J OREGON CITY EN"1 KUrUISK. I-K.DAY, A.'UH. W. I4'"- ViCK f HIQHWAY CNGINtCR TO MAKt A COMPLETE EXAMINATION AT ONCE SALEM, Or, April H.-itpaeM to The rnlarprlM ) On of th flnt HIGH SCHOOL CONTEST HELD IN OREGON CITY OICLAM ATION ANOOATOV AHI UBJICT FOR RIVALRY BETWEEN ICHOOLI Or City, Or, Apr IT. (Splal ) Th bUb nhooj oratorical and deo- WORKERS CO FROM Cin' Walla W'alU i IWrtrd by 100 laborers; Others Are St arce mure of Herbert Nunn. new slat j tarnation wMl was I4 kcr Sal blchway enjInMr. Kill be lo make.urday HiM in in ur.n my nun i.noui. in winner iot WALLA WA1J.A. Wath. April JT. Wall Wall fanner and ur- ihrdl.( bat been "talking" over (he probability o( a labor scarcity th ! ummrr and the cnrmly of bring ln( In men. other I.K-alllIra hav been terttate t-Miiiticrt-a roiniuifl.'ii ''"' FREIGHT RATES BY NEXT IE WASHINGTON', April l - Tit railroads of I lie eounir will ('iil'l ln ri'.tai'i r.uii;in( from N ( I'1 l"'r cent In general f rli; lit rale H J"110 ' While (tie roaili ore riot iupccted In ft the 15 per conl ltirr.,i' lli"y r ii.'le, l( U undentood Hi 'I I" complete lamination of lb stretch of Pacific blbaf between New Ere nd Canemah. II U ipcteJ tbat Nr. Nunn will be In Clackama county ear ly tola week to 0 over the work and prepare, a report for the Clackamas county court The elimination will not be exactly In (he nature of a aurvey, and the work probably ran be done In a day at tbe lonteat. at least thti If tbe opinion of Mr. Nunn. ri l.l.-k mill Ik ma. la 111 u .-,.. " " ' j way of tbe World the county court will b Just -hat ' June, of tbe Ettacad bool; sevou 1, Robert Barnttl. if the Oregon City stbitol. llotb thet participated In tbe , oratorical contrtL Tbe Inner In tbe declamation con test were: Vivian Rubblns. of the M laila school; Ituby McWlIHs. Kttarala; and lloiilta Worley; of M.ilall; who on (lrt. second and third place r pecllrely. Uls Jones spoke on "Tbe Out come." Hubert Harnett talked on "Tbe buy actually (ettlii. tbeni. l-asl nlg-hl I rlnccj that a substantial Increase is K) KunUa residents of tbl city left Justified nt tills tunc hrre for Mlli, Montana, where: It Is believed that the -- I r H road they Here guaranteed six months' sill get a larger In. rrae lli-in caMcru that county court need to prepare for on tbe Pacific highway, la event tbe fl.OOO.OOO bond Issue carries In June, The engineer will report on the necessary grade, drainage, height of the crown and other details which will be of Interest to tbe county and which will be Involved In tbe work tbat tbe county will be called upon to perform. Tbe examination U to be made at the request of the court Members of the court asked the highway com missioner a short time before their recent regular meeting here that such examination may be made so tbat work on the stretch of highway may pro gress. The highway will be Improved. It 1 understood, whether or not the bond Issue carries, but whether It la to be a hard surfaced highway depend upon the status of the bond Issue after June 4, It 1 understood here. The county court of the state hare been advised that under the $1,000, 000 bond issue that the counties need prepare the road at trade only pre paratory to the state doing th hard surfacing work, a the hard-surface will Include the base and the base will be laid at the expense of the state. "XT the request of the Marion county court Mr. Nunn also will make an early examination of the Pacific highway In Marlon county between Salem and Au rora, bringing that examination prac tically to the Clackamas county line, o It la apparently the Intention of tbe highway commission. If the 16.000, 000 bond Issue carries, to make Its first appropriation for hard-surfacing to the Clackamas and Marlon county court for the purpose of pushing tbe work on the Pacific highway through as soon aa possible. The highway commission, as pre viously announced, already ha made pro rata appropriation for the Im provement on the road between New Era and Canemah and, aa stated, this work will go ahead regardless of the passage of the