ORFGON CITY F-NTF.IU'HISF.. I KIDAV. ITimUAKV 21, l'JI7. '. 1 " r- Vacv '2. j ! M ACKI0UHQ HAZILIA. IACLI CMKIK. MMf44M4 I II 1 u T7?1 vTn7a Kmft ( !.lin, , f (, u , ...'! .. I ' Mr a n. I Mia J.1L0 H.lilowe nn.I ' ., .. . ,, ... ... ... . . . . , ... t J V PI i, rTi f 1 ' " ' '-" "'" r. ,l Mra I'. H.I.I,.-. Li,, '" -"" '' ' , ' "' '" M """ H . j.Ml....:lv l....l- w,,!, the ......( Ml., l it. .N r . u 'inil.iinl j It 1 1 I . Mr, ,;, J(),,, ,ty ,.. , , f lt 1 1 , ltMH 4 STAFFORD. f WILSONVILLC. STUVuKI) Or.', rVh. :J iHm- all - S..ii are. aflll, 1-4 iih rnlda ami ai.ro Ilirtiala. Sif-y Srliati r.'iiniirl from a nlmrt i:t in t.,n Monday. The IjhIWV liiU nut ltU Mra. St -.llliiK UM Thursday Ith ne arly n lull T tfiwlun. e iiml lu mure Indies Jotlto!. Il .k decided l build the sidewalk o..-r the la Ine nit I) of the church ( on Hl.lav. the I'd j Tlu' Ulli-a" Clnli' will lU.'i-t llhj , Mra. ranl Ihr third Thumdujr In ' M.mh. j Mr. and Mn. Nu-I..uim ii-nl the, cunin:: laat Siimlny nh Mr. nd Mra. j O'dh.uu. Mra. Cai! nd atoti nr luvlng tht'lr; ti.lu hind In TIllumiHik .miity ilikl. Tin' mi'n hare contra, trd to finlah hr tti first of Muy. We extend roiiKratulatlona tn Mr. mid Mra. Ancr-I, Hie luitir of whom c lmi knomn a Mra. Kale Turner. The mot of the nt'lchtKirhood met I Mr. Fr' lat Thuraday ennlng llii.VVIl.I.K. the. "!, t i .! i lall Shi'linun t .-! run J nr Huh k rii-i niiy. t'Uiif ha). Him haa ten tl.iid Ini; N.-l..r huh aihool If l -a out nf a. h mi fur kKini' iniii' lilt the una Ira. Win. llrnl.t haa .r-n .ry III fr a week, and liia In', if iin.t. r the rare nf n.n. r.il 1 1 I . Una Mr. and Mra. WlMUm lukir U.it.d th.'ir rrlatuea hi-re durin the erk- I'liJ. and alli-n.l.il t'nrral I'r.i-k a.K lal. Salitrdjy nrnliiK. Knth t'ari-), uf I'tirt'and. vl.!lr. Mimi I'l'kingiou at the hnnie of Mr. and Mm. N. O. 8ay. on Saturday and fund y. Mary lirnbat cnl to rurtland Krl- day. ha Mil b.-.'n at hum on a-count of her (atln r'a llln.a. Hoy lUk'T 'lit to I'ortland Thurs day. II. I). Aden haa imrchaaed a new tK'die car Hurry Say a a Portland ili.ltor Mniiday. Mm. M. 0. Yoiinf. Mra. Nutria Young CtOAROALC 4 fl.PAUIiXI K, Ore b Mr. .m.l Mra II. K i. int. end I II Ui. iii and mfe. ali.nt. d i hurt h at ( ll"ii H.mday. A. I) On-ill and lf Ullr. the III . .ii.- In 1 1, a I,. I nl II). I'. 4l (l.ik . Ii.kil hull..., ut mIii.Ii ..II or . ( tili.il:.iil a (i'ini.. mill W (hiiie a. tein.,.f jry in .-..! ut At th Mu. k a ir at a. IkhiI Ii . . i -a lim tll t tit the gi.t I. it I . ii t.( I), !, mi Wcln. div, the Dili tin Salui.l.iy .i.lilni! I the l.i .... it nf 1. r.il in. I at their i t. IiimiI liuii.e and nu4in'" uii u. U II. .ii aiih ('l).ie Slu p ii i.t. iit I. tor I'ltnl.'ii. il, fii. t.l. Mil. ami l"ir. I'ufiia. .ri,i.,ii They are hold an.ilh.r n.eetliiic S.ilurday. the pamiti at l'Mr foli.'n Hat ir i llN "n Kild.iy .u nit Manh M.i 11 il fi ll and Injured qulle tririe!) mie diy ler a die. Mn rl.t meek. iKirU, t'luii!.'.. Millard and Jaliirt Or. ui .nt Sunday i J. JVIInat. I i.i n M. lairrn la liurnltif hct k. in t.il 1 1, im nil, in of ill. e . lul't It A h 1 to l e h.'I'l at tir J.I,, ,. ,.h, i . , i liri'itram It ,i Im r.ii.l'i.,1 and riery thing il.mii that a ...-.il'le to uiaUe ! the iiierting n IiiI.t.