Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, December 08, 1916, Page 7, Image 7

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    okmon city i:nti:hi'Hikk, nmAV, dkdk.mhkur, im.
lii lh Circuit Court of lb Wala ul
(Urgon, for Hid 1'iignly ut ('! k
Win, K. IUI. Hu!hll(T,
Dull Km) I, lielomUiil
To I mm la Kayl, shot im i. iiI ilat
I il ii ul '
III I Im ii, mm ul thu Hutu ul (Mognli,
oil aro hmi'liy iciilrl In appear mi 'I
hiihit Hit iiihiiulii f 1 1 -I mutual
vou In I!. J i.Ihiui liilllinl fill, mi i'l
holme lliu l)il iIhh nl I hi ember, UK.
dill ll.lln ll ilf II' I lilillll.li nl !
Hii :,a friiiu Hi Hmi p ii li mII.hi nl Una
.iin.i iniiK. iiii I if u,i I ill ii appear m
iiunaor h.I.I ii mp'aliil Im taunt lln'iu
u(. Hie ,;.ili '1,1 i III ai'ii I H. '"'
Inr On' ii i 'f pnyid f"i 1 1 lil
j I ii 1 1 I . In i
Kir I l 4 ; M illiMlil! Hi" I'l"'
f It ko no'liit IMI rlilll between
plultiliff i i, ' id Ii ii'l.inl. Tliia urn
iiinn.i In V'l.i !,' I ! older nl llmi
.1. U. I'l .ii;iIm II, Jmli'ii nf I lii" ('In nil
('will, i.'iiih nritr . IimiIm mi I'm
I'Jtli tin, iMniiir, l'iii and Dm
1 1 iihi iir, ri, i il Inr publli ulli.ti lin t
if In nil i' ' ii. i;lnn!iiis t 'Mi llir
lo.no idili'il 1'ililiiy, ii h In r :;:.'i. IVI4.
Mil l I olllllhllll OK. Il week tllii'Mller
lii mill III' hiding r'rld-i)'. hm riiilii r Hill
ll(iiM'Ni;i.l. k HIICVKim,
Attorney fur I'lnlnllrT.
Nollca to Cradllora.
Sullin U 1 1 1 r ' I glicu Unit I tin Uli
loralghrd hua boon appointed Uilllllllil
tllltnr I III" exist III (Mll'l I'rle.tor,
Im i'.ihiuI. All person hating i lullita
ngultiat Nalil i'lnln urv hereby mill
l it'll tu i ti'iM iil llir mni' duly uTifli' l
II I wild pn.per ni'ii hoia In It lilt al llir
tiffin' nf lila atlttn nl riMini 1, An
Iri'ni'ii ImlliliiiK, liri'Kuii lily. Oregon
ullhln alt miiiillm friiiu llir ilnl") nf
I III Until
AiliiiliilKirnlnr nf I In- Kiali nl IM
lllli' 'rl'lT. I iH-fiif i.
W. U Mti.VKY.
Allot tif a (nr Administrator.
I lain nf drat publication, Deo. M. ll
liulo of liint iulilli alliili, January S,
In llio Clrnill court nl III" Hlalc ol
Ori'itnii, fur I'larkaiima rminly.
u.'ii. k. iiaii. iMiiintirr.
Ji'tn-ll II. ill. li. fi mliiiil
Tu J' Tu ll Hull, alxivi' iiuiiumI ii-fi-m.
In llm iiiinin nf lliu Klula of Oii-kuii
von aro Imrrlir r'iiilriil lu appear ami
anawrr Ilia complaint filed analim! yn
In Iho lino i nlllli'il ailll. nil nr liolnrn
lhi SMil (lit X of li'i rnilnT. 1918, anlil
Into Ih'Iiik I lie I'tplrallnli nf all wri'ka
from Hi" flriil pnlilli ullmi nf tlila inu
inoiia, nnil If yuti lull In appear nr am
Krr aulil rnlliphtlMl. fur wullt thereof
(Im plulnllff will upply lu w court Inr
lliv relief praynl fur In lila cuinp'alnt.
Ill-Wit -
fur a ilecree (llimiilx Inii Hie niarrliiidl
roiitrai I now cilnllnu Let ween pl.ilm
tiff nnil ilcfemliint. Tlila uintiinii l
PiiMlitluM !- nnler nf Hon. J. U. t'iim'i
liell, JiiiIkp of Hie clreull i niirl, lt' 'i
nriler imiilu nil Hie Mill day nl
November, l'.Mii. and Hie time tin
niTlln'il for iiiilijli iillnii tlicrenf la sl.v
eek. iei;lllllllin '! Imnie dulM
lYIiliiy, Nnveinlier 17, li'lii, uml con
ntinliiK i a' I) wi ll llierenfier to uml I'i
lililln.' Krliluv. Deiiiiil-er I'.M'i
!()V.Vi:i.l. ft HIKVKItS,
Altnineya for I'luliillff
BherlfCa Sale.
In tlu Clreull Court nf Hm Stnl" nf
OteKiin, fur I he County nf Clin kiim.iH.
