OKKdON CITY F.NTF.MM.IKI-.. KIM OA V. NOV KMIIKIt 17. Mount Hood Wild Man Caught By Posse of 10 Mountaineers After Chase Lasting 2 Days IVtiT lirrvl.i, who ban Hvr.t III We bud began Id live Hi IKe of a prima of it irmiili'i wan fr lb greater man, A shack tf t It t rude( kind, i rt of m years In the heart of thei built of log. pittce of bark and rr ruMiiliik. mill who was captured rinu iMiughs offered dim shelter. Only In lay on ilm hanks of the l.lilli' Sandy ilir tnr time. hoevrr, ill. I In- sleep rl i r after tolsy inane by ptw.it every night In the shack. Puring tho j RAILROAD SHE .1 I ROTS OVER ADAMSON LAW! 10 iiiiiuiiUluMik llirouiih IIik roniili : summer he loamed through the woods ...unirr troiiner tint haae of Mount i and wherever night found hliil he IIinmI, we taken to the elste hospl i l for tin Insane Mnmliiy. Id-cord at Din court house show tint h ss com- MtN ANO COMPANIES UNABLE TO AGREE ON MEANING Of "HOUR MEASURE. milted February ;1, lli. ami that ho i lnHii Jun 3o, again July I and the made tamp lie pitied ben lea, dug I roots which lit foiiml gave notirlh j in i-til, robbed the ramps of summer i tailors, raided potato patches ami grain fields of tin' ranchers In Ihi' iil lot time KeptemUr II. Afti-r li ; l and i iir-.i n.n iimur me mn ..cap hi started for bin wild lioiti.t of the trtama a thi Indians illil hall In l tin woods at the has of Mount j a century ago. Ihirlng Ih summer U,MKj, jhi gathered supplies for the Inter In broken Kiigli.-h unil Ccrmnn lire-, itr:I stored thein In hl shack, vl.i told his story to local newspaper Hrevloa life In the woods apparent men Monday. Horn In Italy t.1 year ly agreed with hlui. for he l robits: , lii nf nibbll rlMHi Mrentn. he re- ' and looka well fed. Ilia rlothea were ehed a common school education and roamed thmuich Kurope for year. In September. 1900, he aallcd on the William de Crosse for the t'nltrd States, arriving In New York the latter lrt of (hat month. Ill wanderings brought blm eat and flna'ly to Ore-cm. In ehrvads, hoeer. hen he was found and a black, fimy beard cover hl face. 8U yeara aprnt alone lu the wood hate made blm timid and when In the comity Jull here he retired to the nioul remote corner. Ho would tiilk only hen confmnte 'h direct quenllonii and then he ould aner ROADS AND BROTHFRHOODS FAILS roHTLM. Ore, S 10 Hem) Mi hallu x hu oua arrilid for con tribiilliiK to the delliiqiiriii y oi a minor, hua U'in rrleax'd fmm i" liHlr. it bavin leen h.mn ihat H.n.m Hello Adam., an Inmate nl the U.uie 1 s NAT0R 00RAH OIVII MINT AF TEN CONFERENCE AT THE WAR DEPARTMENT. IDS Of D SMI HOME HAY BE PUT BACK IN SERVICE OREGON T A two more gaues juexo ON BORDER NOW mm c. MAY STAY THERE ANNUAL CLAIHICK- WITH O. A. AND M. A. A C. ARE VET ON SCHEDULE CITY OF TACOHA FGHTS BAKERIES liume. Ii.i.l Hi.ril her rlht mh I'lrili luv Spexaman for Employaa Sayt "Sum. mary Action" Will Bt Taktn If Thar I Avaiion Sink Or dtr Still In Effact. llolh MiKamey and the (III t'd IHilrlt't Jmke Joiicia that Ho y rpr I rd to marry. When Judge Jmiea aki d MiKamey hy he, a man of M year! of at;e. waulnl to marry a ouii Kill Jiut hiidilHii Into ommiliiHHl. Me hamey mill, " can't control my af (iil inn am llllna, ihoiiKh. to I ult a year and let the ilrl fully ton j alder. I am not itling to it In 1 definitely, thounb." It aa ItroUKht out lli.it MiKame) I I a lilower and haa tbrre children 1 In tbn Yurlrr home. ilir vinn id hi enlcnst the foreiit 1 In a low tone. enlullvea of the railroad and the four """ " mmmmm- - brotherhood, comprlnlni; lofl.Oiw cm CLACKAMAS COUNTY'S BUDGET FOR THE YEAR tZ ; The father of the Klrl, Klijah Adama ' of Horlnit, told the Judge that he aa vlu- vnuu v . . i1"1 