Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, December 08, 1916, Page 2, Image 2

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onvAU)s n i'V knti-mmmmsk. kkmiav. in:ri:Mm:u h. mm.
CHARLEY CHAPLIN'S ANTICS He Drc.mi Wonderful Drc.m-anJ Then-
KCST! Tkit Y loiOMe TrtcSE
Wooos mat FULL Of CtAR1.
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V 11
Years' First Sncw f;
In Clackamas County
Ppr nd Wooltn Mill and O'g Gtntrtlng PUn Sourc of Wondr
to Viiilort form Portland Talk by Mrs. Eva Emary Of Much
!Myillrr tHHM Clukalliu. niiinlv h.,.l II. Iir.i
f f . , . . lit.H-, ir.l llio KMitl pai-rr aiiii Mil. n
MEADOW BROOK ; ,a" Tu.U, In ,.. ,l.m W ; ,, .,, ,,., , ,prll1, , M.
, noful comim m Iiik Wtotv d.i)!UIU.I u,Khllii huiut h rv Mr. Ka Kim ry
Vrlyoli) 1'iirtlaiKl Ifaihi-il il4 olilili liulilx Z.'DO hiuiuU nf llm f i n
Halt lit llrrilKli City NipwiiiIm r 1, 1 l-llt'd rMui l. wlilrll la till v rlli'lil
inallt) ft lii'ti ) w rill)K uhT.
TIii'h cnul m'lla imxliirii uniniull)
,an4 lanttni; aliuoul :i day
I'.n- iiitiim pliiiii'iT Ori'Kiitl, 4 a'llt
MfMNO. Ore.. lc. ". (Shh-IuD
Mr. Miry t'rook went to rortlaml thla
week to vfult her ilannhter, Mr. Rul)
JtiKlolph. I
J. U Daniel inuile a bualne trip 1
to Orvcon City lat Saturday. He was
acrompanled by hia aon. Lee.
KJ. lienllne wan an Oregon City vis
itor last Saturday.
Mr. Grant Ahby visited relative
and friend in Sajem last week.
Itayne Howard wa a Portland vis
itor !at week.
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Voodldea went
to Oregon City las-t Saturday.
W. H
(SiHK'lah Mr. and Mr. Juke Sthlewei m-lie.
DOUGLASS IS FAVORED ASiutid duuKbter returued to
KAC.1.E CUKKK. Ore., Dec. S (Spe
cial.) The annual road meeting was
held at EKle Creek last Wednesday
and a special 5 mill tax was voted. W.
H. Douclasa was elected sujicrvlsor.
Mrs. T. C. McKay wa the Thanks
givinx and week end guest of Portland
' friend.
Mr. Alley Anthoney and family are ' 'r- n" rs- Moennae sient tno
poing to move away from Mullno llt,ter ,art of last 'wk " I1 "f
They r.re going to a sawmill beyon th'lr daughter. Mr. Kay Douglass.
Mu'aila. I "U8 ""rneu recently soiu ten acres
of land to Mr. hitch of Heppner.
George Douglass, of I'ortland. was
In the fie'd. J. J. Mallet and Tete Her- -j.
. . ;. ., ,. , . 1 relative.
A. W. Cooke and wife ca'led on Mrs.
Ko! crt Schuebel was re-elected road
supervisor. Three candidate were
dine were the other candidates.
An old fashioned dance was given in
Mullno ha'l la.st Thursday nluht. Tne
uffair was given under the auspices
of Mulino's prominent people. And It
wa a decided success in every way.
Invitations were issued to those at
tending. Mr. and Mrs. YVoodsides and Mrs.
Cook were dinner guests of Mrs. Kosq
Wallace last Thursday.
Mr. and Mrs. Phillip Hult and chil
dren spent Thanksgiving with rela
Uvea In Colton.
