Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, April 20, 1917, Page 7, Image 7

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ibiiiNO rceoins
, '11m rhlrugu l lni HdM'k Wmlil, In a
iiurnt lont.tlna mi nrili ln on
'Tafrlollaiii ami I'foflt," relative lo
llm hilling i.f I ti in it 1 1 1 r and iinflnlali
'l ilmi for IIik in v h ' I Tim 1 1
iih'iiiM i i f Intercut In Oregon farm
ra. II follnv k
Gciieritt l.irtni'H and lite il k put
iiii t i . hi tin Ihi'lr country no greater
rilrit Hutu I') k I riK llinkn (heir
IHinIui linn ii-iu li lh iry llnill of
Men vim ini In iiimLi'l Immature
nil young klm k lliul rimlil carry grcitl
i'T weli:ht are wanting llm country'
resource. In nil luiiiiini probability
I li r are a I i am rifle lug profit Ihey
might r-rti Tim wipreccilt nled
price ham been mil am a l'iitiiutlin
lit ciiah In while Hut i mjilng U good;
Iml alien a until r.cinla In market mi
tlcrwclght ami young lr-"l l ik ( a
lie la h 111 In k Hi" gouar. Hint lu the
golden eg. I In la initltliiK II huriior
fur hluiaclf aii'l mlii'ra In rcplctilah
feed lota anil nn I t r
To ho mini, tin man can In- epeccd
ii ten mil and buy ilctir f -'! In inuke
I'W'O ami I'm) ihiiiiuI alcer or
4l0 iiiml lard Itni-a, lint II la lltl'e
1 aa tlian an economic crime, at thla
tlin In am. I In half fliilnli.il loon in
lino ihiiiiuI i nltlii anil K,0 In ISO pound
Marketing (if strictly dairy veul
valve la fit unalilt', Imt every calf
Hint t inilil grow lulu good titM'f ahntild
ly all un a in !. K m
Sending lo iluughtcr iri'Kiinl row
und heifer fur beef iltould bo ale
anlutnly discontinued, tit li'nnt for I lie
period of (lie war.
In our rreut national emergency
a-vcry ninn should consider how liet
l.a ran brio admit. Tim caalcal way
for fi'ry owner of live stork to "tin
Itla I'll" la lo aro tlmt every iinlmnl
Ki- to market carrying aa much
welrht ita It la prurtlnl to tit on.
Wo aro now drawing thn .May ami
Junn and July aiiiilln of beef, pork
and million.
Farming and live stork feeding la a
good iluivl of a cntnlilo, lint t In' re
never was a tlina since tho American
'lvll War when a fi-eilcr rould feel
a aura of good profit on bringing hla
live aim k up to normal Wright.
Tho higher the price for grain, the
morn certain la thn feeder of a profit
In putting weight on Immature stock.
From onn end of thn country to thn
tthrr there la a dearth of mature Mock.
Feed lola, Kal, West, North and
South, nre bare. Hundred of thou
sand of heep nnd initio huvo )nin
wiped out by tho almost unpreccdon
tod severity of winter In lhi Wont, and
thcro la no a tot on thn map where
ono run turn to find a auriilu of
yonui: atot-k to put In fend lola or
turn on thn pmiliirn.
rnlrlotlNin nlonn ought to bo suffi
cient Bpur to Induro fitriniTH mid fed
nra to mniurn their holdlnga. At
tills time It aeema highly probable
Mint aiich n coiimo would not only be
hlchly pnlrlotlo, hut liundHomoly pro-
Child Jumps From Window
When She Thinks Herself
Locked In
DENVER, Colo., April 17. Ilollov-
Ing Mint Hho had lockod hersolf In the
bathroom nf har mother's Apartment
nt tho Wont Vernon hotel this morning;
and Mint no one wa coming to lot her
out, 6-youroUl Elaa Adrlonne Mooro,
ot Portland .climbed out on tho win
dow loilgo and droppod three atorlos
to the pnvoment bolow.
She struck her foot on the comont
pavement, fracturing both bono of tho
right log Juat above the nnklo. Tho
little girl had boon playing about the
upper halls nnd hud gono Into tde
bathroom. Tho door stuck when aho
tried to opon It, nnd sho thought she
had lockod horsolt In. No one tin
sworeil hor call for help, bo the child
crawlod out on the window lodge,
backod out, and hanging by hor hands,
dropped throe storlos. She struck
within a foot of a flight of atone steps.
