,plc. In the var-! Hoi lima teitllo mill town of North and Smith Carolina am prepared to do their l.ll" Inward lucri'iiHlng tb fiKid upply by an. i'i fiil g.rdfiiliiK I told hy lnvi.'lgiitur. of tho depurtinent nf .xrlrullure. who have found Hint earh uf MS famllle. rained oil all average .;o worth of food in uardena cuiijaln lug only aUiiit .15 of an acre and wlihjHnen, In a drawer out of damp and au average total toal of lubnr and fer-i du.L tltlter of Chicken, plga and row a are often kepi by the people to (j. mmI adviinlaiin. In thcao textile mill low on. It 1. .tali'il, .mall ai ale ganlen Ing baa lii'i.n i-tu ouniKi'd fur a num ber of year, by Ihn mill owner and him been found pr.ifllau'o by the mill workers. The plan ha re.iilted In Iik uI retail prlt ci fur card, u truck whl. b are only uno third to one fourth that uf present pin es In other places. A. it ciiiiaeipienco tho amount of food nilaed on each Kiirden l.i coiiKlilrrnlily In fxcnnx of what could bo purcbued elsewhere fur f:iO. Tho mill cnuipaiiitia, It explalne.1. furtilHh their employee, with u liuin- and plot of bind at a very .mall rent. Tlio people are helped to iiiako them .cIvcH self sustaining no far it possi ble Otto company rniploya un ex pert to demunstrato tho best inethoila for gruwlnr; the products best ndapted lo the ri'Klon. Success in KardeiiiiiK, it was found, depended entirely upon tho industry, of tlio workers. Sumo families failed to give their Kur.li.uH tho proper amount of attention mid raised cor reapnndliiKly poor cropa.. Others who were more Industrious, greatly ox ceeded tlio nvoriiKO amount of food produced. Where chickens wero kept the) were found to yield un uverage net return of $ I.OS u fowl, plga nlao wers prolltablu but wero nut so ntimemua Many of tho people have cc.wh. Oni mill owner puts a purebred bull at tbl tllapiiHal of lila omployeca who own cow., and Ih bulldltiK up tho grade, ol cattlo In this way. Tructa of luu1 foi community pasturngH aro common. buttor contains salt and Is one-eighth wntor. Strongly flavored fnts from bacon, hnm and Bnusnge should be kept Bop arato nnd uso for only certain dishes. Chlckon fat is nn oxcollont substl- all, or part of buttor in making cakes. Equlvalonts of one-halt cup of but tor: One-halt cupful of chicken fat. One half cupful ot lard less 1 table spoonful. One-halt cupful ot lard substitute loss 1V4 tabtoapoonsful. One-fourth cupful of butter plus 3 tablospoonsful of lard. One-fourth cupful ot butter plus 3 tablospoonsful lard substitute. One half cupful of cottonseed oil loss 1 tnbloflpoonful. The reason a loss amount ot the softer fat than butter Is noedod is be cause they contain loss moisture and therofore possobs -greater shortening power than butter and also because tho softer fats are tree from foreign substances such as curd, salt, and but termilk. We must cultivate a taste for butter substitutes or pay high for the real article. Margarines are clean, whole- aoiiie, and p.l.tabl. People nf aver age Incouia liiu.t laaro Daw habll along lb Una of foods." DANOtLION KCCIPCt Dandallon loup Ona rupful tlanlllun pulp, nna lahla aiKKinful hullr or baron fat, on la lilnapnoiiful fluur, tail an'l pppr, bard bnllwl Make a hlla aaura and a'M to It lha (larnliillnn pulp. Juat befura aerr liif lha aoup add lha r blrta baa bn preard tbrouich rlrnr. Igg and Dandelion talad Cut bard vookml mut In balvaa ImiKlbwIaa and ramova Iba ynlka Mlura Hi t'TiiW laa of daniliillnn, add fl i) x rbopMid onion and ynlka of mta. Mil lb liigrndlnnte wnll with hnlli.il drnaalnc and fill Hi whllna of lha mn with lha inlitura. Hurra on rrlap li.lluia Inavra with bollod driiaa Inc. T Hop lha Flow of Blood Hind tba cut with rohwaba and brown aiiaar, prraand on Ilka lint. Or f rou cinn)l wh ,h, f)f ,() f()W pp,r UlJ(Unum Ar),i00, for p0,0n For any polaon awallow Inatantly r'uKB of tuld wuli.r with a braplng l-- I ( M ()f rummim iBl ,,, n, . ground mu.tar.1 allrred In. Thla la a! i aicmly emetic. When It baa acted, awallow th white of two raw egg Summons. I If corroalv auhlliuata baa been taken ; t k a a half duxen raw egga bealda tba! -..