OnrCON CITY FJTERPRISE. PR If) AY. MAY 25. 1917 AH tlt Vofl il Mmic j.n!iKr ji ti your commam!, ilirHirli llw milium il lh "Columbia Grafonola" j "T Mi THIS MODEL $75.00 TERMS TO SUIT Ymt OU MmIum Tta n Put Nr! All the eloquence and all the heart appeal of the songs of long ago as well u llie .itr?t Mj)u!.ir music arc !xvt inter rclrd y llie "GjI umlia Grafonola." Tlie Very Soul of Muiic U in ilia Coliimltia Cnfonoli Call and lirar llir Columbia Grafonola. You incurr no obligation, ol courtr. W.C.MURRAY WILSONV1LLE DUplijF ll Prim llfd Slot Oak drove & CANBY DEPARTMENT CANiiY. nr. Mar II lr.nr Klil. r Canity' boy, lio I a tin inlwr of the t'lillril Htate Army. I lintii in a lall. Mr. It. i, Clark ami n. Arthur Mab-t.iuli (Murk, of Molalla. are (wait of Mr. anil Mr K. K. Hrdll. II. II. Ki'i'lra. war eeiiau marnhul of Canty precinct Nn. 1. haa apinlnt-J llnrlwrt A. Iierkmun, J. Hay Vlnytril II II. Kn and Omirin I rul r ti I ! r a reglatrur , Kirk ItrlM kkh UnIko No i:i vti-i M I tin ful!ulii uHPcr fur the mining l..rm: : Itul.y Hate. N. C ; TUUn Hly li-r. V. (! , Alice UrniUdaillrr. record liiK iwrvtnry ; Id Knight, ftimni lui ar rotary and l.aurii Hair trraaurrr. Mr. ami Mm. V II. Hair were I'orl Inml .hopper Friday. I'lill Tin ker, nf Aurora, a Cnnby hopper Itila week. William KnlKhl I conducting Hip eighth grade riamluatlnu In t'ulili) hMila tlila i'k. Cunhy eipecli over 10 eighth gride graduate. Mr. Muatcrlou, of Molalla. I In Canity tlila week analittlug In llm Ti -aratlon for a graduation eiorclar. Mr. anil Mr. Iteeen were Oregon CKy vlallnni Saturday. Mr. I'rula ami Mra. Cheater Smith (if Mmkahurg, won Cnnby tiiii'ra Turailixy. Mr. CI) do Kv.ma and Mlaa Vlulflte Kvana, nf Portland, wore week -end KiHHita of Mr. and Mra. V. II. llulr. Mm. drnnt White and Mra. M. I. Sailor were gueHl of Mr. and Mra. Ilrnry J. Ilcwctt, or lluhhard. Tue day. Joiiti HchauM, of I'. S. V. una via Itlng lila parent, Mr. and Mra. Otto Schttuhel. Cliaa. M Spencer wiih a Canity via Itor Tuesday. Mlaa l-ena Pierce, of Oregon City, una n guest of Mlaa Itetm Hut. hlnmm Saturday and Sunday. Mlaa Judith SandsiieaH, of Portland. wa n work end guest of lior hIhIoi. Mm. F.dgnr Smltli. Mlaa (irai'i Urtton, of Berkeley, Cal., Mra. (JiHirKK Penman, of 1'ortland, and Mr. and Mra. I,, Wnldron, of Orison City, wer. guest of Mra. U T. Batten Saturday. Mlns Catherine KvaiiH cntirtalnid n mimlior of lior l'ortlaiul friouda at tlm Kvana lioino Saturday and Sunday. Mm. John Graham and MIhb Mlim (Iraliam wtro Portland vlnitom Tuoa day. , Mr and Mm. VhlipU and Mian Ollvo Vhlipln worn OroKon t'lty vis Jtora Saturday, A lurKo diilogatloii of inuniliom of Canby U.d;;o Ko. 1.14 A. V. & A. M. at li'iidod Multnoiniih I.iiiIko No. 1 A. F. fi A. M. at On-Kon City Saturday oven Inn. TlioHii from Canby worn: W, II. llnlr, II. II. Kirlcs, W. S Mapln, II. II. KvaiiH, Chaa. N. Walt, John Kid, John (Iraliam, Wllmor SandHiii'HH. I 'ran It 1iuIk'. Thon. It, Hamilton, Ora Slytor, William JiicUmm, W. J. K. Vlrk, 1'. C. Shaulii'l, Arthur (iraliam, C. 0. 