Tbo baby did not lose consciousness
at any time, oven when her log was
set. The little girl came core with
her mothor, Mrs. Aman Moore, wife
ot a business man of Portlnnd, Or.,
when Mrs. Moore was called to Don
ver by the lllnoss of hor fathar.
Nursery Stock at Bargan Prices
Apples I0o each, $8.00 per 100; Pears, CherrloB, Apricots, Almonds,
llic each; 1000 Urtrt'ctt Pears heavy 1 yr. 3 to 4 ft. and 2 yr. old, $10
per mn, J80 per 1000; 2 to 3 $5 per 100; Teaches, choice 2 years old
llic each, 8 per 100; Plums Including Hurbank's specials IGc each,
$1 20 tier 10; Prunos Italian. Hungarian, Potlte, etc, 15c each, $4
to $12 per 100; 2000 Italian prune 3 to 4 foet $4 per 100, $35 per 1000;
1000 2 to 3 ft. $2.50 per 100. Select grade Currants and Gooseber
ries 10c each, $5 per 100.
Ruth Your Order Before Our 8urplu
I IockJ River Man Turin Yard
Into Food Producing
llOfilt IllVl lt, Or.. April 17. Aa
nvlii'lir nf llm ki i ll llilnri't taken
by Hit ptioplw nf 1 1 nl JHver In
llm f in m priipuri'iliti i uinpiilgii in
augurultxl litt week, a mull wllli Ikiiiii
ami plow ii) tuny Imliiy turning mi
di'r llm and of Hiu big lan urouinl llm
home of K. J,. H in i t It. ni apt'itki r of llm
lioiimi of ri prtot'litiil I vk nf lb ro-
roii li'i:li.litlUn iiamMiilily mid at onn
limn lurrllorlul aei relury and acllug
K'lVirniir of Wattliingtnn lerrllnry.
Mr. Hm It n, who baa mm lint nuuin
of IIihuI lllver a lirtuid Old Mini, plant
er of onn of llm vulli-y'a fit Ml iiiiiiiin r
rial orrburiU, iilHiouxli now III bla hoi h
year, purllt Ipiiled ai llsnly luxl itek In
the fiNid prfpiireiliiiina iiil iiikm.
f'EOUR $10.60 A BARREL
Advance Followi the Upward
Trend of Wlient Prices
in Portland
rollltTl.ANI), (Int.. April 17.-Flour
ITli ea wern uduini ed 10 rt-nla a bnrr.-l
In Ihn binil murket yeatetdiiy to the
hole.lllt bllnln of !0 1,11 u barrel fur
llm beat fiiinlly puteiita. In the I. 'I
tullre Ihn Hour market followed the
general lipwitnl rnurne of wheul irlre,
ullhitiiKh wln-ut fur llm day wita lower.
Wheat prima all over llm country
were unaeltled by Mm governmenl'a
net ti hi In adiiilttlng Cun.'idlan wheat
Into Hie I'nlled Ktiitea duty free. If thn
full wheut la i-itended, flour prima
will probiilily drop ba k to a lower
large, cheap work horaca, nlan win;
on, heavy uud llithl. buggle and
hitrnean. plowa, cultivator und Inr
row; alan tiumeroua other am. ill
ttKtl. Waller' Hlitble. Oregon
rOR SALE-Voung lloUU-ln bull. Ad
dn a I lox )3, Itoutii No. 3, Oregon
City, Ore.
FOIt KALE -Having aold purt of my
farm, I will offer, at a bargain,
now range, Katcy organ, druphead
Hlnger aewlng machine, all furniture,
and other article uauully found In
thn household, alio nnw dlac har
row, two 1 horio cultivator, Thome
corn planter, nnw; buggy with pole
and ahnfta; alnglo harneas and 100
other article. William I.llllo, I'nrk-
' place. Or. 1'hone 413-W.
FOR SALE live year old registered
Jnracy cow. W. Whes:tley, (Mount
ricaannt) Oregon City, I'.oute 1.
Oat Imy for mile, Inqitlro Koute C
box 112. Oregon City.
LOST OU STHAYEO Fawn colored
Jersey holfer, 15 month old. Stray
nd from road in V 1 o we', of Oswego,
about 10 months ago. Address I lox
234, H 1, Oswego. Itewurd.