Tlllo uml Trui t Cunipuny, a corporu
linn. I'l.tlntllf.
Henry KiinhiOI mid M.itlilldu IdiHSell
IiIh wlfo IfefenilanU.
Stnto nf Oremin, County nf Cluckn-
liy lrtun nf ii Jiiilt;iiii'iit unlet, d
creo uml mi execution, duly Imti'i'il
nut of uml miller "enl of llio uliom
enlltled Kiurt, In tl.o nlmvn niilll-
a line, to mo duly dlrci ted und I'uleil
the Ci'illi iluV of Orlolier. HI Id, up. n
il JuditliHMlt ri'llileied mid enleleil In
Mild rourt nil Hie 2titi day nf t)coher,
I'.Hil, lu favor of Title mid Tnmt con.
puny, n corporiitlun, plaintiff, ami
imulliot Henry HuhmcII and Mathilda
liiltuiell, lila will', (Icfi'ttduiita, fin' Hie
huiu nf $1011000, ultli Intercut there
on at the rate nf oluht per cent per an
num from llio loili day of NnvmnUT,
1011, mid tho further aunt of 1100.00 im
attorney'!! fno. and the further Hum of
$'2!.8! cohIs and illslnirMoiiieiitH, mid
lliu cohlH of nnil upon Ihln writ, coin
inandliif; mo to nmko huIu of the f' !
lowing doHlcrhcil real propnily, hIUi
ato In tho county of CluckntuiiH, lato
of OrcRon, lo-wlt;
la.U 8. 9, 10, II uml 12, tract a,
Woodinont Kirst Addition, nccordln,:
Id tho duly rocordod plat thoroaf now
on fllo In tho recorder's offlco of mu. 1
county nnd 8tali.
Mow, Thr.roioro. liy vlrtuo of sn'd
execution, Judgment order nnd docroo,
mid In compllunco with tho coininimiU
of Raid writ, I will, on Saturday, tin;
'.Uli duy of Iocfimlior, 1910, nt tho hour
of 10 o'clock a. in., nt tho front door
of tho county court Iiouho In tho city
of OroRon City, In snld county nnd
utiilo, sell nt pnlillo auction suhjoct to
rodnniptlon, to tho hlKhnttt bidder for
(T, B. Hold coin, enxh In hand, nil tho
rlisht, tltlo nnd Interest which tho
within named defendants or either o'
thorn, had on tho ditto of tho mort
KftKO herein or slnco had In of to the
uhove descrlliod real property or mi v
part thereof, to satisfy snld exoctf
Hon, JudKnint order, decroo, Intorest,
costs nnd nil nccrulnn coBts.
W. .1. WILSON.
Sheriff of Clnckamiifl County, Oro.
ny K. C I1ACKKTT, Deputy.
Dated, Oregon City, Ore., Nov. 101 It.
In tho Circuit Court of the Stato of
Oregon for C'lucknnins county.
Sylvia Ellen I'nrtor, IMulntlff,
Krnnst E. Porter. Defendant.
To Krnctit E. Porter, dofondanv
In tho uuino of the slnto of Oregon
you are hereliy required to appear and
answer tho rnmplnhit filed ngnlnst you
in the nliove entlt'ed court nnd cause
on or liefnro Mondny tho ISth' duy of
Decemlicr, 1916, nnd If you fnll so to
appcur nnd answer for want thereof
the plaintiff will apply to tho court
for tho relief demanded In her com-
tilulnl hnreln. to-wit:
For a decree dissolving the bonds of
matrimony Boar anil biri(ora itt
ln lha (ilaniiff a ii 4 lb de
fendant, and ri'lrlii( lha ofrri4aiil
Ui ay Ilia plaintiff Ilia im of M W
per month aa alimony jiiaiiitill
iiiNii ami iiialnlaiiaiiia, an 4 lr a
di retiming In plaintiff b' f Inal'l
in nam. Hyltl r".H) UrnU, ami
lor lilallitlU'a i' illi)uiaiiiriilt
Im urred In till Vill. and Inr am n iah
rr ami further rdie' "' """
mar " marl 1'il'ab'a.
Till aniiiiin.ii la nilduiirl puiau
nl In lha order ul Hi Mniiral.h J
I' ( uin.l"ll. Judga nl Hi" ' rii
mini " 'r ' "'
HI Inr I'l III" i'f'l day "f m t-liiUT,
I 'i Hi. ilih nnlir aa mad" nil Hi"
lull il iy nf ,S'ni iiiUt, lllfi Tim flll
pul. IP ull'm nf llila uniiiniiia la Uiade
mi lliu Imli day nf Nmelnl.er, ll
ami Ilia laal p.ll.lli allnil llieienf aill
Im npi-il Hi" :2nd day nf M i-iiiImT,
vi:azii:. Mii oi iit vkzik.
,AH"rii"a for I'lainiiir.
Notita to C'adUora.
