OKEOON CITY P.NTKltlMvlSi:, KIMHAY. I WK Mil Kit 8, Villi. OREGON CITY ENTERPRISE Publithe tvery Friday. K. BROOIK, tilt or n4 Publisher. ! INDUITRIIS, LABOR AND UOlt- m Ihe In H. :,f bol or tl An Ohio .. Itei. t'betef It pinker, I rnib'lalH !! Ji.Sl Eetr4 t Orfo City. Orefoa Tottofflc. at second clt waller. ubecriptlOA Rttet: Ote year Mil Months TrUI Hubecrlptloo. To Months Hubecrlbeni 111 Had tat dele or iptrtllon UMipfd on tbrlr ptptrt fol IoIb( Ibtlr iibw. K U( payment It not credited, kindly Botlfjr ut, tod it matter III rrl our attention. A4rtUtD Rate oo application LATION. ! lllid Ikhuim fruits and eiteihlet ' annul be produced and rannol he fur ' nlshed la fertorlce under present run ' Jlltont. There tre to many Utt and adverse conditions hedging about labor and n dii.tr, and o.ipe Lilly inxlurlln from Ihe toll, that large rtlshlli-hmcnlt art diffh nil I ;ilxir i'r,-'anl.illou oppoae cheap li-bor roinim to our ilslee. l.shor h.i ream tdvertlta that have tmire la borers tlun te mn employ on an eight r r i rii a id t hour bsl We nre g'tlinu Ion hy run i;rei and by tatet fur ihetper mpl- 1 here l a l.-tl.T outlook for ludot trbt In l'.i. IfV roal Millet with feat of radical political prHtlllont ta ev er.il of them. .t the Taclflc t'oant M. iiufictiircr. Tln-re l need of a change In attl- I iiilo of lhee comiunnweullht toward roincrti, mid there are many other on this coast getting the name Infor limtion. thul they could plure million iouud order Million pound order cannot le t.il for f irm development, hut all In (ha motion pi. mi tcrnitn II begin la) llevrl.-nl milt a IbiMt ! dollar H'Mid band machine the regular ordi-r ot rtv. Mlcned on Huilday evening rl'M'l "b tliiulion of niiKioi ii lull t in p'ece of the scripture .t,in Ihu nnuilrr found lht eopU u- lid int wdl oiwlU coine o i l.i n h tliili.'d In to ee lite ili tuit - an I itiuc am And the arnphU nir. nlalioii ol llie torlr drote ho, .01 ilui lut of t MTiuon a nVi'ii; rle had ev.-i done. Ir. lino. hir I i nrruii ; .''it lite me aiheine In hi) lireaem dumb ill I In. a Now, honrier, he i x inuili iiior t'lalhirate outfit. He oliriU-a hi popular lllualraled f.ne on the ailliiaelilftil i(a n a; I ho p.ipl And the people mine. Ken Ihe Hs,np re at flrt horrified by the Imr.-I o 1 i 'i f tin film In ihurVh irrlr will (n ' a'l) nate 10 iiimil la It The iii.t. iil . urowliiR and aerma lit h.ie man ue- ful and aonallile olenn-iila AN EMIGRANT NATION The fir that the 1 loe of the ai would brtnii awurnia of undi-alralile im iiiinn.iii to our alior. a h.i itltt-n p'air to one quite a aerlou and a ad d tl more prolmlilc. Iinnil, ration Column loner Howe prrdli t that after the war the I'nilrd Hlale mil le(iiiiit an ' eiulxralit nation. Thonand of for eiKiiera who rume to tln loiiulry hop I11K to iiiilr amall f.irm of their REPUBLICAN REORGANIZATION NEEDED. Republican leader returning to Washington nearly all bring the tame newi from their state that the national com mittee made a mm of the campaign. In consequence, there ii much talk of an immediate reorganition of the party ma chinery. In fact, not a few of the leading men of the party are urgently demanding it. It is argued that Choirman Willcox cannot seriously ob-! pro.iu. tion and . ..mmon labor befoie . 17.-1.. : k I, .,i iKnt ;nenrl! l. rneM ltulu.trl.il drvelopnieiit ran cel. iaiiy in iic auiiiuivi hi. tut. v ....... IODCinciiciudi8wnio,iiici.iu...1 y'""u ' . Kor lu.tan.v. the WlttenNra Kluit liian forces in the field, that he intended to take lull rcsponsi- t'o. rt The )il!e, Oreaon, want to bilitv for the campaign, that he would made all the decisions operate it eioraior plant nil year for the national committee, and that if Mr. I lughes were elect- around hut tannot . t fruit, and i ed he would be entitled to the credit, while if Mr. I lughes were ' "" . 