Mr. and Mrs. August Erlckson wcra
the guests of their son, Elmer Erlck
son and family last Thursday and Kri
day. Iloyd Darnell of Portland, visited
his grandfather, X. ii. Darnell lastl
Mrs. Howlett Saturday.
j. J J. j, ,J .(. f ,J,
HARLOW, Ore.. Ik'c. S. (Special. I
Mrs. Jas. Erlckson went to Port
land Monday, where she w ill be oper
ated upon Wednesday. Mr. Erlckson
went down Tuesday afternoon to be
Thursday after rmllng several du
visiting at Mr. and Mr. P. O.
Schlee'a home.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles ilolnian spent
I Thanksgiving in Portland visiting rel
atives. t
The si hoot cpe t to give an en
tertainment and have a Christina
tree Tuesday. Dcccmlier If.
Myrtle Iirkina came home from
Maruuam Thursday to spend a few
Ora Davis and Charles Shepherd
started In logKlng for the Finn Mou-1
day. j
Clarence Orem returned to Corval-1
lis Monday after spending Thanks
giving vacation with home folk.
Mr. aud Mrs. Gust Yllnen left for
Portland Wednesday where they ex
pect to work this winter.
Hub Stone and Glenn ljrklns ex
pect to help Chlndgren brothers with
logging this winter,
j Theie will be a dince In the now
j hall at Orchard Falls Saturday even-
I ing. December 9. Cooper and Orem
- I managers. The ball 1 between Mea
dow-brook and Jamestown.
Fred Iflaiknian and family spent
Thauksgiviim nt It. U Orem's of Un
ion Mills.
Charles Heck and family of Cedar
dale, have moved In tin; house known
as the Orem house.
Charles Heck and George Williams
i fcilacada nml.itiU In, I ihn rrl..l on whii h she l ail
!.nowfall. the depth b-lng about four!"" M4,hll,U Xb":"'U- ln ,h"
.. , ' ' letln ol the Portland tira.le TracDer
( llfford llaM. of th rltv. reik . . .. . ........ ... . . ..
Portlaud ' anstTiauoii. uew nm-i ins tinii
, irariiiami ui iiif ,ir liira l.ll 111 i Inns
siirance coiniany, left Oregun City at
lovertng nkiea. chilly temperature.
an early hour for K-l.u ada Tuesday guty lnl and ih caslonal aplaahea of
and made hi way tlirniiKh aim ' rain could not keep forty rtithualastlc
torm In hi DmUe runabout. The ! menibera of the Grado Teacher' -anowfa'l
wua to deiine at time that I elation from truly enjoying a wonder
he hud to -feel" his way along thf''l 'lay at Oregon City on Nommber
roadway. The anow gathered In great n-
I ,,a"k" ,,n ,ho '"J "''' ' Tom I A folirt,.,.n np rt , ,nifort
of the car. The flake were of un-u,(. r.,. ,ar brought ua lulu Ihe
I usual size and when leaving the town hr,lM lh, ml rv M lt lllUy w be
of Kslaruda at II oi lock It waa tl'l ailed
allowing. For mllea In a dlstaiu-e the ! ... , . .
Liu. ... -... i .. .i ,i, . Ill forenmm w a spent In visiting
hills were whitened with their blanket' . ... , , ... . ...
of snow i 1 1 iv mm biki i-n-i iiie i'ihiii iiei-i u-
' leadership of rlfli-lent guides. The
At Heaver Creek there was about w.H.ien null, said to be the litrgct west
one in. n or snow, ami mis amn lljf n,,, Mi,U,pp. a solid tnn.lure of
appeared with the rain, while at Mo-l,, ,rUk wlIh innumerable windows,
lulla It fell to tho depth of two Inrhv i la,, 0 (he prim Ipal thorougbfari..
