Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, May 18, 1917, Page PAGE 2, Image 2

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Vac.k 'J.
w sr i
Ver MC'
CrOltill'.. Or. My 1 1 - M t I,-'
lUth an J M it W. He'd i;trd Mm
Id i:..rirra tjl ji.iti.U artern.iil.
Mr. and Mrs N lh.-.-l and hl'.lr-n
w.iud Mr and Mi V lUth U'l Hurl
.Mr and Mri It.-urv r'unl.m. if Ana
pleasantly Ml.rUln Mr. lUk-r and, ; f
MOLALLA. Ora, May U - Mr. and
Vr Omnt Ualrm-ha, prominent farm
ers of this locality, ! shopping In
Molalla tfaluplay.
HfTrl from Owm CUT r
the nfluhborhood Thursday.
Mr. and Mrt. 0. 8. lUbcovk wr
petit llix - rihl Willi W1I1114I
Mrn.H lu-rl I
lv tor Hraai mill fnnily niuiiiir.il
.ml fi....i Ore,,,,, n.), 10 II. I'.er.oj ,,r K W.nkrr
l...i.., nn Nun.!., IIAZKI.IVOr,. May l
Mr. m-r,r,..i. h... r.imi... l.i hx' h" """ Ul'rr and IK.
h.Mu- her. ti..r sn.-ud.iiit . i-...i.l:,,",", '"'' " attnidcl Hat
of months In Mii.... ,.. h.r .1..- "r,,ftf An nccllciii pr..ram
l. i. I lin n to attend Hi.' I!"" l .l nines.
( lirr .in. I lut lata ii'1.ir i I'lHiii'iu'
Mr. Alder Ktlly i.nt the
HMtli, in ttlilih Mla Ijii. I'ii) hi
im'Ii , I'r.M'i k '. I miiii th greater niimtr
Th-M. Harder, of ('.org.'. Ul
daughter. Mm. (.arson and Ml MrU
linker Hund.y afternoon.
Victor Punton was unfortunit In
tha loss of a fine bor last rrk.
Mm. Cora N. Mlley nui. and rhIIJ
rn. C. Antone. Khtrlcy and Jn. r
home gu.U o( Mr. and Mr. C. 8. . ( n ntir.ir.it at Vol.-ott.
It.bcork. .rUltlni hr mothrr, Mr.
Mr. and Mr. Henry KUhrr ar kept hold.
bay then dr amu.lnc little Flora Mn.. IWjr, C.e,.rl and IVr
urancor-a bl baby boy l.wk up hi. othy Ituhl. Mr. I.m Hth and Mr. and
abo-le with them Saturday roornlnj. Mr.. Il.rirr Kllnker t.ltrd Mr. and
Mty jj ; Mr. Thi-o HanVr. tatt ?unlay.
f ranlt IV n. Irtt Ir lon ere. ta.i
he Inienl. to work
MAItgfAM. Ore. May 17-H.hiHil
't o.r. her Friday wlih a pi. nU- illn
ner, mhi.h all teemed lo enjoy.
.Mr and Mr. J K. Manjuam and I)
Unan were Halein tUltor Wednea
.U n H.roiiKht Mr. I.Ran home.
Harry Milli ard, nf Molalla. apent the
weekend with hi. mother. Mr. Ilattle
IHMarvl. of (hi. pla.e.
A. r. A ( and family, of Junction
Oty, (ornierly of thla place, ha mov
e.1 lu. k here tin their farm.
A Krl waa born to the wife of Hoy
Itt'lliiM Ve.lne.Uy, May !
Mr J I M'H.-r r. turin-d home fr.vii
the hospital Friday, where h under j IMltli Tru.-ott; Vbeprf
VI.. Ina llabcock .wnt a pleaaanl
... c .-.i.. .us Ml., rteral.line Monday, where
Wfb throuch haylna: and hreitlnir
. I Frank Howard w.-nt t- lordanl
Mr. and Mr. J. V. .taker .pent h. ,()
eeulii Sunilay wuq ineir mutoi",
JIr. ArUiur utraon.
. Mr.
'. we. K
j Mr and Mr. Allium H!d took
I lt;:n. r witli Mr. I l!.i'h lat Sun
j d.iv
I Ml, a Mary Wrldethold. who ha.