bond Issue act. but In event the bond Issue carries the road will be hard -surfaced. carriers berauee Ihclr in rating rx h n. s are creator. TB recitations were: wus lion ,.urj , .. Ih r,1HH-tive de- bli.s. -A Hill Itora the Milliner ; il' j niand. As yet nothing has been done, McWlllls. "The Soldier Tramp"; and !,nJ ,n.nr WorrllHj ovrr th, chances Miss Worley, "Mm Last Whipping " Tbe Judge of the contest were: K E. Pchaartttrauber, M. M. Llnneham. and 0. F. Karnopp; all of tbe Portland high schools. Tbe contett are held annually. MUs Mary Potts and Ml Clarlxa Goold represented Mtlwaukle high school. work In tbe ! i sugar fields and given transportation there, ttlmllar crews bate been obtained by th Montana fanners from around Itltivllle and other set'tlons of the Inland Kinplre ' Whitman college protectors have recommenced that a survey of (he la tr needs here (his summer be made; so tbat guarantees could be made by! tbe farmers collectively and labor then piAN T0 SAVE SHOE LEATHER IS ADVANCED BY THE ASSO CIATEO CHARITIES NYCHIIDRE GOBAREFOOTTHISYEAR of not being able lo harvest their crop. TO REGULATE MARKETS ROOKIES TAX BARRACKS Facilities For I lousing the Re cruits at Vancouver Crowded VANCOUVER BARRACKS, Wash.. April 17. So great has been the num ber of recruit for the regular army ent here from the recruiting stations In Portland and other Northwest cities that the facilities for housing and caring for tbe new men have been greatly taxed. The records today showed that 451 men were enlisted In the recruit com panies and there were 100 more who bad not been completely enlisted, and more than 100 new men arrived today. Thl make approximately 750 recruit for tbe regular army now stationed here, the largest number ever held here. The few soldiers of the regular army who are stationed here have been Im pressed Into serrlce as drlllmasters and tbe commissary and quartermaster department have been working over-i time In an effort to provide clothing and equipment for the new men. Many will have to await the arrival of equip ment from San Francisco. A regiment al tent camp was itarted today. National Defense Council Consider Fixing of Food Prices to EDWARD ROESER DEAD Former Resident of Maple Lane Passes at His New Home in Sublimity WASHINGTON. April i;-l..giU tlon to empower the t'ounll of Na tional !(ne to tu'orv!e illMrlti't tlon of fist ! nnd If necemary maximum and minimum price. j trine (rimed tod;iy at one of the (vaults of eterd.t)'s conVrvnc) be tween the (treat Chicane runt p.u-k crs and SevrvUry Houston, of the department of agriculture. Headed by J. Otidcn Armour. delegation of the foremost packers. Including Kdln Morrl. K. A. Cud ahr. Thomas V.. Wilson and U P. Sift. assured Secretary Houston -I their utmost co-operation and vol untarily propoed that the govern ment take steps to fix prices throui;h the Council of National Ivfense. The licensing of food distributing ag-n-cles so tho government may trire any movement of middlemen or oth er to monopolise supply or force raises In price Is one of the features of the plan the packers proposed. As their on "bit" in defending the nation, the packers offered n plan to distribute their products it a minimum of profit to themselves. and one of them estimated the sav ins to the public would approximate at least 1100.000.000 a year. ALU A NOT, Or, April I - Thai all children shall go barefoot this sum mer to save sole leather, was the unique plan broached by Albany tixlay to aid In the campaign for the solution of the high cost of living problem. and the conservation of material Incl dent to the war. It was broached at a meeting of the Associated Charities and (be Civic relief committee of the local lied Cross society, and took like II. If Ire. Local society women whose children have never enjoyed this freedom except at rare Intervals embraced the Ilea en thusiastically and from present Indi cations the youth of Albany wilt go barefooted this summer en masse. It Is planned aa soon ns weather con ditions permit to Inaugurate the open