Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, March 16, 1917, Page PAGE 5, Image 5

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I'aok 3
II. Hum, of Heaver Creek, kii in
Oregon t'ily Wediiraday.
I Meyer, at Oak flrot, eTn
Orrgon City Wedtieaday,
on tuilnMi Wednesday, Ul'.g en kit
Judga Until II IHinlik lalld 111
ti'Hk fu rui lirrmaood HaMr'Ur
lli.fiii,ii. Ilr. Iilrrilik I una of IN'
l'f"tli nf Hi 'i Mhropahlre litp, end
bill oiiio of I ha flliwal lliMk III thl
tali Hi lila (Jr riiiii1 fiirin
Mix Uiulii
Mr ami Mra,
N. I, H, liiry, of Katarada, Was flrnl nf Ilia wik for l-. Aiifli-s an
Ytulker, niir"iir
J II Walkir, Ml Hi
In Uila illy Wednesday,
.. Klllfurii, nf Hhrrwood, was in
ttila rlly Wwlnrwlay.
Mm. Mary K. loverly, nf Hubbard,
waa In llila i'lly mi btnliirts Wednes
A. It. I t'ik, well known farmer of
Itedlutid, wan in Oregon City Wal
Y. F'rllowa, tit lligblnrid, wai
anionic Ihe Orrgiin ('lly vlaitor on
Mr. Jane Thoinaa, who realili-a
niwr Nrw V.i a, waa In Oregon City
Uirrnt Trimy, nf r'ataruda, wn
aiming thnne In vlait In Orr(on (lly
J 8. iio, of I'liriin, I'Tnin tin' lit rel
ili'iit nf tluit ait lloli nf III" lonnly, wn
In till lly nn IninliM'iia Turaduy.
Mili! iilnl Ht la allow lit llaiilloiia
I'rhl.iy ewnlng Yon aru extend d a
l onllul linll.illoii Hi mU for all Ailv
Horn, Marrh !Hh to thn lf nf
lllilmril J. ZMny. of lir.'Kon i'lly.
limit,. No. D. a tlniiKlil T
Mra. Miiry Zolnu li, nf lion,
uiiioiik: llioac lo trammi'tlng lumllieae
III lllla rlly nil Ttlmdiiy.
Mia Alum WihmIioi, of 1'iiiiliy. waa
HliioiiK llo in., to Ir.iim.iit bualneaa III
lllla rlly Tm ail.iy.
Hoi ii. March '.Mil In Hi" wife nf
lli'liry Huki-r. nf Mn rwiMi.l, lluuto No
a anil.
K. W. Mailor. nf Milwaukee, aa
among III. iiiii lo trunn.u t liualm'aa In
IMa i lly Huluriliiy.
I'll.r lli'ln, of HorliiK. na amniiit
tlioan to IruiiHUi t liualiiraa In lllla ( lly
John llcticmnn. of New Kra. well
knovn f.irni T of Hint ilui'i. waa here
on liunllirea Tm ailuy.
Mra. I . I.. Mi'Ki'iiny, nf I iinhy, wna
uiiioiik thoim In tiunn.i. t bunluoa In
IIiIh city Tui'ailby.
lillhcrt lluiith-a, nf Horlng, Irutia
arli'il liunlllraa III III" nullity acat nn
Horn. March Mil. to Hi" lfn nf Al
ImtI Imrat. nf Clurkce, Itoulc 1. a
Ilnrn, Mitn-li loth, to the wife of
t'liarli'a II. Mumliull. nf Mullnu, Route
I, a anil.
Krm at I'im'H". of UnrltiK uinl Fred
linear, a I an nf thitt place, wrrn anion
tlin Oregon City vlaltnra nn Mninlay.
Anilrew Hlruch. of Fnlrvlcw, waa
union tho Oregon City vlallora on
Monday afternoon.
Mra. C. Hnrvcn. nf Mllwnukle, wa
iiiiiuiik thono ti traiimtct liualni'ai In
thin rlly Montluy.
K. Mclnlyre, of I loir. was biiioiih
tliono to traiihui t bualneaa In Oregon
City Moiuluy.
