OUKfiON TI'V f'NTKiM'HIKK, KIM DAY, NOVKMIIKIt 17, 1!H Adminicular ( Nolle. Ill I tin I'liiuilr ('Mill "I Itiu Mlaln of iii'HhII, tut III m nil if nf Clui knPfiuj III III" InaHi'l id Hi" r.lMlK nf I.M I I' ll Kinuruiin. ilw " d. Niillid I limi'li) kIxii 'hat the nil ' fli iii"l luia !' it duly hiiiIiIiii a .llilllllftlr-lt'ir lif III" fi.lulil III I. II , M l ia rmui'Mii', ili-i i a l, h) I tin i.iHivii ii,till. limit mill Ut 4 ill y 'I'litl If.i'd fur Mill true). All nif,li da V hiK rhiliu in: 1 1 hit mild i'.lal tip In nli)f liutllli il und iiIIim In pre -.hi l lin mink il1'. i ill''.) mil itli lillifXT IHi II" , II I'1' I M bin FkkI iIiiimi ill ?il k.'.i . it HI, Ori'Kini ril, On ami 'iiin U 'tt,ii ll from l In dull, nf Ihi i nir I'. M . I.M I ASK, .lii,nl.lnil r i i llif I.. Ii l of I. 'i " rull.1 Hi ! hih . ! i n' W I. Mi l VKV. All irii-y i"i Ailmliiliilralur ll.ilil nf fll.it V ' 1 I O' loimr I'.'lfl. Iluln i f l.i I i ' il I t I on, November 17. UK. Su mi on i. In llu' Circuit f ii'nl ill tin' H' tlx of r run, fur llm lui'i!, ' ( U' k J man: U III. K lU) I, I'lll'llllff. va. I hllll Itarl, iM'll'llibllll Tn liurli Ituyl. nbme ihii.iimI d ii'tnliiiil : In Hi ii mime uf l lu' Mind' ill On-guii. tun ara linn l t 'H'ii' l lu i ur mim) .iiihwi'T Hi" i niil.iiiil fili'il vuiilimi M'll In llin i.Ikiiv ilillllrd anil, mi or Iii'fliMI tho II rut lU III Ihi I'lllbiT, lit IK. 'ild il iIp Ik'Iiik llm i'iiiulli'li nf l f', 0 fpilll III" Illal illill ill lull nf lliln iiiimiun.. mi. f un lull In i'ir or H11.W1T imlil ruiiiiliiliil fur miiiiI tliori ui, llu' i f ,i I tit l IT hIII app'y In ll.ii rniirl lur lln relief ir,ivi fur In hi mm I'Uinl. to Mil: fur n ilii run iluiultiiiK Hi" im r tuun iinilr.iit iiiih evIilliiK heteen plaintiff r.inl ili-fi'iiildiil Till wiiii iiiuiii Ii pulil.i I:" I l.y utili r of Hon I t'. riiiiiil'll.liiili!ii of ll." tiriult i 'unit, w libit uilr Mwa uiiido on t'i" I ''Hi liny of (ii tulu-r. IHIil, u ml 111" (linn prrwrllxil fur iulilli Htlmi there uf I nit ielu, hi-Jimlng ultli llir I .Mi" il.ilril Kil.l.i). iMnher :7th, I9il .mil mot liming null week tln le liter lu anil Including Friday. I -iiiIt Mil l!H. HltOWNKI I, 4 HIKVKIM. Atturni'ti fur 1'l.iliillH Bummi ni. In tin ( In nit fui rt of llin Mute ol iiri-Kun, for Clin ksinus i oiiiity. K!U M.iy Huallan. I'Ulntlff, VI. ('. W. itnntluii, Defendant. To (' W. Itunlliin, almi v limned tie- f"lllulll . In the mini" of Hi" Mill" of Oregon. oii arn.herehy r'iilriil to appear In ih above etitlt'e.l ruurl mill answer llui romi!uliit IIIimI iitiilimt yon In the uIhivo entll'ed ruiirl oil or before nix from Hie I till iluy of Oi luluT I '.MO, nulil fitll il.iv of Ortol.cr. !HH. 'h'Iiik tlm ilat" of Hi" tir-t pillilli atlull uf th I. 'I t it 1 1 1 111 ti x . iiiul If yon full In vi aiunr ami unnwi'r tin oiiijilulnt lllll llltllllff Hill lllll) l til" It llll w 1'iitiilitl nut t fur Hi" rolli ( irunl foi In th" roinil.iliil luri'ln, (oll: I'ur a t!ivr' ol Hik nliovu imlltloil nnrt Iiiul III" innrrliiK" ronirm t lutw "vIhIIiik lirtiM ii llu- iiliiliitlff unil il" , i....i i... ......... ... .ii. i.... i ..,..1 i.. i.i i " 1 .. ..,, .i"". ' ..1 """ " I uf 1 1 ou ntturii") i f""H, uml fur i-m h i ulliiT mid furtliiT rrlli f ai to Hi" court iniiy H'"iil inert uml "itiituliV, liniiiil ItiK hrr coiln ami dliliurHiMiionta hrrr in. Ttila aiiniiuuiia U nurvi'd upon you hy pulllll Utlllll tlliTl'llf lllll " U H ""k lur lx ailrci-HHlvo uml coiiHrrtitlvt nnrka III tln OrnKnu t'lly KntrrprlH". ii iiKHnpiiper of Ki'iii'iul cltriihiliuii In I'liirkuiiiiia rounly, Ori'Kttn. iitid print "d uml piiIiIIkIiihI In f lurkuiuui fouu ly, Ort'ium, purHiiuiii to un orilrr of tho lluniiralilii J, f. ('uliiphrll, Juilcn nf tit" nhovu rntltl.'il court, nuilii urn "titiTi'il Imreln o'i th" lllll duy nf t)i tulicr, 1910. Kit K I ). -I. MI'INDI,, Atturnry for IMnlnt Ifl . tn.Vtilfi Hiillwuy Ki Iiiiiikh HIiIk., I'm I hind, OroKiin, I Into of flint ptlhllriitlnu, Ortohi ftlli. 1918. Dill" of liiat pulillrntloii. Noviuuh"! J llll. 1016. Sheriff 8ale. In tlin Clrrult Cntirt of tho State of tiri'Kon, for Ilio County of ClurkiitniiH Henry W. HiiKeiiiuiin, I'luliitirr, VH. Joel N. Peurcy and Miiry M. I'eitrcy Ii Ih wlfo and Anna (Inif, llrti'iiilnntH. Slnta of OroRon, County of Clnrkii niiiM, su; liy vltttto of a Judgment order, do rriin, duly IhhuiuI out of uml under tlif Hi'itl of tho hIiovo entitled court, in tho hIiovo oiitltli'il riniH", to mo duly dlrnrtcd nnd duted the 21th duy (if Ortohor, 1910, upon u judgment- ron drred and entered In mild court on the H Hh day of October, 191(1, In fuvor of Henry W. HuRniiiann, plaintiff, nnd iiKulttRt Jool N. Tonrcy and Mary M. I'enrcy, Ms wlfo, and Anna (Jraf, do' fendnntii, for tho auin of $:t()00, wltb intermit thereon at tho rato of Bovon per cent per annum from tho fith day nf Kobrunry, 191G; and tho furthor sum of (150, oh atlortiey'a foog nnd tho furthor Bum of $18. 