Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, November 10, 1916, Page 5, Image 5

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lirn. 0(ii.ir .in in nlt. ir i
Plana Mi hull, i.f limiiluml, Km.
Tli rt'KuUr iimwiIiik uf l Im Mdlt
I.Him granae No. Jul olll l, held on
rtlurdMV, Nuveinlicr Hih.
Julin Mate, of lleilland. auin
farmer of llmlluinl dlntrli I, aa amuii(
Ilia Oregon I'll tlalliira Haliirday.
.Mr. J. M Warm a. i.f Muuiil I'leaa
mil, ho tiaa linen IIIIiik her il a ii nil
I.T, Mra K. II ll-l.lr, of I'ort
lini'l, liaa returned In her hum
Mlnsea liladya ami liiara Hi liulnl,
ill Kldnradu, fthu liat Iwen In this
illy, I he Kurala of MUa Klala 8 linen
iHiru, returned in Ulr noma Hundar
After Ilia p'alntlff had completed II
h, Circuit JiiiIko Campbell granted
u nl un l nr y mm nil hi ilia aillim uf
Hip A. II. Avrrlll Mai hlnery t'iniiiii)r
unuliml II. II. Hi'i U Muiiduy.
J K. (irlhliln, of Aurora, a In I It I at
i llf Tui-aduy. Mr. (irllililn la una nl
Hm i ll K mi ii aim kint-ii, and la
dreader of Jiraea. II" a annul
panted In llila illy l K. H. OrlhNle.
iiUu (if Aurora.
Mr. and Mra. Dinar Anderuin aud
ilaiiKlilir, Vln'i'l, of llulnlcr, Or-KM',
am Ilia gnent of III furnier'a pj.'iil.
Mr anil Mra. II. A. Alidrraoii, of ,Mi .ln
I .am- Mra. Amlrraon ami baby
r nut I ii for Id lntiT al the Andcr
i Plllia, ' 1 I'M,,. I l, ,.., I'M -
aim Iii.iiik al Mad I lill lor ,, rvr,.nttmy a meptlon was held,
liiial.aml la traveling In Ilia lnl.ie I ,, ,,,., ,, .,.,, a,.rV... Mra
of thn Al jKinilima. "Ik-allng IUili."jT k. lia.ill l.. lni ali.tcl In a-rvliiK
picture mm. r. An.l. raon liawi.g ,,y Mri( Vl. I..r IJiiull. Mra John Mul
in ronilurlltif (ha wall known summer
raaort, wllhnlt Hprliifi.
Tha brtila, who la Wall known In
Orajrun ray, hat raildwl In Cananiah
all of hr lif. for (ha laat ill yaar
ha haa Iwan deputy in (ha county
rlrrk'a ultim. Hha haa rnaila many
frlanda whlla empliiyad In (hll office,
ml aha waa una of tha moat efficient
rlarka In (ha court houaa.
Mr, Mrljimn, who haa Un
riatwi with Ida grandfather In con
ducting tha Wllhoit Hprlnga hoUl, by
hit iranial kimllallty haa altail
largely in bullilliif up tha lara pat
ronage of (ha raaort.
ld al Ilia lioina uf Mr. and Mra.
T. K. liaiill at (lladnlona Wednesday
telling, In' II Mlaa llcaulo Wailkll
canin I In lf uf Cliratnr CariH iitiT,
of (ilaiUlolin. IU.IIi rald'l at HI.
Joai'ph, Mu., Him lirldit having arrlVnd
In (lludalonn tlm fir at of laat wnck.
