Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, May 18, 1917, Page PAGE 3, Image 3

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All lite Word nl Millie ,oinrri it atour coin'nin l.lliroult
(lie iiirtliiim ol llif
"Columbia Grafonola"
Yuvr Old Mwkin Takea I'wt fomntt
May 17 Henry 11 1 I
(ASHY. Ore
k. otin of I'nloti Hull's prospermia
furtnera, Man Canby shopper Hatut
Mm Warren Hair, Molalla, la a
gucat nf her parent. Mr anil Mr.
I'erry Meeka.
Mr. mill Mri. Ura Wyler were. Ore
gon City ahoppera Wedneadsy.
Mr. Grant While waa ralli' to
Portlum! Wednesday on account if llin
lllnoaa nf tier alitor. Mra. Arthlu Coon 1
II. A Colili. of I'ortlutid. was a Canby .
Vlnllnr Wcdlleaday.
Thn loiiunltteo oil food riiliacrvatlon
nml (ihhI production nu t nt (tin hums
of Mayor ami Mra. W. II. I lair Weilnea-'
day I'tiMiluK ttit'I made some arrango-,
lunula mi puttlUK food iroilurt crops,
mi vinunt lota. Tim family ami stu
dents of thn high arhool have Hated ,
thn vacant lota In our rlly ami ar
ruiigctiiciita were, inailn for thn financ
ing tli oi) who wero uuubln to am urn
tint seed und to I'jiy for plowing the
lota. Thn First National Hunk will
loan thn necessary imuii'y to bo paid
on harvi-allnic thn crop.
Meaars. Andrew Kocher, J. C. Kuup-
l.ch ami I.. II (lorham were appoint-!
n coinnilltrn on
coitiiiintco on auviaora gurilcning
ami W. II. Hair, Mra. M. J. Uo and
II. II. F.vnna ii a cii'iullvo I'oiuinittt'o.
Any onn wlnhlnc to cultlvuto a lot, or
morn than olio lot, will call on thn
cii'rtitlvn roniniltti'O.
MuntiT Cli'inlt Jiiikaon, Hon of Mr.
nml Mra. I.ron Juckaoli, U ai'rlounly 111
lit thn Jai'kaon honin iii'ar t'nlon Hall.
Hon Adkliia, of l.llii'ral, miitle a UiihI
liniia trip to Ciniby Friday.
Mra. (iimrKn IVnmnn, of Portlaml,
vIhIIciI hrr inothrr, Mra. L. T. llittlmi,
Friday, It bidnK Mra, Ilattnn'a Tint
birthday iinnlvrraury.
Mra. Hurry It. Kvnna, Mra. M. J.
Loo, Mra. M. Iliiltica, .Mr. and Mra. W.
II. Ilalr nml Mra. Chun. N. Waltc wnri
In rortlund Friday on biialtm.sa con.
iiiirti with tho Cunby Hcd Croaa na
Hocliitlon. ('loan up Day aa ant apart by Mayor
Hair, waa nhacrvod by moat ot tho cltl
xi'iia of Canby, nml buck ynrilN and
can plica aro noticeably cliuincr. A
Kood many pcopln wuro oatoiilahnd to
neo how iiiiicIi they had Bpcnt f ir
ciiiincd kooiIh at thn ntorp when tho
Hiuno could tniviyliccn put up nt homo
nt n much Ii'hh font.
MIhh MiiiiiIo Ilcatty, who haa bnvn
tcachliiK ncliool In Idaho, returned
homo Friday mornliiR to upend her va
cation with her imruntH, Mr. and Mrs,
JoHPph Iteatty.
Albert (Irlbblo, of Mnrktiburg, wan u
Cunby vlalior thin wook.
Mm. .lennlo Iliittn, of I'arkiilaee, wan
n Kuent of hor brother, W. S. Maplo,
Tim llarclay Grammar Bchool do
foaled thn Canby Grammar ncliool nt
bnnoball in Canby, Friday, by a ncoro
of 16 to 11. It wan a good Kama with
llarclay In tho lead nil tho way
throiiKh. Hiirclny ciimo In ntylo, ac
companied by I'rof. John U. Ilowlund.
