8 OHKOOX CITY KXTKU1MMSK. KIlIDAY, llKrKMIIKK H, 101(5. III! DIS1IIH DELAY IN BUOZE THIAL inni Suffrage bine DOZENAMERfCANS HURT INSANT000MIN60 FIGHT in mm on pn is urn FLOWn AS WILSON READS MESSAGE U WOMEN IN GALLERIES CARRY, OUT DEMONSTRATION BE FORE THE PRESIDENT. WASHINGTON', leo. &-The navy I li-innirni today received word from , Captain l:iry Knapp, tomuiaitdliig I I lie cruiser force at Katito t kmiliK, llul III mn rliKagrlnelil between I III 1 I it rU.it. marine and fun r of tiov- ; rrtuir I'rrn uf Han rancu ll'Mv curl, on the nitlit uf No ember J'J l. II Halite were killed. About dozen i AimitIi m. uunil'l, n ii rul serious jiy- 1 Suty Hat Honilnti alia rre wotin! ' Captain Kiiaip state.! Ihal Hie hot-1 lie o.oim-. when novrrnor I'rrei re- stated the etaldlhmrnl ul military government l San rYaiiclM-o lM.xo Ncvsda Woman Smuaolrt Banner Into ' ria. tilth la about n mile Inland from h.inlo Poinlngo t it v JULIUS WILBUR AND ASSOCIATES SHOULD BE TRIEO AT ONCE. HE 'BELIEVES. PGMOMCO RECOMMENDATIONS lllli:i!ON' CITV, IW. -(WUr ul Tin r.'nierpriae I -1 hate been 1 it formed tlul the of the notorious Julius Will'iir haa bru postponed again lur ten data. Tlila man wa arre.tej October I, ami Haa InmiiiJ hut. lo hT llh three ( Ilia employe, for IrUl ini November 9 14 Now he runic-, up Mill tin- baby m l an. I haa Ilia Iriul Capitol Building Undtr Hr Coat Something Mora Startling premiitd by Suffragists. ft our fur till lima because hi hna II.' a ui I mini sort of an Inlljmcd arm. Tin' the h.-ad of over 100 native but before I writer Is h-nn-M nladte of a lame class In Clai k-iuss county who lie'let leg, ron.Lllon favorable. able. Private . Yc'e, Robert II Ostmrn l!nl.Tl C. Lennan. Arlhiir W. Ami son. Siimanter Stmiiiu-r nl Otto llagstmm. a! of ."I at rumpanv, l. M. (.. gunshot wound. AflllNlJTON. !f 5 President linen's address to luiinrrss today i. u marked . a woman suffrage roup in the gillarirs-lhe first real show of .UanUrl militancy In the capital utiil by great demonstration of con i r.-.tulatiun to tlir prrsiJeni upon hit tee'e. Hon In which many Republicans juitud with the (tniK-rats. Aft -r si knewlcil'ilns the rolonged .hcvrs nj applause which greeted lila entcry to the hall of the bouse, the pri'lil-nt launched Into hi address. rrtlcltiK nro:iiiiicnilatii'ns for Mil : ro.--l lt-cUlat Ion. a corrupt prartin s ; art anil hail paiM-d to hi rcromtiii'mla- -Hon for a liroauVr covt-rnmeni for '. I'orto Klco. ! He tai jut alMiut to brciii a n-n i MAYOR, trncc "the prcrnl law cowrtiini; thr b!anJ and rcFulutiuR the rltht ib'l prtvilece uf It pt-ot'lo nr? not Juaf hen. o-r the rail of the sal-. lerr. here at . imrty of oman.uf-, l M VTIIXA 0r( i 1Vf. ( Tho trane leader, there flutterej don (,.nlt .lnilnU.iration to-he of fnia nboie the hea.la of an amaied aeui- f tlna. .oiisidtiiiK of a oman mayor U'tKe of senator nod ropreaeiuatlve plPrt for coiincllomen elert. a wotu a illkcn banner of iuffrace yellow. ; ln recorder-ele t and a woman treav U-nrlnx In great blark letters the ln-( urer-vlect. all of whom were swept in-M-rl. tlon: , iu 0ff,e by an astoiimlinit rampaiFn 'resident Wilson, what will you roup at yesterday election, defeating do for woman luffraKe?" an all-man ticket prooes to give Aa the banner rippled down, the l"niati'la a business-ami economy ad" niffraitlst aat smlline and iinperturh-1 ministration. the etuMiititer ce.iM'il was ilriu-n mil nf Ihrt . II- TIim rtutrf kiilil flittf .in the nWit'i.f IVcemlier 3 unlet aKln,hjl "ur ,'"""l ''''"''' pretalled deere all the supKirt we can nits The raiiialtii s anions: the I'liU.