Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, November 10, 1916, Page 6, Image 6

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on (his side of the
nection with Coun
ty .Seat.
i '
I 4
All niattert, t-i (nlnlnic to this
department ran ha taken up with j
Mlim Delia Piwwr. Itrl repr-
scntiitlve of the Oawego Kecurd. '
Kindly phonn nrw Item. '
rates madt
ilSW K'itV Ore.. Nov. S. iSi-ci-in:
- tax of 3'j mill was lovl.'d on nil
,ihell.le proKrty in the ditrli I al
1 ho school meeting la.-t Friday even
ing. November :!rj. Iniiielie selent'e
unit manual training were voted upon
A strong vole in favor of same wai
tast and will he placed In tin n luml ! .iti,ay
next year. Mr. Woodward Ujkcd rur
I ho e of the school ilay ulicd two
nlchta of each work for the iim- of
teaching and helping the bo ran1:
Ing from 11 to IS years, along the
lnuniial training line. This roiuest
was granted and Mr. Woodard volun
teered his service in wlrliiB the shed
and alM) offered to pay for the amount
of electricity iiM'd earh evening, but
lh school lies decided to attend to
that part, as Mr. Woodard has taken
nch n active Interest In the Ihiv of
this town and the people hope
ihildren will also s enthusiastic
enough to appreciate the fact and be
on hand every night appointed for
tailed tn her brother lienrge l'l.ifi
Chaa. H.ir.tman It exteiiMicly tin
1 proving hla (ri'l il In old lowu an 1
placing a tde coin I it.' walk front !'
house to the gale
Mr. and Mm. ! Jone. ot Heater
Creek, were vialtliig at the lioine of
Wnt. Dyer Sunday.
Mra Waller Waldorf and thlldrrii
of Miilino. are spending a ten d.it
with Mia. A'ono Waldorf. (
Mr and Mrs. Atl'ert Walling of I'ort
html have hern tUltlll their il.iML.htcr 1
- -- Mra laniard llalltuau tills ek
known upon i Mrs I. II Jarlsch aa tolled to
I'lirtlaud Miuiday on an mint of Iter'
I met ea illnesa who la under the i.itc o.'
I two doctor. The child haa a aeteic
' i an' of measles.
Mr Stone and Mr Whitten. of Al-
' tiHina. Wash, are vlMtlug friends an I
. relatives
Mrs. Kliertliatl. of east Pnltlali.l '
! gave miscellaneous nhowcr MunJav
evening for Mario Dd'ape and tiny j
Marble. Mr. and Mra. ("haa. Itirkner.
Miss l.cotia Jarisch Vent Parkley .ui.l
Mr. and Mrs. I., llarlm. were Invited
and report a lovely time. The joiiiu
link received many useliil and Ih.iu
t fill gl!t.
Rev. Tarluiuar. of Ashland, prc.ii In d
a wonderful sermon at the ('ongreci
tlnti.il chun h Sunday evening.
Mrs Cillicrt has been a visitor f
Mrs. John fox the past week.
Mrs. II. Itorghorst entertained Mr-.
New lands. Mrs. C. IVthhe. Mrs. D 0
Mrs. Stephens and .Mrs. Well
.1 .
t.ttng talk on, ' The Hhlpaiecka
Mellla" Mrs. A W iirlllillgl .n
cu-ed the xisle I'aul and Mr. H
S lliiunll tlitti Umn the (ioldeil Text
In the houl
Mli.. HUmh Duncan Is veil liuat
having drht.il woik dune
Max McXUhah apvnt a er I'll a.
ant aMetiuHOi Monday al the home ol
his p.irviita. Mr and Mr Joseph Mc
Mal.an Ifiiuv and Knill Zlinct wire the
gin ! of Iheli grandparents. Mr and
Mrs. Ji.ah Zliliev Xloliday evening
S. S. I'onti called on Timolol! i
SteMihllVr Monday.
Mis Mvrtle I'.h'jiuI Is mi the n, j
ster last week.
Mrs. Morris Wlhnarth. with the ai
siM.itne of his aunt. Mrs. Aton. ol
ilnliain. entertained friends at his
bachelor quarters (u Old Town Sun
Mr. and Mrs. t'has. lUckner will
setid the week end with Mr. and Mrs.
