2 OK'Kt.ON' (MTV KXTKIMMMSi:, I'lilh AY. HIVI'M Ill-lit 1'.. 'IU. lefs1, v Dries -Bm -Vfer jBc-uouiHB Cl HI METHOD USED TO ClEAUipiffl RICHARD WRIGHT FINOS PLAN IS SUCCESS OHACSAWS ARE BUSY. MOLOLLA UllKIUU Or. IIh-. 11 (StM-clal ) Tliu rn- UtiorliiKKl has ('hits 1im lilili lo lliaiik for i)ra,,ihii I ho nuit be Ivkmii hit homo mid Willamette Va'.lry HiMittinn ilrjKil. as llir' mirk a U'i without ri-tni to tho ili tri. I. lunw Jrn nro si ir-iiit in kltlp uf 1111 UT bt lutUUlK to Uu hafj WrisM. Tin ) Ih-Ioiii! la II. W. WiUkf. i W. lUi.Ucr on 4 Will ltmcl.l. Wi-alln-r luiuhtinlii iio somewhat ValH'J by till! Hrt fall ul iui Ul vi-k, nii.l a Unit lnurtt'il ;Ui-r than. It iti. huctT, sufficiently "lilt'plui;" to send Did uixkI i-utii-r to ariuu tn mm (or rainproof c.iniu ul KKIiarJ W'rlKlit ban brvn ovihtI-rin-n t ! n w Kit tho rti.ir pit im'thoj ul cU'sring Mumps (rum land, ill ven ture mh'Iiii to In mo-tlliR Uh mnon. Tho Liberal road. tuttlwu.-.l nf I.i -eral school, ha lircn (.really Improved by the ilfH-iiiiiK of the ilraitune rtumu'l. Will rt.noliU a In Portland th p.nt rclc II. .V. Wlftli- helped Chris IVx-plcMi build a ktua'l km to shelter slock I MonKlng to the latter. Wm. Mine ha bwn hatillnK craiu tm Liberal recently. Mr. Halaika hauled potatoes to Lib eral the past erk. Mrs. II. N. Wagoner has been suf fering from rheumatism since her re turn from Portland. (iporKt Slier and brother are dolnic some trapping this winter, consequent ly there will be fcer clvlt eats mo-k-ctluK poultry yards. To litre Liberal plrls have entered school recently. They arc living at the Frederick's home at present J. Wilson Is splitting wood on the Klrhard Wrlsht property, as are also Fischer brothers and Dick Kenolds. Mrs. . N. Mitzke entertained a num ber of Ruehts who visited at her home lar.t Saturday. Klchard Wriabt visited the county court in behalf of this road district one day last week. Mr. Wrluht. as do many others, believe that this road Is entitled to permanent graveling. It has been dated that some of the heav iest traffic in the county passes over this mile of road. More thtin seventeen hundred cords of wood, several cars of hogs, potatoes and grain, three butcher wagons, many automobl'rs and other vehicles pass over it the past summer and until the road became nearly impassable this winter. The last automobile to attempt the feat becamo fast Many hundreds of cords of wood will have to await better condition of roads be fore it can be hauled to market This bit of road is directly tributary to the Willamette Valley Southern depot, though it is used by all who have occasion to go to the Southern Pacific depot. Liberal, Mulino or Mo-lalla. Oak Grove school has a spelling match every other Friday. Next Frl day evening will be the next A director will have to be elected soon in the Liberal district to replace Charles Fiimer, who moved away. Will Gaffie is working for Chris Docplebb splitting wood. He will board. Kicnard Wright has gone away to visit relatives for a few days. MHI.AI.I.V. Ore.. IVe. II (Special I ; - Mrs KaIir ha .wn suffering1 fiom ' the cripix- II. r il.iu. lili r front Cana da la making an rviiii.lcd tUit with In r mother. Ir Thomas h.ii the iiiuimi.i1 etperl- JENNINGS LODGE CANBY DEPARTMENT TTAFFIC AGAIN POSSIBLE FOH HEAVY VEHICLES - - MANY REUNIONS PLANNED. made twenty seven Years bko. A pe collar acci.liiit had bronchi the plate to r.