Pack fi OREGON CITY ENTERPRISE. FRIDAY. MARCH 9. 1917. f TRUCK IIS BY NARROW EDGE OF ONLY 2 VOTES FOREST GROVE HI I; FRIENDS FEAR FATE Punhaaa of tire iruk and th NUbllrhmenl of a pat.l fire depart ment rro authorised by llie vulrra Monday. I us election ran annual a. cioaeiy a If m (,. If ft. run t. t.hrl plurality to lo votra drvl.liiig the''" ''" fight. The vol: lVr Agatnat First ward SH He und ward U2 10J Third ward : M Toui ., ::s The election brlil fr the pur pout, of putting the. niHM!tiiin of M000 up to the pvv pit. Cltlleu. have contributed ltir additional amount nocr.aary for the purchase of the tru-k and equipment DOWNEY LOSES HIS WEST 11 ELECTION Wnl Unn voted down Jamea IVowncy't proKwltlon to buy a lot be longing to him aa a proponed alto for a flrehous at th election held ther Monday. The vol was 201 to 16 acalntt the tueajiun". Ikiwncy Rot the mailer to an elec tion after ths city council had refused to buy the site. All the counciluico. rampalrned axalnut the purchase of the lot. FOIIK.ST GROVE. Or, Mann 7. K.i 1 1 Muiton, aged 30 years, cashier of ihn First National bunk of Hit rlly, a memlvr of the promtni'nt Button ( of W.ahtngot.m county and a nephew of Auatin Uiuton, former master of tta state ijmiiKK. Iu mysteriously disappeared since Hart a business trip to Portland l Saturday nlttht. HEART TROUBLE CAUSES REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. MOTHER OF 14 DIES AT ACE OF EOT IT HER Tba following are the real estate transfers that have bwn filed In the office of County Recordd IUlos: L. I. Baldwin to tiuaute J. F.niv bright and wife and Anna M Kng bmht. 3i acn-a of II Irani Siralcht I. U C. township ! south, ruiiK' I cast; 131,10. A. W. and Anna Smith to Kattur M. Dale, south half of northwest quarter of the northwest quarter isf section 31. townhlp 3 south, range 3 rast; ViW. Silas W. und Hilda Thornion to Martha A. Hr.'.nhall. SO acre of sec tlon II. township 6 aouth. run to 3 east; $3 00. 1'hlp Cuynn to Samuel and Minnie Moslrr. SO acres of section IS,, town ship 6 south, ninge- I eunt. Peter A. Lclpslg to tvrofoy and Klemenlina I-aiuck. Iota C6 and C7. Scllwood Gardens; $.123. Kmll and Ellen Nelson to P. C. Iatloun-tte, 167 arrea of aeotlon 7. townthip 3 south, range 1 rant; fl. Kffle 0. and Genre l Ewen to Iiorinc ldce, Ml. I. O. O. V. of Ore- eon, one-half acre of liortne. Jum tlon; IMoo. John F. McCormlck and Lena Mc Cormlck to Martha Nlckemon. land in section 1t, township 3 south, rone 1 wet; H50. Mix Vrla t'hurihlll. cUunhlrr ol VI nr. I r. rhurrhlll, of Mull no, dlrd at the faintly home at that placa Tuea day ekeninti. afttr aetrral )eara III nra of heart troiiMe, and the tt la to le khlpped to AHany Thuraday iiiormiiK, hi'r the Interment will lake pl.u-e In the family lot. I Mi ('hurt hill aa it ycara of ate east atx-tion II, tonhip ft, ranij t van. 7U. Mulalla KttKtrltf Co. !? M acicw, lion l, toatuhip 6, lane t vatt. in XI, oa hVhafer, ntthat S ef touth- I l Kstion I!, l..nhip 6, rang I at, . im. Krl Sihfr, northartt ' of injth Mt of outhfl anllon I!, lottniliip ft, tana t tt, f Irt tfi. om Hihafer, lot I, '(ion II, loan hip ft, rane 2 eatt. f I -. Krl S.hafer, 7. DO i.ifi, -tlon , lonin.hiji A, taut 1 et. f I 41. Ida K. raient, ii &d .i. lection 17, tonhli ft, ranye 2 rt, .12. V. II. Cook, III a'e, wsl:on JO, loMiohip A, rani; 2 r.-l. f.'i(.'i. I. I. and Kloia I Mn..n, 7) acrra. .i it,. fc. .i.., t. I-... ..... I onieroy n. I. l ., i ' i.i year aha ... eoyed lT board om rator for the Home Tele., (, Kiy. W acre.. ..tion 30, to.n. phone 1-omp.iny M Mullno, and bad ,h,p tj TtnK, 2 rat .11 4 i rt. made many frlenda hlle pertortnlna ! j,m, . (jraham. .".th 4 of X. '.. li r Uiillea aa nu n. hue . aurvlrd -tion 31, tonhip !, rang by her mother, aevrral brolhera and rant, lliOIL lutera. Her fathi-r died aeveral )ear. rYank S. I.. lUcby, Im acre, .n-tlun ago. aoutha( tf notthacxt a4 ! Cofua4 I' noiini r toulhaatt mnIioii . loan. hip ft, rang S al, 1 .4 . Malt Nulfuntatl 4 ut nuilhtat ' af nuiikacMt 4 M.uun , tuaii.biu ft, rang I tal. III) li. ( urll.a I', ( andla, ! H f aoutaail aiuin 12, loihip ft, taiga I a at. 1 4 Vt. flank llxulilika, aatl H of auulh at U, antloft 1 2, tuotwliip ft ang 1 t. Ill ro. rtia llo)r. noilkaiMt V, ut aouth- 1 ' ao.tiun ;M, loarntliip II, fang lea it. fi72. Krank A. I'lutmin, aouthal . turn , loanthip II, raiu-s 1 4l. 117 t.'. kmiiilh W. Ciu, t 4 and iitliartt Olaon, north H ut nuith atl ' and nurthaaat 4 ut nurthaaal I '. anil M S, Kliun Id, Uwiuhip 4, langa 4 !. l.'f.II ( ok ia. I ', lMun, auuth 4 ut northra.t ' and lot. 4 ft, w ll'Xi 10, toanihip 4, I !.? 