4 niM'CJO.V IMTV KNTKIM'MSi:. I K'llt.W. NOVKMUKI. 17. I'.HU. OREGON CITY ENTERPRISE '(lul l. llii.ul.li. an mil U elsl ln and l' h.ild a iimiiui in I'm) I ftHir ei lima nu u. br lh Ur ot lu).Milr aim I tic rlMllun id , .Hll. .. j Ihtf KnlorprlM. uppMrd U'lt,l..' in i I lie iniMln be. ue Til Kiilripi ., J ImI) In iht) U1u. Iplr n( til party be. iie (I belieti lhl llJkhf r , t U " III Moalbi 71! hope Hut II (till I ltc l.i s.ippoil Trll Hubarrlptlon, To Monti .21; lined. In t;o u a . .mimIii Iii. h Subarrlbara lll find th data of iplrttloo stainped en tbolr papar fol I am Milj (l) ,t,,,v laaial Ifaalr nam. If Uat pitntrat li tot credited, kindly notify ua. aaJ j ' b tnattar tll r'lv our iiifiiloa. i 1 ' bbllh4 tvary Friday. C. t. MODI I, Ciltorantf Publl.har. Knlartd at Orrioa City, flrrgna I'oatolTUa i -ondfl4 Butler. tutcn,il Rat: Advartlilnf nlrt ob apDllratbia CNTIMCNTALITV WINS the humor or politics. Tho uniintial presidential rl linn of lust nek, ranking; llh Hip closest In hlalory of (hit rountry, ha It h mi.roos kbit. K-isl.ni no simper . ri ir early return a ln.lii..in of l In' final result and printed clitorisl on lh victory of lltiKhr. Kor In-1 ran htr rtery asMirame that tho un I x'knliltf hyphen Issue ha passe.) for ' ever from our national polities! lit, j Anl l th pendulum finally un t tho r'-I.H lln of tho man lio li.t Iwn i hractcrlod a tho weakest' nan hn rxor Ml In tho presidential t hair. No! only ha ho revolted his Hi official protector of Hi Catholic I majority In th rlin-foral coHoro Imt .hurvh in UtlnAmor an . ountrl...! ,,,, Im, ,wn have combined llh anil t atholic , , , . . i hi ant to n-bufc th oro.l.lont for ,,f "'njorily of th Amorl.an pooplo , bavins a Catholic aocrotary. ITosr- Verily, a w of humor U a lite avor Kltt-a are In artncnitilp with the Old Cuard and wcitorn radirala have Joined forroa with Wall Streot and the Stock Kichanc. Theodore KiKinevell In yoked up with lUilo l'onrono. Jo coih C. Cannon and the Conimn Am trlcan alliance. All the pnvally e iremlKta have worked in unUon with the licrnian ncwuiMiixra to tn'at the irvIrtnL DominatliiR all of theM nutVy croupa la the aonlid power of Wall Street money and Wall Street 1 aucrced bluinolf. Iirtvnecn ocicrniincij to control ana govern. American politics nor before knew Mich a coalition; yet the aticccKa of a I luetic adminbtratlun depends uion the hurnionioua rmeratlon of ele inciita that have nothlne in common except a mad desire to defeat for put tine the highest intercut of mankind ntmve every sordid ronaidiT.itlon of Inllara and conquest Col. KooM'velt accepted the putriotio issue ai Rctt'ed by an ovcrwholinini: lluchea triumph and Rare out the fol lowing statement: I 1h voti'i of the lull. in d.i atraiiiie ; liK-onaltlriil IhlliKs. Ijll Tuesday j lh etldenl') reelettrd 'reldoiit s VMImW til a koeond term, ).! (hey i-dj j liU hand with a houa uf leprekonU tne that probalily la not K in. n ull. . Iniomplet rrtuiiu In.lliut that the Kepiihtlcaiia iintticimU r th leiiiiH ial In Hi lower hnu of inncio.a by o H.I Ln'L milk. I u k ....- I. - . . II .tan.U to far " " "'' """ ' alH the iM-tty tumuli of ra. e prelu : w oi ismer ret .ll.o that we i an turn to hi in wnh '" piobllillloiilat. a H. l.,lir, and f.iiih and courage and rouridonce to an Independent. t.r.d eno.iKh to cmbra.-e ... all. We1 .""r," ",e ,,,,,r '"' l-f-'-lent iion na na.l a ivmm rail iMimr.-.. and with ll aid b baa put tbro.iKh a IW-uio.Ti.lli-. iiiMrfieelr.de law and other typlcnl party bnUlutloii He r.n for re-election, and won. but Hi liomocruilr majority In the li.m.e I. sone. f I'rc.i.i.-ui wiiNin'a rinoid Ji.stin.si hi. reeleition. then be ahon'd hae Ikvii Klen a lomo.Tatlc cm ere The piolial.Io reawil for till, action of the voter i. that they elected V- - ; "H t-ocaiise of the -nt lin.