ORPCON Cm' ENTERPRISE. I'KIDAY, MAY i l'JI7 Vaciv. 2 Wilstimillt; Markllllr Harlow Molalla MOUIJA May 2 0 H. Hlifo.k md Kd Hriltoii, prominent Molalla farmer, worn busy rYtduy painting Hip modern, new bungalow, at thr I'nbrixk farm. Mm. J. V. Baker vUitor In MnlnlU Friday. Arthur lron a sawing wood for (j. 8. Babcock lt wek. . Pbi-Hir Wilson was a business ll tor In Molnlla lat week. A very Injoyablc lime wa had al the Mother club, which w held In Liberal, tit the church on Thursday. Mr J. V. Baker and Mr. John Vlrk spent a pleasant afternoon In Lib tral at the Mother'a club Thuraday. Male Shirley nnd Jean lUmti. who havo been suffering with severe cold are much Improved. Grant 8. Babcock hauled lumber from Moehnke't sawmill Monday. J. V. Haker haa a very lame home. Dr. Morey. veterinarian, from Liberal, waa called Saturday morn In. Mlsa Selma FTledrlrh, who haa beu. In poor health for Kim time, la Mill qt.ite sick. Glenn Haker attended the banket eocial at Liberal Friday evening. Only two more week of school ai Molnlla and then a long vacation foi the kiddies. So much rain here la causing th firmer to look blue and they art very much disgusted aa practically no plowing and very Utt'e eeding haa been done yet. G. S. Babcock called on Arthur Lar son Tuesday. Geraldine Webb was pleasantly en tertained by Mis Lena Balicock Satm day afternoon. John Vaughn called on G S. Itab cock Saturday. Mr. and Mm. Arthur McKinster wore shopping In Molal'a Saturday. Miss Nina Dunton. prominent young lndy of this place. Is helping make and j tr'm hats for Mm. Knapp of Molnlla. The basket social given by the school at Liberal was well attended and netted $15. Frank Freidrlch. recently of Cali fornia, is visiting at his home near Molnlla. , A large crowd attended the charivar. party given by Mr. and Mm. Will Lar son, recent newlyweds. Miss Lena Itabcock was the guest of j her schoolmate. Miss Dorothy Vaughn. Sunday afternon. John Vick was busy working the roads the last of the week. , Ed Britton and G. S. Babcock were in Molalla Sunday. Miss Vesta and Homer Stipp and Gordon Bnrns were delightfully enter tained by Miss Geraldine Webb Sun day. The Misses Myrtle and Pearl Baker, prominent In the younger set of Mo lalla high school, were In Molalla Sun day afternoon. Royal Davidson and family, of Meadowbrook, were guests on Sundaj at the Friedrlch home. Mr. and Mrs. Friedrich are parents of Mm. David son. The late George R. Schriher, former pr-stor of Liberal, and also principal oi the school in Canby, was laid to his final rest in Salem last Wednesday. Stafford STAFFORD, May 23. Mr. Oldham is plowing Mrs. Gage's orchard. He Is getting ready to plant it with potatoes. This is the oldest orchard between Or egon City and Dayton. Many relatives and close friends gathered Sunday to celebrate Fred El ligsen's 65th birthday. His children gave hint a gold ring, which was pre sented to him by his nephew, Carl El ligsen, with a few appropriate words, telling him the ring was of unending love. He also received many other gifts. At 12 o'clock a sumptuous din ner was served, which was immense ly enjoyed by all. Two large birthday cakes were decorated with 65 pink candles. The afternoon was spent with music and playing games, which waj of interest to old and young. Those present were: Mr. and Mrs. Chas. See ley, Mr. and