- r " ...-'. rninw IlkllinW I inl7 1, REGON QTY ENTE Th Weekly Enterprise U worth the price. Com- pare It Mrllh others and then subscribe. 0 MIS i 1 " '': r v r Fl'TVf IHT YEAR-NO. 1. (iUK(K)S CITY KSrmVHlHK, FRIDAY, JANUARY 5, 1917. HILLAGE GROWS TOTAL RAISED TO III DECREASE LOSS Or VALUATION RESULTS IN HIOHIR TAXtl THAOUOHOUT TMI COUNTY orecom cmr property owner WIU PAY 40.8 HILLS J 1917 Levy of 1.1 Mill on Property Outside Districts With Standard Hlyh choola It Mado Undar Tuition Fund La. PLAN STEAMER LINETO i OSWEGO DIVIS or IS SULPHUR WOULD 01 QAHOO ON RETURN TRIPS-DETAILS NOT VIT ARRANOtD COMPARATIVE MILLAGE OP ll ANO 1I7. -, CharmUr III 1I7 df (at Mllla Mills County 3 6 4 7 Htata 3 It 14 Hchool 3 J 14 ItoaJ I. 7. 4. Total general levlne 11. II 8 Oregon City General levies II. 11.1 City 10.6 14 5 Hchool dUtrlrt .... . 7.1 Total la city HI 401 Tlio Crown Willamette I'iimt rom pany anil Ilia llaainy Pulp Paper company, operating big nillli hero, and Ilia I'nloti Hulilmr company ara seri ously i oneldxrllif the operation of Una of steamers from Portlund to porta on tba (iulf of Mexico, carrying paper lo Ilia aoiitlirro statra and bring back ulphiir, tilt h la uied In Ihe manufar. ture or puprr. Wlllard I. llawlry, Jr., announced the plan. Other north prodtuta (ami pa per, em h aa lumber, would ba rarrlnd. Ilelnlla of the propoaul ara being worked out now. A number of rrafta ara available for Ilia ervlre, and boata would probably ba operated on monthly schedule In aplta or the. tax limitation bill paaaitl by tba 115 legislature and the amendment to the atuta ronatltutlon 'enarlud NovrmlxT 7, the Oregon city pro port y owner will find whnn be at Ilea bla annual bill with tho county that, aomvway, somehow, taxes have Increased. Tlila year, the county neat property owner paid 31 5 mllla, flgur. lug In every levy, and thouiibt ha had causa to complain. Next year he will pay 40.8 mill. Tho geiierol county levy, Including county, atnto, echool and road Invlwt will be 18.5 mllla lu 1917, coutrastlng with IS mllla tnia year. The county cuuit invt Thuruuy lo determine tho luvy, and by careful figuring waa ablo to hold the general nilllngo down to only a .6 of a mill Increase. Amount Ralaed Docrcaiea In spite of thla hulf mill Increase in tho total general inllliiKC, however, less money will be rained In tho county next year than thla by taxation, ex cluding the city and district levies. Thin year, IS mill brought In $H5. 916.67, whllo next year lft.r. iiiIIIh will bring In only $;.3I,GI1.0I. Thla shrink bko la due to tho wholesale reduction In the assessments of tho Portland Railway Light & l'ower company, owp Iiir utit-Hlxtli of the Inxuhln property In the county, the dent ruction by wind or timber In tho CnHcailea, loio of tho crunt IiukIh from tho tax toIIh and a ro ductlon of aHBcnamont nlHuwhoro. The nHiu'imment of tho county In the year tins dnrrenneil from :I0.3L'S,&:I0.9S to I2S.737.3C2. Tho following tnhla aliowa how tho )r31,ll41 will bo dliitrlliutod unit the correHpondliiK hiiiiih thin year: (iiururtor 1916 1917 County SluC,ft9.S8 $i:i5.0l'S.!G Rtato U7.fi.17.sa 97,707.00 School . 99,477.(10 97.707.00 Koail 242,:8.30 201.K.1.40 WHISKEY STILL IS FOUND HIDDEN ON BANKS Of SCHEME WILL BE IT BY 0. C. TOUGH LIVI WIRCI ORGANIZING VIGOR OUI CAMPAIGN TO BC MADE BIFORI HOHLATURE EFFORT MADE TO CEI WEST IM TO JOIN ANNEXATION KOYEKEMT Roadmaetsr Roota Say Wall Matured Plana on Foot to Improve Roadt Near Oawego Judge Ander aon Dlacutaea Matter. RIVER MEN BELIEVED TO BE OWNERS NOW FACE CHARGE OF BUrtQ. LARY AT SALEM. SECLUDED SPOT AT MOUTH OF MOLALLA SCENE OF-OPERATIONS Sheriff Wllion and Deputy District Attorney Burke Bring .Back 25 Fact of Load Pipe Raw Material! Ara Found. Totnl $545,910.07 1531.011.01 A chuiiKO In mnkiiiK tho roud levy, howovor, Mhniild lio taken Into connhl eratlon In atudyliiK thin talilo. Tlio county court, following tho roenmmen. (lotions of tho tnxpnyora, mado a 7-mlll Konornl rond lovy, and two mills of tho 4. 