Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, May 04, 1917, Page 7, Image 7

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I'laliu SrS III rtiimlll alille If Ihe
tiff I f'lli In . I im iintlnnally
c'ul It ii1"l III li"lii'l, and llirn ilrli'it
tin kiinilirr id. ill rr should I.
Ukrg in. I Id tl i nl, n i.a Hi ihm,
II III Uk rr Ilin tsrultb
To I'lilixn Mai k ili. n. sponge Ihe
skmIs mi llm rlM sldu Hll strong
li. mlii i.f fig li , am) Iron on III"
rmig aliln Ibis prm eta ri stores the
lualru ami irlaimos lu alpa, bombs-
Ilia, air
To sh niImii, li In rli'n, hot
aMit iia; rlnan III i linf, li tit aaliT,
ami sltsau mil Ilia ail K'mmN without
ptsalrig through Hi" rlll'rr. Worsted
ilrrKiMhl almulil niitrr I rung
hen asstied
Kirp (lin fofrlKi'lalur rlrsn ami
( Ivrantially Ihalx-i ( II at least
tiic sus-h. Has Dial Ilia iiutli't fur
alar Is formal by (ha mulling Ira I'
ai'l'l npin anil that Ilia space uiuti'r
Ilia Ira rark la clean. Ttia place hero
food la ki't ahoiilil lia araldi'd every
M.k; a single drop of spilled milk or
a k f ii at 1 1 parllrlo of other neglected
roHTMN'l). Or, Mar 2 -Tuaaday
laltlo Uiarkrl al Ilia I'nlnu Htm k
yardi, waj vary a tla at aharpty blub
rr prlrra. Adtalii-vi ranitad from 25
to 7i rrnll. Ural barf (radal mada
(ha larfKit (aim IIht bring an ad
anre of fully CO rrnta un all prima
hri f alwra. While Tiirnlay'a rtin waa
only miMlnrata Iha quality uf thn rattle
wrr cirrllant. Tha feat lira of tba
market a tha aatn of lo loaila of
yi'arllng atmra and hnlfnri. tba itaer
brlnKlnx IM2& whlln thn hrlfura
lirounht 1106. Four loada of (rain
fd atwra tirousht III 00 llh a airing
from $10 50 up.
Tha reoplpta of hogi while no! (Inn
very larga Tueaday nn't with only a
mall demand whkh rvaulted In
CiHid ateady markel. One load of
hi'avy hiK brnuKht $l.'iK5 with a roil
pie loaila at I6.&. . The bulk of the
inli'i werv mudn from 1151.0 to $15fi'i
Tina will J from fit to M.Ho.
Hheep rrri'lpta rontlnue IIkIiI with
llltlo di inand and prlrei ara practl
tully unthangi'd. A atuall luinch of
valley Inniha aold at $13.60 with '
at 111 00.
Thn market prlrea below ara given
by tba Rrady MareaaUl Company aid
Krr Ilrolhara Maat market.
I'dtatix a, per 100 Iba fum y $.1.00u$l DO
'fitter (rountry pr roll) . . . . G.'.cuTiic
Kkk. 'r dun 2'Jc
Carrota, 3 bunrbea 10c
rotntH, per 100 llm. fancy $4.25
Common Potatoes, 100 Ibi $.'l.:.'i
Ki-'rh, 2 dozen (fie
Culibiign, per lb 7 Hp
llulter, per roll (country) ,.75r0.sric
Creumory butter, per roll (i.'ic
CnrrotH, per lb 2c
1'tturo, two boada 15c
l.attuac, tbro bunebva 10c
Celery, bunch fie
RiiCiir, dry Kranulated, 100 lb....$!2j
Sug (puro rune) 100 lbs $9.60
Suit, CO Iba. high crude. 60c
Hay, per ton $16 to $'.M
I. ho hogs H'ic
l.umb, yenrlliiRs, per lb 10c
Pprln rhlcknnii, ht lb 30c
Kweii, pur lb 8cODc
tner gcu'Jc
Veal, lb., drt'Hued 13ctii:iWo
llena ISc
Old KooHtora, por lb 10c
fork, drosHcd, lb ISc
Feed. I
Ontu, por 100 lbs $2.76
Wheat, por 100 llm $4.00
HhortH, 801b. mick $1.90
Hour, por wick $3.00
Salt, 60 Ibn. liljjh grmlo 76c
liny, por ton $16 to $25
Chick food, per 100 llm. $4.60
Scratch food, per 100 Iba. .!.... $3.75
llono, por 100 IIib $1.00
Ilran, 60 lb. sack $1.16
Hoot pulp, per 100 Iba ..$1.86
I II K 4 hoR fuiHl $2.20
Twin Four Food $2.05
HorliHlilrc hoR food, per 100 lbs. $2.75
Kncklo rood, por 100 lbs $2X0
HolHtoln dairy food, por 100 Iba. $1.76
Oil meal $2.75
I Hood meal poultry, lb 10c
Alliorj mnnh food $3.50
Ion-heron liorao food, 100 Iba ..$2.60
Middlings. 90 Ilia $2.15
Wholo Imrloy, 100 Iba 12.50
Whole com $3.75
Cracked corn ' $3.60
(round corn .". $.1.75
II. and O. Mlildlmcn $1.25
Coro.inut oil iiiimiI, 125 lbi $2.40
'Kiiiitorn oyster Bholl $1.16
(!rlt, per 100 IIib 0c
Nursery Stock at Bargan Prices
Apples 10c each, $8.00 por 100; Tears, Cherries, Apricots, Almonds.
