OREGON CITY ENTERPRISE, FRIDAY. MAY A. 1917. Irm 3 CANBY DEPARTMENT OIMONITRATION TRAIN OUI HtRI IATVRDAYJ, O. A. C. fsltnsleaj Dtpsrtmint Pre mU f ead Canning (or Future Ih, CANIir, Or, Msy I -Prof. Mart, ul lb Or" Aa r1 utlual cjla, waa la Canty Tuesday arranging for lh mealing and retwptlon of lb deuv erutrstloa train that lil arrive al Canty Halarday afternoon, May I, al I o'clock. Tba (). A. V. ailanalun da artniut la using Ihla mean to bring to iba minds of (ba people Iba Bead of "food conservation" and "food prepar iIdhi" II aaka Iba ladle spe cially lo ba praaanl to baar Iba leo lura oa rannlng ai4 to organise can ning club. Thl lecture will be given by Mlaa Tarney, Tba puplla or Iba high achool ara asked to make a aur vey of Iba vacant lota la Canby that lhay mar ba utilised la tbla campaign. Tbla work la being dona In all tba atataa or tba Union and tha varioo cttle or Oregon ara aacb doing tbalr abara. Canby la admirably flttad lo do tbla work aa Iba aoll la wall adaptad to tba growing or gardan crvpa. Tba government dlr canning cluba organltad ao tbal all tba ordi nary caanad product aurb aa corn, baana. potaloaa, etc may ba bom a producta and Iba larga cannary atocka mar ba aant abroad to aaalat our alllaa bayond tba aaaa. very patriotic cllliea la raquaatad 10 attand and bacoma a part or tbla organisation. Let aacb do bla boat. 11 will raduca tba blgh coat or living CANBY LOCALS CANIIY. Ore. May S. I17.-Mra Kugrn Mitt, of Needy, ass a guest of Mr. and Mra. Jaruat Mltta Wedn day. Mra. Mlnnla llradford waa a guent or brr alatrr. Mra. Hpauldlng. of Tort land, tbla werk. 0. W. White and Artber (iraharu ara tba cbamplon ralflh catchers of Can by. Mlaa llallle Hmlth of Mscksburg. waa a Rural of Mr. and Mra. Edgar Hmlth Ihla work. Mra. Kdward Hredtl a guril of hr aliltr, Mra. I). 0. Clark, of Mo lalla tbla week. Mra. Mary Jane I'arknr, a native of Vermont. ho baa lrcn living with hi-r sinter, Mra. Mandevllle of Ulvcr side, died Tuesday. April :i. agod 76 yrara. Tlio lnlcrmnl waa al Zion evmntcry Thursday al t p. m. Hot brother, Dr. Oreene, of Colorado, waa with her at time of dnath. Tim Indira of tho M. K. church gava a "silver tea" Wednesday at the homo of Mra. W. II. Ilulr. Among thoaa pri'amil ware: Mra. a. W. White. Mra. M. I', bailor, Itev. and Mra. V. lloyd Moore. Mlaa I'urscll, Mra. Ik-rtha llurat, Mra. W. I). Mi -Farland. Mra. K. K. Ilradtl. Mra. M. J. U-e. Mra. II. N. llron, Mra. Kdward llowman, Mra. Coorgo Fletcher, Mlssr Florence and Hun Bnoll, Mra. Duker. Mra. Joa. Dick. Mra. Rebuild. Mra. Harvey K. Toblo, Mra. John Graham, Mra. C. V. Trouty. Mra. Clma. N. Walt. Mra. Hor ace Patch, Mlaa (.orrulne l-co, Mlaa Franco Holilnaon, Mra. Anna Knight, and Mra. W. II. Ilulr. Mra. Chester A. Will made a busi ness trip to 1'orllund tlila week. Mra. Smith and duughtcr Mlaa Agnes .Smith, wont to Oregon City Thursday. Mr. and Mra. W. II. Ilulr. accom panied by Mr. and Mra. Adum K. Knight and aon. llrudford, attended tho txth anniversary of Odd Follow hlp In V. 8. In Portland Thursday evening. Mlaa 1-orrulnp Ixe fiirnlNhud a voeal aolo for tho occasion. MIhh Adeline It. Wyoth and MIbs I-ft-Vlnu Sheridan, bihhiI Saturday and Sunday In I'ortlund. Tho "froo air" tunk of Mlller-l'arker gurago exploded Thtiraday evening, completely wrecking tho in nil shod In which It was enclosed, It Hounded us If n i-harKO of dynnmlto or a bomb had exploded In tho heart of tho city. Mra. Herbert II, Ilorkmun was a guest of hor mother. Mrs. C. O. T. Williams, of Oregon City, tliln week. W. II. Hair, C. K. Lucko and Walter 1-olmnnnti woro Oregon City visitors Friday evening" MIbs Mna II. Ilubbs spent tho week end with relatives In fillvorton. Mr and Mra. Chits Nelio, of Macka- hnrg, wero Canby vlaltora Friday. lluzr, IluddloKoii, of W'oodlmrn, was In Canby Friday on hualnoHg connected with hiH racing stables, Mrs. Ivan Dlinlck, of Aurora, waa n guoHt of Mra. II. II. Kcclea Thursday. Hoy S. Yodor, of Mbcrut, was a Can by vlHltor this week. II. A. Wolfor, of Wolfer rralrlo, wag In Canby on buHlnesa liurmliiy. Mra, M. J. Jjeo and MIhb I-orrnlno I.