OREGON CITY ENTERPRISE Tho Weekly IntortrlN It worth tho prtee Com- para It with others oimJ thon subscribe e IKTY rirrv first vba-no j. OREGON CITY BNTKIM'KIHK, FRIDAY, JANUARY 12, 1917. EE-TAiLISHBO IM4 The Enterprise It (he 4 only Clackamas County Newspaper thai prints M ef the nw or this growing County. DIVISION PLAN'Wmm IS VIGOROUS!, K HASPUNTOCUT FOUGHT BY O.C. T holos repairs EASTERN PART OF PART OF SCHOOL COST COUNTY SPLIT ON USELESS BOARDS COMMITTEE WILE heulcd ItiriMiKh said State Highway i iillinilKaliili .hi. I th' mill court - lin ! v.nrklng Willi Hint "tnl In vie. GO TO SALEM TO OPPOSE SCHEME CLACKAMAS COUN1 un ATIVS INTRODUCES NSSOLU TION IN THE HOUSE RESOLUTION PASSED AT LIVELV MEETING HELD IN COMMER CIAL CLUB ROOMS. $50,000 WILL BE SPENT IN 1917 ON NORTH AND SOUTH HIGHWAY 0 B. T. McBoln Saye Route of Pacific Highway Changed. Laavlng Ore. gon City Off Road Caecade County Not Favored- PRACTICAL RENfDY IS SOUGHT In the Senate, Olmlck't Resolution for a Joint Committ., t0 investigate Boardt la Adoptsd By Unanlmoue Vote. Ami WHKHEAH Urn eald court has Imlli sled II ntiriH.eo Iti rnturli In Hi. rZX? HIGH STATE TAX IS HUB, roii-il Hi- (nil lou Mir "Mil o( all mail iiiniii y ruln ih. i. in ilurliiK the year. IVI7 ami l willing lli.it the same limy In- ep. tided while tin Hii,i-i i.i.il authorities uf aultl illelrlrt aliall .. all nate. Court's Plan Favored. Now TIIKItKFOHK It UK SOLVED t.y tliln meeting of taxpayer mm-iiiIiIkI that wo believe (tic artlnn uf i-ounty court relative to Un- i umm SitiiMB t..m M I ...... 7. . . ' - V . Tl HTATK IKMeJE. HAI.KM. Jan 10 - III III" NtBKI MIPII in r1 (I'll IN JlIPl UIMJ i-.l rlia ilea. ftala.lt ... ( (l fair and we . the ,,,, ,.,.,;-, ,od.y cniltitv hiiiiMII rrl.ill. ill llicr. to mill In. ,..., II flirtlHr ,- n. w I "-w.,,1,.,,,,, III III'" ,i,ii'-- ...,u, ' ,. . providing that the hotia committee) ) IIImiIA l.li Unit ! nre ihiim 'i . ., ,. .. . . .... j . "h ri-ii'luii nf I.ikh uii'l tir attor-. the i hange of Hip boundary DM or Id ,, . ' , , in') gem riil hal I iiimtllute a romm t-, liny other change of aa d boundary ' , .. .... ,. . , , , 1 ,,. ., . .. . t' tn liivcatlgate a eultah c plan for lit ffi-i iiiik hiiM territory and tli.it .. , ,,,, ..... . ,. . . , ,. . ,., . , tlii- ii I. nt 11 Inn and i ofiMillilal loti of cum-1 ... . , i.i " i,oii. 'Hi.- r-noltitli.il .ay. i Hiiiiiilttoo of flvo cltlune and tax- ' parora of Clarkamaa county to takol MM pollil l campalKn l charnr of a cnmio.lRn In oiHltlon to I"' lw" l'r I" fompalltii I such proKtd chatiKi' and that aahl , "' "'"r "' npwmoKra nentr-1 roiiniilttp.. he iiml hnrwhy Is r-mpow- "'r ""' bollshnipiit r coiiaolldatlun BNd to ralso fuiiiln and to enrrv mihl of M"n of nimlealoiia now In uao , lli-lil to tin- said Irxlalalltn rpa.lon of ln ,nl '' ' llari'il ii.ie.ur. OroKon If iiecpnaary In ordrr to dr-feut 1 nml J-mtM! by candidate of iMiih ih. i. Ill which rfas ln preparod for P"l''- "d Hi.- SBBBaTS of aald houndary Wnv." "WT1KHKAH the tui rate U In I. and Thi- committer waa nlno authorized la retiinlliiK the devalopineiit of many to make it flirlii attnlnat the rrcattnn of material Inf. r-ata of Hit' ntutc ami In HAI.KM. Or , is TIM suprosM ourt, In au oplnloa ly Jnallcs Mi llrtd.. today, held that count!. , urn not llahle under (tin ronniy hli h a. hool liililon fund law to pay school diatrkta for coot of ir pre. lalloa of the hlah M-liool t.iilldlnc, .r for lni.-rct on utnounia previously Inveslad la coastrm tins: ii h hulldluK. fiat 1. 1.. held that an llaai for repairs saiuld puld to tho districts. DIVISION SCHEME RIGHTS OF WA Y THROUGH WEST LINN SOLD S. P. HIOHER TAXES DUE TO EXPENSE OF ANOTHER COUNTY GOV ERNMENT IS CAUSE. 