26 routs nnd (IlKlHirnomontH, and tba costR of and upon thin writ, conimiindlnff mo to iiinko Halo of tho following doHcrlbod real proporty, situate In tho county of ClarkamaH, stato of OroRon, to-wlt: All of tracts or lots ouo (1), tbroe " sovon (7), nlno (9), oleen (11), thirteen (13), twonty (20), nnd twenty two (22), In Oawemi IIdIkIiIh. Now, Thornforo, liy vlrtuo of Buld execution, JudKtiiont order and decree-, and In compliance wltb (ho commands uf wild writ, I will, on Saturday, the 2-11 h duy of November, 191(1.' at the hour nf 10 o'clock a, in., at tho front dnor of tho county court hottHo In the 11 y of Oregon City, In suld county nnd Hlnt c, sell ut public unci Ion, sub ject to redemption, to the highest bid der for V. 8. gold coin, cash in bund, nil thn right, title and Interest which Ilio within named dcfemlunts or either nf thorn, had on the date of tin; niort naan herein or hIiico had in or to tho iilmvfl described real property of any pnrt thereof, to Bitlsfy Hiil'd execution, Judginf'nt. order, decree,, lntorost, costs and all uccrulng costs. V. J. WILSON, Sheriff of Clacbamas County, Ore. Hy K. C. IIACKliTT, Deputy. Dated, Oregon City, Ore., October 27th, 1316. (tutrli Nolle, Nullm U lirruly l"li tliat I hi un ilrmlKiuil niiHiitrli of tlm rlul ol Hjfuh J. I'iIiuIIh, iluinaiM'il, liaa flli'l hi-r final arrount luri'ln Mltli llm iiiiiiily link, of flat kaniaa ruiilily Oii'Kon, am) lliu imiiily Jmlxu Ima "l Mull. lu), Nuti'liilirr 27th, l'J1, at lh" hi Mir of I'l HO o'i Iim k a in. . ai Ilia tlmu ami plara fur lirailnx oliji'i lluiia In at lit f lit m I an omit ami fur llin fliml millli-iiii'iit of nul'l i.lulii , (lit AC'K IJOTTIIKIKJ. Kii'iulrli. o. i). Knv, Atturiiry fur Kniutrli. IimIiiI, orioiii-r 2lm, I'Jfi Notki for Lay of Additional Road Ta NoIIih Ii luiri'hy Klvi'ii Iiiul Ilia iiiiii'IIkiii. Tim)iri, ('uluilnllliK of I'll .,T i fill of tlm Tailmyiii In lluuil IHnlrlit Nu. f lio kaiiia rounly, Dri'ioll, lirri tiV kI vp iiutlin In Ilia lui la)iri of mill lluuil lilnlrlit No. i! Hint llur" lll Im a inri'tlii of tin Imiuyi-r of mill illMrlrt In KImihiiI ii IhmiI liuiin" 'lui kiiiiuii l oimly, on llm '.".III ilay of Nuvi iiiIiit. 1910, at 2 in lui k in , to nil" an aililllluiial lui In ul'l illnlrlrt fur ruml iiiiroumi. ai pint hli'-l hy all art of th" Irrlnlaliirii of I till I.. N Villi. lull n I'tiu, fri.l llur r.'r. K. ii KIoiik, J. A. Htrutnir""ii, fail XtrniuKriTii. I. K. HmkIiiii'I, II I' Clllntt. I' '. I'ttU. Nuttc for lavy of Additional Road Tai. Suit." i hrri'li) KlW'll that tin, iimli'tiilklii'il luiuyi-rii, t oliilntliiit of li'ii iit iini of tlm Iiuimoiti In mil illxlilrl No. f lui kiiinu loimly, tHi'Kuii, lu-n l.y y.u iiotlrn In tlm (m .u) of :tli rouil illnlrh I No. 12 lltul tlti'i" will Ik a ini'i'tiiiK of tint luiiv i-t ut until illxtrli t In Hunt Mt. Hroll ii'liiMit huiin', flni kiiiuai rnuiity in tlm ?llh day of Nutriiilii r, 9H, ut S o'i ItN'k . to., to vol" an aililltlonal lux In mid illnlrlit fur mull iurH"i. l.i l.rmlili il dy un art of tlm li'K Inl i u r of lit I !. V. A. I'likh, (iinr'i a Iti'lmtiM k, IV I'liulnuii, f. A. Ili ti, ('. K. Zllinrr, II, W. Kunni'. Nolle for Levy of Addition I Road T Nut Ire Ii lirrrliy itlvi'ti that ", the UMiliTiiU'iii'il liiinuyiTi, roimlillliK of ti'it mt rriil of tlm Uiiuyrri In Itu.iJ Illnlrlit Nu. J'J f liirkiiina comity. Ori'Knn. Iirruliy clvo nnllro to tho ll imyi-r of until Ituiul IMi.trlit No. ill. Hint tlirt" Hill It" n ini'i'tiiiK f Hi" tiimir of wiliI ilutrlrt In (Irani!. t luill at Mullno. ('lui kuinui i nn. it v, Tui'mluy, on Ihn L'Sth iluy of Noviiii Imr, IDIA, ut 3 o'c'lix k i. in . to vole in aililllluiitil tux In a.ilil dlitrlrt lur ru.nl .urionrp, ui iiruvlili'ii liy an ml of llm li'k'lnliitnrti of 1913. I). U TrnllliiKiT, MhiiiIii Tnillliik'iT. Arthur lliutianitn, fonriul Ki'Mur. U. V. Ilinlnitiili, I,, runllnn Zwrlfrl, K. II. W.illiu", (. f. JuliiiKon, A. 1.. Joiii'i, II. Hi'liui'lii'l. II. HiIiiii'Ih'I. J. Kiii'pliT. W. J. WuMnrf. Mra. It. II. Imx. J. I.. HhiiIiIh, K. I'. Ili-nllii", Allr.'d liuiilrl nun. (!. J. NorilliiiK, Ihuiii' lli'tlliiirkn, V. II. HiihIiuiiiIh, Win. Mli'tttini'ii, A. K. Juiii'H, W. II. Jiiiiih, A. II. Zrlfi'l. J. Tli nUiiru, II. V. IHi trlrli. It. llurtliuM Allitnnl Olniin, II. Ili'lhulil, W.