OKKOON (MTV KNTKKPHIHK. FRIDAY. FEBRUARY 2, 1917, Paoh 5 LOCAL BRIEFS W K "If.iut.n of Haad. waa In Orvgun lil Tmiilay and Wrdnoxla luwd main arrangement! In buy lanalnal til at oum lur Oregon. Cal ifornla A Kaatern railroad Ikim, Friday January is. lo lb H f lr O A. Wilih, datigbur. an glvwi lha nam uf I'arbare. Olio and KarnMi Pan ell. of Park place, Ml laal i-a for intern Oro (on The lll wiiaga in reablug I'aul Dunn, of I luring on of lh ratal nan l raildsnli uf ibal piar. wa anions' tin Oragon l'll ilillon Tuna day and W. dnneday. lira A, Hp'liitur. of Mapla U n hiik of Hi. rnlliualaatlin worker! uf lha Mapla ln graliKr, aa III Ibll ll on bnilarci rldj) N V Id 1 1 of llarton. aa allium: Ibn Oregon OH tlallora Krlttay II ad arriirapanlnil Ibn delegation lo rialera Thursday nftrremin. John Mi hi am of lloff, waa an Ore gon i'n lUinr Thunder and Friday Mr Hrbram na una of lha dalr gallon going lo Hah in on Thuradav Mr. tluy llatnlet. of tioldriid.il- Waah . abo la on bar way lo villi her inolhar al Drain, Dragon, la vlilllng for a few diya allb hrr alalar. Mlaa Halm I'hadlMiorn. al I'arkplair Kugaa All, who haa h n etnployod al Iba ufflra of lb Ann rlran eipraaa al Iba Willamette Valley Houlhi'rn d miI In Ibn northern pari of lha illy, haa hin traneferrcd hx. I hr lallruad company lo Mount Angel Mlaa Anna IU.IIi- l-each and Mlai Florence Kerr, who am aludvuta of lha Oregon I'll high arhool, who ham In-en ipoiiillng thr iHh al Ihalr homei al lled'aiid. returned lo Oregon I'll) Friday aftrnoon to resume their null frank and Marlon Millard, of Hprlng walnr. were In Ibla city. Friday morn Ing nn Ihalr way homo from Halrm. a hrrr they had ar oinpanlnl Ihr urahmlal Theie two men are mio h HPIHiM'il In Iho i h . i dl I nli ii i i'ii t of t'aarodn county William Hrlmli. prominent farmer of Htafford. wua In thla rlty on bual nnaa Haiurday. Mr.' Hchati' wlfa wbo haa liirn luftVrlng from n relapi of la grl ppr la allgbtly Improved, hut la confined to hrr room moat of Iho Hnia. Mhn waa tah-n III lha flrat of January, and hna bciii III ilnre Hint 1 1 tin- Fris! I'roaa. who. with bla family havn come to t'laekatuaa county In maka thrlr futon- homo from Canada, hava taken poaicaalnn of Ihalr home al HtafTonl Mr I'roaa will ongag - In liualnna at that place and haa pur- ohaard the atora of Mr. VajiNorlwU k. and alao haa porchuacd t only ucrra of land glra Iho vliltlng men hanta one good tlma.' " airlalmod Mr I .m n when rc turning to Oregon City Thuraday even ln(. Many Important aubjecti wars brought up end ai t-d upon during the ronvnitlon. nnd several lav. a aiihmltted for pinning!' to thr lglilntors for the inulii.il I. . n in of Iho cotiiutner ami re tail deu'era of tho alnta. Mra William Mochuki' and rhlldron. rath i nlo unit Marguerite of thla city, in I Iho former'! mother, Mra Ml h ncl Mochnkc. of Heaver Creek, loft Krli'ny aftomoon for KnKl Crv.'k. whom thay v.lll nuualn until Kunday ai tha gumta of Mr. and Mra. M. 0 lilovor Mra. lilnvrr wr.a formorly Mlau Kva Moobnkr. dauithtor of Mrt Mlrhca: Mmhnko. K. H. Lnmon want In Hu'i'm luat Tuoadny, holng u dolagnlr from Oregon City to Iho Stnt ' of Oregon Itctnll (inirera' convention, returning Thura day evening. Mr. ljiron auya that more than u hundred del "gate from the varloua aei'tlona of tho atuto worn In nit niliiimi, and apeaka In glowing lornm of III n reception uf the visitor Klven hy the Siileni IniTi h:ilit:i nnd the pooplo of thut city In general "They certainly did everything poMsllile to Wll'lnm J. Smith whoso poultry fnrm In located at Id