season for discarding shoes with a big barefoot parade. This was only one of the schemes proposed today In this campaign. GUARDS ARE FIRED ON RAISE BEANS AND HARES O. A. C Woman Points Way Women May Help in War Crisis CORVALLIS, Ore, April 17, Sharing In the toll of the Delda, sacri ficing all individual taste that inter fere with bountiful production of food supplies, practicing rigid economy, and avoiding neighborhood suspicion, are . some of the ways In which women can help win the big war, as pointed out by Mrs. Clara Waldo, the woman member of the Oregon Agricultural College Board of Regents in speaking to the women students. "Women's help is better In time of stress than r.t any other time," said she, "for It Is then that ttielr intuition comes in comes straight from the spirit You are to be joint tillers of the soil in war time. You can help in the food and lr.bor shortage by writing to the home folk what are the best food crops to grow. Plenty of beans potatoes and carrots for winter I'se will cut down the home living cost and release much other food material for other use. "Grow Belgian hares. They are a good cheap food and can be grown on the clover cuttings from the parks and lownB. "Canneries and homes that are go ing to depend on tins might begin to evaporate surplus fruits and vege tables when possible because there is going to be a great shortage of tins. Doubtless many canneries will bo un able to run during the summer months "America has no quarrel with any nation but is opposed to autocratic militarism. Nor should we be sus piclous of our neighbors; the secret service men are paid to bes uspicious W Bhall need all the charity we can commend." Cut Thl Out It Is Worth Money. DON'T MIS3 THIS. Cut out this slip, enclose with 5c and mall it to Foley & Co., 2835 Sheffield Avenue, Chicago, 111., writing your name and address clearly. You will receive in return a trial package containing Foley's Honey and Tar Compound for bronchial and la grippe coughs; Foley Kidney Pills, for lame back, weak kid nevs. rheumatism, bladdsr troubles, and Foley Cathartic Tablets, a whole aome and thoroughly cleansing cathar tic, for constipation, biliousness, head ache and sluggish bowels. Edward Roeser, a former resident of Maple Lane, Clackamas county, died on April 14th at his home at Subllm Ity, Oregon. His death followed three weeks' Illness. Edward Roeser was born at Mil waukee, Wisconsin, June 2, 1S96. lie resided near thl city for several years with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Roeser. He is survived by his par ent, two sisters, Miss Theckla Roeser, of Sublimity; Mrs. Jacob Schaff, of Wisconsin; and a brother, Frank Roeser, of Sublimity. The funeral services were conducted at the Catholic church at Sublimity, with Rev. A. Lcnlck, officiating. MEXICANS SEND ENVOY Mexican Ambassador is First at Washington Since Madero's Death WASHINGTON, April 17. Ignaclo Donillas, the first Mexican ambassador received by the United States since the overthrow of Madero, presented auto graph credential, letter from Genera! Carranza to President Wilson today, and was accepted as diplomatic repre sentative of the de facto government. He was accompanied to the White House by Secretary Lansing. Especial Interest attached to the presentation of the ambassador be cause of German machinations In Mex ico and the uncertain attitude of the Carranza government toward the war between the L'nited States and Ger many. The situation was not referred to by the president and his caller. SOCIALISTS DENOUNCE WAR ST. LOUIS, Mo., April 11. The en try of the United States Into the world war is bitterly denounced as dishon orable and a crime against the people of tho United States and agalnm the nations of the world, in the majority report of the Socialist committee on war and militarism read here this c.fternoon. The report signed by 11 of the 1," members of the committee, recom mends continuous active and public opposition to the war. Is your child pale and fretful? Does he cry out In sleep or grind