WANT EH Olrl for housework. Must
bo good cook. Country girl or expo
rlenccd foreigner sutlafactory. Good
wages. I'hono Pacific 36. Oregon
Jfflen Homo, A-23 Paclfio, 153
Hesldonce SfiFll
Phyalclana and Surgeons
Rooms 217-218 Masonic Uu'ldlng
Oregon City Oregon
Worms Sap Your Child's Strength,
Money to Loan
Doutschor Advokat
Pumuant to tho proclamation of tho
President of tho United States of
duto the Glh day of April, 1917, It
Ih unlawful for alien onomlos to hare
In tholr possession the following ar
ticles: Any firearm, wenpon, or imple
ment of war, or component part
thereof, ammunition, maxim or oth
er silencer, bomb, or oxtloslvos, or
material used in the mnnufneturo
of explosives; nny nlrcrnft or wire
loss apparatus, or any form of sig
naling dovlco, or any form of cipher
codo, or any paper, document, or
book written or printed ih cipher or
in which thoro may bo invisible writ
ing. All alien enemies having In pos
session nny of tho nbove prohibited
articles nre roquestcd to surrender
tbo snmo to me at the sheriff's office
within 24 hours nftor tho publico-
Is Exhausted.
Lafayette, Or.
lion of Ciln in. Hi .
Any alien i-nemy who falls to aur
render aip-li proliililteil artl'lo will
bn aubJiH I In a u in mrry arr.nt If am li
arlli'ln Iih foiind In bM ixinaeinlnii.
Iluiiu und lip urn. lima iiirreii
dered v.l 'I ba aw led and lulmled and
returned In llm oatnra after Hip
Htmrlff of Cl.ii kniiiita, Cotinly, Ore
Hi ted, April 1Mb, !i7.
Notlta of Final Betllamanl of tha Ea-
lata of John Shannon, Oacaaitd.
N'otlio la hereby given that Mm un
di rxlgued eiecirtiir of the catuln i(
Julill HbniilHili, (lei eaaed. bua filed !n
Hiu Coiinty Court of 'l;n l.nmm Couu
ly, Htuiti of Ori-Knii, bla final ac'ount
art audi niei'iilor of an Id i-Ntutn and
Unit Mointiiy, Hie I'lal div of Miv.
I!il7, at the hour of lo o'i loi k u. m .
Ina belli lined by a:tld Courl aa the
1 1 rim fur lieiiring of objection lo anb!
report Ulld the aetf leilli lit thereof
Kiceulor of the Kt-it) of John Slum-
linn, lien-aaeil.
C. HCIII KI'i:!., Attorney for Kei iilor.
In the Circuit Court of tho State of
Oregon, for lh County of Clacka
mas. Frank K. Amtrnws, Plaintiff
J. E. Gage ant) Phoebe J. Guge, Pe-
11 y virtue of a judgment order, de
cree and an execution, duly luo out
of and under the seal of the above en
titled court, In tho above entitled
cauae, to me duly directed and duted
the 13th day of April, 1917, upon a
Judgment rendered and entered In aald
court on the 13th day of April, 1917,
In fuvor of Frank E. Andrew, plain
tiff, und ni:l!itit J. K. Onge and Phoebe
J. Gage, defendunta, for the sum of
$1116 90, with Internal thereon at the
ralo of alx per cent per annum from
tho 2sth day of July, 1914, and the
further Bum of $100.00 a attorney
fee, und the further sum of $21.00 coat
and dlabumomontx, and tho costs of
and upon this writ, commanding me
to make salo of the following des
cribed reul property, iltuute In the
county of C'luckumu. etate of Oregon,
Ileglnnlng at a point on the north
boundury line of the D. L. C. of J. O.
Bwufford ami wlfo In Tp. 3, 8. of It. 2
Eut of tho W. M.. which point I N.
88 minute E. 31.10 ch. from the N.
W. corner of uld D. L. C. and running
thenco S. 9.64 ch.; thence S. 88 min
ute W. 12.45 ch., thence N. 9.64 chs.
to the North boundury lino of said
claim; thenco North XS minutes E,
12.45 en, to the place of beginning
containing twelve acre.
Alao atract of land being a part of
the D. L. C. of J. O. Swafford lying
In Sec. 4. Tp. 3 S. of R. 2 E of W'. M.
beginning at a point at the S. E. cor
ner of a tract of land dcedod by G. J,
Fauldlug to U P. Williams, tmld cor
ner being E. 30.10 chains and N. 21.60
chs. from the corner ot sections 4, 5
8 and 9 of said Tp.; thence S. 2.6
chs. to tho center of county rood
thenco 8. 43 degrees 30 minutes W
8.20 chs. along said county road
thenco N. 8.42 chs; thence N. 88 de
grees E. 5.63 chs, to tbo pluce of be
ginning containing three acres, ex
ccpt from the above doBtrbled prop
erty the right of way for the Clackn
mas Southern Ry. Company.
