6 OKEflOy HTV RXTKIMMilSK. KIM HAY. lU'CKMIM'IJ I V 1!1ti 11 OFFICIALS OPPOSED 10 31 FINANCIALBARTO DEPORTATION OF Before And After A Surface Of Riclimonditc PURCI mm E SPECIAL IW PLAN OF FEDERAL AID EXPLAIN OREGON CITY HAS HIGHEST TOWN TAX, ASSESSOR JACK'S FIGURES SHOW. EO TO COUNTY JUDGES AND COMMISSIONERS. BELGIANS MEETS IR C Eli 01 U.S. OPPOSITION ' TT-1 HV r'. s SI M.vWLCV COMPANY AND WOOLEN MILLS OFFER TO GIVE 15O0 TO CITY. CITY ALSO OrmtED JI500 roR SUE Of CATARACT TIKE HOUSE Special Election Necotsary la Put Through Deal, (ays City Attorney tchuebel Power Colt at the Fills Compiled. I'!n wrro lalil and offers mado at Itirrtlnc of IhK l.lto Wlroa of lhi ('niiiim n ul club Tucday nivn where by MrrKoii City can Ut-ome the owner ( 12jO automobro (ire truck ni Hitall Hit Hiu. h fatutt-d part paid flro department. Tin- meeting attelldiil by V. I". !l.il.-y. Sr.. and W. P. lUwley, Jr.: of t ! Ha ley l"ulp A IMper rolnp.iny, ind A lotph Jacobs, of the Orrium City. wniicn mil. hu orrrr to donate a POHTl.AND. Or.. Dec. J -The die lUknluit of tho riute Aotillim of futility Ju.lgre and f oiuiiilxloiiors tiv lay wue all alMiut run. Is and road lae. Th official prend their decided opiNinUion lo tho road uer tlkor'a Uii What tli gotcrninenl propoac to to In the way of cooperation tilth th tlatce mat outlined by U I. Home. dllrlct riiKlnrrr of the office of pub Id road, alii I In- amount of federal all to lie re-eto. Irrnii furrat reserve jtta rkplalnod lip II. J. Kliuh, acnl.ir hlchaay rniilncer. i rU.ita Kunlnetr l.cttle niailt a t I i for a hutno organization for htKli j auy roail ttork, making it standard 1 ami tin i furni all owr the etale. 1 Dlatrlcl Attonii')' Kvaue of Multno I mah county detailed hi cipcrlonoo In t r in c to unravel the tangled aki'ln of' tho Oregon road laa At (hi afternoon session ilotornor Withyoombe iok oil 'State lllnh ay," ami IV l.aurgaard. a iiiemlier elect of tin" IcgUlutiirp from Mullinv tnah coiintp. reported suggestion on Hie roi odlfli nllun of tho state road lavt. Tho caro of county w.ird.. indigent AMERICAN STATE DEPARTMENT VIEW GERMAN POLICY WITH CONCERN ANO REGRET. HUMANE PRINCIPlfS AND All PRECEDENTS ARE HELD VIOLATED Berlin Is Told Deportation of Civilians for Forced Labor Will Probably Do Fatal to the Belgian Relief Work. WASHINGTON, pro. K.-A nolo to Germany prolog lug ai::ilnnt tho ilo portatlon of lU-Ulana for forced latior a contrary to nil precedent and hu mane principle of International pruo (Iro. tii:iilo piilitlo tonight by (ho iitiilo department. A decision to proloit formally ag.itmt tho Iro.itnii'tit of tho liolgl.un fol'owod un: iirromfnl offortu hy t'l r.rco tlrow tindor ItiMrm lion thai total of UoO loard tho pur,h.i-.o ..f , V""r u",, "' ""'I'"''" jiMfiu.ra ami iii-i n :ly Informally to tdo lWlln for auminmiraunn 01 county lartna an 1 ih iriuk. tho papi-r rmupany kUiiik $li"o and tho oolcn mllla $.'.ch. In ad llilon tho laloy nulla orf.Ti d lo l.uy from the city tho alio of the I'atarait flro hoiiM? oil Main strovt. niar Third, for fi:."0. Mr. Hawlry. Jr . niado tto pr ponltion to tlio Wln a The city, thrrrforo. ou'd rooolve I'O'O from tho tun hlg companion. Tb' lapaor Ian! Saturday rocom iiu iidi'd an Inori a!o In tho conoral rad lovy of one mill. Tho city rocolvra 70 ht cont of tho road loy coll'itoj within the city limits, and this rlo In the leyy mould moan l.'oon not In- luded in the budget flKuroa. The ad iltt'nrul r'ad money could be spent on lty stroota. In acrord mith Hate law. county ldoa" pension moro subjocta con-j idi rod yortorday. j I'lalluK with Jutonllo ili'liiiiiui'in y. ! thrro a Ki-noral a-ont that parotitu j fhould he hold to a stridor responl-1 Mlity for tholr i hiUlron. County Juiko ! liii.