-irly grief. Mrs. Fay has N-n cn'ovlm; Ult with her sister and niece of Mmi I'.onlli, MI'S Acne Clifford, who Is taklm; a nnnit.il cuiime at Mt. Atici-l, report ili.it khe likes hiHil very much. M: C'lffor.l ntlll Inn t home mid travel.! in the Willamette Valliy Southern' iiiornim; otuI evening. i W. T. Wi!nun wa a Mo'.alU vUltor a few t.i it l.mt week. , A. I:i .".11. of Wilhoit. wat In town this week. I ilckcns ft Company lune moved to the new location In the Odd Fellows' hall. The Corner ilre.it Mure li.n n'.v' moved to lt new liwatlou In the O-l I ellows hall. HJS REGULAR MEETING EAST CLACKAMAS ORGANIZATION GATHERS OTHER NEWS NOTES. GKOIUiE. Ore.. Dec. 1 1 (Special.) The George Social and Commercial club held the regular club meeting lat Saturday nUht, IHwmber 9. Mr. and Mrs. Chris olmson visited Mr. and Mrs. Julius Paulsen last Sun day evening. Mr. and Mrs. Chris Johnson visited Mrs. M. Kllnkers last Sunday even ing. A. M. Jeunsen lost a horse last Sim day. Willie I.lns and Otto Jennsen at- MVCKSIUItii, Ore, I tec. II -iSpe ; ilal A lew ilavn" ie-ration of the t.ilil have !onerc.t the mo!!, n i-ticaiua 1.1 a level th. t leave the btnlge III Ulit once more, while the ;ra..'.l roads have aram become p. '.il'le for .niton and other heavy vehl.lct inahliu travel tolerable for tile piesclil. With Chrl tuias I. than two weeks uny. the run. h worker both In an I out of door have plenty of work on their hand. The t-oiiinu family re unions and other so. I.ils tails for 4'i m titles of t.ili'e supp'liH. Many ilav i:n: -1 be vpciit In iiiakiiii: cm, I tluir. lh.it v. ill keep for the ere..t i-llv.il. Kvery pule iiiotui nl is eHed upon for lininliuiR -irts to be miit aw.-y by mail S. Iiool etttcilalmiiellls reiiilre IV hear-a!s an I new Karuu nt inu-.t be ; in reaillness for the time. Children n well lis their eldi-rs. have their turn In full re.juUllloti. Ikflile schmd work many of them have p. rts on the Chnntmas rroiir.ims und all are he'p Ing In tho great hut Joyful t-sk of pre raring f t the gladdei.t, most nacre I lay of the entire year, j Wesley Kby has moved his family Into his ovvii house which has ben ' unoccupied for more than a veur. 1 A little son was born to Mr. nnd Mrs Geo. Walch on Monday, December 4th. I The Mothers' club held a busy and pleasant sersion on Thursday t the home of the president. Mrs. John Hop ler. The next meeting, the last of the present year, Is lo, be at the hom of the club's secretary. Mrs. (i. M. Ita'd win on Thursday, December 21st. So much work Is to be done before Christ mas. it Is thought an extra session will have to be called. Mrs. Simon Mills, In whose home the nrlppe has been having general run, Is o much better that sho may be ex pected at the next meeting of the club The Misses Lila and May Schults 'eft early on Monday for Canbv, where JKNMVIH I.Ok;k. tbe. tv 10 -S... u I Aii rlilliiul.il o. , inrel II. K was be!, I n road ill. III. I Vl 41 at the (ink Or. ne kIi.ni' L... en Wi 'i ! i-ieiilnn, Novniil . r : This road illotrl. t I,. I..le.n . laud Matloii and tUtf l l... kan.a. ilt. i the east i iMimy r.M.I I . n the i al boiiiiil.iry alii Iln. Wlllai'ieiie liver on the wt.-t A leu null . i ) ws Vol id upon and O . Idxibe was t.oii men. led l.t Iha roimii . i r t suiH-r- vlMtr, Mr. Iloeitiebas h.i I 1,1. t il.- .l of evii ru iiie In road I mi. In. and will m..ke an rlfldiut ! i v ior. Mr 1 ,el,in .' rl.ie, It. in the soi.lll ill. of the ill. Itli to that tin' funds are judicially p. nl j Mr and Mis. Ilui.li II.ImiIs ei dinner rue( of Mr and Mis H F. j 0. E. S MHt OOHA a. SCHILKE INTtH TAINt f BANQUI T IIHVtt BY LALN(L CHAPTIH. CAMIV. Oie. Ilea It lS(.i -Oi4 Hlif r, . i.i..i iiu n.u r el Ui ei known crm of M)trr & kri.ii, hat Jost relumed from a b.iaim.s trip to halt tdkl l It). Mt hllrr li poid I very lii jv) ainisi fall eluinile, nukllU the trip llilo.idl lh ltNky liniulitaitii a k elllc one. Scripture In Orvson l 'i Sunday. I Ml. jK.ia II S. Iil'ke. woilhr man I Jeiitilngs l.odeo Hi ii.l.. hind a matron nf (iie.m. Order of lUalein he'd at 10 a. in. The . vt-. it Christian . Hur- ade an i.ffldal visit In l aurel Klnleaviir.il II 11 . In III the even. ; Chapter. ,o 111, of Canby Salurda) lug ChrlMian Kn.leau r ineets al t la " i'i'"t and evening At the !. p. Ill The win ship ie, .Million at ""' ete.ilng rvenle a .li..ie( ; i!