Th it liiipri'ialva rlim rrrrinony waa
pirforiiiri In th pli-annra of alxint 30
frlrnda and ri'Utlvaa of Ilia rontrai t
lull paillia hy Iti-f. Hoy I,. Dunn. The
lirldii aa hraiillfully Konni'd In whlla
tollii, and hrr Ioiik lull tail waa lnld
In plain Uy a ilululy wrculli of oraiiKo
li'oaaoina. HIip carrlid a aliowrr Imu
itii't of IiIIh rariiutlona, whlla tli
lrldiiiiilil. Mlaa Murjnrln Volhidlu,
aa I.f iiiiiliinly atllri d In pink loln,
ami carrli d a aim it ImiihiiiH of pink
larnulloiia. I,)l (Jitiilt ua liiat limn
rn-vlotia In tin' iiiurrlMK Victor (iaull
aalt( 'At lall. rollnitlllU Ilia lliur
iiun hux,'d Ilia aiiiua. Hit la tl
known lln-utra mini of KalnliT, otn
lux una of tha UiKi-al movliiK plilurr
hnnaaa at tlmt plm a
In The Social Whirl
Currant Hapaanlnaja af lnirtt In
an Akaut Orafon City
key, wlilln Mra. Wllllwiii (1immIIii ft-
vrd puiiili. Mr. mid Mra. Cnrniitir
left lniiiii'illiiii''y adi r tha ri- 'illnn
for tln'lr lioiiif, tha Vli tor tiitiilt lmn
low In lilniUloiin, tliidr future linmiv
Tha dt'cotallona uf tint (iiiult linlua
I rfc artlntli'. Tim llvlim iitom, Iiitb
tin' murriuKn u ri iiiiiny ua pi'rfonni'd
Waa In ulilta uud ciriii, lnll whltv
Ii r n n l In-in ii in cro um-iI In profuir
Inn. Ki ntiMina wi-rtt forini'd of hum')
aiu kit- vliii-a. An un liwuy of grran
and wlilti'. iimlar whlrli Hut bridal par
ty atiMid whllu thi' ci-rmnoiiy. waa lir
InK iM-rfiiriiH 1. waa of diod e cut fin
ara and amllti. uml a hui kKrniind wu
fnniiad of Ori-Kon Krupo and fiTiia.
Tha illulnx room wu In yvllow and
inlar, farna and whlla rtiryaanth
mu ma
Tha dr Ida waa hot oiiilnxly Kowiind
In pala Idua, and carrlod a ahowar lou
inint of wlilla rarnalloua.
Kollowlnc Ilia iiiarrUKa rcrainony a
(lliim-r waa aarnad. Many handaonia
(Ilia wara rvcalvrd ly tha jounf run
Mr. ami Mra. l.undKran will inaka
tlii'lr hmna al MMoinHi and I'olk
Alli'iidliiK wnra Kldi-r Jonaa and
If n, Mra. Ilalph Clyda, of I'orHand.
Owan Kuan, Mr. and Mra, Millar, Mr
and Mra. A. Wllaon, Mr. and Mra. J
M. Calatan, Mr. and Mra. I.IiiiImm kr.
ftuth I.IiiiImm kar, Mra. Nerly and
lUnalilar, lliilin, Mr. Ilixlunia, Mr.
and Mra. Oman, Mr. and Mra. Clurani
Kalrlirntlii-r, Mr. and Mra. ('. M. Kalr
lirolliiT and aotia, Karl and Harry, Mlaa
Kiniiia Mi llrldn, Mr. and Mra. K. Ild
luiid, Mr. and Mra. A. Ili-dlund and
Mra. Handcna.
Dantt at Mullno
Hall la Arrangad.
A dani'liiK party will U (Ivan at the
Mullno hall NnmiiiluT II hy Vl'tor
Myara, of tlila city, and V. Nawell of
Ji'iiuliijca UmIkii. A rortlaml on lina
tra will furnlah iniialc for tha dam-liiR
Thla la mu' of a w-rtaa of partlea that
ara Ix-lnat rlvrn hy Hi on yoiinx men.
A diima Klvan al Mullno acvnral ri k
ai(o hy Mr. Nownil and Mr. Maynra
waa wi ll atlaiidi-d.
County Clark ha llurrliiKlon Haltir-
duy laaui'd marrtuKit llci lima to 'lr-
torla Vi'lr.i-l and Joaaidi Iti ll, of Mnl-
ulla; Vi-ala I. Iinkay and Itayinond H.
Ilrown. of Omiiiin "lty. roiita No. 0
and Miiti'llno New and llu-l J. Hi-in-
mlua, of Ji'iinlnx lxlK'v
I,. C. HuMiard flli-d a aull for S 1 H
nn all cauana of aitlun uKlnt C. ('.