-hoy of .Marlon put It: "If tho stato ' olcn offUo that tho tlopoilat'on oro hiivim; a moat tinf.ivorahlo effort upon notilraN. partliiilarly (ho l.'nltl St.it.-. Tho i harto wa Informod In roply that tho policy n niloptod a a military nooosnlty and that tlortiui'iy roL-ardod It na local. Tho unto, with tho department's l to tako control of tho ihlUron it ! statement niaWiii; It public, follows: : fhonld take control of tho parent. ' j .,, N-ovrnibor 29. Mr (Irow. our Judue Sprlnccr of Crook county sa'd rhan; nl liorln. as directed to oh ho would advocate tho urtv.H of some, ,..in ii..rvl..a- liii ih n..n,.n parent, on a chao of contrll.utintf i .-hancellor an d read to him tho follow to tho dollmiueticp of their children inK: and would force these parent to work ! . .. . ... .. , . on tho road, like other criminals. , ,Th': yrnmrnt of tho t nlted i Th.. ,iu...i.,n , i........ii.. .i.. b learned with tho greatest quoncy was opened by Charlo.H W. Koh- rr'T."1 nRrot f th . pol', y ' I and a almllar sum from the peneral Kon. deputy district attorney of Mult-! 7 ' ' ' "''P"" city tax levy, now appropriated for , nomah county, who suid that tho chief ! fn"", 1 '.' U.m " of tho civil an street work, could ro for Ih f,r-In., V trouble is that luvenll.. rm.n .r, I ""''""'""' 'or uio purpoic oi lorcmR In all. this would make about J.'.ooo. ; on theories instead of practical corn About $7000 Available. i rtistoad of boinR an aid The city already has appropriated ttte Paronts tho courts have boon rlmost $.'000 for tho maintenance of "'"'titmetl for parents, he said, tut I the fire and water ilopartmont. With a'lvo'a,''1 holdini: parents rosH)nsi!!e this money added, the city would have ' f,,r an'' P'i'-I'K "n'm for their chi! ;.t Its disposal about ITOoO for the : dr, n ''oUnijuency. I'urchnso of the truck, tho salary of,' A K''a, Prohlc-ni. he said, in hand the Are chief, his assistant nnd pay for i J,,ven"e delinquency was as to volunteer help at fires and the recon-i hore ,0 ,lace ,lK delinquent. He : tnictlon of the Fountain hose house. , ' naract'''I,d reform schools as train With the truck once paid for. the cost ' lnK Plat'' for crooks- of waintalnlnis the part-paid depart-: ' rient. It Is said, would nut trcatly ex- i eed the expenses attached to the present volunteer department. A special city e'ectlon. however, would be necessary to carry out this plan, according to Main Trunk Schue- l el. of the Live Wires, who Is also city attorney. The budget, as drawn, makes no provision for the purchaso of the truck and an Initiative ordinance would be necessary to give the coun cil the authority to put through the deal. j Another matter taken up with the! Live Wires relative to fire protection was the proposal that an automatic valve be Installed on the 10-lnch main work. leading from the Mountain View reser voir to West Unn ut Main street so that when the pressure in the Main t-treet water main went below a cer tain point water would flow from the West Linn main into the Oregon City pipe. This wou'd supply water for fire righting along Main street In case of break In the pipe now on that thor oughfare. Other Matters Discussed. Goore Randall, chairman of the committee of the Live Wires on an armory, reported the defeat of an T8000 cppropriatlon in the county bud pet for the ocnstructlon of