--!iii and irotlt , al'ln one. It It gn-aili lo he tlealre.) that la iai eta aaeV.n to the l:nHirt nd.an.. n f II, I. . ((,, n m, i. I, .. f.,r It nit.l Tj.ni a v,.rv enlovatile time, and thev plan to celohrate Washington'. Mra. Herman Krauae and family Mrthd.iv next Thursday evening Ultended the bankethall Ram,, at rem Mr. Thomaa haa been maltlns fori il Saturday, the plumber to get water from a I Mra. Aubrey Wo.nl entertained the never falllnc aprlng Into hli new real-! member of Corral Creek Molhera1 jlince club, on Wednesday aftertiiHin, In hon- Mr. Aernl went to OreRon City on : or of Mr. Wood mother. jYljav uiauya ur-cner. nu naa iiuugi-u Mr. Weddlo took a load of wheat ! Uncoln hUh achool for the laat to to town Monday. oar'- u "P''ndinic aome time at homo. Mr Cace sella oats and wheat atjon account of her htvlth. the (rranarv $3.00 below the market Mr. Mae llaker Snyder haa Iwn quotation. 'the buver to furnlfh ack visiting her parent. Mr. and Mr. Ed rharinii a near fi. ld on hia farm at aim .,,, junl .j m,, r,.,ir.unt Oicbard lalia. 1. Or. in la helping umn the alatiiiii.g ti,.iid teiiden. y him. I lair. M:. Mmire. the ('ed.irdale t. a lier. ! A nlllng tu.it . h at uliUh ( llntnn itH lit Saturday and Sunday at her Chrl.tlun tarried tiff the holiora, waa home at lU.'.hain h-ld at the Hear ("r.-. k . h.ml on tt! f .l.ir.la'e achool anil to Mcadi-W- Jj hriHik frl.lay rvenlng to haie Itt return artthmetlc mm. h The acore tml i"! to S'i In fanr of the lat ter. It Or.-m nwnt Sunday at 5i'ierton. ihitlng a friend. j Mr. John I -a mm and ton. Itei. aent I A .rv lui.y and '!,.i..nt action of the Moihett' cliii, wa held on Thurtday at the home of Mrt. t hat Keatllng The ilalir m re Mr. NVI t.n. loer. Mrt. J W. Smith. Mr l'otra!i. Mrt. J. W. Smith. Mra Mra. tirali.-r. Mra. A.l.unt and Mr Collin. Tli'. n. it me- ling It to be at I. auo.-u.a, ..... i. r ,.a.rn.t ht. , f Mr ,;,,, .,, j,.irrh Jl ' The club gaie lit pr. -i.l. nl. Mr.. John Mr. A. M Cooper In nvoii'ring Hepler. a aurprtae on her birthday 1 l'aker. for the last two weeka. i Ti h,,rn ran. n.t rornntalk fid-1 Amlfl Elchenbercer. of TorCand. dies will be In evidence when a certain Usent the weekend at the homo of young man Ki-t his housi finished: J hi aunt and uncle. Mr. and Mr. A. ko the wise one aay. He ha started I Itatalgia. the basement, these same wise one MI's's ChrUtina. Anna and Menga tlx lare. I 'Otalgia came nome on paiuruay io A hen wa found setting on a n.-st attend the Corral Creek entertain- full of epgs at the Honeer fr.rm. which! ment seemed very inconsiueraie oi me n -n; at the prosent price of eggs. .. MARQUAM. M.UQUAM. Ore.. Feb. 22 (Special) Mrs. J. R. Nelson was taken to the Good Samaritan hospital Friday where she underwent a serious but success ful operation. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Albright of Ore gon City, newlywedB, were out spend ing a few days lost week visiting rela tives and friends. Mrs. Geo. Ridings, of Silverton, is here calling on her many friends. The young people of Marquam ex pect to give a play "Country Folks." Friday evening, at the M. E. hall, ad mlQQlnn tu-ontv.ftvfi nnd fifteen cents. UiiTnl T nrlrfna nnrt Annie Johnson f1" of Meadowbrook spent the week-end at I. D. Larkins. Roy Nicholson, who is in the Silver- ton hospital, is not improving very fast after his severe attack of inflam matory rheumatism. Belle Skirvin and daughter Doris spent Sunday in Silverton, visiting friends. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Fcrgerson, who have been living in the parsonage, moved to their place last week, Joining J. P. Miller's farm. Albert Nearson of Silverton, spent the week-end at J. R. Nelsons. George Hently left a few days ago for Silverton to work in the mills. Pearl Campbell spent a few dayB last week visiting her sister, Mrs. Sullivan, of Silverton. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Marquam spent Saturday and Sunday in Molalla, while there they attended the Rebekah ; lodge. Corral Creek school cleared IjI.Cj. at the social on Saturday evening. from the sale of baskets. Mr. and Mr. Han Schroeder. who were married in l'ortland, two weeks ago. will make their home on a farm near Wllsonvllle. The TIgard basketball team came by automobile on Friday evening, to play a game with the Hood View team at the Hood View hall, and the game was won by Hood View team. Don't forget the play on Saturday evening. February' 2, to be given by home talent at A. O. V. W. hall. Mrs. r.rown and Clifford Murray gave the leading role, with splendid assistants, in the farce. "Fun on the Podunk Lim ited." Admission I3c and 15c. from her long llln.-tt. a fact her tuaur frl.-nda ar (lad to note. Mr. and Mr. I. O. Oretn were ahop plng In Molalla. on Wednesday. Clifford Jnhnaon la helping A. Coop er on hit new h.xue. C-daritlle Uterary society will meet Saturday, the i'lth. at tho achool h,iue. . "Mr. Charlie Hick ad children. Harry and Anna, spent Sunday at her at- t'T. Mr. A. Orem. J. Fellona has two Incubator set, going to try their lu, k w ith machinery in place of the old hoo. Dick and Cat Hall have been blast ing out a fc, stumps, clearing field corner. I. O. Orera I sawing wood for Mil ton Chingren at Meadowbrook. Febniury 17, by repairing lo her home In a body. l hoa pr.-M nt b,nlde the club were Mr. Will Roth. Mr. Suth erland. Mr. Henry Walth. Mr. Voaa, Mlaxea tauilaa Helm. Amu and Her ilia Kih. Joy Sutherland and Vaatle Keeallng. A very i-havuit time waa apent. Tempting refre-hiiniit were M-ned and aome very appropriate and beautiful gift were brought r r UPPER GARFIELD. 4 DAMASCUS. BARLOW. i, A 'j. 4- 4 4 9 1' 'v NEEDY. ' !? NEEDY, Or., Feb. 22. (Special) Albert Yoder, who is attending C. II. S., spent Saturday and Sunday at home. Mrs. R. W. Ritter spent last week visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. Hansen. James Wilson and John Gahler haul ed the farmers' hogs for market to Hubbard, Wednesday. J. D. Lofgren made a business trip to Aurora Wednesday. Mrs; R. W. Zimmerman, of Marks Prairie, and daughter, Mrs. Howard Elliott, visited relatives here Satur day. The Rebekah lodge held a very in teresting meeting Tuesday in honor of their visitor, Mrs. Nellie Wattenberg, grand president of the Rebekah as sembly of the state of Oregon. John RJtter is hauling his hogs to Aurora this week. N. Youngreen made a business trip to Oregon City Monday. Miss Stella Crlswelll has accepted a position as teacher of the diBtrlct, the former teacher having resigned. The Ladies' club met at the home of Mrs. Faulk Thursday. Mrs. J. D. Ritter spent last week with her daughter, Mrs. E. A. Krueger, of Canby. 1UR!.0V, Ore.. Feb. 22. (Special) Mr. and Mrs. Uaney celebrated their wooden wedding recently. Robert Ogle has returned to his ranch for the summer. Mrs. Shoppard and Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Tull, of Portland, are visiting Mrs. S.liuddy Tull. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Gribblc and children of Macksburg were visiting Mr. and Mrs. Jesse last Thursday. Mrs. Enoch Grlndland received a leter from her parents. Mr. and Mrs. SlaUiger saying they like their new home at Sandy Point, Idaho verj1 much. Mr. Clark, who recently moved to Tillamook on a dairy ranch, is here buying fresh milch cows. Electric linhts have at lust been Installed in the depot here. Mrs. Tull received the sad news of the death of her mother, Mrs. Kimsey at McClay, Sunday, age 83. Another one of Oregon's pioneers crossed the border line. This family consisting of Mrs. E'.la Tull, Mrs. Hannah Lyman, John and James Kimsey, have the sympathy of their friends here in their sad bereavement. Mrs. Cora Berg-Johnson and hus band left Sunday for their new home near Baker, Ore. Cora's many friends here wish them success and prosper ity. Mr. McGoon, who purchased the SIaai;er farm has taken possession of it. F. Collier's team became frightened and threw him out of the wagon so that he was bruised quite badly last Wednesday. Two doctor from Grcs ham were called to attend his wounds lie is gttlne along nicely. Mrs. William Schwartx returned from Yamhill last Friday, where sho attended her brother funeral. The Sunshine club met at Mr. Col ter's home lust Thursday. All report a most enjoyable time. The missionary meeting, which wa he'd at Mrs. John Moore was a suc cess, with good attendance, and seven new- members were taken in. William Schwartz, Ernest and Miss Elsie went to Portland one day last week. Miss Edith C'llne went to The Dalles Sunday. Sho has been staying with her father a while. Mr. Norton had the-misfortune to Injure his foot while working In the rocks. He has not been able to work for a few days. Mrs. Casey went to Portland Mon day. Mrs. Chlttwood was over to sou Mrs. John Moore last Wednesday. Hal Roach has been staying out of school on account of sore eyes. Mr. and Mr. Julius Murkwart have I Ik en In Portland the lust week. The Garfield Country club hall was the acene of very pleasant social ! dunce In honor of the departure of Mra. Guy T. Hunt to join her husband. ho Is now located nt White Pine. OreKon. About hundred and fifty people were present. C. II. William, of Portland, having the agency for the Columbia Grafo nola, spent the week end at U'g I -a Hurre. He ha sold several machine In this locality. Those farmer who were not In a hurry In telling their potatoes are now reaping a hurveat at the present high price being paid In this district Tom Carter found a bob-cat in one of his coyote traps last week. Mr. and Mrs. Ilurdls camo over from German Hum to attend the club social and dunce Saturday night, Mr. and Mrs. S. II. Willis, of Rose burg. Oregon, who have been visit ing with their relatives, Mr. au4. Mrs. Hussack, for the last week or ten days returned home toduy. Mr. Wil lis was on a short vacation for his health and suys he Is very much Im proved. , . ... . i ninuiii, iiimi .iinii-f i.iiiiit ti'.'ii. lUllllig her ..il.'lilt our r.alui.1.1) am , . ...... H . . it pleiiriint oiilng Monday with J Try II Hiilllian waa III town latt . k. I M llil.il an, I (.null) nl u l.i'K.ni to ilnlt Mia lliiola paniilt, Mr. and Mr.. Miiii-a, mn) faintly oi. r S.itur , ,.i) and Hiiinl.iy. j Olio r'JtniT of Coivulllis waa In, C'ltrkt latt Hun, lav Hailing i.lullvr. j Ml.a i;i,.,!) III,, rly lint been mi the, l. k II. t Mlat F.nlti.-r Slaalt. who la alien, I lug high a.lhHil In Org, ui Oily, tlalt '.l' In r parent. Mr. and Mra. J. il. Huula, I Saturday uiul Sunday. 