-A. Woml Mil", f. T. ItnwHr.l, I'lil'lii Hull. K. M.iiiiiIiii;, S Sliruti, J. N. .Ii'.viiun. II. ' ' A iiuhui.I. Ii. It. All-it. .1. .1. Mulliitt, Arthur HiiHliuml Notlc of Road Budget Meeting, Notice la hereby given that, pursu utit to chapter z:il, gem-nil laws of Oregon l'.i:i, and chapter 2:'."., general law uf Oregon II' 1.1, u meeting of J lie legal voters of road district No. 1!, CliukumiiH county, Oregon, will be tirlil lit ( Image hull, In suld dlstrlrt on tho 2Mb day of November, 1UIG, at Ibo hour of 1 o'clock p. m., for the purpose of considering the following cntlinates of the amount of money to be raised by special lax lu suld ills trie t for Hip ensuing year. Road and Highway. Improvement uml maintenance of ull ruiids lu district, & mill tux, about $-.'iMI(l.(IU. Balance A mount of nil hu'unccs on baud, about fSOOOO. Subscribed by three resident free holders of said district nnd by tlm road supervisor of said dlstrlrt this 2lsl day of October. lSlti. D. 1,. TUULUNKKIt. Freeholder. COMtAl) KKM.KR. Freeholder. ISAAC HICLi-HACKK. Freeholder. R. SCIHIEllKU Koad Supervisor Koad District No. 19. Notice of Road Budget Meeting. Notlco Ih hereby given that, pursu ant to Chapter 2:11, general laws of Oregon 1913, and chapter 222, general laws of Oregon 191.1, a meeting of tho legal voters of Koad Dlutrlct No. 52. Clackumas County. Oregon, will he hold nt Fast Mt. Scott schoolhouso, in Hiili! district on tho 17th day of No vember, 1916, at tho hour of 8 o'clock p. in., for the purposo of considering tho following; estimates of tho amount of money to bo rnlaod hy special tux In said district for the ensuing year. Road and Highway. Improvement and maintenance of C. A. Hot road, $280.00. Improvement and maintenance of Church south road, $220.00. Improvement and maintenance of I'hllllppl hill road, $350.00. Improvement and maintuuauco ol ,1. Z. Zlnsor,. west from cornnr road, Jl.'iliO.OO. Subscribed liy tbrco resident free holders of Raid district nnd by Iho road supervisor of Raid dlstrlrt this 21th day of October, 1910. C1IARUKS RKHSTOCK, Freeholder. vv. a. ruucn. Freeholder. I'. PAULSON, Frcc'bnlder. C. A. III2TZ, . Freeholder. 0. F. ZINSER, . Freeholder. II. W. KANNR. Road Supervisor Road District No. 52. Notice of Final Settlement of the E tats of Katie Wine, Deceased. Notice Ih hereby given that the un dersigned administratrix of tho es tate uf Katie Wines, . deceased, . ha filed In the county court of Clucka- mas comity, stato'of Oregon, her final account, as such administratrix of iilil nlil ami Hut Mumlay tlm 4th iluy of )w rinlior, llllo, at Ilia lion of lu o'lliak . in., lui I" u n fl'"l a ll limit a thn 1 1 inn fur Ih-hiIhk of ol.Jm Hum to aal't t"lorl ami Ilia '( tli-iuKiit (Inri'iil, MAIl Y filllriKNTII WAITK, Aitioliilitiilrli of Hi" Kntalu of Ka till Willi', llmi'lird. . :, Hflll-KHKI., Atturnry for Ailinlnliliutrli. Summon. Ill llm ('In ult court of llm Hlaln of OrrK'in, for fl' kainaa ruiiiily. IIkii. K. Hull, I'lalnlirr, n jriii it Hull, ni fi'iiiiuiit. To Jrimil Hull, aliovn miiu 'l il' f. ii'l uit: III llm Iiiiiiiij of lliu Hliiln of Ori'Kon you arn ln rihy rt"nlriil to apiu-ar ami aniwer tlm complaint flM attalmt "n In llm aluiva I'lititli'd ault, on or I f r llm 1'titli jit of ln-i finl.i-r. Itil'l. aultj iluln lii'lnx 111" nilrulluii of all " ki from llin llmt puhlli allon of Dili aiiiii ilium, ami If ou full to apprur or an wir lulil t mil plulltt, fur Hint Ihrrruf llin plaliillff will apply to llm court for tlm n-lli'f prayml fur lu liia cutnp'uliit, Ik ll: fur a il'i p'" illmulvliiK Dm iiiiirriaxit roulrai'l iiuh rtlntliiK lu-iHi'in pluin tiff it ii 'I it"f "ii ilu lit. Tlil auiniuoiM I" pulillilii'd hy ordi r of llmt, J., I', fuinif lu ll, luilit" of thn clrrillt court, Hit' i onlir u mud" on th" I '.lit iluy of Noi'inhi'r, I'Jlfl ami tl" Hum ,iri. KUllii'tl lor puhllrutlon Ihi ri'uf la hU HiM'ki, In-Kin tl I It u '" Imil" ilulrl Krlduy, NowihIht 17, 1918, am) con "iiiiIiik cat h vii'i'k ilu-ri'ufti'r tu uml In i luiiliiK fililiiv, Urn nil,, r '.".ii h, I'JIii IIIIOVVNKI.I. HIKVKUH, Attorn") fur 1'lnlntlff. Sherlfl'i Sal. In (lie flrriilt fuiirt of tlm HtutM of Ori'Kuu, fur llm foiinty of f li" kuiii.n. Till" and Trui t fuuipuny, a rurMiru- Hun, I'll lut irr. VI. Henry Kuisell mid M.ilblltlu Kukmi'II llll Hlflt lll-felldallll. Stutc of Oregon, County of flarkn- maa, a. Hy vlrtun of a jiidgiiii'iit unb i, d rrr" uml an exn iitlnii, duly Ihiui'iI out of and lindiT -eal of tin, abut i