ORIWON' (MTV I'NTKin'HIKI'. IK If) AY, APRIL (, 1917. acre E To lliu IMIr of llni Kuturvrlan: A Ml, I'li'immit rHlii'iil asked: "lluv )U xwr iiiikIiIitciI Unit Ihn Smith r ii Ifh' niinpiiuy, ,ilm I'uf IIhimI Hallway. Unlit Power t miipuiiy, thn largo piipiT mill, und Ihn luri'u lain) i iiilimiili' of Cluikuiuu county pay alioiit tiulf of (tin turn of Ilia comity T Ami lliut Ilia iiiniln maniiaiM- IIiii dt (lull i of Ihi'nii gri'iit companies urn lit uiiin lit favor of rond bond? Why 7 Hm-anse II lit r. ""1 liimliiiM. An liUli'il ut U ri'i'iuit inrnllliK of tint ('(iitiiiii'rrliil i lull, 115 per I'i'iil of Dm r"Krt'xiilva ImihIii of loduy lit ilium on rrmlll. ' Comi'llllli', or I II '1 1 V 1 1 1 1 1 (t I M Willi a clear cut liimlnt'tui proposition run aix-ure flniiiii lul Iihi'IiIiik In (tin form of bond, for Ihn asking, and a bond Inn concern will not (my lli hnml mi li'im their rinufliiiillon Into Ilia prop osition ihown It In li" x'Hut Imilnintit. Moot Inrxn concern have hmn atari ri Hh otlmr riiii'i rnnney through hnml- In other word, big bimlncs Intercut loiluy li t olio r pimple' liioiiiy work for tlii'in hix-mme It I KihmI hunlut'na. If Ihn stuto of Oregon wIhIii-i to ro ahead. Ilia Mii!o of thn atnte will allow other people' money In work ttiroiiiiti bond for I limit. If thn iroionllliin wasn't a good una, Ihn ImiiiiI people woiililn't Imy lha bond, hut Mulfl II III K mm! lunl tlcntt. Thn twin of hnnl iiirfiii'Oil ruiiiln whlla wo am paying for thorn will not only save to I lie pgpl of Orcnoii ninny tlini'i an linirli an lha irllii'liln nnil Interest, whllit Ihn Krt'alrr busi ness riitiiiltliiK cuniiot even ho mil- IIIHllll. WRIGHT VAr ORGANIZE AERIAL ARMY FOR U. S. Favora Small) High Climbing Plana With but a Bingla Gun, Dayton, O.-OrYllln Wright, Inrrntor of tha aeroplane, aiinoiiiiitil that In raoa of war wllli (iennaiiy hu would ahaiidon lila prlvutn afTuIra and offer hla aertrlrca lo Ihn Koveriimelit to help orunhlMi an aerlnl armr. "Whllo 1 could not ilupllcato lleury t'ord'a ofTer to inniiiifncture war ma chine lux'aiiae I have (lmail of lliy lulereata lu Ihn tnaiiiifat'tilrliitf cud of tha liiMlne hb," Wrluht aaierted, "I cer tainly will do ever) tlilnit 1 can for tha country. "Wo have pitifully amall niiuilier of tnllllnry and IUviimhI clvlllnn pilot to meet an uicri;i-ii-r, hut Unit need not trouMo ua a petit ileal If wo meet the altwnllim pnnitly. "It tnkea hul nliottt two w-eeki to tin vclop and t rn In a kimnI mllliiiry nerlnl ohaerrer. It tiikea two week more to mnko him a roiuia'teiit lliihtlui; uiiin. "A for Ihn ty of aerliil defetiae, I would furor the riiiiiII, IiIkIi clliiihlinc plune, Unlit nml iiiinrmnriil exrept for a hIiikIp ruii. II can Jump lu mid do a lot of iliuiiriKe. anil kI nutiy nhllo heavier plnne pre celltui; xtnrtcd. "I woii'il he nliHolulely nnnln.it thfl mnnufiirlure of .epH'lliia or illrlnllilea pxerpt for ohiervatloti purpose. Aa an offenalvi vvcnpoii In mr thn Zepivlln h been, n flat failure." Y BANK WINS CASE J.GUH5T. 605H0HH ESTATE i $1100 AWARDED BANK FROM WID OW'S PROPERTY BY JUDGE CAMPBELL Circuit Ju'ilgo Cumpbell ycKtoriluy iiwanlml tlo Cniihy 8tuto bank a ilo cnio for tho collectlun of $1100 from thn rxtato of tho Into Elmer (loliorn on n nolo Klunod by Mr. (5ohorn Spi totnhor 1, 1911. Tho judgment In oltidi'R J 75 for nttornoy'H feos and In tercut tit nix porcont allien March 1, 1915. Mr. (lOnliorn Is survived hy n widow muf four children. SAN FRANCISCO. Mar. .10 Offers to asslr.t tho widow nnd children of tho BOND COD BUSINESS FUNSTON'S FAMILY WITHOUT FUNDS; MANY OFFER AID Nursery Stock at Bargan Prices SAVE 50 BY BUYING DIRECT ApploH 10c ench, $8.00 per 100; I'onrs. Cherries, Apricots, 'Almonds, 15c each; 1000 Ilnrtlctt Pears heavy 1 yr. 3 to 4 ft. nnd 2 yr. old, $10 per 100, $80 per 1000; 2 to 3 $5 por 100; Penchas, choice 2 years old llic ench, $8 per 100; Plums Int lulling nurbnnk's specials lac ench, $1.20 por 10;. Prunes Italian, Hungarian, Petite, etc., lac each, $1 to. $12 per 100; 2000 Italian prune 3 to 4 foot $1 por 100. $15 per 1000; 1000 2 to 3 ft. $2.50 per 100. Select grado Currnnts nnd Gooseber ries 