Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, April 06, 1917, Page PAGE 6, Image 6

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j nf in n sj msa ;
Mf AHIIIVGTON. April J-A p. r.nal
encounter betwM-n fnitor ol
Muachu;il. and A!rlauJr IWun
wart, of lir liptr. M, In !'
the acmaior knock! his opponent
doao. occurr-d td..y la the corridors
of lb capital.
Hannwart. with !! Rfv. Paul
llrrl Drake, of ChrUt chunh. lr
fhritrr. and several other men and
women of pactflot cll-j-atl"n. caller
Senator Ixxlice to I ho JixT of til
roramlll-a room and aikt-d him lo
voto acalnit a dw-Uhattun of war
with Germany. Senator l-odne p-
til At If Prealditit Wllwn atkrd
fur such a declaration be certainly
would support It
Tknt U cowirdlet" retorted one
of the croup.
Vatlon.il degeneracy It ora than
cowardice." replh-d the Masaacbuielts
"Ton are a coward." said Pannwart
You are allar," retorted Senator
Pannwart advanced and struck the
senator, who then, despite hit alitr
iXid years, laulrhed a blow that font
B. on wart sprawling on the bard tile
of the corridor, ltannwart formerly
wai baseball player In the old New
Enjland league.
PORTLANP, Ore., March 29. Po
lice Chief Clark tent his men into
Chinatown Thursday with orders to
take a complete census of every man,
woman and child of Chinese Ifaod.
This was the first step prepara
tory to carrying out Mayor Albee's
orders to clean out Chinatown in the
event that warring tongs had not
signed a peace pact by 8 a. m. Satur
day. Detectives engaged In the nose
counting could not dislodge Lee Fong,
an are interpreter, from his store
on North Fourth street.
The place was heavily barricaded.
They finally gave up their attempts
to enter and called him on the tele
Fong answered that he would not
come out. He was a marked man, he
said, and he feared being slain if he
opened his door.
lie told the detectives he had bar
ricaded himself in a small room in
the rear of his store eight weeks ago
when hostilities began and had not
left the room since that time. His
business had been transacted, over the
telephone, be said.
GALVESTON", Texas, March 20.
Passengers on the tank steamer
Topila, which recently haB arrived at
an American port, relate thrl'ling tales
of a reign of terror In Mexico which In
cluded the slaying ot two Ilritish sub
ject!). W. H. T. Buckingham, general man
ager for tho Agulla Oil corporation on
tho Isthmus of Tehur.ntepec, and
George Danncrman, cashier, both ISrit-
ish subjects, were killed by Mcxicaa
br.ndlta at Nanchilal on March 9, ac
cording to thesa passengers. Bucking
ham's body was hacked to pieces with
Other outrages In the oil fields above
Huerta, Mexico, also aro related and
it Is declared that in the vicinity of
Mlnatitlnn, disputed country lying be
tween the camps of Cr.rranza and
Zapata aimies, bandits rove at will and
keep tho country in a state of constant
These pasengcrs request that their
naruec lie concealed for fe:ir of re
prisals on themselves or fr'ends.
BAKER, Oregon, April 2. The mur
der of Edward McCulIough at Haines
five years ago was the cause of foul
play to Thomas Cavanah, Brownlse
rancher, missing the past week, is the
belief of Sheriff Walker of Washing
ton county, Idaho, who is working on
the case. He returned to Welser Friday
after two days' investigation In the
vicinity of Cavanah's ranch, not find
R ! MS
ing the latter dead or alive.
Walker's theory Is that two men
long under suspicion in connection
with McCulIough's death, believelng
Cavanah had been employed as a de
tective on the case and had knowledge
of their connection, which he might j
m hummm i l
1 1
'I.V-jL,-i,.J. '
Only n few milcH bchiml tlio
vatiii; grouml that has Urn ubamlonoil.
rral virw of the mini of I'aznvmir Saulx.
" I
Harry Carlson, of Willamette, who!
' . .
suffered a broken leg In Portland,
when trying to escape from a collision
hen the Vcsterlide being launched
in Portland broke loose from the cable
and dashed across the river and col-
Udcd with the steamer Ruth. Is well
known In Oregon City.
He has been Dreuan on the steam
er for several years.
Sees Danger.
Seeing the danger, he tried to es
cape by Jumping upon a log raft, but
was caught between two of tho logs
when ths runaway boot crashed Into
the Ruth.
His leg was badly crushed. He has
a family here. His mother also re
sides In Willamette.
James Holton, the Injured deckboy,
also lives at Willamette.
Owned Here.
Tho Ruth Is one of the best known
of the river vessels, having been built
by the O.-W. R. & N., here In 1S95 for
the Portland-Oregon City trade, but
about five years ago was so'd to the
Wll'amette Navigation company, and
has been uad since In carrying paper
and supplies In connection with tho
business of the Crown Willamette Pa
per company.
