Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, November 10, 1916, Page 7, Image 7

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    OltKflON f'lTV rcNTftKI'RIHK. KIM DAY. NOVWfUKK 10, 1010.
In lh I'lrrult I'.Mifi nf Ota Hlati, of
unison, fi r I'lai kam muniy.
Or II. hkliw. 1'Ulnlllf,
urn. K-ki', K-f..h.l,iiit
T't W in 1'iLlea, Inik iiuimtl il
fi ihImMI .
In lh" I to nf tint al.it of 'UiKiiii,
Hint yutl HI hereby iUlled III l
pear and Bimwur lh niinpluliil filed
auuliiM ynil, In th mlllled
nil. mi nr lii'lurv Hi" 1ili day nf No
timber, 1914. auld dnlti Ix lliK Hi"
iliullni nf all w-k frtuii dm flral
IiiiMIi atlnn nf lhl auiiiiiiwie, mi 'I If
urn full li appear ir sht id i'iim
plaint, fur want llirH.f lh plaintiff
lll M.ly In Minn for lh ltdlef
prated fi.r In her rt.mpleliil, lowll:
For a dncreo illiillnK Hi" IimI
nf iimlrlnii.il)' li n Inline b't'Ut
I lift ,'ulntlff mnl id fin lulil. 1 III
.iilMMiKim U publUhed l.y Hi or i r nf
lli.u J. l. I ain.bcll, Jnilue of Hi
limit rimrl, whhh order made
mi ilm :ir. duy of Hiiiinir. Il.
ami Iho Hum 'r i illM A tut puhllia
lion Ihercuf U l weeks. In ijllililliK
with Hip Uu dnled Friday. MImi
Im r I. IM. and riillllllilltlK Mi ll
wink lli. rr.iriir In ami Im ludlnit Ftl
In)-, November 3td. I'M!
Allmiii') for I'lulnliff.
III Hip Circuit mull of Hip Hlal nf
Ori'iton. fi.r I'Wainaa County.
Mundlcna t'n.rriMi., I'lnliitiff.
William t'nderood. pi-fpinlMiil.
T.i Wllllatli I nilrrwiNld. abut
mimed defendant
III Hip ii n inii of III" Hlate of Orrkn'l.
w.u urn hereby r'iiilrpi In appeal and
dllBI I"f ilip riiinnhilnt fllril attain"!
iaj In lli iilintp t-iitllli'il anil. n or
lirfnra lh" l"i ily Novpiiiopr. r.'i'i,
..l.l ilnlo IipIik th. PkilrulliU of !
p'ka for Hi" flmt ntlill allon or una
iiiiiiiinna. ami If ynn full U apppar or
niiawi r aal'l rniiiplalnl. for want tbpra
of. the plaintiff will apply In Iho "iirt
for Ihn rrlli'f prayp.l for In h-r com
plnlnt, towlt:
Kur a diwri'w illnmilvlne Iho nunl'
KP roil I rm I im r'1liie lMlwn
piMinilff ami dpftniluni. ami for llm
rarp. rualiMly aiol control of their
minor rlilM. l-alpr I'mlprwiHxI. Ilil
iiniinona la pulillalip.l hy onle." "f
Hun. J. -U. ramplipll. J'i.Iko of lh"
nit ronrt. whlrh ordi-r m mud"
Hip :ih tluy of HpplemlMir. IB. ami
llm tlmn pn-ai rlhi'il for pnlilli-hlnii
Hiproof, la aU pika IipkIuiiIiik Hh
Hip limno ilalp.l Krlilay. HpH"I..Im r
;".il!i, 1916. aiul conllnulne rurh v-o.-k
ihi ri'iiftpr In ami Im lmllni; Krlilny.
NoNpmtipr 10. UH6.
Attiirnrya for Plulnl'lf.
Nolle to Creditor.
Nnll.p la llrrpl.y (llvi-n That Ihf
nmliTHlriii'il ua hy un ordiT of Hip
loiinly ronrt nf Hip lnl of OrPKiin
for CU. kun m a I'liiinly. duly inadtf ami
rpiirdiil nn Hip r.Hi day of (Vtoher,
lin, n.Hiliitl ndiiilnlnliudlx of Hip
riialp nf Hen I nraoii. d uaeil. ami
HiM ah Iiiim duly tpinllfli'il.
All pernonH tin vim: elulnia ukuIiihi
Hip wild phIiiIp lire herrhv liollfli'd to
priTPiit the miiip. duly verified nml
lth Hip proper vmi. hern, tit Iho un
tleralR I t M:ir.iinin. OreKon. on or
lipforn alx nionlha from the ilnlo of
the fh ht piil.lliiitlon of HiIh nollie
flt-al pilhlli iillon lielliK lill" tll'.a
i:;th day nf ()( lulu r. toifi.
AiIiiiIiiIhI rutrlx.
Allorney fol the K:ilul.
Sllvcrtoii. Oregon.
Admlniitrator'i Notice.
In the Counly Court of the Stulo ol
iiriKini. fur llm county of I'larluium.i
In the mailer or Iho i:tiil of l.u
i n tlii I'ltilic.ilio, ilei'eiined.