-iuul plea FOUR YEARS MORE. j nude by h. ia.,i;ef and deflated I itiiiik rauc c.iii.iiii.iie. for ronnre.. Ns-aiise they were m-moerata. rlM anion the .entlmrntal pica, maud. he kept u out of war " llpron by the Itepulillcan. the aulij.s t of at l.u k. In m aspaper. and In campaUo .leaker.. It wun thousand of vom- en voter in the western .late, to Wl. son. Without vole ired throiiKh ihiM fmill.ll n.inril.... 11....!... ....ii year the Knropean war ha easene. . . ... . . . , probubly bare rarrie.1 Callfom a and the rthft of the enforcement of IVinu-1 . . ,, t ..... . . proital.ly other western atato where the Ktaat. Zelluiiie. comment a fol Inaa: A ureal tliiory ha. Ihm n won. a lc- lory ot character and ditii.it. Mr l It'U'hca fought I.I way without w ln or pr-)u.li-e I brunch a bitter and ilrrinK lamiiaitn. niaklux hi apMal to all An.evtcan. He refoulialod no American riliien. l..ni-e, the New York World, the U.o.t with any of them panlauR of alt Wilson .iipivrirr. nave up Hie lilukst and pi luted the fallow iiik. tlnn vlndliatlte. now ctnu.lni;: The American people have turned oter their (otemment to a coalition of the tnot hctoroKctiooiia elementa that ever combined to punl.h a proal it. -lit. Those that want waa with tier u.nny lire a'll.sl with those that want an American foreign policy made In Herman)'. Catholic who want to ov-4-rtbrow the Carrunia ornment In M. xi.o and make the I'nlted Stale laud Thuodai. NoteiiiUr :i. to '". .Ideriliediiiiifrllinliniil.il iheiu 1 tie inlliiiiUaliHI ha. the .. poll of lite i ll III .1.1 In II eft,. ll HlalUlt. . ii.nIi.v. l- the .'.n.iuil Inu hu thai aol l.iii. aie lit. i. a. I lug yearly .1 glad , i, ini In IhU lale there are ai pi. imat lv I . ir.Mliti;, H ji imt uf whuh bat no prulMillun iil.-r than Hi .Un.ldid lilKbway . i-.-n.u waiiiiun i;n In th last .uM ei. there bate lM-en mi ihM ci.-hii(. nun. a.' lldelil. of wbl. It IT Her alli'lld.'d With erl.nif Injlllv and l) r.'.ulled ' .I.a ill I Wmslro WIlMin ha iKH-n re-elect ed president of the fulled State after' one of the closest presidential elec tion In the history of the nation, r'ur the first time .line Jackon a IH-mo-crutlc president haa been elected to ' finally one term of a HemiM-ratic administration baa been I am doulily thankful as an Amert- an for the election of Mr. HiikIic. I'. 1 r'ndkatlon of our national hon . - Pecans of some charge that hate been made. I wish to state now that I will not tinder any circuit) rtaiice make any recommendation to Mr. Ilucheg with reference to appoint ments or to his leeislatlvp po'ley rratlc principle, enough to fool some ;ie ,, , c or me people. . ... . . , . ,,. , T1"" election last Tue.dar wa a The Knterprise recognizes Woixrom , .,.,, ...,,. .... ..... .... .. .vutory for .entlmenta' y n po I c Wilson a the president a pre doul ' a ..,, . , ' ' ' v a defeat for calm reaon and im It ho,i that the next four year, wil, Auu.rll,nlsm. ,.' t al Z be prosrou one., that our mill will ' lh ,prn "'"Vv" .... , ' ! nlft ufMaadflv that At iirvKu u 111 kavtaw! . ' I,, ' . bettor known, he ttu defeated. . - "Jersey, the president'. "in i-iuaiii m riT aim ai ((if hop.f .Now btut. ! kinf fur tin. t.- . A rt . world. The Kuterprtse hoe. that ! Th. ...,, . . i, ii ,. ., . , : Th'resldent lost hi own prec nrt by TriKident W llon w il be able to w vo v , i 1.1. . ... the Mevlcan problem, with which ho ' l J 0"n, "m ,0"f "" . " : ocrlnst him. I last three year and a half. Till, pa-, i,i..,.. . . . ... per doe. not w,sh to be peeslmlMlc , ' ' , " K .TjJ" """! about tho feature, but with Wilson In ,,... ., . " , ' . wr.r .....uuinrn nun. e w.iuiii nut Oregon Clly and t l.'kama. i.niiilt hate their .hara i.f lln' .n.re. uf dxalh, and unless plan of pi tilling Ih. i traffic or .'liiulnalli.it the crossing. I. carried el, we aie going to bate a tragedy In ' I " k.uia. cu.iulv wbl. b will .lusk the ii.' We hate Ihe siitliii, fur the I.. i ..It and il msllie f.ir It In hapi'eii I. slay. The Southern fa. in. iros-ing en Ihe new i.iuiily hald siirlaie Im-Isii'Ii Hregou Cily and f.uki'la.e probably rank. Hr. uf all lb .1 iiigerou. cto.s lug In th county