1. in Ll 1.1- A..U-. .: ( ,n... Mr A larte exportm firm Inform till deteated, ne wouia dc Diamauic. tw uuii nine, vi Willcox looked upon Mr. I lughes's election as assured. And so did everybody. The election, which was won in June, was lost in No vember because, during the critical weeks of late September- the national committee neglected to inform itself of the real rim-me are ui work to advance iai..rin where they rouid upport them conditions which existed in states where, as has since been demonstrated, there was a widespread defection from the na tional ticket for one reason or another in most cases to bi attributed to the "kept-us-out-of-war" slogan. In Kansa3. especially, no serious attempt was made to check the spread of this particular heresy, though capable leaders in that state re peatedly warned the eastern managers that it was a vital men ace. In addition, the tariff was neglected in states, especiallly in Ohio, where it has always been and still is the party's most potent issue. At the beginning of the canvass Mr. Hughes intended to lay special emphasis upon after-the-war conditions and to hammer home the conviction that this country will need the, most thorough economic preparedness for the tremendous! commercial warfare which will ensue. This theory of cam-' paigning was absolutely correct, and why the candidate was' diverted from it in order to take up the Tittman case and othgr minor offences of the Wilson administration at a time when i,n(' aeitinn of Urookiyn. n. y he was expected to make his greatest impression on the coun-1 hi, h ,ri,,M "ao!f ux,n " r Ll .! L L .. .L . ict'mf ami omr tied raine ouu ltia( trv to invrlir")Klai irviin amr atKav ntmn than Ihof thai naMAn. 1 rOR PROTICTION IN f RANCI In M1 lb i'k Manilla, tureia of l"ln.e, oho ai banded l"ilhiT l one aMhlalion. id Into a lia.aa on Hi kutifetl of lb laitff. fart of llieiH aloud for fti trade, lh rml fol p1.1le.1ion Tba quartel rvaulted In a .I1U111. and lo a. lati.Ki -ie or lallUeJ. I A.n Utlnn da la alrl''ie l.toiinslt n, I An Utlou de la Hh tie loniiale. Ileieiilly ImiIH Ihru aa elation itlll to iralliallon of lh fa. I thai Hi 'united aland" ld. pretty iinm! on .i rpouM In or d.-r In meet p..tr iou.iii,.na, n I they h amalaaalrd. (in Hi baal of free trde? Srt al all lb blub prote, Hon Id a aaired to lower Ihe du lie a iriHe, and Ihe fir trader a -ivplrd Ilia roncelon with r. 11 a Ihe en. h would aay. Hut prolix lit rate m lik inanufaurer are nolti In tay. If prolis ilon I aoo. rnounh for lh t'retnh allk f.il.il.aloia, hy not for our own? FOR fOOD IPICULATORI A rational Hlily ikal knew how In aoirrn It. elf would prubaldy lake away TI.ihmiooo from the food (iinbler who owiied" Idem. and. II lli( all Ihe good one ( the orlini.il ro.t iu Hi 10M of tor:e plua a reaoiiahlo profit, would put the gain Ncr In jail and f-cd I1I111 (lie had one And tnaaiuilih a 11101 of the rn' would hate pae. Dm palalalile t,ie. Ihe offender wuuld hate plenty to eat.' Study Food Values FinxI priivitlt il fur the family tabic dc servi'S tlio cart ful tluiiij;ht of every house wife. IX) you use tli)iir;lit when huyinK 'hakinj; ptiwdtT? Tlte quality of cake, biscuits and all quicliiy raistd Hour fKKls deperuLs larndy upon the kind of bakintf powder used. Koyid Ilikinc I'owdrr is made from cream of tartar derived from "pes. It Is ubsolutely pure and has proved its excel lence for making fnod of finest tjuality and wholesomeness for