Thero wero two nuto Icuuln nml WH
liiuiiH llroH.' unto truck brliiKltiK
nboiit BO of tho student body who woro
o itliUHlantlo ronton). Tholr oxcollent
conduct and dlncipllno whllo In Canby
hIiowj a K"d ncliool milrlt and the
fact that Biich on Intornat In taken
proves tho value of nchool nthlotlca.
Jamoa Hampton hna Joined tho Navy
and loaves May 14th for San Frnn
cIhco. (irove Gleny, of Meridian, wan In
Ooiihy Saturday purchanlng tllo for
farm Improvements
Mr. unit Mrn. Arthur Graham wero
rortlund vlnltors Snturdny.
('ralir Dedman, a student of Mllwau
klo high Hi'hool, Ih a week-end giunt
of hin paronts, Dr. and Mrg. H. A. Dcd
ninn. '
MIhs Adeline B. Wyoth, F. M. JlotH
and Harvey E. Tolilo attonded the
tonchorn' Institute at Oregon City, Sat
urday. Mini Ilolen Dlckner, of Tortland,
was a woek-ond guont of MIhs Lor
raine Leo.
Mr. and Mrs. W. II. Hair and Mr.
and Mrs. II. II. Eccles were guests of
Mr. and Mrs- Clydo Evans, of Port
land Sunday.
Trof. and Mrs. T. J. Gary and family.
All I he eloquence
and all the heart
appeal of the soris
of long ago as well
as the hirst xju!.ir
music arc U-st inter
preted ly ihc
imiM.i Grafonola."
Tha Very Sul of Muiic
iiin llieCiiluniliii (Jrafonoli
Call anj lirar the Coltunliia
GrafoiKiU. You incurr
no oMinlion, o( coimr.
)iiilafl Petri lindane Sim.
f t'orlluml. were, weekend mi'tn of
' Mr mikI Mm. I.. II. Wang mil famllr-
Hcverul Canby flKhnrini'il went
to I
Itix k lulunil Humlay to auxin for baas
Dr. ami Mra. John Fuller, nf Jeffcr-
ami, were, weekend gueta nf Mr. ami
Mra. Ailmii II. Knight.
Mr. ami Mra. It. ('. Hiulth were Ore
rmi City vlsltora Huuduy.
Mra. Chester Hinlth. nf Mnckabtirg.
I Canty shopper Monday.
Mr. ami Mra. Ilcnry lleck. of Aurora,
were Sunday gticata of thi'lr daughter,
Mra J l.eo Kckeraoti.
HrhiMil Supervisor Hrenton Vedder
ainl Trtmul Officer Jin k Frost, of Ore
gon City, were. In Canby mi butilnraa
Tui'Hilny morning.
Frank K. I nd go hna returned from
IIihmI Itlvcr. where ho erected a ran
ni'ry for John It. Nnwion, a forimT
Canliy rfiiliU'iit.
Frutit KraxlnTRir. nf MiitkahurK,
oa a Canliy liiiHlnuia rtilli-r Tunailny.
Mlaa l.rtln Crahhnin, of MnckHlmrK.
wua a Kui'nt of bin brother, Arthur
tiruham Momluy.
Mr. anil Mra. I-roy D. Walker, of
1'ortliiinl, fornixr Cunby rnalilrnta,
ir illiiniT kui'bIh of Mra. Minnie
lri((lfori TuPH,liy
Italpli Coleman, an O. A. C. student,
wua vlaltltiK relatives In Canliy Tuca
day morning. Ho left In Iho after
noon for Twin Fulls, Idaho.
Clifford Will, ono of Candy's moat
popular young mon, left for Idaho,
where ho will bn employed In tho agri
cultural dlatrlct during tho summer.
Thn Canby grammar school bnseball
team nttemled thn picnic and last day
nf Hi hool eserclaes at Macksburg Wed
nesday They played the local teiun
of that school In thn afternoon.