-il J iln-m in their hoix-M alteinpta to en Stat, s forces were: fori l(llr Thl,y jl)ld faptoln J. A llilthrs. T. S M. t.,i., .m,., .....i... ai4..r. .lr.,,,,1 pun.liot wound, coii.poiindfr.ut.ire left mn,.,., ,,, hM ln hrinK. W AHIIISHTON. !. f. ll I do Ifclii-J In pla.e two ! niil'ariiii u.l eipita nf new print !! r was III COMMERCIAL CLUB BODV WILL COLLECT DATA Oi INTEREST TO MANUFACTURERS. The ir..H..l that dm iniue slat c. nutil.illi.il be leli. will Ik. i iii Irixlin-e l lihlair by U.. i. .-iilatl ' lll',,,sl l a nii-ellm uf llie l.le V !! lint these l..w breuker to the court Prltate Herman 3 Hark, cotupoun.l w u ..,. .... , fra. ture rlirt.t elbow, condition favor - ,,. ..,ull,r r MethlnK rl'e II FULL CITY TICKET IN RACE FOR RE-ELEC TION, IS DEFEATED BY HIS OWN WIFE. -d watching the effect A diminutive ; Mayor H E. Starcher whose wife shall be permute.! to pull the slrlnss a II. I secure these Indefinite potiiii ''inca of the execution of Justice slur ply biiause their c'lent nets a tiat I utiil weakenltiK In the pit of the sto'U f a. h as the day ul trial draws near, ur 1 111.111.11:1 s 1 fortunately I to contract nil , Inflame.! MTati h uihiu hi arm j If Julius Will.iir were a ir man J who r.111 the risk uf gcltinc cauishl ; sellliiK Ixme 111 order that he miKht i suj'port his r-iiniiy I would say, look I well at all mlt I i;:it 111 u eircumstauci-s , and Klu' him as easy a piitilshuieiil as possible. Hut w hen a silk st.x kin.; ! kill -clove o'feiider Is caiikhl. who bus j no excuse under heaven for his law- hreakliiE except innate depravity and the fact that he has more money, or ! more friends with money than brains. 1 I bvliete he should get the limit with out merry. t We have a Judce who has been emi nently fair iu all his decisions to which I have listened. Judae Camp bell is a muster Jurist. And we are sure that he will see to It that the sheriff and distriit attorney are sup ported Iu this case by the sm-edy. Im partial, and positive administration of Justice to the offender. And uothlnit has so salutary an effect iikiii a crim inal of the bliie-stiM kliiK class as a term for reflection in Jail, and If the t'niiipbcll, uf Kansas, an.) referred to the r.imiiirrve roiultilltsv. ina'u.s rs 111. iua: frum 1 1 lira of lli'i'O to l.'i'.OnO and iuni.iiniei- uf nut more than lit )ear wi.uld be pro vided br the measure. tt BEFORE GRAND' JOIir INFORMATION SOUOHT CONCERN ING VAST HOLDINGS, PRICES AND HIS BACKING. I lllii;l. Ih-c. -James K. Wet, self style.! ci-i; king." In.: w.tu' pen.ie.l to appear before t'le fc.ler l Kraml Jury and Ir'l all he know. ul... 11 uf Die ('uiuiiii r. lul 1I11I1 l.- rmtx-r I'J A ruliuiilllee apHilutrd M-rr.i Weeks ai..i to lunsliler the matter rrMirte at Itie w.eklr liiuiliiiui uf Hie Wires Tues.lai and n:i lufuiiiiul ill. ul.m fulliiwr.l '. K Hpeme, slate slaliKi' nu.ii-r, was present and u.isei Hie plan. At Hie I Unit uf Hie Win. t Tue.ditv a icmi will be 1 1 1. 1 1 1 1 allow Iriat Hie 111-t uf power derlird frmn the falls uf Hie Wlllauiel le. This With Oilier llllllllllltli.il relutlte III the liianului luriiiK Induslrle at Hie fulls will be n.lli-. l.-, ,y ,e Wires The plan uf aibtlliK Oisin.i un.l sur ruiiii.tiii l.-irltory to Miiltiiuiuili cuuiitr, urt.-.l In a tlilnti circulated III Oswrco. was illnru.a. , all l re f.n.-.l to the lri:ll.itUe 1 niiiiiiltlie .t Main Trunk Scluiebel Iti l J W Mrl'iil'uiu, (be Hew pas tor of the rof!isrei;..(iiiii,i i bun h. tol the I. he W ties thai he wanted lo be TACLISCHI RUNDSCHAU WARNS SURVEY OF FARMING DISTRICTS GERMANS NOT TO EXPECT MUCH FROM U. I. PLANNED IN PORTLAND DOCK SPACE SOUGHT. IU III IN. Ik-.