Notl. o Ih hereby mIvpii thill iho till
il.THlr.ned has been duly appointed M
ndnilnlKlrtilor of Iho ciilulo of !
uftlii Fltninine, ib'i i-iihimI, by the
uhovo entitled c ourt mid Iiiih duly ipiul
l..cd for ald Iriml. All pornoim huv
Iiik cIiiIiiih iik.iIiihI mid f.talo are
liereby nolll'lod and reipilieil to pro
koiiI Iho aamo duly verltled and with
proper voucher, lo him at bin reid
ib'iuo nl l'-'lii Van Huron St., OroKUii
City, OreKon, within hIx inonlhH from
llm ditto of lb In notice.
I'. 8. riNlTANH,
AdiulnlHtrnlnr of thu K;ituto of l.n-
i rctla Klnucano, Doconitcd.
Attonioy or AdmlnlHtiator.
Diiln or flrnt publication. October 20,
Unto of liint publlcntlon, November
17, 1010.
Notice of Final Settlement.
In tho County Court of tho Stuto ot
Dromon, f(tr the County of Clackanum.
In tho mutter or tho Kntuto of Wal
ter K. Carll, Diii'PiiHcd.
Nollro is hurohy fc'lvim that tho un
derHlKiiod, Frank J. I.onorKun nml
JainoH T. Ixivolt, exocutorB ot tho es
tate of Wulter K. Carll, docoimod havo
mod In tho above ontltlod court their
final account nn mich oxcciitora, nml
that Iho court has hy order appointed
Monday, tho l.Hh (lay of November,
191(1, ut tho hour or nlno o'clock a.
111., of aald day, at tho courtroom or
mild court In Clackamas county, Ore
gon, as tho tlmo and plnco for. hearing
objection", to tho mild final account.
Executors of tho EhIuIo of Waltor E.
Carll, Deceased.
Attorney for Executor.
' Masonic Temple, Oregon City, Oro.
First publication, October 13, 1910.
In the Circuit Court or tho Stato of
OreKon, ror tho County or Clai'ka
mas: Win. K. Rayl, Plaintiff,
Doris Rayl, Defendant.
t imrl Rnvl. nbovo named
4 w -""
fendant: , n
In the naum of tho Slato ot OreRon,
you aro hereby reiulrod to appear and
answer tho complaint filed BKiilnst
wu In the Wove entitled Bull, on or
; ....- nroi duv of December, 19H,
IHMIII , . t-
6nld date bcinB tho expiration of
woekn from Hie lirsl punm iuo... " "'"
fur lli relief nt) for In bl i mil
plallll, l ll
For m id'i r' illaolln( Hi" inr
rli'K" iiiiiliml now rlll l t "n
l.l a I ll II ff to. I llclelilunt. Hit "IH
noma U piil.l i.lii' I by order vt linn
J. r. einil.cll, JinlK" of ll.ii ( inuii
Ciniil. wlibh iinmr wae mud "i
I 'Jlli ilar nf llcliiber, 1 1 11, Mini III"
limn pii . rli.' .l for publli aili.n lloirn
nf In all "". Ix'uliuiliie wllli Ihc
I, .nn il.il. il Friday, October ZTlh.
an. I iiiiiIIiiiiIiik ri li ' lli ititftcr
in mnl Including. Friday, D.H .'inl.rr lib
I' Iti
A I ( r r v for .Plaintiff
Ill Hip ('In nil Court of Ilia Klutn of
Ori'Koii, fur Cluikainaa ininily.
Klla May Haallali, I'lulnliff,
I a.
C W. Ilanllall. I K-f r-lnluli t.
To I. W. Ilaallan, alxita named d
felnlalll .
Ill Hi" name of llm alalv of OrPKoll,
oii am liereliy re'inlrpd In aporar In
Hip mImiva piiIII'p.I ronrt and aimir
Hi" r.ilnplullil filed akallint yoU III Ihfl
uI.iup ciiiiHi'd lourt on or liefur all
weeka from llin I '.III day of () toiler
l'Ufi. anl.l I ;th day of (I. toln r. IKH'.,
lielliK llm dale of lli't firit pnl.ll.ull. ill
of llila aniomniia. uml If you full In
an appeur ami am it Hiu roinplaliil.
Hip plaintiff lll apply lu Iho ahotn
rl.llll.il loirl fur Hip relief pru)ed for
III the i oii.pliilul herein, lu wll:
for a dmr a ol Hie uIhivc till Haul
ruiirl Ihul Hip iiwurluK" iiintrai't m
Ptlallnx lielwien Hip plalllllff uml do
(emluiil he forn.T dlii.hi. ami liel.l
for ti.inklil, and JudKineiil lor Ihu inui
of 7 j oo attorney fooa, and for am h
nlher ami fniiher relief a lo lh ronrt
muy aeeiu meet and niiulluh'p. Iiiclml
Ini; her i oat uml dlaliuraeiiieiit here
Thla u n la aervid iimiii you
l.y pnl.ll.atii.il Iherpof onra a week
for U a.ini'.tp and rnnaeriillvr
p ka In thp OrPKou City KnterprUe,
a npapuper of (Piiprul (In ulallon In
l lai kun.aa roiiniy, Oregon, and print
eil uml t.ul. Ilihod In Clackuinu Couu
ty, orpitou. piiraiiunl lo an'order of
Hip lloimrulilo J. I'. Cuinihtll. Jiiilx
of the bIhiv entitled court, uiado and
entered herein on llm llth day of Ch;-
lol.er, 1911.
