OKi:ciO CITY KXTKItTIMNK. I'IMh.VV, XilVKMUKK' 17. VMt. CANBY DEPARTMENT JJLPAHE5E BUT ATTENDS 'Ml -u BASKHJMLL QUINTET LITIHAKY IOCIBTV HOIOS OUSI NCS MUTING - HONOR ' ROLL It LONG. MULINO. Mt'l.l.VH, Ore. Nov, U (Hit lull s- - MACK5BURG. 4 r ,.t,..t4t JENNINGS LOOGC t At'Kriltritti. Out. Nov. !' Ml I. ISO. On-. N." I -H-. ul) -Tli l.lt.iaiy khu-ii of th Mullno ll.sil lltel la( n I'l.t ni-n"- i.. Uke up scleral .ti-.iu- iuatt"i t!infii l-au td.siej IiimiI re imiK.t. an.l Uskcll-jll lm '" Mm Chun hill last Thursday. t i. - Ilu . I t 4 kl lllli h kit til Mr. N. II. Dantcll ,. . dl...rr I'";" ' " i n rj until . . - -..-.. .- Sunday. Anions; l hose piesi-nt were: Mr. and Mr, (intnt Ashby and datig!i tor Ul. Mr. and Mr. Jim- DutileU ami children. Mr. Kt (toucher and Mm. Mary Donl.-' and daugblrr, Kate nt N. II. IVurnill. A ur.rl jmrt) given l the JKNMNCl MIh;K Oir. Nut. Ii iHi-e.inll -A slul incs-tin nl the Jh .,.,) u Juu Je...-u u ni.inokt-r all, J.-..le Daniel. ...plain. Ill Hip local ulii-l H l'l'" '" enrolled il'irln the month mill foul h hrlil Ull I lli Bftsrtliton and eten I,,.,...,,, tl.ite.l ihK s. load. Tim fid . . . ' U-I..I .li.l. m..l ullll I lull -Tile llIIV lirW .'.irils ' " I 11(1 I.S)Ui.- ... .....i.l I...I.I .. V... kit. .1 II... thi" p.l )r II4- n.nl incir .i-- mum i.'i - - rliuri it. me u-iy ws si-iu in ii( (r the annual l-sj.tr whiih U t- ..I.l r.mn.l lh. aim k. safe III (lli'lr new stall and the reM-rtf pnUtotstj lu i-f Kh i ihIm t Mil. Rug. tuulurt. j g ,ii.U are tuiollcd nil me run were protected f rmti fr. In lli ! j U'iiIIh mid Utic" M'I) f inm j ' f hnnnr imiliul l.lin limdi for Ihrm. i-ll fiu ) rllrl III l' tm ..U' j Kliul tli Umn. MiMi d M.i'li'. rlc to ror.l It.- d.aih .(!'"' '" """ wU'et ,r''",, Mury HiunUra... K-.ih.-r VI..U Mr Md. mothrr .-f Mr.. Al. U. ! - M-illiiil. U..U- Ij.uk. r ..rn-., ..... I . ... .. ....... .. .w i. i ....... ... . ... -. ... .. i .. . i W..I.L111 Ktl.k.ii rlilliiril Itoiili-N . . . u.. i.wii..t .ii.iiin M a M ill I t-i... ....! ....ri..r ...in. .11 . n n. .11 . ..... -., KTr.no. Tallf.. It m-l . nrrally i U r.-ulur im.nlhly n Htu i-n tin IMU-rt MlIIoII. l-l-1 W ill". Un known m.'!K hi. Irli-n-U h.-ir until . .ri.-rnnoii ..r Nov. 10 it llu- M li-i 1 1 p.uili !.. J.-.. IkuiI-U. i--. liinis. r.u. Mm. l ori-ni i nl.irtu lo Ihl laio. hon.r. Al S i. n. Ml.. Shlrli-y I'.-i k j "' MnlloH. All who mw Mr. Mfl on tho re ,,la,., a nmr. Ii a. I In p.iill niu-r-.l T" l-ufkrlt-all .-ani wl.ii.-. a gamt. .., i... .1 n r..r c.'if.inila w.r .1.- r..... .n.t ..ii. iir...m Mi nr.- with a l ' Irani any Krammsr d.ui i,.,r ..-ilvln ami l.v tlu- ...... H.l I!..l,..ri. unw. I.l. 'A. .1 .4ho'l' Ill 111 roillilv uil.t'-r It )riir I liti'a.urf hc inanlfc.toil In atitli-lpat- dis laiiiiitlun ami w,- ui-l.ml- I ' lint a rrlurn lo tho .tat In wlil.h , fltl rtfuru. Immc of Mr. Cliuivlull la.t V.lin- d.i) In honor ol Mr.. U-r. of Mount Anm-I. Mr. lv h. niadi" quit- an rxlondi-d lll hip In Mnllno with old Irlinda. Hhp wa. a f.-rim-r rvMd.-ni. of Mullno. Mra. lU-rt W'allaic wa. an I'rrRon flty lltor lout rriduy. Mi.a Koo Klarr x-ni a ftw day. j. f ni.r i((, ,.a nflt. h.-r In Mnllno vtrflluis her Krandmolh Th( ij.,,,,.,, ,t,Urh wa. fill.-.! to ,-r. Mrt Ko, Wuuace n wa. . u r((-ilt). niN1 Th,iriwlar. , Ttj(l, Th Whip iKx.r Will .ouk l S). ! nry lj('ur-. Kdlth l'ald.-ll. Vlrn.ti. Tin- m Iio.iI ha ail-l--l l It l-lay up ' i-.ir.ilu a l-j.ki-tl'ull and footl-nl'. llu- l..ti. r for th.' lint-- f-'i'". i 1 1. Ktarr, Ml Roue Multancy wa a Muliuo l.ltor taut TurnUy. N. II. Darnell wrnl to OrvKon City Iuhi Satnrduy on tmxInt-M. with. 4 CCORGE . ......1 I .1. . d tl... I.rl.l .1 ...,.u.m ...u ..r - w. ' I'aik favorxd with a pUno .l.itlon party n.ot tu.t.-M and t-f . The (;i(h wlM) , nnue a aiieuui-u i-; "-i- pi-. .!.'- . ) ThiunaMi Knit-ri:i-r and Ml. lxiu- I Iwi ll.-lnx. cou.ln of the arooui. The CKOK'IK. Ore. N-v lu -t.spi- lull i .(..liirliirnl lulW uii I'ion.-i-r S-Ii.k.I ! -U-ar II...nim-r. of i.ani.-i.i. mi-h.-.i the Ci-orte hoi-l U-i rri.iay f .' ... ' U..-I..-.. - l.v lr V.i l.'iii..rv lit' Mr. and Mr. Auturt Krlik.on i-.;ortdea un-.a wa. a purr ..,..- - . .... . rt. .,... i Mr. Vniter Pau'.-n and dml.t.-r .m.v-r.i.wi hv th.