C. W. Newstrom, or Canny, was
a inon thoao to trunsnct buaineaa in
Oregon City on Tucmlny and Wed
Herman Harmon, who roaidca ni-ar
Aurorn, and one of the known
Htorkmim, wna in thin city on bunnies
W. F. llarria, one of the woll
known brcodura of Horkahlre awine,
wnn in Oregon City on buaine Wod
nnsdiiv. Mr. Harris' iitock farm in
lornti'd at litnvor Crenk.
Mrn. A'vln J"mh nf Aurorn, waa vIk
lllnu frlcitilH In Ori'Kon City Friday
nfli rnoon. Sho n-lurni'd tn Iwr homo
Friday cvi'iiliiK
Morllmor Coi'kri'll, wlio la In cluirR"
of tlin ItiintVy DniK Coinpiiny "t Mo
lalla, win in On-con City on bunlnoHH
ThurKilny ovcuIiik
Ivan 1 tn (ck. nf Aurora, was In Orn
Kim CHy Friday. Mr. Dliiili k Is n doal
T In iiiitiiinnlillt'H. Wlillo li"rn lio vIh
1 1 oil It Ih cdiihIiih JudK'i (iraitt II. Dim
Irk and Vultir A. Dlmlck
MIhh Rotim Stafford, ti-ai'linr In tho
I'nrlland HihonlH, roturniid to l'nrt-
IimkI Sunday ovcuIiik, ftT vlHlllim
linr imrontH, Mr. mid Mrn. W. H. SUif-
Hun Frainl.io Hlin lll lll lie
aulil, Mra I.. MIliT, al.ll" In Callfor
li U. and lll alau lk a all monllia'
rouratt In vixal ami liialrum 11I11I
niiialr wlillo al Iah AhkiI
William Khi'iiliaii. alio liaa l""ii i'al
for a. mm llim, lll return In (inton
mil wio'k, ami IM mukn lila f.itura
lioliin In I'nrlli'ml Mr Kln uhan aaal
mm llnin a r'alii nt of On k"'I I'lly
and a i (' 1 1 1 1 1 ii ! t In Hi" .a."r mill
Ilia family la now r alillnaj III I'ort'alid
Mra Fiaiik Jnrtur. nf Curua, waa In
OriKon City rnduy, U-i aim lall"d
relaiivi'a Mra Juiryur waa aoin
liulili'd hum Ii Ii T dailKlili'r. Mlaa
hlnriiii" Juaitur, who la a alodi'iit nf
Hi" Wuahlniflnn li I k Ii a. Ii.m.I nf Port
Mra. I). A. H'hurlrl and dmiflir,
Mra John Hliihin, nf Hliulxl, wire In
Or"ron City 1'hurnday, and whlla liar
ilnlli'd Hi" rnrmi'r'a diuctil.r Mra
J. I.. Ij Ii.it, nf Hlith and John (Julm y
A .fx mat alrnla.
Mra llolln Hli'll'lil. nf rorllnml. hut
ul on Hunt ili'imly inunly i li k o
Clin k.iiima iniinly. waa In llila i lly
Tm-adiiy, ami waa llio nurat nf Cnulily
clrrk ha llurrlnrinn. Hlir will r. l'irn
In h.T homo In rortlnml tolny, ad r
v I It lilt: Willi olliir frli-mla In llila rlly
Krnrat i;in(!iir, i f Hliub"l, mm nf
llm ,roliilliciit f.irtni ra of tint .lar",
waa In Ort-uon I'lly Tliuraduy. Iirfora
ri'lurttlnax lo lila lioinn lie lall"d lila
ilaiiRhti-r. Mra. I 'tank HcliiKiiliorn.
who la In a aaullarluin In I'orlland.
and who r"'i"tilly umlcrwi'tit a aurxl'
nil ni"rallon.
l-oula Vutik. furiunr of t"dlaud. waa
In Or Kon City Thursday. Hit waa ar-
rmntiaiili'd homo hy lila daUKhtxr,
Mlaa Kill"! Funk, who bua lcn at"ttd
In k Ihr Ori-rnn City hlcli arliool. and
who will lake a cmiran In Ihn llidinke-
Wulkrr Ilualneaa rnlli-Kit.