10c each, $5 per 100. Rush Your Order Before Our Surplus Is Exhausted. LAFAYETTE NUR9ERY CO. Lafayette. Ore. HOOD ROADS METHOD USED I' BY AIL BIG BUSINESS, U If rlvul IhihIiii.m ran do so ruin l.y lha l.i.iid roiil.., there la no good reason why public lnuiiics tmuioi do Ihn uiiii. Nothing la anlil Ityiilimt bond fori rhool liuiinr h. l la (imm bualncM. No great roniilulnt roiiiem Inn a i lly ImiimU for water hcraiiini It good htmlrie. Th great luterktuln bridge wui hull! wllli Ihn proceed from homl. Tint lluriil Cri'illla Imw finance IhroiiKh iioinla, mn whlln Dm lynli'in of niyiiii'iita la not otui tly tha laum, thn Kin In a I ii ply uuiirniilnoiiii lha tioniln, In oilier woriln atlti( aa hnrker for Ihn rural ri'nlili'tit, llomU llttvrrlhflnaa, Wi-m lini'i'aaiiry. mi'l Ihul la all Unit Hi ii aliila la ilnliiK In thla liiNlani'n uliiiiily liurklnrc Dm pc'M'l" ho Hi rural anil It y roilili'iita lo mxtirn i tun ot lr;iiiiriiilluii. Willi hml rinln, Ihn ilmnaita to vi'hlrli' of all klnila la Knat cmn- omlc wanlo-Krculnr t arlt yt-ur In Orn- rim than lh homla anil lnlcrft atiioiinl lo, wlii-n nil lli-ina ar ronalil iTi'il. Thn atnln will tin out linthlliK In Ihn fill! Ilkn In Ihn man of Ilia Itural rrmllla Iioinla, for tint autouio- lill owner wilt pay liolh liomla nml Intereat, Iho atato alttiily allow Iiik Dm nan of Ha tiuniii to accitrn Ihn crmllt. thn i heiiper money iomlliln hy that met hod of flnnniliiK. llotiiU In all Ihean Iiint mu i-a ar ICimiiI hiinlnnaa. Hhitll wn l rirvalVB and lielu niiraelvea, or hIiiiII wo reiiialn In the ruin mid conllnua lo pnddla In Ilia mud winter and eat thn dual In aiim- ni'T? INDt-'STItlAI.. luto (lenerul Kunntoti are bnlnx re reived from allvpnrta of tho ('tilted rtlnlea allien It hna linen learned that Kunnton, afl -r a tlfu ipent In hla roun try M aervli e, left hut lltllo to hla fam ily. Krleiid of Mr. hunalon auld to day Unit aim hud received no benefit from a l-'O.ono llfo Inaurnnro Mllry hold hy Ihn Kimi-rul, who hud borrowed money upon It.' Mayor Kolpli of Hun Krani lnro hna written lo William Allen Whlto of Km- p irla, Ka . nnkltiK lilm to take cliarun of plaiin for rulultiK fund In Mr Kimnton'a homo ntute. Money to Loan PAUL C. MBCHKR Lawyer Deutachtir Advokat OREGON CITV OIIECON cOR SALE Young HolxU'ln bull. Ad dreai IIok 93, Itotite No. 3, Oregon City, Ore. FOR SALE rivu year old rcRlntorcd Jeraey cow. W. Whci.tloy, (Mount I'lcaamit) Oroiton City, I'.outo 1. Out liny for wile, linpilro Itouto 0, box 112. OroRoti City. LOST OH STUAYKD r'uwn colored Jerney holfcr, 15 months old. Stray ed from roud mllo went of Otiweco, about 10 iiiontlm ago. Addreaa Hox 23i, H 1, Ohwcko. Howard. rilONES Qffloe Homo, A-23 Pnclflo, J53 RoHldonro 3GF11 DR. WM. C. 8CHULTZE DR. F. P. 8CHULT2E Physicians and Surgeons Nonius 217-218 Munonlc Ilu'ldlng Oregon City Oregon Worms Sap Your Child's Strength Notice to Creditors. Notion Ih hereby given to the un dcralgned has been duly nppoliited by tho County Court of tho Stuto of Oregon for tho County of Cluckiiman, ndtnlnlHtrltrlx of tho OHtuto of Kdgar C. llrlen, deceased. All persons lmv InK claims ngaiimt said (Htato nro hereby required' to fresent thorn to mo nt tho nfflco of C. Sclinobel, Oro gon City, Oregon, properly verified ns by law required, within six months from tho dato hereof. Onto of first publication, March 30, 1917. JKSSIR ANDERSON, AdmlnlHlratrlJC of tho estnto of Edgar C. Hrlen, deceased. C. SCIltlKllEI,, Attorney for Admin istratrix. STATE RURAL CREDIT MONEY NOW AVAILA BLE Fa:t.i security only. Inter est 5 per cent long time loans apply at once. DIMICK AND DIMICK and W. L. MULVEY Attorneys at Law Oregon City, Oregon UMMONtV la Ilia Circuit Court of Ilia (Hals of Orrxoii, for ClMkama County, (ilailya W. Hr.H k, I'lulniif, e. Hoy ('. Urm k. Ihr ndtiiit To Hoy (. Ilrcx k, frnriiit: In lha nHina of tha Hlala ot Of gnu, you are hereby rioilred In M r and answer tha t'oinilultil fll'-'l araliiet you In lha ahova entitled 1'ilt wllhln nil wrn ka from Ilia data of the flrtt pub li i" iin or unit aiimiiioii.; ami ii ju " nwr or appear, tor warn thereof, lha plaintiff will apply to tb I Court