ORFftON CITY ENTERPRISE, FRIDAY, APRIL 6, 1917. 1'auh 5 LOCAL BRIEPS W, O. Iludift, of lixavnr Crk, aiming Hi vlallor In Dili city Tui dy. I). II. Ihlllliw, of t'aru. wa among thnsa In vlult III Orngoli flly on Wad nradny, Mr. and Mra. K. H. Warren, of Oak lirovo, motored to llila cllr on Wail lirailnx. Mra lliixh Foster, wlm haa been vl Itliig In Portland, haa rulurnrd to (Va- Kun Clly. Mra. Julia llooalny, of Mllwnnklo, II. J. Hrown, of liar dlalrlit, waa In Ihla rlty on biulneia Turaday. Jacob Mundnfl, of Ionian, train (d i.ulna In Oregon Clly on Tudy, Mra. Gorg Guild, of I'urtland, w In Oragon City Friday, whr aha waa tha ruaat of har mother, Mra, A. Iluldari, and har alaUr, Mra. Y. C. (Irsenniaii. Mra. Guild waa forniarly Mlaa Iluld Iluldari, of Oiagon City. In Hie Social Whirl CwrraftI Maaaanlaaa f liHaraaa la an 4 Akavl Orfa City MK rit piarrlaaa .f Mlta r ala lib liiirdx n, of I'oflUnd, and Mr, and Mra, Krad Kllijraan, of Mr. Kdln FoiK-r. truffle manager of jUfford, war In thla city on Friday, tho Wlllatimil Valley Houihrrn rail nd while hare visited with frlxmla, I way rompiny llli hradii'iartrra In Mr. Llllgaen la one of tha prominent thl rlty, hlih waa o'eimilmd ()! farmer of Clackamaa county, I bur S. Il, wa arinnutned Thur The Infant rhlld of Mr. and Mri. M". The young roupl la pIHh Hamuel Moaler. of HUfford. waa bur- t"",,ul"""'" 'rl"da. lad In the HUfford r.melarv Krldav Tha young .lo lri rortlanq on called lu transact bunlnea In Ihla city fi-rncM,n Tha littla one llvad but "' morning of (h-iubnr :mb fr Ka Tunaday. I, f8W huri iu birth. Myara " Wash, unknown lo relative or Mra. U H. Harlow, of Mllwaukle, ft rdy, of thla city, wore In charge I frl.nlo. The mnrrluge rrinony waa waa among Oman In vl.lt In Ihla rlty of the funeral aervlcea. priormq inure. Tunidur Mr. and Mra. II. II. Uregory, whol Mr. Foster rulurn'd lo Ihla rlty In John llnnhart, of Huff, waa among nl,y" '""'n residing In Oregon fity. reaiim hla position with lha rallwa (! vl.ll..r In flno.n rit ,,11 l.n.l. nve gone in aioimi. wiiero iner wini ciiiiiii7, ami uie nnqe wrm kj ui maaa mi'ir noma. nr. wr'Rirj w oiignga In funning on hla furin. William Hhehan, who recently ar rlvrd In Portland from Watertown, Nn York, waa In Ihla clly Friday. tu rn ha vlalted hla innny friend. Mr Khnhan will vlall hla funilty In Port Ilea Tueaday. William HllnatniiK, of Jiniiliiga lodgn, waa a bualnea vlaltor In thla rlty Wrdnpiday. J. (1. MilliiHiwiT, of Htoli, wll known fnrmcT, waa In thla rlty on bual nana Wadnrailny, liome of hir elat-r, Mra. (. K War ron, of I'ortlund. wife of C. K. Wa rin. aitpnl or Ilia tl. W. It. N , rom :ny terminal. They way 111 prohahly nirfke Oirgun Clly thi'lr home The brldo la a Nioit attrai tlva girl mh went to Portland about a year land for aeveral daya In-fore going to ago from lienver, Colorado, whrre he parenla, Mr and Mra. W. C. Itl hard aon, realde. Hlia a a graduate of linnr unlvralty. For tha t year aha haa made her home with her ala ter In Portland Mr. Vimti r la a native of Indnpend enre, Kunaaa, but haa r'tded In Or Ceorga Dregory, of Molalla, the well Ormn Fella. II. ('., on hualneaa. known tenai-l grower, waa In thla rllyl Mra. K. II. Gregory, Z. ... uwoou, on hualni'aa Witdneaday. I waa In thla rlty on Wednoaday, an il. II. Illcka, of Mllwaukle, waa In I rompanylng her daUKhter In law, Mra. Oregon City on Tunmluy, and while Chnrlea Gregory. The Utter pro here vlaltud with frlenda. reeded lo Portland, where alio will I. a. lornwoii, one or me weniviait tier