The snow commenced fa'llng at the'n,.ri, W(. M ,h tvnv brought In.
lutter place at oVIm-k. and It was not ...n,.,!. ,e.ur...l. dted. and dried, the.i
long before the fields were while. j ,. .j,,.,) w(K)i ,,, through the carding
Iledland had about two Indies of machine (a thing wlih aparently Im
snow on th ground by 12 o'clock, ! mull Intelligence! In which the tuugled
ciimmeticing at 10 o'clotk. III. res of wl are picked apart and
Mount Pleasant situated about one' l,11" ,,'f Mfl 1,1 "'Jerly row, form
present at the operation. Mrs. Hattic ! exptM t to do some logging for John
Crowley has been appointed assistant I ari
and ujie half miles from this city had
its first snow stnnn. hut no longer
had the fields taseo covered than a
heavy ruin soon curried It off.
Stafford, on the west side, had a
slight snowstorm, but remained but a
short time. The hills some distant
. lug a narrow fluffy ribbon of wool;
! Ilieu we saw these fluffy ribbona spun.
: twisted and wound on steel bobbins.
) and last of all the Hated yarn woven
j Into the gray blunget or paid cloth on
I Hie huge noisy looms,
j In an upper story, a tailoring depnrt-
I postmistress and will have charge of i
the postofflre in Mr. Erickson's ab
1U. - .1. tl . i
i i n- nuuuiern i acme company nas ,
decided to hire men from near here i
The school Is going to give an en-1 to dis the ditch. !
tertainment at the school house on !
Clarence Orem sold a fine team of
horse to Charles Heck last week.
Several from here attended the bas
ketball Kame at Colton Saturday night.
Sunday visitors at P. O. Chlndgren's
were Mr. and Mrs. M. D. Chlndgren
Miss Cora Hers and Mr. Johnson of n'l family. Hannah O. Johnson. II
Christmas. There will be a Christmas Silverton were quietly married here j Stone of Mollala and Nettle Ijtrkins.
tree also. Wednesday. November 29. at the home i Schiewe was able to return to
Hert Rape, of Canby. was a MulinoiOf the bride's parents. The wedding I school ut Colton Monday ufter
visitor Tuesday and Wednesday. was a quiet one, only relatives of the I '"' operation on her throat.
J I Mall-t v u nnmoii m, i. 1 bride and groom being present. The! s,r- "nd Mr3- - 0re" "'"I family.
Daniels, and Miss Kate Daniels, were 'ounR foup'e left on the afternoon
dinner euests of Mr. and Mrs. Joe ,ruin nild a "eavy shower of rice.
Daniels last Thursday.
The small daughter of Mrs
Is on the sick list.
Kobert Schuebel and family are mov
ing to Mulino. They were formerly
residents of Eldorado.
Mulino had a flurry of snow last
Tuesday. Hut It was anything but thn
beautiful as It was too sloppy for
comfort, but later it turned Into the
good old fashioned rain for which we
are all truly thankful.
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Fish and Mr. and
Mrs. Clarence Mallet and children
were the guests of J. .1. Mullett last
Arthur Mallet was a Mulino visitor
Tom Fish was a Colton visitor last
August Erlckson has rented his
house and the family have taken pos
session. Houses do not remain empty
long here In Mulino.
Mr. and Mrs. Taylor who have
been Jiving In Willamette have moved
out on their place here in Mulino and
the family that occupied their house
have moved Into the store building
formerly occupied by Scott & Com
pany. W. Porter is sawing wood for Mr.
Cantwell. His woodsaw runs by gasoline.
and Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Orem of
Cedardalc siient Thursday evetiine nt
Cora's manv friends wish her success A. I.. Larkins.
and happiness. Kev. A. O. White of' Herman and Hen Chlndgren and II.
Silverton officated. ! Stone went to Dickey Prairie Saturday
Mrs. Parrott of Glenwood, Wash., j evening to help in a program at the
is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. i '-hool house.
A merry birthday party took place at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. Chris Zleg-
Icr's Saturday afternoon, given in hon
or of the twins. i:;th birthday, Lloyd
and Lucille. The idea of the "twins"
birthday was cleverly carried out by
various handpainted designs of twins
on place cards provided for all pres
ent. The afternoon was pleasantly
passed in playing games and dainty
refreshments were served.