-ir rhllilr. ii. Min Iloini or i or) um 1 ' la. Tho ...ltttitiiV t-HM llaiel. Wcldon and Oscar, went to wra-r . . f--. ' - ..... . i i...Pr.irm.k.l lv fr ulltttP I .lli nrt I HIT - i-""r . w . Ihrir ton, Klrnor und family, lalor In;'1 of ltt.llr rt.ul. Allium: the 1 15irisU. of Portlaml. I WMtlnu thU I ... .... L I 11.. 11.1. .Ill h wei-a ai me m-ui. i--. - Uti-rand l.rother In l.iw. Mr. and Mr. .li.l in., ji - .....i i.i Ji-ntiliii:i.. who wa the flrt h-M. .mill . .CUUIUh Ull.ll. ....... L. , . . .1 l. I.. ... i ... ntnuuir in iii-.ii niivmif i.iiiirni in m - "'' the day thiy all motored to IWIun.l.j ...! hou.e at Keokuk In 1S.50. Ill Walter IMsh who h... been vIMIU.K land Mr. Wal.h will muko their home ' the name Mr. JemiliiK. who )iu:s 'lln Paradlne. a hhort dlt:.n. e from -tT. left I'V will, the beautiful ..-. v ..k. where our m hool wa built, and r.Vh- Kd Herdlne wa a I'orilaud vlaitor lat Saturday and while there took In the footha't Kuuie. t, ..... . L ... I..... I..... I ...ie .....may o.. r ...r .u ! Mr nJ Mrt. t.nry Drier aro pro to work, later he will be joined by ; o ,o ,.,.,,. l.id . if a n tl liatiV I Aim Ida May lierdlnu and (ieorcoi Mr- ! er. of Ta.-oma. with her canu, , flrfll n,, u.a(.ber m tUIai lAing of Monitor, were married In hlldren. I vlltm ur ,jutriir .. - n... if tfrnnrrfv Th.v i father and mother. MrM. and Mr er a pretft- eolnredenee I that Her.') man JeunliiK own icranddHUi;ht'.. I'ronte Ji-nniiiKi. (Mr. l'raatte be- 1'nneiit with u wa Mm. Allen, of The Dalle. who people eroied the plain in ISiO: Mm. Mrllurk'ne. her imrent belli: pioneer of U.ne conn I Impnn rilr Inst .-lf lirri.-iv. Tlll-V ttl make their future bon.e'lii Mon- "har!e Xcbo. 0 thla place. ilr. I Sylvester Cibnon is taklns a Call Alfred Dodge who'ha l-een utayinc fon.U trip and I now at Krei-no. with his father near C'olton. camej Mr. Kd. Hunfes w ho for some time ty an4 Mr. Martin, le-.i'eiid-nt of Kz liDine last Saturday lo may with his ' v.s keepiiif; house for her brother. Ih ra tinker. A vote of flunk wa vx Lrandparents. Mr. and Mrs. Albert j now livins in Portland. I .. vr. Dyeunda hort Inter- omli-iilea. MV Cilmon is in Portland ' iull'n before the businen of the u i-Yed Wallace of I'nion M'11'1. ! vUltine her sister Mr. Voal. wx liition wa trunnarted. Mrs. Geortte Soiiler with her lnfan The limine meetlnit followed. Mr. son, ient Saturday at the home of More ioke reanlini: the klndernar her husband brother. Phil Schler. ten work. Mr. Deter was chosen u.i . a a Muliiio visitor last Saturday. The dance here l.ul Saturday night v.as not very well attended. Mis Nellio I-fferninn of St. Hel- ii. is the guest of Mrs. Krunk Man-j ning. i iiepular sonic.-' were held at the! rliunh last Sunday. 1 Frank Kimmey was a Mullno vis itor last Saturday, h.- reside neurj I'olton. j Air. Leslie tloiiuay caned on Jirs hi. araudfather. Mr. Itliner. returned to hi. home In KI.I-. fi. l-l. Wash., last Tuesday. Mr. I.lu. visited Mr. IjhiKi Hard er last Friday. Mr. nn-l Mrs Usi ll.ith. Mr. Illnier Ml sh flora Johnson uml Mr. ami Mr Theoilore Harder met at the home ot Mr. Kllnker last Wednesday even Ing. The renln was spent In play Imc five hmiclred. Henry lllmer was a Portland vis itor last week. Mis Irene and Hulda Pau's.-n, Mr U-o Hath and Mr. 1.. Harder, called on Ml Flora Johnson last Tuesday. The Sewlnn club met at tho homo of Mr. Jullu Paulsen' last Thurs.la) nfterniMin. hYank Marshall who has U-en work lug in eastern Oregon for the I'ust few ' I. t I LI.. l. ..!....., session on Thursday. November 9 ut " -e.i.m-....... ."'- i,u hm ..f Mr. Drier. Sr. Mr J . "ruechert, Cook and Koethe; program. Gibson and Mr. Henry Walsh were MeBiiame Hart. Huberts and Allin.in, pn-sent as visitor. The next meet-1 kindergarten. Mr. Morse: social ami ln was appointed for November 23 entertainment, Mesdames Jacob. Del The Mother" club held an all day wretary. I no loiiowing comnmtees mmthgi ri.irnrti hoIm. iu,t Saturday Peler Kuhl spent the week-end with relative and friends in Portland. Kay Reynold who moved on Wal ter Paulsen's homesteud last spring If moving back to Portland ugaln. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Smyth und son Richard, vlsiW Mr. und Mrs. I.eo Ruth last Sunday. Mr. und Mrs. Theodore Harder und Flank and Fred Marshall uttended the (iance ut the Garfield Country club lust Saturday night. at the home of Mr. Geo. Koch. er und Ostrom: press, Mes.tdme Kes- bI.. r.ii.1 1 ii..n'. v..h :.tii.d frs l-inr.-M Mr. Al l-irenr.. with her son. Claude Thp nmnherm ,ommliwe ul.mlt- ted the following names: Mrj. Irene Ini:a'ls. Mrs. C. C. Hole. Mrs. Trus- cott. Mrs. A. II. Smith and Miss Wal- Joe Daniela last Suniiuy afternoon. I staying with her daughter, Mrs. Hu't Lumber Co. have closed their j Miller, w hile awaiting her husband s mill for a while on account of the car; return from California. shortage. ! ..V. -Jvvart, of Portlund. ha come ,rr,n .oMnllnn ... 1..I.1 1 t . .1 i .... 1. ,. 1 1 . . , . ... ...... .1 . . .will! HI lumiiy lo u.he cuare i.i uie, u.iira f f.,rilli,, v.n,i with Mr. and Mr. Madison on Mm- mi- Mr llv.iru ti-:ia fnniliir r..l. 1 time taken cure of the Whalley ranch 1 . ' ,'.' ., .i..Ui....k. j s!uce leaving here. ,0 Mr. and Mr. Earl Kdwards. of I Portland, spent Sunday with the Jim lust Monday evening in honor of the place owned by MrM. Whulley. Mr. rturn of the uewlyweds, Mr. und Mr. ( jjra. Shields who huve for some i.eirge ixng. iney were jusi re turning from their honeymoon. ; have moved to Colorado. Joe Daniel mude a business trip to Mrs ftiink hus eom, Oregon City Wednesday. I, a few duv at Ma,u.slmrs. J. J. Mallett. Sr., was an Oregon I .f. . i i. CLARKE3. MASARU RtCITES IN AME CLASt WITH WHITS CHILDREN FROtT HARDENS ROADS I lliF.lt.W.. Ore. No I l-lrtpe. Inl I The pupil of l.lbeial .iIuhiI tin niiicli liileri .led In the education of a Japati.M lad who eulered s-lnsil last Week. M.Mm. I lb little fellow's mti.ie III. little sitter tl.lleil llu- tun.l fur a little while. t'lirls l-ocplchti retuincd fnil.l Poll land taut Week wllh a 'ul- leant and a iirdo.M wniiuii He I. prepiirlng to fill ipille a laige order for rordwond MHIII. Mr. WinmI who formeily ll.ed al Greei.biilK, I. ililllli WimhI for Mr .Npebb Mr WimhI I but-IiIiir wllh I'nl Wulfer In the Inter lionm. II. W. Wagoner li'lUMieil 1 1 tun I'nit land early lit .1 we.k when- they ha-l I n on Iiu.Iiii-.s. They are now fall lug timber on tin K. iKiepli-bb prop erty. D. W. taU.-r and .011 .s nl a week iil-'ii llu. Iiomenti-ad. prepurlng to move the family there mn. Fire dur ing llii .iiimucr. burnt inmh ta'ulle feed. All aged neighbor f.iui' lit the fire for two day. It Is repoited. lo prevent II r.-achiiiK timber luml Hunter are given the credit of Hour- lite nun brought miidily road, where they have not been properly graveled. Koine are taking aihanluge of the froet which followed, to do their hauling over the wor.l phu-o.. Mr. Caluhatl. of Meadow brook, wa. through Mls-rul recently, looking for Mock dog. He av that the cynic are killing .1 p In hi district In plte of the extra bounty owner have offered. Drug saw. are beeomlnlng nearly a nutnerou a cronss-ul saw used lo be It I common wood which stood In t In tree one day. to find Itself In Portland a day or o later. " Ship's knee have been .hipped from l.llierul roccnt'y. A ship' knee I n brace, .awed from the stump and root of a tree In uch a manner as to form a right angle on the outside, but hav ing the natural growth Inside. They are u-.-d principally In the construe Hon of scon and wooden vlilp. Otic gains some idea of (he sice when lie Irani Uist 12 make a good two horse load on good road. I'ANIIV. Oie. Nov I'i Mpulall Telephiinn Co. on i-leiilmi lilrht, sl.u Mi ll W. While.' Ml.. I .III i.sit tt'ium Hie night following. Our N ui diitlii-i central, Mr HoMr, wa on duly all night to 1 .1 el n and ill. pal. h Hie reluili., Willi ll null.' III ei-iy hall hour. Klik K.-liekiili lodge No l.'l will 10 t la. IioI.-i-. for Ihn ill. lib I 1 on em Ion I.I.I, I. .III I... I...I.I I...... M, ,l,n,l,ik. Nil Mr uii, Mi. W li'- l. 1 wrre 111 In. 111 1 ., . .. .. . .. 1 ... .1 1 iiil'-T i t. Dlitlilil No. I I. colli 'mil. 111, to spend Hull. 11) with Ihn I . ., . u,. ,,. I'll.. . I ... III. ,,i,w,, ,'",t- whli Ii etpei I lo .end d.