MrCtHelnka Peters, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Bucharest, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Elligsen, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. El llgsen, Mr. and Mrs. Z. Elligsen, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Seeley, Mr. and Mr3. John Seedling, Mr. and Mrs. William Ellig sen, Mr. and Mrs. Otto Peters, Mr. and Mra. Ed Gross, Mrs. Abbe Peters, Mrs. M. A. Gage, Misses Eva Seedling, Es ther Peters, Agnes Peters, Edith Pe ters, Christina Elligsen, Lena Elligsen. Ruth Elligsen, Ida Elligsen, Rosena Elligsen, Elda Peters, Marie Peters, Meredith Peters, Clifford Seeley, Gladys Seeley, Kenneth Seeley, Dan iel Seeley, Clarence Gross, Harold Gross, Edith Gross, Harry Elligsen, Carl Elligsen, Eddie Elligsen, Sidney Seedling, Edna Seeley, Mr. Weddle, Edith Seeley, Mra. Sharp, Mr. and Mrs. John Aden. At 4 o'clock all returned to their homes, having passed a day long to be remembered. Many from this neighborhood at tended the farewell party given for Ed Wanker and family Friday. Several from here attended the dance given Mr. and Mrs. E. Whltten, of Harelia, Saturday. Those present at the tea party Fri day afternoon at the Gage residence, were Misses Era Sedling, Christina Elligsen, Libble Rablck, and Eva Hol ton. Mr and Mrs. Oldham enjoyed a plea- ant afternoon at It. IVN'uel' fiunday. Ml. K llolum Mt Monday fur an .tended visit with friends In Indn prndenon. Mla Susan Hchati spent an enjoya tie Hunday with the Mlsse Senile. Mesar Bert. Hob and Waller St hall. KJ. Joe and UtHirga Itablik and Lloyd Tlidrman vUlled In Portland Sunday. The Olivia inrt with Mm. Charles i Thoiupaon Thumday. Tha membrm quilted one quilt, tacked another, work ed one blin k (or another on. I Mlsa Kmma Freniel ta slaying with ! her mother for a few weeks. Hazi'lia , (By llattle K Wankerl ! ILVZF.UA. May 2.1 A farewell par ty waa given for Mr. and Mm Kd Wan ker and family, who will leave for I Medical Sprint:. Oregon. during ihe j week, at the school bonne Friday eon , Inn A proKrjiu, gnara and luu'r (wi-re enjtned after wUlih retrV intent were served. Thoe prevent iwere: Ml'ne Jane ArtiiatronK. 1J Whltten. Lucille pitman. In.t liiyi:t broeck. Lucy Pollard. Harriet Pnman t nrtslina MUK-n. Itar.u' anr. Libble Kablck. Pontile Duncan. Mar) Puvmbroeck. Lulu Wanker. Hannah Pollard. Y.i llolton. Florctue Brum battgh Ell;aVlh Puymbnwck. Klb n ..l(lenlailU Marlon Eastman. Harrle E. Soi'dllng. Edith Wanker. Irene Pun- can, Ethel Haker. l.lUlun iieaematt. ; Utina Puvmbroeck. Edna Portir, I1U ! Scott. Wamla Wanker. Myrtle l'.or-, land. Dorothy Zlttser, lva lUirland ' Sabra Nusbaum. Audrey Wanker. Itta Lehman and Cyntbla Nusbaum: Messrs. Joe AruiMroni;, William Kroll. Sidney Seedling. George Oldcnntadt. Ed Rablck. Vernon Davidson. Lloyd Tledeman. Walter Schatt. Wlnflelu Haker, Dave Long. Elva Wanker. Hob Schau. Lyle Tiedenian. Herbert Dun- j can. Harry Gebhardt. William G. Sltatx Joe Rablck. William Armstrong. Or ( v'.lle Davidson. George Elligsen. Will lam Nagl. Morris Wllmarth. William j Cook. Lloyd Wanker. George Rabick. J Walter I'orir.itd. Harley Whltten. Gar-: ton Eastman, Wa'ter Wanker. lw. rence Duncan, Charley and Ray mono j Helms, Everett. Leonard and Clifford ; Whltten, Homer Nusbaum. Wilbur and j Donald Lehman, Jack and Clark Mc- MMton. Robert Eastman, William and I Oscar Wanker, Mr. and Mra. Albert Helms, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Arm strong. Mr. and Mrs. Silas Coney. Mr. nnd Mrs. Walter Nusbaum. Mr. and Mm. Arthur norland. Mr. and Mrs. j C C. Borland. Mr. and Mrs. Fred l-oh-, man. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Whltten.; Mr. and Mm. John Ralcy. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Eastman, Mr. nnd Mrs. J. Mc- Yr hon. Mr. and Mrs. J. George Nag!. , Mr. r.nd Mrs. M. E. McMahon. Mr- ant. Mrs. A. Worthington. Mr. and Mrs. j Frank Childs. Mr. and Mrs. A. Niclson, ! Mm. Sarah Childs, Mr. and Mm. W. Ed Wanker. Theodore Stlenhilber ana j Corkins Ackcreon. Miss Opal Hamilton visited with' Miss Lucille Duncan Sunday. I Miss Marion Eastman wpa delight-1 fully entertained by 1 Miss Florence j Brumbaugh Sunday. Herbert Duncan and Elva Wankerl u-nr CiuM-atrn i-t.itAM Cti.wlni. I v. . ij voncgv .iniiuia aiuiuu; i ill Ing. Frank Davidson visited with J. P. Cook Sunday afternoon. Walter Schatz and Georg? Rablck were In the neighborhood Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ihman and fam ily motored to Portland and Bpcnt the day with relatives Sunday. 0. C. Whltten spent a pleasant day at the Arthur Borland home Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. J. George Nagl. W. C Nagl and Miss Dorothy Zinser motored to Wllsonvllle Sunday cvivilng. Mr. Frank Whltten and children, Mrs. George Wilson, Mrs. H. T. Dun can, Mrs. F. Hultbcrg, D. E. Long, Elva Wanker, Mr. and Mrs. F. H. Childs. Mr. and Mrs. J. George Nagl, Hugh Baker, Guy McVay, William Nagl, and Mr. J. Solentan were callers at the Ed Wanker home Sunday. I Misses Lulu Wanker and Ethel Bak er were guents of the MlHBes Ethel and Marlon Thompson at Oswego Sntui day and Sunday. Miss Florence Brumbaugh and brothers, Harold and Ditstln, from Oa wego, were Hazclia visitors Sunday afternoon. The Hazelia Literary and Debating society will meet Saturday evenlns A lively, as well as Interesting time is anticipated. A cordial invitation is extended to all. Miss Edith Wauker and Irene Dun can visited the Oswego school Monday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. John Ralcy were visi tors in the Tualatin Meadows neigh borhood Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Conrad Zimmerman were pleasantly entertained by rela tives in Willamette Friday evening. Catarrh Cannot Be Cured with LOCAL APPLICATIONS, a hy cannot reach the seat of the diaease. Ca tarrh I a blood or conatltutlonal dla'ano, and in order to cure It you muat take In ternal renedle. Uall'a Catarrh Cure I taken In'emally, and acta directly upon the blood and mucous surface. Hall' Catarrh Cure 1 not a quack medicine. It waa prescribed by one of the U.at phy sician In thl country for year and Is a regular prescription. It I composed of the beat tonlra known, combined with the best blood purlflVr. artln? directly on the mucous surfaces. The pf-rfert combina tion of the two InsTPdlents is what pro duce auch wonderful results In .curing catarrh. ' Pend for testimonials, free. F. J: CHENEY & CO.. Props., Toledo, O. Bold by tirupsliif. prl- 7.V. Tali Uall'a Famlljr Pills for constipation. Kt'Iso RKI-rltt, My :3-Th rnieiiain men! and ba.krt ao. 11 al Kr'ni Hl urday evening drrw a lull hoiiM- and , lh(, ril, ,..,,,,,. pnng held a a ti'.riidt. imu'm