OHFIOtf CITY KXTF.HPHlHK.mtDAY. MARCH 16, 1917. CANBY DEPARTMENT OPIHITTA."OULOUL.I WILL ITAGrO AT CAN8V Thn Canby l.yrwim asaiwlatliin pr- II I ii. I Hid iiimt. (( "IIiiIIhiI" riatuida triiliig lo Urn ml apprlatla miiliiii. Tim ip-rit waa dlmi-! by Mrs ll rlMrl A. H'lknniii ami the iirnl was liuiiin luli-lil. Tim fiilliiKlni llm III' ' lir a-t-'ia lu mi It. finny llllla IB'Hinf ll II. A. Iii-rkiimii; llull.ul, lila bi-aiillful ilmitfliliT, Unralim lin, fj.lnii, an Hinlulilii )kiiiik irlini', ll-mld Hast lufil, lil. a mint i liai-riiii, M Juaalta Kvun. I.I1U. frliud In lliilluil, UiuUn ILmlrixk, AIhIii, i ft 1 1 lit Caapluli, Karl Johnson iHy. k'i'l''T nf rul ii'Ui'li i. M J. Jiialao, ki-'i'ir nf loyal raah Ihh. Iir A T Munly. inuliln uf Imiiiir JaniiiliiK, nlt Kendall, Flora. Illlillrd li.ik.r; lrfila, l.ilillli. Hiiki-r; Zim', Mum lln'll 1'liorna Mlua, Graham. Asni-a Hiiillh. Ka U-(I r. Fralina Koliluaoii, Mra Tiililn, Hun t Hu ll, Mra Klrk-ulrl h. I lu. l Mlllor, Mini lUliny, Horn. Ifcul'r, Ilum-y K Tnliln. riddle llulrua, Norton IV llradfoid. A. K. Hurl'')'. Clair llaliua. WaHii. 1 1 .t in !( ill. Julill Hlv IiikIimi, Julin 4 Jti riM-h. Jii'iIi Hrlinii mI, Ituwi'ir Cm. Iiiini'r -- U'lia I'Iiti'ii, l.tm run K si-rami and llorli-iisn Him f. I'lul" Ham, Mal"r Him klcjr VsiikIiuii. 'I lui auilli'iic u v an rnli'Maliii'il l Iwn 'li Hi" a (a ly Chiirlia liruliuiii, o (irik'nii Cllv. liu ruin an ! cllviit liiilliillnil uf Hurry l-limbr, lii-aldi-a i li ii rui lir alti-trlii-a of lila own Mr liruhaiii mi" ' On' Ml" I'm a-ti-iilng, rtH'ihliiK 1 1 it ii y rin nr . Tim upi-rt-llit wiia a i(iniiii l.i am t-i-a ainl .i wHI ulli'liili'il liy vliillnra from Woodburii. Annua, lUrlnw, Nf Kra. Ilri'itiiii "11 y ami .MolulU Tim ni-l l)i in allr.n Hun will l- "Hi Pri-wvra," a mualrul trio fur tilaluil l.y KIHim'hi Whim l.yriiiiu lnir.au, ami will hi- glti-n Friday t-vi-lilng. Manh IKtli. CANBY CANHY, Miinli 15 Mr Ctnin Hriaikliia. fiirmi-r t-dllor uf Canby llrr tlil. imw riiniiiMl.il with thn depart til t-iit uf Jiiiirtiallain lit the Culvi-rally of (iri'Kim. waa In Canity on bualni'Si HntunUy. Mra. Fred llnmpton la vlalllng ht huahand'a (mrrnta, Mr. ami Mra. F. llanitiin, nf Canity. A. Hogli-y mini" a tiualnras trip to On-gnn City Haturday. Mr ami Mra W. II. I.tirkv w-rc I'nrthiud vlnltiira thla work. Mra. Ili'liry J. Ilrwltt, nf I lulilmnl. waa a wi-i-Ki'nu Kiirat i .Mra. jonn Cruhain thla wwk. Mr. anil Mra. Cliarlra I.. Ilntra wt-rr Ori'K'm City vlaltora tlila wi-i k. Mr. ami Mra. II. II. Krrlra wcr Kiicata of Mr. anil Mra. Ivan lMmlrk, at Aiiinra, Hutiinluy. Mr. anil Mr. Avon Jraai wir innata of Mr. anil Mra. J. I.rn KrkiT aim 8Munlay anil Hiiniliiy. JiuiH'B Hinllh, of Mui kiilMirK. wua o Cnntiy aliopp r Hnturiliiy. Mra. Ilorni'o I'litrh la IhIUiik rel atlviHi nvnr KIlviTtnti llila ni'i'k. Mr. K. A. ItimonkrutiH, of Ciirlton Konriikmna & Co., wna In Cnnby nn lumlnrai Rntiirdny. Horn To thn wlfi of (ii-or(!i Mrti'li r, on Man'h 9th, a aun, Mothir ami aim lire dulnic tiii'idy undiT tin" riirw of lr. II. A. Diilinun. Iiind (1iiiitir, No. 113, Ordrr of thfl Kim torn Htnr. ant viiti'rtuliiliiK thu fiunlllri of tho Miiinnii on Thurmlny (vonlnic, Murili 15. A aoi'lul roKniiil will Imi kIvimi iitnl a ki'MituI him-IiiI time. ItofroHliniontH wilt In- Horvod. Mr. unit