(t p. in. la served. While in tbc dly Mr The First Federate I . loir. Ii annual """h0 K1 M" """. meeting wan held Tli.ii...iv. Oc elli ' ' ' '' ' malroll of Ihe Im al ! ber 7. In Oregon CIL at 7 30 p. m I "apler, ; Wrlit.n rcpoits fnun .11 o(ileer ant' -x,r- ,r w- H- ''air and Mrs commlltees were pre nt.-d I Knlitht of Caul.y'weie we. heii.l ku.-.is ! The ba.v.ir r.lveu I ) the (iulld m ' ', lr ,"J Vr' 1':,J- K,ul" "' ' lt.eeinl.er s was nu alt. rimm and 1 '" ''"" ev.iiin, alf.iir. There was a cafeteria; ' ....... . ..i....... supper lerved fio.n i until all were1 Alr M' ,','"lk M r a"'1 M" '' .. rved II. ni. de . in Iv and In an-1 4,tta jjr of Aurora alien I the Fast t.ful fancy and useful arllcl.s were ,rn S,"r """H1"" Haluida) evening ; ..llererl for nale. I f""'"" ' Liberal l-lit Suiida , ... . .... . 'in Canby. ! ';.t,7T ' ,n, h"r,-!, Mr. and Mr. M Job,,..,,, , daucl. 1 The Owl patrol v ntert..ii.ln Ihe Kagle , , , .......... ........ - - ' i three years have move. I to iona' I. , i. h.ro Mr. JoIiiimii will eugigii in, liilsllles The Canby Hardware (uiupany lias piirchaM.I the soiilhwe.t (oilier t-f S.s ond and K streets und Is using the ; tended the program at the Garfield i they are both employed Grange hall given by the Garfield ' ' school last Saturday evening. Mrs. Leo Rath visited Mrs. T. Har-I ders last Friday afternoon. Mrs. H. Joyner and daughter. Gladys. ' who have been visiting for the past I week in Portland, returned home last. Friday. Mr. Ruhl and son. George, and C. A. Johnson were Portland visitors Tuesday and Wednesday. Ed Scb.ee!, who has been work nr In Washington for the last nine moutt.s, returned home last Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Leo Hath visited Mr. and Mrs. Stephens last Sunday. ,;. . i i. i. BARLOW. UTW SDCIETf IS FOIEJUT GARFIELD ENTHUSIASTIC MEETING HELD IN GRANGE HALL COMMUNITY XMAS TREE PLANNED. ; v ,J. ,, i EAGLE CREEK EAGLE CREEK. Ore., Dec. 14. (Special) A mistake was made by the writer last week by stating that Mr. FuchB purchased ten acres of land rrom Oua Burnett. He did not buy It from Mr. Burnett, but from the par ty who now owns a part of the tract formerly belonging to Mr. Horger. The Helping Hand was entertained by Mrs. It. n. Gibson last Wednesday afternoon. The club will meet with Mrs. Walter Douglass, January 3. Mrs. H. S. Jones was recently the guest of her mother, Mrs. Viola Doug lass. J. P. Woodle and wife called on Mrs. Howlett one day last week. Mr. and Mrs. E. Naylor were visit ing with Mr. and Mrs. Will Douglass Sunday. Mr. Dhulst, with the help of Ray Woodle, has been hauling hie pota toes to the car, D. Beckett came out to Eagle Creek the other day and made his wife a short visit. Dick Gibson was a Barton visitor on Monday. Miss Kennedy, the teacher of district No. 50, is preparing to give a Christ mas entertainment at tbe school house, December 21. GARFIELD. Ore.. Dec. 1 1 (Special) The Davis school has organized a lit erary society nnd held Its first meet ing at the Garfield grange hull Sat j, , urday evening. A large and enthusl- ' nurip rrnu-.l u--ia ..t T1.a a.l..t, ,,-IM . .. . . v . -- .. Un ..iv auk , v i j n . 1 1 BARLOW, Ore., Dec. 11. (.Special) H. T. Melvin, accompanied bv Mr. no complaints. The health of tho pupils is good, except for a few colds. The p;:trol, who were winners In the field meet. Mes. lames Fr..nk Tucker all I W. T. I'lil'llps. planned and .