irn each; 1000 Ilartlott Pears heavy 1 yr. 3 to I ft. and 2 yr. old, $10
per 100, $S0 per 100D; 2 to 3 $5 per 100; Teaches, cholco 2 years old
15c each, $8 por 100; Plums Including Ilurbnnk's Bieclala 16c each,
$1.20 per 10; Prunes Italian, Ilunrnrlan, Tctltc, etc., 15c each, $1
to $12 per 100; 2000 Italian prune 3 to 4 foet $4 per 100, $5 per 1000;
1000 2 to 3 ft. $2.50 per 100. Solent grado Currants and Gooscber
rlos 10c each, $5 per 100.
Rush Your Order Before Our Surplus Is Exhausted.
- - - - ' - ' - ' - ' ' - . ' ' ' ' . . . . X
ravawaWmwmwaV WmWmmmmWmWmWmWaVmWmWm w
fool VIII
In a few
Him Lraai la going up In prlia, mi
manf inula people ara lisklrig limit
oan bread Here la a splendid war
I'l keep II fresh. After buying, i II
iim.I, (hull .ti( In .nwf hugs, telst II .
Ilia li.p uf Ilia bags an I put In a
breed Jur ll dun ay llh n
rnoldy pli'ioa ill llm runalJiil aailii(
uf Iha )ar aii'l seeps frrali a Inn
To ri'Hoa asthma l.r uMhg a li'utt
In X papr III alruliioallpi'lra al"r
Dry, and burn al nlglit In our bM
rmun T Ilia bus In n kliuwn to l I4I1
Mi i'lli'iil pri'ai riptiun
Dry Ink stallis majr I.a reunite)
fiuin white 1I11II1 l,y oiallr S'ld, 'r
li'inoil Julio and anil.
In rVanliiK rsrprts sprinkle Ilia
4I1111 w'.lh lea, liam; sweep nil,
Hun use auup and aiifi. warm wster
fur Ilia ttrram and illrt sots. TliU
freshens up old rarpfta niarvelously
(tuli Him wet txila dry llb a ( Iran
lluef arraps H1U
nah meal, per 100 Ilia 5
Albora maah fiad IJ.76
Calf mmI. J5 Ida. $1.15
IMgeatar Ttnkig $40
IX)X).V. May 1. (irrman author!
Ilea have vrdered Immediate cancella
tion of the llerlln order placing Ameri
can realdenta there In a atatua ul
enemy siibecta, aaya an KirhaiiKe
Telegraph dlipatch from llagua today.
Thn order, adda (he meaauge, la re
garded as a blunder, the (Jermun for
eign office arguing that (lermany doea
not ronalder beraetf at war with (he
I'nlted Htutea
IIAIIV CHICKS -Wyrkoff 8. C. White
I.i'Khunia, 225 egg hena and over,
mated to 2C6 etc., male blrda. Ilo
galilted. May 16 delivery $10 00
per 100; $560 per GO. Kggs-$1.00
per 15; $1.75 for 30. Fertility guar
anteed. Ijt opportunity tbia aea
aon. Phono 625 V. at once. Ileth
aham Poultry Farm, Oregon City.
Ore., K. 5.
Hill SAI.K-lloraea. addrnaa W. F.