alator, Aire, waiter urown. I rn en, for (h, nat rive year. II known realilnnta of Katarada. waa In Mra. K. It. Gregory returned a few haa been ronniwted with tha Wlllam thla rlty on hualneaa Tiieaday , I daya ago from a two witeka' vlalt In ette Vulley Koulhern Jtallway rom Mra. C. W. Prouty, of Conhy, waa In I Portland. funy alnre the company eatabllehed thla rlty Ihn flr.l of I ho week, and Mm ,nd Holland Kby. who are ,ln "", rl"r' n'', " w he here wa. Ihe gue.t of Mr.. C. T. pnMlh( . M Um, fl Mo. P-- - J Alltaa. I Hhv iiifirnltiif fur Molulln Mhnre Ihi'V I ... ..... w . ui poauuin ainra mai lime, lie la me ... ... f,w.., rimiii.il.!. i'u in 10 Vlall ineir granuparenia. ir nif.l m nf Mra VAwin Vr.mu.r vi r.airiia, waa amoug wioao 10 and Mra. It. J. Moore. 1 lie tHiya. tin a a tranaait bual a In Oregon City Wed have lierorne eiperta at Irout flailing. T,eh.r Surprlaad ioou a auiiniy 01 naning lacxm, ana ei i ntf punii. 1 1 . . ....II I . ... t . t tm t) I .... I ' ihfjii, njiiu im, ii, an. r. r.. i.r-i i Kini( ( me a per HI I'll DeaU' tlva from tho atreama near Molalla. ker, of Taylor atreet, a daughter. Th little one haa been given the name of tiladya. B. A. I). Ilungate, formerly of Ihla Aa three leachcra of the Wlllam ette arhool. Mine Mary Jennen, Mlaa Kmily Marahall and Mlaa Kllrabetb Wirt, have celebrated their birthday annlvcranrlea thla month, earn tearii Mr. and Mra. Fred Klllgaen, of Htuf ford, the former one of the moat prom city, but now ,ngaKlng In funning at lnm,t ' " waa taken by ...rprl.e by the pupil. Mobil, wn. In thla clly on bu.lneaa ww" " ' rr'UJ'; ""r room., and partle. given In nere caueu m inn i iiiu iiir"; I ner Honor gnrugn at Twelfth and Main atreeta. The laat to celehrnto one of theae where they ordered a five paaaeiiger eventa la Mlaa Kllrabeth Wirt, whoan Ford automobile. Mr. Klllgaen will Wrthduy annlvemnry waa obaerved wait until the weather become more l 1,18 choolhouae Wcdn-.duy even fiivorablo before taking hi. car to hla country homo. I ' cnlldren had planned and car rien out me anuir and .vim wirt waa W. F. Hurrl.. a promln-nt furmer bidden to Ihe .ihoolroom. The aur and atm kman of lloaver Creek, waa In pri WM complete, and the teacher uregon city i-riiiay. Mr. llama na. rnjoyr( tt immun.oly. She took an ..... ,1.. I II... I. I .... jimi im,,, .hi.. mi .,i im-.i ' active turt in t ie even nr a amuae- hlrea from tho t harle Talmadne ,m.nu .which conalated of aanie and Silver lllrrh herd of Newport Waah. mllHC. sl,o was preaented with a Ill- mo animal arrived in mio annpe a l!e Kft i remembranre of tho evont. few ilnya ago and mined lo me Hern- Hi.rri.Mliin,.r.i nor ..rvmi rfi.Hnr it,. oerweni a aurgu ai operuuwu mr aufi .nirn iieru ni tne iinrna rami. mi. evening, and theao too provided by noiiia anil removal lo lonana ai in I oiuinui, .uhuid nriiri. vbb purriiuneii I tha children. Oregon Clly tiuapltal Monduy mom. ai win ihi-buk mow in roriiumi C C I I Lnn..,.l,e ITIli will t.enl.alilu va ti K ma- a I ."" ' Tho marrliiao of Mlaa I -aur a KohW. I al lha r.il M lila Fit II If tiael a Patau I VI " . J. Q. Noe, deputy county recorder. " "'""M' vouneeat dnuahler nf Wnfeaanr A Wedneaduy. Horn, at the Maternity homo, Port land, Tuenday morning April 3, to the wife of K. C. Utourette. of thla city. a daughter. Mr. Loui.e Kell and .on, Leo, of Aurora, were in thl city oil buainea. Wnlneaday. They made tha trip in their automobile. Mr. and Mr.. Georgo Illlaa. of Car uh, accompuiilud by tholr children, Wllma and John, were Oregon