dlnnd, wan In thin illy on 1 u hi. Monday. Mr Smith ta a breeder of Ithode Inland Keiln, and lirnught In (welvo dozen of nome nf the llin i BgCI Hint lime been hroiigbt lO thin ninrket. and they wero Immeil liitely piirclinned by the I Irmly Mcrrnn tlln MtnpUly, and retalllnR at ,1& icnt.i per dozen. Mr. Smlth'n pnnltr)' have brnurhl him quite a sum while eggn were bringing a wholenulo price of 45 cents n doien. Mm. Kthel n llklnnon, principal of Iho public school nt Kelno, with the Mtudcntti of the seventh nnd eighth itrndcH, puss mI through this city on Krldny on their way to Mount I'lean mi. where they pnld a visit to the Mount I'leasunt school. The hnnKit ball team nlso nccompanlud these students, and played tho Mount I'l iis nnt team, reuniting In tho Bcoro of 19 to 17 In favor of Mount Plensiint. Whl'o at Mount I'leusnnt Mrs. Wilkin son was tbt guest of Mra. Ilarnum, principal of the Mount Plaoatnl school. Mr. and Mrs. H, Culvert will leave Cnlirunry S on n lx-w 'eks' trip, golni; to tho Mnrdl tlrnn nt New Orlonns. While inroute they will itop al Bait Lake City; Colorado Springs; Topokn, Kansas: Oklnhonm t'lty, Mttlo Honk, Arkansas; Memphis, Tenn.; .Incknnn, Miss.; nnd on their return trip will Visit nt Huston, (inlvnston, Snn An tonio, ici Pato, Texas; tirnnd Canyon, Arliwfta. Aiavba Trail. Arlioaa aad Nan raru lacu llafora raluralag Mr and Mr I alvarl aipacl In tuvar aluut IWNJ atllaa on boraf haefc. and will till naar tolarwalliK alaraa I lo i will be equlptiad wild rarnaraa. and aipacl lo bring barb many vlawa of Iba plain la wbleb Ibay bava vlallad Mr and Mra OlIfHl made a ilwllar Irtp abunl a yaar ago. and bava vlallad all of the '' i hi... in tin. 1'iiltcd HUle (bi fida of Iba Mlaalnlppl rlrar. BURNS CONCERT. BREATH DIVORCE SUIT FILED, THEN IS WITHDRAWN . f. iOVNTON, CLAIM AOKNT FOR POWtM COMPANY, It OlflNf ANT fOR f E W MINUTE SCHUEBE READS CHAHLEt ORAHAM AND WATtON ItTERt FEATURE MIOM CLAM RROORAM. A braalli of auld HrolUnd waa tba annual ronrarl of Iho Hobby llurua .... 1. 1. al Woodmen ball lail ulgbt Krom Harry I -under' tuneful nialo dlia, bung by I'barlna On. ham, in a Inlet eulogy of Iba (real Hcoltlab hard hy the Itev. J. W. MacCalluni, Iba pro gram waa a auccei, although aivaral nf the parformera did not nppr. Tha leal urn of Iho enU rinlninent waa the Iniiclng of Murla and Irene Watann. The little ludl dam ml In coalmue tba favorltn Hiotch ntepa and Mln Irene gate a delightful reading The vim al loloa of Mr. liruham aad Mlaa llarrlaon and lha luatruineiieial nuinbera of Kealber, Marahnl and Wil i.i r w re iiumlx rl eapnc'lally Wall r- ieHe.1 Piper Mellon, '.Id wllh hla bug plpca. lent Ibn true Hcoltlab air lo Ibe conrert and Hie alnglng of Ibe Melirty luarlrl, wltb rvedingi nt the piano by Mra. Ilnberlauu of Portland, fllti d In pli-aaanlly lo make the orncort a com p'ete micceaa. Mr. Unley, grt.nd cblef of the order of Hiolilnb clam mid Mr. Hruwn alate deputy of the order, attended the comer! nnd epokc briefly upon th work of the order and the Hrltlih lied Croaa campaign I NEW EI CODE 10 CITY COUNCIL FECIAL MEETING TO BE HELD FRIDAV TO MURRV REOR0AN IZATION OF DEPARTMENT. IH!tfE PAID HEN Alii PROVIDED IN Mil CONNITIIE'S PUW It. Y P.. nt. .ii claim agent for the Portland Hallway Ught A Power row pany, waa defendant In a dlvorra aull in lb ciai kamua county rlrcull court for a few inlimtee Hi-lurday and then ibe dDorr suit waa wlUdrawa. A MH uud M-tlon will probably be atarted Hi mini her tuunly Immedlalrly The reaann for the withdrawal of the com plaint and demurrer la not known