his teeth? These symptoms may mean worms and you should obtain relief at once. Kickapoo Worm Killer is a pleasant remedy that kills tho worm, and by its mildly laxative quality expels it from the system. Worms sap the vi tality and make your child more sus ceptible to other ailments. Your Druggist sells Kickapoo Worm Killer, 25c a box. (Adv.) YELLOW PINE PLANTED Forest Being Planted at Med- ford by Government For estry Department MEDFORD, Or. April IS Reforest ation of the foothills and mountain slopes of southern Oregon Is being pursued by the federal government this year on a scale much larger than heretofore. Tho system practically has passed the experimental stage and Is being applied as a business propo sition. Work on an 80-acre project on the Applegate river watershed has been In progress for three weeks, under the supervision of Martin L. Erlckson, for est supervisor for this district, 15 men being employed. A tract of 35 acres was planted last year, largely as an experiment In cultivating yellow pine. Although the aridity of this dis trict militated somewhat against the Immediate success of the project, the trees planted did sufficiently well to justify enlarging the tract and plant ing under a Bllghtly revised method. TEDDY WANTS TO GO Colonel Would Raise Volun teer Expedition and Join Allies in Europe Three Horsemen Shoot at Tunnel Watchmen and Run to Safety Kl.KO. Nov., April 17.- Guards at u tunnel on the Weste.rn Pacific rail road were fired upon Sunday nlglit when three horsemen, cmplojllig cnlplug tactics, shot nt vui-nl ut in tervals. Tho guards were uninjured The horsemen escaped beforo dawn FORD WILL AID ALLIES Pacifist Will Waive His Rights to Patents in the Interest of The War DETROIT. Mich.. April 17. Henry Ford, at the request of the British gov ernment, has waived all patent rli;M on his farm tractor and has cabled the specifications to England, so Great Iirltain can manufacture tractors for uso In the llritish Isles and In France. Announcement to this effect was made at tho Ford Motor company offices to day. It Is believed that tbo tractors will help greatly to Increase farm acrease In the entente- countries. It also was announced that Mr. Ford hopes to have thousands of tractors ready for use In the United States and Canada by August 1. Mr. Ford's en tire tractor plant, the same as his auto mobile factory, will bo at tho disposal of the United States government. F. Iloioith. T. H. McDaulel, J. II Colt, Wm. T. Davis, Mrs. Maria M Polly, Klleii M. Itockwood, L'. M Howell, J. T. 'ApprriMiii, Harsh C Wlikhnm, John Campbell, elms ' Martin. K' P. Itllcy, ij. W, (lender Shot, J. t. e.i, lielrs, lllle liar Vr), Nclllit K. Neiibuiier, John Wat riu, W. tl. Manning, It K l Him iiions, lio W. Hoyl, Paul llilmeis, T. I. A Mary Charman, A. II. (trie en. Hnruh ('. Parker, Klla ('. Halun Klam fhuw, (tiintav It. Hoffman, J T. Aleander. W. 8 tirlffls. tVIU lilackmell, Anna lrltrfield. W. W Graham, L'lliaUlli Miillnti. N O Wuld Trunlee. C. N. Wall, Win Kendall. (I W. ( letter, P. ('. Aid rl. h, ('has K a Mary Mid bell, Jus. V. Prevver, II. C. t lmls J. Wad' M. II. Clelk, A N. Mouse), I.. K t Anna It. Wnilnuin, U A. Wood ward, llet r May, .linnet A. Kavs, H. Itluliui. Hr, Achll'e Herbert, .lame 1 1 nice. W. It. Toll t II U Clark Wm. M and Sarah Xiulth. Ida K Parent, (I. W. denier. II. P. Pur-'low heirs, dm. W. i. out, rant. F. L. Walker, W. 8. 1'orliett. John W Carlton. L'll n Callahan. W. F. C Inn Spcer, Piancl M I'aker. Nluit Joy, Allen II. Joy, Hermit K. Grg(, G. It. Itbluirdx t. J It. Hiulth. Prank Colo, II E. Noble, Mary K. Northup, Kmnin 1 Greene, L. E. Coffee, Mo la I la l.tmilx-r Co. F. It. A ll-nrl etta Taw uey. Ki.tacuda Htato Dank. J. U Pnnd, Def n.l.inlri. To J. A. Androtvs, Joseph Htumpfi-r, J W. limits. John W. l.oeVr. Milton ll.iney. J. W. E It. MU. ('bus M and Ch n E. Wall, (1 ('. Holds. Richard MeMahon. A. E. Walt. Clms. Joseph, Clirlsllan Tracluel, Amu Howell. ThoH. Glbbs, Karnh Ran dolph. E. G. Cauflebl. II. E. Cross, trustee, A. M C. 8i hullo, W. l