'I'hoiunH, M. 1'. Sailor and M. .1. Ia'o. Sliorlff W. .1. Wllaon and Deputy llurko, of OrnRon City, wore IiuhIiii'ss vlaltom In (!anby Saturday nlht. John Ki'ltiTHon, of Molalla, waa u Canby vlallor Sunday. Mr. and Mm. Avon Johso, of l'ara (IIho Clly, wore Canby vlaltom Satur day cvonliiK. Mr. Yoat, of Harlow, waa tranaai't- lug biiHlni'BR In Canby Tui'mlay. Mr. and Mm. Curran havo Hold tluilr larm north of Canby to a family from California, and have, niovod to Cnnby. Mm. printer, of Drain, Ih BpondliiR n couple, of wneka In Cnnby. Mr and Mrs. Clrnnt Wlilto spent Sunday with Mm. White's paronta, Mr. and Mm. J. C. Haines, of Oswego. MIhb Grnco Snook, of OroRon City, was a week-end guest of lier slBter, Mra. K. C. Smith. Mr. and Mrs. Adnni Knlnht and J. T Vlnyard nro attondlnR the Grand I-odRe of I. 0. O. V. nt Eugone this week. Tho following pupils of tho Canby schools wero neither obaent nor tardy during the month ending May 18th: Flrat grado Mlna H. Hubbs, teacher:, Ivan Arncson, nulph Earls. Earl Faw. ver, Itaymond Gnrduer, Keith Mack, Aldon Schwabauer, Vernon La Paw-. laniard Draper, Itutli li, Vloli-i Malnwunil. (irrtrudn Ili-rax and KIU lai h. Hr'inid grado- IjiVlna Hhrrl dull tui In r Va Whi-t'lcr, ilud Duller, Iri-nn Kuandl, Mildred ! ArllttK Kim her, Wloia Ijf. Kdnard Mi ( lure. Clay MjIiioikkI. Itona Hlytvr. Virgil (ilger. NTen ViMrr, l.ynn Mc Uneaten. Tblnl Fourth gradea- Kn- es Potter. N uc her: Telia i re. Klolae Kinney, Zylpha PatterMin, Unrn Kck eraoii. Mniabel llutea, MuUl Htullh. Iieriibe Arnemm, Itorolhy Pitta, Alli p NaK:inn, Kdlth Carlnon. Hliiin lie Ken dull, rloretirn MalnaiMMl, Alelta Dm it er. Ionard Neaatrunt, Mllrhrll Sly- ler. (ierald Hair. Itoaa Itliler. Kdwln Kolilnaoll, Milton .M.ljiieatoll. Morencr Heti Iter, Heulah Ijiuner. Kdwurd Iteeae, Yr l, Kobert Mi-Cluri". Ivan lliilnea, Wealey Mltta, (iiMirgo Nukanu. Karl Miller, Charlie Ijilinw. Krneal Kruft. nrthSltth gradea Nona Ana tin, trnihrr- Ituy U'e. Albert Hoe,, Dwlght Patteraon, Keith Itraper. Jud ith Nelaon. aClherltii Draper, Albert lleaa, Clareni'K Knla, Jan Mepka, Imiii. Vunglinn, Chrlat Krult. Margaret Hrown. lone Hetiher, H1renc Ulder. Kpale l,ee. Illveralde SrhiMil Ollva Whipple, teacher: Ijiwrenrer Itur deite, John lleln, Clarence' U'plnaky Arthur Needham, Clyde IHiiIkk, klclna lepliuky, lanhcl lluntnii, Ora Netil hum. Clureni Stntller, IVurl Stroller, Charlea Stroller. Katherlne lleln, Mutnle Wollertt mid Thelmn DikIkiv Seventh KiKhth gradea II. II. Kicles, teai her: Dorinu llainea, Kmeva Live- any. Violet lxi-,lfiir.. Klla Earls, Violet Ituanell, Jewel Murk. Mortimer l.ee. Churlea I'ali'B, WIIhiiii l.nwuer, ltllta llitrnlg. Kdlth SamuclHon. Cora Diiiik- laa. Illldred Hakcr, Olive Kendall. Vea la Mark. Iturua Pflater, Karl Mack. Karl Meeka. Ethel Mlckelaon. .Mm. D. W. McKarlautl wn an Ore gon City vlaltor Saturday. Ilcrt Hoyl has Rone to Oak Point to upend the aumer INESE E 'I , in ll. d Crura H'H 'My 111 llila i nil lii'ifill) In I 1 1 llie Inline of Ml V i I r.i ii. i., in- i, , i, Hit, or '.niiuiii. ipi-ni ll v li n . Hi in r n ull, Mr. Ii Id .. .i . ! Mi . .' ,i' lu ll. y mid il i'ii lit..r, I i l , I re llaillng at the liuliie nf Mra I.. K. H' 1.11 M "I 111.1. Mia N ll. liiillilln u I'm ll.inil I vl.lli.r Friday. Mr. aiul Mr liny Allen, lil'l and Hum Wlla'ili, of 1'i.rlliili'l, ,i lit H Hi i.iy Ii'th nh ri'l.iliwa. Mr .hi I Mr. Mi l"wl, i nrniii" Ii ilii'ir li'.iim In Ho nib Daknla Iruin ( all fi rt i In . inp,ed her r a lew daa In tlalt Mr. and Mr I. A, lluMard. Mra Murpl'V and Mra lib key. of I'nrlliiiid. mm rT'iinia nf Mra. I. A. Ilnlliiril Mnudiiy. Mr. aid Mr Jlnklna hate l!i"!r lUiirhter In In and b.il.y frmu Itutte. M'llil.iiin. a Imiiae ("irala. Mra V. V. V urn n i i.ii rlnlin d nl r;v linndreil