In rrry wv.!ii.,- ,1.1. i Th pra-cd aiii.mnled to tl Kehmil !. YUav . Mi 1 2 Mil (fMlu.iUon eetil- will Im held rtl j day evening when lha school will at t v i an Interr.tlng program There will at j ui h one or ponlbly two peakerj present In glv the graduation addle ' Following are I be eighth grade gradu ale: Kutilc Jonarud. Ilaiel Puntt U tter Irwin, John Canny.. The Parent Te.n her a4Kirlion wil. hold II lal nieellttg of Ihe )ear Tne dy evening, when election of nfficer will lake place. Service were held at the l.uther.iii churvli Sunday by Kev. Ilenrtikaon. tt Portland. I Ml Stell.t Joiinnul ha returnej to Portland, wbere he I rngaged a (tenoRrApher KaIo Cnvk Hy Mr. II. II. tlibaoni I FACI E t'HKKK. Ore. May 21 - Pavid l'eekrtt who wa taken two week Bn'o to the St. Vincent' hospi tal In I'ortland. paei aay on Sun day. May 1.1th. the .d new rx-achln-t 'O SPRING FARM MACHINERY Big Stock Carefully selected for this section and sold at lowest possible prices. J. I. CASE STEEL PLOWS. VULCAN CHILLED PLOWS. CUTAWAY DISC HARROWS, The famous double action. LIGHT DRAFT HARROW, Finest spring tooth harrow. CASE AND LEAN DISC-SPIKE AND SPRING TOOTH HARROWS. EVANS POTATO PLANTERS. RLOOM MANURE SPREADERS. c MYERS POWER SPRAYERS AND PUMPS. GARDEN TOOLS. EaRle Creek on Tuesday. The de ccused, who with his family had re sided In this district the past two years, was a highly respected neighbor and the sympathy of all is extended to the grieving wife, daughters and son. Mrs. I. M. Ughtfoot waa a guest of her sister, Mrs. It. 13. Gibson, on Sun dry. Eagle Creek grange hold Its eleven th annual picnic at the grange hall on Saturday. There was not as large attandance as was expected, owing to the vacation. The program, consist ing of music by the Garfield band, an address by the Worthy State Master C- E. Spcnce, and some songs and recitations, was greatly enjoyed. Mrs. S. J. Eddy and son, Bruce, are guests at the, home of H. B. Gibson. Everett Beckett, with the assistance of some of the neighbors, set out over 500 prune trees on Monday. Mrs. Viola Douglasu made a trip to Portland last week, attending the fun eral of Mr. Beckett. Weston: O. W. R. & N. company starts work on Dry Creek fill, to cost $50,000. Kind filer Weill l.i I'.'ll'ai'il M.lU day to tl.lllr. In It" S'- Mr and Mia. Hail" I d tilMirn of .rmiUnd, -M !' ariid uh j Mr and Mm Autn-i I , t Mart, field ."k'r for O A --.If. I.llllrd 111 ihe t !.. at Ibi j h.kil him, nil Wr.lii. t alli rit.Kiii ji dlpl)ltig long and awlflly growing al 2 nYlo.a. on IhJ i ' lH"H 'f, r" " ,h '"I vegetable; even j Cmu) j 4 n.i.l!. ! ,l,.,ttn. r Helile. j (, UWUl, vn ,,,.Uv, a deV Ur .! Mra Ilium IUk.-r 'Ml to' i r.nl.f 0.1 Hnn.l.r ., .i.lt Mr lUkrf ltrr. who U III. Mra Kmed Heel) ,(l for Miulbern Pi. .n on Friday, to j"in h-r huabanii Th Parent Teai hi-r At.rlalliiii servel a turnr! h.ii lutu h to lh j leather and pupil of Ihe 1hI achoot 1 at th church baeno 'it en Thumday I The WllxinviMn , h I i 'oe, Frl day. May . and will et ti in heplem ber The Corral Creek . f-.. l bad a de lluhlful picnic on Sat it !-v. d.