OKFT.ON CITY ENTERPRISE. FRIDAY. fT.HUUAUY 2. 1917. CANBY DEPARTMENT NEWOWNER CONTROLS MHBT ELECTRIC PUHT IMPHOVcMCNTS PL ANNE O IS ItH VICI AND IOWIN RATM ANt PROMISED I TOWN. K II. Itohlneuaj nl Arllnt ton. Waab . liaa pun baaed Hit. M"lalle Fleitrlr mpaiiy Imhii Mllea C. Minna, ul Wall Wall. Waaliliifti.a 11m Mu'allu Flnrtrlc nunpaiiy fur ki.Ih- liiii and i-i'r fr rnir. Harlow, Annua. Ilubbafd and Imiiald Mr IIiiI.Iiimiu i .,1111 In f anlr tlm heal of i n-.li iillula anil hua iiiada, a) ThmI lllipreaalull lilt Ilia p'l ll l- by lila dunlin Ilka iih'OhmI ami plea j I it at IHTKinaDU. The family ha mined lulu tlia 1 ( Kaiipla. h reald. m ami Mr. Hublu win alalia llial he vlll Impniva Ilia ertha giving II lh peraoiial aup r tlaluii of an nailer Meaar Mend ahadler and (Jiiiinl, Ilia luuiiarei un der Ihs Mimr um rM', aru retained by Ilia Haw owner ami II la alalml lhl lower rain arlll be Iliad" III Ilia In lute In palnui. cmbSISets WHITt SCHOOL NORTH Of TOWN NARROWLY SCAPES DES TRUCTION BV FIRE. CANIIY. Or. Jan. 27. (Hpwlall The Canby Five Hundred dub met al Ilia home of Mayor ami Mra. W. II llalr Wedneaday evening. Tho pre nt were. Mr ami Mra. M J. l-ee, Mr ami Mra Harry It Kvana. Mr. ami Mra Adam Knight. Mr. ami Mra. Herbert llerkuian. Mr. ami Mra llranl Wlill". Mr. and Mra. Arthur Graham. Mr. anil Mra. II. II. Kilia. Mr. am Mra. K. K Itradll. Mla l-arralne . Mlaa Cath erine Evan. Mia Vhdelte Kvan". Mlaa Wmidard. of Portland ; Mra. George KnlKhl and Mr. and Mra W. II. Hair. Af(er an enjoyable evening l card a didlrlnua luinhi-on wa served. Tho While a hiHit liurtli of Canby. narroly eacaped burning Monday. hcn a flro preanmahly cauaed by a defective flue liuriii'd itiroujcti the roll lug. burning a place alnmat a font wldn and four feet long ami dying out. It waa discovered nail momliiK liy (he Janitor. Mr. Harvey spent Sundny visiting friend In Mnlulla. I.loyd Davis, of Vancouver. aa a Cnnby vlaltor tlila week. Mr I'hllliina anil elater. Mra. I of Forest Grove, weregucala of Mra. M A. Johnson tlila w.'rk. Mra. Ivan IMmlck. of Auroni, was a gueat of Mra. II. II. Kevin tlila w W. II. Ilnlr madn a buslnes trip to llurlow, TliurHdity. receiving aomn po- tutoca. Mra. Alice Hcuahnulcr la Buffering from ai'vrr. altnrk of In Krlppe. Tlio licit mi'Ktlng of Canliy Mothera' rliili will be nt tint home of Mra. Ailnm Knitht on Kidmrnry 10. )r. A. T. Mlmly apent Hundiiy mid Nf.mduy In Benttlo. K. T. llov wna n I'ortlnnd vlallor, Tuiiiliiy. )r. (Iiirretl wna In Auroni Tueaduy on iiniftufcliinul IniHtiieaa. Mr. nnd Mra. J. C. KuiiplHch hnve lnovod to tliolr farm north of Ciuihy, whom they will rcaldu ilurlna; the re- ninlndir of the yenr, IiuvIiik rented tliolr city property to Mr. Hoh TlHon. new owner of Iho Molulla Klectrlc compnny. Thoro waa a ronimiinlty bIiik nl l'nlon Hull achool limine Siitiiriluy vv cnlne. Thoan gatherliiKa nro n ureal moral force In liny romimiiilty. Kdwnrd Sutler waa an OreKon City vlaltor, WedeiiHilny. A I.oynl Teinpiirance legion ha lieon orxiiiilxed liy the renlilentH of l'nlon Hull. They will meet each Sunday nt 2:. 10 p. m. The followlim oflfcera hnvo been olncted: Kathnr Nolilo, prealdent; Ivan Mnrlia, vloo proHlilont; Mary Noble, aecretury, nnd Klninr Colo, treiiHiirer. Mr. nnd Mra. Fituvor, of Harlow, were In Cnnby. ThiirKdny. Mrs. Annie. Knight vUlled her aon Ralph C. KnlKht. of I'ortland. Wed noadny. Terry 0. Stacy was an Oregon City vliillor. TlnirMiliiV. Nuwa linn been rocolvod that b. n. Dlmlck Ih III with quinsy, whllo vlalt ItiK rolntlvng In eiiHtcrn WiiHhlngton. Mlaa May ShculU apnnt tho wouk end with her pnronta near MacltHburg. O. U Dnnlula, of Mulliio, wiih a Ctm by visitor. Friday. Mr. nnd Mra. A, Kocher, Mr. nnd Mra. Cal. Kocher and Mlaa Chrlallnn Kochor, attendod tho funeral of Chris Kochor nt Aurora, WCdnoadny. Mra. Anna Hotli linker, who Iibb ro contly pold her hoapltal nt SprliiKlleld, wan a Rtieat of Prof, nnd