.1. I. Johnaoii, nf Mllwaiiklc. one nf
thn irnmltii'lit ri'nl.l.'iila nf that ilair
wua In llila olty nn Titoday, where be
trunaiirtfd liualnraa II" Itlno vlalled
Churl, a Itlali-y nl that On-Koii City
hnaillul licforii rt'turultiK to bla home.
Mr. KlnVy luia Iti ii III for awvi ral
daya at tho hoapllul, hut will nn he
ahl to rt lniti to lila botne ul HUlcy
Junllti l.uKi'ann, of llila rlly, who a
few daya uko wrnt to Mullllo, whi'H
he liua I." n worklnit In the Inti-rrat
nf thn Modi'ni WiMxIinin IoiIk", bin
t anaoil thn ii'oplit nf that lai'o to
Ihm oiihi much InliTt'atrd In (he or;anl
r ul Ion nf tho lodge, wblrh la achi'dub'd
to takit itui Sutiinlay nlaht. TIht
will l liii'inbiTa to atari tho oriuu
Irntlon, with many innm conti'miilat
Iiik JolnliiK ul a InliT duto.
Holiort Clnthor. woll known tnacher
nf Clat-knmaii coiinly. wna ruining the
Orison City vlaltnrH nn Satunliiy. Mr.
(ilutli.'r la I'ttrnKi'd in trm-hlnt- tho
HriiMT Crook hmil. and U iirraitKliiK
for a hankrl noi liil ami otttrrtalutni'tit
lo ln kIvoii at tho si'hnnlhoUMt on Hat-
nnluy ovoiiIiir, Vanb 17. Tho in
I'oi'ila ur to ko towards tho hcnoflt of
tho ai'hiMil.
Mr. and Mra. Ilarvo IIuiiiIk), of
Mat! ran, Or'Kii, aro tho gni'sln of .Mr,
and Mra. Frod Slolnor, of l'arkilaro
for a fow daya. Mr. Itamho baa takon
uii a boinonti'uil, and U iikiikoiI in
rulnlUK ruttlo. llo hrmiKht down
carload of ratlin and Hold It to tho
Portland market. When Hiving their
hnineatond thoro waa conHidorahle
Know In that m'ctlnn nf tho atato, hut
Hip winter bua litvii Homowhat mild
Mm. Hamlin waa a formiT roaldent of
A InrKo nnniher nf llm Htudeiita of
the Clackamas county m-boola are In
tercntod III tho "HHay coiiIohi for the
pupil of Clacknmaa county only, tho
aiibject of which In "Honda I'roaont
I'iihI nnd Futuro." TIiIh contest la In
charge, of tho ClackainuH County
School lcnKim. mid Socrolary Vodder
him already roci'lved a largo number
of okhiivb. Several who have entered
(IiIh couloHt am conteiuplatlug enter
II. W rllr..l.l lias r"l'irind from
his trlii In I allfnriila arid il"ilo, and
had a Mloal ilijntahln llrnn llo. was
Mr Hlr.hig a flr.t il.lt to Californli
Amniig llm pla' a nf llit r'at ha ula
IT d waa Ns Alii'rU a
ll niaile h trip from Hun Kran
i lain lo llm city l.y aulomuhll". along
Hi" inaal hli-hway, a ill. lulu n of is!
loll, a, i JU miles nf lil h la hanl aor
far nl Mr Hlr. Mg stall s Hi at this la
I'lio nf thn Ino'l won l rful pl.ors id
roadnay Unit tin Ima rirr so n, ami
that Ihit ni io ry Is uiii'irpuand.
Wlill" In Miilro h" tlaltid ninny
of Ihn p'n' "a of aiii iariui nt, Im ..
lug a rn-ral g.ituhlliig houn-a Not
only worn Urn Meil.ana i'iijolii
games nf ih.mir I ut Ameri. una aa
Mr Hin di, like llm o'lo-ra i nter. -.1
Into llio guinea, and won il Hhortl)
afliraard Ii ilmtid tli tioraii ra. a
and f. . Inn: aorn nf wlrinlng again
oiiiiiipme.l heltlng pretty llialy. Ills
link ih.iiigi, and h" l"t Ihn aniomil
ho hud won a f. mlinii. a before.