ntitli'd court. In tl.r uIhivo cnll'l-l luiiM-, to mo duly dlni ted and I'uti-d Hi" 2i;ih duy of Octolirr, 'Jfi, upi n Jiidguu'iil rendered nnd (Miteied In mid court on the 2lith duy of OcIoIht. I '.UC, In fuvur of Title and Truit coti. puiiy, a i tirporntlon. plulntlff. and uguliiil Henry Russell und .Mathilda Ktiell, bla Hltn, defi-ndant. fut Ih" sni'i of $ I ouo (io, with Intereit there on ul the rule of eight per cent per iin Hum from the 10th duy of Novi-mlnr. IV1I, and tho further iuiii of JI0U.no a attorney' fee, mul the further mini of l29.Su ro-ti and itlshiirkeiimuts, an I Hi" ciIk of and uiKiii tills writ, rum m.indlng ni" to nluko sal" of Hi" fi ! lowing deHlrrhi'd real pn)HTtv, slt.i ule In Ihn county of Clarkunius, stato of Oicgon, to-wlt: I Aits M !. 10, 11 uml 12, truit 3. VVimmIiuoui fir t Aildltion, urroidin,: to tho duly rerorded plat thereof now! on file In Iho rcrrrder office of m.II county and state. Nutt, Tin return, by virtue of a'l cxet ul on, Judgment order and derreo, and in compliance with the (uinmamU nf said writ. I w .11, on Suturday, lb" Hill day of Is'ceinlier. I'.HG. at the hour of Id o'clock u. m., nt tho front door of the county court house in the city of Oregon City, in nald county und state, sell ut public uuctlon Riihjcct to redemption, to tho highest bidder for l. S. gold coin, cash In hand, all tho right, title and Interest which tho within mimed defendants or either of them, bad on tho dalo of tlm mort gage herein or since had In or to the above described real property or niw pnrt thereof, to satisfy said execu tion. Judgment order, decree, Interest costs and ull accruing costs. VV. J. WILSON, Sheriff of Clackumas County. Ore. Hy E. C. HACKKTT, Deputy. Dated, Oregon City, Ore.. Nov. loth 19 Id. Summon In tin.' Circuit Court of the State oV Oregon for Clackuinan county. Sylvia Kllen I'orter, IMulntlff, vs. Krnest K. Porter, Defendant. To Krnest K. l'ortor, dufciulanv above-named: In the name of the Htuto of Oregon yon arc hereby required to appear and answer tho complaint filed against you In tho nbovo entitled court and cause on or before Monday tho l.Xth day of December, 1918, and If you fail so to appear nnd answer for want thereof tho plaintiff will apply to tho court for tho relief demanded In her com plaint herein, to-wlt: For n decree dissolving; tho bonds of matrimony now and heretofore exist ing; between tho plnntlff und tho de fendant, and requiring the defendant to pay tho plaintiff tho sum of $;i0.00i per month as alimony Mr plaintiffs support nnd maintenance, and for a decree restoring; to plaintiff her maid en name, Sylvia Ellon LnCroix, nnd for plaintiff's costs nnd disbursements Incurred in this suit, and for such oth er and further relief ns to the court may seem meet and equitable.. This HummoiiB Is published pursu ant to tho order of tho Honorable J. IT. Campbell, Judge of tho above en titled court for six consecutive weeks prior to tho 2Hrd duy of December, 1916, which order was made on the 9th day of November, 1916. Tho first publication of this summons is mude on tho 10th day of November, 1916 and the lust publication thereof will be upon tho 22nd day of December, 1916, VE.VZIE, McCOURT & VEAZIE. .Attorneys for Plaintiff. Notice for Levy of Additional Road Tax. Notlco Is hereby given that we, the undersigned taxpayers, consisting of ten per cont of tho taxpayers In Komi District No. 41. Clackumas County. Oregon, hereby give notice to the tux payers of said Road District No. 41 that there will bo a meeting of the taxpayers of said district In Dover school huuso, Clackamas county, on Iho 2,'itli day of November, 1916, nt 1:30 o'clock p. m to vote on addition al lax in said district for road pur posed, as provided by nn net of the legls'aturo or 1913. , John Affolter, Jennie H. Kllzinlller. M. Onifenhain, Joseph DoShawT, Al- fred Shirley, Cora M. Udell. Nolle for tvy of Additional Road Ti. Nutli n la lmr'hy kivkii that e, tli iiiu)i'tli:iil taipaynri, ruiiilnllii( of I "il per ("lit of Him tuipuyrra In llui'l lililrlrt No. S'i, flurk.tiiiii fun nly lrr'tn, hi'inhy (U nullm to tlm la payrra of aaUl lluuil Milrlit Nu. that thn" IM h a limi'lliiK of lliu luipiyi'ra of nl'l illitrlit In, l'luaint lllll, fluikuinai cutinly, on llm 2 'Hi day of NoicuilH-r, I 'J I'i, ut I o'i link p. Hi , to vol an additional lai In nl'l dlntilil for road purpoivi, a prild"il hy an a' l of llm li-Kla'uturo of I 'J I I. (J, II. (Jrmdy, M r. Vuunit. W. V. VnniiK, H, T. Wiiiliilon, A. I'. Tmld. V. V. folllitlM k, i M. Ki'lnu. 1 liTfllUll H. Krani". I'ell ll.iki