Mra. Fred Itolh this week. Mrs. Itolh' la roIiik to orgnnl.o n hoapltal In tho caat nnd la now on hor wny for that purpose.. Mr. nnd Mrs. Clar'nco Jolinaon, of Noody, wnro Canby shoppers, Wednes day. W. F. Odon, of Salom, wna n dlnnor Kiieat of Mr. nnd Mra. Glen Klrkpnt rick, Sunday. Mrs. Georgo Aaklns nnd daiifihtor, of Nsedy, woro shopping In Canby, Mon day. Mr. nnd Mra. William Mnplo of Mo lnlln, and Mnater Arthur Btefnnl wero In town, Wodnesdny on tlmbor busi ness. For a Bilious Attack. When you have a sovero hondacho, accompanied by a contod tongue, loathing of food, constipation, torpid llvor, vomiting of partly digested food and then bllo, you may know that ynu have a severe bilious nttack. While you may bo quite sick there Is much consolation In knowing thnt relief may be bad by taking three of Chamber Iain's Tablets. They are prompt and effectual. Obtainable everywhere. L IS 1 FEET DEEP I ASIIV (, r'b I - iHprrlall -Tli ii a.ll fr lli (aiil ulr i)Imi baa Imxii i nnili't'd Tlila i ll la nf (n t il"i p and Ih" fiiimer II ua d la l'l. an Kuan wl'l rl an a in I'l" auiily nf pm walur fur Hi" lii-ai ! in. Mali r liaa Ixi ll puin.' u lulu Hi" ni-w TjM'i') lullnli lunk hli li la Vi ( alxiv Ilia ('muni Tlila liu a a K'H'd fiiria i.nd a plriillful a ip CANBY HICH QUINTET BEATSHUBBARD. 109T06 MARION COUNTY Tl AM IS COM ptITlLV OUTCLASSED CAN BY CIHLS LOSE. CAMIV. ie. Fi b I -Hi lull Canby lilrli arlimil ilir.alfd lluhliurd Mali oh hool In liaaketliall at Canity liuml audllnrluiii Friday I r t by Dm antra of o to Hubbard aa n tlrely oud laaai-d Hi" Klrla of Hi Hubbard lilnh n IhmiI di'fi-ali-d Ihe Klrla of Candy lilttli adiiHil by arore of IS to 12. Tlia lln upa: Hubbard Frame and Hradeu, fur arda. Voder and KaiifTiuun, cmirda; lirliiiia, renter. Candy: Fiiima lli r. rrntir; Agnea ll'TK. Hli'llu Hera-, furaarda; Kuaarll ami iHirlt-r. Riiarda. Canby li I at li ai IhmiI bakrtlmll team defeated Molulla lilxll ai IhmiI ba.kel hall leum at Mulalla Tueaday rvcnlnit by a w ore of 17 to l. Tho khiiui . aeruppy and lliralli of i.uii't tlm r-f-rreit allowed. Th" refers lr. Frits lava both leulna a aiiiare deal. Tlia llmiipa: ...... i. . I....J..II 4-..,.lr. Mblvlritf. iii"y . o . . " Inn and Walt, forwarda; Hampton ami IHell. Riiaida. Locals. Molulla: Tnbba. renter; Vlck and llerdlne. forward; Olion and Htenln Iter. RUarda. Ilreiiton Wilder, acliool aiipervlaor. vlalted Cnnby achoola Ibl Wednead.iy liiiiriilux. V. II. Hair made a bualnesa trip to Ulteral Tueaday. Mra. luiK ami n Ible, of Macka bur. were Canby vlaltor Tueaday. Mr. and Mra. J. I.. Waldron of Ore Kim City, vlalted the Inter's molher, Mra. I.. T. Hutten on Bnliirdiiy. Mr I). It. Dlmlrk hua returned Inline aftir a two woeka .vlalt with Mr. and Mra. Ivan IMmlrk of Auroru. Mr. Wyeth and Mlaa Adeline II. Wyelh were rortlund vlaltor Sutur duy and Sunday. Mureua Hmllh of the Needy country, wna a ('unity culler till" week. Mian Helen Ulltner. of I'ortland. was a weekend gueat of Mlas Lorraine Kd llutililimon. a for;m r Cnnby res Idem, wu In town this week. Mra. Ilncbnel Urudtl. of New Km. and Mr. Vevu llradtl. of Canby, were gueHt of Mr. S beldel, of Kraft, this week. Jamea Ailklna la reported ill with la grippe nt IiIh homo nt Adkina Mill. Mr. Grace Sailor waa a visitor at Liberal this week. Mla Mary Woodward, who ha been n giicni of Mr. Cutherlno Kvans, hna returned to her home In I'ortland. John lliiHliin, teacher of the Lone Klder school made u business trip to rortlund Saturday. Itiifus I'MHter wu a week-end visitor In Portland. Miss Ollvo WhliM'lo was a I'ortlnnd vlNltor Saturday. F.lincr llletx, a former Canby high school student, baa returned from a summer visit in Montana. ,loo Larsen, nf Adklus Mills, was In Cnnby on luiHiucsa Saturday. Harry Sherwood, principal of the In Cnnby. Mrs. Georgo Knight wont to I'ort land to visit her daughter Mrs. Clydo ICvaua who lias returned from an ex tended