Kdwarda, Ora Hlytcr and J. Ie ki r
nn Huturduy. iJlinlik at Dluilck and
Will Mulvcy apimurliiK for Mr. Iluli-hard.
A lilKhl aihixd will l,n 0M-imd at
li Hovanlh at r cil Friday iillit al
7:30 o'clock lr Hn-n purpoana:
To furnlah an opi-nrl unity for fur
llmr atudy to thn no fM, n,a nid
of worn cd in at I'm llian that thny liav
r waived In tha city or rural achoola.
To of far all who lannot, for an ri-a-aon,
attend any lilrh a liixd or rol-It-K",
liialrin tlon In t'liiiiiiiirrlal or bua
Inaaa auhji-cla.
To halp tlioa of fornlxn hlrth who
wlali to road and writ KiiKllnh an I
In arimlnt lhaiur.i-liaa with Ilia I'nltn l
Hlataa (ovanitnant and hlatory,
Tb couraa of atudy followa:
HiMttlal Itaailliiic, lllaratura, writ
lux, arltlunatlc, ap'-lllnK. hUtory and
Couinit-rclul I'cnmanahlp, arltluna
tlc, hookkacplnf, hualnaaa mj!Ii,k.
(ouimarclul law, ktaiiography and ;p
wrltln. Cltl.cnahlp Ilcadlnic, writliiK, l'i.i.
td Htutoa hlatory and Kuvarnmant.
TraliH'd taarhara will have il.arna,
and tlin rafa of tuition will dn
U(Min tha couraaa lo m lakan ti;.
Tha lilKhl acliool will tivld thie n
anlnica rach wai-k, .Monday, .Wrdnt-c-iluy
and Krldity.
ft ha marriaico of Miaa Kmnu T.
Vuyuinn, youiiKi't dauthtrr of Wl.
I ii in W. (Jtiiitn uf ('niiwma)l. and T. W.
M.-Urrnof Wilhoitwu. ..llamnicltkl,l". '" t lr.uiih"
tha gulnn hotna Thur-.lay .flrrnoon """" 'IJulnl..,(
at 4::i0 oVUk. JU,lKa J. U. Camp. '"''. "," 1 "' "',,v I"""'"""'" H"1
Wll P..rforminlf tha ni.rri.ir. caro- '""l' M-. w. I,, au...um Ivm.
mony in tha pn tH-nc, of only ralu-1 T'' '''" '!'" 1 ,"'7
.. ' , .i . ', .... TI..I"1"' Mra. J. N. WoukIi, of St. Jiiaepn
u.r. Hi l.io loniiniiHK - . , ..,,l.- ,,f r.
hriile waa jriven away in nuirriuifB by
har father, the bride ami bridrifroom
lininif uimttandoil. FollowiiiK the
nnrriair caremony . wrddinif dinner
waa aarvnl.
Tha dt'comtinni of the room, of (he
tjuiim home ware artlatically
arrun,Tl, the mlnr ai-liamo ltainir yel
low uml white. Yellow and w-hil
rhryaanthrmuma wtre uel in pro-
fusion in the reception hull, Ilvlnif and
I', tl. W n'la. of (iludxtnne. Ha nrrlvtit
Ut (ilinlHtolia uliout Nil niniillin
w In-re he unepted tlut poaltlnn .
atenoKniphar and liixikkaeix-r for the
tiUdhtiinu l.uiulx-r coinpiiny. He Inn
made inuuy frleml. alm-a tukliiK l
lila renldem a at tiluilntolie.
a a
JT"IIK iiuirrliine of Mian Jennie M
Vi 1 liihc. daiiKhter of Mra. II. N.