Mundhenke, Cluckainua, Ore. I'liono
hXR BAI.K OU UK NT Vacant black
smith shop, (iood locution. Apply
J. ('. Mnniunm or I. I). I-arklim,
Miiniuatii, Ori'Kuu.
lurge, cheap work horHea, alao wim
out. heavy and liKht, bugKlea uml
hurneaa, plum, cultlvutora und b.ir
ro; alao numerous other nm.ill
tools. Wulter'a Stables, Oregon
qfrice Home, A 23 Pacific. J53
npBldonce 3CF11
Physicians and Surgeona
Hooma 217-218 Masonic llu'ldlng
Oregon City Oregon
Worms Sap Your Child's Strength,
Money to Loan
Doutach-Bprochondor Advoknt
In tho Circuit Court of the Stnto of
Oregon, for tho County of Clacka
mns. Canby State Dank, a corporation, plain
tiff, vs.
Lucy iM. GoHborn, ub udinlnlBtratrix
of tho estate of Klmnr E. Qoshorn,
decoasod; Elmer Elsworth Goshorn,
Jr., a slnglo man; Elizaboth Hazel
UoKnn, nnd Waltor T. Hogan hor
huxband; Gilbert Stophon Goshorn
nnd Mario Klliol Gonhorn hla wlfo;
I.ucy M. Goshorn, a widow; nnd
Dorothea Klmbor OoHhorn a minor;
nnd F. S. Sovor, na gunrdlan ad lit
em of Dorothea Klmbor Ooshorn, a
minor, dofondnnts.
Stnto of Oronon, County of Clacka
mas as.
By vlrtuo of a JudRiuont ordor,
docrno nnd nn oxocutlon, duly isatted
out of nnd undor tho sonl of tho above
entitled court, In the above entitled
cniiRO, to me duly dircctod nnd dated
tho 4th day of April, 1917, upon a
Judgment rendered and ontorod In said
Lafayette, Or.
ruurt io lbs Itk day ut April, 117, la
famr of Caiiljr Hist Haok, cut
purstlun, plaintiff, and against li7
M. (iuahurn as admliiUlrstrli of the
ailate of Klmer K. (Jushorp, deceaaad,
and l.ui r M. Cixburo a widow, d(rnl
ants, fur Iba sum of tlioooo, with In
lareit ibaraun at lb rat of all pr
lent pr annum from the 1st day of
Manh, I'ili. and lbs further sum of
$7100, as attorney's fas, and lbs fur
lhar sum cif 13 70 rusts and dlsbursa-
.maiits, and lbs roils of and upon this
writ, commanding ma to mske asle uf
the following described real property,
situate In (he County of Clsckamas,
rltala uf Oregon, to wit;
lljrglnnlng at the quarter section
rurner oil lbs wast Hue of section
saten (7) In Township Four (4).
Houib lungs Two 12) Kaat of the Wil
lamette Meridian, and running thence
Fast along the quarter seetlun line,
Fourteen and twelve one hundredths
III 12) chains; thence Huuth twenty
elKhl and aevantylwu one hunuredths
lit i halns u a stone; thence south
II degrees 30 minutes, weal three and
ten one hundredths (3 10) chains;
thence west five and eliteen one hun
dredths 16 16) chsliis; thence north
(I degrees wast sli and eighty-one
one hundredths (111) chains to tba
west Una of ssld section seven (7);
thence north twenty sli and four one-
hundredths (26 01) chains to the place
of beginning containing forty (40)
acres of land, more or less.
Also the following described tract
of land, lo-wlt:
lleglnnlng at a point which Is 14 IZ
chains east and 21.72 chains south
from the quarter section corner on the
west line of section seven (7) Id
Township Four (4) South, Ilange Two
(2) Esst of Wlllsmette Meridian, run
ning thence north II degrees 30 min
utes East 139 feet; thence In north
erly direction 160 feet; thence In a
northwesterly direction 117 feet to a
point directly north of tha plsre of
beginning; thence South 215 feet to
the place of beginning containing
about one half acre of land more or
less, reserving from this conveyance
a strip of land thirty (30) feet In width
along the eaaterly aide of the last
described tract of land for a private
Now, therefore, by virtue of aald el
ocution, judgment order and decree,
and In compliance with the commands
of aald writ. I will, on Saturday, the
2d day of June, 1917: at the hour of
10 o'clock a. ni., at the front door of
the County Court House In the City
of Oregon City, In said County and
State, sell at public auction, subject
to redemption, to the highest bidder,
for II. S. gold coin cssh In band, all
the right, title and Interest which the
within named defendants or either of
thorn, bad on the date of the mortgage
herein or alnce bad In or to the above
described real property or any part
thereof, to satisfy said execution. Judg
ment, order, decree, Interest, costs and
all accruing; costs.