Mm. HimulilliiK, of l'lirlliind, worn wcokiiml u'H'hIh of Mra. Minnie llrndford. Mr. anil Mra. Colt'iuun Murlia nnd fiiinl'y, of Miirka l'lulrli', with Ciinhy vlHltom Hutiinluy ovniliiK. MImh Ciithiirtno Kvnna hont Hiinduy In Canliy. Mr. anil Mra. Arthur Knight, of Mnliillu, wirxj kiiohIb of Mr. nnd Mr. K. K. Itroiltl Hiitunlay. CflNBV FARMER CANHY, March 10. (Editor of the Knterprliio) John II. Yeon, roiidmas ter of Mu'tnoiiiah county Is nutliorlty for tho Htutoment (bat automobile trucku uro now haiiliiiR freight for far mors In California and WuHlilngton over th') bard surfaced roads in tliono status nt a prlco of about $1.50 a Ion for a 20 miles haul. Wostorn Oregon Is particularly adopted to tho dairy luminous, nnd with good roads there. Is no reason why It should not oiiual or oven oxcol thn state to tho north nnd llritlab Co liimbia Which lire said to be shipping dally to Homo 16 or moro factories over fiOO tons of milk, aomo of It being hauled by truck as far ns 40 miles from tho dairy to tho milk plant. It might be said that this business right ly belongs to the nil I roads but tho rail roads, by ronflon of tha hard sur faced wagon roads nro thus given 500 tons dally of huslnoss, In tho way of finished product which otherwise D. 8. Cochran, of Chicago, accom panied by A. U Hughes, also of that city, wore In this city FVIday and ac.; companlod 8. O. Dlllman to Redlnnd. Tho party mado the trip by automo bile. Thla was the first visit that Mr. Cochran and Mr. Hughes have made In Clackamaa county, and were much Impressed with climatic conditions, and fertility of the soil. They are contemplating purchasing land near thla city. SPUR TO FARM INDUSTRIES IN GOOD ROADS CONSTRUCTION Mr ami Mia l II I laik wr aiii'ttaiif Mr ami Mia Mllllam KliiiM Hatunlay Mlaa Vliilflla Kiana, nf I'mtlaiiiJ waa a " ki ml un( nf lu r aunt, Mi W. II. Hair Klini-r Zliiiiniiiiiaii, nf Aurora, a Canity tlnlinr Halunl.iy ni-nliiK Cliarli a liraliam, uf Orrron City waa a itiii't of lila liiuilii-r, Artliu I i I u ll a ill, Halurday Mlk lioi'i il Ktalia, (if llrrgnlt City waa a i"'kiii( ('iil uf n-r ! Mra W II l.uik Alli'it I. Illi. It ami wlf, nf Aurnr wirn Caiil'f liiti Hiiturdiiy t-ti-n In Mia. William Muairrtnn waa wi'i ki'iid kui t nf Mra Hnrtlia l Ml.. Mllli Hlixldard. of lluldiaid kiHiit Humli.y wild lur alalir, Mr f ri'l llutli. MUa Mlna It lluht.a. of th C.nl.y iuldlr limtla, au lit Huuday Willi If atlwa III HlhiTlnii. Mla I J l (iraliain. uf MmkalmrK hin iiI llm wii kriiil Willi li r lirntlirr Arthur tirahuin Mra lilum Hullur aiK'lit Humlay a l.l.lhiral. Mr ami Mra. William Hlii'rmaii. n I'm 1 l.i nl. api'iii Kiimliy Willi Mr an Mo lira Hlylir. Tim Cauhy liaml ll al a Ht I'uirli k' iliinrn H iliinl.iy Mi'iiln: Munli 17, ut tin- l.aml hall 'I In f. w' In. ai"i I it I iliToratlona. Karl .loli ii -f j . fur 1'i.n i liriitf whi'rn lu Jnlna thn nllirr nifiiilu-ra nf thn faiuMv, vim iiiuti-il llm f!r( i.f (In. iiiiiiilh. II It. Iilmli k .. ail lit. urn ( liy tUimr thU .-. k Thn Ciinl.y Crnmimir Inn. I and Cuht.v ll'tli a hiNil lri' . r i.arlna; thn arTiriiiuthi? uml ik'k illvo i.