-. 6 -(Via Ha)llte reli-..l- ' We all feel by the rteula uf the last week lliat the end uf Hie war ha been bronchi 1 ulisl.lerably nearer, lata Ilia Vo.sli hn .eliini In iII-h usslnit the llilerniitlolial slluutlon "ih aululloli uf Hie food piohlem nf aa afie.-teil by rieiita In lluuiiiuiila and I'nrlluiiil. I,. I). M.iholie, 1 hulrmuii uf I'OMTI.AMI, Ore, !. ( Kllillln Hun uf Iho ml. I. Ill man In (nod buyliiit, liud diallliK illle. II) with tliii fiirmers, will be tried b pcrsuns liileieslid In leti-lopmrnla In Iho niiteuta nations. Till newspaper p.ilnta mil thai peui-e hi be. II ills. Iis.ed serlous'y, In Hia l ulted Slates unl) since K'nulaud'a war pllklit" bus l.i- nun. iipparenl. It Insists Hint II was 111. 1 nil a' Idelitul culm Idi-nce bill was caused by Analu A inert, an solidarity "We iiurbl mil to fi.rint (hut llu lllle.l Hlutea lut.'H t Is lo Mippoit KiiKl.ni.rs ioaitiun fur her own sat.n at the end uf this wi.r VosmmIio elluiiK Hlatis ru t) one kuowa that It I only a mailer of time until that country un.l Japan cornea to a show down lis to tlin if la" ocean " Hie llirellllK will. Il i-olialder. il tho fiMul problem Halmday evenlim In l.ll.rari ball, I prepurlnK a letter, lo bo aunt lo all womcu'a urKMiil'utiuii uf the city, asklliK Iheni In inukn aurve) uf (be f.i.hl slliiullun In their vurioua ills tibia mid l r ii 11 up sentiment In favor uf ilciiHuu illinll) with prudui nr. ' I have huil numerous telephone i-.intliiu.-s il... a'a lo.luy." bo salil. "Iu one liisliuue Iu the I'nlle.l I was told that a whole ciutoud uf iu1- bK wus duiiiped Into Iho rlu r her" uboiit a Week UK" A fiililinr selit Wold Hint we could fjet all Hie apple . wunted III Ins dl'.triit at 40 cent pKe. raised on the arm of men dl- ran apiitist him and defeated him for! evidence proves that Mr. Wilbur I rectljr under the gallery, grasped the ' re-election, declared tonight that the uul'ty. let him take his medicine edge of the banner and snatched It j men candidates were taken completely money or no money with every other Jown. ' by surprise, and were delated almost offender of his class. Mlsi Mabel Vernon, of Nevada, who! wry anew any opposition cam- w. T. MIt.UKKN heckled the president here at hi ' P'Kn was under way. American Federation of Labor speech "The women put it over on us. last July, smuggled the banner into 'the mayor's comment toiiluht. the house ga'lery under her coat. 1 The coup, says the suffragists, work- ed well enough to suit them, even if It failed to draw any acknowledgment, , nnd they plan something more start-! ling the next time. Everybody around ' the Congressional I'nlon who had any-l thing to do with It was keen for another. the vast h.ililli-s ..f r...-. h. 1.1. .....;"""" n..M ate, with them and I the finnu uf oi 1.11.... ,..,.1 1. i I' ,',r oclUltl. .. He lulll iak of him. ;.nernm.i.i ..ill. il. r.. I I 'I ' ii.iil r. tir.Kii fit) oil the town' p. at. dly haxe expressed a belief Ihal i "" rt- and locution and It Irlt IV..I. I. .....r..lv . n....i 1 1...1 of Its 1 ItUens ..... ........ W l.ll..i..H.. ... II.1.IJ lii.iii others are hiding Heads of all the large sti-race lions. of the i lly and nf the pru.lu.e depart meutn of the packing hiiuc also h.ttn been summoned by the grand Jury. I The Kraml Jury I particularly anx Ions to learn If there la any relation ship betweu the atorawe houses and the Chliagu Mutter and Kks Itoard and also will Inquire Into the finan cing of food supplies. Storage are house head are said to be loaning to storcrs S per cent of the value of product which they have in slorace Some of these lenders are reKirted to have ca; he.l In the notes of the storcrs 'or face value, thus making a profit of 15 per rent. COURT HOLDS ACT IS DISCRIMIN ATORY AND APPEAL TO BU PREME COI'RT IS LIKELY T. Judge j Ills when FACULTY AND STUDENTS PRE PARE ATTRACTIVE PROGRAM OF MUSIC, READINGS. ! ASSOCIATION HAS MEMBERS j ' BOTH FAVORING AND OPPOS- i VOTES CAST IN GREATER PORT LAND ASSOCIATION CONTEST TOTAL 1,726.270. ING NET FISHING. I'ORTI-ANn. Ore.. Doc. 2. (Spec j lull One million seven hundred twen- t j ty-six housand two hundred seventy j votes were cast In the charities con- The Clackamas County Anglers- as- test for the 1500 put up In the content 1 soclation, at a meeting to be held In ! 0f the Greater Portland association on ononr.cTro luntu j the Commercial club parlors, w 111 de-1 Xnegu The count was completed BURMEISTER 4 ANDRESEN ES- bate ' reso utlons , fcvor1nB thc c,oslnK am, mnoLceii. TAHt icuucNT nwF nc sect of tnc " Ulamctte river to net fishing,! NE F BEST ' In the club are members both favoring I The St. Agnes Haby Home was first. OF KIND IN STATE. land opposing the plan. ; with a total of 331.2M) votes; the Sal An effort has been before each legis-j vation Army second, with 298.2S0, and I laturo for several years to close the the Visiting Nurse association third, iue lormai opening o. u.e river to net fishing, and In 1915 a com-, with 22fi,3:!0. An entertainment will be given at the Oregon City high school auditor ium Friday evening, December , th-1 prixgram consisting of readings by John t-Yederlck Mason and other num bers by fuculty and students. The program follows: Overture. "Hn-etlng," high school orchestra; Chinese Serenade,'' high school or- 1'Oini.ANI). Ore.. Nov. 30 -The r.'lj law, requiring all person tin IMirtlng butter Into Oregon to Inline dlately report the same lo the slate dairy and food commlrsloiier, has been declared unconstltutlonul by Circuit Judge Kavauuugh Ills .I.-. Isliin was given yesterday ne sustained a demurrer lo a coiup'alut ugulnst Carl Schallinger, manager of ft life llaxclwood company. who wn charged with violating the law. The court held the law wus dis criminatory and attempted to Inter- j fere with Interstate commerce by put- ting a burden on Interstate commerce, which Is not borne by local commerce -I. D. Mlckle. dairy and food cnmmls sloner. said the case undoubtedly will lie" nppeulod lo the supreme court. IL siiid the law wus elected as a pro tection to Oregon butter munufactur er.-.aiul consumers, and he could not ac The Taglia.hu llun.la. hail warns eriiiuns not to cxpe.-t niu.Ji from 1,1,1 we coum iniiite 111 r.iiu:. yi. ina i. Aluell. ull peu. e lliedliltlun If llm ni.il- , . t (lit ui to l orllanil and dl .llllllll.- ler I. taken up i,) Aml.sador C.euird ,(., .r ,MI1,IH ,.., ,,,,,,1 ,, It conllunes. ... . , . . jtlu le Is miy utuoiint of fond ut point. 'Mole than 11 year ago we pointed, ,, , , ., , . , , .' , lip Hie II illlH lte w bl.li cm be .' out that sin Ii a peace lould be ulilv ! all Angbi American peace un.l It look 1 ',in''1 "l """ ,",'r " cure uf mil) llilllsh Interests. It Is i are fur. ed to puv through luldilli'iiieu Improbable thai II could be suddenly. "Most uf this slulf run be bi ugl t ...i.wrled to Impuitlulllv " I , . ,. .... , . , r t 10 Iium Hi 11 public do. k couiinl.'