City vlaltnra Hnturduy. Mlxa Uexley, of Mount Pleaaant, un a lent tho week-end with hla mother, Mr.. 8. K. Nm- of llubbnrd. Ho re turned to Oregon City Sunday even ing. Kohler, of West Linn, and William A McDonald, alao or e.t Linn, wa. rolcbrated at Vnncouver on Tueaday won a gmiidi'hamplonnhlp. Janie. Ithlnei, one of tho well known pnultryinen of Clacknma conn ty. who.o poultry farm I. locate,! at Ther returned to Oregon Cltv Immed Mra. Kwolt. of Needy, but formerly Outlook, noor Clackamaa, waa In thla , , . . miirrl,B Thv - in of Hprlngwnter. wa. Ill Oregon City ciiy on ouaineaa aionuuy. mr. juiinea niako ,.. homa ,..,. ,,.. .... ...... . I I I a tll.la f 1 - I on militruiiy. Mrs. Kwait I in cnargo " ie u mo i-.-ai uiio i-Ku..rii. . ... , f .......... of thn farm of J. T. Wballey. of Port- In the county, and la .implying the womon of w , wh h lnd." ronmnu maraoi wun me prouucia ... dpd fo, . Bumb , VM II. A. rtanda, of Oregon City, who la therefrom. At tho preaent time he Th. hrlltPrnnm h.. reren.u r. employed on government rnllrond aur- naa suu mymg nena, ami young ,lirnclj t0 Wc8t IJnn and jut con) vey In Alnaku. write, from Nenana. chick, from the Incubator. Ho ho. ., . f . . . ., Ahuikn. that ho will return home about Kot hi. Incubator, thl. week with 300 ,no C0TpK ,g wo ftn(j fsVornby April l&lll. Aiicona eKa, aa no mienua to iingnne known in thla cltv Mix. Angellno Dye arrived homo in nrneaing mo Anconaa a. wcu aa I . . . . . Saturday from Oregon Agricultural the White leghorn. Ho hn twelve collego at Corvalli to apend tho Kna- ncroa of Innd In hi farm, three being WEST LINN HONOR ROLL. ter rercH with her parent, Mr. and for poultry rniMing. Having engaged Pupil, neither nb.ont nor tardy for Mr. 0. II. Iyo. in una tnduiitry for mo pa .oven I montti ending March 24 Mr. Pnvld Cuullold. irtor vlHltlng year. ir. imine. nn ucen iiioki ue- Orvllle Charle. Joseph 8aloala, Tint- her duiiKnter, Mra. Mvy Stlpp, of this cea.rul wltti tho snmo. tlm zirbel, Harold Miller, Jack Humph city tho flrot of tho week, returned to ,... t tVllr ..... w! ii m, nalph McCoy. Marlon Wood. Geo neavor Crenk. whero Bho Ih to remain t0 (irHi1Bm. nnd cloHed his work on Papoon, Elwood Thompson. Marie nit- until enr'y summer. March 31st. when Mr. Stnw-nrt aniv tner. Evnnello Hall. Herman Elrbcl. J. P. I,ovott left tho first of tho week co,i,,(i m, a i..ri.. roun of ...w,,, Dorothy Downing, Clarn Watts, Cbns, for ( nllfornlu. whoro ho will remain froll C,irkogi i,0gan, llethol. lieavor t)ny, Frank Fischer, Elmer Simpson. ror several weens, nnd goes ror the hnneflt of hla health. While In Cali fornia ho will vlHlt with friends. Mr. and Mrs, Frank Rchoonborn and two llttlo duiiKhters, of this clly, Mr. Creek, Jlonrlcl, (ind other points were EUa Fischer. Margarot Papoon, Zen present for n noonday luncheon nt the " Lytsoll, Flora Kannk, Wesley llnptlst church on Saturday, nftor Kuniminn, Joseph nethune, Mildred which Mr. Loder, chairman of the Konak, May Powell. Charlie Karllk. commlttiw on county work of tho local i-eonnrd Hall, Willie Elliott, Fred nnd Mrs. Hlihlo, of Portland, loft on ehurrh, took the chair. AnioiiK the Dltter, Winifred Humphry, Mildred Snturdny for a brief stay nt Sonslilo, speakers for tho afternoon wen' Mr. Andorson, Mary Salonls, Florence Re- Orognn, whero they go on business. Armstrong of llethol. Rev. Mr. Wett- hvlck' Eldon Ford, Io nittnor, Joe At a mooting of tho Lono Star Icidgo, lauffiT of Clarkes, Mrs. JohiiHlon of Plnnton, Ixonnrd Green, Chsster I. O. O. F., of