Dated. Oregon City. Ore., May I. 1917.
Sheriff of Clackamas County, Oregon.
Ily K. C. HACKETT. Deputy.
First publication May 4th, 1917.
I-UHt publication June 1st, 1917.
Notice la hereby given that tho un
ilrnlK'icd !i:ih been appointed adminis
tratrix of tho estnte of Andrew An
demon, deceased. All pernuns having
claims ucaltiKt said eHtate aro hereby
notified to present the same with
proper vouchers, duly certified accord
ing to law, at tho offlco of Hrownell
& Slevera, nt Oregon City, Clackamus
County, Oregon, within nix months of
tho date of tho publication of this no
tice. Dated. Friday, April 27. 1917.
Hrownell & Slevera, Attorneys for ad
ministratrix. SUMMONS
Losslo E.
KanncoB, Plalutiff,
Louia A. Knnncos, Defendant,
To I-otils A. Kanacos, above nam
ed Defendant:
In the name of tho State of Ore
gon, you are hereby required to ap
pear In the above entitled Court, and
answer the Complant filed against
you In tho above entitled Court, on
or before six (6) weeks from the
27th day of April, 1!H7, auld 27th
dny of April, 1917, being the date of
the first publication of this Summons,
i nd If you full to so appear and answer
tho Complaint, tho Plnlntiff will apply
to tho above entitled .Court tor the
relief prayed for in the complaint here
in, to-wlt:
For a decree of the above entitled
Court that the marriage contract now
existing between the Plaintiff and
Defendant, be ever dissolved, and hold
for naught;
That Plaintiff be given the care,
custody and control of the minor
child of the parties of this suit;-
For Ten Dollars ($10.00) per month
alimony for tho care, custody nnd
control ot their child;
For the resuming of her name prior
to aald marriage, to-wlt: Losste E.
Hamniorsley, nnd for such other and
further relief rb to the Court may
seem meet and equitable, Including
her costa and disbursements herein.
This Summons is served upon you
by publication thereof once a week
tor alx (6) successive and consecu
tive weeks In the "Oregon City En
terprise", a newspaper ot general cir
culation In Clackamas County, Ore
gon, and printed and published In
Clackamas County, Oregon, pursuant
to an ordor of the Hon. J. U. Camp-
bell, Judge ot the above entitled Court,
made and catered herein oa tba tltk
day ot April, HIT.
Alt'. fin f'-r Plaintiff, 4.'- lUllwsy
En bangs lluildlug. Portland, Orun
Di Is of first pui.lliatii.il, April 27.
Dale of last pul.lli sttun. May I, 117
In Ike Circuit Court of ll, Hlate uf
Oregon, fur Ibe County of Clai.ii
Ollle '.if Holl.iO, pMntirr.
Albert M. HulUifl, Ixf.fid.M.
To Albeit M llolluii, liifi-udaiit.
In the name of Ilia Htate of Ofr.n
Vou are hereby requlrrd to appear and
answer the complaint fili-d agslnit yoq
In the alove snlltM court and suit on
or Wor the th djy of June, J7,
that helng the day Dind by order ul
court fur you to amu-ar and answer,
slid inure tbun six (Cl wn-ks from the
late of the first p il.tlr atliitl of this
summons; and If you fall to so tppeir
and answer, the plaintiff will apply to
the Court for the relief di maiidad Id
her said complaint, luwlt: Fur a
dm re severing and dissolving thn
bonds of matrimony now eiiMlng be
twrrn the plaintiff and you, and that
she be granted an sbtulute divorce
from you; that the p'slntlff be award
ed the iermanent rare and custody of
her said child. Eva llolton; that the
plaintiff be awarded the sum of $'.0 00
a month alimony from you; that she
be declared to be the owner of the
household goods and furniture alleged
In the complaint, and that you have
no Interest therein; tint she recover
her costs and disbursements of this
suit, and that she be granted such
other and further relief as to the Court
may seem Just and equitable.