-rnv. Ihe supper, being ti.mii.tc.1 bv Miss (tub 1., Deter. Rev. .niliu pr. -ided and led In Ihe gntiien. The Trl M s entertainment, Smytho vs. Smith. Tuesday night of Inst week drew a full house. The receipts bv lug 119. '.it. which will to used for tint class. This 1 a fathers' and ooiis' class pf the Sunday school and Is a valuable nsset to the (immunity as well as the church. This Sunday school will have pro gram an. I a Christmas tree on Satur day evening. December "3. Mea.lames Robinson. A. II. Smith. Wm. Jacobs and Cal Morse are nn the committee for arrangements. Rev. H. X. Smith will preside at the Congregational Sunday school work ers' rally to !c held nt the V. M. C. A. building In Portland 011 Tuesday even lug nt 6 p. m. air. tamguon or Gladstone. business caller on Tuc.lav. mine Smith Is quite III and his lattier. l. u Smith, 1.1 convalescing from the lu grippe. Mr. end Mrn. O. P. Roethe nnd fam ily departed on Thur day of last wek for a visit to Mr. Ro. the's pr-renta in California. The Roetho family will remain two weeks. l a ( 1. 1. 1 -I thin for lli illy as II nil fo. an ami le lire p... II..H Mi. I. vv.i.j; w',, I'.iiil rl.l l..r I I. la) t I.. ..... . i.f I 'a 1 Ion was a Call I t V I -il.i hull la) Jain. O le of A. ll. 11,1, pi.iiuliieiil -.i..i.i 111. 1. 1. oil 1.1 ll.al tilt, in... .i a 1. ...in. .s dip 1.1 Canby Huii'lay ii;..iinr in. k.. -ii, of iui.., was. Ill nt ) hull. la) It.Hl'aiil.v . b.H.ls li.ue ailniigeil III. tl.ll baud a. I. 111.. Hum ll.all.lielj 1 lor Hi" 11 -i' of tlin an. III. 11111111 .I'liliu Hie lHli la.h.ll.all a.ason lliere ale see. iul ..d gaiura ullai.kc.l and Hie Ii i.Ii . Ii.ml Ini Ilea (tin alien. lam of rviltnnn i lb 11 ('olilluiiiilly as sill li il. a i.rt a ih .kmIi. . biaio Ii nf lugli 1.. Iom'I (It 11 l. a and 1. 1111 that la e t4'ii.v e. 1 U K kelson and W. II Hair s;-eiil Hull. lay 1.11 ha ('0l.11nl.l4 hlougli tlitMitiiig dm k Waller l.el.iiiaiin was all Oregon ( II) visitor Hull. lay. Mr and Mis i II. ( t.nk of Mu'alU were guests of Mis ( larks slsler. Mrs Ilia. III. Hi. n. lay. Mr. I'lalk was il. ii.oiistialliig llm iiea Ira. lor whl.li pioiiiikea In levolutloulxi farming In ihe n. ar fnturn. Mis M IV hillor. Mrs llarry Han .1. Is wera I'l.lll.ili.l vlsili.ls Mull. lay ; vir ami .mis 1 narieax. rroulr wen , l'..ill,iii l sle.ppt is Monday. The uiiu.il Christmas bsi.iar nf the , M.1I11..II t l a. lies' Aid ... lely will I 1 held at Ihe M K. liur ll nu Frl. la) , inci iiiimt 1 i. I., ginning nt Z p. 111 I III. ken dinner will be served III (oil lie. II. .11 wild the lla a.ir Kvervlio.11 In. He. I Vlrs A111al1.l1 K.ans, a proinllielil anby pro.( rt owner, now a resident of Portland, la visiting tier soil. MI son Kvans. this Week. A'l Ihe Canby uieri hauls have adopt 1.1 ine loiiowiug slogan I Li voir building for store room for a larr.e ' ' 'hrUlnma shopping curly was a meet ngaln in three weeks. The Garfield schools ore doing well Toogood, went to Portland Tuesday to under the present teachers with consult a specialist on his eye whicn is failing him fast, the other eye hav- Modern Version. Tbe Amazon forces were about to charge. "Wait until you cau see the powder 011 their noses." directed the lady mili tary genius who commanded the other feminine troops. Kansas City Journal. Cough Medicine for Children. Mrs. Hugh Cook, Scottsvlllo, N. Y., says: ADout live years Bgo wneu t were living in Garbutt. N. Y., I doc tored two of my children suffering from colds with Chamberlain's Cough Remedy and found it Just as repre sented In every way. It promptly checked their coughing and cured thoir colds quicker than anything I ever used." Obtainable everywhere. ( Adv.) Ing been blind for many years. The doctor gave Mr. Melvin no encourage ment. Uncle Harry has the sympathy of bis many Jrlends. Mrs. West, daughter of Mrs. An cre's and sister of O. M. Auere, from Decorah, Iowa, who has been visiting at the Aucre home, left Monday for San Francisco, where she will visit Albert Aucre, after which she will go to the