lUliia lor the Ctrl to marry, and nation wide I .trlke, hbh aa ,,v from hla home, lie nald Ihat believed to have been averted by the ; Klr bd been a con.tuiil iur e of piouuce of the Adamm elcbt hour 0rrv and trouble to blm i. i. ..iik.i., .it. i an, ii.ta ui i-iiiin-i uipai'ix-arrti, ll develoied here today, when repre-! Notice In hereby Riven that the County fourt of riackamaa County. Ore- new law. The atumblliia block, both i ..n iiiiIm tha fnllnwlnv aatlmatea of the nlllount of money to be rulocd by taxation In aald comity for the year 1917. and aluo of the proM'lo recelpta of the county from aourcea other than dlre.1 taxatloa, and the amount of bal aucea on hand at the time am. h tax will be levied. For county purponea. conmltuttng the general Oind. the following ltem. m!Ir I .H)0.t0 Aiphalt and oil AnaCNaor Auilltlnc ai-counta Hrldrea and culvert! ' Care of poor Cattle Indemnity Circuit court Coroner 11.600 00 i.r'.'o.oo iOO.00 S3 JOO.OO I 1 1.000.00 600.00 10.000.00 idea admitted. ai the etlllni( milt-- age nytciii of cotiieiiHallon. Tbe announcement of the latent deadlock U'twevn the rultroada and tbi'lr employe came at tbe conrlunloii of an all-day conference between the national conference committee of the rallrouda and the brotherhood cblefa, which had been urraiiKcd In Septein- W'lllliuil t!. l.ee. preiililiut of the Hrotherhood of Itullway Trainmen. I.'.'OO.OO HDokenmn for the emp'oyen In the ub- County court 3,170.00! m-nce of A. It. Carretsou, of the Order Court bouse t'ountjr clerk t'ounty physician .... Damage Klection and registration Crull Inspector Foreat fire health officer Insane liiDuranre Indigent aoldlers Jail Justice court Juvenile court I'rintinff and advertising llworder ,!' Hoad machinery and repairs , , State and federal road cooperation 11.600.00 Surveyor '""y S!i.lr nf welchta tlVOO Sheriff School superintendent Tax rebate Treasurer Widows' pension Wild animal bounty .. (i. Mm iJrvn of the I oiilxe home aald he had told Mi Kanic) to ceaiie hla attcifttons to the girl, who had been pronouncetl by etperts as ul normal, hating the niiulullty of a U ycar-old only. A temporary solution of the puulltiK cane a found In an .irr.uiKement whereby tho girl nHurned liome with her father for 30 liny MiKamey promiM'd not to aee her m tbe mean, time. Balitf Cr In Washington That Act- Ion Is Probable Now That RooltC' lion of Prtsident Is Won Situation Is Worst. Tortlund Seld Hack, Jr. a promi nent Chinese of thla city Invents de vino for automatically cleaning water from clans fronts of vehlrles 3.16 00 1 0f iiatiway conductors, dH'lared. In jjji statement, that In the event of the iwwi no evasion by the railroads of the Adam- oio'ij' iK) ' ""'"""O" action would be 'ioii.OO ' ten by the brotherhood. He suld .500.00 1 that the atrlko order, which was ill 2 OaO.00 1 ret tly resonslble for Iho luw. still Suffered Great Pain ! jOO.OOaa In effect and the brotherhoods r.00.00 wo,i nt hesitate to enforce It If the l.o.oo1OC!,slonnrT'inteJ t.roo.ooj l.OOO.W ! 3.S00.00 imiin iinprTP mpiit tm uratiD Libni I t I AUTO.ONE IS HURT Total 1171.213.40 Apportioned road fund. Sec. S hool and library fund State tax 6320 1174.000.00 100.000.00 100.000.00 Total 1374.000.00 171213.40 Grand Total estimated Receipts from other Sources than Direct ' Clerk's office Hecorder's office Sheriffs office Fines, circuit court Fines, Justice court Motor vehicle license 9.2:10.00 I 4.163.001 400.00 I 3.0Sl.o IX)KTIVND, Ore.. Nov. 14. John 14.000.00 Matchlner. owner of the ltroadway 600.00 bakery, was Injured this mornlim when bo was pinned under the wreck of hla own maihlne after It turned over on the curve at the aouthwcNt end of the Broadway bridge. The accident occurred at 6:30 a. in. MMaU-hlncr was driving to tho west side. As he made tbe turn it Is sup- I posed the high w ind caught the light machine, driving It towards the curb and a lamp pout. The machine upset. Mutchiner was taken from beneath ufter a crowd of men on a panning streetcar lifted the vehicle. 