-.iiii tin llm ri. nut y i...ati K'i'i llriit nKiri la Iii'Iiik iiitnli. uml nun Ii Intrrnat It X'lui! tnki-ii In Ihn work. Ih.n l furKi't thn Canliy l.)riuin at Irarttoii. "Tim Itrnwnra." a inualral Irlo. at I. nnd audltnrluin, Kildny nrn Inn, Mun li Kill, Chli'f of I'olli'ii K. K. How man lia nniiiimnit that tin will atrlrtlr rn- fon-n tin' "riirfnw orillmim n," rliik'luic Dm flral lu'll at k i' ami Ihn airuml t 9 Uil p. in. Tli Cuul.y II.kIi ai IhmiI puplla am prartli'liiK on ' Mlilnuiiiumr Mxlil'a liri'Min," to hn nlvrn mi Tliuraduy aftrr Knatrr. Tlmrn arn 30 niidn In thn I'unt. 22 apiuklnic purta. Th rn tiiinna have tii'im ordnri'd from H -attln, Mr. unit Mr, (hm.iko lli'iidnhiidlnr niilnrtalni'd Mini Jtinn (iray. nf Hurt lund. and Mr. nnd Mr. Hay llunian. nf Irunaldi'. On, ua Hutiinluy and Humlny Kiii'Ht. .iiih mih'I iciiu, ot roriliunl. wua a Kiii-at of Mr. and Mra. Ora Hlyt.T thla wni'k. I'mlnaaiir Kn-d M. Itoth wa a I'ort lund vialtor Hutiinluy. Mr. and Mra. J. C. Iliilm-. Mr. and Mr, iiiiiu-rl lliilnoa ami uuiiKhti-r Krnnt'i', Mr. and Mra. Carl Hi'thko and aun Carl Jr.. Mr. J. It. Ilndrlck uml aim Willi, uf (lawi-go, ap-nt Sun day with Mr. and Mra. (irunt White. Mr. uml Mra. Itnlpli ('. Knlcht, of I'ortlund, with Huniluy gunati of Miiyor uml Mra. W. II. Hair. Mr. Murrlann Cumplu'll, a form it rcaldi'iit of Cnnby, wa vIMtlng iiiiuc of tho old tlinn ri'Hldi'tit of our tity thla wni'k. Mr. nnd Mr. W. II. llnlr wto I'ort lund Khopimr Hutiirduy. , MIhu-h I.I'IIihi nnd Mlldrrd W'iiiir wi re vliiltlni; frli'tid In I'ortlund till wnok. Mr. mid Mr. W. If. Hulr mudu a luiNlni'aa trip to llubluird Tui'Hiluy. KdKr Smith, of Whlto & Hinltli rtmipnny, iniido a IuihIiichm trip to Portland Monday mornliiK. I. I.. Hammond nnd 8. A. Cobb, of OrnKon City wnrn Cnnby visitor Mon day. . Mm. William Knight wa u Hub bard visitor Tui'Hilay. Cnirnl CIuiihimi nnd Wultor Kntngnr appttt Sunday In I'ortlund. Mrs. W. II. I .nek was a I'ortlund vlHltor Tui'sdiiy. Mr. and Mrs. Charley NVho, of MiirkNlitiri;, wi'ro Canby shoppers Wodni'Hday. SEES GREAT would not bo available. It tho voters of Oregon will but soo tho writing on thu wall nnd do some thing to 1111 Oregon with moro pros perous farmers, ns John It. Yeon, puts It "tho railroads may loso aomo local business by ronnon of rood roads, but they nro bound to benollt by tho Brent volume of tiew buRliiess which will bo siiro to come" and. why shou'dn't they benefit (ho Portland Railway Light & I'owor company annually Into tho treasury of Clackamas county over $150,000, nnd tho Southern Purine company pays Its part not only for the upkeep of tho county nt largo but or tha building nnd nialntennnco of roads to tho benent of tholr new competi tor, the auto truck. Lots reach out for now business by voting for tho proponod bond lssuo on Juno 4th. It will cost tho taxpayer nothing nnd the automobile, owner will foot the bill. DAIRYMAN. ) Clear Bad Skin From Within. Pimply, muddy complexions are due to impurities in tho blood. Clear up the skin by taking Dr. King's New Life Pills. Thoir mild laxative quali ties remove the poisons from the sys tem and brlghton the eye. A full, free, non-griping bowel movement in the morning is the reward of a doee of Dr. King's New Life Pills the night before. At your Druggist, 25c. (Adv.) HINDU AND GERMAN ACCUSED AMERICAN SOIL AS BASIS . : ' i :':,; . . .. . - vVi v .1.1' f f ' ' V - - l li -l . , V; NKW VOIIK, Munli U-I'hamlri llunadiir Chakriibi-rty, a thin fa. ). fulai-tto voli-n) lllliilil. a III. llm