Wi.h, I.
A. Welder
went a aerlou. ou'ratloii ihiik time
Mr. Olaf OI.en and .on, IVnal.l,
and Mn!e jrkln. vUlled Ada Mi'-
It.'I'ert., of Sll.erton. Saturday.
A farewell party wa KUrn In the
M F. hall for Mlna Ma.Non. the pri
' nury leather, who left for her home
In Sllwrlolt Satunlay.
I Mterai M-aKer. irom urenoo i uy
I Ml L, ..... C . . .. ..I .. 11 . lh.
.... . . . ... .... I'M. ..H.m.l.l, ...H
Mr.. Marie Kllnker and .on. fhiiitt. ' ' ,
Up. II UIIIpp forniertv of M.v ! . .... ... ......... k ' M t. hall to ! on i:al M .Mil-
... ... - w - li.(l r riuay .or i I'nuug, " t
lalla. but now of North Powder. Or- j Mnl Kljnvrr will i!t her daushier.
on. ipent aereral day at lh Grant. Mm t-h,riP, .ricer. and Chrl.t will
rtabcock, home, laat week. j(H)lt (or ax
Farmer ar ery buny her a they There will be, preaching at the
are to late jettlnj their (arden and Owrce Fre.byterUn church, at 3 p. m
crop planted. next Sunday. Everybly l Inrlted to
A baaket coclal will b (Ivea at Lib-, attend,
era! In Vlck Hall Friday erenlnic.' Mu.lcal e niertalnment for th b-ne-th
Droceed to o to the chooL A fit of the p.hoo at the Mullno hall.
lively time I the anticipation. ! Satuniay erenlnR. May 19
Xllaa rearl Baker wa pleaaanlly herln at S 30
entertained at luncheon Sunday by f,'r rrocram
Ml Glady Stlpp. of Liberal.
. lid near Vain-out vr. W .lilii.;t"l. " I"'""-. tlier.-rore. Imln III wliilillif
Frr. HI. .en. of roiiluid. wa a!"''1 After the meellnit adjourned all
ti.ilor at the V. I K. H liome lai ! Joln.-d In plu)ln Rami... The lieU
Hnn.lav. meelliiK will lie held May Irtt h. The
Mr l4.,d H,..w,r ha. ...no to th,.!1""1"" "f ,he """'h
1'ri-ildlo. In rv..one to .alt for
for officer In iiu.r llirco uioiiiIm
tralnlnit .'hool. III. wife mid I'alie
are ti.itniK lit. niollo-r, Mr.. KIU
The Mix..' Fern Matt mid Anna
(ii...d li-ft Weilnea.l.it for llt Htnte
Suii.lay S.h.ml cuni.-nii. n at Newborn
treat the wlnnera lo a .upper
l,nwr"ii. I Mm. mi .pent Hun.Uy af
leriiiHin with Carton Ka.tniau.
F. K. Wlillleu and F. V. Lehman
motored lo Or.'xon City Sunday.
Ml.nea Chrl.tlu Klllit.eil and Maud
Hnvla werx pleaanlit culler of llallle
Wanker Sunday afterniNin.
The l-arent Ten. h.-r latum met! s,r """ A. Mel.on motored lo
Friday la.t. Mr., f. V, Mora.- prc.ld ! rtlit. In their new car Monday.
Ilia Afler enJotliiK a talk on In j Ml. iMrothy Zln.er and Ml.a KdHh
dintral Work" bv Ju lte (Irani t j Wanker were cut. il.iln.-d ill .llnn. r I.)
Intnl. k. of Oreaon flt. the following Mr A K- Holm Sunday vveiilng.
offi. er. wer elected l'r. !.l. nt. Mr. i ""irwd Zimmerman mndo a hurried
l.lent. Mrr
Mi. N.-llle
i,IU It.ili
Kilt Kennedy; aevr.-l.nt
Stnder. treamin-r; Mr.
The clrl. .if Ji-niiini;. I o.ke ..-ho.i!
beat the rlrli of Con. on!. Ill the bail
came Friday afternoon
Mr. mid Mr. Sli.!:n I'.sli'el g-tte
trip to Oregon City Snturdity evening
MLnea Kdlth and Haiti.. Wanker
and Ml. a Dorothy Inner, and W. ('.