- ,, ,1.. .,,i i emi'tlr If ararnlc. flrat lb einntli'. . . . , ., .. . lard. T l.i.u Mllrf.t " If anything will attract thla, It la lemon lulra mlird with an raual 1 weight of aatt, powdered alarch, and! aoft atMtp. Hub on thickly and lay upon' i ar... In tha hot aun. renewlnr the au- wet wh ,0n((0 Juc9 ( fM eic,lM), . ... vi ,, ,rtirl nn ihn rra.a. and alao chlorinated a.xla 1 uand aucceaafully for thla. In buying lemona, aelect thoaa bar- L , taA; lhtf fn cbMper and much Juicier than tha freih. I pluniD onea. ! When making .larch try mixing the! ' iUrrn w Cold water and pouring I thla In to boiling water. Hull the uu - -I time, and If uaed when warm wlll!0,,'"r nJ 'urth,'r r""f he ploln nt need lo be atralned. To Clean Knlve Clean with aoft flannel and bath brick. If ruaty, uae wood a.bea, rubbed on with a newly cut bit of Irish pota to. Tbl will remove apota when nothing elae will. Keep your beat wrapped In aoft white paper; then In FOK SAI.E-Horaea. addrc.a W. F. Miindlii'tikn, Chit liaiiiaH, Ore. I'linnc lid-Jl. Foil HAI.K OH KENT Vacant black a in I th .hop. (iooil location. Apply J. C. Maripiaiii or I. l. I.arklns. Mnrqiiam, Oregon. FOIl SALE AT A HAIUIAIN Thr large, cheap work horses, also wag ons, hiMivy and llKht, Imglea and harness, plow, cultivators and br rows; also numerous other small tools. Wa'ter's Stable, Oregon City. IMIONES Homo. A-23 Taclflc. 153 Qfflc Rcaldenco 30F11 DR. WM. C. SCHULTZE DR. F. P. SCHULTZE Phyaiclan and Surgeon Rooms 21721S Masonic Bu'ldlng Oregon City Oregon Worms 8ap Your Child's Strength. Money to Loan PAUL C. FISCHER Lawyer Iieutsch-sprechendor Advokat OREGON CITY OREGON CITATION. In tho matter ot tho Estate ot Elea nor Sholnlore, deceased. To E. 11. Sholnlere, Executor ot the Inst will and testament of Eleanor Sholnlere, decease J: WHEREAS, upon petition of O. D. Ehy, nn attorney of this court ond on1,1 of tho attorneys of record in the above intltlcd cause, an order was duly made uml entered in the above entitled court and cnuso on May 23rd, 1917, that you appear on or before Monday, Juno 11th, 1917. nt 10:00 o'clock A. M. mid show cause why an ordor should not be made removing you as such exocutor and revoking your letters testamentary. And, whereas, by order dated May 23rd, 1917, duly mnde and entered in this cause it was directed that citation Issuo by the clork of .this court to you tho said E. H. Sholnlere as such ex ecutor, directing you to appear In this court on or before said date and show cause why said order should not be granted. Now therefore, in the name of the State of Oregon: You are horoby cited to appear at tho county court room in Oregon City, Clackamas County, Oregon, on or be fore Monday, the 11th day of June, 1917, at 10:00 o'clock A. M., and show cauBe, it any there be, why an order should not be granted by the above named court removing you as executor of the last will and testament ot said Elonnor Sholnlere, deceased, and re voking the letters testamentary now Issued to you. Witness my hand and the seal of the court affixed this 24th day of May, 1917. I. M. HARRINGTON, County Clerk. By P. A. MILLER, (Seal ot County Court) Deputy. SUMMON. In