bar. ..L u,,"r"7,. '"'. M." Commlaalon of Thr. in mi i. to. i m i "-ii .ii.' i " W: rar- rell, reprraentlng Mr. Iloyntun. ap peared together In Ibe office of lb county clerk and Mr. l-oaergan filed the complaint. Mr. Karre'l, repre enllng ihi defendant, filed a demurrer and Iba two illornaya left ibe office A few minutes later lha returned and the puperi w-re withdrawn Mr. and Mra Huynion were married May ZI, 1113, al Vancouver, Waah . and have one child. Jeffrey l-aab lloyn Ion, aged two yean, over whom ibe aaka lb- cuilody. The complaint charged cruelty, alleging tbal be scolded ber. refuacd lo convene with her mid Ignored her to ba Appelnlad B Council, Olvin Fowir Ovir Flrwflgbtira, Including Nam ing. Of Flnmen. MRS. RANDS. RESIDENT OF OREGON CITY EOA II TRIAD DF CENTIMES MOTHER OF MRt. W A. WHITE, I. P. AND HAROLD A. HANOI FA HE AWAV JITNEY ELECTION WILL COME FEBRUARY 12 IN SPITE OF THE ACTION OF COUNCIL, SAYS STIPP Advocate of a Portland Oregon CHf jllary aartke do not laland lo give aa I wilt, the lly oruorll Jual I ha i Udy laid on tba 'able PMIimhi calling for a agaxlal ilaaMaa K'bruarr II. aad ia atocttoa will bo bald oa Ibal data, declared I -Ivy Mllpp allnnaay far W M Kueier aad leader la ibe movement, wbo baa been al aggaM all waek, returning Hat urda y Mr. Htlpp .r..pie tu Ignore Ibe , Mn. Jane Campbell Kind, aad wife of Iba let. V. V lUada. died at I 10 o'clock Friday morning al Iba bow of her daughter. Mn W. A. Wbita, la thli city flbe waa bora la Mancbea ler. Kngland. Juaa II. 1111. coming lo Iht i mini, v wllh her nareol In carlv ihlldhMal and aellllna In Prixldeere ,f n4 eOfO. I'd B. L l-au-r iba moved to llllaoli " l ' wb.re be waa married to Bdward p. : " II aad ha ibe city call Ibe election, .'aiming Ibal law make pmvtdoe for ach Mr Htlpa aavarely eriltaagj lha I eil for lla action. Tba row aril baa ao authorlly lo labia the matter.' ha aald Tboae petition war drawn la a war factly legal manner, aad presented legally Tba mi, eaa do nothing to atop lha al.. lion, aad la aplle of Ibe eouac H i actio, wa eaa go ahead and bava our aleclloe." Tha aoaaril laal month attention tu the fait thai be la 34 yean older Iban ibe. Mn Hoynlon aiki for 6o moiith'y aa allmuny and for ibe mpport of in ii cblld. The proposed new fire code, outlined by a apaclal iuimltt appointed bp Mayor lluckelt and drilled by Cbrla Hcbuebal, waa read by Mr. Hcbuebal at a meeting of the city lounill M'jO day nlghL A iperlal meeting will ba held hy the council Friday night lo Ink action toward a special election tu put before Ibe people the plan uf reurg;in- Hbe ulo i all. .1 iiiu- th depart in i i .,ml purebaalng a OFFICERS ARE INSTALLED DY ABERNETHY GRANGE BARN BURNS AND BORING WOMAN FILES SUIT AQAIN8T HER NEIGHBOR. Charging that Albln Kninpecr wa no careleu wllh a ilnhlng fin. thut tin blue aprcad over on her property un i did conalderahle dimnge, Jennie Jouu nurd Friday Died a aull agulnnl Mr Kampeer In the llorlng dlitrlct. Phlll. I. Hammond appear aa utlorney fm the plaintiff. A turn, filled with hay. ntraw and .. iiuanllty of harneai, waa burned. Hhn 'Htlinnte the dumngv to ber property at tIKS. but under Hie atate law claim that nhe I entlt'ed lo amount of actual damag' Ahernelby gnnge met Huturday In Parkplare. and T. H. A. Sellwood. tha veterdn gnngi r and real eilnln opera lor in- tailed among uthern th follow ing offlcora: John T. Appenon. treaa urer. E. C. Dye. master and Mn Kent. oveneer An ei ellent program tu rendered Nuhitantlally as followi: Kecttallon, "Hetty and the Hear," by Kvadne