4 140 L. J. I. (Joi J. in, lot I, l( ton hio 4. tana-a 4 ca.t. 1-67. kali Ku kriilwrgvr, aoulhrant 4 of iwuih.t 4 aniiitti 3, loan.liip 4, langa 4 rati, 1 1 Ml IdaaiJ I and Ithoda A. Itel, aouth 4 ut nuilhitril 4 atrrpl ft acre. In nollhaaat ruiner, am'! ion II, oaniliii 4, rang 4 !. Ill I'avld llonirr, noithl ' uf aouth l rt and lot b, ttcrpt 4 a'fe 4 ut noflhinr.l 4 tiuii 4. Iunmliiii 15. tuttiiiliiii 4. lanea 4 aatt i, rat'ire rant, i. en. Ill II President Considers Merit Basis for all Postmaster Plums WASHINGTON, Marvh 7-A modi fied civil service for first, second and third class ponltnasti'ra la planned by President Wilson and t'ostmaster liencral lUirli-son. I'ndcr an eH-ii- the order ev.ecti'd sihui, the three of post master will be required to pass enmlnallon so the president nu'.y be usslsted In mnklni; nomina tions. MARKET REPORT j t - lira. Caroline V. Jackson, alJow of thai lata Georgo Jackson, one of the earliest Oreeon pioneers, died ut Mo lalla Saturday morning t 1 o'clock. Mrs. Jackson was born in Ohio Febru ary 14, IS", und was 81) year of age at the time of her death. She was the mother of 14 children. The funeral sen Ices will be held in th I-arkins ccmet try today at 12 o'clock, with Kev. Shoemaker offlclal inc. Interment will be In the Larkiqs cemetery In the family lot. MILLIONAIRE BROKE. CHICAGO. March 6. James W, Paige, Inventor of "one of the most re markable pieces of mechanism ever put toKcinr," ia In the poorhouse at Oak Forest, 111. Twenty-five years ago he was owner of the rulge com positor plant here, for the making of typesetting machine. Cut This Out It Is Worth Money. DON'T MISS THIS. Cut out this slip, enclose with 5c and mall it to Foley & Co., 2S35 Sheffield Avenue. Chicago, 111., writing your name and address clearly. You will receive In return a trial package containing Foley's Honey and Tar Compouud for bronchial and la grippe coughs; Foley Kidney Pills, for lame back, weak kid neys, rheumatism, bladder troubles, At the Portland Union Stock Yards Tuesday there was a liberal supply of cattle received, over 1100 head. The market was rather slow at the open ing. The top on beef steers was 5 cents higher than a week ajo on one strictly good load. One prime load of cows sold at fS.15 with a number of small lots of good cows from $7.50 to S. 00. A load of cows that carried very little fat brought $7.23 while dairy cows so!d from $5.00 to $0.75. Hoes made a further advance of 50 cents. Sheep and lamb prices also went up.. Best lambs sold readily at I $12.90 to $13.00 while yearlings brought $10.00 for several decks. The market prices below aro given by the Brady Mercantile Company and f treble Meat Market: Vegetables. BUYING Potatoes, per 100 lbs $3.00 Senate Committee Agrees on Rule to End Filibustering .11, township A, ranr' '-' east. I' ti.V Clarenc K. MfAyral, northeast 4 of northeast 4 aectlon .., toxnihip ft, rang east, f tj.o.i. Man I.. McCauley, tiorthra! 4 of soutnweil section ,li'. township l, rang "J east. 1 10.20. Fred Schafer, ll acre in tTias Swri. rle I). I. V., f 1.41. F. C. IVrry, I f.O arm in Hugh ior lon P. I.. C.. $74.2:1 V, O. Vanghan. 120 acres in Jo seph Wlngfield l. I. I'.. $l10Y..i. M. I. Morris, 34 Ul acre, in Joseph I Wlngfield l. L C, fV'i'V rrM Hargrenve. .nithwet 4 of northwest 4, section S. township Oil, range 3 east, $1.41. Ceo. X. and Oara S. Wills, south 4 of southwest 4, except I acre, section 17, township 6, range 2 east, $.,t1.2. Jacob Klein, north 4 of northeast 4 section 24, township il, range ' east, 1 1 '.Xt. Peter Klein, southwr-t 4 of northeast 4 section 24, towmhip (1, range east. 12.311. townhip C southeast 4 section range 2 east, $12.2.'i. Wm. X. Chilcote. east 4 of northeast 4 of north 4 of aoutheat 4 sivtion townhip tt, range 2 east. $.'S.7rt. Wm. J. Turnidg-e. wet 4 of north- WASHINGTON. March 7. The sen- east 4 section . i,.unhin f. range ate Joint confen-nco rules committee! I""1, ''it 1 and south 4 of north this aft -moon agreed upon a W( j 2 east, $-12.4il. thirds cloture rule. This rule will be r. Joplm, northeast 4 "ectton 11 J. li. Phillips, toulhratt 4 ut north west 4 u-,tiun 4, lofshii 7, range .least, I.' Mal:le M Pan I. southi-ait 4 . tl..n :'), luwnihip 7, rah) S eail. I 'rt I I'rrcy li. MvArthur, tioith 4 of iiuith 4, se.tion .', township 7, langa S east, HI,:iK Cainphrrl h'hettarly, M ais, section township I, rang 4 tail, $71 72. ('has. 1', Woodi'Otk, southeast 4 of 4 'd northwrat 4 'f southeast 4, aicept I 02 acres sold to Mt. Hood Ity Co, section ilo, town ship I, rang 4 east, $.'0 '.'V K. r. tVmahue, south 4 "f northwrst 4 section 