WASHINGTON, April 2. Champ
Clark, Democrat, of Missouri, was
elected speaker of the house of repre
sentatives in the sixty-fifth congress
In a session of the house that was
marked with sensations almost from
th outset today.
The speaker defeated James Ji.
M inn of Illinois, choice of the Repub
lican caucus, as Representative Len
root of Wisconsin, himself the candi
date of a minority of the Republicans,
had challenged the suggestion made
by Representative Schall of Minne
sota, Progressive-Republican, in plac
ing Clark In nomination, that the ex
isting international situation de
manded that President Wilson be giv
en a Democratic house organization as
well as senate, to assume responsibil
ity for his policies. Lenroot then sec
onded the Mann nomination.
The vote In the house resulted:
Speaker Clark 217, Representative
Mann 20"i, Representative Lenroot 2,
Representative Gillett2; present 2;
total 428.
The defection of Schall was a body
blow to the Republicans, who had
counted confidently on bis support.
The Democratic advantage also was
added to when Representative Lee of
Georgia, Just recovering from an at
tack of pneumonia, was assisted Into
tbe chamber to vote for the speaker,
and the other members of the Demo
cratic slate for house positions.
ii rn 1 ii il l i-iur -"
I ' r
; ?'-v?'. ''kiz:-' -
front a few Holdier, w ho are on a
Tlu'V are jilunting jHitutoon. The lower scene kuo n p'ii
Court Records Swelled By
One More Case in the Merry
Denny and
Trouble Ix-twcen Martin Denny and
Iirry Sullivan, co-owners of tin
hYlars' club at MilwuuMe. which had
up until Thursday resulted In a fight
a total of six arrests on varum
charRPS ranuinu from ussault to sell-
Ins liquor, and one civil suit.- Thurs
day b'osKomed cut tn n iii-w form.
Denny broiipht a civil suit in the
Clackamas county court asainst Sulli
van asking that the partnership he
dissolved and a receiver placed In
chari;e of tho business of the Friars
Took J500- He SJ)',
Ho allecos that Sullvan has al-
I rea(Jy mlMppr0I,rlHtl.j yM ot the
. partners' money and that he will take
j more of It unless the court prevents
According to the complaint Denny
and Sullivan took over the roailhouse
last December. Denny paid half thi
cost, which amounted to $2037. The
men were to share equally In the pro
fillta. Comparative.
"Contentment Is always a compara
tive virtue."
"What (So you mean?"
'Blgsb; used up a dozen fifty dollar
tires from April to October, but he's
tickled to death bemuse lie made his
patched aud busted garden .hose last
through tbe sumtne" " Cleveland Plain
Dealer. (
Which Is Better Try an Experiment
or Profit by an Oregon City
Citizen's Experience.
Something new Is an experiment.
Must be proved to be as represent
ed. ine statement or a manufacturer is
not convincing proof of merit.
But tin endorsement of friends Is
Now supposing you had a bad back,
A lame, weak, or aching one,
Would you experiment on It?
You will read of many so-called
Endorsed by strangers from far
away places.
j It's different when the endorsement
,comr-a from home.
; Easy to prove local testimony.
, Read this "Oregon City case:
Chas. E. Burns, ex-marshel, 25 17th
St., Oregon City, says: "I don't hes
itate to endorse Doan's Kidney Pills
for I know from personal experience
I that they are a v-.-ry reliable kidney
medicine. I have used them on sev
eral occasions when I have had kid
ney disorders and my back has felt
lame and stiff and In every instance
they have never failed to remedy the
trouble. A box or so puts my kidneys
in good working order and makes my
back feel cs strong as ever."
Price 50c, at all dealers. Don't
simply ask for a kidney remedy get
Doan's Kidney Pills the same that
Mr. Burns had. Fostr-Milburn Co,
Props., Buffalo, N. Y.
TION, etc., required by th3 Act of
Congress of August 21, 1912, of Ore
gon Cjy Enterprise, published
weekly at Oregon City, Oregon, for
April 1, -1917.
State of Oregon, County of Clacka
' mas ss.
Before me, a Notary Public, In and
for the state and county afor .-said,
personally appeared K. rJ. urodie
who, having been duly sv.orn accord
ing to law, deposes nnd says that
he is the publisher of the Oregon
City Enterprise, and tb.'tt the fol
lowing Is to the b-.-st of his know
ledge nnd belief, a true statement
of the ownership, management and
circulation of the aforesaid publica
tion for the date shown In the above
caption, required by tbe Act of
Congress of August 24, 1912, embod
ied In Section 413, Postal Laws and
Regulations; that the names and ad
dresses of the publisher, editor,, and
business manager aro: Publisher,
' "0rm.