-o woro Portland visitors Thursduy nnd Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Grant Whlto visited relatives In Obworo Thursday. Colninn Mark, of Mark's Prulrlo.wus In Canity on business Thursday. Honry Kummer, of MackHburg, was n Canny visitor Thursday. It. W. Kilter, of Noody, wub a Can ly visitor Thursday. Henry Plpka, of Union Hall, niado a business trip to Canby Friday. CANBY, Ore., May 3 MIbs Edith Stoddard, of Hubbard, was a Sunday guest of hor sister, Mrs. Fred M. Roth. Miss Loxlo Graham, of Macksburg, POLK'S & gazetteer! fm a v.. , - A liminra f iirimiTT VT two viirt Town and YUJara 1st Ori-non and Waahlni-bia. (Ivlns; a l-rripllie Hkrlrh of rtt 1I-S Lontllon, Milpplnr FurlUlIre and ( In-allied Dlrrrtxry 4 Oactl ISoUMaa aad 1-rofoMtgo. K. I.rOT.K ro, Ima. bmum, hus. .i! aa a wank and guaal of Mr. and Vra Arthur Graham. Mr. and Mra. I'. O. Hlary, who hata bo II raaldniila of Canby for anvrra yaara, liava inorad lo Portland, laavlng Canby Halurday. Mr. and Mra. W. II. Ilalr, Mra. Alma II. Knight, Mra. M. J. Ut, Mra. II- r l.nrt llarkman, Mra. Grant Wblta, Mra Gaorga llnndahadlnr, Mlaa Nona Aua tin, Mra. Klroy llataa, Mra. Cbarlna L llataa and Mra. Ivan Dlinlck of Kirk Itnlokah UhU No. 121 or Canby, at tnidml Iba Annual Itlatrkt ronvan lion of Ulalrli t No. I, Italwkab Asaaru bly or Oragon, bald al Wharton, Hal urday, April 2Kb. John Kckarson. or Molalla, waa Hunday guaal or Mr. and Mra. J. Ma Ktkeraon tbla waak. Mr. and Mra. naming, or Portland, wara guaata or Mr. and Mra. Waltnr Klnnay. Cbarlea llayaa, or Arlington, Waab. la a gurat or Mr. and Mra. McGowan Mr. llayaa la on bla way to Alaaka. Mra. W. lloyd Mooro antartalnad Mra. Ilarvay E. Tobia s Hunday acbool rlaaa al Iba M. K. paraonaga Tburaday. Tba racaptlon waa given that tha glrla mlahl meat Mlaa Klraall, a vlaltlng daaronaaa or M. K. t hurt b. Luncheon waa aervad by Mra. Moore. Tboaa praaent were Mna Meeka, Luclle Dakar, Olive Kendall, Mildred Dakar, Mlna Graham, Kdltb Uauiunleon. Uy llta llornlg, Alleen Iluhman, Itaino na Kinney, Dlancba Bweek and Cora Graham. Canby la to bava a new manufactur ing Induatry. Mr. McGowan will atari Iba manufacturing ot electric blanketa within a very abort time. Thla blank at la one of the very lateat electrical Inventions and a eample la on dlaplay al tba office of Molalla Klrctrlc Co. Mr. and Mra. William Maple were Aurora vlallora Saturday evening. Curlla Ouniel, or Portland, made a bualneaa trip to Canby Monday. Jamna Bmllh, or Mackaburg. waa a bualnrse caller In Canby Monday. Mr. and Mra. Carl Detbka and aon. Carl. Jr. and Mra. Fred Btefflna, of Oawego, were gueata of Mr. and Mra. Grant White Monday. Mra. Ivan Knott and daughter, Miss Audrey, are gueata of Mra. Delia Yer gen. Mr. and Mra. Homer McClutchen were vlaltlng relatlvea In Molalla thla week. Mr. and Mra. Avon Jease, of Wolfer Prairie, were Canby aboppera Tuea day. Mra. E. E. Nelaon, of Portland, la aprndlng the week with ber alaler, Mra. J. Lea Eckeraon. W. H. Cochran, a prominent farmor of the Needy neighborhood, waa a Canby ahopper Tuoaday, John Itoblna, or Union Hall, waa In Canby Tueaday. F. Kraack, of Mackaburg, waa a busl neaa vlaltor In Canby Tueaday. Mavor W. II. nlr waa an Oregon City vlaltor Wedncaday. Mr. and Mra. Grant White and Mra Grace Sailor were Oregon City visitors Wednesday. The Canby High Bchool Debating toum defeated tho Mllwaukle High School al Canby Saturday