OREGON CITY ENTERPRISE, FRIDAY, MAY II, 1917 7 vis rini I GIF: LOS ANGELES LOSES 6 TO 4 Pacific Coast Lssguo W. I,. iM hall Uke . ... Han Flam la o 1'iirllaml .... Oakland Vernon l Angeles . . ...10 ...20 ...14 ...14 .14 ,...11 II M 14 IT :o X00 .45 Mi .11 Wadntsdar's Qams At l'nrllaiii Portland I, Uia Angnl a 4 Al Hall Pram lam Hall Uka I, Hall Plain Ui o w Al Uw Angeles Ouklaml 4, Ver lioll 2. Portland won Its flfili consecutive Itainn yesterday, defeating Ijh Angel ra In Ihn second Kama of Ihn series. 4 1. Iieiuiy U'llles Iwo bagger with Ilia liases full III thn second - Inning proved Dm deciding factor. Hull riwin..i mr inn Heating, ami X'xjdk (Jim, rice llelfrlch twirled fur the Heaver. Meuael aank a aplkn Into Mutton a fiHil at first bsao In Ihn fourth IiiiiIiik ami Halm liH.k a Im y.rf . Htuniif filled In at Ihn Initial aack. A Hilly retch by Jack Farmer fea tured tint fielding. Ilrentnn will twirl for Portland today REAL E8TATC TRANSFERS Th n following urn til" ri'ul eatiiti' 1 1 uliafiT a Hint rr filed In (he nfflra nf Ciiiinty Unorder I U ! : J oli ii W. ami Grace Unler to H. P. unit Kinuiii A. Imla, lot I of blink III Oregon City; l. Kuli'in Uiml i-nmpuny to l,eon Kick r. all of trort 22, Womlburn Orchard trrta; l. I. J. Harbor lo Arthur K. I'.wa lota 4 'J. Ml. l, lnri'll park: 110 IIukIi iiiul Mary hltKi ruld In Id nry KlildiTbunrll, land In niMtlon Is, town lili 2 noiitli. rmiitn S i-it; f''iio. William M. Priuo lo 0. K. HtraUlit uml II. C. Halli.lniry, part of Hit? Prii ilal C. Canon I) I.. ('.; $10. J. I (iruvna In Joi.rili ami .lu"oli llo-an, lit til In II. I.. C. of (iiMirito Crow and vilfn, townnlilp 2 aoiith, rmiKi' I 'at. :.MI0. J. K. (imvoa In Jim-ili r Mil Jnrnti Koran, In ni In l. U ('., of (loorRc Crow uiul wlfo. timnhli 2 anuth. rami1 I cant; fVM). luy.A Mary Koliaoti and ItoluTt P. ItohiMin to Title ami Trunt t'nmpiuiy. land In Clarkniiinn ronnty; $10 . Ilotinru I.. K. Murpry to Hanli l Mur phy, I acrn If nrrtlon 3:1, townnlilp 'J irruTlCY.w;e 7 cunt; 110. (lonrgn ami Mi'ry Ki'ddiiwiiy lo An nu llnwi'll. land In Ori'Kon City, boln iilnir aiiuthwcHtcrly rornrr of lot !, tiliM-k 110; fit). V. V. Conk mill lloao H. ConUn to V. J.uml I Initio lUwiTinan. II in rra of land In iii tlon H, townnlilp V notilh, rmiKU ! i'iil; $1. Mury C. anil M. K. Iliiymon to i. A. A'brlKlit. 2Vi acre of arctlnn HfRtor mill Olive Cumphi'll I). 1.. C. township 1 Hoiilh, rmik'' 2 t'iil; $10. Ilonnrii I.. IC. Murphy to Mni.Ut K Murphy, ono urro of nci'tlon .1:1, town nhlp 2 Hiiutli, rniiKo 7 mint; $(0. Ilonorn U K. Murphy to JohppIi Kd wnrd Murphy, 1 ucro of Ki'ctloit 3, townnlilp 2 aouth, nini'o 7 riiHt; $10. Ilonoru I-. K. Murpliy to Vlni-iMit lli rnnrd Murphy, 1 nrrn of Hoi tlon 33, towtiHhlp 2 (ninth. mni;o 7 runt; $10. lloiinra I.. K. Murphy to IkMitrli'o Murphy lluldon, 1 aero of nortlnn .13, towrtlHhlp 2 HOUth, rnliKO 7 oiiHt; $10. Ilonora I.. 10. Murphy to Koninn Cuthollc Archblnhop of tho DIocoho of Oregon, 1 ucro of nci'tlon 33, towiiNhlp 2 boiiUi, rmiKO 7 ount; $10. II. II. Kviiiih to A. nnd M. A. IjuI liiclmm, northi-UHt quarter of south wcHt qunrtnr of HPctlon 12, townnlilp 4 south, rmiKO 1 oiiHt; (IiicIuiIIiik ncrcs); $10. Lura A. Iluntloy and Clyde Q. Hunt loy, Itulph nnd Anna Mlllor to Thouina Mlllor, lot 5 of block 64, Orogon City; nnd tiHHtorly 40 foot of lot 6 of block 64, OroRon City; $1. Portland Trust company to D. C. Lntourotto, blocks. 120, 143, 170, Oro gon City; $10. D. C. and E. S. Lntourotto to II. A. Knyl, block 170, Oregon City; $1. AIlco Hnrloss nnd H. P. Hnrlosg to W. V. and Annlo E. Evorhnrt, 68V6 ncrt'H of sections 18 nnd 17, townnlilp 6 Houth, rnngo 2 cant; $10. J. C. nnd Cnthcrlno M. McTnrnn hnn to C. P. White, bind In ClncknmnB county; $10. Ilonjnmln K. nnd LoiiIho Slckler to I,ouls E. Slcklor, land In Clnckninna county coiiHlHtlng of 0 acres of lnnd; $10. PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH OF SEATTLE OFFERS A SKATTMO, WiihIi., Mny 9 Tho Klivt I'rimhylorlnn church of Soiittlo.. which luiH a iiicniliiTHhlp of fi.MiO und la said to hn tho larnest congrcKntlon of this denomination In tho world, Is taking Rteps