2, township 2, rang 4 Mat, $11 W7. I S. F.. Toepelman, se.tlon S, townahip 2. range 4 east, $l& 'J. Ceo. t. I cltmgrr, sral 4 uf south west 4 section 2, townahip 2, rang 4 east. $1.1 Ceo. W. Ilrrra, ea-t 4 of southwest 4 of northeast 4 sorlion 3, township 2. range 4 eat. $11 '.Hi. I'lri.'h Cantenbeiii, weat 70 acre, of north 4 of northwrat 4. section H, townahip 2. range 4 east, li'l'.'t I'ougla. M II-') Ian hells, lot H, ass lloii K, towiishin 4, ranie 4 raat, $l II. Ceo. I!. I'll.l.le, southeast 4 "f south east 4 section 20, toanalilp 4, rang 4 rial, I'll);. Fred lsn, 15 acres, section 21, townahip 4, range 4 vast, f j 14. I long las M. Iloylall, west 4 of Hoi til 14 at 4, ae.tloll 21, townahip 4, tang 4 eaat, $ 10 Ofl, Horner lris, west 4 of northwesl 4. escei.t ft acres in northrast cor Iter, aeciinn 22, townahip 4, range 4 raat. I.I I Marin. I'eilerson, northeast 4 of southeast 4 section 22, township 4, rang 4 east. $ K Mary M. N'aifua, ,1 ,',0 acres in north- weal 4 of northwrat 4, section '."J, townahip 4, range 4 east, $111 l. J. and Sarah K lloiiury, northwest 4 of southwest 4 ;I0, town- ship 4. range 4 eaat. $il.i'.l Security Savings tt Trust Co., weat 4 of northwest 4 section 31, township I. range 4 rast. $11 Ml. SalnuiJ t". Fletcher, rat 4 of south, eaat 4 of nrthi-at 4 section 32 townahip 4, rang 4 east, $.' ,S7 J. II. I'car.lorf hrira, southiaat 4 of W. T. Phillips, eaat 4 uf southeast 4 northeast 4 section si, townahip 2, of southeast 4 section 32. township 4, range 4 east, l.'.i II. P. N'orthup, mat 4 section :i.'. .'Ill, reported at 3 oclin-k to Dcmotratlc 'township 7, range 2 cast. $15 r.S. and Republican caucuses. !,',t '.'?V'I,?n ':' township 1. range ti, ,i.. .i,. i. . east. J'.2.52. The rule provides that by a two- thirds vote of tho wnate. debate on i any bill ran be limited to one hour by! each senator. i Kuseburc Rei-w wntjld limit num. ber of bills at otlo session to ISO. S. Ran, 27 acres, section 2'', township l. rnnge :i east. 111. is. ; IMwin Nelson, west 4 of southwest I 4 of northwest 4. section '.', town I ship 1. range 3 east. $10.o7. Klmer C. and Albert M. Hums, 5 acres, section 2i, township 1, range 3 east, ; $ :.02. I Kmnn V. Rodlun, 47 acres, section 2, township 1, range 3 cast, $2.."n!. v. H. .Mallei., 8 acres, section 30. hip 1. range 3 east, JLVIO. Malleis. 10 acres, section 30. township I, range .1 east. J1S.12. Joseph Scolham, west 4 of southeast 4, section 31, township 1, range 3 east. Simi.U. Saints, 50-100 acre in Oregon City , J. Hollenbeck, 10 acrs, s.vtion 32, DELINQUENT TAX LISTir;1 (Continued from page 7 1 Butter (country) per roll Eggs, per doz Carrots, 3 bunches Beets (per doz. bunches).. Turnips, per doz. bunches.. Old Onions, per jiound , SELLING. Potatoes, per 100 lbs and Foley Cathartic Tab'ets, a whole- Eggs, per doz some and thoroughly cleansing cathar tic, for constipation, biliousness, bead ache and sluggish bowels. 'BORD FOR BISMARCK WETTEST DRY LAW REAL SAFETY-FIRST BISMARCK, N. D March 2 A bill limiting to any individual one cask of beer, one gallon of whisky and five gallons of wine a month has been passed by the state sen ate. After Grip- Winter Coldt Bad Blood Cabbage, per lb Butter, per roll (country) Creamery butter per roll Carrots, per bunch Lettuce, bunch Beets, per bunch Celery, bunch Sugar, dry grauulated 6"ic 2Hc 10c .40c .40c ...$3.r,o 2:'c ....CUc 70c5" 7."c , . . 90c 5c 10c 5c 5c Claim, $3.28. M. P. Bingham, 3.58 acres, except R. of Way, in Oregon City Claim, ti.GX John W. Loder, 3.73 acres in Oregon City Claim. $12.07. Margaret Wood, 7.4G acres, section 16, township 3, range 2 east, $3.76. Louis C. Vondeahe, 52.93 acres, sec tion 21-2S, township 3, range 2 east, $.10.30. Eva Lnmmers, 31.43 acres, section 22, township 3, range 2 east, $13.97. Theron II. and A. Lindslcy, 2S acres, section 2tV township 3, range 2 east, $10.80. Hexter & May, 30-100 acre, in Wm. Holmes D. L. C, $S.fi3. j First State Bank of Malwaukie, 20-100 j acre in Wm. Holmes I). I C, $5.17. j Lester L. Scwartz, 50 !v 70 feet in' m. Holmes I), township 1, range 3 east, $S.;m). R. W. (.ill. 31.11 acres, section 33. township 1. range 3 east, $21. X'.K Lena Hunter, 10 acres, section, 33, township 1, range 3 east, $ll.t't. Rudolph He) ting aold to J. T. Teorin. southeast 4 of northwest 4 of north west 4 and roadway, section 3 1, town ship 1, range 3 east, $'i.;ti. C. Taylor, 20.S3 ncrcs, section 31. township 1, range 3 east. $23.17. John and Jennie Valberg, 10 acres, section .'