lllood. lecturer elect; ao'oa, by Alta Oebler and Ml l-ageon. iccom panted mpecllvly by thn Mine Holmes and Htaata. Other recitalloni were ri'ndered by Ch ile Hi huehel and William l-lllle The third and fourth do(r -es were given by Captuln.Apper on to Mn. ind Mn. l-ugcon. Mn. Monger and Maude and Iva Hltrn-bouae. E BURNS, CASCADE BOOSTER STILE BOOSTS T "Take Care of Your Eyes" Classes from the cheapest that are good to the beat that are made Th' italo of Oregon uiion, the ndn Hon of Kit I'nrkor Tuendny broiighl a in agnlnnt K. A- l.elghton to aunt him from hln pi? re on the city tomuT eharKini; thnl Mr. I.elghton ha vlolnt ed that clnunu In the town charter which provide Hint no ponon ahull be eligible to hold tho oflfce of city coun ettmna for Dion than two terms III MM 'anion. Mr. Pnrkcr nnki for a Judgment thnl the defendant It guilty of uiurplng nnd unlawfully holding tho office. Thn milt In Important Inasmuch nn Itecorder I,. I. Porter nnd Councilman Shields are both tin Id to have vlolnted the clause. John Clnrk nnd C. Schue be! iiip.'ur for Mr. I'nrkor. Ai a further example of the way the Cascade countv movement is re double the J ceiving almost unanimous support and to the exclusion of other import ant matten, the East Clackamas Newi cites the case of Matt Park of Klwood aa the best example. January 9th, while the Park fam ily was attending the funeral of the late Jesse Cox, the family home was completely destroyed by fire. Notwithstanding; this severe loss, Mr. Pnrk was in Estacada a day or two later, not mentioning the fact Hint bin home wan gone, but asking for n Cascade county petition, on which he wished to obtain the signn- turoa of n few of hii neighbors, who had been overlooked by other petition solicitors, snys tho News. This is merely ono of n number of similar sacrifices thnt have been made by the hundreds of Cascade county ' boosters, with many of the farmers ! neglecting their farm work to mnke horseback trips into out-of-the-way corners of tho proposed county for more petition signers, accorling to the Kstncadn paper. modern automobile flre truck Tb - nuncll la not Inclined to waste time In the in. Her Tho fire coda waa drafted after the committee, computed of men both on and off th council, had studied Ibe fin code of other . Itiaa and had In quired Into the peculiar need of Ore gon City. So fault wis found In the code by Iho council. The code put tin -miro! of thn Ore d 'pertmont Into the hand of three ommlsiioneri to be. appointed by the council. One cotmu: inner would bt appolntoed each year and would serve i thn-e year term A memb r of thli bo.'rd of Ore coinmbsloner.:, the meas ure provides, can hold no other city Job, and can be removed at any time by the council. Ho must b a property owner. The commission in given power to employ thn firemen. The department under the measure would be com no -d of a flre chief, an unistupt firo chief and a foreman, all paid by the month, and Ave flromen. wbo wou'd ileep In the building in which the auto truck was k 'pt and wbo would be paid II in hour for all tlmo they spent In flre fighting. Their laundry also would be pnld tor by the city. Tho cheat, or, In bli absence, tha militant chief, la given complete auth ority at all fires, including pollc powers. Ho can put into service at tlmo of flre as man men aa be shall want and they cball be paid $1 an hour. The commission I s required to make semi-annual reports to tho council and pr 'pare a budget in the fall of each year which shall be submitted to the council. The plan doci not do away