to organlzo a homo guard rogl ment of Its men who nro exoinpt from conocrlptlon. Tho pnKtor, Dr. Mnrk A. Mathews, formerly moderator of tho general as sembly of the Presbyterlnn church In tho United 8tntes. offers to be en rolled in the regiment. HAIir CIIICKH Wyikoff H. (,'. Wlilta I j Ihhih, 2!5 r hens and orar, mated lo Hi eta, mala bird. Ho ganliad May 14 dullvary- f 10 00 r 100; U0 per to. Fggs - 1100 pr II; II 75 fur 30. Fertllliy guar an teed I,a opportunity Ulai aee n. Phone tii W, at once. Ilnlh (Iikiii poultry Farm, Or gon Clly, Ore, II. I Ilill HALF. 1 1 .,r . addros V. I' M'indlii like, ( lui ImliMa, III". I'liniii' i en i. Foil HAI.K HIC lll:ST- Vui anl blai k amllli ahop OinhI location. Appli J. I', Mji''im or I. It. I.arkln. .Mnrinaiii, Oregon Full HAI.K AT A HAIICAIN Thr 4 l.irge, rlii'.i work horses, ali wug ons, lusty ami llrht, Imikk ! ari'l hurries, plows, cultivators mi l li ir rows, also numerous oilier am ill tools UVl.r's Hlhhles, Oregon cur. -I'HON'KH mi. a Home. AM Pacific, iiriiiKiii' sen I DH. WM. C. BCHULTZE OH. f. P. BCHULTZE Phyeiclans and Surgson lliHitna 217 Masonic llu'ldliK ' Orsyon City Oregon Worms Bap Your Child's Strength. Money to Loan PA L C. FIICHER lawytr iKMltucli irnchender Advnkat OHKUON CP. V OREGON SUMMONS. In tin- ( In nil Court of tlm HtMte of Ori'Knn, fur Clin kuiiuia County. Ktlu-I Imllcy, pluiutirr. is. I(n linlliy, di fi liclalit. To liny I'alloy, tlm alnne nuiin-d On ti'iiilunt . In Ihu imiiin of Ihn Htatit of Ori-Kim. you am Imrcliy required lo uppcur nnd nliawiT the complaint filed aKiilmit )uu In tho uUivc niniii'd still, on or before the I'.'nd ilav of June, l'JI7. auld dutn IicIiik Ihu etilrution of nil 'ka from the flrat publication of (hia miiuliiniia, nnd if you full lo ui pcur or iinnniT aaid iiimplulnt. for want then-of the plulnliff will apply to Ihe court for tlm relief pruyed for In her complaint, to-wll: Cor a decree iIUhoIvIiik ihn murrltiKe niiitrart now etlatliiK between plain tiff und defendant, for Ihe cure, cii.i tody nnd control of Ihe minor child ren, Marcus Dalley, Florence DsJlay and (ierlrude Imlley. This Riimmiinn In pulilUliril by order of J. V. Cam be'l. Judge of the Circuit Court, which order wan made and entered on the loth day of May, 1 11 7. mid tho time preHcrlbeil for publication thereof Ik nIx weeks. hcKlniilnK with the laaiie dated, Prlday. May II. IUI7. and con tlnulnit each week thereafter to ami including the Ikhuc of Friday. Juti" 22nd. I'.ilT. llltOWNKI.I. & SIKVEKS, Attorneys fur Plaintiff. Summons. In tho Clroult Court of tho State of Oregon, for Clackamas County. M. I. Morris .plaintiff vs. Kiln P Morris, defendant. To Kiln P, Morris, the above mimed defendant: In the ni'liie of the State of Ore gon you nre hereby required to nppoar and answer tho complaint of the plain tiff, filed ngalnHt you in the above en titled milt, on or beforo r.lx weeks from the lltli day of May, 1917; that being tho date of the first publication of (ho summons heroin, and if you s f;ill to appear nnd linswer for want thereof, tho plaintiff will apply to the court for tho relief demanded In tho complaint, to-wlt: For n decreo dis solving tho bonds of matrimony and tho marrla;;o contract heretofore and now existing between plaintiff nnd dn fom'.nnt, In this cause, and for such other nnil further relief as the plain tiff may bo entitled to In tho promises. Tho summons la served upon you by publication, pursuant to tho order of tho Hon. J. II. Campbell, Judge of tho abovo entitled conrt, which order waa mndo nnd enterod on tho 7th day of Mny, 3 It 1 7. und which order directed that service of summons In HiIh cause bo mndo upon you by publication thereof, once n week for alx consecu tive weeks In tho Oregon City Enter prise, n newspaper printed and pub lished nnd of general circulation in Oregon City, Clackamas County. Ore gon. DIMICK & DIMICK and V. I.. Ml'mOY, Attorneys for Plaintiff. Onto of flrRt publication May 11. 1017. SHERIFF'8 SALE. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for the County of Clncka inns. . Cnnby Stato Bank, a corporation, plnln- tiff, vs. Lucy M. Goshorn, na ailnilnlstrntrlx of the estate of Elmer E. Goshorn, (Incensed; Elmer Elsworth Goshorn, Jr., a slnglo man; Ellzaboth Hazel Ilognn, nnd Wnlter T. Hogan her husbnnd; Gilbert Stephen Goshorn and Mario Ethol Goshorn his wife; Lucy M. Goshorn, a widow; and Dorothea Klmber Goshorn a minor; nnd F. S. Sever, as guardian nd lit em of Dorothea Klmber Goshorn, a minor, defendants. Stato of Oregon, County of Clacka mas, ss. By virtue of a Judgment order, docree and an execution, duly Issued out of and under the seal of the above entitled court. In the above entitled cause, to me duly directed and dated the 4th day of April, 1917, npon a judgment rendered and entered in said roiul on lbs 4th day of April, Id IT. In favor of Canby Hlala Hank, for "'ration, plaintiff, and aialnal 1-ucy M, (linhorii adiiilnlairalrli lit tha lata iif Klmnr K. (Joahorn, dwoaand, ami l.ui y M. (loahurn a widow, dfnd anta, fur lh aum of 1 1 100 00, with In lrat IhrriMin al Ilia rata of all par rent per annum from Ilia at day of Man h, 'IS. ami Ilia furlhnr aum of I7H00, as attorney's fee, and Ihn fur lhnr aum of I ',.170 coals and dlaburaa nii'iila, ami Ihn mats of and upon this writ, commanding ma lo makn sala of Ilia following dnarrlbad rnal (iropnrty, alluii'n III tha County of Clackamas, Htatn of Oregon, lowlt: Hi-ginning at tlm quarter section turner on Ilia weal Una of suction seven 17) In Townnlilp four 14), Hon lb Itangn Two 12) Kaat of tha Ull luitieiin Meridian, and running thnnra Paul along Ihn quarter si'cllon linn, Fourteen and twelve una hiimlrndlna 114 12) ibiilua; tliiino Houth twenty elghl and anvenly lwo one liiindrndths 2H 72 1 chains lo a aloiin; Hu ll' a south HI degrees 30 minutes, weal tlin-n and ti n one hundredths (3 10) chains; llmnce wnst five and sixteen otin hun dredths I& I1) chains; thencn north CI degrees weal sis and nlghly-otifl one hundredths (41) chains to Ihn went Hnn of snld suction seven (7); thencn north twenty six and four one humlredtha 121 0 4 chulns to thn place of beginning containing forty (40) acres of land, mora or less. A I no thn following described tract of land, to wit: licglnnlng at a point which Is 34 12 chains east and 21.72 chains south from ihe quarter section corner on tha west linn of section seven (7) In Township Four (4) Houth, Itangn Two (2) Fast of Willamette Meridian, run ning thence north 84 degrees 30 mln ulna Kant 139 fent; thence In a north erly direction 1C0 feet; thence In a northwesterly direction 117 foot to a point directly north of the place of beginning; thence South 21S fnet to the plare of beginning containing about onnhalf acre of land more or less, reserving from this conveyance a strip of land thirty (30) fnet In width along' the easterly side of the last described tract of lnnd for a private road. ' Now. therefore, by virtue .if auld ex ecution. Judgment order and decree, and In compliance with the commands of said writ, I wilt, on Suturday. the 2d day of June, 1917; at the hour of 10 o'clock a. m at the front door of the County Court House In tho City of Oregon City, In said County and Slate, sell at public auction, subject to redemption, to the highest bidder, for U. S. gold coin cash In hand, all thn right, title and Interest which the within named defendants or cither of thorn, had on the date of the mortgage herein or since had In or to the above described real property or any part thereof, to satisfy snld execution, Judg ment, order, docree, Interest, costs and all accruing costs. Dated, Oregon City. Ore.. May 4. 1917. W. J. WILSON, Sheriff of Clackamas County, Oregon. By E. C. HACKETT, Doputy. First publication May 4th. 1917. Ijst publication June 1st, 1917. ADMINISTRATRIX' NOTICE. Notice Is hereby given that tho un dersigned has been uppnlnted adminis tratrix of tho estate of Andrew Au dersotl, deceased. All persons having claims against said estate nre hereby notified to present the same with proper vouchers, duly certified accord ing to law, nt tho office of llrownell & Slevers, nt Oregon City, Clackamas County, Oregon, within six months of the (Into of the publication bt this no tice. . Dated. Friday. April 27. 