Clackamas, A. C. Wowoll, Logan, Or. Mllllken nnd Hevs. Wnro W'ood, Mildred Charles, Erna Fischer, of that placo, was olectod dulnato to and Stewart. This coun)y work is Amber Ford, Ruth Robinson, Nolto tho crnnd lodgo of Oregon to convene undenominational In Its nature, nnd I'mper, i.oia uonmns, (..lauys Wright. at Eugmio May 2,'trd. Mr. Nowcll Is a while tho IlnptlBt church provides tho Joseph Nixon, Charlotte Hugulnn, wull known nurHoryman of Clackamas, missionary, ho is under orders to work Elloen Nixon, Martha McLarty, John Mr and Mrs L M Iiavlt of Eldor- 1,1 unison with ull tho evnngcllcnl McDonald, Emll HiiRUonln. Rdwnrd ndo, wlio havo boon In Oregon City, forces of overy community, and to HiiRnenln, Dorothy Dobbins, Ruby Ho whoro they havo boon visiting with 1"llvo dcnomlniitlonallHin strictly Bn, Zolmo McDonald, Etta Boornor, the lattnr'a mother Mrs. liluhm of As a result union missions Gladys Klsol, WllUa Nixon, Opal Ho Sixth and Coutor streets, returned to I community missions ar formed, cm- Ran, Allco McDonald, Dolllo Stutr., bracing all jllglous forces of tho com- nnrry fromoiiR, lioorRO Shields, Sam- munltles. tholr homo Saturday. Mrs. Carl Slebol, of Albany, nno MIhh Nomlnn Klcmson, of this city, has arrived in Oregon City, to visit hor pnrents, Mr. and Mrs. D. M. Klein- c" "ou niv mo description of tha nn Mr Hnii.ni .in rin n,n i Prt " thir relation of the vaouum pun oi uio wook. . Th viii-iiiiui feed i -stem bus as Its Miss Jensen, of Redland, iimlorwcnt function drawing of fuel from a cor a crltlcul oporntion for goltro nt tho tuhi level to n higher level without Oregon City hospital on Saturday avl'ii of PI'I.vIiir pressure. Applied to Miss Jensen in a daughter of A. Jon- 8 "tnrriir. with a giisnlino tank ails onn ..nil b.,nvn n.rmnr t IJn,ll 1 PCIKled Oil till' ICIir l.f II CUr. tllO CIU- . ' ' . ' bnretor must niiturnlly bo nt a consld- ,,, I II Hill. u o...m. pra)ly hKl(,r ,(V11 Tll() fl(,, ,s rns(,(1 Horn, Wednesday morning, April 4, bj means of the vacuum tank. Fumln nt tho Tortland Maternity homo, to menially the vacuum tank Is n cylln Mra. OoorRO boo Harding, o daughter, uor cnnnecieu uie top through a Mra. Hardlne was formerly Miss P'l'e with the Inlako nuiulfold and Elnlno Forror, or Portland, and the ,,"-0,,B'," Il('r l,l,B ,H 11,0 Kasollne ,,,,. , . n . tank. When the motor is turned over li.Liim io i. n.ii. ui I..I. Wliu ...id. u. n. i ... ..... . , ... . . the down alrokc of tho pistons ere- IlardinR, or this city. at(t a f,U(.(ioil ln ,, lltuk m,,f0ia. H. i. Vaughan, of Molulln, one of This auction is conducted to the thi prominent residents of that plnco, vacuum tank throiiKU the connecting was in this city on Monday. He was P'l'0 111111 ''" thence through the pipe nccompnnled homo by 0. Elliott, mnk t0 ,,,le Pho tank, thus drawing in, ti.- i,i k Ln- nf- fuo1- y tiPtlon. into tho well of tho ,. . . ,, . .. . ,' . " vacuum tank, where the level U con- vuiinimii uikiiik wun "nil u hiihuhuiiio (ruHp, by a float i-.diBon mncnino as a girt ror nis ram- "y- Mrs. Angus Mnthonon, of Tnwoll Plv Rev. A. II. Mulkey, founder of tho er, n. C, will arrive ln Oregon City Chrlstlnn church at Gladstone, but Saturday, nnd will bo tho guest of h;T now a rosldnnt of Lents, was ln this mother, Mrs. J. R . AVIlllams and city on Monday. Rov. Mulkey stll' daughters, Misses Margaret nnd Elenn owns property near this city, and each or Williams. Mrs. Mathoson formerly Sunday preside, at the Mountain resided here, nnd has many friends View church. Ho