Attorney for I'tulutlff.
405 1iC Hallway Kd huiiK" Hide , I'urt
lumt, OreKiin.
Ilutii of first put. Hi allon, Oi tuher
Mill. 1916.
I tut u of lual pnhllrtillon, Noveinher
21th. 1916.
In Hip Cln ull Court of llm Slut" of
Oregon, fur Clackauiua county.
Sylvia Kllen I'orler. riulnllff.
Ktnei.t E. I'orler, tlefemliinl.
To Krnest K. I'orler, defolldulil
nbote mimed:
In Ihn natni) of llm Stall of Or'Kn
you are lioroby n Ulri'd lo un'car uml
answer llm roiupliilnl filed UK'llixl
you In the uhovo entitled court and
mum. on or before Monday, Hip lsth
I day of lleceinber, l!Hii. mid it )oll
fall ho to appear and nitHWcr. fur want
I thereof Hip plulnllff will u.i1y to li:i
! court for the relief demanded In her
' t (.inp'uliil herein, lo wit :
j l'or 11 'ilcoreo dlnHulvlne ll hoiula
1 of mall Unoiiy now an4 hereluf.'re ex
1 Mini; beltteeii Hie plaintiff and lha 'ip
I fotulant, and reiiulrlni: llm mhuit
j to pay the plaintiff tlm mini of J.'O
per ::..n. Hi an alimony for plaintirr'H
Hupport and tiiiilntomim c. and for 11
j decree rcalorlni; to plaintiff her maid
eti name Sylvia Kllen I.Rl rolx, unJ
for plalnflfl'H costs and dlHbnrne.
111 en t h Incuireil In 1I1U court, ami for
hiii It other and further relief na to the
court may nooni meel and equitable
Thla HiiiiiniDnH Ix published pursu
ant lo the ofdnr of the lloiiorablo J. 1".
Campl'i'll. JiuIkp of tho above entitled
court for elcht coUHecntlvo voek
prior to Hie lsth day of Dee.Mihor.
l'.Hii, wblch wan made on the I'.hli duv
of October, 19 111, Tho flrat publica
tion of thla mumiionii la nuulo oil :'(
'.'Tth day of October. 1916, and the
IiihI publication thereof will bn upon
tho '.'L'nd dav of Dt'ceinber, 19 111.
VKA.1K. McCoritT & VEAZIK.
Altorneyii for I'laliitlff.
Sheriff Sale.
In the Circuit Court of the Stale or
OrPRon, for the County of Clackanias.
Henry W. lliiKeniann, rialntlff,
Joid N. l'earry and Mary M. Ponrcy,
his wife and Anna C.raf, Defendants.
Stato of Orenon, County of Clacka
mas, ss:
lly virtue of a Jiuliiinent order, do
cree, duly issued out or nml under the
seal of the above entitled court, In
tho uhovo entitled cause, tit 1110 duly
directed and datod tho 2ltli day of
October, 1910, upon a judgment ren
dered and entered In said court on the
24 tli day or October, 1910, In favor of
Henry W. IIiiKemnnn, plaintiff, nml
nualtiHt Joel N. Toarcy and Mary M.
I'earcy, hi wlfo, nnd Anna Graf, .do
feiidants, for tho sum of $3000, with
Interest thereon at tho rate of seven
per cent per milium from tho Gth day
of February, 1910; nnd tho further
hu1ii of $150, ns attorney's foes nnd
tho further sum of $18.25 cost nnd
disbursements, nnd tho costs of nnd
upon this writ, commnndlng mo to
ninko Rale of the following described
real property, Hltuato In the county of
Clackamas, slute of OroRon, to-wlt:
All of tracts or lots' one (I), throe
'v soven (7), nlno (9), eleven (11),
thirteen (13), twenty (20), and twenty
two (22), In Obwcko Heights.
Now, Therefore, hy virtue of said
execution, JudKinont ordor nnd decree,
and In compliance with tho commands
of said writ, I will, on Saturday, the
24th day of November, 1910, nt the
hour of 10 o'clock a. m at tho front'
door of the county court house In the
city of -Oregon City, ln said county
and state, sell fit public 'auction, sub
ject to redemption, to tho highest bid
der Tor IT. 8. gold coin, cash In hand,
nil the right, titlo nnd interest which
tho within namod derendants or either
or them, had on the (Into or the mort
gage herein or since had In or to the
above descrllied real property or any
part thereof, to aitisfy said execution,
judgment order, decree. Interest, coste
and all accruing costs.
Sheriff of Clackamas County. Ore.
Nolle Hoad Budtfat Miallng,
Null. I herel.y ihn lhi, purau
ant 10 Ihaplrr tit. general law of
I mm. ii IUIJ. and ilial.lpr I'.'i leimral
laa of OreKua II5, a nieeHii- of llm
Ipial voter of lluad IHalrht No. it.
Clui kainaa imuily, OreKon, will It
In. Id al KIwihiI Iiim. Ilium". Ill aald
illatrl. 1 on I he Ihlh day of NiiVPiiilxr.
