6 OKKdOX CITY KXTKIMMMSK. Kit IDA V. NOVUM UKU 17. Ht. THE OSWEGO RECORD RAILROAD Con nection with Coun ty Sent. BETTER ROADS on this tide of the River. I DEVOTED TO THE HEST INTERESTS OE OSWEGO AND VICINITY the oswego record CEMENTPLANTINSPECTED Git WARDEN MCVEY PROTECTS THE EM OAK GROVE dvrtling rtH mad known upon JUDGE AND IS. J. C. i VISITORS ARC INSTRUCTED AS TO THE MANUFACTURI OF CEMENT. BOVS GET INTO TROUBLE WHEN THEV SHOOT DUCKS IN OSWEGO LAKE. I ,KVV'i:il Urn.. N..v. !! i Special l, OSWFGO. Die. Nv. Ut -1 Special I riirii nil niinnninr1" It..- Portland C.m.i.t c,.m.ny Tli attention of i.uiuo Warden Mr TiiLn Hi s HPH Sr ' ,,,u ,l,v '. i... .1.11.-1 10 pum. .h.-i lnlLll Ul UUlll IIUl I Saturday afternoon by over H'O men , In .In. k In Oswego U.k. und ih.it t u-r of Ihc Pngrvlte Men linb !. are owned bt the ro.rte, nd ..ml meiiilwr of the f.Miini. r. Il . Iut , fep cic ttiitiditty tukcli to pie i ml sin.lv of the urlnu tnc. haule.il , vent miy further lniul.lt.. It hop hf,... rmnlr-d III tilt. making Ot pellet! few lilt. illlt. t lint M'tcNl! ! cement w um.t.'. 1 ! were nin..-. of driving III. , .1 ......1 i.i,,.i,i..i .... 1I11. k from thf reserve to inn up, ' I.. l.tr .h.. IT.,Lr..le ! IU ''' ' '"I'' l-n til. ) ' i .. ... ........ . ...! .ii rv shot, und result the Ix.y llght.ul . ell Instructive affair. '" l'""t;-''l the game warden mum etcr held In Oswego w Ihf j iti member tf thf Coininentul dub lorty-clglith wedding anniversary of i of Portland, un.l It U planned by the .Mr.' anil Mm. J. ('. Ilnln. it. Sr.. held , former orgunliuthui t !. I"U the t th.'lr hoint- on Friday evening, tin' utrlous manufacturing establishment itftuir being a complete iturt.rti. to the I lu Oregon t"Uy In the mar future OAK GUOVK, Our. Not It. IS( lull -Ilia Needle frail ..ii.l Ioiii.'- tic fil l. IU t t'l.lll WIS t Melt allied Ht Hi., h.iiii.. .if Mm. M. F. I l.l kir h Utd uo.Ui. Ten in.'iiiliff mn' .r.'. ul Tin tlnh .1... in dit,i iii.' liii.'t.l't' k.'I.mi.i urt. A iuwr mjx r. i.l I.) Mr. Jiiiiici lliirt 011 "WI1.1l r.NHl .n Slu. ul. I Clip Your KuiniU." .Mi I. K. AllllIH.IK ti III.. t;ili'l..)i ..'I! tot. U.fl t'.lllUillU rl .rir.l l h'l't.'s. Tli. nevt in.'lliig ttlll !. In l. 1.1 III.. In. in. of Mr. (. K li.iiiii'iiK 'i.l NutrmliiT 12. Mm. J,t il.iirlt. hr I 444 tt444 HAZELIA. 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 FORTY-EIGHTH WEDOING ANNI VERSARY CELEBRATED AT OSWEGO. ,;.i.lKf9 ami hl wlf.'. un.l a ilunnttl it utt rarrlf.l out by their t hll.lrt n. Mr t.ml Mra. Haln.a to InvllfJ t" "take In" the nunliiR plfture lit) at 0t uo, and iiMiii thflr rt'lurn to th.'lr dome found that the remainder of their children and cranilrhlldteii had I aki n roinpleto i)eMilon. After .ludKe Halnea and hU wife had ' re tot i-red" KUffU-lenily from their aur- .ris.. the evenlns a devoted to a guilty t.artlea or thime ho tiat I null In the praitlce of lolutllii: the law. Mr. McVey lale that he In l.i ell fur.-e the law, and will keep a nlilil Im.kout for anyone kllllllK durkn Ihal are imiied I.) th' reerte. Kwliil manner, and luntheon a ! iroiu,.t eiarled for the inatk. ti.. OSWEGO LOCALS. I nder the Biildaiuv of J. K. M.H.re. aiolctant aa'ea inaiucer: K. f. NV lan.In. MiiKTinteiidetit; J. K. Matdoii- aid. Ihmli Killott. foreman: M. J. I'al-; lard, fail Horn. M. V. Wflliuan and, HSWKUl). Ore.. No. Ifi. iSp.fi.il; other repreaeutatlvea of the cement ; t!. V. l'roMT. one of the Mont company the tlnltora from Portland : prominent r'iideuta of On w ego. I followed the raw luiiletlal fiom lt;very III at hU home In thin city. Imtotliit'tlnu to the luuihlnery of the. Mm. S. How man. of Orenon City. plant throuuh rue It of the II liiillilini waa In (iitweito on ednenilay. where to the railroad where the flnlilird ' he vlnlietl with frienda. . Mm. William Whltlen. of AltMiua l'l Blt In the enti'il.iiiiiii..it. Mm. Joint Wuldmn t iil. i Ia n the Mllwaukle and Oak tirote Sml.il ST' leo cluli Thuntilay at her Inn.'