213.40 6.600.00 6,500.00 750.00 ?nn 'no ' s,a,chlm'r wns drivelng to the west 3 OtO OO I 8 of nl 'aoc wa opn IVor Mr. Editor I am miklmt a pe aonal arnica) to your reader who aro ouiheretl w lib lidin y and blaild r tMiiblit and rbeumaUm, to live up the ue nf hanh salts, or alcuhullo kidney niMl clnea and In their phw Likk a short treatment of "Ainirlc aud ! coiivIik'"! of Its woiMlerful virtues ul I suf fered great wln, bad a great deal of Irritation, water Ixvatun ("ill. I Uii'd erertthlnir advlwd ImiI Willi 110 mhiiIU. 1 I sent for a but of AuiirlrTaliletsani soon dlscovend that thrv bnnu:ht relieL I baro used them since, and now Um water Is natural, my health good, sod Sppetlto spli'luiid. hutne of Die diH'tors tninounced my trouble enlsnred pnxuu Kow I have no more trouble and 1 nut assuredly fel that this ltt discover of Ir. rieree't Is the ln-a n-nnily for bladder and kidney troublei that I know of. If I can Indue, anyone to give It a trial. I fwl that ha will than k mn for railing attention to this great boon that relieves this seemingly worst of all troubles that human desh can fan heir to. (Signed) H. H. Kixisuza. WASIIIMiTO.N'. Nov. II -Senator Ibuiili. afler a toiifereme with ofllr! a'a of the war department today, ev preet (he belief that mitlouul guarda- men now on ihe Metlcun border will be kept there for Ihe remainder of Hie winter and possibly hunter, aud be added II Is his opinion that bifor they get home they will likely se some thing more than mere border patrol duty. Senator Hnrah's Inferenou Is In ur cord Willi s belief growing In Wash Ingtou that the admliilstnilloii having "kept us out of war" long enotiKh lo win a reelection. Is now prparlng to make an active move agulust Mexico and Ills belief also bears nut reHirts, suppressed by the war department that the Metlcun '( uutluil Is dully growliiK worse lusteud of better. If Senator llorah'a Inference Is cor reft, not only will the Idaho regiment sxnd the winter on the border In Men b o, but Mattery A and Troop A. of the Oregon National guard, will be In for a prolonged stay on or south of the border. If truoble should develop, those Na tional guard regiments whkh have been returned to their homes and mus tered out undoubtedly will bo called back into service. I'NIVKIISITV OF OHKtiON, .Nov 1.1 - Only two games icmalu on the I 'lilt n nit y of Olegoll football si bi'd tile this full: The annual ilasale agallut the Oregon Agib ultnial ml lege ami Hie TbanksgUIng game with Ihe Mu'tnoiiiiih Amateur Athletic 1 lu'i. The game with O. A. C. wilt Ih pln)ed In Consllls November .'j. On Iho same day the iiulverslty will cn.i m(ii with the iiillegn In sorer f.Ml- ball and In a 1 rosscounlry run. Ihe Thankngltltia game will plaed on Multnomah field in lrt li.nd. Ilecelpts fiom the Oregon Wanlilnn Ion game on November i were bIhmii IJ.61111, and the cvpciiBca weia alxiut I2.OO0. Home ll.r.00 went to tbo '. o1 v rrr.lt y of Washington as ll guataiiloe A lueellng of Ihe atb'ellc couiu ll Is to be called soon to dlat ilns steps lor putting Klncald field Into Is'ller con dlliou for big games, both as In Ihe playing bottom and as to the a"cc.m- modatlons for spectators. The Itsa pnivemeiit work during the ycir lul pant has been devoted tiKwtly to do leloplng Inlriimural sMirls Hasketbsll has Ih-cii restoril as en Intercollegiate activity. The tenia "III comH-le In Die Pacific Coast Inlercid leglate conference. Faculty 11 gu'n (Ions reiiilre, however, that all i.im.111. except on weijkends, lie plaed be tween 1 and ( o'cIim k In tbe alt mux n WITH OWN STOR E MAVOH PAWCETT ANNOUNCES STEP TO PUT ITOP TO RHINO COST OP ME AO. EXECUTIVE CHARCES COMBINE WflH "PEOPLE PLAYING ROLE OfCOAF Appeal Mads la Tatoma Hovsowlvta. to Imssh Trust, Which Mays' ays Is "Cembintd Attack sn Veur Pe.littbooa." DOWNS W. S. C. 12-3 l'OUTl.ANI. Ore.. Nov. Il.