Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, November 17, 1916, Page 3, Image 3

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HAI.KM. Or, Nov. 1 1.-1 In- main
til Orison III otii'fuln miliar llmpraa
Mil iitiilillillliiit Uw mil II Ilia leilala
lure, ahull meet nimI enact li'xUlallun
in intone llir ' liiiniMlrx" aini'ii'liiiniil
In the iiiiinI II ut Ion, adopted br lll pell.
ilo Hi llin ru i'lil Kolli rul cli'i Hull,
Allium i ili'iinriil liniNii today v l'l
liiitrrimr WIiIixi iimiIhi.
I ihIct "li" niltiliii i'i'r "' il In lli
fM'iiiilvn dr lli'i mi'imry yvmnal, Hi"
new amendment U tint In rniidli t lln
lln prinlnlipiin or Dm preterit ilir I"
vn.l thiiclore. Dm iroHi'iil law will be
In I'lTiit iinlll lie Icglalallou I 'ii
Courier Preaa, 15.00; Handy Fir l.um
lr Co., fd.i:i; C. Woirhricrn, 4.1K; J.
('. Elliott A Co., 100.70; 0. KroUch,
$.'4.00; II. Ilmk. 112X0; J. K. Clino,
$12.60; Jin Krotseh, fl2.M); Jo
Papach. $l2.fi0; . Tomrn, WISH); J.
Pupsrh, 112.60; P. Tomsen, I'.'-MKl;
Charles lloyer, 112.00; Harry Kostrh.
$12.00; Joo nil.trr, $'11.26; John
N.-hiirht, $14.00; Hurry Karstlnif,
$.11.00; Herman HclUrt, $1A.7&; E.
Krcilolph, 11.1.50; A. II. Kitutu,
tll7.(Mi; J. W. Norton. $27.60; Karl
Tong, $:i0.60; E. Pillnter, flH.OO; It.
Ciawford. $ IH.00; A. Wellmsn, f 1H.00;
Uater NVwrll, $20.60; Will Crawford, j
fH.00; O. K. Ilaugi-n, $2(1.337; Clifford
Yuunir, $26.00; Fred Khonk, $25.00
F. II. Allen, $.'5.00.
DISTRICT NO. 4.-EsUrada Tele
phone A Telegraph Co., :i.5H; Eoat
rrn Clackamaa New, $6.00; 3. A.
Kitching, $40.05; Good Koada Ma.
blurry Co., $10.25; II. II. Yuunir,
$5.45; llrrt II. Flnrh, $4:1.75; A. II.
(Jorden, $4.00; C. W. Kchuld A Sona,
f ll'.'I.OO; J. C. KiUhlnir, $19.00; K. II.
Currin, $11.00; G. A. Uivall, $21.50;
II. S. Jonrt, $:il.50; K. S. Coop, $9.00;
J. J. Ihinwalh, $N.00; V. Younkcr,
$5.0(1; John Githr-ni, $10.00; W. II.
Kellrndonk, $4.00; J. K. Huirhra, $7.
50; Gro. Waltera, $4.00; M. 8. Sarvr,
$:i.5; W. T. Uoney. $10.00; J. II.
l-oonry, $4.00; J. A. Kitchinir. $45.00;
II. A. Githrna. $17.00; G. It. I.lnn,
$14.00; I. Hair, $27.00; II. C. IMple,
2H.00; G. V. Huyr, 020.00; G. T.
KiUhintr, tlfi.00; K. K. Krlrkaon,
$14.00; M. I'. Ilautniiboind, $M.0O.
IUSTUICT NO. 6 C. W. Schutd A
Sona, $160.00; Wm. Whevler, $8.00; '
('. Ikberir, $0.00; John Andxrvirir.
$0.00; Joa Modin, $4 00; O. W. Uor
Inif, $2.00; O. Rich, $8.00; Goo. Tach
eron, $4.00; U Sudden, $.'1.00; Chrii
Anderwn, $.1.00; II. Naaa, $:i.00;
James Albert Tufts,
Civil War Veteran,
Ex -Treasurer, Dies
. uiiiph Alliert TnftH, Civil . war
M'tornn Mini a well known rexldrnt
nf (iliidxtune, died Wi'dnesiluy Inorn
liiK nt hla homo at !:.'I0 o'dmk, iiftur
llll IMllKha Of KI'MTIll IlllllltllM. Till'
funeral aervliva will lie ronililcted on
I'rlilay uftornoon at 2 nVlmk fio.u
llin llolinim iindcrtukliiK parloia In
IIiIn clly. with Rev. W. T. Mllllken,
piiHtor of tbn Huillt t-hnrh. tifTlflnt
, Ink'. Iiitoriiient will Im In tin1 M on ii
luln View cemetery. The liiemberri .of
the Art I win und 1. O. O. V. IoiIki'm mid
.Monilo I 'out No. 2, (I. A. It., ol w lilili
the deceitHfi! wum u memlier, will u f -tend
In u body,
JuineH Albeit TiKIh wuh llm Hon ol
the Into Andrew I'.., nml Akiiiin TiiiU,
mid nua born nt CiiIiiIh, Maun', Munli
li, IS Hi, iinil wiih milted In innn lnKO
in MIkh Aiiiiii It, Hb kiiliy, In Maiilo
wiie county, WIhcoiimIii, IMvciiiIut 25.
IhtiS, Iroin whiili iinloif tliero wero
horn three children, who urn Mm.
Ili'inlco Wurri'ii, of (ilmlHtoiio; Mrs.
t'hiirleH lliiiiiinforil, of Oickhii City;
.Mm. tiny DwIkkIuh, of (ilndxtoiio.
On Murrh 31, 1SI1I, Mr. Tiiftn en
llHted from WttHliliiKtun county, VIm
l oiiHln, to hitvo three yearn or during
I ho Civil war, and wiih muidcrcd Into
the I'llited Stale Hervlce lit MadlMim,
WIhcoiikIii, on the 111 Hi day of March,!