-npll Ihn wealhrr Mix Mavbelle iMIkli.st- 11 who ha been Ihe u eeaful luilor of Corral Creek hiiil, for the i.ii two year lift for her limit In IVrlmd. Sunday Mix lleb-n Angtia la tx'tutg frletula In N-Hnln-rg. Claire Say. who I at'endlng New beri; hl(li m IuhiI. ieni S.it'irdar and Sunday al home, and attended Corral Creek picnic. K ith Carey, of Pnrlland. enl the week end aa Ihe guet of Mr and Mm. N'oritmn Say. A meeting to dli u ihe amend ntenta of Ihn ronilng tune cl.vtirn. will l,n held In the A t I'. W. hall V. J i rvlTYA in;short the FULL LINE W. J. Wilson& Geo. Blatchford, UWHSU n i ut r on Tuesday, May z'J. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Epler, of Cor nelius, were In Wllsonvllle Sunday to attend the wedding of Miss Anna Rid der, Mrs. Eplc.r's sister. Meadowbrook MEADOWI'.HOOK, Ore., May 2W The farmers urn managing to got some of their crops in by dodging the showers. Miss Ruth Hudson left Monday for her homo at Crabtree. Site will re turn in the full to teach. George Hofstetter Is working for Oran Cutting at present. Ben Chlndgren attended a high school party given by Engla Bergman, of Timber Grove. A number from Meadowbrook and Union Mills attended Literary at Ced ardale Saturday ninht. Mr. and Mrs. Al WIeman and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wieman, daughter and son visited at Mr. and Mrs. DeBuer Sunday. Sadie Hcllbacka, Allen Larklns and John Miettenen took the eighth grade examinations Thursday and Friday. Charles Kerns and brother, Jim Kerna expects to start for California soon for the latter's health. M.WKKIiriU). Or, May- JI.-AI (hough growing amlou, lha ranchmen ara In tin wise discouraged by Ihn con tinned tains lha rapid ! vaius nf everything- that ha been planted an ' i it ring them thai 111 crop ara de 1 lined in reach maturity ty (ha imrinal bates! limn. Meanwhile fhn Rnrltia Ihe ihI coin ba teiilitred In iear 1 '" lr.Milltm shadn of green, telling ! u ,h, h" "HhaliMHl Ihn uitaeaaoit ' atilt) cold. Potato plaltllttg ha begun 1 mi well drained land, whlln lha water U r",,'"f ceding from III lower , r, U lh llilllv area of thl crop are likely lo ba planted befor lha Week' end. No lover of N-vlum could traveran our highway or wander through our wood, now, without being churiiii'd by the wonderful floral diaplay. At frn quent Inlerval. thrown Into vivid Con Iraat by lha dark greet! of the fir. are Ihe anowjr dogweed and Ihn wild bridal wreath, then Ihn pink and white bio aont of thn blackberry delighting Ihn ryn with It lovely hun and foretelling Ihn pleaaurn. contained In the fruit to follow. j A largn and attentive congregation j gathered at lha aervlcn held In Ihn ! Kby school limine by Hev. Fr. l.uca. 011 Thuraday night. J. Palmer, mho for teverul yeura haa been 11 rexldent of Ihla place, ha de j clde. lo aettle In Hend, Oregon, for I Palmer and Ihn children aet nut for that town on Friday, May 16th. Mia Inei Kunhlng. who haa been at tending Ihn Canby High achool, came home a few daya ago. but Intend to return to Canby. Ml Klnora Miller I preparing to spend Ihn aiimmer with relative In H .a Co., orogr0eSocn1ty' MOLALLA, OREGON H I 1 I iif"if . ilssiapiiiij MuuMI 1 , Indiana. J. Voss, of Astoria, Is visiting her aunt, Mrs. Blna Horner, Jr. Mrs. Kate Soward was called to Aurora on business last Friday. Miss Anna Koch is staying at the home of Mrs. Brusch, Sr., who has not fully recovered from an oeration on one of hor eyes. The Mackshurg school closed on May 16th, with a fine dinner provided by the patrons of the school. The closing exercises of the Bear Creek school are