ISI. al Hi" hour of two o'iIih k p. Ml.,
fur lha imrpoaa of ronaldprliie tha M
lulii pallinalea of llm mount of
inolipy lo l ial."l hy p' lal lu( III
aid dlatrh t for lb" KliaulliK yT.
Road and Highway.
luiprovpiueiit and iimlnleiiaiue of
Pllyn and Hhll.ley, Nw Mender
un. I'liKer and HtruiiiKraeu nwna.
rrohahlii llM-plpla I'tohahla re-
relpla of old road dlalrhl from
uiirrea oilier lliun from dlrMt laia
lion mun rel and peraoiial properly
fur lh" Pliaulne year liuna.
IUIuii.ea-Ainu.ini jf all hulunie
on hand -ioiip.
HiiluHTlhed ly Hire" rr.iil frm
huldera of auld dldrh t and hy Hit
road ailliPrvlaor of aald dUlrl't thla
Mrd day of O. lul.er, l.
Hun. I Hupoitlaur, Itoud lilatrki. No.
Eacutrlx Nolle.
Nulli I herehy K'ell Ihul llm Ull
deralKlied riueiltrl of Iho palalu of
Hiiruli J. I'rlndlp, dereuM'd, haa filed
her final art-omit herein with th
roiiniy rlerk, of Clin knnia county.
OreKon, and lh" roiiniy JihIkb lia el
Monday, November 2"lh. 1916. at Die
huiir of 10:iO o'rlork a. m.. a Hip time
and plaep for In-urlnn ol.)i' llona lo
auld flnnl Bi-roiiul and for llm final
aeltleiiient of auld pnlulp.
O. I). KIIY.
Attorney for KapcuirU.
Ilnled, Oi tol.er 21at. 1916.
Notice of Road Budget Meeting.
Notice I hereby given that, pursu
uiil lo chapter 234. general luwi of
Oregon 1913, and chupler 222. general
lu of Oregon 1915, a meeting of the
l.'KHl voter of oud District Nn. 3
ClniUiinaa county. Oregon, will he
held nt I'leuBiinl Hill, In said district
on the 4lh day of November. 1916. at
Hip hour of 2 o'clock p. m., for the
purtHSP or considering the following
estimate of the amount of money to
bo mined by special tax In said district
for Iho ensuing year.
Road and Highway.
Improvement and maintenance
River Road.
Improvement uml maintenance of
Weston Hill road, $500.
Improvement and maintenance of
grenerul roud, $1':00.
Probable Receipt!.
I'robuble receipts of aald road dis
trict from buurce other than from di
rect taxation upon real uml personal
property for the ensuing year, none.
Subscribed by three resident free
holder of ml.l district and -by the
road supervisor of said district this
1 4lh d.iv of October. 1910.
M. C. YOrNO.
N. O. SAY.
Ito.id Supervisor, Road District No. 32
Notice tor Levy of Additional Road
Notice is hereby given that wc. the
undersigned Taxpayers, consisting of
ten per cent ot Hie Taxpayer in Road
District No. la, Clackamas county,
Oregon, hereby give notice lo tho tax
payers ot said Road District No. 45
that there will be a meeting of the
taxpayers of said district- lu Ehvood
school liousu Clackamas county, on
the 25th day of November, 191G, at 2
o'clock p. 111., to vote an additional tax
lu said district tor road purposes, as
provided by 1111 act ot tho legislature
or 1913.
1 N. Vallen, John I'uU, Fred Hur
rer, K. (1. Klong, J. A. Stronigroen,
Curl Strouigreen, I'. E. llerglund, 11.
1. Elliott. 1'. F. 1'utz.
Notice for Levy of Additional Road
Notice Is hereby given that we, tho
undersigned taxpayers, consisting of
ten per cent ot tho taxpayers In road
district No. 02, Clackamas county,
Oregon, hereby glvo notice to tho tax
payers or said road district No, 52 that
there will be n meeting ol the taxpay
ers or said district In East Ml. Scott
school house, Clackamas county, jn
the 21th dny or November, 1910, at S
o'clock p. ni., to vote an nddltlomil tax
In said district ror road purposes, u&
provided hy an act or tho legislature
or 1913.
W. A. Ulrleh, ChnrlOB Robstock, P.
Paulson, C, A. llotx, C. K. Zlnscr, II.
W. Kiiiine.
Notice for Levy of Additional Road
Notice la hereby given that we, the
undersigned taxpayers, consisting of
ten per cent of the taxpayers In Road
District No. 19, Clackamas, county,
Oregon, hereby give notico to the tax
payers of said Road District No. 19.
that there will ho a meeting or the
taxpayers or said district In Grang.i
hall at Miilino, Clackamas eou.itv,
Tuesday, on the 28th day or Novem
ber, 1916, ut 3 o'clock p. in., to vote
tn additional tax In said district tor
road, purposes, as provided hy an act
of the legislature of 1913.
D. L. Trulllnger, Maude Tmlllnger,
Arthur Husbands, Conrad Ke'ler, D.