1917. (Signed) MINNIE A. ANDERSON, Admltistratrlx. Brownell & Slevers, Attorneys for ad ministratrix. SUMMONS IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR THE COUNTY OF MULTNOMAH. Lessle E. Kanacos, Plaintiff, -VS- Louis A. Ksnacos, Dofondant, To Louis A. Kanacos, above nam ed Defendant: In the name of the State of Ore gon, you are hereby required to ap pear in the above entitled Court, and answer the Complnut filed against you In tho above entitled Court, on or boforo six (G) weeks from the 27th day of April, 1917, suld ' 27th day of April, 1917, being the date of the first publication of this Summons, t nd If you full to so appear aud answer tho Complaint, tho Plaintiff will apply to tho above entitled Court for tho relief pruyod for in the complaint here in, to-wlt: For a decree of the above entitled Court that the marriage contract now existing' between the Plaintiff and Defendant, be ever dissolved, nnd hold for naught; Thnt rinlntlff be given the enre, custody and control of tiio minor child of the pnrties of this suit; For Ton Dollars ($10.00) per month alimony for the rare, custody and control of their child; For the resuming of her nnme prior to said mnrringo, to-wlt: Lessie E. Hnmmersley, and for such othor and further relief as to the Court may seem meet and equitable, Including her costs and disbursements heroin. This Summons Is served upon you by publication thereof once a week for sis (6) successive and consecu tive weeks in the "Oregon City En terprise", a newspaper of general cir culation In Clackamas County, Ore gon, and printed and published In Clackamas County, Oregon, pursuant to ail order of the Hon. J. V. Camp- bell. Judge of the above entitled Court, j hisds and enlarad hernia oa Ihe lith day of April, 1017. HIKI) J MKIN'M Attorii'y '"r Pi'i'"''', 'i'l ftuilwt) KnliuHKO llulldliig, I'liilland, Orrron lula of flml piihlliu'li.n. April 21, 1917. I lain of lust pulill nl Ion, May I, 1)17 SUMMONS. Ill Ihn Circuit Court of tha Htuti of Oregon, 'or llm County of Cluck in is, Ollln '.tm llollon, Plaintiff, vs, Albert M. llollon, In fi tiduiit. To Albert M. llollon, lfi-mlanl: In the liumn of Dm Hlala of Oregon You am hereby f-'i'ilnd to appear and answer Ihu complaint flli-d sgalnat ni In llm shove entitl"! court and suit on or befor thn th day of June, 1917. thai being Iti day fli'd by order of court for you lo appear und answer, and mora than all (') weeks from lb date of the flri.1 puhhi utlon of tliS s.iiiiiii'iiis; and If )"i fall to so stpe-ir und answer, tlm piaintirr will apply to the Court for thn f"il.f dcinundi-d In her suld coiiiplulnt, lowlt: For a din ren sevorlm: and dlasnlvlng tti bonds of matrimony now existing be tween Ihn plulnliff and ymi, and thatgres E. 143 chs, to the place of be- sbe Im granted un al,o!iitn dUor from you; that the p'ulhtlff be award ed thn permanent i.ire and custody of her said child. Eva llol'on; (but the plulntlff be awsrdi'd tlm sum of l"0 00 a mouth alimony from you; that rbe . . A ...... .1 1 on o. careo , ,n o.m r m "e Iiouhi lioia goons unu rumlture alleged In the coiiiplulnt, and that you have no Interest therein; that she recover hi-r costs and dUhumemi-nls of this suit, und that sbn be grunted such other and further relief as to the Court mny seem Just und equitable. This summons Is published In th Oregon City Enterprise once each week for six (4) smrmslve weeks, by order of tho Hon. J. V. Campbell, Juilgo of the above entitled court mudu on April 24, 1!17. First publication April 27, 1917. 