Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, November 03, 1916, Page 4, Image 4

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    OKK..ON' flTV KN'Tr.UM'IMSi:. KKIHAV. XOVKM MKl. ... l.Uii.
c. e.
Publlihad Kvcry Friday.
RODll, tiHor 4 Publish.
Ivim i.tl .oirl Hh Hie iUlm Dial will III I mailt of ai.'.'I'ls"
u. u ,u.,.. i. .. I mini ul and !' , ins In III fut.n Hn I'l'1'
. ..... r... 111.111.111 III llll 14' til I tlllt tl Imii lillll.ill linllll
U.Hi H.f ili.'H h "' 1 ' ioiinliilioii, Itili t f i.l ! "iifi I"
Enird at Orrfoo City. Orrgon PoatorTlca at "fund class nuiirr
Subscription Ratta:
Ob year I'M
Bit Montbi 'i
Trial Hiibscrlptlon. To Months "
Hubirrilicrs will find lha date of aipltatlun stamped on their papr f.d
lowing (heir nam. If lint pa)mnt It not rr.vlitM, kindly nuiify u. aud
tit mader will roralv our attention.
Ad'tirtlalnl Itatea on apnllratl.'a
unlit. 1-pi.lijli.l
., !.! I't III.' UK
lit III llll lell.tl.
i lu' iimi i- 'it ! i
twinm r. I'i.mi. .i
ll.Hl ll.l k . i. -I
in.. 1. 1 l.k II .i!.i
U I . -I II l 4 ! !'
N.i f 1 1 1 1. ..I li ..n il.. ii.i ul
t.i il u a a iliiiiiiliu
.11 4 Kll.
V. Prank Persona of New Vork I'll r
a rvegnlo. authority i n tlu emu
omlcs of the pour und dire, lor of I In"
Ki'lli t .11 worn ol I in I ii.iruv urgauu-i-
linn society, has iu.nl.' some iiucmi
g.Hiuiis on tin' rust of li in k which
niiike Inii'ri'KiiiiK reading M thne
people lio H niiUli'i llu' Demo, r.i-
neter rvalue Tin' an
lit MutpV lii Hi.' p.il.u
country, thai
utter I p.rd-
I I III ctpi'lts
Or all llir lute ltt.it an' In line .
nil) dnuht'ul, New Votk l tin' inn' in
ih Judgment of (culls in.it I.
iiioM s. viirati'ly formed In allium c
It U highly nrgi'il-icd. lit h : 1 1 1 . .i .
fji turn are definite, big uiiil r i . v
ft .iiuiiMiii; h .it'ii-- ol
.... nt l.i I i .in. i u . u I .
t ..; llu- 1 1. -n ..i. i i'i
ii . '-iii.it! -ii.p i'i a i''''t
I.i.l lu iii.h I..I:. I "
A' r.iii.iin I. nit ..'n th"
I liu .it Hi.- li
til.' -n will i
!! . II I 111' .III fill!
t i.i:i; .in' tin' d
W il -. n t!i.
I I. nl t.i tli.il (
i.t.lil ol l.il-T jlcli.it a III. Hi I lit iim..I.' .ill.l Hi'' PHI
I Iihi-Ii .. in Hum i .IuIiiiii li-cm In lilt n nu t ii .nli.il II
t4ni il. iii il peal, lili Wilson al" I !"' '
, I. . Ili.i; lu-' September 1 In II win lim nl ! ) I"
i... Ii.i' and It"- .li'inf Maun a li...i.l lH'in. uiii
.1 ih....' uli.i I lit . in. III. mi riiiiiiiii.i. . I t.i lug Hi''
..ilii-r and mm, il.n '' ",,,
It unk, i.ii.I uUai i ii .iii.I l.i !
i it i iiihinx Ih.ii I II Mr
I'll till' I Ill.l.'. (il. .UK. I.' Ill III! W
a ...a
rii.'iii i inn' (.nl on iiii in -I do
..; ii. t..l i r, and tli.il U il 'l"li nut
i.. .Lu ! I.t Mr lliitli. . ,m. Ii i !' ''li
inr ."im m i k
in tin1 '.i'
,!. , i .ill. n
i ii I . -.'il
in .tn 1 1 i'
'x First Issue 0) This Paper,
One 0 Oldest In The State,
Appeared October 27, 1866
ll.ilf a ii'iilni) u mi liiilav II I'. Ii.. i fit It i it lul ii'i'i Inli'il (iniii II id Untuii
l.in.l tiiiiiiiilil (mm hi lull,. .liiiti l'.i i.in, d n J..I111 mid In n' mid llo'io a
llml lui of 'l im 1 : 1 1 1 i i 1 1 o In mi.iv liiitnuiiMm i 1 1 .1 1 1 . . ti . nm Ii 11
hi I. 'II, .n .iinii ii Ilia hiu llio ,l,i,' I ,s, nil , 1 tun will of old niitl.W.