!, township 1, range 3 east, $11.03. Altman and Taylor Machinery Co., 30 by riO feet, section 1, township 2, range 3 east, $l..'ii. A. S. Ellis, 5 ueres, section 1, town ship 2. range 3 eist, $4.0S. Richard Sleight, 3 acres, section 1, township 2, range ,'t east, $l.0H, range 4 eaat, $15 . r.rlcka.ui, 4.' .'1 acres, section '., townahip 2, range 4 east, J.'l 07. I townahip 4, range 4 eaat, 1 1.' '.Ml, J. Miller, south 4 of northwest 4 j , l. .Sort hup, west 4 of section anil southwest ',, except I . acrra tow tiship 4, range 4 raat. $ !. :l I. sol.l. except t! Oil platted as The Bluff a. , A. I liim.las, northwest 4 of north- section I.', township 2, range 4 raat, mat 4 section ;i'i, township 4. range J'.'.M.x. j I in. I.rlia K. Podton, t'.'i acres, sn tion 12, i Crave V. Johnson, John C. Sutherland, township 2. range 4 eaat, $l.'o. j west , of northeast 4 of southeast K. F. Burns. 4S-IIHI acre, section 11. 4 and rast 4 of east 4 of northwest township 2, range 4 esist, $2 17. .', of southeast 4 srction 3i. town- ('. J. Miller, :i:lil aerrs. section II.! ship 4, range 4 rast, $ I. Hi., townahip 2. range 4 east. $11.71. M. T. Keller, north 4 of southeast 4 John Straus, acres, section 13, ! of southeast 4 section 3rf, township 4, township 2. range 4 east, $2 17. ; range 4 rast, $2. '12. Percy T. Shellv, .':. I'.M s.. ft. in arc J Thus. Ilaverty and X I. May. I'irt.72 turn 11, town-hip 2, range 4 rast. rrs in Win. Tucker l. L C , $1 IM S I f 1 1.,',;. Ma M Imnnn, 42. Ml a.-rrs In F.. F. I ewrlleii 1. U ( . l-'il.TO. A. I! l ewrllin, 21. 'a) acres in F. F. Irwellril 1. I, ('.. .'! .'.il. i ll.irol, ii ii.l llorni-r, '.'.'. f. 3 acres in I. A. Ijicy 1. I. t'., $21111. I'. F. I rHwil. south 4 of southeast 4 150 . ft. in range 4 rast, ' 150 s i. ft. in , range 4 east, , 100 lbs.. $7.80 .$S.10 7'.-ic j Sugar (pure cane) 100 lbs i Old Onions j BUYING. t Live hogs 12 Vic i j Steers 7c?! Sc Veal, lb., dressed 12!-jC Hons I".. i Old P.oosters, per lb Sc Feed. ( Oats, per 100 lbs i Wheat, per 100 lbs I Shorts, SO-lb. sack n i 7 i snP - ran-'0 ,,!ls'' lo.o. w. i.. i,., i.o. , Walter Hall, 2(1 acres, section 9, town- James A Kays 3S-100 acre in W m. ,hi 2 rantro ;i cast '$o..:iL,. Holmes I). L. C., $2.oJ p Thoms ,r(.tion 9 Mary Ldgecomb, 5..-100 acre ,n Wm. townshj ra ,0 Mgt $(U1 HOlme3 JJ. L,. C, $-i.4.. i v. i a..i L-:.i...e .1 . Wm. Holmes I). L. C, $1.72. J. C. Dixon, 18-100 acre in Wm. Holmes 0. L. C, $1.73. 4 of southwest 4 and lot 2, section . 13, township 2, range 3 east, J3S.2S. , C. O. and X. E. Pavis, northeast 4 Rebecca Clark sold to H. C. Eastman, 1.G5 acres $9.17. of southwest 4 section 13, township range :( east, ? 17.40. ' Flour, per sack $2.0." $1.S5 $2.75 1.40 $2.15 and $2.20 f Salt. 50 lbs. high grade . . . ,50c Hay, per ton $10 to f- I Chick food, per 100 lbs. . . I Scratch food, per 100 lbs : il'n,, per 100 lbs lirnn, fiO-lb. sack Yon are pale, thin, weak with little I vitality. Your liver is sluggish and 1 the bad blood causes your stomach 1 Be':t pulp, per 100 lbs muscles to lose their elasticity and I Kackle feed pur 100 lbs become flabby and weak then j I;ig 4 hog feed, per 100 mdigc-stion ! Twin Four Hog Fee-t Doctor Pierce's Golden Medical Dis- ' i ... t . , rnverv. nnrele vesrelLMe .l (J. ' 'Tlilm ho? feed, per 100 lbs. alcohol or narcotics, is the preat and ! 1!o,s,,;in dairy food, per 100 lbs. $1-50 powerful blood purifier of today. Ex. Perclieron horse feed, 100 lbs ...$2.25 and roots. Contains no alcohol. In- j '1"1,"'n-3' "J ",B gredients printed on wrapper. ! Whole, barley, 100 lbs Take it 11s directed and it will search ! Whole corn ....$3.00 $3.00 . . . . $2.50 SOc ..$1.35 ....$2.50 ....$1.80 ....$1.50 $2.00 o. o. i.nae u. i.. v.., chas p. Smjth( , section I I township 2, range .'1 east, $13.4 I. James A. Cobb, 27 acres, section M township 2, range 3 east, $11.90. I.arncy A. desla-on, 5 acres, section 15, township 2, rantre 3 east, $1.91 Mutual Realty Co., 40 acres,, section 15, township 2, ran ire 3 east, $17.70 Clementine K. Hall, 20 acres, section I.i, township 2, range 3 east, $9. 4.4. Walter Hall, 21 acres, sections 9-1G, township a, range 3 east, $21.90. Stephen Carver, 1 1.50 acres, Bection 1H, township 2, range 3 east, $1.4 I. Edmund W. Paget, 10.82 acres, section 2.;, township 2, range 3 east, $3.84 II.. c t-: .. e .1 p r;er, nn,l Kmmn T.n.-r. .10.100 ' i . o.ll .-. iinney, lois O 11.1 . section section 8, township 4, range 1 cas't;i township ranBe 3 M8t. S14.14. $1,08. j J- T. Stampfer, 40 acres in Isanc Las- Mary Ryan, south of southwest 4,1 wc" l)- L- c- H l-r' l except 1.98 acres for R. R., section 10, 1 Fremont L. Lent, 14 acres in Thos. township 4, range 2 east, $17.21. Forrester D. L. C, $3.48. Eli B. and H. S. SUrk, west of r. r. Hannaford, lot 7, Rcction 10, northwest 4 section 11, township 4, township 3, range 3 east, $8.88. range 2 cast, $9.76. , j. r,. Roml. mnh y, of n0rthwcst V. Mary Ryan, northwest 4 of northwest 0f southwest ,, section 18, township 4 section 15, township 4, range 2 , range 3 cast, $1.42. L. C, $13.