I KM, an it private of Captain William i
1. llenry'H company, HiIm IicIhk Com-'
puny K, Foill teeiilll ReKlmeiit Wlacoil-I
hIii Volunlii'r-Infailtry. with Colonel'
M. ward comnmndliiK-
Tho Konrl eentli WIhcoiikIii, uIho
known nH the "North weHtern RkI
iiient," and tho "WIhcoiihIii KeKiilarH,''
w nH organized November 9, ISO I, It
roiidoKVotiHod nt Camp Wood, I'omlu
lue, ItH organization being completed
In Janciiry 1802, hihI ul'ter remaining
In cunip until Marcli brolto camp und
Htnrted for Ht. IjuIh, arriving Maixli
loth, reniiilnlnt? nt Jofformil barrnckH
until Murch 2:t, and ordered to report
to General Grant, lit Hiivuniiiih, Tciin,,
April flth, and nmrched to l'lttobur
l.uiidlnR, Tenn., und partlelpatlng In
(bo nocond day'a buttle, the conipuny
loat fourteen mun, wounding Heventy
nine und for bravery tho compnny ob
tained tho tltlo of ' WlacoiiHln Hpru
larH." Othor bnttluB were pnrtlcb
pitted in by Mr. Tufts and bin com
pany. He wiib mustered out of Her
vlce at Molillo, Abibama, Qctober 9,
Mr. Tuftd nnllKtud as a recruit und
Joined his command ut Cairo, Illln
oIh. Thli dflUichment, known as
Wonlens Ruttallon" participated In
the Atlanta campnlRii, and ho bore a
gallant part In all of the. engagement
of that campaign, "Marcli to the 8ea,"
his company bolnic detailed to nerve
with tho First Missouri Review at
ailed (iiiiliiii'iillii Him tolal'y Art
Tim i hiuuili r nf llin new leaUlullou.
fthlcll will tin eic llllul In plain tM
"In ill)" iiii ii'liiii'iil ill operation,
AllmiM-r Hernial lli"M ailil Cot
illior Wllliyruiiil"-. ImiihI lie l'ke Ihal
i'Iiiii li' In Ihi- slate nf Idaho. I'lilll
mi I of llii kind In adopted by Hie
i'Klluliirn, llin allolllir general
pointed mil, Hi liiiHiitulloii of In
Initialing IIiiium for Im'Vitmkii ir
pOSta llllll Itll' !( lillllllll lt I'llll
bh'-d irlnilliiilly, aline the new amend
j mciil does not mrrr iieiiallv ilau
John Mryt.r, $5.00; A. Joiiilon, $1.00;
Wm. Wh-lrr, $22.fMi; C. UkUrif.
$22.00; Jim Mwlin, $22.00; I'aul Htone,
$12.00; John Amliririr, $10.00; Goo.
Tarhrron, $11.00; C. Wh-lrr, $M.OO;
M, II, Wholr, $4 00; II. Naaa, $5 00;
John Mrypr, $17.50; Chria Andrraon,
$5.00; II. Garnand, $i).(M); O. Kirh,
$10.00; I. Huddrn, $4(X; C. Ukhrrir,
$ll.00; J. MihIUi, $2400; Paul Htona,
$10.00; O. W. Ilorlnr, $ID.00; A. Jon
Umi, I1H.00; J. Amlrrritr. $1100;
Wm. Whrclrr, $10.00; Gmi. Tarheron,
$17.00; U rluil.U-n, 111. (Ml; ('. Whil
rr, $'I.(M, M. II. Whm-lvr, $5.00; John
Mr-yrr, $:I7.50; O. M. Iti.hi-y, $12.00;
Trumnn Ulrhi-y, $12.00; II. Nu,
$25.00; Chria Anlrrxiii, $0.00; F.
Uke, $5.00; Portland ICuilway, Mirht
A I'ower Co., $2:iO.AO.
DISTKICT NO. 0-W. Widmr,
$10.00; hUl Siti, $10.00; II. Gerke,
$10.00; C. Krvba. $12.00; G. Wilrox,
$4.00; John Su.kow, fH.00; M. Mo ho,
$0.00; Kd LlttUpaKO, $10.00; Gun
FlnifiT, $H.O0; K. K. Jarl, $17.50; Lew
la Hall, $4.00; I. Hall, $4.00.
IUSTUICT NO. 7-l'aul K. JUInlif.
$.111.55; Hmidy Murranlil Co., $1.40;
Good KornU Machini-ry Co., $101.00;
8. T. Shaw, $i.76; W. II. Montifomery.
$15.75; A. Cavfii, $22.r0; F. Gilihona,
$20.26; Goo. Ten F.yrk. $29.25; H. Ten
Kvk, $:iH.60; K. Ten Kyck, $29.25
G. I'ickeni, $:il.50; 11. I'ukena, $29.
25; J. Corkrlrraa, $:)2.02; A. Frank,
$32.02; Wm. Winton, $10.60; I). W.
Douirlai, $544.00; II. H Martin, $15..
76; M.-Thooaa, $MI.60; A. I'hclpii.
$1150; J. TiKlea, $0.76.
DISTRICT NO. 9-Frnk Ahiifrt,
$11.00; Cnrl Una, $000; Will l.lnn,
$10.00; Nic Ruth. $9.00; Fred Nich
man, $4.00 Kil Harder, $2.00; llrrt
II. Flnfh, $:i.:i5; intern (lackrman
New, $5.00; Fnd Una. $'.0.00; Ed
Gnifrnhbin, $10.00; Gua Zwirnman,
$10.00; Frank Howard, $0.00; Fred
Nitrhinun, ' $.0(l; Theo. Ilurdcra,
$10.00; Nic Rath, $7.00; Adoiiph W,l
dfrhult, $0.00; C. Guber, $10.00; I'otor
Riibl, $K.O0; W. Trrwilli(rer, $8.00;
l.ro Roth. $22.00; Harokl Joyner,
$.14.00; Heno Johimon. $8.00; C. A.
Johnaon, $4.00; Henry .Schmidt, $8.00;
A. II. Miller. $8.00.
DISTRICT NO. 10 Kimtern Clock-
J. A. Tufti
Wnshlugioii, I). C., May 21. 1805, ufter
which the cninpany wiih Kent to Louis
ville, Ky lo Join the regiment, lie
rendered faithful and meritorious hit-
vlco lo his country at all times, and
riiclvcd an honoralde discharge ut
Mobile, A In l;i inn, on the I'tli day of
Oelolier, 1M."., by reason of close of
Will'. ,
Mr. Tints was n member of Meade
I'ost No. 2. (I. A. It., of this city, and
was commander In 1!H0, 'und a dele
gate to tin National encampment lor
1!H0. lie was '" ""M'or vlco-com-inaiidcr
for 1909,. and In one of tho
oldest members of the United Artisan
lodge, und I'atrons of llnsbutidry. He
ield public office as school clerk und
assessor In Door county, Wisconsin,
for threo terms. After coming to Ore
gon City he wiih elected by n largo
majority for county treasurer, and
served two terms, und was nlso deputy
ussessor before taking up the offlco of
county treasurer. For several years
Mr. Tufts was In busliiesn In this city
1 be (lug on the court house In hono"
of the deceased Is ut half mast.