Keneralkins. Hoyal linking Powder contains no alum nor pliwphitte. KOYAL 13AKIN0 FOWDKR 00. New Vtirk to prohlliltory prP-e. A a remit no farm doelopmetit ran take place, production I rctrl ted. In ilu trie are limited, and iot of Ihlir; N udMiiieod without Hiving emplo. I'lenl to blorer wo have. When will the mne learn that too much reai:btlon und let.il.itlon only iTlplc liuliiKtric. kill luinine and detroy chance for worker to make a living? Preain of InUir acitntor for i or clsht hour da.va at thriy dollars ier r.iry come tnic. hut farmers cannot c.ci'r l.i nil or prow rhei-p fruit and ec: elal'lcf. for canncrie or evaporator on that haul. elie happily and c.nafoilal.lv have Ix'en dlKapiHilnted In that hope. Vat ana of land are held ) peculator and made unavallulilr to Hie Iinnil Kraut farmer, luatead. he ha ! n hurried Into fuctorlc und mine. The freedom he received U fur from the Ideal he wuitlit And now he believe that there will be inn. It land vacant I CHRIS ill E STORY I FORUM OF THE PEOPLE THE FRONT O00R NUISANCE. HatluiKh, one of the hlKbrla real- and ready for him to ne in the ol.1 country, und he la iM-KinnlnK In thin' of retnrnliiK aa on a Ihe war end. lie li enctiuruxed In llila tendency by the foreign lanxuae new paper and ai.ent of KuroH'jti countrle. It In reported that l.'.'Oii.ooO ateeraun ticket have ulreudv been old to alien ready to leave. - Such un emigration would, of course be a Kcrlou blow to A rlcan Indii trie. If we are lo check It there must he an effort toward he I it ted Ju.v tiro for our forelun population. ('Ill I zeiiKiup nnuiii ne maite more attrac land aliouol le oened to . a n n ! t In ..tin K -.1 - ..k...n. I I. 1 , . . ,. , . i.nntlB III tuill lur IVIU.II UI B IIIHOII' fl1A I Anmmillu d.mcI ss.nnl Ir. Iki. .-uil ik. cnmmil.'. ..llVC, an'I -o - i " i iiik ami luausuiie younK man wno w o ,i , ... . ,., ... ,, , . j i j t . i . i . i ' .. ' tiiein. Tlie I nlon Pacific ru roud ay ivv o ctuvii.i. una lkiu, nao iiivic io.uui.uur uiau uvi, auu iiiirun n. nit- ir.uii uoor. lie iumi 01 ..... i. , . .... .i l l i r i i ,.. i .i . .i i j ,... J tern hn taken ono r.md tep In th mewnoie recora or neaaquaners is sucn mat me party leaaers " ummr curso oi, unen "am ; lln(.ton hM ,.p,,,,.,,., nrruni;e shrink from passing the next four years under a continuance, K011 Bt 8l'a- A sr,'ul I,r(W,w' ""on! ment whereby nuniiricd n-ident im of such guidance. , , ...... .... .... . I "l:rant mny ac.pilre farina iiIoiik It ; l.UiMi p. Dl-UUUI ill lIIIMIIl lllll'll li WHO With the opening of congress there will be many confer- Kimrantitd. The fiatbuah indie fell ences on this point; and the prevailing opinion now is that if; for 1,: Now 11 ' ""ck f-"0'" the week. nmi. e-ffe-tiv. tne-trJ ran Ke fnnnrl tlvpr. will Iv an immi- Iv ash An'' 'Xfcpt for a few lono- the counter always!" Of course those women should have known enough about textile not to have been deceived hut that's a siiIh Ject for another editorial uiKin how our Bihoo's do not educate. The woman j- . . i . .1 . I j-.- iv unen iiireaun lost in me noruer, it aiate move toward putting tne party macninery in condition, , ,.,.,., t . . L . . L . f-ll J 1 " 1 l,ulon- ior a winning campaign two years nence- to De touowea oy , s ri,r pleasant to he able to complete party success in 1920. hand this tale on faraway FlatbuHh. ! Kor once the Joke Is not iixin our- ! selves. Put we remember ah. no. let SCHOOLS AND NERVES. i. rn:o,. ( One housewife added these Bhinini: Just another schoolgirl committed suicide during a nervous words: Us a good warning to keep breakdown due to overwork and overstrain preparing for last ' c'7r " ""Mw merchant, and a , , .. , l l l i c I J J 1 8afety lesson to women to trade over june s graduation irom a nign scnooi. jtartciy noes a aay su by without a dispatch of that sort from somewhere in the United States. What a beneficent result of education! What a tribute to our much-vaunted schools. Every sane adult knows that adolescence is a difficult time both for boys and girls. Minds and bodies are on a most deli- j u rut about the mnift lesuon. Trade cate balance, almost incredibly easy to upset. Growing minds over the counter with a reputable mer reach out eagerly for the food of knowledge. Growing bodie3 tl,ant- permanently established, whose j .i r j ii "Cl : .U C 1 ,L " advertising Is always honest. Then need their food as well. bleep is the rood or the nerves ; i- ci j i r . you know what you are itettiiiR, and says a famous specialist. Sleep, nine good hours ot it every ( if you fail t0 Ret wIl!lt you oM(,r you night of the week, in a well-aired room, with a quiet and easy have redress. mind this is the one absolute and fundamental necessity for ; The front-door peddler and the wo- every growing boy and girl. Simple, nutritious food, well-! "n i foolishly tries to Ket some- cooked and at regular hou-i, comes next in importance. Uut door air is another. And all dav and everv dav. with auiet. eentle firmness should be impressed upon that eager mind the necessity for j orils arp 0,c" '" the llKht selfontrol. Two hours of home study is enough for any stu dent. If the' school insists upon more, the school is wrong. But those two hours or less should be done quietly, without distraction or nervousness. Suppose one example fails lo yield its solution what of it? Suppose one recitation is missed? There are other days in which to solve the problem, to learn the declension. Only today can today's strength and self-control be gained. One evening a week of social pleasures is enough and that not too prolonged. There will be other parties in other years and one will need a sound body to enjoy them. 'Ines at low coat. It infers audi colon ist sixty ncre of Irrigated laud with farm htillillujrs. Su. li land I pur chasable through a ( liu.ino trut com pany in ten annul payments, the flint pnyi;li!( only ufter a crop I harvestej. More of this ought to bo done. An I while It Is a dispr.u-e that wo must be driven to "play fair" with the foreign er by fear of disaster to ouraclvc. still such un enlightened policy would I r n beneficial to the Immigrant as to us. A Soclallat VoUr Writ. nitKilON cm". IVc. I. iKdllor of The Kliterprlae I Will ) duii klioll) l low me limited apin e In )our laluable paiM-r. I am eekliif knowledge re- Kardltli: Ore. in elollon law. I II ncci-aury for one In realaler before he la Intlt'e.l to vole and If o why i anyone name withheld from the mi!I IM at the I'ljto of inllna? Waa It bvuue I waa reaiaterrd aa a Hoclal 1st. or ha thai anything to do with It? Now I pay my taxe promptly aa my retsMpla how and I try lo he a law abiding clllren and don't ee why 1 1 lioulil he humllluted at Ihe poll by having to ear In my vote and hav ing to anwer unnecessary qneatlon. The clerk asked me where my father and mother were Ixirn, Ihelr name, where I wa born ami I rtpecttM him to ak If they were Ixith white men. but lie didn't ak thai. Please anawer the question for Ihe enllKhtennient of your humble servant. J. T. IUYI. LOSES TO STORY ! ELECTED TOPOST Blf DOZEN VOTES! THAT DON'T EXIST RCCORDIR JOHN LOOER AND, CITY ATTORNEY. TERM ON BAL- CITV TREASURER PHILLIPS ARE RE ELECTED. HENRYM. TEMPLETON. I.C.BRIDCES ANDClfRILDRICHPUTONCOUNCIL LOT, IS NOT ELECTIVE UNDER