.' on Third ut.nue. A liimiiuN-i . .11 held followed by a lal i.i.vt In Mm. J. II. Ktaua 1111.1l.1l11.il the W lUon .iU t lull of Portland Tu.i.Uv etelilUK. After ttiu Kameii. tefrell in tit h were aervetl and a mm-IuI een In.; .pi-ni. CHURCH NOTES. H.-ned. Purlnu the evenlns the hot and hostes were presented with a af ter offering as a Rifl from their fam ily. Attending thia delichtful affair were: Mr. and Mra. C. N. llulnea and chll dren. Marrnret. Ietta. Mary and Dick llalnet. of CKweo; Mr. and Mra. J. t". Haines, Jr., und children, Ivan. Char lie. Utxie. Lloyd, Ralph and Johnnie HaincK. of Oawero: Mr. and Mrs. D. II. ltiuzard and children. Rulh. Dan tile. I'hellx and Evelyn, of Portland: Mra. Rose Hedrlck and chllilren. liar y. Johnnie, Roy. Clarence, Arlie and I :a by Buriard. of Oaweco: Mr. and Mrs. Roy Haines and children, Eva and Teddy, of Oswego: Mr. and Mrs. Arch Coon and chlblren. Willi. Jim inle, Asa, Tear! Coon, of Portland; Mr. und Mrs. Gilbert Haines and daughter Prances, of Osweuo: Mr. and Mrs. Carl ltethke aud aon. Carl. Jr., of Oswego; Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Haines and chil dren, Jnanita. Esther and Dorothy, of Oswego; Mr. and Mrs. Oram White, of Canby. No man la better known than Judne Haines, who has resided In Oawego many yearn, and who has been Justice of tho peace for that precinct for the past twenty-one years, and during that time there has never been one de cision reversed by repeal. He has al wave taken an active Interest In the welfare of the city in which he has ' made his home so many years. His uood wife has also a large circle of friends, and has always been ready to uive a helping hand in sickness or in need. Their many friends In Clacka mas county extend their hearty con gratulations upon the celebration of their forty-eighth wedding annivers ary, and hope they will observe their irolden wedding anniversary as enjoy ably as this celebration on Friday evening. Th. n,.t...u ..f ih. ..lam no, found Wash., has arrived 111 Oswego, when' to be 1100 barrels, and requires from l visiting with her mother. Mm thirtv to forty men to produce lhl. ! Kte Kox. and also her sisters. Mm. The properte con.lst of .ilniut forty-' Whlttcn will visit with re'ntlves In thrvt' acres, aud was erected ut a cost I'o.tland M retumlug to her of lt.r.OO.Ot'0. this Including the ipuir-' '""' ' Washington. tj The :!! of Oswego was somewhat ili'MTlctl on election .lay, wneu mosi I of the resident went to Portland to hear the returns. The Republican!, hearing of Hughes being ahead when they left Portland were niude happy for several hours, but were disap pointed the following morning when the western states were heard from. OAK tiUOVK. Ore, No.. Ui-tSpe ti.tll The etiterlalniuent giten by tlf Hoy Scouts was well alt. 'tided and netted llieiu a Heat little kiiiii. The pl. tiir. were gout) und eii)..tei l all present. X " Kii.it sen leva Kuiidut tuornlti 1) tb pastor. Rev. IVLong. lit the ev ening a lecture will be gltcu by tleorge MeClure of Portland, subject. "Hue Tooth Coinb." Enuiif Is In vited to this Irclure at the church lit S p. tu. Sunday m-IhmiI at 10 oVUx k, ' I) Smith, suiH-rlnteudeiil. leaver meeting Thursday eve:lng. OAK GROVE LOCALS. After the entire plant had bevu thoroughly Inspected the guests wert Invited to the beautiful home of Mr. j aud Mm. A. King Wilson, the former; mayor of Osw ego, and also one of I the directors of the company w heic delicious refreshments were served.1 ti - .1... i.M n : .. p.. lr rtn. . .. ... . .. ..... .... ; Ulajrty ,,,,. for tie lon.ocrtie beautifully dec-orated with ferns and cmM , tn,.re w-i mune conK(. cut flowers. , (nBt 0,(, 0ri,Kon WPllt f(,r - i Hughes, and they did not feel thai I their vote was wasted In the b'ast. 1 Many of the IVmoerats aud Itepuli . Means had bets up on the election, and ' I OAK CROVK, Or.. Nov. US. tSp.