visit In California. Percy O. Stacy iniulo a buslnesa trip to Salem, Monday. Canby Is having quite, a snowstorm together with wind and wintry weather this week. Miss Vloletl Ledtord Is visiting her grandmother, Mrs. Koubaugh, Port land this week, Italph Cox la spending u fow days nt Liberal loading n fow enrs of pota toes for Mr. W. 11. llalr. Misa Agnes Smith, untortiilnod a number of hor friends Saturday even ing nt tho Smith homo. A pleasant evening was spent by all playing games anil other mnusmunts. KufreHh immts were sorved by tho hosteas Tho Invited guests wero Minn Gra ham, Ollvo Kendall, Lucllo linker, lllldrod linker, Alberta Glllmoro, Lolta Homing, Anna Glllmoro, Lola Lowry, Gladys Lowry, Klnm Htissull, Robert Zubol, Kenneth Horning, Dowey Cox, Clydo Newatriini, Jonas DloU, George Kuckley, Merrill Hampton, Willie llulraa, .loo Schaubol and Clyde Kon-j dull, Ueorgo Meeku, Edgar Smith, Claudo Duty, Clarence ICid, und Clifford Will nttonded the smoker at Oiogoii City Tuesday evening. Mr. nnd Mrs. Grant Whlto were guests of Mr. and Mra. Dan Ilussard of Portland Sunday. A largo crowd of Cnnby young folk attended the dance nt Aurora Satur day night. Miss llirtchet who lias been teach ing school nt SUmo, Idaho, lins re turned to her homo on account of her school being closed on quarantine for Bcarlet fever. W. F. Oden has left for California for the wlntor. Mrs. D. G. Clnrk, of Molnlla is visit ing her sister, Mrs. E- S. Brndtl. Miss Elma RusBell was pleasantly surprised by a number of hor friends the occasion being her 18th birthday. The evening was pleasantly spent In playing games and other amusement!. I in I nly r'fri'ali'ei'il ra acrvid l Ida lnlliialiiK Mlaai-a (ilada Uiwry, Id na lluirlilliauli, Mailn Mm ka, In Ha Ni Oilriiiil, lna I'leriK. Koi-a Ixiler, liiildln I'nrti r, I U Uiwry, Mia. I. II lli lrr; Mi, Knfl Hud lilliami, iniiiKi K lit It It. Vali ll.iinl'loii, Ar ihur liry, (irnrKa Wall, t'lydn N- Hum, lnfC ('in. JaiiM-a Kiilipl"'! William I'lirlnr, Kdluiil I'i'i-K, ItulHTt Ztilii l ami Juiiua m-l CANBY PUPILS PRESENT flPTM SEMESTER MUSICAL RECIT AL AT METHODIST CHURCH WELL RECEIVED. CANIIY, Ore., Fib. I K'ihhIuI) Tlia fifth arinratt-r mualial rciital of tlia Canby lilch iw IhmiI us given at tlm Metbudlat eh ii nil Monday even llif 1b following lirogruiii waa well rui el veil . Part I. (Puplla of l.orrulna l-l "Kver of Thee" Uim nn etcher. "To a Wild llnae" MclKiwHI Uillta llornlg. Part II. ' Illrd of J'aradlaa Gallop". .Htrcabbog Mra. Ilergmaiin and F.va Wblpile. Kventlde" Frant Hill Anea Herg. 'Heitetla from Lucia dl Ijiiiimer- moor" Donli-ttl "llelmutaklnnge" (iungl l(ulili I latin. "Hplnnlng Kong" Kllviiienreli b Kva Whipple "I U'liriied to m You In llreurn- land" Gullible "An Old Fiiabloiied Garden In Vir ginia" Maratinll Mr. Garrett and Alln-rt Yodcr "Iji I'aatoralu" lliirriniiller 'Halter Skclt .-r ' fVanka IHina I'armeiiter. 'Gavotte Itouieo" Kinguet Ave Maria" Gounod Clulnt Halnea. "Itawn" "CiMidnlght" From "liaya In Venice" E. Nevln Itulh Aldrtcu. "Come Hack to Arlnonu" Pulcy "When I Wultx With You". . . .GumbU Mr. Garret and George Walt. "Wurrlor's Song" Heller Kiuma Herg. "Hiimuroaiiiu" Dvorak Melody In t" Hublusteln Kdward Huaton. "Kainenniil Oatrow Opua 10 Kublimtiin "I'olonulHO Mllltalre" .... Chopin Uirrulne lxe. "Angel's Serenade" Ambroslo "lluiignrlnn Dance" No. 6.. Ambroslo Orvlllo Mark. "Two Flow era" Koolllng Ague and Kin in u Herg. Accompunlsta Mesdumea llerkinnn and Ilergmnnn; Misses Ilurgess and Ie; Mr. Gurrett. CANBY HONOR ROLL. CANIIY. Ore.. Feb. 1 (SpocluD I The following pupils of Cnnby Gram mar school were neither absent nor tardy during month ending January 2'J: Seventh und Kighth Grades II. II. Ki-eles, principal Uillta Hornig, Cora Douglus, Kdith Suiuuelson, Alberta Gil more, Minn Grahum, Kthul Mickelsou, Vesta Mark, Huftis Pflster, Karl Muck, Italph Kochler, Loo Huston; Oscar lierg, Ihirma