Henthorn, W. W. (toner, Ji-iinlo E Pouer, Carl I .Inns, U A. Henthorn. W. It. U'lteti, Simon P. Slaw ton. Or lando J. Mack, ( has N. Wallac-. Emma McNeil, E. W. lleeitun. Guoriu Lowell, II. Gllduer, C. II. Clement, Iteiia U derrick. A. P Striker. Sarah E. Palmer, Arble Markeo, Thos. E. IVwtlng. Grace L. ironom:h. Earl ('. Pronouch. C. W, Nichols, J. E. Hammond, Johitn- n.t lluckloy. I). J. Iluck'ey. Jr., Wil liam Huckley, C. A. Gove. Harriet Iao, 0. Svurend and J. L. Prosier, O. A. and M. I. Hav ward. Marslifield; Anders G. Webom, Hlbernla Sav Ihks Rink, Kalherlnn U Trovett. James II. (Hack, Oregon Ijvnd Co.. l.uella II. llrsi. Dora L Cheek. E. F. lloforth, T. S. McHaiilel. J. II Colt. Wm. T. DuvIh. Mrs. Maria M Polly, PJIen M. Itockwood. K. M Howell, J. T. Apporson. Sarah C. Wlcktmm. John Cnmpbe'l. Chan. C. Martin. E. F. HUey. G. W. Hendor- shot, J. I). Iv heirs. Daniel Har vey. Nellie E. Noubaiicr. John Wat rin. W. G. MannliK, It. E. I. Sim nions. Geo. W. Hoyt. Paul Itelmers T. I.. & Mary Chnrumn. A. H. Grles- son, Sarah C. Parker. Ella C. Sabln Elam Shaw, Gustuv It. Hoffman, J T. Alexander. W. S. Grlffls. Cell Illackvvell. Anna UriHterfleld. W. W Graham. ElluiU'th Miillan, N. O Wulden. trust-e. C. N. Walt. Wm Kendall. G. W. Clei tcr. F C. Aid rich. Clin. E. & Mury Mltchol. Jos V. lire-Ai r. H. C. & Unils J. Wade, M. 11. Clark. A. N. Munsey. U E & Anna R. Williams. L. A. Wood ward. Hexter & May. James A. Kays, S. Uliihni Sr. Achilla Seuhers, Jnmrs rtrurc, W. II. Tull A R. U Clark Wm. M. nnd Surali Smith. Ida K. Parent. G. W. ('tester, II. F. llarstow heirs, Geo. W. llanderant, E. L. Walker. W. S. Corbrtt. John W. Curlbon. Ellen Callahan. W. F. & Inn Speer. Francis M. Baker, Nina Joy, Allen R. Joy. Hermit E. Gregg, O. R. Richards & J. R. Smith. Frank Cole, H. E. Noble. Mary E. Northup, Emma U Greene, U E. Co'fee. Mo- lalla Lumber Co.. F. II. & Henri etta Tawney, Kstarndu Stutn Bank. J. L. Hand, tho ubovo named De fendants. l t II jtarah Randolph. S of IM I, Hlk Csiienub I 17 Hai.h Randolph. of Ul I, Ills. 'It", Caneinab I 17 E 0. Caufiuld, Ud b, I tl k I." Caliilliall Jli II. K. Crots, Initiee, daiianiHS Fruit Un.lt, lails A II, Plk 10. I 10 A M ('. 8liutt, (ails (5, Hlk , Flead Jit J! W. II. Ilelllboin, tails II 17, lllk 17. Etlscada ',. 5 71 W. W, H..nr. U.t 11. Uk. 37. 1st Add lo Plu. od I It Jennie P doner, lad II. Plk 37. rt Ad I lo Pila. t.la ! 71 Carl Limit, lail 1, lllk. 9, ZobrUt Add lo Pttitcnd 10 77 I. A llenlliorn. tails 7 . IHk. It. 7otrlls Add lo Pita-ada of,7 John lader. lllk I lo tl snd Fr'l IHoclt A II. Gladtlone. laits !' Id lllk. 14. (Ilail.lolin I 70 W. It P lleii. la.ls l:n. ilk II filadnluiie 1 70 John W. Icier. Illoik 7'. to I'M and Prl llt.x-ks C lo II. Glad stone, .ol 7. lllk 11 3 11 Hlmon P. Hln. lad 3, Htk Gtndtlonn 1 tJ Gladxtoun Heat I'slnte AttiM-lallon Lot f, Itlk 9, Glndtlone I 1 Orlnndo J. Mack. Iat . lllk. M, G!adton 1 CI Cl.a. N Wallace. Ul lllk n. Gladttonn t (II Glad!on- Ileal E"la(o AtnoclaHon la. Is ndjolnlng GU.lone Park lot 111 Tf.o Emm McNeil, lad I, lllk I. Hydn Park ( 3 E. W. Ileeman. lat i 1. lllk. 1. Hvdo Park HI Gnerna loiwell. tails 30 lo 33. lllk. M CLARKE PLANS TO PAVE Six Miles of Hard Surface is Proposed by County Commissioners WASHINGTON, April 16. Colonel Roosevelt, In letters yesterday to Sena tor Chamberlln and Representative Dent, chairmen of the congressional military committee, detailed his plans for raising and accompanying a vol unteer expedition to Join tho a!Iia on the western European battle front. T most earnestly and heartily sup port the administration bill for provid ing an army raised on the principle of universal obligatory military train lug and service," said his letter. "But of course a great system of this kind, a system entirely new In this country, cannot be immediately inaugurated. Many months, prob ably at least a year or over, must elapse before the army thus raised would be available for use in Europe. DUELS PUT OFF FOR WAR Italian Officers Will Not Take Up Their Private Rows in Wartime VANCOUVER, Wash., April 