-.; dull Mrs. John Wuldrun was a Port land visitor Tuesday. Mrs. J. A. lioodcll spent Tuesday In Portlaud. tjeorgti Ooetx has returueil luiii.e after an absence of three years In A'aska and eastern cities. tins Snyder, a farmer living near Sherwood, was here on l.uslnes. Mon day. Hev. Dow DeLong went to Crvshaei Tuesday morning on b.isltnr. w iiiiam 1 ranc. or eastern v) gi IS BEING AGITATED Hugh Kox und Joe Mclntyre. this be ing a trip from Oswego to the Oro gonlun building In a wheelburruw. As I both of the men are industrious, and I be'leve In "making bay while the sun PETITION IS BEING CIRCULATED i nlnes." tlle m,.r of the wager Is IADS. KATE FOX HOSTESS TD A THEATRE PARTY DAUGHTERS OF PIONEER RESI DENT ENJOY FAMILY REUNION. TO ADD TO MULTNOMAH COUNTY. : to take a rainy day for his ride, and .. ..!.!... I V.l..u..ir u-lll, n lu.n.. ..n.l.r.il. . lJ..Ur.l llllunill nil., . in, p.. .......... OSWEGO. Ore.. Nov. If.. 1 Special 1 On Wednesday morning of this week a petition was started in I la, making the loser wheel him . through the mud into Tortlund. and It is 'up to" Mclntyre to take his load I to the destination, a distance of eight miles, and either bring htm back in OJ the same mannor or hire an automo- I Kilo IY.i ihn rt.f.irn trft. Tt.ero Is no wego asking that a lx.rtlon of Clack-, (uu)t lha, ln.(nv fr()n lMij ,., atnus county be added to Multnomah (0 portluud to witness the "home county, and although a large number stretch." of tht. residents had signed this by af- j j(r. Hnd Mrs. Grant White, of Can temoon. It Is probable that the Os- j ,yp the former u well known business wego Times will oppose this. j man of that city, were In Oswego on The petition thus circulated, Is be j Friday, returning to their home Satnr lieved by those signing tho same, to j day morning. Mr. and Mrs. White be of benefit to the' residents of Os-1 came to this city to attend the forty wego. and these neonle have desired 11 1 eighth wedding anniversary of Mr. Jitney between Oregon City and their j und Mrs. J. C. Hulnes, Sr., parents of town, believing at the same time that Mrs. bite. It will greatly benefit Oregon City, but ! I.. J. iJigeson. the well known sho" the proposition was defeated by the man of Oregon City, passed through Oregon City counci'. At the present 1 Oswego on Wednesday morning on his time there is a bail piece of roadway I way to Portlund, where he transacted among these Is the wager between , visiting his mother. Mrs. W. R. Crane an Courtney road. Mrs. J. A. Goodell. daughter .Mar garet, and Miss M. J. Goodell, svnt Wednesday In Vuiicouver, Wash., wi h relutlvea. Mr. and Mm. W. O. Hedges, of Port land, were guests at the home of their nephew, J. A. Good. ill Sunduy. Chester Smith, nephew of Mrs '"niliatn. is in the Good Samaritan hospital In Portlund. Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Warren and Mr and Mrs. C. A. Worthington were din tier guests Sunday of Mr. und Mrs Avery HolK'cker In Oregon P'te. The dinner was served home of Mm. Mat tie Rol.e. ker at Sit. Pleas ant. Music w-us a pleuKanl feature u.' the day. Mm. I.. 1'. Itushnell Is confined to her home by a slight urcidtint. Mrs. I.. K. Armstrong wag a Port lund shopper Monday. K. C. Wnrren has Just finished painting his house. lUZKI.IV Ore, Nut. f. - Hm lu'i Pra. lice haa begun! Huu.U) alter ii.h.ii nmiitxT of young iHt.ple met al thn y.,l W miker linin.. for tlie puriNme of pia i Hi 4 for the big 1 111. rt iiiitueiil lo be 1. 1 w 11 Niiieinhir r i al die Da ; IU Ii.niI h.uike. It will be I lie I'i-i pri.Krain lilten In I lie new bull. linn mid ti.iiil ull ti'l'.'lU a litige all.'li.luin p I eHt led Mra t'lilii, of Pnrlland. sat tin guest of Mr. and Mm. J.tneph Fast I man and l.iuill) and Mr. and Mr'. Jo pit Mi Miihun Huu.liiy. Hoy I- Foster and Iticlmrd J. .It uey weie tlsltors at Frugpolitl Htllldill Irene Duiicun wan hoppliig In Purl la lul last Tuesday In. .ruing ami dining the iifleruiNin visited tint 1I1I1.I an. 1 fourlli grade of the Onwcgo public ill. M.I. where her sister. Miss l.ui llle I miu an, Is teacher. Mr. und Mr. He'lum, of Portlund. were I'l.'ssiinlly eiitrr liilii.-.! by Mr, and Mr. A. Worthlngluii Sunduy. Mist 1 .11 lu Wankrr spent a cr pleasant afternoon visiting with Mm. Prank Child and Mrs Sarah Midi Monday. I Worlhltigtou, of Oswi'Ko. I vb it lug Ills brother, A. Woitlllligtnil, at this writing W. II. Cook and tllllle Wiink. r Ill Oswego Thursday afternoon D. K. Long was marketing cuiillCn v er In Portlund Thumduy. .Mr. Itisits, from Oregon i n v. tat :'! the neighborhood Wednesduy. Uil'le V linker wa a dinner kccst of hi cousin. W. It. Cook. Wt'dnesilay, George and Fred Mclntyre. of lv wego. vlslleil with Ihelr nn.io and aunt. Mr. and Mr. J. 8. Jackson, 1 the home of Mr. und Mra. J. P. Co n Sunday. Dutf laiyg visited with Kl Wanker Friday evening. The llanelia Methodist Eplsroiul Sunday whool ha a large Httendauee of late. Three new member were tak en In Sunday, making an enrollment ! of thirty scholar. Mrs. Duncan, the superintendent, iriukr Sunday school very lull resting by her lively iIIhcu slons. D. K. Long gave an Inleresllt.g talk on the prohibition queatlon. MIsj I lat tie Wanker tlisi llssed the ipiestlon of what stand Paul, the Apostle, took on eating meat, and Mis Dorothy Zinser told what other Apoet't. had fuee.l the ipiestlon of clean and un clean incuts. Mrs. I arson, mother of ('. W. I.ar son, of Timlutln Meadows, wits pleas unlly entcrtalneil by Mrs. John Wuu ker Friday afternoon. week III I'lilllalld tUIIIng l"lliti.. Alison liakir Ion 1 1 HI for Hi" past we. k. Jel and Nellie Align en- I. lUllled .pilln a lllllllber Hi fll.'llil lnird.i) ull.iu.H.ii Ihn M II. A. o.lki ami the llieni U'rs of the I O. O I. held u busllies II (lug III (lie M II. hull oil Hut uid.iy t'teulug. Mist lilklugl.ill, leuilier, of I'.illal I'le.'k . IiimiI, went to Poitlwud on I II .lay rteiiliig, . tinning HmiiiI. Til" meuit.i'l of the W. I'. T. I' were ten pleusulilly I'lllerlullieil by Mrs. I'n.ttn oil liiurwlu) ull. 'in. m. 11 seteiileeu llleluI.erN being pr. telil : Thu next meeting will be held al Ihc home of Mr, t ints M)ei, of IIim..i View, 011 Thuisdu), Noteliibt'i J-l. I lie 1 lib ken . snpi'er glteii by the tnelub.'l of the loll. ' Aid so I titty on Saturday eteuliig wu a splendid one, and tin. sale yt artb b' afterwards nettled Hie lii.lle a Koodl) kiiiii. Mr. t'hu. Wagner a. Iloneered aud pint ed hi ability a a ulcaiuuu MANY SUIIS ARE FILED Bi ROADS ON THE SAME DAY , 1 1 . STAFFORD. n I I 1 I 4. 4 4 4 CONSTITUTIONALITY OF 'SMOUM' ACT ATTACKED BY SEVEHAL COMPANIES. DEPARTMENT Of JUSTICE PUfiS DEffNSE OF RECENT LECISLATtON Govfrnmfnt Prtparft lo Conttit Each Ci Stparatdy-Prompt Di Ion by Suprtm Court It (a pcttl Al Wathinyton, STAFFOltD. Die.. Not. HI.