CHARTER. Big Majority la Rolltd Up Again! Mtaiura Providing Eltvator Toll and Othr Two Dtftattd by Camfortablt Margin. ATTORNEYS DIFFER ON UNUSUAL AND COMPLICATED LEGAL PROBLEM Poia'blllty of Scond Election Appar tnt Mr, Story Saya Two Tarma Ar ntrchangabla, but Othtr Do Not Agrta. Your party afflllutlnn ha nothing lo do with your voting at a general tale election. No e'ectlon hoard ha year ago. t'lly rrowH iitor Hi huebel authority to force you to be sworn In waa defeated at the annual t'lly elec tion Monday by a margin of only 1' vote. Hchilebel tarried ward olio and two. hut lost three by 29 vote, overcoming hi lead. In a rare w hlch brought In mind the ' A legal Ungle complicated and clove vote between Linn K. June ando uiiiimiuI that no two uttorue) her Judge (irant II. Illinli k for mayor two i agree riui tly wu dlacovered Tiieolujr following the city election Monday. If you nre properly registered under the new peruianeiit registration law. If you nre registered, your name was not withheld uiil.-s it waa through u:i error. If you delre further Informa tion, see Cuuiiiv Clerk Harrington. thing for nothing; of them are in the same class. Honest goods demand honest prices. They ure al.vu.VH to be had of honest merchants whose rec THE ONE WAY TO HAVE MONEY IS TO SAVE IT The Sure way to save it is by depositing in a responsible bank. You will then be exempt from the an noyance of having it burn holes in your pockets, and aside from the fact that your money will be safer from thief, the habit of saving tends to the establishment of thrift, economy and general under standing of business principals essential to your success. THE BANK OF OREGON CITY OLDEST BANK IN CLACKAMAS COUNTY WHERE THE 1915 LEGISLATURE CAN DO GOOD. There is undisputed merit In the contention of the Oregon City Live Wires that Oregon tax und assessment laws need fixing. The present sys tem works an Injustice on every tax levying; body compelled to adopt a budget and fix a levy before the as sessed valuation Is known. The situation cun best be explained by citing a concrete examplo. The Oregon City school district, for In stance, Is compelled by the statute to fix its levy before December 1, yot the school board does not know tho ! assessed valuation of the district un i til after the levy is In the hands of i the county assessor. An unexpected ! shrinkage In the district's valuation ! such as was experienced a year ago i when the state tax commission I changed Its method of assessing wa j ter power at the falls of the Willam- ette naturally results in a decreased ! income for the district and the entire j schedule of expenditures In the bud- . get is thrown off. The situation la still worse in re I gard to the municipal government of Oregon City. The members of the : council are hold individually respon ! sible for the town's financial condl 1 tion under the charter amendment en toj a year ago. In avent of a sud den and unexpected, yet possible, de-crf-ai:e in the city's assessment, the council would be compelled to slice city expenses right and left to protect Itself. The 1915 legislature here has an op. portunity to do some constructive and needed lawmaking. INCOMES The Income lax receipts for the fiscal year 13 Ii! afford unother con crete prof of our abounding prosper ity. The tax produced nearly 9 1 23.000. OflO against $SO,00.000 the year be fore. The Individual Income tax rose from tH.0no.0no to nearly $G.s,noO.O"0 und the corporation tax from $;:9.rt0.