'MX.'J ': ? I
bhort leave of absence, urt( culli-
Sullivan Mix-Up
Since that time. Denny declares
Hit has livn no accountim: and he
does not Kuow what b.ts bvcomo of
hln money.
Perfltts Bond.
Ho Is represented by Sam M. John
son. Portland attorney.
D 'liny appeared In court this morn
Ing and perfected his bond of fintio
In the case against him mi. I Sullivan.
brought this week by ('Uck.inia conn
tv ofTMals. Ho Is charged with con
ducting a nuisance.
Booze Charge.
In addition Denny nn I Sullivan are
both charged with sel'ln lliiuor In
violation of the prohllilllou statute,
D pnv U under arrest In Mllwaukle
on n, charge of nssnult against Will
iam I.rry. nn ntletidnnt of the clnlv
and both Denny nnd Sulllvun are de
fendants in a suit bromht recently
by Henry Jenninff & Pons, Portland
furniture dealers, who rhargo that
they still owe for tho ftimlturi nought
by Julius Wilbur n year ago when he
remodeled the club.
editor and business manager, E. K
Brodle, Oregon City, Oregon; that
the owners are: K. E. Brodle, Ore
gon City. Oregon; Geo. A. Harding.
Oregon City, Oregon; E. A. Som
mer. Portland. Oregon; that the
known bondho'ders, mortgage's,
and other security holders owning
nnd holding 1 per rent or more of
total amount of bonds, mortgages
or other securities are: None. That
tho two paragraphs next above, glv.
Ing tho names of tin owners, stock
holders nnd security holders as they
appear upon tho books of ihn com
pany but also. In crises where tbe
stockholder or ser-urlty holder up
pears upon the hooks of tho com
pany as trust e or In nny other Judl
clary relation, the namo of the per
son or corporation for whom such
trustee Is nctln;:. Is given; nlso that
tho said two paragraphs contain
statements embracing affiant's full
knowledge nnd belief ns to tho cir
cumstances nnd conditions under
which stockholders nnd security
ho'ders who do not appear upon the
books of the eomnr.ny as trustees,
hold stock and securities In a capac
Ity other than that of a bona fide
owner; and this nfflr.nt has no rea
son to believe th:it nny other p-r-son,
association, or corporation has
tnv Interest, direot. or Indirect, ill
the said stock, bonds or other bo
curltlcs than as so stnted by him.
Publisher and business manager.
Sworn to nnd subscribed before mr
this 4th day of April, 1917.
(Seal) E. II. COOPER,
Notary Public for Oregon.
(My Commission expires August 7
In tho Circuit Court of the tSat? of
Oregon, for Clackrmns County.
County of Clackama i, a municipal cor
poration, Plaintiff,
J. A. Andrews, Jor-eph Stampfer, J.
W. Roots, .John W. Loder, Milton
HAiey, J. W. k K. Roots, Chas M.
and Chas. E. Walt, G. C. Fields,
Richard McMabon, A. E. Walt, Chas.
Joseph, Christian Trachsel, Anna
Howell, Thos. Glbbs, Sarah Ran
dolph, E. G. Caufield, H. E. Cross,
Trustee, A. M. C. Schutto, W. I).
Henthorn, W. W. Boner, Jennie E.
Boner, Carl Linns, L. A. Henthorn,
W. R. T,"Ren, Simon P. Slawson. Or
lando J. Mack, Chas. N. Wa'lace.
Emma McNeil, K. W. Beeman,
Guerna Lowell, I!. Gildner, C. H.
Clement, Renu L. Hcrrlck, A. F.
Striker, Sarah E. Palmer, Archie
Markee, Thos. K. Howling, Grace
L. Bronough, Earl C. Eronough, C.
W. Nichols, J. E. Hammond, Johan
na Buckley, D. J. Buckley, Jr., Wil
liam Buckley, C.A.Gove, Harlet Lee,
O. Svarend, and J. U Fasler, O.
A. and M. L. Hayward, Marshfiold;
Anders G. Weborn, Hibernla Sav
ings Bank, Katherlnu L. Trevett,
James H. Black, Oregon Land Co.,
Luella H. Hess, Dora L. Cheek, E.
P. lUuorth, T. H. MdmnUI, J.
Coll. Win. T. DatU, Mi. Maris
Polly. Kllcit M IUhUmnI, r. M
IIowbII, J. T. Al'lvrmn, Hih t
W lik hum, Juhn t'aiuptiidl, ( hiii I
Marlin. K V. Itlley. tl W. Hinder
hot, J. p. . hi-in, Daniel liar
try, Nidllit y. NVubauer, Joliu Wl
fin, W. II. Maunltin, K. K. U Kim
liiitna, (I.hi. W. 1 1 1 t. Paul lit liui'i .