nf I '.in .il and a siuk'-r of iiiuiiy l..nrunK't ami Krimat Hn Kutuia. a (mrmun ul Ji i t who rail hluinlf ' iIim tor" wrrn arriati'd. rhariri-d with Im-Iiir cii rnrnnd In a roiiilrai y liati hi-d lu York, thn i.uriMitn of whlrh waa thn Intanloii nf India Ihrmmb Chin an. tnrrltory and thn InxtlKutlon nf rn ii'llluna and uprlnliiK thuniitliDiit tin-tit Hrllaln Anlatli- i-mplrn. It l llm view of tho fi-di-ral aulhurltli-a tbut thn ilii'iiin wa dlri-rti'd frnin II rl!n. It I know n that a Chinaman, I'liTti-il to am'iiililn tlm arm and am munition lo be uan.1 In the pMpoi-d OAK CROVE OAK C.ltOVK. Ore. March 15.-On Wedneaday, March 21, the ladles' Aid will give a community 10-cent tea In tho church parlor. All friend of the cbiinh are Invited men as w-idl a the ladle. A program of reading and music will bo given. Ml llattle Klimell, a deoennes. I helping the puMor for ten day. She come through the Sulcm district Kp- wurth leagun and our local chapter, Ml Klaaell apoke last Sunday even n g and will speak next Sunday morn ng. Mr. W. M. RUe entertained at Irtbday luncheon recently a party of friend from I'ortlnnd. I'rofessor Jay V. Flke, formerly euclier In our schmil, but now- county up.'rintendent of Marlon county, waa em Monday. Arthur Scheufler left Monday on the learner Heaver for San Francisco, Oil. The I'nrents and Teachers' associa tion met Friday lit tho scboolhouse nd enjoyed a talk on tho "High Cost of Living" by Miss IVasn, n graduate of tho O. A. C. of Conollls. Routine usiness and short talks from the members occupied tho afternoon. Mrs. Wnldron presided In tho absence of tho president, Mrs. Hlackman. Mr. nnd Mrs. Henry Sutr nnd daughter, Henrietta, were entertained Sunday by a friend and schoolmate of Mrs. Sutter, Miss Mnblo Myers, of Tortland. Mr. nnd Mrs. Urondt, of Tacomn Wash., nro here, visiting Mr. nnd Mrs. 1 .011 la Hrandt, his parents. The school mates of Ruth Illngb.nm gave her a surprise party Saturday evening, games nnd music mado tho evening merry. Dainty refreshments were served. James Sldwoll left for San Fran cisco Sunday after a visit with bis parents. Louis Hrandt was brought home from tho Oregon City hospital Sunday morning. The doctors djcided not to operate, owing to his age. Holla Huff and family moved to Portland tho last of tho woek. Mr. Huff is emp'oyed by tho P. R. L. & P. company and hns lived in tho Twomy bouao two years. Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Glafliii gave n party to fifty of their friends from Portland Saturday evening. J. A. Goodell left last week on a two weeks' trip to California nnd Arizonla Howard C. Hubbard, son of Mr. and Mrs. Hubbard, returned home Sunday from a long and perilous trip to India, Howard loft Oregon March 18, 1010, on his way homo ho stopped at Aus tralia nnd when near the Soma islands his ship was wrecked, nnd ho was saved by tho natives of tho Island on September 14. Ho took a stenmer there and landed In San Francisco and enmo on homo glad to be with his peo ple once moro. H. F. LIIHb hns Just returned home from a trip to Kansas City. James Spldell gave a talk to the fifth and sixth grade pupils Monday morning and told them of his experi ence while In training In San Fran cisco. Mrs. C. A. Prown nnd Mrs. Nina Spoog returned home Sunday from Spokane where they have