The county mad'. .iinHilh "Ui l.ue. tcini'l Hg Ih carele molorl.t to "open Vr up" t ro.e the railroad at an angle I h rim.1 riM to meet the level el Ihe rail line HumriUy, a dur-dctll drlter I. g.illU to vpeed lip hl car eter that grade and beat a train, and '.' .' . .in ner I. . ing to pl. k up the ti. inns on the .ur- niiindlng low laud. Thou, there la a cr"Uig In Oregon City which ha. pu-. .iiillltle. in the line Of .ortou. accl.l. iit" Soventeenlh .treet cross. Main at HkIiI angloa. Cars of tho Portland Hallway Light A I'ower company, muting acre. Sev enteenth after the lung, unlnlerruptetl run from I'arkplace. menace truffle cros.lng Seventeenth, opcoially If an Inexperienced or car. l.s hand I at the wheel. It would make a lung list to com pile th dangerous grade crossing , In Clackama. county t'arelessiu I probably resKinil'le for a major ity of till rla. of accident, but rare lesne will never be eliminated, tirade crossings can be made reason ably afe or r'liulnated entirely, and the public service commission should have the active cooperation of clly and county officials throughout th state In It work. CLACKAMAS VOTERS APPROVE I PILLS AND TURN DOWN ft SOME MAJORITIES 010. The olTl. lal cant., of Hie tola on liilllalite liiea.uii'. wa loiuidolml Saturday lb cuiiul on idli.liil.il. will t completed Mniidav or Tuesday said I'leik lldrrlliiiloii. The tol oil liilllalite measure, follow Blngl. Il.nt Vt. mum pmm Absolutely Pura No A!nm No Phosplinlc to. N.i v.. No . li No Ve. N.I . Ve. No . Snip T. Eatmptlon Ngr0 nd MuMato fluffrag Land and Loan 0.11 Ptndlfton Normal School Antl Compuliory Vaccination Hill WW ;.:.:s nun ui'. it? I i:.u "tii . .t.ii rc.'7 1ea- Vir... H). fllii Ahber. to lllbernla Hating. Hank, land In Mrs! a.l.lllliu. to Out I.N.k; II. , The Oregon Iron and Hi oil niiiipaiiy to llliiili be l,u. ker. litis k 14, laik.. View Villus, IU. M J I y and K II I n to J II li.iinaid, iie. uf 7. loMiishlp I .nuiii. range east; f4.Hn) Ve 1..14 N' laf.' Sunday Clo.lng Law Rpal Vea hiss No HCl Br.w.r' Anttndmtnt Vcs Illiiil No Abiolut Prohibition Ve . r.ilS No Rural Crtdita Ve ... 5or, No 3:t;.i T Limitation Ye ti;.i SPELLING AND ARITHMETIC CONTESTS ARE ORGANIZED &vn TbouMnd Pupil. In 111 Sflhool. of Clackama. County r Tak ing Part In T..I Conduct. J Und.r D.rtcllon of County School SuporlnUndtnt Calavan. No ELECTORAL VOTE AFTER ELECTION. The New York Tribune, the ablowt.j White House for unother term we; t,I(ipt h(m JjPBl.j)(', if not the most powerful of the anti Wilson papent are fa.lni; a grave future, fnpro- r here In Cam- ; den.-1 said one of tho leading clergy men in lli:.r ..lit t...r..A at...... know hi own mind, who' . V V .1 ' . '" jsway with every turn of popular i un. ',,. , ' nl" . . . ' , ., , : known only by li s proas agent, the In "fan. y. w ho changes his policies and !..,, , , ,, .. ahK"iB- 1,11 printed the following tecte.1. with a man at the helm who editorial on the morning following the j does nut, election: More than a year aco, standing the presence of a hideous massacre, his opinions each time he awakes in knowing that Americans, men. women , ,hl. morninK , m., who CH I and children had been nithlesslvj k . , fclauchtered by a Herman act. Wood-! ,ml to ,"I,'" I". ind.yd. a g.Hid j row WiUnn told the world that the ! prophet American people were too proud tol fiRht voters m.-de him president. FELS FUND QUITS. The Oregon Voter. In chronlclina- ih.i i no ueieai oi i naries fcvans lltiglie.-ii retirement of the Fel fund r In In a moment of a great national eloc-' ls an ox,ent I'lamal.'e on Ropul.li-1 from Oregon, sees little hone that tho Hon Mr. Wilson went before the peo-j can party leaders. California, accord- single tuxers will quit littering up the pie of the United States and asked, ing to students of politics, would have! ballot with single tax In vurlous confin,0 T "asked I "d lthoU" of ,e state Hie American people to re-elect him s,lnP"rt of Hiram Johnson, because he I'lennially turn down the measures hecatise ho hnd kept them out of war. I did not Insist on meeting that ex-I'ro-i vvi,h ever-increasing majorities. Says without roRard to any question of lion- j gresHlvo when In San Francisco ,he Voter: concern for the rlsht for which our ' morouaniy exposed ny He- """ iii ne me last ono fathers nd their fathers foueht. 