herein for thn relief prayed for '" ' ftniijilalnl, to wit: Vat a ilerreo forever dlaaolvlnir th homla of matrimony now and lit-reta-forn eili.tlrif h'tei-n Uladyi V,'. Ilnxk, Ihn pUlnllff herein, aud your If, Hoy ('. liny k, tha defendant hero in; for the (are, cuilody and control of lha minor ihlldren, Itohert linxk and Ioroihy Hnn k; for lha imii i,t IJ0O0 per month to ba allowed plain tiff for thn aupiMirt and maintenance of aald minor children; and for am li other and further relief aa Ihn Court nhull lleetll CUU)luMll. Thla auininon I tmlilUhed ptirau- unt to an order, duly modn and enter ed, hy Ihn lion. J. I', Cumpbell, JuiIk of thn above mtltli d Court, daU-d the 27th (lay of Mar' h, 1917, ulrertln that aid iiiminoti ahull hi puhllnhed In Iho l)reon City Knterprlai ouc a week for kl rollMrutlve wreki from Ihn dale of Ihn flrat publication. Dale of flrat ptihllcution Karen 30, 1917 KDWINU. AMMK, Atlorney for Tlulntlff. 4tti Moor Klec- trie hhlk'.. rorllund, On-Kon. Data of hiKt publication May II, 1917 Summons. In thn Circuit Court of th Ktate of Orcifon, for Clarkamaa County. A. H. Johnson and T. K. iMidann. fa. Plaintiffs. 12. R. I-antley, Haiel Ijnirley. Ruth lnnley, Homer I.unijley and Min nla JjinKley. lila lfo, Roy Ijingley and Joalo Ijinxley, his wife, Ida (ioodwln and Otla Ooodwln, h-r hus band. Kdna Johuaun and Fred John son, her hunband, and Maymo ijini ley, Defajtidanls. To K. R. IjinKley, Haiel Unsley, Rutb IjiiK'ley, Momi-r Ijinnley and Minnie IjiiiKley, bis wife, Roy I-oitlcy an Joalo linitley, hla lf, Ida Coodwln and Otis Ooodln, her husband, Kd- n a Jnhiiaon and Fred Johnaon. her huahand, and Maymo lttiKliy, )o fendauta: In tho name of tho Slain of Oregon. You and each of you aro hereby re quired to appar and answer the com plaint filed aKulnat you In the above eniltlml suit on or before six weeks from tho publication of this summon, to-wit: On or before the 11th day of May, 1917. and If you tall to answer or appear, for want thereof tho plaintiff will tako judgment against you and each of you as prayed for In their complaint, to wit: I. I For tho sum of $1000.00, together with Interest thereon at the rata of ( per cent per annum from the 25th day of April, 1915, and tho further sum of $100.00 as a reasonable attorney's fee In this suit, and for plaintiffs costs and disbursements herein Incur red. II. That said mortgage Indenture exe cuted on tho 25tb day of April. 1913, by A. F. IinKley and In favor of the plaintiffs herein bo decreed to be a first Hen upon the following describ ed property, to-wlt: Heglnnlng nt a point In tho North lino of Section Ono (1) 20.63 chains West (join tho Northeast corner of Section 1. Township 2 South. Range 2 Kast of Willamette Meridian in Clackamas County, Orcein; and run nlng thence West 6.S7 chains; thence South 14.51 chains; theme Fast 6.S7 chains; thenco North 14.54 chains to tho place of beginning, contulnlng ten acres, more or less. . III. That Bald mortpngo hereinabove de scribed . bo foreclosed nnd that said properly ubovo described be sold as provided by law In such cases; that plaintiffs nut becomo purchasers at said sale and tho proceeds derived therefrom applied to tho payment of tho amount duo plaintiffs, including Interest, reasonable attorney's foes and costs, and thnt tho defendants, E. R. I.nngley, Hazel I-nngloy, Ruth Langler, Homer Lnngley nnd Mlnnlo Lnngley, IiIh wife, Roy I.nni;ley and JobIo Lnng ley, his wife, Ida Goodwin and Otis Goodwin, her husband, Edna Johnson nnd Frod Johnson, her husband, nnd Maymo Lnngley, and nny nnd all per sons claiming by, through or undor them, Bubsequont to plaintiff's mort gago be forover foreclosed and 'for ever barred from nil right, title, clnlm or equity of redemption In nnd to the ever barred from nil rlnht, title, claim or equity of redemption in nnd to tho property descrlbod herein nnd every part thercof.'nnd that plaintiffs may hoVto such other nnd further relief In tho promises ns to tho Court mny seem meet, Just nnd equitable. This summons Is sorved upon you by publication thereof for six succes bIvo weeks In iho Oregon City Enter prise hy ordor of tho Honorable J. U. Cnmpboll, Judgj of tho above entitled court, which order Is dated tho 22nd d;tf of March, 1917. Date of first publication, March 23rd, 1917. Dio of last publication May 11th, 1917. LITTLEFIELD & MAOUIRE. 