r, (ii.o. Htjlilnrrk cr, K. H, Hiulilin-. ki r, Hurry Jnl, K li. Juiu i, Ceo, M. Murray, K. I(o hm l mm, A. W, faimhl. T. M. Iluki-r, J Alien, Mark H""ly. Nolle for Lvy of Additional Road Tai. Nut I-" I Inri'hy Klvitn that e, the umlurtlKiii'il laip.iyi-ri, comlutlliK of ( n m r cent of th" tuipuyura In lluud Hlitrlrt No. I!, flarkauia (uiinty, Ori'Kun, hrn-hy rlvn nntim to thn lui puyur of auld mud dlitrlrt No. 13 Hint th"!" will Ih' a ini'i-lltiK of tlm (uipayiT of laid dlitrlrt In Kir Crova ui houl tioili", '' lai kunia county, on llm 2Mb Uty of Novi-mlT, 1910. at 2 o'rlork p. in. lu vuin an addltlunul tut In Mild dlitrlM fur mad purpiinc, a provldi'il liy un u t of thn Ii-kU'u-tur of 1913. Julin iK'HilllX'T. A. U Alli'll. (Jen. f. ArtiiilrotiK, H. Thm-iiy, A. M. Kir rtmin, II. A. AHi'ii. JoM'pli Krliwartz, liula Hnk, V. II. H liHurtj!. J. II. Hok "d. K. Hliikl", fun. N. fllll, I,. I). AI Inn, K. I,. Kvaiioii, (ino. fluniirr, W, M. Pprunu". J- T. Kullain, (iwircn IIIk liihotliuin, A. HulH-rt. W. II. Hrown. W. A. CarlHon. K. K. Allen. Murla Kk Ki r. John Kkk't, ('. A. Iloiwluii, J. A. Kllim-r, K. Urnuii. J. Iion-inu. V. Hunon, A. Juhiison. Nolle to Creditor. In tlm Mutter of Ihn Kstatn of Hy ruin HoskliiR, D"c-a-d. Notice la hereby given that thn un designed, tin bwn duly appointed ad ministrator with tho will annexed of the estate of II) rum Hoskins, de ceased, by the above entitled roll it and bu duly qualified for hi trust. All persona having claims against said estate arc hereby notified and re ipii-sti-d to pri'ii nt th" sunie duly ver ified and with proper vuui Ihti to hlui ut tho office of hli attorneys, Dimick t Dlmlrk and W. I.. Mulvey, room 3 Andrescii hiil'illiiK. Oregon City, Ore gon, within six months from the date of this notten. DIMICK DIMICK and VV. U Ml l.VKV. Attorneys for Administrator. FRANK HOSKINS. Adiuiiilstrutor with tlm Will Annexed of tba Kitute of Hyruin Hosklim, Dcci'iiseil. Date of first publication. November 17, l'.'l. Date of last publication. December 15, 1S1'. Nolle of Roid budget Meeting - Notice Is hereby given that, pursu ant to chapter 2.H. general laws of Oregon 1913, and chapter 223. general law of Oregon 1915, a meeting of the legul voters of Roud District No. 11, Clackamas rounly, Oregon, will bo held ut Orange hull. In suld district on the 21th duy of November, 1 9 1 G. at the hour of 7:. '10 o'clock p. in., for the purpose of cont-lderlng the following estimates of the umouut of money to bo raised by special tux In jaid dis trict for the ensuing year. Road and Highway. Improvement and maliitenuuce of Forsythe road. $700.00. Improvement and iniiliitenatice of llolcomb road. 1300.00. Improvement and maintenance of Clackumas Heights roud, $300.00. Improvement nnd maintenance of Maple Iuiue roud. $700.00. Subscribed by three resident free ho'ders of sn1 ' " and by tho road supervisor of said district this 2nd dnv of November. 1916. -VV. D. RAKER, Freeholder. J. T. AI'PERSON, Freeholder. VV. A. HOLMES. Freeholder. E. 1.. POPE, Road Supervisor Road District No. 11. IF IN NEED of evidence or informa tion, see E, h, Kellogg. Jr., expert high class investigator; 13 years' experience; detect a alioue operator. Terms reasonable. Hox 295, Ore gon City. Oregon. WANTED A vnlley farm for Eastern Oregon stuck ranch. F. H. Madison & Co., 216 7th St., Oregon City. y.MNTfcD - Several tons of pumpkins, squash, beets, or carrots for stock; also hay for cows and grain for hogs. State price delivered at Clad stone. D. A. Roed. WANTED To hear from owner of h good ranch for sale. State cash price and description. D. F. Rush, Minneapolis, Minn. FOR SALE 16-inonth-old Jersey bull. Apply Jno. Rail, R. 1, Oregon City, FOR SALE IJirgo rntige; in first class shape. A. E. Rugg, 1002 7th street. FOR SALE 1 -year-old Italian prune trees, extra fine, grown near Estn cada. Order enrly for best Btocli nnd prices. O. W. Fulling, Nursery man, R. F. D. No. 1, Estiicndtt, Ore. FOR SALE One registered llolstein bull; six good grade Holsteln heif ers; 1900-lb. Simplex cream sepa rator. Frank Muherluch, Clacku mas, Ore. LOST Hlui'k and white spotted set ter dog. Answers to nnine of Tod. Oregon City license No. 4. Howard. Apply Enterprise. Money to Loan PAUL C. FISCHER Lawyer DeuUcher Advokat Room 2 Beaver Bldg. Oregon City COUNTV COURT. (Coiitlninul from I'ikk 2 I mr Kleinirnith, t'i.O); Clyda Itingo, 11.00; CikhI Hold I Mai binary Co., I2H.I.0.'.; I. V, Trullirifc-er, $127; C. C. Kdwarda, ?!H2; Cuy Dibble, COO; i. It. Jack n, l,()t; C. D. Du karion, $1.00; C. li. Kldred, $4.00; KUr Kl dr, $.'