While at t'olton, Cullforiilii, hn was
Ih rm at of W ulu r llullaul or, a dual
ln a mull nf thai i.u e. who rf! Ihln
rlly somn limn ago
AnU Henry
Says It's No
Nature Fako
I'OHTIMM), Ore.. March 12. Horn
Hiinday, March II. to one llolsteln
cow, three calves, two of which ar
fnmalna and one male. All doing
This la the reason Henry Iloha-
stoln, of 8)8 Cleveland avenue, figures
his cow la worth a small fortuna to
him, for yesterday she presented him
with triplets of a startling healthy,
robust character.
llirta soils argr-(t!rig ll) wrra
brourhl against I larkamss co inty
Wwlnrnday In llm i Iri 'ill ro.jrt I.)
Amy. Alii ll'. n Irji.k Y. II. li.
aa Ihn r ault of an a. Id. nl il'U im:
ciired nil lb I'ai I fir Mi't, uy south
of Now Kra Auguat 10. Il!.
Itrl'tly, Ih rninp'aiiit allers 1hal
l anan thn iiniity a:!oi d the road
way In skirt IQfoot prnlili with
"ul any falling, llm rar np-ruid l
Mr r.ii, in tiiiitin to soil a
I'olltaloii, was burhd nier thn rm
bunk mi-nt.
Ask Osmsgaa.
Thn two (Iris auk iIiiiiim of f:o00
ea Ii for Injuries and n. rioui shin k
au.tuitird and Mr. Pl'h aanta
for damaicra lo the inuhlnn.
Thn car, so Ihn complaint statu,
was pror 'itdlng down tha bill ao ith
nf New Kra when a t ma. hltmruti
iilng ul a hti rain' of a--. .) enioun
ti-nd ll frnm ih nther direction, lb
attempting lo gel nut of the way of
thn dig car. Mr. Full drove oter to
ward Ihn i-dgi of llm road ay.
Hid Cdja.
P". aim" of wet-da and undergrowth
whiifi ronrealed Hm r.itlnn at the
aldn of tho road. Dm complaint ul
legea. Mr. nh was trapped Into drlv
Init so near th" rdKit that the road
way crumbled umb r thn weight of
thn car. and aulonml.:!" and ixcur
iants worn hurled Into Hm dlt'h.
Thn roadway at thr point where
thn accident occur.il. the plulntlffs
charge, was only IC f t wide.
II. J. Illgger'a lot ut Ninth and Con
or atrvcta hna dcrn purchiiaed hy
Dr. II. 8. Mount for IZOOO. The lot
hua a frnntuKe of C6 fwt on Cel. tor
atroot .and a depth of 112 feet. It is
one of the moat attractive loritiona
for a roMldeiice in Oregon City.
Dr. Mount will soon enmtnenco the
onutnn tlon of a beautiful i ml mod
rn homo.
At tho present time Dr. Mount and
family aro occupying tho renldenre
rorently sold hy Mrs. Lena ('barman ti
soon bo moved from Ita present loca
tion to mnko room for tho new garuge
to bo ori'tod by MIHor-Parkcr.
Hult Involvolng I30.00U worth of
farming lunda In CUckaniaa county
was thrown out of court Thursday by
Circuit Judge Campbell when he dis
missed the complaint of Kate Durban
au Clmnie and others against Robert
II. (irabum and others.
Thn grounds for dUtulssal wore tho
plaintiff's failure to take proper pro
ceedure within a atlpulated time after
tho court bad reopened the case fol
I lowing a decision In which It sustained
1 a demurrer to the complaint.
worn oi or
Afti-r h bad ...trii. d hlin lo llm
ataln roforrri s Irnnl, Jovi nlln Judge
Anleraoa Wednea.lsy allowed lUrry
Imnmlrn, 17, of iltnUtnm, a paroln
In I.I parent 4 on Ihn lud s promUn
lo straighten up and go lo work or
unior a hod.