141ft publication June 8, 1917. W. II. POW ELL. Atti rny for Plaintiff. SUMMONS. In the County Court of the State of Oregon, for the County of Clacka mas. George Blchsel and Beatrice Elcbsel, hla wife, Joseph Blchsel, unmarried, Lena Darby and John W. Darby, her husband, Mary Gude and Clemens Gude, her husband, Caroline 11. Knoblauch and Joseph S. Knoblauch her husband, . Frank J. Meier and Rosy E. Meier, bis wife. Bertha Hav erstlck, and Chester S. Haverstlck, her husband, Anton Rothweller, un married and Geo. A. Rothweller, un married. Rose B. Smith and Chris tian C. Smith, her husband, John Blchsel and Kate Blchsel, bis wife. George Blchsel and Theresa Bich sel, his wife. Elizabeth Huines and John T. Haines, her husband IMulntlffs, -VS- Helen lllchsel Miller and Mlller, her husband, Margret Mc- Fudden and McFudden.' her huslinml, Joseph lllchsel, Llzxle BlchseJ nnd Mary Blchsel, children of Joseph lllchsel, and nil unknown heirs of Katie Wines, deceased, Defendants, To Helen lllchsel Mlllor, Miller, her husband, Margaret McFudden and McFadden, her husband, Joseph Blchsel, Tom my Blchsel, Lizzie Blchsel and Mary Blchsel, children of Joseph Blchsel, and all unknown heirs of Katie Wines, deceased. IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF OREGON YOU ARE HEREBY RE qulred to appear and answer the complaint in the above entitled suit filed against you on or before six weeks after the first publication of this summons, to-wlt: The 9fh, day of June 1917, and If you fall to so appear and answer, for want thereof, the plaintiffs will apply to this court for the relief demanded in said complaint as follows: For a decree for a partition of the following described real property situated In the County of Clacka mas, State of Oregon, to-wlt: Lot 17, Block 10 West Gladstone, Clackamas County, Oregon, accord ing to the maps and plats on file in the office of the recorder of conveyances for said county and State. This summons is published pur suant to nn order mado by the Honorr.blo J. U. Campbell. Judge of the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for tho County of Clacka mas on the 21st day of April, 1917. . The date of the first publication of this summons being tho 27th day of April, 1917, and the dato of the Inst publication being the 8th day of June, 1917. C. Schuobel, Attorney for Plaintiff. SHERIFF'S SALE. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for the County of Clackn mns. Frank E. Andrews, Plaintiff vs. J. E. Gnge and Phoebe J. Gage, De fendants. By virtue of a judgment order, .de cree and nn execution, duly issued out of and under the seal of the above en titled court, in the nbove entitled cause, to me duly directed and dated the 13th day of April, 1917, upon a judgment rendered and entered in said court on the 13th day of April, 1917, in favor of Frank E. Andrews, plain tiff, nnd apralnst J. E. Gago nnd Phoebe J. Gage, defendants, for the sum of $1116.90, with interest thereon at the rate of six per cent per annum from the 28th day of July, ,1914, and the further sum of $100.00 as attorney's fee, and the further sum of $21.00 costs and dlsburanrnnnls, an4 Ihe coats of and upon this writ, commanding pie lo make ssle of Ihe following des rrlbed real -'"perty, situate In thn county of Clackamas, stale of Orsgon, lowlt: Beginning at a point on the north boundary line of Ihe D. K C. of J. 0 Hwafford and wire In Tp. 1, H. of It. 1 Kaat of the W. M , which point la N 1) minutes K. 31.10 chs. from the N. W. cornni of ssld I). U C. and running thence 8. Ml chs.; thence 8. II mln Utns W. 12 45 chs , thence N. 1(4 chs. to Ilia North boumlury linn of a-Id claim; tln-ii's N'orih h minutes K. 12 45 chs. to the place of beginning containing (waive acres. Also alrsrt of land tiling a part of the I). L. C. of J. O. Hwafford lying In Hec. 4. Tp. 1 8. of ft. 1 E of W. M ; beginning at a point at the 8. E. cor ner of a tract of land deeded by 0. J. Paulding to L. P. Williams, auld cor ner being K. 30 10 chains and N. 21.44 chs. from the corner of sections 4, I, I and I of said Tp.; thence 8. 242 chs. to the center nt county road; thence H. 43 degrees 20 minutes W. 120 cbs. along said county road; thence N. 1.42 chs; thence N. IS in- ginning containing three acres, ex cept from the above descrbled prop erty the right of way for the Clacka mas Kuiithern Ry. Company. Now. Therefore, by virtue of aald execution. Judgment order and decree, ,nd In compliance with the commands of said writ, I will, on Saturday, the 19th day of May, 1917; at toe hour of 10 o'clock a. m., at the front door of the County Court House In the City of Oregon City, In said County and State, sell at public auction, subject to re demption, to the highest bidder for U, S. gold coin cash In hand, all the right, title and Interest wblcb the within named defendants or either of them, bad on the date of tie mort gage herein or slnco bad In or to the above described real property or any purt thereof, to satisfy suld execution. Judgment order, decree, Interest, coats and all accruing coat W. J. WILSON. Sheriff of CUchamas County, Oregon. By E. E. HACKETT. Deputy. Dated. Oregon City, Oregon. April 20th, 1917. ' First publication April 20. 