I .ipi t luiiiuli d III llli'lliMI ('lit , lull llio , llirlr Into Ih i:i'int .ill Iniiii' .limitl
li.t f i'r fat m tin'
I llti It 1. full ii( k.1. .it.k mi 11.1' 1 1 1 .
lie pli.tiorin of i;n.' to I.h.I ili.Mii int.!ttl ,anl ,
voIIiik nc.ilnM lh. pnil.slio larilT
pollry lili li fur KUIii n tritr In-1 1
..nli.l..n-i.t.l.-..l uuut ill thlk i-nlltil I V ' I
I ti'ry tiiin lt r'n.iT ,in. tiuiii' iii.I
flit olwrtatiiiii 1I1..11 11 in mini
Ill (hi. 11111. mi. mid tin' r. .11. lu.l. n, .
AliU ti k.M-t rxory milt rmiiitiK. an I ( . ,IM.M,.nl pl, ,. lu.,llt llt 4,
enfo ovory ni;ui lio .ini.'d il a Jot. , m,.r , ,.u,rVi ,., ulll thl.r ,
In llio cri'at l.Miio. r.ill.' IHiii uh.- of j ,IUl4 furou,!,. ,n,plt .,v., (!
l-rok.-n promlM's. Ili. lUltuiior,. pl.il-j JU . tr,.mi.ml,m, ,, ,,.M.n,.,
(orm rati r.-.i.lily lo found It n''"''!", n i.ut, fur p..lil!...l mt. iitulii.. ,,
no ItidfX rard. Tina Ih Iml It id lv!g
almut ihehlKh cm of Iiviiiis: j N ,am,au;n ti, .t Kt. tI) tt t n,. t.i
"Wc favor I hi limnodiiit. ilowtiur.l da .'t t (n fio tin. p,',.i!i- n(
revision of the cxl.idni; hiKh und In x,.t Vork. in iho l.fi i.u ihtn. alont
tuiinv rani't prolilliltlvo i..ri(T diitlo. tiMid.'ii. l.' In tlu-lr at.ito. Ii. tu.in-;
InsUUnR that matorial ri'dm tionti tx-jof iviiriio t.i admit dof.-at. ilt.'y i
(ir-( II. piil'lt.
U llMl. lliMlM'
At hrart r Mi I.. i iil.i l . ' i ti I
In Hie mmitii 111 I', mi.w r 1 1 . p !
t.,t. I'uliin iiii:iiii llu t'it -.ir
..( In ii.'i tij'.ilii of tin' W lnt'" II.'. 1"
'.I M'i'iiii-.l lni'.".ili- to wi'iii' lt..:i.
tiim 4 l.i..'f.i '!i . i.-!i'ii on .'"i
.i:i nr f.pi.il ii!!r.i..i' It a on')
,i::,r Mr ll i. ini had .li'ar!) and inn-
. Ir!i I'll' . 'id llllliM'lf to ll'i I.IU.'
ll'tt Wll.,.11, at till' r',.-i-ll! ll.i'ir
(I. I..... I. IMii, tta .1 ! .) tin li t 11 .11
I lli f. HI I'll. llio III!.- ttiin'rll 111., I
on llio I'.uik of llio i:i.iiin llu wan
am km ul 1 np.n lit, a'i I
,ii. 1. 1 loin l.ltrn In llu
I .1 . r M.niiif.i. luring , .1
)u 1 pu:tiiii; 1 lio dm.' .:
' tin ir papi-r null. U r
' 11. ..r j.iniiialir I, Hi ( . t
' in. I half n litnr a . ' t
tin. Ill l l-ioii' of Iho I "1
' tin- pi'', lo tlioti hi 1.
1 hi thai half ii'iilm
! h... irott n from a
half h.'ard'il approial j hniulri'd Inhal'ltatil. t
-in' and l.K'k fttii;.' t' 'tiriumi li In. r.'a.l
in trim of ulati-'ii r H ! t I 'nan f"'d and Itu l n t
RIMfdil) niado iiHin tlio nr.Tsarif . r.'.ili.o that ihcv ill ttitat.-jil ff f
Thf high rout of llvinn In a( plo, and no It ha rmm 10 ho a r.'HM
proMi m in ocry AniorU.tn j lar pln'noiiii'tnm In Hi. 1 om. Iu.Iui j
Tho K.-piihluan party. In it , fortnUtit of a rampuUn. for llio man
plctfonn. ntlcmpts to on-apc fr.nn ro-iacors of llu lo.lnr; party middi'iiN to
KponnlMlily for prpyrnt condition dy put forth amotinditii: ilanim of a p.t
donyinj that I hoy are duo 10 a pro- lulial i'arth'iiakt oiii.' horo .'i.i' that
of lift,
tei-tlM tariff. Wo take Isnuo with
Ihoni on this unhject."
So thoy put all farm iiro.Iu.tii on
tho (roe lint and a.uiuri'd (ho farmer
they en? dolns it for his lienetit. All
fuel w.-j made free of duty; textile
uianufaotutv and clothinn were plac
ed on a near -free-trade basis :
shoos were made free of duly; hard
ware of all kln.ks was plvon severe'
duty cuts; lum'oer went lo the free
list. Now listen to Mr. Persons:
"Heiause of the increase In living
cost a $1? Incone In 191!. a $! in-,
come in 1915 and a J-2.75 itu-ome in.
lOlfi seem to provide the same stand
ard of livinc for a family of five, con
si:-l inu of a man, a
iliildrrn under fourteen. The divis
ion within the h'ltlcct would lo av
proxiniately as follows:
Is Kolns to sweep (he country to (hem.
no matter what New York ihv.