Miller, of Mount rieiiniint, and (Incur
dinintf rMm anil in the library. The y i.undKren. aon of Mra. A. W llaon. of
table decoration cnreapomlod to th J 1 3 KUteentli atreet, waa nolemnl.ed
ilivnrntinna of tbe dininif room. lt t It I M city lnt Thnrmlii)' evenlnis ut
The briila waa U-cominKly attired !7:nu oVIim k In the preaeiu o of rela
in a nnvy blue traveling unit. Uvea and a few Intimate friend, of
After a brief honeymoon Mr. and -tin' rnntr.icllint purlieu, with Klder
Mr. Mi-Uren will Roto Wilhoit, I June, of Portland, offlclutlnit.
whero tbey will make their future! Heneiith tin nit liwuy the Impr. h.dve
home, Mr. M.-Uren bcimr anitocinted rin.; ceremony wn performed, nml
with hi. grandfather. F. W. McLaren. . rooma wen nit (fully decorated with
County Clerk Iva HiirrliiKton Thura-
day laaued marrlaxa llcenaea to Kinuiu 1
T. Qiiltin and Theodore V. McLernn
of Wllhnlt, uml Jennie M. Iluaa and
(a'ur Y. l.undKran, of Orcein City.
TIip milt of W. W. Irvln aainnt A.
II. Hnnaldsou uml Alum HiKtfer wait
dliuulaaed Huturduy dy an order Mgw-1
hy Circuit Judce Campliell.
Card, and iiiualc were tbe feature
of the evcnlnn'a entertainment at the
farvwvll purty of Mr. and Mra. Evcntt
liowney at W'llluiiu-tto compllmuntai)
to Mr. and Mr. Walter llrandt, who
leave Wednexduy for their home.tead
In euatern OreKnn. Mr. llrandt in
a .later of Mr., liowney. Alter aev-i-rul
hour, hud been ient In card, a
tunc heon wua aerved.
The room, of the linwney borne
were prettily decor.ili d for thl. occaa
ion, when autumn leave, were uaed
In profiialon. aa alm were nilnuture
h'ui k cat. and wltrhea.
There were about 26 nueat. enjoy
Inn Mr. and Mrx. Iowney'a hospital-H.v.
Tha Canliy State bank, with a not-
for $ lino aaalKiicd hy William U
IliKK.. Monday lirouuht a milt ualnMt
Lucy M. Ho.shorn, adinlnlKtrutrlx of
the extute of the late Klmer K. Con
horn, Klmer Kllawortb UoHhorn, jc.
KlUulieth and lliuel HoKun, Walter T.
Hor.iii, UlllMTt Stephen lioshorn,
Mfirlo Kthel (inahorn. I.ui y M. (joh
horti. and Iiorlhea Kltnlier Ciohhorn.
The note wu Blitned Septemher I,
1011. The Imnk ak to luivo u mort
CUK foreclosed.
COKVAiXIS. Nov. 4. The OreRon
i A.-6ie footlia'l team defeated the Whlt
j man colleen eleven thin morning on
! the Corvalli. Krldirnn hy the acore of
I 23 to 0 In a came brhnmltiR w ith aen
' national runs that kept the spectators
I In a fever of excitement,
j Three touchdowns, two goal kick,
.and one placement, all In the third
' quurter. romprNea the extent of the
, worlnK. l-odell, Conn and N'ewnmn
each Hc-ored a tom'tidown and lluliliar.l
' limited the pluce kick.
Corner 10th and MainSt. Oregon City, Or.
Cream Separators, Dairy, Poultry and Bee
Supplies. We pay CASH for Eggs, Poultry,
Hides, Grain and other produce.
If County Adopt. Plan of Including
Road EpnM. In O.n.ral Lavy,
Fir Apparatua Can't Ba
Bought N.at Y.ar.
Kor a aocond time thl. year, (lis city
council laat nlnht prepared . budfe)
for 117, whli b will bo tulitulttad to
lh taxpayer, at tha aocond budget
nieetlnu NoainlHT 20. Tha liudKH l
printed In full on pane two of thl. la
ue of 1 ha Knturprla.
An appropriation of $.T.MlH.J(t for tha
nun lmaa of an automohllo fira truck
la Included. That aurn repre.euta the
hulanre on hand after all other call
male, of city ienea bad been cut
to tl.e bone.
Much realty awaita the bmlieet meet
In. Tbe county budget will be coin
plated by November 17. One p'an baa
bean auKKeoted to tbe county court
which, If adopted, would cause the city
ronald'-rable financial difficulty next
year. The county make, an 8 mill
road levy at prent. the city recelv
Inic over half of the money collected
on property In the city limits, amount
iriiC to $ir,,ss 50.