Mr. Tufts Is survived by his
w idow, a ink his children, also tho fol-low-liii;
gianiH'lilldren: Clinton and
Wlu ford Warren, of Gladstone; Rob
ert Rlckuby Dwlggius, of GUidstono.
Ivan, Gordon, Gladys, Albert and Sid
ney Ilanniiford, of Oregon City. He
also loaves three alBtors, Mrs. James
Mr.Farland, of Powell River, D. C,
Mrs. Itert Taylor, of Minnesota; Mrs.
W. C. Nllos, of Gladstone, but now
visiting at Kankakee, Illinois; one
brother, Croweer Tufts, of Minnesota.
,M ii llll I
arnas Nawa, $5.00; C, II. Duncan,
f IU (Ml; It. H. Ludlow, I iH.fKJ; G. T.
HI,k, $51.50; W. W. Dillon, $10.00;
Gnu, Ariimtronif, $12 00; N. M. Tra y,
Il7.'8l; K Jankliii, $12.00; J. II.
Trary, $ 19.60; DrKblold., $10.00;
Varnla I Mint, $12.00; V. K. Thomas,
$28.00; Mm Kl.utih, $ 11(H); J. II.
Duncan, $0.00; Urt II. Fliifh. $5.46 j
A. K. Yocuin, $10.(8); Jo Niihllxm,
$2(8); Caspar Wharlur, $4 (81; W. A.
Ith'Mlea, $.'.0.(81; A. J. Duncan, $.'8.00;
A. W. Itotklria, $12.(81; I. M. Ywum,
$78.00; W. M. W'ada, $18.00; C, II
I'tinran, $'1.1.26; I
$12.00; F, Kb'"!.
Whlll.ark, $22.00;
II. M K.nney,'
$28 00; Frank
Alfred Wwilsay,
$20(8i; J. II. Dunran, $20.00; llarvry
Mar.liall, $11.76; Calvy JlM-be, $19,00;
Klvy IUkU, $20.(8); I'aul Holm,
$20.00; Frni-.t Mamball, $18.00; Clif
ford Thomas, $2.00; J. M. rVhult,
$2.26; Chn. IJvr.ay. $'J.H.'l; K I..
I'p, $14.00; li. D. IVnnork, $1.00;
Mack Riv.ru, $9.00; J. T. Apptrson,
$13.60; F.ll Rivna, $1.00; C. R. I.iv..
ay, $9.00; F. IL lloardman, $450;
Fri-d llirnler, $2.(8).
DISTRICT NO. 12 Valvolina Oil
Co., $2.1.1; lUainuairn A Co., $1.80;
UKun Roller Mills, $1.65.
DISTRICT NO. 10-Ktraiifht A
Sulinbury, $1.26; llodnon-Feciuiuglity
Co., $46.,18; Chaa. A Linton, $55.20;
II. Fisher, $7.60; It Chlnii, $28.00; A.
8. Newton, $12.60; II. Newton, $2.00;
D. Rutherford, $14.00; J. Itottinger,
$0.00; C. (Jelifer, $0.00; T. I'nman,
$8.00; T. Illanchard, $1.00; II. Flhcr,
$1.1.00; II. Kngel, $01.75; 11. Kvlland,
$12.(8); W. Itundull, $29.60; A. Mr
Farland, $22.00; K. Fiaher, $19.50;
N. Norton, $16.(8); A. Kchunk, $21.00;
T. Inglm, $10.50; F. llulras. $.15.00;
C. lUltiiiKer, $29.00; D. Thomas,
$11.(8); F. Dietze, $0.60; J. Hull, $25.
50; Kmil (Jelbrlch, $17.(8); K. Gelbrich,
$11.60; IL Cliinn, $11.00.
DISTRICT NO. 17 anby Con
rrrtn Works, $14.20; A. II. Johnson,
$4.00; Almnu Juhnaon, $27.60; I'aul
Ilnny, $1.00; Warren Frerce, $4.00;
Geo. Km-hlvr, $21.76; Frank Zeliiiske,
$2.00; Win. Tire, $7.00; Koliert Vor
pahl, $8.00; Henry Kraft, $8.00; Chris
Kcnnri, $4.00; Clarence Rupp, $4.00;
Otto Striker, $10.00; J. . Hrlvey,
$10.00; M. I'avelrtz, $11.60.
wr. $19.28: A. Thomas. $1.00; K. O.
Iluirhea, $1.00; John Wieirele, $9.75;
C. G. Whetmore. $10.00; II. Rogers,
$.1.75; Arthur Ilinton, $.1.75; Fred
Kamrath. $150.
DISTRICT NO. 19 J. O. SUats,
$1.95; W. Waldorf, $4.05; John
Schriebcr, $52.00; lien Chindgren,
$2.00; William Wallace, $24.00 J. I).
French, $5.0D; J. J. Mallntt, $4.00; Joe
Daniels, $12.00; G. C. Smith, $2.00;
Frank Smith, $.1.50; Kurle Schuebol,
$8.00; Howard Nation, $9.00; Harvey
Scrucbel, $2.00; A. I. Jones, $.1.00;
Bruno Herthutd, $1.00; S. Holsten,
$9.00; Arnold Dubois, $2.60; John
Coulter, $4.00; Richard GriflVlhs,
$4.00; W. HotUjmiller, $4.00; Peter
Schiewe, $4.00; F-d Grace, $2.00; John
Iluol, $0.00; Kd Buol, $2.00; Wm.
Kleinsmith, $4.00; Klmer Kleinsmith,
$7.00; Walter Kleinsmith, $4.00; J. A.
Coulter, $4.00; Clyde Ringx), $3.00;
John Polaen, $11.60; John Keller,
$13.00; II. D. Chlndg-ren, $12.00;
Chns. (Issuer, $0.00; George Gasser,
$10.00; Willium Mietenan, $16.00;
Urs Mietenan, $10.00; W. II. Jones,
$10.00; A. E. Jones, $29.00; A. L.
