OUKdON CITY KNTKUI'ltlNK, I UIDAY, JANUARY 5. 1917. Pinal Nolle al lb rata of I par ram per annum NotUie la hereby gives Dial I In. un front November 12. IH. and for Ilia ! Ik I i n . utnr i.f Hi i rotate .f Mary A llandall, !. .. I hua file bla (in. 1 1 at. mini In aald estate In Ins inllil ronrl of I hi- state of Oregon, 'or lurkauia mini)', and lli.it II.. Judge of aalil ". hi baa apimliilnd Mou Ur. January 1Mb, 1017, al 10 o'clock a. in for hearing objections lo aalil ar count anil fur mini aalil '.!. I1KO IIANHAI.L, Ch i utor IHHiWNKI.I, A HIKVK'IH. Altotneye for Kitcutor. lummonl III tbn I In nil Court of Ibn Htate of Oregon, fur i'laikamaa county. Margaret Harrla, Plaintiff, vs. Hurhert llnrrla, liofKiidant To lliirbnrt Harrla, above named de fomlant In Ibn mtliiK of tbn alaln of Oregon you am immhy rii I f il In iippi-ar ami an wit lb cniiiilaliil filed naalnat you In tbn nlioyn entitled aull, mi or bnfnm tbn Mb day of January. 1117. aalil ilatn lining lh n pi ration of all weeks from tbn first pulilicuilnu of ihla aummoiia, anil If you fall to ap pear or anawer aalil rnntilalnt, for want thereof, tbn plaintiff will apply In tbn court for tbn rnllnf prayed fur In lo r complaint, lo-wlt Kor a decree dlaeolvlng tbn marrl ana contrail now nxlatlng bntwnnn plaintiff ami defendant. Tbla mini mon la published by onlnr of linn J I' Camitinll, i!il(n of tbn t'lirull I'oiirl, which onlnr wot mailn on Ibn 33rd day of Novanibnr, Ills, anil Dm limn prescribed for puldlshliig tlmmol ta ali WMka. beginning with Dm laun lalml Friday. Novi int.. t 14, laid, anil continuing each week thereafter to ami Including, Friday, January t, 1917 hhownkm. l hikvkkh. Attnrnsys far Plaintiff. aum of l-o on fur form losing tbla nolo ami mortgage ami for lha oala ami disbursement of tbla II. 3rd Hire, ting Iba aria of thn aald hereinbefore dcrll.ed mal properly iind Ilia aplillrallon of IIh prix da thnrnof lo tbn paynmnl of tbn rods of aald aala and lo Ilia paynmnl of aald Judgment 4lb Hairing mid fori dosing -II rlatlil. Illla and Internal of aarb and all of the defendant herein In and In Ibn aald rnal property and lha wbo!n Ibaraof aave only Iba atalutory rlgbl of rndmnpllon. bib And for null othnr and furlhi'r rnllaf aa la Juat and proper. Thla auniuiona la anrrnd by publlca lion thnrnof for all succesalve weeks liy ordnr of Ibn llonorabla J U. (.'amp boll, Judge of tbn above entitled rourt. which ordnr nil entered lu thn ahoi l.eloiiglug lo Iba aaUlaa of eel 'I ha undl i h Int. r at of nntltlnd court and rauae on the 2K(b day of Novnnihnr. 19)10, ami reciulrca that you apHar and annwer to aald complaint on or before thn 2lth day of January. 1917, bring thn Mind b thn court within which you are to en Inr an appearance hnrrln, otherwise plaintiff will take a decree In Ihla ault aa prayed for hnmln aud In plaintiff 'a nunplalnt riled biTnln Irate of flrat publication, December 1. Il. I iiilo of laat publication, January 12 1917. hkach. simon nvmon. Attorneya for I'lalntlff. 710 Hoard of Trade llulldlni. Portland, Oregon. Notice of Final Account. No. 1901. In tbn matter of thn Katato of Au mix! llorr'T. I ii'i ciiNi'il Notlcn la hereby given that thn un derslgned executrix of thn natate of August llorgcr, deceaaod, haa filed ln r final account In tbn County Court of thn Hlate of Orngon, for the count v of Clackamas, and that thn '7th day of January. 