Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, November 17, 1916, Image 5

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    OMKiiON' (MTV KNTKUI'UIHK, MM HA V. NoV'K.S. ItKW 17,'liHi.
On Eve of Sentence on Charge
oj Larceny, Mrs. Hughes, Colored,
Has Dream and Mends Her Ways
Mr. J 1 1 1 k I , ful iil riilurtiit,
Imd Hilnx.iii MimU it I m til mnl Iter
Mil H pOUCllllllV United. , L
"I dii'Miicd IimI I i mux iii (nun luf
dl'plll (if plT'llll ,11 Kill II, Ml I lllfl'W
inr r." l ' I' Id IV nit In In i
i'lilll (Mill) H'K" '' '
Jii'lfK Cat II .niMed fulnllr '1
- nlituii ytii In n li in In lli main
iM'iilii-nl'rfi ) fri'i, i iii I years."
Imi Ii, tin I llin'i In- ,ri,, I llm It'll
i m, wurii i ; In r Him If ar
rmhil HKitlri III I'oitlmd on aiif
IiiiIKH whi.Uu.ui t i-Iii fn.lil lia Belli
lo Huli'iu ll'm'il I'lilInT iliday. Hal
untax ' I1' of KUiy
'it a rh .r-o nf Imi ii mi a pciuii.
limlflK ', !" I III'1 l"f k"l of W. II.
Kddy, Main street nwr. hmil. nf
nir containing: II 10.
On Imr r out of llm courtroom,
Mr. 1 1 ii ulna (potted llm iliKiifful fain
nf Thomas A. Ilurke, deputy ill.irl, I
attorney. 'I had ilri'am last lilrJil,"
lin Informed Hi official "I dreamed
Dial inr foul lam" up limn Ilia depths
nf borilllliui ml Hial II i leaned
of ln. I drnaiiii'l Ihal I It'll Ilia old
Ufa, mid IxHilna an hoiieal woiiiuu.'
HIm riff Wllaoii look Mr MukIk- lo
I'lirllaiiil Muii'Ly, ami found thai all)
had been arrl"il all llmea In Dial
rlly on thaws of taxrunry. Hlie I
I'll known lo Ilia Portland poll tin-ii-r
tailoua iiami-a.
Aln linker, nf KaKln 1'ii'i'k, la In
Ihla i ll for a dua.
Thomas H lit Ii'Imt. nf Mulliio. ti
niiiiiiiK Iho (iri'Kiin City tlaiima Tui'
lay. liHUnn II'imuiiI, iiuiiiliii'H inll'i r at
Mullnn, wua In U''i Hy un hunlncas
Mr Krf'l Coleman, nf Mobil's,
.inioiiK lln, mi llliii In OrrKon City
H II. Iliirnry, i''l known farmer nf
M.il In Uiiin, ii In till i lly on dual
m a Tin ailay.
Ainna I ri'h, u( II ! lu til. aa In llila
i lly on Hului.lii) Mr. hia r-
mired from lila an Idclil.
Mr. K'lwln r'oatr, Hr, lnt ha
imn 'IiiIIiik tin' vi'l Uli rela
tors In I'ortlaml. returned huiii.t
Mr. ami Mr Jnlm Kent, of Mount
Wiiti'l, ho Im I n In (hi ill)
Inr several it), liae returned to
th"lr hmnn.
Jm k lnyn, fiiriiii-rlv of till i lly,
tut tior of Hi'iikniif. I ain'inlln a
few rluya laltliiK tiM frlfiitl In Clm k
Mini county.
Mr IWira lli'rrliiK. ot Kalarada.
In til la city Tnrml.iy. Hhn will aiam
Irate for Cullfnrnl. wht'rt alio will
ii-ililii for oim 1 1 mi.
II. II. Iloaklna, of Molalla. hi) a
in Ihla r It y on luitlui' fur ativi'ral
la'a Ilia ftrt of the Wfrk, ha r
tnrnml to hi hnriin.
