Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, February 09, 1917, Image 3

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.Malrilnjt .'
la Ik. n
roe, tat
M II Ital
( I 'I, kairiaa
Weltr K Marrtoa. Healrk V. Mar
riot, kla lf. Klb M I'm. Jim
Oue Crow, kU lf. J H Mlllla.au
Jaa Inm Million, kit wlf. J I) lkil
III. Jan I to Chilli, kU llr i M
4tla A Wrliki. fortaariy I'ardelW 0
Itotla M1 ('hall' W lloefer. I Mend
Hut of Oregon, ('mwly o( Clarka
lly virtu of mlamal order, d
rre aad u icttlkn. duly lu4 MM
i.f suit undrr the al of Ik !.. n
llllad cimih, in lha ralllM
mm, to Hi duly dlrwlid and dalad
Ih lad dr f January, HIT. iimmi a
iiuUment reidrl and anlomd In aa'd
cant oa Ik 2nd dar of January, HIT,
In favor of I II lul-i, i plalnllff. am
acalnat Waller K Marrton. Mtfi
K Marrloa. hi wlf. Kennelh M
rti.a, Jan Ito Crow, kla if-. J. It
Mllllian. Jana Ik Mllllian. kla VtOj
J ll I'hllllb Jan Ito I'kl'llpa, kl
If. Cordelia C Wrlithl. furaaeflr
Cordelia (' lal and Charlee W Mo
lar ,1, f. i, .1.1, la fur Hi' aulll '
t.U40(, wlik lii(il thereon at Ik
ml of n lr MM our knniiui
from Ikn !th day of Itoramkar, Itla.
m.,A ih. further aulll of IIIJ7I0 Willi
ln(re( lk ron al lkl par rent from
Ikn Ittk dar of lceibr. 11. and
Dm further auin of til and 1100, aa at
turner l. u Ik further auin of
Itl M roata and dlabiireeruenl and
Ik roU ibT rnd uuon thin wrll. com
manding m l make aale of Ik IM
lowing dt-arrlkrd real propcrtr. allual
in th. roiiiilr of CUikama. Iiai Ol
ron. lowlt "
All of Ika aonlhur! quarter (H Y
i. . of ii... nmlliwnal uuartrr (N W.
. I of t lion four II), lownaklp
i (71. aoulk of f range Ikr (Ji
i-aat of Hi Willamette invrldlan. con
lalnlng forty (10) acn more or l
All of the oulbeeel quarter (H. K.
m of Ika northweal quarter (N. W.
',i of aactlon four II). lownaklp
rn (7 1 aoulli of rang three (1) eaat
of Willamette meridian, lonlalulng
fortr arrr nior or laa.
Alao M numlMin-d four (4) aacUoii
foar (4) luwnaklp vrn (7) aoulk of
rang three (3 eaet. containing thirty
nln and 11100 acra (S l acraa).
Now. lhrlor. by virtu of aald i
M inion ludament order and decree
and In compllanr with lb romroanda
,,r ..i.i writ. I will, on Haliirday, lha
loth day of February. Il7, al tho hour
of It o'clock a. m.. al tbo front door
of th countr court bona In the city
..f (tr..gon Otr. In iill countr an.l
etata, all at public auction, aubject
lo rdmptlon. lo tb- hlghrat bidder
for V. 8. gold coin, caab In band, all
lh right, tltl and Interval whl h lb
within mimed defendant or cither of
Ihem. had on th dali of the mortgage
herein or alnc had In or lo the above
deocrlbed real properly or anr part
(hereof, to aatlafr aald eiecutlon, JudK
ment order, decree, Int-rcat. coala and
all accruing coata.
W. J. WIIalONi
Hherlff of riackuiiiu Counlr. Ore.
Mr K. (' IIACKKTT, Deputy.
IMtwl, Oregon City. Oregon. January
13th. 1117.
Notice to Creditors
In Ike County Court of tho Htate of
Oregon, for Cluckamna county.
In the matter of the eatato of l.ydla
Jane Hhunk. dtN-eajed.