Haines, Kmcvu l.lvoauy, Gi'iievlevo Llvesay, Violet Ledford, Kiln Kurls, Jewel Mark, Mortimer Lee, Norma Kid, Raleigh Wheeler, Ray mond Johnson, Howard lloln, Noel Onllies, John Mlckelson und Peter Kraft. FlfthSixth Gnides Mona Austin, tencher: llernliurd Iteeco, Ray LtK, Otto Schmld, Verl Miller, Judith Nel son, Kdyth Karls, Catherine Draper, Wundii Wallace, Anita Schauhcl, Al bert Hess, Clifford Wnllaco, Clurenco Karls, Roynl Nnkino, Chris Kraft, Mar garet Drown, Opal Wheeler, lone Fletcher, Ina Swigort, Donlta Hop wood. Third-Fourth Grades Frances Pot ter, Teacher: Zolla Lee, Zylphn Pat terson, Iiverno Kckerson, Marnhol Hates, Alico Nakano, Kdith Carlson, lliancho Kendall, Graco Ellen, Aloita Draper, Florence Mainwood, Leonard Neustnim, Hugo Schnubol, Linden Laiiner, Mitchell Slyter. Gerald Hair, Rosa Rider, Vernor Anderson, Ho nicr Leo, Ilciilah Inunor, Francos Chubb, Donald Sutherland, Robert Mc Cluro, Virgil Llvesay, Georgo Nukano. Clinrles Lc Haw. Second Grade La Vina Sheridan, Teacher: Edward McCluro, Nell Haines, Vlrgel Gerger, Kennoth Mack, Frod Earls, Donald Stumm, Wnva Wheeler, Georgia Fletcher, Gladys Dozlor, Mildred Lee, Arline Kocher, Lola La Haw. First Grade Mina H. Ilubbs, Teach er: Violet Mainwood, Ella Leech, Ivan Arneson, Kenneth Evnns, Eurl louver, Keith Mnck, Roy Hess, Vernon La Haw, Hurton Hopwood, Leonard Drap or. Riverside Division Cnnby Schools Olive Whipple, Tonchor: Illlma Wol- lcrtz, Clurenco Lapinakl, Clyde Dodge, Harold Iluliinnn, Edna Ijiplnski, Ern est Huston. Corwln Ileln, Clarence Stoller, Penrl Stoller. Charlie Stoller, Kntherlne Heln, Henry Courand, Ella Samuelaon, nnd Norma Chrlstlnnson. Rheumatlim Follows Expoaure. In the rain nil day Is generally fol lowed by painful twinges of rheuma tism or neuralgia. Sloan's Liniment will give you quick relief and pre vent the twinges from becoming tor ture. It qnlckly penetrates without nibbing and soothes the sore and ach ing Joints. For sore, stiff, exhausted muscles that ache and throb from ov erwork, Sloan's Liniment affords quick relief. Bruises, sprains, strains and other minor Injuries to children are quickly soothed by Sloan's Lini ment Get a bottle today at your druggist, 26c. (Adr.) The Would-Uc Legislative Boss! After (iifiilni tin, fur lln. I Iban lao Iff, laini.algH. lull ol bit It rni ita, of unfulrii'M and iiiUrrprex ntalloii. and a'ler a. -u. aj Ha til alufitd promiitlmi (it iltaii lo di ft-at at llie lidiid of I If amala i i.ui llilllea on aat-aamelit and Uialluli, tb I'ortlalid J. .:'. al'iiif lu lli" qii k at Ihe unalllllignea of Ilia Mii-liiUr lif (be r.ilalura to f-i-- Ma dictation, da renurleil to tlm mut ili.l.llt.l altaik I'll Iba nmiitry prraa (if Oregull that tlila aUti liaa ri-r wllneaaid In Wit, Iba aula i RlaUlura, ui.di t Ilia wlilo f lb" Jit'iii.al. and without dua regard fur Iba Irua alt uul li'fi In Ilia ii.untlra of tlia atala oillaldH Of MulUlMli.tll, r' pealid the law pruv tiling fi.f tin publb ntlun tit til it riilll'uelit 11 lll At tba fiilliiwliig aeanlon l0 yeara later, tbe leglalatlva aaai-iubly, fullualitg a d'-mand from Iba -iipln, raenart-t the law, which waa promptly vaload by Gov'"or Cbambarlam, tl' Cndar Instruction from hi political mkar, the Journal. In l'M. Ibi leglalature MKaln etimled tba law, pr milling; fur Iba V'lMli all- n of lb tax Hat In li newipupers In nmiillea tit mora than lo,(HiO peupla, and In one nil'l"r in iiniiitli-a of leaa than lO.Wi'l. but tbrough tba pecu liar Influence of th" Multnomah county delegation, m kei on a rldef that i (impelled tba publication of Iba delinquent II. t In all lb dally newspapers of I'ortland. Wild that tlni'i Ilia Journal baa publlabed the Ui Hat ainmully and deaplte Ita proteatatluns that Iba law baa been "pork ' for Ihe Portland paper. Is Has acctpttd the publication, and has not rtfuMd It, and ha taken Ita raflul' space rata In paymtnt theraof. While the country pn-aa bua