with the voluutier flre companies It provides that there ihall be two companies: One with a llrchoti i on John C Adams street, and the othoer on Molalla ave nue in tho Mountain View district. They are to rer.pond to all s.'neral flre r.larms and to all alarum in their own i ctlon of town. E; ch of these two companies, tho measure provides, shall receive $75 annually from the city, and theelr tnembera nhr.ll drill under the super vision of th lire chief. Hand! August I, IISO They moved to Iowa where Ihey lived until tba fall of 1177 when ihey came to Oregon and settled in Clackamas coualy. wbrn Ihey bava ilara, resided Her bus band died April tS, IM1. More wbhb time ibe hai lived al her own bom and with Mra. Whit. Mra. Randi Is eurvlved by ibe fol-1 lowing rbl'draa: K. M. Rand, of Van ..oner. Waah . Mra. W. A. White and i Mrs. J. I CL A Krn-it P. aad Harold Hand, of Oregon city. Krneat P Randi wbo la aiilft ant luperlntendent of surveys In tb aurveyor renenl office, and H. A. llandi, who hai been employed In mv. oral itatea by Ibe gov -rumen t and built Oregon City s ZS-mll South Fork pipeline, are among the best known englneen in Ibe northwest Hlxteen grandrhlldr n ind ill great grandchildren: two brolhera, Andrew Campbell, of Portland, and Duncan Campbell, of Forsytbe, Mo., alao iur- vlve her. He admitted. howvr. thai b will not ta in Oregon City during the neit two week, to gtv the mailer bla per on I attention, and thai It waa poal ble ibal new prllUoai would ba circu lated and Iba proceeding begun a recorder Brat reading aa ordinance giving Mr "r Foaiar. ur tba Fualrr llu rumnii a Fortlaad-Ongon Cat) Jltaey Ikaaa. Rarly Ibla month the council defeated the ordinance on second reading aad adrocate of the jltaey lla immediate, ly put petition! Into circulation. One hundred and eighty name war and the petition filed wltb l-nder At the council meet ing last Wednesday night. Councilman Henry M. Templet oo moved lo table the matter aad hla motion carried atended iba service al the grave Mra Hand bad been member of the Con J. I. BUfford. of Oregon ntr : '' '" T i.1 ' ' " Rand, of Pocatello. Idaho, and , . " nn T" TZ ijsrr wi inv i onKiinniiiijnsi ruurca hi this ft) E. YEARS OLD.PASSES AWAY nf Port'anl. and bU daughnr. Mra. Clara Franc of Mullao. A brother i Algot Jackaon of Kansas city. Mo. Two alaUra reeldlag In 8wdn are over 17 years old. Mr. Jarkaoo waa a member of Fidel ity l-odg. A. 0. U. W. of Portland, and on of tb plone -r men ben of the Centaury it. E. church. Funeral aer rkaa were held at Ibla church. East Pine uid Kaat Ninth itrevt. Portland. Friday at 1 p. m. Interment waa la Columbia cemetery. MRS. JAKE C. RANDS IS LAID TD LIST REST The funeral lerrices of Ihe lata Mra. Jane Campbell Hand were held al the Congregational church In thli city. Hunday afternoon at 2 o'clock, with Rev. J. W. MacCa'lum. paator, offici ating. Many of her old time friends attended Ibll aervlce. The pulpit and caaket were banked with beautiful floral offering!. During the lenrlce a quartet composed of Mra. Nleta Har low 1-awrence. Ml Morieta Hickman. Roy B Cox and E. A. Hlnchman. Im prosslvcly rendered "The Pilgrim." and lb Homo Land." The pull bear?ra were James Wilkinson, C. H. Dye, C. Schuebel. Thomas Warner and James Roake. The Interment wai In the Mountrin View cemetery. Many David E. Jenklni. who lived on the South End road about mile fron town, died at 10: SO o'clock Frtda) night after a long lllneaa. He wa born Jnne 24, 1M In Walei and spent moat of bla life In Oh I Hla widow, oue son. David Janklns. of