29TH SESSION OE DIMICK LEADINC REMONSTRANCE TO LEGISLATURE f PUT All CTTpO IS BEING PUT IN CIRCULATION IM" vHulHlLU ROAD EXPECTED LEGISLATOR E SENATE IS BUSY PRESIDENT MOSER AND SPEAKER BTANFIELD HEAD GROUPS OF LAWMAKERS. ; Csscada County, ,f Crsatsd. Will Gat Approprlstlon of County's Proper ty and Equlpmsnt, snd Tsks Over Share of the Debt. TO TAKE UP OLD USELESS BOARDS WEST SIDE PLAN Tho state li'Klalaturn will not he per uilttixl to enai t in.-imurei rooting: l'. cuiln county out of the t-iistern porltoti of (Tuikauina, or to nnnr III BaJfeMsTC mllna of territory einlirm Inic the iu,i of OtWSfOi lo Multnomah county, w ith , nut & ritri-nilllllH lirnlent from reNlltelltri of ihu county wbo DfODOM to make a 1 ',,'',, coiinly. nn well as to m.I. e n keeping tupliol from its proper Invrat Uxoroo. rtL-ht' when the ie.,ir. nr, l"1'" lm' sunn-la! Ion plan m nt In tho Mali-, anil WIIKKKAH the tuxpuycra .ml the people K nerull of the state .ire look ilng and piixi-tlng soiiip real reform In the ri'iliirilnn of taica and cxpenecH In mnliitaliilng different Institutions i I le thla stale. Clerk Hire Provided TIIKIIKKOKK UK IT KKSOI.VKD SENATOR DIMICK INTRODUCES 4 RESOLUTIONS AND ONE BILL Representative Browne I Makes Sec onding Speech When H. N. Stan field la Nominated for Speaker of the House. SENATE COMMITTEE FAVORS HIS RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING JOINT COMMITTEE. CONSTRUCTION OF LINE UP VAL LEY ON WEST BANK OF WILL AMETTE IS FORECASTED cimehlered before the stiut.. nml luiux.- "" '"" nltteoa. O I) Khy. 0 Hrhuehel 1 50.000 Project Adopted. .'. tl llnntley. Judg.. II H Andrr-.m ' Th" ''"I""1 "' "'" ' ,h" ami II. T. Meltaln were appointed u -""",nl by County Judge Anderson. . ommltte. under a resolution adopted u,ikt"K lhnlf "f 0,lrt at a maaa rueellng Monday night by '""'"ll""r Knight and I'm - u unanimous vote, to carry the pro-, ,,,r ffi lhM "", r0"rt 10 lest lo Salem peml I'.O.min HiIn year mi u mad run I'he n-wilnlloii followa: ! " ..-...-... .....mR.. .,. . ,..,.., I comuleted orcanlxatl. i. and kaataa iimuH county, providing mute and rea- ' w "e" - - - HAI.KM. ore.. Jan i.- With paaoa and harmony on every hand the 29th session of the Oregon slate legisla ture opened this morning. With speed which breaks all words, the senate organited. electing Senator (ins. Moser, of Multnouiuh county its president. business. An Insurrection against Kstacdaa plan to create Cascade county has arisen In tho dleti-M affected by tax payers who feel (hat county division, making two county governments nec essary, will result In an increase In taxes A. D llitrnett, of Eagle Creek, waa :n ir . on (Tij w. atal ate Me sbM that all the people of his community were opposed to county division, which they were certain wcuM ratae their taxes The following remonstrance to the legislature waa put Into circulation in the eastern part of Clackamas county, from which Caacade county would be carved, Wedncaday: "We. the undersigned, legal voters residing In the vicinity of BROWNEll. STEPHENS AND DEDMAN COMPLETION Of WORK IN TWO EACH HEAD COMMITTEE IN HOUSE YEARS AND HALE IS PREDICTED and In that part of Clackamas county, Oregon, from which It Is proposed to creat; the county of Cascade, do here by most respectfully remonstrate against such action, for the reason that we are satisfied with our pres ent county government. .m.I believe thut It is for the b-st Interest of our selves and of all concerned that said proposed county be not created." Representative Several Bills, Including One to Raiae Salary of County School Superintendent. Brownell Introduces Southern Pacific Acquires Tltls to Rights of Way Through West Linn From Moody Investment Com pany for tl. HAI.KM. Ore, Jan. 9 (Special) The resolutions committee of the sen ate late this afternoon voted to report The construction at a not far distant date of a two or four-track railroad down the west side of the Willamette ravcramy on Senator Dlmlcka resolu-1 river from I'ortland to Salem by tho tlon for a Joint committee to Investl-j Southern Pacific a plan once adopted gate the abolition and consolidation by tmU