1 Pen Stnalt ... In Oregon City tu'eri Hun.luy ' Mr. a ii .I Mia John Miiiidiall vUlte.1 ' hit parent., Mr. mid Mra. IVd Mar-j th ill, lui.1 Sunday ! Mlat lUriil.e Card apent Sunday! lilt Ml.a Agnea Ncltoii. ' F. II. l.ami. r Walled hi. parent at ' Canby Saturday mid Sunday. Mla Kuglu llerginnti attended n 1 lalentliie part at tho Colt.m high a. It. ni l,.t Saturday evening. Mr. and Mr. Juaon Clarke, were In1 lon Moodily. J i I'niiii, Jr. Mr. and Mia. Mat M, Mulmn mot . Iillitleii, were imclt Monday ut the .1. M',li : i ,,t in ii ii mill Joseph Mi'M.iIiiiii lioini. at Maple Knoll farm, Mrt. Fred laliiniii wa a ilsllor of Mra. J. Fl.il 'liinrmlav. ('. I'. II, il.lt. of Portland, wua In Dm lii.i Iiimi IhhiiI Mon, lay. Mra h', Pollanl, Mia H Nliuenaou. Mrt. H. H llouU unit little Mlaa Jose .ilu Polliird, worn gui'tla nt the James Tle.lciiult home on Valentine a day Mrt Fniberit wun a caller lit O.m ro Wednesday afternoon. Mrt. Ago t I., luiiiin wnt a taller mi Mil. C, (' Hoi lull, I Thiirtdi.y t-vrtilnit. (,'corgo II. mi Uhii proud puea tor of a new Ford cnr. Mr. niul Mia W. II. Zhney uii.l i lill.lren mi. I, ire, I to the roan city on Tlmrmlay nn.l spent a very pleasant afternoon there C. ('. Hor'iiud, who I. aervlng on the C H. grand jury In Portland, spent Thursday night wllh homo foil, a. Jam. a Ti. -linsn. formerly of llitellit Th Fpworth la-ngua gave an lee . ream s.h-IuI lust Friday evening at ! the English M. K. i hun h. Thero waa a vulentltin party given ! at Hia hoitiM nf l!iiir.i l.'l..,rl. C.l. I nesday eienlng. February II In honor 11 '"V." !lt but now of tlswego, I'lptiit to begin anon to erect a iiu.,1 rii new Iioiish In t)sego. Mr. and Mrt. Tledmun have many friend .1 llatellu, (hey ulso own of Mr. EIntIv birthday and among those- Vr lit were. Mr. and Mra. W. H. Wcttluiif.-r and baby. Mr. and Mr. W. It. Hotteiulller. Ed lluol and rum lly. Mr. and Mra. J. O. Stunt. Mr. and Mr. Clayton White. Mr. Chris lena Kleiiisnillh. Mr. T. I'm k and fam ily, John Coulter and family, Mr. and Mr.. J. Nelson. Mr. and Mr.. John lard and tort In In, Ernett Herger, (I. rlffln. R. Griffith. Mr. and Mra. C. N'. lairklnt. Albert lurklns nn.l fum- r.v, Mr. anil Mra. U Stout and daugh ter Lucille. John lluol. Hen Slant. EI- r Kleliiarnlth, Philip Messanger, Franklin laiuner. Floyd Eberly. Clif ford Cook. Virgil Cook, Huiel Yuger. May Puwver. Mr. F. I.ln.laii, II. Minima and fumlly, Mr. and Mr. George Eli- rly. Senate A fids $128,000,000 To Naval Bill WASHINGTON, Feb. 21. In created by $128,000,000 sine It patted th home, th administra tion's naval bill th. blggett In th. hl.tory of th. country was reported to the senate this after noon by Senator Tillman, chair man of th. naval committer Th. bill, a. revised, carrle. a to tal of nearly a half billion dollars and authorize, th. pra.ld.nt to commandeer prlvat. .hlpy.rd. and and munition, plant. In tlm. of war. Worm. Sap Your Child's Strength. Is your child pale and fretful? Does ho cry out In sleep or grind his teeth? These symptoms may mean warms and you should ohtnin relief at once. Klcknpoo Worm Killer Is pleasant remedy that kills tho worm, and by its mildly laxative quality expels It from tho system. Worms sap the vi tality and make your child more sus ceptible to other ailments. Your Druggist sells Kickapoo Worm Killer, 23c a box. (Adv.) BERLIN CHILDREN II WILL ALL BE SENT TO THE COUNTRY AMSTERDAM, via, London, Feb. 21. The Berlin Vorwaerts says that a mat deportation of Derlln children to the country Is planned. It I. be lieved that thi. .tep will relieve the food difficulty In the city and enable the children to be better fed. II. M. Ilorlund wua In Oswego Fri day morning. The Hon. II. H. Anderson, of Oregon City and two of tho county commis si, ,ii-rs were out looking over some of the road In thi vicinity. Jiineth Johnson