T. I- A Stiff Clmrmn. A. II. (irle.
ll, rl.il.itl C. palkrr, t.'IU ('. H4I1IU.
KLiil Hlu, tlii.U It. Iliiffiiun. J
T. Aleimider. W. 8 (Irlltl. fell
lllm kvell, Amu llil.teifu Id. W. W
(irulutm, HWftU-tli Mull.in, X O.
Wtthleii, TruaiK. I X. Wall. Win
Kendall, tl W. I'linler. P. f. Aid
Mill. fha K. m M.iry Mil hell. Je.
V. nrier, II. ('. ft Uin J. W.t
M II. (.rk. A X. Mun. I., f.
t Atiu.1 It. Ullnui., U A. Wood
ward. 1 1 1-v t r ft M.i), J.imi't A. ka).
8. Illulim. Hr. A. hll'e He.ilura. J.tuie.
Unno. W. II. Tull ft It. U Clark
Win. M. and Haruh Hinltli, Ida E
Parvitt. tl. W. n"ter, II. P. IUrlw
lu'lra. (iHi. W. Il.ui.b r.uil. ft. L
Walker. W. H. Curtiett. Julia W.
Car I .on. Ell n Callaliaii. W. P. ft
Ina HtH'er, Praiiila M. Maker. Nliu
Joy, Allen It. Joy, Hermit K tinfii.
ti. It. HI. hard ft J. II. Hinltli. Punk
Coin. II. K. .Noble, Mury K. Nrtliu,
Kiiinm L (Ire' lid. L K Coffee, M.
l.illa I.uiurx-r Co., P. II. ft Henri
i'tt.1 T.iupy. Knt.ua.lii Htatu ILiuk.
J. U Hand, ii'f.'iidiinl.
To J. A. Andre . Joneph Htampfer, J
W. Itix.ll a. John W. l.oA-r. Milieu
Hutn y, J. W. ft K. Uihi . Clma M
and ( has K. Wall. (I ('. PleliU.
lib bard M.M.ili.ui. A. K Walt. t hai.
Joedi. l'lirlli.in Tfaihel, Ann
low I'll. Tlum. GII'Nu. Sarah llall
dolph. K. li. Cauftel.l. II. K. Crm.
trutiH A. M. C. hulli'. W. D.
Henthorn, W. W. lUuier. J.-nnln K
lloner. Carl l.lnuit. L A. Henlliern.
W. It. l"IIen, Simon P. SUon. Or
Uhdo J. Mack. Cba N. Wallm -.
Emma McNeil. E. W. lleetuan.
Guerna Lowell. II. Gildner. ('. II
Clement. Reiu U llvrrlvk. A P
Striker. Hnr.ih K. Palmer. An hie
Markeo. Tho. K. loliiit, Gri.o
L. Iironoimh. Karl C. Hrxnoiuh. C j
W. Nlcholi, J. K. Ilainnnmd. Johan I
na Buckley. D J. Bmk'ey. Jr. Wit- j
Hum llinkliy. C. A. llnu-. llarrlit
Leo. G. Sviin-nd und J. I.. ali r. i :
A. nnd M. I- Havaard. Marli!ield; j
Anders (i. Webom. Hibernla Sa
Ings Batik. Kutheriiiit U Tn-v. tt.
James II. Illaik. (re-on Ijn.l Co.;
Luella II. Hei. Dora U Cheek. K .
P. Ilomrth. T. S. Mi Hani 1. J. II
Colt. Wm. T. Davis, Mrs. Maria M
Polly, Ellen M. Kockaood. E. M
Howell, J. T. Appcrion. Sarah C.
Wlckham. John Campbe'l. Chan. C.
Martin. E. P. Itlley. (1. W. I lender
shot, J. D. Iv lu lri. Daniel liar
vey, N.mie E. Neub.mer. John Wat
rln. W. G. Manning. It. P.. I.. Sim
mona. Gi. W. lloyt. Paul Iteltnem.
T. I.. & Mary ('barman. A. 11. (irc
son. Sarah C. Parker, Ella C. Sabln.
Klam Shuw. Gustav It. Hoffman. J
T. Alexander. W. H. Grlffts. (Vila
Bliu kwell, Anna Brlslerfleld, W. W.
Graham. EllaiU'lh Mullan, N. O,
Walden. trust e, C. N. Wult. Wm.
Kendall, G. W. Clester, P. C. Aid
rich. Chas. K. & Mury Mltchel, Jo.
V. Brewer. H. C. & I-ouls J. Wude.
M. H. Clark. A. N. Munsey, L. E.
& Anna It. Williams. I.. A. Wood
ward. Ilexler May, James A. Kays,
S. Bluhm Sr, Achlllo Seghers, James
Bruce, W. II. Tull & It. U Clark,
Wm. M. and Sarah Smith. Ida E.