Hawaiian Islands to Hpend tbe j winter with her son and daughter, who are teaching school there. Mr. and Mrs. Hunter, who have been visiting Mrs. Scoggin for some time, returned to Portland Thursday. Mrs. Hunter is Mrs. Scoggins' daugh ter, Emma. .R. E. Irwin went to Oregon Citv on Tuesday on business. Jas. Erickson went to Portland Wed nesday to 6ee Mrs. Erickson who Is !n the hospital. Mrs. Erlckson's many friends will be pleased to know that she is getting along nicely after her serious operation. MrB. Howe and daughter, Miss Olga went to Oregon City Monday. Wood Young, who has been 111 with the grip at his sister's, Mrs. Hayes, Is improving. C. G. Tull was a Portland visitor on Tuesday. At last the work on the ditch has be gun after four gangs of Greeks being sent here and refused to work while another bunch was rounded up and all ready, but refused to come before they started. Tho work is being done by the men here. Jim Crowley and L. Irwin went to Portland last week. The great mistake with the people of Harlow and community Is we are continually buying something and nev er sc-lllng anything. When we wake up in the morning it is to the alarm of a Conneticut clock, and get up and button Chicago suspenders, Detroit ov eralls. You go out and wash your face Bchools are taking a week or two weeks vacation tt the holidays. Garfield grange Is planning a com- mnnlty Christmas tree and dinner with a program. Mr. 11. D. Tropp and wife have gone to Woodburn and Eugene on a two weeks' vacation, to be home before the holidays. Mrs. Sarah Palmatecr Is visiting rel atives in Portland. Garfield had three Inches of snow. It is about all gone now. Danger Signal. If the fire bell should ring would you run and stop It or go nnd help to put out the fire It is much tho same wnv with a cough. A cough Is a danger signal as much as a fire bell. You should no more try to suppress It than to stop a fire bell when It Is ringing nut should cure thedlseace that cans". the coughing. This can nearly always be dune by taking Chamberlain' i ougn neme.iy. Many have used ;t with tho most bcneflcinl results. It Is especially valuable for tho persist ent cough that so often follows a bad cold or an ctta. k of the grip. Mrs. Thomas Ik-echlng. Andrews, Intl., writes: "During the winter my hus band takes cob! easPy nnd coughs end coughs. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy Is the best medicine for break ing up these attacks and you cannot get him to take uny other." Obtain able everywhere. (Adv.) tit.H k of Implement and farm tools. Mr. Frank K. Itodgo. who his been III for the last two weeks, la ini cull tali-see lit. Miss .Motia Austin, Miss Mlna llubbs. Mis I aVina Sheridan und Mrs. George Itcunhndlcr were I'orHund visitors Sa! urday. Mr. and Mrs. Dan DI111I. k nf Aurora were visitors of Mr. and Mrs. D. H I Hinl. k tlilrt week. Charles nnd Claude lloughan were Oregon City and Portland visitors Sat urday. Cullby laxlge. No. i:,6. (). 0. F.. and Kirk Rebekah Lodge. No. Ul. I. (). O. F helped to awe'l the large number of visitors at tho dedication of M lalla !. O. O. F. hi 11 Wednesday even Ing. Among those present fnun Canby were: Mr. and Mrs. Adam II. Knight. Mr. und Mrs Ivan It. Iilmlek. Mr. and Mrs. W. II. Hair. William McFarian.l. Mr. and Mrs. II. A. Hcrkman, Mrs. Mo Fnrland. Mr. and Mrs. Howard II Ke cles, George Meeks, Warren Loo. Thomas II. Hamilton, Warren C. Ken dull, J. Lee Kckerson, Rostov Mark. D. K. Dlmlck, Charles A. Thomas. County Commissioner Adam 11 Knight was an Oregon City visitor Sat urday. W. It. Hair Is shipping several car of Christmas trees to Los Angeles and San Francisco. The fo'lowiug are the officers elect fur the .'inning term nt Kirk Iteheknli Lodge No l:'l. I O. O. F.: Iliuel Via yard. N. G.; Ruby Hates. V. (1 ; Alleo