M. I). I Jitour. (to. secretary of the
Hoard of Water i oriiinUalorx-rs, baa
ndtulrmd statistics of the flow of water
through Hm Houth Fork plpn lln lhal
llsrman IMtor, of Willamstu,
disd at the family home today, afUr
an Ulricas of severs I month. The
funeral service will b conducted at
the Willamette church on Friday
ftrf.win al t j'l.ut. f . H .
indicate. ,. .ppm.iinatnly M per j M,f g. a. homVl li
"' "i airr coining l mo uregon -virwU xK. If.i.rn.i -ill i i l
U IH, All. u Ininrnlrn and William j City la waat d. m,i.l. Vu. Z "
nun an naiirnuiea population or
tMQ peranris. a renrrntm allotment of
water Is ll'j gallons x-r day per cap
ita, or a totnl of 7.',0,0oo gallons. On
a 21 hour teat, thn meter showed
I eiQ.OoQ gallons coming through Hie
syatcm and all of ll bnine consumed. I
Marks, lb boy wss arrnt-d this
week by Coriatadln Jut k Froat, juv
nlln nfTI'cr, charged with breaking In
to the Chautau'ina buildings, lie
finally ronfesiMiu.
Tim irthnr Uiya were allowed to go
home. Harry Imnmlre will be r
(pilred to either be In school or at
work at the plratlon of 34 days
Other Is", he will lx sent to the re
form S. h'Xl.
& DIMICKIN 525.000
M J. Kerkes. defendant in a :a.OOC
slander suit Instituted by Walter Ul
ens. of Fatarudo, has retained Dlrnlca
st Iiliulik to conduct bla defensb
Kerkes I a Portland buyer of pro
ducn. Mr. Given rina a product,
buain-sa at Knlacado. He was for
merly a minister of the Chrlstlat,
chunh and achieved some promln
encn during the last session of lhk
state li-gialatiire. when be appeared
to champion cc-JSty division and thi
creation of Cast ad i county.
Horn la I62
Mr. Leisman waa born at Harris,
burf, I'a., Uecember 22, mi, and
fama to Oregon In 18K7 from Fort
Dodge, Iowa. For on year h waa
minuter at Fort Dodge, and latr
The municipal elevator requires : tMm Hillaboro, wher be waa pss-
100.010 gallons a day. While the cltyl 01 ""nan llronned churcn.
hua plenty of water to permit auch a'" tnUiti P'f for about
wholeaale waste ss the teat Indicates J'V' tnm thtr mo,', 10
aubswi'ient rnwlh nnH a re.ilv In. rwiuoa until mov
creased number of water consum -ra
would prodadly nec-esaltatn the ap
pointment of a pliimdlng lnp tor.
On a one bour'a tet, with West
Mnn'a aupply shut off, the meter
showed 2.7k 1.000 gallons corning
from the source In 21 hour, and af
ter d -ducting the water coming Into
Oregon City In 21 hours, It Is appar
ent that I. M 1.000 gallons Is going to
West IJnn. which Is entitled to one
third of the lou-.l flow. The hour test
was mad" with a seven Im h opening
In the 18 Inch pipe at the headgate.
ing to Willamette.
Ilr other Here
He married In 1AM9. !! la sur
vived by hia wife and the following
children: Waller Leisman, manager
of the Huntley Drujr company at
Canby; Mm. John Reams, Jr., Ewalt
Leisman and Misa Mary Leiiman, f
II also leavea one brother and five
aisters. ilia brother, Bismarck Leis
man, of Kellotrg, Iowa, has been la
thia city for the past month at hit
brother's bedside.
Inir Into Hint eiiiiiluctoil liv Mr. Wooil
Mru. W. A. Ilnrnuin, principal m in . imH)1)ro
Mount PleiiHiint school, who hna noon
making her homo at tho Huso Farm,
bus piiri'linxod a bungalow near tho
Mount I'hmsnnt school hoimo nnd
will tuli!) ptiMxnnuion this week.
Mrs. Fred 1'rnlT, of Portland, but
who HpotidH tho summer months nt her
crnuntrv homo near Hctlland, was in
Oregon City Monday, wboro alio trans
nc.tnd IniHlni'HH.
J. A. Klchny, of IlorltiK, ono of tbo
prominent nnd old time residents of
ClncknmiiB county, watt among Hume
to trnnnurt .buslnoHS In On-goti City
Minn Margaret Ilruoning, of Mount
l'lcnnriit, who hna boon visiting
frlonda nnd rolntlvoB In Portland for
tho pt'st wo -k, has roturnod to bnr
Joseph Shcnhnn, n former rislilniii
of Oregon City, hut now of Portland,
representing tin Insurance company of
that city, wiih hero on luislneHS Friday,
nnd ii'ro visited among bis numerous
Mr. nnd Mrs. Herman Flnlier. of
Itnilland. was hero on Friday. While
In tills cltv they visited the hitter's
grandmother, Mrs. Charlotte Itnllard,
who li;is been seriously 111 for Rev rul
tuonlliH, but who Ih now Improving.