17. The paving of approximately bIi mllcB of the River road, extending eaBt from the city limits of Vancouver to a point about a mile cast of Ellsworth, was proposed today in a resolution of in tention adopted by the county commis sioners. It Is proposed to expend the per manent highway fund of the county, amounting to about 130,000, this year, together with a contribution of tho road district fund and the property owners on the work. It Is likely that tho work will be under way by June 1. ROME, April 17. In the Italian army, where the duel Is obligatory for officers and non-commissioned oflicers, it has been decided by de cree for an officer to postpone unti1 r.fter the war his decision to seek revenue. All duels we to bo put off to the end of the war, and then the dispute may be referred, without loss of honor, to the general commanding. SUMMONS IN FORECLOSURE OF DELINQUENT TAX CEERTIFICATE. In tho Circuit Court of 'no tSnto of Oregon, for Clackamas County. County of Clackamas, a municipal cor poration, Plaintiff, vs. J. A. Andrews, Joseph Stampfer, J. W. Roots, John W. Loder, Milton Hanny, J. W. & E. Roots, Chas M. and Chas. E. Walt, G. C. Fields, Richard MeMahon, A. E. Wait, Chas. Joneph, Christian Truchsel, Anna Howell, Thos. Gibbtr, Sarah Ran dolph, E. G. faurield, H. E. Crons, Trustee, A. M. C. Schutto, W. D. Henthorn, W. W. Boner, Jennie E. Boner, Carl Linns, L. A. Henthorn, W. R. U'Ren, Simon P. Slawson, Or lando J. Mack, Chas. N. Wa'laco, Emma McNeil, E. W. Beeman, Gnerna Lowell, B.. Glldner, C. II. Clement, Rena U Hcrrlck, A. F. Striker, Sarah E. Palmer, Archie Mark-;e, Thos. E. Dowllng, Grace L. Bronoiigh, Earl C. Bronough, C. W. Nichols, .1. E. Hummond, Johan na Buckley, D. J. Buckley, Jr., Wil liam Buckley, C.A.Gove, Hariet Lee, G. Svarend, and J. U Faslcr, O. A. and M. L. Hay ward, Marshfleld; Anders G. Webom, Hlbernla Sav ings Bank, Katherlne L. TrevetL James II. Black, Oregon Land Co., Luella H. Hess, Dora U Cheek, B. IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF OREGON: You nro hereby notified that Clnck amas County, the holder of Certificate of Delinquency numbered 1511, Issued on the 5th dny of Janunry, 1!1. by the Sheriff of tho County of Clnckn- mas, Stato of Oregon, for tho sum of Eleven hundred Seventy rfhd H3-100 ($1170.(1.1) Dollars, tho samo being the amount duo nnd delinquent for taxes for tho year 1910, together with pen- nlty. Interest nnd costs thoroon upon tho real property nssessed to you, of which you aro tho owner as appears of record, situated In said county and state, together with tho further Bum of ten per cent per nnnum from tho 5th day of January, A. D. 101(5, said assessments nnd property bolng more particularly described ns follows, to wlt: J. A. Andrews, Ely 5.90 acres blk. 14, Barlow IL91 Joseph Stampfer, Gat.kcs Sub. Dlv. lllk 8, Barlow, Lot 1, Blk "A" 1.49 J. W. Roots, Boring Junction TractB, SE 1-4 of 10 2.88 John W. Loder, Boring Junction Tracts NE 1-4 Blk. 11 14.13 J. W. Roots, Boring Junction Tracts Lot 1 Blk 20 25.90 Milton Haney, Palmer's Add te Boring Junction Tracts 50x100 ft. out of NW corner of Blk 4. . 2.09 J. W. & E. Roots, Roots Add to Boring Tracts Lot "C" 2.49 J. W. Roots, Roots 2nd Add to Boring Junction, Lot "J" 6.37 Chas. N. & Chas. E. Walt, Canby Gardens, E'A of lx)t 29, W'A Lot 30 5.48 Chun. N. & Chas E. Walt, Block 3G Canby Gardens 5.48 Q. C. Fields, Lot 6, Block 11 Ca nemah 3.91 Richard MeMahon, Lot3 3 and 4, Blk. 22, Cunemah 5.C7 A. E. Walt, Lot 4, Blk 25, Cano man 3-!M Chas. Joseph, Lots 2, 3, 4, Blk. 31 Canemah 6-25 Chas. Joseph, Lot 7, Blk 31, Ca- nernah 2.15 Gladstone Real Estate Association Lots 1, 8, Block 57, Canemah.. 5.CC Gladstone Real Estate Associaton Ixts 1, 8, nik. 58, Canemah.. 3.32 Christian Trachsel, Ixt 3, Blk. "C", Can-man 2.47 Anna Howell, Lots 3, C, Blk. "D Canemah 8-85 Thos. Glbbs, a triangular parcel of land in Canemah bounded by . Sts. No, and called 8 and t'A and Center Des. bk. 63 page Hlk. 4. Ilvde, Park C. It Clement. Ia.lt 1. 5. Blk . Hyde. Park j ; llena L. derrick, tails 3. 