In lii" Miller nf ilia i;.ul nl II y
rain lluokliia. ieirrd
Nnllie la In rvliy Kltfil Dial III" un
dealijnril. Iiaa il duly appnliiled ad
iiilnUlralnr Kli Hi" a I II amioi'd nf
Hie clale nf II) mill lliklli, )
leu.iil. I.) Ill" alxiie rlilllle.) niurl
and liua duly iiitihfii'd fur lila trut
All peraona liatliiK i lulina m Kit lliat tald
'(lulu are In reliy nollln d and I"
i'H l.'i lu pn i nl I Ito aui" duly ter
llli'd and Hli proper tniMlieia In lilm
nl I lie 'Me i( lila allorne)a, IHmlik
A IHmlik and W. I.. Mulw-y. hkmii 3
Amlre.en Inil'illur. Orinnn I'liy. Ilr
lion, wlllilu !( iimiiiI tin f ruin Hie dale
nf tills until.
MMli K iMI( K am)
Attnriii't for Adiiiliilalrulnr
Admliilalrator allli Hi" Will A linen"!
nf Hm Klula nf llytaiu Jlnaklna.
I lece"d.
Iul" nf flrat pillilliatluil. Nntellilier
I. I '.'IS.
I In I e nf I il at pulilleallnn, lleielhher
ia, min
Notka to Cradllora.
Nnllro 1 hereliy clteii tlml lb"
Coiinly Cniirl nf Hi" Hint" nf (Ireuoil.
for I lie i utility nf rii'rkiimra, Iiaa ap-
Imliiled Hi" undnriilKned almlnltlra
Inr of Hie entale nf Klliulielli J. Wtild
run, di'i'iuned. All piTunna IinvIiik
cluliua KKnlmd Hi" aulil iliHrdenl, nr
her ralat", or" hereliy i;len nntlie
that they ahull pre -rut llieni lu III"
underalKlnd odiiiliilntratnr at Hi" nf
flrn of J. K. ( lurk. K , In the Hunk
nf Orcr.on ( ' II y IiuIIiIIiik. In Oregon
City, Oregon, ltliln all iiiuiith from
Hm duln nf (lila notUe, with proper
niirlicrn duly verified.
Adnillilrtinlnr of llio KMul" (if Kill
: letli 1. Wuldron, ie((M:i"d.
J. K. fl.AUK.
H.tlr of flml pnlilli iitlnn, N'nvcinlier
:'tlh. r.n.
Nollca of tha Completion of "Fly
Crack Cut Off
Notice la herehy rIvwi Hint the n
Klnoor In (ImrKc nf I lie Improvement
of roud between ()rei;ou City nnd New
Kr.i, known aa the ' Hy Creek Oil
Off hua filed In Hie offlio nf Hie
Coiiutv Clerk of Cliiikamiia cnuuly.
his t rrtlflmtn Hint W. II. Kldd. i on
Inn tor. him completed Ilia Hit Id ion
Any person, firm or curiMiruilon hav.
liiK otijpcllnna to file to tho comple
tion of auld work, may do so within
two weeks from Hie date of the first
publlcntlnn nf this mil Ire, In the of
flio of the County Cork of Ctucknmu
Date of first publication. November
LVtrU. 19115.
Cuunty Clerk.
In the Circuit Court of the Suite nf
Orciion, for Clackamas county.
MarKiiret Harris, Plaintiff,
Hurliert Harris, Defendant.
To Hiirbert Harris, iiliovu nauied do
fondant: In the inline nf the state of Oregon,
you aro hereby required to appear
and answer the complaint filed
unit I nut you In the above entitled suit,
on or before the fith day of .limitary,
1917, said dato being the expiration of
six weeks from the flrft publication of
this summons, mid if you fall to ap
pear or nnswer said complaint, for
want thereof, the plaintiff will apply
to the court for tho relief prayed for
In her cmuplalnl, lo-wlt:
For ii decree dissolving tho inarrl
ago contract now existing between
plaintiff and defendant. This suiit
tnons Is published by order of Hon.
J. U. Campbell, Judgo of the Circuit
Court, which order was niado on the
2l!rd day of November, 1916, and the
time prescribed for publishing thereof
is six weeks, beginning with tho Issuo
dntod Friday, November JM, 1910, nnd
continuing each week thereafter to
and Including, Friday, January Ii, 1917
Attorneys for Plaintiff.
8ummont. .
In tho Circuit Court of tho Stuto of
Oregon, for tho County of Clackamas.
Tho Northwest Real Estate & In
vestment Company, n corpoartlon,
Harriet FrnnceB Murphy and Thoin
nfl .1, Murphy, her hushund; Herman
Iltiltunn mid Jnno Dno 1 1 ul man. ' hi::
wife; Ilnrmnn II ul ma 11. Jr., and Mary
Doo Httlman, hla wife, Defendants.