This aummona Is published In tb
Oregon City Enterprise once each
week for alg (6) successive weeks, by
order of the Hon. J. r. Campbell,
Judge of thn above entitled court,
nude on April 21. 1917.
First publication April 27. 1917.
l-ast publication June I, 1917.
Attorney for Plaintiff.
In the County Court ot the State of
Oregon, for the County of Clacka
mas. George Ulchsel and Ileatiice Blebs!,
his wife, Joseph nichsel, unmarried,
Lena Darby and John W. Darby, her
husband. Mary Gude and Clemens
Gude, her husband, Caroline B.
Knoblauch and Joseph S. Knoblauch
her husband, Frank J. Meier and
Itosy E. Meier, his wife. Bertha Hav
erstlck, and Chester S. Haverstlck.
her husband, Anton Rothwellcr, un
married and Geo. A. Rothwellcr. un
married, Hose II. Smith and Chris
tian C. Smith, her husband, John
Ilichsel and Kate Dichsel. his wife.
George Ulchsel and Theresa Ulch
sel, bis wife, KliTiibcth Haines and
John T. Haines, - her husband.
Helen Ilichsel Miller and
Miller, her husband, Margret Mc
Fadden and McFadden.
her husband, Joseph lllcbsol.
Uzile Ulchsel and Mary Ulchsel.
children of Joseph Hichsc', and
nil unknown heirs of Katie Wines,
deceased, Defendants, To Helen
Ulchsel Miller,
Miller, her husband, Margaret
McFadden and McFadden,
her husband, Joseph Bichsel, Tom-J
my Bichsel, Lizzie Bichsel and I
Mary Bichsel, children of Joseph I
Bichsel, and all unknown heirs ot
Katie Wines, deceased.
quired to appear and answer the
complaint In the above entitled suit
filed against you on or before six
weeks after the first publication
of thla summons, to-wlt: The 9th,
day of Juno 1917, and If you fail
to so appear and answer, for want
thereof, tho plaintiffs will apply to
this court for the relief demanded
In said complaint as follows:
For a decree for a partition ot the
following described real property
situated in the County of Clacka
mas, State of Oreson, to-wit: Lot
17, Block 10 West Gladstone,
Clnckamas County, Oregon, accord
ing to the maps and plats on file
in tho office of the recorder ot
conveyances for sold county and
This summons Is published pur
suant to an ordor mailo by the
Honorable J. V. Campbell, Judee
of the Circuit Court ot the State of
Oregon, for the County of Clacka
mns on the 21st dny of April, 1917.
The date of tho first publication
of this summons being tho 27th day
of April, 1!H7, and tho date of tlio
last publication bolng the 8th day
of June, 1917.
C. Schuobel,
Attorney for rialutiff.
In the Circuit Court of the State of i
for tho County of Clacka-
inn a. i
Frank E. Andrews, Tlnlntiff
J. E. Gage nnd Phoebe J. Gage, De
fendants. By virtue ot n Judgment order, de
cree and an execution, duly Issued out
of and under the seal of the above en
titled court, in the above entitled
cause, to me duly directed and dated
the 13th day of April, 1917, upon a
Judgment rendered and entered in said
court on the 13th day of April, 1917,
In favor of Frank E. Andrews, plain
tiff, and npalnst J. E. Gago nnd Phoebe
J. Gage, defendants, for the sum of
$1116.90, with interest thereon at the
rate of six per cent per annum from
the 2Sth day of July, 1914, and the
further sum of 3100.00 as attorney's
fee, and the further sum ot $21.00 costs
and disbursements, and Iha Costs of
sad apoa (his writ, exnmsndlng ma
to mske sal of Ihe following des
cribed real property, situate la the
county ot Cle katnas, slat of Oregon,
to wit:
lleglnnlng at a point oa tha north
boundary Una of Iba D. U C. ot J, O.
Hw afford and wife In Tp. 1, B. ot ft. t
Kast of the W. M , which point Is H.
II minutes K. tl 19 chs. from Iha N.
W. corner of ssld I). U C. and running
thence R. Ml chs ; thence H. II min
utes W. Hit chs, thence N. Ill chs.
to the North boundary line of sMd
claim; limine North M minutes K
11 45 rhs. to tha place of beginning
containing twelve acres.
Also atrsct of land being a part of
the D. L. C. of J. 0. Bw afford lying
In Sec. I, Tp. I 8. of It i Z of W. M ;
beginning at a point at the 8. E. cor
ner of a tract of Und deeded by 0. J.