4. 5. Blk . Hvde Park 3 J F. Striker. laits 9. 10. lllk H. Ilvde. park ( f 1 II. Glldner, la.lt T. , lllk It, Hyde. Park (II Sarah E I'a'ni-r. lails lo II, lllk. II. Hvdo Park 6 1 Archie. Mrke tails 31 37, Blk K Hyde Pnrk 1 (13 Thos E. Howling, tails 13 1 1, Blk 3. Idlewlblo I.r.l Grso U Pronoitrh. Lot J. Hoard man's Add to Jennlnts I anise K1 1.1 Enrl C. Bronougli, Lot 5, Board- man' Add to Jennings Lodge K. 01 Earl C. Bronouirh. lait 8. Board lusn's Add In Jcntilm-a l.odce 11 HI Ear! C. Bronough. lad II. Board man's Add to Jennlncs laid" 1131 Earl C. Bronough. lot II. Board man's Add lo Jennlntrs ladi;o 15 7 C. W. Nichols, (a.ts G. H. I, 1st Add lo Jennings I.oilro 13 31 J E. Hammond, laitt 79 32. Blk 7 Man-hh.ink 4 Johanna Buckley. Iat 35. Blk. 7. Mnrchhanks (91 D. J. Buckley. Jr. loit 31. Blk 7. Marchbanks IS I Wm. Buckley, tail 37. Blk. 7. Man hlmnks J 91 C. A. Gove. Lot 1. Blk. 9, March- bank .93 Harriet la-e, Ixits Z to 6. lllk. 9. Man-hbanks 5.76 G. Svarend J. I Frualor. lots 12 to 15. Blk. 9. Marchbunks... fSO O. A. & M. I liny ward, lad 1 Blk. 9. MnrHhfleld 15 9S Anders O. Webom. laits 14. 15, 16. Blk. 6. Mllwauklo Park.... 6 71 Hlbernla Saving Bank. I ait 8. Blk. W. Repluttlng of a Portion of Mllwauklo Park 4.33 Kutherlno L. Trevett. that portion of Ixit 1, Blk. V lying North and East of West linn of Lot 7, Blk. U, I-ot 1. Blk. 5 3.87 Hlbernla Suvlngs Bank. Rop'at ting of a portion of Mllwauklo Purk. Iait 2. Blk. V 3.35 James It. Illuck, Lois 40-41, lllk 73. Mlnlhorn 2.27 James II. Black. I ait 4. Blk. 77 Mlnthorn 2.12 Oregon latnd Co.. Lots 13 14, lllk K9, Mlnthorn 2.12 Luella II. Hess, Ixils 252ti, Blk 89, Mlnthorn 212 Dora L. Cheek, Lots 10 15, Blk 95 Mlnthorn 4.43 Dora L. Cheek, Lots 25-31, Blk 9.1, Mlnthorn 5.00 E. F. Bor.orth, lads 14-19, Blk 97, Mlnthorn 4.43 E. F Bozorth, Iaita 1, Blk. 98 Mlnthorn 1.52 Dora L. Cheek, laits 2 to 9, lllk: 98. Mlnthorn , 5.57 T. S. McDunl,'! & J. II. Colt, lllk. 12, Orchard Homes 4.40 T. S. McDanlel & J. H. Colt, part of Blk 13, Orchard Homes... . 1.(0 T. S. McDanlel & J. II. Colt, part of Blk 21, Orchnrd Homos.... 5.87 T. S. McDiinlol & J. II, Colt, part of Blk. 25. Orchard Homes... 5.87 T. S. McDanlol ft J. H. Colt, part of lllk 28-29, Orchurd Homes.. 10.70 Wm. T. Davis, Ut 15, Blk 11, Nob Hill 1.59 Mrs. Maria M. Polly. ImIh 17 to 2.1. Blk. 79, Mlnthorn 3.00 Ellen M. Rockwood, Ut 11, Blk 12, Ardenwald 3.58 Ellen M. Rockwood, Lots 13-11, Blk. 12, Ardenwald 6.19 E. G. Caufleld, Lots 5, 6, 7, Blk. 33. Bolton 8.01 E. M. Howell, Ia)ts 1 to 13, Blk. fi, Nob Hilt 3.50 E. M. Howell, Lots 17 to 21, Blk. 6, Nob Hill 2.55 J. T. Apperson, Ixits 5-fi, Blk. 51 Oregon City 30.00 Surah C. WIckham. Lot 4, Blk. 1.10, Oregon City 20.27 John Cnmpboll, Lots 3-4, Blk. 2. Oregon City Annex 1.70 Chas. Martin, 50x100 ft. of Ix)t 4, Darling's Ad to Oregon City. . .1.(1.1 E. V. Riley, Blk. "D" Park Add to Oregon City 3.0 G. W. Hendershott, Lot 1, Blk 3, Pleasant Place Add to Oregon City 5.20 J. D. I-eo Heirs, So. Oswego, IM 5, Blk. 41 1.91 Daniel Harvey, Ut 1, Peoplo's Transportation Co.'s Lots.... 2.44 Nellie E. N-Mibauor, K of Ut 14, Plnehurst 10.70 John Watrln, Lots 4-5, Blk. 6, Pleasant Little HomoB No. 3.. 2.22 John Watrln, Lots 10 to 12, Blk. 0, Pleasant Little Homes' 2.86 W. G. Manning, Uts 3 to 6, Blk "A", Pompoll 3.13 R. E. L. Simmons, Ut 1, Blk. B, Pompoll 1.51 R. E. L. Simmons, Lot 2, Blk. B, Pompeii 1.51 Geo. W. Hoyt, Uts 1-2, Blk "C" Pomp. II Ml Paul IIHu.eft. K I J l U ls I I. lllk I). l(..bfMoM 4 tl I'sul llelmeis. I "I II. I'lk II, )(.,!., rt..n lis T. I' A Mary ( Intuitu, Ul I, Ik 1. N-t l inn 101 A II G.l..-n, lad , lllk O, (.1 id Co ll"Jl Wlllamell KuUl A.ieue 1 tails T 10 Hatah C Paik.r, Uts 1 1, IHh. f li..lor 1 10 pi Is C Hablti, Ut 17, llk II, Wln.Uor I M KI.IIU Hlia. lad I, lllk 15, Wind sor 171 (iu.lar II Holfiiiun. lads t 10, Uk I'i. Winder Ik John W. lanler, Ut II, lllk IJ. Wln.l.or 144 J T Aletsuder, lad 1 1. Plk II Winder 131 J T Alewtlder. I ail 4, lllk. 10, Wlnd.or fit W 8 Grlffls, I at 7. Blk f, Windsor Ill Cell HI... knell. Uls I 7. Hlk II Windsor Il Ann lirUlerflel.l, Ut 3. lllk II. Wltidtor I 41 W W. litalmui, 14 s. n t In J. Dally I . I ('. H 71. I H. I W I 10 Elliab. in Mullaii. :u actes In lot Whit.. .lob (I I.. C. See . I IM I J N O Wnl l. n Tr J70 m ni Win llland It. U C. Hoc 3., 14, I I E 171 ('. N Wall. 2? a res a .let I : at . of Wills No. t, 97. Hes s ie i!oi Wm Kendall. I ::.'