Nolle la hereby given that the un
ileralgned linn been ,ippolmd uilmllil
atrator of tho eatnte of l.ydla Jane
Sbank, deceaaed. by (be county court
of Clarkcmna county, Oregon- All
peraona having clulma agalnat aald ea
lato ahull preaent the auine, duly ver
Iflml aa by luw required to tho under
algned. at the office of T. A. llurke.
Oregon Clly. OmHoii. within alx
montba from tho date of the first pub
lication of i bi:. notice.
Admlnlatrntor of (ho Katate of
l.ydla June Shank, Dvcenattd.
Attortiey for Adminlalrator.
Htral pabllokUoS, Jununry II, 191"
Bherlffa Sale.
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon, for tbo County of ( lacka
maa. Cburlea T. Tooo. PtalBtUf,
Anion Scbttuer and TIitchhu Schnuer,
hla wife; C J, Hood, Anna Stone
barg, II. A. PbilUpi, A. W. Uuhlke
and Kva ltiiblko, bla wife; 10. N.
Tempoat and B, M. TwnpMt, bis
wife; Jacob lUmcli and H. K. l'on
ard, DofondunU,
Hy virtue of u Judgment order, de
cree nnd an execution, duly UBiied out
or and under tho anal of tho ubovo on
Utiffd court, In tho above ontltlod
ciiuae, to mo duly dlrocled and dated
the Bth day of January, 1017, upon n
Judgment renderod and enterwl In
wild court on the 9th day of January,
1917, In favor of Chnrleu T. Tooie,
plaintiff, and afalnit Anton Hclmucr
and TheroBHtt Schauor, his wlfo; C, J.
Hood, Anna Stonebarf, H. A. riillllpa,
A. W. Ilnhlko and Bva llulilku, hla
wlfo; R. N. TompoHt and E. M. Tenv
pent, hla. wlfo; Jacob I lunch and II . E.
Leonard, Defendants for tho sum of
121)00.00, wl(h Intaratt (hereon nt the
rnto of aoven per cent per unnum
from tho 11th day of August, 1915, and
tho further mm of $175.00, na attor
neys' fee, and the further Bum of 128.00
cohUi and disbursements, and the costs
of nnd upon thlH writ, commanding me
to moke sale of (lie following doHcrib
ed real property, situate In the County
of Clnokamas, state of Oregon, to-wlt
All of (ho east half of the southeast
quarter of tho D. U 0. of Almon n.
Holcomb nnd Nancy S. Holcomb. his
wife, the Bamo being claim No. 43 In
Township 2 South of Hango 2 EaBt of
the Willamette meridian, In Clacka
mas ounty, Oregon, containing 80 acres
more or legs.
Now, therefore, by vlrtuo of said
execution, Judgment ordor and decroe,
and In compliance with tho commands
of aald writ, I will, on Saturday, the
24th day of rebruary, 1917; at tbe
hour of 10 o'clock a. m at the front
door of the County Court House In tho
City of Oregon City, in said County
nnd State, sell at public auction, sub
ject to redemption, to tbe highest bid
der, for U. S. fold coin cash In hand,
all tbe right, title and Intercut whlcb
the within named defendants or either
of them, had on the date of tbe mort
ige herwta or (ctaea had la or to the
above described real property or any
and all a truing coata
nl.. r iff of ( laihainaa Counlr. Oregon
H K (' IIACKkTIT, Dapult
Dld. Oregon ( Mr, Oregon. Jauu
arr t, 1117
In (be Counlr Court of lb H(al of
Oregon, fur Ik Cun(y of l'laka
li, a.
In (he mailer of lb Kaiale of Henri
Haneofi. deceaaed
Nollr I krr given Ikal (he un
danltaed baa bewa appolald Mtwlor
of Hie ratal of llaii llanann, de
...... i br lha Counly Court of aald
ciarbaiuaa Countr. Oregon.