and ion Ingwall wore. In Portland Friday. Carton Knstinun wua n visitor Fri day In the Tualatin Meiidow neigh borhood Mra. Fred la liim.n waa ahopplng In Portland Saturday. Mr. Hnruh Child. Mr. A. Worth- I nut im nn.l Mr. Frank Child are on the sick lint. A. R. I lou Is attended tho baniil"( In Oswego Suturday evening given by the I'nlted Artisan a. The lUnella Literary and Debating oclety met Sulurduy evening with a large crowd In ntendunco. A short program wa. given, followed by a spelling match. Mlaa Hluiiche Dun ran', side being the winner. The lin ing !,!,. will tr.ut the winner, lo a supper at the next meeting. Remember preaching service, at llurella Sunduy at five o'clock. A cor dial Inrltnllon i ritndcd lo all. Tho new road that I being built from Stufford through Hazella to Os wego I surely a fine one and the neighborhood I surely prninl of It. A good road wa. builly needed. Mr. KIs r I. supervising It and ho I very efficient in tho work. .'iilertiiliied llm Helping Hand Huh hint We, In.", lay nil, hum. n About I I ladle ...i pres. nl, I In en or four he lug ilsllora All. ui, ling went Mra Hraifiiilcr, Mrt. And. tsoii, Mr. Hoc llflt. and Mrt. Gerald lit oi. Tim club will Ine at Ilia luiiiin of Mr. M. K. Judd, I'eliriiury 7V Fug I." Creek K'riing.i Kiel St titinil Saturday llh M pair. .lis. In, In, Hug il.llort. pre.. 'lit A short butlrt.tt session waa held before noon, Ii.ii an Intriinln.li, n was luk.n In p.irtak.i of dinner. After dinner work a r auiiied. The l' tiller a program wa Itile i. sling; t lit- h.iu M.v.'ral aelec lliuia uii "Th it Life ami Character of George Washington ;" I lie other from the general topic In lining . ItulloHu. 1'h.i entertainment cuniiultlen tr, ,.( Hint Mur. h 10 would , good lliiin to gl.o llm play "llni Night Itldera." which will Im gl.eii ut Wllberu' hall. Dai Id Homer, Master of Spring water grange; Mr. mid Mr. J C. Pet erton ami Mr. Iruin Tinny weru grange ilsltor Suturdny. T. C. McKay wua a Portlund flsllor recently. ('. Murphey took muin pulaliaa lo I i.iai a.la Sulurduy. F. W. Iltilea culled on II. II. Huff m.'lster Sun. lay aftern.Min. Mr. How waa out to avti Mr. and Mra. Hill Sunday. Mr. and Mr. Roy iHmglu enter tained ut dinner tin Sunday. Mr. and Mr. Geo. pr.-lsler and tlill.lr.n, and Mr. and Mr. Oscar Helmut, and child ren, of Logan, (hit occasion being tho llfth weddliut anniversary of Mr and Mra. Douglusa. Mr. ami Mr. Churl,- Murphey en tertained .1 dinner Sunday Mr. anil Mr. Will Douglusa and Charlie Kwtw ney. IJttlo Georglo linker had adnolda re moved Inst week by Dr. Brown, of Portlund. He la getting along nlcol). BOSTON WOMEN MAKE PLEA BEFORE M'CALL IT'S COMING TO THIS ) GARCON! AN ONION OUI! $4 OR $6 ONE? IIOSTON. Feb. :i Three, women, claiming lo represent sou resident, of the weat t-nd district and a delega tion from the lloiisewlvei' Icugun made un miaueceasful attempt today to see Governor McChII to ropiest him to take loruo action toward reducing tho present high price of food. Tho women said their families were facing starvation anil that Immediate relief wa. necessary. Money to Loan PAUL C. FISCHER L.wytr DeutHchor Advokat OREGON CITY OREGON PORTLAND, Or., Feb. 20. New record, wer. ..tabtl.hed h.r. yes terday when a carload of onions wa. .old to go ea.t at $10.23 a hundred, the hlghe.t price ever paid In the hl.tory of th. .tate. CHICHESTER S PILLS 1. Willi al Ak tir Ur 4 M'vltfW-frr' lHanJ I'lIU l Htil n l Cat! I"H'I, WAkf.l ktlll Iliu Irti't. Aikf-fliMl IMAM XII liHAM 111.1 HA ytki. kmiirn IUI, S(tl, Alain Rrlill SOLD BY DPl'GGISTS CVCRYHKLRE n,ullic KiU. firVTVrBW WANTED To hear from owner of good farm for ulo. State rash price nnd description. 