There is only one trouhle l(h (hese
lasl niinute claims They neter pan
out. The side that rcori'atilics its
statistic In the last days in order (o
show (ha( 1. will win without New
York, is merely admitting what t
(hut time is universal knowledge, (hat
New York Is lost.
And the election always govs a
New York goes.
It will do It again this year.
Hughes will ho elected.
1912 19i:. 191.! j
Renl J S"- $ 4 .on $ 4.0 j
Food C.0'1 SOU 9.30
l-iiel and light MM 1-2 j
Clothing 3.00 3.."0 4.50
Incidentals .. 1.00 1.00 1 00;
Insurance .r.o r.o
Savinss, re.re-
aC.on. etc. . . 2.0u i.oo 2 00
To(a!s . . .117.00 J20 u0 $22.75
In 1:H'n Samuel (Jumpers came oi;l
woman and three 1 m sp,K,rt f Mr ,!r)an for ,r,1;ij,.nt.
and tried to deliver (he lahor vote to
him. That is one of (he reasons why
there is no "lal'or vote" in (his coun
try. It is a habit that Mr. Comper.
gate It lu
.'V.I. led till' i
Iim i Ih.' o! I .I
a. ling llial each elate slio'iM wtllo J J'it re. oti'Mng from tli
Hi.- iin.-.tii'ii fur itself I of li fivll ar. is im
The v.t. t.ins of (he fo who up
!ni. I Hie fag llh I'.minr hae tig
g. Ii-d a .. nuparl .nil !( Wood
ma iNon ulid one Jaine I'm li.iii.ui
aim alo I'llit'te.l in state right
.in, I aa .'le.ti'd upon a pt.ttfurm (0
that ell.st 111.) Ilige llial M ilson s . tl,l, ln-giiu. ,,.,t
favorite polu) of ' wailful waiting" I
lint original atth Mm hut was tnietited
and tried l.v anotlur 1'emo.r.it the
same lUiohanan. who tm. Id'y hy and
p.TMiitted the sniithiTn leader to pre
parv for the rehrlllon. offering no re
sist.ince while they siii'd I'nlte.l
States ar.ienal and hauled down the
Stars mid Strios.
It is self eiideiil that an a lmlnlstra
lion that ran command the respect of
(he world and that Innst uion strli I
a. cotintaMlity will he respe.-led and
Its warnings heeded.
If Abraham Uucinn could hate tak
en offi.o on llu day he was nominated
I'.v (he Chicago cont etilloti. Kurt Sump
dT never would have tuen fired upon I
If Charles htans Hughes had heen j
president smne two years ago. Ihej
I.iKltati'.a neier would have lieen sunk ;
W W II ,'i
I Me. mi I'll I
Hi-. nit wire
tmii In mi
It. I. in. I pin
::. i'a'
i.l.lt pillieil
. I lle llu. 11
..a pliineiM
HiegiMl City
: 11:0 of a lea
.1 . .It of Iiiini,
h.-r populatinii
1 .1 State, then !
Ieei Wiilllld
the rietiesl.
milt one In mil the. und I lie Ciller
prl-e In I. ..Lit one of I lit oldest pupe'S
III Hie limlliwial
'I lie IHsl l-itlin n( Tlio Cnlerprlse
a, 1. (..in i.igin und seteii iii'illllli,
all "it I'I hand I lie mil. mill of Hew
mid 11. In Mining, hihiii Inn i d Mr lie
l.ill.l to make III pii.er eight ciilillliua.
ulllii'iigli I li.' iniliilier of p.i;. Wim
nut In. 1. -a -.e.l until si'tetiil i at l.il. i
.Mr Inland, the Iniin.lcf mid llml
e.llliT of I'lie Klilerprlne, Weill In A
l.iri.i 11II1 1' evei.il tear hk t mid III
1.;.! fiMiinleil Tho A-iimliin Ilia sell.
C I. Iielitiid. followed Hie lulling o.'
In-, l.iilur mid today Is edllnr of the
Sherman Cunt) (Itmirier ul Moin
While Hie hull eeiiluii of The Kn
I.T. Iki' 1 exM.iu. e Ii.i tirouglil mull)
1 halige III the stall, u sludy of the
llrsl lsue of the paa r shows thai III. of
same liie will. Il lonfront llio ieoilo nf
nf I. i.l.lt wet. lieliig dim ussi'd then,
(ngearid, turn mid te'lna wllh II ge.