-Kmerg ing from their slump with a whoop ami a hurrun. tlie I Diversity 01 uregon fool ball huskies surprised rverylHMly toilay by defeating Washington Statu collegn and doing It to a queen's tusle. The score was 12 to 3. MARKET IS 6000 11 PORTLAND STOCK YAHDS TflANS-PACIFIC AREO I-.,. M.ono rnnlolo 1 .000.00 I """ V" " " ai'H IIIO Delinquent tax penalties , 00.00 fi per cent U. S. land sales 100.00 1 KoTt: Up to this time. Annrle has not born on sale to the public, but by the persuasion of many patienU and the Increased demand for this wonderful healing tablet. Doctor Pierre haa finally decided to put it Into the drug stores of this country within Immediate reach, or send 10 cents lor large trial package. Simply aik for Doctor l'lcrco's Anurlo Tablets. There rsn Is no imitation, Evew package of Antiricls sure to bo Dr. Pierce's. Yon will lind tbe signature. on the Dackairo Just as you do on Dr. Ilerco's Favorite Prescription, tbo ever- l.tmous irlend to ailing women, ana Dr. Pierce's Uolden Midlral Discovery, proven tV years to be the greatest general tonic and nwonstructor for any one. At any rate don t give up nope oi Total receipts 20.300.00 Total expenditures .145 213.40 Total receipts 20.300.00 Net amount to be raised by taxes 1.913.40 IMimated balance on hand in county jseneral fund. January 1 .1917. . 5,000.00 The foregoing estimates for the expenditures of the court house and the county offices are more fully Itemized as follows: Assessor's Office. Assessor's salary .' J.-w-OO head. An ambulance service machine bore him Matchlner im r-ast .Ninth street. He was on the! ent person. way to his shop at 24 North I'.rondwny j EDtron-Pleasa Insert this totter la when the accident occurred. om conspicuous plaoa In jour pap' to St. Vincent s hospital j M,n' eure1 ' Tur JldJr unl'f lurt i- ii .-i ii . '''' d" of Anurle have proven Is married nnd resides nt u,,, u wlu you Ioe nK8 aiffor. Ink. iens, etc. 10.00 Assessor's chief deputy, $75 per month. Assessor's second deputy, $00 per month Assessor's third deputy, $60 per month Assessor's field deputy Kxtending tax roll Stamps and traveling expense Office supplies '. Assessment and tu rolls ...'. Assessment blanks and statements Tax rate sheet. Indexes, etc 900.00 720.00 730.00! 1,600.00 300.00 35.00 35.00 150.00 150.00 75.00 Total $ 4,544.50 Surveyor's Office. Surveyor I 1,680.00 Assistant 900.00 Stenographer 130.00 Viewers 600.00 Axmen and chalnmcn 500.00 Mileage 300.00 Stationary 200.00 Total .. 4,300.00 Total $ 6.225.00 County Clerk's Office. Clerk's salarv t 1,500.00 Clerk's chief deputy i'W.OO Clerk's second deputy MO.Oo Clerk's third deputy "K0.00 Postage and box rent Office supplies and stationary riling cases and card system Registers, books and Journals Sheriffs Office. Shcrii'f's salary $ 1. 