Urkins, $0.50; R. Schutbel, $47.00;
Jacob Ticnharra, $28.60; Isaac Hel
hacn, $10.00; Arno Helbaca, $32.00;
Milton Chindgren, $12.00; Julius
Schiewe, $12.00; Walter Hofstetter,
$12.00; Gua Yloncn, $12.00.
DISTRICT NO. 21 Ben Anderson,
$12.00; A. Becker, $12.00; W. S. Gor
bett, $22.50; Gilbert Murphy, $12.00;
Ia'ss Crawford, $5.00; Carl Erickson,
$0.00; Aug. Anderson, $4.00; G. A.
Gottberif, $0.00; J. D. Crawford,
$4.00; A. Nelson, $59.40; Jay Fellows,
$24.00; E. M. Fellows, $24.00; Lewis
Pendleton, $20.00; CI i fiord Johnson,
$20.00; J. A. Johnson, $0.00; Ernest
Wallace, $54.00; Aug-. Anderson,
$3.00; Chns. Johnson, $50.00; Nels
Lunmark, $0.00; Archie Bonncy,
$0.00; John Try in-, $0.00; Curl Erick
son, $8.00; W. Schnfcr, J6.00; G. A.
Gottberg", $4.00; O. G. Nyquist, $5.60;
Alfred Swanson, $0.00; V. S. Dix,
$0.00; Jonas Petterson, $6.00; Erick
Trypir, $0.00; Hen Anderson, $6.00;
W. S. Gorbctt, $13.5; A. E. Nelson,
$12.00; J. J. Jones, $12.00; L. Carlson,
$8.00; A. Johnson, $4.00; A. N. Swan
son, $8.00; J. D. Craw-ford, $28.00;
Less Crawford, $18.00.
DISTRICT NO. 22 Wm. Fcyrer,
$5.00; Hon Chindgren, $11.00; Feyrer
IIi-oh., $97.50; John Callahan, $75.00;
Henry Fick, $33.00; Lee Jones, $30.00;
Don Ellis, $28.00; P. J. Taylor, $20.00;
C. E. Rumsby, $10.00; Geo. Klino,
$4.00; S. A. D. Hunjrnte, $28.50; M.
V. Stuart, $33.50; Glenn Martin,
$29.00; Lcslio Dickey, $8.00; II. C.
Bonnker, $7.00; Fred Powell, $5.50;
J. W. Stundinper, $12.00; Robbing
Bros., $7.60; Dickcn A Co., $12 75;
Lay Bros., $2.20; Slyter & Eckerson,
1.32; Fred Schafer, $9.33; W. G. Mas
terton, $4.50; Geo. J. Cnsc, $5.85; E.
M. Henrickson, $10.55; W. G. M.;ster
ton, $22.75; Gottlieb Feyrer, $44.86;
Milton Trullinger, $00.00; W. O. Dick
erson, $14.00; Jack Fevrer, $100,00;
G. E. Feyrer, $22.00; II. J. Rastall,
$1044.00; Guy Dibble, $7.00; G. R.
Jackson, $3.00; Chester Dickey, $11.
60; Cnrl Feyrer, $57.50; J. R. Davie,
$4.50; C. B. Eldred. $4.00; Eber El
dred, $2.00;, Merrill Eldred, $2.00;
Clny Hunfrntc, $8.00; Charles Purka
pile, $1.00; R. W. Davidson, $13.00;
Mark HmiRnto, $4.00; Geo. Madill,
$9.00; Geo. F. Ball, $8.00; G. Gran
quist, $2.00; Cuuy Enifle, $11.00; D.
McIIenry, $1.00; J. W. Davis, $15.00;
T. Mcintosh, $16.50; A. E. Nelson,
$4.00; D. E. Pendleton, $8.00; Peter
Geres, $8.00; Graham Hungate, $3.00;
Buddd Lay, $33.00; Herbort Pendle
ton, $4.00.
NO. 23 Canby Hard
ware & Implement Co., $.60; Wm. Ma
ple, $1.25; J. M. Eikksoii, $1.05; R.
W. Zimniennnn, $20.50; V. Skinncr,$
$33.00; R. 0. Veteto, $24.00; E. Vetc
to, $12.00; C. Veteto, $12.00; M. Kinp,
$1G.00; O. SloUirer, $24.00; II. Sleta
frer, $12.00; C. F. Zicfder. $20.00.
DISTRICT NO. 2 O. W. Kinjr,
18.00; John Casto, $19.00; Will
Iach, $10.00; Fred Iman, $7.00; Er
nest Thiel, $7.00; Clarence Johnson,
$G.00; John Gahler, $2.00; L. J. Spa
gle, $35.25.
DISTRICT NO. 27-Joieph OsUr.j
$60; Olof Olson, $2.00; T. Henlly,!
$000; )rval Jarkson, $100; I. D.
Urkins, $5.50.
DISTRKT NO. 2H-J. . (. T.
M. (V., $7.47; V. M. Ilnrikn, $11.. I
66; J. II. Maaon, $.); W, N. Chiliot.,!
$10.20; Homer Trulliiifr, $22.(8); I
John Miller, $29.00; D. P. Yut, $10.00; I
Karl lllrd, $22.00; Htrva Fi.her,1
$20(8); Andy MasinKo, $.'4 00; II. K.
Vallantyna, $0.00; W. J. Avlnon,
$.'0.00; Klmer KawUII, $1.50; Hubert
Kiiirla. $14.00; W. M. Il.-liniir, $12.(81;
Frank Kawtell, $8.); G, V.. (Jault.
I $12.00; C. W. Ilarman, $19,50; A.
Kacket, $12,181; Tony Olson, $00.(8);
Niyd Fink, $2l.oo; Charley rik,
$18.(8); Usllv lUm.ay, $VU); Al.
Rometu h, $10.00; John (Wrr, $2.(8);
Hill Marts, $10.(8); Jim Mart, $14.00;
F. V. Johnson, $10.(8); C, W. Hardy. $17.(8); Frank UmUrt, $2.(8); D.
$21.(8); Waller Rusm-1, $11.00; Hen : Abbey, $10.00; J. J. Haley, $0.00;
Klieriiisn, $16.(8); (wi. Herlmt, $19.00; Norman IJMy, $4.00; D. J. l!a,
lUy Scholifman, $20.(81; Roily Kawtell. $28.00; Carl I'.rmien, $12.00; W. It.