lleunhadler. secretary; Ida Knight, fi nancial secretary, and Adeline. II. Wyeth, treasurer. These officers will bo instr.lled January 2, Wl". Jacob Gelger, the delivery man of Carlton Rosenkrniu company, Is wear ing a Bmllo that won't como off. Why? Ho Is the proud father of twin boys. All parties concerned, Inc'udlng Jako. nro getting along aplundi.lly, Mrs. Gelger is at tho Oregon City hospital. Mr. nnd Mrs. W. II. Lucko were Portland visitors Monday. Tho water tower for tho now system Is rapidly reaching completion. Tho remainder of the pipe Is being laid nnd tho new sygtcm will son ho In complete working order. This will Mrs Rape was an Ou-goti City vlsl lor Monday. Mr and Mrs. N'et.o of Maeksliurg were Oregon I lly visitor Monday. Prof. Harvey K Toble cut hi fool I while chopping wood. The following pupils of ihe Canby grniniiiur s.h.Hil were neither absent nor lardy during the pant month. , Klghlh grade Agnes Smith. Kdllh Saiuuelsoii. Cora Douglas, Alberta Glib more. Vina Graham, Mildred Hakcr, Mark Dodge. Ralph Koehler, Oscar lleatty. Karl Meeks. Harold Oathes Oscar Herg. Seventh grade-Mildred llendrlksen. Krneva l.lvesuy, Genevieve l.lvesay. Violet l.idfor.l, Kllu Karl. Marlon Porter. Violet itu.s.l, Mortimer Ie. Norman Kid. Charles Hate. Raleigh Wheeler. Nnel Oathes. jsuiii grime -Allien lies. ( Isreli' 0 Karl, Clyde laiwry. Karl Oathc. Ivan Meeks, Moid Kendall, la-oiiard llulraa, It") ul .N ak. 1 no. Chump Vuughaii, .o- vena Horning. Margaret Drown. Opal Wheeler, lone Fletcher. Florence Rider, Kpsle U'o, llael Mill. Fifth grade llcrnard Reese. Verl Miller. Dwlght Patterson. Judith Nel son. Wanda Wallace, Anils Hchaiibal. hrurn Meeks, Marie Mills, Klsle Hon lleV. Fourth grade France Chubb, Rob ert MeCliire, Ivan Haines, Florence Fletcher, Edward Ree, Wesley Milt. Verner Arneson. Karl Lee, Virgil l.lva suy. Dorothy Kvans. Third grade Hugo Scliaubel. Mltih e'l Slyter, Annleta llulras. Gerald Hair, Dorothy Plus, latvern Kckerson. Grain Allen. Marabel Hale. Leonard Newstrum, Zella Leo, Ross Rider. Second grade Wava Wheeler, Glady Dn.ler, Mildred Leo, Ilortenso Stacy, Hazel Loo Lila Uibaw. Ida Mills. Ed ward MeCliire, Ross Slyter, Nell Haines. Archlo Chubb. Virgil Glger. Lnreii Fniiver, Kenneth Mack. Itonal.l Stiinun. First grade Vlolot Miilnwood. Ger trude Reeco, Lillian Russell, Kiln l-eeeh, Ivan Arneson, Kenneth Kvans. Roy Hoss, Kcllh Mack. Alden Schwa baiter, Vernon 1 .11 Haw, Iluckley Vaugh. an. Conrad Sannes has routed tho Wol- luii 1 farm slid lll plant every fool of siaital.li' land In piil.ili.es Mr. Hslilil should luaku III! a great pululo field for II ta mi this same fur 111 ha learned In liade of potato giowlug Ho 1 11 In Mr. ami Mr. Weaver Meek Monday, lH c..iubi.r t ti' puim.t ttlll Moll. or and son urn ie...ite, us doing Well. Mr. Fi ler ( la.lsen nf Asllby, Mlliil , Is 1 1. King old III. nils ami (..ladles li..' HI111 Will spill. I tlin winter Willi her ilaiighlel. Ml LlNeloiig. Ill Pint laud and Mer will gu in Furl II. k lit ii.n lo-r daiigliiir, Mi Fl.er K.u Kills: lit I'cfoin going In her lioliie. tll lepolts In r sou doing Well 1111 a lalxu wheat und iIihi farm In Asliby, Minn. Mis Clausen own a p'a. of 4(1 act" oil Canby plaliln Htm I .IcIIkIiIcI with I lis lieplovelnelils she loiiud In Cullby slue she lull licit) l iai Mr. Delia I'l.i. e s a weekend il.llor al Poll lam! Mr. Slid Mi. It C. Hmllli r.i In I'.ullaii.l Mo inlay. Mis CI HI111II, of I'oilUiid, was tl. Itlug her patent Hun. lay nnd Monday. The Kpwoilli Icgiin is In a ('..Wing i on. I111, hi. On hVlday evening Inst when re.lptloll Wus lelnleled for Hie new Ineliil.ers, !l inula wero add ed l.i llm list. Il.nry Hewed, uf Hubbard, was In ( aut.y lues. lay. Mr und Mi Arthur Knight, of Mo lalla, n guests uf Mr. und Mr. M. J. l ee Oil week dir.. 1. 