All parauiia having rlalnte agalnat
aald alal ar hereby nollfled (o pre
aeul (he aame. duly verified accord
lug lo law, al Ik offlr of J. K. Clark,
al Oregon I'llr, Oregon, within all
montba from (be dale of tb Ural pub
licailon of it, i. nolle.
lor of III Katal of Henri Han
Mill, Deoraaed
J r ( I.AIIK. Attorney for Kculor
Ural publication Januarr It. 117.
Notice of Filing of final Accou.il
In (he Counlr Court of (k H(al of
hi 'Hull, fur (lie i mil. I) of Clarka
In (he Matter of tb Katal of FYcd W
Hoffman. Deceaaed.
Notli la herein glten lhal the
underalgned adiulnlalraliir of Hi. ea
tat of Krcd W. Hoffman, de eaard.
baa filed In (he office of (he County
Clerk of (be Hlat of Oregon for (ha
CouuJr of Clarkamaa hla final account
of hla admlnlatrallun of aald ealite
and lhal Molidar. lb 2Slh day of Feb
ruary, 1(17, al lb hour of (an o'clock
a. m , baa ben flied by Ih above
eiiilded Court aa (he dale for bearing
ol.Jei llona lo aald account and ettle
men( of (he aame
Admlnlairator of lb Batale of Fred
W. Hoffman. Draad
Daied. January 1&. 1917.
Notice of Sheriff's Sal.
In the Circuit Court of the Htate
Oregon, for Clackama County.
Addle ft Oreen. Plaintiff,
Anna Marie Colfell. Frrdrlka Colfelt,
AuguriU Colfelt and Anna Marie Col
fell, aa admlnlatratrli wl(h (h will
anneti d of (he eala( of J. A. Colfelt.
Deceaaed, defendanta.
Ily virtue of an iecullon Judgment
order, tlm rw and order of aale liaued
out of the ,i' . .. enlllled court In the
amive entitled rauae. to iiie cr- t-,
and dated I be 26th day of January
1117, upon a Judgment rendered and
entered In aald court on the 17tb day
of January. 117. In favor of aald
Addle Ii Oreen. plaintiff, and agalnat
Anna Marl Colfelt. Fredrlka Colfelt
Auguata Colfell and Anna Marie Col
felt, aa aadmliilatratrU with will an
Hexed of the ealate of J A. Colfell
ili'ceuaeil. dcfi-ndiinta. for the sum of
IH.1G 10. with Interest thereon at the
' ute '.f v i- i ent per annum from Ibe
17th day of Januury, 1917, and the fur
ther until of 1100 00 attorney fee, und
the further aunt of $47.15. coala and
dlnburaeinenla. nnd the coala uKn (bla
writ, i-ommiindlnK me to mako sale
of the following described real prop
erty, lo-wll: -
lilit Thirteen (II), Fourteen (14)
Fifteen (IM. and Sixteen (161. in
llloek One Hundred und Thirty Klght
(KIM III Oregon Iron Sleel Com
i;itiv Extension lo the First Addition
to Oawego. according to the recorded
map and plat thereof. In Clackamas
County, Oregon.
Now, Therefore, by virtue of saUl
execution Judgment, order, decree and
ord'T of sale and In compliance with
the cotnmunds of aald writ, I will, on
the :ird day of March. 1917, at 10
o'clock a. m.. at the front door of the
court house, at Oregon City, Clacka
inns counly, Oregon, sell at public auc
Hon, subject to redemption, to the
highest bidder for cash In hand, all
the right, title and Interest which the
w ithin named defendants, or eithor of
them had on the 11th day of October,
1912, the date of the mortgage herein
foreclosed or since that date had In
and to the above described real prop
erty or any part thoreof, to satisfy
said execution. Judgment, order, und
decree, interest, coBts nnd accruing
W. .1. WILSON.
Cherlff of Clackaman County, Oregon
Hy B, C IIACKETT, Deputy.
Dated this 2nd day of February, 1917
First Issue, Fob. 2, 1917.
Last Issue, March 2, 1917.
Sheriffs Sale.
In the Circuit Court of the Stale of
Oregon, for tho County of Clacka
T. J. Concannon and Joslnh Welch,
va. Plnintlffs
Archie U Watt nnd Florenco W. Watt
his wife, Defondanta.