1917. Last publication May 18, 1917. Notice of Final Settlement of the Es tate of John Shannon, Deceased. Notice is hereby givtn that the un d-rslgned executor of the estate of John Shannon, deceased, haa filed '.n the County Court of Clackamas Coun ty, State of Oregon, his final account as such executor of said estate and that Monday, the 21st day of May, 1917, at the hour of 10 o'clock a. m., has been fixed by said Court as the time for hearing of objections to said report and the settlement thereof. JOHN SHANNON. Executor of the Estate of John Shun non. Deceased. C. SCHl'EBEL, Attorney for Executor. . 8UMMONS. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for Clackamas County. Ethel Vinton. Plaintiff, vs. W. T. Vinton. Defendant. . , To W. T. Vinton, above named de fendant: In the name of the State of Oregon, you are hereby required to appear and answer ihe complnlr.t filed ngnlnst you In the nbove entiled suit, on or before the twenty-fifth day of May, 1917, said date being expiration of six weeks from tho first publication of this sum nons and if yi,u fail to appear or i js wcr said complaint, for want thereof the plaintiff will npply to the court for the relief prayed for In her com plaint, to-wlt. For a decree dissolving the marriage contract now existing between plain tiff nnd defendant and permitting plaintiff to re-iume her former name of Eathel Thomas., This summons pub lished by order of Hon. J. U. Camp bell, Judge of the circuit court, which order was made on tho ninth day of April 13, 1917, nnd continuing each for publication thereof is six weeks, beginning with the issue dated Friday, April 13, 1917, and contlnlng each week thereafter to and including Fri day, May 25, 1917. Brownell & Slevers, Attorneys for plnlntiff. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. Notice ia hereby given that the un dersigned, Edwin Clyde Apperson and Roswell L. Conner, have been appoint ed Executors of tho Last Will and Testament of John T. Apperson, do ceased, by order of the County Court of the State of Oregon, for the County of Clackamas, and they have duly qualified as such Executors. Now thereforo, nil persons having claims against said estate nre hereby notified nnd reqi'lred to present the same, duly verified, to the under signed Executors c.t tho Bank of Ore ram City. In Oregon City, Clackamas County, Oregon, within six months from the date hereof. Dated this 9th day of April, 1917. EDWIN CLYDE APPERSON, ROSWELL L. CONNER, Executors of the Last Will and Testa ment of John T. Apperson, Deceas ed. SUMMONS. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for tho County of Clacka mas. The Glenmorrie Company, a corpora tion, plnlntiff, vs. E. D. Elliott and S. F. Sinclair, De fendants. To E. D. Elliott and S. F. Sinclair: In the nnme of the state of Oregon: You and each of you are hereby re quired to appear and answer the com plaint flli-d agnlnst )ou by plaintiff In the above entltM suit, on or before the tilth day of May, 117. said dale U-lng pri-w rlbcd by I ha order of th above entitled rcrt and being mors Iban elf weeks after Ihe 13th day ol April, 1)17, which la Ihe date pre scribed by said court for lha flrat pub lication of Ibis summons, and If you fall to so sppvr and answer on or before said JHh day of May, 1I7, for want (hereof, plaintiff will apply lo (aid court for the relief demanded la h complaint filed boraln. In aald rompUfnt plaintiff lake for a decree of tills court absolutely bar ring and for ioslr.g all the right, title, claim and Interest of Ihe dnfnnd ante K. D. Elliott and R. T. Sinclair, and earh of them, and thnlr heirs, legal