619 Corbett Dldg., ' rortlnnd, Oregon. Attorneys for Plaintiffs. Sheriff's Salet on Execution. In tho Circuit Court of the Stnte of Oregon, for tho County of Clncka mac. Wm. McIIardy, Plaintiff, - vs. T. J. Jones, Defendant. State of Oregon, County of Clackn mns, ss. Ity virtue of a Judgment order, de cree and exocutfon duly Issued out of nnd under the sen' of the above enti tled Court, in the above entitled cause., to me duly directed nnd dated the 8th day of March, 1917. upon a Judgment render 'd- and entered in said court on tho 8th day of March, 1917, In favor of Wm. McIIardy. Plaintiff, aud i llnt T. J Jon, iMfehdaot, for Hie urn of ?'0ti0. ilh li.ti ret tl,n,n at lha r i't I V" '"it f a mi ii in from lbs Kill day i4 J in, 1HI, arid Ilia fiirtli f S'ltrl ut I ar.d lb further s'lin of at'ormra fee, and tha further um tit li i- and dlal'iiranmniita, and the rot r,f Slid Upon till f'l. rniiiiiiridlii( mr out of lb pr"iil if!rty of said di fi-ndsnt. and If s iffii leinit roiid) not b found, then oot of lha r-l prop riy lielonrfinic O l'l d. fi iil.,iit on and after lbs date of aal l tth day of Mrh. 1(17, to .l!f f m1 um of Ion l( and Inter, 4t aUi alioa and alio the roat upon Ihl aM writ Now, Therefor, by tlrtu) of said i utlon, Judgment order and derree and In coinp'Un''e with the rotnrnand of aaid writ, bln unable to find any peraonal property of said defemlalil a. I did on Iba 17lh day of Mjn h, 1117 duly levy Ulififl lb folloarlny di-w rllird r-al properly of s.iM drfendant. !(! t i and belpg In lb ('nutiiy of f li k amaa. and Ktala of Orngan, to It: lllixka HU (') and Hnven (7) of Atklnaona Addltiop per d'lly re corded plat thereof on file In Ih tin iiirib r office of Cliwkain Count r. Orei-on, snt I will, on Hat unlay, the Slat day of April, 1917. at the hour of 10 o'clock a. ni. at Hi front door of lha County Court lln'iai In Ih City of Orngon City. In laid County and Hlate, sell at public auction, aiili)-! In redemption, to th hUheat bidder, for 1. H. gold coin, raob In band, all Ihn right, title ami ntrrt which the within named def- ndanls, or either of them, bad on th dale of said Judg ment, or aln bad In or lo Ihn above drairlhed real property or any part thereof, to satlafy auld Judgment order, decree, Intereat, coat and all aeeru Itig coat. W. J. WIION, Hherlff of Clsckama County. Oregon Ity K. C. Ilarkett. I)e(luty. Dated. Oregon City, Oregon, March 23rd. 1917. Nolle of Sal of Real Property In the County court of the State of Oregon, for the County of Clackamas lu the matter of the estate) of Julia Ann Mumpower, Ix'eaa.d. Notice la hereby given that from and after May 1st. 1917. tb tinder- Igticd, eieoutor of the jit Will and Testament of Julia Ann Mumpower. dcceaai'd, will aell at private sale, the real estate situate In Clackamas County, State of OreKon, which la de scribed as follows: lleglnnlng at a point In tho weatern boundary line of the Horace Ilaker I). I. C, which snld claim is In T. 2 8 Runges 2 and 3 Kaat of the W. M.. which point Is South 9 detrrees SO minutes West. 19 5 chains from the Northwest corner of said claim; Thence East 38.75 chains to a point: Thence South 29 00 chains to a point; thnce North 81 degrees West, 18.00 chain to a point: theme South 1.00 chain; thence North 71 degrees 30 minutes West, 5.50 chains along the Northern boundary of "Outlook"; Thence West a'ong the Northern boundary of "Outlook" 20.00 chains to the West boundary line of tho Baker claim: Thunce North 9 degress 30 minutes Kast on said claim line 27.50 chains more or less to place of be ginning situate In Clackamas County, Oregon, and In the Western half of aid Ilaker I), u C. Also the following described real estate: lleglnnlng at the meander corner on tho North boundary lino of the Horace linker D. U C. on the Town ship line between T. 2 S. R. 2 E. and T. 2 S. R. 3 E. of tho W. M. on tho South bnnk of tha Clackamas River, 19.75 chains North to