to be hold on the eve ning of Saturday, May 26, being post poned on account of Taxpayers Bcaguo meeting In the Eby school house on the preceding Saturday evening. A very Interesting program Is In prepa ration, which It Is hoped may be wit nessed by a large number of those In terested In the school. The meeting of the Little Girls' Sewing Circle which was omitted on Saturday, May 1th, owing to the ab sence of their teacher, will be held May 26th, at the usual time and place. The Mothers' Club wil 1 meet on Thursday, May 24th, at the home of Its Secretary, Mrs. O. M. Baldwin. IIAIlltlW, Or, Muy !l Heboid do ed Kihlny with appropilalu vierilae Japnnean program wa rendered In Ihn afternoon and lengthy program wa given In Ihn hull In Ihn evening li cream and cakn were terved al lha i IiiniI hotian wbli ti both old and young enjoyed. Mr. (loin, Ihn principal, who ha been III for aoitin lluin, wa Iml preaettl, owing to a aevern altiiek of rheumatism. .Mr. (loln'a daughter laugh! Ihn last week of hool fur Mm Mr. (loin left Hunday for hi lioinn In I'orllund. Mia Hen .mollier tun up from Cortland In attend Ihn pier rlaea Slid Ihny left Halurday for hnmn Mr. Ilultlo Irwin Crowley hna 1 11 apiMilitled iMiatitilatrea hern. Mr. ud Mr. Crowley have renled Mr Wol slud house, where Ihe pilotfli n i lofnled for many years, and hn I now ready to ervn thn puhlle, Mr. Krli k on turning Ihn offlen over lo her Sunday nvenlng. Mr. and Mr. Krli k ami moved to Aurora Monday, where Mr. Krlrkson will go Into thn wnrn house btialiie. May Ihey be ui'rea ful, a wn are aorry lo loan (hem a eltlien hero. Harold Huge, of Portland, visited Klmer Irwin Hunduy. Milton Johnson returned home from Myrtln Creek Krldny. Mlsa I 'ear I Hay spent last week In Portland. Iho guest of her cousin. Mis Mubetln Young. Mis Mubulln coming home with her. Mr. Jesse wit Inkett verlounly III Tuesday night of last week, but lit this writing I Improving and I r. Itedmiin entertain hopes of hi recovery. Four suns, Wood, of t.ewlsloii. Idaho; Kred, of Hpokiiiia; Jim. of Hubbard; Krank, of Portland, and two dutiKhler. Mr. I.eitu liond, of HHiknnn, and Mr. Mar garet (irlbblo of .Mitcksburg, are with him. .Mr. KcroKgln went to I'orllaiul lust Tuesduy. returning home Monday. Mr. Andrew and daughter. Thnlma. am vislllng Mr. Andrew' mother In 1 McMltinvllle. Mr. and Mr. Tallmau and molher, Mr. I'rutt, have gone lo Florida lo re side. Mrs. VutiWIiikln was hero Thura day on her return to Portland from at tending Ihn funeral of her son In law j J. Ilollgus, nt Conning. Hho reported I thn niarrlngo of her grundilnughtur, Misses .adu nnd Certrude VanWInklo. ' Ml Lorella llrueii, of I'ortland. ' spent tha week end with Mis Irons Wurful. Mr. Drew and children are visiting , thn former's parents, Mr. and Mr. ; Uirseti. I Mr. Jensen nnd children of I'ort- land, are spending f"W day with 'her parent Mr. and Mr. Krlckson. MAILING A CAM) BY ABSENTEE IS NOT SUFFICIENT WASHINGTON. May 23 Mulling a selective! reiclHtrutlon curd to thn homo town or city of tin absentee will bo Imtuffli'lent, tha provost marshal general's offlco announced today. At Ihe Hnmn time, it wn slated that ex emptions of men with dependent mi nor relative would not necessarily be. hnod upon whether' thn relntlvn Is un der 12 year of bro. A divorced wife, drawing nllntony Is not nocessnrlly a