1). F. Hush, Minneapolis, Minn. FOR SALE-Whltii Wyandotte rot k eritl, standard bred. Strong, vigor ous stock, Into to type. I'J.f.fl each W. A. Green, Jennlug. I oil go, Ore. Three-quarter mile east. FOR RKNT Two house with one to l.r acre grounil. Walking dlsltinco from mills. Apply X rare Filter prlsn. w2 9 13 PHONKS Office Homo, A-23 Pacific. 153 Rosldenco .IfiFI 1 DR. WM. C. 8CHULTZE DR. F. P. 8CHULTZE Phy.lclan. and Surgeon. Room 217-213 MiihoiiIo llu'lillng Oregon City Oregon 0 f. It) fy ,1, ,f, , );, ?. p ' LIBERAL. A a. !t, .S, X, ,ij ,J, .J, 4 . 4, rt. It-. . Clear Bad Skin From Within. Pimply, muddy complexions are due to Impurities in tho blood. Clear up the skin by taking Dr. King's New Life Pllla. Their mild laxative quali ties remove the poisons from the sys tem and brighten the eye. A full, free, non-griping bowel movement In the morning is the reward of a dose of Dr. King's New Life Pills the night before. At .your Druggist, 23c. (Adv.) Severe Cold Quickly Cured. "On December first I had a very severe cold or attack of the grip as It may be, and was nearly down sick hi bed," writes O. J. Metcalf, Weath- erbr. Mo. "I bought two bottles of Chamberlain Cough Remedy and it was only a few days until I was com pietely restored to health. I firmly believe that Chamberlain's Cough Remedy Is one of the very oe"t medi cines and will know what to do when I have another cold." Obtainable everywhere. The Scandinavian church work un der the leadership of the pastor, Rev. John Ovall, Is marked with success. Last Sunday a very appreciative con firegatlon was present at the services in the Methodist church. On Sunday at 3 p. m. four new members were added to the church. Sunday evening the pastor preached in the church at Willamette in the English language and Tuesday evening at the Moline home on Falls View. Plans are bsing made to build a church in west Linn In th near future. Mr. Baldwin's little daughter was very III the ltist few days, but Is re ported as being somu better. Miss Ehy Is suffering from her eyes. j Fred Stler Is cutting cordwood In i the Wolfer timber, with his drag saw. I D. W. Hadger went to his homestead last week to prepare for moving there j soon. Jack Kellns accompanied Mr. Hadger, to help about building, road making ,etc. Chris Doepple went to Cunby, one day last week. 25c PER MONTH IS THE AVERAGE COST OF OPERATING A MITCHELL WATER SYSTEM GOOD BACKS FOR BAD. Oregon City Residents Are Learning How to Exchange the Old Back For a Stronger One. POLK'S GAZETTEER A Basinet. Dlwtofr t each Ci!rf Town and VilJara la Orr;:on ai.d Wa.lilngtoa, trivial; inscriptive r-ketrot of each plarff, Jjorntlos, fbipjiinc TacUitlr-t and lnsl fird Dirm-lnry i eacll SOUSCa sad Itoteauon. ft. h. POT.K CO, laa. 6catlle, Huh. Does your back ache, feel weak and painful? Don you suffur headaches, languor and depression? Is the urine discolored, passages Irregular? The kidneys may be calling for help. Weak kidneys cannot do their work. Give them the help they need. To cure a kidney backache you must cure the kidneys. Use a tested and proven kidney remedy. Doan's Kidney Pills have stood th.; test. Convincing proof of merit in Oregon City endorsement: Mrs. John liters, 4 Hi Water stre.