Cctirge ItulliH'k, of Camas. Wa-li.
.Miss Myrtle MilVmald has heet:
visiting friends In St. Johns the pat
William Hoyd has lieen confined to
his bed for several days with lumi nal.
Two of the iro:ninent young Utiles'
of this town were so excited over the
election they' wagered $10 apieces on
their candidate. 1
; 1K lIUtlVK. Nov. (Sis-, lall -
K.', )iiw pelting mhiii tut il.iinllU
to a large audience l.i-t Siimlav eten
lug I'sual service next Sunday morn
Ing and evening prea. hlng l.y the pas
tor. I!e. Ivl.oui: Sutida a h.sd at
10 o t lih k. t' l Smith, sui't nut. n l. nt
Krlilav evening the t,.y Scuts wtl'
give ail entcrt.iliitnciit. views tif the
Holy City will .e shown and nth. -is
several tiuMcal numli r will Le on
the program.
ladles' uld had a very miccessful
illntier and sui.per on eleitlou tlav
The ladies In charge were Mrs tl -oree
ArtnstrotiK and Mrs. T. It Hla. kert.y.
Henry llardeatry heard the sad news
of the death of his sou In Cortland
Monday. The hoy was run over hy an
auto trm k ntid killed. ,
Mrs liuy Hlmpkliis vuilrd her pal
i ills a few data last wea k
X W.thtlni and f. II I'hU.la Were
marketing taullllower In I'oitlutid la -I
wet h.
Mlaira llottlv 7.1ns, r and llattie
Wanker made a litialne trip to I'm I
laud and Oreg.ni flty Saturday.
Mrs Sarah fhll.la and Mm K. II
t hllda tailed on Mrs y W. Wanker
and Mlsa l.nlu Wanker Monday after
Mra l.vnetle t'lilliU Iwa U-en auf
fertng with a sever cnld
Mrs Alfrv d Thnmaa r. turned home
Ml.s I n. Illr Mnn.an Pat Id lamg
lleri.t it liiimaii. Wlnfl.1.1 I'ak.r an
l.lta Wanker were gu. l of MN Hut
j He Wanker Sunday afternoon and er
t.eorge M. lutyre from ttawegn s
Ited hla aunt. Mra. J. S lacks.. u Sun
lav alterntttin.
MKa l.ltllan Tlediiinn ,l Staffoid. la
atavlng with Mra. A. K Tliomaa.
Mra tleoige I'snn was In Oswego
Tuesday morning.
. t
II M It tH
OAK CIIOVK. Nov 9 (Special! -
Mrs. It. A. r.tMlson. of Troutdale. spent ;
Saturday with her daughter. Mrs J. 1
It. Kv atis. '
The 1 on-iellow c'ub nut at the
home of Mrs. Ja. k King m ar Ar.l. n ,
wald station Monday. Mrs J. II. Kv -ans
was apiMiititcd leuder for six j
months. Subject for the first half of;
the year will be 'Hiawatha."
Master Kred Craves of rortlaud. la
visiting his grandparents, Mr. and i
Mrs. J. It. Kvans. !
STA VV iltli. Orv . N.o . iSp,
j t lal I Sufficient rain has fallen to e.i
alle the plows to atari, and In the
meantime men have I vti preparing
the rltln tif way for the new sidewalks
for whbb the ledlea' ('tide has pro
tided plank and spike for the worit
places, lint several tin u we are told
have offered - " ' m.nl
work by going down into their oi
IHs kets to pay fr nd.litn.nal material,
and Mr. Weddle. assisted by the road
supervisor Masted out a big stump
near t.'ie Itabblc place which stood ip
the way. using a half box of giant
powder for the purtHW..'
nt X n
i t '. ' 1
ii r m. ..aw i
v s ,
Tlie pi I "'d (naturally tolilial In COUNCILMANIC INI AROUSED TO
the Mitwaiikltt ally iIimIIiim to be
llebl Ih'ifiulM'r i haa mil dete!iin it.