llml I1rt Issue I u alon-liouse of Hie
most linen-sling liiforiuulluii to the
person llllerenleil III Hie I'lirlV llli'lot,'
of Hie slate
1 lie I'tul.l.'lll of granting lands In
pr.'iiinliT of the tin-gun Cenlral Hull
than lluit of Hie juiiiii; milk mid a.ilei
1 r 11 1 in wlinse heart til. lulo he
laein the ).'tn ol ai.l'uik mid Hie
dlnitliulliiu nf Hie I..1II1.11UU I till)
Hi.' Iie.iil of Hie tilling i.iald I i.ipa
Ide of sellliiK III ml) mid en lnltel)
on uue Mil.Jei I. her lute I like u Mat
nlniaci, whlili iniike Minima . lull
llll Im 1 Ii.i. ins '
Ill.l. I. II ul Hiu I10II11111 of ..ik.i I h 11
a llll. ml ri head I u i.et en line Hem
111' nut U . llll. I helllg killed III ruilll
wut, while )ut itlnii II, III a piisilliin
ll.'l Illlli II III. Me l 1.111 1 in nl n a pal a
grupli Ii Ihiig of llio inljuur iiineiil ul
the legUlatnio. Hie punslug nl I hi. rail
Iliad hill, llll.ii r It llll II llio nil! to 11 glee. I
In lal Hie llil. I. .I on I. muln n ho n
sued I.) 11 rallrnad loinpuii), the en
a. tin. nl of u hill in nt lil 1 11 k fur Hie mil.'
m honl land, mid Ih" li.insa. lluu
11II1.T liiiHUtunt lui'.liii' hy Hi.'
stale' hiatiiiikeis
Ihe alale fair hud Just ended when
the llrsl Ishiio of Tho Cnlerpri.' up
peared und Mr. Ireluinl prints hull a
column In whli Ii a cm respuintenl .In
1. 1. .re. I Ihe Im k of evhll.lts.
The paper niirlen udtertisemelilt
from the pioneer slag.' c.ilnpaiile of
' the greutest nation on tin' glol.e
j Hut II I not with Ci" past that we,
I ate loiii ertied The f ituri holds In
1 .I. Me for II still gre.il. r ad. a:n eineiil
I greater surprises and ai cuinpllsh ,
I menu. The develoi n rut of Oregon 1
f our fon si
are still awaiting the ate. water pow 1
or N hardly louched are cultlvat
lug only a part of our farm lands and
Ihe manufacturing Industry has heen
woefully neglecled. j
If Oregon wt'l forget Its constitu
tional tinkering and its .".porimoiitiuc
In laws and settle ilnan to huslness.
this will he (ho host Mat In the union
fur loss than half a ntury from now
We have ihe reounes and. given a
fair chance, nothing 1 an stop (hi-
road lompaii) (lie Oregon A Cullfnr- Hie ,'.u and i.O The furo lin n from
lila giunl Ian. I piul.lem of tn.l.it In I'urtl.ni.l lo Salem wns $.'., In Allninv
come lav. Ihe del elupliieut of OregoulS. in CortaMl. lo, und In Kugene
resmiri . the paper mills, then Just Clt. the Kllgeiiii of tniliiy. I2, II W
esl.ll.ll-.il. ..1. 1111. 1, strangest of all, the Cut lu ll, pruprlelnr of the Oreguii
shlpiiietit of Aiuerl. an munitions of l Stage 1 iiui..int. uiinoum e llml hi
wur In Klunce are all illneun .e.l In line. eiul....l with Ilea enm lies,
thai lllst Issue I uiilkes ilullv ii
The Oregunlun stn.nl fur the .011 1 Steamer making dlr.il und regu
striiillon of a railroad into (he slate; lar dip I.eHteen 1'ortl.iml und Hie
and iidtocute.l Ihe . unpel.itlun of III" ! Siillda I, h Islands. New York and I'ul
legislature w Ith the Indlt Iduala hehlml j Unriiluu porta are anuniiiii-ed In ad
tin' plan. Mr Ireland reirlnl.'d In the 1 tertl-ieiii. 'ills. Oilier mlteitlser of
llrs( Issue of hi (mper a Iw.moIuiiiii Hint early .lay who will ho reineiu
..Isciisslon from Tho Oi. gunlan on the I lioroil hy pioneer Oregoiiluus are Ihe
Absolutely Puro
Hado from Cream of Tarfar
On puge three of llu Issue a Hews
story tells of Ihe defeat of (he Cluck
am.is I1.1sel.all team hy lha I'loiieers,
! with a 77 to I'i seme. A.iuiiip.ini lug
. the game were a huniiiet ut the old
I Harlow house ami n con. ert hy u hrass
1 hand. Tho line up nf the pioneers In-
Hardware has gone
in tlio last three years, and the retail
price of lumber has materially ad
vanced, yet l.ixi-e increase? in imports
of these products have heen recorded,
yet hoth hefore and since the war he-Kan.
campaign that a supreme crisis con
fronts lutior. and that it Is a'l hut a
religious duty for it (o follow him in
(o (he Memo.rutic camp. It never
does follow him. and the cry of wo!;
has lost terror fur anybody.
This y.-ar Mr. ihur.pera has heen
played again by the Lieino.ratic man
agers, along with some members 01'
up CO per cent ! d,e I;ig Four railroad labor unions
that know they can -nn(rn! President
Wilson if he doesn't change his mind.