at all tlims been willing to rotiaeni Ui tba abo'Uhniriil of tlia londltlniia Imideiit to the law that compel the publication of the dellnqu-aiit llt In four Multnomah newapapera. gulnat two pepera In othir rouiilPa of tbe alati, tbn iewipera lu the elate outalda of I'ortlund bava preaeut'd a solid front srnl'mt (be, .ournal i atlempt to bring tlm family quurrela of Its rounty Into Ihe lerlnluture and pluy tbetn agalnt the Intereata of up r'ate rountlaa. where Ihere la no demand fr the r'p'al of the law, except from thoan "aharhs" who have been getting rb h through the quiet pnreba of tat title and bo are nut able, bn-auae of the publication of Iho tat Hat. to purine their nefarious bualm-a without hinder; The Journal I now engaged In a frantic effort to whlp h liglsla tur Into taking am h action that will (lap lu the fore the country preaa, who ask only from the leglalutura that Ihey be left alone and that tba fights of Multnomah be settled sa to the merit of the csae as It con cerns that county. We ahall St Juit how far this deitroyer of th Republican party In Oregon Is going to dictate to a Republican legislature. In The Social Whirl Current Happening of Interest and About Oregon City In fYf U. and Mr. Theodore Hlmier jTl celebrated th. lr golden wed ding annlveraury hiinday. by Inviting their children, grnndi hlldren and a few of their friend to their home at Parkplnce, about one mile from till city. Mr. and Mrs. Hinder are well known Oregon pioneers. They celebrated their golden wedding unnlvcrsnry in tho old home of her parents, the lute John and Catherine Nik hand, where her marriage to Mr. Hinder. 50 years ago, was solemnized. Mrs. Hlmler wus born at Sacra- fento, California. September 27, lSI'J. nnd came to Oregon with her parents. John and Catherine Nachand, In 1850. and settled at I'arkplace. where the marriage to Mr. Hlmler took place. Owing to a flood at th time It was necessary for her to iKWtpone her mar riage one day. and as the waters fulled to recedo. Mr. Hlmler purchased a pulr of rubber boots for Rev. Mr. Knight, pastor of the local Congrega tional church, and a pair for himself. They mado the trip to Pnrkplnce by wading through the flooded district. For some time after tho marriage tho couple resided In Oregon City, whero Mr. Hlmler was In business, and later moved to the old home nt Park- place, wBcro they have since resided. Theodore Hlmler was born nt Grls- can, Ciermnny, June lJl, ana wnen a hid of about H years of age embark ed on a sailing vessel nnd spent some time on the sea. Ijiter he took up his residence nt Lewiston, Idaho, whero he was eingaged in business for some tinio until coming to Oregon to make his home. He and his wife nro well known through the county by ninny of tho old Clackamas county pioneers. Among those to attend the family reunion were the following children: Henry, Fred. Georgo, Louis Hlmler, of Parkplace; Mrs, Penrl Hernlor, of Parkpluce; the graudchildren, Harold Ilernler, Alvlra Hlmler, George Hlm ler, Jr., Lnura Hlmler, Elnora and Genevieve Hlmler, of Pnrkplaco. There wero three other children born to Mr. nnd Mrs. Hlmler, Edward, who died nt Pnrkplaco In March, 191G, nnd two having died in infancy. During tho reception, which was from 2 to 5 o'clock, Mlas Ohlcr, of Portland, snug several selections, among thesa being "Memories," nnd a duet by Mrs. M. A. Drayton and Miss E. lllood, and si'iig "Fifty Yenrs Ago," Miss Ohlcr nccompanled Mrs. Dray ton nnd Miss ltlood on tho piano. Many gifts wero received by Mr. nnd Mrs. Hlmler, nnionR these was a golden offering from their children. Tho home of the Hlmlers was very prettily decorated for this occasion. The living room wns In pink and green, when sweet peas and Oregon grape were used; the dining room In white nnd yellow, chrysanthemums being artistically arranged here, and the hallway was in old ro89 and green. Ferns were used among the greenery. Luncheon