1917, nt the hour of 10 o'clock a. m. In thn county court room In tho county court house at Oregon City. Clai'kiiinaH county, Oregon, haa been appointed aa tbn time and placu for tho hearing of objections to aald final account and for the aottloment thereof. HKtilNA IIOIIOEH. Kioctitrlx M. B. MEACHAM. Attornoy for Executrix. Portland, Oregon. Date of flrat publication, Dncumlior 29, 1916. Notice to Creditor. Notice la hereby given Hint tho un dersigned hua linen nppolnled nilmlnls tralor of tbn estate of Ottllln Prlostor, deceased. All porsnn ImvltiK clalini ngulnst anld estate urn bnrnby noti fied to pronnnt tbn sumo duly verified and with proper vouchers to him nt the offlco of IiIh nttorneya it t room 3, An dreaen bulldltiK, OrtgOD City, Orogon, within six months from the dnto of this notice. CONRAD PltiKSTKH. Administrator of Ibn K.stuto of Ot tllle Prleatnr, Decenaod. IHMICK A DIMICK and W. I.. MULVKY, Alton,. for AdtuliilHlrutor. Date or first publication, Dec. 8, 191ft. Date of liiHt publli'iitlon, Janttnry 5, 1917. m Summani. In tho Circuit Court or tbn Stuto fit Oregon, for the County of Clackamas. The North weal Ileal Kutntn ft In voBtinnnt Company, a corpourtlon. I'lalntlff. VB. Harriet KrnncPH Murphy and Thorn na J. Murphy, her nttlbwidj llormnn Mulninn and Janl Don lliiliiinn, bin wlfo; Mcminn llulmnn, Jr., and Mary Don Hulfnan, bin wit), Dttendantt, To Hormaii Hwlouui and Jane Doe tin! man, bla wire, nml Herman Hul nmn, Jr., and Mnry Dno Hulmnn, IiIb wlfo: In thn ii. un.- of Mm Slato of Oregon you nnd each of yon lire hereby re qulrod to appear anil aimwer tho com plaint of tho plaintiff filed In Hie above entitled Biilt, on or before the. 20th day of January, 1917, and If you fall lo anawor for want thereof tho Bald plaintiff will nfik for a docroo fore elonlnc it h noto and mortgago upon nnd rtgaliiHt tho following doBcrlbeil roal property lltUAtad In OlaflkUDM county, Oregon, to-wlt: All tho following bounded nnd do acrlbed real property sltunled In thn county of Clacknnips, Btato of Orogon, commnnclng nt tho northwest corner of donation land claim No. 40 and run ning thence southerly along the claim linn R.IO.nl feet: thenco oast 22 fcot; thonco north 339.81 foot; thenco enBt 941 feet, to tho c.Inlm lino; thenco north 490.7 foot on tho claim lino to the north lino of suld claim; thence wost along the north lino of Bold claim to the place of beginning, containing twenty-throe and one-third (23 1-3) acres In thn donation land c'alm of Ocorgc nnd Eunice Drock In tho coun ty of Clackamas, state of Orogon. 2nd Also for a judgment and de cree herein in favor of plaintiff and against said defendants for the sum of $250.00, together with Interest thereon Summons for Publication. In (he Clr Hit 'Court of the Hlaln uf Orngon, for thn County of ITarkaiuaa Addle (). flreen. Plaintiff, Anna Murln Coifed, Prndrlka. Col It, Auguata Colfnlt and Anna Marin Colfnlt aa Admlnlatralrlx wltji tbn Will A n n i' i eil of tbn Kalatn of J. A. Cul fnlt, llecnam-d. DnfelidanU. To Krndrlka Colfnlt and Augusta Colfnlt, of the above named dnfund- anta In the nanm of thn Hlaln of Oregon, you are hereby mriulrml to appear and anawnr the complaint filed against you In the above entitled rourt lo the ault afornaald, on or before the 1Mb day of January, 1917, aald data being morn than six weeka after the date of the flrat publication of this aum moiia, and If you fall to ao appear and anawer, for Ibe want thnrnof. the plain tiff will apply to the court for the re llnf prayed for In Ihla raniplalnt to wlt: That plaintiff do have and re cover of and from the dafendanta, An na Marie Coital! and Anna Marie Col fall, aa admlnlatralrlx with the will annexed of the estate of J. A. Colfalt, deceased, thn aum of twelve hundred ($12001 dollar, with Interest there on at the rate of 8 per rent per an num from the I lib day of April, 1915, and for the further sum of $12f.00 as attorney'a fees, and the further aum of $113 00, expended by thn plaintiff for Inaurance, together with the costs and disbursements of this suit. For a dncrnn of foreclosure foreclosing thn linn of that rertaln mortgage given by the above named defendant, Anna