bo?n visit ing Mrs. ltrown's sister since the death of her husband C. A. Brown. The Ladles' Aid held a meeting Wednesday at the home of Mrs. Goorge on Courtney road. There were 26 ladles present. Mrs. Blackman ren dered a vocal solo. A 5 cent tea was served and the proceeds will help to pay off the societies debt Dr. and Mrs. Ernest Naef are being . ' T- -t-"l "T " .1 Ufi.HHNi scMwnerz- right. on. se kumhh .tH-lllun la now on hi way to China eiHTtliiK to carry Into i-ffn t lila purt nf the plot. Cliukralii rty admit that trnvellnK iimti-r frauduli-nl ivralan pnaort. be vialti-d Hnrlln a f-w month ato and conferred with certain hlKh official! of the (irrmun (ovrrnumnt ai well a rongratulutnd on thn birth of a boy born March 8. Mother and baby do ing nicely. The Infunt daughter or Mr. and Mrs. II. Haugl died at thn Oregon City hospltul March "th after an operation. Thn funeral service were held Friday at 2 p. m. from the Sell wood under taking parlor. The' Needlecroft and Dometlc Science club held It final business meeting at the home of Mrs. E. Rey nold on Third avenue. Officer were elm-ted for the following year, and are Ml Felix, prealdent; Mrs. J. Hurt, vice president; Mrs. E. C. War ren. secretary; Mr. Harksdulc, treas urer; entertainment committee, Mrs. Ilelma Cll'eaple, Mra. J. II. Evans and Mrs. W. Cedanion. A paper was read by Mrs. Hurt subject 'How To Can Hutter"' and "How to Clean Clothing." The picture niunlc contest wn won by Mr. Cill'esple. Painty refreshment were served by ths hostess. Mr. J. H. Evans, retiring president; and Mrs. If. Gillespie, secretary, will bo given a reception by the members Tuesday, March 20th, at the horn? of Mrs. Gill espie. The club will then adjourn for the siimmqr season. WOMAN IS A MAIL CARRIER. Stia Brava Winter and Bad Roads la Maryland. Hnltimore. I'raring snow, sleet, drifts, biting winds In the winter and blistering and scorching heat In tho summer. Miss Julia M. Sbafcrof Knox vllle, Md., fur twelve years has served the United State an rural mall car rier. She Is now covering the sumo route her father traveled fourteen years ago, when tho mute tlrst was established. Miss Sbafer In those days was a sub stitute for her father; now the father Is substituting for her. In the twelve j ears that Miss Sbafer has ennied mull It Is estimated that sho has traveled OS.ltt'O miles. She makes twenty livo miles six days ot the week. With the exception of the regular lirteen day annual vacation. Miss Sbafer bus been off duty ouly thirty days lu twelve years. LINER SAVES TWO AT SEA. Barg Craw Drifting In lea Covarad Craft Gat 40 Pura. New York. -The Wniil liner Sara toga, from llnvnim, brought In two seamen, Jose Fa Ha nnd Manual Bap- tlstn, crew of the coal barge Edward F. Clark, which, with her sister barge. tho Theodora Palmer, broke away from the ocean tug Minnie In n northwest erly blast. The Saratogn fell In with tho Clark, covered with lee nnd the sens breaking over her. about 240 miles south of Sandy Hook. The two men launched a dory and rowed to the Saratoga and boarded her by a sen bidder. Cnptnin Miller of the Snratogn also noted another barge fly ing distress signals with a tank stand ing by and preparing to take off the seamen. Passengers of the Saratoga made up a purse of $10 for the two eamen - Fint Party at