Nitgln altellile.l church at Stafford
Sunday evening.
John S. hiiuher wa. In the neighbor
hood oil htlHlncua the hint of the week
Harold linker, from Portland, .pent
Soiiih of our amateur hunter, bate
! it practicing on ' J.i. k ' i.iI.I.IU. Hi
r.'. l kind too Tin ) are c tiU'g iuite
(liir lio.il tln.ed I'll.l.) Willi
itn llille i t. l. In. 1 t'outil) Silp. rlll
t.n. I. lit t'alittaii, Mr and Mi. Joint
Kml.y and Mr.. Waldi.m weia out
aide tlaltoi. I lie l.i.llr. aiing ."t
i ral aeleillou. Hint were inn. Ii no
prelate.! Lower I .ok nil .. Ii.hiI la no
il lati.laid a. Ii.hiI ' In. rUlilli gimle
.t.iiiiliinlliili. will lit. con.liii led the
In. I of the Wi ek Tim Pun-Ill Teacher
clrile mi l and elei lnl ofTI. era fur the
.-inning )c.ir lifter a.-liool wa. ill I
III. ill. i 'red..il.. and hrlile liai.i
unite.! on llielr place und t-vp.-ii lo
make Ihla llu-lr li.niui
Mr.. Iluil'a Hg.-d iiioIIht fell and In
Jnre.l her knee r.-ceiiilv. They hate
bud tltelr .hare of alt kite.. Ihla .prlng,
n Mr. Hurt' mother I .lowly r.-i.iv
erlnt; from pneumonia
Mr. and Mr. I.. O U. rlier. of Porl
MII.WAl hlK. Oi.koii, May
Preliminary wmk lo.il.lii. tnwanl Ihe
ckI, lillaliuielil nf a big lil liiilldllig
mid ..ilppllig plant a'.iug Hi" MllwaU
klo wal"i'r..nl . .iiiIIihii Willi una
b.iled rl and llll.'l. l
1 hut i-v.f thliig la (Imping ltM.tr
ail.lj. Inrlly la I lie wind giten In 'I h
Pre.. In Ciipl II I hllc.lt, of Him New
Km Ship Hullilitig .oinpniiy, which
com. in la bnck of Hi., propiiaeil lo. al
proJ.M I
It lie.-niim known hern Ihla week
that offltlil. uf Him lomiiiiiiy wetn
aerklng In II i like afriiligeluenl Willi tli'i
I'orilnii.l llmlway, I l.bt Pow.-r
iMimpiiliy, for the lnae of the big brli k
building oil Front alieel formerly
l.ind. tli.li.-d frl.;i.l. i.n.l relnlit... In im.-.l a. car In-rn ninl i.pilr plant,
the country. He la HiluKSng .eil.ui.-l) i for a liio.l. rn .hup 1 niiiii. ei. ..( hutli
id eti haiiKlng bin cily pioperly for a rmiipniile li.ne uin.le mrtey utid
at her
lion ml!ar Pond l-.ic
1 Mlsa Terry r-nt funday
i home near Sllverton.
j (Julie a nuuilH-r from here tixk In
the play at Ml. Angel Sunday evening.
a birthday dinner in honor of ML I the weekend at the home, of hla par
V.-ra Clan, eighteenth birthday and ent.. Mr. ami Mr.. Hugh linker,
cover, were laid for t..to. In the! Mr. and Mr. J. Kantmnn and Mr
evening the youn . ,ii'i of the rm.j Jo.eph M.-Mahon were pleaaanlly i n
tnuniir dropped In an! i.nrtirUed h.-r terlalned by Mr. and Mr. A. K. Helm,
and .pent a d.-lu-htf il ev. tilng Tlio.ej Sunday evening.
altendltii; were Kern ll.irt. Anna ltiin Mis. Lulu Wanker .pent Saturday
el. On!. It IVter. t.-lc Itobertn. Ijir.-I night with her aunt. Mra. J. P. Took
Thaver I eClalre Otr.ini. Mary and j Ml.a .Marlon Kant mull waa delight
Wllii'a Uruechert. K'l.-it Hart. Kuiil. ej fully entertained by the Mln.ea lilady.
Wllliamn. Marurel T'n-ker. Lcn i i and Wanda Wanker Sunday.