Mrs. Zieglcr was assisted by Miss
Sinn, the primary teacher, and Mrs.
O. E. Hlosser. Those present -were:
Lloyd, Luci'le and Hen Ziegler, Leta
Zimmerman, Freda Goetz, Irene Wuf
fel. Ida Slatager, Pearl King, Cora
Kelbaugh, Malla Grindlan. Nellie,
i Stella and Elmer Herg, Dollle Veteto,
George and Willie Ziegler, Lyle Pen
ne'l, Arthur Hrudrig and Ivan Hlosser.
Mins Pearl Hayes and Mrs. Hattie
Crowley went to Oregon City Mon
day. Mrs. Irwin and son, Elmer, went to
Portland Friday.
Mrs. Wait of Canby was calling on
friends here Monday.
J 5 '( 'ti 4 -h t r; v v
A a,
MACKS BURG, Ore., Dec. 7 (Spe
cial) Among the high school pupils
who came home for Thanksgiving
were Twin Rachel Miller from Wood
.httrn and Agues Kister from the Jef
ferson high school of Portland.
The Misses Ella and May Schultz
fipent Thanksgiving at home.
Miss Anna Hepler who has been
slaying at the home of her brother In
Meridian, has came home.
The Mothers' club is to meet on De
cember 7th, at the home of its presi
dent, Mrs. Jno. Hepler.
Mr. Statiffer, with his family, movd
last week to his new home near Sa
lem. Miss Lucille Gibson, who has been
visiting her sister. Mrs. Vogel In Port
Meridtan, has come home.
A large and happy congregation
gathered on Thanksgiving at the Lu
theran church.
Whan Doctors War Slavas.
Humans of menus bad physicians lu
their own houses. These men were
slaves, for, odd as It seems, many Ho
muu slaves were accomplished In liter
ature, art ami science. At one time
the selling price of a slave doctor was
about the equivalent of $.W in our
After the time of Julius Cucmu-, who
encouraged physicians, the art began
to "lift Its bend" in Itome. mid later
men of character and p' sillou, though
generally foreigners, entered the pro
fession. Some i f thei.i a cumulated
lal-'-'e fortunes, ami one who was noted
for liis s.C uiiule lh. equivalent of nt
leu-a jiO.oiM III lew years.
Mossini a .oaiouty.
Rossini Was intoie.ab.y jcaloii.i of ail
his musical coiiteiiiniiai ies anil partic
ularly of Meyerbeer. In ixai he beard
"The Huguenots," uml on listening to
the peifol'iiiuuce li'oiii Hie liegiimiiiK lo
ttie end be iiiaile up his mind that
Meyerbeer bud excelled liiui and deter
mined lo w-rllc no more o.erulie music.
He lived until ISIVS. hut irialiiic, nmli
lug lor the lyric stage His lliiny-tivn
year of retirement were spent in the
pleasures of a voluptuary. He was
particularly fond of good euling uud
away are still covered with a coating!111"" tll,lhl"'" ,h" 1''',k,,'
of snow. i feat machine edge and turns tho
n .... t .i . i .i ii . , ini'es of cloth Into warm overcoats.
Many of Hip old time residents of
Cla kamns conntv fear a slinl'ar storm j "N"' ,1,r''1' Br,'at ',!,l"'r "iIIIm "ll,t ""I'-
of last year during the winter. Tliel'lv "l0 wl,h l",M,'r B,"ml llk"
snulrrel have been active In nnllln.. massive fort lit ihn river' edge.
...ihhi tuna ol '..per or 23.'. tuna dully
They employ mole than ll'IIU people
The largest Mill has atkitisl many
uilintruhlri reform and the men are
gHeil pentnUge of (tin profits
l'u.in over the big auaprnnlon
brldKit which link the town lo the
weal aldo we coiue at the end of a.
Unity minute wulk along Ivy and
(era dad bluff to the electric plant.