J. I', Flkn, ntihool supervisor of
Marlon county, was a gucHl of Mr. and
Mrs. Howard 11. Kcclea Monday even
ing. N. C. Marls, of tho extension depart
ment of O. A. C, gave an Interesting
lecluro to tho students of Cnnby high
mid grammar schools at tho Cunby
baud auditorium Tuesday morning on
tho subject of food preparedness and
Tho Ited Cross society, of Cunby,
held its first regular mooting ut tho
city hall Tuesday afternoon. Thero
wero thlrty ono who Joined tho socloty,
pay f 1.00 each as membership foo and
becoming chartor members. At tho
next meeting at leant that many more
will Join after which tho officers will
bo chosen. This organisation meets
tho approval of tho entire commun
ItOMU, Muy 16. Italy's groat offen-
nlvo Ib gaining ground. Ovor a front
of from 25 to 30 mlloH Italian guns aro
roaring today, whllo Infantry la Btead'
ily advancing. Sovoral thounand prls-
onorod AUHtrians havo already boon
sent behind the linos, according to
word rocolvod hore today.
Tho fighting was reportod very
heavy on tho hills behind Gorlzlu,
whoro It appears that, tho greatest
forco of tho Italian drivo hag boon
launched. Thero tho Italian heavy cal
lbored guns are said to be particularly
offectlvo. Heavy lossos have boon In
flicted on the enemy by this fire.
Cut This Out It Is Worth Money.
DON'T MISS THIS. Cut out this
slip, enclose with Cc and mall It to
Foley & Co., 28.15 Sheffield Avenue,
Chicago, 111., writing your name and
address clearly. You will receive In
return a trial package containing
Foley's Honoy and Tar Compound for
bronchial and la grippe coughs; Foley
Kidney Fills, for lame back, weak kid
neys, rheumatism, bladder troubles,
and Foley Cathartic Tablets, a whole
some and thoroughly cleansing cathar
tic, for constipation, biliousness, bead
ache and sluggish bowels.
omccn ron
i 'I 'i. Mm 17 Hi" WniH.iM'a
Ii I a ti r In) i kIIiiK I. "i I i" !
I. .. III) - , Hi I' I I lull 1 4 III
lln In .' ' i . 1 1 ii
I l.l a a Ini .,io i Una ui vi 'I
UN aiol.ilui I i.irtliiii I oldiin v,
Ibe ol rr ul lliu nlli lilnull 'III"
rolliilnX "fll'cia iru i IikIiiI. I'r
lil' nl, Mil A. King W l. mi, vii Hpr
Mini, Mra V, Ciniira; awii'i.iry, Mra
(i K. lliayer, Iriiniinr Mia, J. F
ll'iflmaii, 1 Ini fiillonliu: i uinrntt I
H. ii ui'i'uiiiii I lo Jul" tho flower
I. in. I pli HI l.ti ll by llll I lllldli II. He
iiiiia" nl Hie ii'iinlier morn (Hue m
rii'ilnd, ami Ilin ri'lmrta lll cnlim
later. Mi C. 'iiii.L, .Mra
Urn Gray and Mra. I.. Tullnt.
A tnle of uppPM lalloli Wil l I'tli lid
I'd to Mr. WiHdurd for bin oik
v. It )i (lie ,ua of (iji i;o
On liKilli.ll, It ua Voled lo link the
iiiuiii'll lo (rant tlm l''.rl Im ii.) ',, ( on
puny a frum bine t i put f In lli. n i
Mra (I H Cnntellap, ii.,iii i wua ml. I
id to lb" i l ili'a ii ei ib"i 'ilp Mra
)! r. uti. Ml i ry I'm 1,n" hud
i liarcr nf Ibe priiirruriiinr. Mra. I'liuria
ri id a upluiilld pu;m r on "Tin: Wil l
Flowers of Ori'itou"
.Mis John lliu 1 iht und Mrs. Cb.ia
I'm km-r airn-d a di llcln a liin' lii o.i
of lie i ream ral . mid coffie.
OHWF.GO. Or)., May 17 Th Os-
wnKo Itixl and Gun club held a very
InterrHiliiK niiM-tlng Wednfadny evnn-
lust at thn city hall. Hnvernl Internal
Irisc diacuaalolis uiMin the subjnrt of
flu bl n It wua Untuned to by thn Inane
Waltona. It wsa derldnd to rln prlxea
for Ihn lawat flah of thn different
apnelea that la rau.ht between June
IS and AiiKuat 19th. The season will
end with a "flr.h bake," and everybody
will bn Invited. At next meeting lunch
will bn served.