Thurrduy Hfli rnunii In a (iifty of frlemla fruin Portland Tim In. In. la fell to Mlaa Itrnnii lineal here wire Mra. A I alt. Mi H'.l.klrk and Mr NorbcrK. Daimy ri frc-nl. j liient ere ai rve l Mr. and Mra. John :'nrl.eri( enter lalni-d Huturday rwiilng. Muy I'Jlh, In liniii.r of lln lr tenth wedding auniver ary. Five hundred and inualc were the feature nf the evening Dainty re- frealiinelil were fuTVed ,y the )Ut( rai A beautiful luclrlo ihndrt wus left by ihn guttata k a reminder of their wedding. Thnae pretent were Mr. and Mr It. Ilenderaon, Mr. and Mm. Cnrlaon. Mr. and Mra. New berg. Mr. and Mr. John Kallman, Mr. and Mra. (''red Kallman, Mr. Hundatrulil. Mlaaea Helen Johnaon. Hophla and lllutiche llenderaoe, Dratrlce Carlaon. Dorothy VewlM-rg. and Herman Carl aim, of pnrtlnfid; Mr and Mra. E. C. Warren, Mr. M. V. Hobklrk. Mra. E Oman. Itorli Hruniley, Evelyn Oman and Howard Norberg. of Oak (irove Mr. and Mr. Owen Harnett rclurni'0 home from Wuaco, Oregon, Saturday night. Mlaa Ellen Worthing!. n la vli.itllii; her slater. Itai hel, at Priiidle, Waah. Mrnnd Mr. Fleinmlng entertained at dinner Sunday Mr. and Mra. Charlie Worthlncton, T. It. WorthliiRtun. Tlu-o dure and Evert Worthlngton. Mra. M F. Hobklrk has moved Into tho Hefty hrtuae. whllu Mr. Hefty L working at Hrldul Veil. Mr. and Mra. John Smith have trud ed their rami' near Sherwood for a place on Eaat 4sth atreet. Portland, and moved there Monday. Mra. I.. E. Armatrong motored lo Portland with Mra. Smith Monduy. Mlldnd Hartlett, of I'orlland. spent ti e week end with her parent. Church Note. Methodist Eplacopai Church Hcv. IVtw Do Umg, pastor, fiervlcea both morning and evening every Sunday Sunday school 10 o'clock. C. I) Smith. 8uNTlntendent. Prayer meeting every Thnraday evening. All are welcome to theao meetliiKS. Thero wero 112 nt Sunday school laat Sunday. Memorial Day services will be given next Sunday morning. The Amphlon Male Choru, which made Itn uppwirance at tho church last Frldi.y evening disappointed no one. Ice cream and cake were served In tho basement after tho concert Altogether $10 wero cleared. ltev. DcUtng went to Sllverton Wed nesday to attend tho Salcin district conference. Ho presented a paiH'r to the conferem;. Th Hoy Scimts meet on Tuesday ev ening Instead of Friday as heretofore. The boys nro planning to camp for ten nights as soon ns tho weather permits. In preparation for tho Mount Hood trip this summer. Wednesday evening prayer-meet InR will ho held at tho home of Mr. aim Mrs. Wilcox in the Concord district. OMvrgo Council Hold-. So-ion WOMEN'S CLUB A,KS THAT OA 8 COMPANY CC PtNMITTID TO INSTALL CA IMWK'IO, Ore , M v 2! riy ii nl met In rel'lll'T " " Mo 17. At were pr ai lit '' fp'Hiif ' u "in lliii.il, Cllln feller. Mill'lH i of lnt III (.!! were read nd approved. A hiuihh.i cr'tlnn u rwehed frmu Hi" Wi.ien' Club nuking tho i 'i" M to runt Hi Portland Gu fniiipai u fr.ni Ii.h.