Kansas: one daughter. Mary Davl. of Ban Francisco, ind three grand children lurvlve. The body ii being held al the R. 1-. Holman undertaking establishment and the funeral prob ably be held next Tuesday. TO REST IN PORTLAND N. W. Jackson died in Mullno. Or., on January 23 from appolexy. He waa in hla eighty-second year, and waa a nntlve of Sweden rnd came to Oregon over SO yean ago- Mr. Jackson li lUTTived by hli son. Carl H. Jackaon FRANK BOSCH, OE TOWN OF WILLAMETTE, BURIED The funeral service! of the late Frank Huscb. wbo died at the Oregon City hospital on Friday afternoon af ter a few daya' Illness of liver trouble were held at th St Jobn'a Catholic church Tuesday morning at 10 o'clock. Rev. A. Hi'.. ! brand, officiating. The remains were removed from the Myers ft Brady undertaking parlor Tuesday morning. The Interment waa In the Catholic cemetery. Mr. Rusch waa born In Germany, and waa about 40 years of age. He former ly resided In Portland, where he waa in business until coming to Willam ette about aix months ago, where be hai sine made hii home, having been employed In the paper mllla until bli ll'nesa. He la lurvlved by a wife and three small children, tho youngeat of whom Ii but three montbi old. WESTUiPROPOSED MOVEMENT ON FOOT TO UNITE TWO SCHOOL DI8TRI0TS IN THE SAME TOWN. OPTOMETRIST 112 Main St. Oregon City ii II A ilim of crontlng a union high Hi hool dlntrlct out of tho prosont si I. Inn nnd Wlllnm die districts Is nt present much discussed In tho town across tho river from Oregon City. Tho greater part of both districts Is within tho city limits of tho town of West I, Inn, b t no movement has boon started to comiolldnt:) them. The school boards of both districts have hold meetings to talk over the proposition, and tonight thoy will moot with the Went Mnn council to dlacuns tho matter of n contrnl slto for a mod rn high school building. Another mooting of tho school bni-rdn n week from Saturday 1b achodulod. Nothing Is definite, but tho proposal Is snld to be i i nern'ly favorod. The plnn la to allow each district conduct Its own grnmmnr school, and fo unlto to build equip and conduct n standard high bcIiooI at some contral point whlhc would servo not only West Lbin and Wlllametto but also the sur roundlnK districts. Details are vaguo and will not bo worked out before the proposal hn doflnltely adopted. T IS ED FORTUNE AND STATE FAIR SECRETARY ARE WORKING TOGETHER ON PLAN. MOUNTAIN VIEW JITNEY MAnESJTSRRST RUN LARGE, EASY RIDING AUTO CON NECTS MAIN STREET WITH HILL DISTRICT. TITLE 18 QUIETED. Circuit Judge Campbell Friday signed a default decree quieting title to a track of ClacVamns county land In th? ault of Francea E. Knise. George W. Kruee, Helen C. Kruse, Charlea W. Kruse and Mette F. Stone against the unknown heln of Tbomai Martin. The action waa brought to correct a flaw In a title of many yean ago. Ed Fortune, who has b on In Salem In tha interest of the Pnrrirh mutual bill, returned to Oregon City Friday evening, but will return to Sr.lom this ovjnlng. Mr. Fortuno while In Sulom has been working with tho sechetry of tho Oregon Stc.to Fair In the Interest of forming n spring racing circuit, and so fur thoy ttlyi succeeded In arrang Ini; racos for tho following, cities: Condon, lVcnd, Moro, The Dnlles, Port land, Mnrshllcld, Albany, Eugene, Sal em, McMlnnvlllc, Forest Grovo and (jre3hnm. These races wl'l commence early In May, nnd Mr. Fortune Is much encour aged ovlt tho present prospects. Mr. Fortune bns been official starter at the Oregon Stute fair for the last four yoars