'publican papers, probably brought the to 'hlch the Fells fund will clve fl- Mr. Wilson has his answer. The , DeiniK rats thousands of votes from ' nnnclul support. If the fund fulfll's Its i women who did not stop to study the; promise of goiiis out of existence Jan- country and the wor'd have the an EU'o, r,f tUa mrii.nn nAi.lA f ... ,t.n day of election the American people i ho'isl- The Adamson law seured forj,mr.v l1"- The promise la innde bate noLforiotten the Lusitanla, proud to fight" has proved an epitaph i although tli ana not a siocan: in ucit atlnc Mr. wil- "Too Wilson the support of many unionists president never did re -i tt-xil tr Aanv l.lu nuuAPli..n I, ....... hU fellnvv rnnntrvmon hnvo ro. I "" '""uiuai i.e - pudinted the words he put in their : a "fil"""H l'"rtisan of the open shop. mouths and the sentiment he ascriled ! losperity. brought by the war across to them. Mr. Wilson believed " American people were cowardly, selfish, careful only of their safety and unconcerned as to thoir honor. He appealed to them on this basis and he sought their suffrage on this platform. Mr. Wilson has Isaen answered; the election re turns aro a demonstration to the whole wor'd that not yet are uiericans too proud to fight for their honor or too cowardly to defend their women and their children. The lesson ot this election Is only less pointed for Mr. Hughes than for Mr. Wilson. Yesterday the American I eople passed judgment not upon him but upon Mr. Wilson. In their Judg ment there Is a meaning that only a blind man could fall to perceive. Mr. Wilson's defeat is only the first step in national rehabilitation; the road is lung and difficult, but no man who vo'unteors to lead and, volunteering, fails, will be forgiven. The great German-American dai'y. in the Joseph Fels Fund llulletln, the offlciiil publication of tho fund. "Many property-owners In Oregon will re.eivo this news with glee. They will make the mistake of their lives the ocean but claimed by the Demo ! lr think the single tux agitation crats as their own product, brought Quite in Oregon, merely because them votes. j tl'p I'e's fund quits supplying cash. The election of Wilson was a queer1 "Ingle tax is a religion with Its ad combination of circumstances. Tak? ! herents. They are lis devoted nnd Two week ago we were being told that not only did ' he keep ua out of but also that he kept u from lie Inn tied up In a ratlread strike. He had secured the enactment of a law the Adaiiison bill which had prevent ed the strike, and Just on the eve of the day It was to have been called the trouble disappeared. Hut now that election is over, th? railroad strike again Is threatening. Representative, of the railroad and of the brotherhoods are unable to agree as to wbt the law mean and the brotherhoods have Informed tho employers nnd tho public In general thut the strike order I. still In effect. The affair is in Hue with the Wil son policies In general. The strike Issue wa. not settled last August, I' was only pninponeil, put off until af ter election. We see similar action In the affalis in Mexico. No less an authority than Senator llorah, of Idaho, Is responid- hie for the statement that the Mexican muddle Is griming worse and that an I armed Invasion ut an early date is "prubublo. The Democratic campaign ers shouted that Wilson's Mexican policy was fau'tless, and that he had handled it with little loss or life. Th Issue was averted until after Novem ber 7, and now active step to take the country by force, as tho admini stration did In Haiti, lire said to be planned. For Wilson Aabntiia ArUona Alkansa Colorado California ... Florida tioorgia Idaho Kansas Kentucky laiulslana Maryland Mississippi Missouri Montana Nebraska Nevada Now Mexico North Carolina North Dakota Ohio Oklahoma Souih Cnrulimi Tennesson Texas L'O I tah 4 Wyoming 3 Virgin. 