company but later postponed of boards and commissions. The I WaJ forecaoted Saturday by the fll Clackamas county senalor is leading iDt ta me office of County Recorder tho light here for a reduction in the j D. c Roylea of a deed conveying rights number of boards and commissions. of way through West Linn from the The revolution wiil be taken before Moody Investment company to the the senate tomorrow, and It is thought Southern Pacific and a partial release that It has a good chuice for passage of mortgage held by the Rankers' In the upper house. i Trust company on the property In- Each memoer of the house from volved. It Is understood here from an author- on revision of law. of this house to- "resident Moser wasccorted to thn ' equipment and must shoulder its share c- Hrownell at the head of cltys and i understanding that the Southern la gether with the attorney geti'TuI fl-i,.i. n,., u.-.i I nf ih eminivs dehi the oronortlon I lowns. Dr. H. A. Dedman. labor and ' would complete the line within Ml. II. I4lll.ll.-Ill . " 1.1. 1 !. , I l .. , . . , I .. - ' WU WIB..II - ' I , . . . , . . . I. . - . . - 1 . . , mw.. . .,,.,, ,lf I motion promising the rooperutlou " " "' " saw mmu . ' , i ..i lb.- me r of the i'ommercl:" Investigate this proposition .... r': .?.i " L .. . 'r, . ral aid .oulil be MM-urad. and that I -Islatun.. that the commute siding In Osweto, Clackamas county. I. aid had already lieen sotighl. Thin - . , ..!,.,. ..I !,., f taletlieilt elicited cheers, ami a for- thereto with the avowed immose of ',r 'sing the cimperatlou " " " "' "' '"'- I an, ma(p a brief .l(Mreaa. In tho I being based on the ratio between the securing action by the present legbv the n.emi.erH of the Commercial ; ' 'II, "Hl " ''crt .V Ht mold was named assessed valuation of the new county la.ureor tin gon now In session, .hi. I. ' adopt. .1. P- " W. If , 1 speaker Roth IT-stdent Moser and land of the old. In this caaa. for In- will take from Clackamas county; Anderson helevos (ha( two-, " Ma or Ih. people of , Sp ukr ,,,,, m -f.ei tcd unall .! atance. Clackamas county's assessed about 12 or 13 so. Hon. of land Includ tUir'iH ot '"",'1" llvl"'- '"" th" ! . . ' rB,wrt . ,e1 Uon Imously. Representative George C. valuation Is about II8.700.O0O. of which lug Oswego ami territory adjacent ",",,r" l,,""1'r lf Hi-froposed new , " ' ' Ff" "" Hrownell. of Clackamas county, made 4.5T8.J01.S0 Is In the bounds of the I to Mult ""ln,v "Pi""'" ' uivisioii oi - - onf Qf (ne Bef()n( ' l liu kiMiian, ami t ommlMiilonerH Ktilglit " . mii. nn may i.u re land ProetOT agreed with him. The ! 1i""d snd necessary to carry Into I Judge advised that a remonstrance 1 '" ( object and purpose of this rcso uKalnst the annexation scheme be clr-! I'ttlon." ' ctilnteit In the Oswego district. In the sennte this morning Senator Mr. Hehtiebel udmltled that under Walter A. Dlmick's resolution for u some proper territorial division for the Joint committee it the senate and New County Must Share Debt. cawnrte ennntv If created hv th Clnckamas county was awarded the legislature, will get a share of the ac- chairmanship of a committee today i atlve source that the Moody Invest- I cumulated proiierty of the county and i w"en speascr stanuneid placed ueorse "'rui company gave iuu uerw wiu, mi thereto mid niiiiei the am uomah county through legislation changing the boundary line between t.ald counties. Road Work Promleed- And. WIIKItKAS I ho lenders of aajd movctnetil have at verlous and divers tin S and plm es staled that iiuch SO Hon Is taken on their behalf for Un reason thut In the past the sultl por tion of Clackamas county linn not se cured lis proper portion of (he road funds of said county and by reason thereof have been unable lo construct and maintain roads adeqata for trans nding speeches aftc i proosed new county. Cascade county Stunfleld had Ih ch nominated. I would be entitled to a little over one- sixth of the county's property. 