$18.00; Frank Frrlan, $15.(8); A. D. , $aler, $2.00; A. II. Paulsen, $2.00.
Stwrman, $54.50; C Klsughter, $10.00; 1 DISTRICT NO. 4H Paul It. Main
8.otl Carter, $34.00; J. G. Hlixt. If, $1.44; William Ilo.holm, $8.00;
$20.00; J. F. Kommler, $18.00; G. O. , Walter Krebs, $12.00; William Alt,
llardinir. $20.00 1 A. D. Ktllw, $12.00; ', $8.(8); Carl Alt, $17.00.
F-dwin Rusim-I. $20.(8); Georr Clea-j DISTRIST NO. 49 Eastern Clark
ter, $04.60; John llelvey, $8,181; Fay arnas News, $5.(8); It. K. Davis,
Kimlsill, $40.00; I. D. Shank, $00.00; $10.00; E. T. Davis, $14.(8); John -
Al. Wylund, $45.00; Zeb. Bowman.
$.17.00; Eil. Wyland, $10,00; John
Trulllngrr, $74.60; A. II. Hibbard,!
$54.00; K. I- Trimbull, $24.00; C. 0.1
Vnrliies, $50.00; J. F. Sherman,'
$58.(8); George Ko", $10.(8); Frank,
Kokle, $18.76; V.. (). Itusnel, $78.00;
D. It. Ilelvey, $10.00; Ue Adiims,'
$11.00; I,rli Shank, $104.00. j
DISTRICT NO. 29-G. A. Lhlen,
$2.17; KffTu A Moore, $.76; M. Barde
A Sons, $15.45; G. II. Gray, $75.50;
Arlo Gray, $27.(8); 8. Graham, $12.00; ,
l Kell, $4.(K); D, II. (Iray. $20.00; K.
Gray, $20.00; O,
Elwle. 111.00: Ji
Graham. $22.00
W I 'KMi.
Henry Colvin, $24.00; Hob Whitworth,
DISTRICT NO. 30-Frank Whil-U-n,
$14.(81; Ed WhltUn, $20.10; John
Itairy, $11.00; Ing-vall Johnson, $12.00.
DISTRICT NO. 31 G. G. Peters,
$40.00; C. K Jones, $21.00; II. D.
Aden, $1.00; F. Failmeiifer, $48.00;
E. G. Sly. $8.00; F. Ridder, $34.00;
Edward Boeckman, $8.00; Smith
Turner, $20.00; G. F. Aden, $40.00;
E. Nicholson, $10.00; Friti Wagner.
$10.00; N. S. Oldham, $41.00; H.j
Peters, $38.00; Edward Pamperln.i
$.10.00; G. Collins, $20.00; Otto Pam-j
perin, $20.00; John Hanson, $20.00;,
W. Schlkkeiser, $10.00; W. S. Sharp,!
$4.00. I
DISTRICT NO. 32-Harry Jost,!
$90.75; Klmer Todd, $78.00; A. P.
Todd, $08.00; A. Baker. $10.00; Mr. I
Talmnn, $52.00; B. Dodson, $24.00; j
Tom Baker, $50.00; J. C. Snyder,;
$.16.00; Jack Heater, $20.00; II. Heat-!
er, $20.00; Mr. Streeter, $58.00; i
Hugh Her, $42.00; fle.;$:i04, 4,nAde44
Glen Baker, $34.00; Mat Baker,
$16.00; Hugh Her, $42.00; C. McCon
nell, $44.00; Geo. Seely, $22.00; Buck
Barnes, $22.00; Art Jaeger, $2.00; Del
Buker, $7.00; PcU Knecht, $7.00; E.
G. Jones, $8.00; John Her, $4.00.
DISTRICT NO. 33 Eastern Clack
v km, i r- :
...m. .w, lli
ki. $5.00; K. Madden & Co., $5.70;
rl.L :ii.j .roon. :i
Schenk, $10.00; Jas. Cloiner, $14.00;
O, Hendren, $13.00; August Genser
oskl, $17.00; Hary Howell, $45.50;
Fred Closncr, $12.00; Marion Tucker,
$12.00; Harry Shay, $12.00; J. S.
Marrs, $12.00; N. Christensen, $10.00;
John Seaquest, $10.00; Elmer Dibbel,
$10.00; Wilber Wade, $21.00; J. F.
Mo(ror, $26.00; C. M. Folsom, $22.00;
W. Fink, $24.00; J. F. Smith, $.30.00;
W. A. Bard. $20.00; S. E. Smith,
$28.00; Guy Grabel, $24.00; W. T.
Smith, $8.00; Geo. Genseroski, $2.00;
R. Seaquest, $.10.00; E. Closncr,
$30.00; D. M. Sunders, $24.00; George
Keller, $18.00; Oscar Holman, $14.00;
C. C. Miller, $20.40; Howard-Coopr
Corporation, $.13.00.
DISTRICT NO. 36-John McKen
zio, $11.25; Albert Elliott, $5.00;
Albert Pederson, $8.00; P. B. Hastie,
$8.00; Ed Larson, $4.00; L. E. Moe,
$2.00; Alfred Anderson, $2.00; Sam
Prnther, $2.00; F. M. Linnvillo, $4.00.
DISTRICT NO. 38 R. Richardson,
DISTRICT NO. 40 C. Kirchem.
$21.00; A. Msrtin. $18.00; D. L Erd
man, $32.25; J. E. Schcnck, $16.00;
W. II. Stone, $.10.00; L. Rivers, $31.00;
F. Warner, $28.00; S. Stone, $28.00;
A. Burtlcmuy, 114.00; S. Swnnson,
$9.00; G. Judd, $16.00.
DISTRICT NO. 41 John AfTalter,
$2.73; Paul R. Meinisr, $1.75; H. II.
Udell, $2.50; John Affalter, $70.00;
Walter KiUmillcr, $12.50; H. II.
Udoll, $28.05; A. Shirley, $8.00; Chas.
Updecrove, $1800; John Burmcistex,
$14.00; G. Alert, $7.00; Frank Thiess,
$1.00; John Spnller, $4.00.
DISTRICT NO. 42 Monitor Lum
ber Co., $3.00; Cimby Concrete Works,
$10.80; Austin Taylor, $9.25; Aaron
Yodcr, $1.75.