Horn. Novrnil'tT lltli. to tha lfp
f Thoinn K. AiiiIiThoii, nf Mf.n. a
iliiuchtrr. Mr. Aml'Tmin I thti inr
ri'tary of tho Clrar t'ri't'k irfamt'ry.
Ml hUlnit I .i'M nnii, ho ha Iiim'H
-i.nlni, with Iiit aunt at Monitor
hIihii Hfptt'inlifr. ri'tnrni'il to hi'i
tioma In till ( II t tin' llrt of tint mi'ck
Hny n foriui-r Ori'Ron fit?
umiiik nmn, I nl whit now rcnlili In
I'nrtlnnil wa In Hilt i ll)' on Vilnr
Inn on Imnliii'iit. nnii hllo In'tr via
HimI frli'inl.
Mm. Tliiniloro Si hi'i-r. of Min k
liure. nrrlvcil In thla rtly Mniiiln)', alul
I thn KUi'Kt of Mr. mill Mr Fnl M II-
ItT, of (limlaloiia, Mr. Hi Ihmt la a j
iiHior of Mr. Mllli r I
Mr. mill Mr. K. I). Sturm' ami Iniii-
llv wont to I'lilou Mill Hiiinl.iy.t
lifrr tlify fre Hi (iif Mr anil
Mr. Arthur .flfnt, Mr. Z"ll"l ha
In th" hrnthiT of Mr. HlurK".
II. Kthuillt, of HlKhlaii'l, onn of llm
iriiiiiliiihl at'Nkiiifii of Hi" roiuity,
aa In thla illy on builnma Thur
lav, Mr. HiliitiHt hu mii of tin'
Itni'! rt'xliilrri'it ruttl" In lh rouiily
Mr; N. i'. I,)ii'l, foriin-rly of t'ro
cmi City, hut now of lia AiiK'li'
tallfornlii. I In till illy, tUllliiit
lih fil' lulu, ami Iiit il niclil'T, Mr
Thoiria lni'luiv. Mr. I.yml n
I hi li In California ( It liitltr part of
Ml Hani Mltih'-ll. or forlliml.
hut foruii'rly of Ihl rlly, ho la Ink
IiiK a rinirmi In ii ii ml n a; at IIik I!imm1
HuiiiarltHii honiiltnl. wa In thla city
mi Tui-ailuy, htT aha tint KUi't
of Iut aUltr. tha Mlnir Mary anil
( l ira Mlli hi'll.
Or. II. A. lii'ilniun, of Cunly, proiul
m nt 'h)li lun of that rlty. anil ho
aa rli'iltsl aa rt prri'lilatlro at the
OifKon l'llalurit lail rrk, wa In
thla rlly Wnlni'iMUy, and whl'a hrrc
vlallt'd with bla hrothiT. County Id
ronliT K. I, lfliniin.
Wullt'r H. (iorrilt, of Colton,
i on lit rd for liuntlnc ganie oul of
aiamn In Jimllie llit k'i rinirt at Mu
lalla on Nuvrmlirr 9, and waa fined
ami io(, Ihf rot kt'lnic tS.Uo.
Tht com wua tiroiiKht up hy lien H.
I'atton. of Kntuiadu, drputy Rani"
ym(jthy of Aulherltl la Won by
Honl Mannar of Two Young Of
fndr6ti'p parent' Train
ing Hld lo BIti.
Ilirum HiHikln. axi'il 72 yu.ir. dlt-d
ut B .15 o'rliK-k Krlday mornliiK at hi
hoiint at f'ultoii, nfti-r a Ioiir lllnv.
Ili wa horn In Canuilii und ruiim to
t'hti kaum rounty 18 yinr bko.
Kor U yi'iir ho llvoil In On-Kon City,
iiml Ihrcr yi'ur uko niot'til to Colton.
IU wn a wldowi'r. mid tho followliiR
chllilri'n urvlvi: Mr. Kftlo Alford.
Mr. A. II. Wulli'i. Iink llonkln.