8AI.EM. Ore . Jan. 8. (Speclali The new county promoters em While Clackamas county members of i ployed J. E. Jack, former county sses the legislature In the house were awuit-! sor. to gather these figures. He com ing the appointment of committees to- piled the valuation of the proposed morrow and lor that bodv to act under new county Wednesday. Cascade . n ation of a new county, there might the house to Inv.-sthuiic the work of w ay with actual luislncss'. Senator Wul- county would have 15.10 children of he reason for the suggestion, but he of the varloio boards and commissions ark'iied that the Hues proposed were : ami to work out a plan to consolidate nut proper He said that Multnomah or abolish several nf them, was puss- d county hud too much political power , by a tinainluous vote. industries and H. C. Stephens, coua- the next two years and a half. Ttw ties. Hrownell also will serve on lm-1 consideration Is given ln the deed aa $1 migration and Judiciary coamttteea; 1 With the rights of way thro igh West Dedman. livestock, medicine, phar- '-Inn acquired by (he Southern Pacific macy and dentistry and banking and Saturday the company now has title to Stephens, banking aad ways and practically all of the property needed means. for the line between the Clackamas- Representative Brownell introduced Multnomah county line and the point a number of bills Including one re- where the survey cro3ses the Wiilam- oenllnr the old fl.hln tremv hetween ; ette- The Southern Pacific bought Oregon and Washington: another fix- veral years ago the Willamette Palls ing the salary of the supreme court ne easi siue line operuieu oy me. Southern Pacific is far from straight and has several bad grades. Er.ur Justices at $4500 a year as full pay for services; another increasing the limi tation of employes' salary under gar nishment from $75 to J100 per month Early Report Is Provided. This Joint . ..mum! . will atudy now. The discussion covered the road ..t..ul Lit, I lit- ,.itrll..,il.kt-u iie.l II portallon and In particular have com T la(j nw ,,, (lf Plans Mr eliminating noodles com- piaineu o. Hit. n uu ii o. muu iiupiov- . . .,.,....., ...... .,.,.. ,,,,. ter A. Dtmlok. of Clackamas, begun cut- schiwl uge. and a popu'atlon of about ting a wide awath in the senate when 4.S00. During 1916. fl4.834.lS was I and one fixing the salary of the Clack he landed as chairman of the resolu- spent from the general road fund In amas county school superintendent at (Ions committee uml on tho Judiciary, the district which would make up the $1500 Instead of $1000 annually, with industries, printing and countv com- new county. i $.100 traveling expenses annually. Kep i .nt on the main road leading from Oswego to I'ortland And WIIKItKAS the county court gon uml through said State Highway commission with the federtil govern ment, with the Idea of having that said portion of the Oswego road Included ami embraced In the I'aclllc Highway (hereby timorlng a permanently con structed highway upon grades lo bo by thn Slate Hlghwuy commission, and Hint the line of (he highway run west nt Id,. Vlllnm.tt l.mvlllir OreL'ivt, Cltv of Cluckuinus county. Oregon, has lm (Ull o(,l(,r ((wnK ,,,,, ,, rltv ,, dlcated its purpose to cooperate with . . . . ,. ...,. lioMlliin Mlguvvay coi.iiiiiss.oi. oi ,,,, ,.,.r ,.. n,,,,,. nf ,1,,, .,. i clflc highway. Ho declared It was j high time the people of this section! should be up and doing In order lo pre j serve tho advantages of this road, j llrlef talliH were made by O I). Khy, i .1. E. Jack, (ieorgo Randall, J. J. Cooke. Mr. Miller and others. missions and public offices and get a program of retrenchment well un der way In the early days of the ses sion, without delaying until hills and (Continued on Tnge I,) MAN WITHOUT UNIFORM NOT SHIIISII AS in II Fill MIST POPULAR IDS IN CANADA. F r W WILSON AFTER VISIT A young