'Tigs In pigs" on the farm of A. .1
Marrs, who resldoB nt Mount Pleasant
nhout two miles from this city. Mr.
Marrs r 'cetitly butchered five hend oi
and Mrs. 0. A, Kruno invited
a few of their friomlB to tholr
hcniitlful homo at Mount Pleasant
Friday evening to listen to a progrnm
given by A. Callcla, n harpist, who
recently camo to Oregon City from
Mr. Oiillcln first explained to the
guosts tho ornln of tbo bnrp, una
rendered ninny classical nnd operatic
Boloe.tlnttfl, ns well ns ninny of the old
tlnn favorltoB Btich ns "Ln Paloma,
I.nst Robo of Sutnmor" nnd "LlBten
to tbo Mocking Illrd."
Following tho program Mrs. Kruso
served n chop suoy luncheon.
Tho guests were Mrs. A. Gallcla,
Mr. and MrH. A. E, King. Mr. nnd Mrs.
A. C. Warner, Mr. nnd Mrs. S. O. Dill-
m. .it, Mr. nnd Mrs. Onirics Gregory,
Mr. nnd Mrs. II. J. Unletting, Mrs.
Iennl:i Vincent Nlles, MIbb Margaret
Unletting, Fred Chalmers, J, E, Hintt,
E. NIIob.
Misa Nollie Worth nnd Eufone
OrIo, of Molnlln, were united in mnr
ringo by Judge Andorson at the
court house Wednesday nfternoon.
Amonp those to attend tho marriage
were the old time friends of the
hriilni'rnnm TV PI ftnvlnn "ftlintu 'l-a.
Bwltio and Bold them to Farr 1'rotherb d d w w Evernnrt county
i.i ..it.. f..a i in r.n 1 ' '
asBCisor, both former residents of
NEW YORK, March 8. A wife
whose husband withholds a suf
ficient allowance on pay day
has a perfect right, according to
a decision by Magistrate Cornell,
of the New York court of domes
tic relations, to go through his
trousers pockets when he la
Suit on the foreclosure of a mort
gugo given ns collateral on a seriob
of three notes nggregntjng $6500 wna
tiegun in the circuit court here Mon
day against Ralph H. Cnlklns. Tlit
notion was brought by William h.
HlddlcBon, who alleges that he loin
tbo money on the security of approxi
mately DO acres of Clackamas county
Awarding the custody of throo mlnoi
children to the mother, Jiulgo Camp
boll of the circuit court Saturday al
'owed Mrs. Matilda Jane Ford n di
vorce from lir husband, Thomas It.
PORTLAND, Mar. 10 To have
legally, but In the abandon of de
spair, renounced her namelesa
baby, then to have her worlo
turned topsy-turvy again, In tha
return of the conscience-stricken
father o make restitution, only to
have ita happlneis shaken in the
cold legality of the form which
aays that the child no longer be
longs to the little mother and may
not be returned to her, la the dis
traction of a Portland girl-mother
In the meantime, however, the dls
trlct attorney's office and tho homt
plucing department of the Juvenllt
court are exerting every effort to find
a means of annulment of the girl's re
llnqulBhment of the baby and its
restoration to Its propnred homo.
Three months ago tho baby girl was
born. Some months before that the
father bud become lost tn the outsldt
world. At the time of the birth the
child was placed in the baby home
and a week or so after was adopted
by a family, the girl signing tbo re
quired form It, which she relinquished
nil claim to her daughter.
The story of the child reached
the father and conscience aroused
his manliness. A few days ago he
returned to become the husband
and father. Bursting with happi
ness the mother on her first im
pulse hastened to the baby home
to regain what was her treasure.
Grief however, met her in the realiz
ation that she had lost her baby and
It was not within tho power of the
home authorities to grant the mother's
Greatly to the surprise of physicians
Fred McCarver, of Venice, Cal., but
formerly of Oregon City, Is recover
ing from the effects of pellagra, after
suffering from that disease for almost
a year.