Ma rin Colfolt and J. A. Colfelt. now de masnd, said mortgage being record ed In Ibe office of the recorder of Clackamaa county. Oregon, In Hook 17 of Mortgages on page 188, aald mort gagn lining for (be aum of twolvo hun dred ($1200) dollar, with interest thereon at the rate of 8 per cent per annum, and suld mortgage being upon tho following described property, situ ated In Clackamas county, Oregon, to- wlt: lils thirteen (13). fourteen (14), fifteen ilf.l, and sixteen (l), In block ono hiindrnil thlrty-nlght (138) In the Orngon Iron At Steel rompany'a ex tension to tho First Addition to Os wego, according to tho recorded mapa and plata thereof In the county of Clucknmas, stale of Oregon, and for such other nnd further rollof as to the court may seem Just nnd equitable. This summons Is published once a week for at least six consecutive weeka In thn "Oregon City Entor prlBe," a weekly newspaper of generul circulation, published in Oregon City, Clackamaa county, Oregon, by order of the Honorable J. II. Campbell, cir cuit Judge, mude this 2Sth day of No vember, 1916. The first publication of this sum it i. .ii . Is upon the 1st day of Duccmbcr, 191(1, nml the hiKt publication on the 12th day of January, 1917. I'AltHINHTON & FARKINOTON. Attorneya for I'lalntlff. nai b of aald balra In aud lo Iba north weal ipiarl. r of Ho narlbwnst iiiartr of ear Hon 24, township one aouth, tango four naal of lha Wlllamelta gag rldlan, In Clarkamaa rounly, Oregon, ontaliiliig forty arras. Term and Coiidlllona of Male -Caab upon delivery of aald dang of aald guardian, and aflnr confirmation of aal.- by aald Mainly rourt, twenty per eht of bid la l deposited on data of aala. Deed and abstract al nip nan of pun haaer. Hid and nff.-rs must he In writing and may Inslafl al Ibn office of J. I' Clark, attorney tor suld guardian, or may bt delivered lo aald guardian per eonally al routa u, Woodburn, Oregon at any lime after Ibn first publication of this nolle and before the making of said sale. Haled, December 2ltb, 111. ANNA llltOCK. (liiardlati of tho Person and Kslaln of Jnhn llrm k. Joaepb llnx k and Henry llrork, Minora JOHN K CI.AIIK. Attorney for liuardlan. CERBON I USES A gNATg AGAIN HCFUkfO TO CONFIRM OANIILt IICAUII OF Hit gCONOMIC OPINIONS SUSP NDER STRAP Citation. In thn County Court of Ibe Hut.- of Oregon, for the County of i'lai kamaa. In the mailer of thn estate of Kill belli Jane Waldrun Deceased. To John Hancock, C. t. Hancock, Oa Waldroii. II A. Waldron. Uy Waldron, and all other unknown heir of KlUulH-th Jane Waldron In the name of the Htate of Oregon: You are hereby cited and required lo appear and be In the county rourt of the Htate of Oregon, for Ibe county of Clackamaa. at the county court I.... in of aald court, on the 2Mb day January, 1917, at the hour of 10 o'clock In the forenoon of aald day. then and there ahow cause, If any ex ist, why lot 12. Tim V. Kandall a aub division of block 3, Mount Pleaaant. ahould not be told to pay the debta and clalma against the eatate of aald dec easel aa set out In tbn petition hereinbefore filed Witness, the Hon. H H Anderson, Judge of aald court this 28th day of December. 111. Attest: I. M. HAKIHNOTON. Clerk. E TO HANG HIMSELF ITALIAN, HILO FOR KILLING FgL LOW COUNTM VMAN, gK Dt ATM TO (NO THOUSLIt BELOVED MANDOLIN CANT Bf FOUND. PROBABLY IS BURNED gharlff Wlleen and Or- Hsmpetaad Work Far 46 Mlnutee Ovsr gody In Unsuceaecful effort To Hsatora Life Eaecutor'a Notice. Notice la hereby given tbat thn un dersigned, executor of the eatate of Clara ('. Hall, deceased, baa TlJ hi final account herein with the county clerk, of Clackamaa county, Oregon, and the county Judge haa aet Monday. February Stb. 1917, at the hour ot 10 o'clock a. m , at the county court room In Oregon City, Clackamaa county, (Jrcgon, as thn time and place for hear ing objection to aald final account and for thn final aettlement of aald eatate. W. O BALL, Executor. O.'tJ. EBY. Attorney for Executor. Hot.