-1 Spot-lull -A bub) gill came to bless III" home of Manuel Fry und wife lat Wed nesduy 111. irnlng. Mr. Fry, who lite on what I IikiiI ly Hilled thu lliildswortlt pluce bus ul-; railroad to so leased Mm. Netii.t 's phi. e, gltlug a third 1 1 0111 the plow luud, and one fourth from the hop. Mr. Neiue.- re talnlng the house, burn, garden, er hard, etc. The latdies' tirtie meets wllh Mrs Dirk Old.'iistadt on Thumduy, the Kill, when thu time for I ho postponed side walk bee will be decided iihiii, and the chicken dinner will be spread at Mis. Van Nortwlik'. WASHINGTON, Nut. la -Hull b lulliiNt'l alia, kin tin' 1 iil!tutlnlm il of the eight hour Isilroad luw w. i. begun today In I11.1II)' pull of III. country aud the depurtineiit of J'l'ln . laid plull In defend tin III. No offer )ct bit been inadn by the tile the ipiestlon by on test .use. It wu stal.tl ofTlclully tbut Attorn.')' Gelierul Gregory hat lliade ll'i sin h proposition 1.1 Ihn rullroad, and the depurtineiit I planning lu contest eu.il mi It a It 1 ..in.- up for heating InforiiiHtlon so fur ri-u. hlng the d p.trtiiictil shows Hint the. rutin..! base th.'lr prater tor temporary rt straining older uvalnst tho lu be coming i-fleithe on ground that 11 Is liucolistltiilbiual slid liicupuble ol A Kcfinlngly new car run mf Hit. : enforcement, itstd between the Oregon City road I'n.mnl and final 1l.cls.0n by the .u and the school house, mid bus itltKi.l ,ir, ,-tirt oft. It.ilionallty of Un law U posallile ull. It T federal cuuiU there deveatcd llU cllll.'l Wednesday or Ihumda). It I said then, weie ra(,(Pi t , Mi,,,.( lo,ay two girls uii. I a young man in 11 inn the girl Marled lo walk lo Oregon City, but got off the road and one of! tliein gave out wiicn Ihey got to Mr. j Thomas'. The young fellow rami, und took them away but III.) deserted car stands Micro yet. It might huve! been the end of a Joy ride, as 11 hois., could pull It up onto Hie ro.nl ll, I and It seem undamaged. Some bets were lost and won on Hie lesiilt of tin. election, whlili are being cheerfully paid, mid I he ev.'iieinnt and bur railing being over, business , Mrs. McVay and daughter, Mlsa settles down again to normal, and we! Kuthrlne McVay, r.iurned from nil er-J ure tllsMised lo say with those jbi WILL BE OCCUPIED DECEMBER 4: DEDICATION DAY TO FOLLOW OSWEGO, Ore., Nov. Hi. (Special) Mrs. Kate Fox, of this city, was the hostess of a theatre party in Portland on Wednesday afternoon, when her guests were her daughters, Mrs. C. N. Haines, of Oswego; Mrs. William Whluetl, of Altnona, Wash., Mrs. Wil li a nl Milrray, of Poitland; Mrs. Rt l.ekuh Skee!, of Oswego; Mrs. Ixiul? lialhburn, of Portland; Mrs. Eva Hole, of Rothe station. This is the first i.ine that Mrs. Fox and daughter l ave been together for several yeaiv, i.inl the affair given on Wednesday af ternoon was a most happy one. A luncheon in Portland, previous to at tending the theatre was also enjoyed. In Clackamas county, lying between Oswego and the Mullnomah county line, and the eople of Oswego believe that better roads may be obtained by having the said division made. The plan is to take in as much of the western part of Clackamas county us is possible, ail west of the Willuin ette river, and another Is to take off a good sized strip in the northern part of the county. The movement originated In Oswe go, and the promoters are not so much concerned about the aettial division of the territory, just so that Oswego will be in Multnomah county. business, accompanying S. llowniuu of the Oregon City Enterprise. Simon Peters of this city, is very 111 with an attack of la grippe. A large number of the residents of this city are suffering