Judge Kelaii illtipplug friilii the la. e
Thla leaves John Hnt.ler as the oulj
aspirant In the field al the pi n ' " "
""' . Htephell Culver, plesl.lelit all.) gill
Mayor IYItt.il. who up to tin. II ,,r l(lllll,.r r lr j,,,,,, l ii) Vn
ha lieeii lliiiM'omiulllal has algiilfltd .... ...
1.1. lolfullo,, o re.ruu, from alio. Ii.g i ,U,Um '" ( n"f '"" "'"
hla Inline Id .i tin the ballot and will ' wllliltl M data dullug fioni Ot tuber 2
lliintt hla sii.Hirt and lender what aa comply with the ie.iiliiuneiila eta. I' d
slslaiue h call to Mr Hinder, being I , ,1,,, . xilUatikla or f,.r..il hi.
accor.i wiiii ma view a ami I., lit-v
Ing III in tilled and capable to hold the
lelua nf illy ifnvc niinc lit in hla lunula
II la pmbable thitl Mr Ki lu will
becnliiii a taiidlilale fur the illy tiiun
I'll, al bust ail hit haa evplensetl llllll
self K.lwind IIhh t-ri will a'ao be a
i an. II. lute ami frlemiit will petition
both Mr ;rai.le and Mr Miller to
statu I for re eleclliui by tirtuii nf then
rvperleiue ami fuiiilllarli v with prea
cut illy urtalra Mis Mak'Xle Jnlm !
si.n and llstrv Ameele (lie . nil. Inl.it. 'i !
for the council.
I'etitl..n uio nut. In some limtan. e
and are hciiiK ruplilly kne. (nr the
Humiliating nf tin. .11(1. -rent i smll. tales i
lulerealllig tlev eluiiuelila are pliiln
Ised. Iiollar water will prnl.ab'y be
all la sue.
Th Sol Difficulty.
I'hulA bv Att.vrl.an IV Ammuuhi
l.leiilrnaiit Alfred llntmloii nf the
Uritish aruiv avlutloit Cnrna haa sun .
The last gun of the political cam ( n, ii,, f -Zei.nt.lin .'v..r' i..r to.
OSWEGO, Ore.. Nov. 9. (Special I
Oswego citizens were awakened
from their peaceful slumbers Saturday
morning at 2 o'clock by the music of
the fire boll, which was the first rea!
fire since the bell was purchased.
The house that burned belonged to
Mrs. Segans. It had been vacated but
two days by Mr. Stately and family,
ao no furniture was burned. The
cause of the fire is a mystery and
was beyond control before the firemen
could respond even though the lioys
jinswered (tjj call as soon as the alarm
was furtii-d ln
OSWEGO. Ore., Nov. !. (Special)
Arthur Mc Vey, deputy game warden,
has been having a hard time keeping
tho "pot hunters'' from shooting thq
ducks In the pond, especially after
sundown. This is strictly against t Inlaw.
OSWEGO, Ore.. Nov. 9. (Special)
Mrs. Vnldeendoorski, nf Spokane,
was a guest of Mrs. F. 1'. Mor'-y last
Dr. Rossister made a hurried trip to
Sulem Monday to see his brother-in-law,
Mr. Downing, who is very ill.
Mrs. E. P. Clay called on nluthc.-,
in Portland lust week.
Mrs. Joe Mclntyre entertained Mr
Woodard, Mr. and Mrs. T. Tomlin and
Mrs. Hay9 Thursday evening.
Mr. E. P. Clay has returned home
from Montana.
The Ladies' Aid society will nicer
at the home of Mrs. Thou Kox Thurs
day. A new organ has been placed in
the M. E. church by the members ol
tho Epworth league and is certainly
a pleasure aa the old organ was worn
out and very hard to p'ay.
Howard Rose, of Corvullis. and who
was with compuny K near the Mexican
border the past few months was a
caller here Tuesday. Mr. Rose was
formerly at the cement plant.
Mrs. E. A. Cook, of McMitint illc.