ovenlng. The Colton High School defeated the Canby High 8chool at Colton the aame evening. Those making the Colton trip wero Miss Adeline D. Wyoth, Claire Haines, Mlaaea Meeka and Ilua- aoll and Mr. Scott. W. II. Lucko hna purchaaed a new "Cadillac Eight" from Millor-Parkcr. Earl HutehliiBon has accepted a po- altlon In the Canby barber shop. Mrs. Smith Borgmun, of Portland, Is a guest ot Mrs. M. J. Lee. MULINO SCHOOL N0TE3. MULINO, Or., May 3. Tho follow Ing jiersona were visitors at school last month: Mrs. Pnrks, E. U. Jone.i. Anno Jenson, Mrs. Win. Hohlemlor. Mrs. Haines, Gladys Schuoliel, Mrs Aucust Erlckson, lla.el Erlckson, Mrs. Joo Hanlels and children, .1. Calavan, Miss llradford, Mrs. u. SnodKrnsB, Anna Wostburg. Mary Snodgrass lias returned Bchool nfter -having boon nbscnt account of tho meuHlos. Tho pupils who wero successful In tho Until sono tost hero at school are Herinan Tuylor, Ellisahoth Long, Mil ilrod Maple. CauBby Harding, Vclmii Cantrll, Ester Hiikk. Owing to ni ne Mary Snodgrass wus not uble to tako the llnal tost. Hay Cantril has been nbscnt from school on uccount of Illness. Velma Cantrll foil last week from the trapeze rings nnd Injured her arm, but hns recovered. Tho pupils aro nil busy working now for tho finals. There are only four moro weeks of school Including this week. An entertainment will bo given at the hall In tho near future for the bonollt of tho school. The dato will he glvon later. Tho pupils have been having prac tice drll's in marching and Hag salut ing. They aro very patriotic as nearly evory child has his desk decorated with a sinull Hug. Cut This Out It la Worth Money DON'T MISS THIS. Cut out this s'lp, enclose with Co and mall It to Foltty & Co., 28S5 Sheffield Avenue Chicago, III., writing your name and address clearly. You will rocelve In return a trial package containing Foley's Honoy and Tar Compound for bronchial and la grippe coughs; Foley Kidney Pills, for lame back, weak kid neys, rheumatism, bladder troubles, and Foley Cathartlo Tab'ets, a whole some and thoroughly cleansing cathar tic, for constipation, biliousness, head ache and elugglsh bowels. OSWEGO NEWS DISPLAY OF WORK TAR tPANGLEO BANNIR" UNO BY' LARGE AUOIINCK OHWKGO, Ore, May I.-On Ratur day evening, April 21, the Oawego lloya' club gava a dlaplay of tbalr fall and winter work In Iba school play ahad. Tba program opened with grand march, I'.rrnard Johnaon and Glen Waldorf handling Iba drum a In efficient atyla. At lha boys lined u In ranka, of eight, they and tha audi anra aang Tba Star Spangled Han ner" with enthusiasm. Tbla waa fol lowed by a wand drill by the Junlora hlib waa hrartlly nppluudi-d. Th moat eicltlng event or Ibe evening, the handkerchief relay race, followed and waa won by Harry Johnbaon tram, which won two of tha three trials. Tba Benlora then went through their free band drill much to th amusement of tha children In tba front rowa. Tbla drill waa not aa aaay aa It appeared, and took weeka' of ateady practice to accomplish with smooth nesa and precision. Then cama th handkerchief paaalng relay race and and tha Junior link tag game which wara much enjoyed. The beat event of the evening waa the pyramids with wanda which tha boys built with aharpneaa and steadiness, which went far to bhow their ability, aa tha moat of them bad only all, and aome only three practlcea on tha work. Tha baaketball game waa a poor eihlbl lion or baaketball, due no doubt, to tha unuaual eicltement or having an audi ence. There were two tnedala awarded one for the beat Junior and tha other for tha beat 8enlor In the two dr'.lla Nefl Weatergard won the Junlor'a and John Hogera the Senior's. Nona of the boya knew that the medala were to ba given and aa a result, tho reward waa for loyalty to the