.uli ii allow us spui e wlu-ie II t un be I. mile I and distributed lo 1 un.iimera without any cost other Hi. ill the freight." Mr. Muhoue sul. I Hint a coniuiltt.. will cull on Hie federal uulhorttlnH and 011 the state iluiry and food commis sioner to ascertain Just how fur cul.l storuge planla and their content run be Investigated under present lawi. This will be the first step In aecurlnii the data preliminary to asking the leg. Mature for a comprehensive set ,,( law controlling such plaiita. The two weks' egg Imycott, ruled at I'KTUonitAD. tin London. Dec. 6. I "" " promises to Im car The Itoumanluns hair been unsuccrsft. rled out by housewives all over the fill In attempts to check the Teutonic r"r ln addition to those who actually force on the raids lo I'loodchtl and attended the misting, Mr. Mahone Hill Ii: rest, ruivs llm war office In I.. I ""Iu day's ufflclal ulutemcnt. I.ONlKIN. iHf. 5 A Iteuter ills' patch from Jassy. Iloiimunla, under d.-te of lieex-mber 3, says: This sleepy university town bus been stirred to the depth by the Halls fer uf the government and the arri val of 20.000 refugee I111111 lliichart st and eluewnere. many of them In af fluent circumstances. They nro much Impressed by Itussin'a efort to help Itoumuiila. Itusslan soldier are con rtaiit'y macrhlng lo the front mid this inspires confidence that they will save Iho tiltuatlon.'' I DEFFENDERS UNABLE TO CHECK ADVANCE CO. 000 REFUGEES REACH JASSY. FOLLOWING A BATTLE REVOLTION IN GREECE PRO DUCES TERROR IN ATHENS SEVERAL CITIZENS KILLED chestra with Professor (iustavo j , V,,w tna, it , jHv ,n. . li-v.... .11 , l.llv 1... , 1 1KU . .. f. ... . U . store of Iiurmelster & Andreseu haa been set for Saturday evening, De cember 9, from 7 to 9 o'clock. Tho opening marks an epoch In the busi ness history of Oregon City and adds to It an establishment that Is of im measurable value to the entire com munity. Thirty-seven years of steady, con scientious effort in serving the people I of Clackamas county has made pos sible the present success and the busi ness activity the firm has shown in the past begets great confidence in the future. One would hardly recognize in the present store any relationship to the former establishment. A department has been made a studio promise bill, closing the river from the falls to the suspension bridge was passed. A resolution from Oregon City fav- ! oring the closing of the river would be ; a powerful argument In the fight to ! cloje the river. I SUIT IS DISMISSED The suit of C. K. Soiners against Nathan H. Harvey, having been set tied out of court, was dismissed Tues day by an order signed by Circuit 1 Judge Campbell. He also signed a de I tree giving J. Ii. McFarland a Judg I incut of J::iO against S. Masters, and Matt Diilzun a Judgment for $150 and attorneys' fees against It. K. Morrell administrator of the estate of the lute Ixmis Morrell. W. Ill Morrell and Fannie and William Knight. The Sisters of Mercy, in charge of or music 1 t. Agnes baby home at I'arkplace, room for their musical Instruments I Tuesday issued the following state and records, and this department has .' I11, 'lt. thanking those who helped the been enlarged until it is one of the!"01" on Thanksgiving day: most comodious and handsomely! The little orphans at St. Agnes' baby i equipped In the state. A lapidary has j home. I'arkplace, will long remember j There Is nothing that will brin? com been installed for the grinding and j the fine big turkeys they disposed of 1 fort and renewed boie to the Invi.lld nnllRlllnir nf .uralon u work- hnrelnrnre r.r. Tl.unUuo-K-Ino- l..v' V:.li liltl.. frit HUTCI) as gOOU new H. VI 111-11 till: criminatory. IN THIST RATE CASE DIFFERENTIAL IS HELD UNFAIR BY INTERSTATE COMMERCE . COMMISSION RULING. AN IMPORTANT LETTER j i FROM A WOMAN impossible to