man without a uniform In Canada has about as much ohMtttt winning the heart of n girl as an ice berg has of long life In the trOploSi opined Kent Wilson, son of Sheriff and Mrs. W. J, Wilson, of this city, and rnlverstty of Oregon track star, who Thursday nlrrht returned from Van couver, II. C. "Tin. girls up there In Vancouver do not even seem to see n fellow with out a uniform," he said Friday "and tho man with a uniform Is popular everywhere. I suppose thoy figure that a m.i - without a uniform 1b a coward, a that the mlnuto a mun puts on one of tho government suits ho instantly becomes a hero." Mr. Wilson finds that Vancouver, al though separated from Europe by sev eral thousand miles of land and sea, is Just as much at war with tho Central Cowers as London or Paris. Troops aro everywhere on tho streots, mili tary grounds surround the city, sign board and newspapers appeal to the people to support Uie army and con tribute to various funds used for red cross purposes or to aid war widows and Interest In the war Is tense. "The Canadian newspapers refer to tho Hermans as the 'Huns' always," said Mr. Wilson, "and they cannot print anything strong enough to ex prom their opinion of them." Mr. Wilson saw 1200 trooim leavo for England while lio wan in Vancouver, lb- flatted the military training grounds uml talked with both men and officers. The pecular vi'nlty of the rocnilt Impressed Mr. Wilson. "The Scottish regiments, or Kilties, as they are known In Vancouver, soem to bo the most popular among tho recruits because of the attractive uniforms," Mr. Wilson was on tho Mexican bor der, attached to tho hospital corps of tho Third Oregon, and while In Van couver he paid particular attention to tho Red Cross work, hospital service and tho handling of the men. He noticed that after a few months of mili tary training a stoop shouldorod, dell cato youth would be transformed Into a strudy, broad shouldered man. Ho watchod recruits charge, with fixed bayonets, into figures made of bags of straw, and shoot from trenches dug along the lines of the trenches in Eur ope. Mr. Wilson visited the Vancou ver general hospital, In which 300 con valient soldiers are confined with Or. Nicholson. COUNTY COURT WILL SET A DAY LATE IN MONTH FOR APPOINT MENT OF 56 MEN. TRUST DEED IS FILED. BONDS WILL BE SSUEO FOR EXTENSION Pity the county court. That group of hard working Individ uals Judge Anderson and Comniia iiioitera Knight and Proctor aro be ing pestered from morning until night by vvould-ho rond bosses for that sea son of the year Is now nt hand when rond supervisors arc named. Tho court met Wednesday, with Commissioner Prostor, recently elected taking his sent for the first time, and organized. Almost the entire day was spent listening to ciiiullilates for road supervisor or their friends. Many of tho cainpalgna uro being conducted along lines th.it would put the ordinary political campaign to shame for muckraking. "Tom James comes in and tells us Hint Hill Smith, tho supervisor ln his district, is no good, that he wastes tho district's money, that he don't know how to build roada, but that he, Jones, would make, an Ideal super visor" ohservod one person who had heard a number of thcae candidates for supervisor deliver a tirade against tho Incumbent supervisor and present his own merits. Resides tho candidates who have ap liearcd before the court ln person, many have sent In written petitions. The county court, said Judge Ander son yesterday, will set n special day for the appointment of road supervis ors later ln the month. A supervisor will bo named for each of the 56 road districts in the county. mlttees: Introduced two senate resolu- Mr. Jack found that the net indent Hons, two lolnl resolutions and one odncBS of the county the first of this I i.in .....i .,.,n.i i,i., i. .. .-nnr "us and that the ,.(, llllu - .ii.