.00; Merrill Kldred $2.00; Clay llungate, $2.00; Urn Chiiidgren, $12.00; II. C. Ilonikrr, $4.00; Uilie Dirkiy, $2.00; f. C, Kdwardi, $1.00; ;. A. K.hUn, ll.li; M. K. i'hilllpa, $2I).00; II. Wlillworth, $7.00; Harvey Colvin, $1.00; Arlo tjray, $1.00; V. II. Cray, $7.00; Edward Cray, $7.00; (J. II. (iray, $15.00; Horner llroi,, $2o.C9; J. K. Moifi-r, $1200; 8. K. Hmith, $1.00; J. Y. Smith, $H.0O; Mar ion Millard, $IH.00; Cm. (ienwro.kl, $H.M; John Mo)fer, $X.00; W. VV. Turkir, $7X0; W. Ilrndrirn, $11.00; Auguiil Onieroiikl, $H.00; Jai. Clu rier, $1.00; Frank Millard. $'J.o0; Ouy Oraliel, $H.OO; Alaika Junk Co., $2TI. 7.1; (J. C. i!aronay, $:i:(.00; Tom Uow n, $I0.W; Homer Mmjlton, $22..'0; Cut Luilwitknon, $iO.(X); Kerry Oi Urn, $.'10.00; R. Ruthcr, $2H.7S; Tom UuderUrk, $'.'H.75; Wm. Frllowi, $.'H.75; John Mitchell, $20.75; A. C. liaumhark, f.i.T.CMJ; Klmrr IUdfur.1, $20.25; T. Umoreaux, $27.oO; Jo Haley, $22.50; Charley Lbgrov, $2.50; II. II. Udell. $2.25; Walter Krebi, $4I.H0; L Van D Moortele, $1-1.20; A. C. IlaumUrk, $18.90; Wal ler Alt, $'.'2.'J5; V. Hcnifitler, $9.45; Carl Alt, $41.80; J. Wilcox.on, $24.00; D. Johnion, $15JJ0; I). Caawna, $Hfl.00; W. II. Cour.iell, $:i5.00; W. J. Smart, $15.00; B. Ktrange, $30,00; II. Ottey, $17.50; John Davis, $15.00; Jamei Kcprha, $IH.00; A. Iiemer, $35.00; Cournel, $17X0; D. Johnaon, $12.50; A. Martin, $2.50. HOUNTY-J. W. Dixon. $4.00. ELECTION OrKn City Enfcr- priie, $719.71; Huntley Dnir Co., $15.49; Courier I'reaa, $4.00; W. J. Wiliion, $2.45; H. W. Trembath, $2X0; Alvin E. Joyner, $71.25; Nellie II. Yo- der, $1.92; Floyd Spurlin. $.30; Ellen Mrumgreen, $.10; J. C. Marquam $.1.82; Henry Wilbern, $2.2; A. S. Tho mpson, 5.1144; ; 441X12 ffl . Thompion, $1X4; Wallace F. Miller, $-1.84; M. E. KanJIe, $.20; George Uerif, $X2; J. C. Elliott, $4.80; II. K. Gibnon, $.84; W. J. E. Vick, $.44; Ward B. Uton, $.60; Ethel K. Brown. .2; Eva M. Evan. $1.42; Jen W. Hyatt, $.30; Maggie A. John son, $9.20; Thoma C. Jul, $1.20; David K. LeFevre, $1.40; R. M. Mc- Cetchie, $2.80; .L A. Mather $1.90; J. C. Maine, Sr., $12X0; P. D. New ell, $2.28; A. J. Johnston, $.60; J. E. romeroy, $3.66; Claude W. Devore, $8.82; William Knight, $11.00; Myr tle B. Holmes, $1.30; Geo. J. Case, $8.80; A. L. Morand, $3.84; Myrtle I Williams, $9.70; E. J. Maple, $2.. 26; J. W. Smith. $.52; John S. Owings, $.82; Frank OU, $1.84; Geo. C. Armstrong, $.40; Anna Friedrich, $10.00; F. A. Miller, $6.00; Emma T. Quinn, $2.40; Marie Friedrich, $2.40; Nina llollowell, $39.90. SHERIFF Alvin E. Joyner. $47. 75; M. A. Dcaton, $1.20; W.3. Wilson, $484.54; R. E. Esson, $7.00; W. C. Murray. $0.20; D. E. Frost, $24.50; W. J. Wilson. $12.05. COUNTY COURT W. H. Mat toon, $10.00; A. H. Knight, $61.30; II. S. Anderson, $8.87. COURT HOUSE G. Roberts, $:8.50; Board of Water Commission ers, $1.40; L. Adams, $1.70; Pacific Telephone & Telegraph Co., $43.65; Home Telephone Co., $17.55. CIRCUIT COURT Home Rest aurant, $9.00; T. M. Miller, $81.00; D. E. Fiost, $3.00; Ezra M. Sher wood, $2.00; N. P. Hult, $S.00; E. A. Swanson. $8.20; P. E. Bonney, $7.G0; E. Harrineton, $12.00; J. A. Kilmer, $2.00; Chris Muralt, $2.00; Levi Steh man. $2.00; F. W. McGraw, $12.20; W. T. Johnston, $12.00; D. B. Fox, $'14.20; Edward Nachand, $12.00; T. P. Randall, $27.20; Geo. J. Hall, $30.20; Carey Johnston, $12.00; W. S. Gorbett. 8.20; Ruth Embree, $5.00. JUSTICE PEACE A. E. Joyner, $2.00; Pliny Owenby, $.50; E. P. El liott, $4.00; Charles Dunham, $2.50; D. E. Frost, $14.30; D. E. Frost, $1.- 70; L, E. Blanchard, f 1,70; John N, Sicvcrs, $32.52; Orville Olds, $2.50. COROXER-E. C. Greenmnn, $1. 50; Mrs. C. N. Greenman, $1.50; A Hillebrand. $1.50; S. R. Stevenson $1.50; S. Wolfer, $4.50; M. C. Strick land, $10.00; VV. L. Dagpett, $1.50 Jack Frost, $1.50; Ruth Embree, $12. 50; W. E. Hempstead, $47.70; S. 0, Uillman. $1.20; A. A. Price. $1.20 H. L. Martin, $1.20; F. S. Baker, $1. 20; Geo. J. Hull. $1.20; S. MacDon aid, $1.20; D. E. Frost, $5.90. SURVEYOR Huntley Drue Co. $1.95; Bud Thompson, $34.60; Paul Dunn, $34.60; D. Thompson Meldrum $71.00; H. H. Johnson, $53.10; J. C. Sullivan, $7.50. INSANE A. G. Ames, $17.00; Dr. M. C. Strickland, $15.00; Dr. Guy Mount, $15.00; Alvin E. Joyner, $8.00; Dr. J. V. Norris, $5.00; Msr- tin Christensen, $3.00. SUPT. OF SCHOOLS D. E. Frost, $10.60; A. E. Joyner, $6.00; Mrs. J. R. Wolff. $30.50; Brenton Ved der, $140;.00 Oregon City Garage, $6.00; J. E. Calavan, $92.82. BOARD OF HEALTH Dr. 0. A. Welsh, $63.60; Jones Drug Co., $17.00; Dr. H. V. Adix, $27.00; A. L. Wilkinson, $5.00; Dr. W. D. Butler, $1.75; Dr. A. J. Rossiter, $.75; Wm. D. Perry, $6.75; Dr. H. V. Adix, $3.00; George J Case, $7.75; Dr. H. A. Ded man, $5.00; Dr. B. B. Batchelder, $7. 