-t, Orgon City, says: "I am ready to confirm at any time whet I said In my former statem?nt regarding my ex perience with Doan's Kidney Pills. J still consider them the only remedy for kidney troufJlo. I take Doan's whenever necessary and they ulwaya do me good." Price 50c at all d-'alers. Don't simply ask for a kidney remedy get Doane's Kidney Pills the same that Mrs. Beers had. Foster-Milburn Co., Props., Buffalo, N. Y. BANISH THE BUCKET BRIGADE! a back number and a useless consumer of energy. Think how many miles of steps your wife is obligod to take each day bocauno sho does not have tho advantages of water under pressure. Is it any wondor that she is dog tired each night Tho usoless waste of enorgy in lifting a heavy water buckot each time a little water is needed, the endless trips to the well or spring, those are tho things that make for physical breakdowns. Think of tho chance of your water becoming contaminated and tho hoalth of your family dostroyed. Think of the danirer of fire, a fire that a steady stream of water will quickly kill but when this Is not at hand will greedily consume your home, your property and possibly a life. These things can't be thoufeht of In the terms of doUars but tho fact Is that ll err youh money F,1ITri4F. I UATFR QYSTFM ,N M.?B AV wunpTumiTOVA ilia a wili.a.1 wwrm man una. YOU'I No Secret About the Mitchell System Tlie MIOMI Svnovn I. a almple 7t"n, nollilnn illffl 'tilt lo iiii'l.'r.tuurl r orMTrttv, nlioiit It. 'I'lic ti'iikoii It j0v(' l.tt.jr a.-rvli-. I hiM-nnai. It l nitidf. up t Irt-tt-T unit., tn imiklnir our outfit, wh ," Mi" Mllrtilt 'r, I HI, -pi I mutli- Tank: It'" tented nnil,:r 1,,-nrl.T prrM.iir.- limn yu .''in put on It i,ml I. giutrmttf, ,1 fir 1& potiuil": wo 11.0 oiiIt tli. MlKllrf ltlo vj.Iv ,.iit mum,.. If ll''"' l holler liiimp Hum Hie My, ro, Mm iiiuat orlllral pump luiyer. In Amerlen iu ti .t kn,,.. nl It. V r power, If n K.lliie l.lilne I. iue,le,l. ,,.lall a Hlover, Ine lnol ,--ll'l-"l.le, tber Ih. Ha i:,i,lli'liy will n1-l ' " "ine. More tluin Xifti n., r. In thu .N,,rl6wet y ll'a o "K.wl" euirliie, niul It la. Iii r,'t, our o.iiflu ,.re made tip to nir jour renoir.-. iiientH; we ,1'rii't ntiiiipt to nmke T.oir re.tuir.-iiieni. mil ,,ur oiitfim. ,a ua ami we will leu oil iww do It. It will make your property more vnlunbln. It will ninkri your family moro happy awl conlintfid lliruiiKh the enjoyment of llm until, tli liiunilry, the miiny oilier coiiveiileiiei-s Unit aid dupttiduiil uihiii a Biitiply of runriluK wntur In the lionin. ...... 'l lm .MllchiJI HVMletn unison IIiIiikh morn convonlont In the linrnynnl nnd it affordH rilmoluto pn.iectlou iiirnlimt fire by aui,lvliu( il ovp.uiil iilil Hiippiv of witlor unilo. liny pienmiie up lo 1:5 poiiinln. It will help prenerve the health of your folkx, bei-iniMO mitlilnif of forelmi iiiiliito can Kt Into the walor lifter It licon pumpml Into tho Mitchell Wnter HyHleni. If vniir wilier notir-e h pitre, your water will remain pure urtUI 'rno''Mnerhell v'?to'rPHvMtom furnlHliea cool wntor In summer nnd la proof' moil net freezlnif In winter. In short, It million life worth IIvIiik. nn.l If vou will look ut the matter from ev. rv nnnle you will eomo lo tho comlnsloii that vou simply cannot afford lo .lo without water under presnuro in mo nome. Water whan you want. Whara oh want r, Slovar Cn(lnaa Myar'a Pumps Impiamania A r5s. lmp..m.n. mg 1 Send for acopu of our hook FR0M THE PATH OF HIS FATHERS" It will tell you aldbout this PORTLAND ORE. s "SPOKANE.'-..., mtersupply auction tf f X ASK FOR BOOK ASK FOR BOOK U " ll if,,. - !.. W. J. WILSON & CO. . Oregon City Agent