The county court propose, to ad I
to the general county levy, eliminate
the road levy and-muka m.d Improve
ment, from the general fund. In this
way prvvcntlUK a division of the funds
with the county,
Vnder auch a plan the city wou'd not
be able to buy a fire truck next year
and additional cut. in the budget
would be necessary. If the county
takes thla action, these cut. will be
made at the taxpayers' meeting
Congregatfanalists Call Pastor
After married life extending over a
erlod of 33 years. George K. Hall
Friday filed In the Clackamas county
circuit court a suit for divorce asuinst
Jenett Hall. They were married Feb
ruary 22. 1SS3, In Mudlson. Mudisnn
county. N. Y., and. he charces, she de
serted him in 1907. Ilrownel! & Seiv
ers 11 led the complaint for Mr. Hall.
i 't '
i .
Rev. J. W. MacCollum
At the annual business meetinn of
the First Connrepatlonul church
Thursday nlRlit. a cull was issued (or
Rev. J. W. MacCollum to fill the pul
pit of the local church. Ills home ban
been at Tacoma, Wash., although he
haa been supplying the local Congre
gational pulpit for several Sundays.
Rev. Mr. MacCo'lum is a Scotch
Canadian by birth and was educated
In Canada. He has been In the I'nited
States for many years, however, and
has held several Importane pastorates.
Ho Is expected to accept the call, an I
be comes bluhly recommended aa an
able, concensloua and successful pas
tor. Tbe pulpit of the Congregational
church has been vacant since Rev.
George Nelson Edwards resigned early
In the year (o take up work in Mun
WTfosit ' Do
IhSmilk of
aa. Sat
One of the leading flour mills say they wont let us have any nore flour because we sell too cheap. They
are trying to force us to raise our prices. WE WONT DO IT! We'll fight them to a finish. Are you with iis?
We know you are. So again we're at 'em. Last week we knocked the spots out of high prices on sugar. This week we're going to put the
flour trust on the run.
OUR, $8.00 per Bib
We have 400 sacks, so hurry. These prices will last as long as the flour does.
$9 fan
atiu r . II If m. II
Lunch Goods
Rex Real Dnvllod Hum 15e, 2 for 25o
Rox I'otlnd Ilnm .... 15c, 2 for 25o
Rex I'oltod Chicken.. 15c, 2 for 25o
Rox I'ottod TonKtio..15o, 2 for 25c
Vnn Cump's I'ork nnd Ileans,
Regular 25o 2 for 35c
Win Camp's l'ork nnd Roans,
lingular IBc 2 for 25e
Vnn Camp's I'ork and Roans,
Regular 10c, 3 for 25e
V. II .SnrdlnoH. Hpcolul 3 for 25c
Snydor CutHitp (large hottlu)
Rogutnr 25c 20o
1 full pt. bottle Ketchup, Diamond
"81' brand, spoclnl 15c
Son Hrcer.o Ocean Crab, host qual
ity and class, can 25e
Gorman Sotomo Sausage, lb..50o
Honoy, short qt. bottle spoclnl 30c
Pimento CbooBe 10c
Chilli Choeso 10e
Tillamook Chcesn, pound 25e
Creom 1 trick Chocso, pound.... 30c
Ilonth's Sardines, can 18c
I'lilni llnind Surdlnos, 6 cans.. 25c
NnrwcRlun Sardines, can 15c
Chilli Con Cnml, can 10c
Crackers, 10c box, regular $1.00
box 850
Hot Tamales, enn 10c
Chip Roof ,, 15c
Vienna Snttsage, can 10c
l'lnt Relish, per bottlo 15c
ChBH Sauce, Mexican Hot, Swoot
Tlcklos and sour Tickles In full
pint Jars, 15c; quart jurs....25o
Greon Ollvos, sizes.... 10c, 15c, 25c
Corned Roef, can 25c
Dovllod Hani, can &c 6 for 25c
I.olistors 30c
Shrimps, can 10c
Oysters, Reg. 15c can 10c
Sour Pickles, por qt., ltilk...?10c
Can Ripe Olives 25c and 15o
Pinenpplo 10c, 15c
1 pint drupe Juice, 20c
1 quart Grape Juice 40c
Uneeda niscutts, 5c pkg...6 for 25c
Cookloa 10c pkg. 3 for 25c
New Crop Walnuts
Almonds, pound --250
Imported Walnuts, pound 20c
2 pound for 35c
Ilrarll Nuts, pound 20c
Coffee and Tea
Gold Dollar, reg. 30c Co(feo...25a
Royal, tor. 35c Coffeo 30c
Caravan Coffee, reg. 40c 35a
Caravan Coffee, 31b can.... $1.00
Upton's Tea, pound .65c
Spldorleg Tea, reg. 66c grade..