loft for his home here. She may remain until car?' Monday afternoon. I summer. my Nixon, John Adrian, John Stutt, Paul Stutz, Merlo Davidson, Willie McLarty, Frank Snow, Fern Shlolds, Emily Nixon, I.conlo Adrian. JULIA BAKER FREED 61 !E C. A. HASH 10 IXAVE TOR MICHIGAN FARHb FAMILY GOES TOO Mr. and Mr. C. A. Naab and .on, Harold, will lre within o week for Muakegoo, Ml'hlgun, whir lb III niLka their home, but hop to re turn lo Oregon t aom future tlm to attain readme their mldi-ina In Ore gn City, whr Ihry have proper! Interval. Mr. Nah will lake rhara of an lOacr farm, formerly owned by hi parenla. Ihe late Mr. and Mra Kufu Nah, who both dlid during th month of February. 111. I. on of Ihe lhntt rfrm la the county la wbiib It I lorjiied. A larre portion of It la p'antnd lo orchard. Mra, Naab will be greatly mined at the Oregon City pontufTIr. a well aa In thl city, having bm aaaiatant poatmlatrea tut many year. She haa bM'n a valuable and moat eftbittnt aaalatant In the poatorfica. She haa alao been active In the work of ihe liaptl.t church and the Oregon City Women' club. Mr.' Naab I. well known In Oregon City, and baa alway. been active In fraternal orranliatlon., and In mua- (R organliatlona. He la a well known bandinaater, and for mnny y-ara waa a member of the Oreaon City band. Mr. Naah will retain hi. property In tereat. In Oregon Clly and hi. farm will be leaaed by Xavler Wldmer, who haa been employed for aeveral year. by Mr. Naah. William II. Howell. ho haa be-n employed at the Oregon City post office for the past fourteen year, ha. been promoted to the offloe made vacant by Mra. Naah'. realgnatlon. Mr. Howell la a native .on, and la well know here. He haa worked up to hla present position by the Intereat he ha. taken In hi. duth-., and baa many friend her who wish to con gratulate him upon receiving bl appointment E. W. B. STEWART TD COME M'MINNVILLE PASTOR .TAKES CHURCH IN OREGON CITY Oregon City haa fallen beir to an other Scotch preacher. Some nine year ago Rev. J. R. Landaborongh came from Canada to the Presbyter Ian church. This drat .ample proved o acceptable that tho Raptlst church called Dr. Mllllken. another Canadian Scotchman, flvo year ago. Then the CongrcgatlonnIl8U followed by I in porting still another Canadian Scotch man. Rev. Mr. MacCallum. The Moth odlst church, by way of varljty. called the Rov. Mr. Gilbert, a Canadian, but of English descent. And now the llnptlst church, not satisfied with one Scotchman, calls another to take the place of Mr. Ware as Its country Mis slonary The Rev. W. B. Stewart of McMlnnvllle. Julin Bnker secured a divorce from Thomas Baker Tuesday. The woman alleged hor husband treated her cruel ly, striking- her and calling her vile names. They were married in Se attle, January 10,1915. The case was heard before Circuit Judge Campbell. NEW AUTO REGULATIONS ARE PRESENTED HERE The following are some of the es sential features of tha now autonio bllo law, enacted by the last legislature: Slow-moving vehicles must keep as far to right of road as practicable, to pormit swiftlyMnoving vehicles rea sonably free passage to the left. flefore starting, driver must . first see thero Is mom to turn or back into road, and must give visible and audible signnls to wuru on-coming chicles of his intent. Ambulances and physicians' nutos are 'exemptod from spsed limits only lion answering emergency calls. Lights must bo dimmed, or so di rected that rays shall strike the ground not to exceed 75 feet ln front of vohlelo. No metal