Fu'ildH.g lo I,, p. Williams, suld cor
ner being E. JO 10 chains and N. 21.60
cba. from the ccrner of aectlons 4, I,
I and I of aald Tp.; thence 8. 162
chs. to the center of county road;
thence 8. 43 degrees 20 minutes W.
129 chs. along said county road
thence .V. 1.42 chs; thence N. II de
grees E. t 61 chs, to the place of be
ginning containing three acres, as
cept from the above deecrbled prop
erty the rkht of way for the Clacka
mas Southern Ay. Company.
Now, Therefore, by virtue of said
eiecutlon. Judgment order and decree,
and In compliance with the commands
of said writ, I will, on Saturday, the
llth day pf May, 1117; at the hour of
10 o'clock a. m.. at the front door ot
the County Court House In the City of
Oregon City, In aald County and State,
sell at public auction, subject to re
demption, to the highest bidder for
U. 8. gold coin cash la band, all the
light, title and Interest which the
within named defendants or either of
them, bad on the date of the mort
gage herein or slnco had In or to the
above described real property or any
aart thereof, to aatlsfy said execution.
Judgment order, decree. Interest, costs
and all accruing cost
Sheriff of Clackamas County, Oregon.
By E. E. HACKETT. Deputy.
Dated, Oregon City, Oregon. April
20th. 1117.
First publication April 20, 1117.
Last publication May IS, 1917.
Notice of Final 8ettlsmsnt of the Es
tate of John Shannon, Decsssed.
Notice Is hereby given that the un
dersigned executor of the estate of
John Shannon, deceased, baa tiled !n
the County Court of Clackamas Coun
ty, State ot Oregon, his final account
as such executor of said estate and
that Monday, the 21st day of May,
1917, at the hour ot 10 o'clock a. m..
has been fixed by said Court as the
time tor hearing of objectlona to said
report and the settlement thereof.
Executor of the Estate of John Shan
non. Deceased.
C. SCIU'EHEU Attorney for Executor.
In the Circuit Court ot the State ot
Oregon, for Clackamas County.
Ethel Vinton, Plaintiff,
W. T. Vinton. Defendant
To W. T. Vinton, above named de
fendant :
In the name of the State of Oregon,
you are hereby required to appear and
answer the complaint filed against you
'n the above entiled suit, on or before
the twenty-fifth day of May, 1917, said
date being the expiration ot six weeks
from tho first publication of this sJin
'.nons and It Vu full to nppcar or t js-
wcr said complaint, for want thereof
the plaintiff will apply to the court
for tbe relief prayed for in her com
plaint, to-wit.
For a decree dissolving the marriage
contract now existing between plain
tiff nnd defendant and permitting
plaintiff to re.inme her former name
of Eathel Thomas. This summons pub
llshed by order of Hon. J. U. Camp
bell, Judge of the circuit court, which
order was made on tho ninth day ot
April 13, 1917, nnd continuing each
for publication thereof Is six weelts,
beginning with the Issue dated Friday,
April 13, 1917, and confining each
week thereafter to and Including Fri
day, May 25, 1917.
Brownell & Slevers,
Attorneys for plaintiff.
Notice la hereby given that the un
dersigned, Edwin Clyde Apperson nnd
Roswell L, Conner, have been appoint
ed Executors of the Last Will and
Testament of John T. Apperson, do
ceased, by order of the County Court
of the State of Oregon, for the County
I of Clackamas, and they have duly
j qualified as such Executors.
I Now therefore, all persons having
I claims against said estate are hereby
j notified and required to present the
I same, duly verified, to tho under-
s,Rnl Executor. c.t the Rank of Ore-
on i lly, in ureson vuy, i. lucKiumia
County, Orecon, within six months
from tho date hereof.
Dated this 9th day of April. 1917.
Executors of the Last Will and Testa
ment of John T. Apperson, Deceas
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon, for tho County of C'acl;a
mns. The Glenmorrle Company, a corpora
tion, plaintiff,
E. D. Elliott and S. F. Sinclair, De
fendants. To E. D. Elliott and S. F. Sinclair:
In the name of the state of Oregon:
Tou and each of you are hereby re
quired to appear and answer the com-
plaint filed against yoq by plaintiff
la the above entitled suit, on ot before
Ihe 1Kb day of May, 1I7. aald dale
being pre rlbed by Ihe order of Iha
above entitled Court and being more
than all waeka after the 1Kb day of
April, 1917, which la Ibe dale pre
scribed by said rourt for the first pub
lication of Ibis summons, and If you
full to so sppear and answer on or
before said 2Mb dsy of Msy. 1917. fur
wsnt thereof, p'alntiff apply lo
said court for the relief demsnded In
Ihe eomplalnt filed herein.