-.. ... . . . . i i i i . . ' - . li, l - - - - " and reported favorably on two resolu- Hons of his own and several others. (Continued on Page Ono of his senate resolutions pro vides that no bills shall be introduced after tho ,10th day of the session and the other thut the ways and means committee must have all Its appropria tion bills prepared and on the desks of the members by the 30th day of the session. One of the Joint resolutions calls for a committee of three from the senate and four from the bouse to investigate the question of the consoli dation and elimination of boards and commission and gives the Joint com mittee sweeping power to hire clerks. subpoena witnesses and mako a gen-' oral investigation of all unnecessary and duplicated w ork and recommend ' a general wiping out of useless com- missions and consolidation of duplica-l Hons. Senator Dlmiok also introduced sen- j vOjrtaf the property of the Portland & ate bill No. 4, making It a felony for Oregon City Rutlwuy company to the a drunken automobile driver to kill or : Security Savings & Trust company, of Injure any person or to damage prop-; Portland, as trustee, preliminary' to erty and mlsdeiiieanor to drive a cnrj'be Issuance of $350,000 In bonds while Intoxicated and forbidding any which will be used to complete the person or firm from employing a habit-1 ltll(? from takers' bridge, or Carver ual drinker as an automobile driver station, on the Clackamas river to and providing punishment for nn em- Highland. plover who persists In employing n i 1 ne u0ml9 win ne issued in aeno.u- drunken driver. Tho Clackamas resentntive Hrownell named Mrs-! Malva Holle. Oregon City, as his sec-' retary. The Clackamas members in the bouts have seats adjacent ln the en ter of the back row on the east side ; years ago the company announced that it would build a four-track road up the west side of the river, two tracks be ing for electric and two for steam trains. The matter was allowed to drop, however, and the filing of the deeds here Saturday comes as the first intimntlon that the company is pre paring to resume its plan, although It is not known here whether the com pany will follow the original survey. The deed provides that the Southern Pacific shell maintain at all times side- of the house, while Senator Dimick has the same seat he had for many -',, and 8treets ln West Linn over j which the road shall run or cross. It (Continued on Page 4.) ' Letter & Allen, of Portland. LEGISLATORS FAVORING THE PAPERS DECLARE MONEY WILL BE USED TO BUILD HIGHLAND AND OREGON CITY ROADS A trust deed was filed Thursday con- CREATING OF NEW COUNTIES county senator stated today that he will make no inntions of $500 and $1000 nnd will ,"7. i draw t! per cent interest. They will I The trust deed declares Is the pur pose of the company to build a road T"l . I .1 . .. , V. .. I ll..l,ln...l Ala illOlll I I' III. mil n' inr 1 1 i -... .. 1 1", uto- mnture In 1946. The Issue was auth- .r .li JL i.. , -viia r- or zed by tho directors of the road in effort tl is session to abolish tho Ore- . . .... .... , , . . . . ,. September, 1915, but the actual ssu- hon uu.ai iiiiiiua. i-ui uiu nml dia . , , . . , , ,,. tl I, .1...., , I K l,,,lilme Ui me uiniua wuo u,wjvi. 11 , .ll.'M- I. Ill,' - D.OOIUUD, .Id ... I. I nt tacked that organization, once car rying the bill through the senate. Miss Eva L. Moulton, of Oregon City, j tTict nl)0Ut elgnt milcg from tne pre8. is Senator Dlmick's secretary. ent terminus of the road, and from Members of the houso ate awaiting i Portland to Oregon City. It is gener n report of the committee on rules be-1 ally understood that a branch will be fore they will know whether thoy will built from Dedman station in the be forced to hire private clerks or en-, Clackamas district to Oregon City, a titled to stenographers. distance of about five miles, ulti- E-James Jones, editor of the Oswego i motely. This branch will give the NT ACCORDING TO REM