- (., rurnlali una In Oswego. Mr Hirong i.r the g.ia company l.i liut prereiii, Ih. inaynr KBve him th' prhl'i i'i. ,( M il lug h'a wlnhe In fi K .r.la to thn f ri rblae, . Mill he aul.inlli d t-i the louii . ell at a prevlii'.a meeting held In Apr 1 Mr CiHi'.er and otlu ra prri'-nt uli'. talked In luvor or the uurif-ll granting ' the rrain hlae to the cm roinviiny. b.i! the r.iunell fcL'tf-d tbiit It could not.! and would not grunt the frunchlse In It prencrit form, and tried to show Ihn gentleman wherein thn tald Inn chlae did not meet within the reulre inent or tlie cny rnaner. Mr. Htroni;. aeeiuod to bo willing to amend the I franchise a naked, but only In a ver- j bat wuy and thn ihurter require ll i In writing. It la lo be hoped that the J t'sa company and city council cuh aree In om way, ao that the fran j chlan can be granted. ! I. N. Webater asked the council to ' lay a ildewalk from Flrat and C to' hi residence, on Front and C. The communication wa placed on the table. On motion by Pollard, the recorder wa Inatnicted to notify Dr. Itostlter to attend to the aewer leading from hit residence to Front lreet. An amendment to ordinance No. S3, with an emergency clause attached, relutlve to ualng eiploalvca within the city limits, wa presented by I). It. Fox, and on roll call wa carried unan imously. Oh motion by Dldgun council adjourned. Food Conservation League to Meetj COMMITTEES ABE APPOINTED TO ASSIST IN WORK PLANNED- PEKIN, May 23.-Prosldont Ll Yuan Hung has issuod a mandate dismissing Premier Tuan Chi Jul from offlco and naming Dr. Wu Ting-Fang, ox-Ambassador to tho United StnteB, as acting premier lind empowering him to Torm a new cabinet. This netron pronnbly will end the deadlock In parliament nnd niiiko pos- slblo n duvlarntlon of war by China against Gonunny. Tho provincial military governors who wero attempting to disband parlia ment left Peking boforo tho president took uctlon against Tuna Chi Jiu, as tho president had positively announced that ho would disregard tholr demand for a dissolution of tho legislative body, Tho president declarod that parlia moiit must not bo corn-cod In any way and nniioiincod hi slntontlou to conduct tho government In nccordanco with tho provisional constitution nt any cost. NORWEGIAN 8HIP IS SUNK LONDON', May 23. A Central News dispatch from Chrlatlnnla says the Norwegian forolgn ofrico reports the sinking by a German submarine of the Norweglnn stonmor Norniann Ashild. Part or tho crew Is said to bo missing. May 2.3, Portland: $0,000,000 ship Job let In Oregon, Portland yards will build 10, six will bo built by Penlnsu la Shipbuilding company, (our by tho Coast Shipbuilding company, two by C A. Smith Lumber company at Coos liny, VobsoIs will be wood and cost about 1500,000 each. Cut This Out It I Worth Money, DON'T MISS THIS. Cut out this slip, enclose with 5c and mall it to Foley & Co., 2835 Sheffield Avenuo, Chicago, 111,, writing your name and address clearly. You will receive In return a trial package containing Foley's Honoy and Tar Compound for bronchial and la grippe coughs; Foley Kidney Pill, for lamo back, weak kid ney, rhoumatlRin, bladder troubles, and Foley Cathartic Tablets, a wbolo soine and thoroughly crtansing cathar tic, for constipation, biliousness, bead ache and ilugglsh bowel. What Ails Your Havo you become run-down, weak, emaciated, pale after a long siege oi colds? Does tho skin show that the blood is tliiu nnd wuteryV Spring it tlie time when vitality is nt it lowest ebb clean liotiso ir by ridding tlie body of its accumulated poisons. Ke freeli tlie blond with a stimulating tonic. Dr. Tierce's Golden Medical Discov ery, free from alcohol or narcotics nnd extracted from roots mid barks with pure glycerine, banishes from tlie blood all poison and impure matter. Ill dissolves tho impure deposit and carries them out, as it does nil im purities, through tho