at Salem nnd In charge of the racing program nt tho Clackamas coun ty fair for the last four yours. Mr. Fortune has boen notified ro cently that several of the socretarlss of fairs nnd of commercial clubs have become Interested, nnd have arrnnged to meet Mr. Fortune nnd the state fair secretary In Portland at nn early data. State of Ohio, city of Toledo, Lucai County, I- Prank J. Cheney makes oath that he la enlor partner of the Arm of r. J. Cheney aV Co., doing bualneu In the City of To ledo, County and Stat aforesaid, and thnt said firm will pay the ium of ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS for each and ev ery case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by lha uia of HALL'S CATARRH CUKE. FRANK J. CHENEY. Sworn to before me and aubsrrlbed In my preaence, thli 6th day of December, A. D. int. rjMd) A. W. OI.EASON, Notary Public. Hall' Catarrh Cure la taken Internally and act! directly upon the blood and mu cous surface! of tha lystem. Bend for testimonial, free. F. J, CHENEY aV CO.. Toledo. O. Sold by all Druggist. 75c. Teas Hair IsaUly Pill for eeoaUpavUea. The Oregon City Motor Hub com pany began jitnoy service between Main street and Mountain Vltw and put u new acr on tho Oswego run Mon day. The Mountain View machine is a l.ii'g , easy riding automobile and will sent HI passengers. On its first trip down Monday morning it carried lo. A heavy Machine has boon taken from the Oswego run, as tho traffic was light, and a remodeled Ford has been put on. Tho Mountain Vlow jitnoy was wel1 patronized all day Monday, but traffic Is expelci d U pick up when it becomes more genera lb known that the ma chine Is nakln s tho run. C. O. Fields, general Biiperintandont of tho motor bus company, said Inst night thut In case business warranted It, a second car would be put on tho Mountain View run. He said thnt It was the com pany's Intention to glvo satisfactory servhe. The car Is run on a 40-minute schedul? at present, but as Boon as the traffic justifies It, the car will be run oftoher. Married in the city of Dabey, Scot land, In 1S77. Dan McLaren Friday filed In the Clackamas county circuit court a divorce suit against Agnes Mc Laren, charging cruelty. They have nine children, all grown. Several years after their marriage, the couplo came to America. In their new home ncross the Atlantic, he re cites in his complaint, she began to henpeck him, call him names and otherwise mistreat him. In 1893 he says h was driven .from his wife by her actions, and came to Oregon. In 1911, hoping to be reconciled to her, he went back east, but she continued to mistreat him. He says he sees no reason why he should still be tied by marriage bonds to a woman with whom he cannot live. Earle C- Latourette appears as her attorney. They never would have to investigate the high cost of living if everyone sold at the low prices I do. At this store, we give our customers the advantage of our big buying power. It makes no difference what it is, you can always buy for less here. Lunch Goods Picnic Hami, pound I&c Van Camp's Pork and Henas. . . .20c Van Camp's Pork and Heans 15c Vnn Camp's Pork and Heans, Regular 10c 3 for 25c V. II Sardines, special 3 for 25c Van Camp's Catsup, pint bottle 20e 1 full pt. bottlo Ketchup, Diamond "8" brand, special 15e Pimento Cheese 10e Tillamook Cheese, pev d 25c Cream Drlck Cheese, pound 30c Hllooth's Sardines, can 20c Palm Brand Sardines. 