To Ifermnn Ilulmnn and June Doe
Hiilimin, big wife, mid Herman H11I
man, Jr., nnd Mary Doe Iliilman, his
wife: ,
In the nnmo of tho Stuto of Oregon
you nnd each of you are hereby ro
tpiirod to uppenr and answer tho com
plaint of tho plaintiff filed In the above
entitled Btilt, on or before tho 20th
day of January, 1917, nnd If you fnll
to nnswer for want thereof tho snld
plaintiff will nsk for a decree fore
closing Its note nnd niortgngo upon
and ngnlnst the folfbwing described
renl property situated In Cluckamns
county, Oregon, to-wit:
All the following bounded and de
scribed renl property situated In the
county of C'ncknmns. state of Oregon.
'commencing nt the northwest corner
of dnAslUMl laa tlaliu No a4 run
ulna llia "ill. tjr along Ilia claim
lllia 110(1 ferl, Ihtrliia N( t.'I hri,
lbna aorm Ull ft: Ihrriia
all frl. lu lha ilalw lias; I lien.
north ("7 fi"l un lha ilalm Una lo
Ida aoflh llna nf aald ilalm, Hji-ii
I aloflf Ilia Borlli Una of ld ilalm
In Ilia pla of l. ainiilii. i nnlaliiliil
laritly Dura and nnallilrd til 111
ii-iii In Ilia donation Und i lalin nl
liniKn and r' ii uli" llnx k In Ilia (win
If nf I'lai kamaa, alata nf Orrn.
JihI AIji for a J'i'liini.t and d
hm Inn In III famr of plaintiff and
aralliat aald difi ndoiila for lb aulil id
l.'Ui'iu, lorfiln r alili Inlert-nl their m
al lha ra nf f i "iil " r a'niU'ii
from Nnteinl.fr l. 1)11 ami for llio
mil nf I'.'IOQ for forr 'nln llila pot"
and iiinitKaf" and for Hi .( an I
dlaliiiru'iui lila nf llila nil.
3rd - IMre. tin Ht ai In nf llm aald
li'-ri liil f-ir dimrll.rd ri al prnpi-rly
and Hi" ai-t.ll. atlon of iIik i.r.. i i -U
llierrnf In III" paillieiit nf Ilia ln.li
nf ilil ial and lu lb pa)Un lit id aald
Itli llarrliif and fnr lnlng all
r lac lil. ml" and lnl r"at nf rui h and
all of Hi" di fi iidaiila herein In and lo
Ihn mid real pmi-erty ami lb" liu'r
thereof aavn only Iba alutnlnry rlahl
nf . I.'inptloii
iiii - Ami for am Ii other and furtlr-r
ri'llef aa la )"M and pmpi r.
Tlila aumiiioiia la rtrd by pnlilli a
Hon llii reof for alt am leaalxi ei-k
by nnler nf Hi" lloimrahln J. ('. Camp
bell, JuiUn nf lh mIxiid i iillt'i-d court,
will, h order aa rnlt red In lb" ulnne
enlltled court and rnuae on lb" 2Hh
day nf Nnveinlier. and reiilria
the I ynii apnr and annaer lu auld
roiiiplulnt on or l.efor" Hi" :uth day nf
January. IVI7. being thw lime flued 1 1
thu murt within whbh you ar lo en
ter an apiieuraiio" herein; ntbrrle
plaintiff will lako a de. re" In llila suit
aa prayed for herein and In plaintiff"
cnmplullit filed lierrlll.
Date of first plll.lp atloll. Dm-ember
I. Il
Data of la( publli atlon, January 12.
Atlornrya fur Plaintiff.
710 Hoard nf Trade llulbllnx. Portland.
Bhtriffa Sal.
In the Circuit Court of Hi" Sti le of
Oregon, for Hie rounly of C'ai kauma.
Henry W. Ilageumnn, Plflntlff.
Joel N. pearcy and Mury M. Tourcy.
hi wife and Anna fir.f. Defenilanis.
State of Oregon, county nf Clai-ka-
ma. r:
Hy virtue of a lud:;menl order, lu
cre" and an elocution duty issued out
of an I under tfie soul of the uhove en
title court. In the above entitled
muse to me duly directed an I
.I......I il... tTih .Inv ..f S.'.ivi.ml..r l!llli. !
,;l,o a lud.-ment rendered nnd enler-
cd In snld (ourt on the Zltu duy 1.1
O. loiter. 1916. In fu( r nf Henry W.
Ili'itomt tin, plaintiff, and ni'niust Joel
N. Penny and Mary M. Penny. I1I1
w'fo, end Annr Oraf. dofondunts, for
th-y sum of $1000, with Interest there
on ut the rate of seven H-r cenl per
annum from the 6th day of February.
1916; nnd th" further sum of 1''0
is attorney's fees nnd tho further sum
of $1Hi5 cost nnd disbursements.
and tho ror.ts nf and iiikiii this writ
cotuinunding me to make snlo of the
following described real property, sit
uate In the county of Clnckuuias.
st:-to of Oregon, lo-wlt:
All of tracts or lots one 1 1).. three
(a), seven (7), nine (9), eleven (111.
thirteen (1.1), twenty (20), and twenty.
two (22), lu Oswego Heights.