-li-Kiiles: Ha nut Mrs. I.I111 lee ii t llubb.iiil ill. II11I. haluiilii). .Mr an-l Mr ' V l'i-inl p nl M11i1d.1i In I'.iiHi.n-l VH. (ii. ii'luljil Fiuii. was an Ol" K - -11 I'll) il.llor Huiidat. littler mother, M- W hite. MU. M.iiloii I a a 1. in - of loilliiiid. wa. a giioot of h-r num. Mr. II A I U-l k in.. 11, Hun. I.i) . Mi. lb rkiiiau an I li.ngMi-r, MarliMM, 11c omiiaiiied Ml" I nmi in .- lo Oregon I'll) .Monday Mi.. Amanda Ivlliig.-r. of Port laud, spent a few il.it. of lunl Week Willi t'aiib) fil.-ml.. Ml.. Kllngi-r ha. iusl r.-tuined from a fl. moiitlt.' slay al (Vet bo Mr nod Mr. lieuige lleiid.haill. 1 look ill the Oiegiill W'.-hlligtoll HI.I--liHitl.all vniiii. at I'ortlniiil Hilurdtiv. It-ut . Hllveitoii, WiMiillnirii, liival. Si 1, II. Mill. Aur.ua. Need). Hubburd and TtiMH-r Ml.. Nellie Wallen beig, pie.ldi.nl of the Ki'bek ill seiiibl). and Mr.. Ora Cimper. si i it (wry of Ihn a.eiiibly, ul.o .nine of lite superior offhci of the I O O F are to bit present. Mi. II II. I : s it 11 it went lo Poitland W'eilne.ilay to be piesciil at a .mall part) given by her diiiighli-r. Ml. (lllhel llli 'l lie Woman'. Foreign MIhsIoiimd I(ii)i u llltiuu, who i. all-llillllg the mm lety mi l Wetlne.day Ut llu-I101110 01 I'lilverMlty of Oiegoti, spent a lew I Mia. I I'. Kitin. Mr. Mo-iro t on limn a ullli his pureiil. Friday. He I tlu- led the study hour on Ihe advunl was oil hi way In Portland lo IhhuI (or the f-Mil l-itll game Halurila). Mr. Fr-d Itollt and child . 11 'i" Portland tl.lt. 11 Filtliir umt Salurd.ty. Mis. IMIIIi Stodtlaid, of II I! bar I, was u Sun, lav visitor at tin- licinc of In-r sM.ier, Mr. Fred Itotii Mr Frank ..illm r, m coui uiiIk I by age of hating a wnliiail oil Hie si liool ImiiiIiI. ii I so the wolk wlibll liilkhl In accomplished through I In' I'ureul Teat her sasm lullolt of a town. II II, Kcc'e. auperllilemlelil of lln' gittlii mar grade., gate an lul.-rintliig talk on ' iM-formllle., Due to H. l I Fur niture." Su.eltt were pre.elll The lo-r tiuall line, wa. a IVrtland vl 'II 'ho,le was iissl.lctl In sertliig n or t-'i ida). fie.hmeiil by In r daughler. Ml. a I or. Mr ami Mis. William .JuIiii-i-ii, I rulne Stop th First Cold. City visitor last Wednesday. Mr. Catherine Goucher lelt lusl Wednesday to spend two or three weeks with her daughter, Mrs. Charl- Nohlitt, who resides ut Needy i & -S f -f' - EAGLE CREEK i ? f 5 S' I--?- i- : " KELSO ENTERTAINMENT IS VOTED BIG SUCCESS EAGLE CRKKK, Ore.. Nov. 16. (Special) Mrs. Viola Douglass made a trip to Portlund last Tuesday, re turning homo on Wednesday. While in town she was the guest of her daugh ter, Mrs. H. S. Jones. R. U. Gibson and wife called on Mra. Cora Udell last Thursday ufternoon. James DeShnzer and wife spent last Wednesday at the home of Will Douglas. The farmers are taking advantage of the good weather and are digging jiotatoes, plowing, etc. Roy Douglass and wife Bpent Sun day with Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Ilensou, of Logan. Mrs. S. J. Eddy, of Portland, ac compunfed by her sister-in-law. Miss Mildred Eddy, came to Eagle Creek Sunday and spent the afternoon at the home of Jt. II. Gibson. Last Wednesday afternoon The Helping Hand society was entertained by Mrs. R. S. Clark. A pleasant time V'ok enjoyed by those present and af ter the serving of duinty luncheon the c,.-.. -liijourned. The society will meet with Mrs. Cahlll November 22. TWENTY DOLLARS RAISED PARENT-TEACHER ASSOCIA TION SUPPER SERVED. Worms Sap Your Child's Strength. Ia your child pale and fretful? Does lie cry out in sleep or grind his teeth? These symptoms may meon worms and you Bhould obtain relief at once. Kickapoo Worm Killer Is a pleasant remedy that kills the worm, and by its mildly laxative quality expels it -from the syatem. Worms sap the vi tality and muke your child more suh ccntible to other ailments. Your Druggist ae-la Kickapoo Worm Killer, i tion Friday evening, November 17. Ro 25c a box. (Adv.) 1 treshments will be served. i Edward family. I Mr. George Sharpe, of Poi'ih-n-l. I spent Monday of last week with j dishing. i Mr. und Mrs. Lehman, of Syca more, were over night visitor ut the ' home of Mrs. Klspas. Mrs. C. II. Reude. of the Whcldon i Apartments, gave a p;-. ttv luncheon nV ' un Saturday honoring M i'iIo Hoppe. ' ....I ll,.Ucln Unl.,,,1. ,.r ll.i., I.l,.n ; UIIU lirwic HUUMl.l v. Ill, I ',l.v. I Dun Suit and wife, of Sea'tle, were ! quests of Mrs. Hess llnie hert on Sat ; urduy. Mr. Salt Is a boxing prom, ter : und munu?er of Chott Neff, cm :k So- KKI-SO. Nov. .IG.