Mr. It. II Tti to n ml Wultt-r lloakln
Tin fiiuiml will ho hi-lil ut l:"0
o'i !i k 5umhi)' iilti'riiooii from tho
It. I.. Ilottu.in rliupi'l, Si'vintli and
Muln MP't't.i, with tut i-riiiciil In tho
Mountain View ii'incli'iy.
Tin' iiiynt'-ry of a or of rlint-a.
Iiiiiuf mid atom rnliloTli for thn innl
iart, wa (li'urfd up Tui-adny afl'T
finoii whfii Kilii'il KliiKal'iTR, 10, and
Hoy KliiK"l'''r, II, r'oiinti il una hy
olio llm iiiinii'roui ript-dltloiia tiny
had tukt-n Uh Ihi'lr alup twthfr, John
Hur, dnrlnic llm Ul flva )t-t. Tbf
ii', a oiiiitfrpurt of Ih" adf iituri'
of Olltrr Twlt when uii'liT tin) In
r in-ill o of 1'nK.ln, la nmnldi'rrd til
immt iinimunl In thn Jminl'e ronrt an
ouala of Clui kaina county In recent
The two hoy, with thrmt alalnr
and lo hulf iUtiT. lived with tliflr
inotlier, rinplnyi'd hy a IimmI reman
rmit at t a week aa dlhwaher, on
Monro airtt't near Fourth. Htar baa
lii'i'ti away from lioino lor anvrral
wai'k. leavlnn lha aupiMirt of tha fun -lly
of clKht with Mr. Htur. Il wa
tonvlrtvd here year ro on a hurne
of aianult and nerved a mnieine in
tho rounty Jail.
rive 'ar aiio, Htar he Kan tint tilu
ration of hi teion, Hoy, aa thief
thn lad told Deputy )ltrlt Attorney
llurt. and Juvenile Officer ot
Tut'iHlay afternoon. The flrtt loxnon
wa In houar hreaklnR, Iho atop par
rnt oM'nliiR the window and ahovInK
the hoy Imilde. Stolon artlrlea wero
handed nut through the window.
Htore and dwelllnK were vlaited bf
the man and hi atepon. Hoy told
the authorllle. and lr they
hroiiKht home fwMlHtuff.
Then tamo fchopllltlng. The two
would ko Into a (tore, the loy would
ileal and hand the purloined arthie
to Htar who ulwaya tarried a aufk In
which th atolcu Rood rou'd be hid
den. Krneat, the youiiRiT of the two hoy,
hi not tuken on a iimny of theae
trip aa hi elder brother, they told thu
onirrra. hut ha la u adept In the
Riime m Hoy. Thulr aider, (iruce
aiti'd H your, nlo wa Riven leaami
In nhopliftlnK. tho hoy aald. and
could ateul rlhhona nnd amull article
Irom counter.
Tint fr.ther of tht children live ut
Montuvillii. und local uiilhorltle may
Mideuvor to end them to hlin. nither
tlmii to the Mtuto tntlnliiK achool
Deputy DlHtrlct Attorney Iturko nnd
Juratill Officer Krot axmo that l!i
Iraliiinir given lha lad l,y llmlr aii-p-'
:t!.r mtiA be nttiri oina. Willi llmlr
hoiimt manlier and 'rUljl(orrl
atory, lha lW fAin won the ayiu
ithy of lh 'ithnrltlea.
The Imya riHifemed T'iedy lhl
ret enlly they hav ttoleii from do
tn do ntown tom Huh art li lea
aa (heap wMn-. nanhllRht aid
Mnil ii'iially fkUKht their eyea, and
Hiey would open a cane or run a ran
tlon hand ali'iif a counter until llm
dealred article wa In their Rraap.
The boy war rauRlit Monday lilitlit
by I'alrolinan Woodaard In the Htar
Iheatie. Hy aellliiR a tlol'-n wati'h
and a flaahllicht for 2 nl they liao
in ured money lo ,y their way Into
lint plate of aimi" merit.
Tli Ih'X do nl mit to leave their
mother. IMli tried Tneaday after
nixin hen Mpnty DUirl't Attorney
lliirke ur.i(etel lhai they probably
would he better off at th tralnlim
im h'Mil than at linuie.