club and to the practlcea, aa revealed In the eicel lonce attained In tha drills which were the hardeat part or tho winter' work. Tha boya appreciate tha brother 11 neaa or tho Odd Fellows, who ao kind ly loaned them their chain for the ev enlng; the backing of the achool board which they bavo received at all timet and tho kindneaa of Mr. Smoke and Mr. Otto Johnson. Mr. Johnaon has helped In every way possible all through tho aeaaona work and the boya look utMin hltn aa the "Daddy" of the club. At the cloee of tho program tho boya gathered In a group and gava their club yell and then all polned In alnglng America." Every one remarked upon the neat appearance or the boys In their white running- tult. The proceedt of the evening were 132.00. . 0. 0. F. CELEBRATES IIS ANNIVERSARY EXCELLENT PROGRAM IS GIVEN AT HALL. MANY MEM BERS ATTEND Lest Friday being the 9Sth anniver sary of Odd Fellowship. The local order and tho Rebekah's held a Joint celebrutlon, at their hall. This being tho Rebekah's regular mooting night, Mrs. A. J. Rosslter presided over the meeting. Tho meeting was open to Odd Fellows, Rcbekuhs and Invited friends. About thirty members from tho different lodges of I'ortlund were represented. Ono Rebelcuh from Seat tle, WbbIi., nnd ono from Colorado be ing present. Tho following grand lodge officers After Grip- Winter Colds --Bad Blood Yon are pnle, thin, weak with little vitality. Your liver is sluggish and the bad blood causes your stomach muscles to lose their elasticity and become flabby and weak then indigestion. Doctor Pierce's GoWen Medical Dis covery, purely vegetable aud free from alcohol or mircotica, is the great and powerful blood purifier of to-day. Ex tracted from American forest herbs and roots. Contains no alcobol. In gredients printed on wrapper. Take it as directed and It will search out impure atul poisonous matter '.hroiighout the system and eliminate it through the natural channels. All dealers in medicines can supply Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery in liquid or tablet form, or send tea cents in one-cent stamps to Dr. Pierce, Invalids' Hotel, Buffulo, N. Y., for trial package of tablets. WHAT WOMEN OF OUR NATIVE STATE SAY. HAigeno, uregon. "in raising my family i .lave al ways found that I could depend on Dr. Pisrce t rem edies for all ail ments. I gave them the ' Golden (Medbnl Discov ery for tonsilitis, sore throat, bad 5 coughs and grip,' 'and it alwava "T- J cored them. I ; aL-o gave them - l the Pleasant Pellets' for sick headache, biliousness and constipation. I am glad to recom mend tliem." Mrs. Cahue Dean, 11 N. Lawrence Street. mm fx, in the f. O. O. V, grand lodge w-ra priiM-nl: (iiadd inualrr, Henry West brMk; grand uiaishal, Mr. NnUn, gr.iml eond'ii tor. Flunk Wrd, pt Mi-fid repi t'unli'thtt, Mr Andrews llirr" were also svrrl grand oftl'.n of lb" ltli'kati as'cnilily Alt imtd" pc lira upon Odd Fallowshlp ami present day duties In regard lo tha country. 'II -i fdloalng i'ro;;rum at r n drred: Holnetlon, Uliknrr onhralra; pluno dit. Mra. Win I'.likm-r and Mlaa Lillian llli krmr, solo, Miss (iladye Hrhawprr; dialogue. In. and Mra. A. J. Itoesllrr, Mra. Claronre Hkrtl, Mr. and Mra II. A. Vase, Mrs Janus llru'a and Mrs. Win. Ilotd; selection, llli knrr on lit-stra. After lha nmum. a dn'l loue sup per waa aorved, by tha inrinbrra of Hit order, after which the evening wus spent by playing kuiih-s aud having a royal good time. OLD GLORY II RAIICO OVER CITY Of 08WEQO Children Pay Tribute lo flag In Un uaual Mannar. OBWEGO, Ore, May I.