DISTRICT NO. -43 a Kirchem,
$24.50; A. Martin, $21.00; Bennie
Blnisdell, $13.00; F. M. Blnisdell, $22.
75; Wilson Test, $20.00; Arthur An
derson, $5.00; William Fuchs, $5.00;
Robert Phillips, $8.00; Ed Johnson,
$6.00; Walter Van Curen, $5.00; F.
Shultz, $9.00; W. C. Lonjrwell, $9.00;
Georfre Sawtell, $18.00; Fred Hoff-
meistcr, $10.00; August Kleppey,
$10,00; Shery Bravender, $10.00; Jess
Ncol, $6.00; Roy Munger, $4.00; Ben
Forrester, $8.00; George Judd, $2.00;
M. Trullintrcr, $3.00.
DISTRICT NO. 44 Herman Fish
er, $5.50; Erich Fisher, $3.00; A. S.
Newton, $15.75; Thos. Penman, $4.00;
Dave Jones. $4.00.
DISTRICT NO. 45 Martin Bros.,
$40.00; L. Vnllen, $9.00; Matt Parks,
$6.00; W. T. Henderson, $14.00; John
Scott, $6.00; M. Reinkers, $4.00; S. B.
Brown, $9.60; W. Cox, $6.00; B. Gro
natzki, $6.00; L. Bogden, $4.00; G. A.
Harrison, $4.00; I P. Elliott, $29.25;
John Putz, $26.00; C. Stromgreen,
$11.00; A. D. Baurcr, $10.00; F. P.
Baurer, $4.00; Fred Baurer, $4.00;
& A. Freeman, $9.00; Carl Klang,
$8.00; P. F. Putz, $6.00; A. S. Free
man, $5.00; Hogg Bros., $4.10.
DISTRICT NO. 46 Mumpower &
Burghardt, $12.40; E. N. Tempest,
$8.00; Chas. Livesay, $9.15; Edward
Nachand, $35.00; Bert Marston,
$23.00; Jake Lau, $14.00; Henry
Hand, $10.00; Dan WatU, $12.00;
lard. $74.25; J. Reichel, $20.00; W. J"""; " u" ' ' ,TrW
Hendren. $24.00; W. W. Tucker, u.cfie,d' ..W-;
$.10.00; John Mo,rer, $17.60; J. E. T "h. ""
fi.d Wheler, $28.00; F, C, Wiln,
127.(8); A, Waru-n, $24 00; Kmeraon
Watts, $2400; Orvill WatU, flOM;
T. D. Crader, $400; Harry Warran,
$1 00; Frad VsllrtU, $24 IH); John
ValUtU, $12.00; Harold Peterson,
$4.00; A. J. Slt,n, $8 00; ( harlr
llarU-ris, $44.00.
DLSTRH.T NO. 47-A. N. Wills,
$14.00; Ktandard Oil Co., $4.76; K C,
Warrwi, $1146.00; Wm. U Jonas,
$U)0; Will W. Thompson, $28.80;
City of Milwaukia, $170.30; W. It.
1 Ktuka-,, $22.34; Milwaukia Garage,
; $8.I7j H. K. Hharrow, $2.(8); C. W.
1 H. liuDl A Hons, $8.W; C. W. Rialry,
, $'.'5.00; W. Rth, $75J)0; M WaMi,
$120.00; Hugh liobens, l.'X.su; J. r,.
j wards, $12.00; Ira Hart, $41.00; G. G.
' Jours, $14,00; A. II. Jahn, $40.00;
Walter Marounrt, $1.60; Wm. Oxk,
brit, $44.00; C. Wilcox, $7.00; J. F.
Snyder, $4.00; L. M. Yocum, $15.00;
C. A. Davis, $12.(8); W. K. Corbin,
$8.00; W. IJ. Union, $10.00; M. Sar
ver, $4.00; IL W. Umon, $17.60; J.
O. Bounds, $17.00; L II Hurd, $13.00;
I. T. Rawlins. $14.00; II. II. A'.ders,
$14.(8); Rjy Wilcox, $10.00; A. C. An
dcrton, $12.00.
DISTRICT NO. 50 Sam Sua!
dine. $7.60; A. E. Carlsin, $0.00; Hen
ry Hensin, $0.75; J. F. Msgern, $0.00;
F. M. Townsend, $7.50.
DISTRICT NO. 62-Frank Ott,
990; timer .inner. JJ4.00; JUy
Rushford. $.11.00; W. A. Ulrirh.
WW', Gordon, $22.00; II. W.
Kanne, $27.50; Ben Becker, $25.00;
G. S. Lenon, $0,00; Aujr. GelTert.
!$7.00; J. Itiillippl, $19.00;Trank Ott,
$9.!)0; Matt Greenalade, $5.00.
j DISTRICT NO. 63 A. Neuen
; schwander, $2.00; I.ucht Bros., $2.00;
Krnest Conrad, $2.50.
j DISTRICT NO. 64 J. W. Berkey.
$.08; Ben Stanton, $2.00; Geo. Oklnr.
!$1.00; Paul Snmson, 11.00; W. W.
(Lonir. $20.00;
DISTRICT NO. 65 Eastern Clack
arnas News, $5.00; T. Eaden, $12.00;
! Byron Randolph, $22.00; Joe Younir
1 erdorf, $48.00; C Bateson, . $56.00;
J. E. LaCroy. $56.00; C. Fouts.
$52.00; A. C. White, $56.00; C. E.
Hively, $12.00; Carl Montifomery,
$28.00; V. Cummin, $26.00; G. M.
Hively, $55.00; A. S. Richmond, $5.00;
Walter Bateson, $10.00; P. Gibb,
DISTRICT NO. 56 Crcason Lum
ber Co., $2.51; F. II. Pack, $13.50;
A. J. Cotta, $36.25; W. B. Rambo,
$52.00; Clarence Williams, $14.75;
Wm. Rutherford, $8.00; Antone So
vinsky, $10.00; Dan Fellows, $16.50;
Leroy Radford, $12.00; L. L. Man
love, $7.75; T. J. Wirtx. $12.50; Sam
Martin, $6.00; Aufrust Martin, $38.25;
Curtis Kandcl, $6.00; F. E. Kirk,
Rutherford, $4.00;
;. - , U'.V,K,. fJnn. SWI
T, I i, -V ,
li 9o0; Walter Hehn, $3.75; Hal
DISTRICT NO. 58 C Kirchem,
$10.50; A. Martin, $9.00; Eastern
Clackamas News, $5.00; J. C. Miller,
$36.85; F. Tiffany, $18.00; S. Stone,
$1.00; A. Warner, $4.00; J. McCrack
en, $6.00; A. Lindquist, $8.00; A.