representation, successors and assigns. In or lo lrt or Block Num bered One (I) of Glenmorrie, contain ing thr and one quarter (3'4) acres more or less, according to the duly rseordeij plat thereof of reeord In the office of the Recorder of Conveyances j for Clackamas County, Oregon, and every part thereof, unless the sail defendants, or either of thern, ah-.II i.n or before a day certain to be fixed by this court, per to the plaintiff In Ihe lawful money of Ihe I'nlted Btntes. the following sums, to-wlt: The sum of. Three Thousand One Hundred Twenty five and 01 100 (11I2J.01) dol lars, with Interest upon the sum of Sixteen Hundred Twenty five and 01-100 ($1425 01) dollars thereof, at the rate of six (6?r) per cent per an num from the 19th day of October, 1913, and Into -est on Fifteen Hun dred ($1500.00) dollar thereof, at th rate of eeven (7) per cent per an num from the 19th day of October, 19.13; and further for a decree of this Honorable Court that upon failure of the above named defendant, or either of them, to pay to the plaintiff the above named sum, within the time limited by tbls court, declaring the said defendants, E. O. Elliott and 8. F. Sinclair, and each of them, and their belrt, legal representatives, succes sors and assigns, to be absolutely bar red and foreclosed of all their right title or Interest In or to the above de scribed property, and evory part there of; and further that the said defend ant, and each of them be decreed to have forfeited to thl plaintiff herein, all money heretofore paid to the ald plaintiff upon laid contract; and fur tber for it cotts and disbursements herein, and for such other and further relief as Is just and equitable in the premise. Thl summons Is served upon you by publication thereof once each week for six consecutive week In the Ore gon City Enterprise, by order of the above entitled court of date April 11, 1917. Dato of first publication April 13, 1917 Date of last publication May 25, 1917 GRIFFITH. LEITER k ALLEN, and BERT W. HENRY. Attorney for Plaintiff. ' SUMMONS. In the Circuit Court of the tSate of Oregon, for Clackamas County. . Gladj W. Brock. Plaintiff, v. Roy C. Brock, Defenaant To Roy C. Brock. Defendant: In the name of the State of Oregon, you are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint filed against you in the above entitled suit within six weeks from the date of the first pub lication of this summons; and if you fall to answer or appear, for want thereof, the plaintiff will apply to the Court herein for the relief prayed for In said complaint, to-wlt: For a decree forever dissolving the bonds of matrimony now and hereto fore existing between Gladys W. Brock, the plaintiff herein, and your self, Roy C. Brock, the defendant here in; for tho care, custody and control of the minor children, Robert Brock and Dorothy Brock; for the sum of 120.00 per month to be allowed plain tiff for. the support and maintenance of aaid minor children; and for such other and further relief as the Court shall deem equitable. This summons Is published pursu ant to an order, duly made and enter PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY JOSEPH E. HEDGES Lawyer MONEY TO LOAN D. C. Latourettb, President The First National Bank of Oregon City, Oregon CAPITAL, $50,000.00 Transacts a General Banking Business Phones Pacific 52 Home A-16J GEORGE C. BROWNELL Attorney-at-Law All legal business promptly attended U C. D. 4 D. C. LATOURETTE Attorneys-at-Law Commercial, Real Estate and Probate our Specialties. Of fice in First National Bank Bldg., Oregon City, Oregon. Office Phonee Pacific Main 405; Home A-270. STONE II MOULTON Attorneys-at-Law Beaver Bldg., Room 6 OXEGON CITY OREGON O. D. EBY Attorney-at-Law Money loaned, abstracts furnish ed, land titles examined, estates settled, general law business. Over Bank of Oregon City. d. by Ihe Hon. J. V. Campbell, Judge of Ilia above entitled Court, datml ihe 27th day of March, 1917, directing thai aid summons shall b puhllahl la the Oregon city Knterpr.sj erne a week, for at consecutive weeks from Ibe date of Ihe flrat publUalloa. Dale of flrat puh'l. Mlon Man h 34. 