12 Washington " Alnilnn to give to routine cl.i.s work ll.at e'en. cut of cotnpelitluii which make game liilere.llng, t'oonty School Superintendent falataii and Hupertl.or Vedder have perflated slid have put lulu .iitces.ful ucrall.in county- l.lu arithmetic and polling contest. I'raclb ally every one of Ihe i:;.'i .. Ii.hiIs in the county ha volun teered in take up the work, . under (he slate i Ii.m.I law. the superintend out cannot compel thorn to follow out hi .iKKoslloi.. Almost 7000 pupil In t'lackiima county are taking nrt In the contests, the ultimate aim of which 1 to elist ll.o heal sne'ler OWI and the ImsI student of arithmetic III Ihe county. Superintendent ('alavail discolored three your ago that a touch of coin petition wna the needed sauce to the dry meat of m hool work. Spelling, of all studies, probably tin. drle.t, yet when he organized a .ystoui of couu ty-wlde spelling bee., he found etery pupil kprudlng more time with the .poller; lie found that all written pap er weie U Her .polled and that clan woik Improtrd In a marked decree. I'uplls, both boy. and Kir's, would work for week, on ielllng before one of the hoc, which it oral luatche, and the driest. mot shunned ftudy of all became the most Interesting. Af lor a series of sNllng malchea cov ering a period of several month, a final match wa. hold In Oregon City among the district winner to select the county champion. Hundred crowded Into the high aihool auditor luui from etery part of tho county lo boar the match, so great waa tho In terest iirnoscd. Hut. In spile of the success of tho oral bees. County Superintendent Cul avun found that the strain on the pu pil wa too great. The element of competition' was there, the pupil were much Interested In a subject hereto fore almost neglected, but the excite ment was loo much, tilrls, after week of preparation, would mis a word' . If . 3 . . , ft i II lo l.i 10 8 10 l I S 5i 12 I :i 10 9 12 Total To route! were orgutiUod parly this )iur. one (or spelling and Hie oilier lor ailthmetlc. In the arithme tic luiilesi. thn County Hupetlulend out' ufllie piepari em II luuiilli es uf 10 prul'leuis fur each grade from ll.o fourth to the cIkIiIIi Inclusive for lite i iiiis.-i ulh.i mni.lh Tho timb er, of the tarliin. scliou' condui t the lusts, guides the papers, keep a I mini of lh tins storage and re port to llio superintendent after eiu h test. Ka.li giade Hint make an avenue of M) per lent or belter III tho live tost will be I'lglblii to send a repre. eiilatlte lo lake part In the final lone colitesta which will be i uliHui led b represeutnllte from the .iperliitond elif. office In centrally located plai e. A tillable dlpl a will be awarded to each grade whose represi.nlatlte make '..'. or tent In (hi final run test. The spelling colilest I orgai.lco.l a'ong somewhat similar line The arltliiiioll,' rontest began early thl mouth, but Ihe first of the ipolllnit tost will be conducted early net! ! month, tirade from the fourth to the eighth, lnclu.lt. will take part. and all contest work will be written Ka.ll of the four trade will his a test early In December, January. Feb ruary and March, nnd, a with the arithmetic contest, the teacher will grade the impcr, keep a rmord. of grades and report to the siiH-rlnlu l cut. All pupils making at) aternge grade of ti In these four contest III lie given a diploma. Final lone content will lie hold from April H to 20 In run trail) located place. All pupil who nteruge !'S per rent or better III the four ciilitesls shall bo eliglli'e to lake part In tho county final. All pupils making 1 0 per cent In those final test will be given a county cluitn plotinblp diploma. In both the spelling and in llliinelli which they si Id spelt