IVy virtue of n Judgment order, do
nee and an execution, duly Issued
out of and undor tho sonl of tho above
entitled court, In the above entitled
cause, to me duly directed nnd daied
the 27th day of January, 1917,-upon n
Judgment rendered nnd entered In Bald
court on tho 20th day of January, 1917
In favor of T. J. Concannon and Joslnh
Welch, plaintiffs, and against Archie
U Watt and Floronco W. Watt, IiIb
wife, defendants, for tho sum of
$1067.50, with Interest thoreon nt tho
rate of 8 per cent nor annum from
the 20th day of January, 1917, and tho
fttrthnr sum of $75.00 as attorney's foe
and tho further sum of $17.00 costs and
disbursements, and the costs of and
upon thlB writ, com; - anding rao to
make Balo of the following described
real property, situate In the county
of Clackamas, state of Oregon, to-wlt:
Beginning at a point on the east
Bide line of tbe 30 foot right-of-wny
1044.24 feet west and 2316.20 feet south
of tho northeast corner of the J. D.
Garrett D. L. c In sections .11 and 32
in township 1 south, range 2 east, and
sections 5 and 6 In township 2 south,
r.i tic- 2 east W. M . and running thence
oast parallel with north line of said
claim 328.56 feet; thence south paral
lel with east line of aald 30 foot right-of-way
264.54 feet; thence west paral
lel with the north line of said claim
328.66 feet to a point In the east line
of said 30-foot right-of-way; thenco
north along the east line of said 30-
foot right-of-way 264.54 feet to the
Now, Tbrfore, by virtu of aald
aiacuiloa. Judgment or4r and d r,
and In iiiiiipllaiii with lb loniinands
of aald wrll. I will, on Halurday, lb j
ird dar of March. 117, al lb hour of
10 o'clock a m. at Ik front door of
lb Counlr Court Houee In lb Clly
of Oregon dir. In aald County and,
Htat. ll at puldlr auction, aubject i
i,, ,,,, ..ti, ii io th.- iiido ' i-t'."i '
for V M gold coin caeh In hand, all
lha right. Illl and lnlrat wblcb lb
within named dfndaiit or either of
(hem had on Ih daU of lb mortgage
herein or alnr had In or lo Ih above
.I, ., rlld rwal proparty or any part
thereof, lo aatl.fr aald i utlon. Judg
ment order, de ree. Inlereat, coal and
all a" ruing coat
Hherlff of Clackamaa Count y, Oregon
fly K 0 IIACKKTT. D.u(y.
Daied, Oregon clly, Ore , February
L LtlTi
In Hie Circuit Court of lb Htale of
f)rgon. for (h County of Clacka
inua Nellie May Whlin-y. Huimiff,
Bert Wbltnr, Defendant
To Karl Whitney, abov named de
fendant In tb nam of Ih Htate of Oregon
you ar hereby required to appear and
answer the complaint filed egulnst
you la Ih above entitled suit, on or
oeiore the 21rd day of March, ll.
. ,. lli.te being Ibe eiplr.llli.il of all
weeks from tb first publication of
on . aummona. and if you fall to ap
i .cur mid aiikWer aald oinr lalnt. for
want thereof Ih plaintiff will apply
lo tbe Court for th relief prayed for
In her complaint, to-wlt: :
For a de re dlaaolvlng the marrt
are contract now exlitlng between
plaintiff and defendant. Thla aum
mona la publlahed by order of the
Hon. J. I'. Campbell. Judge of the
Circuit Court, which order waa made
on (he Mh day of February. IVI7. and
(he time prescribed for publication
(hereof la alx weeka, beginning with
Ih Issue dated Friday, February 9,
1917. and continuing each week there
after lo and Including Friday the 23rd
day of March. 1917.
Attorney for Plaintiff.
Node of Final Settlement.