the Southeast corner of Section 13 T. 2 S. R. 2. E. of tho W. M. Thence N. 61 degrees West on tho North boundary of Bald claim 9.00 chnlns to tho Northeast corner of tho tract of land described In Rook 13S, page !53 Deed Records C'ncknmns County, Oregon, to the Clackamas County, Oregon, thence South 33 degrees 45 minute East along tho boundary line of said tract to the Southeast corner thereof ; thence N. 74 degrees 20 minutes W. along boun dary of said tract, 3.00 chains to the Southwest corner thereof; Thenco S 3,1 degrtes 45 minutes WesLl.5 chains nlong tho eastern boundary of tract of land descrlbod In nook 91, Page 557 Deed Records aforesaid to the most Northerly corner of tract of land de scribed In Hook 119, Page 391 Deed Records aforesaid; thence S. 60 de grees 30 minutes East along the North easterly boundary of last named tract. 6.80 chains to angle corner In said line, thenco S. 50 degrees East along said boundary 10.00 chnlns more or less to -Southwest corner of tract of land described In Book SI, Page 271 Records aforesaid; thenco North 17 degrees 30 minutes East 78 feet to anglo corner In West boundary of Inst nnmod tract. Thence N. 5 degrees West on s.itd boundary lino,- 6.80 chains more or less to plneo of be ginning. A'so the following described real estate: Degtnnlng at tho meander corner of tho North Uoundnry lino of tho Hor aco linker D. L. C. on the Township lino between T. 2 S. R. 2 E. nnd T. 2 S. R. 3 E. of the W. M. and running thenco South SO degrees 15 minutes East along tho North boundary of land doscribed in Hook 81, page 271 Rec ords of Deeds Of Clackamas County, Oregon, 2.51 chains to nnglo corner; In boundary line; thenco North 62 dogrees 10 minutes East, 5.00 chains more or loss along anld bounary lino to where same intersects nnd crosses the Northern boundary lino of snld linker claim; thence South 72 degrjes 30 minutes West, tracing the northern boundary line of said claim to tho place of beginning. Upon tho following terms: All cash, or one-half ensh and the balance of the purchase price on cred it, with Interest at the rate of six por cent, per annum on deferred payments, snld sale to be made in the office of Stone & Moulton, attorneys, Oregon City, Oregon. LORENZO D. MUMPOWER. Executor. STONE & MOULTON and 0. E. HAYES, Attorneys. Notice of Receiver's Sale. Notice is hereby given that the un dersigned. Receiver of the Minthorne Snrlnes Water ComDany. an Orseon Corporation, will receive sealed bids oa of befor (he Jlit day of April l17, aid will s'l subjMt lo th a proul of th Circuit Court of th nut if f)rgon for lbs County of riaikainaa, all of Mi property, right. frani hla-. prj.'.'tgea. and a.t rxl, prraonal and rolled, of the Vln thorn rlpring Water Company, an (otiiprlaliig Its water plant and ays tin In lb Town of MiUaukle an adjmeiil therrlo In the County ut la'karnas, flat of Or-gna, Includln fy.t Fifteen (15), HUm k H"vrnty iv en (77, and l-ot Twentyen fI7) and Tetity elrht (it), plo. k forty four (41), of Mlnthorn Kprlng Ad dltlon to Portland, In the County of flai katnaa, Hlate of Oregon, and all water rlghta, in ti, profits a pren dre and appurtenant to said describe premlae. an1 all pipe line, pow plant, and miw ellannoii personal prop erty connected with th said wsle yatem Alt bid limit b accompanied br certified check payable to Hi order of John If. Clbaon, Receiver, for ti per rent of Ih amount of the bid. All bid will b received subject to tha confirmation of th said court, property will be conveyed by the Ro- relver, and posasil';n given luirnedl atly upon the confirmation of the sale by the said court, and the balance of the purchase price must tie then paid In caah. This sale Is made pursuant to a de cree and under ord-r of sale duly made and enti-red In the said court on the 3rd day of March, 1917. In the cause therojn pei.dtng, w heroin G. Orlo Jefferson la plaintiff and the Mln thorn Springs Water Company, et al, are defendants. All bid must b mailed or d 'llvered to John II. Gibson. Receiver, 909 Northwestern lin!! Ilulldlng, I'ortlan. Oregon. Th r!nht to reject all bids Is reserved. JOHN II. GIBSON, Receiver. FLKGKU