T If the efforts of the people of Osvve-1 there will be about 600 square miles, go. some of whom nre trying to in-1 wl'h a population of 4500, and an as duce the legislature to authorize the sessed valuation of more than $6,000. annexation of 13 square miles of Clack- 00- The district has 17 townships. omas county terirtory nre successful, I more than half of which are in the and the people of Estocada succeed in having the new county of Cascade carved out of Clackamas, this county will assume will be in a somewhat amputated condition. It was reported here Monday that forest reserve and seven of these town ships are unsurveyed. . "he lines do not Include Horlng and Sandy. The promoters of the plan propose to start at the northwest cor ner of section 10, township 2 south. the effort to secure the creation of the range 3 east, and run south on the new county of Cascade will have the township line to and Including Colton, backing of delegations from a half dozen other counties, where similar running east from that point to the forest reserve line und south to tho Times, was defeated by Charles Ers klne In the race for calendar clerk of the houso, when southern Oregon and Multnomah county swung together ngalnst Jones. BOY HAS FATHER ARRESTED. On complaint of his own son, B. M. Keele, aged 45 years, a woodcutter of Harton. was arrested yesterday by Constable Frost and Sheriff Wilson. He is charged with threatening to take the life of members of his family. He will be given a preliminary hearing today. Carver line a road connecting Port land with Oregon City, about half a mile longer than the line of the Port land Railway Light & Power company, but shorter than the Southern Pacific. The Portland & Oregon City Rail- i road company now has about 15 miles I miles of rails laid and Is operating trains. Stephen Carver, president of the company, has applied for a fran chise from Oregon City to operate Jit neys between Oregon City and Ded man until the branch rail line Is built so that the county seat town will be connected with his road- He is also securing Jitney grants from the city of Portland. schemes have been hatched and that i boundary line of Clackamas county, the promoters of all of the county div-1 Tne line of the proposed county runs Islon and annexation plans in Oregon I est of the Highland store, which Is will work in close harmony for a com- j ,lot included, but the Highland school mon end. is within the boundaries of tho pro- The proposal to create Cascade coun-1 posed f0 The dividing line In a ty was placed before the people of Ore-j f"1 wa ,he watershed between b. .ho i.Hu.. .i. the Clackamas and the Molalla rivers but failed to secure a sufficient num. i and he,wee" thc San and " clach- ber of votes. The peoplo living with in the boundaries of the proposed coun ty failed to Indorse the ineasnr?, through the opposition of residents of Boring and Sandy, some of whom were jealous of the ambition of Estaca da to obtain the county seat and others for the reason that It is their ultimate expectation that at some time terri tory will be carved from Clackamas and Multnomah and a new county cre ated, with a county seat at Gresham, providing the oft mentioned plan ot creating a city and county of Portland is adopted. In the proposed county of Cascade amas rivers. Part of the upper Logan territory is taken in. but none of the lower Logan district. Kelso is Just outside, but the towns of Firwood, CherryvIIle and Sprlngwater aro ln the new county. The eaat line runs to the summit of the Cascades, the pres ent boundary' between Clackamas and Hood River counties. The boundaries give the people interested a valley county along the Clackamas river up to a point west and near Harton It is understood that two of the three Clackamas members of the bouse have promised to support the measure. No effort haa been made here to resist the creation of the new county.