have done locally. obi enough to enjoy a piece of tho vital forces are at a low ebb nml every- . fniriir u'iriu nuf. iwq n r.iv ,.r tuv .....I The optical department lias been i ,1"l,1' ''ir. l'g'tber sauce, celery, and j aumnce will stimulate the wi-iiry added lo until they have succeeded in '.. I'Oiatoes were generously served, i body to new effort pud energy. A let providing a wonderful addition, mod-, many of them were also able to digest! tor from a loved one has turned the ernly equipped, in charge of registered """' pumpkin pie. i tide in many a nlege of sickness. Lr. optician. Then xhc sales rooms bav All the good things for dinner did I ler' .of ,llft Inv'lll,l!f' 1!"t!l. 1'I'' been enlarged, provided with the most, nut .spoil their appetities for supper, j VrT?o him today nnd up-to-date of equipment and present a A larue box or mixed cookies sent by tcy nim vour troubles, nnd he will .vend very attractive appearance, second to. the kind benefactors of the Amerii an j you just 'the right advice to restore you none In the stale. ! I'akery was greatly enjoyed and din-: to health nnd bring back the roses to The entire store n-.w occupies over ' l-o.--ed of on short notice. yooT cheeks, nml without charge. 4000 square feet of floor space, making; The Sisters wish to thank most sin-; J.1' "r1,'? '"!,lm, , '?!'" In all, an establishment of unusual at-1 ecre'y all their charitable friends fori wom,.n. ji- grateful patients hnvo iraciivenesB aim jour iisn win prov wnai seni. u certainly ncipeu in a taken Ir. i'ierce lldvlce, an enjoyable affair. On the occasion cn-nt measure towards making the lit-. Mothers, If your (luugblers are weak, of the opening no goods will be sold, tie tots happy and contented, and the i lack ambition, are troubled with head the store being thrown open strictly i prayers of the little ones will surely 1 aches, lussltude and are pale and for Inspection purposes. Besides an bring many blessings on their kin 1 lvkl' V" 1',,'rtf'l favorite i'rescrlp unusual display of JewJe.ry and its j benefactors. j 'Ti kindred linep, souvenirs will be pre-. Particular mention should be mii'I'- eheeks and make them strong and Rented to every woman who attends, j of J. Petty, of Seaside, Ore., and the I healthy. while on orchestra engaged specially; manager of the Seventh Street Market, I For all diseases peculiar to woman, for the event will play. Oregon City; the former sent no less j Dr. 1'lerce's Favorite Prescription Is a . . . than six fine turkevs and the latter a j powerful restorative. During the last ,: .,..., ...i..i.: ... i.. '40 years It bus banished from the Uvea ... HJITr v,r.Killlll ,-iiiy U. ,1111. in. , ' . Forget Your Acnes. - ,, , , " 1 The pleasant weather was eujoved Stiff knees, aching limbs, lame,and ,mliv of tie mte lot(j were a)le back make life a burden. If you snf-1 to haye a run amund ,he MrotlndK. fer from rheumatism, gout, lumbago.. Ta.pn t0KetnPr the Thanksgiving neuralgia, get a bottle of Sloan s Lini-: of mr was t ,n , the(,r and "Hoots"; lb) "Oiinga Din," (c "A Slight Miscalculation," John Mason; quartet, "Mummy I am," Misses Maude Lageson, Ksther Staats, Mable Mor gan. Flossie lllackburn; readings, (a) "Owyhee Joe's Story." (b) "The Out law." (c) "How They Said Goodnight." Mr. Mason; selection, "School Life-." orchestra; readings, la) "The Light ning Hod Dispenser." (b) "Th 1.1 Town llumphrlst.'' (c) "Ah Goo," (d) "Da luetic Hoy." (e) "The Widow Ma lone." Mr. Mason; vocal solo, "Winds in the Trees," Miss Marie Churchill; readings, (a) "I've Hot a Pain in my Sawdust," lb) 'Arathusa'a Torment." (el "Didn't We. llm''" Mi "Thn Ynlin,. Man Waited " Mr Mnsnn 1 WASHINGTON. eC. I.