dependent. BANKERsFgROUP ELECTS OFFICERS AT GRANTS PASS ; RANTS PASS, Or.. May 23. Group four, Oregon State Bankers' associa tion, nt Its annual mooting hore Tues day elected thn following officer for tho ensuing year: President, Frunk C. Bramwnll, Grants Pass; vice-president, V. II. Vawtor, Mudford; socrotary-trcasuror, Sam II. Baker, Grants Pass. TIioho throo officers with J. W. Mc Coy of Ashland and A. M. Collier of Klamath Falls woro oloctod trustees to make up the executive committee of tho organization, They will select next yonr's meeting plnco. Group four comprises tho countlos of Bnko, Klamath, Curry, Jackson and Joscphlno. BUDAPEST SAYS TISZA MINISTRY HAS QUIT POSTS AMSTERDAM, May 23. Count TIs r-a's ministry hns resigned, according to Budapest dispatches received hore today by the Contral Nows. That Austria-Hungary plans to make a peace offer to Russia was indicated by advices received hero today. This offer was discussed at the recent con ference of Count Cxernln, the Austro Hungarian, foreign minister, and Ger man officials at Gorman headquarters, It was said. GASOLINE GOES UP NEW YORK, May 23.-The Stand ard Oil company of New York today announced an advance of 2 cents a gallon In the price of gasoline. I3 your child pale and fretful? Does he cry out In sleep or grind bis teoth? These symptoms may mean worms and you should obtain relief at once. Klckapoo Worm Killer is a pleasant remedy that kills tho worm, and by Its mildly laxative quality expels It from tho syatem. Worms sap the vi tality and make your child more sus ceptible to other ailments. Your Druggist sells Klckapoo Worm Killer, 25c a box. (Adv.) JniiiiiiH Iroil; JCNMNIiH ijIMlliK. trn, May 21- Mr. and Mr. Co IImiiIit, of Unite, Molilalia, who liavn been Hailing Mr. and Mr! J. .In rtiiiin, li" giuni Id Kniisn (Hy, Mo, for a hi( V. 'I hey i'ipiH-1 in vlsll hem attain on their return trip. Miss Kan hi,. H Mill h, of Wlllmelle, spent the past week Willi tier brother, Henry Hmitli, and wife. Ml, liieigell, of Portland, W Hunday tlsltor a I Hlonu (lublea. Mr. and Mrs Moilliner Brow 11, 01 Portland, ra dotulrlled ul lb" A. T. I'li-ne home fur the milliner iimnlh. Hhelinii Heiblel haa returned from llolae, Idaho. Iloyal Hlafford. of 0 A. (V, lnpi'd off at Ihn Tucker hnmn lust week. II wa ml hi way to easier 11 Wanhlug toil lo do bla part III Ihn rrniit food problem of today. Mr. Kugetm lliish hns i-mnn up from Caletlio lo spend the summer with her iiinl her, Mr. K A. Kern. Mini, a Helen and I lor Is I'slnlon. of Orchard. Wash, were weekend vU ltor Willi relatives. Mr. and Mr llmli llobirls enter tallied nt luncheon, mi Holiday In honor of llielr on, Ailbiir. who relebraled hi twenty llrst birthday aiihheiaary Cover -were laid for the fnl'owlhg r.ftnse Helen Mini llorls I'alnlon. Marr and Vllui:i linns hart, N n Cosl'e), Bessie Huberts, Ahlen Kelly, l n Ma. I'. rluue, llaliiior und Arthur Hubert. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Itoherl 'Ihn young folks spent I lie re-i aiinbr id the day enJo)lng canoeing and ho.. I Ing on the lii-unt Iful Wlllaun lte N. C. Marls, of Ihn Food Cotiserin I Ion League, spoke oil lh.it aubjei t ut thn siboiil 011 h'rlil.ty tilf lit. In re sponie lo ls urgent plea til" Patent- I Te.u ber nssorliitlnli evpii ts lo men have the vacant lots In Ihe vicinity In spud or bean. Mr. nnd Mr. K. A. K-nder and family motored Into Portland Hunday und Nnt thn day with Mr. Sander' parent Mr nnd Mra. Jink Johnson left Monday morning for Hab in. where Mr. Johnson has contrail work fur II Mis Udtle remain until Ihe end of tho school term. Mis (ienrgla Kesi.l Is visiting her mother. havliiK dosed a iicennrul year In nil eastern Uregon school. Will Kesal haa Konn lo their moun tain ranch, west of t'orvi-.llls. Mr. Con Hbork ent Monday at thn laiih'e. John Richard, former proprietor of Jennings lodge Krocery, spent Sun day with ('. P. Morse and family. Mr. FtlHWittcr und daughter of Hell wood, visited her slMler, Mrs leli-r, Saturday. While (rolling for vi'luioii, Henry Grey, of Liverpool. P.UKhiud, almost lost his life by fulling Into the water. He wn rescued In (he nick of lime by a fisherman. George Robertson, who has lived oh the Inland for tho laat year, lias gone lo Portland (0 remain, Tho graduating eierelses of the Jen nings UmIki school will bo held on May :tlst. Tho graduate will lis Shirley Park, Ruth Truseoll. F.hn Kudos, Minnie Itoethn, and Stella Mo Vlcnr The Boy Scout have put In spuds on the church lots. . Among tho graduate lila year at Oregon City High lire Ihe Misses Fern Hart nnd Mabel PrlKhiun nnd Theo dore Yung. Anna Russell and Vera Clans at tended the Slate Sunday school con vention ut Ni'vvberg hint week. Miss 1'Clalro Ostrom wa a gueut at the Arnthus home at Mc.MtmiYlllo, during tho May day exercises. Mr. anil Mrs. Geo. Onlrom will en tertain the Symposium c'ub of Port land, ut their home, on Saturday nlht. The ladles of tho Guild met Monday afternoon ut thn homo of Mrs. C. p. Morno to lay plans for the summer. Following committees went appointed; Mercy und help Mrs. A. F. Russell, Mrs. Ben l-osey und Mrs K. A. Sand ers; soclul, Mrs. I. W. Kelly. Mrs. Rex Deter and Mrs. Allen; missionary, Mrs. M. Kennedy, Mrs. II, 10. Briiecbert und Mrs. Walter Bocknor; work, Mrs. II. N". Smith, Mrs. 10- A. llobsen und Mrs. Ella Kudos. SEE HERE. Do You Want Your Kidneys Experi mented On? Kidney troubles uro gutting inoro common every day. Gournmunt heultli bureau figures say deaths from this causo uro 72 por cent more thuii 20 yours ago. Anybody who suffers constant back ache, who fools blue, nervous and Irrl tablo; who has dizzy spells, houdacho and urinary dlsordors should suspect kidney woukness. Overworked kid noys must huve a roBt. Take things easlor; live more carefully. Tako a good kidnoy remody to build up tho kidneys again. But bo suro to get Doan's Kidnoy Pills tho oldest, tho most wldoly used, the bost recommondod by all kidney pills, now In use all over the civilized world. Don't experiment with your kldnoys. Thousands have uU ready tested Doan's. You havo their experience to go by. Plonty of cases right here In Oregon City. Here's 0110: Mrs. M. Wormworth, 1204 Seventh St., Oregon City, says: "It has boon aovoral years since .1 have had to Use a kidney medicine, but spouklng from past experience I can conscientiously recommend Doan's Kidnoy Pills. Sov- eral years ago my buck ached almost constantly. I had only to take a couple of Doan's Kidnoy Pills when I was cured of that awful backache." Price 50c, at all dealers. Don't simply ask for a kidney roihody got Doan's Kidney Pills the samo thot Mrs. Wormworth hod. Foster-Mllburn Co., Props., Buffalo, N. Y. sly