7-mlll county lovy will be mod for rond and biidgo work, as well. The county will apond one mill more on roads noxt yunr on thin, making a total of nlno iiiIIIh, and loan for tho Ronorul expenses of tho county, al though tallies printed above would ap pear to Indlcnto that tho contrary wan true. Tuition Levy ;.3 Mills. On all property outsldo of illxtrlcts with stnndard hieh bcIiooIh, thoro will (Continued on Tago 4.) , Hidden In a aecluded ipot at tho mouth of the Molnllu and the bank of the Wlllanintte, four miles back of Canby. Sheriff Wilnon and Deputy Dis trict Attorney llurku have uncovered a whlitky Kill. Saturday they visited tho secluded aiot, dentroyed tho atlll and returned to Oregon City with about 25 feet of lead pipe which formed the cuIIh. The atlll waa crudely maao of bar- tela and pipe. It was hidden In an outbuilding near the homo of A. J. Hllvey. a blind fMicrimin. Tho men who, the officers believo, operated the ntlll ar,. Leonard WoNlfall and A. O. Collins, bound over to tho grand jury In .Marlon county on a chargo of burglary. It was In working on tho burglary cane that tho officers found tho still. Wotitfull and Collins, who lived with the blind IlKhcrmim, waa arrested Thursday for steuling $100 worth of hides from Wurstur Urothers, proprie tors of a butcher shop nt Aurora, and tho officials went to tho place at tho mouth of tho Molulla to find tho stolen proiorty. After searching through the houno mid outbuildings, they found tho hides under tho floor. Tho 8(111 was concealed near tlio house. No liquor was found, but the leud colla have a strong odor and a uiiantlty of corn and apples wore lo cated near tlio still. The officers are convinced that tho still had been, used recently. Tho Live Wires of the Oregon City 'omninrrlul club at their weekly uncheon Tuesday luld plans for a vigorous fight against the proposal for tho annexation of 13 a'juare mllt-a of territory In the Oswnro district. In cluding the town of Oaargo Itself, to Multnomah county. The fight will be arrird to the coming leglalature. It waa opnly charged at the meet ing Tuesday that tbe Oregon Iron A Steel ropipany. through Ha attorney, A. King Wilson, mayor of Oawego, is primarily behind the annexation move. ment and that selfish motives of the company Inspired tho plan. In order to combat tho assertion that the Pa cific highway on the west aldo of the Willamette running through Oawego has not received a reasonable amount of Improvement, the Commercial club hna arranged for a conference with the county court at 10 o'clock noxt Friday morning, ut which time an ef fort will bo made to obtain from the court some definite assurance that the rond from Oswego to the Multnomah county lino would bo Improved this year. Tho services of O. P. Johnson, formerly connected with the assessor's office here, were sccurod and ho has been engaged to draft and submit a report showing tho condition of the taxable urea Involved, and a compar ison of tbe Toliintiona and assessments of C arkamrs and Multuomuh counties along the border. II. T. Mclinln authorised the state ment that the West Linn authorities had been approached by a committco from Oswego and had been urged to Join some of the West Linn torritory to the proposed annexation scheme. Itonilmoster Roots said Tuesduy that well matured pluns wero under way for the Improvement of tho Oswego road, thnt a rock crusher had been set up nenr the town and that it had ben planned to niako a definite and ex tended Improvement In thnt section this year. County Jndgo Anderson, however, fe-is thnt tho county court has been Improperly approached by Rome of tho nnnexatlon boomers, who conveyed to tho court a thinly veiled threat that unlcsi tho rond Improve ment wns dellnltely promised, that tho light for annexation would bo pushed. Tho Live Wires expect to bo able to harmonlo some of tho fooling that litis been engendered over the high way situation, and to secure such as surances that will glvo the Oswego ter ritory such Improvement that It Is Justly entitled to, but without crippling tho roud plans for 1917 In other sec tions of tho county. It wns stated at tho meeting Tues day thnt It Is nlno proposed to annexa tion about 11 equnro miles of Wash ington county's area to Multnomah. EfflTE REJECTS nnnrrrn iji I ii rr if i 1 HUI I LU CARVER TO SELL BONDS TO BUILD m LAND ROAD PROPOSAL FROM BERLIN CALLED EMPTY AND INSINCERE BY PARIS AND LONDON. Note From Central Powers Is Declar ed to Be "War Maneuver" Settle ment for Future Security Bald to Be Aim. LINE FROM DEDMAN STATION TO OREGON CITY PROBABLY BUILT ULTIMATELY RAILROAD Wttl TAP RICH COUNTM IN EASTERN PART OF THE COUNTY ju.wu Bona Issue Will Bo Floated To Provide Funda to. Complete RoadTrust Daed to be Filed In Few Days. : I'oriuiiii, I I,,. V,'.l..':.,,IM.r.'