from an at tack of tonsolltls, but most all of the patients are rapidly recovering. William iiuBch, who itccldentally came In contact with a high tension i wire near this city lust week, ami lias been in a critical condition, Is now conscious, and hopes arc now enlet tained for his reeovery by the attend ing physician. The marriage of Mrs. Ettle Johnson ind Clifford Johnson was solemnized HAZELIA. J. k f. .j. tended visit In tho east last week. They are houso guests of the former's daughter, Mr. George Wilson. Joe Mclntyre, of Oswego, visited with I'. W. Wa k Sunduy. Arns and Ingwul Johnson called on Ed Wanker Thumduy eveulng. Miss Iva Whlttcn is spending a few days with her aunt. Mrs. Vernu Nel son, who lives lieur Oregon (ilv. Mr. Frunk Whltlen and little son. Clifford, and niece, Miss latum Hays, the latter of Oswego, visited with Mrs. Whlttcn' mother, Mrs. Minnie Hays of Sherwood, Sunday. I.ittlc MUs.-h Genevieve Duncan aim Lena Lehman culled on Miss llattle Wankrr Monday evening. Wanda ami Elva Wanker, of Tual atlu Meadows, were entertained at the Ed Wanker homo Wednesday evening. iininun liles, "The king Is dead, hin t ; It is claimed that ut E'k Rock the j jn Portland on Saturday. They were taxes are three and eiylit-tenths mi'Is recently granted a divorce, lower than on the opposite side, mak- Mayor A. King Wilson, who is one lng higher taxes in Clackamas county j f (ho directors of the Oregon Port than In Multnomah county. ! ian,i Cement company, lu being usked It was stated this week that the If the cement company would discon bill is to be introduced ut the coming Unite operating owing to the e'ectlon legislative session bv one o flhe Ore- of Wilson as president, exclaimed: "l! Could Not Do Her Cooking. Mrs. F. E. Ilurtmeister, Tea., .Mo., writes: "I was affected with Jddney trouble for two years. I was ko bad this summer I could hardly do my rooking. I got Foley Kidney Pills and they helped me. I feel like a new! person. loo many women neglect symptoms of kidney derangement. When the kidneys are not properly doing their work poisons left in the system cause weak back, dizziness, puffiness under eyes, swollen ankles, joints, and rheumatism. Jones Drug t 'o. Adv. gon legislators. There are some of the residents opposing the plan, while others favor the same. The roadway between Oregon City will continue to Kl'N.' Th Roaming Baa. According to n well known apiarist. If a b"e finds a suitable patch of flow- and Oswego at the present time is In ! ers by following a glgwig course of ex good condition lull on the north side I plorution It will seek it again l.y the of Oswego the road condition lias ,m ,evlous route mid not in a caused many to complain. straight line from Hie nest. Tim he found that eenuln bees ruining to visit a hollyhock In Iris gulden ulwnys ciune over (lie wall some twenty-five yards FULL BRED JERSEY DAIRY Villiger & Schleiss, Props. Pure Milk and CreamAll New Sanitary Implements High Grade Inspected Cattle PHONLS: B-6I61; Local 371 Do You Have Sour Stomach? It' you are troubled with sour stoui ach you shou'd eat slowly and mastl-1 , n. s,, f ,,, ,(,,,.,. M.M.H,i r cate your food thoroughly, then take j rP ,,v mU!. Tin-: were following one of Chamberlain's Tablets Immcdl j . ;)f.viN ri ,v n,t,., ,,.,. hud ately after supper. Obtainable every- j nrH, foIlm1 ,.. Hui.r where. (Adv.) I Elctrie Shock at Organ. Woodland. Till. W bile playing the organ ut the Ciiiholb' iliurrh during Kervbes Ityron Deer re cited an elee trie sh.sk that rendered him uncon scious. Ill bend I. ml come In . onta. ; with the swlt'-b o-enitlng the inmor whirh supplies the sir for ihe pipe.. Derr quickly .erotered wiibout the congregation knowing f the Incident First and "A" Su. Oswego, Oregon 1IA7.E1.IA, Ore., Nov. It!. (Speclul) A. Worthington was marketing caul iflower lu Portland Tuesday. Fred Lehman was a business visitor in the Rose Ci'y Tuesday. Ingvull Johnson called on S. ft Bout Wednesday. Mrs. Rice was 11 p'easunt vlsll'it of Mrs. A. Worthington Tuesday. Master Shirley limit, was a visit..! at Ilazelia school Wednesday George J. Nagl was lu the Ro.