block, stud, clear or bead permitted to project more than a quarter-Inch fom tiro. No glusa, bottles, nails, tacks, hoops, wiro or cans permitted to be thrown on highways. No person, other than a law officer, permlted to climb Into an auto or monkey with the cranks or levers ltliout the owner's or driver's per mission. No person under 15 years of age permitted to drivo a car unless parent, guardian or owner are In the car. WEST in PEOPLE E L At a meeting of Ihe resident, of Huiiaet dlatricl, Weat Linn, at the Hun t ai hool after bearing th propoied bliii e'bool bond Uaue eiplalned, all but on i of the audience atood up In favor of uniting dUlrb t 34 and 10i for Ihe purpoae of creating a union high ecbool dlatrkt Jaine. II. Cary could nut appear on account of th flag week exerclae. In Oregon City, but W. C. MIonaId, chairman of the board of district No. 34, and I'rofeaaor. Honey and How. ard gave very clear version of th matter. Table of figure were eihlMtod showing bow the propoaed bond la.ue can be paid off with an average of one mill laiea. A petition wa. ilcned aaklng Ihe dlatrlct boundary board of Clackamaa county to call an 'election for April GRANGERS' MEETING IS ENTHUSIASTIC AFFAIR The A borne thy grange held a ver entbulastlc meeting In the grange hall at I'arkpluce Saturday. Thl. waa an all day affair. Dcaide. the twenty two member. In attendance there were nineteen visitor. The third and fourth degree wa. conferred on Ml.ae. Alta Obler and Maude Rlttenbou.e. The morning .e.slon wa taken up chiefly with business of the order, and at 12 o'clock dlrfner wa served. The lecture hour fol'owed the din ner, and the following program was given: Song, gra.ife; trio, Misses Maude' Lageson, Eatber Staat and Mable Morgan, with Ml. Alice Hol- man accompanist;- violin duet. Mine Morgan and Mis. Innogle; recitation, Walter Wood; recitation, Roy Miller. Mis Gertrude Talbot, of Portland ex plained the Montesorl system of edu cation In an Interesting address. CANBY DEBATERS II THREE MEETS The Eaathaa and Canby Grammar hool held their Grammar acbool contaat debate at Canby at at Oregon City Friday evening. The Kaatham negative team com. poind of Gordon Wllaon, George Del by, and Ivan Mnka went to Canby, meeting the Canby affirmative team compoaed of Oat ar Realty, Earl Miek and Earl Mack. Canby won the de- clilon by two to one vote. At the Oregon Clly high arhool Ihe Euatham affirmative team compoaed of Alden Linn. Itae Shunway and Ralph Ilaker met the Canby negative t'tam compoaed of Alberta Glllmore. HI'dred Ilaker and Olive Kendall. Tha Judge gave Canby a unanimous de- clalon. Canby high school won from Cotton high acbool Friday night at Canby the decision boing two to ono In favor of Canby. T FILED Suit In the circuit court to cauae foreclosure on a tract of land between Oregon City and Boring, Oregon, waa fllod bore Wednesday by th North western Trust company against L. RiUer and I. Norma Rltzer, hi wife. The complainants allege that they lont Rltzer $400 on bl note, and Inter took a mortgage on the land aa security. MASS HOTEL SOLO TO .CITTA FORMER OWNERS. WILL REMAIN IN OREGON CITY. CATTAS ARE OLD RESIDENTS Mr. and Mrs. E. T. Mass,Nwho for tho past year and a half have con ducted the Mass restaurant and hotel on Seventh and Main streets, have disposed of tholr interest to Mr. and Mrs. Charles Catta, who will take pos session Thursday morning. Mr. and Mrs. Mass, since entering tho hotel and restaurant business have built .up a large patronage. At present all twenty