Now, Therefore, by virtue of said
execution, judgment order nnd decree,
mid !u compllanco with tho cotiimu:ida
of said writ, I will, on Saturday, the
aoth day of Decenib" 1916, ut the
hour of 10 o'clock n. m., ut tho front
door nf the county court bouse In tho
city of Orogon City, In imld county
uml slate, sell at public miction, sub
ject to redemption, to the highest bid
der for lT. S. gold coin, cash in band,
nil tho right, tltlo nnil- Interest which
the within named defendants or elthet
of them, had on tho dato of tho mort
gage herein or Blnco lu.d In or to the
ubovo described real property or any
part thereof, to satisfy se.ld execution,
Judgment order, decroo, Interest,
costs nnd all accruing costs.
Sheriff of Clackamas County, Oro.
liy E. C. IIACKETT, Deputy.
Duted, Oregon City, Oro., December
1..1 mil
in-., .. J
Summoni for Publication.
In the Circuit Court of the SUito of
Oregon, for tho County of Clackamas.
Addlo Q. Green, Plaintiff,
Anna Mario Colfelt, Frodrtka, Col
folt, Augusta Coirolt nnd Anna Marie
Colfelt us Administratrix with the Will
Annexed of tho Estate of J. A. Col
foil, Deceasod, Dofondnnts.
To Frodrlka Colfek nnd Augusta
Colfelt, of tho above-named dofend
nnts: In the numo of the State of Oregon,
you aro hereby required to appear and
answer tho complaint filed against
you In tho above entitlod court In the
suit aforesaid, on or before the 15th
dny of January, 1917, said date being
more than bIx woeks after tho dato
of tho first publication of this sum
mons, mid If you fall to ro appear and
answer, for the want thereof, the plain
tiff will npply to tho court for tho re
lief prayed for In this complaint to
wit: That plaintiff do have nnd .re
cover of nnd from tho defendants, An
na Mario Colfelt nnd Anna Marie Col
fe'l, 11s administratrix with the will
annexed of tho estate of J. A. Colfelt,
deceased, the sum of twelve hundred
$12H0) dollars, with Interest there
on nt tho rnte of 8 per cent per an
num from the llth day of April, 1915,
nnd for the further sum of $125.00 as
attorney's fees, and the further sum
of $63.00, expended by the plaintiff
lut linurama, l,llief Hk lha roala
and dil'uriiiiil of tfala tult. Cor
dr rr vf fnratlixua fnlM alhg III
Mr) lf thai f ertala mnrtnaia flteo by
III aUne nani"d defrndanl, Anna Ma
ria Cnlfell and J. A. Cnlfalt, DOW in
,r aaf'l Bn.lat bring rord
ad In Ilia (iffba nf lha rn order of
( la kauma i iinly, Oregon, lu Hook 17
i,l Mnrlgagea on pc IM, aald rnort
ga(" Ik-1 11 g tut Ilia n in of laalv bull
drH IIC'H'I dnlUfa, Willi Inlercal
lliariM.il al lha fjie of I per rent per
111111111, and aald inorignga doing uim
Ilia lo'loalng ibxrlbed proiwrty, altii
alrd In (la kail.ai roulity, Oregon, In
lail thirteen (Hi, fourteen (III,
lift. hi , lii. and tUi. en 1 la block
on" hundred llilrty ell.l il.'IM In tha
Oregon 1 1 ou A Ht-H lompany'a ft
.-nloii In lha lira! Addition to Oa
tn-X o, a' 1 or d HM lu lha recorded map
and plai Ihereof In lha rounly of
( Jai kamaa. atnle nf Oregon, and for
hi h ntlir and further relief aa In the
1 null may aerm )uat and c'ultabl.
Till auriiiimiii I piibllahei once a
week for at bait all colnei utlye
wr-ka Ii Ilia Oregon City Knter
,rl," a weekly nepaprr of general
1 iri ulntloii. pul.iiihfd In Oregon City.
I lai kamaa rouMy. Oregon, by order
nf Hi" lloiioral lit J. I'. Campbell, clr
mil Judge, made Dili ;ith day of N-
vemUr, ll.
Tha flrat pul, !!' atlon of this mn
111011 I upon Hie Ul day of December,
1'jlii, and tha lat publli atlon on tti"
K'th duy of January, 1917.
Ati.irn.-) for Plaintiff.
Notli e la heri-l y glten thai Iho roun
ly kiipi-rtntendeiit nf Clai kanu coun
ty. Oregon, will Imld the regular nam
Inatlim of appbiatita for atute certlfl
1 ate at Max. uli' building, Oregon
( Hy, a follow:
Coiiinient lug Wednelay, December
:'o, 1916, at 9:'X) o'clock a. m , and con
tinuing until H.ilurday. iN-cember 2J,
I9U. at l:0a 01 lin k p. m.
Wedncaday forenoon P. 8. history,
writing, penmanship, mualc, drawing.
Wrdneaday afternoon Phytlulogy,
leading, niununl training, composition,
domestic acli nie niethods In reading,
roiiraii of study for drawing, method
In arithmetic.