In aald rompla'nt plaintiff asks for
a decree of this court absolutely bar
ring and fore-losing all the right,
title, claim and Interest of Ihe defend
ants T. D. Elliott and 8. T. Rlaclsfr.
and each of them, and their heirs,
legal representatives, successors snd
ssslgns, In rtr li I-ot or mock Num
bered One 0) of Glenmorrle, contain
ing three and one quarter (I1;) sere
more or leas, according to the duly
recorded plat thereof of record In Ihe
office of the Recorder of Conveyances
for Clackamas Connty, Oregon, and
every part thereof, unless the sad
defendants, or either of them, ah-.ll
en or before a day certain to be Died
by this court, pay to the plaintiff In
the lawful money of the United States,
the following sums, to-wlt: The sum
of Three Thousand One Hundred
Twenty-five and 01-100 ($3125.01) dol
lars, with Interest upon the sum of
Sixteen Hundred Twenty Ore and
01-100 (91625.61) dollars thereof, at
the rate of six ) per cent per an
num from the 19tb day of October,
1112, and Inte-est on Fifteen Hun
dred (11500 00) dollars thereof, at the
rate of seven (7) per cent per an
num from the 19th day of October,
1911; and further for decree of this
Honorable Court that upon failure of
the above named defendants, or either
of them, to pay to the plaintiff the
above named sums, within the time
limited by this court declaring the
said defendants, E. D. Elliott and 8. F.
Sinclair, and etch of them, and their
heirs, legal representatives, succes
sors and assigns, to be absolutely bar
red and foreclosed ot all their light,
title or Interest In or to the above de
scribed property, and every part there
of; and further that the said defend
ants, and each of them be decreed to
have forfeited to this plaintiff herein,
all moneys heretofore paid to the said
plaintiff upon said contract; and fur
ther for Its cocts and disbursements
herein, and for such other and further
relict as Is Just end equitable In the
This summons Is served upon you
by publication thereof once each week
for six consecutive weeks In the Ore
gon City Enterprise, by order of the
above entitled court ot date April 11,
Data of first publication April ll, 1917
Date ot last publication May 25. 1917
Attorneys tor Plaintiff.
In the Circuit Court ot the tSate of
Oregon, for Clackamas County.
Gladys W. Brock. Plaintiff,
Roy C. Brock, Defendant
To Roy C. Brock, Defendant:
In the name of the State ot Oregon
you are hereby required to appear and
answer the complaint filed against you
In the above entitled suit within six
weeks from the date of the first pub
lication of this summons; and if you
fall to answer or appear, for want
thereof, the plaintiff will opp'y to the
Court herein for the relief prayed for
In sr.Id complaint, to-wlt:
For a decree forever dissolving the
bonds of matrimony now and hereto
fore existing- between Gladys W.
Brock, the plaintiff herein, and your
self, Roy C. Brock, the defendant here
in; for tho care, custody and control
of the minor children, Robert Brock
and Dorothy Brock; tor the sum of
$20.00 per month to be allowed plain
tiff for the support and maintenance
of sold minor children; and for such
other and further relief as the Court
shall deem equitable.
This summons is published pursu
ant to an order, duly made and enter
D. C Latourette, President F. J. Meyer, Cashier
The Fitst National Bank
of Oregon City, Oregon
CAPITAL, $50,000.00
Transacts a General Banking Business
Phones Pacific 52
Home A lii
All legal business promptly attended ti
Commercial, Real Estate and
Probate our Specialties. Of
fice In First National Bank
Bldg., Oregon City, Oregon.
Office Phones Pacific Main 405;
Home A-270.
Beaver Bldg., Room 6
Money loaned, abstracts furnish
ed, land titles examlucJ, eslatss
settled, general law business.
Over Bank of Oregon City.
ed, by the Hon. J. I'. CampUIL Judge
of the above entitled Court, dated Ihe
27th day of Man h. 1917, directing that
said summons shall be puMlshrd la
the Oregon City taterpriat once a
week li' sll consecutive weeks from
the date of Ibe flral publication.