an armory here. He blamed the apathy of Ore- ton City business men In general and the Live Wires in particular. Main Trunk Schucbcl displayed fig. ures showing the cost of power de veloped at the falls of the Willam ette. The report will be filed with the Kecretary of the Commercial c'ub and the Information used In advertislnc the advantages of Oregon City as an industrial center. A letter from H. Lclghton Kelly of the Clackamas County Anglers' aaso- lotion was read Inviting the members of the Live Wires to attend a meet ing of the fishermen In the Commer cial club parlors tonight. Several Live Wires will attend. I them lo labor In Germany, and Is con strained to protest In a friendly spirit. but most solemnly, against this action. w hich Is In contravention of all prociv dents and of those humane principle of International practice which long have boon accepted and followed by civilized nations In tholr treatment of nonoombatants. " 'Furthermore, the government of the) Vnlted Slates Is convlnred the ef fect of this po'ley. If pursued, will In nil probability bo fatal to tho t.- I glan relief w ork, so humanely planned land so successfully carried out. a re sult which would bo generally do plored r.nd which. It Is assumed, would seriously embarrass the German gov. ernment.' 'The interview has taken place." Thirty four special .li.lit. t road lea have boon made In I'lackaiiu county, according lo tho ll aiiu.mn.nl Thursday by County Aooator Jack Many of the lei lea arv lit inllla. and l.i iMiiita with thla high npiil.il levlc the property owner will pay a total of atxiut 4 mils fur rood purpoacs r.aimaiia and 8and. Incut puraled tow in. have made ape. ial dlatilct lev lea for mad purMra In addition to the uaual city levy. urogon Ity, with ll city ley of II 5 mill, haa (he hltiicM town lax In Iho county. Handy and Ihariu aro next. e. h with 10 mills mid ciadMono baa the honor of hating tho low eat ' ley. four inllla Tim lot Ira of other towns full,,; Harlow. 5 nulla. Canl.y. 8 mills; K.tacadn. & mill.. Mllwaukle. 9 Inllla; jioUI'a, 7.5 mill Wet l.imi. 7 miiu Special road dlatrlct let lea follow. '" I.e., No- Millt 15 10 0 30 ' 1U I; too 4i 10 0 '. . 10 u 7.0 ". n loo to r. o 60 3 0 10 ' 10 0 i :. sol r,.o I 0 10 0 Ill loo 9 7 10 0 50 10 0 :.-) 10 0 10 0 SO 10 o 100 s 9 in II 1.1 17 111 .'I 10 II I.-. 17 is t "I Kstucada lload Sandy Koad . . . I If 11 . I ' .'"-' . ... ... . V , 1 . j ... i : I tpper picture .ho, street In Scappoose. Ore., which vol not Improved -v.tn Nicht.ondile. and lo.r pkturt a n..gnUOr,n9 iire.i aurraced with t'os material. Tht street .,,-proved w.th Hichmondite was dltion as tho street In the upper picture. In the Jn con. K l. did., of Oah drove, hlute ngci.t p..i!ni. i.l. w r.-1 the tahie of a for Itlilitih.ii.tlle. f,TH.-e a g'oro.us fi, n..t-r ..I dernel (,,,u, .rule ml lure for that surface In drecui A I jr..il work mil foir t.arn It . reailv, he hu, .,, two an, . I rn of this u j.1 r. i .ilriiu! u ..l. r I ........ t ,.,. I surface In th.. Male, one In Clack ,i i.,.i i in III. huioud I I,.. iual.-rl.kl PROSPERITY FOR OPERATORS AND EMPLAYES IS PREDICTED BY STATE OFFICIAL. REAL. ESTATE TRANSFERS F. H. and Lydia Luecke to Maria I). Schumann, lot 13, block 2, subdivision of tract 3 and east half of tract 2. Oak Grove; $10. Henry a. Henneman and Kate A. Henneman to Maria D. Schumann, lot 12, block 2, subdivision of tract 3, and euBt half of tract2. Oak Grove; $200. J. it- 1dgniond to E. K. Dart, 100 acres of section 20, township 5 south, range 2 east; $10. Joseph to Karolina Schuli!. 