IIik nrmll 'l of ll. H'al of On-Kiii, fur "l kain.it Cuuniy. I'.tbul D-lli-y. plaintiff, i. Ht lally, di fui.iit. I n lluy liallny, lb a Inn i) intu,, il (0 fimdunt; In Hi nitina of tbn Hlula of (irei.ti, you ar brrnhy r-'ulrd to aptar and aiiawt r lha rumiilaint filrd aKulnit yuu In th al.oyo iu..ii.i a, ill, nn or bnfura Hi 2 -n 'I duy of Juiin, l'iir, auld datii hali.K lb Mlrullnn of tl M'ka from lb flrat pnlillratlun of I til au.i.mona, and If yuu fall to ap ieur or ana"' 'd rompluliil, fur m urit llnr.uf lh plaintiff all! apply in tin- court fur th rliif prjd for in hr rnmplalnt, Cawll: Kor a d. r dUaolvinic dm marrlaK (untriiit now I'llatliiR haiai'vn plain tiff and di-f'-rnl.tnl; fur tin. ir, ru tody and rontrol of thn iiili.nr rhlld run, Murcua I)ally. Horenca Dallay uml Ci rlnulo Imllry Thla iiiiniiioiia la piihllahrd by onli r nf J. I'. Curnp- btt'l, Judge of th Clr. Hit Court. hl j onlnr wua inude and tiiti.rrd on the loth duy of May, 117, ami the time pri-at rllmd for publlt ation tln-rruf a all wi-t'ka. Ix'iflnriliiK olUi tin' laauu (liilt'd. Friday, May II, I'jI7, uml tun llinilng i.h wt.fk th.-ri-jftir to and lii'lildlng thn laaiif uf IVld.iy, Jurii- 1917 HI UKOWNKM. HIKVKItH. Attorni'i fur I'lalntlff. '" l'"urt 'f ''" On gini, fur Clai kaiu.ia County. M. U Murrla .plain' iff va. ' " ' ' fiurria. u.-.-.i.i.im. i.Mi . ti II -I , J ... To Klla . Murrla, ihn aliove named di'f.'n.lunt: '" ""' "f "," '" "" '" re n"r",,', " l'I" """ " r wo romp.aun or tne .mm- j from the I lib day nf May. 1H17; that lM'lnU th" drte of the flnt puhllratlon "' ,,,fl ""'n herein, and If yo.i d ' tm.I In .HTM.I.P .ml Bni., r,.r K't. ' thereof, the plaintiff will apply to the court for tho relief demrndnd In th.'i rnmphlnt. to-wlt: For a decree dl' tolvlng tho bond" of matrimony and Ih" '"rrla;:t contra, t heretofore andt ! ""' ,'"'K oetwen plaintiff and do- 1 "'n.;nt. in una cauae. anil for audi tiff may he entitled to In thn premise.. Thn auminona la aerved upon you by publication, purn.iant to ihn order of the lion. J. I'. Campbell, judge of tho above entitled court, which order wna mado and entered on the 7th day of May. 1917, and which order directed that service of aumninna In thla ramie ho made upon yon hy publication thereof, onco a week for all ronaccu tlvo weeka in the Oregon City Enter- prl.e. a liewapnper printed and pu'i IlKhed and of Keneral circulation in Oregnn City. Cluckamaa County. Or con. . W.MICK ni.MICK und V. U MCIA'EY. Attorney for I'lalntlff. Pnto of first publication May II, 1917. SHERIFF'S 8ALE. In the Circuit Court of the State ot Oregon, for the County of Clacka mas. Canby State Rank, a corporation, plain tiff, vs. Lucy M. Goshorn, as administratrix ot the estate ot Elmer B. Goshorn, doceased; Elmer Elsworth Goshorn, Jr., a single man; Elizabeth Hazel Hognn, and Walter T. Hogan her husband; Gilbert Stephen Goshorn and Marie Ethel Goshorn his wife; Lucy M. Goshorn, a widow; and ' Dorothea Klmber Goshorn a minor; and F. S. Sever, as guardian ad lit em ot Dorothea Klmber Goshorn, a minor, defendants. State of Oregon, County of Clacka mas, ss. By virtue ot a Judgment order, decree and an execution, duly Issued out of and under the seal ot the above entitled court, in tha above entitled cause, to me duly directed and dated the 4th day of April, 1917, upon a Judgment rendered and entered in said court on the 4th day ot April, 1917, in favor . of Canby State Bank, a cor poration, plaintiff, and against Lucy M. Goshorn aa administratrix of the estate ot Elmer E. Goshorn, deceased, and Lucy M. Goshorn a widow, defend ants, tor tho sum of 11100.00, with in terest thereon