1 Wl'l r. 1 111 n.-sl Wednesday f "in 11 bu.liie. trip In Hunk, where he lias been llispeet nig several car loads of Christum tree fur W, II Pair. .Mr, nnd Mr Avon Je.se, uf Aurora, Hire ahopl.ei III C.lllbv Tiles.!,. 1 aiin n.o M.istettuii, uf M.ilulls, was a Canby visitor Monday mid Tuesday. The Aid sm lely of the Methodist Inn ll met ul (he home of Mia. M. J. la-e on Monday evening and finished preiMii iiiitis for It annual butuur on trl. lay evening. Iieceiuber la. Jamo KuupliH h was given a sur prise party last Saturday evening by hi many young friends, tli.i occasion being James' birthday. The young people enjoyed games until 1 1:31) when n-fresliiiieiil j were served. Tim folhivvliig were (.resent Mr. und Mrs. Kuiipls. h. Klma Russell, Itenu Hutch Insoii, Lena Pierce, Anita and (Jla.l)S laiwrle, Mario Meek, l.orrulnu Lee, ).' I lie I Huliie), Anns Gl'luinre, llaiel Miller. Margaret Hrown. I.ollla Horulg, Louisa Guntrock. Krnestlno Smith, Mabel Cribble, Delia Newstrum, Rosa Doler, Jonas Deed. Kenneth llornlg, Dewey Cm, Henry Collin, Clalro Haines, Karl Hutchinson, Wayne and Merrill Hampton, Clyde Kendall, Joseph Hchauhel. George Wall. John Castrick, Theodore Kid. George C. k- ley. George Zuebat and Arthur laiwrle. Ihe party broke up al s 'ulo hour, everyono wishing that birthdays ennm nfleiier. Miss I.etlo Graham, of Macksburg. and Charles (iriiliiiin, nf the Huntley Drug roiiipiiny, were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Graham. Mis Kummerfield ha accepted tlin Iik-uI rlty agency for Ihe Knwlelgh Prodiii.ta company und Is busily en gaged In canvassing the city In tho Interest of that company. Misses Vesta and Jewell Mark, of Murks prairie, have entered the Canby grammar schools mnkfpg n fivo mils drive each day In their Ford. BAZAAR ID HELP KELSO SCHOOL IS. SET DEC. 16 KKI.SO, Ore, Dec. 1 1. - (Spe II I.) A hiiiaar will bo held lit I ho Kelso M-hniil house Saturday evening, Do comber It! at H o'clock. Chrlstm s gift and many useful articles will bn sold. The biuiiar will bo under llm auspices of the Pnrenl Tencher asso ciation und the. proceedii will go to ward a fund for building n p'ny.shed nnd kitchen for tho' hcIiooI. CLARKES CLARKES, Ore., Dec. 14. (Special.) E. A. P. Lafollette from eastern Ore gon came back to visit his friends in Timber Grove for a short time. W. H. Wettlaufer took a load of po tatoes to town last Saturday. Miss Florence Kleinsmlth spent Sun day with Miss Mary Bottcmiller. V. H. I.auner, the Timber Grovo school teacher, visited his parents at Canby over Saturday and Sunday. Miss Notter, the Clarkes school teacher, visited her parents over Thanksgiving. Walter Lee was visiting his mother, Mrs. Mary Lee, and family of Oregon Liiy ior a snort time hut has come hack a-aln. Miss Adline Swift, the Clarkes pri mary school teacher, is sick with a bad cold. Fred Zwahlen has quit working for Pete Hoover In the sawmill. J. O. Staats took a load of live hogs to town last Tuesday. A. F. Iiuche came homo last week from Oregon City where he was work- 25c PER MONTH IS THE AVERAGE COST OF OPERATING A MITCHELL WATER SYSTEM with Cincinattl soap in an Indianapolis Ing. wash basin. You sit down to the table Mr. Nelson and son, Alex, came home made in Grand Rapids, Mich., and you from Troutdale the other week. eat Chicago meats and your bread is i Miss Gladys Eberly was on the sick made of eastern Oregon wheat, baked i list. In a St. Louis store. You go out and The Colton high school is going to put a New York harness on an east-1 give a recital Friday, December 15. ern Oregon horse, fed on eastern Ore- Larklns and son purchased a new eon barley and play your farm all day ! Ford car last week. which Is covered with a Wall street I Gustave Echlewe Is visiting his par mortgage and at night when you get ! ents, Pete