easily when contest all work I written. Jn ibis any one of half a dozen groups away from him and be was defeated. Ca'l fonila, for Instances, without the votes of the Jews won through the appoint ment of Hrandles to tho supreme bench, would have probably approved Hughes, and Hughes would have been elected. We nre to have a Democratic presi dent for another four years. If Wil son and his clique live, up to the rep utation of their party established during a long period when at various times it supported slavery, free sil ver and other Issues, the fallacy of which has been proved beyond a Be a Leader Be a Builder Be a man with an account in this bank, even if you have build it up a dollar at a time. It's the man with the bank account who can do things. The Bank of Oregon City OLDEST BANK IN CLACKAMAS COUNTY ' r..nntl,-i l It... I- . . t. . ui U...-II niiiiui i oi mis pnn cipie as are or have been the support ers of any faith. For every Fels con tribution of a dollar to Oregon, ten dol lars In cash or personal work will be contributed by the rank and file ol single taxers. "Why, If ho gets stirred up, our own C. S. Jackson will keep a string of single taxers on the pay roll to work for single tax In Oregon, as he did before the Fels fund was thought of as the source of pay for our single tax campaigns. , "It's like this talk of taking U'Ren out Into the ocean and dropping him. Talk liko that multiplies U liens. Neither Fels funds nor U'Hen him self are at all necessary to the single ; tax propaganda in Oregon. The cam : palgns will continue, every two years j with reg'u'arity, until our people get : sense enough to fix our state constl i tution so It cannot be used as a tool : whereby fanciful ideas may be placed ; on the ballot to terrorize property owners and Investors with fear that i they will be adopted. "Once the constitution is made what j It should be, a protection of propery ! along with the life and liberty ol i which the right of security In prop erty possession is a necessary uttrlb ute, the biennial danger of having lo vote down confiscatory measures will ; be averted. ; "Even then, the single tax agitation ' will not stop. It will never stop at ! long as we have American freedom of speech and a free press, and this Am i erican freedom is worth Infinitely j more to every one of us than any j fancied security from agitators. Iv;t : tho agitatore agitate it is their right but do not provide them with a con i stitution that ls especially designed to i help themjeopardlze property posses- i sion every two years." MR. BROWNELL'S OPPORTUNITY. Ccorge C. Iirownell has been elected as one of the representatives from this county, with a majority of some thing over 1,000 votes. Considering the light that wiih made by some He publicans In this city against Mr. Iirnwnell, It is a wonderful personal victory for him. Mr. Itrownell, as Is well known, was a senator for over 12 years from this county and when he left the senate lie was commended everywhere for the good work which he did for the people of this county and state, while a member of it, In 1010 he was elected mayor of this city by tho largest vote ever given to a mayor and conducted the city ufTairs In a manner and way In which to even merit and obtain the praise of as criti cal an association us the W. C. T. U. and the conservative business people of the city as well. Mr. Ilrownell has an opportunity to make a splendid record at Salem In 1917. For Hughes Conneetlc.it 7 Delaware 3 Illinois 21) Indiana 1-' lnv.il 13 Maine - 6 Massachusetts IS Michigan I.". Minnesota 12 New Hampshire 4 New Jersey II New York t.'i Oregon r I'eniislyvanlu 31 Itlinde Island f South Dakota S Vermont 4 West Virginia 8 Wisconsin 13 not under the Mm In and go to their seals crying. Some became hysteri cal. Superintendent Calavau then went to work to devise a plan whereby Hie compiititlon could be retained and the mental slra'n done away with. The answer lay In written