- O'lO to nearly $:,7.nofl.OOO. The number of Individuals contri buting Is Kreatly Increased. Hut mure striking than this fact Is the Increase of Income reported by those previous ly subject to the tax. The most nota bly Rains huve been in the upper lev els. While the total nmount paid by In dividuals In the "normal Income" class of $:j(IOO to JL'O.OOO a year In creased per cent, Incoinos from $:0,000 to $50,000 paid -16 per cent more super-tax than tho year before; Incomes from $.ri0,000 to $75,000 paid 62 percent moro; Incomes from $71.- 000 to $100,000 pnld 72 per cent moro; Income from $100,000 to $250,000 paid 9.'l per cent moro. Tho Inference is plain. If. In ordi nary times, it Is true thnt "the more money a man has, the more ho ran make,'' that ability is accentuated In abnormally prosperous times. With prosperity come Increased earnings for nearly everybody, but those who earn leust enjoy tho smallest hereon taB of gain. Those) who earn most have the latest percentage of gain. If the worklngman or tho small sal arled man wins a totul raise of 25 per cent, the multimillionaire Is likely to be making from 50 to 100 per cent more than ho made before. It's one of the strange and upparently Inevit-, ab'e Injustices of life. "To him that hath shall be given." ETT ARGUMENT LEADS 10 MURDER (Continued from p.me 1) MOTION PICTURE PREACHING One no 'onger has to go to the mo vie theatre on the coiner for thrilling pictures. What jouid he moro In 'iiihcly interesting than "The Trials of Joseph In Egypt." or "The Adven ti res of the Childre t of Israel" shown WATCHFUL WAITING MUST END The president's troubles are multi plying. The "program" of which he talked so vaguely at Shadow Lawn must be completed at the next and the short session of congress or not f.t all. The Mexican difficulty cannot much longer bo evaded. England's polite but firm refusal to modlfj the "blacklist" calls for something more than another note. Tho failure of tho public to provide funds for establish ing the rural credits banks moans a further drain upon the treasury. The Increasing Imports, even from the na tions engaged In war, point to poor business In all lines which are not en gaged In producing war material. T'lo Inevitable recasting of the cabinet Is full of pitfalls. Mr. Wilson has shown himself to be a master of the art of postponement and evasion, but that policy cannot continue Indefinitely. There must come a day of action, and that day is rapidly approaching. traced ('erhoiil from Muyberry to Cot trell. Squires o Joined by Hlierlff llson and Hftc. nud at Anderson station they mot Sheriff llurlburt und the Multnomah county officers. A mllo from llofTug the fucltlve was overtaken by Sheriff Wilson. Consl.l I le Sipilrcs. Constable Krost and lieu my Sheriff Klaherty. As they up- proai hed him ho drew a revolver, und uuvcrcd ns though in doubt. Cerboni tossed Ills weapon to the ground and shrugged his similiters. Pout Heart Story. To the officers of the two posses he readily to'd his story of the crime. Sjci hetta and he had worked together on the section for some years, ho wild, and always with bitter feeling between them. They ipiarreled frequently, und Kaechetta boasted Ills willingness to fight. According to .1. F. Itonch, Intenirhan Inspector of the Portland Hallway, Light & Tower compuny, Cerboni had been working at Mayberry us a section hand since October II, und most of the time hud been hoarding und rooming with Caccholto. About a week ngo ho became dissatisfied with tho food and paid Hurchetto and changed his hoard ing place to Scott llallurd's, hut con tinued lo bunk In tho ottmo house with Succhetto. Cerboni has been sulky for several days, apparently over his mis understanding with Succhetto ubout the food. . Sunday Cerboni ato sparingly