700.00 Chief deputy 900.00 Special deputies 900.00 Investigating crime, etc 1,200.00 Stamps and stationary Tax Department Chief deputy Second deputy Kxtra clerk hire Total County Judge's salary ... Stenographer Stamps, stationary and expenses.. Commissioner's time ami expenses County Court 130.00 ' Stamps and tirationary, etc. 125.00 j Three cash books 200.00 18 M. tax receipts 300.00 ! Delinquent tax bookB j Turnover books I.775.00j One adding machine One steel filing case Iiond 200.IKI j 120.0(1 : xo.oo 770.0(1 I 25.00 900.00 720.00 1.600.00 225.00 120.00 245.00 50.00 15.00 300.00 95.00 235.00 POUTLANI), Ore., Nov. 15. (Sjnv clal) Ono of the largest runs of the season greeted tbe trade this week again, after several light Monday rims. Keceplls totaled well over ItiOO head. Demand was very strong, there was u large supply of prime beef stuff available for killers; there was also a large offering of plain and fair sorts oi callle which found slower outlet. Most all offerings In the bcel division w-as sold on a sternly to strong basis. Feeders were In good demand with a lurge supply, best fleshy fee l 8 AN KRANCIHCO. Nov. IS. The regular Honolulu I'apan commercial service was Inaugurated today by the Marconi Wireless Telegraph com puny with messugea sent by Presi dent Wilson wild other prominent men, from llolluiis ridge, near here, via Honolulu, lo tho emperor of Japan nnd other dignitaries In that country. The president's message, flashed ers brought $5.50 to $4.00. with very over more than 6000 miles of spure sold down to $3.00. with only one relay, said: lleef Steers Several loads of prlmo "His Imperial Majesty, thu Kmpe Total i 3.1 70.00 Court House. Two janitors t I, ."00. 00 Water K7.00 Wood and coal 540.00 Crushes 32.00 Toilet paper and towels ::2.oo .Mops, lawn hose, etc I5.0n Oil and disinfectant I5.no Locks and repairs 20.00 Class 15.00 Ice 10.00 Plumbing 75.00 Lamps -0.00 Miscellaneous 50.00 Telephones oco.oo Total $ 9,230.00 County School Superintendent's Office. Superintendent's salary $ 1, 000.00 -. 1,200.00 480.00 , 300.00 300.00 100.00 200.00 200.00 108.00 250.00 25.00 Supervisor's salary Stenographer Kxpense of Superintendent ... Expense of supervisor Truant officer Postage and express Supplies Kighth grade examinations ... Institute. Taebor'd examination Total $ 3.1 30.00 Health Officer. Salary $ 700.00 Fumigation and disinfectant kOO.OO Traveling expenses 300.00 1 Kegistrars 250.00 1 Total $ 4,103.00 Treasurer's Office. Treasurer's salary $ Deputy DiHljursineiit ledger Abstract of road warrant book Register cancelled W. book City record book Total Recordec, Office. Hecorder's salary Recorder' first deputy I '00k machine operator Rook machine operator Kxtra help Stamp and box rent Hond Four blank deed records Four blank mortgage records One chattle mortgage record One blank miscellaneous record Two typewriters Two typewriter desks Stationary Typewriter ribbon 2,050.00 1 200.00 HOO.OO 840.00 780.00 130.00 100.00 9.50 90.00 90.00 22.50 22.50 200.00 90.00 35.00 25.00 1,000.00 720.00 30.00 22.50 18.30 2.75 2.00 2.7 41.W0 tiO.OO 20.00 1.000.00 175.00 steers brought $7.10; a largo propor tion of primo steers sold from $t.70 to $7.00; good stecra sold $'i.'.'5 to $ii.ti5; best beef steers ull sold early in the day while off grades went at slower demand. The trade look care of the large offerings splendidly. Cows and Heifers. Tho supply of butcher stuff waa limited. Demand was very good both from packers and butchers, prime cows sold nt an ad vnnce of 25c bringing $5.75; while strict I v good cows brought $5.25 to $0.60 : heifer tops were $5.75, there being only a few head. Fair and ordi nary cows sold on a steady basis, sa'es ranging from $1.00 to $1.50. Hulls and Stags Demand for bulls still continues much larger than the supply. Killers aro bidding up to $t.0 for prime heavy ones, with good bulls good kind around $5.00. common stuff going from $1.00 to $1.25. Hogs Prices lu the hog market continued its upward trend, tbo mar ket opened with a keen call from nil packers, wbllo there was a good sup ply of 3500 