Hut the Cotr.pers not has not been so
strung, because it has sounded so dis
cordantly in the past
The truth is that there is tin "lub.ir
vote' in this country. There Is no
laboring 'class:" and it is one of tin?
b'-.-t things about this country. Tin
'abui-er of today may be the capital
ist of next y.-ar: so he decides liutc
he shail vote, not from the viewpoint
of a particular group, but with the
whole national interest in mind. Plast
erers, printer-, iron workers, strc-i
car men, longshoremen and all the
rest of the organized trades, ar ex
actly like Other people; they (lihiT
among themselves in politic. There
are Democrats. Republicans, Social
ists, Prohibitionists, among them.
lint there are no sheep.
That's why they have never been
herded Into the Democratic camp by
Mr. Cumpers.
These men. exactly like shopkeep
ers, writers, business men, Investors
and all the rest, have their own no
tions, widely differing, as to what I.-
for the country.
In the last days of the campaign,
the Democratic managers have ne-r.
compelled to adopt a truly remarkabi .
shift in order to keep thir dov tihil!
fitiht alive. They have practi' ally
abandoned hope of carrying New York
and devoted superhuman effort to the
effort to create belief that they are
going to elect Wilson by reason o;
;,ieat gains in the midd'e and far
This is always a sign that the man
peers see the end of their hopes. Tli"
thine; that Is happening, right now,
m the 1D16 campaign, marked the dis
ruption of Democratic hopes in IS'.uj,
in 1!I0, in 1H04 and in IMS. The fact
is that presidents are not elected who
do not carry New York. Some presi
dents have heen elected who, if die
result in New Y'ork alone had been
reversed, would still have pulled pood for them and
Oak Crova Roid History.
OAK CKOVK. Ore. Nov. I 1 Kill-!
lor of Ihe Knterpn.' 1-Please alow ,
ran a little space (o answer Mr. I'mii
and the hixlies of hundreds ur.d thou -j a ugh. Now I helleve in fair play und,
sands cf American "witnesses" (Ojdo not like (o see air. thing slipped;
Wilson's rule would not now be lingjoter on (he (axp.-.ycr He says he is
' half buried in (he sands.' j a h rge taxpayer un l Im has the pen-1
Viewing the ii'iesllon lu th" light 1 pie at heart, well If be Is (there must
of Wilson s policy and activities to-1 be I'.h. r. 1 and (hat he has wateh.-d
Hie road .lucsllotl V TV closely. Now
lets see. In till) first pl.ll'e, I Ulll ll.lt
tnlng to dig C. W. Hi -If). I.et him
go ahead and see If he run heat a gund
Kepnldiesn for Ih oftico of coiiul
commissioner. In IV 3 the people of
O.ik llrove pre Inct voted 11 1 mill :
j lav to be spent mi the road nod they,
1 appointed a uuuiiittee of three to
superintend it and that committee1
I consisted of Judge Hronniich, ('. W
Ki' l.-y and llartcy (i. Starkweather. '
I Now the first mute) was lo allow (). P.
! lii'th" mad snpet visor lo do nil of,
I tho gr: ding by il'iy work contrary to,
People's Trunspiiitullnn 1 oiiipuii) . C.
W 'oc 6 I'ompunt ; Wlllliiin Par
low ; Mil. bell, iKilph , Smith. Port
land attorneys, John (.Villain liar
nest li up und K. II. Kelly.
The editor foresee Hi" spi'ed re
union of tin iiullon In spirit und pal
rlotlsiu. Adtlsed lit' message from
I eluded Joseph Puchlel, (hell 111 th"i recent ship direct from New York, he
helghlh of ills nthledc iiirecr. w Im sat . "Tlie hotels urn erovt.le. I bv buy
1 died In Porth'.nd only a few week ugo or from etery se.-llun. Ihuse frmii (In
! Other oil the Pioneer nine were W. smith und suiilhwesl preduinlnutlug
jK. Wltherell. cuptiiln; T. K. Miller.: The solid, substantial l.unlness 1 1
! James Stisi'l, J. I'plon. Wa.lhiilns. 1 ure I Ii tit rapidly cementing the union
Qua. kclllillsi II. P. I -1 1 11 IT and P. M In spile of Ihe polllliulis und ileiu.l
Wards Mexico, the answer must be
that if Port S impter had been fired
upon during Wilson's administration.
In would have dKpati hc.l a formal
note of protest, that Would have been
Wurr.'ll. The Clackamas team was
coliiHise. of N. W. H.iuil.ill, S. P. !
Pope, (ieorge Sheipard. (! Hrlggs.
(leorge A. Harding. P. Pun lay. A. M
Zigler. C. Mason and K. Chiiruiuii. I
Nettspupers of that day played up
their news in mil. h different manner!
than the papers of today. The front
page Is lllleil with short clippings, the
gngucs und It Is souieub.it surprising
lo note Ihe general good feeling which
is everywhere manifest on Ihe part of
'north. 'tiers' und southerner' From
llu milliner In which (hey transact
business, und Ihe iiiulual r.-spe. t
which Is shown, II would scelcely he
bi lleted that (he two iieetlou were so
lately ut war '
I 11 III I'.l 1 1: l) iloggH'l posi aslng i nn
sluellll.l.' III i-r 1 1 lul bis II W lllleil I)
Clar.-llie II Sl.igg. I.' tear 1. Id pupil
ul Ihe M. l.uiighlln I not 1 1 11 1 ' He 1011
tllbulcd III" ful'uwliig In tin lllen.lure
lif till I'lllllplllgll
li. -11011 I a bud mull
W llsnti la will".