-Kxl lirsloll- : isis traveling irom i nicngo ami me eust to Sun FrnnclMco limy hereafter i r.o in one direction over tile nortnern routes, by way of Portland or Seattle, for the same fare they would pay If ; elci ting to travel by way of Kl Paso and New Orleans. , The I5 differential which hereto- i fore has been maintuined against the northern routes via Portland nnd Seat tle was today wiped out by the Inter statu Commerce commission on com plaint of public servlco commis sions of Oregon and Washington, tho i Oregon Hotel nusociation and the com- merclal clubs of Portland, Seattle, I w...i i , . .1 r . . u a.. The football team of the Oregon City """" u m.e, , - Athletic association will play tho Ilend I ,"ln- ''"ndli-ton and Dayton. town team at Ilend next Sunday, Pres. blent Harry (!. Smith announced Mon day. Ills squad, H men strong, In cluding Coach Rupert, President Smith and Referee Streubllng, will leave I Port h' ml i.t C o'clock next Saturday J iilht, arriving In Ilend early the fob j lowing morning. J The game wild Columbia Park, orlg-. inally scheduled for in xt Sunday, has ' been Postponed one week. The con test will l,e stated on fnnnmah field. ; 'I'O' "t H'0 Gladstone school house. The ..ihinii.. .u,..i.,ii,n in...,. Hn.!Tliu Piiroiit-Teaclior association will GAME WITH COLUMBIA PARK POSTPONED ONE WEEK ALL STARS ARE DEFEATED. IIKUI.IN. Dec. 6. (Via wireless) i he association for re search Into the social consequence of the war, at Copenhagen, estimates the losses of the allies ut 15,100,000, sins u dispatch from the Danish capital to tho Overseas New Agency today. They are divided a follows: Knglund 1,200.000 Russia K, 600. OHO Vance 3,700,000 llulinn SOO.OOO Serbia 4S0.0OO Pelgluni 220,000 Itoumunla 200.000 About half the British losses, the Overseas News Agency says, fell among the colonial and overscan do minions troops. j LONDON. Inc. i. After day of terror in Alliens, In which Venlielluts fought Royalist mid Greek troop fired on entente force which bad been landed, ncocnllng to Vice Admiral Im Fotirnet to maintain order, a truce was arranged. King Constantino finally agreed to surrender tho mountain guns demanded by the allies, nnd thn latter are withdrawing their troop with the Suyvlllo j exception of a small guard. A pitched buttle between tho oppos ing Greek force occurred III Stadium street. The casualties huto not been aacertr.lned, but it is known aevernt clvlllifns were killed. Clear Bad Skin From Within. Pimply, muddy complexions are duo to Impurities In tho blood. Clear up the skin by taking Dr. King's Now .Ifo Pills. Their mild laxative qunll- lles remove the poisons from the sys tem and brighten the eye. A full, froo, non-griping bowel movement In the morning Is the reward of a dose of Dr. King's New Llfo Pills tho night before. At your Druggist, 25c. (Adv.) Thc Grnenpoint Hose company Tues day night extended a vote of thanks to W. P, Hawloy, Sr., of the Ilawley Pulp ft Paper company, for his gift ol $56 to tho Oregon City fire department In appreciation of tho firemen's work In the recent flro In the company's new pulp mill and generating plant. Of the gift tho Greenpolnt company received $8.33. The following officers were olocted: Prcsldont, Guy Richards; foreman, M. II. Long; secretary, Henry Ilrandt; treasurer, Krncst Hchuld; first assist ant foreman, Wlllam Knopp, and sc. ond assistant foreman, Hen Schuld. AT GLADSTONE SCHDDL Friday afternoon Is to be bundl'; inent, the universal remedy for pain. happne)(S by