-(Spe,cial)-The HKlitwelgbt. Mrs. Salt wan u entertainment given Frldav, November! e'rlhood chum of Mrs. Ur iechert und Srd under the uusplces of the Purent-Ia "appy time was spent in relating Tcucherussoclatlon.wasabigsu.:(;css.!,1,t'lr18';hooll1-nI1 ;m" us' 1'c"' I UUIl'll'llUR lilU lllllll m.1-111111 Llllltn-; A large crowd enjoyed the mystery supper and other interesting feutures of the evening. Twenty dollars was cleared. A number of Miss Wilkinson's pu pils went to Portland Friday last week to see "The Birth of a Nation." They were chaperoned by Mrs. Robert Jona mil. Rodlun Johnson have completed their dam and will soon be ready to saw. Jtobert Jonsrud is having a well drilled on his Bluff place by the Jen sen Drilling company. E. V. Will, of Portland, came out Friday last week and repaired the school organ. He also tuned Mrs. Ned Nelson's piano. A son was born to Mr. und Mrs. P. C. Spooner, Thursday, November 2. Robert Jonsrud has moved a donkey bt the Dubuque high school ut 1 years of age. The Suits left for I.08 Angeles on Fatunluy eveni-n and will visit in Denver, Dubuque. Chicago and I New York, the latter place l.-.-i ig Mr. Salt's home. Mr. und Mrs. J. Wolfe uiel Chea ter, of Portland, were visitors on Sun ny at the If. Roberts home. Fellowship meetings arc. being planned am! pushed by a'l sejn tarles and pastors throughout th.) l'ariflo coast states. The purpose Is 10 help in every branch of its won;. In our group we have Sitiinyslde, Parkrose, Portland, Oregon City an ' this place. On November 15th there are to be three sessions at this church, begin ning at 3 p. in. at which time il:r condition of the local church wi'.i be studied and compared with a stand ardized church organization. Dinner to his p'ace at Kelso, where he will i '" bo Herve(1 8t 6-?' the ("Hid. use it in clearing land. I At the evening service four iid- Mr. Max Kligel went to Portland 1 lrtli!,e8 ,win lven 11,0 h,;V';ri1 Friday last week to see -The Birth of ' ""Tetar and pastors on the Pt-Mits a Nation " I a Boals of the Three Century pro- , ,. , . , , , , , , ' Kfam a" ,!t forth by the National All are invited to the old-fashioned j (.oundl ,n ce,ebraton of tl)e ,onih spelling bee which will form part of , annlvt.arv of tlle ,an(lin of , the evenings entertainment at the Krlmg The comm,lnIt la n .-ito(I to meeting of the Parent-Teacher associa-i ,,,. ,! uitMiti 111 i,nt, rj'. 1 iii.co, Arthur Roberts has accepted a po- .CI.ARKES. Ore.. Nov. 11!. (Special) Mr. Jason Clarke came home from Portland last week. Miss Violet and Pansy Wett'.aufer from Oregon City visited their parents. Mr. und Mrs. W. H. Wcttluufer and family a few days last week. Fred Zwahlen 1 working for Peter Hover on the sawmlU. Miss Iternlie Anderson from Colton, visited Miss K.ngUi Bergman last Sun day. .1. Nelson and solid Alex, went to Troutdule to work for C. Tallman last week. Miss Agnes Nelson sK-nt Sunday with Miss Florence Klelnsnilth. There will be a basket social given by the Clarkcs schdti, Friday evening, November 24. Quite a few of the young people of C'aikcs attended the concert given ut Mi-udowbrook last Friday night. Miss Esther Stunts from Oregon City visited her parents, Mr. und Mrs. 1. 0. Stunts and fumily, over S.iturduy anil Sunday. C. II. Bergman hauled some hay to Oregon City last week. Lewis Muxson huuled some outs to Beaver Creek last week. CAME PLAYED BY MOONLIGHT. LARSEN & COMPANY LEADING GROCERS and GENERAL MERCHANTS Corner 10th and MainSts. Oregon City, Or. Cream Separators, Dairy, Poultry and Bee Supplies. We pay CASH for Eggs, Poultry, Hides, Grain and other produce. ! sitlon with the Remington Typ-iwrit 1 ing Co. in Portland. The Booth family, who have pur , chased an Interest in lietz Nuncry have moved in the Betz bonne. A little daughter arrived Wst w -t-lt tos gladden the home of M. nnd .Mrs. Roundy. Mrs. Elspas spent the week-epi' with her daughter in Portland. Mra. James Bernard returns to Al bany on Wednesday to visit with In r I mother, Mrs. Batdorf. I S. II. Dill, of Dolph