330 of an acre of Lot Whltcomb D. L. C, town uhlp 1 south, range 1 east; $10. Simeon H. and Hudia Covell to Rosa E. Naef, all of block 17, "Covell"; $2000. C. H. and Tillle Sarver to Noel Sar ver, 20 acres of George Currin D. L. C- No. 41, township 3 south, range 4 east; $1. Istallna Bauernfeird to Noel and Maria O. L. Sarver, 9.22 acres of Geo. Currin D." L. C. No. 41, township 3 south, range 4 east $10. Frank I. and Mary E. Weber to John F. Weber, lots 1 and 2, block 36, Ore gon Iron & Steel company's first ad dition to Oswego; $10. SALEM. Ore.. Dec. 13. In a report issued by State Labor Commissioner O. P. Hoff late today, he states that capital has $23,619,902 invested in plants and equipment In the timber in dustry of the state, this being exclu sive of timber' holdings and working capital, including only buildings, ma chinery and other equipment. The to tal investment two years ago was $19, 2l:M19. Commenting on the condition of the timber industry. Mr. Hoff said: "Wages, on the whole, both for skilled and unskilled workers, show a gratifying increase during the past six monuis. and give indications of going nigner. All reports received show that there is nn undoubted reawaken ing of business in the timber' Indus tries. Demand for men is growing. HOOVER LOSES LEGAL II PORTLAND, Ore., Dec 9. Edmund E. C. Von Klein, debonnalre dandy whose taking ways with women and their jewels led him to a term In the Oregon penitentiary from which ne was released only a year ago last Sep tember, has married again, and this time, as in other Instances of his motled matrimonii career, bo won a woman with diamonds. Mrs. Cora Emily Crowley, of New York City, daughter of a Canadian Judge, is the bride, and the ceremony was performed at the prison city of .leffesonvllle, Ind., about 10 days ago. JUNIOR LODGE IN CHARGE CIRCUIT COURT JURY .FINDS FOR BRICK COMPANY WHEN CASE IS APPEALED. TO BE CHIEF IN 181 HENRY COOKE, GEORGE WOOD WARD, LEE FRENCH AND F. C. BURK SEEK PLUM. lii.is county on Steel uteuue from tracks of the Portland Railway, I.IkIiI Power company lo the Itm r roa 1. 1 and tho other In Scapp.ioae. Ulclunoiidito Is a Standard Oil com I any product manufactured In Rb h mond. Col. F. II. Welsh, employed by! tho oil company in lis engineering do W.l t hlUCCht tilld ll.illl. , , Inn, ,, He frufli the town In which It wus firt laid. The Mn et repaired Is n good to .1.1 v us when laid, niii.nl I ii i; to (h ' cltv enulneer'H report. The m.itorl.tl Ulli be ummI III building up n potelllelil in- we'i a in r ::iurfaclng a macadam or tirutcl road, in-curling to Mr. OMi. In nr lilting III. Iiini'iidlie to a w.irk out rH k lua. I. Hie mm fin e u( Hie III eh way l r 1 1 -t in t . miii.i Hi and Hu n one ii at ft III. Iim'Hi lite U applied 1 In n in. in i it th'n iM.it i f l.iie rock li i I'ii. w hi. Ii l n He I In. I'n ii an.iiier later of HI. hliinti lu.. olid It filial Omit ,.r r.k i hips A final rolling, and tho load la completed Mr Olibi i.:ua that HiW kind of road en bo l.i'd for from :'.'i to ;io cents vard, nt curding to limil c. .minium. Iho Sleel avenue rocd cunt 30 rellta u yiir.l. ALL OF CABINET, Oregon City Junior Artisan assem bly will have charge of the monthly social evening of the adult lodge. The Juniors have decided to give a dance and other entertaining features. Ely's orchestra will furnish the music for the dunce. Dancing will commence about 8:30 In the Woodmen of the Wroid hall. A Jury in Circuit Judge Campbell's court Friday returned with