Lunch will be .old
Admln.lon. adult. !5
I cent; children fire cent..
Mrs. Grant llabcock and Mr. Ed. I
Ilrltten. prominent oclally here, were j
pleasantly entertained at Richard j
Wednesday afternoon. !
Eaule Creek
EAGLE CREEK. Ore. May 1T.-C.
II. Lane and 'Cap" Atterburr. the
KelSO i Wa,hlRs asent. passed through the
i neighborhood last week.
; .Mr. and Mr. Horace Lake were up
KELSO. Ore.. May 17. (Special) , thla way last week. Mr.. Lake took
An entertainment and basket ocial dinner wllh Mrs. Viola Douglass,
will be glvn under the auspices of the , p. Beckett, who is quite ill. was
Tarent-Teacher association Saturday taken to the St. Vincent hospital at
eTenlng, May 19. The program In1 Portland last week. At the last re
cludes the play "Han too Smash." port he was very low. his recovery
Besides baskets, coffee, cake, pie and doubtful. j
sandwiches will be sold. Game after' Mr. and Mrs. Koy Douglas made a
upper. Cirls bring baskets and ladies ' trip to Estacada one day last week,
bring cake. I Mr. Thomas called on Mrs. Horger;
Graduation exercise will be held In ' Saturday afternoon. j
the e?enlng of the laat day of school, 1 Mr. H. 8. Jones was recently the.
Friday evening, May 25. for which oc-' guest of her mother, Mr. Viola Doug- (
caslon the school Is preparing an In- lass. j
terestlng program. An assistant state Mr. R. B. Gibson called on Mrs.;
superintendent will deliver the address ' E. Suter Saturday afternoon.
of the evening. The members of the i Mrs. A. N. Orke entertained Miss
graduation class are Eunice Jonssmd, Edna Kennedy last Wednesday even-i
Hazel Dunn, Lester Irrln and John lng. ;
Canny. j A meeting was held Saturday after-1
Road Supervisor R.E.Jarl and force ,1" Wllberns Hall by the Eagle,
of men are hard at work on the Ore- Creek Agricultural Council of Defense.;
gon City road grading and making ' This council will cooperate with the
fills- also on the cross-road leading County Council In Its work. The fob;
lowing oincers were eiecieu: .. t,.
Gloer, president; Millard Trolllnger,
! secretary. I
IlaZelia A w ays and means committee was j
appointed, viz. Henry I'dell. Pete l
Clester, J. T. Rowecliffe, Ben Foster!
toward Deep Creek at Llndholm's.
(By Hattle E. Wanker.)
HAZEUA, Ore., May 8. Mrs. A.
Worthington was the dinner guest ol
Mrs. F. W. Iehmun Sunday.
E. A. Blank, from the Tualatin
neighborhood, was In Hai.elia Satur
day. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Zivney were
Portland visitors Saturday.
V. Ed Wanker and son, William Jr.,
are visiting the former's brother, .t.
R. Wanker, and family at Medical
Springs, Oregon.
Miss Lucille Duncan was shopping
In the Rose city Saturday.
Miss Dorothy Zinser was the week
end guest of relatives in Portland.
Miss Marion EaHtman spent Sat
urday night with Miss Florence Brum
baugh, of Oswego-
Lena and Wilbur Lehman were
pleasantly entertained by their aunt,
Mrs. Frank Chllds, Sunday.
J. Fiala was in Oswego Saturday
A. E. Helms transacted business In
Portland Monday.
Miss Libbie Rabick and Miss
Blanche Duncan sjient Sunday after
noon with Hattle Wanker.
Mra. JoBeph Eastman and little son,
Robert, were dinner guests of Mrs- A.
E. Helms Thursday.
Kenneth Baker was a pleasant caller
of Charles and Ray Helms Friday ev
ening. Hattle Wanker spent a very pleas
ant day with Miss Christina Elligsen,
of Stafford, Friday.
Mrs. M. E- Dunn and J. Dunn, of
Oregon City, visited with, Mr. and Mrs.
J. P. Cook Wednesday.
Ed, George and Joe Rabick and
Walter SchaU, of Stafford, were Ha
zalia visitors Sunday evening.
P. H. Chllds was a business visitor
In Portland Saturday.