Here the waterfall haniesaed ami
aubdiied, pour dccoiiroimly oxer the
big dam built to give more (xiwcr,
thus sacrificing beauty to progresa.
The bulldhig In inblea with the mighty
ruah of water In (he great turbine
fur underground.
The various pre.- sea by which the
electricity thus generated la poured
along the wire, atored and distributed
and the nlinont uncanny Intelligence of
Hie limtruinciila by which the social
and Industrial actlvlle In lint area
iippllcd with llkht and power u In
dicated In (hn demand for them are
recorded, were explained by a courte
ous official. Wo must i-oiifea. (hat
while some of Ihn liielhodi are liieoin
prehenslblo lo the uninitiated, elec-l
trlclty I the nioM fascinating or In
dustrie. Mack again lo Main street, we lake
-r ---- ' i inning and feeding the er, all k
(I nild destllule, emlgriilll of lb 1 1 v
III, lonl Mm III ntilllill Willi (be
toiupaii) and led him In ml bl lot
Willi the American, held ua spell
bound until bile In Ibe afternoon.
Mia De thin toiidinted ua per
aniiall) to (lie nr.oe. of M' I.oiikIiIhi
and hi wife Down a tkclcloii fllgbl
of early Iron steps, over ihn rink
ribbed bluff IhrtiUKll Ixailllful gleeii
cry we inude our wny to Hie iliunli
nlhler wbone wa'l rent Ihe bo, Ilea nt
the founder and hla wife.
It waa Ihe ununliiioua fii-lltig of th"
party lhl Ihe day a eiperleiice had
broiigbl ua Into touch with tlilnga that
are vital, reaching out of the ln-l Into
Hie present condltloiia of am lul and In
dunlrlul activity and all were kindled
wlih a denire to learn more about our
wonderful atale.
( OPKNIIAliKV. via Umdoii. Dec I.
According lo the llerlln -orrcMiui.
em uf the Ni.lioliul Tldeiide, liermuil
artillery, which now Is euipbiced only
theliiunlclpnlelevalor.aiiewcoiivell.il, tll,.H frolll Hlicbnrenl, begun to
away their w inter's store, and have an
unusual thickness of fur, causing the
"weather prophet" to believe In Ihe
long winter.
A BattnM Plrartorr f each CKr,
Towa and YUlar u Orrsua an j
nil.niniiuu, iniif a iMwrlpilia
nurirn 01 rarn pion irntkn.
r-hinpln Fsrllltlr aoi ( Inl.
Ilrd nim-inrj tt tOt JBluiiWM
B. L. I'OT.K CO., la.
Here giant firt. two and oliehalf to
six feet In diameter are brought In on
long trains over the Southern Paclfle
trucks. cut up into foot lengths, and
ground Into pulp for paper.
The ground wood, further treated
with sulphide, Is mixed with much
water in largo tank and beaten
smooth by machinery. Tho yellowish
liquid resulting from this proces Is
conducted ill a thinly spread, finely
divided sheet over a series of platen
and screens which gradually drain
I away the water, leaving the pulp In
j ii smooth wet sheet, which passes tin-
dcr, over mid betwen olio pair of
warmed steel rollers after another anil
' ut the end rolls Itself on n cylinder,
lenre. ,y which we are quickly lifted
to Ihe top of the HO foot bluff on which
lire most of (lie residence. A mi
incut' walk bring ua Into Mclaugh
lin Park, donated half a century ag-i
to the city by It generous founder.
Dr. John McUiughlln. The old Mc
laughlin hotiHf, which orlKlnully stun. I
down ut the end of Main si reel, wn
recently brought up (o the park. t
whs a ruin, but the McLoughllti asso
ciation had It rentored, painted, pa
pered uml furnished us it wa In the
'IDs. A resident hoiihckccier assures
lis being kept In good order. It Is a
HUliHt.intiul square white frame build
ing set In harmonious surroundings of
well kepi lawns, rose beds and shrub
bery, made and kept beautiful by the
In this house, In Mrs. MeLoughllu's
silting room In fact, we had two de
lightful hour In company wlih Mrs.