-.e City Wednesday. Mrs. It. J. Zivney and daughter, Geruliliue, who have boon visiting In Montana, have returned to their home ut Iluzclia. Mrs. Joseph Zivney whs culled to Oregon City Thursday lo be at the bed-side of her daughter, who is ill. Mrs. Ralph Putter was a pleasant culler of Miss Dorothy Zinser nud tin Ilazelia school Friday. I. Austin, of Oswego, waa sawing wood for Jl. .1. Zivney Friday. Mrs. Fred U'htnau wax In Portland Friday. Miss .lanetle Itaicy was In Oswego Saturday. Theodore Stelnliiblcr spent the week end with friends In Portland. Mr. and Mrs. Holds and children Jack iJiiil Gloria motored out from Portland and spent the day ut their farm near the. Tualatin river. Miss Mabel Ilunn, recently of I-ay- fette, Ik visiting with her sister, Mrs. S. S. Iloutz. George Wilson was a business vis itor in Portland Saturday. Mrs. Fred Lehman called on Mrs. A. E. Thomas Sunday. .lames Tiedmann of Oswego, was In the neighborhood Saturday. II. T. Duncan who ha a large crop of spuds, him six men helping him dig them. Those from Ilazelia who attended Oswego grange Saturday were: Mrs. Frank Childs, Mrs. S. S. Doutz and children, C. Antone Shirley and Jean. Theodore Stclnhilber, II. M. norland WILSONVILLE. .4 At lb., lusl lilei'liliif of Ihn si-html live the king." Unit I we Im.w to (lie1 . , v.. 1 i..u.i Inevitable, un.l submit to the will of , ,,,, ,,.,,' u,.,.,,,,, ,y . I ho people. I ,rd on behalf of Ilie district at the Two young women returning iron recoinmciidutlon of the architect. Oregon Clly lust week hud an oiuii.d ' fllMen & (iuiisseii At thn iitn. from whut might huve been a 'iloii j tim t tt Hnoiiiiced that It woui.! acrldent. They drove a rulher Irue-ji,,, occinled bv the children of lb. Sufferer From Indigestion Relieved, j and Mrs. and Mrs. C. C. lior'and. liefore taking Chamberlain's Tab- , lets my husband acuffcred for several i years from Indgestlon, causing him to j have pains In the atomach and dis- tress after eating. Chamberlain 'c Tab ! lets relieved hira of these spells right away," write Mra. 1 nomas uasey, Geneva, N. Y. Obtainable every where. (Adv.) Arthur Davidson, of Oswego, was In the vicinity Saturday. Mrs. Ralph Potter and -'- Clarence, expect to leave the fore part of the week for their home at Mikkalo, Ore. Mrs. Fred Lehman is visiting with relatives In Oswego. Mr. Neal, of Oswego, was In this vicinity Saturday. WII.SONVILLK. Ore. Nov. K.. (Special) Wilsoiivllle district voted dry by one vote. Miss Llsher, the primary teacher lu our local school goes bark and forth lo Portlund each day, Christina llatulgia visited Inr par ents on Saturday und Sunduy. Gerald linker has been 111 for sev eral weeks. Mrs. Kltner Jones has been on Ilie sick list tills week. Mrs. Klchetiborgcr returned lo her home In Portland on Monday after visiting relutlvea here for some time. Connie Thompson Is upending soino time with his Hlster, Mrs. Aubrey Wood. Mr. und Mrs. Hoyd, of Vancouver, are .visiting at the homo of Mrs. I'oyd's sister, Mrs. Robert (iraluini. Tin: Hood View hoys' hiisketnull team, played a game with Sherwood at the Hood View hall oil Thursday evening. Mrs. Robert Graham entertained a large number of