Thursday forenoon Arithmetic, his
tory of education, psychology, meth
od lu geography, mechanical draw
ing, domestic, art, course of study for
domestic art.
Thursday nficrtmoii (iraiiimar. gt-
nt:riiphy. sleiiognphy, American liter-
sture. physics. tyiew rltlng, method
in. language, HichIi for primary cer
tificate. Friday forenoon Thcnry and prac
tice, orthography, physical geography,
English literature, chemistry, physical
Friday nfterniHin School law, ge-
",'.'."' !""? Hv" "Tl
Saturday forenoon (ieometry, bot
Saturday afternoon (ienerul his
tory, bookkeeping.
Vcrv truly yours,
j. A. CIU IU'HII.I..
Superintendent of Public Instruction.
WANTED-Cuttle, sheep, hogs or
goats. Will glvo In exchange 3'i
Inch wagon, woodrack, hack, double
harness or oflco safe. Phone, Ore
gon City. "0611, or see Cbnrlcs T.
Tooze. 10S llth St., Oregon City. Of.
Office Home. A-23 Pacific. 253
Residence 36F11
Physician and Surgeons
Rooms 217-218 Masonic llulldlng
Oregon City Oregon
Money to Loan
. Lawyer
Deutscher Advokat
Room 2 Denver Bldg. Oregon City
divorce decree to
Mrs. Catherine Fisher wag awarded
a decree, of divorce Saturday from
William F. Fisher, of Sandy, and a
Judgment for $210 for Bervlce per
formed for him as housekeeper during
their married life by Judge Ganten
boin, of Portland, occupying the bench
of the local court while Circuit Judge
Campbell was In Portland.
Moth husband and wife made char
ges of Improper relations with others,
Mr. Fisher alleging that his wife's own
grandson was too intimate with her.
Sho sued for $2500 for her work as
housekeeper after their marriage. She
was employed us a domestic In the
fisher liomo before the marriage.
Sirs." Fisher attracted considerable
uttentlon two months ago when she
was arrested on a charge of nssault
with a dangerous weapon after firing
threo shots at her husband. A not
true bill was returned by the grand
Mr. Fisher has been married three
times. He was represented by Stone
& Moulton while George C. llrownell
and Char!e9 T. Slevers appeared for
his wife.
His Position.
"Are yon n pillar of the church V
"No. I'm a Hying buttress. I support
It from niit-d,le.-Yalp Record.
t r.
0 ' "
r. ?
t.,:- . A'"f
!f V U
That Dlaatfsticking Animal Hav
Bul'do Had.
On the niornliiu- lifter mir in rival nl
Pan MlgneJ l.rl Ice il'erui the pack
mule nearly n'l !i wed ldl nl' t' hea
on their wllhen 1111 I baeka. wiiere lln-y
bad been attai od dnrln: the nl: ht by
rsmplrc l ull wlili h bad fed nil llielr
Iiin. Tbl bnt. 1n-hiihIu rntumlila.
la plentifully illxtrH.ulcd tliroiilioiil
Pirn In aliunde lel.. In.irn fi-el.
II Ii nne nf Hie m t hl.iilv ci:tl
Ire--1 rhh'(i ( exluiii:: luifi The lower
Jaw I ilixidiillr iiiili'ili"t. and the
ben.l. with Ii short 1 ropod car and
broad riu..le. ai a strikingly liulldng
ap-araiieo. The les lire well devel
oitl mid riitber heavy, i-nnbllng the
siilmnl to move falrlv rapidly mi Hi.,
gmuii'l. In wblrh a.lu-itUiii It Ii by im
metiiiii the I'U.'.iii g. be:.lii creature
llkeiraii.vil'rerl.lti. If l:ioliiti"l when
t'.iruwu In the gnimid II wii turn tin. I
bile aiivagel.v.
The I colli arc a highly iii'sllllcd "tit
Hug ii'puitui for making lmi-iou In
llio skins of mu m in ill tin I birds.
In habits they nre 'l iable nnd are
commonly found living In envc nr tun
uel. sui-ia'tidod fnun the colling in
cluster nflou f tin neiiKo !. Na
tional CiHigrap'.ile Mnii'lin
Tha Feod of tha Cod.
The cod bus the reputation of being
as nuinlvnmtis us the j.oat. whose i.
IH'tite for posters mnl old tin tans Is
tho subject of fieipient Jests The va
ried nnliiie nf what the csl swallnw
Is in t moir rcuiarkable than t!'C cni-r-nnuis
iimintity. According to a writer
in the S. nt'imnii, sutii articles as silver
brooches, clasp knives. Ixmks nnd rub
ber balls have boon found in its stum,
ach. One fisherman of Als-nleon has 11
stone that weighs more than a pound,
taken firm 11 cm! that hnd swallowed
It for the sea anemones with which It
wus covered. The same tislierman has
also found siecimons nf almost all the
stalk eyed crustaceans that frequent
the northern const of Scotland and of
every kind of fish that n cod can mas
ter, Including Its own young. Cod have
been kuowu to swallow partridges,
guillemots and limes.