W. Husbands. L. Paulino Zwolfol, F. H.
Wallace, O. F. Johnson, A. L. Jones,
H. Schuebel, R. Schuebel, J. Kappler,
W. J. Wa'dorf, Mrs. R. H. Long, J. L.
Daniels, E. P. Ilerdine, Alfred Daniel
son, G. J. Nordiing, Isaac Hellbacka.
W. H. Husbands, Win. Miettunen, A. E.
Jones, W. II. Jones, A. P.. Zwclfel. J.
Ticnkaora. H. F. Dietrich, R. Rerthold
August Olson, n. ncthold, W. A. Wood-
side. C. T. Howard, Philip Huh. F
Nolle f final tatllmnt of lh fa
tal of Kail Win, Dacaad.
NoIIl-o ll tmrdiy given that Hi uu
deralxiiP'i aJlmlnlairalrll of Ilia va
luta of Kail" Willi , d'ireaaad, h
fllwl In lh roomy lourt of Clui k
in rounly, alalu nf On-null, her ll.iul
uiroiml, a auili admlnlalralrli of
aid i-atMla and Hint Mun. lay llm till
day of llM-Plnlier, 1916, al Ibn uui
of 10 o'llutk a. Ill, ha linen flio'l "
uiil lunrt aa llm Hum for hearing of
ol.Jei llooa to aald rx,rt and llm aet
Haliiaiit Ibernor.
Adinlltlalratrli of Hm Kll of Ka
m Wine, Xeaed.
C. Ht'llL'KliKl.,
Allorney for AdmlnlalrairU.
Nolle of Roid Budget Meeting.
Nolli" la hereby given lluit, purau
Uiit to (hupter 2:i, general U of
Oregon 1913. 'loipler 221, general
lua of Oregon I'-H . a uieellng of tlm
legal voter of ru. dlntrli t Na 19,
I'lufkuinaa rounly, Oregon, will be
held al (iruug hull. In aald dlatrli t on
Ilia 2Mb day of Nut ember, 1916, al
lh hour of 1 oibak p. m., for the
purpose of roil.h-riiig the following
pullulate of tha amount of money to
bti rlpd by epi'ilul lux In said dla
irlit for tho ensuing year.
Road and Highway.
Improvement and maintenance of
all road la district, 5 mill tux, about
12000 00.
Amount of all l.u'uncea ou baud,
about IH0Q00.
Hiibarrlhetl by Ibree resident tree
bidder of auld diMrh t and by the
road iiipervlaor nf aald district till
Hat duy of October, 1916.
U. U Tit U.I.I NCKR.
Road Hupcrvliior Road Dlatrli t No. 19.
Nolle of Road Budget Mealing.
Notice 1 hereby given that, puru
ant to Chanter 2'.l. general law of
Oregon 1913, and chupter 222. general
law of Oregon 19l . a meeting ot Ine
leriil volera of Road District No. S2.
Clackauia Counly. Oregon, will be
held at Eat Ml. Hcolt tchoolhouse.
In aald dlatrict on llm 17th day of No
vember. 1916. al the hour of 8 o"i!ok
p. in., for the purMia of considering
tho following estimate of the ar..oont
or money to he ralaed by special tax
lu uld district for tha ensuing .ar.
Road and Highway.
iMii.r,vnu.nt and maintenance f
C. A Bel road. l:'S0.O0.
lmproveinent and maintenance of
Church south road. I..0.00.
...1 ...uint.iinnev nf
""I"""""1" "
.... 11, ,....1 ..hi .....1 t-.".iinn
i nuiipi- " .
Improvement uml maintenance 01
J. 7.. Zlnsei, west from corner road
c.., ....ii .t 1... .i,... r.,.i,in,it fren.
holder of auld .district nnd by tho
road supervisor of said district 1111s
5 llh duv ot October. 191C.
I Freeholder.
C. A. I'.ETZ.
Road Supervisor Road District No.
-1 Notice of Road Budget Meeting
Notice Is her.'hy given that, pursu
ant to chapier 23 1, general laws of
Oregon 1913, and chapter 225. general
I, nr rw.,.r, iftir. n nieetinir of the
ill w a vi vt v "
legal voters of Hoad District No. ll.
Clackamas comity, Oregon, will be
held at (l range hall, in said district
on tho 2lth day ot November, 19W, al
tho hour or T:3i o'clock p. m for the
purpose of considering the following
estimates of tlm amount of money to
he raised by special tax in said dis
trict for Hie ensuing year.
Roads and Highway. .
Improvement nml maintenance of
Forsylhe road. $700.00.
Improvement nml maintenance of
Holcomb road, J.IOO.OO.'
Improvement and maintenance of
Clackanias Heights road. $300.00.
Improvement and maintenance of
Maplo 1 .11 no road. $700.00.
Subscribed by three resident free
holders or and by the road
supervisor ot said district this 2nd
day ol November, 1910.
Road Supervisor Road District No. 1 1.
Sheriff Sale.
In tho Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon, for the County of Cluckunios.
Title and Trust Compnny, a corpora
tion, Plaintiff.
Henry Russell and Mathilda Russell
his wife Defendants. .
State ot Orei;on, County ot Clacka
mas, 88.