(52. W. L. Mulvey Tr., 5 acres in Andrew Hood D. L. C, $7.42. , Henry Lonev, 15.20 ncrcs in Andrew! Hood D. L. C, $22.2(5. Walter F. Sager, 3(5 ncrcs in Robert 1 Caulfield D. L. C, $1.17. I Bernhardt Lien, 17.50 ncres in Robert ' Caulfield D. L. C, $19.08. Leone Buckner, 30 ucres, section 2, 1 township 4, range 2 east, 5.53. , Elmer and Lucy M. Coshorn, 10.50 acres, section 7, township 4, range 2 east, $13.13. out impure auit poisonous matter throughout the system and eliminate it through the natural channels. All dealers in medicines can supply Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery in liquid or tablet form, or send ten cents in one-cent stamps to Dr. Pierce, Invalids' Hotel, Buffalo, X. Y., for trial package of tablets. WHAT WOMEX OF OUR NATIVE STATE SAY. Eugene, Oregon. "In raising rnv lamily 1 .iiive al ways' found that I could flenenil nn M Dr. Piyrce's rem i I edies for all ail- j inenta. I gave i them the ' Golden I Medbal Discov ery' for tonsilitis, sore throat, bad rS coughs and grip, 1 ' and it al wa va I' I enred them. I -1; JJ alco gave them relleta ' for sick headache, biliousness and constipation. I am glad to recom mend them." Mrs. CaKiUjs Deah, 11 N. Lawrence Street. ' 'I l-irVaafc A ' - 1 Crai ked corn Ground corn f'ocoanut oil meal. 123 ICastern oyster shell . . Crit, per 100 lbs Fkh meal, per 100 lbs Calf meal, 23 lbs Digester Tankage Wood meal poultry, lb. Allier.; mash food lbs ..$1.80 . .$2.00 ..$2.05 ..$2.75 ..$2.75 ..12.35 ..$1.15 . . . .90e ..$1.00 ..$1.25 . .$3.00 ...10c ..$2.50 east, $0.18, Jens M. and Maran C. Jepsen, 18-100 acre, section 17, township 4, range 2 east, 50.24. W. F. Kosecrantz, 72.02 acres, section 20, township 4, range 2 east, $34.00. Stephen C. LeRay, 23.33 acres, section 21, township 4, range 2 east, $13.(59. Joseph Supple sold to Otto Weisman, east of southeast 4, section 21, township 4, range I east, 21.88. Thomas W. Jjino, south Vi of north west 4 of southwest 4. except fi acres in southwest corner, section 18, township 3, range 3 east, $4.54. Reinhold Weis, fi ncrcs, section 18, township 3, range 3 east, $2.27. Eastern Inv. Co., 29.50 acres, section 33, township 3, range 3 east, $5.15. Levi L. Manlovn, southeast 4 of northeast '.4 section 34, township 3, range ;j east, Sl!)..i4 Stop the First Cold. A cold does not get well of itself. The process of wearing out a cold wears you out, and your cough be comes serious If neglected. Hacking coughs drain the energy and sap the vitality. For 47 years the happy com bination of soothing antiseptic bal sams In Dr. King's New Discovery has healed coughs and relieved conges tion. Young at:d old can testify to the efefctiveness of Ft. King's New Discovery for coughs and colds. Bay bottle today at your Druggist 50c. Elmer G. and Alberta M. Burns, (5(5.16 a. w'. Creason, north of northwest anus, neeuun if., luwnsiup range 2 east, $13.10. Chas. J. Honeyman, 4.50 acres, section 28, township 4, range 2 east, $3.02. P. O. Chindgren, 203 acres, section 3(5, township 4, range 2 east, $95.02. Chas. J. Honeyman, 10 acres in Har rison Wright D. L. C, $0.64. Hamilton Co., a corporation, 39.54 acres in Harrison Wright D. L. C, J34.73. P. 0. Chindgren, 480 acres in Chas. Guttng D. L. C, $280.32. H. B. Perne, 108.88 acres, section 2, township 5, range 2 east, $44.10. H. B. Ferine, northeast 4 of north east 4 of Molalla River, section 3, township 5, range 2 east, $7.06. Wm. and Mary J. Faull, 81.28 acres, section 6, township 5, range 2 east, $17.96. H. B. Perine, lot 1 and southeast 4 of southwest of northwest sec tion 11, township 6, range 2 east, $8.06. Fred Schafer, east of northwest '4 and lota 2, 3 and 4, section 11, town ship 6, range 2 east, $7.72. Rosa Schafer, southeast 4 of south- 4 and southwest 4 of northwest 4 section 36, township 3, range 3 east, $53.02. Agnes Matlock, 10 acres in Mathew Richardson i). L. C. $11.10. Gertrude Hicinbotham, 1 acre in Allen Mattoon I). I,. (J., $4.45. Louis Jerumlowske, 41.84 acres in W. If. Fordyce D. L. C. $8.32. E. J. and Katherine Cameron, 56.50 acres in W. II. Fordye D. L. C, $44.40. Harding Grange, 3.99 'acres in (J. E. Tracy D. L. C $4.22. A. B. Baker and W. E. Jaberg, north west 4 of northeast 4 and northeast 4 of northwest 4, section 9, township 4, range 3 east, $52.09. Wm. V. Dolph, northeast of north east 4 section 16, township 4, range 3 east, $21.20. H. E. Noble, northwest of south west 4 section 27, township 4, range 3 east, $11.08. Lynden D. Scott, 82 acres, section 29, township 4, range 3 east, $53.31. Carl J. Renhard, south of northeast 4 of northwest 4 section 8, township 5, range 3 east. $2.90. Oregon Swedish Colonization Co., Percy T Shelly, 75 by section I '., township 2, $ 17.20. Percy T. Shelly. 