at the rate of six per ceut por annum from the 1st day of March, 1915. and the further sum of $75:0'!, as attorney's tee, and the fur ther sum ot $53.70 costs and disburse ments, and the costs ot and upon this writ, commanding me to make sale of the following described real property, situate in the County of Clackamas, State of Oregon, to-wlt: Beginning at the quarter section corner on the west line of section Beven (7) In Township Four (4), South Range Two (2) East ot the Wil lamette Meridian, and running thence East along the quarter section line, Fourteen and twelve one-hundred ths (14.12) chains; thence South twenty eight and seventy-two one-hundredths (2S.72) chains to a stone; thence south 84 degreos 30 minutes, west three and ten one-bundredths (3.10) chains; thence west five and alxteen one-hundredths (5.16) chains; thence north 64 degrees west six and eighty-one one-hundredths (6.81) chains to, the west line ot said section seven (7); thence north twenty-sis and four one hundredths (26.04) chains to the place of beginning containing forty (40) acres ot land, more or less. Also the following described tract of land, to-wlt: Beginning at a point which is 14.12 chains east and 28.72 chains south from the quarter section corner on the west line of section seven (7) In Township Four (4) Sonth, Range Two (2) East of Willamette Meridian, run-; n I nf Ibanr nurtb ( drfraaa JO mln ulna Kaat 13 ft; thanr In nurtb nrly dlreillon 19 fl; Ibenia In a nnrtbaaalarly dlr tlun 117 ft lo point dlrarlly nurtb of lb plar of lKlnnlii(; Ibanr Huuin 21S (( la tba plate of b(lnnln( r-untalnlnf about one half acr of la rid mora or Inta, rarlii from thla connayanr a atrip of land IblUr (30) feat In wldtb alnnc tba eaatnrly Ma of tba laat dnairll.txl trail of land for prliata mad. Now, thnrnfuro, by vlrtua jf tald ai (MUtlnn, iid(innnt order and deer. and In compliant with Iba commanda of aald writ, I will, on Haturday, tba 2d day of June, 1117; at tba hour of 10 oVIot'k a. in., at lb front door of lha County Court llouaa In tba City of Oregon City, In aald County and fltate, anil at pibllo aurtlon, aubjact to redemption, to lha blghoet bidder, for I'. H. eld coin caab In band, all tba right, till and Internet wblcb tb within named defendant or eltHr of them, bad on tba data of th mortgage , ,,, f ,,,-, M , or ,0 tb))y. deat-rlbed real property or any part thereof, to tatu.'y aald ami utlun, Judg ment, order, decree, Interett, coal and all accruing coat. Paled, Oregon City, Or., May i. 1917. W. J. WILSON, Kberlff of Clackama County, Oregon. Ily E. C. HACKETT, Deputy. Flrat publication May 4th. 117. Laat puhllratlon June lit, 1917. ADMINISTRATRIX' NOTICE. Not Ic I hereby given that th un deralgnnd ha been apiw.lntej admlnla trntrli of the eatate of Andrew An-di-raon, den-aaetl. All (wraon having claim agaln.t aald ratal ar hereby notified to present (he tamo with proper voucher, duly certified accord ing to law, at th office of Ilrownel! & Hlevera, at Oregon City, Cluckamaa County, Oregon, within six nioutha of the data of the publication of tbl no tice. Dated, Friday. April 2". 1917. (Slcned) MINNIE A. ANDERSON. Admlnntmtrlx. "ncu Hicveri. Attoroey. tor an mlnUtralrij. - SUMMONS IN THE CIRCUIT COl'ItT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR THE COUNTY OF MULTNOMAH. Leaale E. Kanacoa, Plaintiff, -VS- Loula A. Kanacoa, Defendant, To Louis A. Kanacoi, above nam ed Defendant:. In the name of the State ot Ore gon, yon are hereby required to ap pear in the above entitled Court, and I answer the Complant filed against you in the above entitled Court, or or before six (6) weeks from the 2Tth day of April, 1917. said 27th day ot April. 