Savanty-fiv. Masslllon, O. Frank flossier of East Trcmont street Is breaking Into xicty at the ago of seventy-five years. Ho was given a reception recently by a number of friends and relatives. It was the first party he had ever at tended. Doubts Haredity. "Do yon believe In beredltyT "No." "Why not?" "Look at the cheap skates that had frcat ancestors." Detroit Free Press. Luck. It would Just be some men's luck, after they bad saved op for a rainy day, to lost their rain check. Judge. OF USING FOR WAR PLOTS with one Joan BlnU. a Hindu, aald to be thn bead nf the antl-HrllUh organ Irutiun known ai the Indian National aoi lety. liana Schwartz, a German, waa ar-r-nti-d on a charge of being an ac complice of Krltx Kolb, accuied of plotting exploalon In America. OSWEGO NEWS OSWEGO PUPILS ARE ON ROLL OF HONOR OSWEGO, Ore.. March 15. Parents' Day is on Friday afternoon at 2 o'clock. All welcome. Attend ance not good thla month, on account of chicken-pox epidemic, but those having names on roll for the seventh and eighth grades are: G'en Waldorf. Bonnie Jones, Edith Meyers, Goldie Neal, Harold Huffman, Clark King. Lout Worthlngton. B. A. Vose, prin cipal. Pupils 'of the third and . fourth grades whose names are on the honor roll for the past month: Ruth Costello, Irene Knox, Alice Zellur, Dagmar Wcstergard, Grace Cooper, Maxle Johnson, Willie Hendrickson, Marttu Johnson, Abner Hultberg, Mason Worthlngton, William Brumbaugh, Clarence Johnson. Lucille Duncan, teacher. Pupils neither absent nor tardy In fifth and sixth grades: Doris Nerbush, lone King, Dorothy Brumbaugh, Esther Kessler, Aileen Worthlngton, Alta Wirtx, Meechle Neal, Clco Tap fer, Horace Cochran, Merle Chuck, Niphi Westergard, Bernhard Johnson, Dustin Brumbaugh. Harry Johnson. Mary Blckner, teacher. Pupils In first and second grades who have been neither absent nor tardy for the month ending March 9, 191": Clarence Headrlck. Lela Walk, Retha Kiser, Ivan Walk, Charbs Mac Donald, Arno Vose, I-aurhin Crago, Joe Nixon, Walter Hendrickson, Ches ter Davidson, Kermlt Davidson, Edna Hill .Stanley Hu'tberg, Russell Hays, lrma Vose, teacher. FRIENDS ENTERTAINED BY ALICE ZELLER OSWEGO, Ore., March 15. Miss Alice Zellar celebrated her tenth blrthay at her home, on B avenue, March 10. Music and games were the program of the happy occasion. One gaiffb was a spid3r-web game, when ench little girl found a happy ending at the end of her thread a prize. In stead of the ttjgo spider. Following the games, lunch was served. Those who wers present were Lois Headrlck, Ireno Knox, Eva Haines, Grace Cooper, C!eo Tapfer, Leola Todd, Edith Hlckner, Ruth Costello, Mario Johnson, Dagmar Westergard, Gladys McDonald, Mamie Hendrickson and little Miss Allcs Zellar. MR. AND MRS. COOPER GIVE A DANCING PARTY OSWEGO, Ore., March 15. Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Confer entertained Satur day nt their home, in Glennmorrie, with a delightful stepping party. Re freshments were served. Thosa present were: Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Hnllinam, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Con fer and son Eugene, Miss Leon Jar rlsch, Mr. Verne Bradley, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Blckner, Mrs. Jack Ack ermnn, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Harbin of