In the matter of the Estate of Frank
A. Martin. Deceaaed.
Notice la hereby given that tbe un
deralgned administratrix of tbe eatate
of Frank A Murtln. deceaaed. haa
filed In tbe County Court of Clacka
maa Coun(y. State of Oregon, her final
account aa auch admlnlatratrli of aald
estate und that Monday, the 5th day
of March. 1917. at tbe hour of 10
o'clock a. m , has been fixed by said
court as the time for hearing of ob
jection! to said report and the aottle
ment thereof.
Administratrix of the estate of Frank
A. Martin, deceaaed.
0 SCIH EHKI-, Atlornc) for Adralnls-
WANTED To hear from owner of
good farm for aale. 8tate caab
price and description. I). F. Dusb.
Minneapolis, Minn.
FOIt HAI.E Mortgage of. $1000.00. In
terest 7 per cent semi-annually, ha
16 montba to run before due; is on
eight-room house and lot 66x105 In
Oregon City, flood aa gold. Call
on or address, Charles T. Tooie,
108, Fourteenth St , Oregon City, tf
FOR SALE Whit Wyandotte cock
erul, standard bred. Strong, vigor
ous stock, true to type. $2.50 encb
W. A. Oreen, Jennings Lodge, Ore
Three-quarters mile east
FOR RENT Two houses with one to
15 acres ground. Walking distance
from mills. Apply X cure Enter
prise. W2-9-I3
Office Homo, A-23 Pacific, 253
Residence 36F11
Physicians and Surgeon
Rooms 217-218 Masonic Ru'Iding
Oregon City Oregon
Money to Loan
OeutBcher Advokat
ore of an Oil Wall.
Oil baa been ejected from the Baku
wells with such force und accompanied
with so much sand that Btecl blocks
twelve Inches thick placed over the
mouth of the well to deflect (ho flow
wero perforated In a few hours and
hud to bo rep'need. The casing with
which tho wells were lined was often
torn to shreds and eventually collapsed,
and hundreds of thousands of tons of
snnd whlcb accumulated In the vicinity
necessitated tho services of large bod
ies of workmen. London Mull.
Now 1 hey Don't Speak
Ress-If I were In yovir shoes Joss
-Don't tnlk of ImposHlblllilex.--Roston
n.v time Is Ilia proper time for say
Inu' ivhnt la Just. Greek Proverb.
Vox Populi.
Why doesn't somebody put tbe voice
of the people un a few pbonogruph
records 7-Judge-Bad
Colda From Little Sneezea Grow.
Many colds that hang on all winter
Btart with a sneeze, a snlffl a soro
throat, a tight chest. You know the
symptoms of colds, and you know
prompt treatment will break them up.
Dr. King's New Dlacovory, with Its
soothing antiseptic balsams, has been
breaking up colds and healing coughs
of young and old for 47 years. Dr.
King's New Discovery loosens the
phlegm, clears the head, soothes the
Irritated membrane and mokes breath
ing easier. At your druggist, 50c.
-9. .
.aeSjBaw as oaaomw jJgflVf
A 'J
: : . '
Men Willing t Wad Won by Goi. With
Lucky Numbers.
Oltn OsrUiii. Ill Three "eligible'
bachelors guaraiilccd "good providers'
ami willing lo marry were won by
three women at a matrimonial raffle N
cwutly aa tb climax of a dance given
by the Okrn Carbon Ilacbelors' club.
Tbe name of Hie prlxe snd tbe bold
ra of tb lucky numbers, as given out
by Carl Huffman member of tin
Mub, are:
Joe Clenson. thirty three, coal miner
of (Hen Carbon, won l.y Mia Msndi
Fletcher of (Hen 'm lw
Charles flawdlll thlrtv-lgbt. mar
ble worker, of Kdwanlavllle. won b)
Mlaa Harsh llrowu of I'emer.
J' Jiggers, i lil: ' four, bartender, of
(Jleu CsrlHiu. won b) Mtasi Itoa Brown
of Denver.
Tb Misses llrowu are slaters. They
were not preM-ut st the drsiving, bav.
Ing sent their number snd names to
two young women of (ilea Carbon
who drew for (hem.