Turkey And All The Other
Thanksgiving Delicacies
High In Prices This Year
AT 14000.
Blai On floor of Cnrtor Room, 25
Ft Down, I Hard lo Fight and
Clowdt of Bmoko Bothar
fir rihtr.
Mr. Klluahcth Jne Waldron, a plo
neer of I H.' 2 and re I dent of C"a ks
mna county for M year, died at her
home, 113 WUImnetlii atreel, Oregon
City, at 10:30 oVIixk Krliluy moruliiR.
Her death a due to cancer.
Mr. Waldron i"u in Indiana,
March V). 1H29. Hlie croaaetl the
plain when a jmuiK wouun, aeitllnx
In Cla'kantaa rounty. Her flrtt h un
hand wa ('baric Hunrock, but after
hi dtuth alio murrled Hamuel Wul
dron. Hue lived In OreRnn City IT
yeura. The folio InR children aur
vlve: Mra. Mary Croft, OrcRon City;
Jonathan Hancock and V. ('. Hancock,
WaiihliiRton; Ooomt V. Waldron, Ore
Ron City; Mra. M. K. HurrlnRton
I'ortland; Mra. A. B. Hperry. Drown
vllle; (1. U. Wa'dron, OreRon City;
Cal Waldron, l AnRelea; Mr.
Chrislina Dnrbour. OreRon City; II. A.
Waldron, I'olo Alto. Cal ; Mr. Jee
Hyatt. Willamette; Mr. S. J. Hea
man, I'ortland, and Mr. C. D. Collord,
New berg.
The funeral of the late Mr. Kill-
abeth J. Waldron. widow of the late
Kumucl Waldron. u held from her
borne on Wll'u tie street Sunday
uftemoon at 2 o'clnck, Kev. J. W. Mc
Calluni. puator of the ConcreRatlonal
rhun h. offlwutltiK The aervlcea were
w ell attended by 'friends and member
of the fumily, and tho floral trlbuter
were cxonlitlte. DurliiR the aervlce:'
Mr. und Mm. John Waldron, of Court !
liey nunK aeveral att'ei tlona. The I
pullbeurer were Krundoii cf Mr. i
Wuldron. Hert and Kruct llarrlnK
ton. of St. John; Norman E. Seamun.
of I'ort'und; Hay Darbur.. of Tort!
liiinl; Hulph Durliur. of OreRon City;
Clyde Wuldron. of I'ortland. Inter-:
nieiit wa In the family lot In Moun-j
tain View cemetery, and the remain
laid bchldo those of Mr. Waldron. who,
died 28 years aRO. Many attended j
tho service at the cemetery.
Kire broke out about 9:.j o'clock
Wednexluy nliiht In the uncompleted
pew power plant of the llawlt-y I'ulp
raKf company near Mill A and did
damuRfl eatlniated by W. I'. Ilawley,
Jr., at ii'MO. A new Reneralor wa
partially ruined.
Mr. Ilawley suld that the fire would
not delay the early completion of the
company' ll.ooo.OOO addition.
A aectlon of the stack, atandliiR
about four feet hlRh, waa put In the
floor of the Ki-.nerator room and a fire
built In It to dry out the concrete
wull. Hpark from thla fire evident
ly allxhted on the paper and cloth
around the new Rcnerator and act It
The power plant I located on the
edi;n of the full and the only open
Iiir la throiiRh the roof. Workmen
noticed cloud of smoke romlriR up
from Iho room and an a'urm wa
aorlnded. Mr. Ilawley. Jr., and ueo
rc Iuey co-operated with the fire
men In OKhtliiK the blaze.
Owing to 'he amoke and the posi
tion of the Are It was difficult to fight
Unea ot bose were run from the com
pany's mill on Main street to the
scene of the blaze and from Mill A.
Mr. Ilawley Sr., rami- up from Port
lund when he heard of the fire. He
complimented the local firemen on
their work In so quickly responding to
the call and In getting lines of bose
to the h!ze without delay.