a verdict for the defendant after less than an hour's deliberation In the suit of B. F. Hoover against the Cnl & Tilt- company. The case was orig inally brought in the Sandy Justice court, where the plaintiff won, and aa appeal was taken to the circuit court. Backache Just Like a Toothache I Dear Mr. Editor Sometime ago I bad backache very bad ; it would ache just like a toothache. I tried a new discovery of Doctor Tierce's, called "Anuric." This ia for kidneys and DacKactie. I soon felt relieved of all backache and hod no more pain, and I hope others troubled in the same way will try this wonderful new remedy. Yours sincerely, bins. Lincoln Stearns. Note: It Is now asserted with con fidence, that thoso painful effects duo to luic acid In the system aro entirely eradi cated. A now remedy, called "Anuric has been discovered bv Dr. Pierre, nnri la Personalities entered into the trial 408 causo of a drainage outward of tho to such an extent that it was npcen i aia. .aclt! witn which it comna in contact sarv for Tmijo n . t Within the body. It will ward off back- sary Tor Judge Campbell to warn the I ache, headache, and tho darting pains and Jury that the attorneys In the case aches of articular or muscular rueuma- were not on trial, and that the only ? I t'1"80 di.seaiies which are caused fact left for the Jurors to decide waiiftt, Ttt, "rl ?!d- .h...aJ' nrlc" prolongs life hocause old pooplo usu ally sulfur from hardening and thickening me ex- tlHatip. Dr. Pierce, who Is dlroctor and chief physician at the Invalids' Hotel and Surgical Institute, Buffalo, N. Y., baa been testing this wonderful medicine for the relief of over-worked and weakened the amount due Hoover, If any. Hoover was suing for wages alleged " TOwX to De due his son, who was employed I cess of nrlc acid In tho blood and tlssi oy me aerendant corporation. The costs of the case exceeded the amount sued for. From sources not official, but con sidered authentic, conies tho assur Hiico mat Lowell E. Hlanehard will not serve another year as chief of po lico. Tho power of appointment lies with tho mayor, but his selection must bo confirmed by the council. Kumor has It that even If Mayor Hackott did appoint Chief Hlanehard for another year, tho council would refuse to sanc tion the appointment On the other hand, there are sev eral app'lrants for the post, which Is tne boBt paid of all municipal Jobs. iicnry ( ookc. the veteran of the po lice department, and Night Patrolman (icorge Woodward, both would like lo have tho plum anil friends of each aro active in urging their selection. Lee French, at present elevator operator and ror several years a night patrol man and F. C. Iltirk, who acted oh chief while Hlanehard was on the Mex ican border with the militia, also hnve their eyes on the Job. Tho change will take place either on January 1 or Immediately thereaft er. In tho past Informal council meet ings attended by the new members have been held to make the selection nnd the formal appointments made at the first regular meeting In the new year. Besides the change In the chief of police, new committees will be ap pointed on the council, now patrolmen selected or tho present officers reap pointed and a street commissioner se lected. Any attempt to remove Com missioner C. C. Habcock will probably be met with strong opposition. A year ago Mayor Hackott endeavored to appoint F. C. Hurk to the post, but only one councilman voted for his confirmation. EXCtPTGREGORY WILL HOLD OVER STUDENTS VOTE TO WILSON Will T BAKER MAY