The neit mm'tlng will be May 23.
Doctor Dalr'a. nf Oregon Agricultural
Cciiigo guvo an intimtliig lecturra at
the school hoitae on Wfilucaduy ulter-
noon In the Interest of the "Food
I'ri'puridnena League".
II. J. Young, of Fureut '(iroe, was
an Oswego visitor ThurMluy.
llert Hoyd Is send tig a few days
in Si-uttle.
Mri. Carl Hole rrd children, of
ttothe's, was u guest of Mrs. Ilol.'i
mother, Mrs. Thus Fox, Saturday
Mr and Mrs. Win Neal ond children
visited their son Andrew at Tualatin,
A li.cul order of I'oci'hontss, the Hod
men's uuxlllury bus been orfanlxcd.
Tho charter has been applied fof and
the order will be Instltuded In the
near future.
Mr. and Mrs. Grant Whllo were
gucMt of Mr. an I .Vrs. J. C. Huim s
Ht.. Sunday.
'vni Haines his urchnsnl a ticft
nutnmoblle .
Miss Muriel Julian of rortlund, sent
Sunday with relatives.
Mr. mid Mrs. Gus Klscr and daugh
ter und Kid and John Huwkc hae
returned from Iliirrlsliurg, where they
attended the funeral 'of their grand
mother. Oscar Snyder visited his parents
nt Gaston, Orenon, Sunday.
Mrs. Flnley and daughter, Francis,
were guests of Mrs. Flnlcy's father
George Unlrd.
Mr. and Mrs. Cutoff, who has been
residing In nothern Idaho, aro visit
Ing Mrs. Cutoffs Bister, Miss A. Lick
Tho Dorci.s Socloty will hold a sll
vcr tea at the home' of Mrs. William
Ituckner on Friday afternoon, May 1
Tho ladles havo some work for sale.
Mrs. C. A. liethkc, Mrs. Hose Head
tick nnii .Mrs. j. i . names, sr., wero
guests at the homo of Mr. and Mrs,
Arch Coon. Mrs. Coon Is slowly Ini'
proving after a serious slego of pneu
monia. Word bus boon received from Ray
mond McKlan that tho aviation corps
that ho is with at Long Island Now
Is it a Cold, Cough
or Bad Blood ?
Pr. Tierce's Medical Discovery not
only cures the cough but it is a won
derful alterative and tonic. It.builds
lip the weak body I
(let it this very day from any med
icine dealer, in 'either liquid or tablet
form, or send 10 cents to Dr. Fierce,
Invalids' Hotel, Huffiilo, N. Y., for
largo trial package of tablets.
Contains neither alcohol nor nar
cotics. Its ingredients arc made pub
lic and printed on wrapper. It's a
pure alterative extrnct made with gly
cerine from native roots and herbs.
Havo yon become run-down, wak,
emaciated, palo after n Ion;; siege of
colds? Does the skin show that the
blood is thin and watery? Spring is
the time when vitality is at its lowest
ebb clean bouse time by ridding tho
bodv of its accumulated poisons, lie
fresii tho blood with a stimulating tonic.
Profit bv tho experience of others.
Build up the system with a reliable
remedy, such as Dr. Pierce's Golden
Medical Discovery, which has stood
the test of time, and for neirly a half
of a century has sold more largely
than any other blood remedy.
Take This Case for Instance.
Iioaver, Oregon. "I was suffering
longer than 12 months with asthma,
bronchitis and sore throat. I bad a
very bad cough, dillicnlty in breath
ing, tightness about the cliest; could
not slcen; had no appetite; was alwavs
tired. I was running down, from 158
pounds to 117. Every one told me I
must die. I started to use the ' Golden
Mediral Discovery,' and with the best
of results. I used three bottles, which
cored me. I have no asthma, no
cough, no sore throat, no difficulty
in breathing any more. Bronchitis is
gone. I thank Dr. Pierce for his kind
advice." Me3. Thekksu Totzaueh.
Yolk, will 'fin a'llva w-re In
Mr. and Mra ' liiihl ant si.