Parent, G. W. Clester, II. P. Barstow
heirs, Geo. W. Banderant. E. L.
Walker, W. S. Corbett, John W.
Carlson, E'len Callahan. W. f". &
Ina Speer, IVanrls M. Baker, Nina
Joy. Allen R. Joy, Hermit E. Gregg.
G. R. Richards & J. R. Smith. Prank
Cole. H. E. Noble, Mary E. Northup,
Emma L. Greene, L. E. Coffee, Mo
bil tit Lumber Co.. F. 11. & Henri
etta Tawney, EstVada State Hank.
J. I.. Hand, tho above, mined De
You are hereby notified that Clack
amas County, tho holder of Certificate
of Delinquency numbered 1511. Issued
on tlu 5th 'lay of January, 191(1, by
tho Sheriff of tho County of Clacka
mas, Stato nf Oregon, for the sum of
Eleven hundred Seventy and 03-100
($1170.f!S) Dollnrs, tho same being the
amount duo and dellmiiient for taxes
for tbe year 1910, together with pen
ally, Interest and costs thereon upon
tho real property nssesscd to you, of
which you are tho owner ns appears
of rccordl situated In said county nnd
state, together with tho furthvr sum
of ten per cent per annum from tho
5th day of Janunry, A. 1). 1910, said
assessments and properly lining moro
particularly described as follows, to-
J. A. Andrews, Ely 5.90 ncroB blk.
11, Barlow $1.91
Joseph Stampfer, Gatzkes Sub.
Dlv. Blk 8, Barlow, Lot 1, Blk
' 1.49
J. W. Roots, Boring Junction
Tracts, SE 1-1 of 10 2.88
John W. Loder, Boring Junction
Tracts NE 1-1 Blk. 11 14.11!
J. W. Roots, Boring Junction
Tracts Lot 1 Blk 20 25.90
Milton Haney, Palmer's Add to
Boring Junction Tracts 50x100
ft. out of MV corner of Blk 4. . 2,09
J. W. & E. Roots, Roots Add to
Boring TractH Lot "C" 2.19
J. W. Roots, Roots 2nd Add to
Boring Junction, Lot "J" .... C.37
Chas. N. & Chas. E. Walt. Canby
Gardens, Eft of Ixit 29, Wft
Lot I!0 5.48
Chan. N. & ChaB E. Walt, Block
3(5 Canby Gardens 5.48
G. C. Fields, Lot 5. Block 11 Ca-
nemah 3.91
Richard McMabon, Lots 3 and 4,
Blk. 22, Canernnh 5.C7
A. E. Walt, Lot 4. Blk 25, Cane
mah 3.91
ChaB. Joseph, Lota 2, 3, 4, Blk. 31
Caneinah 0.25
Chas. Joseph, Lot 7, Blk 31, Ca-
nemah ; 2.15
Gladstone Real Estato Association
Lots 1, 8, Block 57, Canernnh.. 5.CC
Gladstone Real Estate Assoclaton
Lots 1, 8, Blk. 58, Canernnh.. 3.32
Christian Trachsel, Lot .'), Illk.
"C", Can-mah 2.47
Anna Howell, Lots 3, C, Blk. "D'
Cancmah 6.85
Thos. Glbhs, a triangular parcel
of land In Canemah bounded by
Sts. Nob. and called 8 and 86
and Center Des. bk. 63 page
Harah llandulpb,
of IM I. I".
"ir, l aurinah I
Parah llandolpti, t of UI I. IUk
' II ', Canemah I IT
K (I I'aufleld, U I, IHk 'I."
raneiiiah ' "
II. K. Crura. trutre. t'lai kamna
Km 1 1 Und. Una A II. Ink 0. I 0
A M ('. Hi liultn, Nl 4B, IHk ,
PXara.U MM
W. It lleiithiun, Ut II 12, IUk
IT. E.la.a.la 171
W. W. IU.ii.t. Ut 11. Blk. 31. 11
Add lo Kl. "da Ill
J lo p. Boner. I t II. IUk 31.
Plrl Add lo Kilacada t JI
Curl Linn. I'l J. IUk. I. r.olxlata
Add M )") a la 10 ?7
I. A. Ileiilhorn. I.H T I, IHk. II.
?uhili.li A l l In l .la. a.la 10'.:
John filter. Illk I in II and Pr'l.
I il.u'W a A II, (ilail'lium, lail 1
14 ll'k II. Glnditolia 10
w. ii I' lten. uu n:o. liik u.