rooms are occupied. They will retain their residence in this city at Eight and Railroad avenue. Mr. rnd Mrs. Catta formerly owned Mass hotel. They left ten years ago Man to Wear Longer Coata and Not Padded. Columbus, tl. Cunts will he much longer, shoulder will lie wider, with no padding, and i-ohIm will be IiIkIi nt the wnlst Hue In men's stilts this com. Ing season, iii'i-onllng to styles set here bf the fiislilons committee of the Inter national Custom Cutters' association. The cutters say trousers will be wid er, wnlsteimts will be out low nnd will be tight nt Hie waist line, mid browns will be the oroiier shade fur sprint liothes. They ntsi, ludlmleil that tie Norfolk .i '' "ll anlii he ihiiiuIh' ' Tha muffler on my car ia becoming Riled with exhauat producta of tha mo or. How ahould I clean it before it lata bad enough to causa trouble? The best way to riean the muffler Is to disassemble It and eleau the parts separately. If this Is not done the re sult will not be satisfactory. COURT ALLOWS MAIDEN E TO PEARL SMITH Mil IIOEYE TO SERVE IICAII FLAG GOES 1S-YCAR OLD BOY HAVES TO JOIN NAVY. TOUCHINO DISPLAY Of PATRIOTISM 0HOWN Emeraon Honye, It, left Oregon City Wcdneaday enrout to Goat Island, near Ban Franclaco, where be will be trained for service In the United Bute navy. Th lad dlaplayed a patriotism and devotion to the Ideals of America, that touched the heart of the crowd at tha station. "If all right for men to lay: Go on, boy, and Bght for your country.' " the youthful patriot told one of bl friends, "and then stay behind them r el vet. I will .bow them that I will not stand at the back of the prraldent, but will go In front, and do what I can foT my eountry." "What can a boy like you do for America?" bla mother aaked tearfully. T can Hop a bullet," tb lad replied tardily. He I the adopted aon of Dr. and Mr George Hoeye. Judge Campbell Tuesday granted Smith on gTtunds of desertion. They were married in Portland, April 27, 190L Mra. Smith waa allowed to re lume her maiden name of Shaffer. She says ber husband deserted her in 1915. C. MARTIN BURIED FUNERAL SERVICES ATTENDED BY LARGE CROWD; FRIDAY The funeral services ot the Charlie Martin, who died ln Oregon CIty.Frl- day afternoon were conducted Sunday afternoon at 2 o'clock from the Hol- man undertaking parlors, with Rev. W. T. Mllllken, pastor of the Baptist church, officiating. The service were well attended, and the Baptist choir sang Impressively "Face to Face" and "Rock of Ages." The floral tributes were many and beautiful. 'The pall bearers were Dr. L. G. Ice. B. Garret son, Don James. Cbarhs Bollinger, E. B. Anderson, J. W. Neun, of Idaho. , Interment was In the new plat of Mountain View cemetery. Clear Bad Skin From Within. Pimply, muddy complexions are due to Impurities in tho blood. Clear up the skin by taking Dr. King's New Life Pills. Their mild laxative quali ties remove the poisons from the sys tem and brighten the eye. A full, free, non-griping bowel movement ln the morning ia the reward of a dose of Dr. King's New Life PUla the night before. At your Druggist, 25c. (Adv.) FANNIE SILK 023 DIES AT THE DALIES Word wa received in this city Wednesday from The Dalle announc ing the sudden death of Mis Fannie Silcox, of Tacoma, WaaK, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Silcox, of that city. Miss Silcox had gone to The Dalle for the benefit of her health, having; been a sufferer from gall stones for several months, and Wednesday after noon underwent an operation in or der to