Eva Emery Dye, author of "Tho Con
quest," "Mclaughlin and Oldl)regou"
and olher books on the Pacific North
west, In the romantic style.
Mrs. Dye's account of life in
coiubnrd the illy yesterday.
HEItl.lN, Dec. I The war office an
nounced tonight Hint ' billing noulll
uud west of Hiifhiircut I developing
favorably to the Teutonic armies.
The Russian have been Increasing
their n ilvlly lu the Carpiithh'tis, lie
cording to today's army headquarters
atrttcmcnt. but their attack were ap
parently made to cover a lotting do wn
of (he offensive lu this region. Huch.
iihhiiuIi a were made were easl'y re
pulsed. The Important town of TergovlHten
ban been captured by the Auslro Ger
man forces. The defeat of Hie Flint
Rouini-.nlun iirmy Is declare! ti have
ieen compllo, nnd the Teutonic troops
are continuing Iheii , ;ct.,t lou i I. .in h
enswurd from Pclesht'.
PHTItOUKMl. via Loud Dec, L
The lliiicly arrival of ituanlaii troops
before Hm barest at the critical mo
ment, when the Ions of the capital
seemed almost certain, has somewhat
tlii i hungeil the Roumanian situation. Ac-
ear'y days, with lis chief figure John I cording to military opinion here. Ihe
Mcl.nuglilln, head factor of the Hudson I Roumanians now have at leant a flr.ht
Hay company, whoso kindness In wel- ing clinn.o to retain their capital.
DAMASCUS, Ore., Dec. 8 (Special)
A pretty home wedding was solemn
ized at the home of Mr. and Mrs. F. D.
Shank Thanksgiving day when their
llnnehler. Ifayf-l lipr-nmo flio ivlfn r.f
Clinton Couch of Goldendale, Wash. dl a"'1 a-t',ul'lp1 ul,out Mla
The bride was charming In a white I i'oungest uud gayest society he could
silk crepe de chine dress and was at- a"11" I " liousc.
tended by her sister, Miss Alma Shank, ,
while the groom's brother, also of 1 -i
Goldendale. was best man. Only im-! jhe Orchid,
mediate relatives of the family were j T)je orrhld U a viiliai- plant, for.
present at the ceremony which was j ,,.,.,,. ns ,,- ,.r. ls
pTfor,ned by Rev. j. A. Royer of Port- j (jNtll,.tirHv ,,.,,,',, ,Ilir. ,,,. KInHN
j i:.C Hie violet, otliei-s li!;e Ihe nwe. the
hyacinth, the daffodil. fin-Iilils are Hie
Courjh Medicine for Children. , n:onlievs. Hie mimics of Hie veneliiliie
Mrs. Hugh Cook, Snottsville, N. Y.,
world. In dor its well m form uud
H'achley to
- rraded arhool ...
erect i large union
says: - About five years ago when we,t, N ,IPP ,!,.,. re.-cmliles im i.-r-were
living in Garbutt. N. Y., I doc-, ,IPt r, ).(H un. f-.-ver a, ing
tored two of my children suffering T torM io p:ii:sl , roots, spiders. M h
from colds wlih Chamberlain's Coiu-.h j 1!al,r!) t p f r I nnd v.lint imL Ami they
alo not :io.m)Iu:i i.v certain to long J i t
Remedy and found it Just as repre
sented In every way. It promptly
checked their coughing and cured
their colds quicker than anything I
ever used." Obtainable everywhere.
( Adv.) rp!,
the same t'vlce In "iiev.i.ion.
Sacratary Birds.
Secretary birds nre so called because
of the quill-like plume about their
DfllllOII TUT DIIPIlTT DDIPAflCI The Water Bucket Must Go. It is a back breaker,
DMIiIOII I lit DUullLl DIiIuHIIl; a back number and a useless consumer of energy.