Ktetl If lha Oreaou CI If mill are,
running at rapacity, It wl'l Imi a lucky I
family here that can afford a turkey j
and all Hi attending d-IWar le Ihla
coming Thaiikaglvlng. j
liilhatlona now are that till;
Thaiikaglvlng I going to coat money.
Turkey ara wri throtiKh the na
tion, and prhe every w hero are IiIkIi.
The eat I paying record price for
the bird In Tela and oilier Booth
ern and aoiil h eater n atatea, and the'
price here naturally ara lo affet ted
I'p In thn air with turkey la the
a! lifting. The Italian government haa
decided that It need all the rheatnut
Rrown In Daly thi year, and a strict
embargo ha been ordered axalnat
hipineut to till country. Hweet pte
tatoe may le ued for alufflflK, but
here bruIii the conaumer bump up
again! hiRh pri'ea. California Rrow
era have foreaeen the glowing price
poaalhllillea and have bixwled the (Ik
ore i nrdlngly.
To rap the ilma, there I not evni
a fair mpply of rranberrlea available
The eaatnrn rrop I abort, record
price are ruling -the prewnt quota
lion being I2 a barrel and no addl
llonal ahlpmenl ran Imi aerured Ih
i ne the eaat ha none to (iiit. Ixx l
t ranherrlea are alao sr , with the
general prh e at IV t. Tho average
barrel bold 100 pound of rranhei
In all probability Tbankglvlng dnv
will he November 30, the lat Thur
day In November, In aplta of effort
to have Iho day advanced to Novoiohei
23. Merchant favor the earlier date
'lovernor Wlthycombe will not chang"
the day In Oregon, mile I'realdeni
Wllwjn' protlamatlon Hi tho ear
lier date, which I unlikely.
A Bad Summer For Children.
There haa been an unusual amount
of danReroua aicknoHs among children
everywhere this summer. Extra pre
cautions should be taken to keep the
bowels open and regular and the liver,
active. Foley Cathartic Tablets are a
fine and wholesome physic; cause no
pain, nausea or griping. They relieve
indigestion, sick headache, bilious
ness, sour stomach, bad breath or oth
er condition caused by clogwd bowels.
Jones Drug Co. Adv.
Mra. Emma Cochran B-k for a er
inanetn Injunction restraining her
biiHband. Clark W. Cochran, from
iilllng any of hi property or bother
ing any of their nit children. In a di
vorce suit Died in the Clackama
county circuit court Tneaday. They
were married June 1C. 102. in Molse.
Idaho. Hhe alleges that he called her
name. Bhe seek $25 monthly ali
mony and $100 attorneys' fee.
Davis T. Stevenson, a railroad
brakemao. declare tbat hi wifo
threw a atovelld at bim and used a
rawhide whip on bis back In a di
vorce suit filed la the local court
Tuesday. Tbey were married May 2i
lin, In Grants I'ass, Or., and have
one child, a son, over whom be asks
the custody. He also charges that
he unjustly accused bim of Improper
relations with other women.
County Clerk Ivy Harrington Satur
day ixsued niarrlace licenses to May
be! Iledlierg and John Kerr, of Mount
Ansel, route No. 1. and Ida Muy Der
dine and tioorge I-oii, of Monitor.
Grants Dans Contract let for new
courthouse for $76,443.
Forget Your Aches.
Stiff knees, aching limbs, lame
back make life a burden. If you suf
fer from rheumatism, gout, lumbago,
neurulKia, get a bottle of Sloan's Lini
ment, the universal remedy for pain.
Easy to app'y; it penetrates without
nibbing and soothes the tender flesh.
Cleaner and more effective than mus
sy ointments or poultices. For sprains,
sore muscles or wrenched ligaments
resulting from strenuous exercise,
Soan's Liniment gives quick relief.
Keep It on band for emergencies. At
your Druggist, 25c. (Adv.)
Circuit Judge. Campbell Monday
granted a non suit In the $5250 suit of
Guy L. Walluco agalnat the Orcgou
Engineering ft Construction company,
growing out of the construction of
Oregon City's $350,000 South Fork
water project.