-: January Sth. 1917- Administrator's Notice of Final Settle ment. Notlcn in hereby given that tho un dersigned administrator of tho estate of Bully J. Hoots, deceased, tins filed IiIh final account as mlmltiiutratar of the estate of said deceased, In the enmity court of Clackamas comity, Oregon, and that said court has ap pointed Monday, January 22, 1917, at 9:30 o'clock n. in., of anld day ns the day and hour for the hcnrlng of ob jections to .mi final account mid tho nettloment thereof. Now, therefore, all persoiiH Inter ested In the estate of said deceased are hereby notified and required to nppoar at the county court room nt the court house,- at Oregon City, ClacKaniiis county, Oregon! al suld time to thou and there show cause, if any thoro bo, why said iiocount should not bo sot tied, allowed and approved, and suld estate forever nnd flnnlly settled and said administrator ami his bondsmen forever discharged. Dntod, Doeomher 22, 19IC. IIAUVEY E. HOOTS, Administrator of tho Estuto of Em ily J. Hoots, Deceased. CI.AIIENCE BUTT, Attorney for Estate. Nowborg, Oregon. FOR SALE 1 span of marea about 2500 lb., 1 farm wagon, 1 aet doa ble harnca. 1 cream aeparator, 700 capacity. 1 top buggy, 1 Champion mower, 1 hay rake, 1 steel plow, 2 eultiratora. 1 single harness. All In good shape and will sell cheap. Address M. H. Rlebhoff, Oregon City, Koute I. Box 139. WANTED To b.ar from owner uf good farm for sale, st.it.- cash price and dearrlptlon. D. F. Hush, Minneapolis, Minn. PHONES Office Home, A-23 Pacific, 253 Residence 36FI1 DR. WM. C. SCHULTZE DR. F. P. SCHULTZE Physicians and Surgeons Rooms 217-218 Masonic Im!ldlng Oregon City Oregon Money to Loan $zowoo at 6 Per cent PAUL C. FISCHER Lawyer Deutscher Advokut OREtiON CITY OREOON Tonl ('erboal, awaiting action by the grand Jury on a charge of second de rrne murder, brought bla t roubles to un end Thursday by hanging himself w'lh a suspender strap In tbe county Jail, sheriff Wilson cut down bis body shortly before IX o'clock, and for 4 minutes the aheriff and Dr. YV. E Hemp, tad worked over It. attempting to malore life. Carbon I 's heart was still beating when Hberlff Wilson cut blm down. The Italian selected tbn same part of the Jail In which Charlie Wilson. .barged with killing Mamie Walab banned himself in 193. Then, there were other Inmates In tbe Jail and they walled ontll they were certain that Wilson waw dead before calling for Deputy Hheriff Hackett, who cut down the body. Beloved Mandolin Disappears. (lone with Cerbonl la bis beloved mandolin. For day he forgot hi troublea by playing tbe melodou mualc of bla native bind, but during tbe laat week be baa tried lo give It away, saying that be bad no heart for mualc. He probably burned the in atniment Just before taking his life. Hberlff Wilson believes tha' Cer bonl waa driven to suicide by hi over active Imagination. He waa convinced that he would be hanged by tbe state for killing a fellow-countryman at a construction camp near Hull Run three weeks ago. and all elforta of Sheriff Wilson and other Italians to correct this Impression were useless- Tho face of bis victim Is alao believed to have haunted him. During tbe last few daya he baa been violent at times, and would throw himself on the floor, fin e dot nurd, and cry by the hour. Death Is Predicted. Wednesday night in the presence of Deputy Diitrlct Attorney llurke Cer bonl declared that he would be dead in 21 hour, and destroyed a cruitlx which he ha carried for the last few days. Earlier in the week he took Bherlff Wilson and Captain H. I,. Hull to a place