Now. Thereforo. by virtue of said
execution, Judgment order and decree,
and In compliance with tho commands
of said writ, I will, on Saturday, the
19th day or May, 1917; at the hour of
10 o'clock a. m at tho front door of
tho County Court House In tho City of
Oregon City, in said County and State,
soil at public auction, subject to re
demption, to the highest bidder for
U. 8. gold coin cash In hand, all the
right, title and Interest which the
within named dofondnnts or elthor of
thorn, had on the dnto ot Uio mort
gage heroin or sinco had in or to tho
above described real property or any
part thereof, to satisfy Bald execution
Judgment order, decroo, interest, costs
and all accruing cost.
Shorlff of ClackamaR County, Oregon.
By E. E. HACKETT, Doputy.
Dated, Orecon City, Oregon.
20th, 1917.
First publication April 20, 1917.
Last publication May 18, 1917.
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon, for Clackamas County.
Ethol Vinton, Plaintiff,
W. T. Vinton, Defendant.
To W. T. Vinton, above named ri.
In tho namo of the State of Oregon
you are hereby required to appear nnd
answer the complaint filed against you
in the above entiled suit, on or before
the "twenty-fifth day of May, 1917,, said
date being the expiration of six weeks
from tho first publication of this sum
mons nnd if you full to appear or ans
wer said complaint, for want thereof
the plnlntlff will apply to the court
for tho relief prayed tor in her com
plaint, to-wlt.
For a decree dissolving the marriage
contract now existing between plain
tiff nnd defendant nnd permitting
plaintiff to reiiume her former name
of Eathel Thomas. This summons pub
lished by order of Hon. J. U. Camp
boll, Judge of the circuit court, which
order was mado on tho ninth day of
April 13, 1917, and continuing each
for publication thereof Is six weeks,
beginning with the Issue dated Friday,
April 13, 1917, and contlnlng each
week thereafter to and Including Fri
day. May 25, 1917.
Brownell & Slevers,
Attorneys for plaintiff.
Notli'd I lief by (lien that Ilia un
llaralgned, l''llll (1iU A.pi roH and
Itoawnll I,, f'oiiaer, Itata be. n appoiul
nl Kieciilnr of llm liit Will n I
Tenliiiiietit n( J' l n T. Apperaon, i.
funned, by onl'-r of (ba County Court
of Ilia Htala of Orrgoo, for (ha County
of Cla'kaiiiaa, and (bey bava duly
ouallfM a au'ti f.n culor.
.Voar therefore, hii ,ir'.in liatini
ilului aralnat al e.latn urn hereby
notified and r""l"d to prant tin
i.auie, duly verified, to thn iind-r
algned Kicrulof 1 1 the I 'auk of Ore
gon City, In Oregon City, ( Uikarima
County, Oregon, nithln ali niontlta
from tho data hereof.
iiild (bla tfi day of Apri. I'I7.
Kieculora of tha l.aat will and Tea'a
ment of John T. Apperaon, Iecit
In (he Circuit Court of the Stat of
Oregon, for llm County of C'a t a
in n.
The (ilenmorrin iinjKtny, a corpora
tion, plaintiff,
E. D. Elliott and B. F. Sinclair. l)iy
To E. I). Elliott and 8. F. Sinclair
In Mm name of thn atatn of Oregon
You and Mch of you are hereby re
quired lo appear and anw-r the com-
plulnt filed ag.'ilnat you by plaintiff
In the above entitled ult. on or before
the 2Mb day ot May. 1917. aald dat
being prescribed by the order of th
above entitled court and being more
thun alx weeks after the 13th day ot
April, 1917, whlili la the date pre
scribed by aald court for the first pub
lication of Ihl I'imrrmn. and if you
tall to so appear and anawer on or
before al 2Sth day of May, 1917. for
want thereof, plaintiff will apply to
aald court for the relief demanded In
the complaint filed herein.
In aald complaint plaintiff aks for
a decree of thla court absolutely bar
ring and forecloalng all the right
title, claim anil Interest of the defend
ants E. D. Ellloit nnd 8. F. Sinclair.