OS W ECO. Ore.. Nov. 9. Ralph
Hahn. manager of the Frei Pickle
Works of Portland, gave an Interest
ing talk Wednesday evening at th"
llazelia si hool house to a large audi
ence. He wants the farmers of thi
locality to contract to raise a certain
amount of cabbage and cucumber.
ana to contract to sell it to hi in for a
certain price. He Will .uy a good
price, regardless of what the prevail- day mornltie. Mrs. Thompson is rest
ing price of cabbage Is. Some of the ing easy and hopes are entertained for
fanners here contracted to sell all of a speedy recovery,
the cabbage to him. The company' Mrs. Ilessie VIkIcs liumpmnn, of
wi.-dies to buy a few acres of land and ! Portland, spent Tuesday with her par
xubv locate a pickle factory in Oswe-e'ils. Mr. and Mrs. J. Vigles.
go. The Parents' and Teachers' asaoclu-
Theodore Stcinhilber delivered some ! Hon held an evening meeting at the
day in Portland Monday. school house Wednesday. Mr. Wu!-
George WUson ca'led on S. S. Iloiitz dron gave the report of the convention
Sunday. j held at The Dalles In October, w hich
11. M. and C. C. Borland were mar- she attended as a delegate. Music
ketlng potatoes In Oswego Tuesday, land short talks filled up the evening.
Miss Dorothy Zinser was shopping! Mrs. M. F. Hoi. kirk entertained tho
in Portland Saturday. Needle Craft and Domestic Science
C'has. I-arson. of Tualatin Meadows i club "Wednesday afternoon at her
called on C. C. norland Tuesday ev.'home on Railroad avenue. A light
enini;. j lunch w as served.
S. S. P.outz is helping H. T. Duncan j Miss June Spaulding and Chester
of Red Wood farm, dig his immense ; Wright of Portland were dinner guest:)
l.iign was fired In Stafiord on the
night of halloweVn after which the
little bova nf the tielttil'orluH.d exert
ed all their little streiik'th to take off
a few - n.l carelessly i the
stock In to eat up Mis Cane's pota
toes am) store the minister's horse,
which wits found In a ii.Mc.hl.or a atabU
and had lots of fun.
C. A. Sweek, of Iturns. Harney
Mrs. jessie Gleason returned home i ,','"",'' '""' 'luUo unexpectedly on
Tuesday from Hood River in time (.Saturday evening to visit his mothe.
rati h..r Imlt.. i f.,r nr..l.l..ni i In law, Mrs. M. A. Gite He is down
Mrs. J. W. Thompson, sister of Mrs.
A. G. Kinder, underwent a serious op
eration at the Scllwood hospital Mon
letiil business connected with
ter rights In his county.
Mrs. Snt-ll. of Astoria. Is vlnltlrg in
sticcua In fighting In the air the inmi
ater dlrlglldea which menace England 1
He "snapped" recently aa he It-it .
Itilcklnghaiil palace. London, after hcl
Ing decorated by King George for hla
aerial exploits. In olio of hla but lien
with a .epp.'liii. In which he dropped
IkiiuIib from almve on It. Hran. Ion's
machine, was hit several times. Hiau.
don la a New .ealunder and Ihl.ly
two yearn uld.
t!ie neighborhood, where she has
host of friends. She was Mlsa l.ii' ll.'
Hatton before her marriage.
The belfry to the German Haptlst
hitrrh is finished nil but paliit.mi
and Installing the bel'.
Judge Hayes who has been rustbat
I Ing on the old place, hud a touch o.'
iheumatistn last week.
The recent winds raised haw with
the roof of tho llayet house, which Is
occupied by Mr. Oldham and family
crop of potatoes.
A. P. Mumler, of Lents. Ore., wac
a pleasant caller at the George J. Nag!
home Tuesday evening.
Shirley and C. Antone ltoutz spent
a pleasant evening with Jerry Fiala
George Wilson was a business vis
itor in Portland Monday.
R. Bowman who formerly lived on
Rock F.ottom farm was in the neigh
hoi hood Wednesday.
Frank fluids Is busy digging his
crop of potatoes.
Mrs. A. K. Thomas w ho has been ill
at the hospital In Oregon City, was
removed to her home Saturday. She
is much improved In health.
W. II. Zivney was a business visit
or in the Rose City Saturday.