was Berved (luring the afternoon, and the tnblo wns centered with white chrysanthemums. Mrs. Edward Nachand presided nt the punch bowl, and Mrs. Ida Kent at the coffoe urn. Mr. aend Mrs. Hlmler's guests were Mr. nd Mrs. Frsd Hlmler nnd daugh ter, Alvlra; Mr. and Mrs. George Hlm ler und children, Lyle aud George, Jr.; Mr. nnd Mrs. Louis Hlmler and child ren, Elnora and Gneieve; Honry Hlmler, Mr. nnd Mrs. Frank. Dernier nnd son, Harold; Mr. and Mrs. Edward Nachund and children, Thelma and Muriel; Henry Nachand, Sr., brother of Mrs. Himlor; Mrs. Jennie Illngman, Mrs. Julia Frost, Mrs. A. M. Dratton, Miss E. Dlood, Mr. and Mrs. M. Felth, Mrs. F. Ellis, of Portland; Miss Ohler, of Portlnnd. Othors called during the afternoon and extended their congrat ulations to the "newly weds." ytfHE marriage of Miss Etta Hlnson Mi and George Mlelke was solemn ized at 2:30 o'clock Thursday after noon at the Lutheran chucch. Rev. William Knuberger, pastor, officiat ing. The bride, who was attired in a traveling suit of purple with a large picture hat. was attended by her el1 ler. Mr. George Itukel. and Mrs. Henry Streblg, slater of the bride groom, and the bridegroom waa at tended by K. U Koellermalcr. Only rehitlvee of the contracting parties at-tend-d. Tbe wedding wa followed by a dinner at tbe Rakel homo In Cano mub. Mr. and Mrs. Mlelke went to Portland, and are to make their future home at Gladstone, where a naw bung alow Is almost completed for their re ception. The brido la the daughter of Mr. and Mr. Hlnon. of Kelso, Wash. She ha resided for the last four month with her sister, Mrs. Georre Rakel. of Cane. mah. She has made many friends while In this city. The bridegroom came to this city In 1908 from Ottertall county, Minn., and lnce? residing here has ben con nected with the Strvblg market Ho Is the son of Mrs. Minnie Mlelke, of Gladstone.' s High School Students Entertain Their Friends. At the home of Mr. and Mrs. Gus Usch, of Redland. on Friday even ing there was a merry gathering of youiis people, when their dnughter, Miss Anna ndle, and Miss Florence Kerr, students of the Oregon City high school, who were spending their week's vacation at their homes at Red land, Invited a number of their young friends In to spend the evening in games and music. A luncheon wis served at 12 o'clock by Mrs. Lesch. The house wns prettily decorated In evergreens including cedar and ferns. Attending Were Misses Grace and Penrl Hlnkle, Melford Hlnkle. Glen nnd Allison Allen, Misses MaUlns nnd Leona Spraine, Melton Sprngue, Hep mnn and Rudolph Polehn, Misses Vera and Alice Jenson; Miss Elsie Caswell, Miss Ethel Rlppley, Miss Florence Honney, Miss Jessie Honney, Alv Honney, Richard Lesch. Miss Minnie Fischer. Mrs. Sam Cuswell and Mr. and Mrs. Gus Lesch. GRANT NG LICENSE TO GOUPLE. MOTHER WRITES Another romance shattered! Mrs. Mary Robinson has no sym pathy with the tender sentiments which Helen Robinson, aged 16 years. has for Kenneth Bnnaster. Probobly if the details of the case were known here, Mrs. Robinson mutters things about "puppy love" whenever the name of Kenneth is mentioned. The couple has not applied for a license. County Clerk Iva Harrington re ceived a letter from Mrs. Robinson hursday, which she has placed in the mnrriage record for reference. The letter follows, rxactly as written: "Portland, Oregon, January 24, 1917. To the Co. Clurk, Oregon City, Court House. "Sir: "Grunt no marriage llcents to Helen Robinson and Kenneth Banas ter for she Is only 16 years of age. I will not willing and oblige "Mrs. Mary Robinson, "6S2 Syracuse street, .Portland." MRS. BELLE HOLENATT BURIED AT MT. VIEW The remr.lns of the late Mrs. Belle Hobenatt, who died In Portlnnd, were brought to this city Tuesday aftsrnoon and burial In Mountain View was In charge of the Holman undertaking establishment. Rev. J. K. Hawkins, pastor of the Methodist church, offici ated. Mrs. Hobenr.tt