in the Jail where he had drawn on tho wall a crude picture of a man with a rope around his neck. "That's me." he aald, pointing tn tbe drawing and to his own neck. Cerbonl sbot and killed Sam Sac chetta December I and was arrested that night by a party of Clackamas and Multnomah county officials near An derson station on the Estacada line. He made a complete confession to District Attorney Hedges. The killing grew out of a quarrel over 60 cents, which Sncchettn claimed Cerbonl owed him. Cerbonl was 28 years old and unmarried. P PENNSYTEAMIS -n nrrr a tt-. s BYOREGONIANS WEST MEETS THE l: EAST AND TAKES ALL THE HONORS E .'CONNECTION trVJTH THE SOUTH FORK PIPELINE COUNCIL APPOINTS COMMITTEE TO TAKE MATTER UP WITH OREOON CITV, WEST LINN Tbe senate failed to 'onflrm tbe president's nomination of Wlntbrop Moore Danlela of New jeraey to con tinue aa a member of the Interstate Commerce commission. Mr. Daniels' reappointment haa aroused renewed; opposition among the membera of tbeCIa.kmI1IM Tbe pump u Tbn Oladatoo city council at tbe flrat meeting of tbe new year Tues day night dlacuaaed ways and mnani whereby the town water system could 1 nnc.t-.l with the South Pipeline, and a commute-, compose I of Councllmen Vedder. Hempstead and auriow ana Mayor lioweil, waa ap pointed to take the matter up with the proper anthorttlee In West Linn and Oregon City. The pipeline haa a capacity of about 4.000.000 gallons a day. and West l.inn and Oregon City, lb towns owning tbe line, use less than a million gal lons dally. Tbe application of Olad atone reals with Ibe Joint water com mission, composed of representatives of West Unn and Oregon City. Gladstone now la supplied with water by a well on the bank of the Id FORWARD PAgggg ANO PUNTS ARE FEATURE OF POST SEA SON PASADENA OA ME SHY HUNTINGTON AND PARSONS, OREGON STARS, HAKE LONG RUNS Eugene Team Gets Flrat Touchdown On Forward Pas and Later Par sons Goes Ovsr Pane's Line For Another Goal. Wonderful H:-niar Park. Tbla la tbe heart of the playground, worshiped by Hie nil men lu tbe daya of old. aud bt-rn lu tbe evidence of scores of mineral apriugs bubbling from tbe ground one fecu more keenly Ibe puissance of (iod. To Ibe left from Ibe road, looking as If It were but s block away, rues Mount Ta coma. Its aldea sbowius tbe purplish Unes of Ice. great ai,.,r. fields snd Jag ged rocka. let It la Ore miles from tbe springs to Msqually glacier, over a road aa iii'th a paremeut and broken at almoat every length of tbe car by vlta of surpaaslng beauty. Now It U a forest of direr, high tree trunk dotting tbe tide of a peak tripped of their braucbea and bsrk and whitened by the elements. Now It Is a glimpse of Msoually river. which takes its origin from tbe glacier of tbat name, as It tumble aloni over Ita rocky bed. and now It Is forested peak rising tootbllke oat of tbe Jaw of this mighty range of which Mount Tacoma, "the mountain that was God," tn ibe picturesque language of tbe Indians, is a part-Ralph 1. Mulrane in Natlona', Magazine. to be Inadequate to supply tbe demand of tbe growing town, and tbe city must either look elsewhere for its water or Install new pumps. The Gladstone council organ lied Tuesday night for tbe coming year. H. E. Croas waa elected president, Henry Wegner. street superintendent, and Thomas Oault, water superintendent. New councllmen who took their seats Tuesday night are Dr. W. E Hemp stead. H. E. Cross, Frank Rarlow and Hrenton Vedder. FOR TRADE Hreedlng mar?. 12"0 pounds for horse weighing between 1100 and 1200 pounds and pay diff erence. Ilox 292 Route No. 1. Mil wuukle, Oregon. Ono mile west of Clnckamns station. Guardians Sale of Real Estate. Hi tho County Court of the State of Oregon, for the county of Clackamas. In the m.ii i. r of tho Estnto nf John