Schlewe, for a short time, home you read a Bible printed In Bos- The German Methodist church Is ton and you say a prayer that was I Intending to have a Christmas tree written In Jerusalem, and you crawl j on December 23. under a blanket In some eastern peni-i Mr. and Mrs. Charles Marshall were tentlary sold by Sears-Roebuck & Co, in town last Saturday, and you He awake a'l night and listen j Mrs- Evans from Portland visited to some Infernal dogs whicu Is about, her daughter, Mrs. Jason Clarke, over the only home-product we have. Thanksgiving. BANISH THE BUCKET BRIGADE! The Water Bucket Must Go. It is a back breaker, a back number and a useless consumer of energy. Think how many miles of steps your wife is obllgod to take each day because she does not havo the advantages of wator undor pressure. Is it any wonder that she Is dog tired each night Tho usoloss waste of enorgy In lifting a hoavy water buckot each time a little water is needed, the endless trips to tho well or spring, thoso are tho things that nmko for physical breakdowns. Think of tho chanco of your wator becoming contaminated and tho health of your family dontroyod. Think of tho danger of fin, a fire that a stoady stream of wator will quickly kill but when this Is not at hand will groodily consumo your home, your property and possibly a life. ThoBO things can't bo thought of in tho torms of dollars but the fact Is that YOU'LL CCT YOUR MONEY'S WORTH OUT Of A MITCHELL WATER SYSTEM MORE WAYS THAN ONE No Secret About the Mitchell System Thp Mid hHI fiynifm In i ilmpl urstem, notblnjt dlffl- "i iv imui-rniiinrj or .ipTie, ItOllt It. I)l ri'HHofl'it If J vs huilap swrvlr U hftfaiiaA tt 1st iiiiiile up t litt.-r im Itn, In nmlclnff our outfltn wn ! tiif Mitchell I'ri'HNi-,1 flt.el rnciimiitle 'funk; Wn tested umk-r hr-nrlcr jircMiirc limn ymt nn put on It mm in Bwirnnii'i-u fur ii!ft pniiiMM; we iw) urilr im MVKIW fflHHH vlr wnt piiniim. if Umti In a Mtor Dump tliun tlin M.vTR, fhp muni itIKcb! pump btir-m In America do im kn.w ,f it. K' r powr, If a t-MWilliie 'nlne In n'-0-'!, ln-tnll a Hinter, Hi imwt ili-pfiii iiltle thfnr In. f t h Rlnihlicity will apin'iil to yi at nn:e. M-.rc tiiNti n,tw uMira in the Nurlliweat aay ll'i a "KW"! eiiirliH', nn ho It la. In fHct, our fiiitflin rp marje np to milt your rinlm-i innta; we d'irrt ntn-mirt to make yiir n-iiulrt-rnt'iita -nit ur ontfita. Vrlle ua and wo will tHl you iww we do It. w;n.v. tgmZzk you want M &4- i . a ' o i i mV:;:v Mg our book nWnl tuc daxii I i . " I IKWWWi m&fW'vl' ORE. S U ll w- - r. -ttiUCai-A U "v?- Spokane.'-.... , boise: ZfS - V v i i iit i r ii ii i " i i. nrr,. ' " It will tnnke your prnpnrly morn vahmbln. It will innkn your family moio huiijiy anil i-onl.-nli-d tlirniiKh llm i-iilnyiiinnt of I Im luilli, llm litiiiKlry, tho iminy ollii-r convimiIcimu-h Dial am dciintiiJuiit uihiii u suiijily irf running wnlur In Ihe homii. Tim iMKcrlii-M HvMlc-rn inaki'H IIiImkh morn ronvpnli-tit In Hip tmrnynrd and It nrfnnlK iil.nnlut,. pruli-rl Ion iikiiIiih! flrn liy supplvlng a di'piind nlilo supply of wninr uiuli-r liny pnnmiii' up to l:'5 u iwIh. It will li.-lp pri-Mi-rvn llm hcullli of your folkn, Ih-iiiuhii llntlilnir of forolmi imtiini run gi-t Into tho wulur aftirr It Iiuh bciiii iminpi.il Into tho Mitchell WutiT KyHtnin. If your wnii-r Hourca In puro, your wntir will rcinaln pure iinHI It flown from tho tap. Tho .Mltclioll Wnti-r HyHlom fiirnlMlii-H r-onl wnlcr In suinmor nnd In proof UKiilimt froi-xlnir In wlnlnr. In short. It miiki- II fn worth IIvIiik, unit If you will look ut tho mutter from ovcry nmrlo you will como to im coiH-iiiKion iiiui you miiipiy cannoi arrora lo no wiihoui wnlor unoor jiroHHura in ine nuine. Stover Enclnas Myar's Pumps Implement V'v,w., t W. J. WILSON & CO. Oregon City Agent