Vol" fur lllll'he
Sllf. I) (list
K. T. Mil. 1 sheriff mi. I ri.ha,4
limit of Hiu Cl.i. kuiiiu County Inuti...
mile CiMilrul coin 111 It I.'., I uln a
Niet After III" I leiiiiH ralle nrade
1.11 Tuedny night, smue Kepuli.li mi
w;t ; -dl.uli.l a few Hue of VI' In
Il 0 parade Mid Mr M.i, who khI" 1111
a "louket ul the head of Ihe ll u' nf
I'l.iull Mr Mas, not In be out. I. lie,
In. w rltteii thn follow 1 11 ac
On Ninellll'er S
'i'Ii . same man Mu
W Ith Hint same red su- li.
V. 1 rldi Hint kiiIiii' Ii.mii.h rnllt a
"If this amendment should o"
udoj.te I," sas Henry K. Iteed. asses
sor of Multnomah county, "tnortg.u.s
secured by land II' 'lot be tvi.iil. Hie
;;iperon which tl-.. ar. w: Mten." Tie
amendment refetr.-i! I is tl:.' Kul!
Kental Value I.a'nl l'ix and !!" t.iw and th" tise of the taxpater
makers' Loan Pund . eti lmcnt, ' tii"i;lIM then they went ahead and let the
radical single tax tu.-asur 1 the enmruet to p it on the crunhe.1 rod;
lo make the water hound iniiccadam
to a well known contracdir of which
I will not mention and (his same
Judge Pronaugh aa n roiiunUt 1.111
iCoiitluued from Page One.)
(('01, tinned from page II
y are go
In other
through. New York is a barometer
quile as often as it is a determining
weight in the scale.
The question may be asked, why!
should the Democrats, about
stage of a losing campaign, throw up did somethin
the New Y'ork sponge and put forth! New York, where (here. Is a great He
their fantastic claims about compen-: brew vote, a Democratic effort was
sating gains in other parts of the i made to herd the Hebrews into the
They vote accordingly.
Ing to do so this year
M- I' . 1 . . ,,.
1 .ui. .jwiupei iias oeen appealing
this ; labor because he claims the president
for labor as a class. In
Don't be old fashioned. Be
modern, progressive, up-to-date.
Start an account in
this bank and do business
as do the best business men.
Nii'i-mlii-r baliot.
line of Hie principal sufi.-r.r in
this regard will he the common s. I10..I
fund of Oregon, which has J.'.,.'e.,..n".
or more than '.'7 per cent of its prin
cipal loaned on first mortgag.- on
"The common school fund ha
played a noble part in tin upbuilding
and support of Oregon's splendid pub
lie school system. In less than In
years it has earned in intcrc.u up
wauls of J'i which has bie.i
apportioned to the counties for the
support of the schools.
"Tho impairment of this fund rill
.""rionsly effect public educat in in
Orezo.i in the extent of a revenue n .
a.'. xlmnting J 100,000 a yea' The
Mortgagors will not pay lli-ir debts,
'ibej will say to the state: Yji now
have the total value of (he land. You
keep the land and we will keep your
money, pay you a ground rent tax, and
borrow- as much more as you will let
us on our land improvements.' "
Oregon still owns fi:!l,0n0 acres of
-a hool land. The single tax bill, as
drawn by W. S. I"en to force nl
hind out of Its present owners' hand
and into state ownership, speclfi ally
pro', ides that the slate shall s.-ll r.o
land. The measure woudl halt cot
only the progress of education hut c
so the physical development of the
The single tax hill, now named the
' Pull Kental Value Land Tax und
Honieuiaker's I-oan Fund Amendmeist."