5 cans... 25c Crackers, 10c box, rjgular $1.00 box 90e Chip Heef 15c Oreen Olives, sises 10e, 15c, 25c Corned Meet, can 25c Sour pickles, qt., bulk 15a Can Ripe Olives 25c and 15c Pineapple 15c and 20c 1 pint Grape Julco 20c 1 quart drape Julco 40c Unoeda Rlacults, 5c pkg...6 for 25c Cookien 10c pkg. 3 for 25c Coffee and Tea Gold Dollar, reg. 30c Coffee... 25c Royal, rog. 35c Coffee 30e Caravan Coffee, reg. 40c 35c Caravan Coffee, 31b can $1.00 I.lpton's Tea, pound 65c Splderleg Tea. rog. 65c graoe.. Tetley's Tea, pound 65c Reg. 20c pkg. Tetley's Tea 15c pound 50c Gunpowder Tea, regular 65c ftrade pound 50c Ceylon Toa. reg. R5c grade, lb. 50c Postum Cereal Coffee, Reg. 25c. package 20c NUTS OF ALL KINDS Mixed Nuts. 3 lbs 50c Mb. 2-lbs Imported Walnuts 20c 35c Oreiton Almonds 20c 35c New Crop Walnuts 25c 45c New Crop Almonds. . .25c 45c Sugar Cane Sugar, 100 lb. snck $7.30 Cane Sugar, 13 lbs. for $100 Beet Sugar, 100 lb. sack $7 10 Beet Sugar. 14 lbs. for $1 00 FREE PROMPT DELIVERY EVERYWHERE Specials Honey, 1 pound combs 15c Quart bottle Honey, strained and puro 30c 10c Can Pepper ..Be Toilet Paper. 6 for 25c Arm & Hammer Soda 5c 50-lb. Sack Dairy Salt SOe 50-lb. Sack H ground Salt.... 40c 100 I.hs Broken Rice $4 00 2H pound tin 60c 5 gals. Coal Oil 65c 3 boxes Matches 10c Corn or Gloss Starch 5c 1 can Old Dutch Cleanser 25c Vinegar, (pure cider) full quartlOc H gallon 20c 1 gallon 25c H gallon in glass containers, ,25c 2 cans Chinook Salmon 25c Maple Syrup, Reg. 15c, can 10c Kellog's Corn Flakes ) 3 for Post Toasties ( Krumb'es 5c Snvon Soap, two bars 5c Toilet Soap . 8 ban for 25c IS Bars Rob White Soap 50c 7 Bars Lenox Soap 25c SPECIAL Caravan Baking Powd er, pound 25c Pearllne. 25c packace 20c K.-C. Baking Powder, can. Reg. 25c 20e Puff Rice. Puff Wheat Grape Nuts. Onaker Oats, Shreded Wheat, Rnlston's Bran felloe's Bran Krumhte Com Flakes. 2 pkgs..15c Rolled Oats. 10'b. sack 50c Rolled Oats. bu'k. 5 pounds... 25c f.lhertv Oats 25c Ubortv Wheat 25c Golden Rod Wheat Flakes. Regular 35c. pkg 25c Caravan baking powder 2H lb can 50c We cuarantee this to be the best on the market or money refunded. Macaroni, 4 pounds 25c BEANS AND RICE Pink Beans, 2 pounds 25c Lima Beans pounds 25c Bayo Beans, 2 pouds 25c Small White Beans, 2H pounds 25c Red Beans, 24 pounda 25c Broken Rice, 5 pounds 25c Tan Rlee. 4 pounds 25c Head Rice, 3 pounds 25c 2 pound! Peanut Butter 25c 2 for 25c Dry Fruit Dry Peaches, pound 10o Dry Apricots, pound 13c Muscat Raisins, pound 10c Dry Prunes, pound 10a White Figs, pound 12'2e Black Figs, pound 10e Package Raisins 10c Package Currants 16c Flour CROWN FLOUR, sack $2.10 Per barrsl $8.20 CORVALLIS FLOUR, sack ..$1.90 Per barrel $7-40 (Guaranteed best flour.) Syrups No. 10 Can Kara Srup (Blue Label) 60c No. 5 Can Karo Syrup (Blue Label) 30c No. 10 Can Karo Syrup (Red I Abel) 85c No. 5 Can Karo Syrup (Red Label) 35c tt-Gal. Tea Gordon Syrup SOe H-Gal Log Cabin Syrup 85c Quarts Log Cabin Syrup 45o Pints Log Cabin Syrup 26c P. V. Maple Syrup 10e Cooking Molasses 10c Fresh Fruit Size Dos. Fancy Navel Oranges. .. 100 30c Fancy Naval Oranges. . .126 20c Fancy Lemons 25c Fancy California Grape Fruit 2 for 5c Fancy Cape Cod Cranberries 2 quaVts 25e Newtown Plppens, fancy $1.00 Fpncy Kins ApDles. box $1.00 Fancy large size Wagner's. . .$1.25 California Grape Fruit, doz. . .$0e Sultana Figs, package.. 5c and 10e Not-A-Seed Raisins 15c Dromdary Dates 15c GALLON FRUIT. Apricots 80c Peaches 45c Pears 45c Plums 35c Apples 35c Pumpkin 30c Blackberries 55o loganberries 45c Tomatoes 40c Gooseberries 50c WEDNESDAY la Butter Day -Falls City Butter- 85CPER2ib.ROLL Phone Pacific 19 Horn Phone - A133 MORGANS Oregon CHy 8vtnth OVitt