Curl, arid Mra II IN-Uik m m K.imU
of Mr ui.d Mi I' A I. in. in ii I' ,i.;,
Gro iiol. V.lili i t .ii, f -111.1...
Mm. Al. I'luiidi ai, I l.ii ln n I, ..r
urrln-d from Hi,; i, V. 1. 1 i.k . n Mr
,-i.d V.ra liriii'll u i- limn d liilo II,
i li-i'i .- nwii-.l Ii ili i; L. M'lV
ml' k
y,i Mjnl'U II of I'. r'!.n .,
lliu r'"'t '" ' ' . M" I V.
I 'I, di (olti r. Iait wi i ;.
Im a in iir und o i' i iiiUio a i.
K-ili" to Geill.if' r lii ,ii, f.,r a -i
wi'i ka
( I; .In ( bur. I.I I Hal f.,mlly will
IIIIHI1 IlllO lll'l b" . l-irl.ll till ill 1
l.y II. MclMinald
Oa go may "it' ' ih" inti-ri i'
li-ugiiK. W. W, .To. Id. 11. C. Cook, in ma
l i ra nf Ihu Ili-dnn n iiia) Cul.a n-.i u
fully, ham no I '"! di- u.m-1 il,i ma.
trr. They ban uli i i.nfi rn I wild
I he offli'lula of Ih" i..nie. 'Iloa pun
la iini-tliig favor ill la -Mi I'orll.iinl jinl
Onw ceo.
'Hn' loml nrdi r of Hnlm. n anil
faiiillli a and friend. u. i.-d their fi ll
bravea at Ore .ti l it Wt-ilin-adn)
i-w r liik. Tho p." c i j-.ini. mi u hl
lory nf I'lu H" lim-i. Order Mr. Kia
Kcory D) gau- n in,rt t.-ik of Orn
K"li, und whit th" lia I. aim went
through to ho'd po... I.,n of the i ouii
try wblrh waa tlmr. ...;!,') i-njnyi-d In
iruini-ntal minilc ... furiil.hi-d hy Ho
op bi atra. Aflernn lnm h waa aer
el, i '(insisting nf In rp-am, cake un-l
loffi-e. Dam liiK wan linn the nnb r ol
M";!ng Forty fr in 0i:ij aleinli'-l
( has ll.lll.i'H, Jr. toll of J, C. Hulnca,
Sr., met with a painful an idi iit 1hur
il:.)' evi-nlrigat the ( .mi nt plant. While
worl.lng at a (uMiyor tho sleeve of
bis Jacket taught In a pulley, and l
fore he could atop the mu' hlnery,
his arm was brok n in two places and
Ills wrlat dlalonii. .). J waa lul.i-n
to thn St. Vincent's hospital. Ilo
i nun" nf bin arm la lng swollen, his
wrli.l will not be i-t until the arm In
tiormul In sl.e.
The Hoys' club held a meeting Frl
duy evening, May Vh, for the pur
pose of a general nrgsnlxation. The
following officers were elected: Otto
Johnson, honorary president; Hurry ,
Johnson, president; John ringers, vlce-j
president; Harold Couwsy. secretary
and treasurer; managers, the office !
and one Junior, Clok King.
The following' rule were adopted:
Ago limit from 1! to 18 years; Initio- j
tlon fee, twenty five cents; dues 23 1
cents (or each six months for each
now member. No boy under sixteen;
can Join who uses tobacco, nor any
present member under 16 years who
uses tobucco In any form.
Summer's work and athletic sports
wore discussed.
NEW YOKK. May 16. Reorganiza
tion by an American of the govern
mental departments of Mexico will be
undertaken at the Invitation of Presi
dent Corrnma. of that country, It was
learned here today.
Robert Bruero, New Yorker, former
ly city chamberlain. Is on his way to
Mexico City, after having received
from Currnnia the 'proffer of a posi
tion which will be virtually that of
efficiency expert.
SALEM. Or., May 15. As soon as
Governor Withy-combe returns from
tho southern part of tho state, which
probably will bo the latter part of
the week, it Is expected a meeting of
tho state tax commission will bo held
lo elect a tax commissioner under tho
provisions ot an umodinent to the law
which w ill becomo offectlvo May 21.