Is the firiit. Intuitive measure on the
per, lauded lit our ports for less than 1 boasts ure Idle und that Ihe Itcpubll
home mills could make It, and l-aig-1 cans of Clackamas are united for the
land, shut off III." us from Norway, uiuualirieil support of Hie KepuhlKali
saw to It that the product nf C.iiui-1 ticket mid for the principles of Us
tliun mills went direct toiler, lnli-nl ; pl.it form
of the Culled Stales. It. serve Hoi '. 1 1 K. I.. Johnson, chult 111. ill of th" lot al
were used up, and Ihe paper triide In-! branch of the Hughes allium c, assist
gan to lick up. Tho war across the ! e.l hy ,ty Sllpp aud T. P. Kan. lull,
sea. paralyzing llio ordinary channel. 1 took charge of lb" details nf the af
of trade, took (ho place of 11 prolec- I fair, and a number of On.-guu City wo
fur the taxpayer Mllowed a gr-.'.it f
amount of (gravel) to he used Instead
of ctiis-hed rock and some taxpayers:
believe because it wa cheaper. Now j
taxpayers is thai watching the road I
.::e-ulon and that 0110 mile of road
coat us about $ 1 li.r.Ort Oil. A pretty
good road though, hut It Is nil raveled
out now and how Is that for cheap-
Now the next year we wont at it
again and levied another 10-mlll tax
and appointed
v.-iit h It and it took tho third attempt
before we could forco thorn to let a
contract with the same O. P. Itothe
as road supervisor, but wo llnally sue
cee.hd and we built one nnd three
fourths miles und that cost about
t:'o.:,uo on and how Is that for cheap-
! ne:;s That was an oil hound uiacca
Jdam and thaL went to pieces In two
years. Now the taxpayers refused to
vote another special tax tho next year
111 1.1 and ho we just used U10 general
fund, but last fall wc went ahead and
voted nnnthor 10-mlll tax and elected
three men to siiperiitenil. Price
live tariff and (he paperniukers went
hack (o work at full time.
Depression Not Local.
The depression in the paper market
during 19KI and 1914 were not local.
Wis. oiihIii. Michigan and oilier paris
of the middle west and east felt Hi"
pinch. Mills there were nliut dov 11
completely or running on reduced
Hlilfts. It was reported here on good
authority at one lime in I'.MI that un
less (hero was a change for the bet
ter one or both of tho local mill.i
would Bhiit down.
Durlnir those months of free Inn!"
I lief.. ri. tin. U'.'ir Vnrtl-OL'llltl miller I'Olllll
another committee to, . ,,', a m,.ri,. ..,, m.
less than the cost of the do.uestlc
I product. Wheal ships accepted cargoes
j of paper as hul'ast, charging Imporlers
little. Women labor In tho mlllH Iii
northern Kuropo anil their wageH are
small. Cp to two years ago Norwe
gian mills supplied the greater part of
the world. Japan and Australia are
buying pulp and paper from Oregon
City mills now, because they ciinniit
secure It from Norway, but those Nor
wegian mills lire not Idle. Immense
slocks of paper are now on hand, and
tho exporters are ready to Hhlp paper
to any corner or the globe as soon as
llio conflict In Europe ends.
I The day the treaty of peace Ih
iiumi acted as n reception c.uimittee
Mrs. Ilanley, Mrs. Anderson. Mrs. I
(i. Sheldon, Miss l.eune diss II111 r.
nod Mth. I.. W. Therke'sen were es
rorte.l from Portland and returned hy
Wlllard P, I law ley. Jr., of Ihe I law ley
Pulp H Paper Co.
BUI Make the Farmer a Goal.
AI KOKA. Ore. Oct 1!T. iKdltur nf
Tho Knterprl.'.ei- If w. get ihe "sin
glo lux law" or "full rental value law"
who Is lo say what Is full rental value,
and If on 11 certain tract of land It
should be J'J.'ill 011 year ami the next
year $:iiill less than nothing, nfler do
ducting wages ami necessary ex
penses; would the county or state
make It up to Hie farmer? If not then
the labor unions In pulling out such
a meiisiire, or endorsing It, are unfair
ami utijiiHt and would roll the runner
of his wages und take II for laxeii
while ihey (the unions) are unwilling
10 pay a poll tux. Yuors truly,
It. A. WKKillT.
Oldest, Largest and Suongest Bank in Clarkamas County.
Samuel ('. lily the. a man of nation
al and international fame as 11 11 au
thor Is probably the most arefu po
litical observer and impartial political
writer that wo have In the country to
day. He has made a lifelong study of
political affairs and Is an accurate
judge of human nature and the trend
of public opinion. His views on the
coming presidential election as given
In the latest Issue of the Saturday Ke
ening Post, are interesting and Instruc
tive. Ho states that to date there have
been three swings, (lie first to Hughes;
: the second to Wilson and the last lo
Hughes again. Hughes was nominated
at the command of the rank and file
of tho Republican party, and it never
', can be truthfully asserted that Jus
: tice Hughes nought the nomination.
Aa soon as he was nominated and had
.. .i.i. 1 tr f
irom me norm one iiiiru. j.. - 1 , i,. u .it-.. 11.
vvei ther from Ihe center one-third and .',,. ',., mainifiieliireis 1
again their old fight, to
hold their home market in tho face
of foreign, cheap labor competition. '
Ilecauso of Ihe Democratic tariff
law, Oregon City will be particularly'
hard hit unless protection Is restored
All paper, under existing tariff laws,'
valued at less than .'1 cents 11 pound Is,
on the free list, and all over a ceuls
pays a 12 per cent duty. Oregon city I
mills manufacture news, wrapping ami
tlssuo papers, all of the cheaper va
rieties and admitted duty free.
These are tho circumstances which
lead local students of things political
to believe that Oregon City mllluien
will vote Kopublloan. They know the
theory of protection and thoy have
tasted the hitter, hitter dose of rrce
trade doctrine.