Chicago Judge Battles Divorce by Fit
ting Up s Room For Spooning.
Chicago. -Ilusbaiels and wives who
allow l heir (roubles to reach Ibe court
of domeallc relatl. iK will be given an
vpixirluulty to "make up" lu a little
i.- m atucbed to (be court which Is
Mug fitted up for (list puriose by
Judge John K(clk. The judi-'e baa not
given (he room a name vet, but he aald
It will ba tit:. ! up In a way aimed to
aid the disgruntled In renewing tbelr
love for one another. Plants, flowers,
canary birds, a music box and soft
drnerleM will contribute lo (he fur
nishings. "The uirise of the fittings will be to
bring out the old affection that tbe
couple held for each other when they
were courtlnu'." snld the Judge. "It Ls
my purwe to get (hem ( sinxm all
over again nnd (ben go home snd live
as (bey ought (o."
Deer Gore Cattle
Estey, W. a. - A lurge deer nplieured
In u paslure m ar here in whlcb there
were a larce number of cows owned
by W. I.. Huffman and defeated the
cattle In a pitched battle, goring sev
eral of them to such an extern that
they later died. The deer wits cap
tured and killed by a posse.
Several French lighthouses bine
been equipped with lenses lhu( enable
tbelr lights to be seeu tlfty or slxly
miles at sou
Crude Mining Methods.
Mica mining In tbe Xelloro district
India, though a highly prolltable Indus
try, ls carried on practically as It was
by Uie natives u hundred years ago.
Tbo mica velu la followed up by un
derhand stoplug, which results In the
production of tortuous, woruilike holes
sometimes extending to a depth of 300
feet below the surface. Tho mica ex
cavated ls brought to the surface by
a string of coolies working hand over
baud on rudely constructed bamboo
ladders. On account of tbo accumu
lation of water during tbe night when
work ceases nil sinking operations arc
delayed ench morning for an hour or
more while the. water is being dipped
out with bucketa by coolies.
Psychology as an Aid
By Prolessor W. V. BINGHAM. Carnegie Institute of Technology
SOHB punt American industries have learnt-,! that psychologicnl tests
arc un important aid in selecting employees for particular tasks.
By psychological tests we expect to find what kind of men are
best adapted for certain kinds of work. This will mean an economic
saving that should definitely increase both industrial and commercial
efficiency. If we can sort out the misfits in industry and TURN THEIR
by mental characteristics and inclination we will score an important ad
vance. A grout many of us never find out what we really can do best, and
others who have enthusiasm for special vocations are unable to pursue
them for want of opportunity. The first difficulty can be solved, I be
lieve, and wo may hope that its solution will help to make the second
proposition less difficult.
There is an insistent call from all quarters for effective method
wherebv the abilities of the individual can be measured. Consider how
anxious the employer must be to judge whether a prospective employee
has such qualities as intelligence, resourcefulness and persistence.
Scrolls Sent by Three of Late
Yuan Shih Kai's Sons to
Commemorate Patriotism.
Shanghal-Hcrolla aeut by three of
the lat Yuau Hblb Kal'a eons to com
memorate tbe patriotism of General
Tut Ao were the most unusual feature
of the funeral eervlces for tbe revolu
tionary leader conducted here on tbe
arrival of but body from Japan.
General Tstl Ao waa tbe chief mover
lu tbe Yunnan revolution, which de
feated Yuan Hhlh Kal'a ambition to
become emperor. Yuan Ko Ting, tbe
oldest son of Yuan Hhlh Kal. waa es
pecially ambitious for his father to be
come emiieror that be might succeed to
tbe throne. But practically all tbe
younger sous were opposed to tbe mo
narchical movement. The acroll aent
lo Shanghai by Yuau Ko Wen, tbe sec.
ond son of Yuau Shlb Kal, commends
tbe lamented General Taai Ao la tbe
highest terma. It says:
Tou wer a model of th people.
You wer (h model of th army.
You wer the oul of the republic
Tou were th spirit of liberty.
Tbe Americau navy took a prominent
part In tbe Tsal Ao funeral services.