Portland, Mr. and Mrs. Charles P. Walling and daughter Marjqrle of Portland and host and hostess. . OSWEGO OSWEGO, Ore., March 14. A besketball game was played between the Oswego Boys' club and Sunnyside Saturday evening In the play sheds at the school grounds. The score was 1 24 to 80. Mrs. Anna Mason and Stewart Mason of Portland and Mrs. Fred Hoden of Anchorage, Alaska, were visiting at tho home ot Joseph Blck ner, Sr., Sunday. Mrs. E. C. Williams and sister, Sarah Belcher, who have been residing at the Leslie Manning home, have CONTRACTORS SUEVATER BOARD OF WEST 111 III EMI TO COLLECT $ 1 Hull agulliat the water hoard of We. I I. Inn wa brought In the atate court b-re Monday by the Oregon En gineering and Corintrtii Hon company, of Oregon City, In the hope of coinct lug W. which It claim a a balance till dun on Ilia work of llmtnlllng the Went I. Inn nn. rwtlr, Utidlp, and water syatem. The HmJlf.-r (iurkion Co., of I'ort lund, which wa the aiibcoiitraitor on mow d o Portland. Jaim-a Kiuiiious haa purchaaed ll.n Manning home and moved bla family tbl week. Mr. and Mr. It. I) Johnson, of Port lund, were vlattlng their parent, Mr. ami Mr. Joe Well, Hunday. Mr. Wei's, who ha been confined to the hotiMi with a ..ralne. ankle. Mr. 1'iarl Manning and daughter, Murgard, of Willamette. Ore., are vl itor nt tin' home of F. E. DaWdaon till wei-k. Mi Mildred Nleliuu-h left for 8io kanft luat week, where the ha lenired em ployment. Tho "fin-boy" awarded the little girls who sold tar for th.-m lust week. The two selling the moat re ceived $1.23 each and the other two f I 00 each. Mr. Douglas Git'le uffered a re- lapic and wa taken to the Oregon City hunitlt.il Tuesday afternoon. She ha s been staying at the Atwater farm. Frank Leinery. of Bay City, Is visit ing bis sisters. Mrs. Joiephlne Hill and Mrs. George Thomas. Mr. Daly, who baa been very 111. suffering from nervou breakdown, is able to be out again. 'leholas Le Boy, of Seattle, Is the gut of relatives Mrs. Josephine Hill, Mrs. Jos. Moross and Mrs. Geo. Thomas. Mr. and Mr. B. A. Bliss have moved on a farm near Batt'eground, Wash. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Nixon enter tained at dinner Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Harbin, of Portland, and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Blckner. Mr. Harbin Is a brother of Mrs. Nixon. Mrs. John C. Fox and children, who have been visiting relatives In Os wego the past two weeks, returned to her' home at Dallas. Miss Dena Prosser, who has been very ill, Is convalescing. Frank Andersen and Otto Bethke left fur Seattle, Wash., Wednesday morning. They will leave Seattle next month for Alaska. Mrs. Lon Waldorf and Frank David son left Tuesday for Altoona. Wash., to visit Mrs. Waldorf daughter, Mrs. OtU Larson, for a few days. Mrs. Austin Phans, of McMinnville. Is spending a few days at her home in Oswego. Mrs. Mary E. Smith, who is spend ing the winter with her daughter, Mrs. D. B. Fox, will leave In a few days for her home In Eureka, Cal. Mrs. L. A. Newiands entertained Mrs. E. P. Clay, Mrs. Henry Burg- horst, Mrs. Jos. Morass, Mrs. George Thomas, Mrs. Josephine Hill and Mrs. Hopkins and daughter, of Rlveria, 'Monday afternoon. Miss Billy Rpusch, of Portland, en tertained with a dinner and theatre party Tuesday evening, Miss Verl Todd, Miss Gladys Schawper and Miss Edna Elston, the occasion being a birthday celebration. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Jones have moved Into tho tenthouse recently occupied by Mr. and Mrs. Charles Leland . J. Wirt, is appointed cltyy marshal J. Wirtz Is appointed city marshal H. R. Davidson. The Oswego Rod and Gun club will meet at the city hall the second and fourth Wednesdays of each month. The by-laws will be adopted at the nxt meeting and the charter will close. The cement plant has started opera Rubber Our Rubber Stamp Department is prepared to turn out your or ders for special stamps on short notice. Orders received by 5 P. M. delivered the following morning. Butter Wrapper Stamps 16 oz. DAIRY G. R JONES Rubber Stamp like above, Stamp Pad and Bottle Ink, $1.25. Oregon City Enterprise Office Outfitters Phone Pacific 2 Home B-10 234 CLAIMED DUE the job, I alo a roiiiplalulng party to tha suit. Th comi.lulnt chare thai thi rim in II of Wt linn held up $K'0'' on th payment of Ilia hdrsea uii.i-r the contract, after H A. Cubb. ntl mating riigliwrr, hud accept d th work. Homo detail rainulneil to b IlinUllnd. Hlnn that time, ihn complaint avnr the work baa been totally flnlahrd. but thn council of Wcat Linn hn not paid thn bill. tion Monday. The plant lis been unable to obtain rK k berauii of a landslide, at the Itoaeburg quarrlea. Mr. and Mr. William Irvine will leave in fnw day to lake charge of the boarding hou at thn Koavburg quarries belonging to thj reinent company. TO WIFE'SH0N0R;SHE Charging that her husband at tempted to Induce her to lead a life of shame, in order to obtain money for his support. Mr. Elsie Ilarbur Thurs day brought suit for divorce la th state court here from Orange L. Bar bur. Allegations of cruelty were con tained In the complaint Btrbur Is charged with having struck his wife without fny provocation. The two were married November 30. 1915 in Vancouver. There ar no children and no property interests In volved. Mrs. Barbur asks for tha re turn of her maiden nam of Elsie Blood. WIFE OF E I CHRISTIANS. March 10. (By wireless to Berlin and thence via Tuck erton, N. J., March 13.) Not even Countess von Bernstorff, the Ameri can wife of the former ambassadaor to the United States from Germany, waa exempted in the minute search ot the Scandinavian-American liner Frederik VIII and her passengers by the Brit ish authorities at Halifax. So thorough was this search and so repugnant the methods ss well as the delay It enforced on the for mer envoy, that he will lodge for . mal protest at Washington. At the time of the searching the British authorities refused to trans mit his te'egraphlc protest. They did mail a censored' protest to Dr. Rltter, the Swiss minister in Washington, who was left by Bernstorff in charge of German Interests at the American cap ital. But this was not forwarded, it is understood. How to Prevent Croup. When the child is subject to attacks of croup, see to it that he eats a light evening meal, as an overloaded stom ach may bring on an attack, also watch for the first symptom hoarseness, and give Chamberlain's Cough Remedy as soon as the child becomes hoarse. Ob tainable everywhere. Stamps FULL WEIGHT BUTTER OREGON CITY, R.F.D.2 I 111 SUES FOR DIVORCE NVOY ID B E OF TRITES SEARCH