GUdntiuii' 10
John W. l-ler. HliHka :' In Ml
mid Pr'l Hhxkt C tu H, (Had
.lone. Lot 7. IUk M 3 It
Hlni..n P. HlaaHin. Ut 3. IUk W,
Gluliliilin 1 tJ
Gla.Nliine Ileal lutnle Ammlallon
j. 5. IUk 90. Illiid.loiir I.C1
(Irian In 1 Mack, l ot , IUk. H.
Glnd-loiie I HI
Cl.ia X Wa'la.e, Ul Illk 10.
Clnditunn I 1
Glaitlonx Iteil V-lnln AoorUllon
l..t ad)ilnlii CU.Ntonn Park
lot 1H 7f0
Pmma McNeil. 11 I, IUk 1. ll.lo
Park 13
W. Peeinnn, Ula : 3. Illk. I,
II v.lii Park 1J
liiii-nia Lowell. I.ta 30 in 32. IUk.
Illk. 4. Hvdrt Park 1M
II I'letm-nt. jta 1. ?, Illk .
Hviln Park !
Ilena I., llerrli k. Iuta 3, 4, 5. Illk.
9. Ilmle ark S J
A P. Striker. Iita 1. 10. Illk o.
Hvdrt park 1 f.3
IV Glldnrr. ! .'( 7, S, IUk 11. lly.U
Park 1 63
Sanih K. I'a'm.r. I ota 1 to !l.
I'lk. II. Ilv.l,. prk 61
Arehlo NUrkiyi, l oU 31 31. IUk 16.
1ldi Park 1 63
Thoa K IVw-lltis Ix.l. 13 II. Illk.
3. I.Hewltde VM
Grac K 1'ronoush. I 't I. Board
in.tm't A.M lo Jennlnca lodgo SI 13
Pari C. Ilrononi. l ot 5. Hoard-
mun'i A.I.I to Jennlnna Ixidgn 16 01
Pari C Pmniinch. It . Board
tnan'a Id l to Jennlnra l.idi:e 13 61
Pari C. Bronouiih, lit II. Board
tuan'i Add to Jennlnra lawlgo J3
Pari C. Bronough, l ot II. Hoard-
m.in'n Add to Jcnnlng lulk-e 157
C. W. Nlchol". Ut G. II, I, 1st
Add to J..nulni:s l.ixlgo 13 31
J. E. Hammond. Un : 32, Blk 7
Marchbanka 4 K
Jobniina Bin kley, Lot .15. Illk'. 7,
Manhbatika 1.J3
D. J. Bin kley. Jr . Lot 36. Blk 7.
Marchbanka '. 191
Wm. Buckley. Lot 37. Illk. 7.
Man hbanka 1 !3
(. A. Govo, lit 1, Blk. 9. Man-h
bank 193
Harriet Ue. Lots 2 to 6, Blk. 9.
Marchbanka 5 76
G. Svarend & J. U Prattler, Iota
12 to 15. Illk. 9, Marchbanka... 4 So
O. A. M. U Hayward. Iit 1.
Illk. 9, Marshfield 15 9S
Andern G. Webom. Uila 14. 15,
16. Illk. 6. MllwnuklK Park.... 6.73
lllbernlii Savlngn Hunk, Uit 8,
Blk. W, Rcplaltlng of a Portion
of Mllwnukln Purk 1.33
Knthcrlnn I.. Trevett, that portion
of Ut 1. Illk. V lying North
and East of West Hun of Lot
7, Bill. P. Uit 1. Illk. 5 3.8
Hiberulu Savings Bank. Itcp'ut
llng of a iiortlon of Mllwuuklo
Park. Lot 2, Illk. V 3.35
James II. Black, Lots 40 41, Blk
73. Mlntborn 2.27
James II. Black, 1-ot 4. Blk. 77
Minthorn 2.1
Oregon Land Co., Lots 13 I I, Blk
S9. Minthorn 2.1
Luella II. Hess, a 2.'..20, Blk
89, Mlntborn 21
Dora L. Cheek, UA 10 15, Illk 95
Minthorn M.I3
Dora L. Cheek, Uils 25 31. Blk
95, Mlnlhorn 5.00
E. F. Bozorth, Lois 11-19, Blk U7,
Mlnlliorii 413
E. P. Ho.orth, LijtM 1, Illk. 98
Mlntlfin 1.52
Dora L. Cheek, Lots 2 to 9, Blk.