Tbe Brooklyn and tbe other American
warships In Sbaugbal barbor bad their
flags at half staff aa the Chinese war
ship bearing the body came rnto port,
and a detachment of fifty American
marines msrehed in tbe funeral proces
sion. Thirty Jspanese. mostly personal
friends and admirers of the patriot,
also were In tbe procession.
Tbe Chinese community In Sbsngbsl
was In incurring, and thousands of
young Chinese, mostly students at
schools and colleges, were In tbe pro
cession. Th" body of General Tsal Ao
was taken to bis nstlve province of
Hunan for bnrtaL
A Student of Human Nature.
"Did you see the boss?"
"No," replied the messenger, "but 1
saw a feller that's teudln' office fur
"How do you know he wasn't the
"No real boss would take a chance
on bo In' as fresh as that guy was."
Washlngton Star.
Th Great Unanswered.
Lloyd George has throughout bis
whole career shown an extraordinary
aversion to letter writing, nccordlng to
Isaac V. Marcossou lu Everybody'a.
"He became known lu parliament,"
says Mr. Marcossou. "as the 'groat un
answered.' Ho used to say. and still
docs, that an unanswered letter an
swers Itself lu time. This led to tbe
tradition that tho only way to get a
written reply out of Lloyd George was
to Inclose (wo addressed and stamped
cards, one bcailiig the word 'Yes' and
the other 'No.' More than ouce. how
ever, when friends and constituents
tried this ruse they got both cards back
In the same envelope!"
The Difference.
The difference between a starving
man and it glutton one longs to eaL
and tbe other eats too loug.
In Increasing Industrial
Waah.ngton't Face.
Gilbert Htuar(, (be painter, one aald
of bla favorite subject: There were
feature lu U'aabiugtou'a face totally
different from what I have obaerved
lu auy otber human being. Tbe socket
of Hie eye, for luataucr, wer larger
than I ever met witb before and tbe
upr part of the tioae broader. All bla
feature were Indicative of strong pas
sion, yet, hke Socralea, bl Judgment
and great aelf command made bun ap
pear a man of different claaa In tb
eye of tbe world."
Style In Pat Ladi.
Fat ladle nre still quite isipular and
take up a lot of apace in tbe public
eye By tbelr waist lines y shall
know th. n.
Fat ladles come In all size, young
and old. rich and ; A pleasant
variety la tbe fat lady who dec la ree
thai she doesn't believe lu dieting, as
It Interfere with one's hesltb
Romantic fat ladies cvntlnue to be
en regie In all select dries Making
kive lo tbem Is usually attended by
larg returus.-l.ire.
A happy disposition is largely
disposition to make others hap
py. One lif prmata all thing,
and thr is no corner of th
coamoa too remote to feel it
heart throb. Mrs. Henry Wood.
D Not Lend Your Key.
If you happen to lie walking along
I the street aud some one asks yon to let
! hi in ha i n your buiicb of keys for a
moment, dou't do It. He will tell you
! that be baa forgot teu his own keys
I snd be wants to try your key to
! get Into bis home. It ls a fraud.
I Some one we know did it tho otber day.
i The thief actually look the impression
i lu wax of the key. Then be got a key
made. Then he robbed tbo apartment.
It sounds strauge; but. Ilk all things
thut are true, it Is strauge. New York
I A BsjIo eas Dbeetorr f ea ch Otr,
Tew and VlUare fas Oeefea and
Waahlagtea gmag Descriptive
Sketch of each place. Location.
Snipping Facilities and Classi
fied ntreetorr X eacb
aaa rroieuioa.
B I FOUC CO.. Int.
Seattle, Waah.
D. C. Latourette, President
The First National Bank
of Oregon City, Oregon
CAPITAL, $50,000.00
Transacts a General Banking Business
William Hammond
Philip L. Hammond
Abstracts, Real Estate, Loans. Inaur
Pacific Phone 81, Home Phone A-273
Office "honsa Pacific Main 406;
Home A-270.
Beaver Bldg., Room 6
Money loaned, abstracts furnish
ed, land titles examined, estatai
aettlnd, general law business.