Aldr Dye.
For the purpose of making dyes the
common alder appears to have been
unnoticed by Hie pioneers of this coun
try, who made use of so ninny bnrks
uml roots. However. It was well
known to the Indians, who used It to
good effect! It dyes a reddish color,
nnd down to a few years ago was em
ployed by natives of the northwest
Pacific coast In coloring their fish ne'ts.
Alder dye, used for the same purpose,
Is said to be the oldest recorded dye In
the world. It Is mentioned lu the
Knlevahi of I'lnlnml. supposed to date
nearly .1.000 years ago.
Good Talker.
"You talk well 011 the subject In
which you are most Interested." said
the Impertinent girl.
"And what Is Hint?" asked the man,
scenting n compliment.
"Yourself!" snld the Impertinent girl
demurely. London Answers.
Lots of Turna.
Johnnle-I ain't goln' to school any
more. Just because I snickered a little
the teacher turned me over to the prin
cipal, and Hie principal turned nie over
to pn. Mother Was Hint nil? Johnnie
-No; pa Just turned me over his knee
American Boy.
Th Eternal Feminine.
"Here I have to go nnd be bored to
death nt that horrid Mrs. Jiggers' Just
on account of my husband's perver
sity." "Did bo tell you you should go?"
"No; he told me I shouldn't." Balti
more American.
Universal Language.
Blobbs-Do you think we shall ever
bnvo a universal Inniinge? Slobbs
We have now, when money talks,
Philadelphia Record.
Rubbing. It In.
Rob -Perhaps we bud better forget
ono nnother? Bei-s-Oli. I couldn't do
that. I have so few things to much
about!- Puck.
Aloxander'a Methods.
Alexandoi mutilated the dead, that
the sight of thoin might lie as horrible
to the enemy us possible.
No Insult.
"I ain't Insiiltin' nf yer. I tell yer I'm
simply eiilllu' of yer 11 liar, an' yer are
one!"-London Puinii.
Tha fulioariif ara tna real ((
Iranafer Hut war filed In Ilia off lie
of Count Jlxrordnr liedman on Mon
day: Alvln J. and lleaala K. III. knell lo
II. V. and Irena H Hendry, 10 ai re, of
e.tlon ,1li, lowiiablp I eotith,' range S
eal; alo land In aa (Inn 34; lu.
Joaepli and Nellie Heli la charle
Hlarker. lot 41, i First addition lo
Jennings lxlgn; $10.
Harriet W. Itugby lo Mary Walling
et al, land In aectlon 31, tonalilp '.
tooth, rang 2 rt; 1 1 0.
Luther I). Hwanntrom lo C. O. Youim
land In etlon 30, townahlp eoutti j
runga 4 mat; l
I'. M. and Kute Htuart to Havon j
land Co ' Mlneaota corporation, Ira'i j
I', Huvnn (iardena; $10. j
lunula and DuUy Parr to II. L. and I
City; $1
I'ulted Htulea (iencral IjiiiiI offli-a ,
to John H. M'iomon, W.ty nf H.W.' ',
nf N K.'4 of H.W. and the N.W.'4 of
H K . ut Her. 27. T. 2 H , It. 7 K , con-
tulnlng liiO arc; patent. i
Itouiun Catholic AriiiMahop of Ore-!
gon to U)ul Purr, lot , block ICS. Ore-;
gon City; $1. j
The following real rxate tramfera j
were filed In thu office of County Hut-order
Dedmaii Haturduy:
Luther D. Seunstrnrn to C. O. Young
nnrtheast quarter of northeast quar
ter of aoctlun 30, township 1 south,
range 4 east; $1.
Mrs. E. A. Pierce (o Charle W.
Pierce, land In lecllnn 34, township 1
outli. r.it K" 7 eust; $1
Ida lielghley lo Kllzalwth Helg!ileyt
lot 4 and 5 block 1, Mllwaukle park;
Klrlc and Nellie White to Chrl
Krcft, 3 acre of aectlon 4. townahlp 4
south, rangn 1 east; $10.
JL A. and Florence O. Heater to F.
I. and Mae Cannott. 20 cere of D. L.
C. of Charles Walker, section 3, town
ship 3 couth, range 2 east; $10.
The following real estate transfers
were filed In the office of County Re
corder Dedinan Friday:
Cart E. Schllckelser to Waller Sch
llckelser, northhalf of the southwest
quarter of the northwest onequarter
of section 13, township 3 aoutb, range
1 west; $10.
Canby Canal company to E. C. I.t
ourette. 30 acres of section 33, town
ahlp 3 south, range 1 east; $1.
Clackamas Title company to Karl
Webber, lot IS. 19. block 1. Dover
Park: $r.3u.
Thaddeus U and Minnie M. Grave
to K. F. and Marie Slxora, land In Log
us tracts; $1.
Thomas R. A. Sellwood to Simon U
Mullan, all of lots 6 and 7, block 13.
Qulncy addition to Oregon City; $600.