Hy virtue of a judgment ordei, d
creo and un execution, duly issued
out ot and under cal ot the abov
entitled court, in the above entlM-1
cause, to me duly directed and t'nted
the 20th day ot October, 1916, upen
a judgmeiit rendered and entered In
snld court on the 26th day of October,
1916, In favor of Title and Trust com
pany, a corporation, plaintiff, and
n.M.iiiui tleiirv Russell and Mathilda
Russell, his wife, defendants, for the
sum or $1000.00, with Interest there-
r.,, ni iim rsito of olcht per cent per on
mini from tho 10th day of November.
lilt til uwin .v.. w
1914, nnd tho further sum of $100.00 as
1IM1, llliu ii.w ...v.. ...... w. T -
attorney's fee, and tho further sum of
.... . 1
$29.S5 costs and "aisoursemenis, aim
i,u u-rlf enm-
1110 uuaia v. "-" Mpw. ,
mandlng mo to make sale of the rt'.-
lowing doslcrbed real property, buu'
ate In the county of Clackanias. slate
or Oregon, to-wlt:
1 0 0 m 11 ami 12 Intel S.
UV7T P. ' " t ' -. -
Woodmont First Addition, according
to the duly recorded plat thereor now
... . ,
on file in tho recorder s ouico 01 su. 1
..... ..wl alnla
VlllllllJ. nvn.
r... Th.,nrnn ii virino nf a'o
execution, judgment order and decree.
nnd In fomiillanee willi the commands
of Ilia roup: -uort liouaa In lb 'lly
of Oregon ( II, In aald lounly and
itutp, wll al public, andlon eubjix t to
re.lemplli.il, In Hi llUliiml bidder for
('. H gold 10I11, rah In hand, all Ihn
rlKht. tllln and liilrel whlih lh.'
111,111 na'iit-4 defenduiita or either
them, had on lh dul or lh mort
gage herein or aliic had In or lo (be
above dewrllmd real property nt u
part thereof, aullafy audi r Men
tion, Judgmeiit order, iIp'tpp, lulereal,
coal and all accruing coal.
Sheriff of f larkuinaa Counly, Ore.
lly K. C. If ACKKTT, Deputy
Dated, Oregon City, Orp., Nov. I'nli,
In lh Clrcull Court of Hip Slat of
Oregon for Clui kainaa county.
Sylvia Kllen I'orler. I'laliitlff.
Krnnat K. I'orler. Defendant.
To Krnel K. 1'iirter, d.'fen.lam
abtivn named:
In tha nam of Hie elate of Oregon
you are hereby required lo apwar and
aner Ihn coin.lalnt filed against you
In llm above entlt'ed court and rauao
on or before Monday the !th duy of
lie. emlM-r. li!6. and If yon fall o to
apprar and anaaer for want thereof
llm plulnllff will apply lo Hi court
for the relief demanded In her com-
blulnt herein, to-wlt:
For a decree dlsanlvlng the bonus ol
mutrlrnony now and hretofore exist-
In between the tilantiff and the de-
fendant. and reulrlng the defendant
to pay the plaintiff the sum of J .0 00
M.r month aa alimony ror lilulntirf'i
nipport and malnteiiancp, and for a
decree restoring to plaintiff her maid
en name, Sylvia Ellen UiCrolx. and
for plulntlfl coat and dlaburemenl
Incurred In Ibis suit, and for such oth
er and further relief a to the court
may eem meet and equltab'p.
Thla summon I published pursu
ant to the order of the Honorable J.
I'. Campbell, Judge of the above en
titled court for lx conaecutlv week
prior to the 23rd day of December.
1916. which order wa made on the
9th day or November, 1916. The flint
publication of this summon Is made
on the 10th day of November. 1916
nml llm last nuhllratlon thereof will
be upon the 22nd day of December,
Attorney for I'lalntlff.
Notic for Levy of Additional Road
Notice I hereby given that we. the
undersigned taxpayers, consisting ot
ten per cent of the taxpayer In Road
District No. 41, Clackamas County.
Oregon, hereby give notice lo the tax-
naver of said Road District No. 41
that there will be a meeting of the
...... J,..... IW.,
" ,
taxpayers 01 aiu mu t m ,.
scnooi iiouse, iuuuni v.......,, ..
ihn 25th day of November; 1916, at
1:30 o'ebek p. m., to vote an addition-
1 .
nl ta in said district for road pur
pose, as provided by. an act of the
legis'aiuro 01 ijm.
Inhn Affnlter. Jennie H. Kltzmiller.
M. Onifcnhhin. Joseph DeSliazer, Al
fred Shirley. Cora M. Udell.
Notice for Levy of Additional Road
Notice is hereby given that we. th-.-undersigned
taxpayers, consisting of
ten per cent of the taxpayers In Road
District No. 32. Clackamas County.
Oregon, liereby give notice to the tax
payers of said Road District No. S2
that there will bo a meeting of the
taxpayers of said district In Pleasant
11111. Clackamas county. 011 the 25tli
day or November, 1916, ut 2 o'clock
i in to vote an additional tax in said
district for road purposes, as provided
by an act of the legls'ature or r.'lJ.
C. Ii. tlrit'ly. M. C. Young. W. F.
Young. S. T. Edminton, A. P. Todd. C.