50. FRUIT INSPECTOR G. A. Ber- gren, $10.50. INDIGENT SOLDIER Mead Post No. 2 G. A. R., $30.00. COUNTY POOR 'Wm. Danforth, $10.00; Boys & Girls' Aid Society, $10.00; Oregon Commission Co., Our Jitney Offer This and 5c. DON'T MISS THIS. Cut out this slip, enelo80 with 5c nnd mall it to Foley & Co.. Chicago, III., writing your namo and address clenr'y. You will receive In return a trial ravage con taining Foley's Honey and Tar Com pound", for roughs, colds ami croup; Foley Kidney Tills, for pain In sides and back: rheumatism, backache, kid nev nnd Mmlder ailments; and Foley Cntli.it tie Tablets, a wholesome and thoroughly cleansing cathartic, for ronstlpation. biliousness, headache and sluggish bowe's.. Jones Drug Co. Adv, $14 00; Mr. Ilradtl, $10 00; Mr. Mary llurkner, $2040; Ham Hohr, $11.00; !'k Mutier, $10 00; Mary lluol, I', IS); Kinh GiMmril, $20.00; , Ella I'aynv, $10.00; Henry Hplaaa, I $IC.0O; W. J. Muldenhauer, $10.00; . Ixmii Ililbrij, $I.'iX); Mr. Oalbraitli, i 1 1 ',.00; Harry Copr, $20.00; Mr. i. W. Thompion, $10.00; A. C. Slig-bt, $15.00; Aila Ubaw, $4.00;' Kali lluir.l, $H.0O; Ella Trary.i $10.00; llm Uml, $12.00; K. K. I Card, $H.0O; K. Kredrrici, $8.00; Mr. U Drown, $20.00; A. W. Camrhl, $7.W); Cora Jonrlyn, $20.00; C. II. I'ybdahl, $20.00; Guitay Create, $10.00; Mr. N. E. Taylor, $14.00; Maud Williami, $10.00; Mr. 8. John mn, $10.00; Wm. Dirki-lman, $7.00; rrr wS. iwK1 v..;. Youdeika, $5.00; Mr. Eliulxth Saumler, $5.00; Cvirir Avery, $15.00; Mary I. Wilion (Eiwr.rd Mil Irr,, $10.00; (Worgt frit (11. Sharp), $2H.0O; IlaMorf Bro. (Mr, (iranquin'.), $10.00; John Saulibury (Mr. Cranquiit), $2.00; C. A. Bran land Mri. NvtUrlin), $10.71; EI. trie Hotal (Dick Meyer), $20.(0; Dr. J. W. Norn (Kurovirk, Kim Iloohcr, Mn. I)aiky, Granquiit, Lamlii, Cjii ly, Keen, Mn. Given, Mr. Gib bon). tl5.tfrt; Karr Bro. (J. Math n, Mrs. I'ierxe), $12.00; Orairon City Wood k Fuel Co. (Chai. MrKin nil), $3.00; Huntley Drug; Co., Pea, ley, $.40; C. C. Store. $14.84; Mr. Clara Murphy (Mr. Marco), B.Brp Clara Murphy (Eva Marco), $7.00; Ijirien k Co. (Eva Marco), $15.00; Urifii k Co. (A. Peirurin), $12.00; C. Wang- k Co. (C. V. Miller), $5.00; Southern Pacific Co. (Albert Pcsnir in), $50.00; Mr. F. Frater (Mr. Marx), $5.00; Gladstone Dairy (Ida Mobra), $3.25; Mvlvin Stewart (Mr. F. Ililmrr), $2.75; Denni Donovan (J. Hamilton), $14.00; Otto E. Meindl (J. C. Seahorn), $10.00; O.- XI J!.L lit f-,-l...i nr . car 3miin iiri. iniry;, ii.i; J. a Crawford (Wetterlin), $6.00; S. B. Mullan (Mn. C. J. Smith), $10.00; Oregon City Hoipita! Co. (Mr. Klock), $32.00; Oregon City Hoipital Co. (J. Peaaley), $24.00; Frank II. Crom (Sarah Gibbon), $5.00; Mn. Fred Himler (Matheson), $20.00; Roue Xehren (Ida Mobra), $5.00; L Adam (Dennia Donovan), $5.90; Brady Mercantile Co. (Mr. Balajcr), $30.00; Joseph Wilson (Been), $5.25; Wm, E. Eite (Mn. Lanjrford). $3.00; Wm. E. Ete (Mr. Piero), $10.00; Wm. E. Eites (Mr. Saunden), $3.50; Emil Frey (John Been), $1.90; W. W. Pollock (Cha. McKinnii), $12.00; Francis Welsh, $5.00; Thoma Johnson (Grandquist), $3.75. JAIL Orejron City Laundry, $5. 65; L. Adams. $1.28. JUVENILE COURT A. E. Joyn er, $8.50; C. A. Lewis, $3.00; Minda E. Church, $32.10; D. E. Frost, $23. 30. PRINTING. ADVERTISING AND SUPPLIES Typewriter Inspection Co., $3.50; E. P. Ded man, $5.00; I. M. Harington, $10.00; Burroughs Ad ding Machine Co., $10.00; W. J. Wil son, $20.00; Huntley Dni(r Co., $10. 90; Jones Drue; Co., $1.80; The Cour ier Press, $59.60; Orejron City Enter prise. $143.75. COUNTY FAIR Geo. M. Lazelle, $81.50; W. B. Cook. $449.50. SEALER OF WEIGHTS AND MEASURES J. F. Jones, $33.58. TAX DEPARTMENT JessiePsu TAX DEPT. Jessie Paddock,! $30.00; G. W. Harrington, $337.50; Ona Renncr, $84.30. Litut Thing In Riaotion. Knlcker Why so brisk? Bocker I'm tired of the tired feeling. New York Sun. . Not th Sam Thing. "Has Mrs. Lowboy any uiurriace al.le daughters?" "No. but she thinks she has." He Wa Worried and Hopeles. "For ten or twelve years I was bothered with bad kidney trouble," writes T. F. Hutchinson, Little Rock, Ark. "I tried many remedies and doctors, but grew worse all the time, "rites Mrs. E. O Irwin, New Ken I was worried and had almost given slngton. Pa., "I put in many B'eepless up all hopes. I tried Foley Kidney hours at nljht before I learned of Pills and they helped me a lot. I have, ' Chamberlain's Cough flemedy. Moth- since used five boxes and am