-Tbe flag raising on Friday afternoon waa wall attended by tba people of Oawego. Tba flag waa purchaaed by tha city and waa ralaed In honor of tba boya who bad enlisted for the prenent crisis. The acbool children marched from the school house to the corner of First atreet and returning. Each child car ried a amall nag. The drum corps waa at tho bead ot tho column, and each grade wat under tho airpervlalon or Ita teacher. Tho program waa aa followa: "Star Spangled Banner," tha achool children. Marshal Wlrti preaented tha flag to the public. Ho made a few well choaen remarks upon tha duties of the American cltlten, and the honor or Old Glory. The school then aang "America." Then a roll call or all the enlisted boya waa read and aa each name waa called a girl stepped out of tho ranks and anawered until the twenty-five enlisted men had been answered for. Principal Voao calling tho name. Tho roll call and the girls responding: Clarence Twining, Edith Meyer; Robert Twining, Erma Schaubel; Na than Twining, Goldle Neal; Louis Smoke, Martha Smoke; Em II Ander son, Bonnie Jonea; Roy Fox, Grace Cooper; William Davla, Delia Davla; Harold Wlrti. Alta Wlrti; Millie Wortblngton. Alleen Worthlngton; Walter Chuck, lrrne Knox. Raymond McKeen, Cleo Tapfer; Floyd Tomlln. Eva Black; William Buck, Dorothy Baker; Herbert Seaman, Eather Keat lor; Tom Martin, Meechle Neal; Lloyd Todd, Leola Todd; Arthur Malre, Alice Zeller; Peter Gllllsple, Ora Prlmm; Harry SL Clair, Doris Nlobusch; Let cher Nelaon, Edith Blckner; Lawrence Harrington, (lagmar Weatergard; Tom Qulgley, Julia WUaon; Lyle King, lone King; Charley Zumwalt. Mammle Hendrickson; Henry Cans, Lola Headrlck. A the glrla stepped forward they formed a semi-circle and after roll- call the girls p'edged alleglence to the flag. The school then saluted Old Glory. Mayor A. King Wilson, in bl asual happy manner, introduced Frank B. Riley, of Portland, as speaker of the day. Mr. Riley spoke eloquently upon the cause of the boys' enlistment; the crying needs of the country and the protection given us by the flag. The discourse was very much appreci ated by the audience. The public appreciates the gift of the city council and commends it upon the patriotic spirit , OSWEGO LOCAL3. OSWEGO. Ore.. May 3. Myrtle Mc Donald attended the O. W. R. N. dance last Monday evening. Walter Emrlck and George Kenep- per were the guests of Myrtle McDon ald Inst Friday evening. William McDonald, of this city, who has been working at Jefferson, Ore gon, was home Monday on his way to San Francisco. He has .enlisted in the navy as wireless operator. Mrs. Louise Morrell is very ill at the home ot her daughter, Mrs. Chas. Elston. Little Miss Dorothy Howell, of Port; land, spont Sunday with her grand mother, Mrs. Thomas Fox. Born, to the wife ot Jack Lewis, April 26, a son. Mother and child are doing well. Harry Headrlck nnd Jack Conway attended a dance at Canby Saturday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Otto Johnson and Mr. and Mrs. H. Shipley, Harry Headrlck and Jack Conway attended the dance at Mallory, Wodnesday evening. Messrs. George Kennepper, Al Milke, Ted Gusnidor, James O'Donnell, the Misses Marlon Buckley, Margaret Brace, Florence Anderson and Myrtle McDonald made a trip over the Colum bia Highway Sunday. They returned to the McDonald home for dinner In the evening. Mrs. Grant WTilte and Mrs. Grace Sailor, of Canby, were Oswego visitors Wednosdoy. The M. E. church held a flag raising last Sunday evening, despite the incle ment weather. "America" wns sung by the school children. Born, to the wife ot Gilbert Haines. an sight-pound boy, on May 2nd, 1917. Mothor and baby are getting along nicely. Pat Fox has returned after a three weeks' stay at the Good Samaritan hospital. He will join his company as soon as able. Mrs. Douglas Gillies is home again after a two months' stay at the Oregon City hospital. Henry Tales has let the contract for erecting a new home on his prop- erty