and each of them, and their belrs,
legal representative, successors and
assign. In or to Ixtt or Wock Nunr
bered One (1) of Glenmorrln, contain
Ing three and one quarter (3U) acres
more or lea, according to the duly
recorded plat thereof of record In the
office of the Recorder of Conveyances
for Clackamas County, Oregon, and
every part thereof, unless the said
defendants, or either of them, sh-ill
on or before a day certain to be fixed
by this court, pay to the plaintiff In
the lawful money of the I'nltcd States
the following sums, to-wlt: The sum
of Three Thousand One Hundred
Twenty-five and 01-100 ($3125.01) dol
lurs, with lntereit upon the sum ot
Sixteen Hundred Twenty-five and
01-100 ($1625.01) dollars thereof, at
the rate of six (fiTt ) Ier cent per an
num from the 19th day of October,
1913, and Interest on Fifteen Hun
dred ($1500.00) dollars thereof, at the
rnte of seven (7Cr) per cent per an
num from the 19th day of October,
1913; and further for a decree ot this
Honorable Court that upon fullure ot
the above named defendants, or either
of them, to pay to the plaintiff the
above, named sums, within tho time
limited by this court, declaring the
said defendants, E. D. Elliott and S. F.
Sinclair, and etch of them, and their
heirs, legal representatives, succes
sors and assigns, to be absolutely bar
red and foreclosed of nil their right,
title or Interest In or to the above de
scribed property, and every part there
of; and further that the said defend
ants, and each of them be decreed to
have forfeited to Mils plaintiff herein.
nil moneys heretofore paid to the Bald
plaintiff upon snld contract; and fur
ther for its cotts and disbursements
herein, nnd for such other nnd further
relief ns is just end equitable in the
This summons Is served upon you
by publication thereof once each week
tor six consecutive weeks In the Ore
gon City Enterprise, by order of the
above entitled court of date April 11,
Dato of first publication April 13, 1917
Date ot last publication May 25, 1917
Attorneys for Flalntlff.
Notice to Creditors.
Notice is hereby given to the un
dersigned has been duly appointed
by tho County Court of the State of
Oregon for the County of Clackamas,
adminlstrltrlx ot the estate of Edgar
Brlen, deceased. All persons hav
ing claims against said etstate are
hereby required to present them to
mo at the office of C. Schuebel, Ore
gon City, Oregon, properly verified
aa by law required, within six months
from the date hereof.
Date of first publication, March 30,
Administratrix ot tho estate of Edgar
C. Brien, deceased.
C. SCHUEBEL, Attorney for Admin
In the Circuit Court of the tSate of
Oregon, for Clackamas County.
Gladys W. Brock. Plnlntlff,
Roy C. Brock, Defendant.
To Roy C. Brock, Defendant:
In the name of the State ot Oregon,
you are hereby requlrod to appear and
answer the complaint filed against you
In the above entitled suit within six
weeks from the date of the first pub
lication of this summons; and If you
fail to answer or appear, for want
thereof, the plaintiff will app'y to the
Court herein tor the relief prayed for
in said complaint, to-wlt:
For a decree forever dissolving the
bonds of matrimony now and hereto
fore existing bstween Gladys W.
Brock, the plaintiff herein, and your
self, Roy C. Brock, the defendant here-
nt lb Bilnor thl'tV'S). Mol-ert lro
aii'l lioroihy lirMk; (r Ih aum if
IZ'it't tr n.onth lo l.a alloard plain
(Iff for llm aupport aiui n.aluteaaiir
of u:d minor ihlM. i,, and for am b
o'l.er and I iriher reMrf a llm Court
hall le-n q iltili!.
Ihl 'I n, in Mi I piMlahd puraU-
ant lo an order, duly nmda and M r
el, by (ha Hon 1 V. ( amphull, Juda
of (iin alova t nllllel Court, d..Ud lb
!7th day of War. h, I "j 1 7 , directing Hut
auhl auiniiioii .I...1I Im puhllabnl la
(lm Or-.,ii ( tiy l.nl. rprU-i cms
week for III coliaei tj(t wreks from
the dntn of tho f:rl publication.
iMte of flrat i"jh'lctlon M.ir h HI. 1517
Attorney for Muintiff. 4th Floor Klec-
trb- bblg, I'orili.iid, Oregon.
Pul of Ut p.ii,lli.lloo Mty II, ll?
In llm Circuit Courl of tha Htti of
Oregon, for ('Isj kaiuaa County,
A. It. Johnaon and T. K Idioa,
. Italntlff,
I.. II. iJtnxley. Hael Ijingley. jtit'li
l-angtey. Homer Ijmgt.y i,,t ,u.
nln lngi-y, hla wife. Roy Ijingli-y
and Juila Ijingley. bla wlfn, M
Goodwin and Oila Goodwin, h-r hi
band. Edna Jobnaon and I'r'd John
aoft, her huihinl, and Minn l-Atig
ley. I ) fend 4 nt a.