25 by sivtion I I, township 2, J2.4.. Percy T. Shelly. l'l by 75 s.p ft. In section 13, township 2, range 4 east, $2.2';. C. II. Lilja, south 4 of northeast 4 of southeast 4 section 17. township 2, range 4 rast, $5.07. W. F. Douglas, rast 4 of northwest 4 of southeast 4 section 20, town ship 2, range, 4 east, $1.53. II. II. Haselwandcr, 17 acres, section 26, township 2. rnnge 4 rast, $iI.S. C. A. Benedict. 10 acres, sivtion 33, township 2, range 4 east, $1.73. r. E. Uanford. In acres in Phillip hos ier l. L. C.. $5.1S. Mnry 1. Preston, 1 acre in Phillip Fos ter l. U C. $5.1S. Eli C. Sutor, f.5.7S acres in J. W. Fos ter I). I.. C. $18.37. A ('. Mowry and East Side Mill A Lumber Co., 4nt. each in 15 acres, section 5, township .1, range 4 east, $5.33. Amy E. Klactsch, 4.13 acres, section 21, township 3, rnnge 4 east, $1.97. John F. Livingston, 1.17 acres, section 21, township 3, rnnge 4 east, $1.00. P. T. Davis, 10 avres, section 21, twoiiship 3, range I rast, $I.M1. W. W. Reardsley, 5 acres, section 25, township 3. range 4 tsut, $3.0ii. James X. Flippin, 19.75 acres, section 27, township 3, range 4 east, $10.62. Otto Klaetsch, southwest 4 of south west 4. except 45-100 acres for road, section 2i, township a, range 4 east, $::x.57. Clarence Whitheck, 20 acres, section 2t, township 3, range I east, $24.00. John II. Matthews, 14.87 acres, section 21, township 3, range 4 east, $11.20. James E. Matthews, l'J.S'.t acres, sec tion 28, township 3, range 4 east, $12. SO. .lames E. Matthews, 2.5l.acres, section 29, township 3, range 4 east, $1.28. Fred Jorg, 8.93 acres, sivtion 29, township 3, range 4 east, $2.02. John F. II. Simpson, 4. OH acres, section 29, township 3, range 4 cast, $1.65. F. C. Hunt, 27.39 acres, section 29, township 3, range ! east, $27.07. Max Yon Newman, 4 ncres, section 29, township 3, range 4 east, $3.00. A. I), and Caroline Schmidt, north- ' and southeast 4 of southwest 4 and lot 7, section (5, township f, range 4 east, $i'..v Mat 4 clliia tt, township I, rang 6 Mat, I JO ID. F. il. Nitichman, northaa.l 4 aorUiaa 22, townihp I, langa 6 tast, f 1 7 Ml. J. C. Nail, liorlbeasl 4 aertlon 14. townahip 3, range 6 Mat, $14 60. laaUth W, Johnson, aoulhwsat 4 action tt, township 8, rang I asuit, llll'J. Wm. II. Patterson, north 4 of aouth -ra at 4 and southeast 4 of soutaeaat 4 am i ion 20, townahip 3, rang i Mat, I Hl,7il. Sherman Gels, 20 acres, ass-llua fri. Iiiwnahin ,1, rang A Mat, 1.;4. M, T. Ilyldnliina, 10 actus, awctioaj 14, township 1, rang & rast, 1 1.12 Hint. A, lonard. In acrra, evlloj ffl, township 1, rang ft f.east, f I AH. Curt l and Willielitilna Von Haadna, west 4 of west 4 of northwesl 4 of tiorthwMl 4 section 2d, tuwaskip 1, rang 6 east, 1 1 12 ('. E. ami Helena A. Tatrod. weak 4 uf west 4 of southwest 4 uf north weat 4 so t ion 2n, township ,1, raar n raat, f 1 12. I.lwood and llallia Hanson, weat 4 of eaat 4 f southwest 4 of north waat 4 and Mat 4 of weal 4 of southwest 4 of northwesl 4 taction .'il, lownalilii 3, rang ft mat, ft (4. John I. Wiglr, northwrat 4 of south -waat 4 auction 2rt, townahip 3, range rasl. II.1IW. S, I. McKeniia and Ceo. E. Quiiititl and A. I.. M. Keniie, 4 intercut In east 25 acre, of southeast 4 of north west 4 section '.'0, township 3, raagss ft rast, $7. Mt, A. I'. Allen, west 4 of east of southraal 4 of northwrat 4 aorllon il, township 3, rang fi Mat, $1 12. F. M. (Ml, aouth 4 (futh 4 ev- llou "H, townahip 3, range 6 raat. 11120. Blanche I- Saner, 10 acres, ..action SO, township 3, range fi rast, $-1.7(1. Hurry A. and .Minnie II. lat llnrre, 4 und. north 4 of southwest 4, aertlon t, township 3, range fi rnst, fn.i'.N. Minnie II. 1-aIUrre, rast 4 of aouth west 4, section 31, township 3, range fi rast, fit HI. Reginald T. and Alice E. Carter. noithwest 4 of southraal 4 section H, township 3, range fi rasl. fl.'l'.'i. Stephen and Mary I'csiieckrr, ssiuth Wrat 4 of southwest 4 section 32, townabip .1, range 5 raat, fit 67. l ast Sole Mill & Lumber Co., south 4 f southwest 4, arc! loll 31, Uitfn.shlp I, range 5 rust. 1 1. Ms. Hurry A. and Minnie II. I.allnrre, 0 errs, section 2, townahip 4, rang ft east, $112. Win. W. Coos, southeast 4 of south rast 4 of