T. F. and Inez M. Ryan to German
Evangelical church, lot 5 of block 156.
of Oregon City; $1.
The following real estate transfers
were filed In the office of County Ro
corder Dedman Wednesday:
D. C. and Asenath Rogers to First
National bank of St. Johns, lot 9.
Multnomah Acres; $10.
John R. Maronay and Alma Maronay
to Carl Aschoff. lots 9 and 10, block 1,
Otto Meinlg's Third addition to Sandy;
Dora and Adolf Aschoff to Carl As
choff, 20 acres of section IS, township
2 south, range 6 east; $1. .
Roy Deardorff et al to Arthur Dear-
dorff, land in section 25 and 26, town
ship 1 south, runge 2 east; $10.
l.idiga and Edward Ilittner to Sa-
vllloh Poyser, lots 10 and 11, block
101. Gladstone; $1.
Dora and Adolf Aschoff to Otto As
choff, 20 acres of section IS, township
2 south, range 6 east; $1.
Albany Democrat tells of growth cf
ncppermlnt raising In Linn county and
describes this new Industry for farm-j
ers of vnlley ns becoming very profit- j was in keeping with the trulls or ctiar
able. Article also says that Albany is ; ucter that brought him success In bus'i
likely to become peppermint center of I ness dogged tenacity. Inflexible will
the world. nnd optimism. Hope was pructicu'ly
- m I abandoned for him nearly a w-eek age,
Ot Cour. i bt Archbold fought against death
"Can von toll me which class of neo- I with the Iron will that his opponents
pie live the lonji st "Why. centenn I in the oil business found in years gone
rums 1 i.eM. te" Imiiiis e-s I by hud crushed them.
D. C Latourette, President F. J. Meyer, Cashier
The First National Bank
of Oregon City. Oregon
CAPITAL, $50,000.00
Transacts a General Banking Business Open from 9 A. M. to 3 P. M.
William Hammond
Philip U Hammond
Abstracts, Real Estate, Loans, Insur
Pacific Phone 81. Home Phone A-273
Office Phonea Pacific Main 406;
Home A-270.
Beaver Bldg., Room 6
Money loaueJ, abstracts furnish
ed, land titles examined, estates
settled, general law business.
Over Bank of Oregon City.
Deutscher Advokat
Will practice in all courts, make coi
lections and settlements.
Office in Enterprise Building,
. Oregon ClUr. Oregon,
I Mmij i Received al El Po Say
Bandit Run In Oiordr Many
Riflt. Thr Machine Gun
and Horaa Taken.
(jt'KKKTAKO. Meilro. Dec. I. Cen
tral PraiKiiwo Murgula reported In
(ienerul Curninra today that he had
routed a band of Villa follower, num
bering 2'00 men, and had pumued Ihnm
13 nilb i toward Chihuahua City. Tim
general retiorUd that he waa rontlnu
Ing bla advance toward Chlhuuhiu
City today.
Kl. PASO, Tex., Deo. 2. A meaaage
received from (ieneral Obregon ut
1 Sl.ilco City trie today gnv dtialla of
a bt'.ttln between Connrnl Miimil.t'a
forrra and the Villa troop, about 3l
tulle south of Chilin.'.bua City. Thn
battle look place yesterday starting
al 10 o'clock In the morning and tail
ing six hours. Tbo Villa men. th nie
sage aald, were defeated.
The message ald the bandit force
fled In disorder, some toward 8anu
Ysabel, and other toward Chihuahua
City. The Camtnra troops pursued
them four hours, the message said,
capturing three machine gum. many
rlflec and some horse.
TARRYTOWN, N. Y, Dec. 5. Joint
D. Archbold. the Standard Oil mag
nate, died at 3:50 a. m. today at hi
home on South Broadway here. Death
resulted from complication following
an operation for appendicitis, pet
formed November 21.
Archbold's body will rest In the
family mausoleum at the north end of
Sleepy Hollow cemetery, where tho
body of Mrs. John D. Rockefeller was
placed before being taken to Cleve
land. With Archbold at the end were Mrs.
Archbold and their children, John F.
Archbold, Mrs. Michael M. Van Buret!
and Mrs. Armor Suunderson. the lut
ter of England. Mrs. Archbold hud
about recovered from the collapse Buf
fered several days ago.
Archbold's brave fight for life dur-
ing the two weeks after his operation
Phones Pacific 52
Home A 16 1
All legal business promptly attended to
. Attorneya-at-Law
Commercial, Real Estate and
Probate our Specialties. Of
fice In First National Bauk
Bldg.. Oregon City, Oregon.
Notary Public.
Estacada, Oregon.
W.S. EDDY, V. S..M.D.V.
Graduate of the Ontario Veterl:
nnry College at Toronto, Canada,
and the McKlllip School of Sur
gery of Chicago, is established
at Fashion Stable, between
Fourth and Fifth on Main Street.
Both Telephones
Office Pacific 60; Home A-95
Res. Pacific 184; Home B-80
WW vaar vavgvn,-