The Oregon Engineering ft Con
struction company, holding tho con
tract for the construction of the line,
gave Walluco a sub-contract to lay
G9,5u0 feet of 18-u.ch pipe and 61.754
feet of 16 Inch pipe for $5250, the
agreement being subject to the ap
proval of the South Fork commission
and II. A. Rands, engineer In charge.
The commission and Engineer Rands
refused to approve the contract and
Wallace attempted to bold the con
tracting company for Its '"""enl.
The court wa shown that the approv
al of those In charge of the construc
tion of the project was necessary, and
that the approval was never obtained.
' Wa'lace, the plaintiff, la not a con
tractor, but a Portland attorney. Evi
dence showcl that be Intended to sub
let his contract for 4V4 cents a foot,
making a profit of S Vicents a foot on
the Job. Engineer Rands was not sat
isfied with the deal and recommended
to the commission that the "reposi
tion be not approved. An appeal nmy
be attempted.
Nyssa Nyssa-Arcndla drainage dis
trict contract let for $58,000.
We Know the People Are With Us-They Showedlt Last Week
Remember, we told you one of the leading flour mills wouldn't let us have any more flour because we sold
too cheap, and that they were trying to force us to raise our prices. They're trying harder than ever now and
weVe going to fight them harder than ever. LISTEN TO THIS! Flour advanced 20c a barrel this week and is now selling WHOLESALE
IN PORTLAND A T $8 AO. In spite of this fact we will still maintain our price:
until the 200 sacks we still have, are gone. Don't waste a minute buy yours now. Doesn't this convince you conclusively how we are
fighting for our customers interests?
Lunch Goods
Rex Rnul Deviled Hum 15c, 2 forZSo
Rex Potted Mum .... 15c 2 for 25o
Rox Totted Chicken, .15c, 2 for 25e
Rox Potted Tongue. 15c, 2 for 25c
Van Cump's I'ork and Houiir,
Regular 25 2 for 35c
Van Cump's I'ork und llcans,
Rogulnr U.i: ; 2 for 25c
Van Cnmp'B I'ork and Beans,
Rogulnr 10c 3 for 25c
V. II .HurdlncH, special 3 for 25c
Snyder Cntsup (lurgo hottlo)
Regular 2,ric 20o
1 full t. hottlo Ketchup, Diamond
"8" brand, special 15a
Sen Ilroer.o Occult Crab, host qual
ity nml cIiihm, can 25c
Gorman Ho'.omo Huusngo, -lb. ,50c
Honoy, Bhnrt qt. hottlo, spoclul 30c
rimonto ChneHo 10c
Chilli CheoHG .10c
Tillamook Checao, pr.; ;d 25c
Creom llrick Chuoso, pound.... 30c
Booth's Sardines, curr 18c
Tnlm Ilrund Surdlnes; 6 runs.. 25c
Norwegian Sardines, can 15c
Chilli Con Carnl, can 10c
Cruckera, 10c. box, ricular $1.00
box 85c
Hot Tamnles, enn 10c
Chip Hoof ,. 15c
Vienna Suuhuro, can .10o
Pint Rolujh, per bottlo 15o
Chilli Sauce, Mexican Hot, Sweot
ricklei nnd sour Plcklca In full
pint Jars, 15c; quart Jurs,...25o
flroon Olives, sizes.... 10c, 15c, 25c
Corned Hoof, ran 25c
Deviled Hum, can 5c 6 for 25c
Lobstors '....30c
Shrimps, can ...10c
Oysters, Reg. 15c can 10c
Sour Tickles, pur qt., bulk..,. 10c
Can Rlpe'Ollvos 25o and 15c
Pineapple 10c, 15c
t pint Ornpo Juice 20c
1 quart Grape Juice.. 40c
Cnoedft Illscutta, 6c pkg.,.6 for 25c
Cooktos ... i ... . 10c pkg. 3 for 25c
New Crop Walnuts
Almonds, pound "25c
Imported Walnuts, pound.... t. 20c
2 pound for 35c
Ilrazll Nuts, pound 20c
Coffee and Tea
Gold Dollar, reg. 30c Coffee... 25c
Royal, res. 35c Coffeo 30c
Caravan Coffeo, reR. 40c 35c
Caravan Coffoo, 31b can.... $1.00
Upton's Tea, pound 65c
Spldorleg Tea, rog. 65c grucic.