1917, being the date ot the firrt publication of thl Summons, i nd If you fall to so appear and answer the Complaint, the I'lalntlff will apply to the above entitled Court for the relief prayed for in the complnlnt here in, to-wlt: For a decree of the above entitled Court that the marriage contract now existing between the Plaintiff and Dcfendnnt. be ever dissolved, nnd held for naught; That Plaintiff be given the care. custody nnd control of the minor child of the parties ot this suit; For Ten Dollars ($10.00) per month alimony for tho care, custody nnd control of their child; For the resuming of ber name prior to said marriage, to-wlt: Lessle E. Hammersley, and for such other and further relief as to the Court may seem meet and equitable, including her costs and disbursements herein. This Summons is served upon you by publication thereof once a week for six (6) successive and consecu tive weeks in the "Oregon City En terprise", a newspaper ot general cir culation in Clackamas County, Ore gon, and 1 printed and published in Clackamas County, Oregon, pursuant to an order of the Hon. J. U. Camp bell, Judge of the above entitled Court, made and entered herein on the 25th day of April, 1917. FRED J. MEINDL, Attorney for Plaintiff, 405-6 Railway Exchange Building, Portland, Oregon. Drte of first publication, April 27, 1917. Dato of last publication, May S, 1917 SUMMONS. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for tho County of Clacka mas. OUIe Zoe Holton, Plaintiff, vs. Albert M. Holton, Defendant. To Albert M. Holton, Defendant: in the name of the State of Oregon: You are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint filed against you In tlio above entitled court and suit on or before the 9th day of June, 1917, that being the day fixed by order ot court for you to appear and answer, and more than six (6) weeks from the date ot tho first publication ot this summons; and if you fall to so appear and answer, the plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief demanded In her said complaint to-wlt: For a decree severing and dissolving tho bonds of matrimony now existing be tween the plaintiff and you, and that she be granted an absolute divorce from you; that the plaintiff be award ed the permanent care nnd custody of her said child, Eva Holton; that the plaintiff bo awarded the sum of $30.00 a month alimony from you; that sbc be declared to be the owner of the household gtods nnd furniture alleged In the complaint, and that you have no interest therein; that she recover her costs and disbursements of this suit and that she be granted such other and further relief o to the Court may seem Just and equitable. Thla attiMiinii I puMuLd la Ih. Oregotl Clly KnlrrprlM our t, mb fur all (t cuitiiii. trk., l.f brdr of Ih Hun. J. V. ( ainphrd, Judg of lha al'0 i,iitld court, mad t-a April II, 117. Flrat puhllratlon April 7, Ml If Lat (fildlralion Juii I. 1)17. W. II. I'OWKI.I, Attorney for I'lalntlff. SUMMONS. In Ih County Court of th Htt ol Oregon, for Ih County of Clacka ma. George Illibael and Ileatrlc Illthiat, hi wife, Joaxpb Iilrbtel, unmarried. Lena Darby and John W. Darby, her hu.band. Mary Uqd and Clemen, (iuda, bar hatband, Carolina II Knoblauch a,nd Joaeph S. Knoblaoth her hu.band, Krack J. Malar aai ftoay E. Mel.r, hi wife, Il.rtha llav eratlrk, and CheaUir 8. Ilratlrk, ber hu.band, Anton Jlothwefler, Un married and Geo. A. Rotbweller, un married. Hum II. Hmltb and Cbria II. n C. Smith, her butband, Joha Ulchtel and Kat Blchiel. his wtf. George Illthiel and Theresa Illch ae. bla wife. Kllahetb Hulnr and