southwest 4 sivtion 2, tow nship 4, rnnge 5 east, $1.56. A. C. .Mowry heirs, north 10 acres of northeast 4 of southeast 4 srvtiun 3, township 4, range 3 rust, $1 Hi. Flla Itoycr, 10 ncres, section 4, town ahip 4, range fi rust, $1.71. Chin. Krngrr, southeast 4 of soiitb rast 4 section 4, township 4, rangis 5 rast. $6 1. ("has, W. Swan, riorthrasl 4 section S, township 5, range 4 rast, $13.92 Hermit E. Grrgg, west 4 of north west 4 sivtion 'Jo, township 5, range 4 rast, $1 i l. Security Savings A Trust Co., north west 4 sivtion 31, townahip 5, range 4 rast. $ I '1.92. Security Savings & Trust Co., north 4 of northrast west 4 of northwest 4 and lot 7, section 32, township 3, rango 4 east, $18.16. Mary I). Ripley, east 4 of southwest "i of southwest 4 section 35, town ship 3, rango Uenst, $7.88. J. D. Neilan and Herbert G. Crocker west 4 of southwest 4 of southwest section 35, township 3, rnnge 4 east. $1.09. Arthur G. Burd, 10 acres, section 36, township 3, rango 4 east, $5.84. L. II. Burd, 10 acres, section 36, town ship 3, rango 4 east, $9.20. Garfield Country Club, 5 acres, section Id. township 3, range 4 east, S.l.du. Chas. C. and Charlotte T. Palmer, 17 acres, section 36, township 3, rango 4 east, $6.57. Ellen A. I'airchild, north 4 of south west 4 section 3d, township ), range 4 oust, $24.82. W. C. Whitfield, 5 acres in Franklin Pierce, I). L. C, $6.80. Eleanor M. Boone, 2.52 acres in Frank lin Pierce D. L. C, $3.20. E. S. Womcr, 1.32 ncres in Franklin Pierce I). L. C, $13.13. W. E. Orrison, 30 acres in Scth Pal- mnteer D. L. C, $38.75. Wm. W. nnd Mary F. Dcalnp, 13.50 creas in V. W. l'almatocr u. L. $4.00. Thos. and Esther J. MncCorkindalo, 17.22 acres in Thomas Lee D. L. C, $11.33. Martha A. Callaway, 54.02 ucres in Hugh Currin I). L. C, $26.97. John C. and May Kitching, 10 acres in Hugh Currin D. L. C, $ 8.04. James Duncan, 49 acres, section 1, township 4. range 4 east, $8.03. Wm. W. Davis, Jr., 10 acres, Bection 2, township 4. range 4 east, $4.10. Wm. W., Jr., and Jessie D. Davis, south 4 of northeast V section i, township 4, range 4 cast, $8.47. Mary Francis Delap, 45 acres, section 2, township 4, range 4 east, $8.18. Alton Rogers, 10 acres, section 2, township 4, range 4 east, $2.48. H. A. and Martha E. Spear, 62.17 acres, section 3, townsnip i, range 4 east, $21.49. Matilda Neal, 6.40 acres, section 4, township 4, range 4 east, $3.61. IL E. Noble, northwest 4 of south west 4 section 7, township 4, range 4 east, $8.98. and southeast of northeast 4 and northeast 4 of southeast 4 section 31, township 5, rnnge 4 east. $13.92. Hugh Johnson, southeast 4 of south west 4 and south 4 of Southeast 4 and northeast 4 of southeast 4 sec tion 10, township 6, range 4 east, $21.71. Joseph F. Stauffer, east 4 of north wisst 4 and lots 1-2, .'oetion IS, town ship 6, range 4 east, $105.S5. Northwest Auto Co., southeast 4 of southwest 4 and southwest 4 of southeast 4 section '12. township-li. J'T x ' 1 range 4 east. $2.73 and Miriaii Jokunsen , , ... section .10, township 4 James I . Graham, test 4 of south- ca'i'. mill east 4 of southwest ' I section fi, township 7, range 4 east, : $1.74. W. (). Walter, north 4 section 10, township 7, range 4 east, $17.47. I Moritz L'lrich, 40 acres, sivtion 16, township 7, range 4 east, $'I.2S. Wm. II. Haliburtoii, 20 acres, section 16, township 7, range 4 eiiNt, $1.61. John F. Killorin, east 4 of southwest 4 section 9, township 8, range 4 east, $32.5 I. Xettiu Connett, north 4 of northeast 4. section 28, township 1, range 5 east, $16.55. Frank F. Wied, south 4 of northeast 4, section 28, township I, range 4 east, $14.22. Wm. F. Bradford, acres, section 28, township 1, range 5 east, $1.19. Sarah G. Eisner, southeast 4 of southeast 4, except 5 acres in south east corner, section 29, township 1, rango 5 east, ?(.ll. C. A. and Eva II. Cass, 51.93 acres, section 5, township 2, rango 5 east, $15.43. Chas. C. Woodcock, 2 acres in section 6, township 2, range 5 east, $2.17. Wm. H. and Lulu Winters, 18.20 acres sivtion 9, township 2, range 5 cast, $5.30. Ben Garrett and Lula Genetic and Myrtle Pickens, 26.50 acres, section 10, township 2, rango 5 east, $5.43. Lillian B. Fisher, south 4 of north 4 section 12, township 2, rango 5 east, $22.23. E. and Elvinn C. Coalman, 20.50 acres, sivtion 17, township 2, range 5 east, $5.38. John If. Mitchell, 5 acres, section 17, township 2, rango fi east, $3.35. R. V. Shtiman and W. R. Harris, 32.33 acres, section 18, township 2, inngo fi east, $10.18. L, L. Kidder, west 4 of northenst 4 suction 22, township 2, rango fi east, $30.13. Harry Warrren, southeast 4 of south east 4 and west 4 of soutlicnst 4 and east 4 of southwest 4 so.