lfEY.NOI.D8 FLEGEL, Attorneys for Reiver. Dated March 23, 1917. Notice to Creditors. In the County Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Clsck amss. q In the matter of the estate of James Made Ilrown, deceased. Notice Is hereby given that the undersigned has been appointed administratrix of the estate of James jrirsdo Drown, deceased, with the will annexed. All persons having claims against the said estate are hereby notified to present the same with the proper vouchers within six months from the date of the first publication of this notice to the administratrix at the office of Stone Moulton, Stevens building, Oregon City, Oregon. HESS1E F. MYKOL, Administratrix of the estate of James Meade Drown, doccased, with the will annexed. STONE t MOULTON. Attorneys for Administratrix. Notice toCreaitors. Notice Is hereby given that the under signed has been duly appointed by tho County Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Clack amas executor of the estate of Ottilia Reverman, deceased. All per sons having claims against said estate are hereby required to pre sent them to me at the office of C. Schuebel, Oregon City, Oregon, properly verified as by law required within six months from the date hereof. Date of first publication March 16. 1917. CARL B. REVERMAN. Executor of the estate of Ottilia Reverman, deceased. C. SCHL'EUEL,. Attorney for Executor. Summons. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for Clackamas County. Chas. E. Dart, plaintiff, vs. Minnie May Dart, defendant To Minnie May Dart, above named defendant: In the name of the State of Ore gon, you are hereby required to ap pear and answer the complaint filed against you In the above entitled suit, on or before the 27th day of April, ,1917, said date being the ex piration of six weeks from the first publication of this summons, and If you fail to appear or answer said complaint, for want thereof, the plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief prayed for in her com plaint, to-wlt: For a decree dissolving the mar rlage contract now existing between plaintiff and defendant. This sum mons Is published by order of Hon. Geo. R. Iingley, Judge of the circuit court, which ordor was made on the 12th duy of March, 1917, and the time prescribed for publicatjon thereof is six weeks, beginning with the issue dated Friday, March 16 1917, nnd continuing each week thereafter to and including Friday, April 27, 1917. BROWNELL & SIEVERS, Attorneys for Plaintiff. Notice of Sheriff's Sale. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Clack amnB. John L. Bowman, plaintiff, vs. Mount Hood Hotel company, a cor poratlon, nnd Donald Bodley, de fendants. By virtue of an execution, Judg ment ordor, decree and order of sale Issued out of the above en titled court In )he above entitled cnuse, to me directed and dated the 12th day of March, 1917, upon a judgment rendered and entered in said court on the 10th day of March, 1917, in favor of John L. Bowman, plaintiff, and against Mount Hood Hotel company, a cor poratlon, defondant, for the sum of Four Thousand Five Hundred ($4500.00) Dollars, with interest thereon at the rate of 8 per annum from the 23d day of August, 1912, until paid; for the further sum of Fifteen Hundred ($1500.00) Do'lars, with Interest thsreon at the rate of 8 Co per annum from the 8th day of April, 1913, until paid; for the further sum of On Hundred Twenty four ($124 91) and 93 100 Dollar, with Interest thereon at the rale of put annum from th 5th dsy of Moriii. 1915, until paid; for Dim furtli r sum of Two Hun dred Hnverilyelght ($278 07) and 7 100 Ixilla'ra, with Intereat thereon at tha rati of b pi-r annum from the 12th day of February, 1917, until paid; for the further sum of KlKbty !