1917 HAVIN O. AJ4ME. Altorney fr Plaintiff. 4tb Floor Elec tric bldg, portlcnd. Oregon. (u( of laat publication Unf II. 117 Summon. In th Circuit" Court of th Htate of Oregon, for Cla kama County, A, It. Johnson and T. E. Dodson, Plaintiff, E. It. Ijingley, Haiel Langley, Ruth Unglny, Homer Langlny and Mln pie Ungley, hla wife. Roy Ungley and Joale l-angley. hla wire, Ida Goodwin and Otis Goodwin, n-r hue band. Edna Johnsun and Frd John cm. her huaband, and Maym Lang ley, Defendant. To K. It. Langley, Kami Langloy. Ruth Ungley. Homer Langley and Mlnnlei Unglny, hi wlfn, Roy Ungley ni Josle langley. hi wife. Id Goodwin and Otis Goodwin, her husband, Ed na Johnson and Fred Johnson, her husband, and Mayme Langley, De fendanta: In the name of Ihe State of Oregon, You and each of you are hereby re quired to appear and answer the com-. plaint filed agulont you In the abova entitled suit on or before sig week from th publication of this summon, to-wlt: On or before the 11th day of May, 1917, and If you fall to answer or appear, for want thereof ths plaintiff will take Judgment against you and each of you a prayed for In their complaint, to wit: I. For the aum of $1060.00. together with Interest thereon at the rate of per cent per annum from the 25th day of April, 1915, and the further sum of $100.00 a a reasonable attorney' fee In thl suit, and for plaintiff" coat and disbursement herein Incur red. IL That aald mortgage Indenture exe cuted on the 25tb day of April, 1913, by A. F. Langley and In favor of the plaintiff herein be decreed to be a first Hen upon the foUowlng describ ed property, to-wlt: Beginning at a point In the North line of Section One (1) 20.53 chain West from the Northeast corner of Section 1, Township 2 South, Range 1 East of Willamette Meridian in Clackamas County, Oregon; and run ning thence West 6.87 chain; thence South 14.54 chain; thence East 6.87 chains; thence North 14.54 chain to the place of beginning, containing tea acre, more or less. in. That said mortgage hereinabove de scribed be foreclosed and that said property above described be (old as provided by law in uch caaes; that plaintiffs may become purchaser at said sale and the proceeds derived therefrom applied to the payment of the amount due plaintiffs, including Interest, reasonable attorney's fee and costs, and that the defendants, E. R. Langley, Hazel Langley, Ruth Langley, Homer Langley and Minnie Langley, his wife, Roy Langley and Josle Lang ley. his wife, Ida Goodwin and Otis Goodwin, her husband, Edna Johnson and Fred Johnson, her husband, and Mayme Langley, and any and all per sons claiming by, through 'or under them, subsequent to plaintiffs mort gage be forever foreclosed and for ever barred from all right, title, claim or equity of redemption In and to tha ever barred from all right, title, claim or equity of redemption In and to the property described herein and every part thereof, and that plaintiffs may have such other and further relief In the premises as to the Court may seem meet. Just and equitable. This summons la served upon yon by publication thereof for six succes sive weeks in the Oregon City Enter prise by order of the Honorable J. TJ. Campbell, Judge of the above entitled court, which order la dated the 22nd day of March, 1917. Date of first publication, Marsh 23rd. 1917. Date of last publication May 11th. 1917. LITTLEFIELD & MAGUIRE, , 619 Corbett Bldg., Portland, Oregon. - Attorneys for Plaintiffs. WEINHARD lUILDINa F. T. Mbybr, Cashier Open from 9 A. M. to 3 P. M. William Hammond Philip L. Hammond HAMMOND & HAMMOND Attorneys-at-Law Abstracts, Real Estate, Loans, Insur ance. OREGON CITY. OREGON -Pacific Phone 81, Home Phone A-273 C. SCHUEBEL Attorney-at-Law Deutscher Advokat Will practice in all courts, make col lections and settlements. Office In Enterprise Building, Oregon Cit. Oregon. W. S. EDDY, V. S., M.D.V. Graduate of the Ontario Veteri nary CuQege at Toronto, Canada, and the McrtflUfp Softool of Sur gery of Ohteugg), t satebllBhed at Fnehioa StoMe, between Fourth and Mo en Keen Street. Both TcWiiWkm&6 Office FacMe W; Hon A-OS Res. PacWe MM; Boms B40