Think how many miles of steps your wife ls obllgod to take each day because she doos not have tire advantages of water undor
pressure. Is lt any wonder that she is dog tired each night The usoless waste of enorgy in lifting a heavy wator huckot each
time a little water ls needed, the endless trips to the well or spring, those are tho things that make for physical breakdowns.
Think of the chance of your water becoming contaminated and the health of your family dostroyed.
Think of the danger of fire, a fire that a steady stream of wator will quickly kill but when this is not at hand will greodlly con.time
your home, your property and possibly a life. Those things can't be thought of in tho torms of dollars but the fact ls that
No Secret About the
Mitchell System
T!:p Vu.h.II H.ri,.m J a ulnipl rt, nothing illffl
'ilt to urirl.-rMl anil i,r opornlp, n!'ml It.
Th.. n-HN.ni It Klveii Letter nervlrc III ltii'AiiM It !
iniiOi- up of iiotti-r iinlm. In mklnn our iiutfli. wh
III.- Mlt'hrll frenwil HI .el I'n.'lllllillli' T'lllk: ll'K
o-Hti-fl uniler li.-;irlcr pn-Miir. tliinl nu fnn jitlt nil It
uml In Kiiiiriinl.--. f.ir 12 khiiiiIh; wii ihc milr the
MVKIIS luN ri.le Nent HIlil.it. If tU'I IN ll better
pilllip ttlllll the .Me, till- llloNt erlllnil llllnl buyer. Ill
.vmirlen no li"t loear or II. r-r n.wer, u n k.w'ii.h
iibIiip In iie.ile.1, we Irmtnl I Ht.ivi-r, the ml ie-iiil-nl.le
there H. I tH lmlielly will lllMB'Hl to JtM lit nice.
More tlnin .'I.'hki uer In llio Nrlliwet aiiy It'll h
" -jso.l" eiiR-ltje, nrirl ) It In.
In fuel, our ouiriiN itre nimle np to milt your reimlre-i
lnera: We ll-.n't jitlemtt to tnilke 'nll- relllr'IIienlK
lit Mir olltflla. Urlle ua anil we will tell Hour
e do It.
lt will make vour property more viilnnlile. It will nuikn your fiuully
mure buiipy ami eonti-nleil IIiioiikIi the enjiiyiiieiit of tlm hath. Hie
liiiinilry. Hie ninny other conveiilenees Unit ura dupiuuluiit upon a
supply of running wilier In Ihn home.
The .Mitchell HvHleni iniikes IIiIiiks iimre convenient In the hnrnyiinl
ii ml It aiforila ithsoliiti. iiroleeiliiii nuiiliiiit fire by siiptil vliis a tlepoiiil
iihln supply of wiiler umler nnv prnnsure up to J5 poiiiiiIb.
It will help preserve the. health of your felks, beeiuiMii nolhlmr or
forelKti niiliirii ciin Knt Into tha water after It has been pumpi-il
l.i... .1... Mil. .hell VCnler KeHlOlll.
If vour water source, la pure, your water will remain pure
It flows from Hid tup.
Tho Mitchell Wnler Hvsteni furnishes cnol water In summer uml ts
proof nirnliist freezing In winter. In short. It make life, worth living,
fiml It you will limit in "ii" i"ii"r ""in '""
il,,. .-..itcliiN nn I nit von Slilliny cannoi aiiuiu iw uo nonui,. w...
umler pressure In the home.
whan yarn
you want
Stovar Cnalnaa
av Myar'a Pumpa 4 M
YUL aT .Jfr SPOKANE,:--,.,., BOISE r
'-. m l.---.- II
Uf'U IV - 11
our book 1?.-- M I
It will tell you WT r
jgfsa. Mout this ! S -7fj
mter supply auestbn ( '
I U iXZJH" """ e. ry w - 1 1
W. J. WILSON & CO. Oregon City Agent