Tetley's Tea, pound 65c
pound 50c
Gunpowder Ten, regular 65c
grade, pound 50c
Ceylon Too, reg. 65c grade, lb. 50c
PoBtum Corenl Coffee, Reg. 25c,
pcaknge 20c
Lemons 25c doz.
Oranges, dozen 40c
Jonathan Apples, box $1.25
Staymore Wlnosap Apples, box 90c
King Apples, box $1.00
Tokny Grapes, pound 10c
CranberrioB, two quarts 25c
New Crop Dried Fruit
Sultana Raisins, pound ........ 10c
Muscatel Raisins, pound 10c
Evaporntod Peaches, pound.... 10c
Evaporated Apricots, pound ...18c
White Figs, pound....-- 12'2c
Basket Cluster Raisins, .pound. 10c
Hlack Pigs, pound 10c
Currants, package 15c
Lemon, Orange Citrus peel, lb.. 30c
Mexican Reds, S lbs tor 25c
Lima Itenns, 3 Idb. for 25c
Small White Roans, 3 lbs. for. .25c
Dayo Beans, 3 lbs. for 25c
Honey, 1 pound combs 15c
Quart bottle Honey, strained
and puro 30c
10c Can Pepper .' 5c
Good Broom 25c
Toilet Papar, 6 for 25c
Arm & Hammer Soda 5c
501b. Sack Dairy Salt 50c
501b. Sack V, ground Salt.... 40c
100 Lbs Brokon Rice $4.00
2ft pound tin 50c
5 gals. Coal Oil 65c
3 boxes Match 08 10c
Corn or Gloss Starch 5c
3 can Old Dutch Cleanser 25c
3 cans Lye 25c
Vinegar, (pure cider) full quartlOc
H gallon 20c
1 gallon f . .25c
H gallon in glass containers.. 25c
6 cans Sardines 25c
2 cans Chinook Salmon,. 35c
Mixed Pickling Spice, pound.. 30c
Maple Syrup, Reg. 15c, can.... 10c
Wax Paper, 24 18-lnch sheets.. 5c
Kellog's Corn Flukes ) o r
Post Toast!es ( i
Krurables 2 DC
Savon Soap, two bars 5c
Toilet Soap 3 bars for 10c
13 Bars Bob White Soap 50c
7 Bars Lenox Soap 25e
SPECIAL Caravan Baking Powd
er, pound 25o
Pearline, 25c package 20c
K.-C. Baking Powder,
2 for
can, Reg.
Puff Rice,
Puff Wheat
Grape Nuts,
Quaker Oats,
Shreded Wheat,
Rolston's Bran
Kellog's Bran
Krumble Corn Flakes, 2 pkgs..15
Rolled Oats, 10-lb. sack 45c
Rolled Oats, bulk, 6 pounds... 25c
Liberty Onts, Reg. 25c, pkg.... 20c
Liberty Wheat. Reg. 25c, pkg... 20c
Golden Rod Wheat Flakes,
Regular 35c, pkg 25c
Celery bunch 5c
Cabbage, big solid bead 5c
Sweet Potatoes 8 lbs. 25c
Squash 5c
Pumpkins 5 and 10;
Wednesday is Butter Day, Falls pity Butter, 2-lb. Roll, 70c. Other Days 75c
8 A M Canemah & South End Road 8 A.M., Bolton 8 A. M., Willamette 8 A. M. Canemab 8 A. M., Bolton 8 A.M., Canemah EVERY DAY AT
1 ?', m! Gladstone and Park Place 1 P. M., West Linn 1 P. M Fallsview 1 P. M., Gladstone 1 P.M. West Linn 10 A. M. and 2 P. M.
Free Prompt Delivery
Phone 19