To K. It. Ungley, Haiel Ungley. Rutb
!ngly, Homer Ijtngtey and Minnie
Ungley, bla wife, Hoy Laocley sal
Joalo Ijtngley. bla wife, Ida Goodwin
and Otis Goodwin, her buaUnd, Kd
na Johnaon and Fred Johnaon, bnr
huahand, and Mayma Lanl-y, Ii
In the name of the State of Oregon,
You and each of you are hereby re
quired to tpper and anawer tha com
plaint filed agulnat you In tha above
entitled suit on or before six weeks
fro.a the publication of tbla aummona.
to-wlt: On or before the 11th day of
May, 1917, and If you fall to anawer or
appear, for want thereof the plaintiff
will take Judgment against you and
each of you as prayed for In tbelr
complaint, towlt:
For the sum of $1060.00, together
with Interest thereon at the rate of
per cent per annum from the !5th day
of April, 1915, and the further sum of
$100.00 as a reasonable attorney's
fee In thla sulL and for plaintiff
costs snd disbursements herein Incur
That !i mortgage Indenture exe
cuted on the ir.th day ot April, 1913.
by A. F. Langley and In favor of the
plaintiffs herein be decreed to be a
first Hen upon the following describ
ed property, to-wlt:
Beginning at a point In the North
line of Section One (1) 20.63 chains
West from the Northeast corner of
Section 1, Townahlp 2 South, Range
2 East ot Willamette Meridian In
C'ackamas County, Oregon; and run
ning thence West 6.87 chains; thence
South 14.54 chains; thence East 6.87
chains; thence North 14.54 chains to
the place ot beginning, containing ten
acres, more or less.
That said mortgage hereinabove de
scribed be foreclosed and that said
property above described be sold, as
provided by law In such cases; that
plaintiffs may become purchasers at
said sale and the proceeds derived
therefrom applied to the payment of
tho amount due plaintiffs. Including
Interest, reasonable attorney's fees and
costs, and that the defendants, E. R.
Langley. Hazel Langley, Ruth Langley,
Homer Langley and Minnie Langley,
his wife, Roy Langley and Josle Lang
ley, his wife, Ida Goodwin and Otis
Goodwin, her husband, Edna Johnson
and Fred Johnson, her husband, and
Mayme Langley, and any and all per
sons claiming by, through or under
them, subsequent to plaintiffs mort
gage be forever foreclosed and for
ever barred from all right, title, claim
or equity of redemption In and to the
ever barred from all right, title, claim
or equity of redemption in and to tho
property described herein and every
part thereof, and that plaintiffs may
have such other and further relief In
the premises as to the Court may seem
meet, Just and equitable.
This summons Is served upon you
by publication thereof for six succes
sive weeks In the Oregon City Enter
prise by order ot the Honorable J. U
Campbell, Judge of the above entitled
court, which order is dated the 22nd
day of March, 1917.
Date ot first publication, March
3rd, 1917.
Date of last publication May 11th,
519 Corbett Bldg.,
Portland, Oregon.
Attorneys for Plaintiffs.
Sheriffs Sale on Execution.
In the Circuit Court ot the State of
Oregon, tor the County of Clacka
mas. Wm. McHardy, Plaintiff,
T. J. Jones, Defendant.
State of Oregon, County of Clacka
mas, ss.
By virtue ot a Judgment order, de
cree and execution, duly Issued out of
and under the seal ot the above enti
tled Court, In the above entitled cause,
to me duly directed and dated the 8th
day of March, 1917, upon a judgment
rendered and entered in said court
on the 8th day of March, 1917, In favor
of Wm. McHardy, Plnlntlff, and
gainst T. J. Jones, Defendant, for the
sum of $200.00, with interest thereon
at tho rate of 8 per cent per annum
from the 16th day of June, 1914, and
the further sum of $55.00, and the
further sum of $25 as attorney's fee.
and the further sum of $29.15 costs
and disbursements, and the costs of
and upon this writ, commanding me
out of tho personal property of said
defendant, and if sufficiennt could not
be found, then out of the real prop
erty belonging to said defendant on
and after the date ot said 8th day of
March, 1917, to satisfy said sum of
$309.15 and interest as above shown
and a.so the costs upon this said writ.
Now, Therefore, by virtue of said
execution, Judgment order and decree,
and in comp'lnnce with the command
of said writ, being unable to find any
personal property of said defendant's.