Master Jerry Fiala was unable to
attend tch-d Friday on account of a
severe cold.
Mr. Scott of Tualatin Meadows
called on ri. S. Iloutz Saturday.
('. f. norland butchered a fine pork
er Saturday.
('. Antone and Shirley lloutz were
very pleasantly cntf-t-itiit-.l l.y Mrs. f.
f. norland Saturday.
Mrs. Fred Lehman was a visitor in
Ofwcko Satnrdav.
Miss Lil'lan Tindmati of Stafford
M'cnt tne week-end with Mrs. A. i;
Mrs. Prim, of Oswego, was tlie diet
of Mrs. V. Worthington last week.
Mrs. Ralph putter, who is visiting
'.villi her parents, spent Friday in Port
Mrs. Fred Lehman and Mrs. S. S. .
I'.ontz Called on Mrs. A K. Thomas
Mrs. Frank Chllcls is on the sick list.
William Nagl motored to Wilson
ville and spent the day there Sunday.
The Ha.elia school will give u bas
ket socia1 on Saturday evening, No-j
vemlier LT.th at the school house. A
cordial invitation is extended to ail.
The llazelia Sunday school met Sun
day wit li a large crowd in attendance.
Mrs. Sarah Childs gave a very Intrr-j
of Mr. and Mrs. f. A. Worthington
The Misses Ellen and Ruth Worth
ington entertained about 40 young
friends on hullowe'en. The evening
was spent in music and games and a
p'easant evening had hy nil present.
Refreshments were served by the host-
The first musical of the season giv
en by the Parents' and TeucherB' asso
ciation Friday evening was a social
success. Owing to the stormy weath
er only a few attended.
Mrs. Emma McKercher and Mrs.
Mary E. Guthrie of Portland, sisters
of Mrs. E. C. Warren, spent Friday
here visiting their sister and niece.
Mrs. C. A. Worthington.
Mrs. G. A. llenvie, of Portland, was
av sitor here Thursday.
The Parent-Teacher association will
hold their regular meeting Friday, No
vember 10th at the school house at 'i
p. m. A full attendance Is requested.
In Nt'ta. X
"What's the extrn about. boy7 An
other big slaughter in the war?"
"Wnr nothln'! Why. you big boob,
don't you know the home team won a
gamer" Wisconsin Stare Journal.
An Old Sayinp
Villiger & Schleiss, Props.
Pure Milk and Cream AH New Sanitary Implements
High Grade Inspected Cattle
' B-6I6I; Local 371
First and "A" Su.
Oswego, Oregon
V '. 1 .. i -ii 4. -4. V ? 4 4 j
HAZELIA, Ore.. Nov. 9. (Special) j
A basket social will be given at the j
llazelia school house November !. A
good program will be rendered and
candy will be sold during the evening.
All are invited. J
Hugh linker was an Oswego visitor j
.Saturday evening.
Mrs. .1. A. Cook and Mrs. John Wan-,
ker made a business trip to Oregon !
City Wednesday. I
Mrs. F. W. Lehman was visiting in j
Oswego Saturday afternoon.
Mrs. Ed Wanker and daughter, Hat-1
tie and little sons, Wm., Jr., and Os- j
car. spent a very pleasant afternoon '
with Mrs. J. Geo. Nai,l. 1
Theo Steinhiller was in Oswego Sat
Mrs. It. W. Potter and little son.
Clarence, were guests nf Miss Ethel
linker Sunday.
Mr. Ralph lliihn. manager of the
Frel Pit kle Worka of Portland, Is con
sidering Mllwiiukiu as tho possible lit.
cation of a new pickle, fuclory. Tlii.t
news, learned late lust week, la pleas
unt. Indeed, In local peop'e. The cum.
puny has constructed with fanners
hereabouts and across the river for
100 tons of cabbage for the coming
year and by establishing the works
here would save considerable In
Providing that a site can be se
cured at a nominal price a twoacre
tract w ill be purchased und a fuclory '.
erected at w hlch 40 or .10 people would
be employed for portion of the year
und several the year around.