Brook, Joseph Brook and Henry Hrock, minors. Notlco la heroby given: That In pur Hiinnco of nn order of tho county court of Clackamas county, State of Oregon, duly given and madn on the 22nd day of December, 1916, In tho above en titled estate, Anna llrock, guardian of tho persons and estate of John Hrock, .loncph Hrock and Henry Hrock, min ora, will sell on or after tb3 25th day of January, 1917, in the county of CInckamaB, state of Oregon, to the highest nnd best bidder and upon the terms and conditions hereinafter men tioned, at private sale, subject to tho ronfirmatlon by tho said county court, the following described real property if I TBUfllAL OE LATE TDNI UNI ITALIAN WHO KILLED FELLOW COUNTRYMAN, THEN HANGED SELF LAID TO REST. Sur.nt and 12 o'Clook. Tbe habit of counting 11! o'clock at sunset is very aucienL The Turks. Greeks and until other people in tbe Levant have almost always counted 12 o'clock from sunset, and to tbla day the common people cannot under stand that their clocks have to be changed every day aud not ours. Tbe Turks have officially adopted meridian time, but only dluce the Young Turks came Into power that Is, since 1908. Tbe change was STo then not made Immediately It encountered a great leal of opposition on religious grounds, because the Mohnmmcdan hour of prayer are regulated by the aun. And the common (teoplo still stick to the jld system. Only In Constantinople and Smyrna are there many Turks who keep tho ofHclaJ meridian time, and the great majority of people throughout the TutkUb dominions still count 12 o'cleck, as their ancestors have from time Immemorial, at sun set. New York Times. Theory and Practice. Here la a good aturv from tbe collec tion of a Cermau school luspeetor. Tbe pupils were being examined on tbe sub ject of pentoual hygiene. A boy was aaked. "What have you to do in order to keep your teetb sound and white?" "Clean them." was the prompt reply. "When ought you to clean tbem?" "Morning, noou and ulgbt." "Wbat are they to be cleaned witb?" "With a toethbrusb." "Very good. Have you a toothbrush?" "No, sir." "Has your father a toothbrush':" "No, sir." "Haa your mother a toothbrush?" "No. air." "Hut bow do you know about the use of toothbrushes then?" "We sell tbem. air." FOR THE WEB KIDDIE. Attractive hat for tho woo kiddio shown In pale blue velvet simulating the lioku bonnet effect, l.issonicntrle ornaments and a border of bcuvor ful afford sultublo trimming. This And Five Cents! DON'T MISS THIS. Cut out this slip, enclose five cents to Foley & Co.. 2835 Sheffield Ave., Chicago, III., writing your numo and address clear ly. You will receive in return a trial package containing Foley's Honey nnd Tar Compound for bronchial coughs colds and croup; Foley Kidney Puis, for pain in side and back, rheumatism, backache, kidney and bladder ail ments; and Foley Cathartic Tablet-!, a wholesome and thoroughly e'eane lng cathartic, especially comforting to stout persons. Jones Drug Co. (Adv.) Without ceremony, floyyers or music and without one friend nt tho grave side, Toni Cerbonl, confessed mur derer who took his own life last Thurs day In tho comity Jail, was hurled at county expense Tuesday morning. FrlendB. with whom Sheriff Wilson communicated as soon ns Corbonl's body wan found, fulled to como to Oregon City to take care of the body. Nevertheless. It was held in a morgue horc until this morning, as the sher iff nml Coroner Hempstead wanted to five his Italian trials n Portland every opportunity provide decent burial. Tuesday morning nn undertaker nnd in assistant carted tho plain white box, containing Corbonl's body, to the graveyard nt Mountain View, whore Is was Intorred. Tho mystery of the disappearance of Corbonl's mandolin, with which he of ten played the melodous music