W. Comstock. O. M. Kelso. Herman
S. Kruuse. Dell Haker, Geo. Stahlneck
er. F. S. Stahlrlerker,' Harry Just. E
G. Jones, Geo. M. Murray, E. Rophael-
son. A. W. Cumehl, T: M. Haker, J.
Angus, Mark Seely.'; " "
Notice for Levy of Additional Road
Vol ice Is hereby Kiven that we, the
undersigned taxpayers, consisting of
ten per cent of the taxpayers in Koad
District No. 13, Clackanias county,
Oregon, hereby give notice to tho tax
payers of said road district No. id
that there will be a meeting of the
taxpayers of said district In Fir Grove
school house, Clackamas county, on
the 23th duy of November, 1916, at 2
o'clock n. m. to vote an additional
tax in salu district for road purposes,
as provided hy an act of the legisla
ture or 1913.
John Deminger, A. L. Alien, Geo. C.
Armstrong. H. Thoeny, A. M. Kir
chora, H. A. Allen, Joseph ScliwarU,
Louis Fink. F. H. Schwartz, J. H. Hog-
sed, E. Hlnkle, Geo. N. Gill. L. B. Al
lon, E. L. Evanson, Geo. Closner, w.
M. Sprague, J. T. Fullam, George Hig
Inbotham, A. Hubert, W. H. Drown,
W. A. Carlson, E. K. Allen. Maria Eg
ger, John Egger, C. A. Roscclaus, J.
A. Kilmer, E. Larson, J. Doremus, C.
Swanson, A. Johnson.
PHILADELPHIA, Penn., Nov. 7.
It was evident from early returns to
night that Hughes will carry this state
by 700,000.
SAN FRANCISCO, Nov. 7. Hughes
is carrying California. Hiram John
son is elected governor by a great ma
BALTIMORE, Md.. Nov. 2. An
thony Jannus of Baltimore, American
aviator Ip the Russian service, was
killed on October 12 last, according lo
a disputch recoived hero today.
WASHINGTON. Nov. 3. German
1 -
Ambassador von Bernstorff Bpent
.... u enc
most of the day plowing through S0t
I . ... t. 1 ..t it)v f fri- in
pounus oi emuusay umn i""h
fiprninnv on the submarine nierchant-
. ---
man Deiitschland. Six big pouches
were aouvereu 10 nun mm 1ut.u1 u
George Ahrcns of the embassy staff
and First unicer nrapoiu ut mo
innrlnn. As soon as it arrived the am
bassador started methodically through
it and he resumea me jou ran; ii
I ...... .1. n...i...l.lnnj in far
I J - ' Jill
hno not vet heen definitely decided.
Ambassador Bernstorff said today. He
hiis yet lo learn u i apiain ivoenin
Than. I
Iar I.ukct I m KPiiiu.xy gin 1
Imj admire you and nn.'te t" ' .
Ib time. 1 play with lb 1 hlldratt lu
lb neighborhood and tell Ib'ui fairy I
tale and often lt llille rime rnni
your rolumu. They H know I.uk
ilcl.uke. A week ago Hnmlay m.a of
my IIIHa girl frtenda a In Hunday
a, bud and Hi lea. her a Baking
llleallll l"lt III eai of lb t
fb.11 Kun.lay. "And alio aa It thai
Hi liaut swallow IT" lb lrcer
a.krd. "Luke llcl.ukp." rrplp. lh.
Illtle girl a p' k "i le.
Hlun off lipr m d.iy i"l I'll try jou
ui ebb kn.-lmnvlip. Ky.
na neyar r..n.i j
Itpar I.ukIilta Note lltpa Belt
dour lo oi.-llarry f. Wry. Krekbf,
W, V.
Huh! I
M iahtrf)r. a imm man natnMl Fllnar
trn,. a vary email lua nilnl a lunar. .
1 flun la lh KrvnieJ '
And on Im,Iiib aroufi'l I
rwi4 that I'llnay' oarn i'lf r ba4 nil
Our Daily Special.
On balf lh world worka lb otlwf
Luk McLuk Bay:
After tb lime for ylng It ha
ped yon ran alway think t io
bright thing Jl aU.old have aukl.
When a umn amplla pprfunip on an
other man hp never aaya anything, bol
hp d'e a heflt of thinking.
Fattier doesn't niliul au-iidlng JSovei
a Ur where he ran m-p It gulng. Hut
If he low S rent utll of hh poeket b
get ) iul he want lo altat oiu
body. Every now and then a prince
wb'Me face Nk like a niarbmllow
III look at nonieuthpr prln.-r and aay:
-Gee: Alul It awtul lh wy they
owier their tai-ear
Hume women get illvnrep! n often
that Hip children wake up every morn
lug and f down lu breakfast expect
ing to e a new alrpfnlber.
We are all good lowr until we lose.
And Hu n !M tier eul of ua yelp
The man who la rrnld that people.
will laugh at him lau't going to gel
very far up the ladder.
We all know that we have had
enough when we discover that w
bare bad loo mu. b.
When Friend Wife deerlte her Idea
of an Ideal man the dcarrtptlon usual
ly 0t her huil..ind Just a a glrl'a
boc would fit an elephant.
What ha become of ibe old fashion
ed woman who ale a raw onion every
night nnd saved doctor bllN?