Liver, Bowels, Kidneys and Skin. If you have indigestion, sluggish liver, iinsnl or other catarrh, unsteady nerves or iiiisiguoy sain, get me "Uis covory" to-day and start at once to replace your impure blood With the kind that put energy ana ambition into you and brings bnck youth and vigorous action. Sold bv dealers in liquid or tablet form; or send 10c. for trial packnge of tablet to Dr. V.M. Pierco, llulfalo, Jv.Y OSWEGO, Ore., May 21. Tho Food Conservation league will meet at the city hull Saturday evening, May 26. N. C. Murrla made a brief visit to the city laat We Uiesday and made such arrniigemckt upon Food Con i servatlon a he could in hia brief stay. The following officers and commit tee were apitointed: Executive head. John Hlckncr; publicity committee, D. N. Ilyslee and Mis Mary Itickner; canvassing, Henry Koehler; plowing, Chos. Austin; seed, L. L. Woodurd; lubor, 11. A. Vosc- and D. L. Woodard: canning and drying fruit. Mrs. Gus Smith and Mrs. John Davis; poultry, W. F. Hlckner; rabbits. Wm. Erwln. Any one who Is interested and it Is hoped all are, are asked to attend the meeting at the hall Saturday evening. Several authorities upon tho subject will be present. OSWEGO LOCALS MOTHERS OF OREGON. Albany, Oregon. "At one time I wns weak and nervous; had bend ache and backache; liver was sluggish, and I was troubled with constipation. I needed a tonic a constitutional builder. A friend told me about Dr. Pierce' (ioldci Medical Diacov ery. I took it and it built me rigl np, gave me new strength, put u. liver in good shape, and helped t in every way." Mrs, Ellen Doni I 1118 E. 2nd Street. OSWEGO, Or., May 24. Word was recoived from Cleveland, Ohio, that Richard Hall, formerly ot this place, died of tuberculosis in that city May Kith. He was a brother of John Ball of Oregon City, Arthur Ball and Mrs. Dan Cnrtls, of Portland, and a nephew X Mra. James Hosey, of Oregon City and Mrs. Thos. Fox ot Oswego. He belonged to a K, of P. Lodge of Port land, and tho Moulders Union of Port land, also. Mm. T. G. Haines entertained Mrs. Fred Stofflns. Mrs. H. Hurghorst and Mrs. C. A. Bethke Tuesday afternoon. Ice crenm, cako, coffee, were served. Tho Artisans had a social meeting Inst Saturday evening, when members and friends spent tho evening In music, games nnd dancing. Lunch was. served. L. C. Nowlands made a business trip to Vancouver, B. C. last week. Mrs. Mary Smith, who has been vis iting Mra. D. C. Fox, her daughter, the past -winter, has returned to her home In Eureka, California. The cement plant has closed down owing to inability to get rock at Bose- burg. It Is expected to be able to start again In nhout three weeks. Private Lloyd Tomlln was on Oswe go visitor Wednesday. Mrs. C. A. Bethke visited her sister, Mra. Arch Coon, of Portland, Wednes day. t Miss Dena Prosser has returned from a two months' visit with her sister. Mrs'. Silver Dane, ot Los Angeles. Cal. Mra. Vlra Fellows Is visiting her niece Mrs. S. Pressor. Mra. DoPew of Portland, visited friends of "Auld Lang Syne" the past weok. D. O. Fryborger, of Loveland, Colo rado, was the guest of hla cousin, Mr. Lewis Smoke, last week. Mrs. Frank Davidson will visit Mrs. John Colfax and family at Eugene. Miss Bertha Holworth, of Portland, was a guest of Miss Margaret Halnea Sunday. Mrs. C. N. Haines wa a guest of Mrs. P. D. Glbbs Saturday evening. Mr. and Mr. Doyd Harbin and daughter, Gertrude, and