Over Bank of Oregon City.
Deutacher Advokat
Will practice in all courts, make col
lection and settlement.
Office In Bnterprlae Building,
Oregon CiUr. Oregon.
Panama Pr1u May Take Pi
Meaut NMta
Naw Orkteae, IA.-U grow, m
(ra an the Utnrne) mt fanatii. and
lb tree grow wlkl 11 lb arami
Laptala I W Ufa banks o.' the .lean,
ship Kofwalk br our IK a flue MMpI.
not merely . erksdly. but to ludav
let a lo ih irhlik ntllliy at law
plant r Ibe tree In ibl ae tp.u
When (be bar
p4 there are roll
.( Ibe IIUi
I of a Iriiur very
: Belling. The alu
tea. .-a with Ike
large! being ala.t
Tbe fabric a atr
with.. hi (earing
Tbe natives ma
garment, t'aptal
'hit by euiiivalk
rota) very valua
layr I be e
the aliilf In makaii.-
If the I...
'me proceea
may be perfected by whlcb they can be
Joined into a fabric t.l b will make
the finest uvullo bar and may even
ere for summer raiment
Cr.et Etiquett.
When a friend Ml )ou he wlabe be
com. i "do something" for you In yoar
sorrow dn t uggal thai b ran. It
rob ayuipalby of lu delicacy when It
receive a him ibsi II may alt op
nlgbls or loau money -Nw York Hon.
In Doubt
"You abouldui b afraid to go to
sleep lu Ibe dark. Kiel. Ilemember
that angele will rome and watrb over
"Hut. auntie, maybe tb new Janitor
won't let 'em In "-Boalou Traaarrlpt
Th D j Failure.
"To what do you attribute bis fall
ore V
"To tbe fact (hat be spent bis llf
looking for a way to make money
without workmg for it. -Detrult free
Too Lasting.
Ma-I think Josepbin bad better
study patntmg lnatead of music. Then
she won't make any oolae practicing
Ta Ob. I don't know. There's an end
(o nolie. but picture will last for
years.-Boatoo TrauacripL
Civ Ue th First.
rst Childbood-Wbcu old friend
of the family feel free to ask, "Bow
old are your
8eeood Childhood- When younger
friends of (be family feel free to aak,
"How old are you?"-New York Tune.
Brown-1 met White few minutes
ago on bis way downtown to recover
bla son's body Green You don't tell
me! Waa bl aou drowned? Brown
t ii. no! But bla father aald be needed
a new suit of clothes.
The Nus Vomica Tree.
The nux vomica tree Is of natural
growth over ueurly all of southern
Aiism. Cocbiu China. Cambodia and
Laos. The seeds are gathered by the
natives and aokl to Cbioeae traders,
who sell to eXKrter.
The Patient' View.
"I'm afraid." said (be doctor calmly,
"that I shall have lo operate-"
"Afraid!' growled tbe patient.
"Afraid you'll have lo operate! You
know darn well you re hoping you'll
have to" IK'trolt Kree Press.
Quit Natural.
"Old friends are best."
"I know Still, we all like to make
new friends. We can chuck a bluff
before tbem for awhile. Tbe old
friends have our number." LouUtvllie
Meditation, serious and earnest,
is th great storehouse of our
spiritual dynamics, whero divine
energies lie hid for any enterprise
and the hero is strengthened for
hi field. All great things are
born of silence. Martineau.
F. J. Meyer, Cashier
Open from 9 A. M. to 3 P. M.
Phones Pacific 52
Home A-1M
All legal bualnesa promptly attended te
Commercial, Real Eatate and
Probate our Specialties. Of
fice In First National Bank
Bldg., Oregon City, Oregon.
Notary Public.
Estacada, Oregon.
W. S. EDDY, V. S., M.D.V.
Graduate of the Ontario Veteri
nary College at Toronto, Canada,
and the Mefmrrp School of Sar-
gery of Ctileago, Is
at Faabiei
Fourth and
Office PacMk ;
Ree. PaaMc 114;