Johnson, $16.00; F. Baker, $14.00;
J. Lavis, $12.00.
son, $10.50; Canby Hardware & Im
plement Co., $1.85; J. I. Case T. M.
Co., $6.90; Cole Bros. & Co., $34.39;
Robertson Hardware & Steel Co.,
$.30; Union Oil Co. of California,
$9.81; Halliday Machine & Garage
Co., $0.05; II. E. Sharraw, $3.85; G.
A. Morrison Lumber Co., $11.63; Paul
R. Meinig, $2.25; East Side Fuel Co.,
$22.99; Oregon City Foundry, $8.10;
Hodson-Foenaughty Co., $6.15; Coast
Culvert & Flume Co., $96.90; Pacific
Highwuq Garage, $17.76; East Side
Mill & Lumber Co., $67.77; Fred Dun-
dec, $23.84; Miller-Mowrey Lumber
Co., $18.30; Howard-Cooper Corpora
tion, $814.80; J. H. C. Cook, $6.40;
Pioneer Auto Truck & Merchants'
Delivery Co., $8.25; Caffall Bros.,
$10.00; C. W. Schuld & Sons, $5.00;
Wallace F. Miller, $36.00; B. F. Cook,
$00.00; Portland Railway, Light &
Power Co., $3.24; W. H. Counsel, $17.
80; Tony Sexton, $4.00; W. H. Mat
toon. $11.40; W. B. Kidd, $325.21;
Frank Busch, $4.00; Archie Mason,
$934.20; H. S. Anderson. $10.00;
George Lamers, $19,68; II. S. Gibson,
$2.50; Levi Erb, $15.00; Carl Kirch
em, $6.00; C. E. Bowman, $5.00; S. A.
Cobb, $31.25; John C. Miller, $19.75;
F. A. Jones, $2.50; C. J. Hood, $3.00;
City of West Linn, $6181.82; City of
Molalla, $401.98; City of Gladstone,
$935.86; City of Barlow, $90.54; City
of Oregon City, $7958.85; City of
Willamette, $244.13; City of Canby,
$850.75; City of EsUcada, '$319.02;
City of Milwaukie, $1464.21; City of
Oswego, $685.84; City of Sandy,
JU) 74- WnlU Far. fn . SI. 12;
T. A. Roots, $120.12; I,oui8 Buker,
$7.90; Pope & Co., $11.33; I. D. Tay
lor, $1.50; R. Chinn, $21.00; D. Thom
as, $12.00; C. Gciger, $4.00; J. Ret
tinger, $4.00; II. Fisher, $19.50; II.
Engel, $29.25; G. Kelland, $26.00; W.
Randall, $16.00; A. McFarland,
$11.00; E. Fisher, $19.50; N. Norton,
$7.00; A. Schunk, $13.00; T. Inglis,
$26.00; F. Huiras, $26.00; C. Rettin
ger, $26.00; J. Ball, $19.50; Emil
Gelbrich, $13.00; E. Gelbrich, $3.00;
R. Chinn, $26.00; A. S. Newton,
$13.00; D. Rutherford, $13.00; W.
Dutcher, $80.00; W. S. Thomas,
$10.00; John Hosey, $42.50; P. Heil
man, $42.50; E. A. Leek, $40.00; M.
404G$llc3c$ 3 .S45454 3444ir
Stauber, $2.00; A. Staloy, $2.00; Her
man Piefke, $12.00; James Adkins
Lumber Co., $14.21; Hodson-Fee-naughty
Co., $19.65; C. Zimmerman,
$42.87; F. Zimmerman. $30.62;' M.
Tiedeman, $36.75; F. Kaiser, $49.00;
C. Koellermeier, $6.00; W. Kaiser,
$33.12; Hult Lumber Co., $18.58; J.
D. French, $1.00; W. II. Husbands,
$2.00; J. Simons, $2.00; Earl Schue
bol, $4.00; R. Schuebel, $11.75; El-j
(Continued on Page 7.)
I f l aaA. Tl! a a In . I
fl.VU, V. k. AIUCII. 7a.W.
llele-n $1.600 and .'.O"0 In beta
on Ihn preableniul ra rhanged bauds
In Orrnoii Clly Halurday. On staka
hobler alone turned over loa to sop
purlers of WIImiii.
I'roltitiily llm largeat wlmirrs wire
lleiirv and Al Price. Tbe former re
iled ''0 from oiik Ukrliolilrr Hat
unUy and Ilia lulter ",). Other Ix-la
wi ih made by IIii-m lo ln-n wali,-a
lliox' placed wllh this nt.ikclinMi-r
TIiokm In Ioim h with llm alliiatlon,
eatlinkle Ihut aUiut .'.',')o0 rhaiigi-l
bsmls In Cluikanias coiiniy. (Inn ol
llm fr bits lol l,y Hie I'rlee Urol del i
Msyor Hackett Backs Proposal to Pay
For Street Improvtmanta Out of
City Fund, Rather Than by
Present Assessments.
Voters at Ibe annuul city election
on the first Monday In December will
paa JudKiiient ou three Initiative
nieusures; one giving the city tho
rlKht to condemn properyr for dock
site or other munlcll undertaking,
another providing that the city shall
charge a fare, probably a quarter of a
cent a ride, on the city elevator at
riruiu n v i l, at,u uiv . . mih,-
lug the method of paying for street
. U -..., . .1 , V. Vil.4' rhiin.
Tbe city churter provides no defiii -
Ito time when petitions for Initiative
recorder, beyond the clause which
says the measures shall be published
10 days prior to the election. How
ever, It is almost certain that no
other measures will be proposed as the
election Is only three weeks away.
Councilman Rouke, after making an
unsuccessful effort to induce tbe coun
cil to provide for a fare on the eleva
tor, is back of the Initiative measure.
He contends that those Mho use the
blK municipal hoist should pay for its
operation. Because Oregon City's
municipal elevator la probably the
only one of Its kind In tbe country,
the city can turn to no other town to
learn the practicability of charglm;
for rides. Opponents of the -measure
contend that with charge made for
each ride, the traffic would be so
greatly reduced the big hoist -would
not pay for Itself.