is here on a ! business trip, and will visit with yin. ' C. P. Morse and Co'eman Dill of Port lland. i Miss Farnum returned from i Springfield this week, having been , called there during Miss Campbell' ! illness. CANDY, Ore.. Nov. 13. Tho two football teams in Oklahoma which played by automobile headlights last week, had nothing on the Cunby high school athletes and the Mllwnukle high school representatives here last Friday. The visitors mado tho trip by automobile ami engine trouble caused them to arrive several hours after the scheduled time., The match started at 5 o'clock and by the time the game was over It was almost moonlight. It was hard to dis tinguish one player from nnothcr. Canity won, HI lo 6, but the outcome wus so unsatisfactory that areturn game will be played. The loca's are billed to meet the Estacada high here next .Saturday. A rold doe not get well of Itself. Tin- process of wearing out a cold weitr you out. und your cough be comes serious If neglected. Hacking cough drain the energy nnd sop the vitality. For 47 year tho happy com bination of soothing antiseptic bal sam In Dr. King' New Discovery ha healed cough und relieved t tinges Hon. Young nnd old can testify to the efefctlvene of Dr. King' New Discovery for coughs nnd eo'da. Buy a bottle today ut your Druggist, fOc. (Adv.) SAW SIXTEEN BEARS. Smith Kil't.l and Cat th Hidtt of Four of Thm. Weiniti li'-e. Wiih. - The best Is-ur ttoi'y tif llu- sensoii .-oines front .Mer rill, und H. I.. Smith Is tin- hero. Smith one tiny Hie olln-r Keck shot n bear -li yard-i -iff. uomnliug It In it foreleg. Th.- woiiniletl iiliiluill l nine dashing ihnvu l-iiird hint ilti'l when within m feel was brought down with mi ii 't-ui'iitelv iilui.-il sn( through the lienrl. Hardly Inn I Smith llreil the him uml shot, according to the story, when n s-s-iiml I. lark one poked its head over a log near bv. one shot llulshetl It Then bears begun lo Jump nil n round Smith began a fus'bitle. lie emerged with four pells. Smith sold he saw sixteen lieiir-t lu ull. Not Extinct. "I'll in ladle li years ngo used to miff er from Ihe vapors, n mythical mill ady." "I'm Mill I l ent Ing 'em under various selentlllc mimes," snlil Hie fashlonuldc physician. I'lttsluirgli Post. of Portland, vl.tlcd tit I In- V"n- If the former's parents, Mr. i.u.1 .Mrs M. W. JiiIiciii, Friday. Mr.. C. M. Wvclh mid M -s Ade'lne II. WyiMh. -tile Pnrlliiinl slinpp.-, S'l-llilil.l) .-.IMti I. a '.'n Sh.-rl4,tn an I M . t'riini I Pol, r went lo Pollbiii-I Sat .ir lty tooMiii-i ii turiiinx Hun-hiv even 'list Mis. Nmi.i uin was u I'i. :lii,nl lis 'or Sail".!..; . ' Mr. Win. I.iicko wn. a Porthiud shopper Saturday. Mr. 0. W. W hite hail u her din tier K-iesl. Sunday, Mi. Ruth While. Mr John While ami Mr. and Mr:.. Wheeler, o Portland. Miss Fayetlu .lohnson went to Port land Friday morning, returning S in- I.i v vvenlng. Mr. and Mr, llrutit Whit ' Frld.iv morning, returning lo Oswego that evening lo bit present at un anniversary surprise for Mrs. White' parent. Mr. and Mrs. Il.ilues. Mr. E. Miller arrived last week from Ohio, ami will visit Indefinitely at the home of her nice--, Mr. Jake Gelger. (Pen Coleman wus a week end vl. Iter In Portland. Canby liikli t IiihiI footbitll team won (he game Friday with Mil ut kle. wllh a score of 19 to fi The Mllwnukle team, which made tho tilp lo Canby by auto had some trouble which delayed their arrival nnd the gamo ulso. It wa too dark for the referee to liiake satisfactory decisions, so tho teams will meet again in the near future. Canby la to play Ksla catlii Saturday on the opponent's field. Mr. II. II. Hewett and Lloyd Ho.v ett, of Hubbard, were Canby vlsllnni Tuesday. The laidles' Aid of the . Methodist church ha decided upon December Nth u the dale for II annual bazaar anil supper. Tho Indies always have such good thing to rut, a well its pretty thing to Hell. Mis Louise GUI anil Mr. Stanford Moore were up from Portland Satur day for a brief visit wllh Rev. and Mrs. W. Boyd Mourn. Mis Minnie Hiirtman wus a Port land visitor Saturday evening and Sunday. A number of Canby people were fortunate In hearing Mine. Ernestine St hiimiinn-lleink In recital at the Keillg theatre Saturday evening. Among them were: Misses LaVlnii Sheridan, Nona Austin, Fraud Pot ter, I -on tut) GtiKlrock, Uirralnn Lee und Fnyetta Johnson. Tho people of Canity mid the nil joining vicinity appreciated lite lie rommndiitloiis of the Northwester;! Mra. J. S III. k la .llflellllg flout II fiui turetl shoulder, Ihe result of a fall which she hail l-Ylil.iv. when sh -slipped on Ihe wet Moor while t. rub I. lug her kill hen. Mi. I.. II. Wang ami Mis. Mll.lt-.1 Wi.ng are visiting Portland friend, till week. M P. Sailor wa In from Liberal for a day or two of thla week. Mr. and Mia .Clifford Bulge.