BECOME ATTORNEY- GENERAL AND M'CORMICK SLATED FOR WAR. FIRST DEFINITE INFORMATION IS STANFOHD. I'MVEU.SITV. Dec. K. . SAN FRANCISCO, Dee. H- fill. Tho r-eoilemlc council voted today In bin tor by the dofoiifn aiicccssfullv poKtp.)iicd testimony today of Louis J. Smith, tho government's chief wit- lieis in tho trial of Franx llopp, or. fetor of collogo tho yenr around, with the work divided Into four nimonter, which v. Ill eliminate (ho summer vit cation. A normal courao, bow ever, man consul general hero, and six nth- Place on Supreme Bench Onco Offered Mr. Greaory and In Event of Another Vacancy Ha la Like ly to Be Named. will require only throo semesters' at tendance each your, iilthoimh a stu dent may upply himself continuously throughout tho your, thus becoming a candid:, to for r.ruduatlon nt tho end of three years. WIFE CHARGES DESERTION Nora Stanton filed a suit for di vorce against Charles Stallion In tho circuit court Tuesday, alleging deser tion. They wero married January 1K9.", In Moro. John N. Slovers ap. pears ns attorney for Mrs. tUitnten or defendant:!, wl o uro charged with violating tho neutrally of tlio I'nlted sides by conspiring to dnilroy inuiil. lions of war nnd property of Iho on tend" allies. That Smith will receito presidential pardon lo Insure Introduction of his testimony was declared tonight by John W. Proilon. tho fulled States district attorney. TROOPS WILL SUIT FILED ON NOTE Darius C. Foots has filed a suit in the circuit court to collect $150, al 'e;ed to be due on a note, and $35, at torney's fees, against A. A. Allen and Susie Allen. C. Schuebel appears for the plaintiff. Sloan's Liniment for Neuralgia Aches 'kidnc78- The relief obtained by sufferers "v.. i has been so SAtiHfAetirv that, ha Held.. ine ouii tnrob or neuralgia Is quick-. mined to place - Anuric- with the prin- ly relieved by Sloan's Liniment, the universal remedy for pain. Easy to apply; it quickly penetrates without rubbing and soothes the sore muscles. Cleaner and more promptly effective than mussy plasters or ointment; does not stain the skin or clog the pores; For stiff muscles, chronic rheumatism. gout, lumbago, sprains and strains it gives quick rllef. Sloan's Liniment reduces the pain and Inflammation In Insect bites, bruises, bumps and other minor injuries to children. Get a bot tle today at your druggist, 25c. Adv. clpal druggists In town where poopla wuiu gm in is reauy-io-u.se medicine. "Anuric" Is not harmful or polsonout, but aids lutture In throwing off those SAN ANTONIO, Tex., Dec. 9. All organizations making up the total of nearly fiOOO state troops that General Funston has designated to leave the border will start for homo between December 12 and 18. according to In formation secured at headquarters to day. How's This? We offer One Hundred Dollari Reward for any casa of Catarrh uuu aiuji luuurH in Liiruwinir f in inraui poisons within tho body which causo so i inat cannot bo cured by Hall's mucu suiionnir, pain ana misery. Scien tists assert tins remedy Is 37 times more potent than liltila. For -Diabetes and Bright' Disease th's remedy Is building up a reputation an good as Dr. Pierce's other well-known moaicine wnicn nave been proven reli able during nearly fifty years, such as Doctor Pierce's Favorite Prescription for the ills of women. Doctor Pierce's Pleasant Pellets, the liver regulator, and Doctor Pierce's Golden ModiciU Jviscovery fur red blood. Catarrh Cure. nr V:J- CHENET ft CO., Toledo, O. we, tlw underpinned, hava known P. J. Chenay for the last IS yaara, and believe f. (M!r'c1)' honorabfa In all bualnrss tranaaotlona and financially able to carry oal f?f"f,,lon by Ma firm. NATIONAL BANK OF COMMERCE, i ... - Toledo, O. . pa'rrh Care la taken Internally, acting directly upon the blood and mu cous turfawe of the ey.tem. Teatlmonlala Jt.i.?"