wns formerly a -sident el Oreeou City, and was the daughter of Mrs. Thomas, who was burled here several years ago- She Is survived by her husbsnd and two grown daughters. During the forest fire season, For est Service lookout men stationed on high peaks, look over praetlcally all the national forest lands In the state of Oregon. PAVING PLANT FOB TOO costly, m m FOR ID I'lan fur a rity owned aud 'p rat. d 1-aili.f plant w nt at"liiiui rlof - at 1, jr,( fi,f (!, lima Ur .l.K 'it a Ui!.h nt the r.me ll Simula? nVU and Ui n.iiei II alafted ail l!itrt:a;alli,n of Hi. liitiMidiie. fur a'll'h K l Olda la alata !(. wb-n tbe ri,itii II adupt'd lb r I'.rt of tlm atreet roiiituilleo and deelded to ' to Hteala ave-ma In Ilia M.t lniin itl.lrM and ln.-'t 1(1' h llloliilltl tli -re. T!i alreet tori.rnlitre ri ported that a patlng plint weild 't about t'..)). and that alir buyl'ig Iba pUnl tho illy would la little r no money biib In pita M'.nowr. th nun mlttet came t the roiwiunlon that many Oregon City atreeta are in a grade and not aulted for tbe aapbaltlr IS SUED fOR H DIVORCE MRS. CVCRSON SAYS HUBBY PUT LADDER UP TO WINDOW SO AS TO WATCH HCR. When their grown daughter's bran raine to pay a rail on her. Mr. P. K. Kveraon charge In a divorce complaint Bled In the circuit court here Monday. her huabaod. K. Evereon, put a ladder agalnat (he bouae and kept a watchful rye on hla wife until the young man left. When aaked what be aa doing. he la alleged to have replied that l.e wa looking after bis wife. Mrs. Evereon. who Uvea at ftlaley tatlon. makes a general charge of cruelty. Tbey were married November 2S. 1 JS8. In Ellington. Iowa. She aak for 120 alimony and balf of their prop erty, nrownell k Slever appear as her attorney. Vera O. Apple Hied a suit agalnat Clarence E. Ajiple for divorce, charg ing cruelty. Tbey were married De cember 15, 1909. at Newport. Ky. She a'leges that he said he did not rare for her, and thnt he struck bcr. She aak for the custody of their two child ren, for $30 monthly while (he suit Is pending and flS monthly alimony. She says that he owns five acres of land three miles north of Oregon City, val ued at .'ooo. and she asks for 1 2 .'00 as a settlement of her Interest In the property. WIFE STAYED OUT LATE. T JOHN P. LYNCH ALSO CLAIMS SHE CALLED HIM NAMES OTHER SUITS FILED. Reciting In his complaint that bis wife stayed away from home often ntll late nt night, John P. Lynch Wed nesday brought a suit for divorce In the circuit court against Mabel L Lynch. A general charge of cruelty Is made. They were married June 4. 1914, In Portland. He charges that she quar reled with htm and called him names. Alice Emma Evans alleges that her husband Is lazy, and that he Is adlcted to liquor and excessive card playing In a divorce suit brought here. They were married August 11, 1911, at Latourelle, and have four children. She asks for the custody cf one child. Will nnd Ollle Purdy and W. U Cooper are defendants in a suit brought In the Clackamas county cir cuit court to foreclose on a $5500 note. Lydla A. Kinyon Is plaintiff. The note was signed In Iluttevllle, February 9, 1911. Attorneys' fees amounting to (550 also are sought by the plaintiff. Felt Like 90; Now Like 21. Muny persons complain about feel ing old before they should. Like a weak link in a chain, a weak organ enfeebles the whofe body. Over worked, weak or disordered kidneys lower vitality. A. W. Morgan, Angola, La., writes: 'I suffered with pains In the back. I am 43 years old, but 1 felt like a man of 90 yenrs old. Since I took Foley Kidney Pills I feel like I did when I was 21." In 50c nnd $1.00 sizes. Jones Drug Co. Look in Our Window and see the assortment of high grade merchandise we have on display at all times. In our centar window today we have a full line of cut lery. This consists of Razors. Scissors and Pocket Knifes. Every Knife, Razor and Scissor on display are flrst