I did on the 17th day of March, 1917,
duly levy upon the following described
real property of said defendant, sltu-t
am. Slid if tale of Oran, lowl(
Mi a Hit ('. snd He.eu (7) of
Alkluaons Addition aa per d ily r
rordrd plat thereof on I. In In Iba l(
conler'a office of Cm kainaa County,
Orat-on, and I will, on Haturday, (ha
:i( day of April, 117, t Mm hour of
10 o'i lock s. in. at Iba front door
of Ilia Cotinly Court Hon In tha City
lit Oregon City, In aald County and
Htala, sail at public auction. anh)-t
to redemption, th hlKheat bidder
for 1.'. H. gold coin, fh In band, all
Ih r,ht, title and Intoreat which (ba
within named drf -ndanta, or llher of
them, hid on tha data of laid Judg
n.ent, or t'wi had In or 14 Ih a hor a
deacribed real property or any part
tberiof, (o aatlufy P Judgment order.
docrni, Inter eat, roat and all accru
ing road.
Kberlff fit Claikamaa Couuty, Oregon.
By K. C, Hackatt, Unpnty.
Dated. Oregon City, Oregon, March
23rd, 1917.
Notice of Sal of Raal Properly,
In (ha County court of the State of
Oregon, for tha County of (In kama.
In the matter of the ratute of Julia
Ann Muinpower, Iea-d.
Notice U hereby given that from
and after May lat. 1517. the under
a!gneI, Miw-utor of the Laat Will and
Testament of Julia Ann Mumpower.
decea d. will aell at private ante, the
real ratate altuate In Clackamas
County, State of Oregon, which Is de
scribed aa follow :
IVglnnlnr at a point In the weatern
boundary line of thn Horace Baker
D. U C, which aald claim la In T. 2 8 ,
Range 2 and 3 Eaat of tha W. M .
which point la South t degrees 30
minute West, 1)5 chains from the
North weat corner of said claim;
Thence Eaat 3H.75 chains to a point;
Thence South 2)00 chains to a point;
thnce North 84 degrees Weat. 18 00
chains to a point; thence South 1.00
chain; thence North 71 degrees 30
minutes West. 5.50 chains along the
Northern boundary of "Outlook";
Thence West a'ong the Northern
boundary of "Outlook" 20.00 chains to
the West boundary line of the Baker
claim; Thence North 9 degree 30
minutes East on said claim line 27.50
chains more or leas to place of be
ginning situate In Clackamas County,
Oregon, and In the Western half of
said Baker D. U C
Also the following described real
estate: '
Ileglnnlng at the meander corner
on tbe North boundary line of the
Horace Baker D. U. C. on the Town
ship line between T. I 8. R. 2 E. and
T. 2 8. R. 3 E. of the W. M. on the
South bank of the Clackamas River,
19.75 chains North to the Southeast
corner of Section 13 T. I 8. R. 2.. E.
of the W. M. Thence N. 61 degrees
West on the North boundary ot said
claim 9.00 chains to the Northeast
corner of the tract of land described
In Book 138, page 653 Deed Records
Clackamas County, Oregon, to the
Clackamas County, Oregon, thence
South 33 degrees 45 mtnutee East
along the boundary line of said tract to
the Southeast corner thereof; thence N.
74 degrees 20 minutes W. along boun
dary of said tract, 3.00 chains to the
Southwest corner thereof; Thence S.
33 degrees 45 minutes West, 1.5 chains
along tbe eastern boundary ot tract of
land described In Book 91, Page 657
Deed Records aforesaid to the most
Northerly corner of tract of land de
scribed In Book 119, Page 391 Deed
Records aforesaid; thence S. 60 de
grees 30 minutes East along the North
easterly boundary ot last named tract,
6.80 chains to angle corner la said
line, thence S. 50 degrees East along
said boundary 10.00 chains more or
less to Southwest corner of tract of
land described In Book 81, Page 271
Records aforesaid; thence North 17
degrees 30 minutes East 78 feet to
angle corner In West boundary of last
named tract Thence N". 5 degrees
West on said boundary line, 6.80
chains more or less to place of be
ginning. Also the following described real
Beginning at the meander corner of
the North Boundary line of the Ho
aco Baker D. L. C. on the Township
lino between T. 2 S. R. 2 E. and T. 2
S. R. 3 E. of the W. M. and running
thence South SO degrees. 15 minutes
East along the North boundary of land
described In Book 81, page 271 Rec
ords of Deeds of Clackamas County,
Oregon, 2.51 chains to angle corner;
D. C Latourkttb. President
The Fiist National Bank
of Oregon City, Oregon
CAPITAL, $50,000.00
Transacts a General Banking Business
Phones Pacific 53
Home A-15)
All legal business promptly attended U
Commercial, Real Estate and
Probate our Specialties. Of
fice In First National Bank
Bldg., Oregon City, Oregon.