head, It did not nearly meet the demand. The top was $9.75 for several loads which wus Lie hlghei than last week's close. Tho bulk of sales were $.C0 to $'J.i0 a good oc higher. Quality of the offerings aro holding up very good, even above the expectations of the trade on all clusses of bogs. Pigs sold usually one cent under tops whilu heretofore thoy have been bringing ono nnd three fourths to one nnd a half cents tindiir lops. Sheep Receipts were light. Prices ruling strong. There was one load of east of tbn mountain lambs that brought $8.85 which was 35c higher tiinn anything offered for some time Val'ey Inmlis were unchanged top bringing $8.50; there were several loads of prime yearling wethers which brought $7.75 at tbe close of last week Mutton ewes arc In ' demand. prices ranging from $.'.'i0 lo $!.oo. ror of Japan The government nnd people of Ihe Cnlted States of Amer ica send greetings to your Impi'rlal majesty and to the people of Japan, and rejoice In this triumph of sclenco, which enables the voice of America, from the far west, to cross tho silent spaces of the world and to speak to Japan In the far east, balling thi'i dawn of a new day. May this won derful event confirm tho unbroken friendship of our two nations nnd give assurance of a never-ending Inter change of messages of good will. May tho day soon come when the voice of pence curried by these silent messen gers shall go into all the world and Its words to the end of the world. Wood- row Wilson." TACOMA, Wash., Nov. II Aroused by the recent advamca lu Uia prb e of bread, Mayor I'swiutt announced today Ihat ho would establish a uiuul rlpal bread store lu lbs illy hall, where 20 ounce loaves will ba sold at a tenia vaih. or two for lb caul At thu sam time he lusued an apptwl In Tacoma house Ivea to aroash what be terms Ihe ' bakois' trust ' which Is "simply a combined attack on your pi- sctiM'. Contracts bine liin tiiado, tlia may or sikid, with total bakers to furnish as many ss 4000 loaves of bread dally, which the tily wll offer for sln at cost. These bakers, tha mayor de dares, have offered him 11 20 ounce loaves for $1 and 2uI6oiiiuO loavei. for $1. The present prices quoted by Tacoma bakers aie 10 cents for IC ounce loaves ulid 15 n uts for It ounce listvea. I ll either break up this Tacoma combine or I'll provide, the working people of tbe til) with bread at a reu sellable price," Mayor Kawietl said "tine or two big fellows toulrol the situation and tha whole thing la a big steal with the people playing tha role of the goat. A pound of dour will make a full pound of bread, and there Is absolutely 110 rvcusn for this cr of the big bukers Hint they cannot make a 5-cenl loaf or a 10 cent loaf and live " $100 Reward. S1W II. rt rt'Hili'l'H uf Una haut'i ulll ha iiIi-hUmI In linril Unit IIii-ik U ul lenat iiim i!ii-hiIi! tllaciiHt Hint m iwiee bit Iichii II hie In t'lll'H III Ull lla slimea. Illl.l Hull la 'iiiarrh. Iliill n Ciiinrrli I Mini l i ul v puNlllve cute imw Iiiiiihii lo Ihe ni.'.ll. ul Initcrniiy. I'alarrli li.ln n rnniilliulliihiil illwiiai., reuulrra 11 1'iilinllliitliiiml Irmil. ment. Hull' Catarrh Cure la taken In ternally, Si'llllK .IIP' U. S. INDUSTRY. HE SAYS LUMBERMEN FEAR PROSECUTION IF THEY COMBINE IN FOREIGN TRADE BUREAU. TACOMA. Wash., Nov. 15. "F.ur ope Is pleading for American lumber with which lo rebuild the cltloa de vustnti-d by war. Foreign rountrle. are begging now for lumber, In nd valid) of thu demand which Is sure to come whw i the w ar ends. "And yet. In view of tho unccr lulnly of the statutes In reference to combinations of miitiiifactumrs. Amor lean lumbermen feel It Is Impossible for them to proceed with plans for thu