( ($ 50) and 50 loo Dol lar, with loiarnl threoo at the rate of ',. per annum from the 12th day of February, 1917, until paid, lea the sum of One Hundred Eighty five ($185 00) Dollars due aald defendant as a credit; and for the further sum of Tbre Hundred ($i000) Dollars a attorney's fee and also plaintiff a coats and dl-buraemi-nts Incurred herein, taxed at the aura of Twenty two ($22X0) and 80 100 Dollars, together with the roata of and upon this writ, commanding in lo make sale of the following described real prop, erty to-wlt: All that certain real property altualild in th County of Clack amas, State of Oregon, described as follows: The Northwest quarter (NWK) of Section Numbered Five (5), In Township Three (J) South of Range Siven (7) Kaat of the Willamette Meridian, contulnlng one hundred and sixty-one (ICi) acres, more or less. Including all the plat of Arrah Wanna Park, being a part thereof, to get her with the tenements, heredi taments and appurtenances there unto belonging or In any wise ap pertaining. EXCEPTING Illoik Eleven (11) of Arrah Wanna Park and EXCEPTING Ono (1) acre ber tofore sold to the State of Oregon. EXCEPTING a tract of land con taining about one-third acre, more or less, located In the NW14 of Section 6, Township 3, South of Range 7 East of the Willamette Meridian, in Clackama County. State of Oregon, being more fully described as follows: Beginning at an Iron state at low water line of Salmon River under a hemlock tree 13 Inches In diameter, marked X, about 132 feet In a northerly direc tion from the northerly corner of Iot 2 In Block 4, In Arrah Wanna Park, thence running In a north westerly direction following low water line of Salmon River about 100 feet to an Iron stake about S feet In an easterly direction, from a hemlock tree 8 Inches In diameter marked X, thence in a west-southwesterly direction about 100 feet to an Iron stake 3 feet westerly from hemlock tree 6 Inches In diameter marked X, thence in a southeasterly direction about 160 feet to an iron stake about 12 feet southerly from a fir tree 24 Inches In diameter marked X, thence In a northeasterly direction about 112 feet to the place of beginning. And right of way through property to said Lot from a tract of Arrah Wanna Park. ALSO EXCEPT Lot 6 In Block 1; Lots 1, 3 and 4 In Block 3; Lots 3 and 5 In Block 7 and Lots 1, 2 and 4 In Block 10, Arrah Wanna Park. ALSO EXCEPT 1.50 acres In the,tltle ,KaIni,t you 10 the Northwest northwest quarter (NWV4) of Sec tion five (5), In Township Three (3) South, of Range Seven (7) East or the Willamette Meridian, beginning nt the Northwest corner of Block 11 Townslte of Arrah Wanna Park, thence northerly following low water mark of Salmon River about 300 feet to an iron stake, thence Easterly 300 feet to an Iron stake, thence Southerly 13S feet to the Northwest corner of Lot 5, In Black 10, thence Westerly on the North crly line of Block 11 to the place of beginning. Now, therefore, by virtue of said execution, Judgment order, decree and order of sale, and in compliance with the commands of said writ, I will on Saturday, the 14th day of April, 1917, at 10 o'clock a.m., at the front door of the County Court House, at Oregon City, Clackamas County, Oregon, sell at public auc tion, subject to redemption, to the highest bidder for cash in hand, al1 the right, title and interest which the within named defendants and each and all of them had on the 23d day of August, 1912, and on the 8tn PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY JOSEPH E. HEDGES Lawyer MONEY TO LOAN D. C Latourettb, President F. J. Meter, Cashier The First National Bank . of Oregon City, Oregon CAPITAL, $50,000.00 Transacts a General Banking Business Open from 9 A. M. to 3 P. M. William Hammond Philip L. Hammond HAMMOND & HAMMOND Attorneys-at-Law Abstracts, Real Estate, Loans, Insur ance. OREGON CITY, OREGON Pacific Phone 81, Home Phone A-27H Office Phonee Pactnc Main 406; Home A-270. STONE Sl MOULTON Attorneys-at-Law Beaver Bldg.. Room 6 OXEOON CITY OREGON O. D. EBY Attorney-at-La Money loaned, abstracts furnish ed, land titles examined, estates settled, general law business. Over Bank of Oregon City. C. SCHUEBEL, Attorney-at-Law Deutscher Advokat Will practice in all courts, make coi lections and settlements. Office In Enterprise Building, Oregon Clt. Oregon. day of April, 191), the dsta of the mortgage herein form lud, or luu that date had . In aud to the shove described property or any part (hereof, lo satlafy said tw tlon, judgment order and due res, Intereat, costs and accruing lti'erL W. 1. WH-tfUN, Sheriff of Clackamas County, Hy B. C. HACK KIT. Ihuuty. Dated this lCth day of March, 1917. First Issue March lth. 1917. Uat Inane April 13. 