Miss Nell Rice spent Sunday with
Miss Lulu Wanker.
Herbert Duncan and Elva Wanker
attended the Artisan dance at Oswego
Saturday evening.
Miss Harriet Duncan returned home
from George, Ore., Monday.
Charley Helms called on Frank
Chllds Saturday afternoon.
Mrs. Ed Wanker and daughter Hat
tle and son, Oscar, and Miss Dorothy
Zinsr were pleasantly entertained by
Mrs- A. Nielson Friday evening.
MHwaukie: Sea-going craft to be
built in new shipyards here.
andRoy Munger. A committee of the
following named men: A. D. Burnett, j
H. S. Gibson and Elof Johnson, was!
appointed to meet with the Estacada
Council on Monday night to fix the
boundary lines for the council.
The road supervisor, W. H. Douglass
has been doing a little work on the
road recently.
MEADOWBROOK, Ore., May 17.
School closed Friday, May 11, at noon.
A Bumptuous dinner was served to all
at 2:30. An excellent program was
given by the school. The scholars
would be glad to get Miss Hudson
back, as she has taken so much inter
est in their work.
Quite a crowd attended the lecture
on "Dad" given by Mr. Taylor, of Mo
lalla. Everyone enjoyed It very much.
Charles Holman, Jr., is visiting with
his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Chas.
The eighth grade is spending the
forenoon of the week studying Mlas
Hudson is assisting the students.
Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Larkins and fam
ily were entertained at 0. F. Johnson's
Miss Hudson, Miss Moore, Herman.
lien and Reubes Chlndgrcn spent
Saturday night at Milton Chindgren's.
Eva Sullivan visited with Ruth Lar
kins Tuesday night.
Mr. De Bauer is doing some hauling
at the Mortinson saw mill.
John Sadri, of Portland, wbb out on
business Sunday.
The eighth grade class was given a
surprise party Tuesday night at the
school house. The evening was spent
playing games. At a late hour a de
licious luncheon was served, consist
ing of sandwiches, wienies, salad
lemonade, cake and Ice cream, also
Big Stock Carefully selected for this section
and sold at lowest possible prices.
The famous double action.
Finest spring tooth harrow.
W. J. Wilson & Co.,
Geo. Blatchford, "S
i .urn
N.irlh Li'Ki'ii i lio.il ii.im. an i-iil-r
liilnuii'iit mid I'ii k. I m.i l. Hiitunl..
lili;lit. (iiio.l program, gnud tlni". etc.
uith tin Ir triMnun nr'i h. .1 to lli-
.'vl.'llt ( fil mi
Carl V.iuni:. n i-r.- iniliiiii'.-r fur I'l.-nt
I'r.i-k criiiiin-iv mi iln K.irli' r.-.-k
t.H't.-. It it 1 1 tin- uilnf.irtniii' t.i I. in-..' mil''
of hU hi.rm'a Th.' I. ,iui r.iu uu ,t
i ho crciiiii.-rv, ou-rl irnlin: tin. w.nj.m!
.ind Injntttii; mi.. li..r-.' .. l-.i'lh It;
h.id ti tie Mll.'d, Hi It .l thmiKlit It"
.;u k vwn Iuv'm-ii, Mr Yuniiii U a bind
1 1 in ut nf tli prul.nl. Ii iiikI if r.-piilr
of llxi Inil'dlliM Mhl.'li him l.i'i-ll fur
w.tr.h-.l lo tin. Iinid 1'fll.i nf thn rill
r.'itd prnplii for .! (lull and di-flulln
a. II.. ii.
Ill tlif I i.- ntln.o It bun nlmi
iiiiiii k ti. i w ti lliiit IIiiti' a p..
! IM" Ihin. o nf th.. Kii'rniiicnt Lk
Iik m.r tin. pru t.-x-d i.r.l f.r lh
1 1 in Ix-lti't f..r l!i" i.ili. Irni tli.n of
m.umI.-ii inrl na N pnrt nf tin- war
di-pi rtuii'iit'a pr.irr: ui In . .mil ..time
tin. aiiliiiii.riui' in.'ii.i. i' Win tin r ihla
II l.ia.l
W. -duoail.iv ufl'riiii.iii lln Him
Wi.rl.cra" i lull w.ia nrt'uul'. d by tin
KitlK uf Iho l.uiM-r 1. 1 't.i ii a. In iil 1 hi')
wi'l ni. i t (..rtnlclith . Thn olTic.-ia
ar. I'r.-'.'. li lit. Ktli.-I Milt. Iilu.i; ri
pn-li.-nl. li.'itriid.' M.iai-r. acor.'tiiry.