!''l,'A'-K,, lr:TV ILISHEO IMI ' ""IK. I'l, I i, I unUli'i, )fr 'l.nlur II. F. FISHED FOR LOOSE TWO STORY FRAME STRUCTURE TO BE ERECTED ON LODGE PROPERTY SOON. The building committee of tbe Mooso lodge Saturday let the rontrart to A. f. Plhr for the construction of a mod irn. two-story. (4 by to few frame lodge building at Kleveoth and Main streets. Tbe plana provide for threo store rooms, facing Main lre t, on the Drat floor and modern lodge rooms upstairs. The cost of the building waa not made public, but tbe total investment. In cluding building, ground and furnish ing will be between $15,000 and $J0, QOO. The building committe la composed of O F. Johnson, D. P. Skene, Frank Hunch. M. Justin. William Welsmandel and P. D. Furbea. 1 INDUSTRIES HERE VILL EXPAND IN NEXT12H0NTHS MILLIONS WILL GO FOR IMPROVE MENTS IN EVERY SECTION OF THE COUNTY. PAVING HAY BE PARIS, Doc. 30 In reply to the proffer of Germany and her altloa for a peace conference, the entente al lies. In a collective note, declare tbut they "refuse to consider proposal which Is empty and Insincere." The note was banded to the American Am bassador. WlllUm Graves Bbarp. to day by Premier Uriand, and waa made public simultaneously in London and Paris. The entente, allied governments In slst that no peace la possible so long aa they have not secured reparatlou for violated rights and liberties and the free existence of small states and have not brought about a settlement for the future security of the world. The note declares that the proposal of the central powers Is not an offer of peace, but a "war maneuver." It la declared to lie founded on "cal culated misinterpretation of the char actcr of tho atruirglo In the past, the present and th f'-'ure." DRAINED TO SAVE ROAD FROi-l RUIN The completion of the Portland ft Oregon City railroad between Port land and tho lllghlanu country at aa early date was forecasted Saturday hen representatives of tbe Security Savings ft Trust company, of Port'and, made arrangemcnU to file early this week a trust deed necessary to the Issuance of $350,000 In bonds ii-. - ... . . . iui.t iu prooably be filed next juesaay. The company Is better known as the Carver line, and now haa 15 miles of rail laid from Port land to Itakcrs Urldge on the Clacka mas nver. i ne company plans ultimately to hulld a branch from Dedman station. located south of Clackamas, to Ore gon C ity. The road to Highland will follow up Clear creek to the country back of Viola. The road will tan aom or me ncnest territory In Clackamas county, country which Is not directly servea by a railroad at the present nine. The road up Clear creek will follow a water grade. Large bodies of timber stand clos to the track, and lumber Crown of Southern Part of First Coun- and cordwood will furnish freight for many years. INDUSTRIAL EXPANSION ACTS AS STIMULANT FOR LINES OF TRADE Hawley Pulp ft Paper Company and Oregon City Woolen Mills Will Spend Big Sums Hero In Making Enlargements PUDDLES ON PARKPLACE HIGH WAY CAUSE OF WORHY TO THE COUNTY COURT JOB IS SIMPLE, HOWEVER, AND CAN BE DONE AT SMALL EXPENSE ii. fc. cross, local attorney for Stephen Carver, president of the road. said Saturday night that the company ty-Lald Hard Hard Surface Found Too Low to Carry Off All The Water, Tho nuto, which ia the Joint act of did not Intend to build In Oregon City llelgluin, France, Croat Prltaln. Italy, Julian, Montenegro, rortugul, Rou- mania, Russia and Serbia, declares that the present strife was desired, provoked and declared by Germany and Austria-Hungary, and that Ger- mnny mado no effort to bring about a paclflo solution of the trouble be tween Serbia and Austria-Hungary. at once, although a survey has been made. Aft?r the line to Highland ! completed and the entire road put In to successful operation. Mr. Carver The county Is f.