John T. Maine, her hu.band. I'lalntlff, V8- llelen IH.ha! Miller and Miller, her huihand. JUrgret Mr Fad d i. a and McF.ddrn. her huahand, Jon-pb Illcb.el. LlizUt Ulihael and Mury Illcb.el. children of Joseph lilt bael, and all unknown belra of Katla Wlnea, deeeaaed. Defendant.. To Helen Illchwrl Miller, Miller, her hu.band, Margaret McFadden and McFadden. ber husband, Joaepb Blchset, Tom my Blchael, Lizzie Blchsel and Mary Blchael, children of Joseph Blchsel, and all unknown heir of Katie Wines, deeeaaed. IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF OREGON YOL" ARE HEREi'.Y R In quired to' appear and answer th complaint In the above antlUed salt filed against you on or before six weeki after the flrat publication of this summons, to-wlt: Tha lib, day of June 1917, and If you fall to ao appear and answer, tor want thereof, the plaintiffs will apply to this court for the relief demanded in said complaint as follows: For a decree for a partition of th following described real property situated in the County ot Clacka mas, State of Oregon, to-wlt: Lot 17. Block 10 West Gladstone. Clackamas County, Oregon, accord ing to the maps and plats on file In the office ot the recorder ot conveyance for aald coanty and State. This summons is published par suant to an order made by the Honorable J. U. Campbell, Judge ot the Circuit Court ot the State ot Oregon, for the County ot Clacka mas on the list day of April. 1917. The date of the first publication of this summons being the 27th day of April. 1917, and the date of the last publication being the 8th day of June, 1917. C. Schuebel, Attorney for Plaintiff. SUMMONS. In the Circuit Court ot the State ot Oregon, for Clackamas County. Ethel Vinton, Plaintiff, vs. W. T. Vinton, Defendant To V. T. . Vinton, above named de fendant: In the name of the State ot Oregon, you are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint filed against you in the above entiled suit, on or bcf6re the twenty-fifth day of May, 1917, aald date being the expiration of six weeks from the first publication of this sura iions and if yuu full to appenr or t s wer said complaint, for want thereof the plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief prayed for in her com plaint, to-wlt For a decree dissolving the marriage PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY JOSEPH E. HEDGES Lawyer MONEY TO LOAN WEINHARD lUILOINa D. C Latourettb, President F. J. Meyer. Cashier The Fit st National Bank of Oregon City, Oregon CAPITAL, $50,000.00 Transacts a General Banking Business Open from 9 A. M. to 3 P. M. Phones Pacific 62 Home A-liJ GEORGE C. BROWNELL Attornay-at-Law All legal business promptly attended U 'I D. A D. C. LATOURETTE Attorneys-at-Law Commercial, Real Estate and Probate our Specialties. Of fice in First National Bank Bldg., Oregon City, Oregon. Office Phones Pacific Main 406; Home A-270. STONE A MOULTON Attorneys-at-Law Beaver Bldg., Room 6 OXEQON. CITY .... OREGON O. D. EBY Attornoy-at-Lavt Money loaned, abstracts furnish ed, land titles examluod, estates settled, general law business. Over Bank of Oregon City. fialrai eii.litif beai tiff aad A fetiJ.ai and t-ia.ltt!ag r,l Intiff t? re urti t former aim of utiiei Tfcoia.a. Tbl (nmtttimi pub. Ilthed by order of H..B J. V. ; p l-ll, Judir of Ih circuit court, mlUh order md oa Ih Bintb, dar cf April 11, 1)17, and rualtaulng h fur p'.l.ll. atlott thereof I all o.k, beginning with Ih Imi dtd Friday, April 11, 1)17, aad toalibliig ath tk lbt.re.fier lo and liul'i-ling rU d.y. May 2i, !I7. llroaaell A Hl..r. Altunse). for plaintiff. SUMMONS. la th Circuit Ceart of the Btat of Oregon, for