In South Osaoio. Work will eUrt iMiinedibf' lr up m tlKt erM.oli til tli aame, Mr and Mra. Grant W hite wara the guxsls of Mr. and Mra J. C. lUlnas. Jr, Hunday, Mra ( has Hill, Mr and Mra C. A llftthka, Mra W. Clyde llowden and Mlaa Gladya H'bapr wara Canby vlallora Saturday evening. Mrs. C A. llethke. Mrs. II. Burg host and Mra. K. Htafflii were gueata ot Mrs. Alma Philips, of Portland, Frt day. i Ham Warneck was a buslnese visitor lo Vadar, Waab., during tha weak. Mra. Mary Smith la visiting reia Uvea In Portland tbla weak. Mr. and Mr, i. K. Wortblngton ware guaata or their aon, Millie, at Vancoa vrr Barracks Sunday. Mr. Carl Conant, of Portland, waa tba guaat or bar mother, Mr. 0. And ereon, Tburaday. Mr. M. Roger, who baa been visit Ing relative sod friend th last three montka, returned to ber home la Se attle Saturday. Little Mia Ruth Leslie ba returned borne, cf'er a week' visit with ber grandmother at Lafayette. Cbarlea Hawker, private Company O, of Vancouver Barmka, waa a gueat of hi brothers, Ja k and Ed and his later, Mr. Gu Klarr. Sunday. Mr. Jo. Blckner gava a birthday dinner In honor of ber husband. San day. Mr. and Mr. Albert Hosentretei or Portland were Invited gueste. Mr. and Mr. Percy Hastings of Portland wore Oawego vlaltor Sun day. Mr. and Mr. C. A. Bethk and Mr Fred Btefflna wara gneeta of Mm Grant White, or Canby, Monday even Ing. Mr. R. C. Hayee, a Ufa-long friend of Mr. Frank Tomlln. and who ha been spending a few weeka with her at ber boma In Oawego, returned to Chicago Saturday evening. Misses Ethel and Elate WUaon, of Portland, visited their (later, Mrs. T G. Halne. Wednesday. CATHOLIC LADIES HOLD TEA. The Catholic Ladles' Aid met at th home ot Mr. Mary Wblta on Wednca day afternoon, May X. This wa a silver tea and a putly aoclal gather ing. Lunch vm rerved. The following ware present: Mr T. R. Cllnefelter fcud daughters, Mra. Otto Johnson, Mr. J. Conway, Mr. J. Hill, Mr. Oscar liraubet and bju. Mrs George Thomai, Mr. H. BchaubM and daughter, Mr. M. Qulgley, Mr. M. W'etxgar, Mr. Geo. bthmeller, Myrtle McDonald, Mn. Lcona Thorn. Mr. T. R. Halne and ton, Mr. Smith. Mr. Lrly and ion. M:. O Miller, Mra. J. S:orross, Mr. L. VMte and th i host- err. Mr. Mary V.). t. WANTED May 15th. a woman for general housework and a girl to as sist with housework end children. Mother and daughter or two sisters preferred. No washing, good wage. Home nlghta If dealred. Answer by letter. Mrs. G. H. Pcttlngcr, Os wego, Oregon. OAK GROVE. OAK GROVE. May 4. Cordelia Dyer, of Portland, was out Wednesday visiting friends. ( Harold Layton, of Mapleton, Oregon, visited his aunt, Mrs. Capen, for sev eral day before leaving for Son Fran cisco to Join the army. Mr. Horsfal, ot Audubon society, gave an Illustrated lecture on birds of Oregon to the pupils of our school re cently. Elva Ultshoeffer, while visiting Em ley Jones, was taken quite sick and was removed to the home of her aunt, Mrs. A. U. Kinder. The Camp Fire Girls held an inter estlng and Instructive meeting at the home of Mrs. Sundqulst Saturday af ternoon. The Parent-Teacher association has helped to purchase a fine Victrola foi the school. A furewell reception was given Mr. and Mrs. Goodell and family Thursday evening at the church. , An Informal program ot music and short talks was Riven. Quite a large number was present It is with sincere regret we hear of their leaving our community. Their new home is ot Metzgar, Ore gon. Miss Margaret Goodell will re main in Oak Grove until school Is closed, as she will finish the eighth grade this year. The Concord baseball team defeated the Oak Grove school team Tuesday on the school grounds. The score was 17 to 18. This is the first time in the history of the two schools that Con cord has won from