-ce to face with the necessity of draining water from the southern part of tho Pr.rknlace-Ore- w II probably consider the construe- rnn niv .mrH .... t, , flnn n f a Una n nunni. riH . i . i I J .v; v vsitrbuii V.IIJ, WIIU a view of operating trains between Pnrf. land and Oregon City. M? drain tnt section of the high Mr. carver originally planned to y on. said County Judge AndBr- Duim to Oregon City, but was dlscour- son Friday agea oy me attitude or several Oregon Water Is standing In small puddls City business men. and lost his fran- at each side of the road. The water chlse by default. It ts understood 8 not over three-quarters of an Inch mat the position taken by the eommer- HPI1 hilt orr.rr1tnc ts Unww ir clal Interests of Oregon City will have k ick, who had chnre of th i-in nf COUNTY SUPERINTENDENTS AT SALEM DEBATE MEANS TO ADD TO EFFICIENCY. PORTLANDER GETS LICENSE County Clerk Iva M. Ilr.rrlngton Friday Issued a marriage license to LoiiIho A, Truob and Thomas T. Grigs by. 1220 Concord street, Portland. ESTACADA COUPLE WEDS, W. II- MIhs Mattlo Smith and Ralph Lomon, who secured a marriage reuse last Saturday, wore quiotly mar ried by Justice of tho Tonco John N. Slovers In his office. Iloth Mr. ami Mrs. Lemon live nt Estncada. EX-SHERIFF E. T. MISS U.S. MARSHAL JOB HERE SALEM, Or. Jan. 3. Tho county unit plan for all schools In districts below the first class probably will be pre sented to the legislature for enactment Into law. State Superintendent of Schools Churchill, who strongly favors the plan, discussed it today with the county school superintendents who are In session at the capltol In the capnclty of an examining board. The plan Is to centralize the author Ity over all the schools In n county, ex cepting thoso in districts of the first class. Each county adopting the plan V. . Jl..l.l.l I 1 - U nuiim nv umiuuu uiiu uve UlSiriClS. i an Important bearing on the construc tion of a branch to Oregon CItv. llallctting of the 15 miles already laid and the construction of the road from linkers Bridge, or Carver station, to iitgmand will probably begin In tho spring. GEORGE TIM, SNIR'S PAL, CONFESSES ROBBERY: 19-YEAR-OLD BOY IS BROUGHT HERE FROM PORTLAND AND PUT INTO JAIL the paving, there Is enough water on the pavement to brenk down, tho re sisting qualities of the asphalt Drr.lnlng tho road will be a compara tively simple Job. Two men With a heated Iron can burn small channels In the surface of the hard surface from the puddles to the side of theroad. Mr. Warswlck estimates that two men can Tbe new year, little 1J17. haa brought to Oregon City great promises promises of Industrial expansion, stimulated business and more pros perity even than waa experienced dur ing tbe year Just ended. In addition to the annual payroll of the woolen and paper mllla, alone amounting te almost $1,750,000 annual ly, several million dollars tbe aggro gate amount Impossible to determine thla early will go Into extensive en largements of the mllla and improve menta throughout the county. The In dustrial awakening here has stimu lated every line of trade, Increased th confidence of business men and prop erty holder and advertised Oregon City far and wldo aa one of the lead ing manufacturing cities of tbe entire Pacific coast Mill Soon Complete. The beginning of this new year seea the completion of a $1,000,000 addition to the plant of the Hawley Pulp ft Paper company. The giant paper ma chine, which will turn out a sheet US Inches wide at a possible maximum speed of 700 feet a minute, la now be ing Installed and will be In operation before the end of this month. Not content, however, with thla new mill, which will add 200 employes to the plant, tho Hawley company plans to launch atnto the construction of second additional unit, which will rep resent an Investment almost aa large as the first Property for the site has already been secured and, while no announcement has been made, it is expected here that construction work will actually be under way soon after the finishing touches are put on the plant now nearlng completion. Second only to the extensive expan sion of the Hawley mills, comes the improvements which will be made to the plant of the Oregon City Manufac turing company better known aa the Oregon City Woolen mills. The con struction of a large, three-story rein forced concrete addition and the com plete rearrangement of the mill, In cluding the shifting of practically ev ery department, will Increase the ca pacity of the plant 60. per cent and add between 100 and 150 employes to i the payroll. With 100 modern looms i In operation, which the plans for ex I pansion call for, the mill will be the "U , , , ... . M ... do tho work