In n.- Kill li'-iii. tr. iixitror, l.u. y Slier
mind 'l lii- iil.ji-i 1 l t.i ; t tK-tliir.
M'. d.i f . f n nl k. etc
tit Mil (if Hill Hill tut! libulv II (T.i f f'ltl
..rkln tnnti mid cm III ufl..rd a... h ; ,,. , f ,
rnpt iVitl.i.ii mid i.th.-r nftl. Ila
l-..t tn c.niii' In Mtlnu'ikli- lii'X
i i-k Hkhi-ll d.-Ulla and ili-llillt.' pl.iua
! ninl iiIIht d.il.i l'l bo (lii-ti tint.
I IIKNP. Or, May 1 1 Wllh thn In-
t.'litlun of tumltiK prn. ll. ally Yaliiiv
b'aa InKKi'd off litllda Itll.i Valunliln
i cnttln and ahix-p ratiK". thn Ilnxiki
1 SciiiiIiiii l.uinbiT coinpiitiy la frticlnit
:nOi) acrca near II. 'lid. ri'pri'X'litltiK (tin
I cut nf thn biat It muiitha. Thn natural
growth nf bunch Kra ll b rii. uiir
iiK.'d and riporlniKiita wllh nthcr dry
1 land urnnaca ll bi carried nn.
M.'iido I '.-. No. I. (i. A. It. Ii.ia ali.iut
ciimpli'ti-d Ita pr.'piiriitliiti fur tint i-.-l
brutluii nf M.-in.irliil liny und nil effort
it bring miidii fur a mure I'liil'uriil.' uli
acrviitn-o thud ciiHtunniry nn nccminl
, of the ir.-ac-.t i uii.1 1 1 Uuih nf nr In th
j ci.iintry. Tin' Winni-ti H Itcll.-f Cnrpa
; will CMipi-rati' lth nil tin' pUnn i.r
j thn Tout mid participate with It nil the
The fnriiiiil ex.'r. lm-a on M.'tn.irltil
liny nt the IiIkIi ai-liiHil mid the putrl
!tlo iii.lri".H will be delivered by Mr
' Jamea Cnry. whuao nrntnrlcal power
have been iippreclute.l by Ori'K.in City
, aiMlli-m en, nn.l Jmli;.. Crant II. iMni
' I' k will deliver till' iiildr.-iN in tlie mi
known il.-ad lit .Mnuntulu View cetiin
ter,. liuritiK th" cmn'mt week the achiHila
nf tlm i lly mid W lnity will huld tin.
iinniial patriotic e.-r. ih.-h and
hKS M MNKH. Iowa. May ll-ltev
l.yn (ieorKC J. Kelly, nK'-d ,'l. an
Itinerant mlnlHter nf Suilnn. Nebr.i
kn. la In Jail tit Ited Oak. I..W4. ne
cnaed of thn murder of eluht peraona
In VIIIIhca. Iowa, In I'Ji:.
Statu Attorney V. nil II M II iv-
tier, who Hindi' thla oiinininceiuent
hern thla nfteriionn, at.it. "I that wllh
Kelly' Indictment mid urreat, the
myiitery nf thn fiiinnna Vllllaca ai
iniirdi-ra la mil v oil.
livid. -n.e on which the Indictment
Ihoiwna biiNed, aald llayner, Incliided i
meinlie-! of Meade I'mit will be In at
tendance mid at each It.'v. W'll'liilil II
Moore, patriotic lllntnielnr of tin) pout,
will deliver a nhort aildie.-,M.
Thn previous miuouni-emeiit of theae
h liiiol uieetlnna ban bii'ti corrected
iih follow a:
Tuesday, .May 1,1-llolton 10 a in.,
W'lllmuettn 2 p. 111.
U'edtieaday, May It! Canemiili 10 u
in.. Siinm't 2 p. in.