nt noon and ufter he had left the table Mr. I'allard followed him to tho bunk houso to see If ho wero sick. Suc chetto was sitting back of tho door, and Cerboni was pacing back and forth, apparently agitated. lie told Ballard that he was not sick nor hun gry, and Ballard wen' hack to his house. Shortly afterward tho shoot ing ocenrrod. Haehetto has been working for the Portland Railway, Light & Tower com pany with Foreman Tnrsons for tho past three yours, and was well liked He hud a wlfo and two children In Ita ly, and seemed to be well known by his follow countrymen in Tortlund who were soon on hand to look after his remains. Hut little seems to bo known of Cerboni. A coroner's Jury which heard testi mony concerning the shooting of.Snc chetta by Tony Cerhont, returned a verdict cnrly Sunday night In which they merely reported Sacchetta came lo his death from a gunshot wound In flicted by Cerboni, and recommended that tho latter bo held pending Investigation. All-three aiueiiilincnls were defeat ed, the elevator tolls measure receiv ing in ex-i'ially heavy negatlvu ma jority. Tho other amendments pro Mile, (hat the city would huve the au thority to condemn private property for docks or other municipal enter prtcH and changed the method of pay ing for street und sewer rsieNMUIenl. Recorder John W. I.nder defeated A. S. filler and John A. Lllwrg. and M. H. I'lillllps. ruiidldntn for rv-vloc-j tion us treasurer, downed L. T. Ilor-. ton. Henry M. Templeton was tho only councilman re-elivted. Ison C Bridges from ward three and C. W. Krledrlchs from ward two were elect ed to the council. The voters named tieorge Story city rtlorncy, un office that has no legal etlstaliie and is not defined In tho city charter City Attorney hcuuelu I decliiii to Illlike statement. The city charter iiuikea (ho ufflio of city prosecutor elective and pro vides thul he sbull be paid on Iho feu ryntem. Mr. Hchiiebel during tho lul three yearn has combined the offices of city attorney and city prosecutor, tliroiiKh appointment by the city council. Hotli Mr. Hi huebel und Mr. Story, i Iho oplxisliiK candidates, filed pet! ! lions with Recorder l.oder UlillllllutlllK tlumi us (undldutes fur city uttorney, I although that officii has no legal ex liitance, and tho names of the two men wont on tho ballot us candidate i for tho city attorneyship, and mil the j office defined by the charter. live. John Creen, John A'brlghl. Mrs. Kate Newton and N. Lettenmaler each received a vole for mayor. The vote by wards follows: Ward Wurd Ward Worms Sap Your Child's Strength. la your child pale and fretful? Does he cry out In sleep or grind his teoth? These symptoms mny mean worms and you should obtain relief at onco. Klcknpoo Worm Killer Is a pleasant remedy that kills tho worm, and by its mildly laxative quality expols It from the system. Worms sap the vi tality and make your child more sus ceptible to other ailments. Your Druggist sells Klckapoo Worm Killer, 25c a box. (Adv.) Wide Differences In Office. Mayor Huckett. unopposed, will, . ,. ,, .... , ,,,, . , ., . .i i.. ' There In u distinct difference bo- serve another term us tha city h eecu-: . . j seiitH the city In ul' court l imes and rdvlsce tho couticl , and i iiy iu..ccu ' lor, win) merely attend i t ; rowcu I (Ion before the record -i. .Mr. Srliun- bid, lis clly uttorney, has received $7.1 a month, wblui the piusecutor would 1 be paid tt fco for each enso tried In tho city court, j Henry M. Templeton, councilman, is ! of the opinion that the iiltuatlon l:i ! validates (lie election us far us Mr. and Recorder Loder suggests u upo clul election. This latter