tests, conducted In every school In the county at the same time and under the same conditions. way reuniting tne nervous struln which a. coinpiinle the oral work Yet. the Interest In the work I stlniu Into.! and the pupil who real'y applies himself to the studio Is attunlcd with a diploma. Those contest In a .omowhut modi fled form worn carried out .ast year with success. Superintendent Cala vau believe (hat he now has I lie plan near perfection. Total .25! WE SHALL KNOW THE WHY. REA80N GRADE CROSSINGS. The public service commission of Oregon has taken Into consideration the danger of unpritected grade cross- During the eight months ended Au gust, 1010, we imported 637,000,000 pounds of printing puper, valued at $12,218,000 or an average Import prlta per pound of about 1.92 cents. During Hie first eight months of 1913 we im ported 2"i',,000 000 pounds of print pa per, valued at $',,131,000, or an aver age of about 2 cents per pound. Two and one-half times more paper was Im ported for the in 16 period thnn for the 1913 period, with a lower averago Import price per pound yet 'the price of print paper has gone up In this country so that the school boys make their spending money selling old pu per for stock. We can only conclude that the reason the price of paper has aviated so In the Cnited States Is be cause of the vast amount of It used by the Democratic national commit tee, by Secretary MoAdoo, and by Sec retary Kedfield, In the campaign Just closed. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. O. A. Cobb to Frank Abo, lots 7, 8, 9. block II. Kstacuda; $1179. D. H. Fleck and Martha S. Fleck to A. Moser, land In I). I-. C. of William Stricklin, township 4 south, rango I east; $10. Kstacndn State Hank to llerhta K. Fraley, lots 1, 2, 3. 4, C, fl, lots 15, 16. 17. 18, 19, 21, block 1, Estacada Heights; $1. Helen M. and Edwin Thomas (o J A. Stately, lot 2 of tract 61. and south half of lot 3, tract C, Onk drove; $10. 0. W. Mcftoberts to Henry V. Asboe nnd Vlda (i. Asboe, 42 acres of land in Clackamas county; $2340. , Eiiinia A. Holton lo Justin Fuivre, 6 acres of section 32, township 4 south, range 4 east; $1. Harry A. Melsner and I (attic M. Mcisner to Harriet M. Roman, '4 sure of land In I). I,. C. of William Holmes and wife, township 3 south, range east; $10. Vinton F. Cooper and Julia Cooper to Malva K. Itolle, land in Oregon Iron & Steel Company's First addition lo Oswego; $10. Malva K. Ilol'o to Julia Cooper, land in Oregon Iron & Steel company's ad dition to Oswego; $20. Suburban Orchards company to M. Ir-IIMnsky, tract 20, Eslelle Orchards; $700. F. F. Wilcox to F. II. Wilcox, 80 acres of section 20, township 3 son.'h, range 3 east; $1. lj. and DalBy Falconer to Orcn J. Ripley, 60 acres of section 7, township 4 south, range 2 cast; $10. ClmrloB H. and Sarah Moores to James and Katherlne O'Hanlon, lot 27, Sellwood Gardens; $-i-r0. William H. Streeter to Hertha Har per, 40 acres of section 20, township 3 south, range 1 west; $.125. Woodlnnd State Hank to F. C. Al ten, land in Clackamas county; $10. . Hazel Tooze to Woodland State bank land In C'ackamas county; HI. F. C. Alten to Woodland State bank, land In Clackamas county; $10. , Oregon Iron and Steel company to Myrtle Card, block 08, Lako View Vil las; $10. Oregon Iron and Steel company to Daniel H.M Wilson, land In Lake How Clackamas County Voted In The Principal Contests i... i Al.ernull.v Arilenwiilit Ilnrluw lliiilun Ili-aver r'r.'ok No. I H.mver Creek Nu. 1 H.mIiir- Mull Hun Cunby No. I Canny No. 'i Ciinliy Nu. 3 (,'nrus ('nnemiih ('berry villi fliirkiinifiH Cuiirord Chirk.-s I'ottrnll I 'oil on Iia.nii.cti Dickey I'mlrlu . ... Dover KiikIo Crock . Ksinciiihi Nu. Kstiiciirla No. Kv.un-r.un ... (Inrflelil I iei.rKO (Iiililsti.ni. Nn. flliKlst.ino Nn, lliirmonv Nn. Ilnrmuny No. HlKbli.nil .fennliiKH LoiIko Klllln laid lllll Liberal I.OKHH Miieksbiug .... Miirinu.ni Mf.file I.I.UO .... Mllwaiikln No. I.... Mllwiiukle No. 2.. Mllwaukln No, 3.. Molalln No. I Muli.lla No. 