1917. Summon. In th Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for Clackamas County, Eva Marks, plaintiff, vs. Joseph Marks, defendant. To Joseph Marks, above named de fendant: , In the name of the Bute of Oregon, you are hereby rnqulrsd to appear and answer the complaint filed against you In tho above entitled suit, on or before the 13th day of April, 1917, said date being the expiration of six wovkn from the first publication of this sum mons, and If you fall to appear and unswer said complaint, for want there of, thn plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief prayed for In her com plaint, to-wlt: For a decree dissolving the marri age contract now existing between plaintiff and defendant and for the euro, custody and control of the said minor children. This summon Is published by order of the Hon. J. U. Campbell, Judge of the Circuit Court, which order was made on the 1st day of March, 1917, and tho time prescrib ed for publishing thereof la six weeks, beginning with tho Issue dated March 2, 1917, and continuing each week thereafter to and includlnf Friday, April 13, 1917. RROWNELL t SIEVER3. IT Attorneys for Plaintiff. Summons. In the Circuit Court of the Bute of Oregon, for the County of Clacka mas. Burton Brown and Bertha Harper, Plaintiffs, vs. John W. Ladd and J. W. Ladd and all unknown heir of John W. Ladd and J. W. Ladd also all other persons or parties unknown claiming any light, title, estate, lien or Interest In the real estate doscribed In th complaint herein. Defendants. To John W. Ladd and J. W. Ladd and all unknown heirs of John W. Ladd and J.'W. Ladd. also all other persons or parties unknown claiming any right, title, estate, Ikn or Interest In the real estate described In the complaint herein. In the name of the State of Oregon: You ar hereby required to appear and answer the complaint filed against you in the above entitled suit within six (6) weeks from the date of the first publication of this Summons, to-witr on or before the 5th day of April, A. D. 1917, and If you fail to so appear and answer the complaint herein tor want thereof the said plaintiffs will take a decree against you ts prayed for In said complaint, to-wit: Quieting quarter (4) of the Northwest quar ter (Vi) of Section 20 In Township 3 south of Range 1 west of the Willam ette Meridian, containing forty (40) acres, more or less, and located near Sherwood, Clackamas County, Ore gon, and that the said defendants, John W. Ladd and J. W. Ladd and alt other persons or parties unknown claiming any right, title, estate or In terest In the real estate described In the complaint herein and each of them and all persons claiming; by, through from or under them or any of them, be forever barred from any claim, right, title and Interest In and to the said real property. Second, that the plaintiffs be decreed to be' the owners In fee simple of the following des cribed lands: The Northwest quar ter (Va) of the Northwest quarter (Vi) of Section 20 in Township 3 South of Range 1 West of the Wlllamstte Mer idian, containing Forty (40) acres, more or loss, and for such other and further relief as may seem fit and proper In the premises. ALLEN AT ROBERTS, Attorneys for ths' Plaintiffs. Date of first publication Feb. 23, 1917. Date of last publication April 5, 1917. WEINHARD BUILDING Phones Pacific 52 Home A-1S1 GEORGE C. BROWNELL ' Attorney-at-Law All legal business promptly attended to C. D. 4 D. C. LATO'JRETTE Attorneys-at-Law Commercial, Real Estate and Probate our Specialties. Of fice in First National Bank Bldg., Oregon City, Oregon. CLAUDE W. DEVORE, Attorney-at-Law Notary Public Estacada, Oregon. W.S.EDDY,V.SMM.D.V. Graduate of the Ontario Veteri nary College at Toronto, Canada, and the McKillip School of Sur gery of Chicago, is established at Fashion Stable, between Fourth and Fifth on Main Street. . Both Telephones Office Pacific 65; Home A 5 Res. Pacific 184; Home H-S0 i