-' mine up from Astoria Wednesday in s4ieii. lu few dt wllh Ihe lltller's mother. Mis Bradford Mirchanti Hold Convtnllon. The Merchants' ronietitloii wa.. held In Cunby Wednesday, Nov ember I'i Willi a good representation from all town lu the vicinity. Tint meet In,: wa liehl in the Odd Fellow' hull, ami a banquet wus served at noon at the Cottage hotel. Among Ihosn all-ud log were; J. W. Sadler. Aurora, J. M Wilt, Aurora: A. E. Austin, W.h.iI burn: N. Degerne.s. Sllverton. (I. W Scramlln. Mnck.burg; A. J. Hhotictul, Ml. Angel: F. W. Haskell, Wootlburn. Jullna Allen, Sllverton: A. II. Col). Aurora: J. W. Elmer. Mt. Angel. A D. Jitrdlu. (icrval: II. T. Hewelt. Hub bard; John Doughlll, Sal : E. II Carlton. Portland, F. A. Iloscnkr urn, Portland. . George Melt her. Cunby: I.. II. Wang. Cunliy. E. K. Ilriiiidl1. Cunby. Mil Mary Kocher Pane Away. .Sorrow eaino lo the Kis her home Wednesday when Mis Mary Km h-r pas-.et uwtty uft.-r an lllnes of two week with pneumonia Miss Koili tr wa. horn in Itelliel. Missouri. Sept 17. ISHi. clime to Oregon wllh her fuml'y In l7H, uml sellletl near Aurora, where she became an active member of Hie Bel hel colony. She ha lived In Canl.y for many vara, u close roiitpaiiliiu In her aHtera and brother, nnd loved by her many friends. Mis Km her I sin the. I l. tnu sis ters, Sophia and t'lirlhlliina nnd llir.-e brolheis, H.-ivry 4'hrlsllaii uml An drew. Funeral services were con ducted by Rev. F. W. I.iiiiin-r, of the Evuugellciil church at the hnuae and ui the Aurora ceuielt-ry. t.-Cler Bd Skin From Within. l'imply, muddy ct ,n: ;' r... ;.r d in lo Impurities lu the blood. C-nr up tho skin by taking Dr. n , . Xew l.lfo pills. Their mild iaxaiuo quull ties remove tho pel n;is t roll) tho sy lem ami brlgiili-n the eye. A full, free, tion griping bowel moveuieiit In tho morning I Hie reward id a tl-iso of1 Dr. King's New Life Pill lln. night before. At your Druggist, 2.V. (Adv.) POLK'S fit GAZETTEER A nntloM IMrMtorr f rwfh Cltr Town sod VUlars u Orro ana Wa.hUijloB, (ivlor m vmtcrtpur UkotrU of Crb liUUf., lmllos, Hlilnplnn Fx-IUtir snd t'la.l flrd Dlrrrlory ( eacb ButUKti Wa t'roietuoa. B, h. POI.IC CO, Is. BAStllo, HUH. GONE FOR GOOD. Result That Lat Are What Appeal to Oregon City People. Terrible Croup Attack Quickly Repulsed By Old Reliable Remedy Well known Georgia stars ksepcr has mu terad croup and cold, for bis family of tan wiUt Four's Honey and Tar Compound. Tim inlnuti; tint honrsn terrifying rroui.y rougu In lour. I In the Imiim of T. J. Burl., r, t,f. Jeff :i sun, Oa., out cornea Foley's ll.ir.cy und Tar Com pciurif ther'rt ;Jw;ivs a bottle r-ti'ly. (-r'-'s wdiii i,e Buys: "Two of my children, one l,y unci a girl, aged Merit and sit year respectively, had terrible attacks of croup last winter nnd 1 completely cured them wllh Foley" U'.tit y nnd Tar Compound. lave ten In family and for year I'vn o-'id p-.ley'ii uu,j Bnr Xar CouipeUDd and It n-Vr full." iitaolsh worry njid Bar doctor bllla keip Foley Honey and Tar Com- Bound altvnya on liand. In your home, ne Ix.ttle lac',, a lenir tima It's reliable snd mlf and 11, e lnt doss Is as good as the first. Get tho genuine. Kidney sufferers in Oregon City want more than temporary roller. They want results that last Results like Mrs. Baxter tells about Her's was a thorough test. Three years is a long time. JJoan's Kidney Pills have stood the test and stood It well. Whv experiment with nn untried medicine? People here lu Oregon City have shown the way. Read Mrs. Baxter's Htory: Mrs. Louise Buxter, 1 15 Seventeenth St., Oregon City, says: "I suffered for Quite awhile from kidney weak ness. I tried