organisation of un eMrt orgn.nl ration to bundle Ibis foreign trade properly." This was the declaration of Presi dent C. H. Keith of the Southern Pine association, before the conference of eastern nnd weatern lumbermen nt Seattle which opened today. Mr Keith Is one of the group of eastern liMiibernien who have como wont to get In closer touch with western lum her manufacturers nnd seek their aid In nntlotml cooperation for tho better ment of the lumber Industry. "There Is no ipiestlon," he contin ued, "Ihat If n group of lumbermen were to organize a selling agency ex clusively for foreign t ratio, and go af ter business vigorously, they would not bo interfered with by tho govern ment Yet there Is a lingering doubt ns to tbo legality of such organiza tions In tho minds of so many lum- Iteceipt book for special rflads Disbursement book Stationary and typewriter ribbon Stamps. Ink, etc Special receipt book for schools Office repairs and steel counter Bond Total $ 3,09100 Special high school fund to be levied on all property in C'aekamas ' County not included in high school districts $ NOTICE Is hereby further givr-n that a taxpayer's meeting will be held In the court bouse at Oregon City, Oregon, on December 9, 1916, at 10 o'clock a. m., for the purpose of discussing the above estimates with the County Court as by law provided. Done at Oregon City this 10th day of November, 1916. H. 8. ANDERSON, County Judge. W. H. MATTOON, Commissioner. A. If. KNIGHT. Commissioner. P.OISK, Idaho, Nov. M. The Repub llcan gubernatorial contest will go In to tbo courts for settlement. Tbli was Ihe opinion of party leaders here tonight. (Jovernor Alexander. Demo crat, has a plurality of X00 and D. W. Davis, Republican, bus opponent, ran him a close race In every county. The backers of Davis declare tliHt failure of election Judges to follow In structions when counting tbo ballots lost Davis many votes or enough to e'ect him. r I V mum llin tilnoil nnd nillpnlia iiifiii'.-u ttt I In. nvMiin Hm... ev vrairoyitiK the rminiliii Inn ur the ilia- , uerineii, mill 1111111 ih iigtiiy 10 00 aoui unless congress definitely legalize), selling ugcnclcH for foreign business. TIiIm u.iiu h .!....(.... - t V. I. Ill ers (Hut they oftvr One llun.liml Dollar. I " '" . for sny rsae Mint It fnlla to cure. Rend I which passed the house in August but for list of teatlmnnliilB. Which did not no to tbo annate he. Addrra: r. J. :'IIKNKT CO,. Tol.do, O. I "o 11 tun mil go to 1110 seiiuio lie- Hnid hr sit iiniKsiiii. 7io. i cniiHc of the press of other matters Tak. li.ir. ra.no Pill, for constipation. ,(,foro adjournment." earn-, anil Klvlnif the pulli-nl strnngth bv liullilitiir un I lit. i'iiiihIIIiiiIiiii ami uaalailim nature In dnhig lis work. Tin- proprietors iinvfl mn niucn latin 111 us curuiivs pew November 13 R. P. Co. has spent in Oregon during tbe present year on new lines and equipment $1,913,939, on old lines and equipment $630,887, on stations, shops and roundhouses $23,- 069. ""Etositf soatffep Qffom When raiyS, phi 'Lap ing. attending a Theatre or some Social Function, or if Shopping, don't forget to have DR. MILES' -Anti - PAIN PILLS with you. They are in valuable for Headache and all other Pains. tS Dasss, 23 Cants. ir iMT BOX It NOT ATI FACTORY, YOUH MONEY WlU. K ftlFUNDEO. UNO. DeStftlO F1ILIEF. '1 have used Dr. Miles Antl-Faln Mia for soma tlma and find them an Invaluabla remady for hsodachs. t hava always takaav graat pleasure In recommending them to my frleavss, being oonfMent that they will brlruj the 4eslr4 relief. I am never without then and us them lor all attaxka of peia, koowliui UaU tbr will not tlaapfMlnt me." MM. W. IL BKNBON. West UaTen. Coaa.