Alex (Jill from the south ope-tnini ami. mml )(i(,n
C. W. Itlsley is road supervisor, .mi
lo dale they have spent about
IUT.no In pab him; and building new
roads. The e.,nt;act on tho Mllwail
kie hill was hi to Archie Mason for
about $1,000.1)0 out Hide of that they
have dorm It nil hy force account or
day work for a total of $."3, 107.00 In
Ihree years ought to build Home roads
had It not. Now Mr. liranough have
you watched all of that?
To lllustr.' to how they have com
piled wilh the wishes of the taxpayers
according lo the budget on Concord
road we voted $:,0.00 and they have
spent about $ 1 7,0.00 or $7.00.00. I think
beeouse that is the Outfield, Klslev
and Starkweather cross road. Now
Mr. P.ronaugh have you watched that?
If he (alls that kind of work cheap
and watching the road question nil
well and good. I have -till fiomo more
things up rny sleeve that I can sprlni;
at him and I believe It will cut hnrd
but I do not wish to uprinB It. Now
in conclusion Mr. ilronaugh do not
forget that there ig other people In 47
that have eyes and cars that has not
the title of Judge attached to them.
E. D. OhDS.
Tim New-berg high school defeated
the Oregon Clly high school op Cane
mall field .Saturday afternoon, II to o.
A crowd of about 200 saw the game.
I loth teaniN played a ragged game,
Ihe lack of teamwork being evident
Oregon City Improved silghlly during
the last half, bill both learns (lemon
si rated that (hey needed more coach
Worms Sap Your Child', Strength.
In your child palo nnd fretrul? Does
he cry out In sleep or grind his teeth?
Theso Hymptoma may mean worms
and you should obtain relief at once.
Kicknpoo Worm Killer In a pleasant
remedy that kills tlio worm, and hy
its mildly laxative quality exjiols It
from tho system. Worms sap tho vi
tality and make your child more sus
ceptible to other ailments. Your
Druggist noils Klckapoo Worm Killer,
27,c a box. (Adv.)
The Pniled States Civil Service
commission has announced an exam
ination for this county lo be held at
Oregon City nnd Portland on Novem
ber L'.'i, to llll the position of ritnl
carrier at Ragle Creek and vaennclei
Hint may hirer occur on rural route,
from post offices in (he Chieka
mas coumy. Tim exemlnatlon will
be open only lo male cllleus who lire
actually domiciled in Ihe leirliury of
a post office in the county and who
mecl Ihe other requirements.
Thlrtylttti students of the On-gun
City high s. IuhiI Willi ii in I It Inns In be
en the school deb al Ing team repelled
Prldity to .luliii Mason. Ii. uil n( thn de
partment nf Kng'l'h. who will much
Hie t. .aiii The .cl I will enter th
Oregon llkh School lel,atlli: Inn gun
this year, us III Hie pint, with two
well euii. hed (cams
Sixty five (Irccnn liliii m liuuls hut .'
now become iiii-iii I n-r i nf this ) cur's
debuting leagiir. Iist year's meiit
beriihlp was fifty unc. The member--.hip
has double. n Hiree years
The subject lor .lei. ul.. this winter
Is: "Itesuhe.l I tin t Oregon shuiil.l
udnpt a health IuhuiuIiiu but cinbm ly
ing tho CHhclillal features of the
Htniidur.l lull' of the American Asso
ciation fur labor l.ci'.ln'iitlon."
Health I II -i 11 1.1 II . - Has I ho-en In.
. .iiihi' of In. r.-ii ting public liit. reHt lu
II, becaiiHe of Hie liewueiis of (lie pro
pu.ul in the wi'Nt. nnd be. antic It Iri
epc. leil to lie. ullie all Issue lu Ore
guii w 11 It 1 i a year.
Slop the First Cold.
cold docs Hot get well of Itself.
'I he process of wearing out n cold
wears you out, and your cough be
comes serious If neglecled. IlucklllK
coughs drain the energy nnd sup the
vitality. I'or t7 years tho happy com
bination of soothing antiseptic hub
niitiiH In Dr. King's New Discovery has
healed coughs and relieved conges
tion. Young and old can testify (o
Ihe cfefcHveiiesH of Hr. King's New
Discovery for coughs and colds. Iliiy
a bottle (oday at your Druggist, COc.
m .
;'- : ''-v '-' ' V"
; - -.' " ' tr
:'"-'.A.' ' Xh. ft',;
k-BC, :' .
;,;;;;;;-;.'' '' . .
Dr. W. K. Hempstead, county cor
oner, will move his office Ihe first o'
the month from Ihe Kleclrlc hotel aa
r.ex building at Sixth und Main streets
to Welnhard building on Klghih aim
Main. I lift offices will adjoin th.no
of Dr. I,. I,. Plck. im.
Republican .and .Progressive .Direct
Primary Nominee For
A vole for Mr. Iluwley Ih one for n
Clean, Able, Faithful nnd Kffecllvo
Public Servant who by hard work Iiuh
won u place of lulluenco In Congress.
Please reail his record in the pamph
let sent, to every registered voter by
Ihe Secretary of Slate.
Republican Congressional Commltte,
W. J. Culver, Chairman. Chairman
(raid Adv.)