of his native land, has been solved. In ashes In the stove of the Jail woro found the strings nnd metal parts of the Instrument. Tho Famous "Grasn Man of Brighton." In Octolior, 1S0(I, nn individual was to be observer) at Itrlghton, nglaud, who wulked out every day dressed in green from head to foot green shoos, green gloves, green handkerchief and other urticles to match. This eccen tric person lived nloue, knew nobody, und In his house tbe curtains, the wall paper, the furniture, eveu the plates and dishes and the smallest toilet ar ticles, offered un uninterrupted se quence of green. Having started on Ills career, there was obviously no rea son to stop, Kiid with full consistency ho Carried his scruples so far ns to cat nothing but fruit and vegetables of the same green color. The consequences wore extremely disastrous. One fine day the green man (imped from his window Into the street, rushed forward and performed a second somersault from the top of tho nearest cliff. Reindeer Cloth. Garments made of reindeer skin are remarkable for their moisture resisting capability as well as for their warmth. The hair, unlike that of many animals. Is not hollow throughout Its length, but Is divided Into watertight cells Oil ed with air. which aiears to be under compression, so that wheu Hie gar ments are placed lu water (be balr swells without breaking, aud tbe wear er is buoyed up aud does not readily sink if be falls overboard. Amoug the Russians, Swedes aud Norwegians reindeer clothes arc very common. Venus of Milo. It Is said that the base of tho famous Venus of Milo, with tbe name of the sculptor upon It, was destroyed for the purpose Of deceiving u king Of Krance IntO the belief thiit the statno was more auclcut than It really is. POLK'S GAZETTEER l Bailoena Dlrertorr ef enrfi f!ftv. IWa and VUlare ua Orrsoo and Waihfaistoa, gl'iac Sketch of each nhu-i naippiaa; nciuuee fled Dlre-tnrr af aw rroxessioo. E. L. POLK OO, Seattle, Waita. llrni-rlptlve a location, Cl ami- Some Tree. In the angle between the Kings ami Kern canyons lies a woodland empire beside which the Hnrz and Rlack for est of Germany would appear almost diminutive. Within the borders of the Sequoia National park and the General Grant National park near by there are no fewer than 1400.000 sequoia trees and of these 12.000 are more than ten feet In diameter In the Sequoia Na tional park stands the largest tree In the world not the tallest, but the larg est tbe General Sherman tree, with a diameter of 'M' feet and a height of '.'"!).!) feet. Its massive trunk and branches contain nbont 1,000.000 feet of lumber, board measure. This Is equal to the amount of lumber that Is cut from forty acres of average Minne sota tlmberlnud.-ArgouauL "Rllkius says his wife Is pnlnfully literal." "She must I If she was that way when he told me she went at blm ham mer und tongs." Baltimore Ainericau. "Is your country place finished yet?" "Oh, yes. Why, I have already begun alterations on It." Boston Transcript. A nut and a Joke are alike In that they can both be cracked und different In that the joke can be cracked again. PASADKNA. Cel.. Jan. 1 -The met the east here this afternoon and the weat triumphed when the Univer sity of Oregon claahed with the Uni versity of Pennsylvania and won, 14 to 0. The game was a feature of the second annual Tournament of Rose. The vb tory of the Oregonians waa a surprise here, aa betting odds fav ored Pennsylvania to win by from 10 pointa to touchdowns. As Is wss. the easterner were not eves able to score against the marvelous Pacific coast football machine brought down here from Eugene. Tbe day was Ideal for football, and thousands ot fans witnessed the game, many coming here from the east Pennsylvania I credited with having one of the