Tho amendment reduces th number
of salaried tax commissioners from
two to one, who is to bo selected by
tho governor, secretary of state and
state treasurer. The two present com
missioners aro Charles V. Galloway
and J. II. Eaton. It appears to be a
foregone conclusion that Galloway is
tho commissioner who will be re
WASHINGTON, May 16. The sen
ate Monday confirmed the reappoint
ment of Clareuce L. Retimes, to ba
United States attorney tor the Ore
gon district.
Tho senate also confirmed the fol
To bo receiver of public money at
U Grande, Or., Nolan Skiff.
To bo rocelvor of public money at
Tho Dalles, Or.. L. A. Booth.
To be registrar of the land office at
The Dalles, Or., II. F. Woodcock.
In a complaint sworn to on Friday
by Deupty Fish Warden B. L. Jewel!
before Justice of tho Peace Slevcrs,
Ralph Grlbblo and Carl Ward were
chargod with foul fishing with a snag
hook. It has been reported that there
has been considerable Of this charac
ter ot illegal fishing going on lately In
this vicinity and a active crusade
against It has been Inaugurated
against such flshormen by the state
authorities. Gribble and Ward are
said to be mill workers.
I'l.ltll.AM), Or, Ma II - H-tiu
i.ii!..mIi for tumor and I f-r ion,
I inu.ioiii r la lie l.io-.ip lor I'io I"
for ( ily ofl.i
'l.iun for hlii.s lioiiiliiaiioiit n; r ;
i..i... I.t at I o'cli k. at wha h laui
tli"r waa a lively a'p.KK! lifain
Kliner I.. Ainldon and I'hirln I'
I'd ar-h for thn final p'ui b on Hot I 1
lot Mr. (horili won 'Ili ' mi'l-l .t-
who fl'i-l their pitltloria today n
Georife M''ii-l, !!'Mlullrt, for inaor.
W. I. Unwatdr, F.iiiclus 'f r. Will '
lam F. Hmlth, Oorgn W, f'aldwi-i:, '
Flini-r L A it.l li.il biid ( I. ar!. I'
Cli'inh for i 'oiiiiiiloai'.ni-r I
The aekeii now In the ri'e In the or ;
der the n h ii..-a will appear '"i Hi" I
'ot up-: Fir rityor -W.il II V-'urn-i,
K V Wheel, r. G.iir)!c I., linker. W:' 1
II Daly. Ilellage H. Ju.-I)n, Al!i II '.' I
l(uhllrl.t, Ui-orgn Meie For I o:u j
nila.loni r John A. M. Juidii. Geor.
Garrett. Arii.le M.uon, John M Maim '
Frd W. Jobelmun. K. K. Kuldl. Dun
Kellub'-r. ltol..-r ii Dl' i k. Norman H '
Hli bardi, U M. nU, W. L Hrew.ter
Kmelln Iteyer, William K. Hmlth'
G.-orge W. (Vdwi-H. Klmer L. Ami-
don. ( harlea . cb'ip h.
Itevlvlng pleasant memories of
their former life as students of th
University of Oregon and now as alum
ni determ'ned to do something to pay
that obligation to their alma mater
and the state of Oregon, more than
JO alumnus and fanner students of lint
institution assembled at the parlors
of the Commercial club on Friday ev-
enlng and organlied the Oregon City
chapter of the University of Oregon,
The officers of the chapter elected
re: T. A llurke. president; Miss
Evelyn Hurdlng. rice president; Mrs.
Haymoad Caufleld. secretary and
I'bUIp Hammond, treasurer,
After the formalities of the evening
had been passed short and remlnls-
cent talks were made by Uvy Stlpp,
Mrs. Edward Carter ot Gladstone, Har
ry Paddock and others. During the
evening the ladles served light refresh
ments In the dining room ot the club.
.At the next meeting ot the chapter
plans will be prepared to start an
active campaign In behalf ot the uni
versity that It may grow to even great
er usefulness to the coming genera
tions ot the state.