- Price oente per bottle. Bold by all Druggists. Taae Hu a Jamlljr puis for eeutlpatloa. WASHINGTON, Doc. 11. Every member of President Wilson's cablnot with tho possible exception of Attor ney-General Gregory, expects to ro- maln in offlco after March 4, whon tho president's second term begins. It was lenmed definitely today that all of them have boon or will bo askod to keep tholr posts. Reports concerning posHlblo roglsnu Hons have centered chiefly around Secretaries McAdno, Houston and Ha kor, and tho attorney-general. It has been taken for granted that PoBtmu ter-Goncral Ilurleson and Socrotarlos Lansing, Danlols and WPson will re main, and indefinite rumors that Sec retary Iledflold might wish to rotlro to prlvuto business wore denied some time ago. Secretary McAdoo today personally denied that ho had any Intention of resigning. Regarding Mr. Houston, It bocame known that tho officials of Washington University at St. Louis have extended his leave of absence lis chancellor of that Instltitlnn so that he can continuo as head of the depart mont of agriculture. Although Secretary Hakor has boon credited with a desire to loave the cab Inot, it Is loomed that In all likelihood he will remain. It Is understood, how ever, that there Is a possibility Hint he may be shifted to tho department of Justice If Mr. Gregory Insists on re signing, and that Vance C. McCormlck, chairman of tho Democratic national committee, may he placed In charge of the war department. The president has offered Mr. Greg ory a seat on tho supreme court once and should another vacancy occur dur ing the administration it Is thought probable that he would be seriously considered again. TWO COUPLES DIVORCED Decrees wero signed Wednesday di vorcing Lulu M. McPherson from George McPhorson and Marie Hofma from E. B. Hofma. A Clogged Systom Must Be Cleared. - You will find Dr. King's Now l.lfo Pills a gontlo yet rffnrtlvo laxative for removing Impurities from tho sys tom. Accumulated wasto poisons the blood; dizziness, biliousness and pimp ly, muddy complexion are tho distress ing effects. A doso of Dr. King's Now Llfo Pills to-night will nssuro you a froo, full bowel movement In tho 5! THIERS UT MEETING E OFFICII!. CUPID CHICAGO, Dec. So many Chicago girls wunt to go buck to North Dakota us tho wives of tho bachelor farmers who emtio horo In special trains for tho stock show and horse fair and who propmtly advertised tholr desire not to remain bachelors, that an official morning. At your druggist, 25c. Adv. eupld committee was numod today. fife, ratoalbfl (paooo i. y 9m AWFUL SUFFERING. "I suffered untold ognny with neuralgia. I thought I would go mad with pain. A friend of mine advised ma to take Dr. Miles' Antl-Inln Pills. I did so and the pain topped almost at once. Then I commenced mini Dr. II Ilea" Nervine and be fore Ions' I was so that I did not hava thee pains any mora." B. J. WINTER, tl E. Platte Ave., ' Colorado Bprlnga, polo. Close attention to work is the cause of much Pain and many Headaches. Obtain relief by taking one or two II.S I DR. MILES' ANTI-PAIN PILLS Then tone up the Nervous System by using Dr. Miles' Restorative Nervine IF FIRST BOTTLE. OR 10X. FAIL TO HELP YOU, YOUR MONEY WILL BE REFUNDED. V