In four or five dnvs and 1 ar,ge8,1 woolea n"" wesl oc ln8 W1B that the cost will be small. The condition Is caused by tho fnct that the crown of the road is not high enough, a fault In bringing the road to sub-crude. While the matter Is eas ily fixed, the damace. If the Drainage is as Import?jt to the lifo of asphaltlc concrete as It is to George Taylor, aged 19 years, who was turned over to Clackamas county authorities by the Portland police any other kind of road," enid Mr. Wars- Each district would elect a member of! luesa"y B1sneu a coniessiou wearies- wick .many. "With water standing tho county school board This board of i y Uorore District Attorney on the Parkplacce road the lifo will be flvo members would nniiolnt a countv!nurke t0 the ot grocery short, but with it properly drained the issippl. Road Program Ambitious. Then, the county court, as If caught by this spirit of unequalled Im provement, is' planning what will prob ably bn the most amhltlonus vnnr of repair -nnrl u-nrlr In tha itnimtv1. hiatn,, A work w;..: neglected, would be great, n,no.,, .., w .n'i, cay thoso familiar with the work. I cmv,,, nutria wi. m h.i. i . The other hard surface roads laid j tHi nf - mini ,in.. ,mk m by the county last summer have higher bo Bpent for new bmgeB, the aurfac crowns, and so hus tho northern half: i m j. .i .. , . of the Parkplace road. I nnw City Gets Second Non-Suit in $7,500 Damage Action of rainer or miss Carrie kj liver LOCAL DEMOCRATIC LEADER PUTS IN BID FOR CHOICE FED ERAL POSITION Holding thnt no person using ordl . nary care and caution would full off backward from a sidewalk In broad Wllght, Circuit Judge Campbbll Wed nY'liy granted the city a non suit In t'R) $7500 damage suit of DaVId Oliver aA administrator of the estato of the lato' i"rrle Oliver, against J. W. Shea, a contrat'.or, and the city. Carrie Oliver vas playing on High street June SO, lSifwStnpped back ward off the edge of a aldovftlk where the street was on a grade, foiruboutj ju reet on pointed rocks and was killed Hor father brought a suit agalnBt the contractor and the city a year ago, and City Attorney 8chuebel secured a non suit last spring. A second action was Instituted several months ago, and Judgo Campbell hold that tho mere fact that the street was being Im proved siiouki bo suiTicient to put a person on his guard, and that barrl cades wero unnecessary under such circumstances. The sight of tho 10 foot Jumpoff from the sldewalf should be sufficient warning of danger In It self, he said. One Interesting feature of the trial was that both George Story, city prose cutor, and Chris Schuobel, city attor ney, about whom there has boon con siderable dlscusBloir because tho coun cil employed Schuobel as attorney al though. Story defeated him at the polls, for city "prosocutor both appeared lu the courtroom for the city. Story took no part In the trial of the case. however, although he asked that his Wodneaday Attornoy Schuebol secured name be entered as a consul In the rec second non suit. I ords. The court allowed his request E. T. Mass, former sheriff and recent chairman ot the Clacknmus County Democratic central committee, Is an applicant for appointment to the offioe ot United States marshal for Oregon to succeed John Montng, Incumbent. Frank 11. Tlchonor, of Port Orford, Is tho only other porson who has an nounced his candidacy for the job, which Is considered about the nicest plum nt the disposal of the party in power In this state. school superintendent, who would be the practical educational and business head of tho schools In the county. The county school superintendent would nomiunto the teachers for all the schools. He would place the teach ers whore they could do the best work. The taxes for tho schools would be levied on a county unit bnBls. Whore the county unit has been adopted, Mr. Churchill Bald, great ben efit hns resulted, particularly to the rural schools as a trained county su perlntendent, with proper authority, Is more able to establish and maintain an efficient school than are the average rural school directors. stretch will last as long as any hard surface. WILBUR GIVEN MORE TIME PORTLAND, Ore., Jan. 2. Gus C. Moser, who will bo president ot the senato, today gave out the names of the senators he will appoint to the chairmanships of the Important