'i Ml. f'lcinmnt .... Miillno New Kra Nei-ily (ink (Irnvo Nn. 1. link (Iriivo No. '. Cisweiffi Nu. I . . . . Oswok" Nu. 2 (IHWCKO No. :i.... Ori'K'ni Clly Nu. I Oregon City Nu. 2 (iiegnii cny Nn. II.. Oiegnn Clly Nn. 4..I or.'Kon city No. r... Oreioin Clly Nu. .. OroKon city No. 7.. I Ori'Knn Clly No. K..I OroKun city No. .. Ori'Knn Clly Nu. 10. Orf'Kon City Nn. II. I'arkiilHi-n riensiint Hill Mutely No. 1 Hiinily Nn. 2 Ho.ln RprliiK Hirlngwatr Kunnysiue Tiinliitln nlnn Viola WoHt l.lnn No. I... West l.lnn Nn. 2... Wllsnnvllle Willamette No. 1... Wllbim.-tls No. 2... President Ml i.li SJ li'JI .11 41! HI 4H 71 tr, .is 131 Ml ml 7 lf.ll 4!l 24 7 HM Klfil fell nr.; li.:i in I no 64 H4 "III ui It tin s'l 72! 124 101 122 f.2 III) 101 114 si .1:1 Kill 411 !ir. Ml 13 II2 i:i:i 1211 04 72 i:ii :nii 117 11 o: 7'i fill lar. 3:1 (IS 9H 42 32 9H V.l 7 7 31 17 f.r, hi; 4.11 4" 74 14 SI sr. 1 41 70 1VI IIH 411 l'l K.1 Hit 10GI Ml 7 l r.r.i i l.fi 117 2l 3i; r.7 SI 77 73 147 137 13.1 m 071 41 M 11-1 hi; 07; 111 7S Ml 32 1.3 ! I2H II tl 1121 Mi 100 71 11:1 301 II 21 32 HI Ml 01 3:i! .Hi H2I 47 53 lor. 40 f.H ur, .-,i 1.1 31 31 S4 4! I4! 7 6 liil K4l 32 1.11 K7 (, 72 SOi 10l) f.4 2f, HI.'! 7 1221 7 1 SO' 411 1HI I2I. .?'! I.'lii; f.ll 100 21 411 r.7 100 H7i 17 I3II lllll 4 113 r, 11.1 r.2 3li HI mi 1201 !.( 107 4MI 1021 lor.) II 121 71 Ml 102, UNI Ml Kll 122 r,r, 41. lor. ri iji. ui 47 2li )00 hi, 75 301 Rspreien tally 1 Atti.tney District 4; 124 i.;l 3:11 1M 3! !lll S.1 III 3d ir.4 si oi ur, 771 17 r.n 211 103 tti r.i i;i,i lull 1371 n 1:10 ii 110 H2I 42 Id 1011 71 174 130 171 l Mil 123 I .Mil 3!.: (12 IUIi mill 1011 57 122 I2II lir.l 1421 so III 121 7 r im; 1; 40 111 40 5 HI 12" i;o 30 H7 51 !lf. 107 37 onuiiU' lonar !"1 on: 4:1 40 !i.l 4 1411 1.2 55 75 55 2ll 121 .17, 53 SI 51. 141 41 27 1 10 II .ID no 4I I2 142 731 125 4 115 03 321 3 :i 111 S2I 71 135 125 157 .14 lull 111 III. 7 32 I.I 51 10!. 1 11 mil 53 0f 0 1 301 1 301 M. 71. 125 !I2 72 III 103 71 50 113 31 W 71! 1"5 37 Hill 4 30 5.1 75 21 41 2 .10, 20, III 41 4! 51 N2 13 112 70, 51 55, 31 , II 12 17 73 I 101 on 33 20 02 mill 111 47 12 HI. mi; 20: 70 112 72 113 fill mi 127 71. 131 Nl :i 75 2.l 42, !.i (ill III 51 mi 1 ui 1 10 131 71 3 1211 Hll 73 53 17 3H 32 51 50 111. 43 311 101, 4 411 NX 32 20 21 l 21 ll 31 4 '.I, 5 .IN 13 un N3i 55 71. 431 137 t.7 72 107 521 3 17 1I3 l)l lil II 43, 125 HO 15 13 55 1.4 77 (17 113 112 12N Nil 130 75 fill 1,1 25 13' 31 113 lilf 1,11 53 1131 11N 121 131 5 7 tr;l 1.1 51 72! 31 31 .12 N0 5H ill 4!. 2 101 53 45 !. 37 431 53 55 3i 37 lil. I 40 113 (ill 47 6 4 27 S3 3rt 3H 57 51 SI. 42 201 51 f.r, !I7 r4 271 " 1r.11 4I( so. 0.1 Hi! li 31 II (17 50 71 (I.I 133 Nlli Sill 1H 77 70 NT, 5'J 7l 41 72 N5 mi 37 N0 OKI si N3 III. Nil 111 74 73 75 103 1 47 35 7H 35 31.1 57 70 33 40 .;! 35 75, 53 31 7'!! 3 40! 60 65 lllll 62 47 III 25 3 II 27 .111 126 7H 162 40 3 N7 HI NN 3N 67 4I lONI SI !3 71 30 Nl 20 40 113 70 N3 114 III. 113 Ml 67 1(0 70 107 6i :io 3!. 21 81 K3f 3 3N 3 ii 1 70 HI. 60 (III 73 6!. 4H 611 117 .III, lilll 1301 41 40 70 r, 41 31 02 37 7H, 71 2 AiWHor Fl 1 1, HI 10; 23 20 y 1 70 3l)l 40 43 NX: Nl 1001 611 26 161 7H 43 6 61 64 II il i;;i 31 77" lwi 6! 23 104 6U 17 63 41 HI 1711' .3 - 01 u 7 35 113 151 N3 B'.i; 1)01 67 6111 3 MK -! 1 11. 130 67 77 126 H0 Nj 11. 1 61 6 21 1 47 41 70 2 2 I (Si 40 43 7 36 1, H III 4., 471 H6 41 ll.l 741 62 K 66 31 111 61 60 Hi 130; 7N1 H3I sy III .3 1:11 13!l 113! 21 !M HI 2 I HI 7rJ 1117 1)7 I., 124 113 136 101 I fill Nl 120' 7hi 31 Nil 62 107 KM I 1W3 62! I()7f 1.7 5 74 I 90 411' 101 37 67 114 35 47 751 611 3I( 4n! VII! 3 II IIS 33, 4i t.l. 61 lii 17 63 26 1.0 32 41 31 6 16 1)2 7l. 33 62 . 33 II 21 14 10 61 ON 1.6 37 III 00 (ill 67 116 51 97 711 211 60 4!l (6 6:. 6 10.1 1.6 IHI 41 51 77 3N 6,1 10 . 3 II 43 . 41 in 3 no in 117 1 IN 1.3 HS III! 4!l 120 3 03 66 ID 20 .11) 46 60 112 37 23 H2 47 31 Nr. 3ft Tnlllls I 0131 6201 (i443 7406 II02N 6I76 6644 6o!. 632j 47HI 112471 4425