proposal has won supporters mining many of tho city officials mid will probably bn discussed ut a meeting of dm city council tonight when the veto will bu canvassed. A confereiico uttnnded by Cunncll- men Templeton and Albright, Council niiin eleot Bridges, Recorder Lodor and City Attorney Schuohul was held In tho recorder's offlco Tuesday after noon, but no agreement was reached. Tho nominating petitions wero ox nmlned and It was (Uncovered that both petitions nominated tho men for Iho offlco of city uttorney. Recorder Loder explained that In drafting the br.llots ho could only follow the peti tions. City Attorney Schuubol said ho did not knuv who drew up his pe titions, or that tho offlco was defined ua city uttorney In them i nt I 'i ties- day afternoon. Mr. Story Not Worrying. Mr. Story said Tuesday that ho con sidered tho two tonus, city rttornoy and city prosecutor, Interchangeable. Ilo bolleves that although tho peti tions and tho ballot road, city attor ney, he has been elected to tin offlco of city prosocutor as doflnod by tho charter. Llvy Htlpp, an authority on tho charter, holloves Jhut Mr. SI3.7 prob ably, has boon elected city prosecu tor, not becnuso tho two terms nro In terchangeable, hut bocuiiHO tho Intent of tho voters wus reasonably certain. It Is probublo that oven though Mr. Story Is legally eluded city prose cutor, the council will employ other attorneys to represent tho city In Im pnrtunt pending legal matters. Mr. Schuebel fought for tho rights of tho city ut tho basin und won In Iho cir cuit court, and tho council will proh ably employ him to complete tho ac penl to tho supreme court. Othor Im porlunt legul mutters, such as the Oliver damage cuso and the sower district No. 10 assessments, with which Mr. 8chubo! Is thoroughly fa miliar, will probably bo entrustod to I 1 :i Total Mayor Huckett '.'." :m 2CI Nti2 Recorder Fuller 91 IM SI 292 Ll.berg K0 IIS 7H 2.1 Ider 175 2GI I2 M12 City Trosecutor Schuebel ....Ills 217 129 511 Story 12 2116 LIS 550 Treasurer Horton "102 LI9 129 370 Phillips 199 nil LH C47 Council Templeton ...21ti Stafford .... 91 Frledrhh .... .102 Roake 121 Hchwock 25 Andrews 59 Bridges 11.1 Mucdonald ... 7H Measures. Condemnation Yes 1H 178 110 402 No 291 273 1 1.1 617 Assessments Yes 71 1U 12.1 511 No 21.1 291 131 C55 Klovntor Tolls , Yes 24 1.11 31 189 No 308 212 250 900 SUIT OVER LEASE TRIED A Jury In tho court of Justice of tho Teuco Slovors Tuesdny found for the plaintiff in tho fnrclr.hlo entry and retainer null of Amelia McCllncy Als leben, administratrix of tho ostuto of E. S. McCllncy, against J. II. Klsnle. The suit was brought to eject Klsele from property belonging to the estate. The caso wus tried several weeks ngo end tho Jury was unable to agree' Plaintiff ullegcd thut rent on tho prop erty had not been paid ns provided in a leaiie, while tho defenso contend ed flint Improvements which hnd linen promised wore not made. Stop the First Cold. A cold does not got well of ltsolf. Tho process of wearing out a cold wears you out, and your cough bo comes serious If neglected. Hacking coughs drain tho energy and sap the vitality. For 47 yours tho happy com bination of soothing untlseptlo bal sams In Dr. King's Now Discovery has ! his hands, healed coughs and relieved conges- Mr. 8tory defeated Mr. Schuebel tion. Young nr. 1 old can testify to I Monday In the raco for city attorney the efofctlvencss of f'r. King's New j ot clly prosecutor, whichever It mar Discovery for coughs und co'ds. Iluy a bottle today at your Druggist, SOc. (Adv.) be, by only 12 votes, making one of tho c'osest races In tho history of Oregon City politics.