senate committee. Senator Walter A. Dim lck, of Clackamas, will be named chair man of the committee on resolutions, and ri. A. Lewis, from Multnomah and Clackamas, will head the committee on sericulture and forestry. Circuit Judge Campbell Tuesday signed a permanent restraining ordor. enjoining the county, through Clerk Iva Harrington, from levying and col lecting a 10-mlll road tax in the Mar quam district. The valfoity of the special district levy was teBted by J. W. Hobart, who claimed that the dis trict road meeting was not properly advertised. Circuit Judge Campbell Tuesday signed orders dismissing the Butt of Gustar Flachter against the Oregon City Courier, M. J. Brown and A. E. Frost and Darius C. Fouts against A. A. Allen and Susie Allen. store of George Reddaway and the at tempted robbery of the store of Ever hart & Hall. He is the partner of Ewald Snyder, aged 19 years, now in the county jail. Snyder also has made a confession, In cluding the robbery of the Reddaway store. He was arrested last week by Sheriff W llson and Constablo Frost In a deserted house on Fourth street, where he had made his home. Snyder wns sent to the State Train ing school less than a year ago by the Clackamas County Juvenile court, but he escaped and made his way to Idaho, wnere ne was arrested. He broke jail Salem to get $G0.000 addition to fed- oy anocKing aown me aoor anu came eral postoffice building. "nun io ureguu. ne was arrestee, in Portland, and released and then came to Oregon City and began a series of robberies, the local officials say, which extended over several weeks. The two youths will probably be tak en before Justice of the Peace John N. Sievcrs today for a preliminary exam ination. Circuit Judge Campbell Thursday signed an order giving Julius Wilbur until February' 15 to file a bill of ex ceptions and until February 20 to file a transcript, papers necessary for an appeal to the supreme court Wilbur, ex-proprletor of the Friars' club' at Milwaukle, was convicted recently on a charge of selling liquor. And, this Is not all. The year will bring new business buildings for Ore gon City. W. A. Long has plana for a new theatre on his lot adjoining the court house and other Main street property owners are known to be plan ning tho erection of two and three story buildings, although no announce ment has yet been made. Neighboring towns Canby, Molalla, Milwaukle, Oswego, Gladstone, West' Linn and Estacada also are feeling the thrill of industrial awakening to some degree. In Canby, the co-operative cheese factory is working at ca pacity; Molalla is testing out sugar beets, and apparently with success; Milwaukle has a growing shingle mill and may get a pickle factory; Os wago's cement mill Is prospering; Es tacada's fruit cannery has completed f Continued on Page 4.) CLERK'S FEES BIG. Clerk Iva Harrington Tuesday to- W. P. Hawley, Sr., president and taled up the fees collected by her of- general manager of the Hawley Pulp flee during 1916. The general fees, & Paper company, received a telegram which are turned over to the county Tuesday from manufacturers in the treasury, totaled $7,666 25 and the east saying that the shipment of parts fish and game licenses sale brought for machinery In the new mill was do- $2,794, of which the county gets 5 per layed 30 days, and that the last ship cent, the rest going to tho state. ment would be made about January 20 from Beloit, Wis. The new mill, which was to have been In operation the first half of this month, will not be running before March, as a result It will take about three weeks for shipments to arrive here, so that It will be well alone la Completion of New Hawley Mill Held Back by Delay in Shipment of Machinery WIFE CHARGES CRUELTY Aleda Wiseman filed a Bult for di vorce against Benjamin Wiseman in tbe circuit court Tuesday, charging cruelty. They were married December 17, 1906, In Beaver City, Nebr. February before ail the parts are in Oregon City. An engineer of the Beloit company will be in Oregon CUy within the next few days to begin the work of erect ing the big machine, which will be the largest In Oregon City. Many part are already here, and the delay in shipments will not seriously delay his work. Mr. Hawley believes that the de mands on brass and copper manufac turers due to munitions activity caused the delay.