Totlcy's Toa, pound 65e
pound 50c
Gunpowder Tea, regular 65c
grade, pound 50c
Ceylon Tea, reg. 65c grado, lb. 60c
Poatum Cereal Coffoo, Reg. 25c,
pcaknge 20c
Lemons 25c doz.
Oranges, dozen .' 40c
Jonathan Apples, box ....... $1.25
Staymore Wineaap Apples, box 90c
King Apples, box $1.00
Tokay Grapes, pound 10c
Cranberries, two quarts 25c
New Crop Dried Fruit
Sultana Rnialns, pound 10c
Muscatel Raisins, pound 10c
Evaporated Peaches, pound. ... 10c
Evaporated Apricots, pound ...18e
White Figs, pound. . . . 122c
Basket Cluster Raisins, .pound. 10c
HUick FiR8, pound 10c
Currants, package 15c
Lcmop. Orange Citrus peel, lb.. 30c
Mexican Reds, per pound 10c
Lima Moan a, per pound ...... . .10c
Small White Beans, per pound.. 10c
Hnyo Reaiis 10c
Honey, 1 pound combs 15c
Quart bottle Honey, strained
and pure 30c
10c Can Popper 5
Good Broom 25c
Toilet Papar. 6 for 25c
Arm & Hammer Soda .5c
50-lb. Sack Dairy Salt 50c
50-lb. Suck ground Salt 40c
100 Lbs Rroken Rice $4.00
24 pound tin 50c
o" gals. Coal Oil 65c
3 boxes Matches 10c
Corn or Gloss Starch 5c
3 ran Old Dutch Cleanser 25c
3 cans Lye '. 25c
Vinegar, (pure cider) full quart 10c
gallon 20c
1 gallon 25c
H gallon in glass containers. .25c
6 cans Sardines 25c
2 cans Chinook Salmon 35c
Mixed Pickling Spice, pound.. 30c
Maple Syrup, Reg. I5c, can:... 10c
Wax Paper, 24 18-Inch sheets.. 5c
Kellog's Corn Flakes n r
Post Toast !ee ( r
Krumbles 25c
Savon Soap, two bars 5c
Toilet Soap 3 bars for 10c
13 Bars Bob White Soap 50c
7 Pars Lenox Soap 25c
SPECIAL Caravan Buking Powd
er, pound 25c
Pearline, 25c package 20c
K.-C. Baking Powder,
can, Reg. 25c 20c
mrr Rice,
Puff Wheat
Grape Nuts,
Quaker Oats,
Shreded Wheat,
Rolston's Bran
Kellog's Bran
Krumble Corn Flakes, 2 pkgs..15c
Rolled 0ts. 10-lb. Back 45c
Rolled Oats, bulk, 5 pounds... 25c
Liberty Oats. Reg. 25c, pkg.... 20c
Liberty Wheat, Reg. 25c, pkg... 20c
Golden Rod Wheat Flakes,
Regular 35c, pkg 25c
2 for
Celery bunch 5c
Cabbage, big solid head 5c
Sweet Potatoes 8 lbs. 25e
Squash 5c
Pumpkins 5 and 10';
Wednesday is Butter Day, Falls City Butter, 2-lb. Roll, 75c. Other Days 80c
8 A. M. Cancmah & South End Road 8A.M., Bolton 8 A. M., Willamette 8 A. M. Canemab " 8 A.M., Bolton 8 A.M., Canemah
1 P, M. Cladstone and Park Place 1 P. M., West Linn 1 P. M., Fallsview 1 P. M., Gladstone 1 P.M.. West Linn
Phone 19
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