EDNKSDAY evening was Joseph
jJJ Ilrunner'e 52nd birthday annlvcr
sary, and his wife planned and carried
out a most enjoyable surprise for him
by Inviting In some of his Parkplace
friends, who spent the evening In
curds. Vnliiuo prizes wore f$lven for
those receiving low scores, although
these were somewhat highly prized.
especially nt this tlmo of the year
when onions a.-o highly priced. Pen
nants were made and ornamented
with onions, and these were awarded
to Miss Elaine Freeland and Paul
Praeger, whllo the high scores were
mndo by Mrs. John Kent and Georgo
Zlnzerllng, who wero awarded books
of poems. Decorations of the Brunner
homo were of spring blossoms. Lunch
eon was served during the evening.
Tho table wns prettily decorated and
was centered with a huge birthday
cake adorned with 52 lighted candles.
Attending were Mr. and Mrs. Paul
Praeger, Mr. nr..' Mrs. Paul Burns, Mr.
nnd Mrs. Frank Lucas, Mr. and Mrs.
John Kent, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Mun
eer. Mr. and Mrs. John McCormlck.
Willis Lucas, Henry Frazler, Mrs.
Mando Glass. George Zinzerliug, Miss
Ellnne Freehind, Clarence Brunner.
Lester Brunner, Miss Katie Brunner,
Miss Slgrld Stelneck, Miss Laura
Brunner, Mr. and Mrs. Brunner, Mel
vln and Nornmn Glass, Donald Prae
ger and Jack Burns.
A dance will bo given this evening
at tho Winkle hall ut West Linn un
der tho auspices of P.-K. Artisan or
chestra. The committee In charge ot
this affair Is composed of W. Koeller
mier nnd Miss E. Parker. Many en
joyable dances hnve recently been
given at the Winkle hull, but this la
tho first to be given under the aus
pices of the P.-K. Artisan orchestra.
The Community club of Mount Pleas,
ant will give one of its enjoyable danc
ing parties at the hall this evening.
Tho committee in charge of the affair
Is composed of William Hooker, Theo
dore Murley and Leonard Thompson
Forget Your Aches.
Stiff knees, aching limbs, lame
back mske life a burden. If yon suf
fer from rheumatism, gout, lumbago,
nouralgta, get a bottle of Sloan's Lini
ment, the universal remedy tor pain.
Easy to apply; it penetrates without
rubbing and soothes the tender flesh.
Cleaner and more effective than mus
sy ointments or poultices. For sprains,
sore muscles or wrenched ligaments
resulting from strenuous exercise,
Soan's Liniment gives quick relief.
Keep It on hand for emergencies. " At
your Druggist, 25c (Ad.)
Famous "Rengo Belt"
and Crown Corsets
Tan ,lii -l. I Ii i i f f i Mi a. h!" linen, where ral style and p'll
al.ili'y r yokul lofhi-r wiih ihn luavat liili j pr1.. Wom;a who care
fi r iorr't i' h'ail l try nut mm nf !hr. lo moduli
Rengo Model 215
For ),? f ir wild u'oi.ual ab
dominal ilevelopfiim.t ; wldn eli"!c
hand aii-l. rnruih a ipports the al
iiiuiii'll, re.hapi-a lii til urn and
maki-a It amaller ,M-I nf fxd,
firm l ouMl An n optionally '"!
iinolol for ih atom lut'irn iiei-.img
support from the ror.i-t. QQ
alo :i lo : at C l0
Rengo Model 319
A autntdiitlal anl well fitting
iii'xli'l (or th atoiit woman. No
mattnr bow atom you am you will
appear a rrrat deal smaller In this
nnxlol Tho hint l low; rlmtlr
bmnla liikn ism of the Urite back
an.) thlrln. heavily botii-., roln-
forcod nor tho ab'lomen; a popular
riio!o; (Uo 21 lo 3,
This Is Agricultural Defense Day
and throughout Clackamas county the
farmer are holding community meet
ings to discuss plans to make their
acreage more productive. If possible
than ever before, so that they may do
their rhnre In preparing for the na
tional defense. At least 30 of these
meetings are to be held In different
parts ot the county as the result ot
the organization of the Farmers' Coun
cil In this city on Thursday by Prof.
Fltts, the representative of the agri
cultural department for Clackamas
and Washington counties.