Mr. and Mra. Saltmarsh, all of Portland, aent Tues day evening at the borne of P. H. Be J. C. PENNEY CO. wise Follow others vIio are daily reaping llie lienefih and having money for tlicin-elve-i through our imiMial lem of buying and M'llin', vvliieli aviii U more ajijiarent and becomes more nece.v-ary during tlie recent monlIi. No. 3, 5, 10, 15, 20 Coats Merc. Crochet Thread, ball 8c No. 25, 30, 40, 50 Coats Merc. Crochet Thread, ball 10c i Needles package 4c, Sewing Thread per spool 4c Good grade Ginghams, per yard 7c Calico, light colors, 6c; dark 7c Silk Crepe de Chine, yard 98c Ladies House Dresses, each 98c Ladies Corsets 79c, 98c, $1.49 Children's Summer Hats, 49c, 69c and 98c Children's Dresses, 79, 98, $1.23 Children's Shoes, 98, $1.25, $1.49 Ladies Dress Shoes, $2.?9, 2.98, 3.50 Ladies Slippers, $1.39, 1.98, 2.49 Children's Sandals, 49c, 89c, 98c Children's Hose, per pair 12V2C-15C Boys Overalls, 59c and 69c Boys Pants, 49c, 78c, 98c Men's Heavy Bib Overalls and Jumpers, each 98c Mens Mule-skin Shoes, pair $1.69 JaaiBaiBiMaaaBBaaBBBBBBBBBBBaa Men's Elk-hide Shoes, pair $1.98 Men's Dress Shoes, $2.98, 3.50 Men's Work Pants, 98c, $1.49, $1.98 Men's Hats, 98c, $1.23, $1.49 Boys Suits, $2.98, 3.98, 4.98 Men's Suits, $7.90, 9.90, 12.50, 14.75 6fs THE GOLDEN RULE Walter Coon, of Portland, epeat Sun day at tho home ot Henry Yates. . Mr. and Mrs. I. Austin are rielting their daughter, Mrs. James Gregory, at Cathlamet. Wash., this week. Mra. Alvin Dlx, of Portland, wns a Sunday visitor at the home of Mrs. Geo. Thomaa Mr. Wm. Irvine and family are oc cupying the G. Thomas property re cently vacated hy Mr. Roy Haines and fninily. Roy Hainet and family have left for Jarriscdi. The Jersey Dairy has a new auto delivery truck. Its business has In creased so that a horse nnd wagon were Inadequate for their deliveries. Chas. Haines, Jr., will be home In a few days from the St. Vincent's hos pital. Mrs. Ed Clay, who has been on the sick list for the ast week. Is reported better. Mrs. Geo. Thomas was called to Portland Monday on account of her nephew, Mr. Phil Cambus, who under went an operation for appendicitis. From reports, ho Is doing nicely. ! Mr. Montgomery, S. P. telegraph op-' erator. Is occupying the Westergard property. Wm. Oliver and family have moved Into the DeBow home. Mrs. La Vina Bouchamp, of Missouri, left Monday for Astoria, to spend a few days before returning home. She had been visiting at the home of Mrs. Geo. Thomas and Mrs. Ed Clay. The Rod and Gun Club had a social evening on May 23rd, when a "big time" was bad. Mr. and Mra. Thomas Fox and A. J. Monk are attending the I. O. O. F. Grand Lodge at Eugene. Mrs. Frank Davidson la a delegate to the Rebekah Assembly. Altoona, Wash., to spend the summer, spent several days with relatives here. Mr. Mc McCurdy, of Portland, has Mrs. Lola Tooze and daughter, ot purchased the Frank Johnson property Sherwood, Ore., were week-end visit, and moved his family there this week, ors of Mrs. Leonard Hullman, Rubber Stamps Our Rubber Stamp Department is prepared to turn out your or ders for special stamps on short notice. Orders received by 5 P. ,M. delivered the following morning. Butter Wrapper Stamps 16 OZ. FULL WEIGHT DAIRY BUTTER OREGON CITY, R. F. D. 2 G. R JONES Rubber Stamp like above, Stamp Pad and Bottle Ink, $1.25. Oregon City Enterprise Office Outfitter- Phoney PaciCk 2 HomeB-10