Data of first puli'lcatlon Man h 30, 1917
Attorney for Plaintiff. 4th Floor Eleo-
Irle bldg , Portland. Oregon.
Date of laat publication May II. 1917
In Ihe Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon, for Clackamas County.
A. li. Johnson and T. K. Ddan,
vs. Ilalntlffa,
E. R. LsngUy. Ilsiet Langley, Ruth
I-angley. Homer Langley and Min
nie Ungley, bis wife, Roy Langley
and Joele Langley, bis wife, Ida
Goodwin and Otis Goodwin. hr hue-
band. Edna Johnson and Fred John
son, her bushsnd, and Mame Lang
ley, Defendants.
To K. !(. Langley, Ham! Langley, Ruth
Langley, Homer Langley and Mlnnlw
Ungley, bis wife, Roy Lsagley aal
Josle Langley. his wife, Ida Uoodwln
and Otis Goodwin, her husband, Ed
na Johnson and Fred Johnson, her
husband, and Mayme Langloy, De
fendants: la the name of the State of Oregon,
You and each of you are hereby re
qulred to appear and answer the com
plaint filed against you la the above
entitled suit on or before slg weeks
from the publication ot this summons,
to-wlt: On or before the 11th day of
May, 1117. and If you fall to answer or
appear, for want thereof the plaintiff
will take Judgment against yon and
each of you aa prayed for in their
complaint to wit:
For the sum of $1060.00, together
with Interest thereon at the rate ot (
per cent per annum from the 25th day
ot April, 1915, and the further sum of
$100.00 aa a reasonable attorney's
fee in thla suit and for plaintiffs
costs and disbursements herein Incur
red. ' n.
That aald mortgage Indenture exe
cuted oa the 25th day of April, 1913,
by A. F. Langley and In favor of the
plaintiffs herein be decreed to be a
first lien upon the following describ
ed property, to-wlt:
Beginning at a point In the North
tine ot Section One (1) 20.63 chains
West .from the Northeast corner of
Section 1, Townahlp 2 South. Range
2 Eaat of Willamette Meridian In
C'ackamas County, Oregon; and run
ning thence West 6.87 chains; thence
South 14.64 Chains; thence East 6.17
chains; thence North 14.54 chains to
the place ot beginning, containing ten
acres, more or less.
That said mortgage hereinabove de
scribed be foreclosed and that said
property above described be sold as
provided by law In auch cases; that
plaintiffs may become purchasers at
said sale and the proceeds derived
therefrom applied to the payment of
the amount due plaintiffs. Including
Interest reasonable attorney's fees and
costs, and that the defendants, E. R,
Langley, Hazel Langley, Ruth Langley,
Homer Langley and Minnie Langley,
hla wife, Roy Langley and Josle Lang
ley. his wife, Ida Goodwin and Otis
Goodwin, her husband, Edna Johnson
and Fred Johnson, her husband, and
Mayme Lang'ey, and any and all per
sons claiming by, through or nnder
them, subsequent to plaintiffs mort
gage be forever foreclosed and for
ever barred from all right title, claim
or equity of redemption In and to the
ever barred from all right title, claim
or equity of redemption In and to the
property described herein and every
part thereof, and that plaintiffs may
have such other and further relief In
the premises as to the Court may seem
meet Just and equitable.
This summons Is served upon you
by publication thereof for six succes
sive weeks tn the Oregon City Enter
priso by order ot the Honorable J. U.
Campbell, Judg9 of the above entitled ,
court, which order Is dated the 22nd
day of March, 1917.
Date of first publication, Marsh
23rd, 1917.
Date of last publication May 11th,
619 Corbett Bldg.,
Portland. Oregon.
Attorneys for Plaintiffs.
Open from 9 A. M. to 3 P. M.
William Hammond
l Hammond
Abstracts, Real Estate, Loans, Insur
Pacific Phone 81, Home Phone A 273
Deutscher Advokat
Will practice In all courts, wake col
lections and settleiiieuiB.
Office In Enterprise Huilillng,
Oregon ClUf. Jetton
W. S. EDDY, V.S., M.D.V.
Graduate of the Ontario Veierl
nary College at Toronto. Canada,
and the McKillip School of Sur
gery of Chicago, Is nta!llnhed
at Fashion Stable. Itpen
Fourth and Fifth on Main Street
Both Telephones
Off Ice Phciflc 65: Home A-95
Res. Pacific 184; Home M0