t1(! )nnocent and jovoui Easy to app'y; it penetrates without cIlj,,lrpn rubbing and soothes the tender flesh. , K Cleaner and more effective than mns-j ' Ointments of poultices. For sprains, BILL RENDERED MARION ore musclea or wrenched ligaments resulting from .strenuous exercise, Soan'a Liniment gives quick relief. Keep It on hand for emergencies. At your Druggist, 2- (AdvJ The county court Tuesday rendered a bill of $416.10 to Marion county as that county's share of the cost of im proving the Harlow road. of tens of thousands of women thc pain, worry, misery and distress caused by Irregularities and diseases of a femi nine character. If yon are a sufferer, if your daugh ter, mother, sieir need help, get l)r, Pierce's Favorite Prescription In liauid or tablet form from any medicine dealer to-ir.y. 130 page book on wom an's diseases sent free. The modern improvement in pills Doctor Pierce's Pleasant Pellets. Ther help Nature instead of fighting with her. Sick and nervous headache, bili ousness, eostiveness, and all derange ments of tha liver, stomach and bowetf are prevented, relieved and cured. day defeated the Oregon City All-start, 12 to 0, thereby adding to their string of victories. The locals have gone through the season undefeated, and claim championship. SKATTLK, Wash., Dec. 6. Three heavily armed men, unmasked, entered Hie Slate Hank of llotheil, 15 miles north of Seattle shortly after 2 p. m. today, compelled' the cashier to deliver $1000, and fled toward Richmond. How's This? We offer One Hundred Dollars Reward for any case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. or T'- C"ENET ft CO., Toledo, O. We, tha undsralimed. hay. known F. J. Chny for the last 15 year, and believe lilm perfectly honorable In all business transactions and financially able to carry 0U -.??"?"on" m"d r hi" nrm NATIONAL BANK OF COMMERCE, r ,,. Toledo, O. ,.?'-Th Cur I taken Internally. acUn directly upon the blood and mu cous surface of th- o-.imAnii. Take Haifa rml& Fill far eoaatlpsllM. by meet and the bundles containing cloth- lug for the needy at ChilHtiiias time, will be collected. At this meeting tho women are to take with them their needlework, and the afternoon devoted to sewing, and ulso to nrango for the Christmas program. A plcturo, en titled "The Sing of the Lurk," Is to be presented to the room of the Glad stone school who sends the largest delegation of mothers at this meeting. The picture Is lo be framed later In the manual training department. The soup prepared for the students of thc school Is being made this week by Mrs., Thomas llurke and Mrs. James Itutler, while the next week's menu will be In charge of Mrs. Ed ward Ranch and Mrs. Harry Williams. Hi Interpretation. "What Is your iilimi muter. Mr. Nu rich 7" "Well, if you Insist I'll tuke t cigar."-Ilnffiilo Kxnresa. Earthquake and Glacier. That earthquake accelerate ths movement of glaciers: ha Ix-en proved obeervHliou In Alaska. AWFUL SUFFERING. "I suffered untold agony with neuralgia. I thought I would so road with pain. A friend of mine nuvlacd me to take Lir. Miles' Antl-Paln Pl'.ls. I did so and tb pain atopped almost at one. Then I commenced ualne Dr. Itllea'eaServlii and be fore long- X wsj o that I did not have the psln any mora." E. I. WlNTKIt, Kl E. PUtt AT., Colorado tprlnr, Colo. Cloce attention to work is the cause of much Pain and many Headaches. Obtain relief by taking one or two DR. MILES' ANTI-PAIN PILLS Then tone up the Nervous System by using Dr. Mile' Restorative Nervine IF FIFUT OTTLI. OF) BOX, FAILS) TO HI LP YOU, YOUR MONEY WILL K REFUNDED.