strongest teams In the east, and the victory of Oregon over the eleven is considered a sensation In football circles, a practical demonstra tion of the fact that western football is as good as the eastern variety. Open Work Feature Game Neither team acored in the first half, each eleven getting a line on tbe style of play of the other. Forward passes and punts were tried time after time by the two teams, and each seemed to be about equally successful in making them. Fast and snappy playing by both ildes kept the spectators on edge early tn tho game, but there waa a perceptible slowing down In the sec ond period. Tbe only substitution during the first half waa Qulgley for Berry. Qulgley jraa sent in to try for a field goal from a place kick on Ore gon's 30-yard line, but failed Berry, Pennsylvania forwand and punter, during tbe early part of the edge on Beckett. Oregon punter, dur ing the early part of tbe game Oregon Scores in Last Half. Oregon awoke tn the last two quar ters, and made yardage against the easterners with little trouble. In tbe third half, Shy Huntington, who played a stellar game, captured tbe ball and made 35 yards down a broken field. He was downed by Miller. Ore gon then made a touchdown on a for ward pass, Huntington to Tegart, who was behind Penn's goal line. Hunt ington kicked goal. Oregon started the fourth quarter in whirlwind fashion. Parsons making nine yards through center. Parsons made another yard through center and Montieth punted 40 yards. Berry at tempted a forward pass, but Hunting ton Intercepted it and Parsons secured the ball and skirted left end for two yards. Parsons made 45 yards through a broken field, even exceeding Hunt ington's dash, and landing on Penn's eight-yard line. He then went over Penn's line for the second touchdown of the game and Huntington kicked goal from a difficult angle. PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY JOSEPH E. HEDGES Lawyer MONEY TO LOAN WEINHARD BUILDING D. C. Latourette, President F. J. Meyer, Cashier The First National Bank of Oregon City, Oregon CAPITAL, $50,000.00 Transacts a General Banking Business Open from 9 A. M. to 3 P. M. William Hammond Philip L. Hammond HAMMOND & HAMMOND Attorneya-at-Lasv Abstracts, Real Estate, Loans, Insur ance. OREGON CITY, OREGON Pacific Phone 81, Home Phone A-273 Is. Self Convicted. "Say. pa,' queried small Bobby, "wbat Is gossiping, anyway?" "Gossiping, my son," replied tbe old man, "If we get right down to the plain, unvarnished facts, is lying. But why do you ask ?" 'Because." answered tbe yonug in vestigator, "ma BSJI you do a lot of gossiping every time your huslness keeps you late at tbe office." Exchange. Lee Bly, of Cams, was among the Oregon City visitors Wednesday. Office Phones Pacific Main 406; Home A-270. STONE & MOULTON Attorneya-at-Law Beaver Bldg., Room 6 OXEGON CITY - - - - OREGON 0. D. EBY Attomey-at-Lai Money loaned, ahitracts furnish ed, land titles exumin-J, estates settler, general law business. Over Bank of Oregon City. C. 3CHUEBEL Attorney-at-Law Deutscher Advokat Will practice in all courts, make col lections and settlements. Office in Enterprise Building, Oregon CiU. Oregon, Phones Pacific 52 Home A-151 GEORGE C. BROWNELL Attorney-at-Law All legal business promptly attended ta C. D. A D. C. LATOURETTE Attorneye-at-Law Commercial, Real Estate and Probate our Specialties. Of fice In First National Bank Bldg., Oregon City, Oregon. CLAUDE W. DEVORE, Attorney-at-Law Notary Public. Estacada, Oregon. W.S. EDDY, V. S., M.D.V. Graduate of the Ontario Veteri nary College at Toronto, Canada, and the McKilllp School of Sur gery of Chicago, Is established at Fashion Stable, between Fourth snd Fifth on Mam Street Both Telephones Office Pacific 65; Home A-95 Res. Pacific 184; Home B-80