-tion 23, township 2, range 5 cant, $51.97. Herbert H. McGovern, southwest of southeast 4 section .35, township 2, rango fi cast, $9.02. Wm, S. Turner, northwest 4 of south east 4 Roction 4, township 3, range fi east, $8.03. Honry Schultz, 5 acres, section 4, township 3, rungo 6 cast, S2.41. Susan E. Kitzmillcr, southwest 1 of southwest 4 Rcction 5, township 3, rango 5 east, $9.55. James E. Wright, west 4 of south west 4 of northeast 4 section 0. township 3, range 4 east, $9.47, Susan R. Kitzmillcr, northwest 4 of northwest 4 section 8, township 3, rnnge 5 east, X5.78. C. II. Rowland, southwest 4 of north est 4 nnd northwest 4 of southwest 4 section 8, township 3, range 6 east, $23.53. Grace Syme Buoll, southeast 4 of northeast 4 section 10, township 3, range 5 east, $3.53. Jacob II. Cook, southwest 4 section 12, township 3, range 5 east, $228.87. R. B. Hannaford, north 4 of south west 4 and southwest 4 of south west 4 section 16, townahip 3, range 5 east, $22.48. Sarah A. Spucknian, northeast 4 .eel 1011 6, township 4, range i eaat, fM'.'i Sara A. Spaekninn, northwest 4 v tion 6, township 4, range fi rast $21.51. I.ydia A. Wood, rast 4 "f southwiyit 4 section 6, township 4, rnnge raat, $I3.6M Carl A. Pavis, west 4 of soutkwrst 4 section f,, township 4, runge fc east, $23.7(1. F. I.. Heyliiiiin, northeast 4 of north west 4 section 11, township 4, rnngp .'. east, $il.2t. Fabricus Toy tt- Notion Co , north ut southeast 4 section 14, township. 4. range 0 rust, $14.98. Mrs, Mao E. Maygrr, southwest 4 F. E. Rt'ini-r, northeast 4 of northeast sivtion II, township 4, range 5 raat. $24 96. 4 of northwest 4 section 30, town ship 4, range 5 east, $2.90. Johanna and Hans nnd Neads, Annie southwest 4 rango & eaat. $1.: Wm. L. Borthwick, west 4 of north east 4 and southeast 4 of northwent 4 nnd northeast 4 of southwest 4 section 1 I, township 2, range 6 east, $13.05. F. S. J. McAllister, northeast 4 sec tion 16, township 2, range (I oast, $25.17. Wm. L. Borthwick, und. 4 int. i" southeast 4 of southissst 4 section 21, township 2, range (1 east, $3.67. Caroline II. Heehill, southeast 4 sec. lion 28, township 2, rango (1 east, $21.76. Harry I.. Keats, north 4 of north 4 section 28, township 2, rango 6 east, $21.31. Carrie C. ('tipple, northwest 4 section 31, township 2. range 11 east, $17.70. Lillian B. Fisher, northeast 4 section 31, township 2, range ti east, $23.UN. Jacob H. Cook, west 4 of northeast 4 and northeast 4 of northwest 4 section 7, township 3, range (i east, $188.59. Jacob II. Cook, sooth 4 of southwest 4 section 7, township 3, rango (i east, $122.01. Jacob H. Cook, sooth 4 of southwest 4 section 8, township 3, rango 6 east, $HH.4H. Sligh Furnituro Co., southeast 4 and south 4 of northeast 4 nnd northwest 4 of northwest 4 section 1(5, town ship 3, rnngo (1 cast, $15.50. E. C. Hunt, und. 4 it. in southeniit 4 of northeast 4 section 25, township 6. rango 0 east, $1,92. J. C, Ainswot th, south 4 of northeast i and lots 1 and 2, section 4, township 2, rnngo 7 cast, $148.69. Carrie E. Dufur, west 4 section 22, township 2, rango 7 enst, $19.76. W, R. McGnrry, east 4 of enst 4. ex cept 25-100 acre in northwest corner. section 22, township 2, rungu 7 nasi, $15.41. H. P. Bush, 15 acres, section 27, town ship 2, range 7, east, $1,48. Carrie E. lufiir, noithwest 4 section 27, towm hip 2, range 7 east, $26.30. Mack Standfii'ld, Alfred J. Franklin, !5 acres, section 27, township 2, ranro 7 east. $3.09. Mary E. Knoi.ts, cast 30 acres of north 4- of southeast 4 section 30, town ship 2, range 7 cast, $3.8fi. Wm. L. Borthwick, southeast 4 of southeast 4 section 30, township 2, rnngo 7 cast, $6.43. Minnio McKean, 92.50 ncres, section 32, township 2, range 7 oast, $14.00. Julia Kessler, 36.11 acres, section 83, township 2, rnngo 7 enst, $(5.31. Chas. D. Church and James Steel, 8 acres, section 34, township 2, range 7 cast, $1.98. Chas. F. Hall, north 4 of southeast 4 of northwest 4 and southwest 4 of southeast 4 of southwest 4 nnd west 4 of southeast 4 of southwest 4 and southwest 4 of southwest 4 of southwest 4 of southwest 4 and northeast 4 of southwest 4 of southwest section 30, township 2, range i east, l.i.zi. A. E. Lindscv, 100 by 104.5 feet, sec tion 9, township 3, range 7 east, $1.36. C. E. Fields, all of section 16, $24.70. E. C. Hunt, in. in south 4 of northwest 4 and southwest 4 of northeast 4 and lot 2, section 30, townsnip o, range 7 east, $2.88. Eastern Inv. Co., west 4 of east 4 Elijah Coalman. 81.70 acres, section of southeast 14 and west 4 of south- 23, township 3, range 84 east, $1.60.