friends on Thursday afternoon in honor of her ulster, who Is her guest. Mra. Mnrruy, of Portland, spent the week-end with her parcnta, Mr. mm Mrs. .Summer, and her mother accom panied her home. Inez Keely, who h, attending Ihe Franklin high ;iiool in Portlund, spent Saturday und Sunday ut her home in our village. Krnest Seely Is visiting Ills father. J. L. Seely, arriving lust rldiiy. Mrs. Cling. VVagnrr viHlted her daughters in Portland on Sulurday. Mrs. M. C. Young and Mr. and Mrs Dorris Young apent some time last t lous home and left It at Wlllatii' lie. One had her foot upon the 'step and the other held the lines, when Ihe home lunged forward and run. Tie driver held plucklly to tho line I'liiil men came to her assistance, but the buggy was wrecked aud nlio was I u mo for a number of days. Charlie Thompson' machine mme ulong and took them home, very glud and thankful lo escape so well. Mr. Nussbuiim und fiiml'y spent Sunday evening w Ith Mrs. Guue. Mrs. Henry Gage and little si anil aon left Monday by mil over thu moun tains to Tillamook City, where '.lie parents of tho child reside. All hope to hear of their safe arrival. Mr. Fren.e took geese to market Tuesday for himself und Mr. S.-cdhii., He drives a motor truck and makes regular trips. CHICHESTER S PILLS V TIIK IMAM. I1I IIUAMI. X I hl-.h lrr'. III.. Xf lr I'lll. In K. In, I livid ....lllAV l-.n, f.lr.1 wllh III. KIM... Taka. mm alk. Iluv mf 9mmr llur lrgrM. A.t I Cll I J 111 s-TT B IIIAlIlINO IIHANII I'll l . I HI yra.t known . llrtl.S.lnl. Al.v. tt.ll.l l SOLD BY DRUGGISTS Vt HVUHLKE gramuiiir grades 011 December 4. I( -iiiovul from the present room will begin Friday December I. Tho dedication date wa set for Monday, December I, but wa litlei set forward one day. Tuesday, dun to the fuel that the city election fulls on Monday. Kitenslie urrungement are being iniidi. for the celebration of tlil.i all Important event. A full program will be announced later. Prof. J. F. Griibbs was added to Ihe high school faculty being assigned the subject of American history, Kiigllch history, goeiuetry, algebru, biology. Kugllsh 2, and debating. Mr. (irubbs has been for the past six years prin cipal of tho North ..-ii He has had great success in debut ing, having coached II teuins to lb" championship nut of a possible 1.1, Ha comes highly recommended nud csteeired urn I will no doubt prove 11 valuable und helpful addition to the starf of thn local school. This addi tion to the faculty wiih duo to In creased classes, Ihe silblecls over taxing Ihc ability of the staff and the board desirous of uplioblinir Mllwum kle's pust record for efficiency de cided on the addition lu JuhIIcc to the scholars and school Itself. Rubber Stamps Our RuMirr Stamp Department is prepared to turn out your or tiers for special stamp on iliort notice. Onlrr rcccitnl bv S IV M. ilelltrreil rlic fuMnvt in" iiiornini;. Now Lookout. When a cold hangs on as often hap pens, or when you have hurdly gotten over one cold beforo you contract an other, lookout for you ure liable to contract some very sorloim disease. This Biicei.'sslon of colds weakens thn system and lowers the vitality so that you are much more liable to contract catarrh, pneumonia or consumption. Cure your cold while yon can. Cham berlain'. Cough Remedy haa a great reputation. It in relied upon by thou sands of people and never disap points them. Try it It only costs a quarter. Obtainable everywhere. (Adv.) Butter Wrapper Stamps 16 OZ. FULL WEIGHT DAIRY BUTTER G. H. JONES OREGON CITY, R. F. D. 2 Rubber Stamp like above, Stamp Pad and Bottle Ink, $1.25. Oregon City Enterprise Office Outfitters Phone Pacific 2 Home B-10