Milwuiikie and the Clackamas dis
trict could well support u large Insti
tution of this kind, this district being
known for Its variety und exce'lence
In vegetable crops. A small fruit can
nery would ulso be n paying proposition.
one Ihliiii )ou d be
She- Hut for
ootl dinn er.
He -A ml what a ihnlT
Khe- -Vuu. Pittsburgh l're.
flan. bl... Hui It l the ultimatum of
tlie illy i nun. II luinbd down ut Mi.
l.mt liifcllUK
The ultiii k on I In- Carter lo.nl t.it
led bv Conn. Iim, in I'li.illea t'ii,,i ,i.
who tni) ubliil wild abetted by his Id
h t oiiiicllliieu to a man.. It se. n.
In Hint tin' I II v .U.In mean imtl i.'ti
mid Hint the dilatory methods of the
r.i.ll...i,l .. i. pie hate aioiined the conn
-1 1 in tin !' lie to ii ilt rce where unthliig
ilpUt of a In 'I i tun d lafice with cult
r. iili . nt laid ilottn will ..t n.
Mr Cnuimi'l lu opening the flr.lil nit
the road leluaikad that ni for one
hud ulwuta bun I -iiieiit with Hie rail
j lo.nl people und eten at the la .1 meet
i Ing when Mr Cutter wua present Ii
I held to thai Colli), believing that III
j so lining he waa aiding the struggling
i llltle r ni. I and alau the people who
j depend on the line car tarry the in l.t
j and limn their work, but now hla pa
Heine wua cthituated. He hud learned
he said, Hint the M'oplt along the r nit it
live In dull) fear They were f-itrlul
to leuve their linlnea Illicit or day lent
the apuika from the railway engine
should muse a fire that would dentro)
their heme Not only Ihut, bill the
lealdelita living near the road hud
t omplii lueil of the soot and dirt which
the little old, ancient engine Hire
off. He declared It a liulaance. tm
I mediately there wua a chorus tif 1 e-t
air, ao II Is,'' and tel a make Carver
come In time once and for all."
Rubber Stamps
Our Ruhivrr Stamp Department ii prepared to turn nut your or
der (or special Hatiipn on tlmrl notice.
Ordrrx received by 5 P. M. drlivrrrd flic follow ing morning.
Could Not Do Her Cooking
Mrs. V. E. Ilartmelster, Tea., Mo.,1
writes: "I wus affected with kidney;
trouble for two years. I wua so bad
this summer I could hardly do my,
cooking. I got Foley Kidney Pills und
they helped me. I feel like a new i
persou." Too many women neglect !
symptoms of kidney derangement. I
When tho kidneys nro not properly,
doing their work poisons left ;n the I
system cause weak buck, dizziness,
pufflness under eyes, swollen ankles, '
joints, and rheiiniutlsm. Jones Drug
Co. Adv. '
Butter Wrapper Stamps
Rubber Stamp like above, Stamp
Pad and Bottle Ink, $1.25.
Oregon City Enterprise
Office Outfitters
Phone Pacific 2
Home B-10
I'osiinan - A penny I'oC your thoughts.
Poet- What ilu you menu?
Post (nun - There's 11 cent due on this
retuiii.'d iii.-i niit.-rijit. Si . Iitils Globe-Helms-rut.
Can Always be Found at the
Oswego Meat Market
Fresh Cured Hams, Bacon and Other Products
Fresh Fish.
H. BETHKE, Prop.
Oswego, Oregon
...... I -,41 .pr-" v :. .- 5 ? ; ; ;i lj .
" , 1 ' tj t r - 'fn4ui r- f . - ... ' r-., J Wfc 1!
trt' ,-, I M j ;h inf.-nut F .' 1 f -
(Photo Courtesy Claussen & Claussen, Architects).
Mllwaukle's new, inodorn grammar
school structure is completed and will
be accepted by the board on the rec
ommendation of the architects, ClatiB-
sen & Claussen, in a few days. It Is
practically ready for occupancy with
the exception of the Installation of a
few of the heavy plumbing fixtures
and tho school furniture. The dedica
tion date has not been set as yet but
will he announced probably next week.
It Is planned to mHko tho event a
racmorablo one In Mllvvuukle.
tho pryn " euxaticity o au i l'te