Mayor Hackett secured tbe drafting
of the measure giving the city the
right to condemn property for docks
or other nuinicfpul enterprises aud
the proposed amendment to the char
ter will be on the ballot at the order
of the council.
Another bill, providing that street
improvements shall be paid out of the
genera! fund, has the support of tho
mayor, who opposed the present plan
of levying street assessments.
The initiative ordinance 'providing
for the creation of a park board of
three non-sc.laried members has fallen
by the wayside. Supporters of Uhe
bill met considerable opposition from
unexpected sources.
Lrmitad Popularity.
"Is Jones a jNipular fellow?"
"Well, be is quite favorite
himself." ltostou Transcript
Salt Satisfaction Explained.
He- I like simple tbltiKs In-st-Khe
I've noticed tmw self satlatled
yon are. Hosion Transcript
Mr. Sheldon Spent $1900 for
Treatment Without Bene
fit Finally MadeWell by
Lydia E. Pinkham's Veg
etable Compound.
Englewood, 111. "While going
through the Change of Life I suffered
,wiui neauacnee, ner
vousness, flashes of
heat, ana I suffered
so much I did not
know what I was
doing at times. I
spent $1900 on doc
tors and not one did I
me any good. Une
day a lady called at
. L ,
my house and said ,
she had been as sick '
as I was atone time !
and Lydia E. Pink-
ham a VegetaDle ;
Compound made her well, so I took it and
now 1 am juBt as well as I ever was. I
cannot understand why women don't
see how much pain and Buffering they
would escape by taking your medicine.
I cannot praise it enough for it saved
my life and kept me from the Insane
Hospital." Mrs. E. Sheldon, 6057 S.
Halsted St, Englewood. III.
Physicians undoubtedly did their best,
battled with this case steadily and could
do no more. but often the most scientific
treatment is surpassed by the medicinal
properties of the good old fashioned
roots and herbs contained in Lydia E.
Pinkham's Vegetable Compound.
Tf an v Amnl!,Ltlnn Avtsia I
pays to write thJ LydU E. Pink- j
bam Medicine Co., Lynn, tlMi
Xor special Ut9 ftTieSa .
..!,,. 1 1 , , i , 1 1 ,TTI
as ''l put up attain! $104 oa OleKcii
Tha largeal bet was probably .' .9,
even money, on general rrsulla. Man
1 100 Wsgi-rs rf pUied. Few 8st
ixbli on iii ii-rl reaulis bera.
Of Ilia frrak Im-Is, Iba only on rm
rti i on I IihIuIb dl lietanrn William
Kolgrr, oi.'ili-r of lloshns, and K. i
( blnii, Wllniili! Kolajer ae ('blnn
a kbeelbarrow rbl from Third In
Thlrtreiiih and b a to Hrveuth en
Malu atrrt-t before h'lmtreds that llii"'l
Ilia sblewa'ka lo are tha Demoriatle
celebration In honor of the reeln tloii
of llm preabli'iil.
Wlla of Leasee of Property Pounds
Oown Basement Door to Save Her
self and Agd Woman Lou
Is About $25,000.
To women narrowly escaped death
and damaxe estimated at $25,000 was
done when fire, funned by a stiff
breexe from down the river, swept
over Rock Inland In the Willamette
near Mllwaukle lute Wednesday af
ternoon and doatruyed the big club
house on tbe ialand. The blase was
by an overheated flue. Tba
propi-rty was owned by thj) Portland
l ji0 II(. cub. and leaaed to R. J.
j h(j nn ,t
The Ions was not covered by Inmir
ance. Mr Smith was not on tbe Island at
the time of the fire. His wife was
playing tbe piano In the living rooms
In the clubhouse about 3 o'clock Wed
nesday afternoon when she heard a
crackling noise In the building. 8be
ran to tbe door of tbe room Just as a
part of the roof tell In. Tbe noise of
the wind through the trees about the
clubhouse drowned out the noise of
i me nre unm a lurge pan oi me Dunn
ing was In flames.
Her first thought was of her hus
band's grandmother, Mrs. J. W. Smith,
sited 82 years and feeble. She ran to.
the aged woman and the two went
down into the basement, tbe Ore huv-
! 'K blocked exit by the doors on the
first floor. They found tbe basement
doors lockedj. Mrs. Smith grabbed
a large stick of wood and beat dowu
the door. They ran from the burning
building to the beach where they
found a bout and escuped the fire.
Nothing could be done to block
the fire and all of Milwaukie lined
up on the river front to watch tbe
blaze which was still burning at 9
o'clock last night. The trees on the
island caught fire from tbe building
and the blaze swept over practically
all of the 14 acres. Trees not burned
probably killed by the heat of the
fire, so that Rock island is pactlcally
worthless today as a summer resort.
The clubhouse, 120 by 100 feet, two
stoVies hfch, and with large porches,
was built in 1903 by Peter Kerr, of
1'ortlund. He sold tbe property to.
the Portland Rowing club on time and
the club gave Mr. Smith a lease cow
ering a term of years. The island
was one of the most popular summer
resorts along tbe Willamette and was
the scene of scores of dances, picnics
and camping parties during every
summer. Fifty camping reservations
already bud been nuide for the 1917'
Mr. Smith's personal loss Is placeij
at $3000, not covered by Insurance.
Mrs. Smith ran back in the building'
after rescuing tbe used grundtuothcj-.
and saved thoir silverware ami a fef ,
personal belongings. v
,1VUIJ M. 1 I'lllJIIUU'll, CUUIIUlllllUlI
, .. . ' . ...
' ward, has consented to
become a candidate for reelection. No
opposition has developed to the candl-
11. ... 11 T 1. ...... tl
uacy ol Mr. Templeton, and a high
value hns been placed upon his ser
vices by hundreds of his conBtitutents.
O. V. Frledrichs and James Roaku
will probably be candidates from the
second ward for counciluien. Tht
latter Is a member of the council. In
the third ward It is reported that E. I!.
Andrews will bo a candidate for re
election and that he may be opposdd
by 8. McDonald, an employe of tho
street department
Mr. Templeton was chairman of the
street committee under Mayor Jones
and devoted a large part of bis time
to tho Interests of the city. He is
"nown as a conservative ana sare nun
nnJ has much Influence among the city