Mr. McCarver la probably the first
patient In history to recover from the
disease. Tho case has attracted much
attention among leading; dotcors of
the United States.
Mr. McCarver was born ln Oregon
City and la w?1l known here.
Mr. and Mrs. McCarver. were In
Oregon City Sunday, having come
here to visit Georgo McCarver. father
of the former, nnd also a guest at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Babcock,
the latter an aunt of Mr. McCarver.
They will remain In Tortland visiting
relatives for some time but expect
to return to California In April to re
sume bis position.
The $10,000 libel suit of Maxwell
Vietor against the Oregon City Enter
prise was kicked out of court Friday
by Circuit Judge Campbell. The suit
was brought after the Enterprise ex
posed a ruse on the part of Vietor,
then Democratic candidate for sher
iff, to discredit the Incumbent administration.
Coming here from Portland, Miss
Maud Hattie Sullons and Sylvester
Welch, both of Portland, were mar
lied before Justice of the Peace John
N. Sievcrs here Tuesday. George Hall
and Constable Frost were witnesses to
tbo ceremony, which was performed tn
Judge Slever's office.
On tho grounds that she had de
Berted hlm in May of 1911. Charlet
E. Dart Monday brought suit In the
stute court here against Mrs. Minnit
E. Dart. He asks tho annulment oi
the marriage contract which, accora
Ing to the complaint, waa entered intc
In July of 1901 in PrinevUle.
Can't Shoot Straight;
Mother Still Lives
Despite His Shots
of this city for f lOR.r.0.
W. W. Hiirrln, of Heaver Cioek, well
known Btockman of that p'nee, whb in
HiIb city on business Saturday. Mr.
Hnrrln Is ono of llio breeders of Po
liiml China uwine.
(lonrue Epperson, of Hartnn, ono of
tho woP known formers of Hint place,
was In this city on huslness Saturday.
J. H. HoffmelHter, well knoun far
mer of Clackamas county, was In Ore
gon City Saturday.
Major S. Hungate, prominent res
M. nnd Mrs. Ogle are to make
their home at Molnlla. Mr. Ogle is
one of the well known musicians of
Miss Anna M. Schrooder and Joseph
M. Schauble, who reside nonr Stafford,
wen united In marriage by Rev. W.
T. Mllllken at the Baptist parsonage
Thursday afternoon nt 1:30 o'clock.
The young couple immediately loft for
PORTLAND, Ore., March 13
Piqued because he calbd her "an old
Dutchman," Mrs. Mario Dufflold
started milt Monday for divorce from
Robert DulTleld, a grocer living at 201
Failing street.
ldent of Molalla, was in OregDn City their home at Stafford.
Catarrh Cannot Be Cured
i-niuiui reuuu (no bhui oi me disease, ca
tarrh la a blood or constitutional illseane,
and In order to cure It you niuiit take In
ternal remedies. Hull's Catarrh Cure Is
taken Internally, and acts directly upon
the blood and mucous surface. Hull's
Catarrh Cure Is not a quark medicine. It
was prescribed by ono of the best phy
sIHnna In this country for yenrs and Is
a regular prescription. It Is composed of
the best tonics known, combined with the
best blood purifiers, aotlnir directly on the
mucous surfaces. The perfect combina
tion of the two Inirredlenta Is what pro
duoes such wonderful reaults In curing
catarrh. Send for testimonials, free.
F. J. CHENET A CO.. Props.. Toledo, O.
Bold by Drumlm, prtre Ttle.
Tsks Hill's Family Pills for eonstlpstlea.
Poor marksmansip was all that pre
vented Eurl Worham, 25, from being
charged with killing his mother, Mrs.
Bella Werham, at her home.
NEW YORK, March 14. Tho 10 to
20-year sentence meted out to Mich
ael J. Iferllliy, a local official of the
street railway mon's union, for dyna
mlting a subway station at tho time
of the transit strike last fall prompted
James J. Murnnugh and William Mol
sky, awaiting trla' on the same
charge, to plead guilty today with th-i
hope, their counsel said, of receiving
lesser sentences.