class and guaranteed by both the manufacturer and our selves. Also you will see on display a line of Shaving Brushes, Razor Straps, Hair Clippsrs, etc. Take a minutes time to look at our windows. IT WILL PAY YOU. WILSON & COOKE 520-522 MAIN STREET OREGON CITY, OREGON 1A DROPPED , t)p of paving I Mr. Old waa at tin- meeting and uff-d La Intra!:- (ion of Ina aur'ai-e, wiih h la a pali-nted rn-t'-rlal put dnn by tlm p-nitr tlufi meduM He Intliei) 't'ie c.uni II dl vlalt Iba alieti lt nt the iauifiu lu Miidruiu ilMrl't. the flrat pl-- tit Itli li itl' .1 ! I l ID the til (e, and t'ie IntlUttna i aneptrd. S) da'e 'fur the visit waa fii-d, It being under' atwid (bat the trip would be madn a j wxn a Iho --tV-r rl. ar.) up The rouni ll i nd l.i)ur llu'kiit are making a aerioua effurt to get awa from tba iinatl.:f. i lory method of latching III" tr-eta In tlm re!deiire dn'rli i e. i h year v ith iniihed rock. a method which I di tared tl be only j temporary and rtly, a well. L- LIVE WIRCS MAY GIVE LUNCHEON TO THOSE SUCCESSFUL AT PANAMA PACIFIC FAIR. At a meeting of the publicity cum in It tee of the Oregon City Commercial club held at tbe Commercial club par lors Saturday afternoon, arrangements were made to meet with the Live Wires at tbe luncheon today, b n there will be dlaruaaed a propoaal that thoae from Clarkama county who were awarded medals and diplomas at the ' Panama-Pacific International Expoil tlon at San Francisco be Invited here on a certain day. Tbe medals and di ploma have arrived and ore at the preaent time In the publicity depart ment Tbe plan that the publicity commit tee baa In view 1 to Invite tbeae peo ple to thl rity on some certain day to partake of luncheon with the Live Wire, when the medals will be dis tributed. It waa through tbe efTort of O. E. Frcytag and Clackamas county court that these people of Ctackamas county were Interested enough In this county to exhibit at the great exposition, and whereby win the medals that were of fered In their classes. There are over 40 medals for distribution, and to each of these Is attached a diploma. The publicity committee of the Ore gon City Commercial club la composed of O. D. Eby, M. D. Latourette. A. C. Howland, Percy Caufleld and E. E. Ilrodel. WEST LINN HONOR ROLL. The following pupils were neitqer absent or tardy In the West Linn i schools during the school month end ing January 26: Adclbcrt Lytsell, El wood Thompson, Marion Wood, Lester Farmer, Clara Watts, Ralph McCoy, Joe Zadnikar, Chas Wlnkel, Herman Wlnfred Humphery, Tyler Toiler, Of ville Charles, Florence Karl lk. John Karllk. Mary Salonls, Frank Pickle, Florence Berwick. Domonltfk Salonls Frieda Diller, Joseph Salonls, Ray, mond Bailee, Lee Wood, Eldon Ford. Joseph Shobe. Robert Wright. Pertha Zirbcl, Joe Planton, Adeline Tozler, Mildred Kanak, Gerald Burns, Eleanor Hall, Jefferson Dunagan, Rosa Sallee, Harold Miller. Charlie Karllk. Jack Humphrys, Otha Wood. Louis Planton. Leonard Hall, Mike Ragnn, Louis Lyt sell, Robert Miller, Willie Elliott, Hat tie Buse, Rutherford Bevens, Leonard Green, Nelta Draper, Chester Wood, Lola Dobbins, Mildred Charles, Gladys Wright, Erna Fischer, Joseph Nixon, Amber Ford, Anna McDonald, Ruth Robinson, Dellphas Valllere, Cha-'B Day, Charlotto Huguenin, FranK Fisch er, Eileen Nixon, Fredrek Hegdale. Martha McLarty, Elmer Simpson, Emll Huguenin, George Yunker, Opal Hognn, Ella Fischer, Mark Lowery, Flora Kanak, Georgo Hisel Rose Pllkunas, George Shleld3, Margaret Pnpoun, Sam my Nixon, Joha Adrian, Etta Boemer, Paul Stutz, Mary Shetrizinger, Willie McLnrty, Nella Garrison. Frank Snow, Mary Adrain, Fern Shields, Willie Nix on, Emily Nixon, Leonl Adrain, Doro they Dobbins, Fred Boerncr, Marvin Hickman, Ruby Hocan, Zelma McDon nnld, Emma Stutz, Ernest Smith. BARCLAY BEATS MT. PLEASANT. The Barclay school basketball team Monday night defeated the Mount Ptor.sant quintet 56 to 12 at Mount Pleasant.