Ho haa opened an office at the pub- jrears until bia Illness compelled him
llclty headquarters ot the Commercial Q give up bis employment
club where be or Assistant District I Qn jjovember 22, 190S. Mr. Rosa
Agent T. D. Case will be constantly j mirTle, SUii Be8sle Capen . ot Wlllam
on hand to give such Information and ette marriage taking place at Wll
asslstance aa Is In their power. Umette. Thero were two children
Just what aid and assistance the fed- Kennetn ana Elizabeth. Mr.
eral government Is to furnish the , Ros moTftd l0 GiaQatone several yeara
farmers of the country Is not known ag0 where he hlB tamlIy haTe
aa It depends upon the passage by' ncfl ded.
congress of the administration's agrl- , . . ...
.. , ui . . . i. .. . Mr. Ross Is well known here, and
cultural bill that is now before that , . . . , ,
, . . Is a member of several lodges, among
body and has been reported on favor- ,,.
.. . ,.. . ., ... I these being the Woodmen of the
nhlv hr tha enmmltfOA hot fa aWAlrtnr I
: v..
me seuieuieni ol iuo anuy uiu veiure
consideration. Its principle feature is
to tlx the minimum and maximum
prices for agricultural products so as
to make It positive tor the farmer to
receive a reasonable price for his la
bors, no matter what the excess of
production may be.
REVEALS 816,000
PENDLETON, Or., May 14. On in
vestigation of the death ot Johnson W.
Wlllurd, an aged recluse of the farm
ing district southeast of Milton, Cor
oner Brown discovered gold coin and
certificates ot deposits amounting to
more than $16,000. They were tucked
away In every conceivable place. An
old vest hanging in a closet yielded
several hundred dollars in gold.
Threo or four purses were found
packed with coin. In addition to this,
Mr. Wlllard owned the ranch where he
lived, valued at (50,000. One daugh
ter, Mrs. Hill, survives. Her home is
in Montana.
Our Rubber Stamp Department is prepared to turn out your or
ders for special stamps on short notice.
Orders received by 5 P. M. delivered the following morning.
Butter Wrapper Stamps
Rubber Stamp like above, Stamp
Pad and Bottle Ink $1.25.
Oregon City Enterprise
Phone Pacific 2
Crown Corset
ThoMi iorla arn modHlod In
biarh and low Imai, moilluin and long
hip. K'd hoary eupportor and a
model for avi-iy figure, all
Crown Corset
J2 !y!l!i orm t, h--! or front Urn,
mad from hoavy roulll. strong, till
able boning and heavy elaatlng sup
porter Iaiw, medium and high
hint, loiif, medium and short blp,
In fart a roret for every flg- QQ
urn, all site, always.,., 0C
Crown Corset
Thl line romprlae the boat se
lection' of popular priced rorsnl
styles lo be found anywhere and
our price I Juat about one half
hat you would expect to
pay for this quality
William Archibald Ross, well known
resident of Gladstone, died at bis
nnme Saturday at 11 o'clock, after an
Illness of about a year.
Mr. Roa was born In Indiana No
vember 27, 1879, and was the son of
Mrs. Martha Ross, ot Gladstone. He
came to Oregon City about 13 years
sgo. and made his borne with his mo
ther at Willamette for several years,
and waa employed aa electrician at
the Portland Railway, Light Power
company's power plant at West Linn
position as electrician with the Crown
Willamette Paper company, and waa
i for onie time
He later accepted a
connected with that company for tour
Dr. Frank Mownt. tne popular and
talented young physician of Oregon
City received orders on Friday morn
ing to report to his coiamanding offi
cer at Portland to commence service
In the Medical department of the army
in which he had volunteedor some time
ago. He left for his post of duty last
Stop the First Cold.
A cold does not get well of itself.
The process of wearing out a cold
wears you out, and your cough be
comes serious if neglected. Hacking
coughs drain the energy and sap the
vitality. For 47 years the happy com
bination ot soothing antiseptic bal
sams in Dr. King's N-sw Discovery haa
healed coughs and relieved conges
tion. Young ati old can testify to
the efefctlveness of rr. King's New
Discovery for coughs and colds. Buy
a bottle today at your Druggist, 50c.
Home B-10