our school. Church Notes Rev. DeLong spoke Sunday evening and Sunday morning was an open meeting for all to speak. Wednesday evening the Ladles' will be held at the home of Miss Dalley at Concord. Thursday evening prayer meeting at the church at 7:30 as usual. Wednesday afternoon the Ladies Aid will meet in the church parlors. Friday evening a patriotic moss meeting will be held under the aus pices of the Portlnnd Y. M. C. A Every one is Invited. Laurence Blnckerby, accompanied by his mother nnd Mrs. Warren, vis ited tho county Jail In Portland Tues day afternoon. Many persons complain about feel ing old bsfore they should. Like a weak link in a chain, a weak organ enfeebles the whole body. Over worked, weak or disordered kidneys lower vitality. A. W. Morgan, Angola, La,, writes: '1 suffered with pains In the back. I am 43 years old. but 1 felt like a man of 90 years old. Since I took Foley Kidney Fills I feel like I did when I waa 21." In 50c and $1.00 1 sizes. Jonea Drug Co. ' FACTS THAT THE SHOULD KNOW ARODT-E- THE ECONOMICALLY Tba J. C. Penny Co, with It liaroenealy Urge part basing power of ITS stores, baa opened a aw rash store la Oregon City, la epenlnf tbl w branch bare. The J. C. fanny Co. give lha buying publle saving teelbtllllea not round or lo ba bad la other stores. Klrst wa buy our merchandise direct from tha largaet maker and aaaaa farturars, passing by all "middleman' profits." plarteg our contract far la advance of Mason lo Insure the moat wanted merchandise for our patron at com petition leaa prices. Mora logical facts. KUp a moment and lat a reeaoe) together. Tba store or atoraa which buy good paaalng through two of three) concern before It rearbee the retailer la wrong merchandising, for sack of these trans actions mual carry a profit which have lo ba added to tba coat of tha good before they reach lha retailer. Tbl la blgh priced bayltg hence high prtree. Again When you ara paying your rash to a credit store, yo ara not pay Ing your cash to a cash etore. Nor ara yo getting anything Ilka a cash price) for your money at a credit tor. Tha credit (tore eel on lima at time price. Every time you leave your cash al a credit a to re yoa art paying some body alae't old debt. If credit (tor tocceed at all. It la with tha cash yoa leave there. Remember lb old debt ara atlll there. Why pay higher prices? Our method I one price to all. A store where a child can a safely ahop at an adult, with exactly tho tamo courteay. Wa do Dot quote yoa one price and wbiaper another price to your neighbor. Tour money baa lha aame value every day lo the year 100 per cent value not fifty leaa one day and seventy Ova cents another day. No matter what your elation la life, there la ao jog gling o fpricet at thla itore. Tha J. C. Penny Co. do not bellevva la fak "special ealee." "bank rapt lock," "trading stamps," "coupons," "giving dlaeonnte," employing "col lector" who pull the door bell off." Itoneat people wall know that goods moat ba marked up before they can ba marked down. Tbl atore' cash method la the beat In America and will prove tha beet friend yoor pocketbook over bad. By a careful examination of price elsewhere, joa will appreciate our value tha moro yoa compare, aa lha difference lo price will ba your profit It la only by fair comparison that maka aa keen economically. Our cash method and purchasing power mean much to over oaa who really and truly Ilkea to aava money. TORE METHODS IACKEO BY BUSINESS PRINCIPLE. By virtu and wisdom, our standing la th mercantile world today la with out parallel. Our economical efficiency every vicinity where wa bava atore. la but felt by all who patronize our ttoree, becauae backed by atarllng vaJuea. Aa humbl servants or th shopping public, w continue to