The penalty will be imposed Mon
day. Two other strikers are awaiting
trial in the ease. "
PARIS, March 13. The American
aviator, Sergeunt Major Raoul Lilt
bery, has bei'n decorated with the
cross of the Legion of Honor.
PORTLAND, Ore, March 13.
To save the life of her baby, slow
ly dying from starvation in the
midat of food Its frail little atom
ach cannot assimilate, a heart
broken mother appeals to other
mothers to help her save her child,
and the answer must come quick
ly, for doctor, nurses and parents
have exhausted their skill In offer.
Ing aubstitutea to the baby who
must have mother's milk.
Judge Campbell of the circuit court
Saturday awarded a decree of divorce
to Adeline B. Willis in her suit against
Guy G. Willis.
Astoria: Deep sea fishing company
incorporates here will ropresent In
vestment of $100,000.
Parents' Day was observed March 1
at Twilight school. The parents and
friends came about eleven o'clock with
a we'l filled basket lunch which was
served "pot luck" at noon. Superin
tendent and Mrs. Calnvan spent the
poon hour with the school.
The children's regular school work
was on exhibit, and also the sewing
and manual training. The boys
show;d excellent workmanship. The
first prize was awarded to John Scheer
and second prize to Raymond Holmes.
The girls sewing was worthy of men
tion. The first prize was awarded to
Florence Rentley and second prize to
Ermll Dlngham. whlla Grace Peterson
was awarded the club prize. Dorothy
Welsenbeck. aged 7, exhibited a dresa
which wou'd be a credit to any grown
person, while Gussle Welsenbeck
aged 6 years showed great ability In
sewing by the quilt blocks exhibited.
The first prize for busy work waa
awarded to Esther Collins.
Two boys Alfred DodJs and Lydon
Bingham showed great baking ability
by exhibiting two loaves of bread of
excellent quality. Alfred received first
prize and Lydon second.
During the afternoon's entertain
ment and essay waa read by each of
the 'school children. Honorable men
tion waa received by Ermll and Ly
don Dlngham for their essays. Recita
tions were given by A'fred Dodds. Win
nie Rose and Lydon Bingham.
A plan to hold a "Community Fair
was brought up by Mr. Dentley. Others
responded and it was decided to make
this an ev?nt of the early fall.
Miss Margaret Thompson the teach
er reported sixty visitors during the
When to Take Chamberlain Tablets.
When you feel dull and stupid after
When constipated or bilious.
When you have a sick headache
When you have a sour stomach!
When you belch after eating.
When you have Indigestion.
When nervous or despondent.
When you have no re'ish for your
When your liver Is torpid.
Obtainable everywhere.
The divorce suit of William M. Ty
ler against Vina I. Tyler was dismissed
by Circuit Judge Campbell Saturday
as tha reslut of a petition filed by Mr.
We Admit It--We Haven't a Friend
Among the grocers. We sell too low to suit them. But we are not
worrying about that. The only thing we care about is selling good groc
eries to you cheaper than any one else and we are doing it day after day.
The only friends we want is the public ao'" we intend to keep hundreds
of friends we have by continuing to give tiem great big heaping values.
Look at these specials, good for the entire week:
13 lbs. D. G. Sugar $1.00
12 lbs. Cane Sugar $1.00
100 lbs. Cane Sugar $8.00
100 lbs. D. G. Sugar $7 80
1 gallon Jug Catsup $1.00
Pint Log Cabin Syrup 20c
Quart Log Cabin Syrup 40c
Half gallon Log Cabin Syrup 80e
Nice ripe Bananas, dozen 15c
1 pound cake Bitter Chocolate. .20c
Pura White California Honey,
comb 15c
2 pounds Peanut Butter 25c
Home Canned fruit, quart jars.... 15
Hulf-gallon jars 25c
Fancy Dill Pickle, doz 20c'
Lard, 5 pound pal's $1.05
Lard, 10 pound palls $2.00
Not a Sead Riisins, 2 packages ...25c
Romona Raisins, 3 packnges 25o
Milk and Rice, something new,
put up in one pound tins only... 10c
Toilet Soap, 3 bars 10c
Today is Ootter1 Day
Flails City Outter 2 lb. roll 80c
Ask anybody else what their price on butter is. Some difference
Pacific 19
Home A-133
Tou first All the time
7th Street
Oregon City, Oregon