th County of Clack ma. Th (iU-amurrl Company, a corpora" tloo, plaintiff. vs. r, li. Elliott and n. T. Sinclair, De fendant.. To K. D. Elliott and . f. Blnclalr: la th nam ot th stat of Oregnn: You and each of you ar hereby re quired to appear and as.wrr Ih com plaint filed against you by plaintiff la th abov entitled suit, on or before lb Hth day of May, 1917. aald d.le Udtig prescribed by Ih order of th abort entitled court and being mora than six week after tb 13th day of April, 1917. which la the dat pro-u-rlUvd by aald court for th flrat puh llratlon of this aummons, and If you fall to ao appear and anewer on or befur aald !1tb day of May. 1)17. for want thereof, plaintiff wilt apply to tald court for tha relief demanded In th complaint filed herein. la aald romplx'nt plaintiff aak for a decre of thl court absolutely bar ring and foreclosing all tha right, title, claim and Interest of th defend ant E. D. Elliott and 8. F. Sinclair, and each of them, and their heirs, legal repreaentsUve. uceeaeors and assigns, la or to Lot or Block Num bered On (1) of Clenmorrle. contain ing three and one quarter (30 acre mora or 1cm, according to the duly recorded plat thereof of record In tha office of tha Recorder of Conveyance for Clackama Coanty, Oregon, and every part thereof, unleti the aald defendants, or either of them, sh-.lt on or before a day certain to be flxad by this court, pay to th plaintiff In ' the lawful money of the United States, the following sums, to-wlt: The sum of Three Thousand One Hundred Twenty-five and 01-100 ($3115.01) dol lars, with Interest upon the sum ot Sixteen Hundred Twenty-five and 01-100 ($1625.61) dollars thereof, at the rate of six (6t ) per cent per an num from the 19th day of October, 1J1J, and Interest on Fifteen Hun dred (11500.00) dollars thereof, at th rate of seven (7C) per 'cent per an num from the 19th day of October, 1913;'and further tor a decree of this Honorable Court that upon failure ot the above named defendants, or either or them, to pay to the plaintiff the above named sums, within the time limited by this court declaring tha said defendants, E. D. Elliott and S. F. Sinclair, and etch of them, and their heirs, legal representatives, succes sors and assigns, to be absolutely bar red nnd foreclosed of all their right title or Interest In or to the above de scribed property, and erery part there of; and further that the said defend ants, and each of them be decreed to have forfeited to this plaintiff herein, all moneys heretofore paid to the said plaintiff upon said contract; and fur ther for Its costs and disbursements herein, and for such other and further relict as Is Just and equitable in the premises. This summons Is served upon you by publication thereof once each week for sis consecutive weeks in tha Ore gon City Enterprise, by order of the above entitled court of date April 11, 1917. Dato of first publication April 13, 1917 Date of last publication May 25, 1917 GRIFFITH, LEITER ft ALLEN, and BERT W. HENRY, Attarneys tor Plaintiff. William Hammond Philip L. Hammond HAMMOND A HAMMOND Attorneys-at-Law Abstracts, Real Estate, Loans, Insur ance. OREGON CITY, OREGON Pacific Phone 81, Home Phone A-27J C. SCHUEBEL Attorney-at-Law Deutscher Advokat Will practice In all courts, make col lections and settlements. Office In Enterprise Building, Oregon Cllr. Oregon. W.S.EDDY.V.S..M.D.V. CradocrtB t tba Ontario Vateri naty Ootteg at Toronto, Canada, and tha MoSSntxi School of Sur gery of Obtoaga, Is established at Fashion Stable, between Fourth and VUth on Mala Street Both Tetoobone Office Pacific IV, Home A-OS Res. Paoiflaj 184; Horn B-80