offer th greatest value giving or any cash store la America. Tba frugal ahopper learnt very quickly where to find tha beat merchandise value coupled with tha loweat price. Vlalt thla new dor, yoa will not be disappointed nor dla-aatiafled. a) t HAZELIA (By Hattie E. Wanker. Cor.) HAZELIA. May 3. The literary meeting waa well attended by the neighborhood and surrounding vicinity on Saturday evening. The following program wa given: Song, "Star Spangled Banner," audience; recita tion. Walter Borland; violin aolo, Joe Rablch; recitation. Miss Maud Davit; comedy song and reading. Herbert Duncan: th debate, "Resolved that Washington was a greater man than Lincoln." wa won by tho affirmative tide. The speaker were a follow: Affirmative, Edith Wanker and D. E. Long; negative, Irene Duncan and William KrolU The next meeting will be held May 12. A cordial invitation la extended to all. D. E. Long transacted business In Oregon City Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Wanker, from Durham, visited the former's parents. Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Wanker Thursday. Misses Maud Davis and Christina Ellr.scn, ot Stafford, and Hattie and Edith Wanker were pleasantly enter tained by Misses Gladys and Wanda Wanker Sunday afternoon. Mrs. F. H. Child s visited with her sister, Mrs. F. W. Lehman, Monday. Miss Lulu Wanker Bpent Sunday and Monday as the guest of her brother, C. C. Wanker, of Portland. Vernon and Lloyd Davidson visited the Hazella school Monday. Miss Veta Lynch, of Oregon City, spent Sunday night with Miss Doro thy Zlnzer. Arthur Borland and C. Akerson, from Tualatin Meadows, were visitors In Hazella Monday. A large crowd from Stafford helped Rubber Our Rubber Stamp Department is prepared to turn out your or ders for special stamps on short notice. Orders received by 5 P. M. delivered the following morning. Butter Wrapper Stamps 16 OZ. DAIRY G. H. JONES Rubber Stamp like above, Stamp Pad and Bottle Ink, $1.25. Oregon City Enterprise Office Outfitters Phone Pacific 2 Home B-10 BUYING PUBLIC SPECIALLY INCLINED lo eervlce rendered to all claaaet la not only visible to the moat critical. to maka the literary meeting a lively one Saturday evening. Church servteea will be held at tha achool houae Sunday evening. May 6. All are invited. Mr. and Mra. J. Tied man and Mr. Ed Pollard, of Oswego, attended the literary meeting here Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Lehman were business visitor In Oswego Monday morning. Harold Baker, or Portland, apent tha week-end with hi parents, Mr. and Mr. Hugh Baker. Mr. and Mr. C. Zimmerman spent tha week-end with the latter' parents, Mr. and Mr. Win. Kaiser, of Mountain Road. Lyle Tledeman, of Stafford, waa In the neighborhood Sunday. Miss Dorothy Zlnser visited with friends in Oregon City Saturday and Sunday. Misses Lena and Mary Puymbroeek, who ore employed In Portland, spent the week-end with their parent, Mr. and Mr. Frank Puymbroeek. . Theodore Stlenhllber has purchased a touring car. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Pollard, ot Glen monie, visited the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Pollard, ot Hazella dur ing the week. Forget Your Aches. Stiff knee, aching limbs, lama back make life a burden. It you suf fer from rheumatism, gout, lumbago, neuralgia, get a bottle of Sloan' Lini ment the universal remedy for pain. Easy to apply; it penetrate without robbing and soothes the tender flesh. Cleaner and more effective than mus sy ointments or poultices. For sprains, sore muscles or wrenched ligaments resulting from strenuous exercise, Soan'a Liniment gives quick relief. Keep it on hand for emergencies. At your Druggist, 25c. (Adv.) Stamps FULL WEIGHT BUTTER OREGON CITY, R. F. D. 2