Office Phones Pacific Main 406;
Home A-270.
Beaver Bldg.. Room 6
Money loauoj, abstracts furnish
ed, land titles examlneJ, estates
settled, general law business.
la boundary Una; (hance North (I
dtrrms 10 mlnult Eaat, lot chains
more or I -a along aald l,iin.r
'line lo where ama liitrnct and
troa tha Northern boundary Una of
aid linker rlalm; thence Bouth 71
degr-a 30 mlnuta Weat, tracing the
northern boundary linn lit aald claim
lo (ha place of beginning.
I'pon (he following term a:
All rah, or on half raab and (he
balance of (he purchaae price on cred
it, with lntereit at (ha rate ot sis pr
rent, per annum on defnrrnd payment,
aid sale (o be made In the office of
Stone A Moulton, attorney, Oregon
City, Oregon.
Kmc u tor.
O. E. IIAYE.1.
Notice of Rtcelvtr's Sal.
Notlca I berby given that the un
demlgned. Receiver of the Mtnthorne
Hprlnga Water Company, aa Oregon
Corporation, will rncnlve sealed bids
on or before tbe 2Iat day of April,
1)17, snd will sell subject to the ap
proval of the Circuit Court of the
Stain of Oregon for the County of
Clackama, all of the property, rights,
franchlae, privileges, and assets,
real, personal and mixed, of the Mln
thorne Spring Walnr Company, and
romprlalng Its water plant and sys
tem In (he Town ot Mtlwaukle and
adjacent thereto In the County of
Clackamas, State of Oregon, Including
Lot Fifteen (15). Block Seventy ir
en (77), and Lots Twenty-seven (27)
snd Twentyelght (28), Blok Forty
four (44), of Mlnthorne Springs Ad
dition to Portland, In the County of
Clackamas. State ot Oregon, and all
ater rights, aunt, profits a pren
dre and appurtenant to said described
premlie. snd all pipe lines, power
plant and miscellaneous personal prop.
erty connected with the said water
All bid must be accompanied by
certified check payable to the order
of John H. Gibson, Receiver, for ten
per rent of the amount of the bid.
All bids will be received subject to
the confirmation of the said court
property will bo conveyed by the Re
ceiver, and possession given Immedi
ately upon the confirmation ot the sale
by the said court, and the balance ot
the purchase price must be then paid
In cash.
This sale Is made pursuant to a de
cree and under order of sale duly made
and entered In the said court on the
3rd day of March, 1917, In the cause
therein pending, wherein O. Orlo
Jefferson Is plaintiff and the Mln
thorne Springs Water Company, et al.
are defendants.
All bids must be mailed or delivered
to John H. Gibson, Receiver, 909
Northwestern Bank Building. Portland.
Oregon. The right to reject all bid
Is reserved.
Attorneys for Receiver.
Dated March 23, 1917.
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon, for Clackamua County.
Chas. E. Dart, plaintiff,
Minnie May Dart defendant
To Minnie May Dart, above named
In the name ot the State ot Ore
gon, you are hereby required to ap
pear and answer the complaint tiled .
against you In the above entitled
suit on or before the 27th day of
April, ,1917, said date being the ex-
ptratlon ot six weeks from the first
publication ot this summons, and If
you' tall to appear or answer said
complaint for want thereof, the
plaintiff will apply to the court for
the relief prayed tor In her com
plaint to-wlt:
For a decree dissolving the mar
riage contract now existing between
plaintiff and defendant This sum
mons Is published by order ot Hon.
Geo. R. Bagley, Judge ot the circuit
court which order was made on the
12th day of March, 1917, and tha
time prescribed for publication
thereof is six weeks, beginning with
the Issue dated Friday, March 16,
1917, and continuing each week
thereafter to and Including Friday,
April 27. 1917.
Attorneys for Plaintiff.
F. T. Mbybr. Cashier
Open from 9 A. M. to 3 P. M.
William Hammond
L. Hammond
Abstracts, Real Estate, Loans, Insur
Pacific Phone 81, Home Phone A-273
Deutscher Advokat
Will practice In all courts, make col
lections and settlements.
, Office In Enterprise Building,
Oregon ClUr. Oregon.
Graduate of the Ontario Veteri
nary College at Toronto, Canada,
and the MoKUlip School of Sur
gery of Chicago, la establlahed
at Fashion Stable, between
Fourth and Ftftb oa Main Street
Both Telephones
Office Pbelfle IS; Home A-M
Res. Paetflo 184) Home B-M