TliiirHilny, May 17 -IIIkIi ai-hool 10
a. in , llnrcliiy hi hool 2 p. m
Friday, May IS Kimtliain achool 10
n. m.
TitoHday, May 22 (iludHtoiin 10 u
in., Parkplai o 2 p. tn.
Wudnoadny, May 2,'l McUiunhllil
liiHtituto 10 n. in., Canby hcIiihiI 2 p. m
atatement Kelly la reported to lime
made on the luornliiK follow hiv; the
crime, that lie had "lienrd thn thud of
the a x a a It cl. -lived the akulla nf
vlKht peraona murdered in the homn
of Joe Monro at VIIIIh. ."
TniiaTi'ii 'i ii 'Z'.VdiaaT
There will be momorlal Bervlceg at
the Miller cemetery May 27.
A large crowd attended church Sun
day evening, which was Mother's Day.
The church was beautifully decorated
for the occasion.
A Baslnm P!rdorr f eacH City,
Towi and iilur ia vri-Koa nod
Wbin(tna KviliK UtKcriptlvs
krtc-b of cah pUre, Icnllon.
Milpplnf Facilities anil .laml
fird DlrM-tarr fit eacb UaUMlit
aa4 ProfeMloa.
Jennings Lodge
D. Ward has gone to Seattle to remain
Mrs. Klxpas, has leased her home
to rroiesseor Hollewell or wusning-
ton hlKh, and leaves noon for Port
Mrs- Kretrhmer, froes this week to
live with her daughter, Mrs. Lehman
of Gresham, who Bpent the week end
visitlni; the Klspas family.
Doctor Nolta has moved his family
to his newly built camp near the
Jennings water tower. They expect
to spend the summer here.
Owing to heavy rains, the salmon
tro'llng' has not been as good, as
usual, the last few days, altho the
river was thronged with boats and
picnlcf-rs Saturday and .Sunday.
Mr. Arthur Roberts and sinter I'ess
attended the play given at Willam
ette school last Friday night.
Miss Zora McDonald of West Linn
Costello, Carey Deter, Art Roberts,
Albert Kelly, Glen missel, Ralph
Campbell, Loralne Ostrom.
Mr. and Mrs. Aurthur Smith and
children, and Mr. and Mrs. Hechtel and
Our school will close about June
1 and the following young ladles will
graduate from the eight grade: Elva
Eades Minnie Hoethe, Stalla McVlc'i
er and Ruth Trusn-ott.
On Sunday evening, the services
were In honor of "Mothers' find alBo
In observance of Y. M. C. A. army
work. I'rof. Wagner, of Oregon City,
was the speaker. All religious work in
the army will be carried on through
the Y. M. C. A., backed by all the
churches of the nation.
Catarrh Cannot Be Cured
cannot reach the aeat of the dlaeaae. Ca
tarrh la a blood or conatllullonnl rtlaoajie,
and In order to cure It you muat take In
ternal remedlMi. Hall'a Catarrh Cure la
taken internally, and acta directly upon
the blood and mucous surface. Haifa
Catarrh Cure la not a fjuack medicine. It
waa preacrlbed by one of the txit phy
alrtana In thla country for yearn ami la
a regular prescription. It la composed of
the beat tonlna kmten, combined with the
beat blood piirllli-ra, m tins; directly on the
mueoua aue-facf-a. The perfect combina
tion of the two Inrredlentf la what pro
duces auch wonderful results In rurlnt
catarrh, fiend for testimonials, free.
F. J. CHENEr & CO., Props., To. -vie, O.
Sold bjr Jrufortt. prtre 7fir.
Take Hall's Family Pills for onstipsUoa.
Sir. and Mrs. John Rainy wore visit
ors at Tualatin Meadows Sunduy.
D. K. Long marketed farm produce
In Portland Monday.
MIsb Mary Wilson attended a teach
ers' Institute at Oregon City Saturday.
Miss Dorothy Zlnscr was the guest
of Miss Vota Lynch, of Oregon City,
Wm. Nngl motored to Portlund Frl
day evening.
Herbert Duncan and Hurley Whlt-
ten were Portland visitors Sunday
Vegetation Is not suffering for lack
of mlosturo In this locality.