save her life. She failed to rally from the operation. The young1 woman waa very poun lar in this city while visiting with f rends and relatves here last sum mer. She waa about 23 years of age, and wai a most attractive young wo man. She haa been visiting; her uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mr. WUiiam Sil cox, of The Dalles, but former resi dent of this city. CHARLIE 111 DIES WEEKS AFTER L IN CITY Charlie Martin, who arrived In Ore gon City four weeks ago from Cle Elum, Wash., died ln this city Friday aftarnoon at 2 o'clock from tuberculo sis. The funeral service will be con ducted at the Holman undertaking par lors Sunday afternoon at 2 o'clock. Rev. T. J. Williams, rector of St. Paul's Episcopal church, officiating. Interment will be in Mountain View cemetery. Mr. -Martin was born ln Kansas 31 years ago, and was the son of the late Atwell and Elvira Martin. He came west when a child, and has resided is the state of Washington since that time. Deceased is survived by his wife and two small children, ot Oregon City; ons sister, Mrs. J. M. Tracy, of Portland; four brothers, Lee R. Mar tin, of Seattle, Wash.; Van Martin, of Cle Elum. Wash.; Robert Martin, of Spokane, Wash. ; H. L. Martin, of Ore gon City. Ed and Harold Utlcker are in jail hsre today on complaint of Isaac N. Cook, who charges that they burglar ized his promises March IS. Constable Jack Frost arrested the men Saturday, one at Mullno and the other at C'arkes. They nssert that they were several ml'eo away from the Cook placa at the time tho burglary Is supposed to have been committed. Salem Oregon Packing Co. will surpass 2Q0-carload output of 1916. Hiss Satisfied Customer reads Morgan's Ad because they give here the best invitation to drop in and save some money. We have lots of virtues and we keep shouting them all the time. One of our biggest virtues is TRUTH. We never mis-state anything nor do we ever try and substi tute inferior quality goods. Give yourself a fair chance. Don't fail to try buying here. You'll get Ihe surprise of your life. Compared to what you've been getting elsewhere for your money, you'll find Morgan's your haven of good fortune. Bananas, Special for Wednesday, 16 for 25c Fancy Ripe Tomatoes, pound 15c Cereo, the liquid food, regular 25c package 15o Fancy New Asparagus, pound.... 15c Hersheys Cocoa, 1 lb. tin regular 50c size 35c Bitter Chocolate, one 25c bar 20c Pepjer, r?gular 10c can 5c Arm & Hammer Soda, package ...5c Dry Granulated Sugar, 100 lbs.... $7 80 Crne Sugar, 100 lbs $8.00 Dry Granulated usar, 13 lbs. ...$1.00 Cane Sugar, 12 pounds $1.00 Comb Honey, regular 20c size.... 15c Fnncy Roman Beauty Apples, bx $1.35 Armour's Star Hams for Easter pound 30c Crusto, in oulk, pound 222c .Swe't Oranges, dozen 10c Peanut Butter, 2 pounds ;....25c Fancy Grapa Fruit, each 5c Fancy Fresh Cucumbers, each.... 15c Flour Is high but these prices will look cheap in less than thirty day. Corvalis, best patent, sack $2.05 Barrel $8.00 Diamond F, sacU $2.00 Barrel $7.90 Fletchers Hard wheat, guaranteed best bread flour, suck $2.15 Barrel $8.50 We havs other brands best patent flour Buy matches while they are cheap Best double dip matches, 6 bx..25o Rice is cheap, why not buy some? Best broken rlca, 5 lbs 25c Japan rice, 4 lbs 25c Best head rice, 3 lbs 25o Corn Flakes advanced 50c a case yesterday, buy now, 3 pkgs 25c Fones Pacific 19 Home A-133 We sell fresh milk, received daily Falls City Butter 80c Wednesday You first All tha time 7th Street Oregon City, Oregon