! S feet im Philander Ue D I.. C, Hw 4 31. 3 IE I 10 I (I. W ('letter. H 30 a. ret of UN ', of HK's S.r 36. b (K II F C. Aldrl. h. 10 a. rrt In H Mink I r D U C. S. c. I I. 3 W, 14 3 IE 14 1 Cb.it E Mary Mil. h II, NK'4 of HIV1, rv.ept 10 acret, H" . .1'!. 4 I 7 2 Jos C. Breoer. 155 acre In H V? M and fan 6. Sec 30 4 IE t 51 II C. Unit J Wad. .31 a. row In Et llth.-r D. I. (', S.- 2 j. :e 1 9.1 M II ( link. ,f,0 wcirt In Ktra Flh. r l U C 141 A N. Mutitey, .71 acres In Krra II b. r 1 1 U C 19J K E. t Annn It. Wl'llams. !i a.-r.-s In (r.-on City Claim.. 117 I.. A. Woodwatd, pt. I ait 4 In Sec IH2 3E 11.61 lletler I May. "0 n.-r. s In Wm Holmes D. L. C 14 Jl James A. K.i)t, ..Is ai res In Win. Ilolm. s II. U (' 4 95 S. Uliihni. Sr. 20 acres In Andrew Hood D. L. C 1141 Achllle S. i tiers. S of N of SK 'i of SE1; Hmv 11 2 4 8 Ja s Bruce. St, of SK' ofSKH "0 W. II Toll It U Clark, la.t 1 and SE", of SV of NWV Sec II 5 2E 10 37 Win M & Hnruh Smith. NWH of NE' Sec I3 6 2E 176 Ida E. Parent. 6 50 acres 8nc. 17 5 2E 164 G. W. Clester. 60 ai res In Hoc. 31 5 2E 104 O. W. ('letter. N'i of NW4 Sue. 6 6-2E 1180 B. F Bnrstow heirs, K ofHWU In See 29- M-ZK Ill Gen. W. Bandernnt, 7 acres do Ilk. 117. Pane 92. Record of 1 lir.lt. Sheriffs Division lift E. L. Walker. 5 acres do. Bk. of Wills No. 2. pane 419. In Abol Multoon D. ! C 9 9S W. S. Corbett, SWVi of SWV Hoc. 25 4 3E , 138 Ellen Culluban. 2 acres as de. Bk. 79. Pago 301, Hoc. 16 3H 1.67 W. F ft Ina Kpeer, 1.20 acres aa des. Ilk. 106. pnr.o (73. Sue. 1. 1-4E 1.46 John W. Carlson. 8E14 of NV. Sec9 5-.1E 10.56 Krnncls M. Baker, 4 acre In Stic. 1 8-4-4 K 1.56 Nlnn Joy, N of N4 Sec. 105-4E 21.61 Allen It. Joy, H of N Sue 10 6-4E 11.61 Hermit C. Gregg. Wt of NW4 Sec 20-5-4 E 36.21 0. R. Richards ft J. R. Smith NE'4, Sec. 14 4 -5E 16.39 Frank Colo. V(i of NE4 and 811 '4 of W and NE'4 of 8W14, Sec. 14, 2 6E 14.07 II. E. Noble, W'tt of SW'4 80c, 3H 2 GE 30.32 Mary E. Northrup, 1 aero ns do Bk. 107, pg. 218, Sec 8 3 7E... S.28 iniiim L. Greeno, part of ns do. Bk. 110. pago 79, Sec, 9-3-7M.. 1.64 E. Coffeo, 4.83 acres ns de Ilk. 114. pg. 98, Sec 4-4-510.... 2.04 Molnlla Lumber Co., lC'i of NW'A of NEVi Swi, 2I-4-3E..: 9.2(5 F. II. & Henrietta Tuwney 88 acres us dos. Ilk. 119, Pnno 70. See 9-3-7E 16.73 Eslacuda Stato Bnnk, 18.10 ncre dus. Bk. 101, pae.o 412, Soc. 21-3-IE 30.32 U Band. ti of NWVi of SW except 6 acres Soc. 18-3-3I5. 6.34 Vou are furthor notified that said Clackamns County has paid tnxos on said promises for prior "r subsequent years with tho rnto of Interest on said amounts as follows: Said above named defendants 11 a tho owners of tho legal titlo of the above described properly, us tho wuno appears of record end each of the other persons above named nro here by further notified that Clackiininn County will apply to tho circuit court of tho county and state aforesaid for a deereo foreclosing tho lien against tbe property above described and mentioned in said certificate. And you are hereby summoned to appear within sixty days after tho first pub lication of this summons upon you, ex clusive of tho day of first publication and defend this nctlon or tiny tlio amount duo ns ubovo shown together with costs and nccruod interest, nnd In caso of your failure to do so a de cree will be rondnrcd foreclosing tho lien of Bald taxes and costs against the lands nnd promises above named. All process nnd papors In this pro ceeding may be served upon tho nn derslgned residing In Clackamns Coun ty, Oregon, at tho address hereinaf ter mentioned. Date first publication March 30, 1917 GILBERT L. HEDGES, Dlntrlct Attorney for Clackamas County, Oregon. Address Welnlmrd Bldg., Oregon City, Oregon.