Saturday evening, May 12th, a farm
ers council was held in the Grange
hall nt Logan, and a permanent set of
officers elected and are as follows:
President, F. P. Wilson, vice-presi
dent, Ij. Funk; secretary,- L. Kohl.
If the weather will do its duly the
fp.rmers will sure do theirs. What
has been planted was "muddod" in,
the ground being too wet to cultivate.
Mr. Jackson, connected with the
Journal, of Portland, who bought Clear
Creek park, Is building a rustic sum
mer borne.
Earl Anthony, of New Eru, had a liar-
now oscnpe from serious Injury Inst
evening na ho was driving on Singer
hill at the crossing of Main and Tenth
streets nnd starting to round tho cor
ner after giving the ustlul slgnnl. Just
as ho startod to miikn the turn nn
othor car cumo down tho street nt a
high rate of spend nnd without glv
lng notice or slowing up nt the cross
ing' cnusod tho two cars to come to
gether. Tho fenders of both machines
wero bndly smashed but tho occupants
of tho cars escaped with slight bruises
Tho other car wns driven by J. K
Erllch of the Const Chemical company.
II. Chase and S. Linton, who oper
ate a lurge snnd and gravel plant at
Nowberg, hnvn Just completed ono of
tho finest plants In tho stnto hero, at
Fourteenth and Water streets, where
every modern convenience has boon
Installed for handling sand and grav
el. Tho gravel Is taken from the riv
er and elevated to Inrgo tanks whore
It Is washed and screened and run into
large bunkers. The W. V. S. R. R.
tracks run to the bunkers nnd cars
are loaded In the easiest mnnnor. Thoy
expect to furnish a great denl of gravol
for road work and other purposes.
Is your child pale nnd fretful? Does
he cry out In sleep or grind his teeth?
These symptoms may mean worms
and you should obtain relief at onco.
Klr.kapoo Worm Killer Is a pleasant
remedy that kills tho worm, and by
Up mildly laxatlvo quality expels It
from tho syntem. Worms snp the vl
trill ly and make your child more bus
cnptlble to othor ailments. Your
Druggist sells Kicknpoo Worm Killer,
25c a box. (Adv.) I
H, O. Dllltnuu, prominent farmer i f
Mount I'lniiannt was tho principal
Hpcnkcr at a meet lug of tho Mount
Pleuaunt Civic Improvement club Sat
urday night at thu Mount I'leaaitnt
Hchonlliouan. Mr. Dlllmun's remarks
related to Improving fanning methods
und civic movements In the district.
Among tho other speukers of tho liven
ing were T. C. Thomas, 0. A. Kruno,
J. A. Romun. J. W. I Unit, J. M. Wur
nock, C. II. Drown and C. Helm.
Several women of the club spoku on
tho canning of fruits und vegetables.
Flornnco: Now shingle mill to start
operations here soon.
Do You Want Your Kidneys Experi
mented On?
Kidney troubles nro getting moro
common every day. Goornment health
bureau figures say deaths from this
cause nro 72 pur cunt moro than 20
yours ugo.
Anybody who suffers constant back
uche, who fuels bluu, nurvuus mid Irri
table; who has dizzy spoils, headache
and urinary disorders should suspect
kidney wunktioss. Overworked kid
neys must huvo a rest. Tuko things
easier; live more carefully. Take a
good kidney remedy to build up tha
kidneys aguln.
But bo sure to gut Dunn's Kidney
Pills tho oldest, the most wldoly
usud, tho best recommended by all
kldnoy pills, now in uso all over tho
civilized world. Don't experiment with
your kidneys. Thousands huvo air
ready tested Doun s. You have tlio.r
experience to go by. Plenty of cases
right hore In Oregon City. Hero's ono:
Mrs. M. Wormworth, 1204 Seventh
St., Oregon City, says: "It bus been
several yours slnco I have had to use
a kldnoy medicine, but speaking from
past experience I can conscientiously
recommend Doan's Kidney Pills. Sev
eral years ago my buck ached almost
constantly. I had only to tako a'couple
of Doan's Kldnoy Pills whun I wns
cured of that awful backache."
Price COc, nt nil dealers. Don't
simply ask for a kidney remedy get
Doan's Kidney Pills tho snmo that
Mrs. Wormworth had. KoBtor-MIIburn
Co., Props., IJuffalo, N. Y.