various medicines but nothing helped mo like Dnan's Kid ney Pills did. They proved their worth to me and I certainly recom mend them." (Statement given April S. lUKJ.) On April 17, 10115, Mrs. Buxter said: "I couldn't speak too highly of Dnan's Kidney Pillu for I have never had any thing do 'me as ninth good as this old re'iable kidney medicine. They permanently cured me of kldii"y trou ble and my back Is as ptrong as ever. " Price 5c at all dealers. Don't sim ply ask for a kidney remedy gs-t Dona's Kidney Pills the same thai Mrs. Baxter has twice publicly recom mended. Foster-Milbiirn Co., Props. Canby and Barlow are Given Space in Forthcoming Report of State Labor Commissioner In tho forthcoming Identilul nqiort of the statu commissioner of labor, tho following will appear relative to Burlow und Cunby: Canby W. II. Bulr, mayor Settled In 1870 Hint) miles sotitheust of Oregon City, the county seat, 24 mile south of Portlund. Incorporated, 18!H. Area, 700 ucres: population, QfiO; assessed valuation, J.riH.OUO. On main line ot Sonthern Pacific, railroad and on linn of P., E. & 10. electric railway, In coiirso of construction. Is also about two and one-half miles from tho Wil lamette river and on tho Molulla riv er. Eight teachers ure employed In the public schools at salaries ranging from $no to $100 per month. City marshal receives I5 per month and fees. Average dul'y wage of skilled labor, $.'!; common labor, $2, und mun nnd team, $.'t. Electric lighting plant Is untitir privalo ownership, the plant having u maximum capacity of 200 horsepower nnd Is vuluud lit $7.r,0(KI. Two public school buildings urn val ued ut $2,000. Tlx; high school Iiim a full four-yeuru course, and 00 stu dents ure enrolled.. Six churches, Culhollc, ChriHtlnn, Kviingellcul, Lu theran. Methodist uml Scandinavian, ure va'uecl ut $10,000. City hall val general merchundlHo stores, cash produce store, three confectionery stores, ment market, furnlliirn Htore, lindertuklng establishment, I I v o r y Btuble, gnruge, two creuinnrles, three blacksmith shop, drug store ami Jewolry store. A large part of the country around Cunby is rut up Into small ucrengo tracts, which provide homes for her people. Canby has Is sued bonds to tho amount of IJI.Mio for a wuler system. Barlow. W. W. Jesse, muyor Tlilrt v.flvn miles south of Portland, I0',i miles Houlhwest or Oregon City, tho counly .eat, 11& miles southwest of Canby, the banking point. Incorporated In 11)03. Altitude, 12" sri-ii, npprox Imiitnly twenty acres; assessed valua tion or surll urea, about $:i,r,0ll() ; city levied u ft-ml1! tux In IDI'i und bus n surplus In the treusury. On tho main Hun or the Southern Pacific railroad and tlireo miles from the Willamette river. Two tnuchnrs receive $00 and 7r per month respectively in pub lic schools. Well eniitt-iK-d volunteer fire service. Average wages ol'i skilled labor, J'l.r.O; common labor $2.2.ri, and for innn and team, Cltj owns wuler supply system nnd fur nlsheii water for 00 cents per mo.'!' E'ectrlc light plant privately owned tied ut $200. Among tho principal I nnd Berves consumer nt $1 per month privately owned structures In the town i riitt rate, 1.1 cents per K. W. II. fin ure a Masonic hull, valued ut $12,000: 1. O. O, F. hall, valued at $18,000 nnd general merchandise store costing $20,00'). Two blinking Institutions have deposits aggregating $:'0n, 000. The principal industries or tho surrounding country ure farming, him-b-ring, dairying, sheep raising and fruit growing. The chief agricultural any registration nbovo that amount Ootid Hewer system and HlilowitlkH. Out public school building Is valued a $2000, nnd two churches, Lutheran und Nii.arlm-, nro valued nt $11000, Tlu principal Industrie of tho surround ing country farming nnd lumbering Clly lias two general morchiindist Morn, one hotel, feed stable nnd n specialties ot the vicinity are potatoes I blacksmith nnd repair Hhop. Th and strawberry plants, which "" nhlu- prd annually lu carload lots. The bus iness enterpises In the town are a Buffalo, N. V. (Adv.) hardware store, lmp'ement bouse, four greatest present nendH are a furnltnn factory, cannery nnd people with mean U) develop the fruit growing in dustry.