Any man can g.t thnuicli life ami not
bnve enemien. All he bin lo do I to
ny nothing. Ie nuthlng nd d.t noth
ing. A servant girl I alow 10 discover the
wcakneM of her employer, but he
aoon dNeovera the wcaknet tf tb
Anr homelT elrl can tell .von fhac the
prettiest apple ln't nlway the wet
Near Thing.
"Was that a stng dlnuerT'
"Well, it wn a dear one." Balti
more American.
What "Am.n" Mean.
1. lu II.. I. .-..r.l wl.lfrln
,..,1,. i louiii ,r, iwi ha
iiuien la'prm n-ed by the iougrega-
tlou ut the con. Iit.-i..u i.r Hie bouedic
tlon. . Among Hie eurlv c'lirlstluus tbe
prayer offered by I lie preb.vlery was i
concluded by the wonl iimeii. oiler
ed by lhiM-oiigregali.ui. Justin Martyr
is the earliest nf the ralliers who al
ludes to tile use of Hie response. At
tbe conclusion of 11 prayer it aiguilles,
uociirillng to the English church enie
cIiImii. "so le It:" after the repetition
of the creed, "so It Is " Philadelphia
He Was Worried and Hopeless.
"For ten or twelve years I was
bothered with bad kidney trouble."
writes T. F. Hutchinson, Little Rock.
Ark. "I tried many Temedles and
doctors, but crew worse all the time.
I was worried and had almost given
up all hopes. I tried Foley Kidney
Pills and they helped me a lot. I have
.... ,,..,1,1 K.iv.iu nml nm nnnr n
well man.'' Foley Kidney Pills drive
t k,. nml nnitw Hub lo kfdnev
trouble; also sleep disturbing bladder
disorders Jones Drug Co. Adv.
D. C. Latourette, President F. J. Meyer, Cashier
The First National Bank
of Oregon City, Oregon
CAPITAL, $50,000.00
Transacts a General Banking Business Open from 9 A. M. to 3 P. M.
William Hammond
Philip L; Hammond
Abstracts. Real Estate, Loans, Insur
Pacific Phone 81, Home Phone A-273
Office Phone Pacific Main 406;
Home A-270.
Beaver Bldg., Room 6
Attorney-atd-aw .
Money loaued, abstracts furnish
ed, land titles examined, estate
settled, general law business'.
Over Bank, of Oregon City.
Deutscher Advokat
Will practice in all courts, make col
Thl turban cam from Paris, tho
material being Joffre blue velvet con
trasted with a brilliant allvery "fan
cy." For maldene I the plainer hlacL
velvet model bound wllb blue sallu
ribbon, plcoted and trimmed on tbo
off aid with one pink rose appliqucd.
Niv Shea Evary Si Weak.
London - It I eatlmatrd tnt r.i
week V me tlf of in araay abo and
that for a year of lh ar TiJ0txVa
air will b Drraary.
IF IN NEED of evidence or Informa
tion. ! E. L. Kellogg. Jr., expert
high class Inveetlgator: 15 year'
experience; detect a phone openilor.
Term reasonable. Hog 295, Ore
gon City, Oregon.
WANTED A valley farm fcr Eaatern
Oregon tork ranch. F. B. Madloon
k Co.. 216 "lh St., Oregon City.
WANTED Several ton of pumpkins,
squash, beeta, or carrot for stock:
also hay for cow and grain for
hog. State price delivered at Glad
stone. L. A. Reed.
FOR SALE 16 month-old Jersey bull
Apply Jno. Rail, R. 1. Oregon City.
FOR SALE Large range: In first
class shape. A. E. Rugg, 1002 7th
FOR SALE 1-year-old Italian prone
trees, extra fine, grown near Esta
cada. Order early for best stock
and prices. O. W. Failing, Nursery
man. R. F. D. No. 1, Estucada, Ore.
LOST Black and white spotted set
ter dog. Answers to name of Ted
Oregon City license No. 4. Reward
Apply Enterprise.
Money to Loan
Deuttcher Advokat
Room Beaver Bldg. Oregon City
Our Jitney Offer Thi and 5c
DONT MISS THIS. Cut out this
slip, enclose with 5c nnd mall It to
foley & Co., Chicago, 111., writing your
name nnd address clearly. You will
receive In return a trial packago con
taining Foley's Honey and Tar Com
pound, for coughs, colds and croup;
Foley Kidney Pills, for pain In Bides
and hack: rheumatism, backache, kid
nev nnd bladder ailments: and Foley
Cathartic Tablets, a wholesome and
1 thoroughly cleansing cathartic, for
coustioation. biliousness, headache
land sluggish bowels.. Jones Drug Co.
Phones Pacific 62
Home A-lSi
All legal business promptly attended te
Attorney -at-Law
Commercial. Real Estate and
Probate our Specialties. Of
fice In First National Bank
Bldg., Oregon City, Oregon.
Notary Public.
Estacada, Oregon.
Graduate of the Ontario Veteri
nary College at Toronto, Canada,
and the McKilllp School of Sur
gery of Chicago, is established
at Fashion Stable, between
Fourth and Fifth on Main Street.
Roth Telephones .
ll"--, ill