9S, Minthorn '. . . . 5.57
T. S. McDanl'd & J. II. Colt, Blk.
12, Orchard Hoiiys 4.10
T. S. McMunlelK J. II. Colt, part
of IUk 13, Orchard Homes.... 1.16
T. S. McDanlel & .1. II. Colt, part
of Blk 21, Orchard Homes.... 5.87
T. S. MclJanlel & J. II. Colt, part
or Blk. 25, Orchard Homes... 5.87
T. S. MclJanlel & J. II. Colt, part
of Illk 28-29, Orchard Homes. .10.70
Wm. T. Davis, Lot 15, Illk II, Nob
Hill 1.59
Mrs. Maria M. Polly, Loin If to
23, Illk. 79, Mlnlhorn 3.0
Ellen M. Hock wood, Lot 11, Blk
12, Ardenwiild 3.58
Ellen M. Rockwood, Lots 13-11,
Blk. 12, Ardenwald (1.19
E. G. Cnufleld, Lots 5, (1, 7, Blk.
33, Holton 8.01
E. M. Howell, Lots 1 to 13, Blk.
C, Nob Hill 3..V.
K. M. Howell, Lois 17 to 21, Blk.
fi, Nob Hill 2.55
J. T. Apperson, LoIh 5-6, Blk. 51
Oregon City 30.0fi
Sarah C. Wlckham. Lot 4, Blk.
130, Oregon City 20.27
John Campbell, Lots 3-1, Blk. 2,
Oregon City Annux L70
Chas. Martin, 50x100 ft. of Iot 4,
Darling's Ad to Oregon City.. 3.63
E. F. Itlley, Blk. "D" Park Add to
Oregon City 3.62
G. W. Hendershott, Lot 1, Blk 3,
Pleasant PInco Add to Oregon
City .. C.20
J. D. Loo Heirs, So. Oswego, Ixt
5, Blk. 41 1.91
Daniel Harvey, Ixt 1, People's
Transportation Co.'b Lots. ... '2.44
Nellie E. N.mbauer, EA of Irfit
14, Pinchiirst 10.70
John Watrln, Lots 4-6, Illk. 6,
.Pleasant Littlo Homes No. 3.. 2.22
John Watrln, Lots 10 to 12, Blk.
C, Pleasant Little Homes 2.80
W. G. Manning, Lots 3 to 6, Blk
"A", Pompeii 3.13
R. E. L. Simmons, !xt 1, Blk. B,
Pompeii 1.51
R. E. L. Simmons, Lot 2, Blk. B,
Pompeii 1.51
Geo. W. Hoyt, Lots 1-2, DIk "C"
PoiniM.ll Ida
Paul llalmaia, P. 1 1 of laila lit,
IUk II. Iliilii-rlaon 4 ol
Paul IMiii-ii, lot II, llik. II,
ll.. iu..n I IS
T. U ft Mary
I'liaruiaii, Ul I,
I. Inn
I'll I. IUk II. IN
i.lk ft. Wr(
A Gil. ... n,
ir Co lload)
Wlllamelta Pulls
Arrr T'ail T.IO
Haiah I. Parker, Nils 1 i, IUk. T
Winder 1 10
P1U I'. Hal. Ill, li
tl. Illk. 14,
Win. 1. 1. r . ...
Plain Hbaa, I'd I. Plk
1'.. Wind
GuM-lir II ll.lfflll.lll,
IUk I'., Winder .
I'll fit,
II. Illk II,
Joliu W. ..lir. Ut II. Illk II,
J. T. Alrlalidur,
la. II. Illk. II
WimUor 131
J T Aleiander, Ud 4. IUk. 10,
Wlnd.or 4
W H (irlftla, li.t 7, I Uk. ID,
Wind-. 4
(Vila IU.ii kwell, a I 7, Illk II
WHi.lwir "1
Anna HrlXeifleld. Iit 3, IUk. 11,
Wlmlnor 144
W. W. Graham, 14 sura III J,
Dally b U (', Him-. H, I
W 0
Elliat.. Ih Mullan, 0 acn a In Ut
Wbll,,, ml, l K C. Hie I, I IK I 30
X. (. Wiilden Tr 170 arna Win.
Hlutid D. U ('. Hec. 35, 36. I
C. X Wall. :i arrr aa ta Ilk.
i f Will. No. t, ( :, Hma
:t:. j ik iioi
Will Kelldull. 12.1,110 a feet HM
I'hllaii'ter l 1 1. L. ('.. Her 4
33. 3 IK I 10
(I. W. ( l.-.l. r. H. 30 a. rea of Hhl
(, of HE', Hec. 36, & IK I
P. (V Aldrb h. Id a. rea In H Mink
ler D. I.. ('. Hie. 13. 3IW. 14
3 IK Mil
Chaa K ft Mary Mid h-!l. NK4
of HWt, ricepl 10 acrra, H-.