nbw a ' cr need net fear uls disease If they well man.1 Foley Kidney Pills drive j keep a bottle of Chamberluln's Cough out aches and pains due to kidney Remedy in the house and uso It as di trouble; also sleep disturbing bladder rected. It always gave ray boy relief." disorders Jones Drug Co. Adv. Obtainable everywhere. (Adv.) PROFESSIONAL JOSEPH E. HEDGES Lawyer MONEY TO LOAN D. C. Latourette, President F. J. Meyer, Cashier The First National Bank of Oregon City, Oregon CAPITAL, $50,000.00 Transacts a General Banking Business William Hammond Philip L, Hammond HAMMOND A HAMMOND Attorneys-at-Law Abstracts, Real Estate, Loans, Insur ance. OREGON CITY, OREGON Pacific Phone 81, Home Phone A-27'f Office Phones Pacific Main 406; Home A-270. STONE & MOULTON Attorney-at-Law Beaver llldg.. Room 6 OSEGON CITY .... OREGON O. D. EBY Attorney-at-La Money loaned, nbetrncts furnish ed, land titles examined, .estates sett led, general law business. Over Bank of Oregon City. C. SCHUE BEL Attorney-at-Law . . Deutscher Advokat Will practice In all courts, make ml 1 . lectiois and settlements. Office In Enterprise Building, Oregon City, Oregon. CITY HAY FIGHT COUNTY PUN CUT ROAD LEVY TIPS TO SAFEGUARD CITY IN FINANCIAL WAV TO BC PUT TO TAXPAVIRS. auto fire truck appropriation FIRST PLACE TO CUT, SAYS MAYOR Dnilic Hclnj of Cttlmat for 191 N ternary f County Abide by Plan to Chang Mlllag -Couo-dlmm Individually Llabl Threatniei by a irliiiii redm tlirti In tlm city' Income fur 1917, due to th a-t ion of the county court la mlm-ln the road levy from to tnllli, Mayor lli ki lt and mi-inbi-ri of the roum ll are roniblrrlnx plan whereby tlm bmlgi-t ran b brought within tint liKouie. The city received 70 per Ci-iit of the gi-nxral county roan tat coi lertnl on city proierty and a redm lion In the mlllage would cut the In come materially. The county road levy baa been H mllla for several yean, but the conn ty court now pronom- to fix the fin-i-rul levy at ( mllla and make a p- - ll t-l w t.t n mill- In mnA , -"T.r.": ' ' 7 - - , . Othi-r counties In Oregon are suld l-i have imed (hi plan (uccciafully. There I a poiiiblllty that (he city way take legal atep In an effort to pr vent the county court from adopting thU propoial. Such action, however, city authorities ald yeaterduy, n-it largely with the taxpayen at the bu,: get meeting November 20. when llu budget will be checked over. Then, there I a poialblllty that at the county taxpayen' meeting In Dihv ember, the proKal favored by the county court may be voted down ami the p'an of making a straight 8 li.lll road levy followed. Mayor Hackett said yeaterday Hint the tint thing to be cut out of the bud get would be an appropriation for the purchase of an automobile fire truck. Still other change, however. In theft-cut bmlKot would probably be tiuc essary. The city make a 7-mill levy for the general operating expenses of the city and 7 mills to take up city bonds ami meet interest payments. Under an amendment to the city charter adopted a year ago, the council I compered to draft and submit to the voters a fully itemized budget. If this budm-t is exceeded more than 10 percent, the members of the council are held Indi vidually, financially liable for the ex cess expenditure. For this reason, tho crty fathera exercise great care In drafting the estimates and materiel I reductions are probable. CLACKAMAS SOCIETY FORMED. Clackamas school district and tb" teachers have formed a literary cluli for educational purposes. The club will meet every Wednesday evenin : from": 30 till nine o'clock at the as sembly hall of the Clackamas school. The offlcals elected at the last meet ing were: President. Mr; Trabue: vice-president, Mrs. Langenburg; secretary-treasurer, Mrs. Zlnzer; commit tee on program, appointed was Mr. Trabue, Mrs. Robinson and Miss ! Vin. Her Son Subject to Croup. My son Edwin Is subject to croup," DIRECTORY WEINHARD iUILDINC Open from 9 A. M. to 3 P. M. Phones Pacific 52 Home A-lSi GEORCE C. 8ROWNELL Attorney-at-Law All legal business promptly attended to C. D. & D. C. LATOURETTE Attorneya-at-Law Commercial, Real Estate and Probate our Specialties. Of fice in First National Bauk Bldg., Oregon City, Oregon., CLAUDE W. DEVORE, Attorney-at-Law Notary Public. Estacada, Oregon. W.S.EDDY,V.S.,M.D.V. Graduate or the Ontario Veteri- nary College at Toronto, Canada, j and the MoKillip School of Stir- I gery of Chicago, is established at Fashion 8tahe, between t Fourth and Firth on' Main Street. Both Telephones t Offlee Pacific C5; Home AD: - I t Res. Pacific 181; Home B SO