36. 4 I T2
Joa C. Brewer. II 13 acr In HWU
nnd lad 5, H,c. 3D 4 IE t U
II ('. ft Louis J. Wude, .14 acres
In Frru Fblier D. U ('.. Hoes
2. : :k i i
M II Clark. .f.O acna In Err
Pl-her D. UP 141
A. X. Milliner, .75 acre In Krra
Pli-her D L C 191
K. ft Ann It. WlUlnnia. .:i
acri-a in (in gun City Clulni., 17
A Woodward, pt jt 4 In Hi'
DI2 3K 2.0
llexter ft May, .30 acres In Win
llolllien i. I. C UK
James A. Ka, 3S n. rea In Win.
Iloltnea D. I C 4 9f.
H. Hluliin. Sr. 20 acres In Andrew
ll.md I). L. ( II 41
Achllle Serhera. H'i of N of KH
of SE', Sec. Ill 4 2 4 S!
Jauiea Hrui-K. S1, of HE4 of HKU N NO
W. II Tull ft It. U ( lurk. I
nnd SE1; of SW'i of NW'i
Hec II 5 2K 10 37
Win M. ft Saruh Smllli. NW4
of NE1; See I3 5 2E .7
Ida E. Pan-lit. 6.50 acres Hit.
17 5 2E 154
G. W. denier. 60 ni rea In Heo.
3IT.2K 04
G. W. Cleder. N of Heo.
6ft2E 11.80
II. P. Haratow heirs, E'4j of 8W
In Sec 29- 6S 2E 13.69
Gen, W. Banderant. 7 uc rea, del
Bk. 117. Pngn 92, Record of
IWdn. Hherlffn Division 6.60
E. L. Walker. 5 acres ilea. Ilk. of
Wills No. 2. page 419, In Abel
Maltoon D. L. C 9.95
W. H. Corbett. 8W; of 8W4 8ic.
25 4 3E 6.38
Ellen Callahan, S acres ns ilea.
Bk. 79, Pago 301, Sec. 19-5-
3E 1.57
W. P. ft I nn Speer, 1.20 acres us
lies. Bk. 106, (men 473, Sec. 21- .
HE 1.46
John W. Carlson, SEVi of Ntt'U,
Hec. 95-3E 10.56
Francis' M. linker, 4 acren In Hoc.
1S 4 IE 1.56
Nina Joy, N'-i of N4 Sec. 10 5-IE 21.51
Allen It. Joy, H'i, of N Hoc 10
5 4E 11.51
Hermit C. Gregg, W!i of NWW
Sec 20 5 IE 35.21
G. II. Richards ft J. It. Smith
NE'4. Sec. 1 1 I 5E 16.39
Frank Cole, Wu, of NE'4 "nd HM
'4 of W and NE'4 of a WW.
Hec. 11, 2 6E 21.07
H. E. Noble, ' ut BWVi Hec.
36 2 C.E f 30.32
Mary E. Northrup, 1 acre ns ilns
Bli. 107, pk. 218, Hec K3 7E... 2.28
Emma L. Greene, part of ns des.
Bk. 110, pngn 79, Sec. 9-3-7E.. 1.64
L. E. Coffee, 4.83 ncrcH ns den
Ilk. Ill, pg, 98, Sec 44-5E.... 1.04
Molallu Lumber Co., EV4 of NWW
of NEW Sec. 21-4-3E 826
F. H. & Hiinrletfa Tawney 88
acres as des. Bk. 119, Pngn 70,
Hec 9 3-7IC 10.73
Eslacnda Htato Bank, 18.10 ncres
des. Bk. 101, pngo 412, Hec.
21 -3-413 30.32
J. L. Band, NM, of NWW of SW
i4, except C iicros Sec. 18-3-310. 5.34
You nro furthor nollfled' that said
Clackamas County has paid taxes nn
said premises for prior or mibscquont
years wllh the rnto of Interest on Bald
amounts us follows:
Said nbovo named defendants ns
(h i ownerH of tho legal tltlo of the
nbovo described properly, u tho muno
appears of record end each of tho
other persons nbovo named nro here
by further notified that ClackamnH
County will apply to Ihn circuit court
of tho county nnd Htatn aforesaid for
a decreo foreclosing tho lion against
the properly abovo described and
nienlloned In Bald certificate. And
you nro lr-reby Hiimmoned to appear
within sixty days artnr tho first pub
lication of this gumnioiiB upon you, ex
elusive of tho day of first publication
and defend this action or pay tho
amount duo as abovo shown together
with costs and accrued Interest, nnd
In case of your failure to do so a do-
cno will bo rendered foreclosing tho
Hen of Bald taxes nnd costH ngalnBt
tho Innds and premises above namod.
All process and papors In this pro
ceeding may bo scrvnd upon tho un
dersigned residing In Clackamas Coun
ty, Oregon, at tho address hereinaf
ter mentioned.
Date first publication March 30, 1917
' District Attornoy for Clackamas
County, Oregon.
Address Wolnhard Bldg., Oregon City,
Oregon. .